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Luceafarul Engleza Romana

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The Evening Star

by Mihai Eminescu
(Translation by Adrian Soncodi
From the volume Selected Romanian
PoemsPublished in 2009 by Cavallioti)
In times when fairy tales begin,
In times with magic laden,
There lived, of high and noble kin,
A most enchanting maiden.
She was the only child they raised,
Of wits and virtues many,
As is the Virgin midst the raised
And midst the stars Selene.
!eneath a dark, ma"estic vault
She walks, her stes abating
#lose to the window where, in alt,
The $vening Star%s awaiting.
She ga&es at his distant rays
That glow and light the ocean,
'hile on the rolling water ways
!lack galleys set in motion.
She sees him now, she sees him then,
Thus riens her desire(
)rom watching over and again,
*is love for her grows higher.
'hen on the elbows her head leans,
Sweet reveries rolonging,
*er heart and soul can find no means
To +uieten their longing.
And so alive his light cascades
'henever dusk gets nearer,
Around the murky castle%s shades
As he%s about to see her...
, , ,
*e trails her footstes when she leaves
Towards her night%s retire,
And with his icy sarkles weaves
A web of flashing fire.
e Mihai Eminescu
A fost odat- ca.n ove/ti
A fost ca niciodat-,
0in rude mari 1m-r-te/ti,
O rea frumoas- fat-.
2i era una la -rin3i
2i m4ndr-.n toate cele,
#um e )ecioara 1ntre sfin3i
2i luna 1ntre stele.
0in umbra falnicelor bol3i
$a asul /i.l 1ndreat-
54ng- fereastr-, unde.n col3
5uceaf-rul a/teat-.
6rivea 1n &are cum e m-ri
7-sare /i str-luce,
6e mi/c-toarele c-r-ri
#or-bii negre duce,
8l vede a&i, 1l vede m4ni,
Astfel dorin3a.i gata(
$l iar, rivind de s-t-m4ni,
8i cade drag- fata.
#um ea e coate./i r-&ima
Vis4nd ale ei t4mle,
0e dorul lui /i inima
2i sufletu.i se 1mle.
2i c4t de viu s.arinde el
8n ori/icare sar-,
Sre umbra negrului caste
#4nd ea o s-.i aar-.
, , ,
2i as cu as e urma ei
Alunec-.n odaie,
9es4nd cu recile.i sc4ntei
O mrea"- de v-aie.
And when she lies in bed to rest,
A sleey child so candid,
*e strokes her arms set on her chest,
*e closes her sweet eyelid(
And from the mirror%s deth his glare
7eflects uon her body,
:on her eyes shut unaware,
:on her face leaned mildly.
Seeing her lis from smiling swee,
*e shivers in the mirror,
As he ursues her in her slee
To hold her sirit dearer.
And then she seaks to him in dreams
And sighs within a sad lea;
<Oh, sweet lord, who my night redeems,
'hy don%t you come= #ome by me>
0escend, my stellar rince so kind,
Along a soft ray gliding,
6ervade the castle and my mind,
5ight to my life roviding>?
*e listens eagerly to her,
7eslendent and reviving,
Then suddenly becomes a blur,
Into the dark sea diving.
The water around where he falls
Sawns rings of growing si&es,
'hile from the unknown dee he crawls
And as a young man rises.
'alking as smoothly as on sand
Through oen window saces,
*e holds a scetre in his hand
$nfolded in reed laces.
*e looks "ust like a youthful king
'ith silky, golden tresses(
A bluish shroud tied in a ring
*is naked shoulders dresses.
!ut then his livid face disguise
$@udes a wa@en glimmer A
A handsome ghost with lively eyes
That only outwards shimmer.
2i c4nd 1n at se.ntinde dret
#oila s- se culce,
I.atinge m4nile e iet,
I.nchide geana dulce(
2i din oglind- lumini/
6e truu.i se revars-,
6e ochii mari, b-t4nd 1nchi/i
6e fa3a ei 1ntoars-.
