Space Cleansing
Space Cleansing
Space Cleansing
7ouse Cleansing
9eopathic stress is not always the problem.
&ometimes, a deep house cleansing can shift stuck energies. #his is definitely worth a try as a
first step.
9enerally speaking, it is understood that keeping our bodies clean leads to better health. /hen
we keep ourselves clean, we feel better. /ater washes away the dust and debris of the day.
It follows that cleansing our space is important too. In a modern house, the flow of air is often
very limited, and can lead to stale;stagnant air in our home. Also, old energy can become
stuck and give rise to feelings of sluggishness. #hink of the energy that is generated after an
argument, or "ust in times of stress. #hese energies can linger. %oth of these two problems are
very easily solved.
&pring time is the natural time of year to spring clean. #his is the time of the /ood energy in
-hinese 4edicine H a time of renewal, fresh energy and planning. In order to make this new
energy flow at its best, we need to clear out our space. %y clearing out the old, we make way
for the new. 'ouse cleansing is most certainly part of this. &orting out and emptying our space
of things we donIt need is also important.
As a rule, I think itIs a good idea to cleanse more regularly than once a year! /e usually
cleanse our house thoroughly about once a month. %ut we clean the business area where
people visit once a week thoroughly, and we do a +uick cleanse between clients. #his keeps
the energy fresh and healthy.
=uic" Cleanse
#he very best and easiest method for doing a
+uick cleanse between clients, or after some time of stress, or perhaps a visit from a friend
with difficulties.
#ake a spray bottle (you can buy one from the chemist) and fill with a mi3ture of half vinegar
and water, or half vodka and water. I prefer to use vodka because vinegar smells +uite
strongly. Add some drops of your favourite essential oils, and some drops of cleansing flower
essences H such as 7rotection < -learing, or something very specific H for e3ample, you
might use 9rief if you are handling a deep crisis, or #ran+uillity to calm children.
*ou need to remember to shake the bottle thoroughly before each use in order to make sure
that the oils are mi3ed in before you spray.
5ow you can simply spray round the corners of the room, and perhaps spray some mist over
yourself. As you spray, think of any stuckness moving freely away and out of the space,
making way for fresh and positive energy.
/e sell a 7rotection < -learing spray which is ideal for the purpose of general cleansing. It
contains essences of %lack 8ocust, &carlet 7impernel, 8ichen, /hite -herry and 9iant
%ellflower. In addition, it contains ,ose tto (for opening up to love of the :niverse) ,
8avender (for healing at many levels) and 9rapefruit (for energising and upliftment). #ogether
these ingredients release any negative energies and lay down protective energies to keep you
and your space safe and positive.
>eep Cleanse
,eally, thereIs nothing like a traditional spring
clean when house cleansing. pen the windows, allow some new air in, and thoroughly clean.
As you clean, you can de2clutter. If de2cluttering is a real issue for you, clean as much as you
can manage and then spray.
Arthur was a great hoarder H really you had to have seen it to have believed it. /hen we
sprayed in his room with 7rotection < -learing, the clearout began! 7erhaps you have to
change the energy a little before you can really de2clutter.
ItIs worth pulling out all the furniture and mopping the floor or treating the carpet before
vacuum cleaning.
/e prefer to use natural cleaning products for this. *ou can make your own natural shake and
vac to help with odour control by mi3ing A drops of orange essential oil into half a cup of
baking soda (bicarbonate of soda). *ou can then sprinkle this over the carpet, leave for @>
minutes, and then vacuum as usual. If you mop a hard floor, then adding a few drops of
orange oil to the water is wonderful. range oil is great for odour removal, as is lime oil and
lemon oil.
:se a damp cloth with an all2purpose cleaner to wipe down all the surfaces. If this is your
yearly spring clean, donIt forget the walls. /e use an all2purpose cleaner made as follows6 @;=
teaspoon castille soap @;= teaspoon bora3 @;= teaspoon sodium carbonate (washing soda) =
tablespoons white vinegar = cups of hot water
7ut in a spray bottle and shake thoroughly until dissolved. *ou can then use this cleaner on all
surface, e3cept for aluminium.
