02 Whole
02 Whole
02 Whole
I n f o r ma t i o n
De s i g n
Stephen Barrass
A thesis submitted for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy of
The Australian National University
July 31, 1997
Copyright 1997, Stephen Barrass, All rights reserved
De c l a r a t i o n
Some material in this thesis has previously been made public. Parts of Chapters 3 and 10
appeared in a paper for the International Conference for Auditory Display 1996. Parts of
Chapters 4, 5 and 10 appeared in a paper for the Asia-Pacific Conference on Human-Com-
puter Interaction 1996. Chapter 6 is in a book on the Csound audio processing language
to be published by MIT Press in 1997. Parts of Chapter 7 were presented at the Australian
Computer Music Conference 1994. Other parts of Chapter 7 appeared in a paper, co-au-
thored with Phil Robertson, in the proceedings of SPIE 95. Parts of Chapters 6, 7 and 8
appear in the proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display 1994.
Parts of Chapters 7 and 8 are in an article for the Organised Sound journal 1,2 published
by Cambridge University Press in 1996. Parts of Chapter 9 were presented at the Austral-
ian Computer Music Conference 1995.
Some of the tools and demonstrations described in this thesis utilise tools developed by
other people, and I am pleased to declare their contributions. Don Bone wrote the tools
for modelling colour output devices which were used to construct the sound space in
Chapter 7. Matthew Hutchins wrote graphic interfaces and colour mapping algorithms
that were extended to become the Personify tool in Chapter 9. The demonstrations in
Chapter 10 build on the work of Simon Kravis in the RiverAndRain visualisation, Ro-
chelle Ohagan and Danielle Landy in the GeoViewer, and Chris Gunn in the MicroSeis-
mic Animator.
Except where otherwise stated, I declare that this thesis is my own original work
Stephen Barrass
July 31, 1997
Ab s t r a c t
The prospect of computer applications making noises is disconcerting to some. Yet the
soundscape of the real world does not usually bother us. Perhaps we only notice a nui-
sance? This thesis is an approach for designing sounds that are useful information rather
than distracting noise. The approach is called TaDa because the sounds are designed to
be useful in a Task and true to the Data.
Previous researchers in auditory display have identified issues that need to be addressed
for the field to progress. The TaDa approach is an integrated approach that addresses an
array of these issues through a multifaceted system of methods drawn from HCI, visuali-
sation, graphic design and sound design. A task-analysis addresses the issue of usefulness.
A data characterisation addresses perceptual faithfulness. A case-based method provides
semantic linkage to the application domain. A rule-based method addresses psychoacous-
tic control. A perceptually linearised sound space allows transportable auditory specifica-
tions. Most of these methods have not been used to design auditory displays before, and
each has been specially adapted for this design domain.
The TaDa methods have been built into computer-aided design tools that can assist the
design of a more effective display, and may allow less than experienced designers to make
effective use of sounds. The case-based method is supported by a database of examples
that can be searched by an information analysis of the design scenario. The rule-based
method is supported by a direct manipulation interface which shows the available sound
gamut of an audio device as a 3D coloured object that can be sliced and picked with the
mouse. These computer-aided tools are the first of their kind to be developed in auditory
The approach, methods and tools are demonstrated in scenarios from the domains of min-
ing exploration, resource monitoring and climatology. These practical applications show
that sounds can be useful in a wide variety of information processing activities which have
not been explored before. The sounds provide information that is difficult to obtain visu-
ally, and improve the directness of interactions by providing additional affordances.
Auditory display, sonification, information design, interaction design, sound design, task
analysis, computer-aided design, human-computer interaction, user interface, multimedia
interfaces, visualisation, data representation.
Ac k n o wl e d g e me n t s
The work in this thesis grew out of a project on colour applications and modelling (CAM)
for scientific visualisation at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Or-
ganisation (CSIRO), and I would like to thank Don Bone, Phil Robertson, Matthew
Hutchins, Duncan Stevenson, Chris Gunn and Dionne Smith for what I learnt from them
in that work. Ideas of extending the colour framework to sounds arose from conversations
with my brother Tim, who has always been a source of imagination and inspiration for
me. Thanks to Kim Marr, Joni Bryan and Anne-Marie Crowe who read my thesis proposal
and said go for it when I wasnt too sure. Thanks to Phil Robertson for his positive re-
sponse and support for the proposal.
My research was funded by a scholarship from CSIRO, and a professional development
grant from the Advanced Computational Systems Cooperative Research Centre (ACSys
CRC). I would like to thank my principal supervisor, Phil Robertson of Canon Informa-
tions Systems Research Australia (CISRA), and the rest of my thesis committee, David
Worrall of the Australian Centre for Arts and Technology (ACAT), and Paul Thistlewaite
and Jeffrey Yu from the Australian National University (ANU) for their academic support
throughout the process.
There could be no better place than CSIRO to work and study, and I am very grateful for
the environment and the people there. My colleagues helped me and taught me by review-
ing and discussing my work - thanks to Matthew Hutchins, Neale Fulton, Simon Kravis,
Phil Robertson, David Worrall, Don Bone, Ken Tsui, Danielle Landy, Tao Lin, and John
Lilleyman. The demonstrations of my ideas depended on the willingness of people to let
me to work on one of their projects - thanks to Simon Kravis for RiverAndRain, Rochelle
Ohagan and Danielle Landy for GeoViewer, and Chris Gunn for MicroSeismic Animator.
Thanks to Don Bone for helping me to use his colour modelling tools, and to Matthew
Hutchins for his work on the graphical interfaces that are the basis for the Personify tool.
There are many other people at CSIRO to thank as well - some lent me their ears by taking
part in the Gold and Dirt experiment, others lent me their voices for the cOcktail demon-
stration, and others lent me stories for the EarBenders database. My enthusiasm for my
topic was kept alive by the interest of those around me, and I particularly remember Neale
Fultons drop-in visits as sparks that helped keep my research spirit alive. Thanks to the
other postgrads for sharing the spirit and talking the thesis talk - Matthew Hutchins, Ron
Li, Kevin Moore, Andrew Lui, Mark Cameron - good luck.
One of the most important and enjoyable events in the course of this project was the op-
portunity to meet other researchers at the International Conference on Auditory Display
(ICAD). The forum provided by ICAD helped focus my research and was a vital part of
my experience. Thanks to the organisers of ICAD - Greg Kramer, Steve Frysinger and
Stuart Smith, and to CSIRO and ACSys for funding my attendance.
Finally there are the people who kept me sane during this single-minded endeavour.
Lunch-hours were regularly stretched in the company of Stephen Pratt, Ninh Hyne, and
Sarah May, and I thank them for the cappuccinos, bad-jokes, good advice, and hot gossip.
Eternal thanks Mum and Dad for my education, for listening and talking with me about
what I was doing no matter what it might be, and for a place that always feels like home.
Thanks to Linda, Robert, Lauren and Joel for fun and games, more dinners and another
place that feels like home. A woof to Ziggy for all the walks up Mt. Ainslie, and for teach-
ing me to both throw and fetch the frisbee. Finally, my heartfelt thanks to Bettina for being
with me through all the ups and downs on a long ride, but at last the end of the tunnel is
in sight and its sunny outside so let me pick you some flowers.
Declaration.................................................................................................................. iii
Abstract........................................................................................................................ v
Acknowledgements.................................................................................................... vii
Contents ...................................................................................................................... ix
Figures....................................................................................................................... xiii
Tables ....................................................................................................................... xvii
CHAPTER 1 Introduction.................................................................................... 1
1.1 Motivation.................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Thesis ......................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Layout and Overview................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER 2 Previous approaches ...................................................................... 7
2.1 Semiotics.................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Syntactic approach..................................................................................... 8
2.3 Semantic approach..................................................................................... 9
2.4 Pragmatic approach.................................................................................. 11
2.5 Perceptual approach................................................................................. 18
2.6 Task-oriented approach............................................................................ 21
2.7 Connotation approach.............................................................................. 26
2.8 Device approach....................................................................................... 26
2.9 Summary.................................................................................................. 27
CHAPTER 3 Designing useful sounds ............................................................... 29
3.1 Scalettis definition of sonification.......................................................... 29
3.2 A definition of
auditory information design..................................................................... 30
3.3 An approach to
auditory information design..................................................................... 31
3.4 Summary.................................................................................................. 33
CHAPTER 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements..... 35
4.1 Describing the problem with a story........................................................ 35
4.2 A bridge from story to requirements........................................................ 36
4.3 Requirements ........................................................................................... 37
4.4 Requirements of the GeoViewer.............................................................. 44
4.5 Computer aided support ........................................................................... 44
4.6 Summary.................................................................................................. 45
CHAPTER 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening ... 47
5.1 Advantages of case-based design............................................................. 47
5.2 Everyday stories as examples .................................................................. 48
5.3 Three case-based methods ....................................................................... 50
5.4 Demonstration of EarBenders design ...................................................... 59
5.5 Summary.................................................................................................. 66
5.6 Further work............................................................................................. 67
CHAPTER 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design ............... 69
6.1 Advantages of design principles .............................................................. 69
6.2 Principles for information design............................................................. 70
6.3 Principles for auditory design.................................................................. 71
6.4 Principle of directness.............................................................................. 71
6.5 Principle of type....................................................................................... 72
6.6 Principle of level ...................................................................................... 78
6.7 Principle of organisation.......................................................................... 80
6.8 Principle of range..................................................................................... 81
6.9 Putting the principles to work.................................................................. 82
6.10 Summary.................................................................................................. 88
CHAPTER 7 Information-Sound Space:
a cognitive artefact for auditory design...................................... 89
7.1 What is a cognitive artefact?.................................................................... 89
7.2 Information properties
of colour spaces........................................................................................ 90
7.3 Blueprint of an
Information-Perception Space ................................................................. 93
7.4 Specialising the IPS
for auditory display.................................................................................. 96
7.5 The pedestal of auditory categories ......................................................... 98
7.6 The radial spokes ................................................................................... 112
7.7 The vertical axle..................................................................................... 116
7.8 A prototype of an ISS ............................................................................ 122
7.9 The SoundChooser................................................................................. 124
7.10 Summary................................................................................................ 125
7.11 Limitations ............................................................................................. 126
CHAPTER 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space...... 127
8.1 Raw materials......................................................................................... 127
8.2 Stages of construction............................................................................ 128
8.3 The pedestal ........................................................................................... 128
8.4 The frame............................................................................................... 130
8.5 The grating............................................................................................. 132
8.6 The plasticine......................................................................................... 134
8.7 GamutExplorer....................................................................................... 136
8.8 Summary................................................................................................ 137
CHAPTER 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display ......... 139
9.1 Tools for handling sounds...................................................................... 139
9.2 Tools for designing auditory displays.................................................... 140
9.3 Introducing Personify............................................................................. 142
9.4 The rule-base.......................................................................................... 144
9.5 Tailoring tools........................................................................................ 146
9.6 Display device........................................................................................ 150
9.7 Personify in action ................................................................................. 150
9.8 Summary................................................................................................ 156
9.9 Limitations and further work ................................................................. 156
CHAPTER 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design .......... 159
10.1 RiverAndRain ........................................................................................ 160
10.2 PopRock................................................................................................. 164
10.3 cOcktail .................................................................................................. 170
10.4 LostInSpace............................................................................................ 177
10.5 Summary................................................................................................ 183
10.6 Further work........................................................................................... 184
CHAPTER 11 Summary..................................................................................... 185
11.1 The TaDa approach................................................................................ 185
11.2 Methods and tools.................................................................................. 186
11.3 Demonstrations ...................................................................................... 188
11.4 Further work........................................................................................... 191
Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 193
Appendix.................................................................................................................. 203
Appendix 5-1:EarBenders Stories...................................................................... 204
Appendix 5-2:Lookup.prl .................................................................................. 216
Appendix 5-3:Synthesis.prl................................................................................ 218
Appendix 5-4:Casedesign.csh............................................................................ 222
Appendix 6-1:GoldMaker.prl ............................................................................ 223
Appendix 7-1:PitchCircle.orc ............................................................................ 226
Appendix 8-1:Building an ISS........................................................................... 243
Appendix 8-2:SHARC and MUMS................................................................... 244
Appendix 8-3:Frame stage................................................................................. 251
Appendix 8-4:Grating stage............................................................................... 261
Appendix 8-5:Plasticine stage............................................................................ 274
Appendix 10-1:HeadSpace.orc .......................................................................... 282
Appendix 10-2:cOcktail.prl ............................................................................... 285
F i g u r e s
Figure 3-1: Facets of the TaDa approach to auditory information design .......... 32
Figure 3-2: TaDa process .................................................................................... 33
Figure 4-1: The GeoViewer ................................................................................ 36
Figure 4-2: Scenario Description for the GeoViewer ........................................ 37
Figure 4-3: Example of TaDa requirements analysis.......................................... 44
Figure 5-1: EarBenders stories............................................................................ 49
Figure 5-2: EarBenders database form ............................................................... 50
Figure 5-3: Retrieving stories by keyword search .............................................. 51
Figure 5-4: TaDa analysis for the Recycling story.............................................. 52
Figure 5-5: Looking up stories by similarity to a TaDa query............................ 53
Figure 5-6: Auditory characterisation of the Recycling story............................. 57
Figure 5-7: From TaDa query to sound design ................................................... 58
Figure 5-8: TaDa Analysis for the GeoViewer ................................................... 59
Figure 5-9: Stories retrieved by the keyword {tap}............................................ 60
Figure 5-10: Stories retrieved by the keyword {knock} ....................................... 60
Figure 5-11: Recycling case.................................................................................. 63
Figure 5-12: Walking case .................................................................................... 63
Figure 5-13: Kitchen case ..................................................................................... 64
Figure 5-14: Pattern method for the GeoViewer................................................... 65
Figure 6-1: TaDa analysis for the Gold scenario ................................................ 83
Figure 6-2: Results from the ICAD designs and the Fm gold detector............... 85
Figure 7-1: A colour choosing tool that uses the HSL colour space .................. 90
Figure 7-2: 8 steps in hue, saturation and lightness ............................................ 91
Figure 7-3: Opponent hue axes ........................................................................... 91
Figure 7-4: Blueprint for an Information-Perception Space (IPS)...................... 95
Figure 7-5: Caivanos organisation ..................................................................... 97
Figure 7-6: Padghams timbre assessment chart for the pipe organ.................... 97
Figure 7-7: Complementary and adjacent triplets............................................... 98
Figure 7-8: The continuous circle of fths ....................................................... 100
Figure 7-9: Location of vowels in terms of F1-F2 formant axes ...................... 102
Figure 7-10: Formant Circle ............................................................................... 103
Figure 7-11: Figures from Von Bismarck ........................................................... 105
Figure 7-12: Static Timbre Circle ....................................................................... 106
Figure 7-13: A Figure from Greys MDS study.................................................. 108
Figure 7-14: Timbre Circle constructed from Greys temporal plane................. 109
Figure 7-15: The TBP prototype of an Information-Sound Space (ISS) ............ 123
Figure 7-16: SoundChooser ................................................................................ 124
Figure 8-1: Stages of construction of the Concrete Sound Space..................... 128
Figure 8-2: Equally Spaced Timbre Circle in Greys temporal plane............... 130
Figure 8-3: Brightness proles of GreyMUMS timbres ................................... 132
Figure 8-4: Filter position vs Brightness step for GreyMUMS timbres ........... 133
Figure 8-5: 1D mechanical analog of the spline tting technique .................... 134
Figure 8-6: Timbre Leaf - soprano sax / ute ................................................... 135
Figure 8-7: Timbre Leaf - English horn / cello................................................. 135
Figure 8-8: Timbre Leaf - bassoon / bass clarinet............................................. 135
Figure 8-9: Timbre Leaf - trombone / tenor sax ............................................... 136
Figure 8-10: The GamutExplorer........................................................................ 137
Figure 9-1: Common ways to handle sounds.................................................... 139
Figure 9-2: Introducing Personify..................................................................... 142
Figure 9-3: The TaDa panel .............................................................................. 143
Figure 9-4: Spiral tool ....................................................................................... 147
Figure 9-5: Line tool ......................................................................................... 148
Figure 9-6: Unconstrained tool ......................................................................... 149
Figure 9-7: The auditory display device ........................................................... 150
Figure 9-8: Landcover difference for Canberra between 1972 and 1988 ......... 151
Figure 9-9: .TaDa for LandCover...................................................................... 151
Figure 9-10: The TaDa Panel for the LandCover design .................................... 153
Figure 9-11: Line tool for the LandCover design ............................................... 154
Figure 9-12: The ImageListener ......................................................................... 155
Figure 10-1: A system of methods and tools to support the TaDa approach...... 159
Figure 10-2: A frame from a RiverAndRain animation...................................... 160
Figure 10-3: TaDa analysis for RiverAndRain ................................................... 161
Figure 10-4: TaDa Panel for RiverAndRain ....................................................... 162
Figure 10-5: Sound design for RiverAndRain .................................................... 162
Figure 10-6: Mappings from data to information ............................................... 163
Figure 10-7: Screensnap of the MicroSeismic Animator ................................... 165
Figure 10-8: TaDa analysis for the MicroSeismic Animator scenario................ 166
Figure 10-9: TaDa Panel for MicroSeismic Animator........................................ 166
Figure 10-10: Line tool for MicroSeismic Animator............................................ 167
Figure 10-11: Insect aggregation .......................................................................... 169
Figure 10-12: Croaking frogs................................................................................ 169
Figure 10-13: Popcorn .......................................................................................... 170
Figure 10-14: O
levels from 12 deep-sea drill-cores ......................................... 171
Figure 10-15: TaDa analysis for the Climatology scenario .................................. 172
Figure 10-16: Walking behind .............................................................................. 173
Figure 10-17: Bicycling in trafc.......................................................................... 173
Figure 10-18: Cocktail party................................................................................. 174
Figure 10-19: Pattern method for the Climatology scenario................................. 174
Figure 10-20: Screen snapshot of the GeoViewer................................................. 177
Figure 10-21: TaDa analysis for the GeoViewer Navigation scenario.................. 178
Figure 10-22: Pattern method for the Navigation scenario................................... 180
Figure 10-23: Myst-maze...................................................................................... 181
Figure 10-24: Cooee ............................................................................................. 181
Figure 10-25: Blindness-training .......................................................................... 182
Figure 11-1: TaDa diagram................................................................................. 185
Figure 11-2: TaDa analysis ................................................................................. 185
Figure 11-3: Methods and tools to support the TaDa approach.......................... 186
Figure 11-4: EarBenders story............................................................................ 186
Figure 11-5: ISS blueprint .................................................................................. 187
Figure 11-6: GamutExplorer............................................................................... 188
Figure 11-7: Personify ........................................................................................ 188
Figure 11-8: GeoViewer...................................................................................... 189
Figure 11-9: LandCover...................................................................................... 189
Figure 11-10: RiverAndRain................................................................................. 190
Figure 11-11: PopRock......................................................................................... 190
Figure 11-12: cOcktail .......................................................................................... 190
Figure 11-13: LostInSpace.................................................................................... 191
Ta b l e s
Table 2-1: Guidelines for the pragmatic design of earcons............................... 15
Table 2-2: Gestalt heuristics .............................................................................. 17
Table 2-3: Bertins signifying properties of the visual variables...................... 18
Table 2-4: Scalettis suggested synthesis techniques ........................................ 19
Table 2-5: Characteristics of exploration seismic signals ................................. 19
Table 2-6: Characteristics of planetary seismic signals..................................... 20
Table 2-7: Brewsters ESM method .................................................................. 22
Table 2-8: Task types......................................................................................... 24
Table 2-9: Knowledge characterisation............................................................. 24
Table 2-10: Media characterisation ..................................................................... 25
Table 4-1: Generic questions by information level/subject ............................... 38
Table 4-2: Generic question by purpose............................................................ 39
Table 4-3: Task attention mode ......................................................................... 40
Table 4-4: Task event type................................................................................. 40
Table 4-5: Task style.......................................................................................... 40
Table 4-6: Information level .............................................................................. 41
Table 4-7: Information directness...................................................................... 41
Table 4-8: Information type............................................................................... 41
Table 4-9: Information organisation.................................................................. 42
Table 4-10: Phenomenal type .............................................................................. 43
Table 4-11: Phenomenal organisation ................................................................. 43
Table 5-1: Nature of the sound.......................................................................... 54
Table 5-2: Listening level .................................................................................. 54
Table 5-3: Streams............................................................................................. 55
Table 5-4: Pattern .............................................................................................. 56
Table 5-5: Movement ........................................................................................ 56
Table 5-6: Type.................................................................................................. 57
Table 5-7: Compound........................................................................................ 57
Table 6-1: Some principles for information design........................................... 70
Table 6-2: Example of direct representation ..................................................... 72
Table 6-3: Example of conventional representation.......................................... 72
Table 6-4: TaDa Information types.................................................................... 73
Table 6-5: Elementary information relations..................................................... 73
Table 6-6: Elementary perceptual relations....................................................... 73
Table 6-7: Auditory difference .......................................................................... 74
Table 6-8: Auditory order.................................................................................. 74
Table 6-9: Auditory metric ................................................................................ 75
Table 6-10: Auditory zeros.................................................................................. 75
Table 6-11: Elementary characterisation of some sounds ................................... 76
Table 6-12: Levels of information....................................................................... 78
Table 6-13: Levels of auditory information......................................................... 78
Table 6-14: Restoration of a tune by a schema ................................................... 80
Table 6-15: Auditory range ................................................................................. 81
Table 6-16: Range calibration ............................................................................. 84
Table 6-17: Results of 3 different designs and 24 subjects ................................. 84
Table 6-18: Results for the FM gold detector with 27 subjects........................... 85
Table 6-19: Level calibration............................................................................... 85
Table 6-20: Gold detector.................................................................................... 86
Table 6-21: Handfuls of dirt and gold ................................................................. 87
Table 6-22: A mixture of dirt and gold................................................................ 87
Table 7-1: Information characteristics of the colour solid ................................ 92
Table 7-2: Elementary information relations in the IPS.................................... 95
Table 7-3: Information paths in IPS .................................................................. 96
Table 7-4: Pitch Circle rated against Pedestal criteria..................................... 101
Table 7-5: Formant Circle rated against the Pedestal criteria.......................... 104
Table 7-6: Static Timbre Circle ratings against Pedestal criteria .................... 107
Table 7-7: Matching Greys timbres to UltraSound patches ........................... 110
Table 7-8: Timbre Circle rated by Pedestal criteria......................................... 111
Table 7-9: Comparison of the Pedestals .......................................................... 112
Table 7-10: Brightness rated against Radial criteria.......................................... 115
Table 7-11: Loudness rated against Axle criteria.............................................. 118
Table 7-12: Duration rated against the Axle criteria ......................................... 120
Table 7-13: Pitch rated against the Axle criteria ............................................... 121
Table 7-14: Elementary representation mappings in TBP ISS.......................... 124
Table 8-1: Matching Greys resynthesised timbres with MUMS samples ...... 129
Table 8-2: Critical band rate weighting factor g(z) ......................................... 131
Table 8-3: Filter position vs Brightness step for GreyMUMS timbres ........... 133
Table 9-1: Audio tools..................................................................................... 142
Table 9-2: Info menu options .......................................................................... 144
Table 9-3: LandCover palette .......................................................................... 154
Table 10-1: RiverAndRain palette 1.................................................................. 163
Table 10-2: RiverAndRain palette 2.................................................................. 164
Table 10-3: Palette for MicroSeismic Animator ............................................... 167
Table 10-4: Climatology palette ........................................................................ 175
Table 10-5: Climatology palette ........................................................................ 176
Table 10-6: Metonymic stories for the GeoViewer Navigation scenario .......... 179
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1 I n t r o d u c t i o n
Sounds are distinguished from noises by being useful, informative, answering a question,
and supporting a task or activity. In the kitchen the sounds of food frying, liquids boiling,
timers going off, and pots clanging help the chef prepare a meal. On a construction site
the workers use the hammering of nails, clattering of tiles and revving of engines to coor-
dinate their tasks in a common project. On a farm a stockman may listen for cattle hidden
in the bush, or diagnose a faulty pump that is making an erratic sound. Sounds are a nat-
ural consequence of activity in the physical environment, and although we are seldom
aware of it, we are always listening and using sounds in many ways.
1.1 Motivation
The computer-based workplace is unnaturally quiet...and disquietingly unnatural...
Contrast the informative soundscape of the everyday world with the silence of the com-
puter-based workplace. More and more people are spending more and more time carrying
out their workday activities in this environment, and there is a suggestion that just as
sounds help us in the everyday world they may also be helpful in computer-based activi-
ties too. This suggestion is sometimes met with the reservation that, although it might be
fun, a noisy computer could become annoying. This concern highlights the need to de-
sign useful sounds, rather than amusing novelties or distracting noise. Just like the sound-
scape of the real world, a well-designed soundscape for the computer-based workplace
will seldom be noticed, except through the marked effects of its absence.
Sound design is a well-developed practice in cinema. The first movies were silent, but the
silent era did not last long. Within 30 years a soundtrack with church bells, train whistles
and accompanying music, had become a part of the movie experience. Today the movie-
goer is immersed in a multi-layered 3D soundscape of voices, sounds, music and special
effects that is often essential to the understanding of the film. The simple bells and whis-
tles of multimedia computer interfaces are reminiscent of the first movie soundtracks, and
they too signal the end of a silent era. Although there is much to learn from existing prac-
tices, the design of sounds to support information-processing activities is a new challenge
because of the types of information involved, and the need to communicate that informa-
tion clearly and unambiguously. Some major obstacles that need to be addressed in audi-
tory display were described by Smith in a panel on Human Perception and Visualisation
[Smith S. (1990)]...
The first obstacle is the prevailing sonification model, which is simply to map data to
sound parameters arbitrarily. The resulting sound is typically unpleasant and lacking any
natural connection to the data represented (one intuitively feels that medical images, for
example, ought to somehow sound different from demographic data or satellite imagery).
Models of sonication more sensitive to the kinds of data presented must be developed.
The second major obstacle is the lack of suitable sound generation hardware. Sonication
requires a general purpose real-time sound synthesis capability, preferably at an afford-
able price.
Finally, the third major obstacle is the nearly total absence of the kinds of models that al-
low design of computer graphics software systems that can run successfully on hardware
made by many different manufacturers. The principle reasons for this situation are the
Chapter 1 Introduction 2
lack of a satisfying comprehensive theory of timbre perception and the lack of an agreed
upon theory of timbre generation.
These translate directly into the situation we observe today: multiple incompatible sound-
generation devices, each accompanied by its own suite of non-standard application pack-
The need for a linkage between the characteristics of the data and the auditory perception
of the data is reiterated in other surveys of the state-of-the-art. Kendall makes some sug-
gestions about how this linkage might be made in an article titled Dream Machines [Ken-
dall G.S. (1991)] ...
Some classications of sound events tend to be categorical. Excitation functions are typ-
ically of discrete types such as hitting, scraping, blowing, vocal glottis etc. Some classi-
cations of sounding objects are similarly categorical - metal, wood, hollow, solid, vocal
tract etc. These simple categorical distinctions can potentially be exploited in auditory
presentations to communicate important distinctions in the data.
Beyond these categorical distinctions, the essential goal is that perceptually continuous
auditory attributes are scaled and mapped to data attributes in a way that is meaningful
to the observer. Relevant changes in data should insure a change in what is perceived.
Changes in what is perceived should signify meaningful changes in the data. The appro-
priate scaling functions will probably not exist a priori. Psychophysical scaling experi-
ments may be needed in order to create perceptual scaling functions through which
collections of auditory stimuli are mapped. This is made feasible only by utilizing a lim-
ited number of auditory tokens with well-understood perceptual properties. This suggests
that sets of tokens be developed and scaled in advance.
Issues of perceptual representation are also highlighted by Frysinger [Frysinger S.P.
Some serious questions which must be addressed if we are to generate reliable and mean-
ingful auditory displays. We must discover the set of truly useful auditory parameters and
understand their perceptual transfer functions so that displays can be designed to take ad-
vantage of them. Likewise we need to understand which data analysis tasks can most ben-
et from Auditory Data Representation, and what types of displays apply to them.
Kramer found that the psychoacoustic interaction between acoustic parameters in his mul-
tidimensional sonifications had a significant influence on the comprehension of the dis-
play, and concluded that the realisation of a balanced auditory display with independently
observable auditory dimensions may not be possible in practice. Like Frysinger he also
notes the importance of a task-oriented approach [Kramer G. (ed) (1994b)] ...
Sonication system design should be heavily task dependent. Techniques that are appli-
cable to one task, e.g. real time monitoring, may not be as effective on other tasks, e.g.
exploration of a high-dimensional data set. Practical use of the techniques (and of soni-
cation in general) will prove or disprove their utility.
The need for demonstrations of practice, and tools to support practice, is raised by Scaletti
in her list of open questions in sonification from ICAD'92 [Scaletti C. (1994)]...
Broad categories for further study include:
Applications: further and more sophisticated examples of sonication applied to specic
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
Sonification science: studies in the perception, cognition and neurophysiology of data-
driven sound
Systems: Needs for future hardware and software include: integrated sonication/visual-
isation languages, tools for getting from an imagined sound to a realised sound, the inte-
gration of sonification tools into mass market software like spreadsheets or statistical
analysis packages, and more and better tools for exploratory sonication.
This thesis is motivated by the need address obstacles identified by previous researchers
as important for progress in the field of auditory display, which I have listed as
usefulness of the sounds in an activity
faithful representation of data relations
semantic linkage to the application domain
psychoacoustic control
device-independent display specication
computer aided tools for auditory information design
demonstrations of practical application
1.2 Thesis
My thesis is an approach for designing sounds to support information processing activi-
ties. The approach focuses design on an auditory representation to meet the information
requirements of the activity. This focus is at the core of a system of methods that address
the array of issues raised by previous researchers. A task-analysis addresses the issue of
usefulness. A data characterisation addresses the issue of faithful representation. A case-
based design method addresses semantic linkage with the application domain. A rule-
based method addresses psychoacoustic control. A perceptually linearised sound space
addresses device-independent specification. This multifaceted system is flexible to cope
with the obstacles encountered in design practice. Most of these methods have never been
applied in auditory display before, and each has been adapted specially for this design do-
1.3 Layout and Overview
The layout of the thesis chapters is organised to reflect the TaDa design process. An in-
troduction to each Chapter is given here to give you an overview of what is to come.
Chapter 2: Previous approaches
Approaches to auditory display have been classified into the semiotic types of lexical,
syntactic and semantic [Blattner M.M. Papp A.L. and Glinert E.P. (1994)] which place
different emphasis on learnability, organisation, and discrimination. However there are
other approaches to the design of information displays that raise other issues about use-
fulness, usability, social value and the realisation of the design on a device. This chapter
begins with an introduction to semiotic terms, followed by descriptions of approaches to
design that emphasise syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, perceptual, task, connotation and
device issues. The collection of a broad range of issues may help us to develop a broad
and flexible approach to auditory information design
Chapter 1 Introduction 4
Chapter 3: Designing useful sounds
This chapter proposes an approach for designing useful sounds. The approach builds on
Scalettis working definition of sonification, which is analysed to have two parts - one part
has to do with information requirements and the other with information representations.
The requirements part addresses issues of usefulness in a task and the selection of useful
data relations to display. The representation part addresses the need to ensure that people
can hear the required information in the display. These parts are shaped into a framework
that focuses on the design of an information representation to meet the information re-
quirements of a task. The phrase auditory information design indicates this focus on use-
ful information which is at the core of this approach.
Chapter 4: TaDa: information requirements analysis
The purpose of the TaDa approach is to design sounds that carry useful information. The
core of the approach is a meeting of information requirements with an information repre-
sentation. This chapter describes the methods used to elicit the information requirements
of a design problem. The first section introduces scenario analysis as a technique for cap-
turing key features of the problem. The next sections describe the particular flavour of
task analysis and data characterisation used to decompose the problem, and give a detailed
account of the parts of analysis.
Chapter 5: EarBenders: case-based design from stories
Designers often base a new design on a previous version that has proven successful in
similar problems. A previous solution can be a way to quickly come to grips with a design
problem, and provides a starting point for a top-down process of iteration. This chapter
introduces the case-based method of design by example, and describes how it has been
adapted for auditory information design. The case-based method relies on a rich source of
examples to be effective, but as yet there are not many examples of auditory display de-
sign to draw upon. An alternative resource was developed by collecting stories about eve-
ryday listening experiences into a database, which I call EarBenders. The information
requirements of a design problem can be used to search this case-base for everyday ex-
amples which share a similar task, data and information structure with the problem. The
ability to do this search required each story to be analysed with the TaDa Information Re-
quirements Analysis developed in the previous chapter. In addition an auditory character-
isation was developed to describe the sounds in each story, and provide a footing for
auditory design. The sound characterisation also provides an opportunity to extract prin-
ciples of sound design from regularities between auditory structure and information struc-
ture in the example cases. The case-based design of auditory information is demonstrated
on a problem in a geological visualisation interface, called the GeoViewer.
Chapter 6: Hearsay: principles for auditory design
This chapter proposes the Hearsay principles to help a designer to meet the information
requirements specified by the TaDa analysis. Hearsay integrates principles for informa-
tion design with observations about auditory perception. Each Hearsay principle was in-
vestigated by generating a simple auditory demonstration to confirm that characteristic
properties can be heard. The demonstrations show that the required information can be
represented by auditory relations, and that the Hearsay principles are applicable in prac-
tice. The principles were tried out in a design of an auditory display for Blys dirt and
gold scenario. The display enables a listener to quickly answer the question is there gold
in this pile of dirt?. The effectiveness of this display indicates that the principles are help-
ful in practice.
Chapter 1 Introduction 5
Chapter 7: Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artifact
The previous chapter introduced the Hearsay principles for auditory information design,
that summarise some knowledge that can help in the design process. Although they are
helpful, principles and guidelines can be unwieldy in practice because of the need to keep
referring back to them. Principles cannot be simply applied by rote, they have to be learnt
and understood. This chapter describes an alternative representation of the Hearsay rules
in the form of an Information-Sound Space (ISS). The ISS is a three dimensional spatial
organisation of auditory relations that embodies the Hearsay principles. This tool bridges
the gap from theory to practice by changing the way the designer can think about and ma-
nipulate relations between sounds. Rather than having to follow written principles the de-
signer is able to think in terms of simple spatial structures that represent information
relations. The following sections describe the development of the ISS, which is based on
the HSL colour space that has been applied in many areas of design including scientific
visualisation of data sets. The feasibility of implementing an ISS is investigated in several
experiments that draw upon psychoacoustic observations made by Von Bismarck, Slaw-
son, Grey, and Bregman.
Chapter 8: GreyMUMS: an Information-Sound Space
This chapter describes the realisation of an Information-Sound Space (ISS). The raw ma-
terial for the construction is the McGill University Master Samples (MUMS) reference
palette of musical samples that is specifically intended for research into musical timbre.
The ISS was constructed in 4 stages - the pedestal, the frame, the grating and the plasti-
cine. The pedestal is 8 equally spaced timbre steps organised in a circle by similarity. The
frame is an arrangement of brightness profiles which define the limits of dynamic range
in pitch and brightness for each timbre. The grating consists of grids of equal differences
in brightness and pitch for each timbre. The grating grids are joined on a central axis and
radiate outward like segments of a mandarin. The plasticine is a continuous medium
moulded to the grating and frame to model the behaviour of the overall space. The result-
ing sculpture has the property that there is a relationship between distance and the strength
of perceptual grouping between points in the space. A vertical line is a pitch scale, and
may be used to represent continuous data. A radial line is a scale of equal brightness in-
crements for a timbre, and may also be used for continuous data. A circle of constant ra-
dius is a contour of constant brightness across the range of timbres which can be used to
represent categorical data. These properties are a rich area for further experiment with
data mappings.
Chapter 9: Personify: computer-aided design tool
Multi-modal interfaces are becoming increasingly important, and designing sounds for
the human-computer interface is something more people are going to want to do. This
chapter describes the Personify tool that can assist in the design of useful and effective
sounds. The tool integrates a principled design approach with a direct manipulation inter-
face. The guidance provided by the tool makes it quick and easy to use, and improves the
likelihood of producing an effective display. The chapter begins with an overview of in-
terfaces for handling audio material found in musical tools. This is followed by an over-
view of tools that are specialised for auditory display design, with attention to the way
these tools allow you to handle sounds. The Personify tool is then described in two parts
- the Requirements part and the Representation part. The meshing of the parts as a system
is demonstrated in a design scenario that involves resource monitoring by satellite data.
Chapter 10: TaDa! demonstrations of auditory design
This chapter describes the design of 4 auditory displays for information processing sce-
narios drawn from mining exploration, resource planning and climatology applications.
Chapter 1 Introduction 6
The RiverAndRain scenario is about the siting of a new sewerage treatment works to min-
imise the environmental impact on a river system. The PopRock scenario involves the as-
sessment of risk in digging a mineshaft. The cOcktail scenario is about modelling climate
change from measurements of oxygen isotopes in sea-bed drill-core sites. The LostIn-
Space scenario is about navigating back to an interesting place through irregular struc-
tures in a 3D visualisation of geology. Experiences with the multimedia interfaces that
were implemented shows that the sounds can provide information that is difficult to ob-
tain visually, and can improve the usefulness of the display. Besides showing ways that
sounds can be useful, the demonstrations also show how the TaDa approach to design
works in practice.
2 Pr e v i o u s
a p p r o a c h e s
Approaches to auditory display have been classified into the semiotic types of lexical,
syntactic and semantic [Blattner M.M. Papp A.L. and Glinert E.P. (1994)] which place
different emphasis on learnability, organisation, and discrimination. However there are
other approaches to the design of information displays that raise other issues about use-
fulness, usability, social value and the realisation of the design on a device. This chapter
begins with an introduction to semiotic terms, followed by descriptions of approaches to
design that emphasise syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, perceptual, task, connotation and
device issues. The collection of a broad range of issues may help us to develop a broad
and flexible approach to auditory information design.
2.1 Semiotics
Semiotics is a theory of signs and their meanings that has been used to analyse communi-
cation media. Some key terms and concepts in semiotics are introduced here (based on
Chandlers tutorial [Chandler D.C. (1997)]).
A sign is anything from which a meaning may be generated - words, sounds, photo-
graphs, clothing etc. A sign has two parts - a signifier which is the form that the sign
takes, and the signified which is what it represents to the person who perceives it. Sem-
iotic principles are commonly divided into 3 kinds - syntactic, pragmatic, and semantic.
Syntactic principles bear on the way signs are organised to produce meanings. Signs
may be organised in parallel (paradigm) or serial (syntagym). Rules for organising
signs are called grammars.
Pragmatic principles bear on the material form of the signier in the sign. It is usually
important for different signs to be perceptually distinct, recognisable and memora-
ble. A set of signiers that have a special purpose, such as the letters of the alpha-
bet, are called a lexicon, or sometimes a palette.
Semantic principles bear on what is signied by the sign. The signied is a concept in
the mind of an observer, not a material thing. The signied concept of a ball con-
tains many different objects of different materials, sizes, colours and shapes. Con-
cepts can be learnt from other people, or from experiences. The association
between a signier and the concept that is signied is commonly classied into 3
Symbolic the signier does not resemble the signied e.g. the spoken word
ball doesnt sound like a ball, and the written word ball doesnt look like
a ball.
Indexical the signied is causally connected to the signier e.g. hitting a tennis
ball makes a characteristic whacking sound, bouncing a basketball makes a
bouncing sound.
Iconic the signier resembles the signied e.g the sampled sound of a cricket
chirping in the soundtrack of a movie signies real crickets chirping, and
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 8
the photographic image of a person signies a real person.
Signs can signify more than one thing at the same time. The concept that the sign stands
for is called the denotation and additional signifieds are called connotations. Cultural
associations generate connotations by metonym and metaphor. A metonym invokes an
idea or object by some detail or part of the whole - a picture of a horseshoe may be a me-
tonym for a horse. A metaphor expresses the unfamiliar in terms of the familiar - a picture
of a tree may be a metaphor for a genealogy. A metonym is considered more natural
than a metaphor because it does not require such a leap of imagination (transposition).
Connotations may transform the meaning of a sign through emotional overtones, subjec-
tive interpretations, sociocultural values and ideological assumptions.
Auditory display techniques were classified as syntactic, semantic and lexical by Blattner,
Papp and Glinert [Blattner M.M. Papp A.L. and Glinert E.P. (1994)]. An example of a
syntactic approach is the earcon, which is a short musical motif with structure modelled
on pictographic writing [Blattner M. Sumikawa D. and Greenberg R. (1989)]. An exam-
ple of a semantic approach is the auditory icon, which is modelled on the everyday sounds
caused by interactions between material objects [Gaver W.W. (1986)]. Lexical approach-
es map data variations to acoustic variations, and examples include Blys multivariate
mappings [Bly S. (1994)], Kramers parameter nesting [Kramer G. (1994a)] and the
granular texture technique described by Smith, Pickett and Williams [Smith S. Picket
R.M. and Williams M.G. (1994)].
2.2 Syntactic approach
The emphasis in the syntactic approach is on the organisation between auditory signs.
Morse code is a syntactic approach where variation in duration and rhythm of a non-
speech sound can communicate coded text messages. The earcon is a syntactic method for
designing non-speech sounds to represent information in human-computer interfaces. An
earcon is built from components that may vary in rhythm, pitch, timbre, register, and dy-
namics. Each earcon has a unique meaning that must be learnt - for example a tone X with
pitch 440 Hz may mean file, and tone Y with pitch 600 Hz may mean deleted. These
earcons can be combined to communicate more complex messages - for example playing
X and Y in series produces a rising XY earcon that means file deleted [Blattner M.
Sumikawa D. and Greenberg R. (1989)]. The syntactic structure of an earcon can be or-
ganised by transformations, combinations, inheritance, and polyphony. Blattner et al. sug-
gest that earcons have the advantages of
Ease of production: earcons can be easily constructed and produced on almost any
computer with tools that already exist for music and audio manipulation.
Abstract representation: earcon sounds do not have to correspond to the objects they
represent, so objects that either make no sound or an unpleasant sound can still be
Earcons were added to a map of a research facility to provide extra information that could
be heard by pointing or selecting a region with the mouse [Blattner M.M. Papp A.L. and
Glinert E.P. (1994)]. Access privileges of a building were heard by a knocking pattern of
a tom-tom drum. Higher restrictions are heard by a faster knock and higher pitch. The
presence of computers in a building was heard as a four note flute tune. The presence of
an administrative unit in a building was heard by a 3 note saxophone tune. This demon-
stration of earcons raises an important issue - symbols are categorical and the categorical
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 9
representation of ordered information requires a decoding phase. The need for more direct
representations of ordered values is recognised in the speeding up of rate to represent the
higher restriction levels in the access privileges earcon. However this type of representa-
tion is not an explicit part of the earcon method.
A major problem with earcons is learnability. Novices are able to learn 4-6 symbolic
sounds within minutes, but further learning of up to 10 signals can take hours. Beyond 10,
the process is prolonged and some listeners may never learn the catalogue completely
[Patterson R.D. (1982)]. There is no standard syntax or lexicon of earcons, and the invest-
ment of time and effort in learning a new set may be too great for many applications.
2.3 Semantic approach
The emphasis in the semantic approach is on what is signified by a sound. The semantic
method for sounds in user interfaces is called the auditory icon. The auditory icon method
is to map what is signified by a familiar everyday sound to objects and events in the user
interface [Gaver W.W. (1986)]. Gaver suggests that sounds modelled on real world
acoustics are likely to be learnable and easy to understand because humans are adapted to
hear information in these kinds of sounds. This suggestion is based on a theory of percep-
tion that says that physical variations in acoustic energy generated by interactions be-
tween material objects are innately perceived and intuitively understood [Gibson J.J.
The design of an auditory icon starts with an analysis of interactions between objects in
the interface which would cause sounds in the physical world. For example, moving a file
in the Apple desktop GUI involves dragging it between windows. An auditory icon for
this event is based on the sound caused by dragging a real file across a real desktop. Gaver
demonstrated auditory icons in the SonicFinder, which augmented the Apple desktop GUI
with auditory icons for selecting, dragging and copying files, opening and closing folders,
selecting scrolling and resizing windows, and dropping files into and emptying the trash
can [Gaver W.W. (1994)]. He comments that although many people found the auditory
cues useful, others found them irritating or merely entertaining - providing an indication
of the challenges facing the designer in real-world practice. In another demonstration,
called the ARKola experiment, the auditory icons were designed to provide information
that was not visible in the interface [Gaver W.W. Smith R.B. and OShea T. (1991)]. Par-
ticipants collaborated in pairs to control a simulated cola bottling factory made up of 9
interconnected machines, such as a heater and a bottler, with on/off and rate controls.
Each participant could only see half of the factory, but could hear a characteristic sound
for each machine, which varied in a predictable manner with the rate of operation. Each
sound was designed to have a semantic association with the machine it represented, for
example the heater made a whooshing sound like a blowtorch, and the bottle dispenser
sounded like bottles clattering along a conveyer belt. The participants were able to quickly
learn and remember the meaning of the auditory icons in the process of using them. The
sounds helped them to track ongoing processes, and to monitor individual machines as
well as the overall condition of the factory. The participants could refer to the sounds to
discuss unseen elements, and the sounds increased the enjoyment of the activity. Some
problems in the discrimination of overlapping sounds were observed, which Gaver et al.
suggest could be addressed by a more systematic approach to shaping the psychoacoustics
of the sounds.
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 10
The auditory icons in the ARKola experiment were able to signify amounts, such as rate
or quantity, directly and without the need to refer to a legend. This is an important dem-
onstration that sounds can convey quantitative information, and support decision making
based on quantitative data. The fact that the participants learnt the meaning of the sounds
very quickly seems to indicate that the semantic design method is intuitive to understand,
as Gaver suggested. However the theory that auditory icons are more learnable than other
sonic signs has not been supported by empirical investigations. Lucas found no significant
difference between auditory icons and earcons in the amount of time taken to learn asso-
ciated meanings, in the number of errors made in the process of learning, or in the im-
provement in these factors over two trials. It took significantly less time to learn speech
associations, and these were consistently error free. The factor that most influenced the
accuracy of recognition of the auditory icons and earcons was an explanation of the ra-
tionale behind the sound design [Lucas P.A (1994)].
This result does not accord with the ecological theory, but rather indicates that intermedi-
ate mental structures do have a role in listening. This observation is supported by Ballass
experiment which found that the speed and accuracy of identification of the source of a
sound depends on the listeners expectations, context and experience. The experiment test-
ed the ambiguity of the relation between a sound and its perceived source by embedding
subjectively similar sounds, such as a fuse burning and leaves crackling, in contextual se-
quences which were biased toward one or the other interpretation. An inappropriate con-
text had a clear negative effect, although an appropriate context did not seem to have a
symmetrical positive effect [Ballass J.A. (1994)].
Truax comments that if an audio signal is perceived or measured to have fidelity to the
original source it is thought to have been successfully reproduced - but this assumption
causes a schizophrenic fracture between the original source and its later out-of-context us-
age [Truax B. (1992a)]. Beck describes how most of the sounds in movies, radio and the-
atre are not sampled directly from the real world but are deliberately constructed to foster
an impression in the mind of the listener, through expectations and cultural experience, as
well as physical experience [Beck M. (1996)]. The subjective nature of auditory experi-
ence was highlighted by the inconsistency that Mynatt found in her experiment on asso-
ciations between sampled sounds and interface concepts. [Mynatt E.D. (1994)]. The
experiment tested associations between 28 sounds, such as a zipper, and 15 interface con-
cepts, such as a pull-down menu, from a sound to a concept and from a concept to a sound.
The same sound was chosen for many different concepts, and there was rarely any con-
vergence on a single sound for a single concept. Mynatt concluded that the design of
sounds for the human-computer interface is difficult and painstaking process which de-
pends on the skill of gifted individuals. She summarised her findings as guidelines that
may assist other designers
Choose short sounds that have a wide bandwidth, and where length, intensity and
sound quality are roughly equal.
Evaluate the identiability of the auditory cues using free form answers.
Evaluate the learnability of the auditory cues that are not readily identied.
After deciding on a collection of sounds that are easily identied or learned, evaluate
possible uses of the auditory cues in the interface being designed.
Evaluate possible sets of auditory icons for potential problems with masking, discrim-
inability and conicting mappings.
Finally the complete interface should undergo usability evaluations with subjects or
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 11
users conducting specied tasks, as well as long-term evaluations that monitor the
performance over a long period of use.
The studies of learnability and identification with auditory icons suggest that what is sig-
nified depends on listening experience and context. Although the method is based on a
theory of innate perception that should ensure consistent interpretation the experimental
results show significant individual differences.
2.4 Pragmatic approach
The pragmatic approach emphasises the form of the signifier. The set of signifiers in a lex-
icon need to be discriminably different to represent different signifieds, and to prevent
ambiguous combinations.
Early work on the pragmatics of sounds was prompted by the need to ensure that a pilot
could hear warnings and alarms against a background of engine noise and radio conver-
sations. A study of sounds for aircraft display systems was carried out by Patterson. Al-
though his guidelines were intended for sounds in cockpits, they may be helpful in
computer interfaces too [Patterson R.D. (1982)].
Overall level - The lowest intensity level of a warning sound should be 15dB above
the threshold imposed by background noise. The upper limit is 25dB above thresh-
Temporal - Component pulses of a warning sound should have onsets and offsets 20-
30 ms in duration. These avoid a startle response in the listener. Pulses should be
100-150 ms in duration with a 150 ms inter-pulse gap for urgent sounds and a 300
ms gap for non-urgent sounds. Distinctive rhythms of 5 or more pulses should be
Spectral - The fundamental frequency of a warning should be within the range 150-
1000 Hz. There should be four or more component harmonics to help avoid mask-
ings. The overall spectral range of warnings should be 500-5000 Hz.
Ergonomics - Manual volume control should be avoided and automatic control
restricted to a range of 10-15 dB variation. There should be no more than six
immediate action warnings.
Voice warnings - These should be brief and use a keyword format. They should not be
repeated in a background version of the warning. Voice warnings used as immedi-
ate awareness warnings should use a full-phrase format and be repeated after a
short pause.
In another study of auditory displays for aircraft, Deatherage not only investigated the de-
sign of sounds as alarms but also as aids for spatial information and orientation [Deather-
age B.H. (1972)].
Alarm and warning signals:
At a minimum, use sounds having frequencies between 200 and 5000 Hz, and if possi-
ble, between 500 and 3000 Hz, because the human ear is most sensitive to this mid-
dle range.
Use sounds having frequencies below 1000 Hz when signals must travel long dis-
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 12
tances (over 1000 ft.) because high frequencies are absorbed in passage and hence
cannot travel as far.
Use frequencies below 500 Hz when signals must bend around obstacles or pass
through partitions.
In noise, signal frequencies different from those most intense frequencies of the noise
are best in order to reduce masking of the signal.
Use a modulated signal to demand attention. Intermittent beeps repeated at rates of
one to eight beeps per second, or warbling sounds that rise and fall in pitch are
seldom encountered, and are therefore different enough to get immediate attention.
If speech is necessary during an alarm, use an intermittent, pure-tone signal of rel-
atively high frequency.
Use complex tones rather than pure sinusoidal waves, because few pure tones can be
positively identied but each complex sound is noticeably different from other
Spatial information:
Use auditory displays to relieve the eyes. Although the eye is better for spatial dis-
crimination, it can look in only one direction at a time. In general, auditory spatial
displays are recommended only when the eyes are fully engaged and additional
spatial information is needed.
Use auditory displays (other than speech) to present restricted information, such as
the following:
(a) Yes-no information and indications of amount or degree. Auditory displays
can represent error or deviation from a course, speed, attitude, or other normal
(b) Continuous information. For example, radio-range signals present practically
continuous information about one kind of event - the course the aircraft is ying.
(c) Automatic information - recorded word signals as from an automatic annuncia-
Use auditory displays of tonal or noise signals when speech channels are already
fully employed. Most of the auditory displays that utilize tonal signals can be heard
through speech, and, conversely, speech can be understood while hearing the tonal
signals over the same receiving system.
Spatial orientation:
Conne representation to a single dimension; multidimensional displays are less
effective than their visual counterparts.
Provide a standard stimulus to represent the normal then make abrupt changes to
indicate departures from the normal. Human listeners are sensitive to frequency or
intensity changes but poor at identifying a unique signal.
Provide changes in intensity rather than frequency as a spatial cue. Because everyone
with normal hearing can detect changes in intensity, it is easier to control these
Use intermittent to repeated changes in a signal rather than a single change followed
by a continuous signal. The ear is much more likely to detect changes in a signal
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 13
occurring every second or two than at longer intervals.
If absolute identication is required, limit the number of signal categories to four
because listeners cannot identify correctly more than a few different intensities,
pitches, or interruption rates.
The following natural'' relationships between auditory signals and the dimensions
they represent are quickly learned or are perceived with little training:
(a) Binaural intensity differences serve to localise (in bearing) the direction of a
(b) Pitch differences naturally represent up and down (high and low pitch). To indi-
cate climb or upward pointing raise the pitch. Combined with binaural changes
in pitch from one ear to the other, left wing high for instance, can be repre-
(c) A slow interruption rate is a natural indication of speed - an increase or
decrease in interruption rate is immediately perceived as a change in speed (or
rate) of interruption.
These recommendations were brought together with other observations, by McCormick
and Sanders, to provide some general guidelines that extend to other types of auditory dis-
plays outside the cockpit [McCormick E.J. and Sanders M.S. (1983)]. They begin with a
list of circumstances where an auditory display is preferable to a visual display:
When the origin of the signal is itself a sound.
When the message is simple and short.
When the message will not be referred to later.
When the message refers to events in time.
When sending warnings or when the message calls for immediate action.
When presenting continuously changing information of some type, such as aircraft,
radio range, or ight path information.
When the visual system is overburdened.
When speech channels are fully employed (in which case auditory signals such as
tones should be clearly detectable from the speech).
When illumination limits vision.
When the receiver moves from one place to another.
General principles
Compatibility - where feasible, the selection of signal dimensions and their encoding
should exploit learned or natural relationships of the users, such as high frequen-
cies associated with up or high, and wailing signals with emergency.
Approximation - two-stage signals should be considered when complex information is
to be presented, these stages consist of 1) Attention-demanding signal: to attract
attention and identify a general category of information 2) Designation signal: to
follow the attention demanding signal and designate the precise information within
the general class indicated above.
Dissociability - auditory signals should be easily discernible from any ongoing audio
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 14
input (be it meaningful input or noise). For example if a person is to listen to two or
more channels the frequencies of the channels should be different if it is possible to
make them so.
Parsimony - Input signals to the operator should not provide more information than is
Invariance - The same signal should designate the same information at all times.
Principles of presentation
Avoid extremes of auditory dimensions - high intensity signals, for example, can cause
a startle response and actually disrupt performance.
Establish intensity relative to the ambient noise level - this is simply saying that the
intensity level should be set so that it is not masked by the ambient noise level.
Use interrupted or variable signals - where feasible, avoid steady-state signals and,
rather, use interrupted or variable signals. This will tend to minimise perceptual
Don't overload the auditory channel - only a few displays should be used in any given
situation. Too many displays can be confusing and will overload the operator. (For
example, during the Three Mile Island nuclear crisis, over 60 different auditory
warning displays were activated).
Principles of installation of auditory displays
Test signals to be used - such tests should be made with a representative sample of the
potential user population, to be sure the signals can be detected by them.
Avoid conict with previously used signals - any newly installed signals should not be
contradictory in meaning to any somewhat similar signals used in existing or ear-
lier systems.
Facilitate change-over from previous display - where auditory signals replace some
other mode of presentation (e.g. visual), preferably continue both modes for a
while, to help people become accustomed to the new auditory signals.
The pragmatic design of sounds to support human-computer interaction was investigated
by Brewster, Wright and Edwards who sought to answer the question what sounds
should be used at the user interface? Their empirical observations are summarised as
guidelines for designing earcons, shown in Table 2-1 [Brewster S.A. Wright P.C. and Ed-
wards A.D.N. (1994)].
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 15
Auditory representation techniques have also been evaluated from a pragmatic perspec-
tive. A system for psychometric evaluation of auditory displays was implemented by
Smith, Levkowitz, Pickett, and Torpey [Smith S, Levkowitz H., Pickett R.M. and Torpey
M. (1994)]. They classify perceptual discrimination into 3 types
Detection - the discernment of a shift (or just noticeable difference)
Recognition - the discernment of a shift and discrimination between different kinds of
Scaling - the discernment, discrimination and characterisation of a shift
The threshold of shift detection for an auditory parameter is measured by a three-alterna-
tive, forced-choice, up/down technique. Evaluations are made against a statistically pa-
rameterised data set, in which the mean, standard deviation and other features can be
systematically controlled. The system was demonstrated in an investigation of an asyn-
Timbre Use musical instrument timbres. Where possible use timbres with
multiple harmonics. This helps perception and avoids masking.
Timbres should be used that are subjectively easy to tell apart e.g.
use brass and organ rather than brass1 and brass2.
Pitch Do not use pitch on its own unless there are very big differences
between those used (see register below). Complex intra-earcon pitch
structures are effective in differentiating earcons if used along with
rhythm. Some suggested ranges for pitch are: maximum 5 kHz (four
octaves above middle C) and minimum 125 Hz to 150 Hz (an octave
below middle C).
Register If this alone is to be used to differentiate earcons which are
otherwise the same, then large differences should be used. Two or
three octaves difference give good rates of recognition.
Rhythm Make them as different as possible. Putting different numbers of
notes in each rhythm was very effective. Patterson says that sounds
are likely to be confused if rhythms are similar even if there are
large spectral differences. Small note lengths might not be noticed
so do not use notes less than eighth notes or quavers. In the
experiments described here these lasted 0.125 seconds.
Intensity Although intensity was not examined in this test, some suggested
ranges from Patterson are: maximum 20dB above threshold and
minimum 10 dB above threshold. Care should be taken in the use of
intensity. The overall sound level will be under the control of the
user of the system. Earcons should all be kept within a close range
so that if the user changes the volume of the system, no sound will be
Combinations When playing earcons one after another, use a gap between them so
that users can tell where one nishes and the other starts. A delay of
0.1 seconds is adequate. If the above guidelines are followed for
each of the earcons to be combined, then the recognition rates
should be sufcient.
Table 2-1: Guidelines for the pragmatic design of earcons
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 16
chronous granular synthesis (AGS) algorithm with ten parameters. The results show com-
plex interactions between the parameters, perceptual non-linearities in response to linear
changes in the data, and wide variation in the dynamic range of various perceptual effects.
Smith et al. concluded that their AGS algorithm is less than ideal for auditory data repre-
sentation. Some of the issues they raise are that sounds that are interesting and lively in
musical and artistic compositions can become irritating when presented repeatedly in an
experiment. Sound synthesis algorithms have idiosyncratic parameters that are not
aligned with perceptual variations, and which cannot be generalised. They comment that
the development of a device-independent and easy to use way to specify timbres is critical
before auditory data representation can make a further leap forward.
The types of discriminations measured by Smith et al. are called capabilities by Watson
and Kidd. They propose a principle of proclivity to explain their findings that perform-
ance on very familiar sets of stimuli may not be predictable from performance on the dis-
crimination of unfamiliar sounds [Watson C.S. and Kidd G.R. (1994)]. Proclivities reect
responses that cannot be scored as right or wrong, such as judgements of sound quality,
of the value of a sound on a perceptual scale, and of the similarity of a sound to another
sound. Psychophysical measures of acuity are not sufficient to explain the large individual
differences in performance, and central cognitive factors of learning, memory and at-
tention may have to be considered if we are to predict the human operators performance
with arrays of auditory signals. Their observations are summarised by some guidelines
Auditory capabilities determined under minimal uncertainty are both valid descrip-
tions and misleading guides.
Auditory capabilities determined under high levels of stimulus uncertainty or under
ecologically valid conditions can be both invalid descriptions and useful guides.
Performance on auditory identication tasks can be greatly improved through intense
training, but pilots, cardiologists, and nuclear power station operators aren't likely
to devote the required hours in learning an arbitrary auditory catalogue of more
than 7 or 8 discriminable sounds.
One way to convey more information is to use the auditory signal only to indicate (a)
that a message has arrived and (b) the priority of that message. The actual mes-
sage then can be conveyed by voice or by alphanumeric display.
Establishing larger catalogues of auditory signals may be possible, but may benet
(a) exploiting pre-existing sound-event associations,
(b) designing sounds with maximal pairwise discriminability, based on psychoa-
coustic principles,
(c) establishing a grammar, or other form of sound organisation.
The perception of overlapping auditory elements has been explained by Bregman in his
theory of auditory scene analysis [Bregman A.S. (1990)]. This theory proposes that
acoustic elements are grouped into streams according to heuristics such as similarity,
proximity, closure and familiarity. The heuristics help to predict the outcomes of a collab-
oration and competition between two auditory processes:
Primitive grouping - fast, innate grouping by acoustic properties of the proximal stim-
Schema segregation - slower, conscious selection of elements from groups that have
been formed by the primitive process, and active restructuring of groups by effort
of will.
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 17
The primitive level explains auditory illusions and why sounds can be hidden or camou-
flaged due to the acoustic interactions. The schema level explains why the motivation and
experience of the listener can make such a difference to what they hear. Some properties
of streams that may be relevant in display design are [Bregman A.S. (1990)]
Only material grouped into the same stream can obscure or camouage a target.
Simple tasks such as counting the number of tones are more accurate if the tones are
in the same stream.
Temporal relations are difcult to make across streams - for example it is very dif-
cult to judge the order of elements in separate streams, or compare the rates of
cyclic sequences which have segregated.
An element in a stream may be captured by another stream with elements that are
A rhythm tends to be dened by sounds that fall in the same stream. The allocation of
sounds to different streams affects what rhythms may be heard
Williams says that a knowledge of the potential auditory streams that may arise from a
particular acoustic signal is essential in order to predict the possible interpretations of that
signal, and lists gestalt heuristics as principles for auditory display design as shown in Ta-
ble 2-2 [Williams S.M. (1994)]. This approach may help in the design of concurrent and
overlapping sounds. However it doesnt tell us how to map data relations to auditory re-
Psychoacoustic observations describe the relation between acoustic variations and what
is heard by a listener. This pragmatic method works well for simple displays by ensuring
the discrimination of categories and linearity of scales, suggesting that psychoacoustic
Similarity components which share attributes are perceived as related.
Proximity the closer two components are, the more likely that they
belong together.
Good continuation components that display smooth transitions from one state to
another are perceived as related.
Familiarity recognition of well-known congurations among possible
subcomponents leads to these subcomponents being grouped
Belonginess a component can only form part of one object at a time and its
percept is relative to the rest of the gure-ground organisation
to which it belongs.
Common fate components which experience the same kinds of changes at
the same time are perceived as related.
Closure incomplete gures tend to be completed.
Stability having achieved an interpretation that interpretation will
remain xed throughout slowly changing parameters until no
longer appropriate.
Articulation the separation of a gure from ground requires energy.
Table 2-2: Gestalt heuristics
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 18
measurements and theories can assist in the design of an auditory display. However com-
plex multidimensional displays are not easy to measure, and the predictions made from
these measurements are not always valid outside the laboratory situation. Perhaps the big-
gest problem with this approach is that psychoacoustics does not provide guidance about
the relation between perception and information.
2.5 Perceptual approach
Graphs show information in sets of abstract numbers. Graphic information is not con-
tained in individual signs, but in the perceptual relations between signifiers. Bertin pro-
posed that graphic relations were a new form of semiology that is distinctly different from
other sign systems in the way the signified is perceived [Bertin J. (1981)].
To perceive a pictograph, a road sign for example, requires a single stage of percep-
tion: what does the sign signify? Stop! All the useful information is perceived. The
aim of pictography is to dene a set or concept.
To perceive a graphic requires two stages of perception: 1st: What are the elements in
question? 2nd: What are the relationships among those elements?
The signifieds in a graphic are resemblance, order and proportion, transcribed by visual
variables that have signifying characteristics shown in Table 2-3.
A representation is designed by mapping data relations onto visual relations with similar
characteristics. Quantitative visual relations signify quantitative data relations, qualitative
visual relations signify qualitative data relations. The point at which a visual variable dis-
appears signifies the zero in a data variable. The effectiveness of Bertins scheme for vis-
ually representing quantitative data was empirically validated by Cleveland [Cleveland
W.S. (1985)]. This perceptual scheme is the basis for MacKinlays rule-based tool which
can automatically generate a graph from a characterisation of the data to be represented
[MacKinlay J. (1986)].
At the ICAD92 conference Bly pointed out that progress in auditory display is impeded
by the lack of a principled approach similar to that which has been developed for graphic
Quantitative Ordered Differential Visibility
X,Y spatial
quantitative ordered selective constant
size quantitative ordered selective variable
ordered selective variable
texture ordered to
some extent
selective constant
colour selective constant
orientation selective constant
shape constant
Table 2-3: Bertins signifying properties of the visual variables
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 19
representation [Bly S. (1994)]. She showed that different auditory representations are not
equally effective by challenging researchers to design a display to support the classifica-
tion of a 6 dimensional multivariate data. The results for the 3 displays that were evaluated
ranged from chance to significant. The variation in the results led Bly to conclude that a
knowledge of the data structure is crucial for the design of an effective auditory display.
This observation is echoed by Scalettis suggestions of appropriate synthesis techniques
based on data characteristics as shown in Table 2-4. These suggestions capture experience
and expert knowledge in the design of displays to represent these types of data, and are
helpful for other designers faced with similar data.
Hayward similarly characterises data in the seismic domain, as shown in Table 2-5 and
Table 2-6. As well as characterising the data and the interpretation task, Hayward also
provides a rationale for applying the auralisation technique to seismic data.
