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Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk


Models for Predicting Type 1 Diabetes in

Siblings of Affected Children
SAMY MRENA, MD1 HANS K. ÅKERBLOM, MD, DMSC1 that most earlier surveys presenting pre-
SUVI M. VIRTANEN, MD, DMSC2,3,4,5 MIKAEL KNIP, MD, DMSC1,4 dictive models were based on relatively
PEKKA LAIPPALA, PHD3,5† THE CHILDHOOD DIABETES IN FINLAND selected populations (3–5). Accordingly,
PETRI KULMALA, MD, DMSC6 STUDY GROUP assessing predictive strategies in an uns-
MARJA-LEENA HANNILA, MSC2 elected sibling population is important
and clinically relevant.
The contribution of autoantibodies in
OBJECTIVE — To generate predictive models for the assessment of risk of type 1 diabetes assessment of type 1 diabetes risk devel-
and age at diagnosis in siblings of children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. opment is well established at the group
level. It is also well known that HLA-
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS — Cox regression analysis was used to assess
conferred genetic susceptibility and a de-
the risk of progression to type 1 diabetes, and multiple regression analysis was used to estimate
the age at disease presentation in 701 siblings of affected children. Sociodemographic, genetic, creased first-phase insulin response
and immunological variables were included in the analyses. Subanalyses were performed in a (FPIR) to intravenous glucose increase
group of 77 autoantibody-positive siblings with additional metabolic data. risk. Assessment of future risk of type 1
diabetes has two dimensions. First, there
RESULTS — A total of 47 siblings (6.7%) presented with type 1 diabetes during the 15-year is a need to have an estimate of the overall
observation period. Young age, an increasing number of detectable diabetes-associated autoan- risk for subsequent development of clini-
tibodies at initial sampling and of affected first-degree relatives, and HLA DR– conferred disease cal disease. Second, the family would like
susceptibility predicted progression to type 1 diabetes. In the subgroup of 77 autoantibody- to know how soon a high-risk sibling of
positive siblings, young age, HLA DR– conferred susceptibility, an increasing number of auto- the first affected child might progress to
antibodies, a reduced first-phase insulin response, and decreased insulin sensitivity in relation to
type 1 diabetes. We decided to establish a
first-phase insulin response were associated with increased risk of progression to type 1 diabetes.
Age at diagnosis was predicted by age, insulinoma-associated protein 2 antibody levels, and two-step predictive strategy to 1) identify
number of autoantibodies at initial sampling (R2 ⫽ 0.76; P ⬍ 0.001). In the smaller cohort of those siblings at highest risk for clinical
autoantibody-positive subjects, first-phase insulin response and HLA DR– conferred suscepti- disease and 2) assess the time frame
bility were additional predictors of age at diagnosis. within which a high-risk sibling will
likely present with overt type 1 diabetes.
CONCLUSIONS — Information on autoantibody status and levels, HLA-conferred disease Our aim was to generate clinically appli-
susceptibility, and insulin secretion and sensitivity seems to be useful in addition to age and cable predictive models for risk assess-
family history of type 1 diabetes when assessing risk of progression to type 1 diabetes and time ment of clinical diabetes in unaffected
to diagnosis in siblings of children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. siblings of newly diagnosed type 1 dia-
betic children.
Diabetes Care 29:662– 667, 2006


