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Vermicular Graphite

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S~dhan~,Vol. 8, Part 4,October 1985,pp. 361-372 © Printed in India.

Vermicular graphite cast iron--current state of the art


Departmentof MechanicalEngineering,Indian Instituteof Science,Bangalore560012, India
MS received 8 May 1984;revised7 August 1984
Abstract. Vermiculargraphitecast iron is a newadditionto the familyof cast irons.Various
methodsfor producingvermiculargraphite cast iron are brieflydiscus~ in this paper. The
mechanicaland physicalpropertiesof cast irons withvernficulargraphitehavebeen foundto
be intermediatebetween those of gray and ductile irons. Other properties such as casting
characteristics,scalingresistance,dampingcapacityand machi.nabilityhave been compared
withthoseof grayand ductileirons.Probableapplicationsofvermiculargraphitecast ironsare
geywords. Cast iron; vermicular graphite; production; properties, micro-structure;

l. Introduction

Cast irons, like steels, are basically alloys of iron and carbon. Gray cast iron is the oldest
member oftbe cast iron family and the carbon in it exists in the form of graphite flakes.
The main factor favouring the widespread use of gray iron is its low cost. Even though
the tensile properties of gray iron are inferior, it possesses high compression strength
coupled with excellent damping capacity, However, since its invention in 1947,
spheroidal graphite cast iron (SGiron), with its high tensile strength and elongation, has
been found useful in replacing certain steel components. In ~ iron the graphite is
present as nodules and the continuity of the matrix is much higher as compared to that
in flake graphite gray iron, resulting in superior mechanical properties.
In vermicular graphite cast irons (vG irons), graphite is present in a worm-like, stubby
form with rounded edges. This material is also popularly known as "compacted
graphite cast iron or as cG iron". Vermicular graphite cast iron was an accidental
discovery during tonnage production of ~ iron castings, and was initially considered a
degraded form of iron. Subsequently, it has attracted m ~ h interest, and the intentional
production of VG irons was first achieved by Estes and Scbeidewind (1955).
Subsequently various production methods and physical and mechanical properties
were investigated in different countries (Sissener et al !972; Sofroni et at t974; Evans
et al 1976: Lalich & LaPresta 1978; Green & Thomas 1979; Cooper & Loper 1978;
Aleksandrov et al 1976).
vc; irons have certain advantages over the older members of the cast iron family viz,
gray, ductile and malleable irons:
(i) The tolerable content of sulphur in vG iron is much higher than in ductile
(ii) The temperature range in which the reaction material is effective is very wide in VG
iron as compared to so iron,
362 V S R Murthy, Kishore and S Seshan

(iii) The amount of treatment alloy needed is quite low,

(iv) An soiron foundry can use identical production methods and materials for w iron
production also,
(v) The production of vo iron does not mandate long heat treatment cyclcBas in the
case of malleable iron,
(vi) vo iron possesses a good combination of properties, thereby bridging th© p p
between gray and ductile irons.
The present article covers the methods of production and the physical and
mechanical properties of vGiron, and reports the results of investigations carrigl out on
some of the above aspects,

2. Production methods

At the present time, as a result of improvements in treatment matoriala, proeo~ing

techniques and quality control, it is possible to produce vo Irons commerct~dly.
Different proven methods for production of v6 iron are given below.

2.1 Extensive desulphurization

Attempts to upgrade low strength irons by injecting calcium carbid¢ load to vo iron
formation (Henderson & Hulms 1953). As the degree of dcsu!phuri~tion i n t r e a t ,
graphite flakes get shorter and more compacted. 8ubsequ.ently, they begin to curl to
form the vermicular shape. Injection of calcium carbide, magnesium oxide and rat©
earths or calcium carbide and rare earth oxides to produceve ! .lar graphit¢ r~,lt in
varying degrees of success, but the cast irons produced have higher stre.ngth than gray
iron (Estes & Scheidewind 1955). On the other hand, when pure Fo-C-SI ~loy tl
severely desulphurised followed by rapid cooling (upto 1l~°C/ming the graphite
formed is shorter and thicker with rounded edges (Prasad & Phelps 1966).

2.2 Controllino the nitrogen content

Nitrogen is commonly present in all cast irons in small amount~, end nitrogen content
has been proved to influence the graphite structure (Sergeant ~ Evans 1978). It it
believed that nitrogen sogregates in the liquid ahead of the ~ v ~ g solid interf~; a
diffusion barrier for the addition of atoms is created resulting tn the dcalrod under
cooling. Thus, controlled amounts of nitrogen can lead to difl'¢rentforms of Sraphtt~g
the nply problem in this method is that control has to be effeetod very a0eumtel},,l~t
the gas content should go up to result in blow holes and similar defects,
The above two methods are not very useful in repetRivp commercial production;
alternatively, the following treatment methods have been suamsfully employ~l for th•
production of VGiron castings.

