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Space Cleansing

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The key takeaways are that your surroundings can affect your energy levels and emotions, and performing regular house cleansings using techniques like flower essences can help raise the vibration in your home.

Some tips for cleansing negative energy from your home include using space clearing essence, filling your home with natural light, sprinkling salt around problem areas, and clapping or using sound instruments to clear stagnant energy.

The steps to perform a house cleansing ritual are to set up your cleansing tools, say a prayer of thanks, sprinkle salt around your home, clap to clear stagnant energy, use sound instruments to cleanse deeper, uplift with a harmony ball or infinity symbol, uplift with holy water, and finish with prayer or mantra while circling your home.

eeling low on energy and low on mood?

A regular house cleansing is a great way to keep the

energy of your home peaceful and vibrant.
Did you know that your own energy levels and even your emotional state can be affected
by the energy of your surroundings? It's true, so why not treat your home, and your
workspace, to some energy cleansing!
It's important to keep the vibrational level of our close environment as clean and as positive as
possible. And its very easy to do!
ur bodies have the ama!ing ability to heal themselves, physically and energetically, and our
vibration is fluctuating up and down all the time. Whenever we come into contact with
something or someone whose energy has a lower vibration than ours, it can temporarily
drag our energy level down too.
It's obvious when you enter a room where the people there have "ust had a ma"or argument.
#he arguing may be over, but you can still sense it in the air. #his is what it feels like when
you could $cut the air with a knife$. ur energy systems detect it.
%ut if we are constantly surrounded by negative, low vibration energy, it can begin to sap our
vitality on an ongoing basis and our energy system has a harder time trying to correct itself.
#herefore, a regular house cleansing, or space clearing as some like to call it, is vital.
&o where can you start? #he environment you have the most control over is your own home.
'opefully, this is where you spend a lot of your time (and not at work). &o it makes sense that
your home should be clear of as much negative energy as possible, and feel harmonious and
calm to all those who enter it.
I have put together a list of house cleansing tips to help you raise the vibration of your home.
The higher the vibration, the lighter and more positive your home will feel. *ou can also
use the techni+ues for the other places where you spend +uite a bit of time such as your work
#ry them out and see if you and others can notice the difference in the 'vibe' of your
surroundings. ,emember, hold the intention and belief that your space will be cleared of all
1. Use Space Clearing Essence on a regular basis.
#his is my favourite way of clearing negative energy from my surroundings. &pace -learing
.ssence was created by Ian /hite and is a combination of five different Australian %ush
0lower .ssences . It's very easy to use. It comes in a spray bottle and you "ust spray it around
your home or whatever environment you're cleansing. t clears the environment of negative
energies, whether they be emotional, mental or psychic energies.
If you've had a heated argument with someone, or if things at home have been a bit tense, this
essence is a great way to restore harmony to your surroundings. &uch negative energies tend
to hang in the air and can continue to affect all who enter.
I always carry this essence with me when we travel, and give our motel room a good spray on
arriving. &uch places have been filled with hundreds of different people and scenarios, and
this combination of flower essences will make your room feel much more pleasant and
Space Clearing Essence also has the effect of removing earth!bound souls or dar"er
entities from your space.
I use this remedy at home on a regular basis, "ust to keep the energy nice and vibrant. It's
house cleansing made easy!
#. $ill your home with natural light.
#he uplifting and house cleansing effects of natural sunlight are well known. (1ust think
&easonal Affective Disorder, a depressive disorder linked to lack of sunlight).
&unlight is a type of electromagnetic energy and is made up of various rays that vibrate at
slightly different fre+uencies. #he rays in the visible range are the colours we can see in a
rainbow 2 red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. #hese coloured rays combine to
make white light.
Sunlight has a cleansing and revitalising effect. *ou know yourself the difference between
how you feel sitting in a gloomy, poorly lit room and one that is filled with sunlight.
And artificial lighting is not a replacement. It doesn't emit the same rays and doesn't have the
same composition of colours. It's vibration has no energy healing +ualities at all, in fact it can
be +uite the opposite.
#he full spectrum of sunlight is the most beneficial. t will raise the vibration of the rooms
it fills.
%. &lay peaceful and uplifting music.
&ounds have been used as an energy healing tool for thousands of years, and can also be used
for house cleansing.
Sound waves have their own vibrational fre'uency and as such our own human energy
system will be altered by the sound waves that fill our environment. This is "nown as
#he most peaceful sounds for me are those created by nature, such as the sound of rain on the
roof, the crashing of waves on the shore, the singing of birds and the rumble of thunder. I have
several -Ds of nature sounds that, when I play them, create an instant atmosphere of serenity
and harmony throughout the house.
&o many people's homes are filled with the blaring of a television turned up too loud, or the
constant background noise of a radio. I find these +uite irritating. I am at my most content
when I can hear nothing but the sounds of nature coming from outside.
*ou can also buy -Ds of sounds that cleanse the environment in which they are played. 0or
e3ample, I have a tape of #ibetan gyuto monks chanting, and after I have played it the house
feels wonderful, and so do I. #here are many beautiful musicians and singers who produce
uplifting and spiritual music that will fill your environment with harmonious and healing
/hat an easy and en"oyable way to practice house cleansing.
(. Call upon )rchangel *ichael.
