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Healthy Urban Planning

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Hugh Barton, with Claire Mitcham and Catharine Tsourou

This paper highlights the important work of WHO Healthy Cities movement in seeking to
integrate health planning and urban planning. It is based on chapter 9 - "Cities for people" -
in the report on the progress and achievements of European Healthy Cities distributed to
participants at the Belfast conference in October 2003 (Tsouros and Farrington). The paper
identifies urban transport as a key determinant of health and illustrates the work of the
Healthy Urban Planning city action group over the period 2000-2003.

Health and urban planning are natural bed-fellows. Modern town pla nning has its roots in the
unhealthy industrial cities of the nineteenth century: endemic problems of poor water supply,
sanitation, light and air triggered a response not only in terms of infrastructure engineering
but also urban design. The codes of street and building layout - were designed to banish
forever the dank houses and airless streets.

It is ironic, then, that in the intervening century the connection between health policy and
urban planning has become tenuous. It is true that the original health objectives of clean air
and water are deeply entrenched in planning and building control systems. But contemporary
"diseases of civilisation" have in many ways been ignored. Indeed the powerful trends
towards car-dependant, sedentary and privatised life-styles, with their health consequences,
have been facilitated if not actually fostered by land use and transport policies.

This chapter is designed to highlight the important work of the WHO Healthy Cities
movement in seeking to reintegrate health and planning. The first section sets out the nature
of the link, with a focus on urban transport issues and health; the second section applies WHO
Healthy Cities principles to urban planning; the third section tells the story of the "healthy
urban planing" init iative; the final section draws conclusions and pointers to future action.

Urban planning as a determinant of health

The environment has long been recognised as a key determinant of health (Lalonde 74,
Whitehead and Dalgren 1991, Marmot and Wilkinson 1999). There is a growing recognition
amongst health related professions that promoting health only through programmes of
individual/small group behavioural change is not very effective, reaching only a small
proportion of the population and seldom being maintained in the long term (Lawlor et al
2003, McCarthy 1999). What is needed is more fundamental social, economic and
environmental change.

Urban planning as a mechanism of environmental control influences health in a number of

quite systematic ways. The diagram below sets out the various spheres of social and economic
life and the wider environment that are affected by planning. It is derived from Whitehead and
Dalgren's 1991 figure of the determinants of health. The sphere of direct planning influence is
the physical form and management of the built environment (sphere 6 below: adapted spaces
and channels). This sphere impacts to a greater or lesser extent on all the others, literally
shaping some of the options that are open to individuals, social groups and businesses. For
example the propensity of people to take healthy exercise is affected by availability,
convenience, safety and attractiveness of pedestrian and cycling facilities, parks and playing
fields. Such exercise is critically important for children, yet in some countries walking to
school has become a minority occupation (Cooper 2003).

Source: Hugh Barton 2003

More broadly it has become apparent that many of the urban development trends promoted by
the market and facilitated by planning authorities are pandering to our unhealthy instincts
(Barton et al 2000). Despite over a decade of official advocacy of sustainable development
many conventions of the development industry remain trapped in a pre-Rio timewarp. So the
expanding outer city areas exhibit, across Europe, a pattern of low density, use-segregated
car-based development that not only uses land profligately but reduces the viability of local
services, makes walking impractical because of distance and cycling deterred because of
traffic levels. The fashionable office/retail/leisure parks that spring up in the wake of road
investment typically rely on 90-95% car use. The segregation of land uses is undermining the
potential for integrated neighbourhoods and local social capital. We are literally building
unsustainability into our cities.

In this context it is hardly surprising that health is a casualty. The decline in regular daily
walking and cycling is resulting (in some cultures) in increased obesity and risk of diabetes
and cardiovascular diseases (New Urban Futures 2003). Social polarisation of opportunity is
exacerbated. People tied to locality - the elderly, children, young parents, the unemployed, the
immobile - are increasingly vulnerable. The decline in local facilities, the reduction in
pedestrian movement and neighbourly street life, all reduce opportunities for the supportive
social contacts so vital for mental well-being (Halpern 1995). We are storing up health
problems for the future that will make the present problems of the health service delivery look
trivial by comparison.