2.3 Deliberate undertreatment

In ductile iron production, a residual magnesium contant of 0.0S-0-06Y~ is u!ually
aimed at. On the other hand, for VGiron production complete sph0roidizatton |s not
allowed to take place. An insufficient amount of magnesium is added [0~1-@0~,Yo)gO
that the reaction in the melt is just initiated (but doesn't reach completion) to produce
Vermicular 9raphite cast iron 363

vermicular graphite. This treatment is effective only if the Mg content is maintained

within the narrow range of 0-01-0.02 °/o. Such a treatment method is slightly difficult to
adopt for large production.
The low melting point and high volatility of magnesium explain its ease of diffusion
through the melt; its fading time is quite low. The rare earths, on the other hand, with
their high boiling point and volatility, have somewhat slower diffusion rates, but are less
prone to fading. Hence, individual treatment with rare earths or with the combination
of rare earths and magnesium can be adopted for the production of vc irons (Kimura
et a11981). Rare earth elements can also act as scavengers of impurities and increase the
fluidity of the melt. The effect of holding time on irons treated with rare earth materials
(Kimura et al 1981), the importance of the lanthanum/rare earth ratio in the treatment
alloy (Stefanescu et al 1981), and the effect of cerium and calcium in the production of
vermicular graphite cast iron (Simmons & Briggs 1982) have been investigated in detail.

2.4 Combined treatment

In this method, the molten iron is first treated with magnesium ( ~ 0.02 ~o residual) and
subsequently with small amounts of antispheroidizing elements such as titanium,
aluminium (0.05-0.07'~/o residual) etc. The amount of anti-spheroidizing elements
varies based on the degree of denodularization required. The purpose of adding
magnesium is to initiate the spheroidization reaction, which is arrested before
completion by the appropriate amounts of anti-spheroidizing agents. The calculation
of the amounts of spheroidizing and antispheroidizing elements has been discussed in
detail (Sofroni et al 1974). For a given anti-spheroidizing agent, the degree of
denodularization can also be calculated (Kozhinkii 1976). Many master alloys have
been developed and are available under proprietory names (e.g. the alloy of the Foote
Mineral Co.). Control is much easier in this method than in the other methods

2.5 Treatment with elements such as Zr, Pb, Sn etc

When magnesium undertreatment is adopted, for instance, the conditions under which
the graphite can form are restricted to some extent. Even very small deviation in
chemical composition and in treatment temperature may lead to deviation from
vermicular graphite formation. It has been found that treatment with zirconium results
in a structure which is almost like vermicular graphite i.e. coral graphite. This method of
processing, however, suffers from the disadvantage that the sulphur content of the melt
should be very low (of the order of 20-30ppm).

2.6 M 9 treatment coupled with 9as blowin O

On blowing various gases such as methane, argon, nitrogen, acetylene and air into
molten iron which has already been treated with magnesium, the graphite shape changes
from spheroidal to vermicular. This is because of the increased fading effect of the
bubbling gases. Optimum vermicular graphite structure is reported when the gas is
blown into molten metal at about 1420°C (Tsutsumi et al 1981). Among various gases,
methane and acetylene give maximum vermicular graphite. It is believed that these
gases contribute towards nucleation as well as fading (Tsutsumi et al 1981).
364 V S R Murthy, Kishore and S Seshan

3. Microstructure
The typical microstructure of vc iron is shown in figure 1. The graphite shape can be
seen to be intermediate between flake and spheroidal. It is quite possible to obtain a
structure exhibiting a combination of vermicular and flake graphite or of spheroidal
and vermicular graphite. The thickening and rounding of the graphite particles in
vermicular graphite cast iron tends to lower the stress concentration at the graphite-
metal matrix interface compared to flake graphite. Due to the intermediate shape of this
graphite (intermediate between flake and spheroid), the mechanical properties are also
expected to be intermediate between those of gray and ductile irons.
VG irons are classified based on the length to thickness ratio (aspect ratio) of the
graphite, and such classification is given in table 1. The vermicularity of graphite can be
calculated using the following formula (Loper et al 1980):
~o vermicularity = 1 - ~o nodularity
number of graphite particles of types I & II
~o nodularity =
number of graphite particles of types I, II, III & IV
where, types I, II, III and IV are true spheroids, essentially spheroids, vermicular
graphite, and branched versions of type III respectively.
By changing the melt treatment and composition, it is possible to change the matrix,
viz, ferrite, pearlite and different mixtures of ferrite and pearlite. It is also possible to
obtain different structures such as bainite, martensite etc. by subjecting v~ irons to
different heat treatments.

