DLL Week 2 Bataan
DLL Week 2 Bataan
DLL Week 2 Bataan
DAILY LESSON Teacher LOUIS D. BALANA Learning Area Understanding Society and
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter I Week 3
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the rationale for
A. Content Standards human cultural variation, social differences, social change, studying anthropology, political science, and sociology .
and political identities
B. Performance Standards The learners acknowledge human cultural variation, social The learners appreciates the value of disciplines of
differences, social change, and political identities Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science as social
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners will be able to analyze social, political, and cultural
Objectives analyze social, political, and cultural change change.
Write the LC code for each UCSP11/12SPUIb-3 UCSP11/12SPUIb-
Observations on social, political, and cultural change Definition of anthropology, political science, and sociology
II. CONTENT (examples: Texting, transnational families, local public
services, youth volunteerism)
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Video presentation: Review the concepts of RECALL
presenting the new lesson Ted Talk: How Social Media (1) Anthropology, What was our topic yesterday?
Makes Us Unsocial (2)Sociology, (3) Political
Science, (4) Social
Change, and (5)Sources
of Social Change
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask learners to list down as How can social science JUMBLED WORDS
lesson many changes they can disciplines help us SOCIOLOGY
observe both in the Philippine understand the socio- ANTHROPOLOGY
society and abroad that are cultural changes POLITICAL SCIENCE
affecting our lives in one way happening around us?
or another.
(ex. texting, transnational
families, local public services,
youth volunteerism)
C. Presenting examples/instances of Think-Pair-Share: Learners Newspaper Portfolio: Ask students if they already have prior knowledge about the
the new lesson choose one change. Ask topic.
them to trace the causes and Cut out news articles and
effects of such change. pictures showing the The teacher will provide examples on Anthropology, Sociology,
different trends and
Political Science.
changes that are
happening in the society,
particularly in the
Philippines. Paste them in
a short bond paper and
indicate captions
describing newspaper
cutouts you have chosen.
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the concepts of (1) PowerPoint Presentation: Discussion.
practicing new skills #1 Anthropology, (2)Sociology, The Rational of studying Anthropology, Political Science,and
(3) Political Science, (4) The Paradox of our Times Sociology
Social Change, and
(5)Sources of Social Change
Political Science
Importance of political science
E. Discussing new concepts and With the changes that are GROUP ACTIVITY AND PRESENTATION.
practicing new skills #2 happening around us, how do The student will fill up the Organization Chart about
they affect your perspective in the Social Sciences.
the way you see life in
general? anth
po Soci rop
liti olog olog
cal y y
GROUP 1:Anthropology
GROUP 2:Sociology
GROUP 3:Political Science
F. Developing mastery (leads to What is the importance of The teacher will ask the following questions.
Formative Assessment 3) studying the culture, society
and politics? 1. How did you find the activity?
2. What are the differences similarities among
the three social sciences?
G. Finding practical applications of Dealing with the different The society is not static. It How can we connect Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science
concepts and skills in daily living changes in our society must accommodates the in our studies and real life situation.
help us realize changes happening
among peoples in all
walks of life, both social
and political.
H. Making generalizations and There is nothing constant in Cater the changes and How does knowing anthropology, sociology and political
abstractions about the lesson this world but change. learn to adopt to the science helped you as a student?
different situations you
are in.
I. Evaluating learning Think and reflect: Think and reflect: VENN DIAGRAM
How do you deal with the How do you see yourself
changes in our society? in this fast changing anthropology
A. No. of learners who earned 80% I am happy that 100 % percent of my student
in the evaluation participated actively.