ince the 1970s, several studies have design predictive models for type 1 dia-
METHODS — The study population
indicated that HLA-conferred dis- betes, integrating sociodemographic, ge-
was derived from the nationwide Child-
ease susceptibility and autoantibod- netic, immunological, and metabolic
hood Diabetes in Finland (DiMe) study
ies are useful in the prediction of type 1 markers, and test their utility in predic-
(6). The observation of the siblings was
diabetes among first-degree relatives of af- tion of type 1 diabetes in siblings of dia-
initiated shortly after the proband was di-
fected patients (1,2). Our purpose was to betic children. This approach is unique in
agnosed with type 1 diabetes. Blood sam-
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ples were taken at intervals of 3– 6
From the 1Hospital for Children and Adolescents, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; the 2Department months during the first 2 years and at 6-
of Epidemiology and Health Promotion, National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland; the 3Tampere to 12-month intervals during the follow-
School of Public Health, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland; the 4Department of Pediatrics, Tampere ing 2 years. Autoantibody-positive sib-
University Hospital, Tampere, Finland; the 5Research Unit, Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland; lings were invited for further testing at an
and the 6Department of Pediatrics, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Mikael Knip, MD, DMSc, Hospital for Children and
interval of 6 –12 months to the end of
Adolescents, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 281, FI-00029 HUCH, Helsinki, Finland. E-mail: 2002, whereas the testing of autoanti-
mikael.knip@hus.fi. body-negative siblings ended after fol-
Received for publication 1 May 2005 and accepted in revised form 28 November 2005. low-up for the first 4 years. Only
†Deceased. autoantibody data from the initial sam-
Abbreviations: FPIR, first-phase insulin response; GADA, GAD antibody; HOMA-IR, homeostasis model
assessment of insulin resistance; IA-2, insulinoma-associated protein 2; IA-2A, IA-2 antibody; IAA, insulin pling were taken into account here. All
autoantibody; ICA, islet cell antibody; IVGTT, intravenous glucose tolerance test; ROC, receiver operating the siblings were observed for progres-
characteristic. sion to type 1 diabetes up to the end of
A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Système International (SI) units and conversion year 2002, i.e., for an average period of
factors for many substances.
© 2006 by the American Diabetes Association.
15.0 years (range 13.7–16.3). Observa-
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby tion of the siblings who progressed to
marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. clinical disease ended at diagnosis, which


