This document contains 53 multiple choice questions about agricultural engineering topics such as grain drying, processing, and storage. Specifically, it covers questions about types of dryers, drying efficiency metrics, grain cleaning equipment, milling processes, moisture measurement techniques, recommended storage practices, and safety parameters for stockpiling bags of grains. The questions are from a reviewer intended to help students prepare for the comprehensive board exam in agricultural engineering.
This document contains 53 multiple choice questions about agricultural engineering topics such as grain drying, processing, and storage. Specifically, it covers questions about types of dryers, drying efficiency metrics, grain cleaning equipment, milling processes, moisture measurement techniques, recommended storage practices, and safety parameters for stockpiling bags of grains. The questions are from a reviewer intended to help students prepare for the comprehensive board exam in agricultural engineering.
This document contains 53 multiple choice questions about agricultural engineering topics such as grain drying, processing, and storage. Specifically, it covers questions about types of dryers, drying efficiency metrics, grain cleaning equipment, milling processes, moisture measurement techniques, recommended storage practices, and safety parameters for stockpiling bags of grains. The questions are from a reviewer intended to help students prepare for the comprehensive board exam in agricultural engineering.
This document contains 53 multiple choice questions about agricultural engineering topics such as grain drying, processing, and storage. Specifically, it covers questions about types of dryers, drying efficiency metrics, grain cleaning equipment, milling processes, moisture measurement techniques, recommended storage practices, and safety parameters for stockpiling bags of grains. The questions are from a reviewer intended to help students prepare for the comprehensive board exam in agricultural engineering.
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Central Philippine University
Iloilo City, Philippines
AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING COMPREHENSIVE BOARD EXAM REVIEWER Volume II Agricultural Processing, Structures, and Allied Subjects
Department of Agricultural Engineering College of Agriculture
1. A dryer in which the material being dried moves through the drying chamber is substantially in continuous stream without being recirculated. a. Recirculating-type dryer b. Continuous-flow type dryer c. Concurrent flow dryer d. None of the above
2. A continuous-flow dryer in which the product being dried moves in the same direction as the drying air. a. Cross-flow type dryer b. Counter-flow type dryer c. Concurrent-flow type dryer d. All of the above
3. A continuous-flow type dryer in which the drying bin is a columnar type with louvers causing mixing to occur as the grain flows through the system. a. Mixing type b. Non-mixing type c. Recirculating type d. None of the above
4. A dryer in which the product of combustion comes into contact with the product being dried. a. Indirect fired dryer b. Direct fired dryer c. Combustion fired dryer d. All of the above
5. It is the ratio of the total heat utilized to vaporize moisture in the material being dried to the amount of heat added to the drying air. a. Dryer efficiency b. Thermal efficiency c. Heat of vaporization efficiency d. All of the above
6. A fraction of grain with its length equal to or greater than three-forth of the average. a. Large broken grain b. Small broken grains c. Head grain d. None of the above
7. An air moving device to force heated air through the mass of grain at a desired air-flow rate and pressure. a. Blower b. Aspirator c. Fanning mill d. None of the above
8. A mechanical grain dryer wherein grain is passed intermittently in cycles or stages through a drying chamber either by mechanical means or by gravity with subsequent cooling and tempering until the grain reaches the desired moisture content. a. Batch-in-bin dryer b. Flat-bed dryer c. Multipass dryer d. All of the above
9. A chamber wherein air pressure forms uniform distribution of heated air through the grain mass. a. Plenum b. Bin c. Duct d. All of the above
10. The minimum requirement for drying efficiency based on the standard performance criteria for a mechanical dryer. a. 90% b. 75% c. 50% d. None of the above
11. The minimum requirement for heating efficiency of direct-fired biomass-fueled grain dryer. a. 75% b. 65% c. 50% d. None of the above
12. The minimum requirement for heat utilization efficiency based on the standard performance criteria of direct-fired petroleum-based fuel for mechanical dryers. a. 90% b. 80% c. 70% d. None of the above
13. Warranty period requirement for mechanical grain dryers. a. 6 months b. 12 months c. One year d. Two of the above
14. It is the ratio of the heat released by the fuel to the theoretical heat available from the fuel. a. Burner efficiency b. Thermal efficiency c. Combustion efficiency d. None of the above
15. It is the percentage of grain free from foreign matter. a. Percentage foreign matter b. Percentage Cleanliness c. Purity d. None of the above
16. Pressure build up in the plenum chamber to maintain uniform distribution of air flow through the grain mass. a. Velocity pressure b. Static pressure c. Dynamic pressure d. Two of the above
17. It is the temporary holding of grains between drying passes to allow the moisture in the center of the grain equalize with that on its surface. a. Tempering b. Static drying c. Dryaeration d. None of the above
18. It is the amount of moisture in the grain expressed as percentage of the total weight of the samples. a. Moisture content dry basis b. Moisture content wet basis c. Moisture content d. All of the above
19. It is the amount of moisture in the grain expressed as percentage of the weight of dry matter. a. Moisture content dry basis b. Moisture content wet basis c. Moisture content d. None of the above
20. Screen cleaners that employ an air blast to assist in cleaning. a. Screen separator b. Fanning mill c. Blower d. None of the above
21. It is a part of a belt conveyor that is used to discharge materials over the end of the belt by a diagonal scraper. a. Scraper b. Tripper c. Head pulley d. None of the above
22. A moisture meter that determines the moisture content of the product based on the ability of current to pass through the material. a. Capacitance type moisture meter b. Resistance type meter c. Infrared moisture meter d. All of the above
23. Moisture that can be found at the surface of the material. a. Unbound water b. Bound water c. Free moisture d. All of the above
24. The blending of ingredients or materials in agricultural processing operation. a. Sorting b. Molding c. Mixing d. All of the above
25. It is a burr or plate mill. a. Micro mill b. Attrition mill c. Roller mill d. All of the above
26. A process of reducing the size of materials by applying force to the product in excess of its strength. a. Shearing b. Crushing c. Milling d. None of the above
27. A process of reducing the size of materials by pushing or forcing a thin sharp knife into it. a. Shearing b. Crushing c. Cutting d. All of the above
28. It indicates the uniformity of grind in the resultant product. a. Uniformity sex b. Particle size c. Fineness modulus d. All of the above
29. A process of reducing materials by a combination of cutting and crushing actions. a. Milling b. Grinding c. Shearing d. None of the above
30. If the amount of water in a product is determined based on its dry matter content, the moisture content is expressed in ________. a. wet basis b. dry basis c. semi wet basis d. None of the above
31. A method of measuring the moisture content of the product by direct extraction of water. a. Primary method b. Secondary method c. Tertiary method d. None of the above
32. The process of detaching or separating rice grains from the panicle by combing action. a. Stripping b. Reaping a. Harvesting b. All of the above
33. If 20 kg of water is to be removed from 110kg of paddy, what is the percentage moisture content of paddy in wet basis? a. 1.8% b. 18% c. 22% d. None of the above
34. What is the percentage moisture content of paddy above when expressed in dry basis? a. 22% b. 30% c. 12% d. None of the above
35. What is the amount of moisture to be removed from a material whose moisture content is 14.5% with dry matter weight of 76 kg? a. 12.9kg b. 24.1kg c. 14.5kg d. None of the above
36. If a product has a percentage moisture content of 12% wet basis, the equivalent percentage moisture content in dry basis is ______. a. 13.6% b. 16.3% c. 13.4% d. None of the above
37. A product expressed in dry basis has a percentage moisture content of 25%, what is the percentage moisture content of the product in wet basis? a. 20% b. 22% c. 26% d. None of the above
38. If 9 ton of a product is to be dried from 24% to 14%, the final weight of the product would be _________. a. 7,953.4 kg b. 8,837.3 kg c. 9,741.4 kg d. None of the above
39. What is the moisture loss of the product in item above? a. 1046.5 kg b. 2285.6 kg. c. 2634.4 kg d. None of the above
40. It is the measure of the power output of fan in relation to its power input. a. Fan thermal efficiency b. Fan performance index c. Fan efficiency d. All of the above
41. The recommended depth of grain in a shallow bed dryer is: a. up to 12 inches b. up to 18 inches c. up to 24 inches d. All of the above
42. Recommended clearance for disk huller to achieve higher brown rice recovery with less breakage. a. of the length of paddy grain b. of the thickness of paddy grain c. of the length of paddy grain d. None of the above
43. Manufacturers prescribed peripheral velocity of a disk huller is ___________. a. 10m/s b. 14m/s c. 18m/s d. None of the above
44. Manufacturers recommendation for the speed of cone in a vertical abrasive whitening cone should not exceed ________. a. 13m/s b. 14m/s c. 15m/s d. None of the above
45. Manufacturers recommendation for the speed of a horizontal abrasive whitener. a. 800 rpm b. 1000rpm c. 1200 rpm d. All of the above
46. The process in which air moves through stored grains at a low rate to maintain its quality. a. Cooling b. Aeration e. Fanning f. None of the above
47. Maximum allowable safe height of sack pile in bag storage. a. 12-16 sacks b. 18-25 sacks c. 28-30 sacks d. None of the above
48. Recommended stacking density per cubic meter of space for paddy. a. 5 bags b. 10 bags c. 15 bags d. None of the above
49. Recommended stacking density per cubic meter of space for corn. a. 12 bags b. 14 bags c. 16 bags d. None of the above
50. Recommended stacking density per cubic meter of space for milled rice. a. 10 bags b. 15 bags c. 20 bags d. None of the above
51. If a pile of rice is 8-m long, 6-m wide, and 3.6-m high, how many bags of rice are safe to be piled? a. 2592 bags b. 2952 bags c. 2295 bags d. None of the above
52. If 5000 bags of paddy is to be piled 20-bag high, how many square meters of floor space is required? a. 111sq.m. b. 121sq.m. c. 211sq.m. d. None of the above
53. A storage method wherein the gas concentration in storage atmosphere is changed. a. Sealed storage b. Modified atmosphere c. Controlled atmosphere d. All of the above
54. A process of separating lower density materials from grains. a. Aspiration b. Cleaning c. Fanning d. All of the above
55. A primary cleaner which separates larger particles or performs rough cleaning of grains. a. Rotary sieve b. Scalper g. Vibrating screen h. All of the above
56. Recommended size of scalper for paddy is _______. a. 0.2-0.25 m 2 per ton b. 0.3-0.35 m 2 per ton c. 0.4-0.45 m 2 per ton d. None of the above
57. What is the theoretical rpm of a bucket elevator whose head pulley diameter is 0.2 m and the bucket projection is 0.1m.? a. 77 rpm b. 120 rpm c. 160 rpm d. None of the above
58. If the operational efficiency of the bucket elevator above is 85% of the theoretical speed, what is the operation speed of the elevator? a. 65 rpm b. 102 rpm c. 136 rpm d. None of the above
59. What is the theoretical horsepower requirement of a bucket elevator whose capacity is 545kg/min and lift of 10.7m. The elevator is loaded down side. a. 2.19 hp b. 1.92 hp c. 2.91 hp d. None of the above
60. A hydrothermal treatment of paddy before milling. a. Parboiling b. Drying c. Water treatment d. None of the above
61. In a disk huller, the stationary disk is located at the _________. a. top of the huller b. bottom of the huller c. side of the huller d. None of the above
62. The capacity of a compartment type separator is ________. a. 20-30kg. brown rice per hour b. 40-60kg. brown rice per hour c. 70-80kg. brown rice per hour d. None of the above
63. The amount of foreign materials in a sample of grains. a. Impurities b. Chalky grain c. Dockage d. None of the above
64. A storage practice in which grains are stored in loose form in a large container. a. Bag storage b. Bunker storage c. Bulk storage d. All of the above
65. A small metal probe for taking samples of paddy. a. Sampling tube b. Trier c. Sampler d. None of the above
66. Wooden frame used in staking bags of rice. a. Dunnage b. Loading platform c. Bag holder d. All of the above
67. A warehouse used for storing paddy or rice either in bulk or in bags. a. Silo b. Godown c. Farmstead d. None of the above
68. Rough cleaning of paddy to remove most foreign materials prior to drying and storage. a. Aspiration b. Scalping c. Sieving d. All of the above
69. A drying temperature of 45 C is equal to __________. a. 113 F b. 131 F c. 121 F d. None of the above
70. Five tons of paddy milled in 6 hours produces 3950 kg brown rice and 3250kg. of milled rice, what is the milling recovery? a. 60% b. 65% c. 70% d. None of the above
71. What is the hulling coefficient of the huller in item above? a. 0.79 b. 0.89 c. 0.99 d. None of the above
72. If the head rice recovery of paddy in item above is equal to 85%, what is the amount of broken grains? a. 487.50 kg b. 478.50 kg c. 475.85 kg d. None of the above
73. What is the amount of rice hull produced during milling in item above? a. 1000 kg b. 1050 kg c. 1100 kg d. None of the above
74. The optimum relative humidity for storing fruits and vegetables is a. 60-70% b. 80-90% c. 90-100% d. All of the above
75. A two-ton mechanical dryer dries paddy from 24% to 14% in 8 hours. What is the final weight of the product after drying? a. 1767.4 kg b. 1677.4 kg c. 1776.4 kg d. None of the above
76. What is the drying capacity of the dryer in the item above? a. 200 kg/hr b. 250 kg/hr c. 125 kg/hr d. None of the above
77. What is the moisture reduction per hour in the item above? a. 29.07 kg/hr b. 27.09 kg/hr c. 20.97 kg/hr d. None of the above
78. The coefficient of friction of rice to a steel material is 0.41. What is the minimum angle of hopper required for the system? a. 22 deg b. 30 deg c. 50 deg d. None of the above
79. The divisional layer between the dried and the undried products in a drying system. a. Drying layer b. Drying zone c. Drying front d. All of the above
80. Amount of heat required to raise one gram of water one degree centigrade. a. One BTU b. One Calorie c. One Joule d. All of the above
81. What is the peak storage capacity of a 5-m diameter grain storage bin with an average height and a minimum angle of fill of 6 m and 28 deg, respectively? a. 126.5m b. 162.5m c. 156.2m d. None of the above
82. The angle whose tangent equals the coefficient of friction between surfaces of the stored materials. a. Angle of contact b. Angle of friction c. Angle of repose d. All for the above
83. Expression of moisture content commonly used in commercial scale. a. Moisture wet basis b. Moisture content dry basis c. Moisture content d. All of the above
84. A solar dryers is used to reduce the moisture content of four tons of paddy from 25% to 15% wet basis. The amount of moisture removed is about ___________. a. 471 kilos b. 417 kilos c. 714 kilos d. None of the above
85. A device that remove excess moisture generally by forced ventilation with or without addition of heat. a. Fryer b. Dehydrator c. Dryer d. None of the above