$a 1l rivea cu un sur4s,
$l tremura.n oglind-,
#-ci o urma ad4nc 1n vis
0e suflet s- se rind-.
Iar ea vorbind cu el 1n somn,
Oft4nd din greu susin-;
A O, dulce.al no3ii mele 0omn,
0e ce nu vii tu= Vin->
#obori 1n "os, luceaf-r bl4nd,
Alunec4nd e.o ra&-,
6-trunde.n cas- /i 1n g4nd
2i via3a.mi luminea&->
$l asculta tremur-tor,
Se arindea mai tare
2i s.arunca fulger-tor,
Se cufunda 1n mare(
2i aa unde.au fost c-&ut
8n cercuri se rote/te,
2i din ad4nc necunoscut
:n m4ndru t4n-r cre/te.
:/or el trece ca e rag
6e marginea ferestei
2i 3ine.n m4n- un toiag
8ncununat cu trestii.
6-rea un t4n-r voievod
#u -r de aur moale,
:n v4n-t giulgi se.ncheie nod
6e umerele goale.
Iar umbra fe3ei str-ve&ii
$ alb- ca de cear- A
:n mort frumos cu ochii vii
#e sc4nteie.n afar-.
<Out of my realm I came, your call
To follow with devotion(
By father is the heavens tall,
By mother is the ocean.
To reach the lace that is your home,
To get to see you closer,
I had to leave the sky%s fair dome
And be reborn of water.
Oh, come, my holy treasured love,
Cive u your world forever>
I am the $vening Star above,
!ecome my true bride ever>
0own there, in alaces of earls,
'e%ll live for many ages,
And everywhere the sea unfurls
Its souls shall be your ages.?
<Oh, you%re as handsome as in dreams
An angel would be showing,
!ut on the ath lit by your beams
I%ll never think of going(
Dou%re foreign in both tongue and wear,
And coldness you deliver,
)or I%m alive, while you A a glare,
And your eye makes me shiver.?
, , ,
A few more days go by, and then,
One night of airy slendor,
The $vening Star comes u again,
'ith bright rays, clear and slender.
Inevitably in her dreams
*is image kees returning
And thus the lord of wavy streams
7efills her heart with yearning;
<0escend, my stellar rince so kind,
Along a soft ray gliding,
6ervade the castle and my mind,
5ight to my life roviding>?
)rom u there, when he hears her ray,
In sorrow he retires,
And soon the sky begins to sway
Around where he e@ires(
A 0in sfera mea venii cu greu
#a s-.3i urme& chemarea,
Iar cerul este tat-l meu
2i muma.mea e marea.
#a 1n c-mara ta s- vin,
S- te rivesc de.aroae,
Am cobor4t cu.al meu senin
2i m.am n-scut din ae.
O, vin%> odorul meu nesus,
2i lumea ta o las-(
$u sunt luceaf-rul de sus,
Iar tu s-.mi fii mireas-.
#olo.n alate de m-rgean
Te.oi duce veacuri multe,
2i toat- lumea.n ocean
0e tine o s.asculte.
. O, e/ti frumos, cum numa.n vis
:n 1nger se arat-,
0ar- e calea ce.ai deschis
E.oi merge niciodat-(
Str-in la vorb- /i la ort,
5uce/ti f-r- de via3-,
#-ci eu sunt vie, tu e/ti mort,
2i ochiul t-u m-.nghea3-.
, , ,
Trecu o &i, trecur- trei
2i iar-/i, noatea, vine
5uceaf-rul deasura ei
#u ra&ele senine.
$a trebui de el 1n somn
Aminte s-./i aduc-
2i dor de.al valurilor 0omn
0e inim.o auc-;
A #obori 1n "os, luceaf-r bl4nd
Alunec4nd e.o ra&-,
6-trunde.n cas- /i 1n g4nd,
2i via3a.mi luminea&-.