Mrena and Associates

was based on clinical symptoms and an pressed as the percentage decrease in sion 8.0 (Stata, College Station, TX) and
increased random blood glucose concen- blood glucose per minute (%/min). FPIR other statistical tests with the SPSS 11
tration (⬎10 mmol/l) or elevated fasting levels ⬍45 mU/l, a level that represents software (SPSS, Chicago, IL). The propor-
(⬎6.7 mmol/l) or random blood glucose the third percentile of FPIR values in tionality of the hazards was checked by
on two occasions in the absence of symp- healthy control subjects (12), and Kg val- using log-cumulative hazard plots (Stata).
toms (7). ues ⬍1.30%/min were considered abnor-
Altogether, at least one blood sample mal. The homeostasis model assessment RESULTS
was available from 758 siblings at the time of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index
of diagnosis in the index case. The present was calculated based on the conventional Progression to clinical diabetes
study cohort included all siblings with at formula: HOMA-IR ⫽ fasting glucose A total of 47 siblings (6.7%, 95% CI 5.0 –
least one serum sample for autoantibody (mmol/l) ⫻ fasting insulin (mU/l)/22.5, 8.8%) presented with clinical type 1 dia-
analyses and data on HLA class II typing as described previously (15,16). The con- betes during the 15-year observation
available. This resulted in a total series of ventional index correlated strongly (r ⫽ period. The mean age at the time of diag-
701 siblings with a mean age of 9.9 years 0.99) with the newer HOMA computer nosis was 13.9 years (range 1.4 –28.4). Of
(range 0.8 –19.7). A total of 217 siblings model (17). Insulin resistance was related the 47 progressors, 38 tested initially pos-
were HLA DR3/DR4 heterozygous, 334 to insulin secretion by calculating the itive for at least one diabetes-associated
carried the DR4/non-DR combination, 97 HOMA-IR/FPIR ratio. autoantibody. Seven initially autoanti-
carried the DR3/non-DR4 combination, body-negative siblings seroconverted to
and 53 had neither DR3 nor DR4. A total Genetics antibody positivity before diagnosis. The
of 93 siblings tested positive for at least HLA DR typing was performed by con- risk of developing type 1 diabetes in the
one diabetes-associated autoantibody, 49 ventional HLA serology as described (18). total series was associated with the age at
being positive for a single autoantibody The HLA-conferred susceptibility was first sampling, HLA DR– conferred dis-
reactivity and 44 for multiple (two or graded into four categories: no risk, HLA ease susceptibility, the number of initially
more) antibodies. A total of 60 siblings non-DR3/non-DR4; low risk, HLA DR detectable diabetes-associated autoanti-
tested positive for islet cell antibodies 3/non-DR4; moderate risk, HLA DR4/ bodies, and the number of affected family
(ICAs), 20 for insulin autoantibodies non-DR3; and high risk, HLA DR3/DR4. members (Table 1). Among the 77 au-
(IAAs), 55 for GAD antibodies (GADAs), toantibody-positive siblings with meta-
and 36 for insulinoma-associated protein Data handling and statistical bolic data available, the age of the sibling,
2 (IA-2) antibodies (IA-2As) at initial analyses HLA DR– conferred susceptibility, the
sampling. An intravenous glucose toler- The data were evaluated statistically using number of disease-associated autoanti-
ance test (IVGTT) was performed in 77 of cross-tabulation and ␹2 statistics for fre- bodies, the FPIR, and the HOMA-IR/FPIR
the 93 antibody-positive children. quencies. Variables with a normal distri- ratio turned out to be significant predic-
bution were compared with the t test. The tors of progression to type 1 diabetes (Ta-
Disease-associated autoantibodies Mann-Whitney U test and nonparametric ble 1).
ICAs were determined with conventional correlation analysis were applied when
immunofluorescence (8). The sensitivity analyzing variables with a skewed distri- The individual prognostic risk index
of the ICA assay was 100% and the spec- bution. The Cox regression analysis was Based on the Cox regression model, we
ificity 98% (9). IAAs, GADAs, and IA-2As used to assess factors associated with the calculated an individual prognostic risk
were analyzed with specific radiobinding risk of progression to type 1 diabetes, index for each subject. We then per-
assays as described (10). The sensitivity of whereas multiple linear regression analy- formed a receiver operating characteristic
the IAA assay was 78% and the specificity sis was applied for the estimation of vari- (ROC) analysis to define a cutoff index
100% in the proficiency-testing program. ables related to the age at diagnosis. The leading to the best separation between
The disease sensitivity of the GADA assay data initially included in the analysis of progressors and nonprogressors. The cut-
was 79% and the specificity 97% based on the total series of 701 siblings comprised off index based on the total series was
the 1995 Multiple Autoantibody Work- the following potential predictors: age at judged to be 0.25, resulting in a sensitiv-
shop (11). The corresponding character- first sampling, sex, HLA-conferred dis- ity of 78.7%, a specificity of 95.7%, and a
istics of the IA-2A assay were 62 and 97%, ease susceptibility (two or four catego- positive predictive value of 56.9% for
respectively. ries), degree of HLA identity with the type 1 diabetes (Fig. 1). There were alto-
index case, initial autoantibody positivity gether 65 of 701 (9.3%) siblings with a
IVGTT and the homeostasis model and levels (ICAs, IAAs, GADAs, and IA- prognostic index exceeding the cutoff
assessment of insulin resistance 2As), age at diagnosis and sex of the index value. Of these 65 siblings, 37 presented
The IVGTTs were preformed as described case, the number of children in the family, with clinical type 1 diabetes. The remain-
(12). Blood samples were taken before the and the number of first-degree relatives ing 636 siblings (90.7%) had a prognostic
glucose infusion and at 1, 3, 6, 10, 20, 30, affected by type 1 diabetes. In the smaller risk index below the cutoff value of 0.25,
40, 50, and 60 min thereafter. Serum in- series comprising 77 autoantibody- and only 10 of them (1.6%) developed
sulin concentrations were measured ra- positive siblings who had undergone an clinical type 1 diabetes. We compared the
dioimmunologically (13), and blood IVGTT, FPIR, Kg, HOMA-IR, and the siblings below the cutoff value presenting
glucose levels were determined with the HOMA-IR/FPIR ratio (natural logarithm with type 1 diabetes with those siblings
glucose oxidase method (14). The sum of transformed due to skewed distribution), who remained unaffected to assess factors
the insulin concentrations at 1 and 3 min were also included in the analyses. Cox predisposing to overt type 1 diabetes
was defined as the FPIR to glucose. The regression analyses were performed with among these “protected” children. The
glucose disappearance rate (Kg) was ex- the Stata statistical software package ver- progressors had higher GADA and IA-2A


