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The Future of Common Stocks Benjamin Graham

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The author predicts that common stocks will continue to fluctuate greatly in the future, both advancing and declining sharply from appropriate price levels at different times. Government intervention has benefited stock values through preventing financial crises but also hurt profits through business restrictions. Overall the effects have been positive for stock prices based on comparing market indexes before and after the Great Depression. Current opportunities for long-term investors are very attractive given low bond yields and high earnings for stock prices.

The two 'watershed episodes' mentioned were the 1924 publication of a book by E.L. Smith showing stocks had outperformed bonds over the past 50 years, fueling the bull market of the 1920s, and the 1948 Federal Reserve report on public opposition to stocks despite their low prices and high bond yields at that time.

According to the 1948 Federal Reserve report, over 90% of those surveyed were opposed to buying common stocks, about half because they thought them too risky and half because of unfamiliarity, despite stock prices being very low relative to bond yields at the time.

S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 1 9 7 4 FAJ

by Benjamin Graham
The Future Of
Common Stocks
The following article is taken, with slight
revisions, from a paper prepared for
delivery before a group of corporate pen-
sion executives in June 1974. The last half
of the article aims to answer specific
questions raised in connection with the
Before I came down to Wall Street in 1914 the
future of the stock market had already been
forecastonce for allin the famous dictum of
J P . Morgan the elder: "It will fluctuate. " It is a
safe prediction for me to make that, in future years
as in the past, common stocks will advance too far
and decline too far, and that investors, like
speculatorsand institutions, like individuals
will have their periods of enchantment and disen-
chantment with equities.
To support this prediction let me cite two
"watershed episodes"as I shall call themthat
occurred within my own fmancial experience. The
first goes back just 50 years, to 1924; it was the
publication of EI . . Smith's little book entitled.
Common Stocks as Long-Term Investments.
His study showed that, contrary to prevalent
beliefs, equities as a whole had proved much better
purchases than bonds during the preceding half-
century. It is generally held that these fmdings
provided the theoretical and psychological justifi-
cation for the ensuing bull market of the 192O's.
The Dow J ones Industrial Average (DJ IA), which
Benjamin Graham, senior author o/Security Analysis,
first edition of which appeared in 1934, needs no in-
troduction to the readers of this magazine.
stood at 90 in mid-1924, advanced to 381 by Sep-
tember 1929, from which high estate it collap-
sedas I remember only too wellto an ignomin-
ious low of 41 in 1932.
On that date the market's level was the lowest it
had registered for more than 30 years. For both
General Electric and for the Dow, the highpoint of
1929 was not to be regained for 25 years.
Here was a striking example of the calamity that
can ensue when reasoning that is entirely sound
when applied to past conditions is blindly followed
long after the relevant conditions have changed.
What was true of the attractiveness of equity in-
vestments when the Dow stood at 90 was doubtful
when the level had advanced to 200 and was com-
pletely untrue at 300 or higher.
The second episodehistorical in my think-
ingoccurred towards the end of the market's
long recovery from the 1929 to 1932 debacle. It
was the report of the Federal Reserve in 1948 on
the public's attitude toward common stocks. In
that year the Dow sold as low as 165 or seven
times earnings, while AAA bonds returned only
2. 82 per cent. Nevertheless, over 90 per cent of
those canvassed were opposed to buying
equitiesabout half because they thought them
too risky and half because of unfamiliarity. Of
course this was just the moment before common
stocks were to begin the greatest upward movement
in market historywhich was to carry the Dow
from 165 to 1050 last year. What better
illustration can one wish of the age-old truth that
the public's attitudes in matters of fmance are
completely untrustworthy as guides to investment
policy? This may easily prove as true in 1974 as it
was in 1948.
I think the future of equities will be roughly the
same as their past; in particular, common-stock
purchases will prove satisfactory when made at ap-
propriate price levels. It may be objected that is far
too cursory and superficial a conclusion; that it
fails to take into account the new factors and
problems that have entered the economic picture
in recent yearsespecially those of infiation, un-
precedentedly high interest rates, the energy crisis,
the ecology-pollution mess and even the movement
towards less consumption and zero growth. Per-
haps I should add to my list the widespread public
mistrust of Wall Street as a whole, engendered by
its well-nigh scandalous behavior during recent
years in the areas of ethics, financial practices of
all sorts and plain business sense.
