This document discusses the production of spheroidal graphite (SG) iron. SG iron, also known as ductile or nodular iron, has graphite present in the form of spheres rather than flakes, giving it improved ductility compared to grey cast iron. The key points are:
1. SG iron is produced by treating molten grey iron with magnesium or cerium to cause the graphite to form into spheres during solidification.
2. Proper chemical composition is important, with carbon content between 3-4% and silicon 1.8-2.8% promoting spheroid formation. Manganese should be below 0.5% to avoid carbides.
3. Properties of SG iron
This document discusses the production of spheroidal graphite (SG) iron. SG iron, also known as ductile or nodular iron, has graphite present in the form of spheres rather than flakes, giving it improved ductility compared to grey cast iron. The key points are:
1. SG iron is produced by treating molten grey iron with magnesium or cerium to cause the graphite to form into spheres during solidification.
2. Proper chemical composition is important, with carbon content between 3-4% and silicon 1.8-2.8% promoting spheroid formation. Manganese should be below 0.5% to avoid carbides.
3. Properties of SG iron
This document discusses the production of spheroidal graphite (SG) iron. SG iron, also known as ductile or nodular iron, has graphite present in the form of spheres rather than flakes, giving it improved ductility compared to grey cast iron. The key points are:
1. SG iron is produced by treating molten grey iron with magnesium or cerium to cause the graphite to form into spheres during solidification.
2. Proper chemical composition is important, with carbon content between 3-4% and silicon 1.8-2.8% promoting spheroid formation. Manganese should be below 0.5% to avoid carbides.
3. Properties of SG iron
This document discusses the production of spheroidal graphite (SG) iron. SG iron, also known as ductile or nodular iron, has graphite present in the form of spheres rather than flakes, giving it improved ductility compared to grey cast iron. The key points are:
1. SG iron is produced by treating molten grey iron with magnesium or cerium to cause the graphite to form into spheres during solidification.
2. Proper chemical composition is important, with carbon content between 3-4% and silicon 1.8-2.8% promoting spheroid formation. Manganese should be below 0.5% to avoid carbides.
3. Properties of SG iron
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Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology
Spheroidal Graphite (S.G) Iron is the name given to that cast iron, where the graphite is present in the matrix in the form of spheroid or globules or nodules. Hence it is also called as Nodular Iron and because of its exceptionally high ductility (with elongation some times as high as 22%) is also referred to as ductile iron.
The rapid growth of S.G iron and its high consumption are testimonials to its outstanding mechanical properties. Heat treatments such as austempering have further enhanced its properties. S.G iron is hence finding extensive application in number of the fields. After having basically replaced a number of gray iron and malleable iron casting they have made penetrating in roads, the forging industry such as crank shafts and cam shafts originally made by the forging technology are now being cast in iron. S.G iron is produced by the treatment of gray-iron with either cerium or magnesium. The more commercial of the two is magnesium and is now almost universally used for production of S.G iron. Use of cerium is restricted as it is a carbide forming element beyond 0.01%.
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 2 2. LITERATURE SURVEY
The first announcement of successful production of Spheroidal Graphite structures in grey cast irons was made by H.Morragh of British cast iron Research Association in the year 1948 at the American Foundrymens societys Annual convention in Phladelphia, U.S.A.The process involved a treatment of low sulphur hyper- eutectic cast iron with cerium, which was added as mish metal shortly before casting. In same convention, T.M Wickenden of the International Nickel Company, U.S.A disclosed that their researchers had also found out a method of production of Spheroidal Graphite structure in the as cast condition by the introduction in the iron, either hyper- eutectic, of a small but effective amount of magnesium or a magnesium containing addition such as a nickel-magnesium alloy. Since then the latter process has been found to be a commercially viable process and is now universally used for the production of Spheroidal cast-iron.
The mechanism of graphite nodule formation however is still a matter of great controversy. Various theories have been put forward by various researchers but none of them have gained universal acceptance.
Basically S.G iron is produced by noduliging grey iron. Thus a melt of grey-iron is first of all desulphurised. Desulphurization has to be invariably carried out and recarburization has to be done if necessary. Once the base iron of required composition is ready, it is suitably treated for spheroidization. Post-inoculations are then carried out if required and the melt is poured in to the moulds as early as possible to avoid fading effect.
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 3 2.2 DIFFERENT BETWEEN GREY IRON AND S.G IRON
Engineering application of cast iron have been traditionally based upon gray (flake graphite) irons providing a range of tensile strengths between about 150N/mm 2 and 400N/mm 2
with recommended design stress in tensile application. In contrast ductile irons have tensile strengths ranging from 350 to 1500N/mm 2 with good elongation and high toughness. They now account for about 25% of iron casting production serving in safety critical applications where they have replaced steel casting, forging. In short we can say that the highest mechanical properties of grey iron are the starting points for S.G iron castings.