Prediction of type 1 diabetes in siblings

of age at diagnosis including 77 siblings

with metabolic data were based on the age
of the sibling, the initial IA-2A level, HLA
DR– conferred risk, and the initial FPIR
value. This model explained 83% of the
variation in age at diagnosis (Table 3). The
application of this model on the 33 sib-
lings with a prognostic risk index exceed-
ing the cutoff value showed that the
observed age at diagnosis was within the
Figure 1—ROC analysis CI in all but 1 of the 25 progressors, but
of the individual prognos-
again all nonprogressors were predicted
tic risk index. The optimal
cutoff index based on the to present with diabetes before the end of
total series was considered the observation period.
to be 0.25, resulting in a
sensitivity of 78.7%, a CONCLUSIONS — Although no ef-
specificity of 95.7%, and a fective modality for preventing or delay-
positive predictive value of ing progression to clinical type 1 diabetes
56.9% for type 1 diabetes.
has been recognized so far for clinical use
in subjects at increased disease risk, there
is still a rationale for establishing predic-
levels than the siblings who remained Prediction of age at diagnosis of type tive models capable of identifying those
nondiabetic. In addition, they had ini- 1 diabetes individuals who are at the highest risk for
tially more autoantibodies detectable and The age at disease presentation was most developing type 1 diabetes and for esti-
tended to be DR3/DR4 heterozygous effectively predicted with a linear regres- mating disease risk on an individual basis.
more frequently than the unaffected sib- sion model including age, IA-2A levels, Such a model will inevitably be needed as
lings (data not shown). Among those who and the number of initially detectable au- soon as the first treatment option modu-
presented with type 1 diabetes, the sib- toantibodies. This model explained lating the pre-diabetic disease process has
lings with an index in excess of 0.25 had a ⬃76% of the variation in age at diagnosis evolved. From a family point of view, the
shorter duration of the preclinical period (Table 3). When we applied this model on most urgent need is a reliable assessment
than those with a lower index (mean the 65 siblings with a prognostic index of of diabetes risk in unaffected siblings of
4.9 ⫾ 4.0 vs. 8.8 ⫾ 3.3 years; P ⫽ 0.007). ⬎0.25, the observed age at clinical pre- children with newly diagnosed type 1 di-
The prognostic index was inversely re- sentation was within the CI of the esti- abetes. Accordingly, the predictive model
lated to the duration of the preclinical pe- mated age in 18 subjects of the 37 has to be based on information available
riod (r s ⫽ ⫺0.40; P ⫽ 0.006). The progressors (49%), whereas all 28 non- or possible to generate within a limited
predictive characteristics of a prognostic progressors were predicted to present time period close to the time of diagnosis
index ⬎0.25 are compared with those of with clinical disease before the end of the in the index case. We have suggested that
positivity for multiple (two or more) au- follow-up period. positivity for two or more autoantibodies
toantibodies in Table 2. The second model for the estimation seems to reflect a progressive irreversible

Table 1—Cox regression analysis for the estimation of risk for progression to clinical disease among 701 siblings of children with recently
diagnosed type 1 diabetes and in a subgroup of 77 siblings with metabolic data available