Data Characteristics Suggested synthesis techniques
Oscillating between states timbral interpolation or morphing
Axes and grids resonators, xed tones
Comparison sums, products, differences, correlation
Textures and tendencies granular synthesis, FM, waveshaping, sonic
Periodicity detection data as samples, autocorrelation
Virtual objects in VR space physical models, sampled sounds
Data with an attitude instrumental sounds, musical scales, sampled
Table 2-4: Scalettis suggested synthesis techniques
Sample rates 250 to 4000 Hz
Bandwidth usually less than 3 octaves
10-100 Hz common
20-500 Hz high resolution
20-2000 Hz special studies
Dataset size 12,000 to several billion samples
0.2 to 5 seconds/record
usually < 4000 samples/record
multiple shots per reection point
Interpretation Every peak is signicant and waveform details (width or phase)
are often also interpreted
Dynamic range 8 - 24 bits commonly used
Table 2-5: Characteristics of exploration seismic signals
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 20
Hayward says that the direct mapping (auralisation) of seismic data works well because
the data is physically constrained by the elastic wave equation which is common to both
acoustic and seismic vibration. The resemblance between the acoustic signifier and seis-
mic signified is a basis for everyday interpretations - for example a series of echoes fol-
lowed by an explosion is recognised as physically ridiculous. Loudness is related to
energy, pitch implies harmonic structure, and intervals between echoes infer the size of
an echo chamber. He comments that auralisation of arbitrary time-series data, such as
stock prices, is often unsuccessful because the data relations are physically unconstrained
and generate acoustics that are not matched to the perceptual capabilities and expectations
of the listener. This is a similar argument to that given by Gaver for the intuitiveness of
auditory icons.
The systematic acoustic relation between the signifier and the signified is clearly a useful
way to design sounds, but it doesnt help us to signify symbolic relations in abstract data,
like stock prices. The effectiveness of a simple pitch variation over time was evaluated as
a means to represent abstract data relations by Flowers, Buhman and Turnage. They found
that normal users could quickly and easily understand the basic properties of simple func-
tions, distribution properties of data samples, and patterns of covariation between two var-
iables, and that the auditory display was as effective as a visual graph [Flowers J.H.
Buhman D.C. and Turnage K.D. (1996)]. This is an important starting point for a method
of signifying properties of auditory elements modelled on Bertins signifying properties
of visual marks. Kendall has suggested such a method when he observed that auditory rep-
resentations of categorical data should sound categorical, that continuous data should
sound continuous, and that uniform steps along the continuum should sound uniform
[Kendall G.S. (1991)]. This method would focus on a faithful mapping between auditory
relations and data relations. A step in this direction has been taken by Madhyastha and
Reed, who proposed a matching of the importance of a data variable to the perceptual
weighting of an acoustic variable heard in the display. This method was designed to han-
dle the problem that extreme values of some acoustic parameters can cause others to lose
their effect - for example it can be difficult to hear the pitch of a short sound, or the timbre
of a high pitched sound [Madhyastha T.M and Reed D.A. (1992)]. The perceptual ranking
is informal, i.e. pitch and rhythm are the most distinguishing characteristics of a melody,
and thus, can be considered more significant than, say, volume, but it is an example of
an approach to auditory design based on perceptual signification of abstract relations.
The matching of perceptual properties of sounds with the properties of the information to
Sample rates 1 to 120 Hz
multiple sample rate streams are common
Bandwidth 1 hour period to 40 Hz (17 octaves)
Dataset size Continuous recordings 3-100 Megabytes/day
Triggered recordings < 1 Megabytes/day
Interpretation Precise timing and identication of phase (P,S etc.) is critical.
Much interpretation is based on the envelope and spectra of the
Dynamic range 24 bit recording is common
Most signals easily represented by 16 bits
Table 2-6: Characteristics of planetary seismic signals
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 21
be conveyed may improve the directness and correctness of a display. However the dis-
play is a nuisance if the information is not useful. The viewer can simply not look at a
useless visual display, but auditory displays are not so easy to ignore and prone to become
annoying when the information in them is not useful. The auditory display may be per-
ceived as an annoying noise if the information in it is not useful.
2.6 Task-oriented approach
Semiotic methods have been criticised because they are static in time, and do not include
motivation as a factor in either the construction or reading of signs. Wittgenstein observed
that meaning of a sign is not the object it signifies, but the way it is used [Wittgenstein L.
(1953)]. Signs can be used in many ways to generate families of meanings. Signs can be
useful without having a material signified at all - for example the greeting hello.
Usefulness is one of the criteria often used in HCI to evaluate an interface design. Casner
says that different presentations of the same information best support different tasks, and
that the usefulness of any information presentation is a function of the task it is being used
to support. He built an automatic tool to deduce a graph for a specific task and data [Cas-
ner S. (1992)]. Kramer suggests that two broad types of tasks are important in auditory
display [Kramer G. (ed) (1994b)]
Analysis - tasks where the user cannot anticipate what will be heard and is listening
for pop-out effects, patterns, similarities and anomalies which indicate struc-
tural features and interesting relationships in the data.
Monitoring - a listening search for familiar patterns in a limited and unambiguous
set of sounds.
The need to design sounds that provide information relevant to a task was recognised by
Frysinger in his proposal of a taxonomy of tasks and data types as a foundation for choos-
ing auditory representations [Frysinger S.P. (1990)]. He suggests that the effectiveness of
different auditory display techniques could be evaluated against standard tasks and sets of
data. However the definition of a corpus of tasks and parameterised data sets is not trivial.
Frysinger points out that the identification of task types is difficult because often the an-
alyst is not able to describe what they are doing very precisely, and a task may consist of
a combination or compound of simpler tasks. Sometimes a task is considered to be a small
closed action, like pushing a button, other times it can be something bigger, like filling in
a form, or something more complex like analysing trends in a data set. Storytelling has
been suggested as a way to describe a task by Erickson, who uses a collection of stories
to come to grips with the user requirements of an interface [Erickson T. (1996)]. The users
are asked to tell stories about their activities which are not expected to be formal or com-
plete or even particularly accurate. A collection of stories contain information about what
the users like, and dislike, what works well, what users who are expert in the activity think
will work well, and concrete explanations of real problems. Stories are informal, uncon-
strained and easy to remember. The stories of different users may overlap and provide
snapshots of an activity from different perspectives and in different situations. The col-
lection is a rich source of contextual, experiential and concrete knowledge about the prob-
lem that can provide a basis for more formal analyses.
A semi-formal method for graphical user interface (GUI) design was extended by Brews-
ter to design useful sounds for the human-computer interface. The method is called the
Event, Status, Mode method (ESM). An event marks something that happens at a discrete
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 22
point in time, due to some action by the user (e.g. a mouse click) or the system (mail ar-
riving). Events depend on context, for example clicking the mouse in one window may
select an icon, whilst in another it may position a cursor. Events can be hidden because
the system does not display them, or because the user does not perceive them. Status in-
formation is similar to an event, except that it is persistent, for example the location of a
mouse cursor. Status information can become hidden even if it is visually present, due to
visual fixation on other parts of the screen, and because it is static and may fade from at-
tention. A mode is a system context that alters the interpretation placed on events. In one
mode typed characters may appear on the screen, whilst in another they may be interpret-
ed as commands. Mode errors occur when the status information is hidden. Information
about the events, status and modes in an interaction is characterised by 4 dimensions of
The method begins with the identification of all the modes that are present in an interac-
tion. The events and status information required in that mode are listed and compared with
the event and status information that is available in the interface. Discrepancies identify
the missing or hidden information that may be causing errors and reducing task perform-
ance. The characteristics of the required feedback are then represented by sounds with ap-
propriate characteristics. Brewster demonstrates the method by analysing 7 interface
widgets, including a caps-lock key, dialogue boxes, buttons, menus, scrollbars and win-
dows. In every case the source of errors was identified as the avoidability of status infor-
mation about modes. From this analysis we can surmise that the most useful way that
sounds can provide information in an interface is by alerting the user to transient events
Information Description Sound
Does the feedback depend
on a user or system action?
Events are action
dependent, status and
modes are action
A keypress activated beep is an action
dependent sound.
A constant tone indicating mode is
action independent sound.
Is the feedback sustained
throughout a particular
mode? Events are transient,
status is sustained, and
modes may be either.
A short beep to indicate an error is a
transient sound
Sustained sounds can be habituated,
and will be perceived only when it
changes in some way, or by conscious
Can the user avoid
perceiving the feedback?
Events and modes should
be demanding.
Sound is attention grabbing so is good
for demanding feedback, whereas
graphic displays are often missed. Care
must be taken in designing avoidable
sounds so that they are not demanding
by mistake.
Does the feedback change
whilst it is presented or is it
constant? Events are static,
status can be static or
A constant tone is static, music is
Table 2-7: Brewsters ESM method
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 23
that may be missed due to visual attention being elsewhere at the time. Brewster tested the
method by designing some earcons for the scrollbars, buttons and windows, and evaluat-
ing user performance with and without the sounds switched on. He found that the earcons
decreased the amount of time to carry out a task, and the amount of time taken to recover
from errors. The users preferred the sound enhanced interfaces over visual-only interfac-
es, and Brewster comments that this was because the sounds provided information that
was needed, they were not gimmicks.
Alty lists reasons why multimedia interfaces may be advantageous for control applica-
tions [Alty J. (1995)]
Telepresence - Multimedia options allow us to regain the natural link between the
operator and observables. Avoids events by proxy. Preserves implicit cues.
Measurable Media Differences - Match the medium carrying capabilities with the
knowledge output requirements. Differences must be discernable.
Goal - Main factor in choice of a medium is how the presented information will be
used. Need a taxonomy for characterising knowledgeNeed a characterisation of
Media and their knowledge carrying capabilities. Need to match the two.
Complexity - The medium matters in more complex situations.
Redundancy - For humans more is better. Humans prefer redundancy of information.
Multimedia interfaces exploit the whole mind. Useful when information quality
Operator Choice - Operators have hidden goals and implicit knowledge. Often they
do not know what information they use. Give them an element of choice. Feedback
gives useful pointers to media usage.
Intrusion - Some media such as sound are intrusive. Such media are often useful as
context switchers. Intrusive media can obliterate lower level goals, so the system
should remember interrupted goals and remind operators when the intrusion is
over. Media switches can also aid problem solving.
Metaphor - Presenting information in a different medium can be illuminating i.e.
music is a visual medium (height and distance metaphors for notes and time).
Synchronisation - Media when used together and synchronised are very powerful.
Minimising overload on short term memory.
Although these seem like very good reasons to use multimedia, Alty comments that in fact
there is little empirical evidence to support the view that multimedia interfaces are any
better. He tested the validity of these principles in an experiment which compared the per-
formance of subjects using different display media. The task was to control Crossmans
Waterbath which involves balancing in-flow, out-flow and heater temperature to prevent
error conditions. Information about flowrates, temperature, and water level were shown
by combinations of graphics, text, speech, and sound. The results show that differences in
the display media do influence task performance, though it is hard to know why or how.
Alty observes that the different media have different syntactic, pragmatic and semantic
properties, and some are better suited to represent different types of knowledge. He con-
cludes that is it difficult to produce good interfaces by chance or ad-hoc techniques, and
that a formal method of multimedia design is necessary.
The approach he proposes has the premise that the goals of the user should determine what
information is required and how it should be rendered, and is summed up by a series of
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 24
what is the goal?
what task is needed to achieve it?
what knowledge is required?
how is the knowledge characterised?
The goal of the user is described in a process flow diagram that allows flexible connec-
tions and iterations between tasks. There are 4 types of tasks, shown in Table 2-8.
The knowledge required by each task is characterised in terms of 3 kinds of variables -
primitive, derived, or complex. A derived variable is a new variable calculated from a
primitive variable(s). Complex variables relate a variable with an organisation in space or
time. For example a set of Temperature Variables in Time (i.e. Temperature history) is
described as {(Temperature, Time)}. Most variables are complex. The description of a
variable is shown in Table 2-9.
Task type Description
monitoring checking on critical variables to spot deviations as soon as
possible, in order to maintain optimal running conditions and
plant safety. Activities include Identify, Search, Browse,
Instantiate, Scan, Check.
diagnosing identifying causes of deviations so that the plant conditions
can be stabilised. Identify, Compare, Derive, Guess, Reason.
predicting identifying potential consequences of plant deviations in
order to prevent them. Model, Simulate, Run.
controlling direct impact on the operations of the processing system.
Record, Create, Delete, Edit, Alter, Enter, Move, Load, Save.
Table 2-8: Task types
Variable Description Example
Name Conventional name for the
Type Nominal, Ordinal or
Cardinality Single-Values, Fixed-Multiple
Valued or Variable-Multiple-
Accuracy The accuracy of representation 0.01
Range The range of possible values -10 to 300
Ordering Does the variable have an
Units The units of measurement Celsius
Table 2-9: Knowledge characterisation
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 25
The Knowledge characterisation is matched against a characterisation of a display medi-
um, shown in Table 2-10. This characterisation is similar to Bertins visual variables, but
the concrete characterisation for auditory media is not described.
The method was applied to design a multimedia control system for a nuclear power plant.
The operators were asked to try out the new multimedia display for a trial period, and were
asked to evaluate the display. They generally agreed that the sounds made handling
alarms quicker and easier, and helped avoid mistakes related to the analysis of alarms.
However the sound was disliked as there were too many sounds in the plant. Alty com-
ments that the impact of the multimedia interface was not as great as it could have been.
All operators found the system complex and difficult to use, and needed much more train-
ing to make full use of the system. One found it fun to experiment with the new opportu-
nities. Another found the new system too tedious to work with. A number of operators
drew attention to the poor quality of the voice output.
Task-oriented design methods help to focus the design on a display that is useful. This is
particularly important in auditory display because the sounds cannot be easily ignored.
However the usefulness of the sound only becomes apparent with use. The first impres-
Stability Static or Dynamic Dynamic/every 5 secs
Continuity Continuous or Discrete Continuous
Directionality Scalar or Vector Scalar
Derived from Variables list []
Derivation How derived Primitive
Medium Description Values
Name Conventional name for the
Number the variables involved
For Each
Type Nominal, Ordinal, Quantitative
Ordering Does the variable have an
Continuity Continuous or Discrete
Processing Possible processing options
Audio or Visual +formula for
Resource requirement
Table 2-10: Media characterisation
Variable Description Example
Table 2-9: Knowledge characterisation
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 26
sion that a listener has of an auditory display is aesthetic, and the usefulness of the display
can only become evident if it is used.
2.7 Connotation approach
Most people are used to hearing high quality sounds in music CDs, movie soundtracks
and computer games. Composers and sound designers are concerned with aesthetic, sty-
listic and affective connotations of the sounds. These connotations reflect the value that
society places on both the signifier and the signified in a sign. The connotations of the
sounds in an auditory display are likely to influence how well it is received by users, and
may be especially important in commercial applications. Positive connotations may en-
courage users to experiment and learn the display. An example of how sounds can influ-
ence credibility is provided by Tkaczevskis sound design to imply an air of fraud and
humour in a computer game [Tkaczevski A. (1996)]. The humorous connotations that
arise from the juxtaposition of high tech graphic objects with low tech sounds is surely a
lesson to auditory display designers about the importance of auditory connotations! The
need to satisfy expectations of audio quality is described by Dougherty in his account of
the sound design for the Taligent Operating System [Dougherty T. (1996)]. Engineers on
the project had experienced the 8 bit sound quality of the SonicFinder demonstration
(which was constrained by the 8 bit sound card that was available at the time), and were
concerned that the sounds should be of compact disc quality, and should be very low vol-
ume. Dougherty shaped high quality sampled sounds so they could be discriminated at
low volumes. He found that people reacted more favourably to the interface when the
sounds were switched on, and that they were often influenced by the sounds even when
they said they hadnt noticed them.
2.8 Device approach
A major problem in audio applications is the variation in the characteristics of audio de-
vices. These characteristics include the parameters for adjusting overall volume, equali-
sation, stereo position, reverberation etc., and the ranges of these parameters. Frequency
response, speaker locations, ambient noise and many other factors can influence the dis-
play design. Tkaczevski describes an approach for balancing the sounds in computer
games across various FM and Wave Table synthesisers on different devices and operating
systems. He had to manually edit and evaluate the global controls on each target system,
tweaking them to reach a compromise that worked across the board. Although a compro-
mise is a practical solution, it can only work when the designer knows what sounds will
be heard and when. It also compromises the capabilities of the better quality devices.
These problems have been addressed by the Porsonify toolkit developed by Madhyastha
and Reed to support auditory displays [Madhyastha T.M and Reed D.A. (1992)]. Porson-
ify provides a uniform network interface to sound devices through table driven servers
that encapsulate device specific parameters without hiding unique hardware functions. A
sonification client can query a device daemon to obtain a description of available param-
eters and their ranges. This description can be used to automatically constrain the map-
ping to sounds that can be realised on that device. As part of this work, Madhyastha and
Reed raise the need to introduce a data characterisation, and rules for mapping data into
sounds in a device-sensitive manner. However this approach does not address the problem
that different devices with the same interfaces produce perceptually different sounds, or
Smiths comments that the need for a device-independent method for specifying timbre is
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 27
a major impediment to progress in auditory display [Smith S. (1990)].
Transportability has also been an issue in satellite imagery and visualisation of data. Dif-
ferent devices produce colours in different ways, and an image that looks good on one de-
vice can look terrible on another, even similar, device. The need for a transportable way
to specify colours for these applications was addressed by Robertson using the device-in-
dependent, perceptually uniform CIE colour system [Robertson P.K. and OCallaghan
J.F. (1986)]. The behaviour of a display device was modelled from perceptual measure-
ments at regular points in the device parameter space and could be used to optimise colour
sequences for the dynamic range of a device. This approach was developed in an interac-
tive tool for designing colour images to represent data-sets. The designer is able to tailor
the colour selection by manipulating graphic widgets overlaid on slices through the colour
space that show the limits and behaviour of the display device [Robertson P.K. Hutchins
M. Stevenson D. Barrass S. Gunn C. and Smith D. (1994)].
The approach taken in the design of device independent colour displays may also help in
the design of transportable auditory displays. Plainly the characteristics of the output de-
vice are a major factor to consider in display design.
2.9 Summary
This chapter described previous approaches to the design of sounds to support informa-
tion processing activities. The approaches were divided into types - syntactic, semantic,
pragmatic, perceptual, task-oriented, connotative, and device-oriented. The syntactic ap-
proach focuses on the organisation of auditory elements into more complex messages.
The semantic method focuses on the metaphorical meaning of the sound. The pragmatic
method focuses on the psychoacoustic discrimination of the sounds. The perceptual meth-
od focuses on the significance of the relations between the sounds. The task-oriented
method designs the sounds for a particular purpose. The connotative method is concerned
with the cultural and aesthetic implications of the sound. The device-oriented method fo-
cuses on the transportability of the sounds between different devices, and the optimisation
of the sounds for a specific device. Clearly there are many ways to go about designing
sounds, and many factors to consider. A comprehensive method will need to address is-
sues that include the psychoacoustic properties of the signifier, the perceptual relations
between signifiers, the organisation of signifiers into structures, the learnability of the sig-
nified, signification through use, connotations and social values, the need for transporta-
bility and reproduction.
Chapter 2 Previous approaches 28
Chapter 3 Designing useful sounds 29
3 De s i g n i n g
u s e f u l s o u n d s
Ask not the meaning, but the use. [Wittgenstein L. (1953)]
Shirley Robertson: In terms of utilising hearing in the world, when somebody's going
through the [blindness] training program, what we really try and look at is focusing on
sounds that are useful and ltering out the sounds that are not useful. So sounds that are
useful are sounds that can help you maintain a straight line, and help you to orientate so
that you know where you are. Sounds that are not useful in that situation, are sounds that
are moveable for example. So sounds of people talking, they're useful in terms of knowing
that there's somebody in your way, but they're not useful in terms of an orientation clue.
[Swan N. (1996)]
This chapter proposes an approach for designing useful sounds. The approach builds on
Scalettis working definition of sonification, which is analysed to have two parts - one part
has to do with information requirements and the other with information representations.
The requirements part addresses issues of usefulness in a task and the selection of useful
data relations to display. The representation part addresses the need to ensure that people
can hear the required information in the display. These parts are shaped into a framework
that focuses on the design of an information representation to meet the information re-
quirements of a task. The phrase auditory information design indicates the focus on use-
ful information which is at the core of this approach.
3.1 Scalettis denition of sonication
Scaletti proposed a working definition of sonification as ...
a mapping of numerically represented relations in some domain under study to relations
in an acoustic domain for the purpose of interpreting, understanding, or communicating
relations in the domain under study [Scaletti C. (1994)].
There are three different relations in this definition - numerical relations, acoustic rela-
tions, and domain relations. The observation that information is contained in relations be-
tween elements, rather than in the elements of themselves, has been made many times.
Gibson says that people and animals obtain information about the environment from the
perceptions of energy proportions and ratios [Gibson J.J. (1966)]. Bertin says that graphic
information is contained in the relations between visual marks that signify resemblance,
order and proportions [Bertin J. (1981)]. Sebba found that consistent pairings of paintings
and music were influenced by perceptions of contrast, order and ratios [Sebba R. (1991)].
These observations support a substitution of the word information for the phrase rela-
tions in the domain under study in Scalettis definition. This substitution allows us to sep-
arate the definition into 2 parts that are connected by information - the requirements part,
and the representation part. The requirements part is about specifying information that is
useful in some purpose. The representation part is about displaying information as sounds.
3.1.1 The requirements part of the denition
The requirements part of Scalettis definition is the phrase for the purpose of interpreting,
Chapter 3 Designing useful sounds 30
understanding, or communicating relations in the domain under study. The purpose has
been classified into 3 types of information processing activities - interpreting, understand-
ing and communicating. This focus on particular activities can greatly simplify the design
problem, particularly when the domain is large or complex. Rather than designing a ge-
neric display to represent everything about a domain, the display can be focused on a sub-
set of information that is useful and relevant to the task at hand. From this perspective the
requirements part of the definition could be rephrased to meet the information require-
ments of an information processing activity.
3.1.2 The representation part of the denition
The representation part of Scalettis definition is the phrase a mapping of numerically rep-
resented relations in some domain under study to relations in an acoustic domain. This is
a mapping from one representation to another. Numerically represented relations are con-
tained in measurements of some phenomenon, be it a physical phenomenon such as sea
surface temperatures, or an abstract phenomenon like share trading prices. However it
may be difficult for a person to understand much about the phenomenon by reading a list
of numbers. A perceptual representation, such as a graph or a sonification, is another way
to represent information that can allow a person to more quickly obtain a better under-
standing of what is being represented.
Although the definition outlines the basic process of representation there are issues of
faithful perception and faithful reproduction that are not addressed. Numeric relations in
data sets are usually classified into 4 types - nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. A faithful
perception of this information requires that the listener be able to hear these types of re-
lations in the auditory display. If the information in the display is to be understood cor-
rectly then the mapping is first a mapping to auditory perception, followed by a mapping
to acoustic variations produced by a display device. In this view sounds exist only in the
mind of the listener, whilst acoustic vibrations exist even when a listener is not present.
From these observations we may rephrase the representation part of Scalettis definition
to a mapping of information to perceptual relations in the acoustic domain.
3.2 A denition of
auditory information design
If we put the modified parts of Scalettis working definition of sonification back together
we obtain ... a mapping of information to perceptual relations in the acoustic domain to
meet the information requirements of an information processing activity.
This phrase can be made more succinct by substituting sounds for the phrase perceptual
relations in the acoustic domain. The definition for auditory information design becomes
the design of sounds to support an information processing activity.
Chapter 3 Designing useful sounds 31
3.3 An approach to
auditory information design
The approach to auditory information design proposed here builds on Scalettis definition
of sonification. The approach focuses on the design of sounds to support an information
processing activity. The approach has two parts that hinge on information
1. Requirements: analysis of the information requirements of an activity
2. Representation: design of an auditory representation of the information requirements
3.3.1 Requirements
There are a variety of methods for analysing information. Task analysis is a method de-
veloped in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) design to analyse information required to
manipulate events, modes, objects and other aspects of user interfaces [Kaplan B. and
Goodsen J. (1995)]. This form of analysis is particularly concerned with actions that occur
in sequence and parallel, and the feedback of the current state of the interface. Data char-
acterisation is a method developed in scientific visualisation to describe the relations con-
tained in data sets [Robertson P.K. (1991)]. This analysis addresses concerns about the
validity and faithfulness of a representation that is to be re-represented in some other
form. A combined task analysis and data characterisation can define a mapping from data
relations to information that is useful in a task. This mapping may involve transforming
or selecting parts of the data set, for example highlighting a region. The combination of
task analysis and data characterisation has been demonstrated in a system for designing
colour representations called PRAVDA [Bergman L.D. Rogowitz B.E. and Treinish L.A.
(1995)], and in an automatic graphing tool called BOZ [Casner S. (1992)]. These tools op-
erate on the task and data descriptors with a rule base that selects a representation scheme.
However there is a problem that the addition of a new task to the system requires new
rules to be formulated for every type of data. As the number of tasks and data types in-
creases there will be a combinatorial explosion of rules to cope with each special case.
This problem can be addressed by introducing an explicit description of information re-
quirements that separates the task and data, but is a function of these influences. When a
new task type is added to the system it is only necessary to add a new rule to map that task
type to the information requirements. The information requirements are the pivotal point
of contact between the analysis and the realisation of the design. I call this the TaDa ap-
proach because the design is focused on information that is useful in a task and true to the
3.3.2 Representation
Once the information requirements of the activity have been analysed we are in a position
to design a representation of that information. This is the stage where the designer maps
the required information into sounds in which a person can hear that information. Listen-
ing is a complex process which has been described in terms of innate primitive and
learnt schema levels of perception in Bregmans theory of auditory scene analysis. The
TaDa approach addresses these two levels with different design methods - a case-based
method for schema design, and a rule-based method for primitive design. The case-based
method is a source of familiar auditory scenes that have an information structure that can
represent the required information. For example the sounds of a kettle coming to the boil
may be a familiar schema for an auditory display of temperature levels in a turbine boiler.
Chapter 3 Designing useful sounds 32
The rule-based method aligns auditory structure with information structure in accordance
to principles from graphic design and models from psychoacoustics. Examples of these
rules are that if the information is ordered then the sounds should be ordered, if the infor-
mation is categorical then the sounds should be categorical. Equal differences along a
continuum should sound equal to the listener, and zero values should sound like they are
The final stage in the design process is to produce specified sounds on an auditory display
device. It is called an auditory display device because the sound specifications are percep-
tual (auditory), rather than device specific (acoustic), so the display can be transported to
other devices. The display device may be a compound of hardware, software, synthesis
algorithms, samples and audio components such as amplifiers, speakers or headphones.
The reproduction of perceptual specifications on a device requires a measurement of the
mapping from perceptual coordinates to control parameters, device capabilities and audio
ranges. There is no point specifying sounds that cannot be produced by the display so a
knowledge of the device characteristics is vital in the design process.
3.3.3 TaDa tiles
The TaDa approach is summarised by an arrangement of six tiles organised into two trap-
ezoidal shapes shown in Figure 3-1. The upper trapezoid is the requirements part of the
approach. The lower trapezoid is the representation part of the approach. The component
tiles are facets of the design process, and common edges are connections between these
Figure 3-1: Facets of the TaDa approach to auditory information design
The requirements trapezoid consists of the Task analysis (Ta) tile, Information require-
ments (Ireq) tile, and the Data characterisation (Da) tile. The Ta and Da tile sit upon the
Ireq tile to indicate that both of these facets are necessary for the analysis of information
Task Data
characterisation analysis
Chapter 3 Designing useful sounds 33
requirements. The representation trapezoid consists of the Person (P) tile, Information
representation (Irep) tile, and Display device (D) tiles. The Irep tile sits upon the P and D
tiles to show that the design depends critically on the types of information relations that
can be heard by a human listener, and the types of sounds that can be produced by a par-
ticular auditory display device. The core of the TaDa approach is the central diamond
where the trapezoids connect. This is where the information requirements (Ireq) are met
by the information representation (Irep). The TaDa approach moves through the phases
of requirements analysis, design, and representation as shown in Figure 3-2. The phases
generally move from left to right, top to bottom through the TaDa tile arrangement. How-
ever it is expected that certain facets and connections will be revisited and improved dur-
ing the process, which is not intended to be strictly linear.
Figure 3-2: TaDa process
3.4 Summary
This chapter proposed the TaDa approach to auditory information design. The approach
builds on Scalettis working definition of sonification, which has two parts - a represen-
tation part and a requirements part. Some aspects of the definition were modified based
on issues raised in previous approaches to auditory display (see Chapter 2). These issues
included the need to analyse useful information using techniques such as task analysis and
data characterisation, an explicit differentiation between auditory and acoustic domains,
and the need to consider the characteristics of the display device in the design process. A
modified version of the definition was proposed as a definition for auditory information
design... the design of sounds to support information processing activities. This defini-
tion is the core of the TaDa design approach, which integrates task analysis, data charac-
terisation, perceptual factors, and device characterisation into a multifaceted framework
of methods. The framework is described by triangular tiles organised into a requirements
Ta Da
auditory display
primitive level
schema level
Chapter 3 Designing useful sounds 34
trapezoid sitting on a representation trapezoid. The design process is intended to be iter-
ative and the hybrid process of methods is intended to allow the designer scope to be flex-
ible in the process. A multifaceted approach may be particularly beneficial in real world
design practice where problems are messy and involve many complex issues.
Chapter 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements 35
4 Ta Da : t a s k a n d
d a t a a n a l y s i s o f
i n f o r ma t i o n
r e q u i r e me n t s
Information is a difference that makes a difference. [Bateson G. (1972)]
Useful information is the answer to a question. [Bertin J. (1981)]
The purpose of the TaDa approach is to design sounds that carry useful information. The
core of the approach is a meeting of information requirements with an information repre-
sentation. This chapter describes the methods used to elicit the information requirements
of a design problem. The first section introduces scenario analysis as a technique for cap-
turing key features of the problem. The next sections describe the particular flavour of
task analysis and data characterisation used to decompose the problem, and give a detailed
account of the parts of analysis. The TaDa analysis is supported by a form interface to an
4.1 Describing the problem with a story
The design of useful information display must involve a description of how the display
will be used. This may best be obtained from someone who is involved in that activity.
User-centred design has become a prominent topic in Human-Computer Interaction. This
method involves the user in the design process, and communication between the designer
and the user. Techniques, such as storyboards, scenarios, interviews, and case studies,
have developed as a means of information exchange between technical and non-technical
Storyboards are effective for discussing and presenting design situations within collabo-
rative design groups, and between designers and their clients [Lewis C. and Rieman J.
(1994)]. Scenario analysis incorporates the knowledge and experience of the user into the
design process through the recounting of instances of interaction with the system, which
vary from real episodes to more or less constructed stories [Klausen T. and Aboulafia A.
(1995)]. Interviews are often used to evaluate an existing system, as in the analysis of a
decision support system for the St. John Ambulance service [Wong, Sallis and OHare
(1995)]. Use-case analysis is based on descriptions of interactions which are written by
the designer from the perspective of the system [Kaplan B. and Goodsen J. (1995)]. These
techniques force the designer to be specific about the features of the real system and user,
rather than addressing abstract issues which may have little real impact on the situation of
use [Lewis C. and Rieman J. (1994)].
The method of problem description adopted in this thesis is a text description of an activ-
ity written or spoken by the user involved in that activity. The intent is to obtain short sto-
ry-like descriptions in very general terms at any level of the problem. The word activity
Ta Da
Chapter 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements 36
is used, rather than task, to indicate a loose association between elements, rather than a
structured account. Below, and shown in Figure 4-1, is an example of a problem scenario
transcribed from a verbal description and demonstration of the problem by Chris G., a
software engineer working on a geophysical visualisation interface at CSIRO.
The GeoViewer is a 3D interactive view of rock strata for mine planning and other geo-
logical applications. You can move about anywhere in the space, and see the rock layers.
The rock- type of the layers is shown by colour and texture, and a mouse click can popup
a text description. You can see more by turning on the transparent view, and speed up the
interaction with wireframe views. One problem is that it can be hard to see what type of
rock it is when it is transparent, or wireframe. Also the popup text can get in the way of
what you are looking at.
Figure 4-1: The GeoViewer
4.2 A bridge from story to requirements
Once the problem has been described it can be analysed to find key features and require-
ments of a solution. The analysis identifies key features of the problem description that
are relevant in the design domain, and different analyses may be carried out with the same
problem description.
The observation that useful information is the reply to a question [Bertin J. (1981)] pro-
Chapter 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements 37
vides a way to identify features that are relevant in the design of an information display.
The problem captured by the scenario story is recast as a question, and the range of pos-
sible answers is identified. The questions extract the information required to carry out the
activity, the relationships between the answers further specify the information type, and
the subject of the question is the phenomenon of interest in this activity. The key features
(Question, Answers, Subject) are a bridge from the story to the Requirements Analysis.
They are an important first step toward the representation of the problem in a standard for-
mat that provides a framework for systematic design.
The Scenario Description for the GeoView-
er, is shown in Figure 4-2. The story was re-
cast as a Question what type of rock is
this?. Chris agreed that this question ade-
quately summarised the problem. However
he pointed out that there is no definitive an-
swer to this question - there are as many an-
swers as t here are t ypes of rocks i n
geological data sets which can be visualised
with this software. The GeoViewer handles
this by allowing the user to arbitrarily associ-
ate rock types with colours in an editing pan-
el. A similar panel could be made for sound
allocations from a palette. Rather than con-
sider all possible answers, a representative
subset was chosen to focus the design on a
useful implementation. The Answers {coal,
sandstone, granite and marble} were selected
as typical. The Subject of the Question in this
example is the rock-type.
4.3 Requirements
The TaDa requirements analysis draws on task analysis and data characterisation methods
that have been established in HCI and visualisation. TaDa amalgamates variants of these
methods to produce an Information Requirements specification that drives the design of
an Information Representation. There are three areas of analysis - Task, Information and
Data. Each area analyses a different key feature from the Scenario Description. The Task
section analyses the Question key, the Information section analyses the Answers key, and
the Data section analyses the Subject key.
4.3.1 Task analysis
Task analysis is an established technique in HCI and visualisation design, and the fields
proposed here are an amalgam of components borrowed from several different analyses
[Wurman R.S. (1989)], [Norman D.A. (1991)], [Robertson P.K. (1991)], [Kaplan B. and
MacCuish J. (1993)], [Rogowitz B.E. and Treinish L.A. (1993a).], [Lewis C. and Rieman
J. (1994)], [Alty J. (1995)].
These components have been selected for their relevance to designing information in a
Title GeoViewer
Storyteller C.G.
The GeoViewer is a 3D interactive view of
rock strata for mine planning and other ge-
ological applications. The rock- type of the
layers is shown by colour and texture, and
a mouse click can pop-up a text descrip-
tion. You can see more by turning on the
transparent view, and speed up the interac-
tion with wireframe views. A problem is
that it can be hard to tell the rock-type
when it is transparent, or wireframe. Also
the popup text can get in the way
Question what rock-type is it?
Answers coal, sandstone,
granite, marble
Subject rock-type
Sounds ???
Figure 4-2: Scenario Description for
the GeoViewer
Chapter 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements 38
temporal medium like sound. The task analysis is rooted in the Question key from the Sce-
nario Description.
Generic question
Although there are an unlimited number of questions which may be asked, Bertin pro-
posed that they may all be classified in terms of three levels of information. The subject
of the question can be used to make this classification. A question which requires local
information is about a single element. A question which requires intermediate information
is about a subset of elements. The global question is about all the elements as a whole. By
replacing the subject of a question with a generic tag, such as it, or they, a range of
generic questions is proposed as a classification. New questions can be added to the clas-
sification scheme, shown in Table 4-1, as they are encountered.
The purpose, or goal, or aim of a task is identified in most task analyses. A set of Purposes
was obtained by interpreting the purposes of the generic questions, as shown in Table 4-
2. The 10 Purposes proposed here are an amalgam of the search and compute types that
have been defined in graphic display [Casner S. (1992)], and interactive confirmation,
navigation, and alert types found in interface design methods [Brewster S.A. (1994)].
Several extra Purposes were added after analysing the uses made of sounds in everyday
listening experiences (see Chapter 5). Relax is a purpose that captures the way people
sometimes use low-level background noise or music to block out unwanted auditory dis-
turbances which interfere with sleep, or mental attention in some activity. Remember has
been included because sounds can be used to remember things - for example I recently
noticed that I had mis-dialled my parents phone number by a change in the familiar tone-
dialling tune. Sounds attract attention and are an important part of the engagement of in-
terest in entertainments of all kinds. Engagement has been included because it is an im-
portant role that sounds have in movies and computer games, and there is potential to use
them this way to improve workplace activities too.
Local Questions
Subject {it}
Intermediate Questions
Subject {they,which,what}
Global Questions
Subject {everything,
who is it ?
what is it ?
where is it ?
is it ready ?
is it time ?
is it ok ?
how good/bad is it ?
how much is it ?
what is wrong with it ?
is it organised ?
what was that ?
where did it go ?
what does it remind me of ?
where are they ?
are they the same ?
are they similar ?
which is more ?
which are the same ?
which are similar ?
which are different ?
what is over there ?
where am I ?
is anything here ?
what is happening ?
is everything ok ?
has anything changed ?
where am I ?
Table 4-1: Generic questions by information level/subject
Chapter 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements 39
Question Purpose Description
are they the same ?
are they similar ?
which are similar ?
which is different ?
which are different ?
what is over there ?
what is here ?
what is happening ?
has anything changed ?
analysis observe relationships,
groupings, trends, outliers,
is it ok ?
is it ready ?
is it time ?
are they the same ?
is everything ok ?
confirm absolute boolean
who is it ?
what is it ?
what is wrong ?
what state is it ?
what is over there ?
identify absolute identification
from a familiar set
how good/bad ?
how much is it ?
is it organised ?
is everything ok ?
judge absolute classification
from a familiar ordered set
which is more ?
which are same ?
which are similar ?
compare relative comparison of
ordered properties
where are they ?
what is here ?
where am I ?
navigate interactive movement
through an ordered space
where did it go ?
where are they ?
track track an object through an
ordered space
what was that ?
has anything changed ?
alert highlight or draw attention
to an element or subset
relax mask unwanted noise,
de-emphasise highlights
what does it remind me of?
has anything changed ?
remember remember places, times,
people, information
what is over there ?
has anything changed ?
engage attract, entertain, maintain
Table 4-2: Generic question by purpose
Chapter 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements 40
The distribution of attention between overlapping tasks may help capture the ebb and flow
between what is information at one moment and noise the next. An interactive task re-
quires full attention, a monitoring task requires focused attention, and a background task
can continue while something else is the focus of attention. The task mode field is directly
borrowed from Kaplan and Goodsen, and is shown in Table 4-3.
Sounds can overlap, form patterns and cycles, be ongoing or very short. The analysis of
overlapping tasks are a part of the HCI task analysis proposed by Kaplan and Goodsen
[Kaplan B. and Goodsen J. (1995)]. Discrete/Procedural tasks are initiated by a single
event, linear, short and seldom overlapping. Continuous/Tracking tasks are interactive,
overlapping and have undefined closure. Branching/Decision tasks affect the subsequent
course of action. The task event type field is borrowed from Kaplan and Goodsen, and is
shown in Table 4-4.
Researchers in both sonification and visualisation have recognised two quite different
styles of information processing tasks. The first is the exploration of data sets for interest-
ing and as yet unknown features, which requires a faithful, veridical or isomorphic repre-
sentation that preserves structural relationships. The second is the presentation of known
features which may involve an intentional transformation of structure to draw attention or
highlight or exaggerate. The task style field, shown in Table 4-5, is similar Kramers ex-
ploration and presentation tasks [Kramer G. (ed) (1994b)], Clevelands analysis and com-
munication tasks [Cleveland W.S. (1985)] and the type I and type II tasks defined by
Bergman et al. [Bergman L.D. Rogowitz B.E. and Treinish L.A. (1995)]
interactive manipulation with feedback
e.g. tuning a radio
focus conscious attention to an element
e.g. conversation in a noisy room
background attention focus is elsewhere
e.g. watching television while babysitting
Table 4-3: Task attention mode
discrete/procedural initiated by a single event, linear, defined closure, seldom
continuous/tracking require constant monitoring, constant feedback is used to
iteratively make refinements, often overlapping other tasks,
fuzzy closure.
branching/decision affects the subsequent course of action
Table 4-4: Task event type
exploration veridical representation that preserves information relations
presentation intentionally transform the structure to draw attention to
particular features, exaggerate details, or segment into
Table 4-5: Task style
Chapter 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements 41
4.3.2 Information
The Answers to the Question key contain the information needed to carry out the activity.
A characterisation of these answers can specify the information requirements of a display
to support that activity.
The level of information describes whether it concerns a single element (local), a group
of elements (intermediate) or all of the elements as a whole (global). The level of infor-
mation in the design scenario is obtained from a classification of the Generic Questions
in these terms (see the previous section), for example what is it? is a local question.
A direct representation can be understood with little training, can be understood almost
immediately, and allows judgements which are not readily swayed by the opinions of oth-
ers [Ware C. (1993)]. Some examples of direct representations are scatterplots, satellite
images, and geiger counters. Conventional symbols, on the other hand, depend on learn-
ing or a legend to be understood. However they have the advantage that they may carry
complex concepts built on layers of reference. Some examples of conventional represen-
tations are traffic signs, morse code, and hand gestures.
The set of Answers to some questions are qualitative, and others may be quantitative. For
example a set of Answers, such as coal or sandstone that identify materials as cate-
gorical types is qualitative. Answers such as twice as much coal as sandstone, or no
shale at all provide information that involves some form of measurement. In data analy-
sis the data relations are characterised as 4 main types - nominal, ordinal, interval and ra-
tio. This characterisation may also be used for the information relations contained in the
Answers. Some specialisation of the types occurred when this scheme was used to design
the demonstration scenarios described in later chapters. The additional types are boolean,
ordinal-with-zero, and ordinal-bilateral.
local information related to a single element
intermediate information related to a subset of elements
global information about all of the elements as a whole
Table 4-6: Information level
conventional learnt, cultural, varies between individuals
direct little training, immediate, resists bias, cross-cultural
Table 4-7: Information directness
none no information is involved
boolean 2 different categories (e.g. yes, no)
nominal difference without order (banana, apple, orange)
ordinal difference and order (e.g. low, med, high)
ordinal-with-zero difference, order and a natural zero (e.g. none, some, lots)
Table 4-8: Information type
Chapter 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements 42
The number of Answers can have a significant effect on the design of a display. Large cat-
alogues may need to be organised and represented differently from small sets of 3 or 4. In
the case of continuous information the range of variation is recorded in this field. In ex-
ploratory tasks or unknown domains where the range of the answers is unknown the
Range is tagged as unknown.
The information in a display is contained in the interplay of relations between the ele-
ments. These relations can be organised in a variety of ways. A characterisation of infor-
mation organisations developed for graphic design has been borrowed directly from
Wurman [Wurman R.S. (1989)]. This scheme may be used to characterise the organisa-
tion of the Answers, for example {coal, sandstone, shale, limestone} are a category or-
ordinal-bilateral difference, order, central zero (e.g. less, same, more)
interval difference, order and metric (e.g. Celsius temperature scale)
ratio difference, order, metric, and natural zero (e.g. mm of rainfall)
unknown information type is unknown
category Pertains to organisation of goods or types. Category can mean
different models, types or questions. This mode lends itself to
organising items of similar importance. Category is well
reinforced by colour as opposed to numbers which have
inherent value.
time Works best for events that happen over xed durations. It is an
easily understandable framework from which changes can be
observed and comparisons made
location The natural choice for examining and comparing information
from diverse sources or locales. If you were examining an
industry you may want to know how it is distributed around
the world. Location doesn't always have to refer to a
geographical site. Doctors use locations in the body as
groupings to study medicine.
alphabet Lends itself to organising extraordinarily large bodies of
information, such as words in a dictionary or names in a
telephone directory. As most of us know the alphabet this
organisation works when another form such as category or
location may not.
continuum Organises items by magnitude from small to large, least
expensive to most expensive, order of importance etc. It
assigns value of weight. Which department has the highest rate
of absenteeism? What is the smallest company engaged in a
certain business? Unlike category, magnitude can be illustrated
with numbers or units
Table 4-9: Information organisation
Table 4-8: Information type
Chapter 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements 43
4.3.3 Data
The Subjects key of the Scenario Description identifies the phenomenon of interest. The
characterisation of this phenomenon can help the designer select a representational map-
ping that provides useful information about the relevant aspects of the phenomenon.
In data analysis the general data types (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio) have been devel-
oped to represent different phenomena. For example the Subject type of rock is a nom-
inal phenomenon, whereas percentage of a rock type in a rock sample is a ratio
phenomenon which can be measured and has a zero.
The number of categories in a nominal or ordinal phenomenon can have a great bearing
on the representational mapping of that phenomenon in a display. The display may need
to show some or all of those categories, depending on the information required. In a con-
tinuous phenomenon the range of variation is recorded in this field as a basis for scaling
transformations which may be needed in the mapping to the display representation.
Physical phenomena such as temperature are organised in the physical continua of space,
time and energy. Abstract phenomena such as stock prices may be organised by alphabet
or category.
nominal difference without order (banana, apple, orange)
ordinal difference and order (green, crisp, ripe)
interval difference, order and metric (temperature)
ratio difference, order, metric, and natural zero (rainfall)
Table 4-10: Phenomenal type
category organisation by difference
time organisation by time
location organisation by spatial position
mnemonic organisation by mnemonic, e.g. alphabet
continuum organisation by continuous order
Table 4-11: Phenomenal organisation
Chapter 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements 44
4.4 Requirements of the GeoViewer
This section demonstrates TaDa Information Requirements Analysis by analysing the Ge-
oViewer geological exploration interface.
Task analysis of GeoViewer
The Question Key is the bridge to the Task
Analysis. The Question {what type of rock is
it?} from the GeoViewer is transformed to
the Generic {what is it?} by removing the
subject, and referring to Table 4-1. The Pur-
pose {identify} is looked up from Table 4-2
with the Generic question. The Mode is {in-
teractive} because the question is made
through a mouse click which is a manual op-
eration. The Type is {discrete} because the
question only occurs at discrete times during
the activity. The Style is {exploration} be-
cause the user does not know the rock struc-
ture before using the GeoViewer.
Information analysis
The Answers Key is the bridge to the Infor-
mation Analysis. The Answers for the Geo-
Vi ewer ar e {coal , sandst one, shal e,
limestone}. The Reading is {direct} because
the diversion of visual attention by popup
text is a problem in the visual display design.
The Type is {nominal} because the Answers
are different but have no ordering. The Level
is {local} because each Answer is about a
particular rock strata. The Organisation is
{category} because the relationships between Answers are not ordered in space or time,
but are simply different. The Range is {4} which is indicative of the number of rock types
that might be expected.
Data analysis
The Subjects Key is the bridge to the Data Analysis. The Subject in the GeoViewer is
{type of rock}. The Type is {nominal} because types of rocks have difference but no or-
der. The Range is {4} because there are only 4 types of rocks in the region of interest. The
Organisation is {category, space} because the rock structure is both spatial and material.
4.5 Computer aided support
The TaDa Information Requirements Analysis has been implemented as a graphical form-
like interface in an Access
database. This tool makes it easy to store and recall design
problems. The options for each field can be selected from a popup menu, which aids the
transcription and analysis of a new problem.
Reading direct
Type nominal
Level local
Organisation category
Range 4
Generic what is it?
Purpose identify
Mode interactive
Type discrete
Style exploration
Type nominal
Range 4
Organisation category, space
TaDa Analysis
Figure 4-3: Example of TaDa
requirements analysis
Chapter 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements 45
4.6 Summary
This chapter presented a scenario-based method for analysing the information require-
ments of a design problem. The method recasts the problem as a Question and some An-
swers about the Subject of the Scenario. These Keys are the bridge between the informal
story that describes the problem, and the formal analysis. The analysis is an amalgam of
visualisation and HCI task analyses and data characterisation methods specifically select-
ed to support the design of auditory information. There are three parts to the analysis - the
Task analysis of the Question, the Information analysis of the Answers, and a Data char-
acterisation of the Subject. The rationale for choosing each analysis field was described,
and examples were used to illustrate each field. The method was demonstrated in an anal-
ysis of the GeoViewer tool for interactive exploration of rock structures. A form-based
interface was implemented in an Access
database to support the method.
Chapter 4 TaDa: task and data analysis of information requirements 46
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 47
5 Ea r Be n d e r s :
c a s e - b a s e d
d e s i g n f r o m
s t o r i e s a b o u t
l i s t e n i n g
The first obstacle is the prevailing sonification model, which is simply to map data to
sound parameters arbitrarily. The resulting sound is typically unpleasant and lacking any
natural connection to the data represented (one intuitively feels that medical images, for
example, ought to somehow sound different from demographic data or satellite imagery).
Models of sonification more sensitive to the kinds of data presented must be devel-
oped.[Smith S. (1990)]
Designers often base a new design on a previous version that has proven successful in
similar problems. A previous solution can be a way to quickly come to grips with a design
problem, and provides a starting point for a top-down process of iteration. This chapter
introduces the case-based method of design by example, and describes how it has been
adapted for auditory information design. The case-based method relies on a rich source of
examples to be effective, but as yet there are not many examples of auditory display de-
sign to draw upon. An alternative resource was developed by collecting stories about eve-
ryday listening experiences into a database, which I call EarBenders. The information
requirements of a design problem can be used to search this case-base for everyday ex-
amples which share a similar task, data and information structure with the problem. The
ability to do this search required each story to be analysed with the TaDa Information Re-
quirements Analysis developed in the previous chapter. In addition an auditory character-
isation was developed to describe the sounds in each story, and provide a footing for
auditory design. The sound characterisation also provides an opportunity to extract prin-
ciples of sound design from regularities between auditory structure and information struc-
ture in the example cases. The case-based design of auditory information is demonstrated
on a problem in a geological visualisation interface, called the GeoViewer.
There are two appendices for this chapter. Appendix 5-1 lists the EarBenders case-base.
Appendix 5-2 lists the software programs that retrieve relevant cases from the database,
and synthesise a sound design from them according to the method.
5.1 Advantages of case-based design
The stories in many professional design journals and magazines are case-studies which
convey information about a good design in a way that can be easily understood and as-
similated. The popularity of these magazines attest to the value of case-studies in design
practice. The designer can use good examples as a starting point, or borrow elements from
them. In HCI the intelligent borrowing of good ideas from existing interfaces is promoted
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 48
as an effective design technique which is less risky, quicker and easier to implement than
a totally original design, and has the advantage that users will already be familiar with the
borrowed elements [Lewis C. and Rieman J. (1994)]. In a similar vein, comparability
analysis uses the precedent system, and lessons learnt from it, as the starting point for the
design of the replacement system [Carlow International Inc. (1992)]. The synthesis of a
design from examples is suited to design domains where there is little theory and few prin-
ciples that can provide guidance. A critical survey and comparison of designs can identify
new principles of design from examples, as demonstrated by Tufte in his collection and
critique of graphs [Tufte E.R. (1983)]. Some advantages of the case-based method are list-
ed below.
Top down
Cases are top down - example cases address the key features of the problem, and provide
an account of those features. Most real problems are large and complex, and the reuse of
a previously successful design can more quickly lead to a better quality solution. The re-
call of several previous solutions provides an opportunity to integrate features to synthe-
sise a new design.
Open ended
A case-base is an open-ended store of knowledge. New cases can always be added to im-
prove the depth and breadth of examples. Many different solutions to the same problem
can be included, providing a store of variation which can illuminate the features of the de-
sign space. The database can change over time to reflect a particular perspective or style
as cases are added.
A source of principles
A systematic analysis of cases may lead to the discovery of general design principles.
These principles capture regularities in the relations between features of the problem
space and features of the solution.
Computer tools
Computer tools can assist a case-based method by making it easy to store and retrieve de-
sign cases from a database. Case-based tools have been implemented for designing build-
ings, computer interfaces, fire engines, and CAD drawings [Maher M.L. Balachandran
M.B. and Zhang D.M. (1995)]. The method depends on the retrieval of relevant cases. The
retrieval of relevant cases depends critically on a representation that captures features of
the cases that are important in a solution.
5.2 Everyday stories as examples
The case-based method depends on a rich source of examples. The small number of ex-
amples of auditory display limits the potential for case-based design in this field. However
the observation that people use sounds in everyday activities opens the door to an alterna-
tive source of examples. I investigated the idea that everyday uses of sounds might serve
as design examples in auditory display by collecting stories about listening experiences
into a database. The collection was started by an email message to all staff at CSIRO
Mathematics and Information Sciences that included some examples of everyday uses of
sound, and a request for similar stories.
During the next few weeks if you notice yourself using your hearing to help you, say, nd
a lost pin, or search for hollow spaces in a wall, or notice something wrong with
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 49
your car, or tell whether the dog is hungry, anything at all, then please email me with a
brief story about the occasion.
Nearly 200 stories have since been collected. The initial round of stories were received by
email, but many more have come from conversations, newspapers, books, television,
movies, and ongoing general observation. Each story is written down and stored in a com-
puter database, along with the name of the storyteller and a title. The database is called
EarBenders because to bend your ear is an Australian colloquialism to do with telling a
story or having a conversation. The stories are about sports, cooking, camping, domestic
chores, games, car maintenance and many other activities. Some example stories are
shown in Figure 5-1
Figure 5-1: EarBenders stories
The stories capture the way sounds are useful, the ways that people hear information in
sounds, and the organisation of the sounds. The use of the sounds can be found by recast-
ing each story as a question. In the examples the questions are where did the key drop?,
has the kettle boiled? and what is in this rubbish bag?. The answers to these questions
are sounds described in the stories. Where the sounds are not explicitly described the ob-
jects and events that cause them are. The organisation of the answers helps to identify the
syntax of events in the story. If the {rumble, bubbling, click} sequence in the Boiling Ket-
tle story did not occur in the right order then you would know something was wrong.
These observations indicate that the stories contain semantic, syntactic and pragmatic el-
ements that are important for designing symbols.
Implementation details
The EarBenders database is currently implemented in Microsoft Access
6.0. This tool
lets you design a form as the interface to the database records. Keyword searches can be
carried out on individual fields, or on all the fields at once. Partial matches can be speci-
fied with wildcard characters. An example of the interface for entering an EarBenders sto-
ry is shown in Figure 5-2.
: D
: S
Title: Boiling Kettle
StoryTeller: R.U.
boiling water in the electric
kettle - rumble gets louder,
bubbling, then click tells
you it is done
: R
r: P
t a
t w
t b
t w
if a
it a
it s
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 50
Figure 5-2: EarBenders database form
5.3 Three case-based methods
The EarBenders stories describe situations where sounds have been useful. Collecting and
reading the stories was an educational experience which has changed how I think about
the uses of sounds, and made me more aware of the many ways that people use them all
the time. Entering the stories into a database provides the extra capability to search and
retrieve examples that transforms EarBenders from a collection of stories into a resource
for case-based design. There is more than one way that EarBenders may assist in auditory
display design. Three methods that I have explored are called the metonymic method, the
metaphoric method, and the pattern method, each of which is described in the following
5.3.1 Metonymic method
A metonym connotes the whole by a part of that whole - for example the sound woof
may be a metonym for a dog. The metonymic method uses sounds that are a part of the
design scenario. The sounds in a medical scenario might be heartbeats, breathing, or in-
strument beeps. Any sounds mentioned in a design scenario may be the beginnings of a
metonymic palette. If there arent any sounds explicitly mentioned, then objects and
events that are described may be a basis for sound design. This method is modelled on
Gavers auditory icon method where he maps events and actions in the interface to events
and actions that cause sounds in the everyday world [Gaver W.W. (1994)].
Keyword searches of the EarBenders database can assist a metonymic design. Keywords
from the scenario domain can retrieve other stories about that domain which may provide
a broader design perspective. For example a search for {medicine} may retrieve other
medical stories that describe uses of medical sounds. If sounds are explicitly described in
a scenario then you may search for other stories which have the same sounds in them. For
example you might retrieve all stories with the word crunchy in them. Keyword search-
es for objects and events in a scenario may retrieve stories that also include those objects
and events. For example, the scenario might involve opening a file, so you might search
for open or file to find stories that have sounds that maybe related to these keywords.
Two stories retrieved by the keyword {open} are shown in Figure 5-3. Door-muffle de-
scribes how you can hear the sounds from a room become louder when someone opens
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 51
the door. Window-open describes the whistling that happens when you are driving along
with a car window partly open.
Figure 5-3: Retrieving stories by keyword search
5.3.2 Metaphoric method
A metaphor expresses the unfamiliar in terms of the familiar, for example a tree may be
a metaphor for a filing system. A metaphoric design can help when sounds are not a nat-
ural part of the design scenario, which is often the case in computer-based applications.
Stock prices and internet traffic dont normally make sounds, so are likely candidates for
a metaphorical design. But what metaphor to choose? The metaphor needs to be easy to
understand and relate to the phenomenon it represents. The information in the metaphor
must be information about the phenomenon, or else it is useless. A relevant metaphor can
be found by searching EarBenders for a story that can support the information require-
ments of the design scenario. These requirements are described by a TaDa analysis. The
facility to search on TaDa fields was added to EarBenders by appending a TaDa analysis
to each story. You can retrieve stories by entering the TaDa requirements of a design sce-
nario into a query form. The cases that are retrieved are a source of useful metaphors. Af-
ter some trials I found that it was quite rare to find cases that match the query in every
way. The solution was to change the retrieval process from an exact match to a search by
similarity. The measure of similarity is the number of fields that match. The query returns
a ranked list where the top-most cases are most similar in TaDa structure to the design
TaDa analysis for an EarBenders story
The TaDa analysis of the EarBenders stories is the key to the metaphoric method that al-
lows the retrieval of relevant metaphors. The process of analysis is briefly outlined in this
subsection, and is summarised in Figure 5-4. The story we will analyse is the Recycling
story introduced earlier. The Question is {what is inside this bag?} The Answers to the
Question are {household garbage, bottles, crockery, nappies}. Probably there are many
more answers than were given, but a comprehensive list may not be necessary to analyse
the information relationships. The Subject of the Question is {inside this bag}. The
Sounds that give each Answer are {plasticy, clink, clatter, squelch}. The identification of
the Scenario Keys leads to the next stage of TaDa Analysis. First the Question {what is
inside this bag?} is analysed in the Task section. The Generic question {what is it?} is ob-
tained by removing the subject of the question, and referring to Table 4-1. The Purpose of
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 52
the Generic question is {identify} which is found in Table 4-2. The Mode is {interactive}
because the question is asked by kicking a bag. The Type is {discrete} because the ques-
tion has an immediate response. The Style is {exploration} because the answer to the
question is unknown. The Answers Key {household garbage, bottles, crockery, nappies}
is analysed in the Information section. The Reading is {direct} because the identification
can be made without reference or comparison. A new employee will probably need to
look inside the bag but quickly learns to make a direct auditory identification to avoid an
unpleasant experience. The Type is {nominal} because the Answers are different but have
no order. The Range of Answers is {4} in this example. The Level is {local} because the
Answer only pertains to the bag that is being kicked. The Organisation is {time}, because
the answers are separated from each other in time. The Subjects Key {inside this bag} is
analysed in the Data section of the TaDa analysis. The Type is {nominal} because the
phenomena are mixtures of garbage objects that have characteristic differences in content
but no natural physical order. The Range is {unlimited} to indicate that each garbage bag
has a unique content. The Organisation is {location} because the garbage bags are sepa-
rated by their locations.
Figure 5-4: TaDa analysis for the Recycling story
Implementation details
The Access
database can only retrieve records by exact match on all the query fields.
This matching procedure does not allow the retrieval of cases by similarity that is neces-
sary in the metaphoric method. The lookup of cases ranked by similarity to a TaDa query
was implemented in a Perl program [Wall L. and Schwartz R. (1991)] called lookup.prl
(see Appendix 5-2). The lookup process involves saving the Access
database to a file
as ascii text with a special | character as a field delimiter. The lookup.prl program ac-
cepts the text file as input, and generates a reorganised version ranked by similarity with
the query. Similarity is measured by the number of fields that match. The best matches
Reading direct
Type nominal
Range 4
Level local
Organisation time
Generic what is it ?
Purpose identify
Mode interactive
Type branching
Style exploration
Type nominal
Range unlimited
Organisation location
TaDa Analysis
Title Recycling
Storyteller P.K.
My friend works at a recycling depot where
the quickest; best way to see if a bag of gar-
bage contains something interesting is to
kick it. The combination of the weight of
the bag and sound that it makes tells you
what's inside. Normal household rubbish
sounds a bit plasticy; bottles clink; crockery
clatters; disposable nappies squelch. So a
lot of the time her job involves wandering
round kicking bags; and if it sounds inter-
esting diving in and having a look.
Question whats inside this bag?
Answers household, bottles
crockery, nappies
Subject inside this bag
Sounds plasticy, clink,
clatter, squelch
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 53
can be taken from the bottom of the generated file, or the file may be re-imported to Ac-
and browsed with the forms interface. This process is shown in Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5: Looking up stories by similarity to a TaDa query
5.3.3 Pattern method
A pattern is a regularity in the mapping between the problem and solution domains. The
pattern method begins by identifying features shared by different solutions to the same
problem that may capture patterns in the mapping between domains. The pattern method
was enabled by appending a description of auditory characteristics to each EarBenders
case. When a TaDa query retrieves cases with similar information structure it also re-
trieves the auditory characterisation of each case. The characterisations are scanned for
regularities identified by the majority trend in each auditory characteristic. The weighting
of each trend is calculated from the number of cases which follow the trend. The result is
a synthesis of the auditory characteristics of the retrieved cases. These cases have an in-
formation structure which is similar to the information requirements of the design scenar-
io. Regularities in the auditory characteristics of the retrieved cases may capture patterns
in the mapping between information and sounds. Hence the design of an auditory display
from these regularities may support the information requirements of the design scenario.
The auditory characterisation
The auditory characterisation is both a description of sounds in the cases, and a specifica-
tion of sounds for the design scenario. The characterisation is headed by the Sounds Key
which has been added to the EarBenders Scenario Analysis to capture the auditory fea-
tures of the story. This Key is a high level description of the sounds that give each Answer
in the scenario. However a verbal description does not specify how to produce the soun-
don an output device. The Sounds Key is a bridge to a more detailed characterisation of
#story 2=0, FIELDS=24
troubadors|bettina hiscock|what is the next part of this song
?|verses and chorus in a musical structure|tunes and lyrics|the
news from remote regions|what does it remind me of ?|remem-
ber|branching/decision|news|tunes and lyrics|highlight|inter-
continuous|pattern|few < 5|stationary|before the printing press
the troubadors were paid to sing the news as they travelled the
countryside - they were the source of news. they would trade
songs with each other, and were able to remember songs that
lasted hours after only one hearing
#story 3=2, FIELDS=24
mr whippy|stephen barrass|where is mr whippy ?|blocks away,
Save database as text
ascii database
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 54
the sounds which may assist in the pragmatic and syntactic aspects of the sound design.
There is no all-encompassing way to characterise sound, so several different perspectives
from music, psychoacoustics, perceptual psychology, and auditory display have been tak-
en up. The characteristics are not necessarily orthogonal or independent, and only through
practice will it be possible to determine which, if any, describe important features for au-
ditory design. The current set of characteristics are {nature, level, streams, occurrence,
pattern, movement, type, compound, descriptors}. Each is described in the following sub-
Everyday sounds are acoustic events generated by physical interactions between objects
rubbing and colliding in the environment [Gibson J.J. (1966)]. Everyday sounds also de-
scribe artificially generated sounds that have an environmental basis, for example digital
recordings of acoustic events, or auditory icon algorithms [Gaver W.W. (1986)]. Musical
sounds are generated by specially engineered instruments that shape the acoustics to en-
gage a human listener. These instruments allow control over specific perceptual aspects,
such as pitch, rhythm, timbre and loudness. Synthetic sounds are artificially generated
sounds that do not have an acoustic basis. The sounds can be generated by electronic cir-
cuits or computer algorithms. Vocal sounds are moans, croaks, or other expressive but
non-verbal sounds made by people and animals, including clicks and hums that insects
make by means other than a vocal tract. Verbal sounds are recognisable words. Auditory
Display researchers sometimes distinguish their field as the use of non-speech sound, but
there are many ways that words can be used that are not the same as speech.
Analytic and holistic listening are musical terms for different listening styles. Picking the
flute part in a symphony is an example of analytic listening. This attention to a single el-
ement is called local information in Bertins graphical method. Holistic listening to the
overall sound of the orchestra is analogous to the attention to global information. A good
display allows attention to information at more than one level [Bertin J. (1981)].
everyday acoustic events in the physical environment
e.g. knocks, scrapes, rumbles, crashes
musical musical sounds generated by instruments specialised to shape
acoustics to engage musical perceptions
e.g. pitch, rhythm, loudness, timbre, etc.
synthetic synthetic sounds with no acoustic basis
e.g. car alarm, keycard beep, computer error quack
vocal animal communications
formants, phonemes, moans, grunts and sighs
humming, whistling
verbal recognisable words, singing
Table 5-1: Nature of the sound
local analytic listening to a single element e.g. violin in orchestra
global holistic listening to many elements e.g. whole orchestra
Table 5-2: Listening level
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 55
The ability to segregate the flute or clarinet from the rest of the orchestra is explained in
terms of perceptual streams in Bregmans theory of auditory scene analysis [Bregman
A.S. (1990)]. Streams are perceptual groups that form when sounds occur simultaneously
and in sequences, as is usual in everyday listening. Bregmans theory explains some of
the factors that influence the grouping of acoustic events into perceptually cohesive
sounds in the mind of the listener. This grouping enables the listener to consciously select
between different sound streams as they become interesting or useful - an ability some-
times called the cocktail party effect. The number of streams may be estimated from the
number of sound sources that can be consciously identified in an auditory scene.
Sounds can be one-off or ongoing, just as tasks may be discrete or continuous [Kaplan B.
and Goodsen J. (1995)]. It takes at least 4 seconds for the primitive stream grouping proc-
ess to stabilise, and once an interpretation of the number of sources has occurred it doesnt
matter if one or other of them briefly disappears for a second or two [Bregman A.S.