Gray Iron Structure S.G. Iron Structure
2.3 PRORERTIES OF S.G IRON The S.G. family iron has several interesting properties. These are given below High strength (in some cases even greater than steel) Adequate ductility. Superior castability. Excellent machinability. Lower density then that of steel. Superior surface lubrication properties. Better damping characteristics.
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 4 3. PRODUCTION OF S.G. IRON
The choice of chemical composition in alloys started with the aim of obtaining a carbon-free as- cast structure. The other factors that are considered are the effect of the various elements on the shape and distribution of graphite and the structure of the matrix. All factors are further affected by cooling rate.
CARBON: - It strongly promoted carbide free as cast structure. The carbon content for the commercial ductile iron is form 3.0 to 4.0%, although much narrower limits are usually desired. Nodule counts are directly affected by the carbon content greater number of spheroids formation at the higher carbon contents. Increasing the carbon content also increases castability by improving fluidity and feeding. The carbon content level should be co-related with the carbon equivalent formula:- CE = %C + 1/3 %Si + 1/3 %P Carbon equivalents greatly is excess 4.3 promote the development and growth of graphite spheroids. Since graphite is far less dense than molten iron these spheroids may be become buoyant and float toward the cope surface of casting, resulting in gross carbon segregation, floating, as this phenomenon is called is prevent in analyses having carbon equivalents greater than 4.60 and in section sizes greater than 1inch.
SILICON:- It is a very strong promoter of carbide free as-cast structure. Apart from promoting graphite and refining its distribution, silicon is the most potent beneficial element in increasing strength and up to 4% will also increase as-cast ductility. Silicon being ferrite stabilizer, increases hardness, particularly in the annealed condition. Silicon also influences the distribution of graphite spheroids. The higher the silicon content, the higher the nodule count and the more the ferrite content. However, higher silicon content is known to promote chunky type graphite resulting in deterioration in properties of heavy ductile iron castings other potentially objectionable influences of increasing silicon content are reduced impact energy, increasing impact transition temperature and decreased thermal conductivity. The general range for commercial production is specified at around 1.8% to 2.8%. Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
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Typical carbon and silicon range of S.G.Iron Casting
MANGANESE: - The only single aim in selection of the manganese percentage is to avoid as- cast carbide. It must be preferably kept below 0.5%. A side benefit of lowered manganese content is the lowering of the tendency of hydrogen pick- up and there by minimization of the danger of pin hole. It must be noted that the manganese content must never be chosen with the aim of controlling the matrix structure.
SULPHUR: - The control of sulphur for the production of the S.G iron is highly essential. If base metal contains higher than 0.015% S are used in production of S.G iron, uneconomical amounts of magnesium or other nodulizing agents would be required and problems such as dross defect control get magnified. The base iron in-mould process should have sulphur contents within the 0.01% range.
PHOSPHORUS: - Phosphorus decreases ductility, toughness and weldability and it is detrimental to casting soundness. For these reasons most specifications tolerate a maximum of 0.03% only. It is however, a good practice to keep phosphorus content below 0.04%. In certain cases where reduced creep rate, increased thermal conductivity and abrasion resistance are required, the phosphorus content should be much more.
MAGNESIUM: - Magnesium is added for nodularization generally in the alloyed form. It has been extensively reported in literature that the residual magnesium content in the S.G iron formed should be between 0.02% to 0.06% while calculating the amount of magnesium alloyed, required factors such as temperature of treatment, the efficiency of the treatment process and the percentage of the magnesium in the alloy will have to be taken in to consideration. Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
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Relationship between S and Mg in ductile iron
CARBON EQUIVALENT: - Selection of proper carbon equivalent depend to the great extent on the section thickness of the casting produced. As the casting section increases the carbon equivalent decreases. It varies from 4.2 for a section thickness of 80 to 100m.m to as high as 5 for a 3m.m section thickness.
Recommended carbon equivalent values for ductile iron castings of various thickness
Optimum pouring temperatures for different minimum section thickness
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 7 3.2 ALLOYING ELEMENT AND THEIR EFFECTS
ELEMENT NORMAL ADDITION GENERAL EFFECTS OF ELEMENTS COPPER 0.5 to 2.0 Strong pearlite promoter Increases poof stress Good tensile strength and hardness with no embitterment NICKEL 0.5 to 2.0 Mild pearlite promoter Increases proof stress but little effect on tensile strength Danger of embitterment with larger addition in excess of about 2 percent TIN 0.05 to 0.1 Very strong pearlite promoter Increases poof stress and hard ness but danger of embitterment giving low tensile strength elongation values MOLYBDENUM 0.2 to 1.0 Mild pearlite promoter Forms intercellular carbides especially in heavy section Increases poof stress and hardness Danger of embitterment giving low tensile strength and elongation Improve elevated temperature properties ARSENIC 0.05 to 0.1 Very strong pearlite promoter but not used commercial possible , risk of embitterment ANTIMONY 0.01 to 0.05 Very strong pearlite promoter but not used commercial in S.G iron CHROMIUM <0.1 Very strong carbide former. Should not be employed if carbide-free structure is required.