Siblings positive for autoantibodies at

All siblings (n ⫽ 701) baseline (n ⫽ 77)
Baseline characteristics Crude Adjusted* Crude Adjusted†
Age at first sampling (years) 0.83 (0.77–0.91) 0.76 (0.68–0.84) 0.87 (0.79–0.96) 0.78 (0.68–0.89)
Sex (boys vs. girls) 0.88 (0.49–1.55) 0.84 (0.41–1.7)
HLA-DR allele (high and moderate vs. low and 7.2 (2.8–18.2) 2.9 (1.1–7.6) 7.7 (1.8–32.5) 5.7 (1.3–25.2)
decreased risk)
Antibody positivity (for diabetes-related 55.9 (30.0–104.1) 54.1 (27.8–105.0) 6.5 (2.9–14.7) 3.6 (1.5–8.8)
autoantibodies ⱖ2 vs. 0–1)
Number of affected first-degree relatives (at the 3.3 (1.6–6.6) 3.2 (1.6–6.6) 2.0 (0.78–5.3)
time of diagnosis in the index case ⱖ1 vs. 0)
FPIR (decreased vs. normal) 10.9 (4.7–25.4) 4.7 (1.9–11.6)
Kg (decreased vs. normal) 1.8 (0.83–3.9)
HOMA-IR 1.0 (0.84–1.3)
HOMA-IR/FPIR (natural logarithm) 3.1 (1.8–5.3) 2.4 (1.2–5.0)
Data are hazard ratios (95% CI). *Adjusted for all the other variables in column 2. †Adjusted for all the other variables in column 4.