(1990)]. This 4 second hysteresis is found in other perceptions, and provides a basis for
classifying the occurrence of sounds. A continuous sound doesnt have a definite begin-
ning or end, and interruptions last for periods less than the 4 second hysteresis of percep-
tual continuity. A regular sound repeats at predictable intervals that are greater than 4
seconds apart. A sporadic sound repeats at frequent but unpredictable intervals of more
than 4 seconds. An isolated sound does not occur often at all.
single only a single stream is involved e.g. a voice talking
pair a pair of streams are involved e.g. bass line and melody
few < 5 a few streams are involved e.g. shaking a box of muesli
some <10 5-9 streams are involved e.g. car sounds while driving
many 10 more than 10 simultaneous streams
e.g. the aural scene during a picnic lunch in the park
Table 5-3: Streams
continuous an ongoing sound in which breaks are < 4 seconds
e.g. a waterfall
regular a sound that repeats at intervals > 4 seconds
e.g. a dripping tap
sporadic unpredictable repetition at intervals > 4 seconds
e.g. wind-chimes in light breeze
isolated a one-off sound e.g. a dropped key
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 56
Sounds can vary in many ways over time. A discrete sound may have a typical duration
of only about a second or two, and so may be too short to hear a pattern in. A constant
sound does not change over its duration. An unpredictable sound changes in unpredictable
ways but maintains its essential identity. A cycle is a cyclic variation than can be predicted
after it has been heard. A sequence is a sound that has a predictable directed variation.
The movement of a sound is relative to the listener. The stationary sound stays in roughly
the same location. A change in distance occurs in movements when other cues for spatial
location are not available. Jumping sounds shift location in a discontinuous fashion. The
location of a smoothly moving sound can be tracked and predicted. A texture sound does
not have an identifiable location or movement.
The type is a characterisation of the perceptual relations between the sounds. Perceptual
psychologists typically classify perceptions as categorical or continuous. A categorical
perception has difference but no order. A continuous perception has a unidimensional or-
ganisation. Continuous perceptions were further divided by Stevens into metathetic and
prothetic types [Stevens S.S. (1966)]. A metathetic perception is not additive, for example
the simultaneous occurrence of two sounds of the same pitch is not heard as a sound with
an increased pitch. On the other hand a prothetic perception is additive, so for example
when two sounds of the same loudness are heard together there is an increase in overall
loudness. All of these types of relations have been scaled to create organisations of equal
perceptual difference.
discrete a short sound with definite start and end e.g. a hand clap
constant does not change much e.g. air-conditioner hum
unpredictable unpredictable variation e.g. wind-chimes, pop-corn popping
cycle predictable cyclic variation e.g. a squeaky wheel
sequence predictable directed variation e.g. water bottle filling
Table 5-4: Pattern
stationary the sound is fairly stationary
e.g. rattling mudguard as you ride a bike
distance the distance of the sound is changing
e.g. walking to a surf beach
jumping the location of the sound jumps about in space
e.g. flying grasshopper wing clicks
smooth the sound moves smoothly through space
e.g. a plane flying overhead
texture the sound has no identifiable location or movement
e.g. the rain
Table 5-5: Movement
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 57
Sometimes it is possible to separate aspects of the sound from its overall identity, for ex-
ample you may listen specifically to the rate of vibrato, or the depth of tremolo. Other
sounds are more integral and it can be hard to hear them as anything but a whole - for ex-
ample the crunching of gravel, the popping of a cork or a hand clap.
The descriptors are a list of the words used to describe the sounds. Verbal rating scales
have been used to measure the primary dimensions of perceived variation between sounds
in multidimensional scaling experiments [Von Bismarck G. (1974a)]. Shared descriptors
may indicate a consistent variation or similarity relations. Multi-word descriptions may
indicate the separability and attention to particular aspects in the sounds.
Auditory characterisation of an
EarBenders story
The Sounds Key for the Recycling case
is {plasticy, clink, clatter, squelch}. The
Sounds Characterisation, shown in
Figure 5-6, is a more detailed description
of the sounds that may provide a basis
for organising the perceptual and
psychoacoustic aspects of an auditory
display. The Nature is {everyday}
because these sounds are generated by
everyday physical interactions between
materials rubbing and colliding. The
Level is {local} because the sounds
emanate from the particular bag that is
being kicked. The Streams are {few}
because, for the most part, each kick
forms a cohesive auditory entity.
However it may be possible to also hear
separate objects, perhaps a plate breaking
or a can crushing, as highlights in the
overall mass. The Occurrence is
{isolated} because the sound only occurs
when the bag is kicked. The Pattern is
{discrete} because it only occurs once per kick. The Movement is {stationary} because
categorical difference e.g. piano note, engine rev, dog bark
metathetic difference and order e.g. pitch, brightness
prothetic difference, order, and natural zero e.g. loudness, duration
Table 5-6: Type
separable aspects of the sound can be readily heard
e.g. vibrato, tremolo, pitch
integral it is difficult to separate aspects of the sound from the sound
itself e.g. crunching gravel, popping cork, hand clap
Table 5-7: Compound
Sounds plasticy, clink,
clatter, squelch
Nature everyday
Level local
Streams few
Occurrence isolated
Pattern discrete
Movement stationary
Type category
Compound integral
Descriptors plasticy, clink,
clatter, squelch
Figure 5-6: Auditory characterisation
of the Recycling story
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 58
the sound doesnt move (unless you really send the bag flying!). The Type is {category}
because the relations between the sounds are unordered, although some sounds may be
more similar to each other than others. The Compound is {integral} because the sound is
an overall or holistic identity. The Descriptors are a list of adjectives that were used in
the description of the sounds. Shared descriptors may indicate principal dimensions of
perceptual variation. In this case of integral sounds the descriptors are purely categorical
and are copies of the Sounds themselves.
Implementation details
The pattern method is supported by a Perl program, called synthesis.prl (see Appendix 5-
3), which automatically generates an auditory specification from trends in the auditory
characteristics of EarBenders cases. This program accepts a file of cases in ascii text for-
mat, as output by lookup.prl. The best cases at the bottom of the file are scanned for
trends. The most common value for each field is recorded, along with the count of cases
that had that value. An auditory design is generated from the majority value of each char-
acteristic, and printed to the standard output. The complete process, shown in Figure 5-7,
is tied together by a csh script called casedesign.csh (see Appendix 5-4).
Figure 5-7: From TaDa query to sound design
Sound Design
Nature 3/3 (everyday) in(everyday everyday everyday)
Level 2/3 (local) in (local local global) |
Streams 3/3 (single) in (single single single) |
Occurrence 2/3 (isolated) in (isolated isolated regular)
Pattern 3/3 (discrete) in (discrete discrete discrete)
Movement 3/3 (stationary) in (stationary stationary stationary)
Type 3/3 (categorical) in (categorical categorical categorical)
Compound 3/3 (integral) in (integral integral integral)
Descriptors whack, bam, biff, pow
Total Match Score = 24/27 = 88%
Save database as text
ascii database
ranked cases
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 59
5.4 Demonstration of EarBenders design
This section demonstrates EarBenders by designing sounds for the GeoViewer scenario
that was introduced in the previous chapter. The metonymic, metaphoric and pattern
methods are each demonstrated in the following sections. The GeoViewer scenario and
analysis are summarised in Figure 5-8
Figure 5-8: TaDa Analysis for the GeoViewer
5.4.1 Metonymic method
In the metonymic method we are looking for sounds that are a part of the design scenario.
The GeoViewer is from the domain of mining exploration, and some keywords that may
find other examples from similar scenarios are {mining, exploration, geophysics}. I tried
searching EarBenders with these fields but did not turn up any cases. The story in the Ge-
oViewer scenario, shown in Figure 5-8, does not mention any sounds so there are no leads
there. The subject of the scenario is the rock-type, which is the object of interest. The ac-
tions that involve the rock are - clicking on it to find out what type it is, and moving it to
see what shape it is. We can search EarBenders for object keywords like {rock, strata, lay-
er}. This returned one story about dropping a rock down a hole to find out how deep it is,
which did not seem relevant. The event keywords are {click, tap, knock, impact}. Click
turned up a lot of stories which had clicking sounds in them but were otherwise irrelevant.
Some possibilities were turned up by {tap} and {knock}which retrieved 4 stories - ripe
fruit, gas cylinder, hammering a nail, and finding studs, shown in Figure 5-9 and Figure
The GeoViewer is a 3D interactive view of
rock strata for mine planning and other ge-
ological applications. The rock- type of the
layers is shown by colour and texture, and
you can click on a rock to pop-up a text de-
scription. You can see more by turning on
the transparent view, and speed up the in-
teraction with wireframe views. A problem
is that it can be hard to tell the rock-type
when it is transparent, or wireframe. Also
the popup text can get in the way
Reading direct
Type nominal
Level local
Organisation location
Range 4
Generic what is it?
Purpose identify
Mode interactive
Type discrete
Style exploration
Type nominal
Range 4
Organisation location
TaDa Analysis
Title GeoViewer
Storyteller C.G.
Question what rock-type is it?
Answers granite, limestone,
marble, shale
Subject rock-type
Sounds ???
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 60
Figure 5-9: Stories retrieved by the keyword {tap}
Figure 5-10: Stories retrieved by the keyword {knock}
The knocks and taps in these stories produce sounds that provide quite different informa-
tion. The sounds in the stories do not seem connected to mining or rocks. However the
idea of knocking on something to hear information does suggest tapping on a rock with a
hammer. This idea may be the starting point for a design. My first investigation of this
design was to go outside and tap some rocks with a hammer. I tapped on marble, granite,
Title ripe fruit
Storyteller D.B.
You can tell whether a water melon is ripe
by tapping it and listening - this also works
for apples - it must be something to do with
the damping of the sound when the fruit
isnt ripe, because it sort of rings when it is
Question is this fruit ripe?
Answers yes, no
Subject the fruit
Sounds yes=ringing
no = damped, dull
Title gas cylinder
Storyteller S.B.
which gas cylinder has more in it? you tap
them and the fuller one has a low dull
sound while the emptier one is higher and
has a brighter hollower tone
Question which cylinder has
more gas in it?
Answers this one, that one
Subject the cylinders
Sounds more gas = lower,
duller tone
Title hammering a nail
Storyteller R.U.
A solid sounding knock, then a softer
slightly clangy sound means that the nail is
A solid sounding knock, then overly solid
(higher pitch) means that the nail has hit
something like a pipe or concrete.
Question is the nail ok?
Answers yes, no
Subject the nail
Sounds yes=solid knock
no = softer slightly
clangy, overly solid
high pitch
Title finding studs
Storyteller S.B.
you can find wall studs by knocking on the
walls and listening - where the stud is
sounds solid and dull compared to the hol-
low sound of the rest of the wall.
Question where is the wall
stud ?
Answers here, not here
Subject the wall stud
Sounds here = dull solid
not here = hollow
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 61
sandstone, and a conglomerate. They didnt sound very different. I closed my eyes and
tried to learn the sound each rock made. I could hear how hard I was tapping, and that it
was rock that I was tapping, but could not identify what type of rock it was. I couldnt hear
any correspondence between the size of chunks of granite, and the tapping sound. The
variations in the physical properties of the rocks dont seem to have perceptible affects on
the sounds generated by tapping them. Tapping metal and wood did produce discrimina-
bly different sounds. I could correctly identify rock, wood and metal by tapping them. My
experience is that the identification of materials by tapping on them requires familiarity,
and the discrimination between materials requires that they have quite different material
properties. These observations raised the possibility of a metonymic palette comprised of
clearly discriminable and identifiable impact sounds. The impact-like nature of the sound
could suggest tapping and connote the scenario.
A metonymic design for the GeoViewer was investigated by assigning an impact sound
to each rock type as follows
granite = tennis serve
limestone = door slam
marble = glass break
shale = bell strike
The resulting sounds were clearly different and it was easy to answer the question is this
the same rock type as that? straight away. After using the interface for a couple of min-
utes I was able to consistently answer the question what rock type is it? from the sounds.
The sounds demonstrably do provide the information required by the design scenario.
The sounds also allowed answers to other questions that werent in the design scenario.
The intersections between rock surfaces can be visually ambiguous in a 3D view, and an-
swering the question which surface is in front? involves a change in viewpoint which
can be distracting and slow. The sounds let you answer this question by tapping at the in-
tersection and listening for the fore-most surface. A development could provide informa-
tion about the number and material of overlapping hidden layers. The prospect of
unanticipated affordances of the sounds is very encouraging.
The investigation also turned up some problems. Firstly, there is an inconsistency in the
degree of the impacts that does not correspond with the consistent nature of tapping with
the mouse button. Secondly, the initial impression is that the breaking glass and the tennis
serve are out of context because they clearly connote their origins. Nevertheless, after us-
ing the interface for a while I found that the sounds began to become a part of the tool,
and their use in this context overtook other associations. All the same the initial impres-
sion of the tool depends critically on the connotations of the sounds in the context of the
other symbols. The final problem was the need to learn the sounds, which is counter to the
requirement for a direct and immediate interface. The metonymic method aims at a direct
display by taking advantage of sounds that are part of the design scenario. Although the
sounds in this design could immediately answer the question is this the same rock type
as that? it took several minutes of use to learn to answer the question what rock type is
this?. It is difficult to know how to design a more direct display for categorical informa-
tion. Auditory icons have a premise of directness, but it is not clear how this can be real-
ised with this scenario involving rock-types. You can specify different materials such as
wood, metal and glass in auditory icon algorithms, but these materials are no more a part
of the problem domain than the other impact sounds that were tried, and so entail the same
need for learning. Ballass found that up to 35 different sources may be attributed to the
same everyday sound. He also found that the identification of discriminable but ambigu-
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 62
ous everyday sounds depends critically on the expectancy and context of the listener [Bal-
lass J.A. (1994)].
The problem that the answer associated with each sound takes a few minutes to learn can
be overcome with verbal sounds. An experiment that compared the learnability of audito-
ry icons, earcons and spoken words found that the time taken to associate interface actions
with auditory icons and earcons was similar, but that speech feedback was significantly
faster to learn and more reliable [Lucas P.A (1994)]. A verbal design was implemented
by sampling a person saying each of the 4 rock-types, and storing the words as audio files.
granite = granite
limestone = limestone
marble = marble
shale = shale
Tapping the rocks in the interface produces the spoken response. The what is it? ques-
tion is answered immediately, without any need for learning at all. It also answers the oth-
er questions just as well as the non-verbal design. New rock types can be added without
introducing ambiguity because words are inherently discriminable. A large catalogue of
rock-types could be represented this way, without the need for a long training period that
is necessary for systems of more than 6 or 7 symbols [Patterson R.D. (1982)]. Although
the verbal design is direct, it also has its problems. The verbal design is probably best suit-
ed to local information, since it may be difficult to understand more than a couple of
words at the same time. Spoken words may interfere with other speech in the environ-
ment, where non-verbal sounds may not. There is some incongruity in that a talking rock
requires a leap of imagination (transposition) that is expected in metaphors, but there are
no other symbols in the interface to support this metaphor. Metonyms can seem more nat-
ural than metaphors because they are a part of the evoked object (contiguous). The words
are semantically a part of the design scenario, but not the interaction in the interface. The
words typically take about a second to say, and can slow the interaction with the interface
down a lot. However speech can be time compressed by a factor of about 2 and still main-
tain intelligibility [Arons B. (1994)]. Time compression techniques could be used to
equalise the durations of the words, and to set the durations to < 0.5s which is comparable
with a short impact sound.
5.4.2 Metaphoric method
The metaphoric method is a way to represent the unfamiliar in terms of the familiar. The
method works by looking up some EarBenders cases that are similar to the design scenar-
ios in their information structure. The TaDa analysis for the GeoViewer, shown in Figure
5-8, was used to retrieve 3 EarBenders cases - Recycling, Walking and Kitchen, shown in
Figure 5-11, Figure 5-12, Figure 5-13. Although the subject matter of each story is very
different, they share a similar TaDa structure with the design scenario. The information
required in the GeoViewer is the type of a rock strata that is being explored. The Recy-
cling case describes how workers at a recycling depot classify garbage bags by listening
to the sounds they make when kicked. The Walking case describes different sounds that
footfalls make on different walking surfaces. The Kitchen story describes the identifica-
tion of different cereals in opaque containers by shaking them.
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 63
Figure 5-11: Recycling case
Figure 5-12: Walking case
Reading direct
Type nominal
Level local
Range 4
Organisation time
Generic what is it ?
Purpose identify
Mode interactive
Type branching
Style exploration
Type nominal
Range unlimited
Organisation location
TaDa Analysis
Title Recycling
Storyteller P.K.
My friend works at a recycling depot where
the quickest; best way to see if a bag of gar-
bage contains something interesting is to
kick it. The combination of the weight of
the bag and sound that it makes tells you
what's inside. Normal household rubbish
sounds a bit plasticy; bottles clink; crockery
clatters; disposable nappies squelch. So a
lot of the time her job involves wandering
round kicking bags; and if it sounds inter-
esting diving in and having a look.
Question whats inside this ?
Answers household, bottles
crockery, nappies
Subject inside this
Sounds plasticy, clink,
clatter, squelch
Reading direct
Type nominal
Level local
Range 7+-2
Organisation time
Generic what is it ?
Purpose identify
Mode focus
Type discrete
Style exploration
Type nominal
Range unlimited
Organisation location
TaDa Analysis
Title Walking
Storyteller S.B.
walking home in the dark
footsteps make different sounds
as I walk over different surfaces
leaves are crackly
concrete is quiet thud
grass is muffled drag
gravel is crunchy
Question what surface am I
walking on ?
Answers leaves, concrete,
grass, gravel
Subject surface
Sounds rustle, quiet thud,
muffled drag,
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 64
Figure 5-13: Kitchen case
Although the stories provide some interesting metaphors there is a problem. The meta-
phoric method works best when the suggestion of sounds that are part of the design sce-
nario is weak or non-existent, allowing a leap in imagination. In the GeoViewer scenario
the tapping of rocks is an easy sound to imagine, and it is hard to replace this with a met-
aphorical sound that has other connotations. The semantics of the metaphorical design
need to be carefully considered in the context of the design scenario - for example garbage
sounds might evoke pollution where none exists. Shaking cereals suggests a movement of
the rocks which are stationary. Perhaps the footfalls on different surfaces has some poten-
tial to suggest walking over the rocks that could be a basis for a metaphorical design.
5.4.3 Pattern method
The pattern method is a search for trends in a set of solutions to similar problems that may
capture consistencies in the mapping from the problem domain to the solution domain.
The TaDa query from the GeoViewer scenario retrieved the cases shown in the previous
section. The pattern method continues by scanning the auditory characterisations of these
relevant cases for trends. The cases shared 6 of the 8 characteristics, shown by a score of
3 in the fields in Figure 5-14 - {everyday, local, single stream, discrete, stationary, cate-
gory}. The other 2 fields had a 2/3 majority trend - {isolated and integral}. The auditory
characterisations are very similar. However the actual sounds and descriptions of the
sounds are quite different in each case. The Descriptors field contains 18 words that de-
scribe the sounds in the 3 cases. Only crunchy appears more than once - to describe both
walking on gravel and shaking a container of cornflakes in the kitchen. The variety of de-
scriptions reinforces the notion that it is the relations between sounds rather than the
sounds themselves that are important in conveying information relations. The auditory de-
Reading direct
Type nominal
Level local
Range 7+-2
Organisation time
Generic what is it ?
Purpose identify
Mode interactive
Type discrete
Style exploration
Type nominal
Range unlimited
Organisation location
TaDa Analysis
Title Kitchen
Storyteller M.H.
I often rattle things (particularly in
the kitchen) to see what's in 'em.
This can give visual, muscular and
auditory feedback.
The other day I had two opaque film canis-
ters; one with 200 ASA film and the other
with 400, I rattled them to find the one I
wanted but they both sounded the same
Question whats inside this ?
Answers corn flakes, bran,
rice, flour, sugar
Subject inside this
rough raspy crunchy,
high raspy, fine bright
grainy, almost silent,
bright hissy
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 65
sign proceeds by selecting a set of sounds according to the characterisation synthesised
from the trends. The actual choice of sounds has not been filled in Figure 5-14. This
choice might be made with the metonymic or the metaphoric methods described in the
previous sections. These methods consider the connotations of the auditory symbols with
respect to the design problem. An alternative to these semantic approaches might be a
structured palette of abstract sounds that do not have an everyday connotation that will
interact with the connotations of the rest of the interface.
Figure 5-14: Pattern method for the GeoViewer
An example of an abstract palette might be the musical sounds from classical instruments.
Although these obviously do have connotations, they are not usually associated with eve-
ryday tasks, and so may be more transportable between application scenarios. A palette
of musical instrument samples was chosen in accordance with the auditory characterisa-
tion from the GeoViewer. However the Nature of the sound was changed from {every-
day} to {musical}. The timbres of musical instruments are usually considered to be
categorical, so 4 instruments with discriminable timbres were chosen. The pitch and du-
ration of the sounds are the same, to prevent a misleading impression of order between the
granite = tenor sax, pitch A3, duration 0.5s
limestone = cello, pitch A3, duration 0.5s
marble = English horn, pitch A3, duration 0.5s
shale = trombone, pitch A3, duration 0.5s
As with the metonymic designs, the answer to the question is this the same rock type as
that? was immediate. However learning to answer the question what rock-type is it?
took longer than it did with the metonymic palette of familiar impact sounds. Perhaps this
was because the musical instrument timbres were much more similar to each other than
the highly recognisable impacts, and I had to learn the timbral features of each instrument
Sounds rough raspy crunchy,
high raspy, fine
bright grainy, almost
silent, bright hissy
Nature everyday
Level local
Streams single
Occurence regular
Pattern discrete
Movement stationary
Type nominal
Compound integral
Descriptors rustle, thud, muffle,
drag, crunchy
Sounds plasticy, clink,
clatter, squelch
Nature everyday
Level local
Streams single
Occurence isolated
Pattern discrete
Movement stationary
Type categorical
Compound integral
Descriptors plasticy, clink,
clatter, squelch
Sounds rustle, quiet thud,
muffled drag,
Nature everyday
Level local
Streams single
Occurence regular
Pattern discrete
Movement stationary
Type categorical
Compound integral
Descriptors rustle, thud, muffle,
drag, crunchy
Sounds ???
Nature everyday 3
Level local 2
Streams single 3
Occurrence isolated 2
Pattern discrete 3
Movement stationary 3
Type categorical 3
Compound integral 3
Descriptors rustle, thud, muffle,
drag, crunchy
plasticy, clink, clatter,
raspy, bright, quiet,
high, rough, crunchy,
fine, grainy, hissy
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 66
as well as the association with an answer. The musical palette has the advantage that the
sounds can be much shorter than either the impact or the word designs. Just how short de-
pends on the instrument. The instrumental sounds in Greys study of timbre were 350 ms
in duration. Hammered and plucked instruments can be identified from durations of less
than 100 ms [Grey J.M. (1975)]. Many everyday sounds, such as a tap drip or clock tick,
can be identified from durations between 50 and 100 ms [Ballass J.A. (1994)]. These
sounds are an order of magnitude shorter than words.
5.5 Summary
HCI designers, bridge engineers and home renovators all use previous examples as a start-
ing point for new designs. Case-based design is a top down method that can help in com-
plex problems and areas of practice where few predictive principles exist. Auditory
display is a developing field where case-based design can be helpful. However there are
not enough examples of auditory display to draw upon as a case-base. In this chapter it
was proposed that everyday uses of sounds could provide a pool of examples that could
make case-based design practical in auditory display. A collection of nearly 200 stories
about everyday listening experiences was gathered by email and conversation, and en-
tered into a database called EarBenders. The stories were found to contain semiotic ele-
ments that could help in the design of an auditory display and 3 methods of case-based
design were developed to take advantage of this resource - the metonymic method, the
metaphoric method, and the pattern method.
The metonymic method searches the case-base for keywords that are a part of the design
scenario. The aim is to design a palette of sounds that are a familiar part of the application
domain, and may evoke that context for a listener. The metaphoric method represents the
unfamiliar with the familiar. This is suited to scenarios where sounds do not naturally oc-
cur, which is often the case in computer-based information processing activities.
EarBenders stories can be retrieved by similarity to the information structure of the design
scenario, as described by a TaDa analysis. The retrieved stories are a source of metaphors
that can support the information requirements of the design scenario. The pattern method
captures regularities in the mapping from the design domain to the solution domain.
EarBenders stories have an auditory characterisation that can describe the characteristics
of an auditory display. The trends in the characterisations of stories retrieved with the
TaDa characteristics of the design scenario were used to automatically synthesise an au-
ditory specification. This specification describes the relations between sounds, but not the
sounds themselves. The actual choice of sounds to meet the specification might use a me-
tonymic or metaphoric palette, or perhaps an abstract palette of musical sounds that do not
have everyday connotations.
Each case-based method of auditory information design was demonstrated in a mining
visualisation scenario. The GeoViewer is a 3D interactive view of rock strata for mine
planning and other geological applications. A problem is that it can be hard to tell what
type of rock you are looking at, so an auditory display was designed to provide informa-
tion about the rock-type as well. A rock strata that is difficult to visually identify can be
heard, without having to divert visual attention to a text. An unexpected advantage be-
came apparent when the interface was used. The sounds allow the front most surface at
an intersection of strata to be disambiguated by tapping there, saving on a distracting and
computationally expensive change of viewpoint operation. A development could provide
information about the number and material of overlapping hidden layers. The demonstra-
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 67
tion showed that the case-based method is functional in practice, and can provide a good
starting point for the design of a useful auditory display.
5.6 Further work
There is great potential to use the Internet to gather many more stories for the EarBenders
case-base. Examples from different cultures could allow the possibility of culturally spe-
cific metaphors. For example the sounds of cooking in a kitchen in Australia may be quite
different from the sounds in a kitchen in Japan.
Chapter 5 EarBenders: case-based design from stories about listening 68
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 69
6 He a r s a y :
p r i n c i p l e s f o r
a u d i t o r y
i n f o r ma t i o n
d e s i g n
Perception is the obtaining of information about the environment. [Gibson J.J. (1966)]
Information is a difference that makes a difference. [McAdams M. (1995)]
The EarBenders stories in the previous chapter suggest that natural sounds can convey
many different types of information. We can hear information about the environment, but
can we hear information in digital data? Evidence that we can comes from a formal inves-
tigation carried out by Sarah Bly in the early 1980s. Her investigations also found that
the ability to correctly hear the information in the display depends critically upon the de-
sign of the mapping of the data into sound. Bly drew attention to the lack of a systematic
approach for designing the data-to-sound mapping as a gaping hole impeding progress
in this field of design practice [Bly S. (1994)].
This chapter proposes the Hearsay principles for auditory information design which may
help bridge this gap. These principles can help a designer to meet the information require-
ments specified by the TaDa analysis. Hearsay integrates principles for information de-
sign with observations about auditory perception. Each Hearsay principle was
investigated by generating a simple auditory demonstration to confirm that characteristic
properties can be heard. The demonstrations show that the required information can be
represented by auditory relations, and that the Hearsay principles are applicable in prac-
tice. The principles were tested in a design of an auditory display for Blys dirt and gold
scenario. The display that was developed allows a listener to quickly answer the question
is there gold in this pile of dirt?. The effectiveness of this display indicates that the prin-
ciples can be helpful in practice. This chapter is written in a tutorial-style and includes in-
line code fragments for generating each demonstration with the freely available Csound
audio synthesis software [Vercoe B. (1991)].
6.1 Advantages of design principles
Design principles can make specialist expertise easier to learn and apply in practice. Some
advantages of design principles are listed below.
Making expert knowledge accessible
Principles, guidelines and rules are a way to capture and formalise knowledge. This
knowledge can then be used to produce effective designs, without the need for every de-
signer to have in-depth expertise in every aspect of the design problem, or have to design
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 70
from first principles every time.
Principles are general observations that have many uses. For example principles of aero-
dynamics influence the design of bicycles, windmills, bridges and space shuttles.
Constrained guidance
Principles can help you to home-in on a good solution more quickly, by constraining or
pruning the design space to a manageable size. A rule system can detect contradictions
and exceptions during the design process. However there is the problem that formal meth-
ods may impair innovation by forcing all designs into the same mould.
Computer assistance
Rules can be programmed into a computer to deduce the outcome of a design decision,
and support interactive simulations and feedback about a design. Computer aided (CAD)
tools can allow the designer to work at the level of the problem, to focus on anomalies,
innovation and creative synthesis of new solutions. A computer can support the design
process by handling repetitive and difficult calculations.
6.2 Principles for information design
This chapter develops some principles for designing useful sounds. The TaDa analysis
characterises the information required from the display. The information characteristics
are the starting point for design. The information is characterised by five fields - reading,
type, level, organisation and range (see Chapter 4). These fields can serve as anchor points
for principles that couple the requirements to the representation.
In the quest for a principled approach to auditory display we can look to methods of
graphic display that involve similar issues of representation. There has been a great deal
of effort put into understanding how graphs can best show different types of information.
This effort has resulted in the development of principles for graphic information design
that have been broadly applied and found to be effective in practice. This approach to de-
sign has progressed to the point where rule-based computer tools can automatically con-
struct a display from descriptions of the task and the data [MacKinlay J. (1986)], [Casner
S. (1992)].
The principles of information display developed for graphic design may also be helpful
in auditory information design. Some principles that have been consistently identified,
and broadly applied, are linked with each of the TaDa information characteristics in Table
Reading The most direct representation is the one with the shortest psychological
description [Norman D.A. (1991)]
Type An appropriate representation provides the information required by the
task: neither more nor less [Norman D.A. (1991)]
Table 6-1: Some principles for information design
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 71
6.3 Principles for auditory design
The combination of principles for information design with observations about auditory
perception may produce the systematic approach to auditory display called for by Bly. In
the following sections each of the principles is related to auditory perception. A small au-
ditory example of each principle is provided to confirm that the key characteristics can be
heard, and to help get a feel for how it might apply in practice. The principles are then
tested on a design of an auditory display for Blys dirt and gold scenario. The examples
and final display can be generated with Csound.
6.4 Principle of directness
The most direct representation is the one with the shortest psychological description. A
less direct scheme exacts a penalty in mental workload that will become apparent by poor-
er performance under stress [Norman D.A. (1991)].
A direct representation can be understood with little training, can be understood almost
immediately, and allows judgements which are not readily swayed by the opinions of oth-
ers [Ware C. (1993)]. Some examples of direct representations are scatterplots, satellite
images, and geiger counters. Conventional symbols, on the other hand, depend on learn-
ing or a legend to be understood. However they have the advantage that they may carry
complex concepts built on layers of reference. Some examples of conventional represen-
tations are traffic signs, morse code, and hand gestures. These symbols are slow to read
(several per second), and people can only keep about seven discrete items in short term
memory, which may limit the operations that can be performed.
Different degrees of directness are demonstrated by the displays that may be generated
from Table 6-2 and Table 6-3. The scenario is a mine rescue in which you might imagine
that you have an instrument that measures the level of a dangerous gas as a reading be-
tween 0 and 9. The more direct display is a geiger counter-like granular synthesis where
the density of grains increases with the level of gas. The other display is a morse code sig-
nal that taps out the level as a coded series of long and short tones - for example level 6 is
long, short, short, short, short. A short walk along the mineshaft is simulated by a set of
instrument readings. Generate and listen to each walk-through. You can tell immediately
when there is more gas with the geiger counter. The morse code is exact, but has to be
looked up or learnt. It is suited to robust communications of more complex messages.
Level The power of a graphical display is that it allows us to summarise general
behaviour and at the same time to examine details [Cleveland W.S. (1985)]
Organi -
Useful information involves regrouping. The interactive reorganisation of
relations between elements can uncover information in the interplay of the
data [Bertin J. (1981)]
Range Any undetectable element is useless. Utilise the entire range of variation
[Bertin J. (1981)]
Table 6-1: Some principles for information design
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 72
6.5 Principle of type
A representation should provide the information required by the task: neither more nor
less [Norman D.A. (1991)].
If the task requires qualitative information then use a qualitative representation. If the task
requires quantitative information then use a quantitative representation. For example the
task of finding a country on a globe can be appropriately supported by colouring the coun-
tries in qualitatively different hues. If the task is to find the country with the highest rain-
fall then hues would make this difficult because large differences in hue do not look
ordered and cant be compared.
The design of an appropriate representation requires a description of the information to be
represented. The information types identified in the TaDa analysis are shown in Table 6-4.
geiger.orc geiger.sco
sr = 8000 ;
kr = 800 ;
ksmps = 10 ;
instr 1
idens tablei p4*12.7, 3
ar grain idens*400, 600, idens,
1000, 100, 0.01, 2, 2, 0.03
out ar
f2 0 128 7 1 128 0 ; ramp 1 to 0
f3 0 128 -5 1 128 100 ; exponential 1 to 100
; walk = 0 2 4 5 3 7 8
;instr start dur reading 0-9
i1 0 1 0
i1 + . 2
i1 + . 4
i1 + . 5
i1 + . 3
i1 + . 7
i1 + . 8
Table 6-2: Example of direct representation
morse.orc morse.sco
sr = 8000
kr = 800
ksmps = 10
instr 1
ion = (p4 > 0 ? 0.9*p3 : 0.1*p3)
ioff = (p4 > 0 ? 0.1*p3 : 0.9*p3)
kamp linseg 0, 0.01, 10000, ion,
10000, 0.01, 0, ioff-0.02, 0
aout buzz kamp, 440, 5, 1
out aout
f1 0 8193 10 1 ; sin
t 0 300 ; tempo
; 1 .---- 2 ..--- 3 ...-- 4 ....- 5 .....
; 6 -.... 7 --... 8 ---.. 9 ----. 0 -----
; walk = 0 2 4 5 3 7 8
;instr start dur bit
; 0 = ----
f0 6 ; each number is 5 beats + 1 gap
i1 0 1 1 ; -
i1 + . 1 ; -
i1 + . 1 ; -
i1 + . 1 ; -
i1 + . 1 ; -
; 2 = ..---, etc.
Table 6-3: Example of conventional representation
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 73
The information types are further characterised by elementary relations of difference, or-
der, metric and zero that are the building blocks of more complex information structures.
Order is a directed difference, which might be expressed as more or less, or low and high.
Metric is an equal unit of difference that is consistent, for example a 1 degree rise in tem-
perature is the same no matter what the current temperature is. Zero is a point of corre-
spondence between all scales independent of unit, so for example zero rainfall is the same
whether your rain gauge is in mm or inches. The elementary information relations are de-
scribed in Table 6-5.
The information building blocks can be aligned with perceptual building blocks that have
similar properties. Gibson describes perception as the obtaining of information about the
environment from higher order invariants such as stimulus energy, ratios and proportions
[Gibson J.J. (1966)]. Sebba found that subjects made consistent judgements of similarity
between music and colour structure due to correspondences in perceived order, contrast
and ratios [Sebba R. (1991)]. A characterisation of elementary perceptual relations is
shown in Table 6-6.
To recap - we started with a description of TaDa information types which we character-
ised by lower level building blocks of difference, order, metric and zero. These building
blocks were then used to describe perceptual relations with similar properties. This gives
us the opportunity to construct a faithful mapping of an information type to a perceptual
representation. If we can realise the perceptual building blocks as auditory relations then
the process can be used to design faithful auditory representations for a general range of
boolean 2 qualitatively different categories
nominal qualitative difference without order
ordinal qualitative difference with order
ordinal-with-zero qualitative difference, with order and a zero
ordinal-bilateral qualitative difference, with order and a central zero
interval quantitative difference, with order and metric
ratio quantitative difference, with order, metric, and a zero
Table 6-4: TaDa Information types
difference qualitative or quantitative
order directed difference
metric equal units of difference throughout the range of variation
zero a point of correspondence between all scales independent of
Table 6-5: Elementary information relations
difference all perceptual elements are detectably different
order the perceptual elements have a discernable order
metric there is a unit of equal perceptual difference
zero an absolute point of reference for variations at any scale
Table 6-6: Elementary perceptual relations
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 74
information types. The following examples demonstrate that the perceptual building
blocks can be heard in auditory relations, as required by this process.
6.5.1 Difference
Qualitatively different sounds can be easily generated by plugging in parameters to a syn-
thesis instrument. The demonstration is an FM instrument and a score that generates a se-
quence of three different sounds, shown in Table 6-7. You can hear that the sounds are
different by listening to the sequence in a loop. It can take some fiddling with parameters
to ensure that the sounds are more than a little different from one another. When the
sounds are not very different you can hear a double sound in the loop. As you adjust the
parameters you may get a feel for the folds, flat regions and non-linearities in the mapping
from synthesis parameters to perceived sounds. This can be a problem if a display simply
connects data values to synthesis parameters, because some differences may be undetec-
table, and others may be exaggerated.
6.5.2 Order
Changes in a sound are sometimes described by words like buzziness, or squelchiness or
heaviness that indicate a degree of order in the sounds. The demonstration, shown in Ta-
ble 6-8, is a vibrato at three different rates.
fm.orc diff.sco
sr = 8000
kr = 800
ksmps = 10
gir = 100
gis = 1000
instr 1
kamp linen 10000, 0.01, p3, 0.1
ao0 oscili gir, gis*p4, 1
ao1 oscili gir, gis*p5+ao0, 1
ao2 oscili gir, gis*p6+ao1, 1
ao3 oscili gir, gis*p7+ao2, 1
ao4 oscili gir, gis*p8+ao3, 1
aout oscili kamp, gis*p9+ao4, 1
out aout
f1 0 8193 10 1 ; sin
t 0 60 ; 1 beat per second
;instr start dur p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9
i1 0 1 0.333 0.692 0.176 0.138 0.354 0.058
i. + . 1.028 0.576 0.070 0.077 2.401 0.162
i. + . 0.217 0.885 0.259 1.087 0.739 1.005
Table 6-7: Auditory difference
vibrato.orc order.sco
sr = 8000
kr = 800
ksmps = 10
instr 1
k1 oscil 50,p4*10,1
aout pluck 10000,220+k1,220,0,1
out aout
f1 0 8193 10 1 ; sin
;instr start dur parameter 0.0-1.0
i1 0 1 0.67
i1 + . 0.10
i1 + . 0.23
Table 6-8: Auditory order
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 75
When you listen to the sequence in a loop it is easy to hear an ordered change in the sound.
Try to pick the middle sound, the one that lies between the other two in the amount of vi-
brato. Even if the middle sound is closer to one side or the other the sequence is ordered.
6.5.3 Metric
A metric variation has a unit of equal perceptual difference. This can be heard by a unit
step in difference no matter where the step occurs. The units that are available by default
in Csound are semitones and decibels. The example in Table 6-9 demonstrates equal steps
in pitch. The size of the steps can be heard by listening to the sequence in a loop. The dif-
ference between the middle sound and those on either side should seem equal.
6.5.4 Zero
A perceptual zero can be detected no matter where it occurs in a sequence, and no matter
what the scale of variation. There are three types of zero that can be listened for
a natural zero where the sound disappears altogether
an original zero where an observable aspect of the sound disappears
a conventional zero, such as middle c, which may be compared against a reference, or
perhaps learnt
The natural zero is demonstrated by varying the density of grains in the geiger counter,
from Table 6-2, with nat0.sco from Table 6-10. Generate the sequence and listen to it in
a loop. As the density goes to zero the sound disappears. The zero can be detected any-
where in the sequence and at any scale of variation.
The original zero is demonstrated with the vibrato instrument, from Table 6-8, and
orig0.sco from Table 6-10. The vibrato disappears at both the lower and upper extremes
of its range, although the sound remains. The lower point is the zero because timbre of an
upper extrema can be heard to change with scaling.
pluck.orc metric.sco
sr = 8000
kr = 800
ksmps = 10
instr 1
icps = cpsoct(6.0+p4)
aout pluck 10000,icps,icps,0,1
out aout
f1 0 8193 10 1 ; sin
;instr start dur parameter 0.0-1.0
i1 0 1 0.0
i1 + . >
i1 + . 1.0
Table 6-9: Auditory metric
nat0.sco for geiger.orc orig0.sco for vibrato.orc
f1 0 8193 10 1 ; sin
;instr start dur parameter 0-9
i1 0 1 4
i1 + . 0
i1 + . 8
f1 0 8193 10 1 ; sin
;instr start dur parameter 0.0-1.0
i1 0 1 0.4
i1 + . 0.0
i1 + . 0.8
Table 6-10: Auditory zeros
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 76
6.5.5 An elementary characterisation of some sounds
There are a many auditory variations which we might harness in an auditory display.
These include everyday sounds, musical sounds, synthetic sounds, vocal sounds, and ver-
bal sounds. Some sounds of each of these types have been characterised in terms of the
elementary relations of difference, order, metric and zero, as shown in Table 6-11. The
table shows how some sounds can be described in these terms, but is not meant to be de-
finitive or complete. The characterisation of sounds in this way can help select an appro-
priate representation for a display element.
1D, 2D, 3D,
door knocks qualitative - - -
qualitative - - -
event type qualitative - - -
rhythm qualitative - - -
harmonicity qualitative - - -
tune qualitative - - -
musical key qualitative - - -
phasor pattern qualitative - - -
qualitative - - -
hiss, tone,
buzz, ee
qualitative - - -
qualitative - - -
moo, woof,
meow, baa
qualitative - - -
formants qualitative nD - -
timbre qualitative nD difference
squeakiness qualitative 1D - natural
flapping qualitative 1D - natural
qualitative 1D - natural
Table 6-11: Elementary characterisation of some sounds
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 77
music tempo qualitative 1D - natural
machine rate qualitative 1D - natural
machine work qualitative 1D - conventional
pitch class qualitative 1D difference
event force quantitative 1D - natural
drum stretch quantitative 1D - original
fuzz level quantitative 1D - original
reverb wetness quantitative 1D - original
vibrato rate quantitative 1D - original
vibrato depth quantitative 1D - original
tremolo rate quantitative 1D - original
tremolo depth quantitative 1D - original
phasor depth quantitative 1D - original
phasor rate quantitative 1D - original
brightness quantitative 1D ratio Acum original
object size quantitative 1D - conventional
filling a bottle quantitative 1D - conventional
rolling marble quantitative 2D - conventional
density quantitative 1D
pitch scale quantitative 1D difference
ratio Mel
repetition rate quantitative 1D ratio B = 1.0 natural
white noise
quantitative 1D ratio B = 1.1 natural
quantitative 1D ratio B = 0.6 natural
quantitative 1D ratio B = 0.54 natural
1D, 2D, 3D,
Table 6-11: Elementary characterisation of some sounds
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 78
6.6 Principle of level
The power of a graphical display is that it allows us to summarise general behaviour and
at the same time to examine details [Cleveland W.S. (1985)].
Higher level information is contained in the groupings, clusters, trends, correlations, out-
liers and other relations between data elements. The level of the display can be determined
by the level of question that can be immediately answered from the display, as shown in
Table 6-12. A poor display can only answer questions about individual elements [Bertin
J. (1981)].
The different levels of information defined by Bertin correspond well with the description
of acoustic grouping used by Bregman in his theory of auditory scene analysis [Bregman
A.S. (1990)]. This theory has two levels of listening processes- a global level of overall
analysis, and a local level of attention to details. These processes group and segregate
acoustic elements into coherent sounds or streams. Levels of information may be linked
with levels of auditory scene analysis as shown in Table 6-13.
Bregman first noticed streams whilst investigating phonemes in speech. He wondered
whether non-speech sounds would hold together the way spoken phonemes do. To find
out he concatenated 26 sounds such as water splashing in a sink, a doorbell, and a dentists
drill to form a sentence of mock phonemes. He found that the sentence did not sound like
speech at all, even when it was played at speech rates of 10 phonemes per second. Parts
of the sentence seemed to pop-out, and the order of the phonemes was disrupted. We can
repeat this experiment with the FM sounds from Table 6-7. Play the looped sequence at
the slow rate of 1 sound per second and notice that you can easily write down the order of
the three sounds. Now speed it up to 10 sounds per second by changing the tempo in
diff.sco from 60 beats per minute (t 0 60) to 600 beats per minute (t 0 600). Play the loop
and try to write down the order again - this time it will be very difficult to tell which sound
comes after which. This is because the sounds have segregated into different auditory
streams. The segregation of elements into streams can make simple tasks like counting
much harder. Some consequences of streaming for auditory display are
streams are categorical and exclusive
judgements involving elements in the same stream are easy
judgements involving elements in different streams are difcult
An understanding of the factors that influence streams can guide the design of a higher
level display. As mentioned earlier, there is a global level and a local level. The global
level, or primitive process, is a default bottom-up grouping by acoustic factors such as
local can answer questions about a single element
intermediate can answer questions about subsets and groups of elements
global can answer questions about the entire set of elements as a whole
Table 6-12: Levels of information
local answered by listening to an element within a stream
intermediate answered by listening to a stream
global answered by listening to an auditory scene
Table 6-13: Levels of auditory information
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 79
spectral similarity. The local level, or schema process, allows the listener to alter the de-
fault grouping by mental effort. Mental schemas detect familiar acoustic patterns and
draw attention to them. Schemas are a top-down process that explains why what we hear
depends so much on attention and previous listening experience. In this view, the charac-
teristics of sounds are calculated from streams, not directly from the acoustic array. This
is very different from a straight forward signal processing model of auditory perception.
6.6.1 Primitive grouping in auditory displays
The factors that influence the primitive process group operate sequentially in time, and
simultaneously across the spectrum. The perception of a new sound depends on the
streams that exist when it is introduced. Parts that are acoustically similar to an existing
stream will be grouped with it, leaving the residue to be heard as the new sound. This is
called the old-plus-new heuristic by Bregman, and it implies that the sequential factors
that capture recent auditory context tend to override the moment-to-moment spectral fac-
tors. A listing of factors in order of influence can be made from results of experiments that
have placed various factors in competition. The sequential factors are toward the top of
the list. This listing may provide a basis for controlling the primitive grouping of elements
in a higher level auditory display.
temporal rate measured by the separation of onsets in the range 60-150 ms
the difference between spectral centroids
difference in fundamental frequency in the range 4-13 semitones
binaural harmonic correlation
correlated frequency modulations
correlated amplitude modulations
harmonic relations
parallel spectral movement
synchronous onsets
6.6.2 Schemas in auditory displays
Schemas are important in auditory design because attention and previous learning have a
marked influence on what is heard. We can take advantage of familiar patterns to improve
the detection of information elements, and to improve the coherence of information in a
mixture. The semantics of familiar sounds can also be used to improve the interpretation
of the display in a particular task - for example rain sounds can be easily related to rainfall
records. Some consequences of schemas in auditory display include
improved coherence and separation of gure from ground
the selection of streams and material from streams
recognition of familiar patterns
restoration of hidden material
The effects of a schema can be demonstrated by the restoration of a damaged tune. Gen-
erate the example from the orchestra and scores in Table 6-14, and listen to the sequence
in a loop. Can you identify the tune, despite all the noise and interference? Some notes are
actually missing, can you tell which ones? To find out uncomment the e in schema.sco
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 80
so that the noises arent included when you generate the sequence again. The interesting
thing is that the noises dont provide any acoustic clues, yet you can hear the correct notes!
If you cant hear the tune then it may be because 3 blind mice isnt familiar, and you
could try again with a tune that is.
6.7 Principle of organisation
Useful information involves regrouping. The interactive reorganisation of relations be-
tween elements can uncover information in the interplay of the data [Bertin J. (1981)].
Bertin demonstrated the way regrouping alters the information in a display by moving
cards with simple marks, such as spots of different sizes, around on a table. In one exam-
ple he transcribes the length of stay of hotel guests on these cards then physically reorgan-
ises them on the table to show different information about peak booking periods which
was not evident in the original graph. The useful information does not correspond with
the values of the individual elements but with the structures formed by the interplay of
these elements with each other as a whole. Only the spatial organisation of the elements
was permuted, not any of the other visual variables such as lightness or size. This is be-
cause you can only see two distinct cards if they have different positions on the table, or
are in the same place at different times. This is why space and time are called the indis-
pensable dimensions of a visual display. Elements that use-up an indispensable dimen-
sion constrict the options for permutation. For example a time-series plot uses-up the
horizontal dimension, leaving only the vertical for permutation. A map uses-up both the
horizontal and vertical dimensions and so cannot be permuted.
Streaming experiments have shown two sounds can occupy the same space and time but
still be heard as separate identities when they occupy different parts of the spectrum. It
seems that the auditory display designer has a great deal of freedom to organise and reor-
schema.orc schema.sco
sr = 8000
kr = 800
ksmps = 10
; tone
instr 1
kamp linen 3000, 0.05, p3, 0.01
aout oscil kamp, cpspch(p4), 1
out aout
; noise
instr 2
kamp linen 5000, 0.01, p3, 0.01
i1 = cpspch(p4)
k1 rand i1
aout oscil kamp, k1+i1, 1
out aout
f1 0 8193 10 1 ; sin
t 0 200
; tune with missing notes
i1 0 1 8.04
i1 1 1 8.02
i1 2 2 8.00
i1 4 1 8.04
i1 6 2 8.00
i1 9 0.5 8.05
i1 9.5 0.5 8.05
i1 12 1 8.07
i1 13.5 0.5 8.05
i1 14 2 8.04
; uncomment the next line to remove noise bursts
i2 3.5 1 8.00 ; interference
i2 5 1 8.00 ; missing
i2 8 1 8.00 ; missing
i2 9 0.5 8.00 ; interference
i2 10 2 8.00 ; missing
i2 13 0.5 8.00 ; missing
Table 6-14: Restoration of a tune by a schema
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 81
ganise display elements. The degree of freedom depends on the capabilities of the display
device. A display that uses Csound may employ multiple synthesis parameters to reorgan-
ise spectral relations. The score events can be organised to separate elements in time. A
quadraphonic pan is available that can provide a degree of separation in space. Interactive
permutation and exploration is supported by real-time input sensors. A limiting factor is
the amount of computation required to generate the sounds in real time. Any apparent lag
in reaction can compromise the usability of an interactive display. One way to address this
problem is to design the synthesis to be as computationally simple as possible. Another
way is to take advantage of fast hardware for audio synthesis.
6.8 Principle of range
Any undetectable element is useless. Utilise the entire range of variation [Bertin J.
The number of elements that can be differentiated in a display depends on the range of
perceptual variation available on the display. Most people cant hear the pitch of frequen-
cies below about 80 Hz in which case human hearing is the limiting factor. Some devices
cant play frequencies above 4 kHz, in which case the device is the limiting factor. The
range of perceptual variation on a device is called the display gamut. The knowledge of a
gamut allows the designer to optimise the display for the device. A transportable display
must be designed to fit in the intersection of the gamuts of the target devices. The effect
of available range is demonstrated by the orchestra and score in Table 12. The sequence
is 4 levels of rainfall {none, light, medium, heavy} mapped to loudnesses (0, 40,60,80}
dB. This demonstration assumes that you can easily change the loudness setting of your
audio equipment. Generate the sequence and turn the loudness knob down low to avoid
the risk of an uncomfortably loud sound. Start playing the sequence in a loop and adjust
the loudness knob to a comfortable level. Can you hear the 3 sounds that correspond with
light, medium and heavy rain? You might notice that the equal differences in dB of loud-
ness do not really sound equal at all, an observation that lead Stevens to propose a new
law of psychophysics which states that psychological judgements are based on ratios in
stimulus, rather than differences [Stevens S.S. (1962)]. Turn the loudness knob down fur-
ther until the light rain can no longer be heard. This display can no longer provide the re-
quired information. A display that relies on loudness will need to be calibrated to ensure
the that all the elements are discriminable. Some attributes, like duration are not so sus-
ceptible to device characteristics, and may be a better option for a portable display.
range.orc range.sco
sr = 8000
kr = 800
ksmps = 10
instr 1
kamp linen ampdb(20+p4*20), 0.01, p3,
k1 rand 1600
aout oscil kamp, 400+k1, 1
out aout
f1 0 8193 10 1 ; sin
;instr start dur answer
i1 0 1 1 ; light
i1 + . 2 ; medium
i1 + . 3 ; heavy
Table 6-15: Auditory range
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 82
6.9 Putting the principles to work
So far weve borrowed some principles of information design from graphic design, and
tried some simple demonstrations to get a feel that they may be of benefit in the design of
auditory displays as well. The next step is to try them out in the design of an actual display.
In this instance I have chosen Blys dirt and gold scenario because it is a good example of
the type of activity where sounds may provide information that is difficult to obtain visu-
ally, and it is a reference for other investigators. Here is the problem scenario described
by Bly [Bly S. (1994)]...
Can you nd the gold ?" It is hypothesised that six different aspects of the land in which
gold may be found are determinative of whether or not gold is there. The rst 20 data var-
iables (each 6-d) are from sites known to have gold; the second 20 data variables are from
sites known not to have gold. For each of the remaining 10 data variables, decide for each
whether or not it is from a site with gold.
The data set consists of 100 samples generated from a normal random deviate generator
and then separated into two distinct sets. Only samples in which all six variables had pos-
itive values between 0.0 and 3.5 were included. A sample s=(x21,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) belongs
to Set 2 (dirt) if
x2*x2+x3*x3+x4*x4+x5*x5+x6*x6 <= 1.5*1.5 or
x1*x1+x3*x3+x4*x4+x5*x5+x6*x6 <= 1.5*1.5 or
x1*x1+x2*x2+x4*x4+x5*x5+x6*x6 <= 1.5*1.5
At least ve of the six variables in each sample of Set 2 have a value less than 1.5 and at
most one of x1,x2,x3 have a value greater than 1.5. The 2 sets are completely distinct only
in six-space; any representation in fewer dimensions will overlap Set 1 and Set 2.
Before we begin the design we must be clear about the information that is required by the
task, and the data elements that are involved. The TaDa analysis, shown in Figure 6-1, be-
gins by recasting the scenario as a question, based on the observation that useful informa-
tion is the answer to a question. This scenario is already summarised by a question - Can
you find the gold?, which has the useful answers {yes or no}. However the participants
answered this question one sample at a time - indicating that the actual question was more
like is this sample gold?. The purpose of this question is to identify whether a particular
sample is gold or not, which is a local question. The display should allow the interactive
selection of information elements from the display. The analyst does not know what to
expect so the task is explorative. The level of information is local because it only involves
one sample at a time. The answers {yes or no} are boolean categories. The answer that
may be given is not affected by prior answers or other concurrent answers - so does not
depend on other answers. Likewise, the samples have no intrinsic organisation in space or
time. The soil samples are comprised of 6 independent ratio data measurements that range
between 0.0 and 3.0.
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 83
Figure 6-1: TaDa analysis for the Gold scenario
Having analysed the information requirements we can set about the design of a useful dis-
play from principles of reading, type, level, organisation and range. A direct reading will
allow the listener to answer quickly, correctly and confidently. The first step in the design
of the direct display is an appropriate representation of the display elements. Each sample
is comprised of 6 ratio variables characterised by quantitative difference, order, metric
and a zero. We could map these to perceptual building blocks with the same characteris-
tics. However it is not the individual measurements that are of interest, but the samples
themselves. The appropriate display is one that allows the difference between gold and
dirt to be heard by an auditory difference, not one that allows us to hear measurements
that are part of the samples. Hence the display elements should be cohesive or integrated
wholes that show difference at the level of the samples. In the demonstration of the prin-
ciple of difference we found that the FM algorithm in Table 6-7 could produce different
sounds from 6 auditory parameters. Of course there are many other synthesis algorithms
that could also be tried, the important point is that they have 6 parameters that all cause
perceptual difference. It is likely that not all the parameters can be heard to cause a differ-
ence throughout the range, preventing discrimination in some regions of the display.
However we are not really interested in telling gold from gold, just gold from dirt, so flat
spots and even folds are ok as long as they dont cross the boundary between yes and no.
This is a case where the information characterisation has significantly reduced the com-
plexity of the display. If the requirement had involved the separation of different types of
gold then the perceptual metric of the space would have become a major concern. As it is
we can make a simple first pass by maximising the discrimination of representative pairs
of gold and dirt. The FM instrument may be calibrated with a global scaling factor gis, or
individual factors may also be adjusted. Some representative pairs to tune the range
against are in rangeok.sco shown in Table 6-16. Different pairs are selected by uncom-
Can you find the gold ?" It is hypothesised
that six different aspects of the land in
which gold may be found are determina-
tive of whether or not gold is there. The
first 20 data variables (each 6-d) are from
sites known to have gold; the second 20
data variables are from sites known not to
have gold. For each of the remaining 10
data variables, decide for each whether or
not it is from a site with gold
Reading direct
Type boolean
Level local
Organisation none
Range 2
Generic is this it ?
Purpose identify
Mode interactive
Type discrete/procedure
Style exploration
Type 6d ratio
Range 0.0-3.0
Organisation none
TaDa Analysis
Title Gold
Storyteller Sarah Bly
Question is this sample gold ?
Answers yes, no
Subject soil samples
Sounds ???
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 84
menting them in the score file.
After listening to some representative pairs I found that it is easy to tell the pairs of sounds
apart with this display, which indicates that the range is adequate. It is also easy to tell
different gold samples apart, which is more information than we need to answer the ques-
tion. The test of the effectiveness of the display is the ability of the listener to answer the
question is this sample gold? quickly, correctly and confidently. This design was put to
the test in an experiment modelled on Blys investigation of different designs for the dirt
and gold scenario [Bly S. (1994)]. Her experiment involved the testing of three displays
on participants at the First ICAD conference. The first display was a granular synthesis,
the second a mapping to balance, timbre, sustain, pitch, duration and volume, and the third
was a mapping of the sum of squares to pitch. The effectiveness of each was measured by
the number of listeners who could correctly identify the samples more than half the time.
The results varied widely, as shown in Table 6-17, with 50%, 75% and 95% of the re-
spondents correctly identifying more than half of the test samples in each case. The supe-
rior results of the third mapping rested on a preliminary data analysis that showed that the
sum of squares was a reasonable classifier for this data. A vocalisation of yes to the gold
and no otherwise could even have been used in this display.
The dirt and gold experiment provides a standard for comparing the effectiveness of dif-
ferent designs. I repeated the experiment for the FM gold detector that has been developed
in this chapter so far. The aim of the experiment was to find out whether the principles
were helping to produce an effective display. The subjects were 27 unpaid volunteers of
both sexes, between 20 and 50 years of age, working as administration, engineering and
research staff at CSIRO Mathematics and Information Sciences. The procedure was al-
tered so that each person classified all three test sets with the same mapping, in isolation,
without time constraints. The results, in Table 6-18, show that 100%, 96% and 80% of
subjects correctly identified more than half the samples. The ability of the listeners to ob-
tain the required information from this display compares favourably with the ICAD de-
rangeok.sco - goes with fm.orc identity
; uncomment dirt and gold pairs
;i1 0 10.554 1.232 0.074 0.198 0.358 0.065
i1 0 10.292 0.699 0.076 0.153 0.303 0.064
;i1 0 10.462 1.383 0.047 1.059 0.344 0.798
;i1 1 10.130 0.096 1.686 0.108 1.020 1.198
i1 1 10.886 0.366 0.570 1.571 2.040 1.357
;i1 1 11.224 1.481 1.835 0.318 0.510 1.500
Table 6-16: Range calibration
#Correct 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
icad1 #subjects 0 0 0 3 3 7 3 5 -3? 0 0
icad2 #subjects 0 1 6 7 4 4 2 0 0 0 0
icad3 #subjects 3 7 7 5 -1? 1 0 0 0 0 0
Table 6-17: Results of 3 different designs and 24 subjects
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 85
signs, as shown in Figure 6-2, indicating that the principles are of benefit in practice.
Figure 6-2: Results from the ICAD designs and the Fm gold detector.
6.9.1 A more useful high level display
Although the FM gold detector is an effective display, it only answers the local question
is this sample gold? A more useful higher level display would enable the listener to
quickly and directly answer the question is there any gold in all this dirt?. The principle
of level raised the possibility of streaming as a way to construct a higher order auditory
display. In the demonstration we found that the FM sounds tend to segregate if they are
played at speech rates of 10 per second. Perhaps we can calibrate the FM parameters so
that gold tends to segregate from the dirt. This can be done with the sequence of dirt-gold-
dirt-silence, shown in levelok.sco in Table 6-19. If you listen to this sequence in a loop
you will hear the gold as a high stream that is distinctly separate from the low stream made
of the two different dirt samples. The gold clearly segregates for these samples, but should
this not be the case then the mapping parameters may be tuned to increase the segregation.
#Correct 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
gold1 #subjects 1 7 10 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
gold2 #subjects 1 7 8 6 2 1 0 1 0 0 0
gold3 #subjects 1 4 4 6 7 3 1 1 0 0 0
Table 6-18: Results for the FM gold detector with 27 subjects
levelok.sco - goes with fm.orc identity
f1 0 8193 10 1 ; sin
t 0 600 ; tempo
f0 4 ; 1 beat of silence at the end
i1 0 1 0.554 1.232 0.074 0.198 0.358 0.065
i1 1 1 0.130 0.096 1.686 0.108 1.020 1.198
i1 2 1 0.292 0.699 0.076 0.153 0.303 0.064
Table 6-19: Level calibration
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 86
According to the principle of organisation we may also take advantage of spare indispen-
sable dimensions to improve the separation of the answers. At the moment we are only
using the spectral dimension of the display. However the samples have no intrinsic order
in space or time, leaving these indispensable dimensions spare. The Csound pan com-
mand can provide spatial separation for two data measurements. The temporal separation
is not so easy in Csound because a start and duration for each event has to be specified up
front in the score, and cannot be varied by the measurement fields. My solution was to
copy one of the measurements into the start field. The result is a redundant mapping of 3
of the 6 measurements in the samples to spare indispensable dimensions which may im-
prove the discrimination between yes and no. The display is presented as a Csound instru-
ment called gold.orc in Table 6-20. You can listen to a handful of dirt and a handful of
gold (which are in fact Blys training sets) with the scores in Table 6-21. Listen to each to
get a feel for how some typical dirt and gold samples sound.
sr = 8000
kr = 800
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2
gir = 100
gis = 1000
instr 1
kamp linen 10000, 0.01, p3, 0.1
ao0 oscili gir, gis*p4, 1
ao1 oscili gir, gis*p5+ao0, 1
ao2 oscili gir, gis*p6+ao1, 1
ao3 oscili gir, gis*p7+ao2, 1
ao4 oscili gir, gis*p8+ao3, 1
ao5 oscili kamp, gis*p9+ao4, 1
; separate d3 and d4 in space
a1,a2,a3,a4 pan ao5, p6, p7, 2, 1, 1
outs a1, a2
Table 6-20: Gold detector
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 87
Then try listening to the mixture of dirt and gold from Blys first test listed in
goldtest1.sco in Table 6-22. You can immediately tell that there is gold in this test set,
demonstrating that the display answers the question at a high level. The local question can
be answered by slowing down the display rate, either by editing the tempo in the score, or
playing the sequence with a tool that allows variable rate playback. Intermediate structure
may be heard by altering the rate of presentation so that different streams pop-out. As the
rate slows the streams become broader and encompass more elements. The effect is akin
to a visual zoom that shows detail at different scales.
dirt.sco - 20 dirt samples gold.sco - 20 gold samples
f1 0 8193 10 1 ; sin
f2 0 129 7 0 128 1; ramp 0 to 1
t 0 200 ; tempo
; d1 d2 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6
i1 0.830 1 0.830 0.812 0.170 0.064 0.417 0.897
i1 0.170 1 0.170 1.062 0.085 0.716 0.080 0.871
i1 0.671 1 0.671 0.237 0.380 0.689 0.899 0.600
i1 2.380 1 2.380 0.690 0.355 0.006 0.691 0.437
i1 0.551 1 0.551 0.377 0.007 0.112 0.051 0.246
i1 0.242 1 0.242 1.417 0.275 0.405 0.590 0.810
i1 0.404 1 0.404 1.750 0.631 0.247 0.060 0.767
i1 0.443 1 0.443 1.472 0.297 1.050 0.046 0.455
i1 0.180 1 0.180 1.112 0.245 0.620 0.782 0.547
i1 0.007 1 0.007 0.286 1.223 1.339 0.300 0.475
i1 0.640 1 0.640 0.393 0.642 0.941 0.670 0.123
i1 0.737 1 0.737 0.427 0.796 0.723 0.194 0.149
i1 0.565 1 0.565 0.571 0.005 0.340 0.507 0.168
i1 0.976 1 0.976 0.342 0.090 0.356 0.532 0.461
i1 1.165 1 1.165 0.510 0.212 0.900 0.736 0.574
i1 0.821 1 0.821 0.291 1.185 0.465 0.061 0.392
i1 2.195 1 2.195 0.776 1.027 0.510 0.517 0.135
i1 0.430 1 0.430 1.427 0.183 0.050 0.370 0.563
i1 0.243 1 0.243 0.717 0.531 0.597 0.376 1.170
i1 0.042 1 0.042 0.199 0.745 0.364 0.399 1.086
f1 0 8193 10 1 ; sin
f2 0 129 7 0 128 1; ramp 0 to 1
t 0 200 ; tempo
; d1 d2 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6
i1 1.394 1 1.394 0.775 0.080 0.446 0.541 1.631
i1 0.807 1 0.807 1.411 0.515 0.851 0.681 0.749
i1 1.355 1 1.355 0.099 0.235 2.054 0.656 2.127
i1 0.498 1 0.498 2.482 0.370 0.743 1.580 0.415
i1 1.197 1 1.197 0.411 3.198 0.370 1.241 0.373
i1 1.955 1 1.955 0.433 1.390 0.067 1.314 0.858
i1 0.330 1 0.330 0.572 0.815 0.574 0.778 1.606
i1 2.019 1 2.019 0.317 0.737 1.144 0.193 0.705
i1 0.996 1 0.996 0.426 0.613 1.612 0.157 0.711
i1 0.775 1 0.775 0.359 0.589 0.874 0.281 1.618
i1 1.335 1 1.335 0.280 1.014 0.407 2.072 0.138
i1 0.251 1 0.251 2.937 0.902 0.905 1.296 0.118
i1 1.182 1 1.182 0.186 0.503 1.302 0.807 1.188
i1 0.782 1 0.782 0.134 1.671 2.251 2.005 0.678
i1 1.206 1 1.206 1.025 0.267 0.584 1.056 0.116
i1 0.674 1 0.674 0.867 0.567 1.283 1.531 1.046
i1 0.207 1 0.207 0.244 0.969 0.523 1.060 1.342
i1 0.907 1 0.907 1.190 0.834 0.281 1.129 0.029
i1 0.453 1 0.453 0.733 1.138 0.840 1.078 0.324
i1 0.086 1 0.086 0.699 0.167 1.241 0.980 0.222
Table 6-21: Handfuls of dirt and gold
goldtest1.sco identity
f1 0 8193 10 1 ; sin
f2 0 129 7 0 128 1; ramp 0 to 1
t 0 200 ; tempo
; d1 d2 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6
i1 0.333 1 0.333 0.692 0.176 0.138 0.354 0.058
i1 0.554 1 0.554 1.232 0.074 0.198 0.358 0.065
i1 1.028 1 1.028 0.576 0.070 0.077 2.401 0.162
i1 0.217 1 0.217 0.885 0.259 1.087 0.739 1.005
i1 0.507 1 0.507 0.862 0.198 0.309 0.578 1.107
i1 0.570 1 0.570 0.866 0.301 0.434 0.526 0.674
i1 0.554 1 0.554 1.232 0.074 0.198 0.358 0.065
i1 0.530 1 0.530 0.042 0.852 0.250 0.053 0.185
i1 0.497 1 0.497 1.590 1.365 1.175 1.278 0.101
i1 0.167 1 0.167 1.261 0.031 0.658 0.306 1.289
Table 6-22: A mixture of dirt and gold
Chapter 6 Hearsay: principles for auditory information design 88
If you have an ear for gold you can mix up your own sets from the training sets, or you
can generate new samples from the equations in Blys scenario. The orchestra may be
simple enough to allow interaction from score statements generated in real-time. A Perl
program, called Goldmaker.prl, that can generate data with any mix of gold and dirt in it
is listed in Appendix 6-1. Using this program I generated 12,000 data values, with various
amounts of gold in them. The data-set was rendered as 1 minute of audio. I was able to
hear regions of gold as distinct masses of higher, brighter material. Even when the pro-
portion was only 5% the individual gold samples pop-out from the background of dirt
sounds. The ability to hear low proportions of outliers may be useful in data-mining (rath-
er than geo-mining) applications, where the interesting data are rare and multidimension-
al. I do not know of any other display technique that allows a person to detect single
outliers in a mass of 12000 6D data points per minute. However these observations need
to be empirically validated.