Of course these elementsmainly unfavorable
to the future values of common stocksshould be
taken into account in the formulation of today's
investments policies. But it is absurd to conclude
from them that from now on common stocks will
be undesirable investments no matter how low
their price level may fall. The real question is the
same as it has always been in the past, namely: Is
this a desirable time or price level to make equity
purchases? We should divide that question, I think,
into the following: a) Is this a desirable level to buy
stocks in general, as represented by the DJIA or
Standard and Poor's 500 (S&P 500)? b) Even if the
averages may not be at an attractive level, can in-
vestors expect satisfactory results by choosing in-
dividual issues that are undoubtedly worth at least
what they are selling for? The distinction I have
just made is clearly relevant to the present
situation because of the recent advent of the "two-
tiered market," resulting from the massive prefer-
ence of insititutions for large, high-growth com-
panies. This in turn has brought about disparities
in the P/E ratios for issues of investment charac-
terdifferences as high as ten to onethat have
been unexampled in all my experience, except
perhaps at the height of the 1929 madness with its
celebrated "blue-chip" issues.
My own answer to the double question just
posed is as follows: As to the present level of the
averagessay, 850 for the Dow and 93 for the
S&P 500the factor most directly affecting
current security values and prices is most assuredly
the high rate of interest now established for the en-
tire spectrum of bond and note issues. One of the
glaring defects of institutional attitudes has been
that as recently as early 1973when they sup-
ported the record price level of the averagesthey
failed to take into account that AAA bonds were
then yielding 7.3 per cent and had been above 8.5
per cent not long before. (As it happened they were
destined to surpass the 8.5 per cent rate in 1974.)
In 1964 the AAA rate averaged 4.4 per cent. It
seems logical to me that the earning/price ratio of
stocks generally should bear a relationship to
bond-interest rates. If this thesis is accepted in its
simplest form we must conclude: If one dollar of
Dow earnings were worth $17 when bond yields
were 4.4 per cent, that one dollar is now worth
only 52 per cent of $17, or $8.80, with AAA bonds
at 8.5 per cent. This in turn would suggest a
currently justified multiplier of, say, nine for the
normal current earnings of the Dow. If you place
those earnings at the record 1973 figure of $86,
you arrive at a current valuation of only 775 for
the DJIA. You may quarrel with this figure on
various grounds. One may be your expectation that
bond rates will fall in the future. But that prospect
is far from certain, while the present 8-1/2 per cent
rate is a fact. Also, if bond yields go down ap-
preciably, then bond pricesespecially of the low-
coupKjn, large-discount issueswill advance as
well as stocks. Hence such bonds could still work
out better than the Dow if and when interest rates
Viewing the matter from another angle, I should
want the Dow or Standard and Poor's to return an
earnings yield of at least four-thirds that on AAA
bonds to give them competitive attractiveness with
bond investments. This would mean an earnings
yield of 11 per cent, and it brings us smack back to
the valuation of about 775 for the Dow that we
found by comparing the early 1974 situation with
that ten years before.
Furthermore, my calculations of growth rates
over the past 25 years give an annual figure for the
Dow of only 4-1/2 per cent. If this rate were to
continue in the future, the expectable combination
of growth plus dividends would produce less than a
ten per cent overall return, consisting of four and
one-half per cent growth plus a compounded
dividend yield of, say, five per cent. This second
calculation would make my current 775 valuation
for the Dow appear over generous. Incidentally, a
corresponding approach to the S&P 500 Index
gives a somewhat less favorable result than for the
Dow at current levels. The S&P 425 and 500 In-
dexes have both grown at about a five per cent rate
over the past 25 years. But this advantage appears
to be offset by their higher P/E ratios compared
with the DJIA. (continued next page)
Selecting Individual Common Stocks
When we come to valuing individual stocks I
should like to divide them into three classes, as I
find them in the NYSE list. Group I is the growth
issues selling at more than 20 times their last 12
months' earnings. Group II is the relatively un-
popular stocks selling for less than seven times
recent earningsi.e., at 15 per cent earnings yield
or better. Group III has multipliers between seven
and twenty.