#um el din cer o au&i,
Se stinse cu durere,
Iar ceru.ncee a roti
8n locul unde iere(
The air fills u with flames that climb
And flood the world in surges,
As from the chaos vales, sublime,
A graceful youth emerges.
On raven curls like tendrils smooth
*is crown seems to be burning,
*e comes surrounded by ure truth,
Into a sun%s bla&e turning.
Amidst the folds of his black shroud
Two marble arms are shaing,
*is face is like a somber cloud
!eneath the gloomy draing(
And yet his large and slendid eyes
Shine deely with desire,
5ike two voracious assion cries
That through the dark transire.
<Out of my realm I strived and came,
Dour call again to follow(
By father is the sun aflame,
By mother the night hollow(
Oh, come, my holy treasured love,
Cive u your world forever>
I am the $vening Star above,
!ecome my true bride ever>
Oh, come, and in your golden hair
5et me twine starry laces,
And on my heavens be my air,
Bost lovely of all faces.?
<Oh, you%re as handsome as in dreams
A demon would be showing,
!ut on the ath lit by your beams
I%ll never think of going>
Dour cruel love is inhumane
And hurts my feelings deely,
By eyes are overwhelmed by ain,
Dour fiery ga&ing burns me.?
<!ut how could I descend to you=
0o you not see the reason,
In that my time is never through,
'hile yours is "ust a season=?
8n aer rumene v--i
Se.ntind e lumea.ntreag-,
2i din a chaosului v-i
:n m4ndru chi se.ncheag-(
6e negre vi3ele.i de -r
#oroana.i arde are,
Venea lutind 1n adev-r
Sc-ldat 1n foc de soare.
0in negru giulgi se desf-/or
Barmoreele bra3-,
$l vine trist /i g4nditor
2i alid e la fa3-(
0ar ochii mari /i minuna3i
5ucesc ad4nc himeric,
#a dou- atimi f-r- sa3
2i line de.ntuneric.
A 0in sfera mea venii cu greu
#a s- te.ascult /.acuma,
2i soarele e tat-l meu,
Iar noatea.mi este muma(
O, vin%, odorul meu nesus,
2i lumea ta o las-(
$u sunt luceaf-rul de sus,
Iar tu s-.mi fii mireas-.
O, vin%, 1n -rul t-u b-lai
S.anin cununi de stele,
6e.a mele ceruri s- r-sai
Bai m4ndr- dec4t ele.
A O, e/ti frumos, cum numa.n vis
:n demon se arat-,
0ar- e calea ce.ai deschis
E.oi merge niciodat->
B- dor de crudul t-u amor
A ietului meu coarde,
2i ochii mari /i grei m- dor,
6rivirea ta m- arde.
A 0ar cum ai vrea s- m- cobor=
Au nu.n3elegi tu oare,
#um c- eu sunt nemuritor,
2i tu e/ti muritoare=
<I know not where to seek an end,
Eor how to be beginning A
Although your words I understand,
I cannot see their meaning(
!ut if you truly wish my heart
To love you like no other,
Then from the heavens you deart,
!ecome a mortal, rather.?
<Dou ask me my immortal glow
To give u for your kisses,
So I in turn wish you to know
*ow assionate my love is(
Indeed, I shall be born in sin,
!y novel law abiding(
To the eternity I%m kin,
)rom it I%ll be dividing.?
And he kees goingF out of sight.
)or love of a young maiden
*e vanishes from heaven%s height,
)or days remaining hidden.
, , ,
Eow in the meantime #atalin,
Slick boy in servant "ackets,
In charge of ouring beverage in
Ben%s goblets at the ban+uets,
A age who carries all around
The emress%s long dresses,
A bastard child, abandoned found,
Det not shy with his glances,
'ith rosy cheeks fresh like the srout
Of sring A cute little sinner,
Guietly sneaks, sying about
And eyeing #atalina.
Hust look how lovely is her sight,
And gorgeousF oh, Cod bless her>
Des, #atalin, the time is right
To try your luck, no lesser.