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 8 3.3 SUBVERSIBLE ELEMENT AND ITS NEUTRALIZATION
The aim when production good quality ductile iron is to produce an iron having a fine distribution of well formed nodules in the structure. The process of nodular graphite may reduce mechanical properties, the reduction depending of nonnodular or flake graphite which may present ISO 945 and ASTM 247 standard classify graphite according to a schematic presentation of the observed structure and the ASTM standard contains enable control personnel to assess graphite nodule number and size rapidly.
Small amount of element such as lead, bismuth, antimony and titanium singly or in combination prevent magnesium having the desired modularizing effect and hence are often referred to as subversive or interfering elements. The effects of subversive elements are cumulative. Small amounts of two or more subversive elements present in amounts which individually have no signification effect, together may adversely affected the formation of nodular graphite. The subversive effect of some elements:-
Particularly titanium, lead and bismuth increasing as the size of the cast section increases. For this reason acceptable levels can not be quoted and the effects of using furnace charge materials controlling subversive elements can be evaluated by determination of the effect on graphite structures in test bar or casting. When the elements are present individually, subversive effects are likely to occur if the following levels are acceded lead 0.0005%, bismuth 0.002%, antimony 0.004 and titanium 0.1%.
The effect of subversible elements can be neutralized by the adding of a small amount of cerium (0.002 to 0.005%) in addition to the magnesium.
Cerium contents above about 0.01% will results in a reduce nodule number and increasing risk of carbide formation, so it is important not to add too much
The relationship of melting practice to the type and amount of spheroiding alloy used is of importance to casting and its physical properties
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 9 Cupola melting is the most common methods of melting for melting for ductile iron, moreover electrical induction furnace are in use in a number of foundries.
ACID CUPOLA MELTING:-Using acid cupolas necessitates close control over charge materials and coke since the acid slag produced are not capable of reducing the sulpher content of the iron. This result in sulpher contents of 0.06 to 0.12 present, which, if not lowered, necessitates, the use of increasing amounts of spheroidizing alloy. Acid cupola melting, however, is capable of controlling the readily oxidizable elements in the charge, such as chromium and manganese. Since it is a more oxidizable process than the basic cupola operation. Because of the moderate carbon pick up in acid base cupola melting and the desired base iron chemistry , the use of pig iron of return is some what limited close composition control and high metal temperatures, however can be produce without the need of a hot blast.
BASIC CUPOLA MELTING:- Basic cupola melting is characterized by the definite advantage of sulpher control. Average sulpher content of the basic melt before spheradizing ranges from 0.025 to 0.035%. this decreased sulpher level in the melt is obtained at the expense of higher operating cost , higher silicon losses during melting , less effective temperature and composition control and a greater carbon pickup during melting.
ELECTRICAL MELTING:- Electrical melting has provided to be a clean and reliable melt. It has also offered the greatest flexibility for melting irons of different grades. Electrical arc furnaces have been found to be less popular than induction heated ones. Their batch type operation and noise pollution have been the contributing factors. The facts that it has found some application both as a primary melter and as a duplexer is mainly due to its time prove reliability. Electrical induction furnace have been the most common melting units for the production of S.G iron , both in simplex operation in small foundries and as duplexing units. The coreless type is being used for primary melting and a channel furnace is being used for duplexing .High frequency units have been found to be good form the metallurgical point of view but are associated with high costs. However, where furnace capacities under one tone are desirable and speed of melting is a consideration, than the high frequency is to be preferable. The coreless line frequency induction furnace has been found to be the best possible furnace for melting of base iron for S.G. iron production. The low frequency ensures better stirring thus resulting in homogenization melting. Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 10 3.5 CHARGE MATERIALS The average metallic charge for ductile base iron consists of pig iron, steel scrap, foundry returns, ferrosilicon and other ferro alloys if necessary and carburizes if added with the charge. Pig- iron has been found to be a significant contributor to the control of chemical composition. The pig-iron for S.G iron production must be of a selective grade in view of very small amount of sulpher and phosphorus present in sponge iron. There is trend to use sponge iron in place of pig iron in S.G iron production.
3.6 POURING TEMPERATURE Pouring temperature depends on the casting section. As the section thickness increasing, the pouring temperature required decreases. For minimum section thickness up to 20 mm the pouring temperature can be vary from 1350 0 c to 1480 0 c.
3.7 DESULPHURIHATION Economical production of quality S.G iron can be take place only with consistently low sulphur contents, with high sulphur content problem of dross defects gets magnified. The iron therefore, must be thoroughly desulphurization before spheroidization treatment is carried out .Some of the practical desulphurization agents are Soda ash Caustic soda Burnt lime Lime stone Calcium carbide A fine grained calcium carbide is desirable so as to present the greatest possible surface area and the highest possible temperature has been found to be favorable for desulphurization .It has also been known that the carbide must be kept in motion to present unreaceted carbide surface to the dissolve sulfides. An addition of 1.5 to 2% calcium carbide has been reported to have reduced a base sulphur content of 0.12% to 0.01%.