Archangel 4ichael's main role at this time is to clear the earth and it's people of fear. %ut he is
also wonderful to call upon for many other things, including space clearing the inside of your
*ou don't have to go through any rituals to invoke Archangel 4ichael. +ust call for him and
he will come. 5o "ob is too big or too small, and you are worthy of his help.
/hen I ask him to come to my side I "ust say his name, out loud or inside my head. &o when I
ask him to give my home some house cleansing, I say something like this6 $Dearest Archangel
4ichael, I now ask that you come into my home and cleanse it of all negative and dark
energy. 7lease remove any earthbound souls or negative entities that have been attracted here
and send them to the 8ight. #hankyou$.
Archangel 4ichael comes to all who call him, so trust that he is there. And ask him for help as
often as you like.
,. -isualise your home filled with .ight.
Anyone can fill their home with Divine white light, or the light of 9od. This beautiful,
spar"ling white light is available to all at anytime and all you have to do is visualise it.
/hen I want to call in the 8ight, which to me is the pure divine loving energy of 9od, I "ust
see it in my mind coming down from the :niverse like a funnel that covers and surrounds my
house. #hen I visualise it pouring into and filling every nook and cranny inside my home, and
transforming all darkness into light. I see my home sparkle with this 8ight, in my mind's eye.
I might also say something like $Dear 4other;0ather 9od, I now fill my home with your
Divine white love and light. All that is not of love is transformed into love. In the name of the
-hrist, Amen$. 'owever, you can say whatever feels right for you as you imagine the
beautiful sparkling white light penetrating everything within your home. It will provide
energy healing for all it touches.
/. 0eep your home clean and tidy.
'ow can you feel peaceful and serene if you are surrounded by mess and dirt? Energy tends
to build up in areas that are cluttered and messy as it can1t flow, and the area begins to
feel stagnant.
I know its not always practical or possible to have a perfectly clean home. I have two young
boys 2 my entire house is never clean and tidy all at the one time. %ut it is important to do the
best you can and be clean and tidy without being fanatical about it (or you'll create stress for
Do a good spring cleanout every so often. 9o through your cupboards and get rid of all those
things you know you "ust don't need or want anymore. ) messy cluttered house 2 a messy
cluttered mind. 'ouse cleansing works on many levels.
#he same things applies to your work space. If you have a desk and office area, how can you
feel vibrant and organised if it's a mess?
As soon as you walk in and see it, your energy "ust goes $errgh$.
3. Cleanse your space with a white sage stic".
#his is a powerful cleansing and purifying techni+ue that comes from the 5ative American
peoples. The herb white sage has the ability to clear all negative energy, providing a
cleansed space that can be filled with love, "oy and happiness.
*ou can buy ready2made sage sticks from many different sources. &imply use a flame to light
the stick, and when it begins to burn well, blow out the flame to leave it smouldering and
/alk around the space to be cleared, waving the smudge stick around ensuring that it gets into
the corners and behind doors, etc. /aft the smoke around with your hand.
/hen finished, I like to give thanks for the house cleansing, and then I put out the stick by
pushing it into sand. *ou can re2use the sticks until they are burned away.
4. Surround yourself with beautiful things you love.
/hether it be photos of your beloved family in your favourite photo frames, fresh flowers and
plants, or prints and ornaments that you love, your home should be pleasing to your eye, so
that when you walk in at the end of the day your mood gets an instant lift.
Don't feel you have to spend a lot of money, have all the latest gadgets or follow trends .
*our home should please you and others who live their, not necessarily everyone else.
And good feng shui dictates that it's probably not a good idea to have a painting of the #itanic
on your wall, for e3ample, or the evil looking statues I see in some shops. #hese certainly
don't give off a good vibe. -hoose things that are more uplifting and positive.
5. )llow fresh air to flow through your home.
If you walk into a home that never has the windows or doors left open, you can tell 2 yuk! It's
not "ust the stale smell, but it also 'feels' gloomy and stagnant.
$resh air is refreshing and cleansing, and it gets the energy moving. If the air in your
home is stagnant, then that will affect your energy also and you'll pick2up on that stagnant
feeling. I always have my windows and doors open as much as possible, and its refreshing to
feel the bree!e blowing through the house.
:nfortunately, depending on where you live, the outside air can be +uite polluted. %ut studies
show that indoor air is even worse. &o choose your times if you have to, but let as much fresh
air blow through your home as possible. It's like a good spring clean.
16. 7ave plenty of nature around you.
#he energy healing +ualities of the plants, flowers and trees is almost magical!
'ere in Australia, we have the wonderful advantage of having large back yards if we choose. I
have +uite a large garden and it is filled with beautiful Australian native trees and plants that
attract all sorts of birds and li!ards, even though we are in a small city.
I get a great deal of pleasure from en"oying our beautiful garden. 8eing in nature is very
healing for the soul, as we all resonate with nature but so many of us have forgotten that.
*our home will also be uplifted by the energy of the plants and flowers, so make the most of
the space you have, indoor and out, to be connected with nature. 'ave lots of plants around
you, even if you have to use pots. *our home will love you for it.
I hope you have fun trying out my easy house cleansing and space clearing tips!
,eturn from 7ouse Cleansing to Energy 7ealing Techni'ues
,eturn to 9ateways to nner &eace
:b;ects, Talismans, Spiritual )reas
Anything used for spiritual work should be cleansed of energy before it's used. #hat
includes an area where spiritual work will be conducted, ob"ects, talismans or tools
used for ritual work. #he idea is to clear out any unwanted energies that might affect
or interfere with your spiritual e3perience. #his is especially important for new tools
or ob"ects that you will use in a ritual or as a talisman.