Given the recognition that the quality of the urban environment is important for human health,
it is puzzling that "direct assessments of the links between the built environment and physical
activity as it influences health are still rare" (Handy et al 2002). There is an unfortunate divide
in the research literature between that focussed on health outcomes (eg. Halpern 1995, Aicher
1998) and that focussed on planning interventions and behaviour (eg. Cerve ro and Kockelman
1997, Hedicar and Curtis 1995, Williams et al 2000). Articles that make the connection
explicit still promote the idea as innovative and newsworthy (eg. Dubé 2000, Jackson et al
2002, Barton et al 2003(b)).

The absence, as yet, of a major integrating research effort does not mean, however, that there
has been no linkage between health and planning in practice. But normally this link is
implicit, not explicit, lacking a systematic or comprehensive approach. In this respect a recent
book produced by the WHO European Healthy Cities programme sets out challenging health
objectives for urban planning (Barton and Tsourou 2000). The background to this is reported
later. In the book urban transport planning is seen as fully integrated with urban la nd use
planning. Transport is widely recognised as a key determinant of health (Wilkinson and
Marmot 2003). The transport objectives below demonstrate the centrality of transport and
accessibility issues in healthy urban planning. The objectives are related to the human ecology
settlement model – the physical provision of space and transport channels is represented by
sphere 6 in this model, and that provision can influences health in quite specific ways,
expressed as a positive aspiration here, but often of course more negative:-

• reducing road accidents (sphere 1 in the settlement model). Accidents are not only a
direct hazard but also impact on behaviour by, for example, discouraging parents from
allowing their children to cycle (with associated health impacts).
• promoting healthy lifestyles (sphere 2 in the settlement model). Transport policy could
play a key role in combating the sedentary by encouraging walking and cycling. Regular
exercise protects against heart disease and diabetes, promotes a sense of well-being and
combats depression in older people (Wilkinson and Marmot 2003).
• facilitating social cohesion and supportive social networks (sphere 3 in the settlement
model). There is a powerful relationship between mental well-being and social support
(Halpern 1995). Transport policy can assist the creation of a supportive local environment
by facilitating casual street meetings and the viability of local facilities that are the focus
of interest communities (Barton et al 2003). This is particularly important for vulnerable,
less mobile groups.
• promoting access to affordable housing (sphere 4 in the settlement model). Good quality
housing with adequate space, warmth and light are important for health. Transport policy
affects the locational choices open to poorer groups by the quality and price of public
transport services.
• promoting accessibility to educational, cultural, leisure, health and retail facilities
(sphere 4 in the settlement model). The purpose of transport is not mobility (in the sense
of allowing people to move around) but accessibility (ie allowing people to get to the
places they need to get to). Transport/land use strategies determine accessibility to a
significant extent. This impacts on heath in many ways, eg: access to open space whic h
may encourage physical activity, especially in the young; access to outlets for healthy
food; access to health facilities; access to educational/training facilities that assist self-
• promoting access to employment opportunities (sphere 5 in the settlement model). Job
search areas are affected by transport policies, for example the extent and price of public
transport may severely limit the range of accessible jobs. Unemployment leads to
increased levels of stress, physical and mental illness.
• promoting good air quality sphere 7 in the settlement model). In many European cities
motor vehicles are now the dominant cause of poor air quality which can lead to higher
levels of asthma, lung and heart disease.
• Promoting climate stability (sphere 7 in the settlement model). Transport accounts for
about a third of the carbon dioxide emissions which are implicated in global warming.
The health impacts of climate change are uncertain but liable to be large. The reduction in
emissions is a key international goal (the Kyoto agreement).