Figure 1. Microstructure of vermicular graphite cast iron (400 x )

Vermicular graphite cast iron 365

Table 1. Classificationof vermiculargraphite cast irons (after Safroniet al 1974)

Dimensional characteristics Mechanical propertiesof
of graphite vG cast irons

Type of Maximum Maximum Tensile

vermicular length (1) thickness (t) strength Percent Hardness
graphite #m pm l/t MPa elongation BHN Remarks

Type I 20 10 2-4 3130-450 2-5 150--240 Similar to

Type II 150 50 2-5 350-500 3-9 150-240 Similarto
Type III 150 20 3-10 300-450 1-3.5 150--250 Similarto

4. Graphite growth and morphology

Even though vermicular graphite looks like an isolated, individual particle, in a three
dimensional matrix graphite is interconnected within the eutectic cell (Lalich &
LaPresta 1978). It is evident from morphological studies by deep etching techniques
that vermicular graphite grows in a spiral manner (figure 2). There are at present two
concepts on the growth of vermicular graphite viz, (i) growth in the A and C-axis
directions, and (ii) growth in the C-axis direction alone. However, extensive work on
graphite in vocast irons has shown that C-axis growth alone is prevalent, perpendicular
to the basal planes of graphite crystals, similar to that of spheroidal graphite (Liu
et al 1981; Murthy et al 1985).

5. Casting characteristics

Good quality castings of vG iron can be produced repetitively. Producing sound

castings of vG iron is easier compared to ductile irons but slightly more difficult than
gray irons. Running and feeding systems designed for gray irons have been reported to
produce sound vG iron castings. However, it has also been suggested that gating and
feeding system design should follow the procedures adopted in ductile iron foundries.
Fluidity ofvo iron is equal to that of any other iron, and the fluidity is independent of
the final graphite structure (Sergeant et al 1978). Shrinkage was found to be less as
compared to ductile irons (Athavale et al 1983). Due to the lesser magnesium content
used in treatment, dross formation is also lower.

6. Mechanical and physical properties

6.1 Tensile strength and elongation

In gray iron, graphite flakes act as stress raisers, and consequently gray iron exhibits low
tensile properties. When the graphite flakes start getting shorter and rounded (as in vo
366 V S R Murthy, Kishore and S Seshan

Figure 2. SEM photograph showing spiral growth of vermicular graphite.

iron), the properties improve, and measurable elongation and higher tensile strength
are realised. Ductile iron with its rounded spheroids is inherently stronger due to total
absence of stress raising action.
A comparison of the tensile strength and elongation values of the three cast irons viz,
gray, vermicular, and ductile irons along with other properties such as elastic modulus
and yield strength is made in table 2.
The influence of carbon equivalent, silicon content, phosphorus content and
nodularity on mechanical properties of vG iron is shown in figures 3, 4, 5 and 6

Table 2. Mechanical properties of different cast irons

Property Gray Vermicular Spheroidal

Tensile strength (MPa) 150-400 350-650 400-800

Yield strength (MPa) - 270-300 250-400
Elongation - 3-10 5--20
Hardness (BHN) 120-145 130-180 200 -250
Elastic modules MPa x 103 80-140 140-160 160-185
Notched impact strength (kgm) 0-15-0" 18 0'22-0'31 0"4t)-4)45
gray iron
ductile iron
Thermal conductivity 210-58-280.50 175.41-221.88 105.08-175-42
W m - t k -1
Vermicular graphite cast iron 367


N nodu[a r graphite
E 50C
~. Verrn;cUla
z: 400
g - t

e 300~-...~o&


Figure 3. Influence of carbon equivalent on

1001 I I I I
49 4,2 4-4 4 6 tensile strength of flake, vermicular and nodular
carbon equwa[en t graphite irons (after Sergeant & Evans 1978)

50 tensl[e strength

_c 40 yield strength

3C -9

~ 2C 7"6~D

10 5 5

1 6 2.0 2.4 Figure 4. Effect of silicon on the mechanical
s l [ i c o n Wt, °lo properties ofvG iron (after Cooper & Loper 1978)

6.2 Hardness
Hardness of VG iron has been found to be intermediate between that of gray and
ductile irons for identical matrices (table 2). Any carbide formation leads to
enhancement of the hardness value. The relation between hardness and percentage
pearlite content is shown in figure 7.
368 V S R Murthy, Kishore and S Seshan

4 o
E t-

60 0

I I I Figure 5. Effect of phosphorus content on the
0.04 0-08 0.12 mechanical properties of vermicular graphite iron
% phosphorus (after Aleksandrov et al 1976)

% nodutar g r a p h i t e
0 20 40 60 80 loo
I ! I I



70 7


~ 6o _ ¢\oO~O~x°j~ ' ~ - 6g

=• go 5~
40 ~ tensile h

3C i t i I Figure 6. Variation of tensile properties with

100 ~0 60 40 20 0 the percentage of nodular graphite invG iron (after
°1o v e r m ~ c u t a r g r a p h i t e Aleksandrov et al 1976)