Soda ash has been used to bring down sulphur from 0.06% to 0.08% range. Further reduction has not been possible by this compound. It was also found to cause environmental problems. Various techniques have been evolved with the sole aim of effecting mixing and causing the reaction between the molten metal and the desulphurization agents. Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
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With commercial and technical growth of S.G. Iron, there has been an evolutioan in the ranges and character of nodularizing materials and methods unlike in the past the newer nodularizers and processes lend to better control over process variables.
Nodularizing Materials. Magnesium and the rare earths have been integral parts of S.G. iron production from its earliest stages. As mentioned earlier, magnesium has, since than been found to be a commercially viable nudularizer. However, to utilize the ability of cerium in neutralizing the deleterious effects of subversive elements. Some alloys of magnesium used for nodularization also contain small amounts of cerium.
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 12 Basically two classes of nodularizers have evolved (i) Elemental nodulizers where the magnesium is in unalloyed form. (ii) Alloyed nudulizers in which the magnesium is alloyed with either silicon or nickel with or without rare earths. The magnesium content in the alloy in these alloys is an important factor. Numerous investigators have demonstrated that as the magnesium content of the alloy decreases, the magnesium recovery associated with in use increases. In Indian conditions, the 9% Mg-Fe-Si alloy is reported to give good results. The magnesium recovery is also dependent on the treatment temperature. Higher the treatment temperature, lesser will the magnesium recovery.
0.76 x (S% in base metal S% residual) + residual Mg% Mg Recovery % = Mg% added.
The amount of nodulizer required is given by the formula : % nudulizer alloy = E Mga Mgs Mgr % * % % %
Where Mgr = residual magnesium Mgs = The amount of magnesium that will reacts with sulpher (% Mgs = 075 x % of sulphur in base Iron) Mga = Magnesium in the alloy E = Efficiency of the processes.
Problems associated with the addition of magnesium : There are a number of inherent problems with the addition of magnesium and much of the investigative work resulting to the production of ductile iron has been associated with ways and means of over coming these problems. 1. Low Boiling Point Magnesium has a boiling point of about 1107 o C which is lower than the temperature of the molten cast iron being reacted. This pressure of magnesium at the treatment temperature, prevent easy solution of magnesium and result in considerable agitation and even violence during the reaction. 2. Low solubility - magnesium is only sparingly soluble in molten and solid cast iron, so the use of alloys based on iron and magnesium is not possible. 3. Lower specific gravity The specific gravity of magnesium only 174 in comparison with a value above 7 for cast iron. When added to cast iron, magnesium or its low density Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 13 alloys tend to float giving rise to excessive losses caused by local boiling and oxidation. 4. Fume As well as the fume and agitation associated with the addition of magnesium or its alloys, excessive magnesium oxide fume is also formed. Although this is not toxic it does result in a deterioration of working conditions in the found and is potential problem unless adequate fume collection equipment is installed. 5. Dross formation During the treatment sulphides and oxides of magnesium are formed which may remain suspended in the metal and subsequently lead to the formulation of dross type defects in the casting. In addition, a magnesium oxides rich skin is constantly being formed on the treated metal surface and this, in combination with other oxides, results in the formation of refractory type complexes which can also cause dross defect in castings.
Basic methods of overcoming the problem: All the work carried out on improving the efficiency of the Mg treatment has been carried out along with following lines: 1. To alloy the magnesium in order to increase the specific gravity and reduce the tendency for the addition to float on the molten iron and control the rate of the action of the Mg thereby reducing the reactions of violence and increasing recovery. Alloy includes the classical nickel magnesium alloy containing 15% Mg, a range of Cu-Mg alloys and also the ferrosilicon magnesium range which, are the most commonly used materials for productions. 2. The magnesium alloy may be submerged, below the metal surface thereby eliminating the floating effect. This enables alloys of high magnesium content to be employed typical examples being Mg/Si containing 30-40% mg, magnesium impregnated coke (42% Mg) and Mg sponge-Iron briquettes (15% Mg). Further advantages of this practice may be achieved by increasing the depth of metal in the ladle. This gives grater metal head which increases the time of passage through the molten Iron, resulting in an increased Mg recovery. 3. Mg or Mg rich alloys may be impacted or dispersed into the molten Iron, which reduces the reactions violence and provides an extended passage time for the Mg to react with molten metal, pure Mg can be employed in this named 4. The pressure above the metal in the ladle can be in increased to a level exceeding the vapour pressure of a magnesium at the temperature of treatment. This eliminates the Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 14 boiling effect of magnesium and results on a quite reaction and good magnesium recovery. Pure Mg is as used in such application. 5. Other methods have been devised where by the reaction rate and hence violence associated with the addition of Mg is controlled, either in the mould itself or in a specially designed vessel.