From this brief review it is clear that transport-integrated urban planning has a central role in
promoting health. It affects lifestyle, equity and social cohesion in quite profound ways.

Applying WHO principles to urban planning

In this situation the current WHO healthy urban planning initiative is timely. What can
planners and decision makers do to minimize the health stressors and to increase the health
contributors posed by the built environment in cities?

A comprehensive definition of Healthy Urban Planning should address all the health
determinants relating to the physical environment of the cities and should reflected the core
principles of the WHO strategy “Health for All” (WHO 1999a), such as equity (see chapter
15), community participation (see chapter 12) and intersectoral cooperation (see chapter 11).
These principles are consistent with those of sustainable development and Agenda 21.
Implementing the equity principle in urban planning means mainly improving the living
standards of the town users bearing in mind their diversity in terms of age, gender, physical
ability, ethnic origin etc. Obviously priority should be given to up-grading the more deprived
urban areas. Public spaces and urban facilities should be pla nned and located increasing their
accessibility in terms of distance from home, and safety (Barton et al 1995, WHO 1997a,
Sandonnini 1990, Gumuchdjean 1997) .

The effective integration of the equity principle in urban planning should result in reduction
of urban fabric imbalances, car use, air and noise pollution, while quality of public spaces,
social cohesion, healthy life styles and employment opportunities are increased.
The way local decisions are made is widely recognized as important both in terms of the
quality of the decisions and the commitment of local stakeholders to making them work (UN
2000, WHO 1997b).
Active community involvement in every stage of the planning process, is a necessary
condition not only to identify the real needs of town users and to establish the priority
interventions (WHO 1999b, WHO 1997c), but also to strengthen the social cohesion and
individual self-determination, both very important especially for mental health (Dept. of
Health 1998, WHO 1998).

Since different public sector policies (housing, transport, planning, social services, public
health, education, etc) as well as activities of the private and voluntary sectors produce an
impact on health, intersectoral cooperation represents a way to achieve a shared vision,
legitimacy for action, precious know-how exchange and co-ordinated actions among
specialists, administrators and users (Woodward 1998, WHO 1997b, OECD 2001). The
neighbourhood seems to be the most suitable land unit for designing and implementing these
changes (Barton et al 2003, Horsens 1991).

These ideas and principles are central to healthy urban planning and can be implemented in
any country, regardless of its planning system. The operational and assessment tools
developed during the Healthy Cities Proje ct experience (indicators, health profile, city health
development plan) can provide built environment planners and policy - makers with
significant information to identify priorities, understand local needs and assess the effects of
implemented planning decisions. In this context urban planning becomes an important
strategic tool not only to prevent health problems but also to promote and maintain the health
of the citizens.

Urban planning was introduced as a key area for Healthy Cities Project activitie s, in the third
phase of WHO’s European programme (1998-2002). The baseline for this new area of work
was established in 1998, through a questionnaire survey. ; Respondents were the heads of
urban planning departments in 38 cities participating in the second phase (1993-1997) of the
Healthy Cities Network (17). The survey found that planning departments and health agencies
tend to plough separate furrows. Regular co-operation between health and planning occurred
in only 25% of cases. Nearly a third of planning chiefs considered that in certain ways
planning policies were actually incompatible with health - particularly rigid standards of
zoning and design. Other anti-health issues highlighted were excessive traffic levels, the focus
on private/public profit, social segregation and the lack of attention to everyday needs of
citizens (Barton and Tsourou 2000). It was clear there was plenty of work to do, bridging
these policy divides.
The WHO Healthy Urban Planning story

The WHO Healthy Urban Planning initia tive was borne out of a growing conviction that
urban planning and related activities have a significant impact on the determinants of health
(Duhl and Sanchez 1999). Healthy Cities programmes throughout Europe have sought to
involve urban planners in their work since the late 1980's, but during Phase III of the WHO
Healthy Cities Network (1998-2002) a more concerted emphasis was placed on the need to
integrate health objectives into urban planning processes (WHO 1997d).