6.10 Summary
Sounds are useful in everyday activities and they can also be useful in abstract informa-
tion processing activities. The advent of faster audio synthesis hardware has potential to
allow auditory displays to become common in many as-yet-unforeseen computer-based
activities. However auditory display is still a new field and the designer is faced with
some difficult challenges, due to the type of information to be represented, the need for
consistent comprehension, and the need to support interactive exploration. The lack of a
systematic approach for mapping data into sounds has been identified as a gaping hole
that is impeding progress in this field of practice. One way to bridge this gap is to borrow
some principles that have been developed by graphic designers faced with similar issues.
Principles of Reading, Type, Level, Organisation and Range have appeared consistently
and been applied broadly, and may also be helpful in auditory display. The integration of
these principles with psychoacoustic observations may provide the systematic approach
that has been called for.
This suggestion was investigated by a demonstration of each principle in the context of
auditory display. The demonstrations show that the principles could apply to sounds. The
next step was to find out whether they were of any benefit in practice. Blys dirt and gold
scenario was chosen as a test-bed because it is an example of information that may be dif-
ficult to display and understand visually, and because it is a reference for other designers.
The resulting display enables a listener to quickly, correctly and confidently answer the
question can you find the gold? at local and global levels. The important thing is that
these principles for auditory information design have been shown to produce a useful and
effective high level display, and are demonstrably of benefit in practice.
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 89
7 I n f o r ma t i o n -
S o u n d S p a c e :
a c o g n i t i v e
a r t e f a c t f o r
a u d i t o r y d e s i g n
Some classications of sound events tend to be categorical...[cut]...These simple categor-
ical distinctions can potentially be exploited in auditory presentations to communicate
important distinctions in the data. Beyond these categorical distinctions, the essential
goal is that perceptually continuous auditory attributes are scaled and mapped to data at-
tributes in a way that is meaningful to the observer [Kendall G.S. (1991)].
The previous chapter introduced the Hearsay principles for auditory information design
that summarise some knowledge that can help in the design process. Although they are
helpful, principles and guidelines can be unwieldy in practice because of the need to keep
referring back to them. Principles cannot be simply applied by rote, they have to be learnt
and understood. This chapter describes an alternative representation of the Hearsay prin-
ciples in the form of an Information-Sound Space (ISS). The ISS is a three dimensional
spatial organisation of auditory relations that bridges the gap from theory to practice by
changing the way a designer can think about and manipulate relations between sounds.
Rather than having to follow written principles the designer is able to think in terms of
simple spatial structures that represent information relations. The following sections de-
scribe the development of the ISS, which is based on the HSL colour space that has been
applied in many areas of design including scientific visualisation of data sets. The feasi-
bility of implementing an ISS is investigated in several experiments that draw upon psy-
choacoustic observations made by Von Bismarck, Slawson, Grey, and Bregman.
7.1 What is a cognitive artefact?
Written rules are not the only way that principles can be represented. A more direct and
accessible form of representation may better support design practice. A cognitive artefact
is a tool that leverages knowledge to enhance design skills by altering the design task
[Barnard P. (1991)]. An example is the Hue, Saturation, Lightness (HSL) colour model
which is commonly found in paint brochures to assist in the choice of colour schemes. The
arrangement of colours as a 3 dimensional solid makes it easy to understand concepts such
as colour complementarity, similarity, and contrast. The relations between colours can be
understood by geometric distance, lines, slices and planes. The selection of schemes with
specific properties is very direct and simple. Examples of colour schemes are complemen-
tary pastel shades, or a high contrast saturated scheme. Rather than looking through prin-
ciples of colour theory to realise these schemes the painter can choose them directly from
the colour solid.
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 90
Figure 7-1: A colour choosing tool that uses the HSL colour space
Colour models have many applications in architecture, painting, dyeing, decoration, and
anywhere else that people need to specify and understand colours, and groups of colours.
Different colour models have been specialised to support different applications. However
they share a similar 3 dimensional organisation based on observable and separable per-
ceptual aspects of colour. Some spaces have been perceptually scaled so that there is a
regular change in the amount of variation in each aspect of the colour. There has been
about a hundred years of empirical studies dedicated to orthogonalising and building col-
our metrics. Colour spaces such as the Munsell, Ostwald, CIE, OSA, Coloroid and NCS
systems have different properties depending on the choice of axes and their arrangement,
whether additive or subtractive colour mixing is supported, the type of perceptual com-
parisons that are supported, and the weighting of local versus global orthogonality [Hunt
R.G.W. (1987)].
7.2 Information properties
of colour spaces
The colour solid has a polar-cylindrical coordinate system which has a circular hue di-
mension, a radial saturation axis, and a vertical lightness axis, as illustrated by sequences
of 8 equal steps in Figure 7-2. The hue angle varies from 0 through 360 degrees. The
number of hues that are used in various colour systems ranges from 5 for Munsell to 24
for DIN to 40 for the NCS system. Lightness is a ratio (prothetic) perception which has a
natural zero where an absence of lightness causes the colour to disappear. Lightness has
been ratio scaled with a psychophysical constant B = 1.2 for reflectance of grey papers,
and B = 0.5 for a point source [Stevens S.S. (1966)]. The lightness difference in the CIE
colour space equations are based on measurements of just noticeable differences (JNDs)
from a white reference. This scale has 100 equal steps in the lightness dimension. Satura-
tion is ordered and also scaled by just noticeable differences in the CIE colour space. It
has an original zero starting at grey which is the same point for all scales of saturation no
matter the hue. The saturation range varies with lightness, reaching a widest point of about
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 91
8 JNDs at mid lightnesses.
Figure 7-2: 8 steps in hue, saturation and lightness
The hues are different from the other dimensions because hue can be organised into a cir-
cle. The most similar hues, such as yellow and orange, are next to each other, and the most
dissimilar, or complementary hues, are opposite each other in this circle. The arrangement
reflects a theory of colour vision called the colour-opponent theory which has independ-
ent red-green and blue-yellow axes of hue variation.
The placement of hues in the hue circle is or-
ganised so that the red and green opponents
form the 0-180 degree axis, whilst yellow and
blue are on the 90-270 degree axis. The inter-
mediate colours are placed between them. Al-
though the hue circle is locally continuous, the
perception of hue is globally categorical. This is
important in the application of colour to repre-
sent data in maps, graphs and visualisations
where hue is used to separate distinct regions or
display classifications, rather than for smooth gradients or continuous variables. The or-
der of hues in the rainbow may seem natural, but people do not have a consistent intuition
of what the order is.
The use of colour to represent information is of particular interest to us in sonification,
because it involves issues of perceptual representation which may also apply to sounds.
Colour is commonly found in graphs, maps and road signs. Colour spaces have been used
to control colour relations in satellite imagery and scientific visualisations where data
structure is perceived by colour structure [Robertson P.K. and OCallaghan J.F. (1986)].
Trumbo proposed four principles of colour representation for univariate and bivariate sta-
tistical maps [Trumbo B.E. (1981)]
Order - If levels of a statistical variable are ordered, then the colours chosen to repre-
sent them should be perceived as preserving the order - for example from dark to
light, or pale to saturated.
Separation - important differences in the levels of a statistical variable should be rep-
resented by colours clearly perceived as different - for example distinct lightness
levels or changes in hue
Rows + Columns - if preservation of univariate information or display of conditional
distribution is a goal, then the levels of the component variables should not inter-
act to obscure one another
Diagonal - if display of positive association is a goal, scheme elements should resolve
themselves visually into three classes: those on or near the principal diagonal,
those above it and those below it.
Trumbo realised that colour spaces had the properties that could support the application
Bl ue
Yel l ow
Yel l ow-Green
Figure 7-3: Opponent hue axes
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 92
of these principles in the design of colour displays. He implemented colour mapping
schemes as paths and planes within the Ostwald colour solid, which has hue, saturation
and lightness axes like the HSL model. The Ostwald colour solid is comprised of triangu-
lar leaves that characterise the variation of saturation with changes in lightness. The dy-
namic range of saturation is greatest at mid lightnesses, and collapses to zero at the light
and dark points of the solid. When manipulating dependent parameters it is be difficult to
know when the limit of a range in one parameter had been exceeded, due to variation in
another. A visualisation of the colour solid allows a designer to understand the gamut of
variation and keep to valid regions of the colour space.
The colour solid supports the application of Trumbos principles to the design of a colour
display, as shown in Table 7-1. The principle of order is supported by the perceptually or-
dered lightness and saturation axes. Questions like what is the mean income? with an-
swers { <$5000, $5000-$9000, $10000-$14000, $15000+} can be shown by 4 changes in
lightness. The principle of separation is supported by the perceptual metric of the axes.
This metric can ensure that the visual answers are have consistent perceived difference
and weighting in the display. Trumbo warns against the choice of a hue sequence to an-
swer this question because it does not allow the perception of order, and so does not sat-
isfy the principal of separation. The principle of rows+columns is supported by the
orthogonality of the lightness and saturation dimensions. This principle enables answers
to questions which involve two variables at the same time - for example are all districts
with both low income and low education near the centre of the city? by colours that can
be reliably imagined from a specification in terms of two aspects of variation. The prin-
ciple of the diagonal can be supported by the categorical difference from a hue to grey to
a complementary hue that occurs in a vertical slice through the space. These categories
allow the perception of bivariate distributions as having three distinct hues classes that in-
dicate above, correlation, and below. This enables the capability to answer questions such
as is there a positive association between higher education and income? and wherea-
bouts are their groupings of exceptional cases?. The organisation of the colours in the
bivariate sequences can enable the perception of higher level information in the display.
3D, nD
Hue category difference conventional ~ 24
Saturation continuous 1D ratio original ~ 5
Lightness continuous 1D ratio natural ~ 100
Table 7-1: Information characteristics of the colour solid
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 93
7.3 Blueprint of an
Information-Perception Space
The colour solid has proven very helpful for understanding and specifying colour rela-
tions in information displays. This gives a motivation for a similar method for understand-
ing and specifying auditory relations. There are many different ways we could organise a
space of auditory relations, each perhaps tailored to a particular type of representation
task. However the architecture of the HSL space provides us with a familiar and well-
known starting point that has proven capability to support a general range of information
representations. This architecture may serve as a blueprint for a general purpose Informa-
tion-Perception Space (IPS), and provide an abstract foundation for an auditory display.
Just as the colour solid makes colour easier and more direct to use, the IPS makes the
Hearsay principles more direct and easy to apply in auditory design practice.
The Information-Perception Space (IPS) is a cylindrical polar organisation that has a cy-
clic dimension of 8 categories, a radial of 8 equal, ordered differences, and a vertical axle
of 100 equal, ordered differences. Each principle is addressed by the organisation of the
IPS as follows:
7.3.1 Reading
The IPS focuses the design on direct perceptual relations between elements. This is a very
different focus from the usual design of conventional symbols that must be learnt and read
from the display. The IPS can also help to select conventional symbols with prescribed
perceptual properties. An example might be to select some symbols which will be per-
ceived as distinctly separate in a conventional display, by selecting perceptual points that
are equally spaced around the categorical circle.
7.3.2 Type
The combination of a circle of globally unordered difference, an axis with order, an axis
with a metric and a zero covers all of the elementary perceptual relations {difference, or-
der, metric, zero}. This enables the IPS to support the TaDa information types {boolean,
nominal, ordinal, ordinal-with-zero, ordinal-bilateral, interval, ratio} that have been de-
fined in terms of these relations.
The pedestal of categories
The other properties of the IPS rest upon the pedestal of categories. The circle can be di-
vided into 8 regular categories to accord with the limits of short term memory. The equal-
ly spaced pedestal has the following properties
differences do not have an observable order
adjacent points are subjectively equally different
the circle has a conventional zero, so that cycles are perceptually seamless
The disc of radial spokes
The disc of radial spokes is an extension of the pedestal of categories by a radial variation
within each category. It is important that this radial component does not cause a percep-
tual change in category. In the colour solid the radial saturation of a hue can vary without
the hue changing, for example pink can change to red. The original zero is an anchor for
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 94
absolute judgments along any radius. For example grey is a zero in the colour space, in-
dependent of hue or lightness. The radial component has the following characteristics:
observable variation throughout each category
a perceptual metric
an original zero which is a common point of origin, independent of category
The vertical axle
The IPS is completed by transfixing the disc of radial spokes on a vertical axle. The var-
iation in this dimension must be observable and ordered everywhere in the space. This di-
mension has a natural zero, which marks the absence of a perceptual element. The zero
anchors absolute judgments on this axis. The axle contains all the original zero points of
the radial scales. In colour models it is sometimes called the grey axis because all the
desaturated points lie along it, stretching from the dark point to the light point.
The vertical axle has the following characteristics:
observable variation throughout each category
perceptual independence from the radial dimension
a perceptual metric
a natural zero for absolute judgements
7.3.3 Level
The combination of the three different types of perceptual axes into an orthogonal basis
provides the opportunity to construct bivariate and trivariate representations. The axes are
scaled so that euclidean distance corresponds with perceptual difference. To be a truly
uniform the scaling needs to account for the perceptual interactions between dimensions
- for example the CIE perceptually uniform colour space is scaled by just noticeable dif-
ferences in each dimension at each point.
A factor not included in the colour space is the control of perceptual grouping. This capa-
bility is important for designing higher level (intermediate and global) information dis-
plays that depend on perceptions of grouping and segregation. The selection of perceptual
attributes for each axis may be made from factors that have an influence on grouping. The
categorical factor should be particularly strong to maintain cohesiveness whilst other as-
pects vary.
7.3.4 Organisation
The organisation by a scheme {category, time, location, alphabet, continuum} or reorgan-
isation for exploration can only be done in an indispensable dimension that preserves the
separation between objects necessary for the perception of twoness. Examples are space
and time in vision, neither of which are a part of the colour spaces. Audio and video se-
quencers are common tools for organising sounds and pictures in time. These aspects are
not a part of the IPS but may be organised with another tool, called Personify, that is de-
veloped in Chapter 9 of this thesis.
7.3.5 Range
The dynamic range of each perceptual axis in the IPS constrains how representation
schemes can use the space. Representations that require discrimination between large
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 95
numbers of elements may have to be oriented differently from those with only a few. The
range of each dimension can be set in many ways, but the colour solid is the framework
we are starting with, and so we will set the ranges accordingly.
the pedestal has 8 categories
the radial spokes have 8 steps
the vertical axle has 100 steps
The Information-Perception Space with information properties of Reading, Type, Level,
and Range modelled on colour spaces is shown in Figure 7-4.
Figure 7-4: Blueprint for an Information-Perception Space (IPS)
The boundaries of available variation of device parameters can be shown in the space in
a way that makes the device seem like a solid object. The designer is able to manoeuvre
within the boundaries to maximise dynamic range and ensure separation without exceed-
ing the limits of the device. If the device parameters are not identical with the perceptual
parameters then a mapping can be constructed from the IPS to the device parameter space.
This allows the designer to work in perceptual terms, and enables the specification of the
display in device-independent perceptual parameters.
7.3.6 Representations in IPS
The design of representations in the IPS can be specified by paths through the space that
have particular properties due to the organisation of the space. The angular axis is quali-
tative difference, the radial axis is quantitative difference with order, metric and a zero,
and the vertical axis is quantitative difference with order and a metric. The elementary in-
formation relations in the IPS are listed in Table 7-2
Elementary re-
ISS dimension
Difference Order Metric Zero
Angle qualitative 8 steps conventional
Radius quantitative yes 8 steps natural
Vertical quantitative yes 100 steps conventional
Table 7-2: Elementary information relations in the IPS
100 steps
8 steps
8 steps
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 96
A direct representation preserves the characteristics of the information when it is heard in
the display. The rules for choosing a direct representation in the IPS are
Rule 1 - if the Information Type has qualitative difference vary the qualitative Angular
Rule 2 - if the Information Type has quantitative difference vary the quantitative Verti-
cal axis
Rule 3 - if the Information type has a zero vary the Radial axis starting from the origin
These rules specify paths through the IPS that directly represent different types of infor-
mation relations, as shown in Table 7-3.
7.4 Specialising the IPS
for auditory display
This section specialises the abstract IPS for auditory display. The specialisation is made
by assigning auditory dimensions to each dimension in accordance with the Hearsay prin-
ciples. The result is a 3 dimensional space of auditory relations that can represent infor-
mation relations, called the Information-Sound Space (ISS).
The selection of aspects of sound for each axis can be informed by some other efforts to
construct geometric sound spaces. The Hue, Saturation, Lightness (HSL) colour model
was used as a template for a model of sound by Caivano [Caivano J.L. (1994)], who made
a link between the circularity of pitch classes and the hue circle. This cylindrical polar ar-
rangement has pitch angle, timbre radius and loudness height as axes, as shown in Figure
7-5. The timbre axis is ordered from white noise at the centre, through inharmonic spectra,
through harmonic spectra, to a simple sinusoid at the extreme radius. This ordering is de-
IPS Mapping
Boolean X Opposite angles
Nominal X Circle
Ordinal X X Coil
and zero
X X X Spiral
X X X Sloped Line
Interval X Vertical Line
Ratio X X Radial Line
Table 7-3: Information paths in IPS
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 97
rived from consideration of the complexity of the physical spectrum but it is not clear that
an observer would quickly, correctly or confidently hear ordered information mapped into
this sequence as being ordered.
Figure 7-5: Caivanos organisation
Another circle of sounds is found in Padghams sound chart for comparing and calibrating
pipe organs [Padgham C. (1986)], shown in Figure 7-6. This chart is a polar plot in which
angle represents the characteristic tone caused by the formant region containing the first
5 harmonics, and radius represents the complexity of the spectrum, or number of harmon-
ics in the second formant region. Padgham linked increased spectral complexity with in-
creased colourfulness, which is similar to Caivanos timbre radius, but opposite in
direction. The relationship between timbre and loudness is represented by stacking to-
gether a pile of these charts measured at different loudnesses. This cylindrical polar sound
space has tone angle, complexity radius and loudness height. The four opponent timbres
in the chart are analogous with the opponent hues in the colour space. In a series of exper-
iments Padgham found that listeners were as consistent in plotting the sounds in this chart
as they were at plotting hues in the colour model. The results suggest a correspondence
between the flute position and first harmonic, the string with the second harmonic, and the
trumpet and the third harmonic. However not all the results agree, for example one exper-
iment shows an inverse relation between the third harmonic and the trumpet position. Af-
ter concluding that there is evidence of a regular perceptual relationship between the
angular dimension and the shape of the first formant Padgham doesnt explicitly define
what this relationship is. However the idea of a circle of timbres organised by opponent
axes provides a way to organise a cycle of sounds that can be extended to other organisa-
Figure 7-6: Padghams timbre assessment chart for the pipe organ
Complexity, C
40...slightly complex
60...moderately complex
100...very complex
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 98
These variations on a sound space are just the beginning of the possible organisations that
can be chosen. The next sections investigate some of the possibilities in terms of the Hear-
say principles. The investigation involved the generation of prototype sound sequences
for testing the perceptual characteristics of the space. The equipment was a Sun SPARC-
10 workstation which includes 16 bit, 44.1 kHz audio as standard hardware.
The prototypes were generated with the Csound audio synthesis software which is a freely
available for research and has many sound generation and processing functions. The
Csound programs for each synthesis instrument are included in Appendix 7-1 at the end
of the chapter.
7.5 The pedestal of auditory categories
The starting point for an Information-Sound Space is a circular pedestal of categories
upon which the space revolves. The pedestal is made up of auditory relations that have
difference but no order or zero. This section is a pilot study to investigate candidate ped-
estals. Some candidate auditory relations with suitable characteristics are listed in Table
6-11, for example musical key, tunes, rhythms, material type, event type, vowels, and tim-
bres. The models of Caivano and Padgham are also considered.
7.5.1 The Pedestal criteria
A set of criteria that must be satisfied to realise a categorical pedestal are proposed. A null
hypothesis for each criterion is given. A criterion is supported if its null hypothesis is re-
jected. The tests were carried out by listening to auditory sequences having prescribed re-
lations in terms of Zero, Difference, Order, Metric, Level and Range.
Zero - categories do not have a perceptual zero
Null hypothesis: the sequence has a perceptually singular point.
Zero sequence: a repeating cycle of points regularly spaced around the circle.
The listener hears repeating cycles of the sequence. The task is to indicate the start of the
sequence. The null hypothesis is accepted if a starting point is consistently identified.
Difference - each category sounds different
Null hypothesis: two or more elements of the sequence are identical
Difference sequences: complementary and adjacent triplets
The task is to find two points that sound the same. The
search through all pairwise comparisons is very large. A
limited analysis can be obtained by listening to all com-
plementary and adjacent triplets, as shown in Figure 7-7.
Complementary triplets are sets of three elements chosen
at equal intervals around the circle. Adjacent triplets are
three points at successive positions around the circle. The
null hypothesis is supported by the consistent identifica-
tion of two identical elements in a triplet.
Order - categories are not heard to have a simple order
Null hypothesis: subsets in the sequence have a simple order.
Order sequence: complementary triplets
Complementary triplets are sets of three points chosen at equal intervals around the circle.
Figure 7-7: Complementary
and adjacent triplets
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 99
The listener hears each complementary triplet in a repeating cycle. The null hypothesis is
accepted if a repeating triplet is consistently heard to have a simple unidimensional vari-
Metric - the difference between categories is regular
Null hypothesis: adjacent elements do not have regular spacings
Metric sequence: adjacent triplets
The listener hears sets of adjacent triplets from around the circle. The task is to identify
the most similar pair in each triplet. The null hypothesis is accepted if there is a consistent
pairing that indicates irregular spacing in a triplet.
Level - categories segregate into different auditory streams
Null hypothesis: the categories do not segregate into different streams
Level sequence: adjacent pair in Van-Noordens XOX-XOX galloping sequence, at rates
from 500 ms to 50 ms
The listener hears a pair of categories in a sequence of the form XOX-XOX where X is
one category and O is an adjacent category, and - is silence. This is the sequence that Van
Noorden used to measure the temporal coherence of sounds [Bregman A.S. (1990)]. The
task is to hold each triplet together as a single unit, and indicate the rate at which this can
no longer be done. The point of segregation is signalled by a galloping rhythm where the
X-X-X-X is heard in one stream and O---O---O is heard in the other. The typical cohesion
threshold is between 50 ms for very similar sounds to 150 ms for dissimilar sounds. The
null hypothesis is supported if the triplet is very cohesive as indicated by segregation only
occurring at fast rates with onsets of less than 100 ms.
Range - there are 8 discriminable steps
Null hypothesis: two of the categories are the same
Range sequence: complementary and adjacent triplets
This test is identical to the difference test. If the difference test fails then there are less
than the requisite 8 categories, and a listener may hear two different categories as the
7.5.2 Pitch circle
Let us begin the investigation with Caivanos model in which pitch class is the polar di-
mension. In the development of this model Caivano proposes a variety of discrete pitch
scales and analogies with various hue segmentations - for example a pentatonic scale is
linked to Munsells five way division of hues, and the chromatic scale of 12 semitones is
linked with the colour opponent model divided into 12 equal segments. However it is im-
mediately evident that these scales fail the criteria of both order and zero. Pitch order is a
fundamental property of each scale. A repetition of each scale will be heard to have a zero
at the octave discontinuity. An exception is Shephards pitch illusion, in which pitch
seems to rise forever, but never actually leaves the octave [Shephard R.N. (1964)]. This
continuous pitch illusion satisfies the Zero criterion, but still does not satisfy the Order
criterion, because the ordering of pitch from low to high is still plainly heard in this se-
quence. The Order criterion can be addressed by reorganising the pitches in some other
manner. For example the circle-of-fifths is an arrangement of pitch classes in which an-
gular proximity is a measure of musical similarity. The most harmonically similar pitch
classes (separated by fifths) are next to each other, and the most dissimilar lie opposite.
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 100
The difference between neighbouring pitch classes is perceptually equal so the sequence
may satisfy the metric criterion.
The circle-of-fifths and the Shephard pitch illusion were amalgamated into a Csound in-
strument to test whether this combination could satisfy the Pedestal criteria. The synthesis
algorithm is a comb of 20 partials, or teeth, generated by individual sinusoidal oscillators.
The teeth of the comb are spaced at intervals of the fundamental frequency, but the comb
itself can be shifted up and down the spectrum by adjusting the frequency location of the
lowest tooth. As it slides upward a rising pitch is heard, even though the partials maintain
fixed intervals. A continuous cycle is created by passing the comb through a formant that
attenuates the edges, removing the discontinuity that occurs at each octave as the lower
and upper partials double. The FFT spectra at four opponent locations around the circle
are shown in Figure 7-8.
Figure 7-8: The continuous circle of fths
7.5.3 Pitch Circle rated against Pedestal criteria
The test sequences that were generated were a continuous circle, the categorical circle of
fifths with 12 points, four sets of adjacent triplets (0,5,10), (3,8,1), (6,11,4), (9,2,7), four
sets of complementary triplets (0,8,4), (6,10,2), (3,7,11), (9,5,1), and the complementary
pair (0,6,0). I tested the null hypothesis for each of the Pedestal criteria by listening to
these sequences, as shown in Table 7-4.
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 101
The investigation shows that the null hypothesis for order and for level were both accept-
ed, indicating the failure of the Pitch Circle to satisfy the Pedestal criteria. The problem
is that subsets can be heard as ordered, so that a mapping of categorical relations may be
perceived to have order where none exists. The strength of pitch and brightness in sequen-
tial grouping is shown by the grouping of tones even at the fastest rates. The Csound in-
strument design involves pitches that are within an octave, and a static formant which
forces the brightness of all the elements to be very similar.
Criteria Result Null hypothesis
Zero cycle of 12 steps
no singular point could be heard
Difference adjacent triplets
0,5,10 = different
3,8,1 = different
6,11,4 = different
9,2,7 = different
complementary triplets
0,8,4 = different
6,10,2 = different
3,7,11 = different
9,5,1 = different
not supported
Order complementary triplets
0,8,4 = ordered
6,10,2 = ordered
3,7,11 = ordered
9,5,1 = ordered
Metric adjacent triplets
0,5,10 = equal
9,2,7 = equal
6,11,4 = equal
3,8,1 = equal
Level complementary gallop
0,6,0 = no segregation up to 50 ms
adjacent gallop
0,5,0 = no segregation up to 50 ms
Range not supported
Table 7-4: Pitch Circle rated against Pedestal criteria
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 102
7.5.4 Formant circle
The shape of localised regions of the spectrum can be described by parameterised form-
ants. Formants provide a means to characterise complex spectra more simply than a de-
scription of individual spectral components. Spoken vowels fall into unique locations in
this space, as shown in Figure 7-9, and formants are established principle components in
speech research.
Figure 7-9: Location of vowels in terms of F1-F2 formant axes
The two dimensional plane constructed by the first two formants was used as a composi-
tional device by Slawson, who proposed that musical timbres are perceptually ordered in
this space. He investigated the transposition of sequences selected from this space, and
suggests that the transposed sequences maintain perceptual coherence and order. Follow-
ing on from Padghams opponent organisation of timbres, and using Slawsons formant
basis, we can propose a cycle of sounds which revolves around the F1-F2 axes, as shown
in Figure 7-10. The Csound algorithm for this sequence is shown in the FormantCircle.orc
and FormantCircle.sco files in Appendix . The F1-F2 coordinates individually manoeuvre
the centre frequency of a formant region. The F1 axis linearly positions the peak of the
formant of the first 5 harmonics. The F2 axis linearly positions the peak of the formant of
the harmonics from 6 to 10. The algorithm consists of a pair of bandpass filters, one for
each formant. The centre frequency of each filter varies between the extremes of its range
in accordance with the values of the F1 and F2 parameters. The filters are applied to a har-
monic spectrum which extends from the fundamental to the Nyquist. The bandwidth of
each filter is twice the fundamental. The spectrum at four opponent points in the space are
shown in the FFT frames in Figure 7-10.
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 103
Figure 7-10: Formant Circle
7.5.5 Formant Circle rated against Pedestal criteria
The test sequences that were generated were the categorical circle of eight elements at 45
degree angles, four sets of adjacent triplets (7,0,1), (1,2,3), (3,4,5), (5,6,7), four sets of
complementary triplets (0,3,5), (2,5,7), (4,7,1), (6,1,3), and the complementary pair
(1,5,1). I tested the null hypothesis for each of the Pedestal criteria by listening to these
sequences, as shown in Table 7-5. The investigation shows that the Formant Circle does
not satisfy the criteria of Order, because two of the complementary triplets sounded or-
dered in brightness. However all other criteria were satisfied. Support for the Level crite-
ria was good for complementary points, but there was no segregation for adjacent points.
This result may reflect the sensitivity of the ear to speech like sounds, and the importance
of the formant space in hearing perception. Strong grouping for similar sounds, and strong
segregation of dissimilar sounds may be a very useful characteristic for supporting higher
level displays.
F1 low
F2 high
F2 low
F1 high
1 3
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 104
7.5.6 StaticTimbreCircle
Early studies in timbre perception were of steady sounds which had spectral components
that did not change over time. Ramps, blocks, trapezoids and humps were among the spec-
tral envelopes that Von Bismarck [Von Bismarck G. (1974a)] applied to harmonic and
white noise sources. Subjects were asked to rate the resulting sounds against 30 verbal
scales consisting of opposite meaning pairs such as hard-soft, sharp-dull, violent-gentle,
dark-light, rough-smooth, coarse-fine, dirty-clean, thin-thick, compact-scattered, empty-
full, solid-hollow. Four main dimensions which spanned 90% of the variation were found
by factor analysis. Sharpness was the most dominant factor, followed by compactness.
The compactness dimension showed a clear discrimination between sounds with harmon-
ic sources and those with noise sources. Sharpness was related to the centre of gravity of
the spectral envelope, with a progression from sounds with dominant low harmonics to
sounds where the upper harmonics were emphasised. In further experiments Von Bis-
marck demonstrated that sharpness can be doubled and halved in a similar fashion to loud-
ness and pitch [Von Bismarck G. (1974b)].
Criteria Result Null hypothesis
Zero cycle of 8 steps
repeating cycle = no singular point
Difference adjacent triplets
7,0,1 = different
1,2,3 = different
3,4,5 = different
5,6,7 = different
complementary triplets
0,3,5 = different
2,5,7 = different
4,7,1 = different
6,1,3 = different
not supported
Order complementary triplets
0,3,5 = ordered brightness
2,5,7 = unordered
4,7,1 = ordered brightness
6,1,3 = unordered
Metric adjacent triplets
7,0,1 = equal
1,2,3 = equal
3,4,5 = equal
5,6,7 = equal
Level complementary gallop
1,5,1 = segregation at 110 ms
adjacent gallop
0,1,0 = no segregation up to 50ms
Range as for Difference reject
Table 7-5: Formant Circle rated against the Pedestal criteria
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 105
Figure 7-11: Figures from Von Bismarck
The ordering axes for the StaticTimbreCircle are compact/scattered and dull/bright. The
instrument is implemented as a source/filter. The source consists of bands of noise centred
at the first 20 harmonic frequencies. The X axis linearly controls the width of each noise
band in the range 0.1 Hz to f
/2 Hz, so that at the compact end the trend is toward a pulse
train and at the scattered end it is a band of noise. The brightness of the source is adjusted
by the Y axis which linearly controls the centre frequency of a 2nd order bandpass filter
with bandwidth bw = 5f
in the range f
to f
. The Csound algorithm is shown in the
StaticTimbreCircle.orc and StaticTimbreCircle.sco files in Appendix . The spectrum at
four opponent points in the space are shown in the FFT frames in Figure 7-10.
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 106
Figure 7-12: Static Timbre Circle
7.5.7 Static Timbre rated against Pedestal Criteria
The test sequences that were generated were the categorical circle of eight elements at 45
degree angles, four sets of adjacent triplets (7,0,1), (1,2,3), (3,4,5), (5,6,7), four sets of
complementary triplets (0,3,5), (2,5,7), (4,7,1), (6,1,3), and the complementary pair
(1,5,1). I tested the null hypothesis for each of the Pedestal criteria by listening to these
sequences, as shown in Table 7-5. The investigation shows that the Static Timbre Circle
does not satisfy the criteria of Order, or Metric. All of the complementary triplets sounded
ordered in brightness or noisiness or both. This indicates that the underlying opponent
axes are perceptually separable and observable, and that the listener is able to make direct
judgements about the coordinates in terms of these aspects of sound. This is very interest-
ing, because it indicates a need to use more subtle variations that are integral to the timbre
and do not cause a perception of order. However this observability allows us to understand
that the axes need scaling to ensure that the circle is not skewed by listening to the appar-
ent brightness ordering of points with the same brightness coordinate in the complimen-
tary triplets. This non-uniformity is reflected in the metric ratings where regular intervals
are not heard to be regular.
1 3
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 107
7.5.8 TimbreCircle
Most sounds are not static. A temporal and spectral dimension were found to be most im-
portant in an MDS study of complete musical instrument samples made by Wessel
[Wessel D. (1985)]. The temporal dimension was grouped by instrument family: trumpet-
trombone-French horn, oboe-bassoon-clarinet, and violin-viola-cello. In the spectral di-
mension sounds with most energy in the low harmonics were at one extreme, and those
with energy concentrated in the upper harmonics at the other. In another MDS study Grey
[Grey J.M. (1975)] equalised the loudness, pitch and duration of each timbre by re-syn-
thesising 16 musical instruments. He found that a 3 dimensional space was required to ex-
plain the results. The cartesian space consisted of a temporal plane defined by two
orthogonal temporal dimensions, and a vertical spectral dimension. The results are shown
in graphic visualisations of the instruments positioned relative to each other in a 3D space.
Grey analysed the results with respect to the amplitude, frequency, time spectrograms of
the data points. His conclusion was that the Y axis related to spectral energy distribution,
whilst the X and Z axes relate to temporal properties of timbre, covarying with synchro-
Criteria Result Null hypothesis
Zero cycle of 8 steps
repeating cycle = no singular point
Difference adjacent triplets
7,0,1 = different
1,2,3 = different
3,4,5 = different
5,6,7 = different
complementary triplets
0,3,5 = different
2,5,7 = different
4,7,1 = different
6,1,3 = different
not supported
Order complementary triplets
0,3,5 = ordered brightness
2,5,7 = ordered brightness
4,7,1 = ordered noisiness
6,1,3 = ordered brightness and noisiness
Metric adjacent triplets
7,0,1 = equal
1,2,3 = much closer 1,2
3,4,5 = a bit closer 3,4
5,6,7 = closer 6,7
Level complementary gallop
1,5,1 = segregation at 150ms
adjacent gallop
0,1,0 = segregation at 100ms
Range as for Difference reject
Table 7-6: Static Timbre Circle ratings against Pedestal criteria
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 108
nicity in the development of upper harmonics and the presence of low-energy high fre-
quency noise during the attack segment.
Figure 7-13: A Figure from Greys MDS study
I used the temporal dimensions identified by Greys MDS study as opponent axes for a
dynamic Timbre Circle to build a Csound instrument. The X axis has endpoints synchro-
nous/spread and linearly controls the rise times of the upper harmonics in the range 0 to
0.3 seconds. This control changes the sweep rate of the centre frequency of a bandpass
filter which is applied to a static harmonic series. The Y axis linearly controls the intensity
of 0.1 seconds of an inharmonic high frequency onset noise which is mixed with the x axis
source. This algorithm was used to generate the sequences as per the previous tests of the
pedestal criteria. However it was not possible to complete the tests because the generated
sounds did not hold together. The onset noise segregates as a distinct and unrelated sound.
The resulting timbres did not exhibit much variation compared with the differences be-
tween real musical instruments. Timbre perception is multidimensional and the reduction
to two components does not capture the qualities of realistic dynamic sounds.
Digital samples of musical instruments capture the multidimensional variation that makes
each timbre unique, and identifiable. The instruments in Greys study can be used to de-
fine a palette of instrument samples. The procedure for selection of a timbre circle from
this palette is shown in Figure 7-14. A circle which encloses the projection of the data
points in the temporal plane is divided into 8 segments of 45 degrees, and the position of
each 45 degree increment around the circumference is nominated to represent the categor-
ical timbre of that segment. Because distance is a measure of similarity, the data point in
the segment lying closest to each of the equally spaced points on the circumference is al-
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 109
located to that point. There are only a limited number of data points available to choose
from, so that in segment 7 where there is no data, the closest point from the adjacent seg-
ment 6 was taken (i.e. TM). This is only a first approximation to equal spacing as can be
seen by the small difference in distance between FL and its neighbour S3 in segments 0
and 1, and the much greater distance between FL and its other neighbour TM in segment
7. This is a consequence of the sparsity and unevenness of the palette, which might be ad-
dressed by the use of a different palette of source sounds
Figure 7-14: Timbre Circle constructed from Greys temporal plane
A Timbre Circle was implemented but substituting Greys timbres with digital samples of
musical instruments, as shown in Table 7-7. The samples were part of a palette provided
with the Gravis UltraSound
soundcard. The soundcard has a 1 megabyte memory so
the samples have been modified by cutting out portions of the steady state portion and us-
ing looping to extend the duration of these portions as necessary. These modified samples
are called patches. A patch is typically pitch shifted by altering the playback rate of the
looped portion, to cover a range of several semitones. The variation beyond this range be-
comes noticeable due to artefacts that cause timbral changes. The validity of the substitu-
tion of Greys resynthesised instruments with UltraSound patches might be questioned
since a repetition of the MDS experiment using these sounds would likely have different
results. However this does not invalidate a categorical substitution where the criterion is
relaxed so that the primary structuring is on equal similarity between neighbours rather
than on euclidean distance between all pairwise comparisons. The goal of the exercise is
to enable the representation of categorical data relationships using the categorical nature
of timbre perception, and the substitution is not of timbres but of timbre categories. The
categorical substitution can be justified under the assumption that sounds which originat-
ed from similar physical sources played in the same way (e.g. two different cellos bowed
normally) are more perceptually similar than sounds from sources as physically different
as musical instrument families (e.g. a cello and a flute) which are also activated or excited
in different ways. This remains satisfactory because categorical difference is the essential
characteristic required for representing nominal and ordinal data.
X axis
Z axis
C1 = E flat clarinet
C2 = bass clarinet
FL = flute
FH = french horn
EH = English horn
BN = bassoon
TM = trombone (muted)
TP = trumpet
O1 = oboe
O2 = another oboe
X1 = saxophone (mf)
X2 = saxophone (p)
X3 = soprano sax
S1 = cello (sul ponticello)
S2 = cello (normal bowing)
S3 = cello (muted sul tasto)
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 110
A Csound instrument was built to generate the test sequences for the sample-based Tim-
bre Circle. However the generation of the test sequences highlighted some interesting
properties of ensembles of musical instruments. The first sequence is a circle of all the
instrument sounds, which must be made at a constant pitch in order not to introduce a zero
by pitch discontinuity. A problem is that each musical instrument has a unique range of
pitches which is physically constrained, and there is no one pitch at which all of these
ranges overlap. The best that can be done is to select MIDI note-number 48, where the
pitch ranges of seven of the instruments intersect - these are (0,1,2,3,5,6,7). The adjacent
triplet (3,4,5) cannot be generated at a constant pitch because there is no overlap in pitch
range between the tenor sax and the soprano sax in the MUMS samples. Similarly the
complementary triplet (4,7,1) cannot be generated because there is no overlap between the
soprano sax and either of the trombone or cello. It may be possible to choose a more com-
patible set of timbres by revolving the selection circle to a new angular position and re-
choosing the category nodes based on information about the pitch ranges of each instru-
Another problem occurred in the generation of galloping sequences, due to interaction be-
tween the presentation rate and the temporal evolution of the flute which is very slow.
This was overcome by selecting an adjacent pair on the other side of the circle where the
onset time is shorter, these being the bass clarinet and the tenor sax.
7.5.9 Dynamic Timbre rated against Pedestal criteria
Test sequences were all selected at a constant pitch of 48. The sequences consist of the
categorical circle of seven elements (0,1,2,3,5,6,7), three sets of adjacent triplets (7,0,1),
(1,2,3), (5,6,7), three sets of complementary triplets (0,3,5), (2,5,7), (6,1,3), and the gal-
loping pairs (1,5,1) and (2,3,2). The null hypothesis for each of the Pedestal criteria was
tested by listening to these sequences, as shown in Table 7-5.
Point Greys timbre UltraSound patch
0 flute flute
1 cello (muted sul tasto) cello
2 bass clarinet bass clarinet
3 saxophone (mf) tenor saxophone
4 soprano sax soprano saxophone
5 English horn English horn
6 bassoon bassoon
7 trombone (muted) trombone
Table 7-7: Matching Greys timbres to UltraSound patches
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 111
The investigation shows that the Timbre Circle does not satisfy the criteria of Order, be-
cause one of the complementary triplets sounded ordered in brightness. It does however
satisfy all the other criteria. The timbres segregate at very low rates, and the categories
seem to be strongly dissociated so that complementary and adjacent classes are equally
different. This indicates that all of the categories are equally different from one another,
and so should clearly segregate in a higher level display.
7.5.10 Comparing the Pedestals
The results of the investigations of each candidate pedestal are summarised in Table 7-9.
The tests where the null hypothesis was rejected are indicated by ok, which means that
the criteria is supported. Tests where the null hypothesis was accepted are shown by fail
and a number in brackets indicating the number of sub-tests that failed. This allows a com-
parison of degree of failure across the different pedestals. In the Level test a fail rating of
X indicates that the categories did not segregate even at the fastest rate of 50 ms onset.
From this summary we can see that the dynamic Timbre Circle had the best overall rating
against the Pedestal criteria. All of the prototypes passed the Zero, Difference and Range
tests. This indicates that each variation could produce 8 discriminably different sounds, in
which no one sound was heard to be an outlier that could indicate a zero in a repeating
Criteria Result Null hypothesis
Zero cycle of 8 steps
repeating cycle = no singular point
Difference adjacent triplets
7,0,1 = different
1,2,3 = different
5,6,7 = different
complementary triplets
0,3,5 = different
2,5,7 = different
6,1,3 = different
not supported
Order complementary triplets
0,3,5 = unordered
2,5,7 = ordered brightness
6,1,3 = unordered
Metric adjacent triplets
7,0,1 = equal
1,2,3 = equal
5,6,7 = equal
Level complementary gallop
1,5,1 = segregation at 150 ms
adjacent gallop
2,3,2 = segregation at 150 ms
Range as for Difference reject
Table 7-8: Timbre Circle rated by Pedestal criteria
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 112
The Order test strongly ruled out the Pitch circle by highlighting the likelihood that cate-
gorical data would be heard as ordered with this configuration. The underlying opponent
axes of the Static Timbre Circle were observable and separable from the timbre to such
an extent that the ordering in terms of the axes themselves could be plainly heard. This
allowed an appreciation of the need to scale the circle because the metric of the underlying
axes could be clearly heard. The Formant circle seems to be a good candidate, and perhaps
a scaling could address the problems of order that were heard with 2 triplets. The Level
test showed that adjacent Formant categories grouped very strongly, whilst complemen-
tary categories segregated strongly. This is an interesting property of distance relating to
grouping strength that could be useful in some types of higher level displays. However it
does not fit the criteria of equal difference between categories that we have proposed.
Only the dynamic Timbre Circle performed well on the Level test, and it also performed
best on the order test. For this reason the Timbre Circle will be used as a basis for the rest
of the investigation. The variations in other parameters need to be investigated in terms of
the timbres from this pedestal.
7.6 The radial spokes
The pedestal provides a platform for the rest of the Information-Sound Space to sit on.
The next stage of investigation is to fill in the pedestal with a disc of radial variation. This
variation can be thought of as spokes that radiate from the centre of the pedestal out to the
categorical node on the perimeter of each segment. This section is a pilot study to inves-
tigate the radial spokes. The investigation is framed by the theory that a radial variation
can represent quantities for comparison, without altering the perceptual category. The ra-
dial dimension has the characteristics of difference, order, metric and an original zero.
The spokes can only exist if they can be observed throughout every category in the ped-
estal. Therefore the radial variation needs to be observable across a general range of tim-
bres, or else highly specialised to the particular timbres in the pedestal. The straightness
of the spokes relies on the selection of an aspect of variation that does not cause a change
in category as it traverses its range. The choice is constrained by the common point of or-
igin and the need to support smooth transitions through the origin.
7.6.1 Criteria of the radial spokes
A set of criteria that must be satisfied to realise the radial spokes of a Timbre Disc are pro-
posed. A null hypothesis for each criterion is given. A criterion is supported if its null hy-
pothesis is rejected. The tests were carried out by listening to auditory sequences having
Pedestal Zero Difference Order Metric Level Range
Pitch ok ok fail (4) ok fail (X,X) ok
Formant ok ok fail (2) ok fail
Static Timbre ok ok fail (4) fail (3) ok
Timbre ok ok fail (1) ok ok
Table 7-9: Comparison of the Pedestals
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 113
prescribed relations in terms of Zero, Difference, Order, Metric, Level, and Range.
Zero - radial zero is a common point of origin across categories.
Null hypothesis: the radial zeros in each category are not similar
Zero sequence: the zero from each category + random 50% point
The listener hears repeating cycles of the sequence. The task is to identify the most dis-
similar point. The null hypothesis is accepted if there is consistent choice of the point with
50% brightness.
Difference - different elements sound different
Null hypothesis: two or more elements of the sequence are identical
Difference sequences: repeating cycles of 8 steps along the radial.
The listener hears repeating cycles of the radial sequence. The task is to listen for level
regions or turning points in the sequence. These points are where different values sound
the same. The null hypothesis is supported by the consistent identification of a level point
or a turning point.
Order - ordered subsets sound ordered
Null hypothesis: ordered subsets do not sound ordered
Order sequence: repeating cycles of 8 steps along the radial.
The listener hears repeating cycles of the radial sequence. The task is the same as the dif-
ference task - to listen for level regions or turning points in the sequence. These regions
indicate the possibility that an ordered subset will not be heard as ordered. The null hy-
pothesis is supported by the consistent identification of a level point or a turning point.
Metric - regular intervals sound regular
Null hypothesis: regular intervals along the radius do not sound regular
Metric sequence: ordered triplets with regular spacing 25%,50%,75%
The listener hears sets of ordered triplets with regular spacings. The task is to identify the
most similar pair in each triplet. The null hypothesis is accepted if there is a consistent
pairing that indicates irregular spacing in a triplet.
Level - difference inuences sequential grouping strength.
Null hypothesis: radial difference does not influence sequential grouping strength
Level sequence: pairs of tones in the XOX-XOX galloping sequence.
Three test sequences are generated at 100 ms rate. The first has maximum difference, the
second is 50% maximum difference and the third is 5% maximum difference. The listener
is asked to try to hear the sequences as single repeating sounds. The task is to answer
whether there is more than one sound perceived in each sequence. The null hypothesis is
supported if the answers to all three tasks are consistent- either they all had only one
sound, or all had more than one sound.
Range - there are 8 discriminable steps
Null hypothesis: there are not even 3 discriminable steps
Range sequence: triplet with regular spacing 25%,50%,75%
The listener hears a slowly repeating triplet with regular spacings. The task is to identify
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 114
whether there are one, two or three different sounds. The null hypothesis is accepted if
less than 3 different sounds are consistently heard.
7.6.2 Selecting an auditory relation as a radial spoke
The choice of an auditory relation that can satisfy the criteria of the radial spokes is re-
stricted to those that have order, a metric and an original zero. This section will investigate
the choice of a radial component for an Information-Sound Space. Some candidates are
listed in Table 6-11, and include drum stretch, fuzz level, vibrato rate, tremolo depth, and
brightness. However let us start with the previous models of Caivano and Padgham.
The radial component in Caivanos model is spectral complexity that varies from a white
noise at the origin to a pure tone at the other extreme. This variation is closely related to
the dull/bright and compact/scattered bases of the Static Timbre Circle, tracing a path
from point 5 to point 3 in that space. The segregation of categorical points in this space is
an indication that a change in timbre category occurs in this variation. Caivanos example
of a radial sequence is white noise, percussion, kettledrum, guitar, oboe, trumpet, flute,
tuning fork. This series of categories is a replacement relation, rather than a transparent
modification of the category that we are looking for.
Another candidate is Padghams radial component which he, like Caivano, calls complex-
ity. However, whereas Caivanos complexity alters both spectral structure and spectral
shape, Padghams radius only affects the spectral shape, covarying with an increased
weighting of the upper partials. This variation is closely related to brightness variation -
roughly defined as the balance between the upper and lower partials of a sound spectrum.
Brightness is a perceptual dimension found consistently in a wide variety of timbre re-
search. The Y axis which is orthogonal to the temporal plane in Greys MDS study cor-
responds with the definition of brightness. The order and metric of brightness were
demonstrated by von Bismarck, who built a subjective brightness scale using the fraction-
ation technique of doubling and halving perceived values. Bregman identifies brightness
as a significant factor influencing sequential grouping, and it is observable in a wide range
of musical, everyday and speech sounds [Bregman A.S. (1990)].
In a multidimensional timbre space it may be possible to vary a single aspect and keep the
identity of the timbre category stable due to the other unchanged aspects which hold the
conservative perceptual classification process in place. Anecdotal support for the separa-
bility of brightness from temporally categorised timbre can be found in the common use
of brightness filters in recording studios to adjust the timbre of an instrument sound with-
out altering the identity of the instrument. This gives us some insight into how brightness
of a timbre category may be modulated. Timbres containing more upper harmonics tend
to be brighter. A low pass filter can be applied to reduce the brightness of sounds by at-
tenuating some of the upper harmonics. In this passive filter model each spectrum has a
maximum and characteristic brightness when all the harmonics are present, and can be
made duller by controlling the filter cut-off frequency. At the dull end of the scale each
spectrum tends toward a sinusoid at the fundamental frequency. This supports the polar
geometry of the Timbre Disc by allowing seamless transitions across the centre and also
accords with Padghams definition of the complexity radius in his timbre assessment
7.6.3 The criteria of radial spokes applied to brightness
A radial brightness parameter was added to the Csound TimbreCircle instrument. The
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 115
brightness variation was implemented by linearly adjusting the cut-off frequency of a first
order low-past filter. The parameter range [0,127] moves the cut-off from the fundamental
to the Nyquist. The test sequences that were generated were an eight-step change in
brightness for each timbre category, and galloping triplets of close, mid and far radial dif-
ference at onsets spacings of 100ms for timbre 3. The ratings of these sequences against
the criteria are shown in Table 7-10.
The brightness radius failed on the criteria of Order, Difference and Metric because many
sequences were heard to level-off in brightness. However the fact that none of the se-
quences turned back on itself suggests that to a first approximation the variation is simply
ordered. The levelling-off does point to an important problem of linearity and scaling in
perceptual spaces. The brightness variation of the synthesis algorithm is not perceptually
uniform and different acoustic spectra have different brightness characteristics. The dif-
ference and order criteria may be satisfied by scaling of the brightness variation to ensure
equal steps in brightness along the radius.
The Brightness did not fare well against the Range criteria either. Differences in the sound
due to brightness steps were very subtle, and could mainly be heard as squeaky upper har-
Criteria Result Null hypothesis
Zero repeating cycle of 8 steps
can pick the bright point in the cycle
Difference repeating cycle of 8 steps
0 = levels off at the end
1 = no level or turning
2 = no level or turning
3 = no level or turning
4 = levels off at the end
5 = no level or turning
6 = levels off in the middle
7 = no level or turning
Order repeating cycles
as for Difference
Metric regular triplet
the levelling off found in the repeating cycles
supports the null hypothesis of non-uniform
Level 4 = far = 2 sounds
4 = mid = 2 sounds
4 = near = 1 sound
Range regular triplet
1 = count 3
2 = count 3
3 = count 2
4 = count 2
5 = count 2
6 = count 1
7 = count 1
Table 7-10: Brightness rated against Radial criteria
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 116
monics. These observations run counter to the wide range of brightness that can be heard
when the source is a broad spectrum. The problem may be in the limited spectral spread
of the samples which contracts further at lower pitches. The Range criteria could be ad-
dressed by providing information about the number of equal steps available at each pitch
of each sample. The designer could then ensure the necessary range is available for a par-
ticular sound. Brightness can also be affected by the frequency response of an output de-
vice which can reduce the available dynamic range. The definition of device
characteristics can help prevent saturation effects caused by extending the sequence out
of the available range.
The Zero test was passed because it was easy to hear the non-zero outlier in the sequence.
However the brightness zero points at each timbre did sound different, due to the temporal
variations. These points all had a characteristically dull sound, but they were not identical.
In the Level test the segregation was heard as an extra sound like a high squeak that be-
comes more pronounced with difference in brightness. This effect can be explained by the
old+new heuristic. The common portion of the sounds group leaving the extra brightness
components in a the higher squeaky stream of their own. At faster rates there is an inter-
action between the onset transient and the onset rate. The flute has a long attack and is
difficult to use in the Van-Noorden type of sequences.The instruments with short attack
segments are best for investigating grouping by streaming.
7.7 The vertical axle
The IPS is completed by fixing the disc of radial spokes on a vertical axle. The variation
in this dimension must be observable and ordered everywhere in the space. This axle also
contains all the original zero points of the radial scales. In colour models it is sometimes
called the grey axis because all the desaturated points lie along it stretching from the
dark point to the light point. The vertical axle has the following requirements:
observable separability throughout each category
perceptual orthogonality to the radial dimension
a perceptually scaled metric
a natural zero
7.7.1 Criteria of the vertical axle
A set of criteria that must be satisfied to realise the vertical axle of the complete Informa-
tion-Sound Space are proposed. A null hypothesis for each criterion is given. A criterion
is supported if its null hypothesis is rejected. The tests were carried out by listening to au-
ditory sequences having prescribed relations in terms of Zero, Difference, Order, Metric,
Range and Level.
Zero - the variation has a natural zero
Null hypothesis: the vertical variation does not have a natural zero.
Zero sequence: repeating cycles of the vertical variation.
The listener hears repeating cycles of a vertical sequence. The task is to identify the point
at which the sequence cannot be heard. This is a natural zero that is an absolute anchor
point for all vertical sequences. The null hypothesis is accepted if the point of disappear-
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 117
ance cannot be consistently identified.
Difference - difference is heard as difference
Null hypothesis: two or more elements of the sequence are identical
Difference sequences: repeating cycles of a vertical sequence.
The listener hears repeating cycles of the vertical sequence. The task is to listen for level
regions or turning points that indicate points of repetition. The null hypothesis is support-
ed by the consistent identification of a level point or a turning point.
Order - ordered subsets sound ordered
Null hypothesis: ordered subsets from the vertical do not sound ordered
Order sequence: repeating cycles of a vertical.
The listener hears repeating cycles of the vertical sequence. The task is the same as the
difference task - to listen for level regions or turning points in the sequence. These regions
indicate the possibility that an ordered subset will not be heard as ordered. The null hy-
pothesis is supported by the consistent identification of a level point or a turning point.
Metric - regular intervals sound regular
Null hypothesis: regular intervals up the axle do not sound regular
Metric sequence: ordered triplets with regular spacing
The listener hears sets of ordered triplets with regular spacings. The task is to identify the
most similar pair in each triplet. The null hypothesis is accepted if there is a consistent
pairing that indicates irregular spacing in a triplet.
Level - difference inuences sequential grouping strength.
Null hypothesis: vertical difference does not influence sequential grouping strength
Level sequence: pairs of tones in the XOX-XOX galloping sequence.
Three test sequences are generated at 100 ms rate. The first has maximum difference, the
second is 50% maximum difference and the third is 5% maximum difference. The listener
is asked to try to hear the sequences as single repeating sounds. The task is to answer
whether there is more than one sound in each sequence. The null hypothesis is supported
if the answers to all three tasks are consistent- either they all had only one sound, or all
had more than one sound.
Range - there are of the order of 100 discriminable steps
Null hypothesis: there are less than 20 discriminable steps
Metric sequence: A triplet with 5% spacing
The listener hears a slowly repeating triplet with regular spacings. The task is to identify
the whether there are one, two or three different sounds. The null hypothesis is accepted
if only one or two sounds are consistently heard.
7.7.2 Selecting an auditory relation as a vertical axle
The choice of an auditory relation that can satisfy the criteria of the vertical axle is restrict-
ed to those that have difference, order, a ratio metric, and a natural zero. This section will
investigate the choice of a vertical component for an Information-Sound Space. Some
candidates are listed in Table 6-11, and include repetition rate, tempo, duration, force and
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 118
loudness. The vertical dimension chosen by both Caivano and Padgham is loudness.
Loudness is related to the overall energy of the spectrum, and was ratio-scaled by Stevens
in a similar manner to lightness. Loudness can be observed in all sounds. Therefore loud-
ness seems like a good candidate for a vertical axle.
7.7.3 The criteria of vertical axle applied to loudness
An intensity parameter was added to the TimbreCircle instrument. The intensity parame-
ter varies linearly from [0, 90] dB. This is only a first approximation to loudness because
the timbre, duration, pitch and other aspects can significantly influence how loud a sound
is heard to be. The test sequences that were generated were an eight step change in loud-
ness for timbre 3, a triplet of loudnesses at regular spacings for each timbre, and galloping
triplets of differences at 100ms onsets for timbre 3. The ratings of these sequences against
the criteria are shown in Table 7-10.
Criteria Result Null hypothesis
Zero repeating cycles
silence at the start of each cycle
Difference repeating cycle of 5% steps
0 = levels off
1 = no level or turning
2 = no level or turning
3 = no level or turning
4 = no level or turning
5 = no level or turning
6 = no level or turning
7 = no level or turning
Order repeating cycles of 5% steps
0 = levels off
1 = no level or turning
2 = no level or turning
3 = no level or turning
4 = no level or turning
5 = no level or turning
6 = no level or turning
7 = no level or turning
Table 7-11: Loudness rated against Axle criteria
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 119
Loudness failed against Difference, Order, Metric and Range criteria. This failure was en-
tirely due to one point in the repeating cycle of 5% loudness variation of timbre 0 (the
flute). This point indicates that some caution should be used with assuming a metric of
loudness difference within and across timbres. Nevertheless the result for all the other
timbres indicates that loudness has good potential as a vertical axis. The zero criteria was
satisfied because a silent point can be consistently detected in a repeating sequence that
spans the range. The difference test illuminated a potential problem with loudness in a dis-
play situation. Although the difference steps were set in absolute units of dB the actual
loudness that is heard depends on the volume setting of the display device. A detectable
difference at one volume setting becomes undetectable at another.
The order of loudness was clear in most of the repeating cycles, which had an obvious
start, middle and end. The metric test found that steps in loudness were of similar size
within each timbre, though identical dB levels were heard as different loudnesses across
the timbres. The unusual flute point indicates the non-linear perceptual response to inten-
sity difference.
The Level criteria was passed because intensity difference did affect streaming. This ef-
fect was unexpected, as Bregman has concluded that there is little evidence for primitive
grouping by loudness [Bregman A.S. (1990)]. The effect was observed at 100 ms onset
rate with timbre 3 (tenor saxophone), but can also be heard with the other timbres. The
sequence is heard as a single sound when the loudness difference is nominally 4.5 dB. At
medium (18 dB) and large (36 dB) differences a squeaky sound segregates. This effect is
similar to the brightness segregation, and may also be explained by the old+new heuristic.
Turning the volume of the display down did not affect the streaming. This is an indication
that it is not intensity difference that is causing the effect, but an interaction between in-
tensity and frequency spectrum that is preserved at different playback volumes. This in-
Metric regular triplets
0 = unequal 2,3 are similar
1 = equal
2 = equal
3 = equal
4 = equal
5 = equal
6 = equal
7 = equal
Level 3 = far = 2 sounds
3 = mid = 2 sounds
3 = near = 1 sound
Range repeating cycle of 5% steps
0 = count 2
1 = count 3
2 = count 3
3 = count 3
4 = count 3
5 = count 3
6 = count 3
7 = count 3
Criteria Result Null hypothesis
Table 7-11: Loudness rated against Axle criteria
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 120
teraction may be due to a spread of energy into higher partials at higher intensity levels.
The range of loudness is an order of magnitude greater than brightness. This range pro-
vides the possibility to enable discrimination of fine differences in a wide range of varia-
tion which may be necessary for some representations. Although loudness is a good match
to the requirements of the vertical axle, this investigation highlighted two problems. The
first is a serious issue of ergonomics that has not previously been considered in the TaDa
design approach at all. During the course of the experiment some sudden loud sounds
were generated that were very uncomfortable, and potentially dangerous, particularly if
wearing headphones. The range of loudness should probably be kept small, to prevent un-
expected shocks when a parameter approaches an extreme. The second issue is the lack
of calibration on a display device. The ability to easily change the loudness of most de-
vices from the front panel is a necessary ergonomic feature, but this adjustment changes
the characteristics of a loudness sequence dramatically, perhaps distorting difference and
metric relations.
7.7.4 The criteria of vertical axle applied to duration
Time-based relations are independent of the spectral characteristics of a display device
that can affect loudness relations. The duration and repetition rate of sounds are time-
based relations that were ratio-scaled by Stevens and Galanter [Stevens S.S. and Galanter
E.H. (1957)]. They found very good correspondence between the perceived factor and the
physical stimulus - indicated by psychophysical constants of 1.1 for duration of white
noise, and 1.0 for repetition rate of a tone. This section investigates duration as a candidate
for the vertical axle. Duration can occur at different scales from milliseconds to hours. In
this investigation the order of magnitude is 0.1 second, which allows for interactive que-
ries at a normal human rate. The test sequences that were generated were an eight step
change in duration for timbre 3, a triplet of durations at regular 5% increments, and gal-
loping triplets of far, mid and close differences at 100ms onsets for timbre 3. The ratings
of these sequences against the criteria are shown in Table 7-10.
Duration in the 0.1 to 1 second range failed against the Metric and Range criteria. Dura-
tions of 0.5 and 0.75s seemed more similar than the 0.25s and 0.5s pair. However the main
Criteria Result Null hypothesis
Zero repeating cycle of 8 equal steps in duration
silence at the start of each cycle
Difference repeating triplet of 25% steps
3 = difference
Order repeating triplet of 25% steps
3 = ordered
Metric repeating triplet of 25% steps
3 = steps 2 and 3 seem slightly closer
Level 3 = far = 2 sounds - a flap and a tone
3 = mid = 1 sounds
3 = near = 1 sound
Range repeating cycle of 5% steps
3 = count 1
Table 7-12: Duration rated against the Axle criteria
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 121
problem with duration was the difficulty of making fine judgments. The Range test
showed that differences of 0.05 seconds could not be heard. Stevens ratio measure was
obtained for durations in the range 0.25 to 4 seconds. This is perhaps the scale at which a
higher dynamic range of duration perception could be available.
7.7.5 The criteria of vertical axle applied to pitch
The vertical axle in the IPS has 100 ordered steps and a natural zero. However the radial
axis provides an axle of original zeros that can satisfy the zero requirement of the space.
Therefore it may be more important to include a dimension which can provide a good lev-
el of resolution. The pitch dimension has been scaled with a suitable number of equal
steps, and may be a substitute that allows the ISS to still fulfil the IPS requirements of dif-
ference, order, metric and zero. This section will investigate pitch as a candidate for the
vertical axle. The test sequences that were generated were a triplet of pitches at regular
5% increments, and galloping triplets of far, mid and close differences at 100ms onsets
for timbre 3. The rating of these sequences against the criteria are shown in Table 7-10.
The pitch axle necessarily fails the criteria of a natural zero. However a conventional zero
can be heard as an original zero in a pitch cycle because of the ordered nature of pitch. All
of the other criteria of difference order, metric and range are satisfied. In particular it is
very easy to discriminate the 5 semitone steps that indicate a useful range. A problem aris-
es with the use of sampled instruments because each ranges over a different part of the
pitch axis, and none of them extend over the entire audible pitch range. Further the timbre
of a musical instrument can change significantly over its pitch range, and may not be rec-
ognisable at extremes in its pitch range. The characteristics of the display samples can
make it difficult to select ranges, and may constrain the available variation. The designer
needs to be aware of the pitch range of each instrument to make the most of its dynamic
range. The segregation due to pitch was very strong in the Level test. Only at very close
range did the pitches group. This indicates that pitch difference can cause categorical ef-
fects that may override the categorical circle. The cohesion of categories may require that
the dynamic range of pitch be limited to only a few semitones. This limitation may in turn
influence the range of steps in pitch that can be perceived.
Pitch is quite robust to device characteristics, although very high pitches may be affected
Criteria Result Null hypothesis
Zero silent pitch is not possible accept
Difference repeating triplet of 5% steps
3 = difference
Order repeating triplet of 5% steps
3 = ordered
Metric repeating triplet of 5% steps
3 = equal
Level 6 = far (30 semitones) = 2 sounds
6= mid (10 semitones) = 2 sounds
6= near (2 semitones) = 1 sound
Range repeating cycle of 5% steps
3 = count 3
Table 7-13: Pitch rated against the Axle criteria
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 122
by device frequency characteristics.