Techniques of Adding Magnesium to Molten Metal In general the simple treatment methods can be satisfactory used with the more costly low magnesium content alloys. Special purpose equipment enable cheaper, higher magnesium content materials to be employed, but often introduces additional metal handling, maintenance and control cost.
In Direct Pour On Technique : This is the simplest technique of adding magnesium where by the metal is poured directly on the weighed magnesium alloy. It requires no special equipment and conventional foundry ladles can be used satisfactory. Temperature loss during treatment is also at a minimum, but the technique can only be employed with the higher density alloys such as nickel magnesium, copper magnesium and magnesium ferrosilicon to produce a magnesium recovery of about 25- 30%. Since conventional foundry ladles are employed the technique can be readily applied to any metal weight which can be of advantages in jobbing work where it is often impossible to programme metal production to give a consistent metal demand.
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 15 SAND WHICH PROCESS: The aim of this technique, which is basically an extension of the pour on methods is to produce a higher magnesium recovery by holding down the magnesium alloy for a period of time and also producing a localized low temperature area. The technique consists of building a pocket into the bottom the Mg alloys and a cover of steel scrap (2-3%) of metal weight or a steel or ductile iron plate. The metal stream from the furnace must be directed a way from the pocket to obtain the maximum benefit the pocket should be deep enough to contain all of the alloy and steel scrap and latter should be of small size in order to produce a high packing density. The main disadvantages of metal temperature resulting from the scrap. The loss of about 0.1% carbon due to the dilution effect of the steel scrap should also be borne in mind. The depth and surface area of the formed cavity must be sufficient to contain the Mg alloy and steel scrap. The metal stream is directed into the empty half of the ladle which then produces a smooth flow of metal across the steel scrap, thereby precuenting premature reaction.
SAND WHICH PROCESS COVER TRIGGER PROCESS : This is a modification of the sandwich process, but instead of a steel cover a layer of an inert materials such as calcium carbide is placed over the magnesium alloy. The ensure a uniform layer of alloy it is advisable to employ the magnesium-ferrosilicon in the form of graded fines. It is found that when metal is poured into the empty half of the ladle and subsequently flows over the refractory bridge, the inert layer is not dislodge and reaction of magnesium does not commences using this technique the ladle can be completely filled and if necessary transported to suitable casting station before reaction is initiated. This has been carried out by dislodgements of the calcium carbide or inert-cover crust and is accomplished by pricking with a long diameter steel bar or alternatively, by the insertion of a graphite rod into the treatment chamber before addition of the inert cover. In this instance, when the reaction is required to be Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 16 started the graphite bar is nearly, twisted and removed from the chamber when reaction commences. If the correct of alloy fines and inert cover are employed a relatively quiet reaction results and magnesium recoveries of the order of 50% can be achieved, even with the conventional foundry ladle having a low height to diameter ratio. These benefits have to be offset by the extra core required in adding the materials to the ladle, and the removal of the calcium carbide rich slag, which is produced during treatment.
THE TUNDISH COVER : Significant improvement in the treatment efficiency of the saved which process can be achieved by the use of a suitably designed cover to the ladle, component with the simple open laddle design, the tundish ever system offer greater consistency and increased magnesium recovery together with significant reductions in fume and glare. The differences between conventional ladle and tundish ladle operation are. The tundish cover operates on the simple principle limiting the amount of air available for west full combination with magnesium. Magnesium recovery is increased to between 60% and 65% with accompanying cost savings. Iron enters the ladle through a suitably sized hole in the tundish which forms an integral part of the ladle cover. The entry hole is so positioned as to ensure that the first iron entering the ladle is directed away from the treatment alloy. The diameter of the entry hole is designed to regulate the iron flow and ensure that the tandish remains full throughout most of the magnesium reaction there by limiting the in grass of air. Good sealing of the cover with the ladle and the use of an overlapping opron are design features which improve the efficiency of the system.
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 17 PLUNGING OR SUBMERGING TECHNIQUES They are used with alloys of higher magnesium content (15 to 50%) which have low densities. There are a number of operational factors to consider with these techniques especially position of the holes in the plunger bell, and the ladle. Many variations in design of equipment are possible but always the aim must be to maintain the alloy in the submerged position during the entire treatment operation disadvantage of the techniques compared with the use of the simple pour on methods are : The higher metal temperature loss the need to treat a minimum of about 1 tonne of metal if excessive temperature loss and low magnesium recoveries are to be avoided and the capital plunger or other components of the system and more complex metal handling requirements. The principal advantage is the ability to use the cheaper, higher magnesium content alloys which may be silicon and aluminium free, to give magnesium recoveries typically of 40-60%.