86. A batch-type dryer with vertical holding bin and is used for shallow-bed drying. a. Recirculating dryer b. Vertical bin dryer c. Batch-type dryer d. None of the above
87. A batch-type dryer equipped to circulate or mix grain during drying operation. a. Vertical-bin dryer b. Recirculating dryer c. Flat-bed dryer d. None of the above
88. A batch dryer with horizontal grain holding bin is passed continuously through a drying chamber utilizing agitator until the grain reaches the specified moisture content reduction per pass. a. Batch dryer b. Continuous flow dryer c. Recirculating dryer d. None of the above
89. An air chamber maintained under pressure usually connected to one or more distribution duct in a drying system. a. Drying bin b. Plenum chamber c. Air duct d. None of the above
90. A machine that converts paddy to milled rice. a. Paddy husker b. Rice whitener c. Rice mill d. All of the above 19 91. An example of rice husker. a. Rubber roll huller b. Disk huller c. Steel-huller d. All of the above
92. One ton of coconut will produce approximately ______ of oil. a. 400 kg b. 500 kg c. 600 kg d. None of the above
93. A machine used to remove bran . a. Polisher b. Husker c. Whitener d. All of the above
94. It is a part of a belt conveyor that is used to discharge materials over the end of the belt by a diagonal scraper. a. Idler pulley b. Tripper c. Head pulley d. None of the above
95. It is the ratio of the quantity of light on the working place to the quantity of light output from the source. a. Room index b. Coefficient of utilization c. Light intensity d. None of the above
96. A log has a smallest diameter of 24 inches and a length of 18 inches. What is the net total number of board foot that can be obtained from the log? a. 450 bd ft b. 500 bd ft c. 550 bd ft d. None of the above
97. A dryer component that converts velocity pressure of the fan to static pressure. a. Drying bin b. Plenum chamber c. Manometer d. None of the above
98. The percentage speed difference between rubber rollers. a. 15 % b. 20 % c. 25 % d. None of the above
99. The maximum percentage of milling recovery that can obtained from a rice mill is ______. a. 69 % b. 75 % c. 80 % d. None of the above
100. Recommended clearance of disk huller to achieve higher brown rice recovery with less breakage. a. of the thickness of paddy grain b. of the thickness of paddy grain c. of the thickness of paddy grain d. None of the above
101. A vertical-axis hammer mill is more advantageous than the horizontal-axis hammer mill for the reason that __________. a. it is more effective in grinding grains with higher moisture content of up to 25%. b. the power requirement of the vertical-axis hammer mill is much lower than the horizontal-axis hammer mill c. less broken grains can be derived from vertical-axis hammer mill d. None of the above
102. A grain milling machine consisting of two cast iron disk plate with teeth or serration on one or both faces. a. Hammer mill b. Attrition mill c. Roller mill d. All of the above
103. A grain milling machine suitable for grinding grains with moisture content of up to 30%. a. Hammer mill b. Attrition mill c. Roller mill d. All of the above
104. A type of mill used for crushing grains by allowing it to pass through a two rotating cylinder steel one of which is smaller than the other. a. Hammer mill b. Roller mill c. Plate mill d. All of the above
105. The density of pig and poultry feed is approximately _______. a. 250 kg/m 3
b. 450 kg/m 3
c. 650 kg/m 3
d. None of the above
106. The auger that is centrally located at the vertical feed mixer usually rotates at a speed of _______. a. 100-250 rpm b. 250-400 rpm c. 400-650 rpm d. None of the above
107. Horizontal feed mixer is not advantageous for feed mixing as compared with vertical feed mixer for the reason that _________. a. horizontal feed mixer has lower capacity b. horizontal feed mixer has high power requirement c. horizontal feed mixer has lesser life span d. None of the above
108. A type of bearing used for tightening bucket elevator belts. a. Pillow block bearing b. Flange bearing c. Take-up units d. None of the above
109. When a bucket elevator is to be fed at the downside section instead of the upside section of the elevator booth, its power requirement will _________. a. decrease b. increase c. the same d. None of the above
110. A type of a conveyor feeder used for feeding birds in cages on a poultry farm. a. Flat chain feeder b. Auger feeders c. Round chain feeders d. All of the above
111. An electrically-operated device commonly used for automatic bagging of grains or feeds. a. Solinoid switch b. Transducer c. Load cell d. None of the above
112. Manufacturers prescribed peripheral velocity of disc for disc-type huller. a. 10 m/s b. 14 m/s c. 18 m/s d. None of the above
113. Recommended peripheral speed of rubber roller for hulling operation. a. 10 m/s b. 14 m/s c. 18 m/s d. none of the above
114. Manufacturers recommendation for maximum speed cone on a vertical abrasive whitening machine. a. 13 m/s b. 14 m/s c. 18 m/s d. none of the above
115. An element used primarily to support axial compressive load and with a height of at least three times its least lateral dimension. a. Pier b. Column c. Beams d. None of the above
116. A primary cleaner which separates larger particles or rough cleaning of rough rice. a. Rotary sieve b. Scalper c. Vibrating screen d. All of the above
117. Recommended size of scalper for paddy cleaning. a. 0.2-0.25m 2 /ton b. 0.3-0.35m 2 /ton c. 0.4-0.45m 2 /ton d. None of the above
118. What is the theoretical rpm of a bucket elevator whose head pulley diameter is 0.2 m and the bucket projection is 0.1 m. a. 77 rpm b. 120 rpm c. 160 rpm d. None of the above
119. If the operational speed of the bucket elevator in item above is 85 % of the theoretical speed, what is the operational speed of the elevator? a. 65 rpm b. 102 rpm c. 136 rpm d. None of the above
120. What is the theoretical horsepower requirement of a bucket elevator with a capacity of 545 kg/min and lift of 10.7 m and the elevator is loaded down side. a. 2.19 hp b. 1.92 hp c. 2.91 hp d. None of the above
121. A rice mill huller which produces high milling recovery. a. Steel huller b. Rubber huller c. Stone disk d. All of the above
122. On the disk huller, the stationary disk is located on ________. a. top of the huller b. bottom of the huller c. outside of the huller d. none of the above
123. An air moving device which produces high airflow but low head. a. Fans b. Blower c. Compressor d. All of the above
124. A device that is used to move oil. a. Blower b. Pump c. Compressor d. All of the above
125. If mixing is needed to carryout during conveying, the suitable conveyor is _________. a. Bucket b. Screw c. Belt d. All of the above
126. The horsepower requirement of belt conveyors includes power ______. a. to drive empty b. to drive at horizontal c. to drive vertical d. All of the above
127. A conveyor with high power requirement per unit capacity. a. Bucket b. Belt c. Pneumatic d. All of the above
128. An air moving device suitable for grain cleaning. a. Axial fan b. Propeller fan c. Cross flow fan d. All of the above
129. If the diameter of a blower is increased, the pressure will ______. a. increase b. decrease c. the same d. None of the above
130. A machine which separates paddy from brown rice. a. Screen sifter b. Paddy separator c. Paddy husker d. None of the above
131. A machine that smoothen milled rice. a. Whitener b. Polisher c. Sifter d. All of the above
132. Recommended for conveying product with less damage. a. Bucket elevator b. Screw conveyor c. Belt conveyor d. All of the above
133. An air moving device commonly used for drying which produces high pressure but low airflow. a. Blower b. Fan c. Compressor d. None of the above
134. Recommended to remove metallic element during conveying. a. Screen separator b. Magnetic separator c. Pneumatic separator d. None of the above
135. A machine that separates brown rice from paddy. a. Scalper b. Paddy separator c. Rice whitener d. Paddy husker e. None of the above
136. The speed of fixed rubber roll from the adjustable roller on a rubber roll huller is slower by ________. a. 20 % b. 25 % c. 30 % d. none of the above
137. A machine that is used to remove the bran from the brown rice. a. Polisher b. Grader c. Whitener d. None of the above
138. A machine that is used to make milled rice shiny after removing the bran layer. a. Polisher b. Grader c. Whitener d. None of the above
139. A machine that is used to segregate various fractions/sizes of milled rice. a. Whitener b. Grader c. Whitener d. None of the above 140. A type of whitener consisting of a fluted roller rotating inside the hexagonal chamber with slot- type perforations. a. Abrasive-type whitener b. Frictional-type whitener c. All of the above d. None of the above 141. Commonly used material handling equipment. a. Bucket elevator b. Screw conveyor c. Belt conveyor d. All of the above
142. A conveyor which is essentially made of an endless belt operating between two or more pulleys with its load supported by idlers. a. Bucket elevator b. Screw conveyor c. Pneumatic conveyor d. None of the above
143. A conveyor used for fine materials and is made of a helical plate which rotates on a trough and moves the product by dragging. a. Chain conveyor b. Pneumatic conveyor c. Screw conveyor d. None of the above
144. A material handling equipment which consists of cups attached to a chain or belt that revolves around a bottom-and-top pulley where the cups are discharged. a. Chain conveyor b. Belt conveyor c. Bucket elevator d. None of the above
145. A conveyor which utilizes high terminal velocity air to move the product. a. Vibratory conveyor b. Screw conveyor c. Pneumatic conveyor d. None of the above
146. It is the method of determining grain moisture by directly extracting the moisture from the product. a. Primary method b. Secondary method c. Tertiary method d. None of the above
147. An example of moisture determination using primary method. a. Resistance type meter b. Capacitance type meter c. Oven d. All of the above
148. It is a method of determining moisture from the product which is based on the electrical properties of the product. a. Primary method b. Secondary method c. Tertiary method d. None of the above
149. A device used in oven-drying to prevent dehydrated samples to re-adsorb moisture while undergoing cooling process. a. Distilling flask b. Glass jar c. Dessicator d. All of the above
150. It is the ability of the machine to remove hulls from the grains. a. Coefficient of hulling b. Hulling percentage c. Husking efficiency d. All of the above
151. Outer layer of brown rice consisting of aleurone cells covering the endosperm of the rice grain. a. Hull b. Embryo c. Bran d. All of the above
152. The ASAE standard agricultural pallet bin for square shape bin. a. 100 cm x 100 cm b. 120 cm x 120 cm c. 150 cm x 150 cm d. None of the above
153. The ASAE standard agricultural pallet bin for rectangular shape bin. a. 120 cm x 100 cm b. 150 cm x 120 cm c. 150 cm x 100 cm d. None of the above
154. Overall height of agricultural pallet bin as recommended by ASAE. a. 72 or 133 cm b. 62 or 122 cm c. 52 or 112 cm d. None of the above
155. An auger capable of discharging materials to one or more locations. a. Feeding auger b. Portable auger c. Distributing auger d. None of the above
156. An auger which releases conveyed materials essentially uniformly along a substantial portion of its length. a. Feeding auger b. Portable auger c. Distributing auger d. None of the above
157. An auger whose accessories include a suitable support system which provides mobility. a. Feeding auger b. Portable auger c. Distributing auger d. None of the above
158. Auger size refers to _________. a. the diameter of the auger. b. the inside diameter of the auger tube. c. the outside diameter of the auger tube. d. None of the above
159. Hammer mills are designed purposely to ________. a. chop forage materials. b. reduce the sizes of granular products. c. compact powered product. d. None of the above 160. The husking ratio of rubber roll huller is about ________. a. 60-70 % b. 80-90 % c. 95-98 % d. None of the above
161. A rice thresher that is fed at one end and discharges threshed product at the other end is ________. a. radial-type thresher b. hold on type thresher c. axial-flow thresher d. None of the above
162. Commonly used threshing units for throw-in type thresher. a. Peg-tooth b. Wire loop c. Rasp bar d. None of the above
163. Part of rice thresher that causes the movement of panicles from one end to the other end of the threshing cylinder. a. Louvers b. Concave c. Pegs d. None of the above
164. The recommended rpm of rice thresher cylinder. a. 400-600 rpm b. 800-1200 rpm b. 2000-3000 rpm c. None of the above 165. It is a dehulled paddy but the bran layer remains intact. a. Rough rice b. Milled rice c. Brown rice d. All of the above
166. Measures the ability of the machine to remove hulls with minimum breakage. a. Coefficient of hulling b. Coefficient of breakage c. Coefficient of wholeness d. All of the above
167. It is the extent by which the bran layer of brown rice is removed as a result of whitening. a. Milling degree b. Degree of whitening c. Milling recovery d. All of the above
168. A multi-pass rice mill is determined by ___________. a. having two or three separate hullers in the system b. having a series of two or three whitening machines c. paddy is loaded several times in the rice mill d. None of the above 169. It is the ratio of the weight of milled rice to the weight of paddy multiplied by one hundred. a. Percentage head rice recovery b. Percentage milling recovery c. Percentage milling capacity d. None of the abov 170. It is an unhulled grain of Oryza sativa. a. Palay b. Paddy c. Rough rice d. All of the above
171. An auxillary device of a rice mil which receives the remaining small bran particles of milled rice and gives a glossy appearance to the product. a. Whitener b. Grader c. Polisher d. All of the above
172. An example of rice huller. a. Steel-fluted b. Rubber roll c. Disk d. Centrifugal e. All of the above
173. A process of reducing the corn kernel into pieces of grits, germ, and pericarp with or without conditioning. a. Dry milling b. Hammer milling c. Attrition milling d. None of the above
174. A machine used to remove the germ and pericarp from the corn kernel. a. Conditioner b. De-germinator c. Corn mill d. None of the above 175. A major component of a corn mill used to reduce corn kernel into grits. a. Roller mill b. Ball mill c. Attrition mill d. All of the above
176. A kind of cleaner that uses air to separate lower density material from corn kernel/corn grits such as floured corn, germ, and bran. a. Aspirator b. Oscillating screen c. Cleaner d. Cyclone separator e. All of the above
177. A kind of rice mill that employs only one whitening machine. a. Kiskisan rice mill b. Single pass rice mill c. Rubber roll rice mill d. None of the above
178. Minimum hulling efficiency requirement for rice mill based on the standard performance criterion. a. 90% b. 80% c. 70% d. None of the above
179. It is the process of rewetting of dried corn kernels to about 18 to 22% moisture content and tempered to make the pericarp and the germ more pliable and easier to remove during de- germination process. a. Tempering b. Conditioning c. Drying d. None of the
180. A storage system for holding buffer stocks usually located at shipping receiving terminals. a. Village level storage system b. Commercial level storage system c. Centralized storage system d. All of the above
181. It is a storage structure made of pre-fabricated reinforcement concrete of pre-fabricated metal siding, which is either a hopper bottom or a flat bottom. a. Warehouse b. Silo c. Bulk container d. All of the above
182. Size of wire mesh used in storage to protect stored product from insects and rodents. a. inch mesh b. inch mesh c. inch mesh d. All of the above
183. GPEP stands for __________. a. Grain Productivity Enhancement Project b. Grain Productivity enhancement Program c. Grain Production Enhancement Program d. All of the above