A talisman is an ob"ect consecrated with psychic energy to serve a
specific purpose and intent. It is used to support desired changes and
support to it's owners environment or lifestyle. It can be an ob"ect such
as a crystal that you keep in your pocket to help you feel calm during a
difficult time in your life, or even for something more specific such as
a tough meeting you may have that day. It can be an ob"ect such as a
necklace that you wear to support protection. It can be a ring that support and promote
a connection between two people, such as a set of wedding rings. It might even be a
statue or picture of your favorite totem animal, god or goddess that promotes your
connection with their energy during rituals or when you feel you need their help and
strength in your life.

%asically ob"ects are used in rituals to help one focus their energy for a specific intent,
as talismans for support away from the ritual space, as representations of specific
energies desired to be incorporated in a ritual or to assist a practioner in making a
connection to a certain type of spiritual energy or Divine &pirit during a ceremony.

Clearing and Cleansing
#here are many methods to clearing and cleansing, and you may want to make up your
own based on your personal beliefs. 'ere is a step by step e3ample from beginning to
end that works on spaces, ob"ects or even people. If you're looking for a method to
clear and cleanse yourself, check the -learing, -leansing < 7rotecting *our .nergies

%efore you begin, prepare a small alter to hold the ob"ects you'll need for the cleansing
and clearing. 9ather together6
A white candle.
&age and cedar smudge if you can find it. If not sandlewood incense will
A large feather.
A clear +uart! crystal.
A lighter or book of matches.
If this cleansing is for a person, you might need or want to use a pro3y. A
pro3y is an ob"ect that acts as a $stand2in$. It holds the essence of the person,
or even an animal and allows you to focus your energies on the pro3y for the
cleansing. #his is a common method used to conduct long2distance healing

When To Cleanse or Consecrate
0or ritual space, clearing and cleansing should be
done before each use. #his can be done within a
minute or two, you don't have to make this a ma"or
effort. #he most common practice is to use an
incense, walking in a clockwise direction to move
out negative and unwanted energies as you say a
prayer or spell. #hen to walk around the area a
second time to set a shield of protection to keep
those energies from re2entering the space.

Any new ob"ect you have made or purchased should always be cleansed before use.
Additionally, it's common to empower the ob"ect with a specific energy for it's
intended use. 0or instance, you may find a rose +uart! crystal that you want to use for
emotional healing rituals or as a tool for healing services. #his crystal should be
consecrated with that specific intent and only used for that purpose. #his is true for
any ob"ect or tool you use for spiritual work, be it a wand, athame, tarot cards,
crystals, talismans and even candles used in rituals and ceremonies.

Depending on the amount of use will dictate how often you'll need to re2cleanse and
re2program your ob"ect or tool. &omething you wear every day, such as a talisman may
not need to be consecrated as often as something you use in rituals. 'ealing and
divination tools used on a regular basis should be cleansed and consecrated each
month, maybe more if you use them daily.

#ypically after you consecrate an ob"ect you will feel it's energy when you hold or
work with the tool. If you don't feel this 'vibration' then it maybe time to re2cleanse
and re2consecrate the item. A talisman, such as a piece of "ewelry you wear daily
doesn't need this as much, because you keep the thought and energy with you always.
*ou may hold the ob"ect and think of the energy you programmed into it. *ou may rub
a necklace pendant and think about the protection you need or desire at that moment in
time. Doing this re2energi!es the ob"ect with your intent and that strengthens it's
energy for the purpose you empowered it with.

#he best time to clear, cleanse and consecrate new tools or ob"ects is during the 5ew
phase of the 4oon. #he energy from the 5ew 4oon heightens the clearing and
cleansing of new ob"ects, but it's also good for re2cleanse and re2programming ob"ects.
*ou can use other tools that you have already empowered with specific uses to help
you clear, cleanse and even consecrate a new ob"ect.

#he following is a simple outlined ritual for clearing, cleansing and consecrating an
ob"ect for a specific use. *ou can use these steps as inspiration for creating your own
ritual, or use them as is. #here is no single right way to do this. #here are some basic
steps but you can alter these to your personal needs and preferences.