G.F. CONVERTER PROCESS The Gerge Fisher process has been the most successful of the treatment methods using pure magnesium. The design of vessel is on the converter style and the metal is added when it is in the horizontal position. After charging the metal the magnesium the hole formed in the side of the ladle. This hole is than sealed and the converter is moved to the vertical position when metal flows into the reaction chamber by using the correct number and diameter of the holes in there factory partition plate the reaction is controlled and very high magnesium recoveries of the order of 50-60% are readily achieved. The advantages of the techniques are the high magnesium content the production irrespective of the base metal sulphur content and the use of a silicon aluminum free treatment materials. The disadvantages are the capital of the equipment and the need to treat a minimum of about 6 tons of the metal per hour. Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
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TREATMENT IN THE MOULD : The technique of adding magnesium ferro-silicon in the mould cavity, now well known as the in mould process. In this process not suitable for longer and relatively higher volume production of ductile, the runner system for each casting contains a suitably designed chamber in which is placed a weighed amount of magnesium alloy but development work is required to ensure that consistency of structure can be assured on a production scale especially where multi- impression cavities are involved. The metal flowing at a known rate over the treatment alloy, produces a consistent pick-up of magnesium throughout the pouring period. No smoke or fume comes out from the mould during the reaction period whilst excellent magnesium recovery levels (usually >75%) are obtained. In addition there is no longer from fading and the nucleating effect of the treatment alloy aviated the need for additional inoculation. Further more since no handling at magnesium containing iron is involved, problem with build up of magnesium containing slags on ladle or furnace walls is eliminated. Nevertheless, the technique requires low base iron sulpher levels (<0.015%), properly designed running reaction system as a outlined above and also close control over the treatment alloy if satisfactory structures and freedom form inclusions are to be achieved. Adequate supervision or suitable monitoring systems are necessary to ensure that the addition of the alloy has been made to each mould since each mould is in effect a separator treatment the quality control systems adopted mg reflect this situation with possibly 100% checking being required.
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 19 Nodularing Alloy and Treatment Process Treatment Process 1. Nickel Magnesium (5-15%Mg) 2. Copper Magnesium (10-15%Mg) Pour on technique 1. Nickel silicon magnesium (15% Mg) 2. Copper silicon magnesium (12% Mg) Sandwich technique 1. Magnesium Ferrosilicon (9%Mg) 2. Magnesium Ferrosilicon (5%Mg) Sandwich and cover technique 1. Magnesium Ferrosilicon (5% Mg or 9% Mg) Tundish Cover 1. Magnesium Ferrosilicon (5% Mg ) In mould 1. Magnesium Ferrosilicon (3-6+%Mg) Flow through technique 1. Magnesium Silicon (20-35% Mg) 2. Magnesium impregnated coke (42%Mg) 3. Iron Magnesium briquettes (5-15% Mg) Plunging or submerged method technique Magnesium bar (>99% Mg) Magnesium powder (>99% Mg) Pressure vessel, converter, injection method
3.9 INOCULATION OF DUCTILE IRONS PURPOSE:-The inoculation of cast iron involves the addition of small amounts of materials (inoculant) to molten metal either just before or during pouring. Inoculation increases number of points viable for the precipitation and subsequent growth of graphite. This effect of high level of nucleation is demonstrated. High level of nucleation promoted graphite structure whilst low levels can result in the formation of either mottled structure or white irons. The need for a high level of nucleation increases as cooling rate increases i.e. section size decreases. In addition to its effects on graphite morphology, magnesium is powerful carbide promoter; there is a tendency for ductile irons to solidify with white or mottled structures. The primary purpose of inoculating ductile irons, therefore is to suppress formation of chill and mottle. In addition, inoculation is important in maintaining good nodule shape and also high nodule numbers.
INOCULANTS USED:-Graphite is not an effective inoculant for ductile iron and all effective inoculants are based on silicon. The most widely used is foundry grade ferrosilicon, contenting Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 20 about 75% silicon. This alloy must contain small amount of aluminum and calcium, in order to be fully effective the amounts required are about 1.5 to 2.05% aluminum and about 0.3 to 1.0% calcium.
ADDITION OF INOCULANTS: In general, much larger of inoculants are used for ductile iron than for grey irons with as much as 0.75% of silicon to be added as ferrosilicon. In practice, for ladle inoculation a 0.5% silicon addition should be adequate for most purposes.
FADING: The effect of an inoculation addition is not permanent and starts to decreases (fade) immediately after the addition of Mg is made. As fading occur the number of nodules decreases, and the tendency to produce chill and mottle increases. In many cases half of the inoculating effect is lost within the first five minutes and nearly all after 10 minutes. As fading occurs graphite nodule shape deteriorates and quasi-flake or exploded nodules can be to occur
Different technique of inoculation They are various technique of inoculation are 1. Ladle inoculation The selected grade of inoculant for ladle inoculation should always be added to thermal stream when tapping from furnace to ladle, or ladle to ladle. Additions should begin when the ladle is one-quarter full and be completed when the ladle is three-quarters full, so that the last metal merely mixes. It is therefore difficult to give an accurate estimate of the amount of inoculant which is requiredfor every situation. In general inoculant addition of 0.3 to 1% by weight of metal will be satisfactorily for S.G. Iron. Care must be taken not to over inoculate of S.G. Iron there is problem arise with shrinkage porosity due to high nucleation level. 2. MOULD INOCULATION:-The starting point was the placing of a small amount of fine ferrosilicon at the base of the sprue. However, results obtain tend to be erratic owing to the tendency for the inoculants to be washed away by the initial stage of metal .as development progressed the used of a bonded pellet or pre-cast. Slug of inoculants was placed either in a chamber in the running system, or top of the strainer are which was positioned at the bottom of the sprue. In either case it was customary to provide a small mixing chamber before the metal entered the casting. Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 21 The weight of the inoculants placed in the mould varied in accordance with weight of the casting and usually in the range 0.1 to 0.5% by weight of metal poured. This means that the running system and feeder system to be taken in to account. it is important that the inoculation is completely and uniformly distributed so that the effect is uniformly through out the casting. How these are achieved will depend on the design of the casting running and gating system. Mould inoculation can be used as the sole method of inoculation but because of problem in ensure complete and uniformly solution of the inoculation. It is more frequently used as a bake up to ladle inoculation.