184. Areas of concern of Philippine Postharvest Industry. a. Research and development b. Training, extension, and commercialization c. Postharvest facility assistance d. Government support to the private sector e. All of the above f. None of the above
185. It is the fibrous layer of paddy when hull is removed and is frequently known as the silver skin of brown rice. a. Lemma and Palea b. Pericarp c. Bran layer d. None of the above
186. The free space between the husk of rough rice and the brown rice kernel greatly affects milling in the sense that ________. a. the larger the free space increases the amount of broken grains b. the smaller the free space the lesser its abrasive effect to the rubber roll huller c. the larger the free space, the smaller the breakage and losses d. All of the above
187. Slender type paddy has a length to width ratio of _________. a. less than 2.0 b. between 2 to 3 c. more than 3.0 d. None of the above
188. The uneven expansion and contraction of the inner and outer layers of the grains that cause fissuring is a factor of __________. a. mechanical stress b. thermal stress c. physical stress d. All of the above e. None of the above
189. Broken rice is a quality deterioration index during ________. a. drying b. threshing c. milling d. None of the above
190. Changes in texture, odor, flavor, and nutritive value of grains during prolonged storage, even in the absence of insects and microorganisms, are due to _______. a. moisture and temperature b. vapor pressure and temperature c. vapor pressure and moisture d. All of the above e. None of the above
191. It is recommended that paddy should be harvested when 80% of the panicle are fully ripe for the reason that __________. a. harvesting paddy below 80% will produce more broken grains b. harvesting paddy above 80% will produce more empty grains c. harvesting paddy above 80% will produce more shattered and broken grains d. All of the above
192. It is the manual method of harvesting paddy using yatab. a. Sickle harvesting b. Panicle harvesting c. Stripper harvesting d. All of the above
193. Shelled corn initially at 24% is to be dried to 14%. If the initial weight of corn is 1000 kilos, what is its final weight? a. 782 kg b. 827 kg c. 872 kg d. None of the above
192. What is the moisture loss of corn grains above? a. 128 kg b. 173 kg c. 218 kg d. None of the above
193. It is a plot representing the equilibrium moisture content of grains at different relative humidity but with constant temperature. a. Isothermal graph b. Sorption isotherms c. Isothermal humidity d. None of the above
194. Factors that cause migration of moisture during storage. a. Variation of ambient temperature within the grain mass b. Moisture gradient within the grain mass c. All of the above d. None of the above e. 195. It is the process of diffusion from region of high concentration to region of low concentration. a. Energy transfer b. Mass transfer c. Heat transfer d. None of the above
196. In grain drying theory, drying will occur if ___________. a. the vapor pressure of grains is higher than the vapor pressure of air b. the vapor pressure of grains is lower than the vapor pressure of air c. the vapor pressure of grains is equal with the vapor pressure of air d. None of the above
197. The usual depth of grain in deep bed batch dryer is __________. a. 18 inches b. 2 to 8 ft c. 8 to 10 ft d. None of the above
198. What is the relative humidity of air if the psychrometer measures 40 C for both dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures? a. 40% b. 80% c. 100% d. All of the above
199. If the point is moved horizontally to the left of the psychrometric chart, the process is __________. a. heating b. cooling c. drying d. None of the above
200. If the end-product in milling is brown rice, the grain has just passed through a ________. a. paddy cleaner b. rubber roll huller c. whitener d. sifter e. None of the above
201. What machine is usually used before brown rice will undergo whitening process? a. Husker b. Aspirator c. Paddy separator d. Rice polisher e. None of the above
202. Adjustment clearance for rubber brakes in vertical abrasive whitening cone. a. 1 to 2 mm from cone coating b. 2 to 3 mm from cone coating c. 3 to 4 mm from cone coating d. None of the above
203. Maximum speed requirement of vertical abrasive whitening cone machine. a. 13 m/s b. 14 m/s c. 15 m/s d. All of the above
204. Normal setting speed of horizontal abrasive whitener. a. 800 rpm b. 1000 rpm c. 1200 rpm d. None of the above
205. Recommended clearance setting between stones of a disk huller. a. of the length of paddy b. of the length of paddy c. of the length of paddy d. All of the above
206. If the rubber roll huller becomes worn-out, the peripheral speed of the roller will _________. a. decrease b. increase c. be the same d. None of the above
207. It is the process of compressing mash feeds with the aid of live steam to produce small chunks or cylinders of feed. a. Mixing b. Crumbling c. Pelleting d. All of the above
208. It is the process of grinding pellets into coarse granular form. a. Coarse pelleting b. Crumbling c. Milling d. None of the above
209. A feed mixer which have an auger that elevates the feed on top of the mixing bin and spread evenly in the bin by gravity for another mixing cycle. a. Horizontal mixer b. Vertical mixer c. Inclined mixer d. All of the above
210. A mixer which consist of a U shaped bin which contains a central mixing blade or ribbon mounted on a rotating shaft. a. Horizontal mixers b. Inclined mixer c. Vertical mixer d. All of the above
211. Feed mixers that is characterized by high capacity, short mixing time, and high power requirement. a. Horizontal mixer b. Inclined mixer c. Vertical mixer d. All of the above
212. Feed mixer that is characterized by low capacity. longer mixing time, and low power requirement. a. Horizontal mixer b. Inclined mixer c. Vertical mixer d. All of the above 45 213. It is the assembling and measuring out of the required qualities of solid raw feed materials into a batch of the desired composition. a. Mixing b. Blending c. Pelleting d. All of the above
214. Feed materials are mixed purposely to _______ a. obtain homogenous feed to ensure that animals are given the same proportions of nutrient b. reduce the density of the feed material so that it can be easily transported. c. improve the digestability of feeds. d. None of the above
215. Grinding feeds basically will ____ a. make the feed attractive to the animals. b. improve digestability of feeds materials. c. improved storage period of the feeds. d. None of the above
216. Average velocity of hammer tip of a hammer mill. a. 50 m/s b. 100 m/s c. 150 m/s d. None of the above
217. It is used to control the flow of materials in a feed milling plant to ensure that it will enters in the full width of the mill chamber and at the same time optimum capacity is obtained while the motor is overloaded. a. Discharge chute b. Feeder c. Auger d. None of the above
218. Optimum mixing time of vertical-type feed mixer. a. 5 minutes b. 10 minutes c. 15 minutes d. None of the above
219. Approximate speed of horizontal type feed mixer. a. 10 rpm b. 15 rpm c. 25 rpm d. None of the above
220. Required mixing time for horizontal feed mixer. a. 5 minutes b. 10 minutes c. 15 minutes d. None of the above
221. It is a coarse powder from outer covering of the corn kernel removed during milling process. a. Corn cob b. Grit c. Bran d. Pericarp e. None of the above 47 222. By-product in corm milling refers to _____. a. corn grit # 20 and # 24 b. corn grit # 16 and #18 c. corn grit # 12 and #14 d. All of the above
223. It is a milled corn kernel with particle size between 1.5 mm to 1.7 mm. a. Corn grit # 12 b. Corn grit # 14 c. Corn grit # 16 d. Corn grit # 18 e. All of the above
224. It is a milled corn kernel with particle size between 1.10mm to 1.19 mm. a. Corn grit # 12 b. Corn grit # 14 c. Corn grit # 16 d. Corn grit # 18 e. All of the above
225. It is a by-product after pressing copra when oil having light color and very low fatty acids has been removed. a. Copra meal b. Copra meat c. Copra cake d. None of the above
226. It is the process of rewetting of dried corn kernels to about 18 to 22% moisture content and tempered to make the pericarp and the germ more pliable and easier to remove during degermination process. a. Wet milling b. Degermination process c. Conditioning d. None of the above
227. The main product of corn milling. a. Corn grit # 10 b. Corn grit # 12 c. Corn grit # 14 d. Corn grit # 16 e. All of the above
228. It is the milled corn kernel where the outer covering and germs have been removed and with particle size of not less than 0.86 mm.. a. Broken corn kernel b. Cracked corn kernel c. Corn grits d. None of the above
229. It is the ratio of the weight of corn grits to the total weight of corn kernel input expressed in percent. a. % input capacity b. % main product recovery c. % milling recovery d. All of the above
230. It is the major component of a corn mill that reduce corn kernel into grits. a. Burr mill b. Hammer mill c. Steel roller mill d. All of the above 231. It is the minimum main product recovery required in the performance criteria for corn mill. a. 44% b. 54% c. 64 % d. None of the above
232. Shelled corn kernels where the germ and pericarp have been removed. a. Milled corn kernel b. Degerminated corn kernel c. Polished corn kernel d. None of the above
233. It is the ratio of the weight of corn kernel input to the total operating time. a. Input capacity b. Output capacity c. Milling capacity d. All of the above
234. It is the minimum by-product recovery required in the performance criteria for corn mill. a. 21 % b. 31% c. 41% d. None of the above
235. A rice processing plant operates at 5 tons per hour. The milling and head rice recoveries of the rice mill are 69% and 95%, respectively. What is the input capacity of the rice mill? a. 7.24 tons per hour b. 3.45 tons per hour c. 4.75 tons per hour d. None of the above
236. What is the throughput rate of the rice mill in kg broken grains per hour? a. 0.172 ton per hour b. 0.250 ton per hour c. 0.350 ton per hour e. None of the above
237. If the machine rice huller has a hulling coefficient of 0.90 and wholeness coefficient of 0.80, what is the output in kg of brown rice per hour of the rice huller in problem above? a. 6.52 tons per hour b. 4.50 tons per hour c. 4.00 tons per hour d. None of the above
238. It is the process of preserving food materials in hermetically-sealed container which has been sterilized with the use of heat. a. Drying b. Canning c. Steaming d. None of the above
239. It is the process of subjecting food product to a temperature of about 65 C for 30 min which causes the death of many but not all of the organism present. a. Dehydration b. Sterilization c. Pasteurization d. None of the above
240. It is the termination of entire organism in the product using heat at a temperature of about 50 to 100 C. a. Pasteurization b. Heat sterilization c. Dehydration d. None of the above
241. It is the process of removing solid particles from liquid such as wine, fruit juices, vinegar, and vegetable oil. a. Screening b. Filtration c. Leaching d. None of the above
242. A process of segregating alcohol, sugar, and some soluble materials with the use of water. a. Leaching b. Hydrolysis c. Water adsorption d. None of the above
243. A process of separating volatile compound from less volatile materials. a. Distilling b. Leaching c. Diffusing c. None of the above
244. One ton nuts is equivalent to _______. a. 4000 pieces of nuts b. 5000 pieces of nuts c. 6000 pieces of nuts d. None of the above
245. The process of separating coarse from fine materials. a. Sifting b. Cleaning c. Sorting d. None of the above
246. It is a device that separates materials such as oil from water, and crystals from mother liquor by means of whirling action. a. Liquid separator b. Centrifuge c. Crystalizer d. None of the above
247. A process which is used to clean fruits and vegetables to soften the dirt and other foreign materials adhering to the skin thus making the washing by spray more efficient. a. Water soaking b. Water agitation c. Scalding d. None of the above
248. A term given to the process of heating fruits and vegetables in live steam or in water before canning to clean, to reduce volume, to eliminate undesirable flavor or odor, and to remove slime forming-materials. a. Scalding b. Blanching c. Sterilizing d. None of the above
249. It is an instrument that is used to determine the salt content of brine. a. Hydrometer b. pH meter c. Manometer d. None of the above
250. It is the weight of animal minus 3 percent of its total weight to account for the content of the digestive tract. a. Slaughter weight b. Live weight c. Dead weight d. None of the above
251. It is the weight of carcass or meat and bones together with the fat and first-and second-class by-product of an animal. a. Slaughter weight b. Dead weight c. Live weight d. None of the above
252. It is a facility where the primary processing of animal yielding meat carcasses, raw fat, internal organ, and hides are carried out. a. Slaughter house b. Dressing Plant c. Animal Butchering Plant d. All of the above
253. Pump commonly used in food processing industry. a. Piston displacement pump b. Rotary displacement pump c. Centrifugal pump d. None of the above
254. A type of pump used in food industry that is characterized by pulsating or periodic output. a. Piston displacement pump b. Rotary displacement pump c. Centrifugal pump d. All of the above
255. Drying temperature of copra is _______. a. less than 50 C b. between 50 to 95 C c. above 95 C d. None of the above
256. A spiral kind of positive displacement pump used in food industry wherein the product comes into contact with a flexible kind of materials instead of steel and in which air is utilized as a displacing medium. a. Peristaltic pump b. Jet pump c. Diaphragm pump d. All of the above
257. An equipment used in food industry for feeding solid/liquid mixture into a screw press or wringers in the form of sheets, rods, or other shapes. a. Extruder b. Screw press c. Screw feeder d. All of the above
258. A process of combining different materials until a certain degree of homogeneity is achieved. a. Milling b. Mixing c. Feeding d. None of the above
259. Basically, the purpose of mixing is ________. a. To promote the transfer of heat between hot or cold product b. To obtain good contact between materials being mixed c. To promote reactions between reactants d. All of the above e. Two of the above
260. A type of mixer suitable for free flowing or non- free flowing materials. a. Rotating mixer without stirrers b. Rotating mixer with stirrers c. All of the above d. Two of the above
261. A machine used for mixing solids and liquids in such a ratio that very viscous mixture is formed such as paste and doughs. a. Kneader b. Roller c. Mixer d. None of the above
262. An equipment used for heating and cooling of flowing products. a. Condenser b. Evaporator c. Heat exchanger d. All of the above
263. An example of Newtonian fluids of low viscosity. a. Soup b. Chocolate c. Juices d. All of the above
264. An example of Non-Newtonian fluid with high viscosity. a. Juices b. Drinks c. Mashed vegetables d. All of the above
265. It is the prevention or the protection of products against spoilage. a. Preservation b. Drying c. Dehydration d. None of the above
266. A process of preservation by means of heating the product at a temperature below 100 C to kill pathogenic bacteria. a. Drying b. Dehydration c. Pasteurization d. All of the above
267. A type of dryer commonly used in food industry where dried materials are injected in the dryer in automized form to produce powdered product. a. Spray dryer b. Drum dryer c. Pneumatic dryer d. All of the above
268. A drying technology which has the ability to maintain the original appearance of the product with no shrinkage, retain shape and structure. a. Heated air drying b. Conduction drying c. Freeze drying d. All of the above
269. It is the complete destruction of all forms of life in the product being processed. a. Cooking b. Sterilization c. Pasteurization d. None of the above
270. It is the process of heating the product nearly at boiling point to render it stable against spoilage by microorganism. a. Cooking b. Sterilization c. Pasteurization d. None of the above