In my count of 1530 NYSE issues there were 63,
or four per cent of the total, selling above 20 times
earnings, of wbich 24 passed the 30 times mark. By
contrast, more than 500over a thirdsold
below seven times earnings, and of these about
150say, ten per cent of the totalwere quoted
under five times the last 12 months' profits.
If the earnings on wbicb these multipliers are
based can be counted on, more or less, in the
futurewithout any special requirements as to
growthit is evident that many NYSE issues can
now compete in attractiveness with bonds at 8-1/2
per cent. In this large area of choice there are
many that would be suitable for pension-fund in-
vestment; many indeed that may be regarded as
definitely undervalued. These are especially suited
for longer-term commitments as distinguished from
short-term speculative purchase. Among the under
seven-times-earnings list are huge concerns like
Firestone (with $3 billion of sales) and in-
termediate-sized enterprises like Emhart, which
has paid dividends for 72 years and recently sold
under its net-current-asset value.
The Book-Value Approach
The developments that bave produced tbese ex-
traordinarily low multipliers for so many NYSE
(and other) issues now present us with another
phenomenonnamely the reestablishment of book
value, or net worth, as a point of departure and
possible guide to the selection of common stocks.
In a large area of the present stock market we
could return to a very old-fasbioned but nonethe-
less useful criterion for equity investmentnamely
the value of the company as a private enterprise to
a private owner, irrespective of market quotations
for the shares. If the business has been prosperous,
and is at least reasonably promising for tbe future,
it should be worth its net asset value; bence an op-
portunity to buy an interest therein at a substantial
discount from net worth could be considered at-
As it happens, about half the NYSE companies
were selling last month at less than book value, and
about one-quarter, or about 400 issues, at less than
two-thirds of net worth. What is equally interesting
is that about one-third of all common stocks ac-
tually sold both above and below their net worth
in the past 12 months. Certainly more than half
fluctuated around this figure in the last five years.
For the most part, these issues selling below book
are also in the low-multiplier group.
I may be so bold as to suggest that this situation
makes possible a quite simple approach to equity
investment tbat is open to almost everyone from
the small investor to the quite large pension fund
manager. This is the idea of buying selected com-
mon stocksthose meeting additional criteria of
financial strength, etc.obtainable at two-thirds
or less of book value, and holding them for sale at
their net asset valueto show a non-spectacular
but quite satisfactory 50 per cent profit. We cannot
predict with assurance how this apparently too-
simple investment program will work out in the
future. But I can say that my studies covering the
period 1961 to 1974 show the presence of suf-
ficient opportunities of this kind in most years, and
also excellent overall results from the assumed
Since I spoke of three groupings of the NYSE
list, I should now give my views of Groups I and
III. Those selling at intermediate multipliers may
present individual opportunities, but they have no
special interest for me as a category. But the first-
tier, high-growth issues present a real challenge to
past experience. Obviously they would be won-
derful private or market-type investments if ob-
tainable at book value or even twice that figure.
The trouble is, of course, that most of them sell at
more than five times book valueand some more
than ten times. Last year the ratios were a good
deal higher than that. At these levels, they take on
a speculative character which is due entirely to
their price level, and in no sense to any weakness
of the companies themselves. (I made this point as
long ago as 1958 in an address before the Finan-
cial Analysts Federation; it is reproduced as an
Appendix to The Intelligent Investor.) The
speculative risks attached to high-growth stocks
have been brought home dramatically in the past
18 months by the price declines in many of these
favorites. (I need not give examples.)