The foundations for this initiative were laid in the mid 1990's with the participation of the
WHO Healthy Cities Network in the European Sustainable Cities and Towns campaign. The
links between health and sustainable development formed an important element in the work
of the campaign (Price and Dubé 1997), and provided an opportunity to begin to explore the
relationship between health and urban planning. Meanwhile, Urban Planners across Europe
were becoming increasingly aware of the importance of sustainable development, with an
emphasis on the need to tackle social, environmental and economic issues in a more co-
ordinated and more effective way. An inevitable consequence of their work in this area, has
led planners to re-consider issues of quality of life, well-being, and ultimately, health in cities.

In 1998, WHO began to work with urban planning practitioners and academics from across
Europe and beyond in a more concerted way. As a first step, in 2000 the book already cited -
"Healthy Urban Planning" by Hugh Barton and Catherine Tsourou (2000) was published. It
makes the case for health as a central goal of urban planning policy and practice, highlighting
the role of planners in tackling the environmental, social and economic determinants of
health, and suggests 12 key health objectives for planners. It also discusses the relevance of
the healthy cities movement to urban planners, drawing attention to key principles such as
equity, sustainability, intersectional co-operation, community involvement and international
action/solidarity, and presents the results of the survey of urban planners in healthy cities,
carried out in 1998. Finally, the book translates concepts and principles into practical ideas for
developing a healthy urban planning process, including case studies from all over Europe.

"Healthy Urban Planning" was produced in co-operation with a number of practising and
academic planners, who met to discuss the content at a seminar in Milan, Italy in October
1999 (WHO 2000). At the meeting, it was recommended that, in order to push forward the
initiative in a practical way, urban planners from interested cities in Europe, should form a
group to test the book's ideas, and provide an opportunity for innovation and experimentation,
This provided the momentum for the formation of a "city action group" on healthy urban

Having agreed to lead and support the work of this City Action Group (CAG), the city of
Milan hosted the first group meeting, at the Politechnino di Milan in June 2001 (WHO 2002).
Senior urban planners from 11 cities across Europe rose to the challenge, and attended the
meeting, making a commitment to begin a process to integrate health issues more fully into
their work. The initial membership of the group included cities from north, south, east and
western Europe; Gothenburg (Sweden), Horsens (Denmark), Sandes (Norway), Sheffield and
Belfast (UK), Milan (Italy), Seixal (Portugal), Vienna (Austria(), Geneva (Switzerland),
Zegreb (Croatia), and Pecs (Hungary).

Over the past 2 years, this group of cities has been the focus for WHO's developing work on
healthy urban planning (WHO 2002, 2003). Group meetings have provided a forum for
sharing knowledge and experience of exactly what healthy urban planning implies in practice,
and how it affects day-to-day planning processes and outcomes. These planners, have
developed an understanding, not just of each other's differences and unique perspectives, but
of their commonalties, and of the ways in which experiences in one city, can be draw upon by
others around Europe. Together they have begun to examine and experiment with ways in
which health, well-being and quality of life can be promoted through urban planning, and to
discuss the many challenges and difficulties. Although several cities have inevitably dropped
out during the process. the experiences of the remainder, in tackling problems associated with
redefining planning processes, and working on specific thematic issues, have been invaluable
and a number of interesting case studies have emerged. These are reported in the new WHO
report on "Healthy urban planning in practice" (Barton, Mitcham and Tsourou 2003).