271. It is the indicator of the quality of food which determines whether or not it is acceptable to the consumers. a. Taste b. Flavor c. Palatability d. None of the above
272. It is the process applied in the manufacture of chocolate and similar products to produce a very marked effect on appearance and flavor through the elimination of moisture, harshness, and acidity. a. Conching b. Roasting c. Frying d. None of the above
273. A process of pumping product against a steel plate through a very small opening of 0.0001 diameter at a pressure of about 3500 psi to reduce the size of fat globule such as those in milk, mayonnaise, and others to a point that fats have no tendency to rise. a. Homogenizing b. Conching c. Pressing d. None of the above
274. It is the process often used in heating of can and its content under vacuum condition to remove air and other entrapped gases before sealing. a. Exhausting b. Sterilizing c. Heating d. All of the above
275. A process used for many food products by giving deaeration treatment to improve the color, flavor, aroma retention, or reduce the volume of the product. a. Degassing b. Blending c. Exhausting d. All of the above
276. A process usually applied to nuts and beans of various sorts in order to bring about a desired flavor rather than to effect on sterilization. a. Drying b. Blanching c. Roasting d. Pasteurization e. None of the above
277. A processing used in canning in which there is rigid regulation of the cooking temperature in such a manner that packages are not misshapen or broken by too rapid cooling a. Tempering b. Freezing c. Refrigeration d. None of the above
278. Brown spots on dried vegetables is caused by ______. a. too high drying temperature used b. low drying temperature used c. optimum drying temperature used d. None of the above
279. A pretreatment method used for vegetables to destroy enzymes that can cause undesirable changes in color and flavor during drying and storage. a. Cleaning b. Blanching c. Drying d. None of the above
280. A pretreatment method for fruits and vegetables to retard spoilage and darkening of fruits. a. Blanching b. Sulfuring c. Sterilizing d. All of the above
281. Roasting temperature for pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and peanuts. a. 200-250 F b. 250-300 F c. 300-350 F d. None of the above
282. Pre-drying temperature requirement for mushroom. a. 80-90 F b. 120-125 F c. 250-300 F d. None of the above e. All of the above
283. A case formed like a leathery material over the outside of very high sugar food such as fruit which doesnt allow water to pass through during drying is a factor of _________. a. slow drying b. rapid drying c. normal drying d. None of the above
284. Pretreatment of fruits and vegetables are recommended to _______. a. stop enzymatic activity which results in color, flavor, and nutrient losses or changes b. stop ripening and spoilage c. hasten drying rate and improve storageability of the product d. None of the above
285. Another term used for citric acid. a. Table salt b. Lemon salt c. Acid salt d. All of the above
286. Requirements for a good dehydrator. a. Some form of temperature control b. A fan to circulate air and remove moisture c. Easily removable and washable trays d. All of the above
287. Rotating trays or exchanging trays on a dehydrator when drying fruits and vegetables is recommended for the purpose of ______. a. reducing drying time b. increasing the efficiency of the dryer c. promoting even drying of product d. None of the above 288. Conditioning dried fruits after drying basically is done to _______. a. allow moisture to equalize through all the food so that there will no damp spots where mold will grow b. increase the quality of dried fruit prior to packaging c. improve the color and taste of fruit d. None of the above
289. Sulfured food are recommended for storage using _______. a. metal can container b. plastic container c. bottle with can cover container d. All of the above
290. Recommended temperature for drying vegetables. a. 125 F b. 150 F c. 175 F e. 200 F f. All of the above
291. Which of the following statement is true? a. Different foods requiring similar drying times and temperature can be dried together b. Vegetables with strong odors or flavor should be dried separately c. Dont dry strong-smelling vegetables outside in an electric dehydrator because dehydrators are not screened and insect may invade the food d. All of the above e. None of the above
292. Sulfur treatment on fruits and vegetables can be replaced by _____. a. aulfite dips b. ateam blanching c. water blanching d. All of the above e. None of the above
293. An example of chemicals used as sulfite dips. a. Sodium bisulfite b. Sodium sulfite c. Sodium metabisulfite d. None of the above e. All of the above
294. Pasteurizing is recommended for foods that had been contaminated or used as second treatment for vegetables held in storage if the vegetables do not have any mold on them ___________. a. before drying b. before and during storage c. after storage d. All of the above e. None of the above
295. Commonly methods used for pasteurizing foods. a. Freezing and oven drying b. Steaming and Blanching c. Boiling and drying d. All of the above e. None of the above
296. Recommended storage time for dried food. a. 2 4 months b. 4 12 months c. 12 24 months d. All of the above
297. Fruits rolls that is characterized by tasty chewy dried fruit made by pouring pursed fruit into a flat surface for drying. a. Fruit rolls b. Dried fruit c. Fruit leathers d. All of the above
298. Drying time requirement for solid yellow or slightly brown-flecked bananas in a dehydrator. a. 4-8 hours b. 8-10 hours c. 10- 16 hours d. All of the above
299. It is the process of decomposition of carbohydrates by microorganism or enzyme. a. Fermentation b. Spoilage c. Preservation d. None of the above
300. It is the preservation of food in brine or vinegar with or without bacterial fermentation. a. Pickling b. Salting c. Blanching d. None of the above
301. A pre-treatment procedure to keep the color and quality of vegetable before drying. a. Trimming b. Blanching c. Salting d. None of the above
302. It is the process of boiling whole fruits or pieces of fruit pulp with sugar to a moderate thick consistency, without retaining the shape of the fruit. a. Jams b. Jellies c. Marmalades d. All of the above
303. It is a product prepared by extracting the juice from boiled fruits, and then boiled with sugar and cooked to such consistency that gelatinization takes place when cooled. a. Jams b. Jellies c. Marmalades d. All of the above
304. It is a clear jelly which contains evenly suspended slices of fruits or peel. a. Jam b. Jellies c. Marmalades d. All of the above 305. It is the aseptic practice in the preparation, processing, and packaging of food products. a. Cleaning b. Sanitation c. Housekeeping d. None of the above
306. Substances used to prevent food by retarding deterioration, rancidity, or discoloration due to oxidation. a. Additives b. Antioxidants c. Emulsifiers d. None of the above
307. Substances that modify surface tension in the component phase of an emulsion to establish a uniform dispersion. a. Additives b. Antioxidants c. Emulsifiers d. None of the above
308. Any substance including a food additive used as a component in the manufacture or preparation of a food and present in the final product. a. Nutrients b. Microelement c. Ingredients d. None of the above
309. Any tag, brand, mark, pictorial, or other descriptive matter, written, printed, marked, embossed or impressed on, or attached to a container of food. a. Nutrition facts b. Label c. Trademark d. None of the above
310. Canning temperature for fruits, tomatoes, and pickles in water bath canner. a. 115 deg C b. 100 deg C c. 74 deg C d. None of the above
311. Canning temperature for low-acid vegetables, meat and poultry in pressure canner. a. 115 deg C b. 100 deg C c. 74 deg C d. None of the above
312. Cooking temperature that destroys most bacteria in foods. a. 115 deg C b. 100 deg C c. 74 deg C d. None of the above
313. It is the process of removing heat from a substance or a space at a lower temperature. a. Sublimation b. Heat of fusion c. Refrigeration d. All of the above
314. Heat moves from a substance naturally to another substance _____. a. at a higher temperature to lower temperature b. at lower temperature to higher temperature c. at either temperature d. None of the above 315. It is the intensity of the molecular movement of matter. a. Energy b. Heat c. Work d. All of the above
316. A substance is cold if _________. a. heat is present b. heat is absent c. heat is higher d. All of the above
317. The quantity of heat in the substance is described in terms of _____. a. BTU b. Calories c. Pascal d. All of the above
318. Ten BTU is equivalent to _______. a. 2520 calories b. 2250 calories c. 2045 calories d. None of the above
319. One-hundred calories is equivalent to __________. a. 418.7 Joules b. 481.7 Joules c. 471.8 Joules d. None of the above
320. An instrument used to measure heat is ________. a. thermometer b. Watt meter c. Calorimeter d. None of the above
321. It is the measurement of the heat level of a substance. a. Thermometer b. Temperature c. Calorimeter d. All of the above
322. Which of the following statement is true? a. The freezing point of water is 0 F b. The boiling point of water is 212 C c. That 32 F and 0 C is the same temperature level d. None of the above
323. It is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance one degree scale. a. Sensible heat b. Specific heat c. Latent heat d. None of the above
324. The specific heat of water is _________. a. 1 BTU/lb-F b. 1 kcal/kg-C c. 1 cal/g-C d. All of the above
325. It is the amount of heat added or removed from a substance with the change in temperature. a. Sensible heat b Latent heat c. Specific heat d. All of the above
326. It is the heat added or removed from a substance causing a change in its state without changing its temperature. a. Sensible heat b. Latent heat c. Specific heat d. All of the above
327. It is the quantity of heat required to change a unit mass of a liquid into gaseous state without change in temperature. a. Latent heat of vaporization b. Latent heat of fusion c. Latent heat condensation d. None of the above
328. It is the quantity of heat required to change a unit mass of solid to liquid state without change in temperature. a. Latent heat of vaporization b. Latent heat of fusion c. Latent heat of sublimation d. All of the above
329. It is the quantity of heat required to change a unit mass of gas to liquid state without change in temperature. a. Latent heat of vaporization b. Latent heat of condensation c. Latent heat of fusion d. All of the above
330. It is the quantity of heat required to change a unit mass of solid to gas without change in temperature. a. Latent heat of fusion b. Latent heat of vaporization c. Latent heat of sublimation d. None of the above
331. The latent heat of fusion of water is ________. a. 336 kJ/kg b. 144 BTU/lb c. All of the above d. None of the above
332. At a higher elevation, ________. a. water will boil at 100 C b. water will boil above 100 C c. water will boil below 100 C c. Water will not boil d. None of the above
333. The amount of heat transmitted to a wall is a factor of ______. a. wall thickness b. temperature difference c. resistance of heat flow of the wall materials d. All of the above
334. A material with high emissivity _________. a. will collect more heat b. will not collect heat c. will transmit heat d. None of the above
335. The basic uses of insulating materials for refrigeration system are: a. To retard heat flow b. To prevent surface condensation c. To control noise and vibration d. All of the above
336. Which of the following insulating materials for refrigeration system is efficient and least expensive? a. Asbestos b. Styrofoam c. Aluminum foil d. All of the above
337. It is the amount or quantity of current flowing in a circuit a. Voltage b. Amperage c. Ohms d. None of the above
338. It is the electrical pressure of a circuit a. Voltage b. Amperage c. Ohms d. None of the above
339. It is the cooling coil of a refrigeration system a. Condenser b. Evaporator c. Compressor d. None of the above
340. It is the basic part of a refrigeration system which is characterized by a high pressure side. a. Condenser b. Evaporator c. Expansion valve d. All of the above
341. It is the part of a refrigeration system that causes the circulation of a refrigerant. a. Condenser b. Expansion valve c. Compressor d. None of the above
342. A part of a refrigeration system that causes the reduction of pressure of the refrigerant. a. Evaporator b. Compressor c. Expansion valve d. All of the above
343. It is a fluid that easily boils at a lower temperature. a. Water b. Oil c. Refrigerant d. All of the above 344. One ton refrigeration is the amount of heat required to melt one ton of ice in ________. a. 12 hours b. 24 minutes c. one day d. None of the above 345. One ton refrigeration is equal to _______. a. 288,000 BTU/day b. 12,000 BTU/hr c. 200 BTU/min d. All of the above
346. An example of refrigerant. a. Ammonia b. Carbon monoxide c. Methyl bromide d. All of the above
347. Commonly used refrigerant in ice plants. a. Ammonia b. Carbon dioxide c. Methyl chloride d. None of the above
348. A refrigeration appliance that operates at a higher temperature. a. No-frost refrigerator b. Air-conditioner c. Domestic freezer d. All of the above
349. The introduction of fresh ambient air to an air- conditioned or refrigerated space. a. Cooling b. Air changes c. Air filtration d. None of the above
350. It is the removal of accumulated ice from the surfaces of cooling coils which operate below freezing point. a. Dehumidification b. Defrosting c. Ice melting d. None of the above
351. A refrigeration system which can be used either to cool or to heat a given space, normally by exchanging the functions of the evaporator and the condenser. a. Heat pump b. Humidifier c. Dehumidifier d. None of the above
352. Air that is flowing into a space through gaps around doors, windows, and others. a. Air intake b. Air changes c. Infiltration d. None of the above
353. The difference between dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures a. Wet bulb depression b. Relative humidity c. Dew point temperature d. None of the above
354. The temperature at which a liquid is converted to solid state upon the removal of its latent heat of fusion. a. Cooling point b. Solid point c. Freezing point d. None of the above
355. To reduce the relative humidity of air, it is recommended to use a _______. a. humidifier b. dehumidifier c. psychrometer d. None of the above
356. In a domestic refrigerator, the condenser can be found _______. a. inside the refrigerator cabinet b. outside the refrigerator cabinet c. beneath the freezer d. None of the above
357. Freezers in refrigerator compartment are normally found at the upper section of the cabinet for the reason that _______. a. it is easy to load product to the freezer b. it is easy to install the freezer in the cabinet c. heat will efficiently be distributed to the refrigerator compartment e. None of the above
358. Chilling injury of banana will occur at a temperature a. Below 27 C b. Below 14 C c. Below 5 C d. All of the above
359. Lowest temperature that is safe for storage of banana is ________. a. below 14 C b. below 5 C c. below 0 C d. All of the above
360. When a product is termed as frozen storage, it is ________. a. chilled and stored above freezing point b. the product is stored between -10 F to 10 F c. the product is stored at 10 F to 50 F d. All of the above
361. Another important factors in cold storage of perishable products are ________. a. energy and power requirement inside the storage room b. temperature and heat loss in the storage room c. humidity and air motion inside the storage room d. None of the above
362. The use of plastic polyethylene sheet as packaging material for cold storage is ________. a. to provide heat insulating effect on the product b. to make the product attractive to the customer c. to prevent moisture loss in the product d. None of the above