/hen you have finished the physical cleanse, spray around the room with some flower
essences and essential oils (as in the Juick -leanse above).
I like to finish off a deep cleanse by moving a few things around. I put away ornaments that
IIm bored with and bring out new ones. I love to bring in something from nature outside H
some flowers, berries, grasses or other greenery, depending on the season.
I usually light a candle (pure beeswa3 is more e3pensive, but lasts a long time and doesnIt
contain the to3ins of your average candle) and do some kind of further energy work. If you
feel moved to do this, I love to do the Dance of the 0ive .lements, followed by a short
meditation with an intention to open my space to new opportunities.
If the energy still feels stuck after a thorough cleanse, then itIs worth
considering the possibility of geopathic stress. *ou can either dowse yourself for this, or have
the work done by a recommended practitioner. Alternatively, you can simply buy a
stressbuster on a trial period and see how things go.
'appy -leaning!
) 9uide To Cleansing The Energy n ?our
by -arole 0ogarty
Fresh, invigorating energy flls my life. Denise Linn
#he atmosphere (energy) in churches, temples and cathedrals is continuously being cleansed
and blessed with incense, bells, candles, sound, salt, prayer and more. #he result a sacred
space that feels safe, peaceful and deeply nurturing.
&o, why not practice a simple energy cleansing ritual yourself, (borrowed from the priests
and monks), to cleanse the atmosphere in your own personal living space. Its a fabulous way
to remove negative and stale energy that may be lingering from past illness, arguments or
Its all about clearing out the old and making way for the new. 5o e3perience needed H only
the intention, a few ingredients;tools and about a half an hour of your time.
I have passionately studied for over => years space cleansing ceremonies around the world,
from many ancient cultures. And still to this day, perform energy cleansing rituals on
peopleIs homes (although its not something I advertise H ssssh!).
f course, energy cleansing rituals can be +uite time consuming (mine usually take around =
hours). 'owever my intention with this guide, is not to Kturn you offL energy cleansing with
too many steps and comple3 tools, but to inspire you with a very do2able, safe and easy to
follow guide.
I trust that you really do notice a change, and a difference in the way your home feels once
you have cleansed and blessed the energy in your home. *our +uestions and feedback, as
always, are most welcome. 7lease do let me know how you go.
-lear the clutter 01rst2 for better results:
:I release the past with ease and trust in the process of life Louise Hay
/efore you begin I highly recommend putting a little time aside to sellHgiveaway
or throw out some unloved, unused, broken, haven1t used in 2 years, expired or
doesn1t >t stu. from your cupboards, corners and hidden spaces.
Iow, if the whole idea of clearing clutter is overwhelming or seems too time
consuming, here1s a few articles I1ve written in the past, which may give you the
inspiration and kick in the butt you may need to start clearing out some of that
old stuck stale energy. 6ood luck.
8et go of your emotional clutter 2 A effective clutter busting games 2 &imple solutions when
you canIt clear your clutter
3ools and ingredients for energy cleansing:
Ancient cultures include sound and elements from nature to perform their space cleansing
rituals. -hoose at least one from each category below to use in your cleansing practice.
1@ Sound instrument (bell, #ibetan singing bowl, clap sticks, drums etc.). I generally use my
%alinese 7riest bell, clapping (my own hands) and a harmony ball. &ound of course can also
include your own voice eg. -hanting om has a very powerful effect on the energy in any
#@ Something from the earth to cleanse (e.g. salt, the smoke from white sage, or pine
needles or hand made speciali!ed incense). I use rock salt and white sage always.
%@ 7oly water (ordinary water that has been infused with sunshine, chanting, holy basil
leaves or blessed). 4y holy water has received a few hours of sunshine and a few hours
listening to chants and mantraIs from my -D player. f course you can add flower essences,
essential oils or even crystals to infuse the water with a higher energy.
(@ $ire H candles
,@ )n infusion of nature (optional) ( flowers, crystals, stones, rice ) Its always a nice touch
to add a favourite crystal, stone or flowers to the ritual.