) Simple <itual
7ick a time when you're not going to be disturbed for at least =>2?> minutes.&it your
tools on your right and the ob"ect to be cleansed and consecrated on your left. A
practioner will create a circle and step into it for the work. A &haman might sit on the
ground and create a small medicine wheel for the ob"ects to be placed in.
@. %egin the ritual in a standing position, facing the great 5orth /inds. 8ight the
incense you have brought to the ritual and say a prayer to the 9od;9oddess for
assistance, energy and protection. (#his is for you and the circle.)
=. #urn to the right and face east, (you can use your hand or a specially made
feather fan to spread the smoke of the incense through the room). /ave the fan
over the incense to use the smoke to clear out old energies and prepare for new
ones. Ask the 9od;9oddess to bring forth your guides, and teachers to assist
you in the cleansing and rededication of the ob"ect;pro3y. /ave the smoke
through the air fanning it away from you toward the east. Ask that this energy
move out any negative or unwanted essences from your circle and your home.
?. #urn to the right facing south. 0an the smoke out toward the south and ask #he
9od;9oddess and your guides for their energy and the positive forces within
the universe to assist you in consecrating the ob"ect for $state your
purpose..what you intend to use the space or ob"ect for$. If it is a person who is
receiving the cleansing, you might state something like, $-lear and cleansing
the person in order for divine purpose and energies to enter their life and help
them with their mission and lessons in this life$.
A. #urn to the right facing west. 0an the smoke out toward the south and give
thanks for the assistance and help you are about to receive.
B. #urn to the right again facing 5orth and step into the circle, or "ust sit down in
front of the circle you're creating.
C. If it is a space you're clearing, many practioners will mark the area with a
cotton rope, using a broom to mark the entry point. /hen the space has been
defined, the practioner will $"ump over the broom$ as a symbol of entry into a
sacred space, and a gateway that keeps out any negative influences.
D. &et the incense in a holder on the right side of the circle and allow the smoke to
fill the space. Imagine the smoke clearing out the energies around you
replacing it with clear bright white light from the divine forces. &ay a prayer if
you like, something of your own to add to the creation of the pure light.
E. 7ut the candle at the top of the circle. As you light the wick imagine this source
of this flame coming from within your being..from inside your solar ple3us.
&ay a prayer as you light the wick..something like...$I light this candle as a
symbol of the divine spirit within me and around me. As a beacon for all the
positive forces that reside and e3ist in this time and space.$
F. 7ick up the crystal and imagine the white light of divine knowledge traveling
through the top of your head, down your arms and through the palms of your
hands into the crystal. As the energy travels through your arms, imagine it
shifting or splitting into ? additional energies. 7ink for unconditional love,
emerald green for divine healing and white for divine knowledge. -harge the
crystal with these energies and place a thought in it's structure for what you
want it to help you with.
@. In this case, you want the crystal to push out the tiniest elements of
negative force or manipulative energies from the center of the space,
ob"ect or person, moving it out to encompass it about = inches from the
surface. Imagine the white,pink and green light pushing a gray smoky
light of negative or unwanted energies out of the very fibers and
=. *ou cap this vision off with another prayer of intent..something like
$9od;9oddess, guides and teachers, I ask your assistance to charge this
crystal with the light and energy of the divine, with unconditional love
and the knowledge of understanding, for the purpose of clearing,
cleansing and energi!ing this gift.$ #hen place the crystal on the right
side of the wheel.
@>. If you are using a pro3y to clear or cleanse a person or animal, now is the time
to place the essence of that person into the pro3y. Imagine the face of the
person, their characteristics, who they are and what they mean to you. #hen
imagine all that energy rolled up into one large ball of light floating into and
encompassing the pro3y.
@@. /hether this ritual is for a person;pro3y or an ob"ect, move it into the medicine
wheel from the south, from the bottom. As you cross the line into the circle say
a prayer6 $I receive this beautiful (name the ob"ect) with appreciation and
thanks. I ask the divine forces present to help me clear, cleanse and consecrate
this ob"ect for the use of (state the purpose again).
@. r, $I welcome (the name of the person) into my circle with honor and
respect. I ask the divine forces present to help us clear, cleanse and
re"uvenate their energies of mind;body and spirit for the purpose of
(whatever they need, health, a special meeting coming up and so on).
=. &et the ob"ect;pro3y in the center of the circle, or provide a place for
the person to sit in the center. &ome shaman's will start this ceremony
by adding a plate of salt in the center of the circle, then lighting the
candle and charging the crystal. #he ob"ect is placed on top of the salt.
#his plate represents the $salt of the earth$ the energies that can help
$ground$ the purpose of the ob"ect. It's up to you. *ou may want to do
this with ob"ect that will be used for healing or ritual ceremonies.
@=. /ith the ob"ect in the circle..using your fan or hand (in your right hand) pick
up the incense (with the left hand) and spread the smoke all over the
ob"ect;pro3y. :se the visuali!ation of the incense as white smoke, moving out
the dark brown or black negative energies from the ob"ect;pro3y.
@. &ay a prayer for the cleansing, $I use the smoke of this sage < cedar (or
whatever) to cleanse the old from this gift. #o move out any previous
energies that e3ists within it's walls either by purpose or by accident.$
nce you feel comfortable with the amount of smoke you've covered
the ob"ect;pro3y with, set the incense back in the holder. &ome people
who use sticks of incense will keep = or ? sticks in the holder and light
them one at a time as the first stick begins to near it's end. #hat's
ok.."ust add a sentence when lighting the ne3t stick..something like..I
light this flame to continue the energy of this ritual.
@?. 7ick up the crystal and hold it in your hands over the ob"ect;pro3y. Imagine the
same light coming through your head from the divine and moving through
your arms "ust as before. Altering the energy as it reaches your hands to
include the pink and green light. %ut add to your visuali!ation the white light
from the 9od;9oddess and all your guides coming from above straight into the
top of the crystal.
@. Imagine this pure white light mi3ing with the altered energies from
you, entering and combining forces inside the crystal. &ay $I call upon
my guides, teachers and the 9od;9oddess to assist me in cleansing this
ob"ect;pro3y and re2energi!ing it with the positive light of the divine. I
ask that the purpose of $state the purpose again$ be placed within the
fibers and essence of this gift for my future use and en"oyment.$
=. 5ow imagine like a ray or beam of light and energy, all this $power$
from you and your helpers coming from the bottom of the crystal down
into the ob"ect;pro3y. 7ushing through the top of the ob"ect;pro3y, into
it's center..then spreading out pushing anything unwanted from it's
walls out toward the edges of the circle. As this energy reaches the
edges of the circle add this..and this is important!
?. $I ask the 9od;9oddess to take the negative energies from this
ob"ect;pro3y and move it out into the universe where it can be
dissipated and no longer do harm to any one..not to me, those who
come in contact with this ob"ect;pro3y from now to the future, through
the life of the ob"ect;pro3y. I ask that the energies placed on this ob"ect
prior to this day, whether by intent or by accident, be removed and
A. 'old this image for a few seconds, some people hold it for a while and
add a +uick visuali!ed meditation that includes the positive use of the
ob"ect, or space. If it's a person, the image is one of divine purpose and
moving forward in positive health and light.
B. /hen you have finished your visuali!ation (whatever it is..long or
short) place the crystal on top of the ob"ect;pro3y. &ay $I ask that the
energy programed into this crystal be added to the essence of this gift.
#o be absorbed, partnered and utili!ed by this ob"ect;pro3y for the
betterment and highest good of all.$
@A. #o conclude the ceremony, close your eyes and thank all the guides, teachers
and 9od;9oddess for coming to your aid and guiding your energy and words.
4ove the incense out of the circle and thank the energy of the smoke for it's
@. 4ove the ob"ect;pro3y out of the circle and add, $I thank all the forces
who came for their assistance, I ask that the energy of this circle be
closed for the purpose of this cleansing and re2energi!ing. I ask that
only that which is still needed within my home, my being and the
ob"ect;pro3y remain until such time as the divine energy has affected
the positive changes desired. I bless thee and thank thee all. Amen$
@B. 5ow blow out your candle. 9et up from your circle and move the ob"ect;pro3y
to an alter or a fire place mantle does very nicelyG a place where it will not be
disturbed for the remainder of the day;night. 8eave the crystal on top of the
ob"ect;pro3y until the ne3t day. &ome people will light a candle ne3t to the
ob"ect sort of as a vigil representing the divine work in progress. 1ust
remember if you're doing this at night, you'll want to be safe about leaving a
candle burning when no one is awake..don't burn down your house.
@C. -lean up any thing you have left in the circle or space and say one last word of
thanks to the 9ods;9oddess and spiritual helpers.
@D. #he ne3t day when you're ready..place your hands on both sides of the
ob"ect;pro3y..without touching. -lose your eyes and try to sense the energy of
the ob"ect. /hat do you feel? If you feel that the cleansing and re2energi!ing
has been successful..remove the crystal and say another +uick prayer of thanks.