7.8 A prototype of an ISS
The previous section investigated the potential of various auditory candidates for the di-
mensions of an Information-Perception Space. A subset of the most satisfactory candi-
dates may be combined to form an Information-Sound Space (ISS) which can represent a
general range of information relations in sound. This ISS will be organised to have per-
ceptual characteristics of difference, order, metric, zero, level and range that are necessary
to represent the TaDa information types.
The Timbre Circle was the most effective of the four Pedestals that were tested. The Tim-
bre Circle consists of a subset of subjectively equally spaced musical instrument timbres.
It provides a platform for data mappings that preserve the unordered difference between
elements mapped to sounds, so that it may veridically represent categorical data. The
properties of the Timbre Circle rely on the relationships between the component timbres
rather than on absolute identities, so that alternative timbre schemas may add semantic
connectivity between an application and a data set, to build for example a medical
scheme or an underwater scheme from sounds that are familiar and may have an asso-
ciation in these contexts.
The radial axis that was tested was Brightness, which was found to be a separable and ob-
servable across timbres in the investigation of the Static Timbre Circle. Brightness is re-
lated to Padghams radius, and is a principal component of static and dynamic timbres that
has been widely reported in experiments by Von Bismarck [Von Bismarck G. (1974a)],
Plomp [Plomp R. (1976)], Wessel [Wessel D. (1985)], Grey [Grey J.M. (1975)] and oth-
ers. There is a problem with choosing brightness in that it did not fare particularly well
against the radial criteria. The main problem was the non-uniform variation of the bright-
ness, and the saturation of the brightness in different timbres. These problems can be ad-
dressed by perceptually scaling the brightness dimension, as demonstrated by Von
Bismarck [Von Bismarck G. (1974b)].
Three candidates were tested for the vertical axis - loudness, duration and pitch. Loudness
satisfied all of the criteria, although there was a hint that some scaling might be required
in the case of the flute sample which has a long slow attack that noticeably influences the
relation between loudness and intensity. There were two problems with loudness which
make it less attractive than other aspects - the ergonomic need to prevent startling and dan-
gerous loudnesses, and the variability of the output range due to user control of the vol-
ume knob. An alternative natural zero is the duration of an auditory stimulus. However it
was found that duration could not provide the 100 levels of discrimination needed for this
axis, because differences of the order of 0.1s were not discriminable. The final test was of
pitch, which does not have a natural zero, but does have a good range. The pitch axis may
be an acceptable compromise because the zero that is a necessary characteristic of the IPS
is provided by the brightness radius which has an original zero.
The Timbre Circle, Brightness Radius, and Pitch Axle can be combined to form a proto-
type Information-Sound Space. This Timbre-Brightness-Pitch (TBP) space, shown in
Figure 7-15, has perceptual properties derived from the abstract Information-Perception
space by assigning aspects of sound perception to the perceptual axes in accordance with
the organisational principles. The TBP model is a polar cyclindrical space that revolves
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 123
around a pedestal of 8 equally different timbres. The radial axis is 8 equal steps in bright-
ness, and the vertical axle is 100 equal steps in pitch. There are other permutations that
may also satisfy the ISS criteria, but the TBP basis is an initial point for further investiga-
tion. Note that the motivation for the space is not to describe hearing perception but to
support a method of data-sensitive auditory display. The properties of the TBP model are
intended to mirror Munsells ideals of psychological equispacing and practical useful-
Figure 7-15: The TBP prototype of an Information-Sound Space (ISS)
The TBP sound model was developed to have properties similar to those of the HSL col-
our model. The advantages of the TBP model are:
Natural specication, comparison and matching - Timbre, Brightness, and Pitch are
perceptually separable attributes of sounds.
Natural order - the Timbre Circle is ordered by an underlying perceptually orthogonal
basis which arranges complementary timbres diametrically opposite each other.
The Brightness and Pitch axes both have a natural order.
Independent control of perceptually aligned parameters - Timbre, Brightness, and
Pitch can be changed independently.
Geometric interface - the 3D sound solid provides the opportunity for spatial interac-
tion with sounds.
Transportability - the TBP model may be used to specify sounds in natural terms
rather than device coordinates.
7.8.1 Representational Mappings in TBP ISS
The various information paths in the Information-Perception Space become auditory rep-
resentations when they are mapped to the TBP Information-Sound Space. The angular
axis is qualitative timbre difference, the radial axis is quantitative brightness difference
with order, metric and a zero, and the vertical axis is quantitative pitch difference with or-
der and a metric. The elementary auditory relations in the TBP ISS are shown in Table 7-
100 steps
8 steps
8 steps
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 124
7.9 The SoundChooser
The usual interface to sound in computer and
electronic music systems is a list of around
200 verbally described timbres (e.g. muted
trumpet, pizzicato strings), and a number of
parameters which allow local variations in
the timbre (e.g. reverb depth, vibrato rate).
However the list-style interface only pro-
vides local information about a timbre and
does not allow an overview of the range of
timbres or the relations between them. This
makes it difficult to find a particular timbre in
the list, and to structure timbre relations in
terms of similarity and difference. The
SoundChooser is a graphical user interface
for selecting timbres that is modelled on the
familiar Colour Chooser. The interface,
shown in Figure 7-16, consists of a dial with
an arm which rotates through 360 degrees.
This arm can be directly manipulated to select a timbre angle, or can be set with a numeric
entry box. On the dial arm is a bead which is the radial brightness. This bead may be di-
rectly manipulated or set using a slider or a numeric entry. Pitch height is controlled with
a vertical slider, or a numeric entry. A play button activates the current sound and a cy-
cle button causes the dial to rotate and generate a sequence. Different Timbre Palettes
ISS Mapping TBP description
Boolean Opposite angles 2 very different timbres
Nominal Circle up to 8 categorically different
Ordinal Coil categorically different timbres
ordered by pitch
and zero
Spiral categorically different timbres,
ordered by pitch, with dull zero
Sloped Line dull central zero, -ve and +ve
category timbres, ordered by
Interval Vertical Line ordered change in pitch
Ratio Radial Line ordered change in brightness,
starting from a dull zero
Table 7-14: Elementary representation mappings in TBP ISS
Figure 7-16: SoundChooser
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 125
can be selected with the numeric entry widget at the top of the panel, for example the Stat-
ic Timbre Circle is 1, the Formant Circle is 2 and the Timbre Circle is 3. The SoundChoos-
er makes it easy to search for particular sounds, to remember where sounds are, and to
compare sounds. The user interface of the SoundChooser was implemented with tk/tcl
[Ousterhout J.K. (1994)] and the coordinates were sent to the Csound instrument through
a Unix
7.10 Summary
The HSL colour model makes it easy to choose colours and colour schemes, without an
in depth knowledge of colour theory or principles of colour design. This type of tool is
called a cognitive artefact, because it can help a person to think about a problem in a very
direct manner. This chapter recasts the Hearsay principles of auditory design in the form
of a cognitive artefact, modelled on the HSL colour model. This cognitive artefact for au-
ditory design is called the Information-Sound Space (ISS) because it aligns perceptual
structure with information structure in a spatial organisation.
A blueprint for an ISS was proposed, which has properties that can support the general
range of TaDa information types. The criteria of Zero, Difference, Order, Metric, Range,
and Level were proposed to rate different aspects of auditory perception as candidates for
a prototype realisation of an ISS. The Timbre Circle was the best candidate for the polar
pedestal upon which the space revolves. Other polar candidates were, in rating order, the
Formant Circle, The Static Timbre Circle, and the Pitch Circle. Brightness was selected
as the radial dimension of Timbre that was most separable and observable. It was found
that to be acceptable the brightness radius would have to be perceptually scaled to equal
units of difference and to prevent saturation effects. There were three candidates for the
vertical axle - loudness, duration and pitch. Although loudness was very promising it was
ruled out by ergonomic problems and the difficulty of calibration when the user can easily
change the dynamic range. Pitch was chosen because it can support 100 steps of differ-
ence. The three axes were combined to form a complete prototype, called the Timbre-
Brightness-Pitch (TBP) model. The cylindrical polar system has a categorical timbre an-
gle, an ordered brightness radius, and an ordered pitch axle.
This model of auditory relations has properties that have been derived from the HSL col-
our model, and may have similar benefits in making the design with sounds more direct
and easy to understand. The TBP model embodies both qualitative and quantitative as-
pects of sound perception and provides a framework for data sensitive mappings which
connect data characteristics with perceptual characteristics. Bregman identifies timbre,
brightness and pitch as important for the formation of perceptual streams in auditory scene
analysis, and it is conjectured that this geometric model may be helpful in the visualisation
of streaming, for example selecting points with opposite timbres and large pitch separa-
tion would indicate a high likelihood of stream segregation in sequential presentations.
The SoundChooser interface was built to allow interactive selection of sounds from the
TBP model. This interface is similar to the familiar colour chooser, and allows the user to
quickly select and modify timbres. The observations made in the course of the develop-
ment of the TBP are encouraging enough to motivate further research in this direction.
Chapter 7 Information-Sound Space: a cognitive artefact for auditory design 126
7.11 Limitations
The observations and ratings of the auditory relations against the criteria of the Informa-
tion-Perception Space all came from a single subject - the author. However the nature of
the exercise is an exploration, and the methods and ideas are only just coalescing. There
will need to be a stage of iteration and consolidation before empirical studies of validity
with other subjects can be justified.
The colour model provides access to the entire range of perceptible colours. This is not
the case with the TBP sound model. This limitation is due to the multidimensional nature
of timbre. The selection of the axes which underly the Timbre Circle constrains the range
of timbres to those which can be described in terms of those axes. Access to the greatest
possible range of sounds can be enabled by using the most perceptually salient axes. The
value of the Timbre Circle is that it allows timbres which are spanned by the nominated
axes to be ordered in terms of those axes, irrespective of how they vary in other aspects.
The scaling of each axis in isolation is only a first approximation to a perceptually uniform
space because it does not take into account interactions between them. The linearity of the
space is strongest in the directions aligned to the axes - caution should be exercised in
mapping more complex sequences.
Although the axes of the TBP model are ideally orthogonal none of these aspects of sound
are truly independent. Even pitch and loudness have influence on each other - so for ex-
ample a change in pitch can affect perceived loudness even though the intensity remains
constant [Zwicker E. and Fastl H. (1990)]. Loudness will vary considerably throughout
the model, and this could be corrected using loudness calculation algorithms such as that
described in Zwicker and Fastl as ISO standard 532B [Zwicker E. and Fastl H. (1990)].
It is assumed that all sounds are of constant duration, and that sequences are presented at
a constant rate. The ISS addresses temporal aspects of sound in terms of timbre. Varia-
tions in the durations of sounds in sequences could be addressed by a model of rhythm
The framework does not address harmonicity of simultaneous sounds. For example two
sounds separated by an octave in pitch are quite distant in the TBP model, yet are difficult
to hear separately when they occur together (due to their spectral harmonicity). The incor-
poration of the circle of fifths, which describes pitch similarity, into the pitch axis of the
TBP model (perhaps in the form of Shephards pitch helix) may help here.
The TBP model does not accommodate sounds in that do not have distinct ordered pitch-
es. For example inharmonic bells and gongs can produce sounds with ambiguous pitches,
and percussive instruments can produce sounds where the pitch is very weak or non-ex-
The TBP space makes an assumption that timbre is a categorical aspect of sound that caus-
es it to be identified with some musical instrument. However there is no clear definition
of timbre given. This is not unusual because timbre is a very ill-defined concept.
Chapter 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space 127
8 Gr e y MUMS :
r e a l i s a t i o n o f
a n I n f o r ma t i o n -
S o u n d S p a c e
Beyond these categorical distinctions, the essential goal is that perceptually continuous
auditory attributes are scaled and mapped to data attributes in a way that is meaningful
to the observer. Relevant changes in data should insure a change in what is perceived.
Changes in what is perceived should signify meaningful changes in the data. The appro-
priate scaling functions will probably not exist a-priori. Psychophysical scaling experi-
ments may be needed in order to create perceptual scaling functions through which
collections of auditory stimuli are mapped. This is made feasible only by utilizing a lim-
ited number of auditory tokens with well-understood perceptual properties. This suggests
that sets of tokens be developed and scaled in advance.[Kendall G.S. (1991)]
This chapter describes the realisation of an Information-Sound Space (ISS) organised in
accordance with the TBP Sound Space developed in the previous chapter. The raw mate-
rial for the construction is the McGill University Master Samples (MUMS) reference pal-
ette of musical samples that is specifically intended for research into musical timbre. The
ISS was constructed in 4 stages - the pedestal, the frame, the grating and the plasticine.
The pedestal is 8 equally spaced timbre steps organised in a circle by similarity. The frame
is an arrangement of brightness profiles which define the limits of dynamic range in pitch
and brightness for each timbre. The grating consists of grids of equal differences in bright-
ness and pitch for each timbre. The grating grids are joined on a central axis and radiate
outward like segments of a mandarin. The plasticine is a continuous medium moulded to
the grating and frame to model the behaviour of the overall space. The resulting sculpture
has the property that there is a relationship between distance and the strength of perceptual
grouping between points in the space. A vertical line is a pitch scale, and may be used to
represent continuous data. A radial line is a scale of equal brightness increments for a tim-
bre, and may also be used for continuous data. A circle of constant radius is a contour of
constant brightness across the range of timbres which can be used to represent categorical
data. These properties are a rich area for further experiment with data mappings.
8.1 Raw materials
The ISS is constructed from sounds that have been perceptually organised and scaled. The
construction process requires psychoacoustic data about the relations between the sounds
that are used. The measurement of this data can be a very time-consuming process and
requires expert knowledge. However there already exists some measurements of this kind
for musical instrument timbres - for example Greys multidimensional scaling (MDS)
study. By choosing a musical palette based on these studies we can use the existing results
to build a proof-of-concept ISS. The McGill University Master Samples (MUMS) are a
set of compact discs which include a sample of each note in the pitch range of every in-
strument in a modern orchestra [Opolko F. and Wapnick J. (1995)]. These samples are a
Chapter 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space 128
reference resource specifically intended for timbre research. The value of this resource is
enhanced by the SHARC timbre database which contains a spectral analysis of each
MUMS sample that can be used to calculate brightness and other factors [Sandell G.J.
(1995)]. This data and the palette of samples are the raw materials needed to realise a
proof-of-concept ISS.
8.2 Stages of construction
The Concrete Sound Space is built in four stages, as shown in Figure 8-1 - a pedestal of
support, a frame which defines the boundary, a grating which defines the internal be-
haviour, and the plasticine which is a continuum moulded to the grating and contained
by the frame.
Figure 8-1: Stages of construction of the Concrete Sound Space
8.3 The pedestal
The pedestal is the central organising structure of the space. It is a circle of 8 equally dis-
criminable timbre categories which can represent categorical data types. Different timbres
may be substituted into the arrangement if they meet the criteria of equal perceived dif-
ference between neighbours. In this instance the MUMS collection of musical instrument
samples is the source palette. To construct the pedestal it is necessary to measure the sim-
ilarity between the timbres in some way. There have been quite a few MDS studies of tim-
bre which provide perceptually scaled results depicting similarity relationships between
particular subsets of timbres. MDS has been criticised because the results are based on
small sets of stimuli, the scales of measurement are prescribed and therefore biased, it is
difficult to identify the physical correlates of the dimensions of principal variation, and
new stimuli cannot be inserted into the results without a global restructuring [Pachella
R.G. Somers P. and Hardzinski M. (1981)]. Despite these problems there have been some
convincing correspondences between MDS and other methods of timbre analysis in terms
of identifying principle components of timbre perception in the onset and spectral distri-
bution of a discrete musical sound.
One of the best known MDS studies is Greys scaling of 16 re-synthesised instruments.
The MUMS palette has sampled instruments which correspond with all of those used in
Greys experiment, as shown in Table 8-1. The validity of this substitution might be ques-
tioned since a repetition of the MDS experiment using MUMS samples in place of Greys
resynthesised timbres would likely produce different results. However this does not inval-
idate a categorical substitution where the criterion is relaxed so that the primary structur-
8 equally spaced timbres
Brightness profiles
of each timbre arranged in a circle
Brightness scales
which define the
internal behaviour
Interpolation between
grating points to
form a continuum
Chapter 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space 129
ing is on equal similarity between neighbours rather than on euclidean distance between
all pairwise comparisons. The goal of the exercise is to enable the representation of cate-
gorical data relationships using the categorical nature of timbre perception, and the sub-
stitution is not of timbres but of timbre categories. The categorical substitution can be
justified under the assumption that sounds which originated from similar physical sources
activated in the same manner (e.g. two different cellos) are more perceptually similar than
sounds from sources as physically different as musical instrument families (e.g. a cello
and a flute) which are activated in different ways by bowing and by blowing. This remains
satisfactory because categorical difference is the essential characteristic required for rep-
resenting nominal and ordinal data.
The results from Greys MDS study of 16 re-synthesised musical instruments were pre-
sented in a series of graphic visualisations which showed where each data point lies in the
3D perceptual space. Equally discriminable timbres are scaled according to identified per-
ceptual axes. The dimensions of principal variation were analysed in terms of the spectro-
grams of the data points, and it was found that the Y axis was related to spectral energy
distribution, whilst the X and Z axes were related to temporal aspects of timbre, covarying
with synchronicity in the development of upper harmonics and the presence of low-ener-
gy high-frequency noise during the attack segment. The procedure for selection of a tim-
bre circle from this perceptually measured palette is shown in Figure 8-2. A circle which
encloses the projection of the data points in the temporal plane is divided into 8 segments
of 45 degrees, and the position of each 45 degree increment around the circumference is
nominated to represent the categorical timbre of that segment. Because distance is a meas-
ure of similarity, the data point in the segment lying closest to each of the equally spaced
points on the circumference is allocated to that point. There is only a limited number of
data points available to choose from, so that in the segment where there is no data, the
closest point from the adjacent segment was used (in this case TM). This is only a first
approximation to equal spacing as can be seen by the small difference in distance between
FL and its neighbour S3 on one side, and the much greater distance to its other neighbour
TM. This is a consequence of the sparsity and unevenness of the palette, which might be
addressed by the use of a different set of sounds.
Greys timbre MUMS sample
flute flute, vibrato
cello (muted sul tasto) cello, muted, with vibrato
bass clarinet bass clarinet
saxophone (mf) tenor saxophone
soprano sax soprano saxophone
English horn English horn
bassoon bassoon
trombone (muted) tenor trombone, muted
Table 8-1: Matching Greys resynthesised timbres with MUMS samples
Chapter 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space 130
Figure 8-2: Equally Spaced Timbre Circle in Greys temporal plane
8.4 The frame
The frame defines the boundary of available variation within the space. The frame is con-
structed by joining the brightness profile of each timbre to the central seam of the pedestal
to form a hollow irregular ball-like shape. This shape represents the upper limits of pitch
and brightness for each timbre in the pedestal. The raw material for the frame is the bright-
ness profile which describes how brightness varies with pitch for the outer limits. Each
musical instrument has a unique brightness profile which reflects the spectral variations
at each pitch due to its physics.
In order to make the frame for the TBP Sound Space, the brightness profile of each Grey-
MUMS timbre in the pedestal must be obtained in some way. Relative brightness may be
measured using perceptual streaming, and this method was used in a previous experiment
with a different palette of musical instrument samples [Barrass S. (1994b)]. However
these measurements are very time consuming, and require more formal statistical verifi-
cation across a general survey of individuals. This led to the use of the psychoacoustic
model, shown in Equation 8-1 [Zwicker E. and Fastl H. (1990)], to calculate the bright-
ness of an energy distribution. This model has the advantage that the results are calibrated
in terms of a standard unit, called the Acum, which is defined as the brightness of a 1 crit-
ical bandwidth noise centred at 1 KHz with a sound pressure level of 60 dB.
The calculation requires spectral data for the brightness profiles of each GreyMUMS tim-
bre. The SHARC timbre database contains this data for most of the MUMS samples. The
process of selecting a representative spectrum from a time varying sound is described in
the SHARC documentation [Sandell G.J. (1995)]
The sound le was converted from 44100 Hz to 22050 Hz, and analysed with a Phase
Vocoder (PV).
The longest continuous stretch of time in which the note was at 75% or more of its
maximum amplitude was identied from the PV information. This located the
steady portion of the tone.
An average spectrum was calculated from all the PV frames identied in the previous
step. Then least squares was used to nd the actual PV frame most closely resem-
X3 O2
X axis
Z axis
C1 = E flat clarinet
C2 = bass clarinet
FL = flute
FH = french horn
EH = English horn
BN = bassoon
TM = trombone (muted)
TP = trumpet
O1 = oboe
O2 = another oboe
X1 = saxophone (mf)
X2 = saxophone (p)
X3 = soprano sax
S1 = cello (sul ponticello)
S2 = cello (normal bowing)
S3 = cello (muted sul tasto)
Chapter 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space 131
bling this average spectrum. The point in time corresponding to this PV frame was
designated the representative point.
The brightness of representative spectral frames was calculated with Equation 8-1. The
upper integral is the first moment of specific loudness over the critical band-rate spec-
trum, where Bark is the unit of critical bandwidth [Zwicker E. and Fastl H. (1990)]. The
lower integral is the overall loudness of the spectrum. N is the summed energy in each
critical band, and g(z) is a weighting factor which accounts for the strong increase in
brightness at high frequencies.
Equation 8-1: Acum calculation
A graph for g(z) is provided by Zwicker, but no equation. In order to make calculations a
first order approximation was made by measuring values from Zwickers graph at 1 Bark
intervals in the region from 17 to 24 Bark where the weighting takes effect, as shown in
Table 8-2.
The calculation requires the spectral data to be in band-rate form, which models frequency
spacings along the basiliar membrane. The linear frequency spectra of the SHARC data
can be converted to band-rate, prior to the brightness calculation, with Equation 8-2
[Zwicker E. and Fastl H. (1990)]. The unit of band-rate is the Bark, frequency is in KHz,
the angles returned from the arctan expressions are in radians. When Barks is an integer,
f is the frequency of the dividing line between critical bands.
Equation 8-2: Bark calculation
The brightness profile calculated for each GreyMUMS timbre is shown in Figure 8-3.
Note that the saxophones have dummy profiles set to 1 Acum because, as yet, there is no
SHARC data for these particular instruments.
Bark 0-16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
g(z) 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 3.0 4.0
Table 8-2: Critical band rate weighting factor g(z)
Acum = 0.11
N z d
Barks 13arc 0.76 f ( ) 3.5arc
tan + tan =
Chapter 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space 132
Figure 8-3: Brightness proles of GreyMUMS timbres
8.5 The grating
The grating defines the internal behaviour of the sound space. It is a grid of points which
define regular steps in brightness, pitch and timbre inside the frame of the Sound Space
sculpture. The construction is carried out by measuring a brightness scale for each tim-
bre in the pedestal. A 2D grating segment is extrapolated for each timbre by calibrating
this scale to the brightness profile over the range of pitches. Each segment has a different
shape due to its particular pitch range, brightness profile and brightness scale. The 3D
grating is completed by arranging the segments together inside the frame, like pieces of a
mandarin. This section will describe the process of measuring the brightness scale to build
a grating segment.
The fractionation technique is a way to build a perceptual scales from judgements of half
and double of some perceptual continua. Scales that have been built this way include the
Mel scale of pitch and the Sone scale of loudness. Fractionation has also been used to
build an ordered scale of equal brightness steps for various static spectra [Von Bismarck
G. (1974b)]. Through informal observation it was found that the brightness of the time
varying MUMS samples can also be systematically varied by applying a low pass filter to
attenuate the upper frequencies. This led to the application of the fractionation technique
to create brightness scales for the GreyMUMS samples. All scales were measured at
MIDI note-number 48, except for the soprano sax which was measured at the beginning
of its pitch range at MIDI note-number 61. The maximum brightness of each scale differs
for each timbre. This maximum brightness was divided into 8 equal steps by fractionation.
The dependent parameter had a range of [0 to 127] which adjusted the cutoff frequency
of a first order low pass filter in a linear manner between the fundamental frequency and
the Nyquist frequency (22.5 KHz) of each sample. The results of the experiment are
Chapter 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space 133
shown in Table 8-3 and in Figure 8-4 where each line is the filter cut-off for equal bright-
ness steps of a GreyMUMS sample. These results are merely indicative, and were ob-
tained for only one subject (the author). The purpose in showing the data here is to
illustrate the construction process. The results were further validated by a repetition of the
experiment a week later with a high correlation with the previous data.
Figure 8-4: Filter position vs Brightness step for GreyMUMS timbres
The scales are internally consistent but the maximum brightness (level 8) is not calibrated
across the scales. This calibration can be carried out using the calculated brightness pro-
files which correspond with brightness 8, and are in referenced units of Acums. The grat-
ing segments are built by interpolating the calibrated brightness scale over the pitch range
of the brightness profile. This results in a 2D grid of equal brightness and pitch steps at
each timbre. These grids are arranged in a 3D polar layout to form the 3D grating of meas-
ured data points.
Timbre Bright
Pitch 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.93 48 0 8 20 30 50 65 85 100 127
1.1 48 0 15 25 40 50 70 85 108 127
0.8 48 0 25 35 55 70 85 100 110 127
tenor_sax 1 48 0 8 20 38 50 65 80 100 127
soprano_sax 1 61 0 5 10 15 20 35 50 80 127
1 48 0 10 20 30 45 65 80 100 127
bassoon 0.63 48 0 7 15 30 60 75 90 110 127
0.76 48 0 2 6 10 25 35 50 90 127
Table 8-3: Filter position vs Brightness step for GreyMUMS timbres
Brightness step 8
soprano sax
bass clarinet
tenor sax
English horn
Chapter 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space 134
8.6 The plasticine
The plasticine is a continuous material moulded to the grating which defines the internal
behaviour of the space. Its function is to create a continuum of sounds between the meas-
ured points.
The modelling method was designed to represent the behaviour of a colour output device
from discrete measurements of its behaviour in a perceptual colour space [Bone D.
(1993)]. It consists of a 3D thin plate spline fit to the sparse data points. A 1D mechanical
analog of the spline fitting method is shown in Figure 8-5, and can be imagined as a bit
like a spring mattress.
Figure 8-5: 1D mechanical analog of the spline tting technique
This system of extensible rods joined to form a regular mesh with a spring at each inter-
section node that affects the amount of curvature. Each node is constrained to move along
a vertical line. The sparse data values are attached to this flexible mesh by another set of
springs, and the system minimises a global measure of the curvature of the space. This
model of the behaviour can be used to calculate intermediate values between the original
samples using a 3D linear interpolation. The technique is effective for fitting continuous
non-linear multidimensional data - but the sound space grating posed a problem because
of the discontinuity between the categorical segments which have to be glued together.
The stretchiness of the rods and energy of the springs are parameters which can be adjust-
ed globally at the start of the process to affect the behaviour of the spline material. It was
necessary to carry out a systematic search on this parameter space to find a material with
properties which could accurately represent the frame and grating behaviour of each seg-
ment. The size of the margins between timbres was increased so the interpolation tech-
nique could flow more smoothly across them.
The results of the modelling are shown in the following sequence of figures, which depict
vertical slices through the sound space together with the calculated frame profile for each
segment. It can be seen that there is a good match with the calculated shape.
measured data
accuracy spring
tension spring
stiffness spring
extensible rod
Chapter 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space 135
Figure 8-6: Timbre Leaf - soprano sax / ute
Figure 8-7: Timbre Leaf - English horn / cello
Figure 8-8: Timbre Leaf - bassoon / bass clarinet
flute soprano sax
flute soprano sax
cello English horn
English horn
bass clarinet bassoon
bass clarinet
Chapter 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space 136
Figure 8-9: Timbre Leaf - trombone / tenor sax
The abstract TBP Sound Space has properties which can be used to verify the internal be-
haviour of the concrete realisation. A vertical line should be a pitch scale with constant
brightness and timbre. The pitch scale and timbre constancy were checked both numeri-
cally and by listening. A radial line should be a brightness scale of constant pitch and tim-
bre. This was also checked numerically and by listening. A horizontal slice through the
space should have constant pitch but will vary in timbre and brightness. A representative
subset of points was checked numerically and by listening. A circle of constant radius
should vary in timbre but remain constant in brightness and pitch. The change in timbre
and constancy of pitch were checked numerically and by listening. The testing of bright-
ness constancy by listening proved to be a more difficult problem. The method used was
to repeat the sound sequence at a rate of 1 sound per second for 50 cycles. After a few
repetitions a tune becomes quite distinct (musically known as a Klangfarbenmelodie),
even though all pitches are equal. When the brightnesses of the timbres are similar the
tune becomes more difficult to perceive. It may be that the tune effect is related to the var-
iation in the brightnesses of the sequence of timbres - a flatter more constant profile results
in less variation making the tune more difficult to discern. This effect was used to check
the brightness constancy for regularly spaced brightness contours, by listening for a con-
stant profile Klangfarbenmelodie in each of them.
8.7 GamutExplorer
The GamutExplorer, shown in Figure 8-10, shows the realised Information-Sound Space
in 3 viewing panels - a 3D wireframe, and 2D plan and elevation views. The 3D wire-
frame, on the top-left, can be rotated and tilted to gain an impression of the overall shape
of the sound gamut. The plan view, on the top-right, is a horizontal slice through the space
at a constant pitch. Each timbre is a coloured segment in which the radial dimension is
brightness. If the timbre segment is not visible then it is unavailable at this pitch, as is the
case for the flute and soprano sax in the Figure 8-10. The elevation view, on the bottom-
right, is a vertical cross section through the space showing a pair of opposed timbre-
leaves in complementary colours. The vertical dimension is pitch and the horizontal di-
mension is brightness. The brightness axis is bilateral, with the zero in the middle of the
panel. The increase in brightness, to the left and right, is shown by an increase in colour
saturation. This view also shows the unique pitch range and brightness profile of each tim-
bre, and the region of pitch overlap between the timbres can be seen immediately. Differ-
ent slices can be chosen by directly dragging a cutting line in each view, or by typing
into a text widget. The sound at any point in the plan and elevation views can be heard by
tenor sax trombone
tenor sax
Chapter 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space 137
tapping it with the mouse. If the sound at that point is unavailable, or out-of-gamut, then
a spoken error message such as out-of-pitch range is heard instead.
Figure 8-10: The GamutExplorer
8.8 Summary
This chapter describes the construction of a perceptually organised sound space to support
information representations. The construction was carried out in four stages - the pedestal,
the frame, the grating and the plasticine. The raw material for the construction was the
MUMS palette of musical instrument samples, which is a reference palette for other re-
searchers in the area of auditory perception. The pedestal consists of 8 equally spaced tim-
bre steps organised in a circle by similarity. The frame is an arrangement of brightness
profiles which defines the limits of dynamic range for variation in pitch and brightness at
each timbre. The grating is made up from grids of equal differences in brightness and
pitch for each timbre. These grids are joined on a central axis and radiate outward like seg-
ments of a mandarin. The plasticine is a continuous medium moulded to the grating and
frame to model the behaviour of the overall space. The resulting sculpture has the property
that there is a relationship between distance and the strength of perceptual grouping be-
tween points in the space. A vertical line is a pitch scale, and may be used to represent
continuous data. A radial line is a scale of equal brightness increments for a timbre, and
may also be used for continuous data. A circle of constant radius is a contour of constant
brightness across the range of timbres which can be used to represent categorical data.
These properties are a rich area for further experiment with data mappings and simulta-
neous and sequential presentations of the selections. The GamutExplorer is an interface
that allows you to look at the GreyMUMS space as though it were a 3D coloured solid.
You can hear points in the space by picking them from the sound solid with the mouse.
3D view of the frame
Horizontal Slice of constant pitch 46
bass clarinet
tenor sax
soprano sax
Vertical Timbre Leaves
Chapter 8 GreyMUMS: realisation of an Information-Sound Space 138
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 139
9 Pe r s o n i f y :
c o mp u t e r - a i d e d
d e s i g n f o r
a u d i t o r y d i s p l a y
Needs for future hardware and software include: integrated sonication/visualisation lan-
guages, tools for getting from an imagined sound to a realised sound, the integration of
sonication tools into mass market software like spreadsheets or statistical analysis pack-
ages, and more and better tools for exploratory sonication [Scaletti C. (1994)].
Multi-modal interfaces are becoming increasingly important, and designing sounds for
the human-computer interface is something more people are going to want to do. This
chapter describes the Personify tool that can assist in the design of useful and effective
sounds. The tool integrates a principled design approach with a direct manipulation inter-
face. The guidance provided by the tool makes it quick and easy to use, and improves the
likelihood of producing an effective display.
The chapter begins with an overview of interfaces for handling audio material found in
musical tools. This is followed by an overview of tools that are specialised for auditory
display design, with attention to the way these tools allow you to handle sounds. The Per-
sonify tool is then described in two parts - the Requirements part and the Representation
part. The meshing of the parts as a system is demonstrated in a design scenario that in-
volves resource monitoring by satellite data.
9.1 Tools for handling sounds
Sounds are intangible, insubstantial and hard to get hold of. But computer tools let us han-
dle audio material like clay. We can bend it, fold it, stretch it and mould it. We can shred
it, dice it, slice it and splice it. Some of the most common ways for handling sounds,
shown in Figure 9-1, are a) music notation in composition tools b) caterpillar shadows in
audio editors and c) landscapes in signal processing.
Figure 9-1: Common ways to handle sounds
The computer music community actively investigates new and innovative ways to handle
sounds. An example of the types of interfaces that have been developed is the MAX music
programming tool with which knobs, delay lines, lookup tables and other components can
be wired together to build a music machine. MAX is a visual programming environment
that is simple to learn and quick to produce results, so programming is less of a burden on
pitch amplitude
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 140
musical activity. However MAX is an interface to devices rather than sounds, and the re-
alisation of an imagined sound takes experience and know-how. The Intuitive Sound Ed-
iting Environment (ISEE) was developed to make the realisation of an imagined sound
less complicated. The description of sounds is based on principal components of percep-
tual variation that have been consistently identified in research on timbre by Wessel,
Grey, Plomp, and others. [Wessel D. (1985)], [Grey J.M. (1975)], [Plomp R. (1976)].
ISEE has 4 dimensions - Overtones related to harmonic content, Brightness related to
spectral distribution, Articulation related to onset transient, and Envelope related to tem-
poral envelope speed. A point in the 4D space can be chosen with a pair of 2D coordinate
grids with axes labelled Overtones vs Brightness and Articulation vs Envelope. As the se-
lection point is moved with the mouse the coordinates are mapped to whatever device is
present to produce a timbre with the requested features.
Another direct interface is found in the Chroma3D tool for experimenting with pitch
scales [Moreno E. (1994)]. The central element is a graphic wire-frame of Shephard's
pitch helix that can be rotated and tilted to gain an appreciation of relations between the
pitches. Selections of groups of pitches can be made in terms of the geometric properties
of the model, and are shown as beads on the wire frame view. The selected points are au-
tomatically mapped to the audio device. Chroma3D provides a way to think and interact
with pitch that can lead to new understanding and new scales.
Sounds become even more solid in virtual reality interfaces. An example is the Audio
Browser for navigating a library of sound samples. This interface lets you float through
families of instruments hanging in a 3D Virtual Reality (VR) space [Whitehead J.F.
(1994)]. When an instrument is selected the corresponding sound is heard coming from
the location where it is hanging. You can zoom in and out to get an overall impression of
the library and its layout which can assist in searches and explorations. Another VR inter-
face that has a similar idea is Horrys tool for real time composition [Horry Y. (1994)]. In
this interface there are coloured shapes hanging around that you can pick up and move
with a data glove. The location of each shape affects aspects of the associated sound - such
as frequency, amplitude or stereo position. Paths through the space are compositional op-
erators that vary the sound in specific ways. A single gesture can alter several aspects of
the sound at once.
9.2 Tools for designing auditory displays
Musical tools are very useful and widely used to design auditory displays. However there
are many aspects of auditory display that are not catered for by these tools. Special tools
for auditory display are being developed to address issues such as the faithful representa-
tion of data structure, the support for interaction in user interfaces, and the use of sounds
in information processing applications. Some of the tools include programming libraries,
reusable examples, synthesis algorithms, and rule-based displays. What sets them apart is
the specialist expertise that these tools bring to a particular application area.
Application programming interfaces (APIs) are interfaces to software libraries and hard-
ware drivers that can be linked into a computer program to generate sounds. These APIs
have generally been developed for programming music and multimedia samples, but pro-
vide a platform for auditory display applications too. A popular area of application in au-
ditory display turns the idea of a program for controlling sound on its head by
purposefully using the sounds to assist in programming. Debugging computer software
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 141
can be a tedious process that may involve the reconstruction of events from printouts or
stepwise execution of the code. By placing auditory routines into the code you can get a
higher level impression of the looping, branching and pathways through the code by lis-
tening to it as it executes. An API that was developed specifically for this purpose is the
Listen Specification Language (LSL) which has routines that generate MIDI events from
your program - for example a piano note might trigger every time a particular statement
is reached [Mather A.P. Boradman D.B. and Khandelwal (1994)]. Another example is the
Auditory Domain Specification Language (ADSL) in which programming symbols are
associated with auditory symbols - so for example all for loops may trigger the piano note
[Bock D.S. (1994)].
A different approach is found in the API for ENO, which is a tool that supports the use of
sounds in computer interfaces [Beaudouin-Lafon M. and Gaver W.W. (1994)]. The API
in ENO is based on the auditory icon method that lets you design sounds in terms of eve-
ryday objects and events that cause them [Gaver W.W. (1994)]. The server automatically
handles the synthesis and playback of impacts, scraping events and machine sounds that
are generated by interactions between objects in the interface. Another server-based tool
is the Centralised Audio Presentation System (CAPS) which has an API that supports the
earcon method for designing interface sounds from short musical motifs [Papp A.L. and
Blattner M.M. (1994)]. CAPS has the extra capability that you can prioritise earcons and
rely on the server to automatically maximise the perception of the most important infor-
mation. The interference and masking that can occur when two or more sounds occur at
once are dealt with by a rule-base that dynamically adjusts the display according to per-
ceptual guidelines. The guidelines are observations that were made in an empirical inves-
tigation into the effectiveness of earcons [Brewster S.A. Wright P.C. and Edwards A.D.N.
Programming is usually a text-based activity, so text-based APIs fit in with the way a pro-
grammer normally works. However visual programming environments are an increasing-
ly popular way to program, because they can be easier to learn and quicker to produce
results. Sonnet is program auralisation tool that has a visual programming environment
founded upon the MAX music environment. With Sonnet you can build an auralisation
algorithm by wiring components, such as a Pitch box, NoteOn box, and Counter, together
and connect them to the code [Jameson D.H. (1994)]. Another tool based on MAX has
been developed for data sonification. The Audification Programming Environment (APE)
supports Kramers parameter nesting method for audifying multivariate data. You can
connect data dimensions to the auditory parameters in an environment that supports rapid
iteration and prototyping of the design. A different kind of visual programming is found
in Kyma, which is a tool for both music and auditory display. Kyma has an object-oriented
language which encourages the reuse of components through inheritance. Sonification ex-
pertise is encapsulated in objects that support Scalettis parameter mapping method
[Scaletti C. (1994)]. The sonification objects are examples that can be reused and adapted
in new designs.
The tools that have been developed for designing auditory displays demonstrate that the
specialised focus and knowledge contained in them can improve the likelihood of produc-
ing a useful and effective display. However something that is missing from these tools is
the intuitive and direct manipulation style of the interfaces that have been developed in
music. These observations are summarised in Table 9-1.
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 142
9.3 Introducing Personify
Personify is a tool that integrates the TaDa approach to auditory display design with a di-
rect manipulation interface to sounds. This tool fits in the empty cell at the intersection of
3D Graphic and Auditory Display Design in Table 9-1. The tool is described in 2 parts -
the Requirements part and the Representation part, as shown in Figure 9-2.
Figure 9-2: Introducing Personify
Interface style Music Composition Auditory Display Design
Text APIs for Audio and MIDI LSL, ADSL, ENO, CAPS
2D Graphic Notation, Caterpillars,
Sonnet, APE, Kyma
3D Graphic Landscapes, Chroma3D Personify
Table 9-1: Audio tools
Spiral tool Line tool Unconstrained tool
TaDa Panel
Auditory Display Device
Ta Da
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 143
The Requirements part has 2 main components
the TaDa Panel for capturing information requirements
a rule-base that congures a default representation from the requirements
The Representation part also has 2 main components
interactive tools for tailoring the representation to a device
an auditory display device
Personify is an extension of a tool for choosing colour mappings for scientific visualisa-
tion and satellite imagery applications [Robertson P.K. Hutchins M. Stevenson D. Barrass
S. Gunn C. and Smith D. (1994)]. The extensions include the TaDa Panel, the rule-base,
the auditory display device, and the audio feedback. The tool is implemented in the tk/tcl
language [Ousterhout J.K. (1994)], and C++, on a Sun
9.3.1 The TaDa panel
The TaDa panel is the interface for specifying a representation in Personify. The TaDa
panel has 3 main windows - Info, Data and Compute shown in Figure 9-3. The Info win-
dow is where you enter the information requirements of the problem. The Data window
is where you can browse and load data sets, and read a description of the loaded data-set.
The Compute window maps the loaded data-set through the representational mapping into
a file of sound specifications.
Figure 9-3: The TaDa panel
The Info window has pull down menu buttons for each of the TaDa information descrip-
tors - Reading, Type, Level and Organisation, and a numeric entry for the Range field.
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 144
Under each button is a menu of options as shown in Table 9-2..
The Data window has a description of the data set which is currently loaded for process-
ing. You choose a data set with a pop-up file browser, and the selected set is shown in a
100x100 postage stamp view. The data is expected to consist of 2D arrays of floating
point numbers, called channels, that are stacked like a pile of paper. Tags in the data-file
describe the number of channels and size of the arrays. As each channel is read a histo-
gram is computed, as shown in the Histogram Panel in Figure 9-3. The histogram can be
used to optimise the mapping of the data into the representation, or to select subsets of the
data for mapping. Something that is missing from the data-file is a description of the data
type in terms of {nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio}. Since the satellite data is always
floating point there is an assumption that only ratio data is ever involved. However this
may not always be the case - for example classification data is often encoded numerically
by floating point numbers which act as surrogate categories. This type of data can be ob-
served in the histogram as discrete spikes. Mistaking this data for continuous data can lead
to misleading and hard-to-interpret representations. The Data window has a set of Type
descriptors where the ratio default can be changed if you know more about the data. It may
be possible to set this field automatically by analysing the histogram, although telling or-
dinal from nominal, and interval from ratio may be impossible.
The Compute window has controls for mapping from the data-file to a file of sound spec-
ifications. The Start button begins computing the mapping for all the data, and the Stop
button can stop the process at any time. A status bar progressively shows the amount of
data that has been processed. There is a default representation, or you can tailor the rep-
resentation to maximise the range on the display device. The default representation is con-
figured from the information and data descriptions by rules that are described in the next
section. The tools for tailoring the design are described after that.
9.4 The rule-base
The rule-base takes the requirements captured by the TaDa Panel and configures a repre-
sentation to meet them. The rules adhere to the Hearsay principles developed in
Chapter 6. The representation is selected from among the templates developed in
Chapter 7. The rule-base is described in detail in the following subsections.
Info Reading
The Info reading can be {direct or conventional}. If the Reading is {direct} then only the
Reading Type Level Organisation
direct boolean local category
conventional nominal intermediate time
ordinal global location
ordinal-with-zero alphabet
ordinal-bilateral continuum
Table 9-2: Info menu options
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 145
constrained selection tools are available, and the constraints are switched on. These tools
guarantee that the display adheres to the Hearsay principles. Setting the Reading to {con-
ventional} activates the Unconstrained tool that lets you choose a set of sounds in any way
you please, perhaps for experiments, music or whatever.
If InfoReading is direct then enable the constrained tools
If InfoReading is conventional then enable the Unconstrained tool
Info Type
The Info-Type field is used to look-up a mapping that has the required perceptual proper-
ties of difference, order, metric and zero. The mapping schemes are geometric paths
through Information-Sound Space (ISS). The conjunction of the path and the organisation
of the ISS forms a sequence with specialised information properties. There are two basic
paths - a spiral and a line, that can be configured to form coils, circles, arcs, sloped lines,
vertical lines, and radial lines. The configuration is set by the InfoType according to the
following rules
If InfoType is boolean then congure the Line tool for opposite timbres.
If InfoType is nominal then congure the Spiral tool as a circle
If InfoType is ordinal then congure the Spiral tool as a coil
If InfoType is ordinal-with-zero then congure the Spiral tool as a spiral
If InfoType is ordinal-bilateral then congure the Line tool as a bilateral line
If InfoType is interval then congure the Line tool as a vertical line
If InfoType is ratio then congure the Line tool as a radial line
Info Level
The Info Level can be {local, intermediate or global}. This setting changes the duration
of auditory elements in a mapped file. When the level is local the sounds in the mapped
file are all 1 second long, which is enough time to analyse and judge aspects such as tim-
bre or brightness. Setting the level to global makes the sounds 10 times shorter so that in-
dividual elements cannot be easily analysed, but groups can be heard as a granular texture.
The influence of timbre, brightness and pitch on auditory grouping cause the texture to
contain streams that correspond with clusters of data with similar values. You may imme-
diately answer questions like are there any outliers in this data? by listening for ele-
ments that pop-out from the main texture. Between global and local is the intermediate
setting where a wider range of data values stream together, and fewer streams are heard.
If InfoLevel is local then set duration to 1 second
If InfoLevel is intermediate then set duration to 0.2 second
If InfoLevel is global then set duration to 0.1 second
Info Organisation
The Info Organisation can be {category, time, location, alphabet, continuum}. For exam-
ple planning a driving route can be done with a map, which is organised by location. How-
ever once you start driving and your eyes are on the road it is better to have a navigator
tell you when to turn and which roads to take. You can get where you are going either by
remembering the roads from a visual map, or hearing directions as you need them. The
task and information is the same but the organisation is different.
Ideally the organisation of the information in the display could be changed interactively,
as required. Personify operates on files, and display reorganisation is left to the display
interface. However Personify can reorganise the mapped file so that the most important
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 146
dimension is the primary index for accessing elements. The reorganisation from the input
data organisation to a different representational organisation occurs as the data is mapped
to the output file. Each dimension of the output file has an identification tag for decoding
its organisation.
If InfoOrg is category then tag the rst dimension as category
If InfoOrg is time then tag the rst dimension as time
If InfoOrg is location then tag the rst 1,2, or 3 dimensions as spatial x,y, or z
If InfoOrg is alphabet then tag the rst dimension as category and organise the catego-
ries according to a convention.
If InfoOrg is continuum then tag the rst dimension by the continuous property
Info Range
The Info Range is the number of answers to the scenario question. For example a question
such as has the vegetation increased in this region may have the answers {decreased a
lot, decreased, no change, increased, increased a lot} which has an InfoRange of 5. The
InfoRange sets the number of discriminable auditory elements in the representation. The
data is automatically mapped into representation elements, by segmenting the data into
InfoRange bins, and mapping each bin to a representational element.
Segment the representation path into InfoRange equally spaced elements
Segment the data into InfoRange bins
Map each bin to the corresponding representation element
9.5 Tailoring tools
The tailoring tools let you handle sounds as though they were a tangible coloured material
of some kind. The coloured solid shows the range of sounds that can be produced by a
display device, and is called the display gamut. The gamut can be rotated and sliced to get
a feel for its 3D shape. Categorical timbre differences are shown by categorical differenc-
es in colour hue, so a flute timbre might be red and a saxophone timbre might be green.
Ratio differences in sound brightness are shown by ratio differences in colour saturation.
Metric differences in pitch are shown by metric differences in lightness. The tailoring
tools have two views that are horizontal and a vertical slices through the gamut. Paths can
be drawn on the slices to specify sets of sounds to be produced by the device. The paths
should not stray outside the gamut because this means that the display cannot produce that
sound. The paths can be adjusted with the mouse, to make sure they fit the display. The
tailoring tools behave a lot like familiar drawing tools, but the behaviour is constrained to
adhere to the Hearsay principles. Three tools have been implemented - a Spiral tool, a
Line tool and an Unconstrained tool, which are described in the following sub-sections.
9.5.1 Spiral tool
The Spiral tool, shown in Figure 9-4, has 3 windows where you can design a 3D spiral
path through the display gamut. These are the horizontal view at the top of the panel, the
vertical view below it, and the collection of control widgets to the right of the slice views.
The horizontal view shows a coloured cross-section through the device gamut, inside a
circle marked with 45 degree segments that correspond with different timbre categories.
The sounds of all the points in this slice have the same pitch, but vary in timbre and bright-
ness. You can listen to any point in the slice by tapping it with the mouse. If you tap a
region outside the gamut you will get a spoken message that says out-of-gamut. The
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 147
gamut slice is overlaid by a blue arc that is the selection spiral. The spiral can be directly
manipulated by green handles on the ends to change the angular extent, and hence the
range of timbres that are selected. If the endpoints are moved to different radial positions
the path is a flat spiral that selects timbres with an ordered change in brightness. The red
line that passes through the centre of the window can be rotated to choose which slice is
shown in the vertical view in the other window.
The vertical view shows a pair of complementary timbre leaves in complementary col-
ours. The vertical dimension is pitch and the horizontal is bilateral brightness that radiates
to the left and right from the central axis. This view shows how the maximum brightness
of each timbre changes with pitch, and also the unique pitch limits of each musical instru-
ment that the timbres have been sampled from. The spiral path is shown as a blue curve
overlaid on the timbre leaves. In this view there are two green sliding bars that change the
pitch height of each endpoint to spread the spiral in the vertical direction. The spread spi-
ral is a coil that selects timbres at different pitches. There is a horizontal red line that can
be moved to change the slice that appears in the horizontal view above it.
Figure 9-4: Spiral tool
The control window has 6 subsections - Device, Slice, Selection, Mapping, Sound, and
Strategy. The Device subsection has a file browser that you can pop-up to choose a dis-
play device. Different devices have different characteristics that are reflected by the shape
of the gamut as seen in the slice views. The gamut of each device constrains what auditory
relations may be realised on that device. The Slice section has fields where you can nu-
merically set the coordinates of the horizontal and vertical slices. In the Selection section
you can also numerically specify the coordinates that shape the selection path, such as the
coordinates of the endpoints of the spiral. The Mapping section has a slider where you can
Display device
Leaves 0-180
Pitch 65
# elements
of the mapping
View selectors
settings for the
spiral tool
Play the audio
generate the
audio mapping
The Spiral
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 148
set the number of elements that the path is divided into. This slider is automatically set
from the TaDa Panel by the InfoRange rule. The selected set of elements is shown in a
coloured legend to the right of the slider. Individual elements from this legend can be
heard by tapping them with the mouse. Several elements can be highlighted with the mid-
dle mouse for simultaneous playback. This is so you can listen to how well 2 or more el-
ements separate when they are heard at the same time. Below the Mapping is the Sound
section. At the top of this section is a duration entry which affects how long each sound
will be when it is played. The duration is automatically set from the TaDa Panel by the
InfoLevel rule. Beneath duration is the Update button that causes the selected set of
sounds to be generated by the display device. The results can be heard by pressing the play
button, and played over and over by pressing the loop button next to it. Finally the Strat-
egy section affects what happens to parts of the representation path that stray outside the
range of the device. The {None} option causes out-of-gamut to be spoken for these
points. The {Pitch} option maps out-of-gamut points back into gamut along a radial path
of constant pitch.
9.5.2 The Line tool
The Line tool, shown in Figure 9-5, differs from the Spiral tool only in the path that may
be chosen. The line is shown in blue in the vertical view. In this tool the path is a straight
line with either its mid-point or one end tied to the central vertical axis.
Figure 9-5: Line tool
When the mid-point is tied it is a bilateral line that guarantees that a central zero will be
heard through brightness and timbre variation. When the end-point is tied it is a radial line
of constant timbre with a brightness zero at one end. The length of the line is adjusted by
the radius of the green circle in the horizontal view, or the vertical green bars in the ver-
cello clarinet
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 149
tical view. You can adjust the slope of the line with the two horizontal green handle-bars
in the vertical view. This causes the selection to have a pitch order.
9.5.3 Unconstrained tool
The Unconstrained tool allows you to choose an array of up to 256 sounds in any way you
wish. The sounds can be selected from the space individually, or using paths between
pairs of points. You may highlight regions of a mapping by a change in pitch or timbre
that really stands out from the other parts of the set, or experiment with new representa-
tions, or use the interface to select sounds for music, or other purposes.
The interface, shown in Figure 9-6, has the horizontal and vertical slice views just like the
other tools. There is an extra window on the left of these panels that provides the space
for the extended set of 256 sounds that are shown as cells in an array. Beneath the array
are a variety of buttons for selecting different paths between the points in the array, for
example a line, a spiral, a flat region and so on. Some editing operators let you flip, rotate,
cut and paste parts of the array. Below the editing panel are some buttons for setting the
format for writing the array to disc. There are 6 options - a lookup table of coordinates, an
image of coloured pixels, raw bytes, ascii text, Csound score specifications, and an audio
sequence. This range of formats is for exporting the selected array of sounds into other
Figure 9-6: Unconstrained tool
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 150
9.6 Display device
The auditory display device, shown in Figure 9-7, is a compound of software and hard-
ware that is capable of producing auditory relations specified by device-independent ISS
coordinates. The device is glued together by a Display object which coordinates and com-
municates with the components through Unix pipes. There are 4 components - a mapping
from ISS coordinates to device parameters, a gamut that characterises the range of sounds
on a particular display, a sound engine, and an audio output system. The Display object
passes the ISS coordinates that specify a set of sounds through the mapping to device pa-
rameters, sends these parameters to the sound engine, and then plays the result on the au-
dio output system. The mapping and gamut were described in Chapter 8. The sound
engine is the Csound audio synthesis and processing software [Vercoe B. (1991)]. The au-
dio output system is the Sun 16 bit, 44.8 kHz stereo dbri audio device.
Figure 9-7: The auditory display device
9.7 Personify in action
The parts of Personify are demonstrated working together as a system in a design scenar-
io. The scenario is drawn from the domain of resource monitoring by remote-sensed sat-
ellite data ...
Remote sensed satellite data can provide information for urban planning, resource man-
agement and environmental impact studies. The Landsat image of Canberra, in Figure 9-
8, shows change in landcover by colour variation, where grey=no change, red= loss of
vegetation, blue= increase in vegetation, dark=landcover loss, light=landcover increase
[Graetz D. Fisher R. and Wilson M. (1992)]. New suburbs, where houses replace grass-
land on the perimeter of the city, are seen as light red areas, whilst pastures transformed
by forest plantations appear light green. The large grey blob in the centre is Lake Burley-
Grifn which provides a reference for no change. These images can help an analyst
answer questions such as where did the greatest change in landcover occur?, is the
change due to vegetation?, has there been an increase in the landcover overall? and so
on. These are questions at the overall and intermediate levels. However it is difcult to
answer questions about a single point, particularly in a highly variegated regions,
because high spatial frequencies in hue can exceed the resolving capability of the eye
[Rogowitz B.E. and Treinish L.A. (1993b)]. Can we design a display that allows the user
to hear information about the landcover that is difcult to see in the image? Since it is the
local information about vegetation that is most difcult to see we may improve the dis-
play by providing this information with sounds.
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 151
Figure 9-8: Landcover difference for Canberra between 1972 and 1988
The design process begins with a TaDa analysis of information requirements, shown in
Figure 9-9. The scenario is recast as a Question how much change in vegetation at this
location? with answers {large decrease, decrease, no change, increase, large increase}.
The Subject of the question is the change in vegetation.
Figure 9-9: .TaDa for LandCover
Satellite images show regions well but the
colour of a single pixel or very small area
is hard to see, especially in highly variegat-
ed regions. What we would like to do is de-
sign a display that allows the user to hear
local information about the vegetation that
is difficult to obtain visually from the im-
Reading direct
Type ordinal-bilateral
Level local
Organisation location
Range 5
Generic how much here ?
Purpose judge
Mode interactive
Type discrete/procedure
Style exploration
Type ratio
Range ??
Organisation location
TaDa Analysis
Title LandCover
Storyteller S.K.
Question how much change in
vegetation at this
location ?
Answers --, - 0, +, ++
Subject change in vegetation
Sounds ???
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 152
The Question key is the bridge from the scenario to the Task analysis, which has fields
{Generic, Purpose, Mode, Type, and Style}. The Generic question is obtained by remov-
ing the Subject from the Question to obtain how much at this location?. The purpose is
to judge how much the change in landcover is due to plant growth. The mode is interactive
because it involves a shift in attention between different parts of the display as new ques-
tions arise. The task type is discrete/procedural because a new query can only be made
after the previous one has been answered. Although the demonstration only involves a
single data-set the aim is to design a display that can answer the same questions for other
data-sets as well. This makes the Style exploratory because we dont know what informa-
tion will appear when other data-sets are loaded.
The Answers key is analysed in the Info section, which has the fields {Reading, Type,
Level, Organisation and Range}. The Reading is direct which indicates that the listener
should be able to hear an answer quickly, correctly, and confidently without much train-
ing. The answers are an ordered sequence with no change in the middle and increase
and decrease either side that is typically ordinal-bilateral. The Level is local because the
answer is about individual points. The Organisation of the information is by location in a
map. The Range is 5 because this is the number of answers that must be clearly discrim-
The Subject key is analysed in the Data section. Vegetation is measured by electromag-
netic reflectance of the earths surface in a particular band (in the infra-red). The measure-
ments are ratio data to start with, because there is a zero at no reflectance. In the example
the measurements for 1972 have been subtracted from 1988 to get the difference which is
still ratio data, but now has a signed component. At this stage we do not know the Range
of the data. The Organisation is by location - each data element is related to its neighbours
by location in a 2D array with spatial coordinates.
The results of the TaDa analysis can be entered into the TaDa Panel in Personify, as
shown in Figure 9-10. Setting the Reading to {direct} enables the constrained tools. Set-
ting the Type to {ordinal-bi} configures the Line tool for a sloped line with a central zero.
Setting the Level to {local} configures the duration of the mapped sounds to be 1 second
so you can listen to individual elements. Setting the Organisation to {location} causes the
mapped elements to be organised by their spatial location. The satellite image, called
D01_Canberra.ksf is loaded with the file browser, and shown as a small postage stamp
image. As the file is loaded a histogram of the data is computed. The Data section indi-
cates 3 channels of principal components data. The channels in the histogram window are
labelled brightness, ch_bright (change in brightness) and ch_green (change in greenness).
It is the 3rd channel that contains the vegetation landcover information that we are inter-
ested in. Channel 3 has been selected and set to ratio in the Data window, causing the his-
togram for the channel to be shown in the histogram view where we see that the Data
Range is -62.5905 to 131.0.
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 153
Figure 9-10: The TaDa Panel for the LandCover design
Once the TaDa Panel has been filled-in the design process moves from the Requirements
to the Representation stage. This stage involves consideration of how people can hear the
required information in sounds, and what sounds the display device can produce. This is
where the gamut view and graphic selection tools can help. The best tool for the job is
automatically chosen by the rule-base, and is activated by pressing the Tailor Sequence
button below the Data window in the TaDa Panel. In this instance the Line tool pops-up
configured for a bilateral-ordinal sequence. The default display device is the Grey-
MUMSSoundModel. Another auditory display could be chosen, if there was one, but for
now GreyMUMS is all there is. Initially the tool shows timbre leaf 180-0 which is the so-
prano-sax and flute. The pitch range of the soprano sax is limited to about 15 semitones,
so I chose to move to the 90-270 leaf which has a wider pitch range that maximises the
difference between {large decrease} and {large increase} answers. The snapshot in Fig-
ure 9-11 shows the pitch going from a low of 31 to a high of 52 - a range of 21 semitones.
The path is automatically divided into 5 equally spaced pitches, one for each answer. The
difference of 5.2 semitones between each is easy to discriminate in comparisons. If you
look at the vertical view in the Figure you can see that the upper endpoint of the path ex-
tends beyond the gamut of the display - which means that this sound cannot be produced
on this display. The solution is to grab the vertical green handle and pull the endpoint into
gamut - though the brightness of the lower extrema is also reduced by the bilateral con-
straint. Pitch does not have a natural zero, so the zero that corresponds with no change is
provided by brightness instead. The change in timbre between the decrease and increase
segregates these categories, so that you can discriminate between them.
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 154
Figure 9-11: Line tool for the LandCover design
The final set of sounds and the answers they provide are shown in Table 9-3. There are
many other palettes of sounds that could have been chosen like this. However, they would
all share the same information properties in terms of difference, order, metric and zeros,
because the tool is constrained to align the relations between the sounds with the relations
between the information elements.
answer sound palette
{large decrease} clarinet, pitch 31, brightness 40
{decrease} clarinet, pitch 36, brightness 20
{no change} clarinet, pitch 41, brightness 0
{increase} bassoon, pitch 46, brightness 20
{large increase} bassoon, pitch 51, brightness 40
Table 9-3: LandCover palette
cello clarinet
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 155
9.7.1 The ImageListener
Once the set of auditory information ele-
ments has been chosen the data loaded in the
TaDa Panel can be mapped into sounds by
pressing the Start button. The output is
saved as a 2D array of sound specifications
or audio pixels. These specifications can
be sent to be realised on the auditory display
device. You could load the mapped file into
an image browser to look at it, but since the
pixels are sounds rather than colours that
doesnt make much sense. The ImageLis-
tener, shown in Figure 9-12, is an integrated
audiovisual display that lets you see the im-
age and hear the sounds at the same time.
The tool works by loading an image file and
displaying it in a window, and also loading
the file of audio pixels. Because both files
are organised by location you can tap a point
in the image and use this coordinate to re-
trieve a pixel from the sound file. The audio
pixel is passed to the Display object which
generates the sound.
The image provides overall and intermediate information, while local information is ob-
tained by tapping on points of interest with the mouse. You can make interactive local
queries and comparisons between points that are hard to see. I found that in regions of ap-
parent uniformity, such as the green patch just north of Lake Burley-Griffin, there are
scattered anomalies that are much easier to hear than see. I found the auditory answers
were clear and easy to make in comparisons. The order of the sounds is immediately heard
from the pitches. The relative brightness differences were not so easy to hear, and the per-
ception of order was dominated by pitch. For example a question like which is the more
extreme required careful listening to judge the relative brightnesses when one point was
{increase} and the other was {large decrease}. Although not as immediate as expected I
was able to attend to the brightness of a sound better after several minutes of experience
with the display.
Although the representation works for comparisons between elements, the absolute an-
swers were not as direct. I found it quite difficult to identify the pitches, even though they
differed by 5 semitones which is a large amount in relative terms. I could tell that a pitch
was in the higher or lower part of the range, but could not say with confidence that it was
second from the top or top. The identification of which side of the zero an element was
from was made much easier by the two timbres. It only took a few trials before I could
confidently identify the sax and bassoon, and associate each with decrease and increase.
The {no change} answer could be listened for by a characteristic dullness, but it was not
an intuitive zero.
It was hard to ear the ordered difference been timbres of different brightness, and the
brightness zero was not easy to hear either. These observations lead me to conclude that
perhaps one of the other candidates for the zero axis, such as loudness, or duration, might
be more suitable for representing local information. Brightness may be better for higher
Figure 9-12: The ImageListener
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 156
level displays that involve streaming. On the other hand I did find that within a few min-
utes of using the display I could always answer even the absolute questions correctly from
the sounds.
9.8 Summary
Sounds are becoming common in human-computer interfaces, and designing these sounds
is something more people are going to want to do. Musical tools can be helpful but they
do not address issues of data representation that are important in auditory display. Tools
specifically for auditory display are developing, but the programming style approach that
is current is not as direct as some interfaces for composing music. Personify is a tool that
integrates a rule-based method for auditory display design with a direct manipulation in-
terface. The tool has 2 main parts - the Requirements part and the Representation part. The
Requirements part is made up of the TaDa Panel that captures the information require-
ments, and the rule-base that uses the requirements to configure a default representation.
The Representation part is made up of Tailoring tools for fitting the representation to the
display, and the display device for realising the sounds. Personify was demonstrated in a
scenario about resource monitoring by satellite data. The resulting audiovisual display
shows higher level information by a colour image, and provides local information that is
hard to see, in sound. The required information was easy to hear and understand from the
display, indicating that Personify can provide assistance for designing an effective dis-
9.9 Limitations and further work
The informal observations about the effectiveness of the display could be used to special-
ise an Information-Sound Space to provide absolute answers to local questions. After im-
provements have been made and tested a more formal validation of the display could be
The image shows both the landcover and the vegetation at the same time, by ordered var-
iations in two separable dimensions of colour - lightness and saturation. However this bi-
variate representation does not adhere to the Hearsay principles. Two zeros are needed -
one for {no change} in landcover and one for {no change} in vegetation. However the
zero in the lightness series is a mid-grey colour which is not directly perceptible as a zero.
The lake in the middle of Canberra is the reference that is needed to judge whether the
landcover has increased or decreased in other regions of the display. Without the lake it
would only be possible to judge extreme cases. The problem is not too bad because the
information in the image comes from relations between elements. However the problem
is very important at the local level, because only individual elements are involved in a
judgement, and so no comparison can be made with a reference (if it is to be a direct dis-
play). The same problem occurs with the Information-Sound Space which has its charac-
teristics modelled on the colour space. There is only one natural zero, so bivariate ratio
information cannot be directly represented at the local level. This problem raises the issue
of restructuring the Information-Perception Space to provide capabilities that cannot be
realised by colour but may be possible in other perceptual representations. For example
the IPS could be configured so the vertical dimension has a central zero. Another possi-
bility is to organise the display to present two pieces of information at the same location.
In the auditory display this may be done in time, spectrum or space. We could represent
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 157
both landcover and vegetation with the same auditory set by playing pairs in unison or se-
The ImageListener is a 2D arrangement of mapped data values presented as coloured pix-
els, which preserves the spatial relationships in the data as spatial dimensions of the im-
age. The image provides the context for selection of individual points which may be heard
by tapping them with the left mouse button. Currently the way to compare two points is
by tapping them one after the other. This is an organisation in time. An organisation of
answers by spectrum could be enabled by allowing the simultaneous sounding of 2 points
at once. One way to do this could be Sonic Pins which may be placed into the image, much
like map pins. Local elements with pins of the same colour would repeat in synchrony,
allowing intermediate level comparison and correlation type queries.