Mrena and Associates

Table 2—Predictive characteristics of a prognostic index >0.25 and positivity for multiple tion. IA-2As have been reported to appear
(two or more) autoantibodies in most cases as the last autoantibody dur-
ing the pre-diabetic disease process
Prognostic index Two or more (23,24), and they have also been observed
⬎0.25 Autoantibodies Difference (95% CI) to be the most predictive autoantibodies
among first-degree relatives (10,25). The
Sensitivity (%) 78.7 68.1 10.6 (⫺7.1 to 28.4) present observation stresses the role of IA-
Specificity (%) 95.7 98.2 2.5 (0.6 to 4.3) 2As as predictive markers. The model was
Positive predictive value (%) 56.9 72.7 15.8 (⫺2.0 to 33.6) able to explain close to 80% of the varia-
Negative predictive value (%) 98.4 97.7 0.7 (⫺0.8 to 2.2) tion in the age at diagnosis. The lack of
HLA-conferred disease susceptibility
from the model indicates that the pace of
autoimmune process, whereas positivity autoantibody positivity, this difference the pre-diabetic disease process is mainly
for only one type 1 diabetes–associated remained nonsignificant, whereas the lat- regulated by factors other than the HLA
autoantibody appears to reflect harmless ter marker had significantly higher speci- class II genes (20). Approximately half of
and even reversible ␤-cell autoimmunity ficity (Table 2). Only when analyzing the observed ages at diagnosis in the 37
(12,19,20). Now we have attempted to individuals who progressed to type 1 di- progressors were within the range of the
further refine the predictive model by in- abetes before the age of 16 years, the sen- CI of the estimations by this model among
tegrating all data available on siblings of sitivity of the prognostic index (93%) was the 65 siblings with a prognostic index
affected children close to the time of dis- higher than that of multiple autoantibody exceeding the cutoff value of 0.25,
ease presentation in the index case. Based positivity (73%, difference 20%, 95% CI whereas all 28 nonprogressors were pre-
on our previous experience, we decided 2–38%). The observed predictive charac- dicted to present with type 1 diabetes be-
to aim at a two-stage model. The purpose teristics of the ROC cutoff value might, fore the end of the observation period.
of the first step was to assess overall risk however, be too optimistic, since they are Accordingly, this model for the prediction
for progression to clinical disease; the sec- calculated based on the data on which the of age at diagnosis did not work precisely
ond step was to estimate the likely age at model was built. The inverse correlation among the high-risk siblings.
diagnosis of diabetes. We performed the between the prognostic index and the du- The analysis of the series comprising
risk assessment both in the total cohort ration of the preclinical period indicates 77 siblings with metabolic data available
including all available siblings and in a that a high index is a marker of a particu- resulted in a model by which it was pos-
smaller series including those siblings larly aggressive disease process. sible to explain ⬃83% of the variation in
who had additional metabolic markers In the smaller series with metabolic the age at diagnosis. This model included,
available. data available, we found that both a re- in addition to age and IA-2A level at initial
The strongest predictive model for duced FPIR and an increased HOMA-IR/ sampling, HLA DR– conferred disease
progression to clinical disease in the total FPIR ratio reflecting a reduced insulin susceptibility and early insulin response
series included the age of the sibling at sensitivity relative to insulin secretion was to intravenous glucose. It is intriguing
first sampling, HLA DR– conferred sus- associated with an enhanced disease risk. that the genetic predisposition defined by
ceptibility, number of initially detectable It is well established that a reduced early HLA genes is included in this model but
autoantibodies, and the number of first- insulin response is associated with a high not in the model based on the total study
degree relatives with type 1 diabetes. We risk for progression to type 1 diabetes cohort. One explanation could be that
used the multivariate model to estimate (3,4,12,21), whereas the observation that there is a strong correlation between the
the individual risk of a sibling for progres- an increased HOMA-IR/FPIR ratio con- number of autoantibodies present and
sion to overt type 1 diabetes by calculat- fers increased risk has been implicated by HLA-defined disease risk and that the in-
ing an individual prognostic risk index in only one recent study (22). Fourlanos et clusion of the former in the first model
each sibling based on the Cox regression al. (22) reported that autoantibody- resulted in the exclusion of the latter from
model. The optimal cutoff point was con- positive first-degree relatives, who pro- that model. The observation that there is
sidered to be 0.25 based on a ROC anal- gressed rapidly to type 1 diabetes, were an association between initial insulin se-
ysis. Because the sensitivity was 79%, and characterized by enhanced insulin resis- cretory capacity assessed in terms of FPIR
the specificity of the model was as high as tance for their level of insulin secretion. and age at diagnosis is consistent with our
96%, the prognostic risk index may pro- Taken together, these observations sug- previous finding of a relation between the
vide a means for estimating individual gest that the manifestation of clinical dis- initial early insulin response and the time
risk. Of the 65 siblings with a risk index ease is affected by the balance between the lag from first testing to type 1 diabetes
exceeding the cutoff value of 0.25, 37 insulin secretory capacity and peripheral presentation (12). Neither the fasting
(56.9%) developed type 1 diabetes. A to- insulin sensitivity. HOMA-IR index nor the HOMA-IR/FPIR
tal of 44 siblings tested initially positive When estimating the likely age at di- ratio had any significant impact on age at
for multiple (two or more) diabetes- agnosis in the total study cohort, we ob- diagnosis, suggesting that a reduced insu-
associated autoantibodies in the total se- served that age at initial sampling and the lin sensitivity is a stronger determinant of
ries, and 32 of these progressed to type 1 number of autoantibodies initially detect- disease risk than of progression rate to
diabetes. Accordingly, the sensitivity of able were variables in common with the clinical diabetes. All but one of the ob-
this risk marker was 68%, the specificity model predicting risk of progression to served ages at diagnosis were within the
98%, and the positive predictive value type 1 diabetes. The initial IA-2A level CIs of the estimated ages at disease pre-
73%. Although the prognostic index was the third parameter included in the sentation in the smaller series. This was at
tended to be more sensitive than multiple model predicting age at disease presenta- least partly a consequence of a substan-


Prediction of type 1 diabetes in siblings

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