363. The purpose of refrigeration in storing perishable product is _____. a. to improve the quality of the product b. to arrest or retard the natural process of deterioration c. to hasten ripening or maturity of product such as fruits and vegetables d. All of the above
364. It is the process of exposing freshly-harvested product and carefully-prepared food to subzero temperatures and holding them at 32 C during storage period to maintain the quality of the products. a. Cold storage b. Quick freezing c. Sharp freezing d. All of the above
365. If vegetables are stored at a temperature between 0 C to 30 C, the product is under _________. a. frozen storage b. refrigerated storage c. All of the above d. None of the above
366. Important factor that contributes in proper refrigeration of perishable crops is ______. a. constant temperature b. free air circulation c. control of relative humidity d. All of the above
367. It is the process of heating vegetables in steam or in boiling water to inactivate enzymes and reduce microbial population thereby prolonging storage at subfreezing temperature. a. Dehydration b. Blanching c. Drying d. None of the above
368. Most favorable cold storage temperature for eggs. a. 29 30 C b. 29 30 F c. 28 F d. None of the above
369. Freezing temperature for eggs. a. 29 30 C b. 29 30 F c. 28 F d. None of the above
370. Factors that change during cold storage of fish due to oxidation of fish oils and pigments particularly in more fatty species of fish. a. Color and flavor b. Color and texture c. Flavor and texture d. All of the above 371. A process of retarding moisture and oxidation loss from the product during cold storage by providing a continuous film or coating that will adhere to the surface of the product. a. Blaching b. Thawing c. Glazing d. None of the above
372. A freezer that operates at an air temperature of - 30 F and below and a velocity of 500 to 100 fpm. a. Sharp freezer b. Air-blast freezer c. Contact plate freezer d. All of the above
373. A freezer used for fish product wherein the products are placed in shelves or in aluminum pans or plates covered by pipe coils or evaporators at a temperature of 20 to - 29 C. a. Sharp freezer b. Air-blast freezer c. Contact plate freezer d. All of the above
374. Freezing point of milk. a. - 0.545 C b. - 0.545 F c. 0. 545 C d. None of the above
375. A frozen product made of a pasturized mixture of sugar, solid milk, stabilizer, food acid, and flavorings such as fruits, fruit juices or extract, and water. a. Ice cream b. Sherbet c. Frozen milk d. All of the above
376. Which of the following are used for packaging frozen poultry products? a. Plastic b. Edible coating c. Aluminum foil d. Waxed cardboard e. All of the above f. 377. A 3 hp engine is to be replace with electric motor. Recommend for the size of the motor for the drive. a. 1 hp b. 2 hp c. 5 hp d. None of the above
78. Frozen poultry product gave only good for a period of ________. a. 1 to 6 months b. 6 to 12 months c. 1 to 2 years d. All of the above
379. Term used for the internal organs of poultry suitable for cold storage. a. Carcass b. Giblets c. Gills d. None of the above
380. In order to minimize darkening of carcass of poultry meat, it is recommended that before cold storage poultry meat should be ______. a. slowly be frozen and undergo scalding process b. frozen rapidly c. undergo scalding process d. None of the above 381. Tenderness of poultry meat can be maintained during cold storage by __________. a. storing it in aluminum foil b. storing it in plastic net c. storing it unpacked d. All of the above
382. Changes in the flavor of meat, fish, or poultry during freezing is due to the ______. a. change in temperature of the product b. microorganisms that were killed during storage c. oxidation of fats d. None of the above
383. It is a method of freezing the surface of poultry meat using mist of liquid prior to storage in an air blast freezer or cold storage room. a. Liquid immersion freezing b. Liquid spray freezing c. Conveyor tunnel freezing d. All of the above
384. If a poultry product is stored at a temperature of 35-40 F, the product quality can be maintained within ______. a. 1 to 2 months b. 1 to 2 days c. 1 to 2 hours d. None of the above 385. It is a flesh obtained from domesticated animals. a. Carcass b. Meat c. Giblets d. None of the above
386. It is the meat obtained from hogs. a. Beef b. Pork c. Veal d. All of the above
387. It is the meat of sheep that is less than one year old. a. Lamb b. Muttons c. Chevon d. None of the above
388. It is the meat from rabbit. a. Lapan b. Venison c. Chevon d. None of the above
389. It is the meat from goat. a. Chevon b. Venison c. Mutton d. All of the above
390. It is the method used in preserving meat. a. Smoking process b. Refrigeration c. Freeze drying d. Irradiation e. None of the above f. All of the above
391. It is a meat of less than one-year old cattle. a. Beef b. Veal c. Carabeef d. All of the above
392. Which of the following is true? a. When beef is stored at lower temperature it will have longer storage life than when cold stored at higher temperature b. Storing beef at lower temperature will reduce its storage life c. Storing beef at higher temperature will increase its storage life d. All of the above
393. Myoglobin content in meat is responsible for _______. a. odor of meat after cold storage b. appearance of meat c. color of meat d. All of the above e. Two of the above f. None of the above
394. It is the process of allowing meat to hang at temperature of 0 to 3 C to create tenderizing effect before freezing. a. Aging b. Freezing c. Tempering d. None of the above
395. Which of the following is true in cold storage of meat? a. Extreme temperature fluctuation during defrosting contributes to short storage life of the meat. b. Freezing meat and its subsequent frozen storage improves the quality of meat products. c. Proper handling of meat prior to freezing reduces the quality of frozen products. d. None of the above
396. Freezer burn in meat product is a result of ______. a. storing meat product in a freezer with plastic sheet to prevent moisture loss b. storing meat product without plastic sheet at high relative humidity c. storing meat product without plastic sheet at low relative humidity d. None of the above
397. The recommended time for storing beef cuts at 18 C is ___. a. 6 to 12 months b. 3 to 4 months c. 1 to 2 months d. None of the above
398. Ground beef can be stored at 18 C within a period of ________. a. 6 to 12 months b. 3 to 4 months c. 1 to 2 months d. None of the above
399. It is a method of freezing shrimp into an agitated cold brine solution of a fixed concentration and temperature. a. Blast freezing b. Immersion freezing c. Tunnel freezing d. None of the above
400. At 18 C scallop meat have a frozen storage life of ________. a. 1- 2 months b. 3 - 6 months c. 7 - 12 months d. None of the above
401. ASHRAE is the acronym for __________. a. Association of Heat, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers b. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers c. Association of Sensible Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Cooling Engineers d. None of the above
402. An equipment that is used to clean, cool, heat, humidify, or dehumidify air. a. Air heat exchanger b. Air conditioner c. Air-cooled condenser d. All of the above
403. The process of removing moisture from air. a. Dehydration b. Air suction c. Dehumidify d. All of the above
404. It is the most popular refrigerant used for refrigeration system. a. R-12 (Dichlordifluoromethane) b. R- 22 (Monochlorodiflouromethane) c. R-502 d. All of the above
405. It is the most popular refrigerant for air- conditioning. a. R-12 (Dichlordifluoromethane) b. R-22 (Monochlorodiflouromethane) c. R-502 (mixture of R-22 and R115) d. All of the above
406. A popular refrigerant for low temperature refrigeration systems. a. R-12 (Dichlordifluoromethane) b. R-22 (Monochlorodiflouromethane) c. R-502 (mixture of R-22 and R115) d. All of the above
407. It is the process by which air is cooled, cleaned, and circulated. a. Air conditioner b. Air conditioning c. Air cooling and cleaning d. All of the above
408. Air conditioning system wherein the condenser is located separately from the evaporator and uses an interconnecting refrigerant lines. a. Split-system air conditioning system b. Package equipment air conditioning system c. All of the above d. None of the above
409. It is the cooling equipment of air conditioner. a. Condenser b. Evaporator c. Compressor d. Expansion valve
410. Condenser efficiency of an air conditioner can be increased by _____. a. reducing the condenser surface area b. increasing the condenser surface area c. increasing the amount of refrigerant flowing in the condenser d. None of the above
411. Operating temperature of evaporator in an air- conditioning system. a. 20 F b. 40 F c. 60 F d. All of the above
412. Refrigerated-air conditioning is used in ________. a. hot temperature with high humidity b. hot temperature with low humidity c. hot temperature with high or low humidity d. None of the above
413. A refrigerated system that cleans, dehydrates, and cools a compartment. a. No frost refrigerator b. Chiller c. Freezer d. Air conditioner e. None of the above
414. Which of the following statement is true: a. The motor and compressor of a refrigeration system is separately installed. b. The motor and compressor of a refrigeration system is housed in the same compartment. c. The compressor and the motor of a refrigeration system is non-hermetic type? d. None of the above.
415. The highest pressure in the refrigeration system can be found at ____. a. the capillary tube b. the entrance of the evaporator coil c. the entrance of the condenser tube d. the evaporator coil immediately before the compressor e. None of the above
416. A refrigeration system component after the condenser. a. Capillary tube b. Filter c. Compressor d. None of the above
417. A refrigeration system component after the capillary tube. a. Evaporator b. Compressor c. Condenser d. None of the above
418. A refrigeration system component before the condenser. a. Filter b. Evaporator c. Capillary tube d. Compressor e. None of the above
419. Lowest temperature zone in refrigeration system. a. Condenser b. Capillary tube c. Evaporator d. None of the above
420. State of refrigerant at the condenser side immediately after leaving the compressor. a. Superheated gas b. Lukewarm liquid c. Saturated gas d. None of the above
421. Sate of refrigerant at the evaporator side immediately before the compressor. a. Superheated gas b. Lukewarm liquid c. Saturated gas d. None of the above
422. A newly discovered refrigerant that is not harmful for ozone layer or referred to as ozone friendly gas. a. R12 b. Ammonia c. Suva Mp 52 (R-134a) d. All of the above
423. It is a term used for the overcharging of refrigerant. a. Back frost b. Sweating c. Supercharging d. None of the above
424. It is a mixture of vapor and liquid. a. Saturated gas b. Saturated liquid c. Superheated gas d. None of the above
425. It is a mixture of liquid and gas. a. Saturated gas b. Saturated liquid c. Superheated gas d. None of the above
426. Charging pressure for refrigerator and freezer using R-12 refrigerant. a. 19 psi b. 65 psi c. 75 psi d. None of the above
427. Larger floor area for the same height of wall use light _____ . a. more efficiently than rooms with smaller floorarea b. more inefficiently than rooms with smaller floor area c. the same with smaller rooms d. None of the above 428. Charging pressure for air conditioning unit using R-12 refrigerant. a. 19 - 45 psi b. 65 - 75 psi c. 80 - 90 psi d. None of the above
429. A dry ice is _____. a.. Solid H 2 O c. Solid CO 2
d. Solid O 2
e. None of the above
430. A device used mostly in larger cooling units to cool the water that absorbs the heat from the condenser. a. Cold storage room b. Cooling Tower c. Heat Exchanger d. None of the above
431. When a condenser of a refrigeration system is cooling, what is the common trouble? a. Too much refrigerant b. Lacks refrigerant c. No refrigerant d. None of the above
432. It is the passage of from the outside of a leaky room caused by cracks in windows, doors, and other possible sources. a. Heat loss b. Air infiltration c. Air gap d. None of the above
433. Known as Dichlorodifluoromethane used as primary refrigerant for refrigerator. a. R-11 b. R-12 c. R-22 d. None of the above
434. Known as Monochlorodifluoromethane used a primary refrigerant for aircon systems. a. R-11 b. R-12 c. R-22 d. None of the above
435. The transfer of heat from one part of a solid body to the other under the influence of temperature gradient. a. Convection b. Conduction c. Radiation d. All of the above
436. The transfer of heat by mixing one parcel of fluid with another. a. Convection b. Conduction c. Radiation d. All of the above
437. Shape factor for heat by conduction is expressed as ________. a. A/dx b. K A/dx c. dt/dx d. None of the above
438. It is the amount of heat transferred per unit temperature per unit length. a. Emmissivity b. Thermal conductivity c. Heat transfer coefficient d. None of the above
439. When heat is transmitted through molecular waves, it is transmitted by _______. a. convection b. conduction c. radiation d. None of the above
440. The amount of heat required to raise one pound of water one degree farenheight. a. Thermal capacity b. Specific heat c. British Thermal Unit d. None of the above
441. It is a proportionality factor that represents the property of material through heat conduction. a. Thermal resistivity b. Thermal conductivity c. Thermal coefficient d. None of the above
442. Cooling meat, fruits and vegetables are examples of heat transmission by _________. a. unsteady state conduction b. steady state conduction c. free convection d. None of the above
443. Factors influencing thermal conductivity. a. Chemical composition of materials b. Temperature of materials c. Surrounding pressure d. All of the above
444. If the temperature surrounding the material is decreased, the thermal conductivity also __________. a. changes in decreasing manner b. changes in increasing manner c. does not change d. None of the above
445. Fluids with low molecular weight have ________. a. high thermal conductivity b. low thermal conductivity c. no thermal conductivity d. None of the above
446. Heat basically transfers from ________. a. lower temperature to high temperature b. high temperature to lower temperature c. lower pressure to high pressure d. None of the above
447. If more heat is to be transmitted from one side to the other side of a solid body, what would you recommend as an Engineer? a. Increase the thickness of material b. Decrease the thickness of material c. Maintain the thickness of material d. None of the above
448. The shape factor for conduction heating on a cylindrical wall is ______. a. 6.3 L/ln r2/r1 b. 3.14 L/ln r2/r1 c. 3.14 kL/ln2/r1 d. None of the above
449. The amount of heat transmitted per unit time and temperature for a given surface area by a fluid . a. Heat coefficient b. Specific heat c. Heat transfer coefficient d. None of the above
450. If a boiling water is pumped from a boiler to a heat exchanger, heat is transmitted by ________. a. natural convection b. forced convection c. radiation d. None of the above
451. Heat transfer coefficient is lower for _______. a. liquids b. gases c. boiling water d. condensing vapors e. None of the above
452. An example of heat conductor. a. silica brick b. refractory cement c. asbestos fiber d. None of the above
453. In a vacuum condition, heat transfer by conduction moves ____. a. faster b. slower c. at constant rate d. None of the above
454. In sundrying, heat is released from a body by _____. a. radiation b. force convection c. natural convection d. None of the above
455. The amount of heat required to raise a kilogram of water one degree centigrade. a. Kilo calories b. Joules c. Watts d. None of the above
456. Dimensionless numbers used in determining heat transfer coefficient by natural convection. a. Nusselt/Grashof/Prantdl b. Nusselt/Reynolds/Prantdl c. Prantdl/Reynolds/Grashof d. None of the above
