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Rat Lab Report

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The lab report outlines the process and expectations for students to document their observations and learning from a rat dissection. They will describe anatomical structures and systems in detail to demonstrate their understanding.

The purpose of the rat dissection lab was for students to learn rat anatomy and physiology, and to gain experience with dissection techniques to explore the relationships between different body structures and systems.

The dissection explored the external structures, as well as the thoracic and abdominal body cavities. Major organ systems discussed included the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and urinary systems.


Rat Dissection Lab Report
This report is due _____________________________.
You will work as a group to complete a report from this dissection
(1 report per roup ! di"ide the work#$. Reports will be raded for content%
thorouhness and e"idence of understandin% as well as coherence and neatness.
&ubmit one report per group' each participant must indicate what s(he contributed
to the dissection and report.
Reports must be written neatl) in blue or black ink *R ma) be word+processed.
Your descriptions should use correct anatomical terms and be anatomicall) rele"ant !
that is% appearance% te,ture% location% whether or not blood "essels are plentiful%
si-e% weiht% etc.
Di"ide the work between roup members as follows.
1. Drawings External and internal
2. Introduction, Background, Purpose and External observations
3. !orax observations
". #bdo$en observations
%. &onclusions Eac! group $e$ber will write a 1 paragrap! conclusion
o' !is(!er part in t!e dissection and w!at was learned 'ro$ t!is
experience. Include all group $e$bers) conclusions wit! t!e report.
Report /ormat
0he report must be formatted correctl) and include the followin subheadins.
Cover. 0itle 1 2roup members3 names
Introduction / Background and Purpose
2i"e some information about the rat as a model for human anatom). /ind out the
classification of the rat (enus% species$. 4ustif) wh) it is appropriate to use rats for
this introductor) dissection. 5hat characteristics do the rat and human share6 5hat
are the limitations to usin the rat as a model for human anatom)6 7e specific#
5hat was )our purpose in performin this lab6 5hat did )ou hope to learn% and wh)
was this lab e,ploration a ood e,ercise for that purpose6
Observations and Descriptions
0his will include three sections% each written b) a different roup member (see
1. 8,ternal *bser"ations% initial incision and muscle structure' (this can be
di"ided if 5 people were in the roup$
2. 8,ploration of the 0hora,
9. 8,ploration of the :bdominopel"is
;nclude brief descriptions of techni<ues used to e,pose and e,plore structures of the
rat. 0his should be detailed enouh that someone e,perienced in dissection could
use )our report to uide their own work.
Be sure to answer any questions that were included in the
dissection protocol in the appropriate section of the report.
*bser"ations and descriptions should include appearance% location% te,ture (what
does it feel like6$ and weiht of orans where indicated in the protocol. =lease use
correct terminolo) when locatin structures in the rat. ;dentif) the components of
bod) s)stems as )ou describe them (e..% heart is part of cardio"ascular s)stem$.
One group member will create drawings o the e!ternal structures and
ventral bod" cavit" (thoracic and abdominopel"ic structures ma) be in a sinle
diaram.$ Drawins do not ha"e to be beautiful# 0he) should represent what )ou
saw in a simplified form. >olor codin different structures(orans is "er) helpful.
#abel all structures identified. ; will not accept photos in place of drawins%
howe"er )ou are welcome to take pictures of )our specimen to use when makin
)our drawins. Drawins must be done on unlined paper.
0he report should be di"ided into sections with subheadins.
1. $!ternal %tructures + *bser"ations and description of specimen' weiht'
indicate whether )our animal was a fresh or preser"ed rat' lenth' 9 ma?or
di"isions of the bod)' how bod) proportions compare to human.
;ndicate the steps taken to remo"e the skin% techni<ue used% and
obser"ations (e..% appearance of muscle tissue with skin remo"ed'
connection between skin and underl)in muscle% etc.$.
&uscles o ventral bod" cavit" ! Describe the appearance of the muscles.
Did muscle fibers all run in the same direction6 Did )ou see fat deposits6
5hite connecti"e tissue6 >ompare the structure of the abdominal muscles to
muscles of the les. Describe the appearance of the hip ?oint.
2. Thoracic cavit" structures (@$ + Describe the techni<ue used to e,pose the
thoracic ca"it). 5hat did )ou ha"e to cut6
Describe the appearance(si-e(te,ture(location of the structures of the thoracic
ca"it). diaphram% luns% heart% th)mus (if obser"ed$% trachea% bronchi% etc.
Did )ou see an) ma?or blood "essels6 Describe. &tate the function of the
ma?or orans ( structures of the thoracic ca"it). Report the weiht and
"olume of the heart.
9. 'bdominopelvic cavit" structures + Describe orans in the abdominal
ca"it)' include weiht of an) orans )ou measured. ;nclude the followin.
Li"er (report weiht$% stomach% small intestine% lare intestine% spleen%
pancreas% mesenter) (suspends small intestine in abdominal ca"it)$% kidne)s%
bladder (if obser"ed$% male or female reproducti"e orans. Describe an)
connections )ou obser"ed between orans (e..% diesti"e orans% kidne)s 1
bladder% etc.$ &tate the function of each oran s)stem (the short "ersion%
5hat bod) ca"ities were not e,plored in this acti"it)6 5h) do )ou think these
areas would ha"e been difficult to dissect in )our specimen6
Discussion and Conclusions
8ach roup member will write a ood concludin pararaph discussin the dissection.
5hat did )ou learn6
Aow useful was this lab for )our purpose (as stated at the beinnin of the
5hat are the benefits ( disad"antaes of this dissection6
5hat surprised )ou6
5hat difficulties did )ou encounter6
5hat bod) s)stems are )ou must interested in e,aminin in more detail6
8,plain )our answer.
;nclude all roup members3 conclusions (on separate paes$ with the report.
(rading or this lab)
4BC Your contribution to the lab report
9BC Your contribution to the dissection
2BC 2roup rade + how well the roup worked toether to complete this
1BC >lean up
0his lab is worth 1BB points.
(ood lie lesson. Dake sure )our roup report is presented as a coherent product.
;t should not look like it was patched toether b) se"eral different people riht
before class# 5ork toether#

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