4 simple 5 step guide for cleansing the energy in your home:
*ou will be walking around the inside of your home at least C times H moving along each wall
of each room H and spending longer in certain spots where you feel the energy is a little
heavier or stuck. %egin and finish at the alter you have set up or alternately your front
entrance, whichever feels right for you.
%e as present, and in your body as you can, stay hydrated, remember to breath and above all,
trust your intuition. &top and rest whenever you need to, particularly if your mind starts to
wander. 4indful awareness is the key.
1@ Set your intention@
'ave a clear intention as to the reason why you are doing it. /rite it down, then read it back
to yourself. 4ake sure it feels right for you.
0or e3ample 2 I now let go of old stuck energy from my life and home easily and attract new
beginnings and opportunity.
#@ Create a temporary special space AaltarB@
#o make your cleansing ritual e3tra special, I always love to set a small space aside with all
my tools;ingredients. I cover a small part of a table with a special sarong that I only use for
space clearing. I then add a bowl of salt, holy water, sage, bells, harmony ball, candles, fresh
flowers and whatever else I may be inspired to add on the day e.g. crystals, space clearing
mist, statues of Juan yin, 9anesha or %uddha.
%@ 8egin with a prayer of than"s@
ItIs always a lovely idea to say a little prayer, affirmation or mantra before you begin. It adds
a dash of specialness to your ritual and acknowledges the start of the cleansing process. 5o
rules here, do whatever feels right for you. Its also a great time to light your candle.
(@ Sprin"le your floor with roc" salt@
'tart in your chosen location %front door or altar& and hold your bowl of rock salt.
-ove around your home sprinkling a handful of rock salt across doorways, in
corners and anywhere where you feel the energy is heavy. For example it may be
all around a bed due to a illness, in the kitchen due to lots of arguments or along
the window sill next to troublesome neighbours. 3eave for 02 hours if you can.
Trust your gut feelings.
,@ Clap away stagnant energy@
Iow you will be moving around your home for the second time ) clapping
continuously. +lapping is a fabulous way to sense and read the energy in your
#hen a clap is crisp, clear and easy to do then it generally indicates the energy is
light and =owing. #hen a clap is heavy, dull or =at sounding this generally alerts
you to the fact there is stagnantHstuck energy. 'tay in these spots for longer,
continuing to clap until you feel your clap becomes crisper and clearer.
,@ Use your sound instrument to cleanse even deeper@
5ow you will be moving around your home for the third time H this time with your sound
instrument. %ell, singing bowl, #ibetans bells or tingsha cymbals etc.
Again, linger longer in areas that you feel have a thicker energy. ,epeat any room you feel
may need it.
/@ Uplift with a harmony ball C infinity symbol@
#his will be the fourth time now you are moving around your home. #his step is not so much
about clearing negative energy but infusing a lighter or higher vibration in the atmosphere of
your home.
I personally prefer to use a harmony ball which sends a lovely light gentle tinkle into the vibe
of a room. If you donIt have a harmony ball then draw the infinity symbol (figure E on its
side) into each wall and room of your home.
#he infinity symbol is a powerful ancient symbol that can bring balance and harmony back
into a space when repeated. *ou might be surprised what a difference infusing your rooms
with the ancient symbol has on the atmosphere.
3@ Uplift with holy water
n your fifth circle of your home, flick or spray your holy water into the centre space of each
room to infuse a lovely healing energy. 0lick or spray into the corners if you feel they need it
H they generally do.
4@ Uplift with prayer or mantra
#his will be your si3th and last time you circle the energy of your home. *ou simply walk
into each room and offer a prayer, affirmation or mantra. DonIt rush, be calm and mindfully
repeat your mantra to each room. 0inish with your own prayer of thanks.
6*tra tips for success:
1@ -lear as much clutter as you can beforehand.
#@ nly perform an energy cleansing ritual when your energies are strong, your thoughts are
clear and preferably there is no2one else in the house.
%@ 7ay close attention to the corners H they are well known spots to hold stuck, dead or heavy
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