Another way to provide higher levels of auditory information could be to take the tech-
nique from Chapter 6 of changing the duration of the sounds. A region of elements around
the mouse cursor could all be tapped at the same time and heard as a group by a granular
synthesis. The timbre, brightness and pitch of the sounds are strong factors in perceptual
grouping, so that regions comprised of different elements may be perceptually discrimi-
The ImageListener is a display where the image provides the global information and the
sounds provide local information. However this is not the only organisation that is possi-
ble. In Virtual Reality applications the sounds may provide global information about the
surroundings in an immersive interface, and the visuals may provide for local detail. Dis-
play interfaces for information with other organisations also need to be built - for example
for information organised in time, or in concurrent series. Again we can look to musical
interfaces where there are many tools for organising concurrent channels of information
in time.
Interactive queries need to be answered immediately. The delay between tapping a loca-
tion and hearing the sound is about two seconds which is noticeably sluggish. A faster
Display could be implemented for the ImageListener to provide more interactive re-
sponse. This Display might have a lookup table of pre-computed audio files. The audio
file could then be sent straight to the audio device. This technique bypasses the mapping
from ISS to device parameters, and the synthesis by the Sound Engine, which are both
computationally expensive processes.
Chapter 9 Personify: computer-aided design for auditory display 158
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 159
1 0 Ta Da !
d e mo n s t r a t i o n s
o f a u d i t o r y
i n f o r ma t i o n
d e s i g n
Broad categories for further study include further and more sophisticated examples of
sonication applied to specic problems. [Scaletti C. (1994)]
This chapter describes the design of auditory displays for 4 information processing sce-
narios drawn from mining exploration, resource planning and climatology applications.
The RiverAndRain scenario is about the siting of a new sewerage treatment works to min-
imise the environmental impact on a river system. The PopRock scenario involves the as-
sessment of risk in digging a mineshaft. The cOcktail scenario is about modelling climate
change from measurements of oxygen isotopes in sea-bed drill-core sites. The LostIn-
Space scenario is about navigating back to an interesting place through irregular struc-
tures in a 3D visualisation of geology. Experiences with the multimedia interfaces that
were implemented shows that the sounds can provide information that is difficult to ob-
tain visually, and can improve the usefulness of the display.
Besides showing ways that sounds can be useful, the demonstrations also show how the
TaDa approach to design works in practice. The hybrid system of case-based and rule-
based methods and tools that support the approach are shown in Figure 10-1. Facets of the
system, and how they fit together, are highlighted in the demonstrations, which follow.
Figure 10-1: A system of methods and tools to support the TaDa approach
Case-based Design
Rule-based Design
Ta Da
Ta Da
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 160
10.1 RiverAndRain
The Department of Water Resource is planning a new treatment plant on a river system.
An important consideration in the plan is to minimise the environmental impact of the
plant on the river system. Engineers have developed hydrological models to predict chem-
ical concentrations and sediment levels along the river [Booty W. and Wong I.W.S.
(1994)]. These predictions are to be presented to an audience who may not have in-depth
expertise but who need to understand the implications quickly, correctly and confidently.
The need for direct presentation led to the development of a visualisation of the river sys-
tem over a one year period. Changes in chemical concentrations and sediment are seen by
changes in the colours of segments of the river in an animated sequence that lasts about 3
minutes, a frame of which is shown n Figure 10-2. Different animations show different
chemicals. Rainfall is an important influence on the river, and a bar graph of rainfall levels
is in the upper right corner of the display. A yellow cursor moves along under the graph
so you can look up the rainfall at the current date as the animation progresses. To see the
influence of the rain on the river you can watch the cursor, lookup the graph and then look
at the section of the river that interests you. In this way you may notice correspondences
between the rainfall record and the chemical concentration at some site. However it can
be easy to miss important relations whilst looking back and forward between elements of
the display. An improvement would reduce the amount of time spent shifting visual atten-
tion to-and-for to obtain the information.
Figure 10-2: A frame from a RiverAndRain animation
10.1.1 TaDa analysis
The first stage of the design process is always a TaDa analysis of the information require-
ments. The information required by the RiverAndRain scenario can be recast as the Ques-
tion {what is the rainfall level now?}. The Answers to the Question are {none, low,
medium, high}. The Subject of the Question is the rainfall level. The TaDa analysis of
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 161
these Keys is summarised in Figure 10-3.
Figure 10-3: TaDa analysis for RiverAndRain
The Task section is an analysis of the Question Key. The Generic question obtained by
removing the Subject from the Question is {how much is it?}. The Purpose is to {judge}
how much rainfall there is. The Mode is {background} because the primary question in
the display is {what is the influence of rainfall on the river?} which requires the correla-
tion of both visual and auditory information. The Type is {continuous/tracking} because
the animation is 3 minutes of continuous information. The Style is {presentation} because
the display is designed specifically for this particular data set, and will not change after it
has been realised.
The Information section is an analysis of the Answers Key. The Reading is {direct} be-
cause the presentation should be quickly understood without training, and the observers
should be confident of the answers they understand from the display. The Type is {ordi-
nal-with-zero} because there are 4 ordered answers that include {none}. In a {direct} dis-
play these answers are perceptually ordered, and the {none} answer doesnt require a
categorically different symbol to be learnt. The Level is {local} because the answers are
about the rainfall at a single place in the region. The Organisation is {time} because each
answer occurs at a unique time that separates it from other answers. The Range is {4} be-
cause there are 4 appropriate answers.
The Data section is an analysis of the Subject Key. The Type is {ratio} because the rainfall
measurements have difference, order, metric and a natural zero. The Range of the rainfall
is from 0.0 to 253.0 mm in a 3 day period. The Organisation of the rainfall is {time} be-
cause each measurement was made over a unique 3 day interval that separates it from oth-
er measurements made at the same weather station.
A graphic animation of the effect of rain-
fall on chemical levels in a river system is
used to help plan a site for a new sewage
works. However it is difficult to watch the
changes in the river and the rainfall graph
at the same time, and the change in visual
attention required also makes it difficult to
understand relationships between these
Reading direct
Type ordinal-with-zero
Level global
Organisation time
Range 4.
Generic how much is it?
Purpose judge
Mode background
Type continuous/track
Style presentation
Type ratio
Range 0.0-253.0
Organisation time
TaDa Analysis
Title RiverAndRain
Storyteller S.K.
Question how much rainfall is
there now?
Answers none, low, med, high
Subject rainfall
Sounds ???
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 162
10.1.2 Rule-based design with Personify
The TaDa analysis of the RiverAndRain scenario
was entered into the TaDa Panel of the Personify
Tool (see Chapter 9), as shown in Figure 10-4. The
Info selections were set to Reading ={direct}, Type
= {ordinal-with-zero}, Level = {local}, Organisa-
tion = {time}, and Range = {4}. The Data is de-
scribed as {1 channel} of {ratio} data in the Panel.
The default tailoring tool selected by the rule-base
is the Line tool configured with one end tied to the
central axis to give a perceptual zero.
There is a browser at the top of the Line tool where
you can select a display device to tailor the design
to. The target display is a laptop PC with a 486DX
chip running at 33 MHz, a VGA 16 colour monitor,
and 16 bit, 44.1 kHz audio. The software component is Macromind Director
. The ani-
mation rate is 2 frames per second for the images, and the audio is limited to 8 kHz sample
rate to prevent drop-outs due to CPU and I/O load. These display characteristics must be
considered for a successful realisation of the design. However a display model has not
been perceptually measured for this display, so there is no gamut visualisation to provide
guidance in the tailoring for the display. A first pass design was made with the existing
GreyMUMS display, which has a gamut of sounds with a 44.1 kHz sample rate (see
Chapter 8). The Line tool was adjusted to a maximum brightness of 20% of the range of
the GreyMUMS display, as shown by the radius of the selection circle in the horizontal
slice view in Figure 10-5. This range constraint is an approximation to the maximum
brightness for 8 kHz samples on the target display.
Figure 10-5: Sound design for RiverAndRain
Figure 10-4: TaDa Panel for
cello clarinet
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 163
The sound palette that was selected is shown in Table 10-1. This palette was generated at
44.1 kHz Sun
.au format, then down-sampled to 8 kHz .wav format for the PC. The
down-sampling does not alter the brightness of the sounds because they were constrained
to be 8 kHz in the first place. The sound files were down-loaded to the PC and linked to
appropriate image frames in the animation sequence to produce the final multimedia dis-
The first test of the display was rather disappointing - all the sounds were identical except
for a solitary outlier. The one interesting thing was that this unusual point (a torrential
rainfall event) signals a sudden significant change in the river. The problem in the sound-
track is explained by looking at a histogram of the data. The torrential event is so extreme
that it has caused all other rainfall events to be binned together into the {none} category,
as shown in Histogram 1 of Figure 10-6. In a case like this it is common to remove the
influence of the upper and lower 5% of elements on the selection of the bins. However
this would hide the significance the torrential outlier amongst all the other elements in the
{high} bin. Instead a new answer of {torrential} was added to preserve the significance
of the upper 5% of points. The zero values (45% of the elements) were binned in the
{none} category, and the rest of the range was linearly distributed to {low, medium and
high}, as shown in Histogram 2 of Figure 10-6.
Figure 10-6: Mappings from data to information
The introduction of a new answer requires a new sound to be added to the palette. This
sound cannot be simply appended by continuing the sequence because the {high} sound
is already at the maximum brightness of the display gamut. We could go back to Personify
and change the Info Range from 4 to 5 to rebuilt a palette of 5 sounds. However, in the
testing of the first display I observed that the {none} answer, given by all the points except
the outlier, was not a very direct zero. The original zero in brightness (see Chapter 6) is
too subtle for a display which may only be heard one or two times in presentations. The
problem was addressed by reinforcing the information zero with a zero in duration that
varies linearly from 0.0s for {none} to 0.5s for {torrential}. Since the {none} element has
no duration the current palette of 4 sounds was able to be reused, as shown in Table 10-2.
answer sound palette
{none} clarinet, pitch 40, brightness 0, duration 0.5s
{low} clarinet, pitch 41, brightness 10, duration 0.5s
{medium} clarinet, pitch 42, brightness 20, duration 0.5s
{high} bassoon, pitch 43, brightness 30, duration 0.5s
Table 10-1: RiverAndRain palette 1
Histogram 1- linear binning Histogram 2- linear with 5% outliers
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 164
10.1.3 Discussion
The second soundtrack was much more interesting. The order of the sounds is immediate
to understand in terms of more and less, and the sounds allow visual attention to remain
fixed on parts of the river. The RiverAndRain presentation has been shown several times
within the CSIRO Mathematics and Information Sciences. The response has been very
encouraging, with people making comments that indicate that the sounds do provide in-
formation about the rainfall level, and that this information is easy to understand and re-
late to the visual variables. Over the course of several presentations the rainfall soundtrack
became very familiar, and provided a frame of reference for observations about relation-
ships between visual variables in different animations - for example the torrential event is
an auditory milestone which coincides with, and draws attention to, a simultaneous in-
crease in sediment and phosphate levels that might otherwise go unnoticed because they
are seen in different animations.
A frequent and significant comment was that the rain should sound like rain. The lesson
learnt was that the sound palette in a presentation interface should adhere to a familiar
sound schema if at all possible. The expectations of a listener can influence what they hear
and how they understand the sounds. If the sounds are familiar in the context of the sce-
nario then this may improve the understanding of a display which may only be experi-
enced once or twice. This observation is mirrored in the visual representation of sediment
levels by a sequence of browns increasing in darkness which is quickly understood to be
an increase in the muddiness (sediment level) of the water. The choice of green or purple
to show muddiness is less connected with the everyday world. However green or purple
can represent chlorine and other chemicals that arent usually seen as coloured, and might
be considered an abstract palette in this context. The comments and observations made
during this demonstration suggest that the immediate understanding of a presentation by
a general audience may be improved if the design takes advantage of expectations.
10.2 PopRock
The plan to dig a mineshaft includes the need to minimise the risk of collapse. When the
mineshaft is being dug the stresses in surrounding rocks are registered by seismic sensors
and logged. The MicroSeismic Animator, shown in Figure 10-7, is a tool for visualising
the seismic event log as an aid for planning further mining. The visualisation is an anima-
tion of the mineshaft that shows its progression over time. The seismic log is displayed as
graphic spheres that appear at the time and place where each event was registered. The
effects of the mining can be observed in an animation that shows 90 days in 3 minutes.
answer sound palette
{none} silence
{low} clarinet, pitch 40, brightness 0, duration 0.12s
{medium} clarinet, pitch 41, brightness 10, duration 0.25s
{high} clarinet, pitch 42, brightness 20, duration 0.38s
{torrential} bassoon, pitch 43, brightness 30, duration 0.5s
Table 10-2: RiverAndRain palette 2
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 165
However the spheres that mark seismic events appear only very briefly, and even large
isolated events can be missed. When many events occur close together at the same time it
can be difficult to see how many there were because the spheres cover each other.
Figure 10-7: Screensnap of the MicroSeismic Animator
10.2.1 TaDa analysis
The information required by the MicroSeismic Animator scenario can be recast as the
Question {how much microseismic activity is there now?}. The Answers are {none, one,
little, lots, extreme}. The Subject of the Question is the micro-seismic activity. The anal-
ysis of the Question, Answers and Subjects keys is summarised in Figure 10-8. The Task
section is an analysis of the Question Key. The Generic question obtained by removing
the Subject is {how much is there now?}. The Purpose is to {judge} the level of activity
throughout the animation. The Mode is {focus} because the relation between the seismic
activity and the mineshaft is the primary information in the display. The Type is {contin-
uous/tracking} because the animation and its soundtrack are 3 minutes of continuous in-
formation. The Style is {exploration} because the tool has the option to load data sets
from different mines so the design cannot be specialised for this one data set.
The Information section is an analysis of the Answers Key. The Reading is {direct} be-
cause the display should allow someone who has not had much experience with it to give
a correct answer immediately and confidently. The Type is {ordinal-with-zero} because
the answers have a simple unidimensional order starting from {none}. The Level is {in-
termediate} because the answer is about some subset of the entire data set, and is about
groups of elements rather than single elements. The Organisation is {time} because the
answers are separated by time. The Range of {5} is the number of appropriate answers.
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 166
The Data section is an analysis of the Subject Key. The Type is {ratio} because each
measurement is an amplitude with a zero level. The Range of measurements is from 0.0
to 2.5. The Organisation is {time and location} because both these dimensions are neces-
sary to separate the measurements. The TaDa analysis for the MicroSeismic Animator is
summarised in Figure 10-8.
Figure 10-8: TaDa analysis for the MicroSeismic Animator scenario
The TaDa analysis of the MicroSeismic Animator scenario highlights the difference be-
tween the information requirements of the display, and the data characteristics of the
measurements that were made. The information that is required is the amount of seismic
activity during the digging process. Although the data contains amplitudes, these are not
of primary importance in this task.
10.2.2 Design with Personify
The TaDa analysis of the MicroSeismic Animator
scenario was entered into the TaDa Panel shown in
Figure 10-9. The Info was set to Reading ={direct},
Type = {ratio}, Level = {intermediate}, Organisation
= {time}, and Range = {5}. The Range setting auto-
matically configures the tool to segment the data into
5 equal bins. However, the information we require is
not the level of an individual data element, but the
level of activity indicated by groups of elements that
occur close together in time. The interaction between
Level and Range may lead to the proposal of a new
Hearsay principle in the future. For now we will ac-
cept the segmentation into 5 answers about the level
The microseismic animator shows a mine-
shaft being dug. The location and time of
seismic events are marked by spheres that
pop into the display. The animation com-
presses 90 days of data into 3 minutes so
the spheres flash by very fast and isolated
events are easy to miss. It is also difficult
to judge how many events there are at any
time, especially when they are grouped
very closely together.
Reading direct
Type ordinal-with-zero
Level intermediate
Organisation time
Range 5
Generic how much now?
Purpose judge
Mode focus
Type continuous/track
Style exploration
Type ratio
Range 0.0-2.5
Organisation time and location
TaDa Analysis
Title MicroSeismic
Storyteller C.G.
Question how much
microseismic activity
is there now ?
Answers {none, one, little, lots,
Subject micro-seismic events
Sounds ???
Figure 10-9: TaDa Panel for
MicroSeismic Animator
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 167
of an individual element that is set by the rule-base. The Data is described as {1 channel}
of {ratio} data. The rule-base selects the Line tool and configures it with one end tied to
the central axis to give a perceptual zero. The sequence is divided into 5 equal steps in
brightness and pitch. The Level is {intermediate} so the duration has been configured to
0.2s. The default is the flute timbre leaf, but the flute has a long slow attack that makes it
a poor choice for higher level displays where the sounds must be very short. The instru-
ment with the fastest attack in the GreyMUMS palette is the soprano sax, as indicated by
its position opposite the flute in the timbre circle (see Chapter 8). The selection in the Line
tool was manually configured to the soprano sax leaf, as shown in Figure 10-10. The ob-
servation about the effect of Level on the choice of timbre may be fed-back into the TaDa
system as an amendment to the Hearsay principle of Level which might go something like
- higher level information is best shown by rapid sounds with temporal features less than
0.1s in duration. The amended principle can be migrated into the Personify rule-base so
that the choice of a higher Level in the TaDa Panel automatically configures the tailoring
tools to the timbre with the shortest attack segment.
Figure 10-10: Line tool for MicroSeismic Animator
The palette of sounds selected to represent a seismic event is shown in Table 10-3.
answer sound palette
{0.5} soprano sax, pitch 65, brightness 0, duration 0.2s
{1.0} soprano sax, pitch 65, brightness 18, duration 0.2s
{1.5} soprano sax, pitch 65, brightness 36, duration 0.2s
{2.0} soprano sax, pitch 65, brightness 54, duration 0.2s
{2.5} soprano sax, pitch 65, brightness 72, duration 0.2s
Table 10-3: Palette for MicroSeismic Animator
cello clarinet
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 168
10.2.3 Realisation
The target display is a Silicon Graphics Indy workstation with 4 channels of CD quality
(44.1 kHz sample rate) sound. The palette generated with Personify was saved as 44.1
kHz .aif files. The MicroSeismic Animator was modified to play a soundtrack during the
visualisation of a mining operation. This involved a change to the rendering function of
the SeismicEvent object so that it plays a sound file just before the sphere marker is paint-
ed to the display. This change showed up a problem with the synchronisation of sound and
graphics in the ViewKit programming library. The sounds play when the rendering func-
tion is called on a SeismicEvent, but the sphere does not appear until the processing thread
returns to the main event loop, at which point all the graphics are flushed to the screen at
the same time. This causes the sounds to precede the graphics, which all appear at the
same time. The problem may be solved by flushing each sphere to screen when the ren-
dering function is called, but this requires lower level programming at the level of Xlib
that hasnt been attempted at this stage.
10.2.4 Discussion
Despite the synchronisation problem the sounds do provide information about the amount
of activity in each frame. The sounds draw attention to isolated events that might other-
wise go unnoticed, by preparing you to scan the display for the marker that shows where
the event occurred. Frames that look as if they have similar levels of activity are heard to
be quite different, because overlapping sounds have additive properties that overlapping
spheres do not.
In the RiverAndRain demonstration it was observed that listeners may have everyday ex-
pectations about sounds. The soprano sax is not a sound that you would normally expect
to hear while digging a mine, and perhaps a more connotative sound would be better.
However a search through EarBenders for stories containing keywords {mining, fracture,
seismic} from the MicroSeismic scenario didnt retrieve any relevant stories. If we are
particularly interested in designing displays for mining scenarios then it may be worth-
while collecting stories from miners and others who have experience in the mining do-
main. In this way the EarBenders case-base can be developed for a particular application
domain. Another way to find a connotative palette is the metaphoric method. This time
the query did retrieve some cases - Insect aggregation in Figure 10-11, Croaking frogs in
Figure 10-12, and Popcorn Figure 10-13. These cases are about judging the size of popu-
lations of insects and frogs, and judging the amount of popcorn popping. These judge-
ments are all made by listening to the sum of many similar sounds. However the
connotations of frogs, insects or popcorn may interfere with the understanding of the sce-
nario. In this design the abstract musical palette may not connote mining, but may be
less incongruous than these other metaphors.
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 169
Figure 10-11: Insect aggregation
Figure 10-12: Croaking frogs
Reading direct
Type ordinal-with-zero
Level global
Range 4
Organisation location
Generic how many ?
Purpose judge
Mode focus
Type continuous/track
Style exploration
Type ratio
Range ?
Organisation location
TaDa Analysis
Title Insect aggregation
Storyteller W.B.
Calling by aggregated insects - the group
selection theory was that chorusing groups
evolved as displays that allowed individu-
als to gain information as to the size of the
population, and adjust their behaviour ac-
Question how many insects
around here ?
Answers none, one,
several, a lot
Subject insects
Sounds species specific
chirps, buzzes etc.
Reading direct
Type ordinal-with-zero
Level global
Range 4
Organisation location
Generic how many ?
Purpose judge
Mode background
Type continuous/track
Style exploration
Type ratio
Range ?
Organisation location
TaDa Analysis
Title Croaking frogs
Storyteller S.B.
You can hear that there are a lot of frogs in
the ponds during the wet season. Zoologists
estimate frog populations by listening to
tape recordings made of ponds at night.
Question how many frogs
are there around
here ?
Answers none, one,
several, a lot
Subject frogs
Sounds croaking
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 170
Figure 10-13: Popcorn
10.3 cOcktail
Paleoclimatologists are interested in understanding the Earths climate in prehistoric
times. The amount of O
in sea-shells varies with the temperature of the water the crea-
ture was living in, and cores that cut through layers of sediment provide a record of tem-
perature changes over the past 400,00 years. [Zubakov V.A. and Borzenkova I.I. (1990)].
The O
measurements from 12 cores drilled at sites around the Atlantic is available from
the specmap archive [Imbrie J. McIntyre A. and Mix A.C. (1990)]. This data is shown as
a set of overlaid time-series plots in Figure 10-14. Changes in the climate over time across
the region can be seen as trends, groupings and patterns in these traces. However it can be
difficult to follow a single record through the spaghetti of plots, or track relationships be-
tween records.
Reading direct
Type ordinal-with-zero
Level intermediate
Range 4
Organisation time
Generic how many ?
Purpose judge
Mode background
Type continuous/track
Style exploration
ratio ratio
Range ?
Organisation location
TaDa Analysis
Title Popcorn
Storyteller S.B.
when you pop popcorn it starts off slowly
popping then builds up in rate and loud-
ness, then dies down again as most of the
corn has popped. you can tell how many
popcorns are going off all through the
cooking process, and you can tell when its
Question how many
popcorns are
Answers {none, hardly any,
some, lots}
Subject popcorn
Sounds popping
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 171
Figure 10-14: O
levels from 12 deep-sea drill-cores
10.3.1 TaDa analysis
The information required in the scenario can be recast as the Question {what is happening
to O
at site X?}. The Answer is a combination of {low, medium and high} and {decreas-
ing, stable, increasing}. The Subject of the Question is the O
at site X.
The Task section is an analysis of the Question Key. The Generic question obtained by
removing the Subject is {what is happening?}. The Purpose is to {analyse} what is hap-
pening to the level of O
at some site. The Mode is {focus} because there is information
from many sites available at the same time, but we are interested in a particular site. The
Type is {continuous/tracking} because we would like to be able to track the information
about a particular site through the information about all the other sites in the display. The
Style is {presentation} because the display is to provide specific information which will
not change after the display is realised.
The Information section is an analysis of the Answers Key. The Reading is {direct} be-
cause the presentation should be quickly understood without training, and the observer
should be confident of the answers they understand from the display. The Type for the
information about the O
is {ordinal} and the Type for the site is {nominal}. The Level
is {local} because the answer is about a specific site. The Organisation is {time / location}
because answers are separated by when and where they occur. The Range for O
is {3}
and for site is {12}.
The Data section is an analysis of the Subject Key. The Type is {ratio / nominal} because
the O
measurements are ratio and the site locations are nominal. The Range of the meas-
urements is from {-3.0 to 5.0} for O
and there are {12} sites. The Organisation of the
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 172
measurements is by {time} down the drill hole, and by {location} across the sites. The
TaDa analysis is summarised in Figure 10-3.
Figure 10-15: TaDa analysis for the Climatology scenario
10.3.2 Pattern method
The 12 drill-sites are nominal variables that need to be separately observable in the dis-
play. The rule-based method in Personify is built on an Information-Perception Space
(IPS) (see Chapter 7) which supports the display of up to 8 nominal variables. This rules
out Personify as a tool for designing this display. This is where the flexibility of a multi-
faceted system is valuable - if a problem is not amenable to one method then there is an
alternative. In this instance we can fall back on the pattern method (see Chapter 5). We
begin the pattern method by entering the TaDa analysis of the scenario into the EarBend-
ers case-base as a query. The 3 best matching cases retrieved for the Climatology query
were Walking-behind in Figure 10-16, Bicycling-in-traffic in Figure 10-17, and Cocktail-
party Figure 10-18. Walking-behind is about footsteps approaching from behind as you
walk along the pavement. Bicycling-in-traffic is about the importance of listening for
maintaining awareness of traffic. Cocktail-party is about listening to snatches of conver-
sation in a room full of chattering people, clinking glasses, and music. Although the
sounds in each case are very different, they have quite similar auditory characterisations.
In Walking-behind the sounds are continuous and repetitive, local to a particular source,
moving smoothly in location, and changing in distance. In Bicycling-in-traffic the sounds
are also continuous, moving smoothly, and changing in distance. However this story in-
volves many sources moving around at once. The sounds in Cocktail-party are similarly
smoothly moving, continuous sources that vary in distance from the listener. The auditory
specification synthesised from trends in these characterisations is a global display of
many continuous, smoothly moving, sound sources that vary in distance from the listener,
Paleoclimatologists model the history of
the Earths climate from measurements of
ratios read from sea-bed drill cores.
The changes over a geographic region and
a time period are shown by plotting the
measurements as overlaid time-series. In a
graph of 12 overlaid series it can be diffi-
cult to follow the measurements from a
particular site of interest through the spa-
ghetti of plots.
Reading direct
Type ordinal / nominal
Level local
Organisation time
Range 3 / 12
Generic whats happening?
Purpose analysis
Mode focus
Type continuous/track
Style presentation
Type ratio / nominal
Range 10
to 10
/ 12
Organisation time / location
TaDa Analysis
Title Climatology
Storyteller S.B.
Question what is happening to
at site X ?
Answers {low. med, high}
{decreasing, stable,
Subject O
at site X
Sounds ???
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 173
as shown in Figure 10-19.
Figure 10-16: Walking behind
Figure 10-17: Bicycling in trafc
Reading direct
Type ordinal
Level local
Range 3
Organisation time
Generic whats happening ?
Purpose analysis
Mode background
Type continuous/track
Style exploration
Type ratio
Range ?
Organisation time
TaDa Analysis
Title Walking behind
Storyteller S.B.
when walking home you can hear someone
behind you approaching as their footsteps
get louder and also by the rate of their steps
which is faster than your own
Question what is the person
walking behind
me doing ?
Answers dropping back,
staying level
Subject person behind
Sounds footsteps getting
louder or softer,
faster or slower
Reading direct
Type nominal / ordinal
Level global
Range ? / 3
Organisation category+location
Generic whats happening ?
Purpose analysis
Mode background
Type continuous/track
Style exploration
Type nominal / ratio
Range ?
Organisation time + location
TaDa Analysis
Title Bicycling traffic
Storyteller P.V.
riding a bike you listen all the time
- Crossing blind intersections.
- Pedestrian road crossings.
- Trucks, cars traffic behind your bicycle.
- Bicycle coming along footpath
Question what are other
vehicles doing ?
Answers {car, bus, truck}
is {behind, level,
in front}
Subject other vehicles
Sounds location of cars,
t r ucks , bus es ,
zooming by
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 174
Figure 10-18: Cocktail party
Figure 10-19: Pattern method for the Climatology scenario
Reading direct
Type nominal
Level global
Range ?
Organisation category
Generic whats happening?
Purpose analyse
Mode background
Type continuous/track
Style exploration
Type nominal
Range ?
Organisation category+location
TaDa Analysis
Title Cocktail party
Storyteller S.B.
at a cocktail party you can listen to the per-
son you are conversing with, whilst moni-
toring another conversation elsewhere in
the room, or follow someones voice or
identify people and groups of people, all
against the hubbub of voices, music and
other background noise which indicates
the degree of animation of the proceed-
Question who is here and
what are they
Answers various people
Subject who
Sounds chattering voices
Sounds the chatter of voices,
moving around the
Nature verbal
Level global
Streams many
Occurrence continuous
Pattern unpredictable
Movement smooth
Type categories
Compound separable
Descriptors voices, chatter
Sounds ???
Nature everyday 2
Level global 2
Streams many 2
Occurrence continuous 3
Pattern unpredictable 2
Movement smooth 3
Type metathetic 3
Compound separable 3
Descriptors footsteps, louder,
softer, faster, slower,
trucks, buses,
zooming, moving,
voices, chatter
Sounds footsteps getting
louder or softer,faster
or slower
Nature everyday
Level local
Streams single
Occurrence continuous
Pattern cycle
Movement smooth
Type metathetic
Compound separable
Descriptors footsteps, behind
Sounds location of cars,
trucks, buses, closer,
zooming by
Nature everyday
Level global
Streams many
Occurrence continuous
Pattern unpredictable
Movement smooth
Type metathetic /
Compound separable
Descriptors cars, trucks, buses,
closer, zooming
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 175
The auditory characterisation is a low-level specification of the perceptual structure of the
design, but it doesnt prescribe the high-level palette of sounds to realise those character-
istics. As we have previously observed, the best choice of palette is one that connotes the
design scenario. Unfortunately a metonymic search of EarBenders for the keywords {ox-
ygen, isotope, drill-core, climate} did not retrieve any cases. It isnt too surprising really
that there arent any stories about listening to oxygen isotopes in sea-bed drill cores. An-
other way to find sounds with a connection to the design domain is with the metaphoric
method. A metaphor is a familiar schema that may improve the understanding and per-
ception of the auditory structure. Bregman observes that familiarity and expectation can
significantly improve a listeners ability to hear elements and reject interference in a com-
plex auditory scene [Bregman A.S. (1990)]. We have already found the best matching
cases as part of the pattern method, which were about footsteps, traffic sounds, and a
cocktail party. Metaphorical sounds need to be understood in the unusual context of a
computer interface, and should connote the metaphor strongly enough to allow the leap in
imagination needed for a metaphor to be recognised. Voices are perhaps the most unam-
biguously connotative of the 3 metaphors. The cocktail party is a familiar cliche that may
improve recognition and transposition. This metaphor is also an opportunity to explore
verbal sounds as a representation of non-verbal information in an auditory display.
The metaphorical sound palette must have the perceptual structure specified by the low-
level auditory characterisation. A major requirement is that the listener be able to hear
each nominal variable as a separable element in the display. We distinguish voices by sex,
size, maturity, emotion, and location, and these human factors are related to auditory fac-
tors that affect perceptual streaming, such as timbre, pitch, brightness, and spatial position
[Bregman A.S. (1990)]. By maximising the differences between the human factors we
also maximise the perception of separate categorical streams. Each drill-core site was al-
located a unique voice and a unique location in the display. The voices could speak non-
sense words, but the words are an opportunity to build a semantic link to the design
scenario. The name of a drill-core is an immediate reference that can be understood by all
English speakers. Words have advantages for displaying large catalogues of nominal data,
because they are discriminable and unambiguous. Unfortunately the identities of the drill-
cores are alpha-numeric codes, like RC12-294 which take a long time to say, and are not
very memorable unless you have been using them a lot. In the interests of investigating
the design I substituted the names of cocktails in place of drill-core codes. Although the
cocktails connote the metaphor rather than the application, they can help in testing the fea-
sibility of this design. The sound palette for the Climatology scenario is shown in
Table 10-4.
drill-core site word, speaker, sex, location
RC12-294 blue-lagoon, S.B, male, 0 degrees
RC13-228 shirley-temple, D.S., female, 8 degrees
RC24-16 harvey-wallbanger, S.K., male, 16 degrees
V12-122 bloody-mary, M.C., male, 24 degrees
V22-174 martini, A.L., male, 32 degrees
V25-21 gin-and-tonic, R.U., male, 40 degrees
V25-56 margarita, D.L., female, 48 degrees
Table 10-4: Climatology palette
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 176
The variation in the oxygen isotope at each site also needs to be heard in the display. This
presents complications at both the structural and metaphorical levels. A variation in the
auditory properties of sounds in a mixture can cause regroupings that may merge or dis-
integrate the perception of some nominal elements. The variation of the voices also needs
to maintain the connotation of the display. A variation found in each of the metaphorical
cases retrieved by the pattern method was the smooth change in the distance of the sound
source from the listener. A change in the distance of each voice maintains the cocktail par-
ty metaphor whilst allowing variation in the information about each site. The distance of
a sound influences loudness, which can represent ordinal information as required. Breg-
man observes that similarity in loudness has only weak effects on the perceptual grouping
of sounds, which supports the notion that we can vary the loudness of a voice without
causing a regrouping of the elements of the display. The auditory variation in the oxygen
isotope is shown in Table 10-5.
10.3.3 Realisation
The target display is a Sun
workstation with stereo dbri audio device. Samples of peo-
ple of different ages and sexes speaking the names of cocktails were recorded in mono at
8 kHz sample rate with the Audio Tool and microphone. The samples were looped and
placed in a spatial audio display, built with Csound. This display, listed in Appendix 10-
1, provides a spatial audio capability through stereo headphones. It is a model of a head
shadow implemented by an inter-aural delay, and frequency and amplitude attenuation.
Each sound can be placed at a unique angular location with this effect. The change in dis-
tance of the sound is an attenuation of the loudness by 10dB for every doubling in dis-
tance, based on observations of free field attenuation of sounds made by sound engineers.
A spectral attenuation of the upper harmonics is also included as a cue for distance. There
are much more sophisticated spatial audio displays available, but this display was ade-
quate for the task. In retrospect I realised that the display implementation could have been
greatly simplified by recording the location cue for each voice with a stereo sample. Al-
though the angular position of the voices would be fixed, this recording would provide the
spatial cues for perceptual segregation of the voices which was all that was required.
The data values were mapped from the data archive format to a Csound score with a Perl
script, called cOcktail.prl, listed in Appendix 10-2.
V25-59 grasshopper, O.B, male, 56 degrees
V30-40 golden-dream, S.V.,female, 64 degrees
V30-97 champagne-cocktail, K.S., female, 72 degrees
V30-49 screwdriver, D.B., male, 80 degrees
RC11-120 tequila-sunrise, T.L., male, 88 degrees
O18 level ordinal variation
low far away
medium mid distance
high close
Table 10-5: Climatology palette
drill-core site word, speaker, sex, location
Table 10-4: Climatology palette
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 177
10.3.4 Discussion
The display clearly connotes a roomful of voices. You can hear the chatter of people
speaking from different directions, and voices rising and falling as time progresses. At
first it is hard to understand what some of the voices are saying, and it may be necessary
to introduce each word individually at the start of the display, or provide a list of the cock-
tails to prepare the listener to hear them. You can listen for a particular cocktail, and track
what happens to it during the course of the display. For example margarita spoken by a
female voice is located in the middle of the aural space. By listening to it at the same time
as watching the graph you can see the correspondence between the variation in loudness
and variation in the height of the line. In the initial part of the graph margarita is overlaid
by many other plots and you cant see what is happening to it in places. However, if you
listen while watching this plot you realise that it dips downward in this section, and you
can tell where to look for parts of it that appear here and there. The ears lead the eyes. If
midway through the display you want to switch attention to champagne cocktail you
can mentally select it and listen for it. The ability to mentally switch between information
streams keeps the focus on the task and avoids a diversion to a control panel to select local
elements from the display. This is only a very preliminary investigation but it demon-
strates that an auditory display of 12 time-series records is feasible. This demonstration
also shows that a verbal display can provide non-verbal information. Spoken words may
be particularly effective for representing large catalogues of nominal data, and have im-
mediate advantages for novice users.
10.4 LostInSpace
The GeoViewer is a 3D visualisation of geological structure to support mining applica-
tions, shown in Figure 10-20. This tool enables you to move around exploring the shapes
and intersections of rock layers.
Figure 10-20: Screen snapshot of the GeoViewer
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 178
You can move anywhere in the space, and look in any direction. Although the visual free-
dom is useful, you can easily lose track of where you are, where you are looking, where
locations of interest are, and even which way is up. The viewpoint is shown as x,y,z co-
ordinates in an interface panel, but the calculation of a heading to previously recorded co-
ordinate is laborious and can slow down exploration activities. The geological structures
are visually irregular and it can take some time before you learn to recognise landmarks
that can help when you want to return to previous location.
10.4.1 TaDa analysis
The information required by the scenario can be recast as the Question {where was that
place again?}. The Answers are a heading {forward, back, left, right, up, down} paired
with a distance such as {stop, a bit more, a lot more}. The Subject of the Question is the
location of a place that has previously been visited. The TaDa analysis is summarised in
Figure 10-21.
Figure 10-21: TaDa analysis for the GeoViewer Navigation scenario
The Task section is an analysis of the Question Key. The Generic question obtained by
removing the Subject is {where is it?}. The Purpose is to {navigate} back to a location of
interest that has been previously visited. The Mode is {interactive} because navigation is
done by steering the viewpoint with the mouse. The Type is {branching/decision} be-
cause the sounds influence moment to moment steering decisions. The Style is {explora-
tion} because different data-sets to can be loaded so the design cannot be tailored to a
specific data-set.
The Information section is an analysis of the Answers Key. The Reading is {direct} be-
cause the listener should be able to Answer the Question immediately, confidently and
with little training. The Type is {nominal / ordinal} because the heading is a set of cate-
The GeoViewer viewpoint can be moved
around in 3 spatial dimensions. It can be
hard to remember where you have been
and how to get back to previous view-
point. The location in the space is shown as
x,y,z coordinates in an interface panel, but
calculating the direction to a point slows
the interactive navigation. Can we use an
auditory display to also assist in navigation
back to an interesting location?
Reading direct
Type nominal / ordinal
Level local
Organisation location
Range 6 / 3
Generic where is it?
Purpose navigate
Mode interactive
Type branching/decisio
Style exploration
Type interval / ratio
Range ?
Organisation location
TaDa Analysis
Title Navigate
Storyteller D.L.
Question where was that place
again ?
Answers {forward, back, left,
right, up, down}
{stop, bit more, lot
Subject a location
Sounds ???
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 179
gories, and the distance is classified into ordered categories. The Level is {local} because
the answer is about a particular location. The Organisation is {location} because different
answers occur at different locations. The Range is {6} headings by {3} distances.
The Data section is an analysis of the Subject Key. The Type is {interval / ratio} because
the heading has a conventional zero, and a distance has a natural zero. The Range of vec-
tors is unlimited, and depends on the scale of the data loaded into the GeoViewer. The
Organisation is {location} because each data measurement has a unique location that dis-
tinguishes it from all other measurements.
10.4.2 Metonymic method
The metonymic method can help find a familiar schema semantically linked with the ap-
plication domain. Some keywords from the GeoViewer Navigation scenario were listed
as {remember, find, location, position, and distance}. The EarBenders stories retrieved by
these keywords are summarised in Table 10-6.
All the remembering stories involve a tune. The find stories mostly involve listening
for the location where a sound came from, except for 2 stories - Finding-studs and Party
Keyword Title Story Summary
remember Diabetes-test have a test if you remember this tune from your teens
Troubadours remember and spread news by singing tunes
Marimbas easier to remember pitch of keys than visual length
find Dropped object you can hear where to find a dropped coin
Rescue rescuers listen to find people in collapsed buildings
Cordless-phone you can page a cordless phone to find the receiver
Dog-bell you can find ziggy walking in the bush from her bell
Cooee bushwalkers find each other by shouting coooeee
Dropped-key finding a dropped door key in the dark by ear
Finding-studs knock on the wall to find where the studs are
Party-game children find a hidden toy by warmer/colder directive
location Car-speed you can hear the location of a car going past
Wire-pairs telecom techs locate wire pairs with beeping device
position Songlines landmarks were sung into position in the Dreamtime
Dolphins a dolphin triangulates position from echoes off reef
distance Lightning distance of lightning calculated from time til thunder
Wolf-whistle someone at a distance wants to get your attention
Male-spacing male insects space themselves by loudness
Courtship insects call to attract mates from a distance
Insect-distance insects hear distance by frequency attenuation
Table 10-6: Metonymic stories for the GeoViewer Navigation scenario
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 180
game. Finding-studs involves listening for a change in brightness or hollowness, and Par-
ty-game involves someone telling verbal instructions. Several stories with location,
position, and distance in them involve hearing the spatial location where the sound
came from. However there were exceptions that show the spatial cue is only one of a
number of ways we hear where things are. Wire-pairs is about locating a connecting wire
by stroking the ends of a bundle with a probe. Songlines is about the aboriginal Dream-
time songs where the relations between places in a journey are represented by relations
between references in the song. Dolphins and Lightning tell how distance can be heard by
auditory delays. Insect-distance tells how insects have specially tuned auditory filters that
detect distance by the attenuation in upper frequency bands.
10.4.3 Metaphorical method
The number and diversity of stories retrieved with the keyword search highlights many
different ways that sounds can help us remember something or find something. Now that
we have some seed designs, which to choose? We can turn to the pattern method to search
for auditory regularities in the stories that best match the information requirements of the
design scenario. The TaDa requirements for the GeoViewer Navigation scenario were en-
tered as a query into EarBenders to generate the auditory characterisation in Figure 10-22.
Figure 10-22: Pattern method for the Navigation scenario
The characterisation is not very regular. Of the 8 fields there were 4 without any trend,
and the others only had 2/3 majorities. The weak pattern is for a local, integral, single
stream, categorical sound. The nature, occurrence, pattern, and movement of the sound is
different in each case, and there are many ways we could choose them. An examination
of the 3 cases that were retrieved by the TaDa query can help us to understand why it is
Sounds a different sound for
N,S,E,W, played
together for NE,SW
Nature synthetic
Level local
Streams 1 or 2
Occurrence continuous
Pattern cycle
Movement smooth
Type metathetic
Compound separable
Descriptors footsteps, behind
Myst maze
Sounds direction and
loudness of cooee
Nature vocal
Level local
Streams single
Occurrence continuous
Pattern unpredictable
Movement jumping
Type categorical
Compound integral
Descriptors direction, loudness,
Sounds location of roads and
buildings, and people
Nature everyday
Level intermediate
Streams few
Occurrence discrete
Pattern sequence
Movement smooth
Type metathetic
Compound integral
Descriptors location, roads,
buildings and people
blind traini
Sounds ???
Nature synthetic, vocal,
Level local 2
Streams single 2
Occurrence discrete, sporadic,
Pattern isolated, sequence,
Movement stationary, jumping,
Type categorical 2
Compound integral 2
Descriptors location, roads,
buildings, people,
whiz, bang, boink,
clack, direction,
loudness, cooee,
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 181
so hard to narrow down the design space for this scenario,
Figure 10-23: Myst-maze
Figure 10-24: Cooee
Reading conventional
Type nominal
Level local
Range 8
Organisation location
Generic where is it?
Purpose navigate
Mode interactive
Type branching/decisio
Style presentation
Type nominal
Range 8
Organisation location
TaDa Analysis
Title Myst maze
Storyteller S.V.
the Myst game has a train maze where the
sounds tell you which direction to head.
whiz is north, bang is south, boink is east,
and clack is west. In between directions are
combinations played at the same time - so
NW is a whiz and clack at the same time.
Question which direction
do we go next ?
Answers {N,NE,E,SE,S,
Subject direction
Sounds whiz, whiz-
boink, boink,
bang, bang-clack,
clack, clack-whiz
Reading direct
Type nominal / ordinal
Level local
Range 8 / 2
Organisation location
Generic where is it ?
Purpose navigate
Mode interactive
Type branching/decisio
Style exploration
Type interval / interval
Range 360degrees / 1km
Organisation location
TaDa Analysis
Title Cooee
Storyteller S.B.
bushwalkers call "coooeee" to find each
other when they get separated, or when
there are two groups who are heading to a
meeting spot
Question where is the other
Answers {N,NE,E,SE,S,
{near, far}
Subject other bushwalker
Sounds direction and loud-
ness of the cooeee
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 182
Figure 10-25: Blindness-training
The cases were Myst-maze in Figure 10-18, Cooee in Figure 10-24, and Blindness-train-
ing in Figure 10-25. Myst-maze is about a computer game where sounds tell you which
way to head to escape from a maze. Cooee is about calling to someone so they can find
you in the bush. Blindness-training is about learning to hear roads and other stationary
sources of sounds as landmarks for navigating the city. The sounds in each of these cases
has a different point of reference. In Myst-maze the sounds are telling you where to head,
like someone sitting next to you giving instructions. In Cooee the sounds are calling you
from the location where you want to go, and the information comes from a spatial audio
cue. In Blindness-training the sounds are landmarks where the spatial location is a famil-
iar reference point that helps you find where you want to go. Telling, calling and land-
marks are all ways that we can navigate by listening, The main difference is the Reading.
The most {direct} navigation is by calling because most people can immediately answer
the question where are you? by the direction the call comes from. Telling is {conven-
tional} because the meaning of instructions like {north, south, left, right etc.}
must be learnt. Landmarks are a mixture - the location of the landmark can be heard di-
rectly but the relation between the landmark and the destination must be learnt. The Hear-
say principle of directness suggests the most direct design will be most effective and
should be the first choice if there is an option. The options will be influenced by the target
display. For example conventional telling is best for navigation in a car, because the dis-
tances are too great for calling to be heard.
10.4.4 Realisation
The GeoViewer is implemented on a Silicon Graphics workstation with 4 channels of au-
dio built in. Spatial audio devices built on the SGI range from a simple stereo pan, to quad-
Reading direct+convention
Type ordinal
Level global
Range ?
Organisation location
Generic where is it
Purpose navigate
Mode interactive
Type branching/decisio
Style exploration
Type interval
Range ?
Organisation category+location
TaDa Analysis
Title Blindness Trainin
Storyteller S.R.
...we really try and look at is focusing on
sounds that are useful and filtering out
sounds that are not useful. So sounds that
are useful are sounds that can help you
maintain a straight line, and help you to
orient so that you know where you are.
Sound that are not useful in that situation
are sounds that are moveable for example,
such as the sounds of people talking.
Question where am I?
Answers next to a road, or
Subject landmarks
Sounds location of road
and bui l di ng
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 183
raphonic ambisonics, to Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF) based displays. These
displays can move a CD quality sound source smoothly in real-time. This provides the ca-
pability to realise the calling design, which is the most direct of the options. A call-button
has been added to the GeoViewer interface to store a location, and to activate a calling
sound from that location. When you are in an interesting place you can store the coordi-
nates by pressing the button with the right mouse. When you want some guidance back to
the stored coordinate you press the call-button with the left mouse. The calling sound has
a spatial cue to indicate the heading and distance from the current coordinate to the stored
coordinate. At this stage the call-button has been added to the interface, and triggers a
sound file. However the spatial display has not yet been fully realised.
10.5 Summary
This chapter demonstrated the TaDa approach in practice on some application scenarios.
The approach is focused on the design of a display that is useful for a task and true to the
data. TaDa integrates task analysis, a database of sound examples, a rule-based design aid,
and interactive sound design tools, in a multifaceted system that can address practical de-
sign problems. The descriptions of the design process given in each demonstration show
how the array of methods and tools fit together as a flexible and functional system.
The application scenarios were drawn from mining exploration, resource planning and
climatology. A display was designed for information that was difficult to see or under-
stand visually in each scenario. RiverAndRain is a display to help in the siting of a new
water treatment works on a river system. The soundtrack was a binder that holds together
a set of animations that show the influence of rainfall on chemicals in the river system.
This binder enabled comparisons and correlations across variables that were in different
animations and so could not be seen together. The sounds drew attention to features of the
rainfall record that might otherwise have been missed, and enabled a more direct percep-
tion of relations between the variables. PopRock is a display to assist planning a mine-
shaft. The sounds are information about the amount of seismic activity that indicates
faults and weaknesses in the surrounding geology. You can hear isolated events that may
otherwise go by unnoticed, and differences in the activity of groups of events that look the
same. cOcktail is a display of oxygen isotopes in 12 sea-bed drill-core sites. The sound-
track helps the listener to single out a particular time-series in the graph and watch it even
when it is obscured by other traces. The display also demonstrates that a listener can
switch attention between simultaneous time-series information in an auditory display.
The ability to mentally switch between information elements without manual interaction
may be useful in other human-computer interfaces. LostInSpace is an auditory display
that helps you to navigate back to a previous location in a 3D visualisation of geological
structures. It was found that there were many different ways that sounds could assist in
navigation, and 3 techniques with differing degrees of directness were identified - calling,
telling and landmarks.
Experience with the multimedia interfaces that were built in these demonstrations showed
that the sounds can provide the required information, and provide information that is dif-
ficult to obtain visually. The demonstrations have stimulated discussions at CSIRO about
other possible uses of sounds in monitoring traffic, data mining and software debugging
- indicating an appreciation that sounds can provide useful information that is difficult to
obtain in a purely visual interface.
Chapter 10 TaDa! demonstrations of auditory information design 184
10.6 Further work
The design process for the LostInSpace scenario identified calling, telling and landmarks
as ways that sounds could support navigation in a 3D space. If all of these options are
available, which should be taken? An evaluation and comparison of the designs could be
made in terms of usability, learnability, expressiveness, effectiveness and other HCI fac-
tors measured by task times, error rates, etc. However we must beware of the curse of
empiricism which Cleveland says has been the cause of a great waste of effort in graph-
ical display [Cleveland W.S. (1985)]. The experimental comparison of techniques with-
out a concomitant development of predictive principles is not very helpful to design
practice, because without principles all design decisions must be resolved by an expensive
experiment. The TaDa approach is an example of a principled framework that may help
auditory display to progress by avoiding the pitfalls of purely comparative empirical ap-
proaches. TaDa is open ended so that results and observations made from experiments can
be fed-back as new Hearsay principles, and new EarBenders cases. For example we could
carry out an experiment to validate the principle of directness that caused us to choose the
calling display over the telling and landmark designs. The observations from this experi-
ment can then reinforce or improve the principle.
Chapter 11 Summary 185
1 1 S u mma r y
Although there is a well developed practice and culture of movie sound, computer appli-
cations are a new challenge because of the types of information to be conveyed and the
interactivity between the user and the sounds. This thesis develops an approach to the de-
sign of sounds to support information processing activities. The design approach is sup-
ported by a system of case-based and rule-based methods and tools. This hybrid system
addresses key design issues in a flexible manner necessary for real world design practice.
The approach, methods and tools are demonstrated in a series of scenarios that show how
sounds can provide information that is difficult to obtain visually, and how they can pro-
vide extra affordances in the human-computer interface.
The following sections summarise the TaDa approach, the methods and tools that were
developed to support it, the various demonstration scenarios, and suggestions of further
work that arise out this thesis.
11.1 The TaDa approach
The TaDa approach, described in Chapter 3, an-
swers the call for a principled approach to audito-
ry display made by pioneers in the field. The
approach identifies key design issues of useful-
ness in a task and faithfulness to the data. These
issues inform the specification of information that
is to appear in the display. TaDa is summarised by
an arrangement of triangular tiles shown in Figure
11-1. The Task analysis (Ta) and Data characteri-
sation (Da) tiles sit upon and specify the informa-
tion requirements tile (Irequire). The Irequire tile rests upon the Information
representation (Irepresent) tile. The Irepresent tile is supported by the (Person) and (Dis-
play) tiles. These tiles point to the need to consider how people hear information in
sounds, and the way the display device influences the range of available sounds.
The information requirements are obtained by a
TaDa scenario analysis, described in Chapter 4.
The scenario analysis begins with a short story de-
scribing the problem. The scenario is analysed by
recasting it as a Question, some Answers, and a
Subject. These keys are the bridge between the sce-
nario and the analysis of the information required
to support the scenario. The analysis is an amalgam
of task analysis methods from HCI and data char-
acterisation methods from scientific visualisation.
Ta Da
Figure 11-1: TaDa diagram
The GeoViewer is a 3D interactive view of rock strata
for mine planning and other geological applications.
The rock- type of the layers is shown by colour and
texture, and you can click on a rock to pop-up a text
description. You can see more by turning on the trans-
parent view, and speed up the interaction with wire-
frame views. Aproblem is that it can be hard to tell the
rock-type when it is transparent, or wireframe. Also
the popup text can get in the way
TaDa Analysis Scenario
Figure 11-2: TaDa analysis
Chapter 11 Summary 186
11.2 Methods and tools
The design of a representation to meet the TaDa information requirements occurs at the
boundary between the Irequire and Irepresent tiles. Design is typically messy - inductive,
lateral, top-down, bottom-up and iterative in nature, involving issues of semiotics, style,
and culture that are not amenable to straight-forward deductive methods. The TaDa ap-
proach is supported by a system of case-based and rule-based methods and tools, shown
in Figure 11-3. These methods have different strengths that make them helpful in different
facets of design. The system is principled yet flexible to accommodate the complexity of
real world design practice.
Figure 11-3: Methods and tools to support the TaDa approach
11.2.1 EarBenders case-based methods and tools
The EarBenders case-based method, developed in
Chapter 5, helps to identify a familiar auditory
schema based on everyday experiences with
sounds. A schema can improve the comprehension
and discrimination of elements in the display, and
can connect the semantics of the sounds in the dis-
play with the application domain. The methods rely
on the EarBenders case-base of 200 stories about
everyday listening experiences. The cases can be
retrieved from a database by a similarity match on
TaDa analysis fields. Three case-based design
methods were developed using EarBenders -called
metonymic, metaphoric and pattern.
The metonymic method uses sounds that are a part of the design scenario. A metonym
connotes the whole by a part of that whole - for example the sound woof may be a me-
tonym for a dog. The sounds in a medical scenario might be heartbeats, breathing, or in-
strument beeps. Any sounds mentioned in a design scenario may be the beginnings of a
metonymic palette. The metonymic method is a search of EarBenders for stories that in-
clude some part of the design scenario. The sounds in these stories can connote the appli-
cation domain at the same time as providing perceptually structured information.
Case-based Design
Rule-based Design
Ta Da
: D
: S
Figure 11-4: EarBenders story
Chapter 11 Summary 187
A metaphoric design can help when sounds are not a natural part of the design scenario,
which is often the case in computer-based applications. A metaphor expresses the unfa-
miliar in terms of the familiar, for example a tree may be a metaphor for a filing system.
The metaphoric method retrieves stories that have TaDa information structure similar to
the design scenario. These stories are a source of familiar sounds that can represent infor-
mation about stock prices or internet traffic or other things that dont normally make
The pattern method identifies features shared by different solutions to the same problem
that may capture patterns in the mapping between domains. A pattern is a regularity in the
mapping between the problem and solution domains. The pattern method was enabled by
appending a description of auditory characteristics to each EarBenders case. When a
TaDa query retrieves cases with similar information structure it also retrieves the auditory
characterisation of each case. The characterisations are scanned for regularities identified
by the majority trend in each auditory characteristic. The weighting of each trend is cal-
culated from the number of cases which follow the trend. The result is a synthesis of the
auditory characteristics of the retrieved cases. Regularities in the auditory characteristics
of the retrieved cases may capture patterns in the mapping between information and
sounds. The design of an auditory display from these regularities may support the infor-
mation requirements of the design scenario.
11.2.2 Hearsay rule-based methods and tools
The Hearsay rule-based method, developed in Chapter 6, integrates broad principles of in-
formation design from graphic display with psychoacoustic observations relevant to au-
ditory display. These principles encapsulate expert knowledge in a manner that can be
communicated, applied and developed by other designers. The Hearsay principles were
tested in the design of a display for Blys dirt and gold soil classification scenario. The
resulting display allows a listener to immediately answer questions about the data set that
are difficult to answer from a visual representation, demonstrating that the principles are
of benefit in practice.
Principles, guidelines and rules can be unwieldy in
practice because they must be looked up or learnt.
The Information-Sound Space, developed in
Chapter 7, moulds the Hearsay auditory principles
into a form that allows a designer to think in terms
of spatial relations such as lines and planes, rather
than rules. The ISS is structured so that a general
range of information relations can be represented
by auditory relations. This tool allows the designer
to think about the mapping from information rela-
tions to auditory relations as though it were a 3 di-
mensional object.
8 steps
Figure 11-5: ISS blueprint
Chapter 11 Summary 188
The GreyMUMS ISS, built in Chapter 8, is a proof-
of-concept ISS built from musical instrument sam-
ples. The construction was carried out in four stag-
es - the pedestal, the frame, the grating and the
plasticine. The raw material for the construction
was the MUMS palette of musical instrument sam-
ples, which is a reference palette for other research-
ers in the area of auditory perception. The resulting
sculpture has the property that there is a relation-
ship between distance and the strength of perceptu-
al grouping between points in the space. A vertical
line is a pitch scale, and may be used to represent
continuous data. A radial line is a scale of equal
brightness increments for a timbre, and may also be
used for continuous data. A circle of constant radius is a contour of constant brightness
across the range of timbres which can be used to represent categorical data. These prop-
erties are a rich area for further experiment with data mappings and simultaneous and se-
quential presentations of the selections. The GamutExplorer is an interface that allows
you to look at the GreyMUMS space as though it were a 3D coloured solid. You can hear
points in the space by picking them from the sound solid with the mouse.
Personify is a constrained tool, developed in
Chapter 9, for selecting representational mappings
from the GreyMUMS solid. Personify integrates
the TaDa analysis with a direct manipulation inter-
face similar to interfaces found in advanced musi-
cal tools. There are 2 main parts that mirror the
organisation of the TaDa tiles - the requirements
part and the representation part. The requirements
part is made up of the TaDa Panel that captures the
information requirements, and a rule-base that au-
tomatically configures a default auditory represen-
tation according to Hearsay principles. The
representation part is made up of tailoring tools for
fitting the representation to the display, and a device model that maps coordinates from
the GreyMUMS space to sounds on the display device. The tailoring tools allow you to
select representations by drawing paths through ISS space, in device independent terms.
11.3 Demonstrations
The TaDa approach, methods and tools were demonstrated on some application scenarios
drawn from mining exploration, resource planning and climatology. A scenario describ-
ing each problem was recast as a question that the sounds in the display need to answer to
support the information processing activity. You can hear some of the demonstrations at
the ICAD web site (http://www.santafe.edu/~icad/ICAD96/proc96/barrass.htm).
Figure 11-6: GamutExplorer
Figure 11-7: Personify
Chapter 11 Summary 189
11.3.1 GeoViewer
The GeoViewer, in Chapter 5, is a 3D interactive
view of rock strata for mine planning and other ge-
ological applications. A problem is that it can be
hard to tell what type of rock you are looking at in
the various transparent and wireframe modes, and
popup text descriptions can obstruct the view. The
question is what rock is this? The case-based
methods were used to design 3 different palettes
with different semantic connotations - impacts,
musical sounds, and spoken words. You can an-
swer the question by tapping on a rock with the
mouse. The sounds allow the front most surface at an intersection of strata to be disam-
biguated by tapping there, saving on a distracting and computationally expensive change
of viewpoint operation. A development could provide information about the number and
material of hidden overlapping layers.
11.3.2 Gold
The Gold demonstration, in Chapter 6, applies the
Hearsay principles to Blys multidimensional soni-
fication challenge ... Can you find the gold ? It is
hypothesised that six different aspects of the land in
which gold may be found are determinative of
whether or not gold is there. The display allows an
immediate answer to the question for groups of
data as well as individual elements. Regions of
gold are heard as distinct masses of higher, brighter
material. Even when the data is only 5% gold the
gold samples pop-out from the background of dirt sounds. The ability to hear low propor-
tions of outliers may be useful in data-mining applications where interesting elements are
hard to display visually due to multidimensionality, and hard to see because they are rare.
If the data is presented in an appropriate form then a human analyst may be able to per-
ceive information that a programmed algorithm cannot detect.
11.3.3 LandCover
The LandCover demonstration, in Chapter 9, is a
scenario about resource monitoring by satellite da-
ta. The level of vegetation can be seen by coloured
regions in a satellite image, but the colour of small
regions is hard to make out due to limits in hue res-
olution of the eye. The design question is what is
the seasonal variation in landcover here ? An au-
ditory display was designed to provide this local in-
formation. The design was specified with the TaDa
Panel and interactively tailored to the GreyMUMS
display with the Personify tool. The audiovisual
display shows global information about vegetation as a colour image, and local informa-
tion by tapping on individual elements with a mouse to hear a sound.
Figure 11-8: GeoViewer
Figure 11-9: LandCover
Chapter 11 Summary 190
11.3.4 RiverAndRain
RiverAndRain, in Chapter 10, is a display to help
in the siting of a new water treatment works on a
river system. The relations between the rainfall and
the level of chemicals in the river were difficult to
see in the original visualisation because there was a
need to continually shift visual attention between
different elements in the display. The question is
what is the rainfall now? A soundtrack was de-
signed to provide the rainfall information and allow
visual attention to remain fixed on changes in the
river. With use the soundtrack becomes a binder
that enables the perception of relations between variables that appear in different anima-
tions and so cant be seen together. The sounds draw attention to features of the rainfall
record that might otherwise be missed, and allow a more direct perception of relations be-
tween the rain and river variables.
11.3.5 PopRock
PopRock, in Chapter 10, is a display to assist plan-
ning a mineshaft. The visualisation of seismic
events as coloured spheres provides information
about the levels of seismic activity that may indi-
cate faults and weaknesses in the surrounding
rocks. However the events happen so quickly that
isolated events are easy to miss, and the spheres
overlap making it difficult to perceive events that
occur at the same time and place. The question is
how much seismic activity is there at the mo-
ment?. The case-based method was used to select
a sound that is semantically linked to the application domain - a small explosion like
pop. You can hear isolated events that may otherwise go by unnoticed, and differences
in the activity of groups of events that look similar.
11.3.6 cOcktail
cOcktail, in Chapter 10, is a display of oxygen iso-
topes in 12 sea-bed drill-core sites. The individual
records are difficult to track as they overlap and in-
tertwine in the visual display. The question is
what is the level at site X? The soundtrack is de-
signed to help the listener to single out a particular
record in the graph and watch it even when it is ob-
scured by other traces. The listener is able to men-
tally switch attention between co-occurring time-
series information in this auditory display. The
ability to make a mental, rather than manual, switch
between elements may have consequence in other
human-computer interfaces.
Figure 11-10: RiverAndRain
Figure 11-11: PopRock
Figure 11-12: cOcktail
Chapter 11 Summary 191
11.3.7 LostInSpace
LostInSpace, in Chapter 10, is an auditory display
that helps you to navigate in a 3D visualisation of
geological structures. These structures are irregular
and it can be hard to remember where you have
been or find a way back there. The question is
where was I?. The case-based method identified
3 auditory techniques with differing degrees of di-
rectness that could provide a schema for navigation
by ear - calling, telling and landmarks. Calling is
when someone calls to you from somewhere and
you can head in that direction to find them. Telling
is when someone sitting next to you gives you directions, as in when driving a car. Land-
marks is when you can hear a familiar sound, such as the clock chiming in the village
square, and can use it to orient yourself and work out where to head.
11.4 Further work
This thesis develops an approach that tackles a range of important issues such as useful-
ness, directness, learnability, transportability. Other issues that have been touched-on but
require more attention are aesthetic connotations and ergonomics of sounds.
The demonstrations show that the TaDa approach can help in the design of an auditory
information display. However the claim that the sounds improve an interface needs to be
backed by evidence of some sort. In the HCI community usability measurement has been
developed as a way to quantify and compare interface designs. A usability method could
be used to test whether the sounds are of benefit. by comparing task performance in audi-
tory and non-auditory conditions. Further work might also integrate usability measure-
ments into the design process as a way to iteratively improve an existing design.
Many real-world problems are more complex than the demonstration scenarios tried so
far. Further work might involve development of the TaDa approach against scenarios
which involve more than one question, more than a one kind of answer, and more than
one type of subject. This might involve further development of the TaDa requirements
The methods and tools that support the TaDa approach could also be developed further.
The EarBenders case-base could be expanded by collecting more stories from the internet,
or by making it publicly available as a design resource. This expansion could allow scope
for culturally specific schemas, and provide more relevant schemas for a wider range of
design scenarios.
New configurations of the Information-Perception Space could allow perceptual struc-
tures that go beyond those that can be achieved with the current structure that is based on
a colour space with a single zero. These configurations would also require the develop-
ment of new mapping schemes and tailoring tools in Personify. If a particular configura-
tion proves broadly useful then it would be worthwhile to experimentally verify its
information properties across a sample of individuals.
GreyMUMS is a proof-of-concept of an Information-Sound Space. However the palette
Figure 11-13: LostInSpace
Chapter 11 Summary 192
of musical sounds constrains the design of a schema and it would be good to build other
ISSs based on everyday sounds, or synthetic sounds or some other connotative palette.
This is not a trivial exercise because the psychoacoustic data required is not currently
available. Hence there would also be a need to develop fast, robust techniques and readily
available tools for measuring and building an ISS.
The perceptual scaling of the GreyMUMS sound space could be improved on in a number
of ways. The scaling of each axis in isolation is only a first approximation to a uniform
space because it does not take into account interactions between them. The problem of
harmonicity might be addressed by including Shephards pitch helix into the Pitch axis.
Variation in loudness could be normalised by a loudness model. It would be good to allow
continuity around the timbre circle by some form of continuous synthesis. This may allow
the construction of a sound space that is perceptually uniform in all directions.