However, I do want to use an instance here in
connection with a brief discussion of a recently
launched academic theory about the stock market,
which could have great practical importance if it
coincided with reality. This is the hypothesis of
"the efficient market." In its extreme form it makes
two declarations: 1) The price of nearly every stock
at nearly all times reflects whatever is knowable
about the company's affairs; hence no consistent
profits can be made by seeking out and using ad-
ditional information, including that held by "in-
siders." 2) Because the market has complete or at
least adequate information about each issue, the
prices it registers are therefore "correct , "
"reasonable" or "appropriate." This would imply
that it is fruitless, or at least insufficiently reward-
ing, for security analysts to look for discrepancies
between price and value.
I have no particular quarrel with declaration
one, though assuredly there are times when a
researcher may unearth significant information
about a stock, not generally known and reflected in
the price. But I deny emphatically that because the
market has all the information it needs to establish
a correct price the prices it actually registers are in
fact correct. Take as my example a fine company
such as Avon Products. How can it make sense to
say that its price of 140 was "correct" in 1973 and
that its price of 32 was also "correct" In 1974?
Could anything have happenedoutside of stock-
market psychologyto reduce the value of that
enterprise by 77 per cent or nearly six billion
dollars? The market may have had all the in-
formation it needed about Avon; what it has
lacked is the right kind of judgment in evaluating
its knowledge.
Descartes summed up the matter more than
three centuries ago, when he wrote in his "Discours
de la Methode": "Ce n'est pas assez d'avoir l'esprit
bon, mais le principal est de l'appiquer bien." In
English: "It is not enough to have a good in-
telligence"and I add, "enough information"
"the principal thing is to apply it well."
I can assure the reader that among the 500-odd
NYSE issues selling below seven times earnings
today, there are plenty to be found for which the
prices are not "correct" ones, in any meaningful
sense of the term. They are clearly worth more
than their current selling prices, and any security
analyst worth his salt should be able to make up an
attractive portfolio out of this "universe."
Inflation and Investment Policy
Let us turn now to inflation. Do the prospects of
continued inflation make equity purchases un-
desirable at present market prices or indeed at any
conceivable level? It is passing strange that this
question should even suggest itself It seems only
yesterday that everyone was saying that stocks,
even at high prices, were definitely preferable to
bonds because equities carried an important
measure of protection against future inflation.
But it should be admitted that not only recently,
but for many years and perhaps decades past,
equities as a whole have failed to provide the
protection against inflation that was expected from
them. I refer to the natural surmise that a higher
general price level would produce a higher value
for business assets and hence correspondingly
higher profit rates in relation to original costs. This
has not been borne out by the statistics. The rate of
return on book equities as a wholemuch un-
derstated as they must be in terms of reproduction
costshas at best held constant at around the 10
to 12 level. If anything, it has declined from the
1948 to 1953 period when the Dow was selling at
only seven times earnings.
It is true of course that the earnings on the DJIA
and the S&P 425 Industrials have tripled from
1947-1951 to 1969-1973. But in the same period
the book value of both indexes has quadrupled.
Hence we may say that all the increase in post-war
earnings may be ascribed to the simple building up
of net worth by the reinvestment of undistributed
profits, and none of it to the more than doubling of
the general price level in those 28 years. In other
words, inflation as such has not helped common-
stock earnings.
This is a good reasonand there are others
not to be enthusiastic about equities at every
market level. This caution is part of my long-held
investment philosophy. But what about the current
situation? Should inflation prospects dissuade an
investor from buying strong companies on a 15 per
cent earnings return? My answer would be "no."
What are the investors' real choiceswhether as
an institution or as an individual? He can elect to
keep his money in short-term obligations, at a good
yield, expecting that future inflation will eventually
produce lower market levels for all kinds of stocks,
including those with low multipliers. This choice
would be justified when the investor is convinced
that stocks are selling above their true value, but
otherwise it is only a kind of bet on future market
movements. Or he may conceivably decide on an
entirely new sort of investment policynamely, to
move from stocks or bonds into things: real estate,
gold, commodities, valuable pictures and the like.
Let me make three observations here.