457. The unit of energy in SI system is ________. a. Newton-meter b. Joules c. W-sec. d. All of the above
458. It is the insulating ability of a material or the resistance of material to the flow of heat. a. Thermal resistance b. Thermal conductivity c. Thermal insulator d. All of the above
459. The ability of a body to give up or to receive heat. a. Heat b. Temperature c. Energy d. All of the above
460. Temperature of surrounding air. a. Dry bulb temperature b. Wet bulb temperature c. Ambient temperature d. All of the above
461. It is the form of energy that provides difference in temperature of molecular materials. a. Heat b. Temperature c. Thermal resistance d. None of the above
462. Nusselt number is a function of _______. a. convection coefficient, pipe diameter, and thermal conductivity b. thermal conductivity, viscosity, and diameter of pipe c. convection coefficient, velocity of fluid, diameter of pipe d. None of the above
463. A thick wall tube of stainless steel (k = 19w/m- C) with 2 cm. ID and 4 cm. OD) is covered with 3 cm. layer of asbestos insulation (k = 0.2 w/m- C). If the inside wall temperature of the pipe is maintained at 600 C and the outside of the insulation at 100 C, what is the heat loss per foot length of the tube? a. 600 w/m b. 680 w/m c. 720 w/m d. None of the above
464. Which of the following has the highest heat transfer coefficient? a. Gases b. Liquids c. Boiling water d. All of the above
465. The heat transfer coefficient of liquid in kcal/m- hr-C is at the ranged of ________. a. 3 to 20 b. 100 to 600 c. 1000 to 2000 d. None of the above
466. Which of the following is true? a. The thermal conductivity of aluminum is higher than silver. b. Silver is faster to transmit heat than aluminum. c. Aluminum and silver transfer heat at the same rate. d. All of the above
467. What is the total board foot of 5 pieces of 2 in x 6 in. x 14 feet wood? a. 50 bd ft b. 60 bd ft c. 70 bd ft d. None of the above
468. What is the heat loss per ft of a brick kiln wall 9- inches thick is made of a material with thermal conductivity of 0.18 BTU/hr-ft-F? The outside and inside temperature is 1500 F and 400 F, respectively. a. 224 BTU/hr-ft b. 264 BTU/hr-ft c. 246 BTU/hr-ft d. None of the above
469. What is the heat transfer loss per foot of 2 inches nominal pipe (OD=2.37 in.) covered with 1-in. thick of an insulating material having an average thermal conductivity of 0.037 BTU/hr-ft-F. The inner and outer temperatures of the insulation are 380 and 80 F, respectively. a. 161 BTU/hr-ft b. 111 BTU/hr-ft c. 125 BTU/hr-ft d. None of the above
470. The Prantdl number is a function of ________. a. viscosity, specific heat, and thermal conductivity b. specific heat, heat transfer coefficient, and thermal conductivity c. viscosity, diameter of pipe, thermal conductivity d. None of the above
471. If the flow of fluid is on streamline characteristics, the fluid is at _________. a. turbulent condition b. laminar condition c. eddies d. All of the above
472. Heat transfer coefficient by force convection is determined by what dimensionless numbers? a. Nusselt, Prantdl, Reynolds b. Nusselt, Prantdl, Grashof c. Reynolds, Grashof, Prantdl d. None of the above
473. One British thermal unit is equal to _______. a. 1055 J b. 1505 J c. 1550 J d. None of the above
474. If the heated pipe is changed with to a higher pipe schedule, the heat transfer will ________. a. increase b. decrease c. remains the same d. All of the above
475. Basically, the thermal conductivity of a material will increase if the __________. a. thickness is increased b. temperature is increased c. temperature is decreased d. All of the above
476. Which of the following statement is true? a. Heat transfer rate is higher on edges of boxes. b. Heat transfer rate is higher on corners of boxes. c. Heat transfer rate is lower on the walls of boxes. d. None of the above
477. Which of the following statement is true? a. Layers produce more manure per day than broilers. b. Broiler produces more manure per day than layers. c. Both produce the same amount of manure per day. d. None of the above
478. A good insulator for kiln dryer. a. Rice husk b. Brick c. Concrete d. None of the above
479. A material which is poor conductor of heat or has low thermal conductivity. a. Conductor b. Insulator c. Resistor d. All of the above
480. An example of a good insulating material at high temperature. a. Iron b. Wood c. Asbestos d. All of the above
481. Which of the following has low thermal conductivity? a. Building brick b. Asbestos c. Firebrick d. Concrete e. None of the above
482. Insulators used for steam lines are classified into _______. a. low temperature range insulator b. medium temperature range insulator c. high temperature range insulator d. None of the above
483. A good example of a dual temperature insulator. a. Expanded silica b. Cellular glass c. Vermiculite d. All of the above
484. Form of insulants used in industrial insulation practice. a. Flexible strips b. Foil c. Flexible pipe section and mattresses d. All of the above
485. Which of the following statement is true? a. In insulation, heat gain is more costly than heat loss. b. The cost of extracting heat from refrigerated space is the same with the cost of heat losses from a high temperature system c. The cost of insulating high temperature system is the same with that of low temperature system d. All of the above
486. Moisture in low-temperature insulation material may cause _______. a. reduction in the insulating value of the material b. improvement in the insulating value of the materials c. to decrease the cost of the insulating materials d. All of the above
487. A process of heating copra to facilitate the removal of oil during pressing. a. Drying b. Steaming c. Conditioning d. None of the above
488. One thousand nuts at 800 grams per nut will produce _______ kg of copra. a. 220 kg b. 320 kg c. 420 kg d. None of the above
489. It is an extruded foam used for low temperature systems such as refrigeration, building, and sub- zero insulation. a. Polystyrene foam b. PVC foam c. Plastic foam d. All of the above
490. It is essentially a ceramic material designed to be resist amount to high temperature of 1000 to 1800 C. a. Refractory b. Asbestos c. Fiber glass d. None of the above
491. Factor that need to be considered in selecting insulants _______. a. operating temperature b. maintenance cost c. ability to resist mechanical and heat damage d. All of the above
492. To protect insulant from mechanical damage, the insulant must be provided with __________. a. metal sheet cladding b. nets and asbestos cement c. wire net and bituminous compound d. All of the above 493. The Stefan Boltzmann constant is equal to __________. a. 0.147 x 10 -8 BTU/hr-ft 2 -F 4
b. 0.174 x 10 -8 BTU/hr-ft 2 -F 4
c. 0.174 x 10 -8 BTU/hr-ft 2 -F 3
d. None of the above 494. The equation for heat transfer by radiation for gray bodies is ______. a. Qr = AT 4
b. Qr = AT 4
c. Qr = AT 4
d. None of the above
495. It is a device used for transferring heat. a. Insulator b. Heat absorber c. Heat exchanger d. All of the above
496. The overall heat transfer coefficient includes _______. a. thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient of the materials b. heat transfer coefficient and emmissivity of the materials c. thermal conductivity and emmessivity of the materials d. None of the above
497. Which of the following statement is true? a. When radiant energy falls on a body, part may be reflected, absorbed and the remainder transmitted. b. When radiant energy fall on a body, part may be reflected and absorbed. c. When radiant fall on a body, all of the energy are absorbed. d. None of the above
498. When two fluids in a heat exchanger move in opposite direction, the device is classified as. a. Parallel flow HE b. Cross flow HE c. Constant flow HE d. None of the above
499. Configuration factor for parallel planes in calculating the heat radiated is. a. higher than perpendicular planes b. lower for perpendicular planes c. equal to perpendicular planes d. None of the above
500. It is a mixture of cement, gravel, sand and water to harden in forms of the shape and dimension of the desired structure. a. Bricks b. Masonry c. Concrete d. All of the above
501. It is a project study of determining the quality, quantity, and cost of every materials used in a work of in every finished work. a. Feasibility study b. Project planning c. Estimate d. None of the above
502. It is a slow hardening kind of concrete. a. Portland blast furnace concrete b. Low heat portland concrete c. Portland pozzoland concrete d. All of the above
503. Which of the following materials has the highest percentage composition in cement. a. Lime b. Silica c. Alumina d. None of the above
504. It is considered as refractory material. a. Lime b. Alumina c. Silica d. All of the above
505. Class AA concrete has a mixing proportion of ________. a. 1 : 2 : 4 b. 1 : 2.5 : 5 c. 1 : 3 : 6 d. None of the above
506. Mixing proportion for class A concrete. a. 1 : 2 : 4 b. 1 : 2.5 : 5 c. 1 : 3 : 6 d. None of the above
507. Recommended mixing proportion for machine foundation. a. 1 : 2 : 4 b 1 : 3 : 6 c. 1 : 2 : 3 d. None of the above
508. Recommended mixing proportion for floor slabs 4 in. thick. a. 1 : 2 : 4 b. 1 : 3 : 6 c. 1 : 2 : 3 d. None of the above
509. A structure made by laying bricks, stones blocks, and other stone like materials. a. Masonry b. Mortar c. Concrete d. All of the above
510. Approximate numbers of concrete hallow blocks that can be produced per bag of cement. a. 55 to 60 pieces b. 30 to 35 pieces c. 25 to 30 pieces d. None of the above
511. Two bags of cement is equal to. a. 2 cubic feet in volume b. 2 cubic meters in volume c. 200 kilos in weight d. None of the above 512. Although it is a non-homogenous natural product requiring judgment and critical appraisal, it continues to be the primary structural materials for farm building. a. Concrete b. Wood c. Masonry d. Metals 513. By classification, they come from broad leaf deciduous trees. a. Manufactured wood b. Plywood c. Softwood d. Hardwood e. None of the above
514. A class of softwood lumber used for farm building construction, with sub-classes, entitled finish, common boards and common dimensions. a. Yard lumber b. Structural lumber c. Factory lumber d. Lumber grade e. Manufactured lumber f. None of the above
515. A mixture of cement and water only, mixed to the consistency of very thick cream used for coating surfaces of concrete to improve their appearance. a. Grout b. Mortar c. Plastic d. Solution e. Cement 516. The term generally applied to stonework of the simpliest kind when little or no tool work is done on the stones other than to break them with hammer and roughly dress them. a. Flagg b. Mortar c. Plastic d. Rubble e. None of the above
517. A farm structure used to store and protect the animal fodder so that it is preserved in an ideal condition for the farm animals. a. Silo b. Warehouse c. Farm shop d. Motor pool e. None of the above
518. A barrel of cement consist of ______. a. 3 bags b. 2 bags c. 5 bags d. 4 bags e. None of the above
519. One half the horizontal distance of the truss. a. Run b. Rise c. Span d. Rafter e. None of the above
520. Volume of cement that can be contained in 4 in. x 8 in. x 16 in. concrete hallow block. a. 0.001 m 3 b. 0.003 m 3 c. 0.004 m 3 f. None of the above
521. Mixing proportion of cement/sand for class a mortar. a. 1 : 1 b. 1 : 2 c. 1 : 3 d. 1 : 4 e. None of the above
522. A planed lumber having at least one side smooth. a. Dressed lumber b. Rough lumber c. Lumber yard d. All of the above
523. A piece of lumber having a minimum smallest dimension of 5 inches or 13 cm. a. Timber b. Plank c. Board d. All of the above
524. A piece of lumber less than 4 cm thick with at least 10 cm wide. a. Timber b. Plank c. Board d. All of the above
525. A wide piece of lumber from 4 to 13 cm thick. a. Timber b. Plank c. Board d. None of the above
526. A dressed lumber having four sides are smoothen. a. S4S b. 4SS c. SS4 d. All of the above
527. It is an undressed lumber. a. Surface lumber b. Rough lumber c. Planed Lumber d. None of the above
528. Approximate number of pieces per kilo of GI roofing nails. a. 100 pieces b. 120 pieces c. 150 pieces d. 200 pieces e. All of the above
529. It is the height of a flight of stairs from landing to landing or the height between successive treads or stairs. a. Run b. Rise c. Pitch d. None of the above
530. One gallon of paint in first coating can cover an area of _____. a. 15 sq. m. b. 20 sq. m. c. 25 sq. m. d. All of the abov 531. The rough estimate for the number of kilos of need needed per 1000 bd.ft. of lumber. a. 15 kg b. 20 kg c. 25 kg d. None of the above
532. The rough estimate number of bags of cement required per cubic meter of concrete. a. 10 bags b. 15 bags c. 20 bags d. All of the above
533. Dwelling place for workers in the farm. a. Farmstead b. Farm house c. Granaries d. None of the above
534. It is the characteristics of materials that retain their strength and other properties over a considerable period of time. a. Reliability b. Hardness c. Durability d. All of the above
535. Most widely used preservative treatment for wood. a. Asphalt b. Black enamel paint c. Creosote d. All of the above
536. It is the capacity of material to resist fracture under impact load. a. Hardness b. Toughness c. Elasticity d. All of the above
537. A wood which comes from needle-leaved cone bearing trees. a. Hardwood b. Soft wood c. Medium-hard wood d. All of the above
538. Lumber used for mill work such as window casing and sash, and cabinets. a. Factory lumber b. Yard lumber c. Structural timber d. All of the above
539. Material less than 5 in. thick and is used for general building purposes. a. Factory lumber b. Yard lumber c. Structural timber d. None of the above
540. It includes joist and plank, beams and stringers, and post. a. Factory lumber b. Yard lumber c. Structural timber d. None of the above
541. A lumber that comes from a saw, unfinished and full dimension. a. Planed lumber b. Rough lumber c. Factory lumber d. All of the above
542. A lumber finished smooth on two edges designated and one side and full dimension. a. S2E1S b. SE2S1 c. S2ES1 d. All of the above
543. A jointed frame that is used to support load over a relatively large span. a. Beam b. Post c. Truss d. All of the above
544. The standard dimension of plywood is ______. a. 4 x 8 b. 4 x 6 c. 4 x 12 d. None of the above
545. The largest area in a piece of wood is the _______. a. edge b. face c. end d. None of the above
546. Nails are bought in the hardware in terms of ______. a. pieces b. kilo c. volume d. None of the above
547. A screw used commonly in roof construction. a. Cap screw b. Tex screw c. Self-tapping screw d. None of the above
548. The saw recommended for cutting plywood is ___________. a. cross cut saw b. rip saw c. coping saw d. None of the above
549. Sizes of saw are given in number of teeth, the more the saw teeth number, _____. a. the courser the cut b. the finer the cut c. smaller the cut d. None of the above
550. One board foot is equivalent to ________. a. l in x l in x 1 ft/144 b. l in x l in x l in/144 c. l in x l in x l in/12 d. None of the above
551. It is the method of reducing the moisture of timber using artificial heat on a heated chamber. a. Air drying b. Kiln drying c. Wood dehydration d. None of the above
552. Sawing is the process of cutting wood and is classified as _______. a. Shearing method b. Chip-forming method c. Chemical method d. None of the above
553. A fastener used to properly fixed materials to a concrete. a. Tex screw b. Tox c. Adhesives d. None of the above
554. Nail used for making furniture or for flooring purposes. a. Common nail b. Box nail c. Finishing nail d. None of the above
555. It is a tool used to make the surface of wood level and smooth. a. Hammer b. Drill c. Jack plane d. All of the above
556. A saw for making small round openings on plywood. a. Coping saw b. Hole saw c. Circular saw d. All of the above
557. Lattice molding are bought in terms of ________. a. board foot b. linear footage c. square footage d. All of the above