Bibliography 193
Bi b l i o g r a p h y
Arons B. (1994) Efficient Listening with Two Ears: Dichotic Time Compression and
Spatialization, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Auditory Dis-
play ICAD `94, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Alty J. (1995) Multimedia Interface Design Tutorial Notes, Australian Conference on
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Appendix 203
Ap p e n d i x
Appendix 204
Appendix 5-1: EarBenders Stories
Title Story
marimba keys OK; Am I first? There seems to be something about short term memory that makes
it easier to compare 2 sounds one after the other; than it is to compare 2 visual
objects (distances) one after the other. your brain remembers the sound more
accurately than the distance. e.g. If you show me a marimba key; then hide it; then
show me another; I would have some difficulty deciding which was longer. But if
you played it; then played another; i would have no trouble. Could be a problem if
you are tone deaf! Chris
phone clues police sometimes use the background sounds heard in a phone call to locate the
phone box where the call was made - for example near a railway station or a
restaurant may have unique background sounds ....
call to prayer churches have a bell that is rung on sundays as a call to prayer
mosques have loudspeakers through which the call to prayers is sung
school bell in schools a bell or siren is often used to call the students to an assembly or to
announce the end of lunchtime
squeaky boards the bedroom of the japanese emperor was made with flor-boards that squeaked so
that he could hear anyone who might be sneaking up on him in his sleep
tapping shoes there was a medieval fashion of shoes with heels that tapped on the group to attract
attention to the wearer
windscreen wipers the windscreen wipers start squealing when there is not enough rain sprinkiling on
the windscreen and this tells you to slow them down or turn them off
geese guards roman armies placed geese on the camp periphery at night to warn against sneak
attacks - the geese would reat to a disturbance by loud honking calls
irritating chewing the sound of someone chewing gum and blowing bubbles in the seat behind me on
the bus nearly drove me crazy - sounds can be very irritating - another one is
someone eating an apple.
healthy car I am always sensitive to the sound my car makes. When the car is healthy I
dont hear any noises; but if a new noise develops I will immediately hear it and
think oh no; whats wrong now...
mechanics with
I am sure many mechanics use sound to diagnose engine problems; in fact most
mechanics have stethoscopes.
the car engine has a
familiar normal sound
Example in mechanics. The engine of my (rather old) car makes a complex but
predictable sound. Just recently probably due to the cold weather there has been
a new component added when the engine is cold. This is a bit of a worry; because
if its not caused by the cold it means something might be getting ready to break !
Now that I think about it there are numerous examples of normal sounds where a
change from the normal pattern triggers awareness.
Dropped item Last night Matt and I were removing a perspex thingey-me-jig off the car window
and we kept dropping bits and pieces (cause it was cold and dark); but we found
every piece because we heard where it fell.
Baby talk Also; I always know what Keely wants from the different cries she gives (ie.
hungry; tired; uncomfortable; lonely; wet or bored). You can also tell different
things from her happy sounds. Babys are very expressive with sounds.
Games - Myst Space Ship
Tune Puzzle
have you noticed that the computer game Myst gives sounds as major part of the
game. Also to get to other worlds you may need to use and manipulate the sounds
you have discovered into a sequential pattern. Some can be tricky (cause the
sounds sound similar; but are different ie. on the organ in the spaceship).
Appendix 205
Games - Myst Elements
KlangFarben Puzzle
have you noticed that the computer game Myst gives sounds as major part of the
game. To get to other worlds you may need to use and manipulate the sounds you
have discovered into a sequential pattern. Some can be tricky (cause the sounds
sound similar; but are different ie. on the organ in the spaceship).
Games - Myst Train
Navigation Puzzle
have you noticed that the computer game Myst gives sounds as major part of the
game. They are used for direction guides (ie when moving around the maze etc).
Overloaded electric tools Here is something maybe. When using an electric drill one would like to know
when it is being overloaded. Presumably tradesmen learn by experience with
particular tools what a cry of pain sounds like; but not the average citizen. Similar
of course for the redline rpm in cars.
Getting to sleep Dear Stephen; Just one point about noise. I think that noise in a modern society is
something that you are more likely to want to blot out than listen to. I live in a
flat; and when I first moved in it took ages before I could sleep without being
woken up by noises around me. I wired my micro-moog (love that machine) into
a really BIG speaker (12 woofer and all that) with white noise and left it on 24
hours a day in my bedroom. The result was a peacefull and blissful nights sleep
(after I sto
Waking up You are interested in presenting noise as something useful. It might be interesting
to explore the other side - that noise is sometimes a penalty - indeed it is
designed that way to wake us up before being mauled my sabre-tooth tigers and
the like. I believe you have the same problem with Bettina listening to those story
tapes about and then the horse jumped the gate; and raced out of site over the hill
..? You have my symphony .. oops; I mean my sympathy.Good luck with the
write-up. Scott.
striking matches striking matches I can hear how dan is doing it - the pressure of the match head on
the box - the fluidity of motion - the flare as it lights, even though concentrating on
another activity with my other son timmy
Estimating Numbers of
Frogs or Cicadas
estimating frog populations by listening to tape recordings made of ponds at night,
estimating the numbers of cicadas in the vicinity in the middle of the day, the
number of animals contributing to the sound changes the loudness and timbre of
the overall sound
Species identification identifying frog species by tape recordings made by ponds at night, identifying
cicada species by their distinctive chirpings,identifying bird species from their
Dishwasher gone to bed and have turned on the dishwasher - can hear if something is going
wrong. like bad stacking of the plates, or the water tap is off.
shaving shaving with electric razor - starts off noisy but is finished when it goes quiet as
hairs get chopped
Dropped object finding dropped screws; coins; tools
Car diagnosis renault manual - gear; brakes; transmission; engine diagnosis
Climbing Vines life on a vine - sbs tv - thais climbing cliffs for birds eggs pull on a vine and listen
to hear a bad one
finding people someone is there - physical presence,finding people in the rubble of collapsed
finding people finding people in the rubble of collapsed buildings or in the bush
outside tap tap is on or off, tap is running, hose outside is running
footsteps a persons walking style, recognise someone by their footsteps
visitors a visitor has arrived - a car coming up the drive; people on the porch; doorbell -
housemate has arrived has key in the lock instead of doorbell.
Title Story
Appendix 206
Syncronous revs of plane
difference between engine revs - pilots use beating between engines to adjust revs
to be synchronous for comfort since the beating is annoying
Door key card door key-card reader beeps on error
PIN keypresses beep on successful keypress keypress recognised - eftpos & autobank input beep
pick up card autobanks sometimes double beep to remind you to retrieve your card at the end of
a session
Bikes in Traffic When you are riding your bike you use your hearing all the time - Crossing blind
intersections. - Pedestrian road crossings. - Trucks, cars traffic behind your
bicycle.- Bicycle coming along footpath
bells and horns bike bells and car horns indicate that someone is trying to get your attention -
could be telling you to watch out, or saying hello as they drive by - depends on the
bicycle maintenance bike maintenance - chain lubrication; getting gears in; bell ringing; pinging spoke;
pin in the tyre; puncture
cat talk cat-talk - want food; get off my tail; let me out; pat me; purring with contentment
rafting rapids and
rafting rapids ahead, waterfall is nearby
weather wind gusts roaring toward tent thru trees at island bend (snowies). rain bursts on
tin roof; absence of noise when its snowing.
sickness coughing = disease (stay away) - a person is sick with the flu and they sniff or
blow their nose
siren air raid siren at 12 noon = first monday of the month in holland (in the 70s?)
timer alarm alarm clock; oven timer; egg-timer
door muffle when the lounge door is open the tv and conversation is loud; when it is closed it
is soft
window or door is open an open window in the car whistles, when the back screen-door is unlatched it
flaps in the wind
Coffee percolator the coffee percolator makes a burbling sound while it is pumping through the filter
and then a louder brighter burble when it is finished, then eventually the burbling
boiling water hot water kettle boiling starts off silent, then starts bubbling with a low dull sound
and gradually gets higher and brighter until it reaches a stable boiling state. You
can usually tell where it is up to in the sequence and how much further there is to
go - e.g. 10 seconds or 1 minute etc.
operating bug in the burners Thumping noise in the roof above the lobby corridor level 3 is from the plant
room above. This noise is from incorrectly adjusted gas burners on the boilers.
The burners have some operating bug which prevents correct adjustment and
causes burner dropouts. Turning the boiler off fixes the noise but causes severe
shivering to occupants. The suppliers have been working on the problem and have
promised to have the bug fixed by Friday this week ?? Arch
Rubbish I mentioned my shaving use-of-sound the other day. I was talking to my partner
Robyn about your stuff; and she had a good one as a scavenger. She said the
quickest; best way to see if a bag of garbage contains something interesting is to
give it a bit of a kick. The combination of the weight of the bag and sound that it
makes tells you whats inside. Normal household rubbish sounds a bit plasticy;
bottles clink; crockery clatters; disposable nappies squelch.... So a lot of the time
her job involves wanderin
Voice identification identifying a criminal by voice in a police line-up
Title Story
Appendix 207
car noises fit like a glove car noises fit the car like a glove - most powerful diagnostic in mechanics toolkit.
jon lilleyman
Helicopter Gearbox Helicopter gearboxes are very difficult to remove and have stringent maintenance
requirements. Maintentance diagnosis is done using a stethoscope to listen for
worn gears, broken teeth etc.
Airspeed Indicator aviation legend - after ww2 when cockpit instruments were hard to get glider
pilots strapped a harmonica to the wing as a stall warning device - no music / no
fly !
stall warning contemporary cockpits use a buzzer to alert the pilot of an imminent stall
slow down warning speed stripes on the road - rythmic tyre sound warns you to slow down
cereals Dear Ear-Benders; I often rattle things (particularly in the kitchen) to see whats in
em. This can give visual; muscular and auditory feedback. The other day I had
two opaque film canisters; one with 200 speed film and the other with 400 - so I
rattled them to find the one I wantedbut they both sounded the same
dog talk Like Sharris baby; my dog is quite expressive with noise. I have grown
particularly alert to her (the dogs) Im throwing up on the carpet now sound.
footsteps absence of noise - as in when the footsteps stop outside andrew lochleys door
which makes him cringe because someone wants something
aural debug by disc access
OK; I have two more 1/ Computer programmers used to be able to tell when there
was in infinite loop in their program by listening to the disk accesses - a regular
click ...click ...click ...click ... where there was none before was not considered a
good sign.
internet break in alert 2/ My notebook is on the Internet with no fire-walling; but I know that I will hear
the disk spin up if someone tries to break in (assuming that I am in my office of
filling bottles Whenever I have to fill an opaque bottle with liquid I listen to the sound that the
liquid makes and the pitch tells me how much liquid is in the bottle. This is
particularly handy when filling hot water bottles for the kids. It means you can
pour the hot water full blast out if the tap and not have too great a risk of scalding
yourself. Cheers Don B.
jungle war jungle warfare in a movie called the last bullet - a japanese soldier remembers
by the time you see your enemy it is too late - you must listen to the sounds
faulty dishwasher washing machine mechanic - first thing he does is listen - diagnosed faulty relay -
pedestrain crossing beeper when the traffic light starts beeping it means you can walk across the pedestrian
phone telephone you are calling is engaged or ringing or dead, modem monitoring -
ringing; answer or engaged
depth of a hole drop a rock down a hole to tell how deep it is - neale
lightning distance Distance of lightning by counting til thunder arrives
fishing cast fishing cast - a good cast makes a nice whizzing sound, and you can tell how far it
has gone by the amount of time it whizzes before it plonks into the water. Also
you can hear where it landed.
horse how fast is a horse going - clippitty clop; galloping etc.
car speed you can tell how fast a car is as it passes by by the rate of change of the location of
the sound, the loudness and timbre of the engine; and for racing cars you hear a
change in pitch as it passes by due to doppler shift as well.
Title Story
Appendix 208
hitchhikers guide >But I still think the Earth got blown up before Fords house got dozed!
>Richard. In the book (and radio play I believe); the front of Arthurs house gets
bulldozed while he is in the pub with Ford Prefect. The crashing noise prompts
him to rush outside and back to the house (with Ford running after him). In the TV
series - due to low budget no doubt - you just see the front fence being knocked
over. Of course the Vogons then destroy the earth; which I suppose completes the
job of knocking down Arthurs ho
CLC stuffed The CLC still appears to be stuffed! i.e. It does not print anything and seems to be
recognising only black. It sounded very rough as well.
air rescue beacon in an air rescue an emergency radio search beacon transmits a tone at a certain
radio frequency and searchers home in on it by loudness of the radio signal - neale
ice floe the condition of a glacier ice floe is learnt by nearby residents who listen to the
cracking noises it makes. neale
power station maintenance men in power stations can hear the possibility of the transformer
exploding and have been known to make a quick exit when things start sounding
abnormal - neale
microwaving microwave food pops and crackles when hot enough
gas leak when the gas is on or leaking in the stove it makes a hissing sound.
gas cylinders which gas cylinder has more in it ? you tap them and the fuller one has a low dull
sound and the emptier one is higher and has a brighter hollower tone.
tracking marbles 18 month old boy tracking marbles by ear on the wooden floor when he cant see
them because they are behind him - neale
Lorikeets rainbow lorikeets calling at Batemans Bay golf-course reminded me of holidays
20 years ago when my family camped next to a bird sanctuary at Curumbin
Seagulls seagulls squawking at Lake Gininderra makes it feel like being at the seaside
a good hit a good golf hit or tennis hit sounds sweet. You can improve your game with this
feedback, or anticipate the speed of an opponents tennis return.
barcode scanner when the librarian or supermarket checkout pass the barcode scanner over an item
it beeps to signal ok
alarms fire alarm; burglar alarm; car alarm
sirens police; ambulance; fire truck sirens
dripping tap a tap or shower is dripping - you hear this especially when trying to go to sleep at
night, even when it is out in the laundry.
road surface different road surfaces make different sounds as you drive over them - concrete
roads make regular clacks due to the cracks; asphalt is even but noisy, dirt has loud
radio phone The remote phone can be paged from the base so you can find it under a cushion in
the lounge or amongst pots and pans on the kitchen bench.
doctors with stethoscopes I am sure many mechanics use sound to diagnose engine problems; in fact most
mechanics have stethoscopes. Now that leads on to the medical profession and
how they use sound to diagnose a patient...
Engine Load Another motoring example With familiarity, I can tell the load being applied to
the engine of my car. The load level can be sensed even at constant speed. It
must be a change in harmonic content since the basic frequency is speed related.
This principle could be used as an audio system load monitor to replace the visual
perfmeter !
Title Story
Appendix 209
surfing surfing - you know that you have caught a good wave and are going fast because
there is a harmonic vibration in the fins which you can hear when you exceed a
certain speed
Getting up to attend a baby Sometimes Keely wakes at night and I can tell from bed whether I should check on
her or leave her to cry herself back to sleep.
applause count in debates the winning team is determined by the amount of applause given each
team by the audience
internal or external phone
On our phones at work any internal phone calls have a single ring, while external
phone calls are signalled by a double ring. Sometimes you are too busy to deal
with an internal call so you ignore it.
driving in fog Driving up Bulli pass in thick fog we had to cross 3 lanes of the Sydney
expressway at a T-junction. Visibility was down to 30 m but by rolling the
windows down and listening it was possible to hear invisible cars approaching and
so make a less risky crossing.
squeaky dog toys Dogs love to play with squeaky or rattly toys - these noisy toys keep their interest.
eggs and bacon bacon and eggs sizzle and pop when they are frying - this is how you tell the heat
is high enough
popcorn when you pop popcorn it starts off slowly popping then builds up in rate and
loudness, then dies down again as most of the corn has popped. you can tell how
many popcorns are going off all through the cooking process, and you can tell
when its finished
Baby identification You can recognise the cry of your own baby from those of others in a group of
in tune you can tell if a guitar is out of tune by strumming a familiar chord - if ok it sounds
sweet, otherwise it sounds rough
in tune you can also tell if a guitar is out of tune by plucking a familiar chord from low to
high as an arpeggio - there is a rgular pattern if it is ok, otherwise the out of tune
string sticks out like a sore thumb and the arpeggio sounds off
micro-tuning You tune a guitar by listening for beats between adjacent strings when the same
note on each is plucked together. When the beats disappear the strings are in tune.
caving when you are in the dark in a small tunnel there is no reverb and the sound is very
dry, when you enter a larger room you automatically register the increased size
of the room by the increase in the wetness or reverb of voice and dripping and
scraping sounds
mowing the lawn When you are mowing you can monitor the thickness of the grass by the loudness
of the motor soundm plus you can tell that you are mowing over sticks, stones or
other obstacles from the clackety sounds.
customer buzzer Shops sometimes have a bell on the door or an electronic buzzer which goes off as
a customer passes through the doorway of the shop. Even if the shop keeper is
serving someone or is stocking the shelves elsewhere in the shop they are able to
monitor comings and goings. Actually the sound will be the same for both coming
or going, but the context is different - so you might discern a going by a
connection with preliminary sounds such as footsteps or talking ... maybe coming
and going are actually different c
wind chimes Wind chimes make a pleasant realxing sound when the wind blows. However they
are not usually used to inform that the wind is blowing but as a form of aural
decoration. Other garden decorations that come to mind are fountains and
bubbling brooks and japanese water knockers.
Title Story
Appendix 210
vacuum cleaner What Ducted vacuum cleaner with 9 metre hose -Action suck suck suck, then
something gets blocked (in fact the hose twists and kinks blocking off the air
flow.-Sound pitch of whine of electric motor rises alarmingly as the load becomes
excessive -Interpretation hose is blocked
hammering a nail Sound solid sounding knock, then a softer slightly clangy sound -Interpretation
Nail is bent -Sound solid sounding knock, then overly solid (higher pitch) -
Interpretation Nail has hit something (pipe ? concrete ?)
meditation mantra In meditation you mentally repeat a mantra sound (a word without meaning) to
help focus your mind and distance your connection with the external world.
music to study by It is common for students to listen to music turned up very loud when studying.
Rather than being distracting this actually helps some people focus on their work
(well it did for me !). I think it is helpful because it blocks out other distracting
sounds (noises) such as the tv in the next room, or people talking etc which would
likely lure you away from the textbooks...also it can help you settle into your study
habitat, acting as a psychological conditioner like a bell causing a dog to salivate.
pavlovs dogs Pavlov trained dogs to assosciate the sound of a bell with food by ringing it when
they were given a meal. Once this conditioning had occurred the dogs would
salivate at the sound of a bell, even though food was not present. A sound which
does not naturally occur in the presence of food could trigger a reflex which is
only useful for eating. This is strong evidence against the ecological premise that
information is structured by the environment, and undermines some of the claims
made for the Auditory Icon m
Computer What Waiting for something to happen as per instruction -Sound nothing then a
busy clicking of the hard disc heads -Interpretation Something is happening
laser printer maintenance printing a page on the laser printer -Sound graunch, grind -Interpretation
something needs maintenance, maybe oil
electric kettle boiling water in the electric kettle -Sound rumble gets louder, bubbling, then
click -Intepretation auto switch-off when boiled
Raining Outside in a house with a tin roof you can hear how bad the rain is outside - sprinkling is a
soft pitter-pat, but when its raining hard it can be so loud it drowns out your voice
cocktail party at a cocktail party you can choose to listen to the person you are conversing with,
whilst monitoring another conversation elsewhere in the room, or follow
someones voice or identify people and groups of people, all against the general
hubbub of voices, music and other background noise which indicate the level of
animation of the proceedings...
Diabetes advert TV advertisements for diabetes campaign Do you remember this song ? chewie,
chewie etc. then you are over 40 years old and need a diabetes test.
wind chime my family in Queensland have tuned windchimes on their porch and when the
wind blows in a northerly it plays a distinctly different chord to when it blows
tennis when you play tennis in a pressurised dome you cant hear the ball when you hit it
and it makes playing a very strange becuase you cant tell when the ball has been
hit by your opponents.
macro-tuning to tune strings play the same note on adjacent strings, one close after the other. If
the pitch of the tuned string is too high then release the string tension a little and
test again. If too low then increase the string tension. Keep doing this until there is
no gross pitch difference. Now use the beats as in the micro-tuning story.
Title Story
Appendix 211
Irrigation ACT Parks and Gardens is responsible for maintaining the green spaces in and
around Canberra, which is a national capital with a strong tourist industry.
Irrigation is a major investment and it is important to ensure that the system is in
good working order and is performing efficiently. Satellite images can be used to
assess vegetation growth and soil wetness. An image of greeness difference is
overlaid over cultural features but it is difficult to show soil wetness on the same
display. Can sounds be used
walking at night walking home in the dark you can tell when you are walking over leaves, grass,
concrete gravel etc. by the sound of your footsteps
walking speed when walking home you can hear someone behind you apporaching as their
footsteps get louder and also by the rate of their steps which is faster than your
breathing you can tell if someone is exhausted by their breathing - heavy, fast or shallow
wheezy, - sharp short means sick, - you cant normally hear someone breathing if
they arent somehow distressed
flag in the wind a flag flapping in the wind makes a louder faster flappier sound as the wind speed
ducted central heating action - turn-up heat on thermostat, sound - slight delay then satisfying click,
interpretation - relay has clicked and it will start soon
ducted heating 2 action - turn-up heat on thermostat, sound - distant soft explosion, interpretation
- gas burner has switched on and heat will start soon
cold start action - cold start of car, sound - engine clatter gradually settles down to a hum
after 5 mins, interpretation - engine was cold
power saw as the saw cuts into the saw the whine gets deeper in pitch ad duller, as you pull it
out it raises in pitch to its normal whine again - I guess its something to do with the
speed of the saw.
sprinkler system small drip sprinklers make a hissing sound when they are operating properly and
though you cant usually see them you can walk along the row of bushes and listen
to make sure the waterinng is going ok at each bush
wolf whistle a wold whistle is someone trying to get your attention at a distance in an outdoor
counting a person can communicate a quantity using spoken numbers
objects = nouns nouns are usually perceptually distinctive sounds, especially if commonly used in
similar contexts - e.g. car, bike, van, bus, train, ute
japanese ladies japanese women continually flush the toilet to cover other noises
relaxation tapes Rain is natures steady, cleansing symphony - Rainfall in the Mist relaxation tape
helps you relax and drift away to a place of beauty and serenity. Other tapes have
ocean or waterfall scenes.
dog collar bell walking my dog ziggy on Mt. Ainslie I stopped for a breather and Ziggy went off
into the bush sniffing around. I couldnt see her but couyld tell she was moving
away from me by the sound of the bell on her collar. In the end when she wouldne
come I had to go and find her - I think she was lost !
cicadas in heat cicadas only start to sing when the temperature rises above 18 degress celsius,
though different species may vary several degrees
bumble bee bumblre bees use a special buzzing key to open a particular type of flower
egg collectors a tv documentary showed thai egg collectors who sail to remote islands and climb
hundreds of metres up cliff-faces to reach bird nests using vines which grow there.
The collectors pull on a vine and listen to the sound it makes before trusting it with
their lives, apparently they can hear a good from a bad vine this way...
Title Story
Appendix 212
dropped keys you can usually find tour keys straight away if you drop them in the dark by the
sound of where they fell
camera shutter you know you have taken the photo when the shutter clicks
camera timer a camera timer makes a buzzing noise until it clicks off the shot
cassette rewind as a cassette rewinds the sound gets faster and faster unti it clunks to a stop
phone dial tunes when you dial a push button phone consecutive numbers have increasing pitch -
with familiar numbers you know that you have mis-dialled because of the wrong
phone dial press when you press a phone dialling button it makes a characteristic pitch that lets you
know that you pressed it hard enough
broken cicada a damaged male cicada cannot sing well and will not be able to attract mates
insects attract mates crickets, cicadas and many other insects chirp, rub their legs together or hammer
their abdomens to call mates. Each cicada species has a distinctive call and the
females are very selective in their response so overlapping territories do not cause
insects frighten predators beetles make explosions using gas to scare off predators, masses of cicadas chirp
loudly (>100dB) to scare off birds
insects stake territory as a grasshopper flies it clicks its legs to let others know that this is its territory
pair identification a telecom technician in civic was using a beeping device to identify wire pairs
between his location and a site across the road
continuity checker my multimeter has a continuity option which makes a beep when there is no
resistance between the leads
mice,rats or possums in roof whilst staying at the coast house I heard something running around in the roof,
maybe a rat or possum because it sounded bigger than a mouse
tuning a radio when searching for a radio station you get a noise or whine which diminishes
around the a station frequency which is a kind of notch in the noise band
microwave or oven timer the microwave timer goes bing when the time has run out
collision We may predict the potential collision of two objects by observing their paths with
our eyes, but it is the sound of the collision that best reveals how the structure of
the objects has been affected by the collision.
image projection teenagers cruise around civic with their music blaring from their mobiles to
project their particular image - hip-hop, gothic, thrash whatever...same with
partioes and personal collections - play it loud to let people know who you are !
earcons earcons are short musical motifs consisting of 2 or 3 changes in timbre, pitch or
rhythm which are used to signal interface events such as opening a file or scrolling
a menu.
seismic audification seismic data consists of ? channels of continuous time series ratio pressure
measurements from an array of pressure transducers buried in the ground. The
analyst looks at visual traces to dentify event signatures which can be used to
identify the time of unusual events and discriminate between nuclear tests and
earthquakes at remote locations.
ripe fruit you can tell whether a water melon is ripe by tapping it and listening, this also
works for apples, it must have something to do with the the damping of the sound
when the fruit isnt ripe, because it sort of rings when its ripe
Title Story
Appendix 213
songlines youll hear the expression aquiring ritual knowledge. All this meant was that the
man was extending his son-map...The next point, he said, was to understand that
every song cycle went leap-frogging through language barriers, regardless of
tribe or frontier. A Dreaming track might start in the north-west, near Broome;
thread its way through twenty languages or more; and go on to hit the sea near
Adelaide. And yet, I said, its still the same song. ...Does that mean, I asked, that a
young man on Walkabout c
geese navigation Certain ducks and geese can record the choruses of frogs beneath them, and
know that they are flying over marsh.
birds migrations songlines - Other night fliers bounce their calls on to the ground below, and,
catching the echo, fix their altitude and the nature of the terrain.
dolphin triangulation Dolphins flash echo-locating clicks on to submarine reefs, in order to steer a safe
passage through..It has even occurred to me that, when a dolphin triangulates to
determine its position, its behaviour is analogous to our own, as we name and
compare the things encountered in our daily lives, and so establish our place in
the world.
hula hoops from the movie the hudsucker proxy then we put a little bit of sand inside the
hula hoop that shooooshes to make it - well to make it more fun
a clue in a tv cop show the hunted man brushes past a hanging mobile that tinkles as he
passes throgh the doorway. He hides in an adjoining room and waits. Subtly we
hear the tinkling of the mobile again and the man opens fire through the fibro wall
into the next room, killin gthe assassin in the dioorway.
oil drilling sometimes there is a risk of accidentlaly intersecting another oil well when drilling
for oil. One way of monitoruing the progress is to lower a microphone down the
oil well at risk and listen ffor warning sounds whilst drilling
mr whippy the mr whippy ice-cream van plays greensleeves and you can hear it coming
several blocks away, and tell when its getting close to your house in time to get
som echanges and track it down
troubadors before the printing press the troubadors were paid to sing the news as they
travelled the countryside - they were the source of news. they would trade songs
with each other, and were able to remember songs that lasted hours after only one
gold Can you find the gold? It is hypothesised that six different aspects of the land in
which gold may be found are determinative of whether or not gold is there. The
first 20 data variables (each 6-d) are from sites known to have gold; the second 20
data variables are from sites known not to have gold. For each of the remaining 10
data variables, decide fro each whether or not it is from a site with gold.
entomology when working at entomology arch was asked to build a listening device to detect
weevils on the conveyor belt on their way into grain trucks. you could hear these
insects rustling in the grain even though you couldnt see them - especially in a big
finding studs you can find where the studs that the plasterboard walls of the house are fixed to
by knocking on the walls. the walls sound hollow but where the studs are it is
more solid and duller
male spacing behaviour As in the bladder cicada, most insects use the distant cue of sound to indicate their
presence to would be competitors, and maintain a safe distance between agressors.
If the males adopt this tactic, and the vegetation is homogenous, the males will
space themselves quite evenly, and spacing will be a consequence of acoustic
rivalry. But the distance at which the male calls may be under selection,
depending on the number of males present, the intensity of the call, the hearing
sensitivity of neighbouring ma
Title Story
Appendix 214
size and reproductive
In those insects using sound as the primary long-distance cue for mate attraction,
females do prefer larger, more loudly calling males e.g. mole crickets, bush
crickets, fruit flies. Even under water intensity is an overriding factor infleuncing
the behaviour of female corixids. Deep croaking frogs repeatedly get more mates
than higher pitched rivals, and the louder calls of larger natterjack toads attrack
more mates. Bailey W.J. (1991) Acoustic Behaviour of Insects: an evolutionary
perspective, Chapman and
species pattern Males call with a species pattern and the call must have a quite resticted frequency
range. The female must recognise this signal as its own species, and its hearing
system would do well to be tuned to the males call. Bailey W.J. (1991) Acoustic
Behaviour of Insects: an evolutionary perspective, Chapman and Hall, London
aggregations of calling
Calling by aggregated insects became central to the group versus individual
slection controversyof the mid 1960s where the group selection theory was that
chorusing groups evolved as displays that allowed individuals to gain information
as to the size of the population, and adjust their behaviour accordingly. Bailey
W.J. (1991) Acoustic Behaviour of Insects: an evolutionary perspective, Chapman
and Hall, London
oversinging and masking Perhaps males use their song to mask the call of another to minimise the influence
of an intruder on a searching female. Resident male O.nigripes over-sing their
neighbours in this way. The song consists of a long series of buzzes, and with this
style of song masking could be quite effective. The interval between buzzes is
adjusted to fit over the intruders song, essentially synchronisign the sound bursts.
Bailey W.J. (1991) Acoustic Behaviour of Insects: an evolutionary perspective,
Chapman and Hall, Lon
war propaganda Amphiacusta maya is a phalangopsid cricket from Central America which occurs
in groups in tree hollows. It is unusual because the males song has no calling
function: females are not attracted to it. The primary role of the song appears to be
for keeping other males away during copulation - war propaganda rathaer than
courtship. Bailey W.J. (1991) Acoustic Behaviour of Insects: an evolutionary
perspective, Chapman and Hall, London
insect thermometer The snowy tree cricket produces its call as a nearly continuous sequence of chirps,
with each containing 2-11 pulses, although 5-8 is more common. The chirp rate
and structure of the chirp are highly temperature dependent, varying between 50
and 200 chirps per minute. To maintain synchrony in a chorus some members of
the population in warm spots must slow down, whilst those at lower temperature
must increase their singing rate. Bailey W.J. (1991) Acoustic Behaviour of
Insects: an evolutionary perspective, C
distance information Insects are frequency sensitive, with many showing specialised hearing structures
capable of differentially filtering certain frequency bands. One of the features of
sound as it travels through the medium is that certain frrequencies are lost faster
than others and this loss may give information on the distance of the caller. Bailey
W.J. (1991) Acoustic Behaviour of Insects: an evolutionary perspective, Chapman
and Hall, London
Title Story
Appendix 215
defence Many ants produce sounds with high frequencies clsoe to 10 kHz that function in
defence. The production of sound in ants is throught the movement of a plectrum
on the posterior part of the petiole, where it engages a file on the first segment of
the gaster. Bailey W.J. (1991) Acoustic Behaviour of Insects: an evolutionary
perspective, Chapman and Hall, London
call for help High frequencies are severely attenuated by soil, favouring the transmission of
low frequency elements. Thus the non-sexual signals by ants, such as the leaf
cutter ant Atta sexdens are low frequency calls, and although the function of these
may normally be between nest mates, the signal also acts as an alarm to members
of the colony when one of their number is buried in an earth fall. Bailey W.J.
(1991) Acoustic Behaviour of Insects: an evolutionary perspective, Chapman and
Hall, London
popcorn done when you pop popcorn it starts off slowly popping then builds up in rate and
loudness, then dies down again as most of the corn has popped. you can tell how
many popcorns are going off all through the cooking process, and you can tell
when its finished
Title Story
Appendix 216
Appendix 5-2: Lookup.prl
#!/local/bin/perl5 -w
#SOURCE FILElookup.prl
#MODULE Sonify
#SYSTEM Thesis
#AUTHORStephen Barrass, CSIS
# : First written October 1995
# help message
sub help {
print STDERR Synopsis : $0 < database > examples\n;
print STDERR EarBenders Lookup - ranks records by similarity to a lookup record\n;
print STDERR newline is the record separator\n;
print STDERR + is the within field AND operator\n;
print STDERR ; is the within field OR operator\n;
print STDERR [-h]\t\t\t\tthis help message\n;
# main
print STDERR $0\n;
# parse command line
while ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/) {
if (/^-h/)
exit 1;
exit 1;
$i = 0;
while (<@ARGV>) {
print $_\n;
Appendix 217
# score the entries
$i = 0;
$max = 0;
$maxcnt = 0;
while (<>) {
# split the line into fields
@fields = split(/\|/);
if ($i == 0) {
@query = @fields;
print STDERR #QUERY\n#FIELD#=$#fields\n$_\n\n;
print STDERR #story $i, fields=#=$#fields\n@fields\n;
# for each field
$score = 0;
for ($j=$TASK_OFFSET; $j < $#fields; $j++) {
@subfields = split(/[;+]/, $fields[$j]);
for ($k=0; $k <= $#subfields; $k++) {
print STDERR \nQuery=$query[$j],Field=$subfields[$k];
if ($query[$j] eq ???) {
elsif ($query[$j] eq ) {
elsif ($query[$j] eq all) {
elsif ($subfields[$k] eq all) {
elsif ((index $query[$j],$subfields[$k]) >= 0) {
elsif ((index $subfields[$k],$query[$j]) >= 0) {
print STDERR SCORE=$score, MAX=$max\n;
if ($score >= $max) {
print #story $i=$score, FIELDS=$#fields\n$_\n\n;
if (($i > 0) && ($maxcnt > 1)) {
$max = $score;
$maxcnt = 0;
print #QUERY -------\n;
print @query\n;
print #max=$max\n;
Appendix 218
Appendix 5-3: Synthesis.prl
# SOURCE FILE synthesis.prl
# MODULE Sonify
# SYSTEM Thesis
# AUTHOR Stephen Barrass, CSIS
# : First written December 1996
# help message
sub help {
print STDERR Synopsis : $0 < database > examples\n;
print STDERR EarBenders Design\n;
print STDERR synthesise design from Sound Analyses\n;
print STDERR [-i (3)]\t\t\tnumber of analyses to use\n;
print STDERR [-h]\t\t\t\tthis help message\n;
# Sound Design
format DESIGN =
Sound Design
Nature @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
Level @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
Streams @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
Range @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
Compound @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Occurence @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Pattern @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Movement @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Relation @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Organisation @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
sub SoundDesign {
Appendix 219
# descriptions of the actual sounds to be used
@Sounds = ();
# descriptions of principal variation
@Descriptors = ();
@SoundNatures = (everyday, synthetic, vocal, verbal);
@SoundNature = ();
@SoundLevels = (local, global);
@SoundLevel = ();
@SoundStreams = (single,few,many);
@SoundStream = ();
@SoundOccurences = (isolated);
@SoundOccurence = ();
@SoundPatterns = (discrete);
@SoundPattern = ();
@SoundMovements = (stationary,jumping,smooth,blanket);
@SoundMovement = ();
@SoundRelations = (category, continuum, order, metric, zero);
@SoundRelation = ();
@SoundOrganisations = (nominal,ordinal,interval,ratio);
@SoundOrganisation = ();
@SoundCompounds = (integral,seperable);
@SoundCompound = ();
#number of different sounds
@SoundRange = ();
# Majority
# return the majority trend in a list of fields
sub Majority {
(@fields) = @_;
$majority = 0;
$matchesMAX = 0;
# for each but the last field
for ($i=0; $i<$#fields; $i++) {
# count matches along the fields
$matches = 0;
for ($j=$i+1; $j <= $#fields; $j++) {
if ($fields[$i] eq $fields[$j]) {
if ($matches > $matchesMAX) {
$matchesMAX = $matches;
$majority = $i;
# if no majority then return the fields
if ($matchesMAX == 0) {
return no majority in (@fields);
# return the majority trend
$m = ($matchesMAX+1);
$f = ($#fields+1);
Appendix 220
$mTotal += $m;
$fTotal += $f;
return $m\/$f ($fields[$majority]) in (@fields);
# main
print STDERR $0\n;
# parse command line
$iMAX = 3; # number of analyses to synthesise from
while ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/) {
if (/^-h/)
exit 1;
elsif (/^-i/)
if ($i=shift > 0) {
$iMAX = $i;
exit 1;
$SOUND_OFFSET=15; # offset of the sound analysis in EarBenders
SoundDesign; # initialise the Sound Design
$i = 0;
print #--------- query\n<;
$q = <STDIN>;
$q = <STDIN>;
$q = <STDIN>;
$q = <STDIN>;
$q = <STDIN>;
print $q\n;
while (<STDIN>) {
if (/^ *#/) { next; }# skip comment lines
if (/^ *\n/) { next; }# skip blank lines
if ($i >= $iMAX) { last; }
# split the line into fields
@fields = split(/\|/);
# get each field from each of the top entries
print STDOUT #--------- case $i\n@fields\n;
@SoundLevel = ($fields[$j++],@SoundLevel);
@SoundCompound = ($fields[$j++],@SoundCompound);
@SoundDescriptors = ($fields[$j++],@SoundDescriptors);
@SoundRelation = ($fields[$j++],@SoundRelation);
@SoundNature = ($fields[$j++],@SoundNature);
@SoundOccurence = ($fields[$j++],@SoundOccurence);
@SoundPattern = ($fields[$j++],@SoundPattern);
@SoundStream = ($fields[$j++],@SoundStream);
Appendix 221
@SoundMovement = ($fields[$j++],@SoundMovement);
# design synthesis
# use majority trend for each field
# if no majority then leave it up to the designer
@SoundLevel = Majority(@SoundLevel);
@SoundCompound = Majority(@SoundCompound);
@SoundDescriptors = Majority(@SoundDescriptors);
@SoundRelation = Majority(@SoundRelation);
@SoundNature = Majority(@SoundNature);
@SoundOccurence = Majority(@SoundOccurence);
@SoundPattern = Majority(@SoundPattern);
@SoundStream = Majority(@SoundStream);
@SoundMovement = Majority(@SoundMovement);
open(DESIGN, >-) || die cant create;
write DESIGN; # output
#close INFILE;
$percentScore = ($mTotal*100)/$fTotal;
print Total Match Score = $mTotal\/$fTotal = $percentScore\n;
Appendix 222
Appendix 5-4: Casedesign.csh
#!/bin/csh -f
#SOURCE FILEbatch.csh
#MODULE Sonify
#SYSTEM Thesis
#AUTHORStephen Barrass, CSIS
# : First written September 1994
# Synopsis
# command line
set files =
while ($#argv > 0)
switch ($1)
case -h:
goto synopsis
set files = ($files $1)
# main
# assume query is the last item in the earbend.txt
# need to move it to the top position
tail -1r < earbend.txt > x
cat x earbend.txt | lookup.prl > ranked.txt
# best stories are at the end
tail -r < ranked.txt | synthesis.prl > design.txt
rm x
goto end
# help message
echo synopsis: $0
echo EarBenders case-based design synthesis
echo the earbenders case base is assumed to be in earbend.txt
echo the synthesised design goes to design.txt
echo lots of messages go to stderr
Appendix 223
Appendix 6-1: GoldMaker.prl
#SOURCE FILEgoldbug.prl
#MODULE Sonify
#SYSTEM Thesis
#AUTHORStephen Barrass, CSIS
# : First written March 1997
# generate a mixture of dirt and gold
# there are a number of elements per handful and a number of handfuls that are thrown
$handful = 20;
$throws = 5;
$tempo = 600;
$goldlevel = 0.5;
# help message
sub help {
print STDERR Synopsis : $0 \n;
print STDERR generate handfuls of Blys dirt and gold data\n;
print STDERR [-h]\t\t\t\tthis help message\n;
print STDERR [-e <$handful>]\t\t\telements in a handful\n;
print STDERR [-g <$goldlevel>]\t\t\tratio of gold 0.0-1.0\n;
print STDERR [-l <$tempo>]\t\t\trate at which elements occur\n;
print STDERR [-t <$throws>]\t\t\tnumber of handfuls that are thrown\n;
# main
print STDERR $0\n;
# parse command line
while ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/) {
if (/^-h/)
exit 1;
elsif (/^-e/)
$handful = shift;
elsif (/^-l/)
$tempo = shift;
Appendix 224
elsif (/^-t/)
$throws = shift;
elsif (/^-g/)
$goldlevel = shift;
exit 1;
# normal deviate by the Polar method
sub norm {
my $s = 1;
while ($s >= 1) {
$u1 = (rand) * 2-1;
$u2 = (rand) * 2-1;
$s = $u1*$u1 + $u2*$u2;
$r = abs($u1*sqrt(-2*log($s)/$s));
sub norm1 {
my $r = 4;
while ($r > 3.5) {
$r = norm;
return $r;
sub score {
printf i1 %.3f 1 %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f ,$t+$x1,$x1,$x2,$x3,$x4,$x5,$x6;
# printf i1 + . %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f ,$x1,$x2,$x3,$x4,$x5,$x6;
sub handful {
my($goldlevel) = @_;
my $count = 0;
my $goldcount = 0;
while ($count < $handful) {
# first get a random number for each dimension
$x1 = norm1; $x2 = norm1; $x3 = norm1;$x4 = norm1;$x5 = norm1;$x6 = norm1;
$type = gold;
# default is gold
# set 2 = DIRT must fit these criteria
if (
($x2*$x2+$x3*$x3+$x4*$x4+$x5*$x5+$x6*$x6 <= 2.25) ||
($x1*$x1+$x3*$x3+$x4*$x4+$x5*$x5+$x6*$x6 <= 2.25) ||
($x1*$x1+$x2*$x2+$x4*$x4+$x5*$x5+$x6*$x6 <= 2.25)
) {
$q = 0; $r=0;
if ($x1 < 1.5) {$q++};
if ($x2 < 1.5) {$q++};
if ($x3 < 1.5) {$q++};
if ($x4 < 1.5) {$q++};
if ($x5 < 1.5) {$q++};
if ($x6 < 1.5) {$q++};
if ($q < 5) {next};
Appendix 225
if ($x1 > 1.5) {$r++};
if ($x2 > 1.5) {$r++};
if ($x3 > 1.5) {$r++};
if ($r > 1) {next};
if ($x4 > 1.5 || $x5 > 1.5 || $x6 > 1.5) {next};
$type = dirt;
# if its gold and theres not enough in the mix then add it
#print G=$type,$goldlevel,$goldcount,$handful\n;
if ($type eq gold) {
if ($goldcount++/$handful < $goldlevel) {
print ; gold\n;
print ; dirt\n;
# end of handful
#print s\n;
# print the header
print f1 0 8193 10 1; sin\n;
print f2 0 129 7 0 128 1; ramp 0 to 1\n;
print t 0 $tempo; tempo\n;
printf i1 %.3f 1 %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;
$t = 0;
for (; $t <= $throws; $t++) {
Appendix 226
Appendix 7-1: PitchCircle.orc
;# SOURCE FILE Shephard.orc
;# MODULE Sonify
;# SYSTEM PostGrad
;# AUTHOR Stephen Barrass, CSIS
;# : First written March 1994
; sparc10
; sr = 44100
; kr = 441
; ksmps = 100
; sparc2
sr = 16000
kr = 1600
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1
gifnyq = sr/2 ; nyquist freq
giattack = 0.01 ; prevent onset clicks
gidecay = 0.005 ; time buffer (in seconds) to prevent clicks
giampmax = 70 ; max amplitude in dB
; timbre - consists of timbre angle and timbre radius
gatangle init 0
gatradius init 0
gatimbre init 0
;// instrument ////////////////////////////////////////////////
; pitch cycle - after Shephard
; p1p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7
; instrstartdur comb teeth loud ncycles
; oct.cl oct.cl0.0..1.0 0-n
instr 1
print p1, p2, p3,p4,p5, p6, p7
idur= p3
iamp =ampdb(p6*giampmax)
incycles = p7
print idur, ifcomb, ifteeth, iamp, incycles
;-- loudness -----------------------------------------------
kamp linen iamp, giattack, idur, gidecay ; de-click envelope
print iamp
; build the cycle-----------------------------------------------
; creat the src spectrum
Appendix 227
; cycle up a ramp if continuous version is called by ncycles > 0
kcycleramp = 0
if (incycles < 1) kgoto discrete
kcycleramp line 0, idur, incycles ; ramp
; comb of 20 teeth----------------------------------------
; slight vibrato to bind the teeth together
ktrem oscil ifteeth*0.01, 15, 4
; controlling edge is sub-fundamental
kfh1 = ifcomb-ifteeth + ktrem + kcycleramp*ifteeth
axh1 oscil 1, kfh1, 3
; tooth
kfh2 = kfh1 + ifteeth
axh2 oscil 1, kfh2, 3
; tooth
kfh3 = kfh2 + ifteeth
axh3 oscil 1, kfh3, 3
; tooth
kfh4 = kfh3 + ifteeth
axh4 oscil 1, kfh4, 3
; tooth
kfh5 = kfh4 + ifteeth
axh5 oscil 1, kfh5, 3
; tooth
kfh6 = kfh5 + ifteeth
axh6 oscil 1, kfh6, 3
; tooth
kfh7 = kfh6 + ifteeth
axh7 oscil 1, kfh7, 3
; tooth
kfh8 = kfh7 + ifteeth
axh8 oscil 1, kfh8, 3
; tooth
kfh9 = kfh8 + ifteeth
axh9 oscil 1, kfh9, 3
; tooth
kfh10 = kfh9 + ifteeth
axh10 oscil 1, kfh10, 3
; tooth
kfh11 = kfh10 + ifteeth
axh11 oscil 1, kfh11, 3
; tooth
kfh12 = kfh11 + ifteeth
axh12 oscil 1, kfh12, 3
; tooth
kfh13 = kfh12 + ifteeth
axh13 oscil 1, kfh13, 3
; tooth
kfh14 = kfh13 + ifteeth
axh14 oscil 1, kfh14, 3
; tooth
kfh15 = kfh14 + ifteeth
axh15 oscil 1, kfh15, 3
; tooth
kfh16 = kfh15 + ifteeth
axh16 oscil 1, kfh16, 3
; tooth
kfh17 = kfh16 + ifteeth
axh17 oscil 1, kfh17, 3
; tooth
kfh18 = kfh17 + ifteeth
axh18 oscil 1, kfh18, 3
Appendix 228
; tooth
kfh19 = kfh18 + ifteeth
axh19 oscil 1, kfh19, 3
; tooth
kfh20 = kfh19 + ifteeth
axh20 oscil 1, kfh20, 3
ax =
; smooth the edges with a formant-------------------------------
dispfft ax, 1, 1024, 0, 0, 0
iformc= 2000
iformw= 1000
ay1reson ax, iformc, iformw
ay2reson ay1, iformc, iformw
ayreson ay2, iformc, iformw
dispfft ay, 1, 1024, 0 ,0 ,0
;-- output -------------------------------
gatangle gain ay, kamp
dispfft gatangle, 1, 1024, 0, 0, 1
out gatangle
;# SOURCE FILE TWheel.sco
;# MODULE Sonify
;# SYSTEM PostGrad
;# AUTHOR Stephen Barrass, CSIS
;# : First written March 1994
;-- tables --------------------------------------------
; exponential curve
f2 0 128 5 0.001 128 1
; cosine wave
f3 0 8193 9 1 1 90
; sine wave
f4 0 8193 10 1
;-- rate --------------------------------------------
;t 0 60
; streaming
; onsets 100 ms (range 50 -> 150 ms) = 60000/onset_in_ms
;t 0 1200; 5 = 50 ms onsets
;t 0 857; 4 = 70 ms onsets
;t 0 750; 80 ms onsets
Appendix 229
;t 0 666; 3 = 90 ms onsets
;t 0 545; 2 = 110 ms onsets
;t 0 461; 1 = 130 ms onsets
;t 0 400; 0 = 150 ms onsets
;// instrument ///////////////////////////////////////////////
; pitch cycle - after Shephard
; p1p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p6
; instrstartdur comb teeth loud ncycles
; oct.cl oct.cl0.0..1.0 0-n
;-- galloping-----------------------------------------------
; adjacent
; 0 = 0,5,0
i1 0 1.0 8.00 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.05 . . .
i. + . 8.00 . . .
i. + . . . 0 .
; complementary
; 0 = 0,6,0
i1 0 1.0 8.00 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.06 . . .
i. + . 8.00 . . .
i. + . . . 0 .
;-- triplets -----------------------------------------------
; split complementaries
; 0 = 0,8,4
i1 0 1.0 8.00 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.08 . . .
i. + . 8.04 . . .
; 1 = 3,7,11
i1 0 1.0 8.03 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.07 . . .
i. + . 8.11 . . .
; 2 = 6,10,2
i1 0 1.0 8.06 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.10 . . .
i. + . 8.02 . . .
; 3 = 9,5,1
i1 0 1.0 8.09 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.05 . . .
i. + . 8.01 . . .
;-- triplets -----------------------------------------------
; adjacent
; 0 = 0,5,10
i1 0 1.0 8.00 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.05 . . .
i. + . 8.10 . . .
; 3 = 9,2,7
i1 0 1.0 8.09 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.02 . . .
i. + . 8.07 . . .
; 2 = 6,11,4
i1 0 1.0 8.06 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.11 . . .
i. + . 8.04 . . .
Appendix 230
; 1 = 3,8,1
i1 0 1.0 8.03 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.08 . . .
i. + . 8.01 . . .
;-- circle of categories------------------------------------------------
; cycle of fifths complementary
i1 0 1.0 8.00 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.06 . . .
i. + . 8.05 . . .
i. + . 8.11 . . .
i. + . 8.10 . . .
i. + . 8.04 . . .
i. + . 8.03 . . .
i. + . 8.09 . . .
i. + . 8.08 . . .
i. + . 8.02 . . .
i. + . 8.01 . . .
i. + . 8.07 . . .
;-- circle of categories------------------------------------------------
; cycle of fifths adjacent
i1 0 1.0 8.00 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.05 . . .
i. + . 8.10 . . .
i. + . 8.03 . . .
i. + . 8.08 . . .
i. + . 8.01 . . .
i. + . 8.06 . . .
i. + . 8.11 . . .
i. + . 8.04 . . .
i. + . 8.09 . . .
i. + . 8.02 . . .
i. + . 8.07 . . .
;-- continuous -----------------------------------------------
i1 0 10.0 8.00 8.0 1.0 2
;-- discrete -----------------------------------------------
; pitch order
i1 0 1.0 8.00 8.00 1.0 0
i. + . 8.01 . . .
i. + . 8.02 . . .
i. + . 8.03 . . .
i. + . 8.04 . . .
i. + . 8.05 . . .
i. + . 8.06 . . .
i. + . 8.07 . . .
i. + . 8.08 . . .
i. + . 8.09 . . .
i. + . 8.10 . . .
i. + . 8.11 . . .
Static Timbre, Formant and Timbre Circle
;#SOURCE FILEGreySun.orc
Appendix 231
;#MODULE Sonify
;#SYSTEM PostGrad
;#AUTHORStephen Barrass, CSIS
;# : First written March 1994
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1
gifnyq = sr/2.1 ; nyquist freq + some spare (as per Moore)
giattack = 0.01; time buffer (in seconds) to prevent clicks
gidecay = 0.01; time buffer (in seconds) to prevent clicks
giampmax = 90; max amplitude in dB
; gamut stuff----------------------------------------------------
; notenum gamut ranges are in the score tables
giminp = 1; patch min
gimaxp = 8; patch max
giminf = 0; filter min
gimaxf = 127; filter max
gioutofgamut = 600; out-of-gamut sample
gioogamutp = 601; out-of-patch gamut sample
gioogamutn = 602; out-of-notenumber gamut sample
gioogamutf = 603; out-of-filter gamut sample
gisinfunc = 604; sine function
gibuzzfunc = 605; buzz function
gicountbase = 610; words for counting
;# Device ####################################
; this instrument plays samples
; patch selects the sample bank
; notenum selects the closest sample from the bank
;// Instrument params////////////////////////////////////////
; p1// in : instrument 1
; p2// in : start time
print p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7
idur =p3 ;// in : duration
ipatch =p4+1;// in : patch number0..127
inotenum =p5;// in : notenum 0..127
ifilter =p6 ;// in : filter 0..127
ivelocity = p7;// in : velocity0..127
;-- velocity -----------------------------------------------
iamp = ampdb(ivelocity*giampmax/127); loudness max
;kamp linenr iamp, giattack, 0, .1 ;at noteoff, extend by 100 millisecs
kamplinen iamp, giattack, idur, gidecay
print iamp
Appendix 232
;-- notenum----------------------------------------------
; calculate froot
; notenum 60 = middle C = csound oct 8.0
; range is from midi C0 to midi G10
ioct=3.0 + inotenum/12.0
print ioct, ifroot
;-- filter -----------------------------------------------
if (ifilter > gimaxf) goto oogamutf
if (ifilter < giminf) goto oogamutf
; number of harmonics
; range is 0-32
inharm= ifilter/4.0
print inharm
; low pass filter with cutoff moving up the harmonics
ifcut =ifroot+ifroot*inharm
;check against nyquist - cut at nyquist if necessary
ifcut = (ifcut < gifnyq ? ifcut : gifnyq)
inharmnyq = gifnyq/ifroot
print gifnyq, ifcut, inharmnyq
;-- patch ----------------------------------------------
print ipatch
if (ipatch == 500) goto refharmonic
if (ipatch == 501) goto refnoise
if (ipatch == 502) goto refacum
if (ipatch == 503) goto reftone
if (ipatch == gioogamutp) goto oogamutp
if (ipatch > gicountbase) goto count
; patch gamut range check for normal instruments
if (ipatch < giminp) goto oogamutp
if (ipatch > gimaxp) goto oogamutp
; get the sample bank index
;ibankindextableipatch, 1
; get the sample for this pitch
;isample tableinotenum, ibankindex
isample tableinotenum, ipatch
print isample, ipatch, inotenum
if (isample == gioogamutn) goto oogamutn
asrcloscilkamp, ifroot, isample
goto filter
; sine tone
afinoscilkamp, ifroot, gisinfunc
goto output
; Harmonic reference instrument
asrcoscilkamp, ifroot, gibuzzfunc
goto filter
; Noise reference instrument
asrcrandhkamp, gifnyq
Appendix 233
goto filter
; Acum reference instrument
; get the filter position
ifcut = p6 * gifnyq/127
; critical bandwidth ~ 0.2*f for f > 500Hz
; 100Hz for f < 500Hz
asrcrandhkamp, gifnyq
; centre the critical-bandlimited noise around the cutoff
;afinosciliamp, ifcut+anoise
iwidth = (ifcut < 500 ? 100 : ifcut*0.2)
afinresonasrc, ifcut, iwidth
goto output
; out of patch gamut
afinlosciliamp, 200, gioogamutp
goto output
; out of notenumber gamut
afinlosciliamp, 200, gioogamutn
goto output
; out of filter gamut
afinlosciliamp, 200, gioogamutf
goto output
; count instrument
asrclosciliamp, 200, ipatch
; dont apply the filter to words
afin = asrc
goto output
; apply the brightness filter------------------------------------------------
dispfftasrc, 0.1, 1024; DEBUG - look at signal
; use lowpass
afilttoneasrc, ifcut
afilttoneafilt, ifcut
afilttoneafilt, ifcut
afintoneafilt, ifcut
afinbalanceafilt, asrc
;-- output the sound------------------------------------------------
dispfftafin, 0.1, 1024; DEBUG - look at signal
;--------- flu
f1 0 128 -7 602 48 602 0 20 36 56 0 602 44 602
f20 0 0 1 flu_48.aif 0 4 0
f21 0 0 1 flu_49.aif 0 4 0
Appendix 234
f22 0 0 1 flu_50.aif 0 4 0
f23 0 0 1 flu_51.aif 0 4 0
f24 0 0 1 flu_52.aif 0 4 0
f25 0 0 1 flu_53.aif 0 4 0
f26 0 0 1 flu_54.aif 0 4 0
f27 0 0 1 flu_55.aif 0 4 0
f28 0 0 1 flu_56.aif 0 4 0
f29 0 0 1 flu_57.aif 0 4 0
f30 0 0 1 flu_58.aif 0 4 0
f31 0 0 1 flu_59.aif 0 4 0
f32 0 0 1 flu_60.aif 0 4 0
f33 0 0 1 flu_61.aif 0 4 0
f34 0 0 1 flu_62.aif 0 4 0
f35 0 0 1 flu_63.aif 0 4 0
f36 0 0 1 flu_64.aif 0 4 0
f37 0 0 1 flu_65.aif 0 4 0
f38 0 0 1 flu_66.aif 0 4 0
f39 0 0 1 flu_67.aif 0 4 0
f40 0 0 1 flu_68.aif 0 4 0
f41 0 0 1 flu_69.aif 0 4 0
f42 0 0 1 flu_70.aif 0 4 0
f43 0 0 1 flu_71.aif 0 4 0
f44 0 0 1 flu_72.aif 0 4 0
f45 0 0 1 flu_73.aif 0 4 0
f46 0 0 1 flu_74.aif 0 4 0
f47 0 0 1 flu_75.aif 0 4 0
f48 0 0 1 flu_76.aif 0 4 0
f49 0 0 1 flu_77.aif 0 4 0
f50 0 0 1 flu_78.aif 0 4 0
f51 0 0 1 flu_79.aif 0 4 0
f52 0 0 1 flu_80.aif 0 4 0
f53 0 0 1 flu_81.aif 0 4 0
f54 0 0 1 flu_82.aif 0 4 0
f55 0 0 1 flu_83.aif 0 4 0
f56 0 0 1 flu_84.aif 0 4 0
;--------- cel
f2 0 128 -7 602 24 602 0 67 34 101 0 602 70 602
f67 0 0 1 cel_24.aif 0 4 0
f68 0 0 1 cel_25.aif 0 4 0
f69 0 0 1 cel_26.aif 0 4 0
f70 0 0 1 cel_27.aif 0 4 0
f71 0 0 1 cel_28.aif 0 4 0
f72 0 0 1 cel_29.aif 0 4 0
f73 0 0 1 cel_30.aif 0 4 0
f74 0 0 1 cel_31.aif 0 4 0
f75 0 0 1 cel_32.aif 0 4 0
f76 0 0 1 cel_33.aif 0 4 0
f77 0 0 1 cel_34.aif 0 4 0
f78 0 0 1 cel_35.aif 0 4 0
f79 0 0 1 cel_36.aif 0 4 0
f80 0 0 1 cel_37.aif 0 4 0
f81 0 0 1 cel_38.aif 0 4 0
f82 0 0 1 cel_39.aif 0 4 0
f83 0 0 1 cel_40.aif 0 4 0
f84 0 0 1 cel_41.aif 0 4 0
f85 0 0 1 cel_42.aif 0 4 0
f86 0 0 1 cel_43.aif 0 4 0
f87 0 0 1 cel_44.aif 0 4 0
f88 0 0 1 cel_45.aif 0 4 0
f89 0 0 1 cel_46.aif 0 4 0
f90 0 0 1 cel_47.aif 0 4 0
f91 0 0 1 cel_48.aif 0 4 0
f92 0 0 1 cel_49.aif 0 4 0
f93 0 0 1 cel_50.aif 0 4 0
Appendix 235
f94 0 0 1 cel_51.aif 0 4 0
f95 0 0 1 cel_52.aif 0 4 0
f96 0 0 1 cel_53.aif 0 4 0
f97 0 0 1 cel_54.aif 0 4 0
f98 0 0 1 cel_55.aif 0 4 0
f99 0 0 1 cel_56.aif 0 4 0
f100 0 0 1 cel_57.aif 0 4 0
f101 0 0 1 cel_58.aif 0 4 0
;--------- cla
f3 0 128 -7 602 25 602 0 112 24 136 0 602 79 602
f112 0 0 1 cla_25.aif 0 4 0
f113 0 0 1 cla_26.aif 0 4 0
f114 0 0 1 cla_27.aif 0 4 0
f115 0 0 1 cla_28.aif 0 4 0
f116 0 0 1 cla_29.aif 0 4 0
f117 0 0 1 cla_30.aif 0 4 0
f118 0 0 1 cla_31.aif 0 4 0
f119 0 0 1 cla_32.aif 0 4 0
f120 0 0 1 cla_33.aif 0 4 0
f121 0 0 1 cla_34.aif 0 4 0
f122 0 0 1 cla_35.aif 0 4 0
f123 0 0 1 cla_36.aif 0 4 0
f124 0 0 1 cla_37.aif 0 4 0
f125 0 0 1 cla_38.aif 0 4 0
f126 0 0 1 cla_39.aif 0 4 0
f127 0 0 1 cla_40.aif 0 4 0
f128 0 0 1 cla_41.aif 0 4 0
f129 0 0 1 cla_42.aif 0 4 0
f130 0 0 1 cla_43.aif 0 4 0
f131 0 0 1 cla_44.aif 0 4 0
f132 0 0 1 cla_45.aif 0 4 0
f133 0 0 1 cla_46.aif 0 4 0
f134 0 0 1 cla_47.aif 0 4 0
f135 0 0 1 cla_48.aif 0 4 0
f136 0 0 1 cla_49.aif 0 4 0
;--------- tsx
f4 0 128 -7 602 36 602 0 147 13 160 0 602 79 602
f147 0 0 1 tsx_36.aif 0 4 0
f148 0 0 1 tsx_37.aif 0 4 0
f149 0 0 1 tsx_38.aif 0 4 0
f150 0 0 1 tsx_39.aif 0 4 0
f151 0 0 1 tsx_40.aif 0 4 0
f152 0 0 1 tsx_41.aif 0 4 0
f153 0 0 1 tsx_42.aif 0 4 0
f154 0 0 1 tsx_43.aif 0 4 0
f155 0 0 1 tsx_44.aif 0 4 0
f156 0 0 1 tsx_45.aif 0 4 0
f157 0 0 1 tsx_46.aif 0 4 0
f158 0 0 1 tsx_47.aif 0 4 0
f159 0 0 1 tsx_48.aif 0 4 0
f160 0 0 1 tsx_49.aif 0 4 0
;--------- ssx
f5 0 128 -7 602 61 602 0 171 14 185 0 602 53 602
f171 0 0 1 ssx_61.aif 0 4 0
f172 0 0 1 ssx_62.aif 0 4 0
f173 0 0 1 ssx_63.aif 0 4 0
f174 0 0 1 ssx_64.aif 0 4 0
f175 0 0 1 ssx_65.aif 0 4 0
f176 0 0 1 ssx_66.aif 0 4 0
f177 0 0 1 ssx_67.aif 0 4 0
Appendix 236
f178 0 0 1 ssx_68.aif 0 4 0
f179 0 0 1 ssx_69.aif 0 4 0
f180 0 0 1 ssx_70.aif 0 4 0
f181 0 0 1 ssx_71.aif 0 4 0
f182 0 0 1 ssx_72.aif 0 4 0
f183 0 0 1 ssx_73.aif 0 4 0
f184 0 0 1 ssx_74.aif 0 4 0
f185 0 0 1 ssx_75.aif 0 4 0
;--------- ehn
f6 0 128 -7 602 40 602 0 196 30 226 0 602 58 602
f196 0 0 1 ehn_40.aif 0 4 0
f197 0 0 1 ehn_41.aif 0 4 0
f198 0 0 1 ehn_42.aif 0 4 0
f199 0 0 1 ehn_43.aif 0 4 0
f200 0 0 1 ehn_44.aif 0 4 0
f201 0 0 1 ehn_45.aif 0 4 0
f202 0 0 1 ehn_46.aif 0 4 0
f203 0 0 1 ehn_47.aif 0 4 0
f204 0 0 1 ehn_48.aif 0 4 0
f205 0 0 1 ehn_49.aif 0 4 0
f206 0 0 1 ehn_50.aif 0 4 0
f207 0 0 1 ehn_51.aif 0 4 0
f208 0 0 1 ehn_52.aif 0 4 0
f209 0 0 1 ehn_53.aif 0 4 0
f210 0 0 1 ehn_54.aif 0 4 0
f211 0 0 1 ehn_55.aif 0 4 0
f212 0 0 1 ehn_56.aif 0 4 0
f213 0 0 1 ehn_57.aif 0 4 0
f214 0 0 1 ehn_58.aif 0 4 0
f215 0 0 1 ehn_59.aif 0 4 0
f216 0 0 1 ehn_60.aif 0 4 0
f217 0 0 1 ehn_61.aif 0 4 0
f218 0 0 1 ehn_62.aif 0 4 0
f219 0 0 1 ehn_63.aif 0 4 0
f220 0 0 1 ehn_64.aif 0 4 0
f221 0 0 1 ehn_65.aif 0 4 0
f222 0 0 1 ehn_66.aif 0 4 0
f223 0 0 1 ehn_67.aif 0 4 0
f224 0 0 1 ehn_68.aif 0 4 0
f225 0 0 1 ehn_69.aif 0 4 0
f226 0 0 1 ehn_70.aif 0 4 0
;--------- bsn
f7 0 128 -7 602 22 602 0 237 31 268 0 602 75 602
f237 0 0 1 bsn_22.aif 0 4 0
f238 0 0 1 bsn_23.aif 0 4 0
f239 0 0 1 bsn_24.aif 0 4 0
f240 0 0 1 bsn_25.aif 0 4 0
f241 0 0 1 bsn_26.aif 0 4 0
f242 0 0 1 bsn_27.aif 0 4 0
f243 0 0 1 bsn_28.aif 0 4 0
f244 0 0 1 bsn_29.aif 0 4 0
f245 0 0 1 bsn_30.aif 0 4 0
f246 0 0 1 bsn_31.aif 0 4 0
f247 0 0 1 bsn_32.aif 0 4 0
f248 0 0 1 bsn_33.aif 0 4 0
f249 0 0 1 bsn_34.aif 0 4 0
f250 0 0 1 bsn_35.aif 0 4 0
f251 0 0 1 bsn_36.aif 0 4 0
f252 0 0 1 bsn_37.aif 0 4 0
f253 0 0 1 bsn_38.aif 0 4 0
f254 0 0 1 bsn_39.aif 0 4 0
f255 0 0 1 bsn_40.aif 0 4 0
Appendix 237
f256 0 0 1 bsn_41.aif 0 4 0
f257 0 0 1 bsn_42.aif 0 4 0
f258 0 0 1 bsn_43.aif 0 4 0
f259 0 0 1 bsn_44.aif 0 4 0
f260 0 0 1 bsn_45.aif 0 4 0
f261 0 0 1 bsn_46.aif 0 4 0
f262 0 0 1 bsn_47.aif 0 4 0
f263 0 0 1 bsn_48.aif 0 4 0
f264 0 0 1 bsn_49.aif 0 4 0
f265 0 0 1 bsn_50.aif 0 4 0
f266 0 0 1 bsn_51.aif 0 4 0
f267 0 0 1 bsn_52.aif 0 4 0
f268 0 0 1 bsn_53.aif 0 4 0
;--------- tbn
f8 0 128 -7 602 28 602 0 279 32 311 0 602 68 602
f279 0 0 1 tbn_28.aif 0 4 0
f280 0 0 1 tbn_29.aif 0 4 0
f281 0 0 1 tbn_30.aif 0 4 0
f282 0 0 1 tbn_31.aif 0 4 0
f283 0 0 1 tbn_32.aif 0 4 0
f284 0 0 1 tbn_33.aif 0 4 0
f285 0 0 1 tbn_34.aif 0 4 0
f286 0 0 1 tbn_35.aif 0 4 0
f287 0 0 1 tbn_36.aif 0 4 0
f288 0 0 1 tbn_37.aif 0 4 0
f289 0 0 1 tbn_38.aif 0 4 0
f290 0 0 1 tbn_39.aif 0 4 0
f291 0 0 1 tbn_40.aif 0 4 0
f292 0 0 1 tbn_41.aif 0 4 0
f293 0 0 1 tbn_42.aif 0 4 0
f294 0 0 1 tbn_43.aif 0 4 0
f295 0 0 1 tbn_44.aif 0 4 0
f296 0 0 1 tbn_45.aif 0 4 0
f297 0 0 1 tbn_46.aif 0 4 0
f298 0 0 1 tbn_47.aif 0 4 0
f299 0 0 1 tbn_48.aif 0 4 0
f300 0 0 1 tbn_49.aif 0 4 0
f301 0 0 1 tbn_50.aif 0 4 0
f302 0 0 1 tbn_51.aif 0 4 0
f303 0 0 1 tbn_52.aif 0 4 0
f304 0 0 1 tbn_53.aif 0 4 0
f305 0 0 1 tbn_54.aif 0 4 0
f306 0 0 1 tbn_55.aif 0 4 0
f307 0 0 1 tbn_56.aif 0 4 0
f308 0 0 1 tbn_57.aif 0 4 0
f309 0 0 1 tbn_58.aif 0 4 0
f310 0 0 1 tbn_59.aif 0 4 0
f311 0 0 1 tbn_60.aif 0 4 0
;-- OUT-of-gamut--------------------------------------------------------
f600 0 0 1 out.aif 0 4 0; out of gamut
f601 0 0 1 outp.aif 0 4 0; out of patch gamut
f602 0 0 1 outn.aif 0 4 0; out of notenum gamut
f603 0 0 1 outf.aif 0 4 0; out of filter gamut
f604 0 2049 11 1; sinusoid
f605 0 2049 11 32; harmonics
;-- Count--------------------------------------------------------
f610 0 0 1 zero.aif 0 4 0
f611 0 0 1 one.aif 0 4 0
Appendix 238
f612 0 0 1 two.aif 0 4 0
f613 0 0 1 three.aif 0 4 0
f614 0 0 1 four.aif 0 4 0
f615 0 0 1 five.aif 0 4 0
f616 0 0 1 six.aif 0 4 0
f617 0 0 1 seven.aif 0 4 0
f618 0 0 1 eight.aif 0 4 0
;-- rate ----------------------------------------------------------------
;t 0 60 ; 1000 ms = 1s onsets
; streaming
; typical range is 50 to 150 ms repeat (from Bregman)
; t (beats/minute) = 60000 (ms/minute)/(repeat time) ms
;t 0 1200; 50 ms onsets
;t 0 1000; 60 ms onsets
;t 0 857; 70 ms onsets
;t 0 750; 80 ms onsets
;t 0 666; 90 ms onsets
t 0 600; 100 ms onsets
;t 0 545; 110 ms onsets
;t 0 461; 130 ms onsets
;t 0 400; 150 ms onsets
;t 0 333; 180 ms onsets
;t 0 300; 200 ms onsets
;t 0 240; 250 ms onsets
;t 0 218; 275 ms onsets
;t 0 200; 300 ms onsets
;t 0 150; 400 ms onsets
;t 0 120; 500 ms onsets
;------- add score events below this line --------------------------------------
; parameters
;device startdurpatchnotenumfiltervelocity
;1beats beats 0..127 0..127 0..127 0..127
; max duration = 1s
; duration range
;0.2 - 2s = duration
; 0.2 - 0.05 s = streaming
; 0.01-0.05 = clicks
; vertical pitch gallop -----------------------------------------------
; far
i1 0 1 6 32 127 127
i. + . . 52 . .
i. + . . 32 . .
i. + . . . . 0
; near
i1 0 1 6 47 127 127
i. + . . 52 . .
i. + . . 47 . .
i. + . . . . 0
; mid
i1 0 1 6 42 127 127
i. + . . 52 . .
i. + . . 42 . .
i. + . . . . 0
; vertical pitch triplet -----------------------------------------------
Appendix 239
; 5%
i1 0 1 3 38 127 127
i. + . . > . .
i. + . . 48 . .
i. + . . . . 0
;-- brightness zeros+outlier------------------------------------------------
i1 0 1.0 0 48 0 127
i. + . 1 . . .
i. + . 2 . . .
i. + . 3 . . .
i. + . 5 . . .
i. + . 2 . 127 .
i. + . 6 . 0 .
i. + . 7 . . .