*e steals a hold of her within
A ath on the yard%s borders.
<'hat now, you wicked #atalin=
Co Iway and mind your orders>?
A Eu caut vorbe e ales,
Eici /tiu cum a/ 1ncee A
0e/i vorbe/ti e 1n3eles,
$u nu te ot ricee(
0ar dac- vrei cu cre&-m4nt
S- te.ndr-gesc e tine,
Tu te coboar- e -m4nt,
)ii muritor ca mine.
A Tu.mi cei chiar nemurirea mea
8n schimb e.o s-rutare,
0ar voi s- /tii asemenea
#4t te iubesc de tare(
0a, m- voi na/te din -cat,
6rimind o alt- lege(
#u vecinicia sunt legat,
#i voi s- m- de&lege.
2i se tot duce... S.a tot dus.
0e dragu.unei coile,
S.a rut din locul lui de sus,
6ierind mai multe &ile.
, , ,
8n vremea asta #-t-lin,
Viclean coil de cas-,
#e 1mle cuele cu vin
Besenilor la mas-,
:n a" ce oart- as cu as
A.m-r-tesei rochii,
!-iat din flori /i de rias
0ar 1ndr-&ne3 cu ochii,
#u obr-"ori ca doi bu"ori
0e rumeni, bat-.i vina,
Se furi/ea&a 4nditor
6rivind la #-t-lina.
0ar ce frumoas- se f-cu
2i m4ndr-, ar&.o focul(
$i #-t-lin, acu i.acu
#a s-.3i 1ncerci norocul.
2i.n treac-t o curinse lin
8ntr.un ungher degrab-.
A 0a% ce vrei, m-ri #-t-lin=
Ia du.t% de.3i ve&i de treab-.
<'hat now= I wish to see you sli
Away from thoughts so lonely,
And rather laugh, and give my li
A little buss, one only.?
<!ut I don%t know what you seak of A
5eave me alone, go yonder>
Oh, for the $vening Star above
I have an aching wonder.?
<If you don%t know, I%d show you round
5ove%s yard, etal by etal,
Only unwind and do not frown,
!ut bear with me a little.
As when a hunter lays a noose
)or songbirds young and charmful,
'hen I unfold my left arm loose
$mbrace me in an armful(
And let your eyes stare with ama&e
Into my eyes intentlyF
'hen your slim waist I try to raise,
:on your toes rise gently(
'hen I look downwards, to my face
Jee your face straight u further,
So we can ga&e with endless grace
And sweetness at each other(
And such that everything is said
!etween ourselves, my lover,
'hen kissing you I bow my head,
Jiss me over and over.?
She listens to the naughty boy
Astonished and distracted,
And layfully, and rather coy,
Eow snubbing, now attracted,
She says to him; <Since I was small
I learned to know you closely(
So chatty and no good at all,
Dou would +uite suit me, mostlyF
Alas, a stellar rince arose
)rom a forgotten kindness,
And to unbound hori&on glows
Above the ocean%s blindness(
A #e voi= A/ vrea s- nu mai stai
6e g4nduri totdeauna,
S- r4&i mai bine /i s-.mi dai
O gur-, numai una.
A 0ar nici nu /tiu m-car ce.mi ceri,
0-.mi ace, fugi dearte A
O, de luceaf-rul din cer
B.a rins un dor de moarte.
A 0ac- nu /tii, 3i.a/ ar-ta
0in bob 1n bob amorul,
#i numai nu te m4nia,
#i stai cu bini/orul.
#um v4n-toru.ntinde.n cr4ng
5a -s-rele la3ul,
#4nd 3i.oi 1ntinde bra3ul st4ng
S- m- curin&i cu bra3ul(
2i ochii t-i nemi/c-tori
Sub ochii mei r-m4ie...