558. If a wood is specified as S4S this mean that _______. a. 4 edges of wood are smooth b. all surfaces are smooth c. four sides of wood are smooth d. All of the above
559. A saw used for cutting across a piece of wood. a. Band saw b. Rip saw c. Cross-cut saw d. All of the above
560. Materials used in supporting concrete structure. a. Round bar b. Square bar c. Corrugated round bar d. None of the above
561. Paint recommended for wood. a. Latex paint b. Enamel paint c. Acrylic paint d. None of the above
562. Wood is applied with paint for ________. a. surface protection b. decoration c. moisture protection d. All of the above
563. Which of the following does not composed of cement? a. Lime b. Silica c. Alummina d. None of the above
564. Which of the following is a refractory material? a. Lime b. Silica c. Alummina d. None of the above
565. Cement mixture used for beams, slabs, and for all members subjected to bending stress. a. 1:2:3 b. 1:2:4 c. 1:3:6 d. None of the above
566. Ten lumen distributed to an area of 10 square foot is equal to _______ . a. 1 foot-candle b. 10 foot-candle c. 100 foot-candle d. None of the above
567. A class A concrete has a mixing proportion of ______. a. 1:2:3 b. 1:2:4 c. 1:3:6 d. None of the above
568. Mixing proportion for machinery foundation. a. 1: 2:3 b. 1:2:4 c. 1:3:6 d. None of the above
569. Mixing proportions for walls and footings. a. 1:2:4 b. 1:2.5:5 c. 1:3:6 d. None of the above
570. Approximate time limit before the removal of forms and support for walls. a. 14 to 21 days b. 3 to 10 days c. 7 to 14 days d. None of the above
571. One barrel is equal to ______ of 96 lbs Portland cement. a. 2 bags b. 3 bags c. 4 bags d. None of the above
572. One bag of cement is equal to ______. a. One cubic foot b. Two cubic foot c. Three cubic foot d. All of the above
573. There are _______ concrete hollow blocks per square meter of wall area. a. 10 CHB b. 13 CHB c. 15 CHB d. All of the above
574. The volume of cement for concrete hollow blocks with dimension of 4 in. x 8 in. x 16 in. is _________ cubic meter. a. 0.001 b. 0.003 c. 0.004 d. None of the above
575. A male breeding pig which is at least 8 months old. a. Gilt b. Boar c. Sow d. None of the above
576. An area in which a sow is confined during farrowing and lactation period and are freely to turn around. a. Farrowing stall b. Farrowing pen c. Factating stall d. All of the above
577. It is the act of separating the pigs and the sow. a. Farrowing b. Gestating c. Weaning d. None of the above
578. An unbred female pig at least 8 months old. a. Boar b. Gilt c. Sow d. None of the above
579. A device in which a sow is confined during farrowing and lactation periods and which prevents sow from turning around. a. Farrowing pen b. Farrowing stall c. Farrowing house d. All of the above
580. Period of time between conception and farrowing. a. Gestation b. Lactation c. Farrowing d. None of the above
581. The process of milk secretion. a. Gestation b. Lactation c. Weaning d. None of the above
582. It is the production of a litter of one or more live or dead pigs on or after 110 day of pregnancy. a. Gestation b. Lactation c. Farrowing d. None of the above
583. Recommended orientation of swine house. a. North-south direction b. East-west direction c. North west direction d. South east direction e. All of the above
584. Minimum recommended space requirement for boar pens. a. 0.85 sq.m. per animal b. 2.50 sq.m. per animal c. 7.5 sq.m. per animal d. None of the above
585. Minimum recommended space requirement for adult pigs in group. a. 1.0 sq.m. per animal b. 2.5 sq.m. per animal c. 7.5 sq.m. per animal d. None of the above
586. Minimum slope for pig housing floor. a. 2 to 4 % b. 5 to 7 % c. 8 to 10 % d. None of the above
587. Floor thickness for pig housing. a. 40 to 50 mm thick b. 70 to 80 mm thick c. 90 to 100 mm thick d. None of the above
588. Recommended concrete mixture for pig housing floor. a. 1:2:3 b. 1:2.25: 3 c. 1:2.5:3 d. All of the above
589. Materials used as floor slats in swine housing. a. Wood slats b. Concrete slats c. Steel slats d. Plastic slats e. All of the above
590. Recommended door dimension for pig pens. a. 40 cm wide x 50 cm high b. 60 cm wide x 100 cm high c. 80 cm wide x 120 cm high d. None of the above
591. Recommended ceiling height for pig housing. a. 2 to 2.5 m b. 2.5 to 3 m c. 3 m to 3.5 m d. All of the above
592. Minimum ventilation rate for farrowing unit and breeding and gestating units. a. 2.8 CFM b. 4.2 CFM c. 9.8 CFM d. None of the above
593. Daily water requirement of boar and sow at normal ambient temperature. a. 1-5 liters per day-animal b. 5-10 liters per day-animal c. 10-30 liters per day-animal d. None of the above
594. Recommended orientation of poultry building to obtain proper sunlight, wind flow and temperature. a. North-east direction b. East-west direction c. North-south direction d. None of the above
595. Floor space requirement for 4-week old broilers in cages. a. 22 birds per m 2
b. 43 birds per m 2
c. 54 birds per m 2
d. All of the above
596. Floor space requirement for broilers in cages more than 4 weeks old. a. 22 birds per m 2
b. 43 birds per m 2
c. 54 birds per m 2
d. All of the above
597. Recommended floor height for poultry house. a. 1.0 m above ground b. 1.4 m above ground c. 1.8 m above ground d. None of the above
598. Recommended dimension for entrance door for poultry building. a. 90 cm wide x 150 cm high b. 90 cm wide x 200 cm high c. 90 cm wide x 250 cm high d. All of the above
599. Minimum height for ceiling in poultry building. a. 2.0 m b. 2.2 m c. 2.4 m d. none of the above
600. Recommended brooding temperature for 7 day old chick. a. 27-29 deg C b. 29-32 deg C c. 32-35 deg C d. All of the above
601. Fourteen day old chicks requires _______ brooding temperature than 7 day old chicks. a. higher b. lower c. the same d. None of the above
602. The recommended distance of air inlets from fans in poultry building should not be within ________. a. 1.0 m and below b. 2.5 m and below c. 3.5 m and below d. None of the above
603. Artificial light requirement of chicks during the first 48 hours at 2.4 m above the floor. a. 15 watts per m 2
b. 25 watts per m 2
c. 35 watts per m 2
d. all of the above
604. Artificial light requirement of chicks after the first 48 hours at floor level. a. 10 watts per m 2
b. 20 watts per m 2
c. 30 watts per m 2 d. All of the above
605. Linear feeder space requirement for broiler 4 weeks and below. a. 4 cm per bird a. 8 cm per bird b. 12 cm per bird c. None of the above 606. Number of pieces of 305 mm diameter round feeder for chicks above 4 weeks old. a. 2 pieces b. 5 pieces c. 8 pieces d. None of the above
607. Minimum height of hover required during brooding operation. a. 50-80 mm above the back of the birds b. 80-120 mm above the back of the birds c. 120-160 mm above the back of the birds d. None of the above
608. Waterer space requirement for linear-type waterer for chicks below 4 weeks old. a. 2.5 cm per bird b. 5.0 cm per bird c. 7.5 cm per bird d. All of the above
609. Number of bird required per unit round waterer for chicks above 4 weeks of age. a. 50 birds b. 75 birds c. 100 birds d. None of the above 610. A wooden frame used on concrete floors for stacking bags to prevent direct contact between the grains and the floor. a. Dunnage b. Pallet c. Tarima d. All of the above e. None of the above 610. A building used for storing paddy or rice in bulk or in bag form. a. Warehouse b. Silo c. Grain Complex d. None of the above
611. The recommended dimension for warehouse with 10,000 cavans capacity. a. 10 m x 30m b. 10 m x 40 m c. 10 m x 60 m d. All of the above
612. The recommended dimension for warehouse with 500,000 cavans capacity. a. 75 m x 142 m b. 75 m x 152 m c. 75 m x 162 m d. None of the above
613. Recommended dimension for warehouse with 50,000 cavans capacity. a. 20 m x 48 m b. 20 m x 58 m c. 20 m x 68 m d. None of the above
614. Recommended dimension for warehouse with 100,000 cavans capacity. a. 25 m x 78 m b. 25 m x 88 m c. 25 m x 98 m d. None of the above
615. The minimum height of the interior between the beams and the floor for normal temperature warehouse. a. 4 meters b. 5 meters c. 6 meters d. All of the above
616. The recommended size of entrance for normal temperature warehouse. a. 6 meters wide x 4 meters high b. 4 meters wide x 6 meters high c. 5 meters wide x 5 meters high d. None of the above
617. The minimum requirement for illumination of a warehouse. a. 3 watts per square meter b. 4 watts per square meter c. 5 watts per square meter d. None of the above
618. Recommended thickness of hallow blocks used for walls of warehouse. a. 100 mm b. 125 mm c. 150 mm d. All of the above
619. Recommended size of reinforcing bars for warehouse walls. a. 8 mm RSB b. 10 mm RSB c. 12 mm RSB d. None of the above 620. Recommended thickness of concrete slabs for warehouse permitted for loading and unloading with trucks. a. 100 mm b. 120 mm c. 150 mm d. None of the above
621. Recommended width of concrete strips to be laid around warehouse to prevent rain from eroding the base of the walls below the damp course. a. 0.75 m b. 1.00 m c. 1.50 m d. None of the above
622. Minimum dimension of roof truss span for warehouse. a. 14.5 meters b. 15.5 meters c. 16.5 meters d. None of the above
623. Recommended spacing between the stacks and wall of warehouse. a. 0.5 meter wide b. 1.0 meter wide c. 1.5 meter wide d. None of the above 624. Maximum height of stacks for warehouse using jute sacks. a. 3 meters b. 6 meters c. 9 meters d. None of the above 625. Maximum height of stacks for warehouse when using woven polypropylene bags. a. 3 meters b. 6 meters c. 9 meters d. None of the above
626. Dimension for maximum piling of stacks to conform with the fumigating sheets in situations where warehouses cannot be made airtight. a. 7.3 m x 21.9 m x 4.5 m b. 6.3 m x 20.9 m x 4.5 m c. 5.3 m x 19.8 m x 4.5 m d. None of the above
627. Recommended stack height for warehouse should not exceed the height of the walls and a space of at least ______ between the tops of the stacks and the roof frame. a. 1 meter b. 1.5 meters c. 2.0 meters d. None of the above
628. It is the system of piling grains that provides ventilation space between bags and allows circulation of convective air current that provides a medium for heat dissipation. a. Chinese Method b. Japanese Method c. Philippine Method d. None of the above
629. Any building or place used for killing of animals where the flesh is intended for human consumption. a. Butcher house b. Slaughter house c. Large animal pen d. None of the above
630. A slaughter hose with required facilities and operational procedures to serve any market. a. A slaughter house b. AA slaughter house c. AAA slaughter house d. None of the above
631. A slaughter hose with required facilities and operational procedures to serve local market within the country. a. A slaughter house b. AA slaughter house c. AAA slaughter house d. None of the above
632. A type of electrical load distribution center where the meter and the disconnect switch are located at the electric-load center of the farmstead. a. Indoor-type b. Outdoor-type c. Pole-type d. None of the above
633. Water requirement of a slaughter house for large animals. a. 227 liters per day per animal b. 114 liters per day per animal c. 57 liters per day per animal d. None of the above
634. Water requirement of a slaughter house for small animals. a. 227 liters per day per animal b. 114 liters per day per animal c. 57 liters per day per animal d. None of the above
635. Water requirement of a slaughter house for swine. a. 227 liters per day per animal b. 114 liters per day per animal c. 57 liters per day per animal d. None of the above
636. Minimum distance required of slaughter house when they are to be located near river, streams, or lakes. a. 10 meters from the bank b. 20 meters from the bank c. 30 meters from the bank d. None of the above
637. Minimum distance required for slaughter house from buildings used for human habitation, factory, public road and places. a. 50 meters b. 100 meters c. 150 meters d. None of the above
638. Minimum pipeline pressure for water supply system in slaughter houses. a. 20 psi b. 30 psi c. 40 psi d. None of the above
639. Meat which is unfit for human consumption as declared by a veterinary inspector after veterinary examination. a. Spoiled meat b. Detained meat c. Condemned meat d. None of the above
640. Meat requiring further examination as declared by a veterinary inspector after veterinary examination. a. Spoiled meat b. Detained meat c. Condemned meat d. None of the above
641. Lowering of animal into a steam to prepare skin for dehairing. a. Flaying b. Scalding c. Gambrelling d. None of the above
642. It is the removal of hide of the carcass. a. Flaying b. Scalding c. Gambrelling d. None of the above
643. It is the process or suspending the carcass for particular operation. a. Flaying b. Scalding c. Gambrelling d. None of the above
644. It renders the animal insensible before it is killed. a. Stunning b. Pithing c. Sticking d. None of the above
645. It is the insertion of a rod or coiled wire through the hole in the skull of cattle made by captive blot to destroy the brain and spinal cord to prevent reflex muscular action and possible injury to operatives. a. Stunning b. Pithing c. Sticking d. None of the above
646. It is the severance of the major blood vessels in the neck or immediately anterior to the heart by means of a knife. a. Stunning b. Pithing c. Sticking d. None of the above
647. Site for slaughter houses should be elevated ______ above the adjacent ground. a. 400 mm b. 500 mm c. 600 mm d. None of the above
648. Recommended dimension for slaughter house for large animal with throughput rate of 30 animals per day is ____. a. 6 m x 5.8 m b. 2.5 m x 6.4 m c. 23.3 m x 15 m d. None of the above
649. Recommended slopes for wall tops of slaughter houses. a. 30 deg b. 45 deg c. 60 deg d. None of the above
650. Recommended thickness of concrete slabs for slaughter houses. a. 100 mm b. 120 mm c. 150 mm d. None of the above
651. Size of reinforcement bar for concrete slabs in slaughter houses. a. 8 mm RSB b. 10 mm RSB c. 12 mm RSB d. None of the above 652. Recommended height of windows for slaughter houses. a. 1 meters above the floor b. 1.2 meters above the floor c. 1.5 meters above the floor d. None of the above
653. Minimum width of doorways for slaughter houses. a. 1.0 meter wide b. 1.2 meters wide c. 1.5 meters wide d. None of the above
654. Numbers of drain inlets provided in slaughter houses pr 40 m 2 space. a. 1 inlet b. 2 inlets c. 3 inlets d. None of the above
655. Two hundred twenty (220) volt line with current flowing at 10 ampere is equal to ________. a. 2.2 kw b. 2.2 volt-ampere c. 2200 watts d. None of the above
656. A 10 ampere ventilation fan with a power factor of 0.85 was connected to a 220 volt convenience outlet. What is the current and power in the circuit? a. 1,870 watts b. 1,870 volt-ampere c. 2,200 watts d. None of the above e. All of the above
657. An electric motor has an rated horsepower of 2 hp, a rated voltage of 240 volts, and a current of 15 amperes. What is the horsepower rating of the motor in watts? Assume a motor efficiency of 85%. a. 1492 watts b. 1942 watts c. 1249 watts d. None of the above
658. What is the input power of the motor above? a. 1557 watts b. 1755 watts c. 1575 watts d. None of the above
659. What is the power factor of the motor above? a. 0.4875 b. 0.4785 c. 0.4587 d. None of the above
660. The power output of DC line in wattage is equal to ______. a. volts x ampere b. volts x ampere x power factor c. volt x ampere x efficiency d. None of the above
661. The power output of AC line in wattage is equal to ______. a. volts x ampere b. volts x ampere x power factor c. volt x ampere x efficiency d. None of the above
662. Advantage of 240 volt over to 120 volt. a. Economical b. Lower power loss c. Smaller power drop d. All of the above
663. Ampere capacity of AWG no. 12 wire. a. 15 amperes b. 20 amperes c. 30 amperes d. None of the above
664. When AWG # 12 wire is replace with AWG no. 14, the ampere capacity of the will ______. a. increase b. decrease c. remains the same d. None of the above
665. Electrical conductors which are 8 mm 2 (AWG#8) or smaller in size. a. Wire b. Cables c. Cord d. All of the above