The first is that it is impossible for any really
large sums of moneysay billions of dollarsto
be invested in such tangibles, other than real
property, without creating a huge advance in the
price level, thus creating a typical speculative cycle
ending in the inevitable crash. Secondly, this very
type of hazard is already manifest to us in the real
estate field, where numerous new ventures, fi-
nanced through a combination of borrowing and
quoted common-stock issues, have encountered
problems of all sorts, including large stock-market
losses for their investors.
My third observation is on the positive side. I
think all investors should recognize the possibility
though not necessarily the probability of
future inflation at the recent 11 per cent rate, or
even higher, and should introduce what I shall call
a "concrete-object factor" in their overall financial
approach. By this I mean that they should not be
content to have an overwhelming proportion of
their wealth represented by paper money and its
equivalents, such as bank deposits, bonds and
receivables of all sorts. For the shorter or longer
pullwho can really tell?it may turn out to be
wiser to have at least an indirect interestvia the
common-stock portfolioin such tangibles as
land, buildings, machinery and inventories. This is
relatively easy to accomplish in the execution of an
ordinary common-stock investment policy. My
point is only that it would be worthwhile to in-
troduce the concept as a specific and measured
criterion in analyzing one's resources. That idea is
as readily applicable to pension funds as to otber
It should be obvious from my overall approach
to the future of equities that I do not consider such
much-publicized problems as the energy crisis, en-
vironmental pressures, foreign exchange instability,
etc. as central determinations of financial policy.
They enter into the value versus price equation in
the same general fashion as would any such other
adverse factors as 1) a tendency towards lower
profit margins and 2) the higher debt burden and
the higher interest rate thereon. Their weight for
the future may be assessed by economists and
security analysts, presumably with the same ac-
curacy, or lack of it, as has characterized such
predictive work in the past.
Institutional Dominance, Efficient Markets,
and the Prospects for Security Analysis
Is there an equity bias among money managers?
My answer is that there has undoubtedly been sucb
a bias in the past decade, and that it was a power-
ful force in establishing price levels for the stock
market generally that were out of line with bond
yields. It may well have contributed to these high
yields themselves, for it deprived the bond market
of billions of dollars that went instead into buying
shares from former holders at advancing P/E rates.
Since concern is now expressed about institutional
disenchantment with equities, it may well be that
the bias of recent years is not only rapidly disap-
pearing but is being reversed and that it is now the
function of real oldtimers like myself to caution
against taking on an equally unjustified bias
against stocks at low price levels.
What will be the effect on performance of
having, say, $200 billion of institutional money in
equities, plus, say 11,000 working security analysts,
all trying to "beat the averages?" The reader will
pardon a reference here to a couplet by Heinrich
Heine a propos of the appointment of 45 German
professors to some commission of inquiry 150
years ago. He wrote:
"Funf-und-vierzig Professoren
Vaterland, du bist verloren!"
(Forty-five Professors
Fatherland, you're ruined!)
If only 45 professors can present such a menace,
how about 11,000 analysts?
Seriously, the effect of large-scale participation
by institutions in the equity market, and the work
of innumerable financial analysts striving to
establish proper valuation for all sorts, should be
to stabilize stock-market movements, i.e., in theory
at least, to dampen the unjustified fluctuation in
stock prices. I must confess, however, that I have
seen no such result fiowing from the preponderant
position of the institutions in market activity. The
amplitude of price fluctuations has, if anything,
been wider than before the institutions came into
tbe market on a grand scale. What can be the
reason? The only one I can give is that the in-
stitutions and their financial analysts have not
shown any more prudence and vision than the
general public; they seem to have succumbed to the
same siren songsexpressed chiefiy in the cult of
"performance." They, too, bave largely put aside
the once vital distinction between investment and
speculation. (This leads me to ask whether some
day soon we shall see some legal problems for cer-
tain banking institutions growing out of their ac-
countability for the results of trust investments
made from 1968 to 1973 that failed to meet the
strict judicial requirements of the prudent man
Let me give a concrete example of my statement
that institutional investment does not appear to
have contributed either stability or rationality to
stock pricesAmerican Airlines. The Standard
and Poor's Monthly Stock Guide shows the
holdings of this and other concerns by about 2000
insurance companies and investment funds, though
not by banks and their trust departments. In 1970,
the canvassed institutions owned 4.3 million shares
of American Airlines, or 22 per cent of the total.