0e te 1nal3 de subsuori
Te.nal3- din c-lc4ie(
#4nd fa3a mea se leac-.n "os,
8n sus r-m4i cu fa3a,
S- ne rivim nes-3ios
2i dulce toat- via3a(
2i ca s-.3i fie e delin
Iubirea cunoscut-,
#4nd s-rut4ndu.te m-.nclin,
Tu iar-/i m- s-rut-.
$a.l asculta e coila/
:imit- /i distras-,
2i ru/inos /i dr-g-la/,
Bai nu vrea, mai se las-,
2i.i &ise.ncet; A 8nc- de mic
Te cuno/team e tine,
2i guraliv /i de nimic,
Te.ai otrivi cu mine...
0ar un luceaf-r, r-s-rit
0in lini/tea uit-rii,
0- ori&on nem-rginit
Singur-t-3ii m-rii(
And secretly my eyelids sei&e,
)or they are drowned by weeing
'henever waves uon the seas
Towards him "ourney sweeing(
*e shines with everlasting love,
By ain away beseeches,
And yet ascends so high above
To be beyond my reaches.
*is sad and frosty light rays sill
Across two worlds deartedF
)orever I will love him, still
)orever we%ll be artedF
And for this reason my days are
As emty as the rairies,
'hile nights are filled with holy charm,
Bysterious like fairies.?
<Dou are but childish, hence so frailF
5et%s run afar forever,
And hoe that they will lose our trail
So none will know us ever.
)or in our hearts we shall be twin,
'e shall have "oy and wellness,
And you%ll no longer miss your kin
Or dream of stellar highness.?
, , ,
The $vening Star dearts. The sky
'ith growing wings he beckons,
And thousand.year.long flights go by
In "ust as many seconds.
A sky of stars unfolds below,
Above A more stars that twinkle(
*e seems to be a lightning flow
Astray amidst their srinkle.
Out of the chaos vales, sublime,
Surrounding him and surging,
*e sees, beyond the dawn of time,
The streaming lights emerging.
As they emerge and sill around
5ike giant seas amassing,
*e flies, his yearning mind unbound,
:ntil all turns to nothing.
2i tainic genele le lec,
#-ci mi le 1mle l4nsul,
#4nd ale aei valuri trec
#-l-torind sre d4nsul(
5uce/te cu.n amor nesus
0urerea s-.mi alunge,
0ar se 1nal3- tot mai sus,
#a s- nu.l ot a"unge.
6-trunde trist cu ra&e reci
0in lumea ce.l desarte...
8n veci 1l voi iubi /i.n veci
Va r-m4nea dearte...
0e.aceea &ilele 1mi sunt
6ustii ca ni/te stee,
0ar no3ile.s de.un farmec sf4nt
#e nu.l mai ot ricee.
A Tu e/ti coil-, asta e...
*ai /.om fugi 1n lume,
0oar ni s.or ierde urmele
2i nu ne.or /ti de nume,
#-ci am4ndoi vom fi cumin3i,
Vom fi voio/i /i teferi,
Vei ierde dorul de -rin3i
2i visul de luceferi.
, , ,
6orni luceaf-rul. #re/teau
8n cer a lui arie,
2i c-i de mii de ani treceau
8n tot at4tea clie.
:n cer de stele dedesubt
0easura.i cer de stele A
6-rea un fulger nentrerut
7-t-citor rin ele.
2i din a chaosului v-i,
Hur 1mre"ur de sine,
Vedea ca.n &iua cea dent4i
#um isvorau lumine.
#um isvor4nd 1l 1ncon"or
#a ni/te m-ri de.a.notulF
$l &boar-, g4nd urtat de dor,
64n% iere totul, totul.
)or where he gets there%s no domain
Eor eye that can discover,
And time itself struggles in vain
)rom bareness to recover.
It%s but a void, yet he does find
A thirst that draws him over,
A dee abyss resembling blind
The failure to remember.
<Of harsh and dark eternity
7elieve me, lease, my )ather,
And blessed thy name forever be
!y all the world together.
Oh, ask, my 5ord, for any charge,
!ut make my fate another,
)or while your source uts lives at large
As well their deaths you gather.