$inal Thoughts
If you feel any residual energies you don't like, leave the ob"ect;pro3y in it's place and
light a candle ne3t to again. &ome people may conduct this ceremony a second or even
third time. #hat's fine..if the individual thinks something is still there, then for them it
is still there. If however after the ?rd time the person feels as if they can affect the
desired shift in energy, there are = options . Asking a priest;shaman to clear the
energies for you or returning the ob"ect. If that return isn't possible, then discard the
item. &ome people will take it out into the woods and bury it. It's up to you.

nce your ceremony has been completed, wrap the ob"ect in a fabric of natural fibers
(cotton, silk, etc). &it it by your side and record your e3perience in your &piritual
9rimoire. /hen you have completed your record of the event, you can take the ob"ect
out of the fabric and use it. r you may want to keep it covered until your ready to use
it later.

nstructions for &pace -leansing and 7urification nstructions for &pace -leansing and 7urification

Why is it a good idea to perform a spiritual cleansing?

Performing a spiritual cleansing of a home or sacred space, whether it is
done indoors or outdoors, removes negative energy that may cause
disruptions or distractions. In essence, you are clearing and blessing the
space to make it a much more pleasant place to live, work, or use. There
are many ways to perform ritual cleansings. The following is a simple
method that has worked for me over the years. For questions or
comments regarding your experiences, please email me at

What materials do I need?

$oly #ater %optional&
'age oil mixed with distilled or pure water in an atomi(er %used
instead of burning materials for those with smoke allergies&
'age ) *esert sage or white sage, depending on personal preference
'weetgrass braid
+edar or sandalwood incense, depending on personal preference

,rder incense, sage wands %white sage or sagebrush&, sweetgrass
braids, and $oly #ater from
Forest #itch -ystical Products.

Whats the diference between desert sage and white sage?

*esert sage looks like brown twigs bundled together and gives o. a sweet
fragrance. #hite sage looks like a bundled bunch of grayish dried leaves.
#hite sage smells more like ritual smoke. /oth are good to use in the
cleansing ritual depending upon your personal preference.

Step-by-step instructions for ritual cleansing:

0. /efore performing a cleansing of a space, it1s best to cleanse
yourself, mentally, emotionally, and physically. For the physical
cleansings, take a shower and use a sea salt scrub with peppermint
or take a hot bath with sea salts. For the mental and emotional
aspect, as you bathe, picture all frustrations, annoyances, and
disappointments leaving you and pouring down the drain along with
the dirty water.
2. Put on fresh, clean clothes that are comfortable. 3ightcolored,
natural fabrics work well in most cases. If you are performing the
cleansing ritual as a result of highly negative activity, its best to
wear black clothing to protect yourself from whatever is causing the
4. 'ee yourself surrounded by white light and beam it out as far as you
can. This protective shell will serve to allow you to complete the
ritual safely.
5. Picture whatever force will be helping you with the cleansing %6od,
gods, goddesses, watchers, elemental forces, etc.& and ask for
7. #hen you arrive at the space you will be cleansing, take a moment
to meditate on your purpose for being there. Take several deep
breaths and let all tension leave you.
8. 9pon entering the home or space, sprinkle $oly #ater and say,
:6od1s peace be in this home and in all who live here.; ) ,ptional,
but recommended.
<. 3ight the sage, sweetgrass braid, and incense %cedar or
sandalwood&. ,nce they begin to glow, blow out the =ame. Put
them in a shell or >reproof bowl to avoid burning anything.
?. Pick up the sage wand and beginning at the entrance of the house or
other space, move counterclockwise through the space. This
direction is called :wittershins; and is the direction used for
banishing unwanted energy. If you feel so compelled, you may also
clear the space moving in a clockwise direction. Try it both ways and
see which feels right to you. -ove along the entire perimeter of the
home, waving the smoldering sage wand up and down or in a
circular motion to allow the smoke to permeate the area. ,utline
windows and doorways, open closets and cabinets, to insure that
there is no place for the negative energy to hide. !s you wave the
wand, say the prayer that appears at the end of this section. If you
have a favorite psalm or prayer you feel comfortable with, then feel
free to use that instead.
@. If the home has more than =oor, cleanse the main =oor >rst, then
proceed to the other =oors.
0A. ,nce this is complete, pick up the sweetgrass braid and move
around the perimeter once again, this time in a clockwise direction.
Imagine light reaching to every corner of the space.
00. !t the end of this portion of the cleansing, thank whatever
Powers helped you to clear the space and declare that this space is
now >lled with love, light, peace, and happiness.
02. +leansings can be done whenever you feel it needs it.
'ymptoms that tell you the space needs to be cleared include a
heavy feeling in the air, unusual or more frequent moodiness of the
people living in the space, a stretch of :bad luck,; or any other type
of disruption taking place.
04. In between cleansings, the area can be kept clear by burning
cedar or sandalwood incense and by being thankful for the many
wonderful things in your life.

-any blessings,

8lessing of 7omes and sacred spaces

B9pon entering the home sayCD 6odEs peace be in this home and in
all who live here.

,ur help is in the name of the 3ord, #ho made heaven and earth.
3ord 6od almighty, bless this home that it be the shelter of health,
purity, and selfcontrolF that there prevail here a spirit of humility,
goodness, mildness, obedience to the commandments, and gratitude
to 6od the Father, 'on, and $oly 'pirit. -ay this blessing remain on
this place and on those who live here now and always. !men %It is
sprinkled with holy water&.

Purify me with hyssop, 3ord, and I shall be clean of sin. #ash me,
and I shall be whiter than snow. $ave mercy on me, 6od, in your
great kindness.

6lory be to the Father, and to the 'on, and to the $oly 'pirit. !s it
was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
!men. 3ord heed my prayer. !nd let my cry be heard by you.
$ear me, holy 3ord and Father, almighty everlasting 6od, and in your
goodness send your holy angel from heaven to watch over and
protect all who live in this home, to be with them and give them
comfort and encouragementF through +hrist our 3ord. !men.

6od the Father almighty, we fervently implore you for the sake of
this home and its occupants and possessions, that you may bless
and sanctify them, enriching them by your kindness in every way
possible. Pour out on them, 3ord, heavenly dew in good measure, as
well as an abundance of earthly needs. -ercifully listen to their
prayers, and grant that their desires be ful>lled. !t our lowly coming
be pleased to bless and sanctify this home, as you once were
pleased to bless and sanctify the home of !braham, Isaac, and
Gacob. #ithin these walls let your angels of light preside and stand
watch over those who live here, through +hrist our 3ord. !men.

[Repeat until entire home is blessed!

In the addition to the abo"e prayer# when you come upon
particularly unruly energy# clear it using this banishing spell
by $ion %ortune:

&In the 'ame which is abo"e e"ery other name# and in the
power of the %ather and of the Son and of the (oly )host# I
e*orcise all in+uences and seeds of e"il, I lay upon them the
spell of -hrists (oly -hurch# that they may be bound fast as
with chains and cast into outer dar.ness# that they trouble
not the ser"ants of )od/