The company reported a deficit of $1.30 per share
in 1970, then earnings of 13 cents in 1971 and a
magnificent 20 cents in 1972. In response, our so-
called efficient stock market advanced the price
from a 1970 low of 13 to a new all-time high of
49-7/8 in 1972. This was 250 times that year's
profits. Now what did our financial institutions do
to hold down this insane speculative binge in the
shares? Did they sell out their holdings somewhere
along the line, to cash in a profit and rid their port-
folios of a clearly overvalued issue? On the con-
trary. The Guide showed that during this period
they actually increased their ownership to 6.7
million shares, or by a full 50 per cent, held by 143
companies. And the latest figures, in 1974, show
that 117 funds etc. still owned 5.7 million shares or
20 per cent of the total. (In the meantime the com-
pany reported a record deficit of $48 million in
1973, and the price collapsed from 50 in 1972 to
7-1/2 in 1974.)
This story hardly suggests that the institutions
have been valiant contributors to "efficient
markets" and correct stock prices.
More and more institutions are likely to realize
that they cannot expect better than market-average
results from their equity portfolios unless they have
the advantage of better-than-average financial and
security analysts. Logically this should move some
of the institutions towards accepting the S&P 500
results as the norm for expectable performance. In
turn this might lead to using the S&P 500 or 425
lists as actual portfolios. If this proves true, clients
may then find themselves questioning the standard
fees most of them are paying financial institutions
to handle these investments. (Incidentally, if my
half-serious prophecy of a movement towards ac-
tual S&P Index portfolios is realized we should
have an ironical return to a form of investment in
equities that existed here 50 years ago. The first in-
vestment funds were actual "trusts," and "fixed
trusts" at that. The portfolios were set up, on a
once-for-all basis, from the very beginning.
Changes could be made only under compulsory
A modification of my "fixed fund" suggestion
would leave more leeway for the work of financial
analysts. This modification would base equity port-
folios initially on an actual or presumed imitation
of the S&P Index, ormore simplythe DJIA.
The operating manager or decision maker would
be permitted to make substitutions in this list, but
only on a persuasive showing that the issues sub-
stituted had distinctly more intrinsic value per
dollar of price than the ones to be dropped. Com-
bined with fairly heavy accountability for the
results of such departures from the original list,
such a program might well improve the actual per-
formance. In any case it would give the financial
analysts' profession something to do.
There has indeed been a strong intimation in this
article that the DJIA and the S&P Indexes are now
selling too high in relation to many issues now pur-
chasable at low P/E ratios. If this view is correct
any competent analyst has an excellent present op-
portunity to earn his pay by recommending
desirable substitutes for certain companies in these
Please bear in mind that while I have been
making a case for equity investment nowdespite,
or perhaps because of, institutional disillusionment
with themI am not proposing a 100 per cent
stock position for any investor. On the contrary, I
think that everyone's total portfolio should always
have a minimum component of 25 per cent in
bonds, along with a complementary minimum
holding of 25 per cent in equities. The remaining
half of the funds may be divided between the two,
either on a standard 50-50 basis (adjusted to'
reflect changes caused by significant price
movements) or in accordance with some consistent
and conservative policy of increasing the bond
proportion above 50 per cent when bonds appear
more attractive than equities, and vice versa when
equities appear more attractive than bonds.
Do equities win by default because there is no
assumed liquidity in other alternatives? There are
various answers to this query. The first is, of
course, that the alternative of putting funds into
short- or longer-term debt obligations does not
diminish the liquidity factor. Secondly, I could
argue that liquidity is itself a minor desideratum in
a true investment program, and that too many
value considerations have been sacrificed to an
assumed need for quick marketability. But thirdly,
I could not say to what extent the liquidity factor
should enter into consideration of non-income-
producing objectssuch as paintings, com-
modities, etc.as alternatives to common stocks.
My hunch is that the absence of incomeas
against 8-1/2 per cent annually on bondsshould
be more important here for your investment
decisions than the liquidity factor.