By immortality recall,
$@tinguish my eyes% fire,
And give me, in e@change of all,
One hour of desire.
)rom chaos, 5ord, I rose, and yearn
To be returned to chaosF
Out of the utmost stillness born
I have a thirst for stillness.?
<*yerion, you who from naught
Aeared, a world reclaiming,
Ask not for signs or marvels that
*ave neither face nor naming.
!ecome a man A is this your goal,
Their likeness to ac+uire=
!ut were mankind to erish whole,
Others would still asire.
They only build, yet cannot save,
Ideals all too shallow A
As waves kee marching to their grave
Bore waves arise and follow.
They have but lucky stars to chase
'hile haunted by misfortunes,
'e live outside of time and sace
'ith no death in our fortunes.
#-ci unde.a"unge nu.i hotar,
Eici ochi sre a cunoa/te,
2i vremea.ncearc- 1n &adar
0in goluri a se na/te.
Eu e nimic /i totu/i e
O sete care.l soarbe,
$ un ad4nc asemene
:it-rii celei oarbe.
A 0e greul negrei vecinicii
6-rinte, m- de&leag-
2i l-udat e veci s- fii
6e.a lumii scar-.ntreag-.
O, cere.mi, 0oamne, orice re3,
0ar d-.mi o alt- soarte,
#-ci tu i&vor e/ti de vie3i
2i d-t-tor de moarte.
7eia.mi al nemuririi nimb
2i focul din rivire
2i entru toate d-.mi 1n schimb
O or- de iubire.
0in chaos, 0oamne,.am a-rut
2i m.a/ 1ntoarce.n chaosF
2i din reaos m.am n-scut
Bi.e sete de reaos.
A *yerion, ce din genuni
7-sai c.o.ntreag- lume,
Eu.mi cere semne /i minuni
#e nu au chi /i nume.
Tu vrei un om s- te soco3i,
#u ei s- te asameni=
0ar iar- oamenii cu to3i
S.ar na/te iar-/i oameni.
$i numai doar durea&-.n v4nt
0e/arte idealuri A
#4nd valuri afl- un morm4nt
7-sar 1n urm- valuri.
$i au doar stele cu noroc
2i rigoniri de soarte,
Eoi nu avem nici tim, nici loc,
2i nu cunoa/tem moarte.
Out of eternal yesterday
Today%s living e@ire(
'ere an old sun to fade away,
Eew suns would burst afire.
Seemingly arted from the void
!y void they are redated,
)or all are born to be destroyed
And die to be created.
Still you, *yerion, shall last
$ven beyond your twilightF
Ask for the rime word of my ast A
Shall I gift you with insight=
Dour voice at singing shall I ease,
Adorn it with emotions
That could charm mountains and their trees
And islands of the oceans=
6erhas in deed you wish to show
Dour righteousness and ower=
I%d have the $arth sliced row by row
)or you, to reign all over.
I%ll give you fleets lined side by side
And legions you could sread through
The lands afar and oceans wide,
!ut death I cannot grant youF
And dying for A who%s really worth=
Hust turn around and travel
!ack to that ever.drifting $arth
And watch your fate unravel.?
, , ,
*is lace, where he was meant to stay,
*yerion regaining,
5ike visions from a former day
*is rays, again, start raining.
)or twilight%s hour is about
And night will be her daughter(
The +uiet moon is coming out
Trembling from under water
And fills u with her magic glow
The trails in forests hidden.
!y lovely linden trees, below,
Two youngsters lay down even.
0in s4nul vecinicului ieri
Tr-ie/te a&i ce moare,
:n soare de s.ar stinge.n cer
S.arinde iar-/i soare.
6-r4nd 1n veci a r-s-ri,
0in urm- moartea.l a/te,
#-ci to3i se nasc sre a muri
2i mor sre a se na/te.