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 22 METAL STREM INOCULATION:- Most other forms of inoculation are based on the addition of the powdered inoculants to the metal stream just above the pouring basin or bush. The powdered inoculants (0.1 to 0.5 mm) are introduced via a tube to the metal stream. The dispenser can be activated by means of a photoelectric cell or alternatively by the control system fitted to an automatic pouring furnace. The delivery rate is set or the control box and does not change significantly. The principle requirement is that the inoculants used should be correctly sized and free from impurities which could give rise to slag inclusion.
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 23 4. HEAT TREATMENT OF DUCTILE IRON
It is obviously desirable to achieve the required properties in the as-cast form, but this is not always possible because of variations of section thickness etc. Heat treatment of the castings will eliminate carbides in thin sections, produce more consistent matrix structures and for a given structure, the mechanical properties are often improved by heat treatment, especially by normalising. Where tempered martensite structures are needed, heat treatment is essential.
Stress relief Heat at 50-100C/h to 600C (taking care not to exceed 610C), soak for one hour plus an hour for every 25 mm of section thickness in the thickest section. Cool at 50-100C/h to 200C or less. Ensure that the castings are adequately supported in the furnace so that they are not subjected to stress.
Breakdown of carbides Thin section castings may contain carbides in the as-cast structure, these can be eliminated by soaking the castings at 900-925C for 3 to 5 hours.
Annealing to produce a ferritic matrix Castings should be soaked at 900-925C for 3-5 hours, followed by slow cooling at around 20- 35C/h through the critical temperature (about 800-710C), then furnace cooled at, say 50- 100C/h to 200C
Normalising to produce a pearlitic matrix Soak the castings above the critical temperature then air cool. Again a soaking temperature of 900- 925C is usually used, to ensure that carbides are broken down, then use forced air cooling to form pearlite. The type of heat treatment "unace available and the size of the load determines the cycle that is possible. it may be necessary to adjust the metal composition with tin or copper to help the formation of fully pearlitic structures.
Hardened and tempered structures Austenirise at 900-920C then oil quench. Tempering is usually carried out 600-650C.
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 24 Austempered ductile iron (ADI) Austempering is an isothermal heat treatment for producing 'bainitic' structures. It can double the strength of ductile iron while retaining good ductility and toughness. Wear resistance and fatigue properties are excellent so that ADI is comparable with wrought steel.
The ADI heat treatment is a two-stage process, shown in the graph. Austenitising is carried out at 815-930C to fully transform the matrix to austenite. This is done either in a non-oxidising atmosphere furnace or in a high temperature salt bath, temperatures and times are determined by chemical composition, section size and grade of ADI required. 1 to 1.5 hours is usually adequate. Slow initial heating of the casting is desirable to avoid the danger of cracking of complex shapes. The castings are then quenched to the required isothermal heat treatment temperature, usually between 210 and 400C This is usually done in a salt bath. The castings are held at temperature for 1-2 hours to complete the transformation of austenite to bainite. The lower temperatures give high hardness, strength and wear resistance, while the higher heat treatment temperatures result in higher ductility and toughness. After the isothermal treatment, the castings are cooled to ambient temperature
Typical austempering heat-treatment stages. Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 25 5. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES & MICROSTRUCTURE OF S.G. IRON