An Indexed Economy and a Managed Economy
What are the implications of an "indexed
economy"? I have already stated views of in-
flation's effect on equities. I feel that an indexed
economyin the full sense of Milton Friedman's
recent proposalis too impractical and remote to
warrant serious discussion here. We have it in part
in cost-of-living adjustments in union contracts, in-
cluding to some degree pension plans. There was
once an indexed bond issue, put out by
Remington-Rand Corporation at the instance of
Irving Fisher (then a director), which varied the
coupon payments with the cost-of-living index.
Conceivablythough not probablythat idea
may be revived. However, we have a growing num-
ber of debt obligations that vary the coupon rates
with changes in current bond yields or bank lend-
ing rates. The floodgates seem to be opening here
with the offering of $650 million of Citicorp
Floating Rate Notes due in 1989.
We have all become so familiar with a more or
less managed economy since the Roosevelt era
beginning 40 years ago, that we should be quite
inured to its effect on everything including equities.
Basically, the intervention of government in the
economy has had two opposite effects on common
stock values. It has benefited them greatly through
its virtual guarantee against the money panics and
large-scale depressions of the pre-1935 decades.
But it was hurt proflts through the maze of restric-
tions and the numerous other burdens it has im-
posed on business operations. Up to now the net
effect seems to have been favorable to equity
valuesor at least to their prices. This can be seen
at first glance by comparing the Dow or S&P Index
lines on a chart before and after 1949. In such
camparisons the price declines in 1969 to 70 and
1973 to 74 appear like minor downturns in a
massive upward sweep.
Experience suggests therefore that the various
threats to equities implied in the last question are
not very different from other obstacles that com-
mon stocks have faced and surmounted in the past.
My prediction is that stocks will surmount them in
the future.
But I cannot leave my subject without alluding
to another menace to equity values not touched on
in my terms of reference. This is the loss of public
confidence in the financial community growing out
of its own conduct in recent years. I insist that
more damage has been done to stock values and to
the future of equities from inside Wall Street than
from outside Wall Street. Edward Gibbon and
Oliver Goldsmith both wrote that, "History is little
more than a register of the crimes, the follies and
the misfortunes of mankind." This phrase applies
to Wall Street history in the 1968 to 73 period, but
with more emphasis to be given to its crimes and
follies than to its misfortunes. I have not time even
to list all the glaring categories of imprudent and
inefficient business practice, of shabby and shoddy
ethics perpetrated by financial houses and in-
dividuals, without the excuse of poverty or
ignorance to palliate their misdemeanors. Just one
incredible example: Did anyone ever hear of a
whole industry almost going bankrupt because it
was accepting more business than it could handle?
That is what happened to our proud NYSE com-
munity in 1969, with their back-offlce mix ups,
missing securities, etc. The abuses in the financial
practices of many corporations during the same
period paint the same melancholy picture.
It may take many yearsand new legisla-
tionfor public confidence in Wall Street to be
restored, and in the meantime stock prices may
languish. But I should think the true investor
would be pleased, rather than discouraged, at the
prospect of investing his new savings on very
satisfactory terms. To pension-fund managers,
especially with large and annual increments to in-
vest, the prospects are especially inviting. Could
they have imagined flve years ago that they would
be able to buy AAA bonds on an eight to nine per
cent basis, and the shares of sound companies on a
15 per cent or better earnings yield? The op-
portunites available today afford a more promising
investment approach than the recent absurd idea of
aiming at, say, 25 per cent market appreciation by
shifting equities among institutions at constantly
higher price levelsa bootstrap operation if there
ever was one.
Let me close with a quotation from Virgil, my
favorite poet. It is inscribed beneath a large picture
panel at the head of the grand staircase of the
Department of Agriculture building in Washing-
ton. It reads:
"O fortunati nimium.. .(etc.) Agricolae!"
Virgil addressed this apostrophe to the Roman
farmers of his day, but I shall direct it at the com-
mon-stock buyers of this and future years:
"O enviably fortunate Investors, if only
you realized your current advantages!"

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