Angel Water is a liquid charged with spiritual energy that can be made using potassium carbonate under certain conditions. Potassium carbonate is dried and allowed to liquefy outdoors during spring/summer and a waxing moon, extracting spiritual energy from dew. This creates Oil of Tartar. Distilling the oil yields Angel Water, which can be used to energize objects for spiritual purposes.
Angel Water is a liquid charged with spiritual energy that can be made using potassium carbonate under certain conditions. Potassium carbonate is dried and allowed to liquefy outdoors during spring/summer and a waxing moon, extracting spiritual energy from dew. This creates Oil of Tartar. Distilling the oil yields Angel Water, which can be used to energize objects for spiritual purposes.
Angel Water is a liquid charged with spiritual energy that can be made using potassium carbonate under certain conditions. Potassium carbonate is dried and allowed to liquefy outdoors during spring/summer and a waxing moon, extracting spiritual energy from dew. This creates Oil of Tartar. Distilling the oil yields Angel Water, which can be used to energize objects for spiritual purposes.
Angel Water is a liquid charged with spiritual energy that can be made using potassium carbonate under certain conditions. Potassium carbonate is dried and allowed to liquefy outdoors during spring/summer and a waxing moon, extracting spiritual energy from dew. This creates Oil of Tartar. Distilling the oil yields Angel Water, which can be used to energize objects for spiritual purposes.
when made correctly, is highly charged with Universal Fire, or Spirit energy. This is same energy that animates all life on the planet, to varying degrees depending on the lifeform. Certain substances act as a magnet for this energy, and can only be implemented when certain conditions in weather, time of year, and moon phase are met. The strongest of these magnets is the Butter of Antimony, but since this substance is highly corrosive we will steer clear of it for now for safety's sake. A close second is potassium carbonate, especially that derived from the calcined ashes of oak wood. However, we can use normal lab grade anhydrous potassium carboante if we don't have any oak trees to burn. Dry your potassium carbonate by heating it at around 300C for at least an hour. Make sure it is well ground, at least to a powder. Let it cool and store it in an air tight container until it is used. Potassium carbonate is highly hygroscopic, meaning it will liquefy itself if left exposed long enough to open air. It does this by pulling moisture from the atmosphere into itself, which progressively turns the powder into an oily substance. And it feels like oil as well; just don't taste it. This stuff is also very caustic; get it on your skin and it will quickly start burning. It is so caustic, in fact, that it will etch glass over a period of time, eventually turning it an opaque white. So be careful and use your discretion. Certain conditions need to be met when you let the potassium carbonate liquefy. Universal Fire rains down on Earth every day, moreso in the spring and summer months, less so in the fall and winter. This is due to our proximity to the Sun (the source of Spirit energy in our solar system); this is partly why in the winter in the northern climate, both plants and certain animals go into hibernation - there is only a small amount of that energy radiating to us. Therefore, it is best to let the oil develop during the spring and summer months. That is condition one. The second condition is that the sky be as clear as possible. Clouds form a barrier between the falling of this energy and the ground. If it rains, you will need to salvage what potassium carbonate you have left (if any), re-dry as before and start over. The third condition is that this liquefying, or deliquescing as it is termed, be done during the waxing moon. There is more Spirit energy being reflected from the moon to Earth during this period than a waning moon, but for basic purposes you could use either period. If all conditions are met, as it is nearing dusk, spread out the potassium carbonate very thinly (1 - 2mm) on a glass dish. I use large casserole dishes for this, perhaps three or four at once. Leave one small strip bare at one side as a space for the liquid to pool, making it easier to collect in the morning. Take the dish or dishes outside and put them on a table in the open. No trees or anything can be above them, as this will interfere with the quality of your oil. What we are going to do is allow the potassium carbonate to extract dew from the air. Dew is one of the main mediums of Universal Fire on Earth. Many people choose to collect dew directly from the ground using sheets and the like. The problem is that as soon as dew touches the ground or plants or even animals (including us) it is "determined" to that realm (mineral, plant or animal realm), meaning that from then on it will only work within that realm. We will avoid this, ensuring that our oil is undetermined. Place the dishes on your table - at least six feet high is preferable, but not absolutely necessary. Tilt the dishes up on something like a piece of wood so that the liquid will drain down towards the empty area you left. In the morning, as the sun is rising but before it breaks the horizon, collect your oil by either pouring it into a jar or using a syringe and then transferring it into a jar. Do not touch the liquid or allow it to touch metal or you will discharge the enery. At this point the dew has already fallen and is now in your oil. What you have now is called Oil of Tartar, and can be used to make the Melissa Ens. But we will go further: Now all we need to do is extract the water, our Angel Water. Filter the oil using cotton, as paper filters will fall apart because of the caustic nature of this oil. Then distill the oil at the lowest possible temperature, even if it takes a couple days to complete. A vacuum pump will help lower the boiling point in this, but this can be dispensed with if you are very careful. When you are done, let the potassium carbonate cool, then remove it from the boiling flask by pouring in distilled water. Calcine the potassium carbonate and you can use it again for the same purpose. After using the same potassium carbonate several times, you may find it starting to turn a slight bluish colour, as well as its yield of angel water increase. This is a good thing, and is especially prominent in potassium carbonate leached from oak. Your Angel Water should be stored in an amber bottle. It has a variety of uses, including energizing your plant stones to give them an Initiatic quality.