Iar tu, *yerion, r-m4i,
Oriunde ai auneF
#ere.mi cuv4ntul meu dent4i A
S-.3i dau 1n3eleciune=
Vrei s- dau glas acelei guri,
#a du.a ei c4ntare
S- se ia mun3ii cu -duri
2i insulele.n mare=
Vrei oate.n fat- s- ar-3i
0retate /i t-rie=
9i.a/ da -m4ntul 1n buc-3i
S-.l faci 1m-r-3ie.
83i dau catarg l4ng- catarg,
O/tiri sre a str-bate
6-m4ntu.n lung /i marea.n larg,
0ar moartea nu se oateF
2i entru cine vrei s- mori=
8ntoarce.te, te.ndreat-
Sre.acel -m4nt r-t-citor
2i ve&i ce te a/teat-.
, , ,
8n locul lui menit din cer
*yerion se.ntoarse
2i, ca /i.n &iua cea de ieri,
5umina /i.o revars-.
#-ci este sara.n asfin3it
2i noatea o s-.ncea-(
7-sare luna lini/tit
2i tremur4nd din a-
2i 1mle cu.ale ei sc4ntei
#-r-rile din cr4nguri.
Sub /irul lung de m4ndri tei
2edeau doi tineri singuri.
<:on your bosom let my head,
!eloved, to surrender
!eneath the glitter your eyes sread
So sweet no words can render(
'ith their enchantingly cold light
Stroll out through my comassion,
And our eretual delight
Along my night of assion.
And always over me remain
To ease my aching sadness,
)or you are my first loving ain
And my last dream of madness.?
*yerion sees from above
The wonder on their faces(
*e barely touched her neck with love
'hen she his waist embracesF
The silver flowers% erfume sreads,
Their bloom is gently snowing
:on the two young children%s heads
'ith long and fair curls flowing.
Then she, from love in sirits high,
7aises her eyes and glimses
The $vening Star. Det only shy
$ntrusts him with her wishes;
<0escend, my stellar rince so kind,
Along a soft ray gliding,
6ervade the forest and my mind,
5ight to my fate roviding>?
*e shivers like the other days
Above the hills and valleys,
'hile guiding, on their lonesome ways,
The rolling water alleys(
!ut unlike then, he does not fold
Into the sea from farther;
<'hat do you care, you earthly mould,
'hether it%s I or other=
$nclosed within your narrow ring
Cood.fortuned lives you%re sending,
'hilst I to my own heavens cling,
Immortal and unbending.?
, , ,
A O, las-.mi caul meu e s4n,
Iubito, s- se culce
Sub ra&a ochiului senin
2i negr-it de dulce(
#u farmecul luminii reci
C4ndirile str-bate.mi,
7evars- lini/te de veci
6e noatea mea de atimi.
2i de asura mea r-m4i
0urerea mea de.o curm-,
#-ci e/ti iubirea mea dent4i
2i visul meu din urm-.
*yerion vedea de sus
:imirea.n a lor fa3-(
0e.abia un bra3 e g4t i.a us
2i ea l.a rins 1n bra3-F
Biroase florile.argintii
2i cad, o dulce loaie,
6e cre/tele a doi coii
#u lete lungi, b-laie.
$a, 1mb-tat- de amor,
7idic- ochii. Vede
5uceaf-rul. 2i.nceti/or
0orin3ele.i 1ncrede;
A #obori 1n "os, luceaf-r bl4nd,
Alunec4nd e.o ra&-,
6-trunde.n codru /i 1n g4nd,
Eorocu.mi luminea&->
$l tremur- ca.n alte d-3i
8n codri /i e dealuri,
#-l-u&ind singur-t-3i
0e mi/c-toare valuri(
0ar nu mai cade ca.n trecut
8n m-ri din tot 1naltul;
A #e.3i as- 3ie, chi de lut,
0ac.oi fi eu sau altul=
Tr-ind 1n cercul vostru str4mt
Eorocul v- etrece,
#i eu 1n lumea mea m- simt
Eemuritor /i rece.
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