In Belfast (UK), the department of the Environment (Northern Ireland) and Belfast Healthy
Cities have taken a joint approach to promote and integrate health into a wide range of local
and regional plans and policies (Belfast, NI). Tools such as Strategic Environmental
Assessment and a quality of life matrix have been developed to assist this process. In
Gothenburg (Sweden), a health group has been established within the planning department to
consider the health implications of planning proposals. In Horsens (Denmark), health is now a
central objective of all municipal activities, and has been integrated into urban planning and
transport processes for a number of years. Neighbourhood regeneration initiatives and
community empowerment activities have provided an important vehicle for implementing the
health-oriented goals of the municipal "master plan" (Horsens). In Milan (Italy), a pilot
process has been undertaken to introduce an intersectoral approach to the development of
three regeneration projects in the city, linking social and environmental interventions in a
systematic way. In Sandnes (Norway), health has been fully integrated into the new municipal
development plan (the main steering document for all municipal activities) (Sandnes). Health
represents one of three key themes of the plan, and this is being implemented through a range
of practical initiatives and activities with a focus on citizen participation. In Seixal (Portugal),
an interdepartmental working group has been set up in order to guide the integration of health
into the emerging development plan, and to implement the concept on a practical level.

In all cities the relationship of transport policy to land use policy is recognised as a key to
healthy urban planning. Part of the achievement of Healthy Cities initiatives is to break down
the institutional barriers that often exist between transport, planning, and health, agencies,
thus allowing an effective integrated strategy.

This initial phase of Healthy Urban Planning work has been largely experimental, and taken
forward by a small but committed group of cities. In the forthcoming phase of Healthy Cities
(2003-2007), Healthy Urban Planning will be one of four key themes that cities will work on,
and this will provide an opportunity to take forward this work in a more comprehensive


The experience of the WHO healthy urban planning initiative offers many lessons. The
degree of progress varies greatly between the cities. Some municipalities have only recently
embarked on the journey towards healthy urban planning. For them health is a powerful
motivator for addressing issues that have not previously been faced, drawing in new
constituencies of political support. For example in Seixal the health agenda has encouraged
planning policies to protect allotments from development and tackle problems of social
exclusion on isolated estates. But there remains major difficulties because of vertical remits
and departmental empires deterring collaborative working. As one planner commented "There
are a lot of islands in this municipality". Other municipalities - particularly in northern
Europe - have had health embedded in planning and transport policy-making for some years.
In these situations inter-agency co-operation is the rule not the exception, and the main
planning/transport documents reflect health priorities not only in their context but in decision-
making processes that place a premium on building up social capital.

Both the more experienced and the less experienced cities agree on the value of health-
integrated planning. Health is seen by the planners as providing valuable re-enforcement for
and validation of other planning goals. Planning policies become better, more responsive to
community needs, more strongly supported.

In an ideal health-integrated planning system there are five key elements. The first is an
acceptance of inter-departmental and inter-agency collaboration so that health implications
can be properly explored and integrated solutions pursued across institutional remits. This is
critical where transport is concerned. The second is strong political backing, which helps to
ensure consistency of approach and the resources needed. The thirds is full integration of
health with environmental, social and economic concerns in the context of the main land use
planing, transport, housing and economic development policy statements: placing health at
the heart of the plan-making. The fourth is the active involvement of citizens and
private/public/voluntary sector stakeholders in the policy process, so that health (and other)
priorities are understood not just by the town planners but by the other interests whose actions
might influence the situation. The fifth is a toolbox of planning techniques which fully reflect
healthy goals: quality-of-life monitoring, impact assessment, strategic sustainability
assessment, urban capacity and political studies - all should make health objectives explicit.
In this context it is important that transport initiatives are judged by the same criteria as other
development projects.

The Healthy Cities experiment in healthy urban planning is not alone. Other cities around
Europe are progressing in the same direction. Health arguments are increasingly being made
explicit in planning policy debate (Jones 2002, Breeze and Lock 2001). Practitioners are
grappling with the difficulties of assessing health impacts (Morgan and Mahoney 2001). But
the WHO programme does demonstrate both the power of the idea in changing minds and
opening new avenues, and the necessity of a sustained, progressively more systematic
approach. Health is a powerful motivator, capable of cutting across vested interests in a way
which sustainable development maybe does not.

Hugh Barton 3.11.03


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