;-- brightness spiral------------------------------------------------
i1 0 1.0 0 48 127 127
i. + . 1 . . .
i. + . 2 . . .
i. + . 3 . 0 .
i. + . 5 . . .
i. + . 6 . . .
i. + . 7 . 127 .
;-- brightness spiral triplet -----------------------------------------------
i1 0 1.0 1 48 0 127
i. + . 2 . > .
i. + . 3 . 80 .
;-- brightness bilateral -----------------------------------------------
i1 0 1.0 2 48 0 127
i. + . 2 . 127 .
i. + . 6 . 0 .
i. + . 6 . 127 .
; duration triplet------------------------------------------------
; 25%
i1 0 0.25 3 48 127 127
i. 1 0.5 . . . .
i. 2 0.75 . . . .
i. 2.9 0.1 . . . 0
; 5%
i1 0 0.5 3 48 127 127
i. 1 0.55 . . . .
i. 2 0.6 . . . .
i. 2.9 0.1 . . . 0
; duration sequence------------------------------------------------
; 8 steps
i1 0 0.1 3 48 127 0
i. 1 0.1 . . . 127
i. 2 0.2 . . . .
i. 3 0.3 . . . .
i. 4 0.4 . . . .
Appendix 240
i. 5 0.5 . . . .
i. 6 0.6 . . . .
i. 7 0.7 . . . .
i. 7.9 0.1 . . . 0
; duration gallop------------------------------------------------
; close
i1 0 0.5 3 48 127 127
i. 1 0.6 . . . .
i. 2 0.5 . . . .
i. 3 . . . . 0
; far
i1 0 0.1 3 48 127 127
i. 1 1.0 . . . .
i. 2 0.1 . . . .
i. 3 . . . . 0
; mid
i1 0 0.5 3 48 127 127
i. 1 1.0 . . . .
i. 2 0.5 . . . .
i. 3 0.5 . . . 0
;-- loudness gallop------------------------------------------------
; far
i1 0 1.0 3 48 127 50
i. + . . . . 100
i. + . . . . 50
i. + . . . . 0
; mid
i1 0 1.0 3 48 127 60
i. + . . . . 80
i. + . . . . 60
i. + . . . . 0
; close
i1 0 1.0 3 48 127 70
i. + . . . . 76
i. + . . . . 70
i. + . . . . 0
; loudness triplet 5%------------------------------------------------
i1 0 1.0 4 65 127 80
i. + . . . . 86
i. + . . . . 92
;-- brightness triplet------------------------------------------------
; 25%,50%,75%
i1 0 1.0 7 48 32 127
i. + . . . 64 .
i. + . . . 96 .
Appendix 241
;-- brightness gallop------------------------------------------------
; mid
i1 0 1.0 4 65 70 127
i. + . . . 10 .
i. + . . . 70 .
i. + . . . . 0
; close
i1 0 1.0 4 65 40 127
i. + . . . 45 .
i. + . . . 40 .
i. + . . . . 0
; far
i1 0 1.0 4 65 10 127
i. + . . . 127 .
i. + . . . 10 .
i. + . . . . 0
;-- brightness sequence------------------------------------------------
; filter = 0..127
i1 0 1.0 3 48 0 127
i. + . . . > .
i. + . . . > .
i. + . . . > .
i. + . . . > .
i. + . . . > .
i. + . . . > .
i. + . . . > .
i. + . . . 127 .
;-- timbre -----------------------------------------------
; galloping
; adjacent
; 0 = 2,3,2_
i1 0 1.0 2 48 100 127
i. 1 . 3 . . .
i. 2 . 2 . . .
i. 3 . . . . 0.0
; complementary
; 0 = 1,5,1_
i1 0 1.0 1 48 100 127
i. 1 . 5 . . .
i. 2 . 1 . . .
i. 3 . . . . 0.0
;-- triplets -----------------------------------------------
; complementary
; 1 = 2,5,7
i1 0 1.0 2 48 100 127
i. + . 5 . . .
i. + . 7 . . .
; 2 = 4,7,1
;i1 0 1.0 4 48 100 127
;i. + . 7 . . .
Appendix 242
;i. + . 1 . . .
; 3 = 6,1,3
i1 0 1.0 6 48 100 127
i. + . 1 . . .
i. + . 3 . . .
; 0 = 0,3,5
i1 0 1.0 0 48 100 127
i. + . 3 . . .
i. + . 5 . . .
;-- triplets -----------------------------------------------
; adjacent
; 3 = 5,6,7
i1 0 1.0 5 48 100 127
i. + . 6 . . .
i. + . 7 . . .
; 0 = 7,0,1
i1 0 1.0 7 48 100 127
i. + . 0 . . .
i. + . 1 . . .
; 1 = 1,2,3
i1 0 1.0 1 48 100 127
i. + . 2 . . .
i. + . 3 . . .
; 2 = 3,4,5
;i1 0 1.0 3 48 100 127
;i. + . 4 . . .
;i. + . 5 . . .
;-- circle -----------------------------------------------
i1 0 1.0 0 48 100 127
i. + . 1 . . .
i. + . 2 . . .
i. + . 3 . . .
;i. + . 4 . . .
i. + . 5 . . .
i. + . 6 . . .
i. + . 7 . . .
Appendix 243
Appendix 8-1: Building an ISS
This appendix describes the process and tools used to build the GreyMUMS perceptually
linearised information sound space. The process has the following stages, which are de-
scribed in the following subsections.
SHARC data
MUMS samples
Appendix 244
Appendix 8-2: SHARC and MUMS
Written and maintained by Gregory J. Sandell, Sussex University
Release 0.90("beta"), November 1994
Contents of this README file
SHARC is a database of musical timbre information by Gregory Sandell. It stands for
"Sandell Harmonic Archive." People for whom this dataset may be useful are Acousti-
cians, Psychoacousticians, researchers in Music Perception and Cognition, researchers in
Digital Signal Processing, Music Theorists, and Musicologists.
Over 1300 different notes have been analysed. Complete chromatic runs from the stand-
ard playing range of essentially all the non-percussive instruments of the modern orches-
tra have been included; for example, individual analyses of 32 different oboe notes (the
chromatic scale from the pitches a#3 to f6) are available.
For each note, a short portion corresponding to the sustain or "steady state" portion of the
tone was selected and analysed with a Fourier analysis. Each analysis consists of a list of
amplitudes and phases for all the note's harmonics in the range 0-10,000 Hz.
The source of the musical notes were the orchestral tones from the McGill University
Master Samples (MUMS) Compact Discs. These are digital recordings of live musical
Version 0.90 ("beta", November 1994) is the first-ever release. The reason I am calling it
a "beta" is that there are a number of changes which may occur in the short term: the name
of the archive, the internet location or URL, availability of the database from a US ftp site,
the availability of online graphics to view the database, and adding more instruments. Any
of these changes will be announced in all the relevant internet bulletin boards and distrib-
uted email lists. Your comments are most welcome, especially now, as they will have the
most impact on the nature of the database. Send email to sandell@epunix.sussex.ac.uk.
Here are instructions for installing the archive on a UNIX platform.
Go to the directory where you want to install SHARC. You will need about 10 free
megabytes to perform the installation. Once nished, the archive will occupy 4.5
megabytes space.
ftp to ftp.ep.susx.ac.uk
Appendix 245
Enter user name "anonymous" and give your full email address as a password
Type "binary" to set the transfer to binary mode
Type "get sharc.tar.Z"
When the le is nished transferring (it is about 0.8 megabytes large), leave ftp by
typing "quit"
Type "uncompress sharc.tar.Z". The result of this is that sharc.tar.Z will be replaced
by sharc.tar
Type "tar xf sharc.tar". This will put the archive in a directory called "sharc".
Dispose of the sharc.tar le (type "rm sharc.tar") to reclaim about 4.5 megabytes
Gregory J. Sandell is a research fellow in the Hearing Research Group at the University
of Sussex Experimental Psychology department in the U.K. Starting April 1995 I will be
at Parmly Hearing Institute at Loyola University in Chicago, IL (USA), but my Sussex
email address (sandell@epunix.sussex.ac.uk) will remain active for a while.
The data contained in this directory are available for free with the following restrictions:
It may be used and shared on a non-prot basis only. You may not sell it for money or
use it for trade; you may not bundle it with a commercial product or use it to attract
customers to buy a product.
It must be identied as "SHARC" with Gregory Sandell identied as its author. The
author appreciates proper acknowledgement when this data is referred to in pub-
lished papers.
The database consists of 39 directories, each corresponding to a particular instrument.
Each directory consists of separate files for each note analysed for that instrument. The
instruments are:
Bach_trumpet bass_clarinet altoflute_vibrato
Bb_clarinet bass_trombone piccolo
CB bassflute_vibrato trombone
CB_martele bassoon trombone_muted
CB_muted tuba violin_vibrato
CB_pizz cello_martele viola_martele
C_trumpet cello_muted_vibrato viola_muted_vibrato
C_trumpet_muted cello_pizzicato viola_pizzicato
Eb_clarinet cello_vibrato viola_vibrato
English_horn contrabass_clarinet violin_martele
Appendix 246
The McGill University Master Samples (MUMS) is a library of compact discs made and
sold by Frank Opolko and Joel Wapnick of McGill University. To obtain the CDs or ob-
tain information about them, write to:
McGill University
Faculty of Music
555 Sherbrooke Street West
Montrel, Quebec
Canada H3A 1E3
phone: (514) 398-4548
email: CXJW@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA (Joel Wapnick)
The naming of instruments, the organisation of the directories, and the information in each
directory's CONTENTS files reflects the contents of the MUMS CDs as precisely as pos-
sible. I would like to gratefully acknowledge the permission of the makers of MUMS use
their product in this manner. Other than customer, I have no financial relationship to
MUMS or McGill University.
One of the most mportant aspects of a musical instrument sound that determines its timbre
are the spectrum of its steady state portion. Other critical features are the rapid spectral
changes at attack and decay time, and slowly varying changes in spectrum during the
steady state. The fact that timbre depends so critically on the latter three aspects makes
the study of timbre a challenge, because of the increased complexity of including the tem-
poral dimension. To create a database of all the instruments of the orchestra with complete
spectrotemporal descriptions of individual notes is not currently feasible, not as an ar-
chive to be shared through current network means, at least; several gigabytes, or a few
CD-ROM discs would be required. A library of steady state spectra, however, is feasable.
Admittedly, the study of steady state spectra is nothing new. However, prior to the use of
computer analysis of sound, spectral analyses were expensive and hard-won operations;
the unfortunate practice of analysing one note and drawing conclusions about the entire
instrument's timbre was sometimes seen in manuals of acoustics from that time. The bal-
ance struck in this collection between economy of representation (steady state spectra)
and completeness (complete chromatic scales for each instrument) offers researchers new
opportunity for timbral discovery. Specifically, it puts the study of the "macro timbre" of
an instrument, i.e. its spectral content of its entire pitch range, within the grasp of the re-
Some of the ways in which this data might be used are:
Calculating the spectral centroids of the notes, and plotting this as estimated "bright-
ness" over the range of the instrument.
Similarly, a algorithm for estimating "roughness" or acoustic dissonance may be
applied to compare one note or instrument to another.
Because the information on the relative amplitude of notes is available (in each instru-
French_horn contrabassoon violin_muted_vibrato
French_horn_muted flute_vibrato violin_pizzicato
alto_trombone oboe violinensemb
Appendix 247
ment's CONTENTS le), one can form hypotheses about the dynamic nature of an
instrument's performing range.
Spectra may be combined to simulate harmonies; dissonances of combined spectra
could be calculated, and the database searched to nd, for example, the most con-
sonant example of a semitone interval, or the most dissonant perfect fth.
These analyses might be the basis for a particular orchestration used by a composer;
or, they could be used by Music Theorists and Musicologists for analysis of
Acousticians may with to test propositions such as the claim that the oboe and English
horn possesses "formants."
Perhaps most important of all is that users of this database understand how to interpret this
data correctly. For users with backgrounds in acoustics and Digital Signal Processing, the
section HOW THE ANALYSES WERE DONE may be sufficient; for others, the impli-
cations of this approach are more explicitly spelled out below. For each note analysed, the
user should keep in mind that:
The portion of the tone which has been analysed has been very carefully selected for
"representativeness", but nevertheless the analysis represents the spectrum of the
note at single, brief moment in time.
While this data, by itself, cannot be used to synthesise realistic sounding musical
instruments, it does represent a real moment in time from the instrument, and a
resynthesis of the waveform from this data will faithfully reproduce that moment.
Although such moments are usually rather at and "electronic" sounding, there are
many occasions in which the steady state alone produces a quite recognisable
musical instrument sound. Wind instruments are a frequent example. In fact, with a
few added features (such as adding a characteristic attack-sustain-decay-release
envelope to the sound), I have even been able to generate a tone that can "fool the
listener." However, as a general rule, this will be very poor strategy for musical
instrument tone synthesis.
Any given note, say, a ute c4, is by no means the "nal word" on the spectrum of a
ute c4. There are an innite number of ways a ute c4 can be played, and the
instance of it on the MUMS CD represents only one manner of playing from a par-
ticular player, instrument, and recording conditions. There are some who take a
rather pessimistic stance and believe that, because of the innite number of possi-
bile performances of a note, there is no use to having information on a single note.
I believe that so long as one interprets the data appropriately, data on one note is far
better than data on no notes at all.
For each analysed note, the objective was to provide Fourier spectra for a portion of the
tone that was maximally "representative" of the steady portion of the tone.
Tremendous care was taken in finding a "representative" portion of each note. The proce-
dure was as follows:
The samples for the note were taken from the CD and put in a computer sound le.
Only one of the CD's stereo channels were saved. Leading and trailing silence was
removed. The sampling rate of the le (44100) was converted to 22050.
Appendix 248
The sound le was analysed with a Phase Vocoder.
The longest continuous stretch of time in which the note was at 75% or more of its
maximum amplitude was identied from the PV information. This located the
steady portion of the tone.
An average spectrum was calculated from all the PV frames identied in step 3. Then
least squares was used to nd the actual PV frame most closely resembling this
average spectrum. The point in time corresponding to this PV frame was desig-
nated the "representative point".
Analysis then proceded as follows:
A chunk of samples corresponding to ve periods of the nominal fundamental (ie.
according to the equal-tempered frequency of the note) were taken from the sound
le, from a point in time symmetrically about the "representative point".
Autocorrelation was used to estimate the actual fundamental frequency of the sample
chunk. Once determined, the chunk was trimmed to four periods of this fundamen-
tal. The starting point of the four periods was selected to be at a zero crossing.
The length of the sample chunk was changed to the next largest power of two by the
method of bandlimited interpolation. This step was taken to make it possible to use
an FFT.
The sample chunk was Hamming-windowed.
The samples were analysed with an FFT, and the real and imaginary values converted
to power spectra in decibels. In order to save only partials at harmonic multiples of
the fundamental, only every fourth bin was saved (because the sample chunk con-
tained not just one period, but four). All bins greater than 10 kHz were discarded.
Each instrument has its own directory; within each directory is a separate file for each of
the notes that were available for analysis. The organisation is such that in order to interpret
each individual note file completely, you need to reference a file titled "CONTENTS"
within the same directory. The individual note files have N rows, where N is the number
of harmonics for that note (all possible harmonics below 10 kHz are included). There are
two columns, one for the amplitudes (given in decibels relative to the amplitude of the
loudest harmonic for that note) and one for the phases (-PI to +PI). The frequencies of the
harmonics are integer multiples of the note's fundamental. The actual frequencies of the
harmonics are simply the row number multiplied by the fundamental frequency for that
note (as found in the "CONTENTS" file).
The CONTENTS file contains a line containing information about each of the notes in the
directory. There are ten columns in each line:
Column 1: The pitch (which identies what le in the directory this line refers to).
The pitch naming system is the Acoustical Society of America standard, i.e. c4 =
middle C.
Column 2: The note number of this pitch (where c4 = 48)
Column 3: Number of harmonics in the le (hence the number of lines as well)
Column 4: The maximum absolute value of the sample segment used in the analysis
of this tone (i.e. the raw samples as read off of the CD). This is useful for compar-
Appendix 249
ing the levels between notes. The possible range of samples on a CD are, of course,
-32767 to 32768.
Column 5: The nominal fundamental frequency for the pitch, according to equal-tem-
pered tuning.
Column 6: The actual fundamental frequency, as measured from the samples for this
Column 7: Volume number of the McGill University Master Samples (MUMS) CDs
from which this note comes
* Column 8: MUMS track number
* Column 9: MUMS index number
* Column 10: Total duration (in seconds) of the performed note on the CD, from onset
to end of decay.
* Column 11: The point in time (in seconds), relative to the onset of the note, from
which the analysis was taken.
* Column 12: the Spectral centroid in hertz
I began this project while a PhD student at Northwestern University (USA) in 1990. All
the orchestral tones from the MUMS CDs were analysed. I reported on the project at the
1991 International Computer Music Conference in Montreal (Sandell, 1991, "A library of
orchestral instrument spectra," Proceedings of the 1991 International Computer Music
Conference, 98-101), but this data was never made publically available.
After a few years of looking at the data and thinking of ways in which the project could
have been done better, and after finding a way in which to automate the task using a CD-
ROM drive, I re-did the entire project from scratch. This was done in 1993-94 at Sussex
I would like to acknowledge the support of the graduate school of Northwestern Univer-
sity for a Dissertation Year Grant that helped fund the original project.
The top level URL for SHARC is ftp.ep.susx.ac.uk/pub/sandell/. Once there, you can read
this documentation file by clicking on README.html, or browse a small example (just
two of the 39 instruments) of what the database actually looks like when installed by
clicking on examples. Note that the README.html is always the most up to date version
of the documentation that is available.
My homepage is http://ep56c.ep.susx.ac.uk/Greg.Sandell.html. Be warned that all of
these URLs may be changing in the near future.
The autocorrelation method was not always successful in determining the fundamen-
tal frequency. The pizzicato and marcato string notes in particular seemed to pose
the biggest problem. The most serious errors of this sort have been xed, but a few
modest errors (fundamentals off by several Hertz) remain to be corrected. In sev-
eral cases the problem was due to a strong resonance or vibration from an open
string that produced a second tone that competed with the nominal tone, or noisi-
ness in the note such as a prominent bow scraping sound.
Appendix 250
This previous point highlights the fact that the analysis approach used in SHARC
assumes all the instruments to produce harmonic spectra. Obviously this is not true
in the case of the strings, in which the vibration of other strings may be an essential
part of the timbre of the note in question. Inharmonicities in instruments can also
occur when a strong native resonance for the particular instrument is active. The
choice to save only harmonic information was made because
+ The vast majority of instruments do not evince strong
inharmonic partials
+ A Fourier analysis will show energy at frequency locations
that are not harmonic partials for any instrument; to
decide whether to accept or reject a given inharmonic partial
requires an ad hoc decision. Because of the large size of
this database, this sort of attention to individual notes is
not feasable.
+ I wanted to avoid having multiple formats for the files (one
for harmonic notes, another for inharmonic notes)
Some instruments have notes "missing" in the series (for example, tuba e2). This is
because these notes are missing on the MUMS CDs as well.
I have no idea how the MUMS engineers set the level from one day to the next over
the course of the recordings. I have a hunch that, within one chromatic scale for
each instrument, the same level and mike placement was used. Otherwise all bets
are off: different instruments may have had different levels and mike placements,
so it would be wise to practice caution in comparing the levels across instruments
(which you can do by consulting the CONTENTS les for each instrument).
A few instruments that I am analysing have not made their way into SHARC yet, but
will soon: these include piano, celesta, harp, and some early instruments (all from
I plan to make graphic plots of the data available on the World Wide Web. Part of this
will come very soon. Later, when advances in the Web make it possible, I hope to
have a "graphical timbre server" where users are able to make individual requests
for certain types of plots.
Gregory J. Sandell (sandell@epunix.sussex.ac.uk)
Appendix 251
Appendix 8-3: Frame stage
The frame data is calculated from the SHARC database of spectroid measurements. The
calculation is done by a csh script which expects a subdirectory for each instrument, with
files for each note that have the naming convention instrument_notenum.spect, as is
standard in the SHARC distribution. I have written a system of scripts to calculate bright-
ness in Acums from the SHARC spectroids, and to plot the results. The process is auto-
mated by the script GreyAcumMap.csh which produces the frame as a text data file as
GreyAcumMap.csh > frame.dat
The programs in the system are listed below.
GreyAcumMap.csh get the acumoid for Sample Pitches for the Grey timbres from
SHARC files
GreyAcum.csh get Acum data from Grey SHARC files
AcumPlot.csh go through SHARC directories creating Acum plots
AcumData.csh go through SHARC directories calculating Acumoids
Acumoid.cc calculate Sharpness in Acums from SHARC timbre database
midi2hz.cc convert midi notenumber to Hz
name2midi.cc convert note name (e.g. c4) to midi notenumber
Appendix 252
#! /bin/csh -f
#* SOURCE FILE GreyAcumMap
#* MODULE Sonify
#* SYSTEM research
#* AUTHOR Stephen Barrass, CSIS
#* 19/4/95: first written s.b.
# filenames are in form instr_nnn.acum
if ($1 == -h) then
goto synopsis
set lo=$1
if ($lo == ) then
set lo=0
set hi=$2
if ($hi == ) then
set hi=127
foreach dir ( flute_vibrato cello_muted_vibrato bass_clarinet English_horn bassoon trombone_muted )
set notenum=$lo
while ($notenum < $hi)
set notename=`midi2name $notenum`
GetAcum.csh $dir $notename
@ notenum++
goto end
echo $0 [lo <0>] [hi <127>]
echo lo = low notenumber
echo hi = high notenumber
echo gets the acumoid for Sample Pitches in range lo-hi for the Grey timbres from SHARC files
#! /bin/csh -f
#* MODULE Sonify
Appendix 253
#* SYSTEM research
#* AUTHOR Stephen Barrass, CSIS
#* 19/4/95: first written s.b.
# filenames are in form instr_nnn.acum
if ($1 == -h) then
goto synopsis
foreach dir ( flute_vibrato cello_muted_vibrato bass_clarinet English_horn bassoon trombone_muted )
cd $dir
foreach notename ($argv)
set midi=`name2midi $notename`
set hz=`midi2hz $midi`
set acumoid=`Acumoid -b $hz < *_$notename.spect`
if ($acumoid != ) then
echo $dir $midi $acumoid
echo $dir $midi NULL
cd ..
goto end
echo $0 notename (e.g. c4 c5 c6)
echo gets the acumoid for the Grey timbres from SHARC files
#! /bin/csh -f
#* MODULE Sonify
#* SYSTEM research
#* AUTHOR Stephen Barrass, CSIS
#* 19/4/95: first written s.b.
# filenames are in form instr_nnn.acum
if ($1 == -h) then
goto synopsis
Appendix 254
set f=`ls *.spect`
set i=`expr index $f[1] _`
@ i--
set instr=`expr substr $f[1] 1 $i`
AcumData.csh > ${instr}_acumoid.data
graph -m 0 -g 1 -y 0 4 1 -l SHARC $instr Acumoid < ${instr}_acumoid.data | plot -Tdumb > ${instr}_acumoid.plot
goto end
echo $0 produces a plot of acumoid data extracted from SHARC files
#! /bin/csh -f
#* MODULE Sonify
#* SYSTEM research
#* AUTHOR Stephen Barrass, CSIS
#* 19/4/95: first written s.b.
# filenames are in form instr_nnn.spect
if ($1 == -h) then
goto synopsis
foreach f ( *.spect )
set i=`expr index $f _`
set j=`expr index $f .`
@ i++
set l=`expr $j - $i`
set nnn=`expr substr $f $i $l`
set midi=`name2midi $nnn`
set hz=`midi2hz $midi`
set acumoid=`Acumoid -b $hz < $f`
echo $midi $acumoid $nnn
goto end
echo $0 reads all SHARC analysis files with names instr_nnn.spect
and writes Acumoid data points to stdout
Appendix 255
*SOURCE FILEAcumoid.cc
*MODULE research
*SYSTEM Sonify
*AUTHORStephen Barrass, CSIS
*: First written April 1995.
/* RCS history log
/* RCS revision identifier and equivalent string
static char rcsid[] = $Id:$;
#include <stream.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
// critical band rate weighting factor
// 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
float w[] = {1.1,1.2,1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
g(int i)
if (i < 17) return 1;
// excitation mask
// Zwicker & Fastl pp. 151
const MASK_SIZE = 10;
// -2 -1 0 12 3 4 56 77
float mask[MASK_SIZE] = {0.10, 0.50, 1.00, 0.80, 0.60, 0.40, 0.20, 0.10, 0.05, 0.02 };
// synopsis
synopsis(char * prog)
cerr<<-------- \n;
cerr<<prog<< [-h help] -b baseHz < stdin > stdout << endl;
cerr <<Arguments[default]// description\n;
cerr << -------------------------------------------------------------------\n;
cerr<<-h\t\t\t\tthis help message\n;
cerr<<-b baseHz\t <100>\t\t\tbase frequency in Hz\n;
cerr<<stin\t\t\tspectral analysis in SHARC format\n;
cerr<<stdout\t\t\tspectral centroid\n;
Appendix 256
cerr<<----------- \n;
cerr<<Calculate the Sharpness in ACUMs. (1 Acum is the sharpness of a narrow band noise centred at 1 kHz. Algo-
rithm from Psychoacoustics by Zwicker & Fastl.\nThe input file consists of relative harmonic amplitudes wrt to peak
in dB in column 1, and relative phase in column 2.\n;
cerr<<Stephen Barrass\n;
cerr<<CSIRO DIT\n;
cerr<<\nCOPYRIGHT (c) CSIRO DIT 1995\n;
// main
main(int argc, char * argv[])
int i;
float baseKHz = 100;
// process args
for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
if (strcmp(-h, argv[i]) == 0)
return 0;
else if (strcmp(-b, argv[i]) == 0)
baseKHz = atof(argv[++i])/1000.0;
const BARK_MAX = 24;// maximum Bark
float relativeAmp;
float Ndz = 0;
float Nzdz = 0;
float dB, radians;
float bandrate[BARK_MAX];
for (i=0; i<BARK_MAX; i++)
bandrate[i] = 0;
float f = baseKHz;
float Bark;
int bin,binI;
cin >> ws;
while (!cin.eof())
cin >> dB >> ws >> radians >> ws;
// ignore phase in power spectrum
// dB = 20 * log(Comparison/Reference)
// therefore Relative = Comparison/Reference = 10 ^ (dB / 20)
relativeAmp = exp10(dB/20);
// convert kHz frequency of this harmonic into Bark 1..24
Bark = 13*atan(0.76*f)+3.5*atan((f*f)/56.25);
// integer Bark is boundary between critical Bands
bin = nint(floor(Bark))-1;
binI = bin-2;
// replace each bin with a mask
// use simple triangle shape for Loudness = 60
// (Zwicker & Fastl, pp 151)
for (i=0; i<MASK_SIZE; i++, binI++)
if (binI < 0)
Appendix 257
bandrate[binI] += mask[i]*relativeAmp;
f += baseKHz;
cerr << endl;
// find see-saw point (first moment)
// moment calculation
Ndz = Nzdz = 0;
cerr << Bandrate = ;
float bandAmp;
// the barks have been band-rate binned
// apply a log function to bin amplitudes for saturation effect
for (i=0; i<BARK_MAX;)
// want a logarithmic saturation effect
// bandAmp = log(bandrate[i]+1);
bandAmp = bandrate[i];
cerr << bandAmp << ;
Ndz += bandAmp;
// weighting factor (aka Zwicker)
Nzdz += bandAmp * i * g(i);
cerr << endl;
float Acumoid = Nzdz / Ndz;
// scale factor from Zwicker pp 218
Acumoid *= 0.11;
cerr << Sharpness = << setprecision(2) << Acumoid << Acum << endl;
cout << setprecision(2) << Acumoid << endl;
return 1;
*SOURCE FILEmidi2hz.cc
*MODULE research
*SYSTEM Sonify
*AUTHORStephen Barrass, CSIS
*: First written April 1995.
/* RCS history log
/* RCS revision identifier and equivalent string
static char rcsid[] = $Id:$;
Appendix 258
#include <stream.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
// synopsis
synopsis(char * prog)
cerr<<-------- \n;
cerr<<prog<< [-h help] midinote > stdout << endl;
cerr <<Arguments[default]// description\n;
cerr << -------------------------------------------------------------------\n;
cerr<<-h\t\t\t\tthis help message\n;
cerr<<midinote\t\t\t0-127 midi note number\n;
cerr<<stdout\t\t\tfrequency in Hz\n;
cerr<<----------- \n;
cerr<<Convert midi notenumber to frequency in Hz\n;
cerr<<Stephen Barrass\n;
cerr<<CSIRO DIT\n;
cerr<<\nCOPYRIGHT (c) CSIRO DIT 1995\n;
// main
main(int argc, char * argv[])
int i;
// process args
for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
if (strcmp(-h, argv[i]) == 0)
return 0;
float notenum = atof(argv[argc-1]);
float hz = 16.351625 * pow(2, notenum/12);
cout << hz << endl;
return 1;
Appendix 259
*SOURCE FILEname2midi.cc
*MODULE research
*SYSTEM Sonify
*AUTHORStephen Barrass, CSIS
*: First written April 1995.
/* RCS history log
/* RCS revision identifier and equivalent string
static char rcsid[] = $Id:$;
#include <stream.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
// synopsis
synopsis(char * prog)
cerr<<-------- \n;
cerr<<prog<< [-h help] notename > stdout << endl;
cerr <<Arguments[default]// description\n;
cerr << -------------------------------------------------------------------\n;
cerr<<-h\t\t\t\tthis help message\n;
cerr<<notename\t\t\tnote name e.g. c4, g#2, D6, A#1 etc.\n;
cerr<<stdout\t\t\tcorresponding midi notenumber 0..127\n;
cerr<<----------- \n;
cerr<<Convert note name to midi notenumber\n;
cerr<<Stephen Barrass\n;
cerr<<CSIRO DIT\n;
cerr<<\nCOPYRIGHT (c) CSIRO DIT 1995\n;
// main
main(int argc, char * argv[])
int i;
// process args
for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
Appendix 260
if (strcmp(-h, argv[i]) == 0)
return 0;
char * nnP = argv[argc-1];
int base;
case a:
case A:
base = 9;
case b:
case B:
base = 11;
case c:
case C:
base = 0;
case d:
case D:
base = 2;
case e:
case E:
base = 4;
case f:
case F:
base = 5;
case g:
case G:
base = 7;
cerr << Error : Bad note name\n;
return 0;
if (*nnP == #)
int offset = atoi(nnP)*12;
cout << base+offset << endl;
return 1;
Appendix 261
Appendix 8-4: Grating stage
The grating is built by filling in the frame with perceptually measured joints that are equal
steps in perceived brightness. The process has the following steps.
These programs are listed below
PSSReference.tcl GUI for fractionating the brightness of a sound sample
MapScale.csh scale the data relative to the maximum brightness
MapBuild.cc fill and pad the data to build a grating
frame.dat frame
fractionation by listening
data from frame calculations
combined fractionation data
combine frame and
joint data
fill and pad to
build the grating
scale the data relative to
the brightest sound
Appendix 262
#SOURCE FILEPSSReference.tcl
#MODULE Sonify
#SYSTEM PostGrad
#AUTHORStephen Barrass, CSIS
# : First written Feb 1994
# Source file identification for debugging #####################################
if {[info exists DEBUG]} {
if {$DEBUG} {
puts stderr {$Header: /proj/vis/mira/stephen/camroot/src/app/sonify/tk/RCS/PSSReference.tcl,v 1.1 1994/03/29
00:51:13 stephen Exp stephen $}
#- public variables------------------------------------------------
proc PSSReference::public {} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference::public}
#- private variables------------------------------------------------
proc PSSReference::private {path} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference::private}
uplevel 1 global $path.num
#- PSSReference::init------------------------------------------------
# initialise privates
proc PSSReference::init {path} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference::init}
PSSReference::private $path
set $path.num 0
#- PSSReference------------------------------------------------
# create a PSSReference
proc PSSReference {path args} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference}
Appendix 263
# start Csound with the PSSReference
Csound $path.cs
toplevel $path
wm title $path Fractionation
PSSReference::private $path
PSSReference::init $path
# heading stuff
frame $path.head
FileName $path.head.file \
-load PSSReference::read $path \
-save PSSReference::write $path \
-mask *.map
NumericEntry $path.head.notenum \
-width 128 -height 22 -labwidth 80 \
-text Notenum \
-from [set Device::NOTENUM_MIN] \
-to [set Device::NOTENUM_MAX] \
-command PSSReference::setNotenum $path
button $path.head.refharmonic \
-text Harmonic \
-command $path.head.patch set 500
button $path.head.refnoise \
-text Noise \
-command $path.head.patch set 501
button $path.head.refacum \
-text Acum \
-command $path.head.patch set 502
NumericEntry $path.head.patch \
-width 128 -height 22 -labwidth 80 \
-text Patch \
-from 0 \
-to 9999 \
-command PSSReference::setPatch $path
NumericEntry $path.head.dur \
-width 128 -height 22 -labwidth 80 \
-text Duration \
-allowfloat 1 \
-from [set Device::DUR_MIN] \
-to [set Device::DUR_MAX] \
-command PSSReference::setDur $path
pack append $path.head \
$path.head.file {top expand fillx} \
$path.head.notenum {left} \
$path.head.refharmonic {left} \
$path.head.refnoise {left} \
$path.head.refacum {left} \
$path.head.patch {left} \
$path.head.dur {left}
# scale
frame $path.scale
frame $path.scale.label
Appendix 264
label $path.scale.label.filter \
-width 10 -height 1 \
-anchor w \
-text {Filter}
button $path.scale.label.play \
-text Play \
-bitmap @$CAMROOT/lib/bitmap/Play.xbm \
-command PSSReference::play $path
pack append $path.scale.label \
$path.scale.label.play {top expand fillx} \
$path.scale.label.filter top
# create the Tuner bank
frame $path.scale.bank
set num 0
set timbre 0
set referenceInstrument 1
set bright [set Perceptual::BRIGHT_MIN]
while {$bright <= [set Perceptual::BRIGHT_MAX]} {
set keynum [expr $num + 1]
Tuner $path.scale.bank.tuner$num \
-timbre $timbre \
-bright $bright \
-timbreNoShow 1 \
-pitchNoShow 1 \
-notenumNoShow 1 \
-velNoShow 1 \
-brightNoShow 1 \
-inv 1 \
-key $keynum
pack append $path.scale.bank $path.scale.bank.tuner$num {left}
Tuner::setEqbw $path.scale.bank.tuner$num [expr $bright*[set Device::EQBW_RANGE]/[set Perceptu-
Tuner::setInstrument $path.scale.bank.tuner$num $referenceInstrument
incr bright
incr num
set $path.num $num
pack append $path.scale \
$path.scale.label left \
$path.scale.bank top
# pack it all
pack append $path \
$path.head {top expand fillx} \
$path.scale {top}
$path.head.notenum set 60
#- PSSReference::toplevel-----------------------------------------------
# create a toplevel pss reference
proc PSSReference::toplevel {path} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference::toplevel}
toplevel $path
PSSReference $path.pss
pack append $path $path.pss top
Appendix 265
#- PSSReference::play------------------------------------------------
# play the tagged sounds
proc PSSReference::play {path} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference::play}
PSSReference::private $path
set num 0
while {$num < [set $path.num]} {
Tuner::play $path.scale.bank.tuner$num
sleep 1
Tuner::stop $path.scale.bank.tuner$num
incr num
#- PSSReference::setPitchH------------------------------------------------
# set the Pitch
proc PSSReference::setPitchH {path {pitchH 5}} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference::setPitchH}
PSSReference::private $path
# change the pitch
PSSReference::private $path
set num 0
while {$num < [set $path.num]} {
Tuner::setPitchH $path.scale.bank.tuner$num $pitchH
Tuner::setNotenum $path.scale.bank.tuner$num [Perceptual::getPitchN $path.scale.bank.tuner$num.perceptual]
sleep 1
incr num
#- PSSReference::setNotenum------------------------------------------------
# set the Notenum
proc PSSReference::setNotenum {path {notenum 60}} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference::setNotenum}
PSSReference::private $path
# change the pitch
PSSReference::private $path
set num 0
while {$num < [set $path.num]} {
Tuner::setNotenum $path.scale.bank.tuner$num $notenum
incr num
#- PSSReference::setPatch------------------------------------------------
# set the Patch
proc PSSReference::setPatch {path {patch 0}} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference::setPatch}
PSSReference::private $path
# change the patch
PSSReference::private $path
set num 0
while {$num < [set $path.num]} {
Tuner::setPatch $path.scale.bank.tuner$num $patch
incr num
Appendix 266
#- PSSReference::setDur------------------------------------------------
# set the Duration
proc PSSReference::setDur {path {dur 1.0}} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference::setDur}
PSSReference::private $path
# change the duration
PSSReference::private $path
set num 0
while {$num < [set $path.num]} {
Tuner::setDur $path.scale.bank.tuner$num $dur
incr num
#- PSSReference::read------------------------------------------------
# read from file
proc PSSReference::read {path filename} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference::read}
PSSReference::private $path
# open the file
set fd -1
set fd [open $filename r]
if {$fd == -1} {
# read the header
# timbre leaf
set header
set timbre 0
gets $fd header
gets $fd header
set notenum 0
scan $header # Notenum %d notenum
# read each tuner
set num 0
while {$num < [set $path.num]} {
Tuner::read $path.scale.bank.tuner$num $fd
incr num
close $fd
$path.head.notenum set $notenum
#- PSSReference::write------------------------------------------------
# write to file
proc PSSReference::write {path filename} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference::write}
PSSReference::private $path
# open the file
set fd -1
set fd [open $filename w]
if {$fd == -1} {
# write the header
puts $fd # PSSReference
puts $fd # Notenum [$path.head.notenum get]
# write each scale
# write each tuner
Appendix 267
set num 0
while {$num < [set $path.num]} {
Tuner::write $path.scale.bank.tuner$num $fd
incr num
close $fd
#- PSSReference::test------------------------------------------------
# write all leaves to a file
proc PSSReference::test {path {filebase tleaf}} {
Debug::proc {PSSReference::test}
PSSReference::private $path
#!/bin/csh -f
#MODULE Sonify
#SYSTEM Thesis
#AUTHORStephen Barrass, CSIS
# : First written May 1995
# Synopsis
if ($1 == -h) then
goto synopsis
set Bmax = $1
set notenum = $2
set infile = $3
gawk -v Bmax=$Bmax -v notenum=$notenum -f MapScale.gawk < $infile
goto end
echo $0 Bmax notenum mapfile
echo Bmax is maximum brightness in Acums
echo Create a pnf to TBP mapping from a PSSReference map
;#SOURCE FILEMapBuild.cc
;#MODULE Sonify
;#SYSTEM PostGrad
Appendix 268
;#AUTHORStephen Barrass, CSIS
;# : First written May 1995
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <strstream.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
int loNotenum = -100;
int hiNotenum = 200;
int hiFilter = 1000;
int OutOfGamutFilter = 140;
int extraB = 5; // extra Brightness steps to confirm B boundary
float BMax = 2.0;
int PFillCnt = 0;// extra pitch steps to improve pitch accuracy
int BFillCnt = 6;// number of interpolated B points
int OutOfGamutPatch = 0;
int InGamutPatch = 100;
const PitchPadStep = 5;
char * helpString = \n\
Arguments[default]// description\n\
------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\
-h // print this help line \n\
-loP 0 // out-of-gamut lo pitch\n\
-hiP 127 // out-of-gamut hi pitch\n\
-hiFilter 200// out-of-gamut hi filter value\n\
-extraB 5 // number of B extrapolations\n\
-BMax 2.0 // maximum Brightness for extrapolation\n\
stdin stdin // read from stdin\n\
stdout stdout// write to stdout\n\
Description \n\
----------- \n\
read Acum data and output pnfTBP \n\
Author \n\
----------- \n\
Stephen Barrass\n\
Visualisation \n\
stephen@csis.dit.csiro.au \n\
// scale the equal brightness step points so that maximum brightness
// is calibrated with unfiltered brightness of this sample at this pitch
// the modelling software needs lots of points to do a good job,
// particulary for the non-linear (exponential) filter values
// fill-in extra filter values using interpolation between neighbours
// initially try simple linear interpolation
// extend filter values beyond gamut boundary to support the mapping
#ifdef TEST
int global_p = 0;
Appendix 269
char * MeasureFile,// datafile with B for each P of this T
float Bacum127,// brightness with no filter (i.e filter = 127)
float Pitch, // pitch of this brightness measurement
int OutOfGamutNotenum = 0 // out-of-gamut Pitch sets this
int p;
float n;
int f = 0;
int fPrev;
int fFill;
float T,B;
B = 0.0;
// 8 equal steps up to the Brightness at this Pitch
float Bstep = Bacum127/8.0;
float Bdelta = Bstep/BFillCnt;
int i = 0;
// BScale
// open the Measurement file
ifstream MeasureStream(MeasureFile);
int startF = 1;
// skip whitespace
MeasureStream >> ws;
// end-of-file ?
while (!MeasureStream.eof())
// skip commented lines
if (MeasureStream.peek() == #)
// save previous f value
fPrev = f;
// get a point
MeasureStream >> p >> n >> f >> ws;
// skip to end of line
MeasureStream >> ws;
// if first line get next line so we can start interpolating
if (startF)
// use patch to find Timbre angle
#ifdef TEST
T = (global_p-1)*45;
T = (p-1)*45;
startF = 0;
// ignore the notenum in the file for the moment since using just
// one measurement file for all pitches
// use Pitch instead
n = Pitch;
// out-of-gamut Pitch
p = InGamutPatch;
Appendix 270
if (OutOfGamutNotenum != 0)
// XXX
// n = OutOfGamutNotenum;
p = OutOfGamutPatch;
// f = OutOfGamutFilter;
// heres the interpolated B fill
for (i=0; i < BFillCnt; i++, B += Bdelta)
fFill = fPrev+i*(f - fPrev)/BFillCnt;
// write it out
cout << p << << n << << fFill << << T << << B << << Pitch << endl;
// last f point
cout << p << << n << << f << << T << << B << << Pitch << endl;
// add extra B points to force gamut shape
int fStep = (hiFilter-f)/extraB;
float BStep = (BMax-B)/extraB;
f = OutOfGamutFilter;
p = OutOfGamutPatch;
//B = B*1.01;
B += BStep;
for (i=0; i<extraB; i++)
// f += fStep;
cout << p << << n << << f << << T << << B << << Pitch << endl;
B += BStep;
char * MeasureFile,// datafile with B for each P of this T
float Bacum127,// brightness with no filter (i.e filter = 127)
float PitchStart,//
float PitchEnd
float Pitch;
for (Pitch = PitchStart; Pitch <= PitchEnd; Pitch+=PitchPadStep)
BScale(MeasureFile, Bacum127, Pitch, loNotenum);
char * MeasureFile,// datafile with B for each P of this T
float Bacum127,// brightness with no filter (i.e filter = 127)
float PitchStart,//
float PitchEnd
Appendix 271
float Pitch;
for (Pitch = PitchStart; Pitch <= PitchEnd; Pitch+=PitchPadStep)
BScale(MeasureFile, Bacum127, Pitch, hiNotenum);
//-main ------------------------------------------------------
// this routine converts SHARC data to pnfTBP data suitable for the
// modelling routines. This process includes padding to help the
// modelling software smoothly drape flesh onto the bones
// which requires consideration of the hyper-linear interpolation algorithm
// The SHARC data consists of Brightness values for a Pitch range of a
// particular Timbre
// file format is
// stringfloatfloat
// Timbre pitchbrightness
// the Timbre data is arranged in increasing pitch order
// flute 48 0.5
// flute 49 0.6
// flute 50 0.45
// .. etc.
// when a new Timbre is started
// the last data from the previous Timbre is copied up the pitch axis
// to establish the upper half of the cylindrical contour
// then the new Timbre data is prepended is copied down the pitch axis
// to establish the lower cylindrical contour
main(int argc, char **argv)
int i;
// parse the commandline
for (i=1; i < argc; i++)
if (strcmp(argv[i],-h) == 0)
cerr << argv[0] << << helpString;
return 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i],-loP) == 0)
loNotenum = atoi(argv[++i]);
else if (strcmp(argv[i],-hiP) == 0)
hiNotenum = atoi(argv[++i]);
else if (strcmp(argv[i],-hiFilter) == 0)
hiFilter = atoi(argv[++i]);
else if (strcmp(argv[i],-BMax) == 0)
BMax = atof(argv[++i]);
else if (strcmp(argv[i],-extraB) == 0)
extraB = atoi(argv[++i]);
Appendix 272
// output format
long formatF = cout.flags();
cout.flags(formatF | ios::fixed);
char Timbre[64];
char TimbrePrev[64];
ostrstream(Timbre, sizeof(Timbre)) << ends;
float Bacum;
float BacumPrev = 0;
float Pitch;
float PitchPrev = 0;
float PitchMax = 127;
float p, pInc;
char MeasureFile[256];
unsigned char startFlag = 1;
// read SHARC database file from stdin
cin >> ws;
while (!cin.eof())
// skip commented lines
if (cin.peek() == #)
// read the line
// instrument_name pitch brigtness
cin >> ws >> Timbre >> Pitch >> Bacum >> ws;
// is it a new Timbre ?
if ((strcmp(Timbre, TimbrePrev) != 0))
if (strcmp(Timbre, change) == 0)
cin >> ws >> Timbre >> Pitch >> Bacum >> ws;
cerr << change to << Timbre << , << Pitch << , << Bacum << endl;
// change Timbre
// after-pad old Timbre
if (!startFlag)
AfterPad(MeasureFile, Bacum, PitchPrev+1, PitchMax);
startFlag = 0;
// get the new measurement file MeasureFile
// the measurement file contains the equal brightness filter values
// for this Timbre
// using just one file for all pitches at the moment
#ifdef TEST
ostrstream(MeasureFile, sizeof(MeasureFile)) << Timbre << _ << 48 << .map << ends;
// pre-pad new Timbre
PrePad(MeasureFile, Bacum, 0, Pitch-1);
// update old Timbre name
Appendix 273
ostrstream(TimbrePrev, sizeof(Timbre)) << Timbre << ends;
pInc = 1.0/(PFillCnt+1);
p = Pitch-(PFillCnt/2.0)*pInc;
for (i=0; i<=PFillCnt; i++)
BScale(MeasureFile, Bacum, p);
p += pInc;
PitchPrev = Pitch;
BacumPrev = Bacum;
// end of Timbre at eof
// after-pad
AfterPad(MeasureFile, Bacum, Pitch+1, PitchMax);
Appendix 274
Appendix 8-5: Plasticine stage
The plasticine stage is a 3D spline fit to the grating data points. A set of scripts collects
the necessary parameters from the user and automates the file conversion processes. In the
process diagram below the colour modelling tools developed by Done Bone have an *
next to them [Bone D. (1993)].
makeModel.cc *
verifySet.cc *
setModPars.cc *
buildColourModel.cc *
text2MapList.cc *
invertSet.cc *
Appendix 275
#!/bin/csh -f
# SOURCE FILE Map2SoundModel.csh
# MODULE personify
# SYSTEM Research
# AUTHOR Stephen Barrass, CSIS
# : First written May 1995
echo **** Map2SoundModel.csh
source ModelRange
# command line
set files =
set fuzz = false
while ($#argv > 0)
switch ($1)
case -h:
goto synopsis
case -g:
set grid = $1
case -f:
set fuzz = true
case -r:
set res = $1
case -s:
set stiff = $1
case -t:
set tight = $1
set files = ($files $1)
Appendix 276
# main
if ($fuzz == true) then
Map2MapList.csh -f
MapList2SoundModel.csh -g $grid -s $stiff -t $tight -r $res
goto end
# help
echo $0 [-g grid <$grid>] [-f <$fuzz> (fuzz)] [-r res <$res>] [-s stiff <$stiff>] [-t tight <$tight>]
echo from pnfTBPGrey.map to SoundModel
#!/bin/csh -f
# SOURCE FILE Map2MapList.csh
# MODULE personify
# SYSTEM Research
# AUTHOR Stephen Barrass, CSIS
# : First written May 1995
echo **** Map2MapList.csh
# command line
set files =
set fuzz = false
set BMax = 2.0
while ($#argv > 0)
switch ($1)
case -h:
goto synopsis
case -f:
Appendix 277
set fuzz = true
case -BMax:
set BMax = $1
set files = ($files $1)
# main
if ($fuzz == true) then
pnfTBPfuzz -o1 5 < pnfTBPGrey.map | pnfTBPtoDpnfPtbp -BMax $BMax | text2MapList | sed 1,10s/TRUE_CAM/
FALSE_CAM/ | invertSet > PtbpDpnf.ml
cat pnfTBPGrey.map | pnfTBPtoDpnfPtbp -BMax $BMax | text2MapList | sed 1,10s/TRUE_CAM/FALSE_CAM/ | in-
vertSet > PtbpDpnf.ml
goto end
# help
echo $0 [-f fuzz] [-BMax <$BMax>]
echo make DpnfPtbp.ml & PtbpDpnf.ml from pnfTBPGrey.map
#!/bin/csh -f
# SOURCE FILE MapList2SoundModel.csh
# MODULE personify
# SYSTEM Research
# AUTHOR Stephen Barrass, CSIS
# : First written May 1995
echo **** MapList2SoundModel.csh
source ModelRange
Appendix 278
# command line
set files =
while ($#argv > 0)
switch ($1)
case -h:
goto synopsis
case -g:
set grid = $1
case -r:
set res = $1
case -s:
set stiff = $1
case -t:
set tight = $1
set files = ($files $1)
# main
MapList2PtbpModel.csh -g $grid -s $stiff -t $tight
PtbpModel2SoundModel.csh -r $res
SoundModelView.csh -small
goto end
# help
echo $0 [-g grid <$grid>] [-r res <$res>] [-s stiff <$stiff>] [-t tight <$tight>]
echo from pnfTBPGrey.map to SoundModel
#!/bin/csh -f
Appendix 279
# SOURCE FILE MapList2PtbpModel.csh
# MODULE personify
# SYSTEM Research
# AUTHOR Stephen Barrass, CSIS
# : First written May 1995
echo **** MapList2PtbpModel.csh
source ModelRange
# command line
set files =
set viewF = true
while ($#argv > 0)
switch ($1)
case -h:
goto synopsis
case -g:
set grid = $1
case -s:
set stiff = $1
case -t:
set tight = $1
case -Pt:
set PtMin = $1
set PtMax = $1
case -Pb:
set PbMin = $1
set PbMax = $1
case -Pp:
set PpMin = $1
Appendix 280
set PpMax = $1
case -noV:
set viewF = false
set files = ($files $1)
# main
# -C = monoticity constraint
nice -20 makeModel -M PtbpDpnf.ml -o PtbpModel -a 0 $PtMin $PtMax -a 1 $PbMin $PbMax -a 2 $PpMin $PpMax
-W $stiff $tight -g $grid $grid $grid
verifySet -i PtbpDpnf.ml -m PtbpModel -o outliers.ml -d 10
# have a look at the results
if ($viewF == true) ModelView.csh -g $grid
goto end
# help
echo $0 [-g <$grid>] [-Pt PtMin <$PtMin> PtMax <$PtMax>] [-Pb PbMin <$PbMin> PbMax <$PbMax>] [-Pp Pp-
Min <$PpMin> PpMax <$PpMax>] [-s stiff <$stiff>] [-t tight <$tight>] [-noV no view]
echo make a model from a maplist
#!/bin/csh -f
# SOURCE FILE MakeSoundModel.csh
# MODULE personify
# SYSTEM Research
# AUTHOR Stephen Barrass, CSIS
# : First written May 1995
echo ****** MakeSoundModel.csh
source ModelRange
Appendix 281
# command line
set files =
set slices = false
while ($#argv > 0)
switch ($1)
case -h:
goto synopsis
case -s:
set slices = true
case -r:
set res = $1
set files = ($files $1)
# main
setModPars -s .colour.UCS.Luv.Hsl -R 0 $DpMin $DpMax -R 1 $DnMin $DnMax -R 2 $DfMin $DfMax < PtbpModel
| buildColourModel -r $res | patchSoundModel > SoundColourModel
cmodelVu -b -r -m SoundColourModel -o horizontal.ras -s 0
cmodelVu -b -r -m SoundColourModel -o vertical.ras -s 1
if ($slices == true) then
goto end
# help
echo $0 [-r <$res> gamut resolution] [-s = make slices]
echo make a SoundColourModel from a PtbpModel
Appendix 282
Appendix 10-1: HeadSpace.orc
;; Stephen Barrass
;; research
;; June 14 1995
; 24 tracks of 3d sound
; uses binaural delay, low-pass filter and amplitude
; to provide rough position and distance cues
; uses the zak gen to do array routing
sr = 22050
kr = 2205
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2
; global ------------------------------------------------
ginyq = sr*0.4
gipi = 3.14159265
giattack = 0.005
girelease = 0.005
; channels
gichannels = 24
zakinit gichannels,gichannels
; pseudo HRTF
gidelaymax = 0.001
gidelaymin = 0.0001
gifmin = 2.0/gidelaymax
gifscale = ginyq/2.171
; pinnae notch cue
ginotchf = 11000
ginotchw = 200
giamplut = 90 ; distance-to-amplitude lookup table
; angle of the ear relative to the side of the head (in degrees)
giearangle = 30
; ellipse
gie = 0.6 ; eccentricity
gik = (1-gie)/gie ; normalise
; cable
; plug a sound into a channel
; instr start dur channel patch pitch
; channel
instr 1
; input parameters ---------------------------------------------
idur = p3
ich = p4 ; channel
ipatch = p5 ; patch
ipitch = p6 ; pitch octave.class format 8.00 = middle C
; derived parameters ---------------------------------------------
Appendix 283
ifroot = cpspch(ipitch) ; root frequency in hz
print idur, ich, ipatch, ipitch, ifroot
kamp linen 1, giattack, idur, girelease ; declicking envelope
; use vibrato to bind streams
ivib iunirand 40; random vibrato frequency
iamp= 4 ; amplitude of vibrato
print ivib
kvib oscil iamp,ivib+40,91 ; holds stream together
; use pitchbend to point to a stream
kheyzkr ich
ach loscil 1, ifroot+kvib+khey, ipatch
zaw ach, ich ; route to the z channel
; attract attention to a stream
; by a brief pitchbend
; this writes to a zak variable which is read by the stream instr
; i2 start dur channel
instr 2
; input parameters ---------------------------------------------
idur = p3
ich = p4 ; channel
; derived parameters ---------------------------------------------
print idur, ich
iamp = 30 ; bend size
khey lineniamp, idur/3, idur, idur/3; bend
zkwkhey, ich ; write to the zk variable
; this placer uses the declick envelope
; placer
; place a channel in the scene
; and write to stereo output
; instr start dur channel distance angle height
instr 3
; input parameters ----------------------------------------
idur = p3
ach zar p4 ; channel to play
idistance = p5 ; distance 0 to 127 metres
iangle = p6 ; angle 0_360 degrees where 0 = right hand
iheight = p7 ; height -10_10 below_level_above
print idur,idistance,iangle,iheight
; derived parameters ----------------------------------------
idb table idistance, giamplut ; convert distance-to-amplitude
iamp = ampdb(idb)
irevtime = idistance/5 ; reverb in seconds
iradians = iangle*2*gipi/360 ; convert degreees-to-radians
print idb, iamp, iradians, irevtime
; delay
ix = cos(iradians)
idelay = abs(ix)*gidelaymax + gidelaymin
Appendix 284
irdelay = (ix < 0 ? idelay : gidelaymin)
ildelay = (ix < 0 ? gidelaymin : idelay)
printks ix = %f, idelay = %f, ildelay = %f, irdelay = %f\n , 10, ix, idelay, ildelay, irdelay
; rough up a HRTF using elliptical functions for each ear
; right ear
irearangle = iangle-giearangle
irhrtf = gik*gie/(1-gie*cos(irearangle*2*gipi/360))
; left ear
ilearangle = iangle-180+giearangle
ilhrtf = gik*gie/(1-gie*cos(ilearangle*2*gipi/360))
print ilhrtf,irhrtf
; k-rate ------------------------------------------------
; de-clicking envelope
kamp linen iamp, giattack, idur, girelease
; a-rate ------------------------------------------------
; distance related reverb
;arev reverb ach, irevtime
; angle positioning by binaural delay
; note : there really should be frequency dependence here...
; used fixed delay lines because deltap is stuffed !
al0 = ach*ilhrtf
ar0 = ach*irhrtf
al1 delay al0, ildelay
ar1 delay ar0, irdelay
; attenuate upper frequencies for head shadow
al2 tone al1, exp(ilhrtf)*gifscale
ar2 tone ar1, exp(irhrtf)*gifscale
; put in a frequency notch as a pinnae cue
;al3 areson al2, ginotchf, ginotchw
;ar3 areson ar2, ginotchf, ginotchw
;dispfft al2, 0.3, 1024
;dispfft ar2, 0.3, 1024
outs al2*kamp, ar2*kamp
Appendix 285
Appendix 10-2: cOcktail.prl
#!/local/bin/perl5 -w
#SOURCE FILEbatch.prl
#MODULE Sonify
#SYSTEM Thesis
#AUTHORStephen Barrass, CSIS
# : First written October 1995
$dur = 10;
$scorefile = tada.sco;
$backdistance = 70;
$backscale = 20;
$angleplus = 13;
# help message
sub help {
print STDERR Synopsis : $0\nGenerate the tada cocktail score\n;
print STDERR [-h]\t\t\t\tthis help message\n;
print STDERR [-d duration <$dur>]\t\tduration of each section\n;
# subroutines
# placer
# place a channel in the scene
# and write to stereo output
$channelInst = 1;
$placerInst = 3;
# start duration distance angle height
sub placerHead {
print \n;circle\n;instr\tstart\tdur\tchannel\tdist\tangle\theight\n;
sub placer {
local($timeBegin, $duration, $channel, $distance, $angle, $height) = @_;
print i$placerInst\t$timeBegin\t$duration\t$channel\t$distance\t$angle\t$height\n;
# circle
# do circle movement
# timeBegin timeDur channel arcBegin arcAngle steps distBegin distEnd scorefile
Appendix 286
sub dec2 {
return (int($in*100)/100);
sub remains {
my($nominator, $divisor)=@_;
while ($nominator > $divisor) {
$nominator -= $divisor;
return dec2($nominator);
sub circle {
local($timeBegin,$timeDur,$channel,$arcBegin,$arcAngle,$steps,$distBegin,$distEnd,$scorefile) = @_;
$angle = $arcBegin;
$angleStep = $arcAngle/$steps;
$durStep = $timeDur/$steps;
$height = 0;
placer $timeBegin,$durStep,$channel,$distBegin,$angle,$height;
for ($i = 1; $i < $steps-1; $i++)
$angle = remains($angle+$angleStep,360);
# $angle = ($angle+$angleStep)%360;
placer +, ., ., >, $angle, .;
$angle = remains($angle+$angleStep,360);
#$angle = ($angle+$angleStep)%360;
placer +, ., ., $distEnd, $angle, .;
# readData
$channel = 1;
sub readData {
print STDERR readData;
local($datafile) = @_;
local($cm, $amount);
print STDERR readData file $datafile\n;
# get each data line from the file
open(F,$datafile) || die Cant open file $!\n;
#local($angle) = 0;
local($distance) = 30;
local($height) = 0;
local($cmPrev) = -10;
placer 0,0,$channel,$distance,$angle,$height;
while (<F>) {
next if /^#/;
next if /FILE/;
next if /COLUMN/;
if ($i>$length) {last;}
@dataline = split();
# just get the last 2 columns in cm, amount
Appendix 287
$cm = $dataline[$#dataline-1];
$amount = $dataline[$#dataline];
# print STDERR $cm,$amount\n;
# $angle = ($angle+$amount+360)%360.0;
# $distance = 1/exp(-abs($amount)/5);
# $distance = int($distance*5);
$distance = $backdistance-$backscale*abs($amount);
$dur = (int($cm - $cmPrev))/10.0;
placer +,$dur,$channel,1+abs($distance),$angle,$height;
$cmPrev = $cm;
$angle += $angleplus;
# lounge
sub lounge {
local($dur, $scorefile) = @_;
print STDERR LOUNGE,$dur,$scorefile\n;
#system ls c*
# start duration channel arcBegin arcAngle steps distBegin distEnd scorefile
circle 0,$dur,1,0,360,10,5,6;
circle 0,$dur,2,90,360,10,3,6;
circle 0,$dur,3,180,360,10,4,8;
# main
print STDERR Cocktail\n;
# parse command line
$length = 10000;
$angle = 0;
while ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/) {
if (/^-l/) {
$length = shift;
elsif (/^-h/)
exit 1;
exit 1;
foreach $file (@ARGV) {
print STDERR $file\n;
Appendix 288
# add background
$backdur = 140;
$arcAngle = 360;
$backstep = int($backdur*4);
$backchn = 16;
# timeBegin timeDur channel arcBegin arcAngle steps distBegin distEnd scorefile
$placerInst = 3;
#circle(20,$backdur,$backchn,90,$arcAngle,$backstep, $backdistance, $backdistance);
#circle(30, 20, 17, 30, 1000, 20, 50, 100);