Propery Grade Produce to BS-2789:1985 350/ 22 400/ 18 420/ 12 450/ 10 500/ 7 600/ 3 As-cast or normalized Quenched and tempered martensite 700/2 800/2 900/2 700/2 800/2 900/2 Tensile strength N/mm 2 350 400 420 450 500 600 700 800 900 700 800 900 Elongation% (minimum and range) 22 to 29 18 to 27 12 to 20 10 To 18 7 To 15 3 To 7 2 To 5 2 To 5 2 To 5 2 To 5 2 To 5 2 To 5 0.1% Poof strength(N/mm 2 ) 1.Tension 203 248 266 293 323 346 385 440 495 525 600 675 2.Compression 226 271 289 316 340 360 397 452 507 537 612 687 3.Torosion 157 192 206 227 241 247 270 308 347 368 420 473 1.Typical impact properties un-notch fully ductile 108 To 149 108 To 149 108 To 149 95 To 140 85 To 120 40 To 75 27 To 40 25 To 35 25 To 35 108 To 149 108 To 149 108 To 149 2. Notched fully dutile (J) 18 to 21 16 to 19 16 to 19 9 to 16 7 to 16 7 to 11 6 to 8 6 to 8 6 to 8 6 to 8 6 to 8 6 to 8 Ductile to Brittle Transition o C (Mean notch values) -50 to -10 -50 to -10 -50 to -10 0 to 20 20 to 60 40 to 80 60 to 80 60 to 80 60 to 80 0 to 40 0 to 40 0 to 40 Hardness HB 10/3000 Range 107 to 130 130 to 140 140 to 155 155 to 172 172 to 216 216 to 247 247 to 265 265 to 282 282 to 299 232 to 259 259 to 286 286 to 313 Recommended design Stress Tensile (Static) N/mm 2
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The metal composition of this casting:- Composition Percentage C 3.6 Si 2.67 Mn 0.19 S 0.01 P 0.031 Cr 0.03 Ni 0.39 Cu 0.007 Mg 0.067
COMPOSITIONS some SG Iron casting (Produced by L&T) SL.NO. C Si Mn S P Cr Ni Mo Cu Mg 1 3.63 2.15 0.17 0.008 .029 0.03 0.36 0.002 0.02 0.043 2 3.68 2.55 0.15 0.01 0.03 0.039 0.33 0.005 0.028 0.038 3 3.55 2.19 0.18 0.01 0.026 0.02 0.36 0.001 0.011 0.045 4 3.58 2.05 0.2 0.011 0.036 0.02 0.42 0.002 0.002 0.037 5 3.54 1.8 0.2 0.01 0.031 0.03 0.31 0.00 0.009 0.04
Mechanical Properties of the ITEMS:- SL.NO Test condition 0.2%proof stress (Mpa) U.T.S. (Mpa) % Of elongation Impact (J) At 20 o C 1 Not heat treated * 420.77 20.57 8 8 8 2 Not heat treated 270.56 382.00 23.14 16 17 17 3 Not heat treated 238.97 382.00 22.28 17 16 17 4 Not heat treated 302.07 481.08 17.28 6 6 5 5 Not heat treated 270.56 391.47 23.14 17 15 15 Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 28 5.2 MICROSTRUCTURE OF SG IRON
Microstructure of nodular iron with 4.13% silicon content
Microstructure of nodular iron with 0.50% phosphorus content
Microstructure of nodular iron with 2.92% Mn content
Nodular iron prepared from Swedish charcoal iron with no special addition other than magnesium and inoculant
Small amount of flake form of graphite due to 0.009% lead.
0.13% cerium. Graphite nodules in a matrix of pearlite.
Flake from of graphite in iron No. 4 with 0.013% lead
0.003% basimuth.
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0.004% antimony.
0.022% antimony and 0.15% cerium.
0.022% antimony and 0.028% cerium.
0.016% tin.
0.13% aluminum
Iron no. 53 with 0.34% aluminum.
0.02% titanium.
0.03% titanium.
1.2 in. diameter bar with 0.075% magnesium.
1.2 in. diameter bar with 0.117% magnesium Seminar Report on Production of S.G. Iron Page No.
National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 30 6. APPLICATION OF S.G IRON
The application of the S.G iron have increased tremendously in recent times as can be seen from the list of the components which are being made.
Engine crank shaft Brake caliper, disc brake anchor, brake anchor plate. Machine- tool bed Electrical insulator post and cap. Steering Knuckle Rack and pinion of steering assembly Piston for impact drills. Rolling mill rolls. Moulding boxes and mould box clamps Brake shoe for heavy duty brakes. Glass moulds. Spacer cage for rolling bearing. Piston rings. Wind mill items.
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The ductile iron finds wide engineering application because of its excellent combination of castability and mechanical property. It has also very good machaniability, corrosion resistance, wear resistance and thermal shock resistance. It finds application in gears, dies, valve and pump bodies, pinion, crank shaft etc. It is a widely acceptable cast iron because of high strength and good ductility. The problems faced due to lower melting and boiling point of Mg have been encounter by using various magnesium treatment practices.
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National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology 32 REFERENCES
1. Source book on Ductile Iron, ASM Publication, June 1977. 2. AFS Production of S.G. Iron Practice, 1976. 3. Fosico-ferrous Foundrymen, Handbook by R. Brown, 2000. 4. Principles of Metal Casting by Philip C. Rosenthal, 2003 5. ASM Hand Book, vol.15 (Casting), Ninth Edition, September, 1988. 6. Ductile Iron Production practice by BRCA, 1995. 7. Foundry Technology Paul J. Mikelonis ASM and AFS, 1985. 8. Typical Microstructures of cast metal, by G. Lambert, 1966