666. Electrical conductors larger than 8 mm 2 . a. Wire b. Cables c. Cord d. All of the above
667. Consist of a group of wires twisted to form a metallic string. a. Stranded wire b. Cord c. Co-axial wire d. All of the above
668. A water heater draws 10 amperes at 240 volt current supply. What is the heat resistance delivered by heater? a. 2.4 ohms b. 24 ohms c. 2400 ohms d. None of the above
669. Determine the monthly consumption of a farm residence having the following loads: one-1200 watts electric iron in 2 hours, one-1000 watt water heater in 3 hours, and one-1300 watt toaster in 30 minutes. a. 4.05 kw-hour b. 5.05 kw-hour c. 6.05 kw-hour d. None of the above
670. What is the size in circular mill of a cable with rating 250 MCM? a. 250 circular mill b. 25, 000 circular mill c. 250,000 circular mill d. All of the above
671. It is a fabricated assembly of insulated conductors enclosed flexible metal sheet primarily used for both exposed and concealed work. a. Metal clad cable b. Armored cable c. Mineral Insulated cable d. None of the above
672. It is a factory assembly of one or more conductors each individually insulated and enclosed in a metallic sheet of interlocking tape of a smooth or corrugated tube and are usually used for service feeders, branch circuits and for indoor or outdoor work. a. Metal clad cable b. Armored cable c. Mineral insulated cable d. None of the above
673. It is a wiring accessories or channels designed for holding wires, cables, or busbars which are either made of metal, plastic, or any insulating materials. a. Wire shield b. Armor pipe c. Raceways d. None of the above
674. It is a device which by insertion establishes connection between the conductor of the flexible cord and the conductors connected permanently to the receptacle. a. Convenience outlet b. Junction box c. Receptacles d. None of the above
675. A contact device installed at the outlet for the connection of a single attachment plug. a. Convenience outlet b. Junction box c. Receptacles d. None of the above
676. These are free standing assembly of switches, fuses, and circuit breakers which provides switching and feeder protection to a number of circuits connected to a main source. a. Panel board b. Switchboard c. Circuit breaker d. All of the above 677. Electrical system that is adopted in buildings where the load exceeds 50 KVA or where it is required for bigger load such as motors and machineries. a. Single phase system b. Dual phase system c. Three phase system d. All of the above 678. The maximum load in watts for each household lighting outlet based on the National Electrification Code. a. 50 watts b. 100 watts c. 150 watts d. All of the above
679. It is the ability of the wire or conductor to carry the current without overheating. a. Voltage drop b. Power loss c. Ampacity d. None of the above
680. National Electrification Code provides that the ampacity of the connected load shall not exceed _____ of the amperage capacity of the conductor and the fuse. a. 60% b. 70% c. 80% d. All of the above
681. Allowable space between the tops of the stocks and the roof truss of warehouse. a. 1.0 meter b. 1.5 meters c. 2.0 meters d. None of the above
682. Optimum recommended stock height for paddy stored in the warehouse. a. 16 layers b. 18 layers c. 20 layers d. All of the above
683. Optimum recommended stock height for maize stored in the warehouse. a. 16 layers b. 18 layers c. 20 layers d. All of the above
684. In storing paddy, which of the following statement is true? a. More paddy can be stored in a warehouse when placed in jute sacks. b. More paddy can be stored in a warehouse when placed in woven polypropylene bags. c. The same volume of paddy can be stored in a warehouse whether they are stored in jute sacks or woven polypropylene bags. d. None of the above
685. Maximum stock height for grains stored in jute bags. a. the wall height b. the wall height c. Wall height d. All of the above
686. Maximum stock height for grains stored in woven polypropylene bags. a. the wall height c. the wall height c. Wall height d. All of the above
687. Allowable space between piles of bags in warehouse. a. 0.6 m b. 1.0 m c. 1.2 m d. None of the above
688. Minimum side space requirement between the edge of the pile and the wall of the warehouse. a. 0.5 m b. 1.0 m c. 1.5 m d. None of the above
689. Minimum recommended height of the interior between the beam and the floor of warehouse. a. 15 feet b. 20 feet c. 25 feet d. All of the above
690. Preferred lighting fixtures for warehouse building. a. Incandescent lamp b. Fluorescent lamp c. Ultraviolet lamp d. None of the above
691. Minimum requirement for illumination of warehouse. a. 3 watts per square meter b. 6 watts per square meter c. 9 watts per square meter d. None of the above
692. Recommended size of concrete hallow blocks for warehouse wall. a. 4 in. x 8 in. x 16 in. b. 6 in. x 8 in. x 16 in. c. 8 in. x 8 in. x 16 in. d. None of the above
693. Recommended size of reinforcement bar for warehouse. a. 10 mm diameter b. 12 mm diameter c. 14 mm diameter d. None of the above
694. Recommended spacing of reinforcement bar for warehouse wall. a. 500 mm vertical and horizontal b. 600 mm vertical and 500 horizontal c. 600 mm vertical and horizontal d. None of the above
695. To prevent rain from eroding the warehouse wall, it is recommended that ______ a one meter concrete strips should be provided around the warehouse. b. one meter metal strips should be provided on the outside wall of the warehouse. c. suitable drainage system should be provided around the warehouse. d. None of the above
696. Recommended height of floor for warehouse to permit easy loading and unloading by trucks at the sides of the warehouse. a. 0.5 meter above the ground b. 1.0 meter above the ground c. 1.5 meters above the ground d. None of the above
697. Recommended height of floor if trucks are permitted to load and unload inside the warehouse. a. 0.30 m above the ground b. 0.40 m above the ground c. 0.50 m above the ground d. None of the above
698. Which of the following facilities are required for warehouse? a. Quality control laboratories b. Toilet and washing facilities c. Poisonous chemical store d. All of the above e. None of the above
699. Construction of canopy for warehouse should be done ______ to allow continuous loading and unloading even when raining. a. in all walls b. in every entry door c. in one edge of the outside wall d. None of the above
700. Locations of vents for warehouse. a. Near the floor level b. Top of the wall near grid line c. Top of the roof and the ridge d. All of the above
701. Factors that contribute to the increasing amount of waste. a. Over population b. Utilization of chemicals in Agriculture c. Natural catastrophes and droughts d. All of the above
702. A treatment process which reduces the amount of substances that cause unpleasant odor and discoloration of water. a. Filtration b. Aeration c. Disinfection d. None of the above
703. In an open aerator, the addition of air in water is achieved by a. Placing the water in an open tank b. Providing opening to a water container c. Spraying the water d. None of the above
704. In sedimentation, processed water is allowed to pass through a settling chamber at __________. a. low velocity b. high velocity c. zero velocity d. None of the above
705. In coagulation and flocculation processes, water is mixed with coagulants to _______. a. disperse colloidal particles b. allow the formation of settable particles c. mechanically screen colloidal matters d. None of the above
706. Sources of coagulants include ______. a. earth from termite hills b. aluminum and iron salts c. potato starch d. All of the above
707. In flocculation process, it is necessary that the water being treated must be ___________. a. agitated b. stagnant c. heated d. All of the above
708. A water treatment process aimed to destroy microorganisms that cause infectious disease . a. Ozonation b. Disinfection c. Irradiation d. None of the above
709. Lesser amount of chorine is needed for water being treated if the turbidity of water is ________ . a. high b. low c. zero d. None of the above 710. It is the commonly practiced method of disinfecting water by households. a. chlorination b. ozonation c. boiling d. None of the above
711. A good material used for water filter. a. Chlorine b. Activated carbon c. Filter paper d. None of the above
712. A mixture in air of irregular shape mineral particles in the size ranged from 1 to 200 micrometer formed by crushing, chipping, grinding or by natural disintegration of solid substances. a. Fumes b. Sulfurous smog c. Dusts d. All of the above
713. If air is mixed with one or more constituents not normally present in the atmosphere it is considered as _______. a. polluted air b. turbid air c. air pollution d. None of the above
714. It is the simplest method of separating solid particles from air by allowing air to pass through a large chamber to cause the solid material to fall due to its weight. a. Momentum separation b. Gravity separation c. Settling chamber d. None of the above
715. Much efficient method of separating particles from air. a. Cyclone separator b. Gravity separator c. Momentum separator d. None of the above
716. When a material goes with air, the velocity of air that will cause it to pick-up the materials is _______. a. terminal velocity b. superfluous velocity c. laminar velocity d. None of the above
717. The efficiency of cyclone increases for ________. a. small particle b. medium particle c. large particle d. None of the above
718. Cyclone efficiency decreases with a _________. a. decrease in the amount of dust b. reduction in length of cyclone body c. decrease in the number of gas rotation inside the cyclone d. All of the above
719. A gas filter that is suitable for high temperature condition. a. Wool b. Asbestos c. Filter glass d. All of the above
720. A method of separating fine dust by allowing it to pass through a mist of water. a. Water purifier b. Water scrubber c. Water spraying d. All of the above
721. A partially lined or unlined underground pit into which raw animal or household waste water is discharged. a. Cistern b. Cesspool c. Septic tank d. None of the above
722. It is the breakdown of organic matter in a water solution or suspension into a simpler or more biologically-stable compounds. a. Digestion b. Ammonification c. Adsorption d. None of the above
723. Wastewater, which is treated or untreated, that is being discharged from reservoir, basin, or treatment plant. a. Effluent b. Influent c. Turbid water d. None of the above
724. A dark carbonaceous residue resulting from aerobic decomposition of organic matter. a. Night soil b. Slurry c. Humus d. None of the above
725. It is a biological waste water treatment process in which the mixture of waste water and biological solids is agitated and aerated. a. Activated sludge process b. Agitation process c. Anaerobic digestion process d. None of the above
726. Waste water flowing into a reservoir or treatment plant. a. Slurry b. Influent c. Intake d. None of the above
727. It is the ordinary killing of all living microorganisms with the use of heat and pressure or with the use of some chemicals. a. Disinfection b. Sterilization c. Fumigation d. None of the above
728. It is the biological decomposition of nitrogenous organic matter with the production of foul- smelling products associated with anaerobic degradation of proteins. a. Anaerobic digestion b. Putrefaction c. Liquefaction d. None of the above
729. A portion of the total solids driven off by a combustible gases at 500-600 C for at least one hour. a. Total solids b. Volatile solids c. Suspended solids d. None of the above
730. It is an earthen facility for biological treatment of wastewater. a. Lagoon b. Detention pond c. Cesspool d. None of the above
731. Biological degradation of organic solids under aerobic conditions to a relatively stable humus- like material. a. Digestion b. Composting c. Manure production d. None of the above
732. Particles that ultimately settle after the wastewater losses velocity. a. Sediments b. Colloids c. Flocs d. None of the above
733. The precipitate or settled solids from treatment, coagulation, or sedimentation of wastewater. a. Sludge b. Colloids c. Sediments d. None of the above
734. A film produced during slow filtration responsible for the bacteriological- purification effect on water. a. Filter skin b. Scum c. Bacteriological film d. None of the above
735. It is the method of cleaning on a rapid filter by reversing the direction of flow of water. a. Back splashing b. Back washing c. Reverse cleaning d. None of the above
736. Chemical reaction of disinfectant is speed up by using _____. a. cold water b. raw water c. hot water d. All of the abov 737. Sedimentation and filtration are performed preceding chlorination to _________. a. enhance disinfection effect b. reduce chlorination time c. reduce treatment time d. All of the above
738. The water-carried waste from households or industry. a. turbid water b. sewage c. slurry d. None of the above
739. The average time wherein waste is subjected to stabilization process or held in storage. a. Detention time b. Retention time c. Digestion time d. None of the above
740. The rapid oxidation of solids in a specially- designed combustion chamber. a. Solid burning b. Incineration c. Thermal activation d. None of the above
741. A type of biogas plant where the digester is separated from the gas chamber. a. Integrated plant b. Multi-digester plant c. Split-type plant d. All of the above
742. Maximum ventilation rate requirement for greenhouse. a. 0.10 to 0.75 air change per minute b. 0.75 to 1.00 air change per minute c. 1.00 to 1.75 air change per minute
743. A structure that provide a reliable enclosure within which an environment favorable to plant growth can be attained. a. Farm building b. Warehouse c. Greenhouse d. None of the above
744. Which of the following is not a greenhouse? a. Glasshouse b. Plastic house c. Screen house d. None of the above
745. Recommended orientation for the installation of greenhouse. a. North to South b. West to East c. North-West to South East d. None of the above
746. Maximum recommended length for greenhouse. a. 50 meters b. 100 meters c. 150 meters d. None of the above
747. Maximum recommended width for gutter connected greenhouse. a. 50 meters b. 100 meters c. 150 meters d. None of the above
748. C/N ratio requirement of organic materials for proper biogas digestion. a. 1:10 to 1:20 b. 1:20 to 1:30 c. 1:30 to 1:40 d. None of the above
749. One pound per square inch is equal to ________. a. 27.6 inches of water b. 26.7 inches of water c. 76. 2 inches of water d. None of the above
750. A process of gradually supplying moisture and maintaining proper temperature so as to have favorable conditions for hydration of the cement particularly during the early hardening period. a. Re-wetting b. Tempering c. Curing d. None of the above
751. A unit of deformation as a result of change in the form produced by stress. a. Fatigue strength b. Shear force c. Strain d. None of the above
752. An algebraic sum of all the external forces acting parallel to cross-section of one side of the section tending to cause failure by sliding movement. a. Fatigue strength b. Deflection c. Shear force d. None of the above
753. It is the amount of stress that produce failure by increasing the unit stress until breakage or rupture occurs. a. Ultimate strength b. Unit stress c. Shearing stress d. None of the above
754. It is the internal resistance per unit area that results from external force. a. Ultimate strength b. Unit stress c. Shearing stress d. None of the above
755. Stresses tending to cause two contiguous parts of a body to slide, relative to each other in a direction parallel to the plane of contact. a. Ultimate strength b. Unit stress c. Shearing stress d. None of the above
756. Cutting metal sheet using a tin snip is a good example of material subject to________ . a. tensile stress b. compressive stress c. shear stress d. All of the above
757. Ratio of the ultimate strength to the working stress. a. Allowable stress b. Elastic limit c. Factor of safety d. None of the above