6.3 Impact strength

The charpy impact test results are shown in table 2. Examination of the values of the
energy for breaking makes it clear that vermicular graphite coexisting with nodular
graphite absorbed greater energy than the one with flake graphite. Pearlitic vermicular
graphite cast irons have impact strength almost equal to that of ferritic ductile irons.
Vermicular graphite cast iron 369


250i /
/ /
/ /
/ . /
I .+ .. ,/

15C ::" -/ i

100 I I I I
0 20 40 60 50 lOO Figure 7. Variation of hardness with pearlite con-
percent pear[ire tent inv6 iron (after Loper e t al 1980)

The appearance of the fractured surface of vG irons changes from dark to light gray
with transition from ductile to brittle failure.

6.4 Fati#ue
Fatigue properties, in reversed bending, for notched and unnotched pearlitic vG irons
are illustrated in figure 8. The endurance ratio (ratio of unnotched fatigue to tensile
strength) is about 0-45, and is influenced by the matrix structure.

6.5 Damping capacity

Damping capacity is the ability of a material to absorb vibrational energy. The damping
capacity of vG iron has been found to be a compromise between gray and ductile irons
(table 3). The damping capacity level achieved in vo irons does represent a marked
improvement over nodular iron, and owes this improvement to the interconnected
nature of the graphite.


I. ! ed __

106 107 10 8 Figure 8. Fatigue curves for pearlitic v6 cast irons
no o f c y c l e s (after Sergeant & Evans 1978)
370 V S R Murthy, Kishore and S Seshan

Table 3. Sonic damping capacity of pearlitic vermicular graphite cast irons (after Sergeant & Evens 1978)

Cast sectionsize (ram)

equivalent 15 30 53 44.5 200

4"0 Damping ] 4-0 4-6 5.0 5-0 7.3

4.3 capacity x 10 -4 ~ 4-0 4.3 4.3 5-0 6"3

6.6 Machinability
Several methods are in vogue for assessing the property of machinability viz,
measurement of (i) drilling thrust, (ii) wear of tool, (iii) number of chips/gram,
(iv) temperature of tool, (v) drill life etc. The machinability of ferritic and pearlitic vc
irons were determined along with those of gray and nodular irons using some of the
above methods. It is concluded that machinability of vGirons rates between that of gray
and ductile irons (Philips 1981; Athavale et al 1983). Figure 9 shows the relative rating.

6.7 Wear resistance

In order to study wear behaviour of VGirons, experiments were conducted under dry
friction conditions (Murthy et al 1985). The percent weight loss for different cast irons
at constant speed, distance and normal load shown below is self explanatory.
Material % weight loss
Ductile iron 12-15
VG iron 18-33
Gray iron 35-40

6.8 Thermal conductivity

Because of the interconnected nature of graphite in w irons its thermal conductivity is
superior to that of ductile iron, but lower than that of gray cast iron. The thermal
conductivity values of different irons are given in table 2; vG irons which possess good
wear resistance coupled with good thermal conductivity are ideally suited for specific
uses such as brake components.

6.9 Growth and scaling

VGiron behaves satisfactorily at elevated temperatures as well. The growth and scaling
characteristics of gray and VG irons heated in air to 600°C are shown in figure 10.

6.10 Corrosion
Investigations carried out by the authors to study the corrosion resistance of VGiron in
dilute sulphuric acid show that VG iron's corrosion resistance is satisfactory, and is
intermediate between that of gray and ductile irons.
Vermicular graphite cast iron 371

E 4O0

u 200


gra ver micular spheroidal Figure 9. Machinability of gray, vo and so irons.


-6 o.5

Figure 10. Growth and scaling characteristics of
0 10 20 30 gray and vo iron at 600°C (after Green & Thomas
no. o f w~zcks 1979)

7. Applications

Interest in these irons has multiplied in recent years, and now industries are attempting
to substitute several components by vo iron castings; a brief list of parts being
substituted thus is given below:
Eccentric gear, transmission housing, exhaust manifold for 4-stroke engine, bearing
bracket, sprocket wheel, chain wheel for scraper plate on heavy duty truck, inner shoe
for tractor mover, tractor crank gear case, brake rotors for high speed trains, acc sleeper
insert and tractor differential case.
372 V S R Murthy, Kishore and S Seshan

8. Conclusions

There are different methods available for repetitive production of vG irons, viz,
extensive desulphurization, combined treatment with spheroidizing and anti-
spheroidizing elements, treatment with Zr and blowing of gases into magnesium
treated molten iron; some of these methods are quite suitable for large scale commercial
production. Studies on graphite morphology show that vermicular graphite grows
spirally in the C-axis direction of graphite crystals. VG irons exhibit physical and
mechanical properties intermediate between gray and ductile irons and are finding
newer applications in several fields.


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