7ouse Cleansing
9eopathic stress is not always the problem.
&ometimes, a deep house cleansing can shift stuck energies. #his is definitely worth a try as a
first step.
9enerally speaking, it is understood that keeping our bodies clean leads to better health. /hen
we keep ourselves clean, we feel better. /ater washes away the dust and debris of the day.
It follows that cleansing our space is important too. In a modern house, the flow of air is often
very limited, and can lead to stale;stagnant air in our home. Also, old energy can become
stuck and give rise to feelings of sluggishness. #hink of the energy that is generated after an
argument, or "ust in times of stress. #hese energies can linger. %oth of these two problems are
very easily solved.
&pring time is the natural time of year to spring clean. #his is the time of the /ood energy in
-hinese 4edicine H a time of renewal, fresh energy and planning. In order to make this new
energy flow at its best, we need to clear out our space. %y clearing out the old, we make way
for the new. 'ouse cleansing is most certainly part of this. &orting out and emptying our space
of things we donIt need is also important.
As a rule, I think itIs a good idea to cleanse more regularly than once a year! /e usually
cleanse our house thoroughly about once a month. %ut we clean the business area where
people visit once a week thoroughly, and we do a +uick cleanse between clients. #his keeps
the energy fresh and healthy.
=uic" Cleanse
#he very best and easiest method for doing a
+uick cleanse between clients, or after some time of stress, or perhaps a visit from a friend
with difficulties.
#ake a spray bottle (you can buy one from the chemist) and fill with a mi3ture of half vinegar
and water, or half vodka and water. I prefer to use vodka because vinegar smells +uite
strongly. Add some drops of your favourite essential oils, and some drops of cleansing flower
essences H such as 7rotection < -learing, or something very specific H for e3ample, you
might use 9rief if you are handling a deep crisis, or #ran+uillity to calm children.
*ou need to remember to shake the bottle thoroughly before each use in order to make sure
that the oils are mi3ed in before you spray.
5ow you can simply spray round the corners of the room, and perhaps spray some mist over
yourself. As you spray, think of any stuckness moving freely away and out of the space,
making way for fresh and positive energy.
/e sell a 7rotection < -learing spray which is ideal for the purpose of general cleansing. It
contains essences of %lack 8ocust, &carlet 7impernel, 8ichen, /hite -herry and 9iant
%ellflower. In addition, it contains ,ose tto (for opening up to love of the :niverse) ,
8avender (for healing at many levels) and 9rapefruit (for energising and upliftment). #ogether
these ingredients release any negative energies and lay down protective energies to keep you
and your space safe and positive.
>eep Cleanse
,eally, thereIs nothing like a traditional spring
clean when house cleansing. pen the windows, allow some new air in, and thoroughly clean.
As you clean, you can de2clutter. If de2cluttering is a real issue for you, clean as much as you
can manage and then spray.
Arthur was a great hoarder H really you had to have seen it to have believed it. /hen we
sprayed in his room with 7rotection < -learing, the clearout began! 7erhaps you have to
change the energy a little before you can really de2clutter.
ItIs worth pulling out all the furniture and mopping the floor or treating the carpet before
vacuum cleaning.
/e prefer to use natural cleaning products for this. *ou can make your own natural shake and
vac to help with odour control by mi3ing A drops of orange essential oil into half a cup of
baking soda (bicarbonate of soda). *ou can then sprinkle this over the carpet, leave for @>
minutes, and then vacuum as usual. If you mop a hard floor, then adding a few drops of
orange oil to the water is wonderful. range oil is great for odour removal, as is lime oil and
lemon oil.
:se a damp cloth with an all2purpose cleaner to wipe down all the surfaces. If this is your
yearly spring clean, donIt forget the walls. /e use an all2purpose cleaner made as follows6 @;=
teaspoon castille soap @;= teaspoon bora3 @;= teaspoon sodium carbonate (washing soda) =
tablespoons white vinegar = cups of hot water
7ut in a spray bottle and shake thoroughly until dissolved. *ou can then use this cleaner on all
surface, e3cept for aluminium.
/hen you have finished the physical cleanse, spray around the room with some flower
essences and essential oils (as in the Juick -leanse above).
I like to finish off a deep cleanse by moving a few things around. I put away ornaments that
IIm bored with and bring out new ones. I love to bring in something from nature outside H
some flowers, berries, grasses or other greenery, depending on the season.
I usually light a candle (pure beeswa3 is more e3pensive, but lasts a long time and doesnIt
contain the to3ins of your average candle) and do some kind of further energy work. If you
feel moved to do this, I love to do the Dance of the 0ive .lements, followed by a short
meditation with an intention to open my space to new opportunities.

If the energy still feels stuck after a thorough cleanse, then itIs worth
considering the possibility of geopathic stress. *ou can either dowse yourself for this, or have
the work done by a recommended practitioner. Alternatively, you can simply buy a
stressbuster on a trial period and see how things go.
'appy -leaning!
) 9uide To Cleansing The Energy n ?our
by -arole 0ogarty
Fresh, invigorating energy flls my life. Denise Linn
#he atmosphere (energy) in churches, temples and cathedrals is continuously being cleansed
and blessed with incense, bells, candles, sound, salt, prayer and more. #he result a sacred
space that feels safe, peaceful and deeply nurturing.
&o, why not practice a simple energy cleansing ritual yourself, (borrowed from the priests
and monks), to cleanse the atmosphere in your own personal living space. Its a fabulous way
to remove negative and stale energy that may be lingering from past illness, arguments or
Its all about clearing out the old and making way for the new. 5o e3perience needed H only
the intention, a few ingredients;tools and about a half an hour of your time.
I have passionately studied for over => years space cleansing ceremonies around the world,
from many ancient cultures. And still to this day, perform energy cleansing rituals on
peopleIs homes (although its not something I advertise H ssssh!).
f course, energy cleansing rituals can be +uite time consuming (mine usually take around =
hours). 'owever my intention with this guide, is not to Kturn you offL energy cleansing with
too many steps and comple3 tools, but to inspire you with a very do2able, safe and easy to
follow guide.
I trust that you really do notice a change, and a difference in the way your home feels once
you have cleansed and blessed the energy in your home. *our +uestions and feedback, as
always, are most welcome. 7lease do let me know how you go.
-lear the clutter 01rst2 for better results:
:I release the past with ease and trust in the process of life Louise Hay
/efore you begin I highly recommend putting a little time aside to sellHgiveaway
or throw out some unloved, unused, broken, haven1t used in 2 years, expired or
doesn1t >t stu. from your cupboards, corners and hidden spaces.
Iow, if the whole idea of clearing clutter is overwhelming or seems too time
consuming, here1s a few articles I1ve written in the past, which may give you the
inspiration and kick in the butt you may need to start clearing out some of that
old stuck stale energy. 6ood luck.
8et go of your emotional clutter 2 A effective clutter busting games 2 &imple solutions when
you canIt clear your clutter
3ools and ingredients for energy cleansing:
Ancient cultures include sound and elements from nature to perform their space cleansing
rituals. -hoose at least one from each category below to use in your cleansing practice.
1@ Sound instrument (bell, #ibetan singing bowl, clap sticks, drums etc.). I generally use my
%alinese 7riest bell, clapping (my own hands) and a harmony ball. &ound of course can also
include your own voice eg. -hanting om has a very powerful effect on the energy in any
#@ Something from the earth to cleanse (e.g. salt, the smoke from white sage, or pine
needles or hand made speciali!ed incense). I use rock salt and white sage always.
%@ 7oly water (ordinary water that has been infused with sunshine, chanting, holy basil
leaves or blessed). 4y holy water has received a few hours of sunshine and a few hours
listening to chants and mantraIs from my -D player. f course you can add flower essences,
essential oils or even crystals to infuse the water with a higher energy.
(@ $ire H candles
,@ )n infusion of nature (optional) ( flowers, crystals, stones, rice ) Its always a nice touch
to add a favourite crystal, stone or flowers to the ritual.
4 simple 5 step guide for cleansing the energy in your home:
*ou will be walking around the inside of your home at least C times H moving along each wall
of each room H and spending longer in certain spots where you feel the energy is a little
heavier or stuck. %egin and finish at the alter you have set up or alternately your front
entrance, whichever feels right for you.
%e as present, and in your body as you can, stay hydrated, remember to breath and above all,
trust your intuition. &top and rest whenever you need to, particularly if your mind starts to
wander. 4indful awareness is the key.
1@ Set your intention@
'ave a clear intention as to the reason why you are doing it. /rite it down, then read it back
to yourself. 4ake sure it feels right for you.
0or e3ample 2 I now let go of old stuck energy from my life and home easily and attract new
beginnings and opportunity.
#@ Create a temporary special space AaltarB@
#o make your cleansing ritual e3tra special, I always love to set a small space aside with all
my tools;ingredients. I cover a small part of a table with a special sarong that I only use for
space clearing. I then add a bowl of salt, holy water, sage, bells, harmony ball, candles, fresh
flowers and whatever else I may be inspired to add on the day e.g. crystals, space clearing
mist, statues of Juan yin, 9anesha or %uddha.
%@ 8egin with a prayer of than"s@
ItIs always a lovely idea to say a little prayer, affirmation or mantra before you begin. It adds
a dash of specialness to your ritual and acknowledges the start of the cleansing process. 5o
rules here, do whatever feels right for you. Its also a great time to light your candle.
(@ Sprin"le your floor with roc" salt@
'tart in your chosen location %front door or altar& and hold your bowl of rock salt.
-ove around your home sprinkling a handful of rock salt across doorways, in
corners and anywhere where you feel the energy is heavy. For example it may be
all around a bed due to a illness, in the kitchen due to lots of arguments or along
the window sill next to troublesome neighbours. 3eave for 02 hours if you can.
Trust your gut feelings.
,@ Clap away stagnant energy@
Iow you will be moving around your home for the second time ) clapping
continuously. +lapping is a fabulous way to sense and read the energy in your
#hen a clap is crisp, clear and easy to do then it generally indicates the energy is
light and =owing. #hen a clap is heavy, dull or =at sounding this generally alerts
you to the fact there is stagnantHstuck energy. 'tay in these spots for longer,
continuing to clap until you feel your clap becomes crisper and clearer.
,@ Use your sound instrument to cleanse even deeper@
5ow you will be moving around your home for the third time H this time with your sound
instrument. %ell, singing bowl, #ibetans bells or tingsha cymbals etc.
Again, linger longer in areas that you feel have a thicker energy. ,epeat any room you feel
may need it.
/@ Uplift with a harmony ball C infinity symbol@
#his will be the fourth time now you are moving around your home. #his step is not so much
about clearing negative energy but infusing a lighter or higher vibration in the atmosphere of
your home.
I personally prefer to use a harmony ball which sends a lovely light gentle tinkle into the vibe
of a room. If you donIt have a harmony ball then draw the infinity symbol (figure E on its
side) into each wall and room of your home.
#he infinity symbol is a powerful ancient symbol that can bring balance and harmony back
into a space when repeated. *ou might be surprised what a difference infusing your rooms
with the ancient symbol has on the atmosphere.
3@ Uplift with holy water
n your fifth circle of your home, flick or spray your holy water into the centre space of each
room to infuse a lovely healing energy. 0lick or spray into the corners if you feel they need it
H they generally do.
4@ Uplift with prayer or mantra
#his will be your si3th and last time you circle the energy of your home. *ou simply walk
into each room and offer a prayer, affirmation or mantra. DonIt rush, be calm and mindfully
repeat your mantra to each room. 0inish with your own prayer of thanks.
6*tra tips for success:
1@ -lear as much clutter as you can beforehand.
#@ nly perform an energy cleansing ritual when your energies are strong, your thoughts are
clear and preferably there is no2one else in the house.
%@ 7ay close attention to the corners H they are well known spots to hold stuck, dead or heavy
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