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Please note that not all questions have answers.

1. If a table does not have MANDT as art of the ri!ar" #e"$ it is.
A% A stru&ture
'% Invalid
C: Client-independent
D% Not !andator"
(. In re)ard to *A++$ whi&h of the followin) is N,T a valid state!ent-
A% *A++ ./N*TI,N
'% *A++ S*REEN
0. Na!e the t"e of A'AP Di&tionar" table that has these &hara&teristi&s%
Sa!e nu!ber of fields as the database table
Sa!e na!e as database table
Mas 1%1 to database table
A% Pooled
'% *luster
C: Transparent
D% 1iew
2. An event starts with an event #e"word and ends with%
A% Pro)ra! e3e&ution.
'% END4,.4E1ENT.
C: Another event keyword.
5. What is the s"ste! field for the &urrent date-
A: !-DAT"M
'% S64DATE
7. The followin) &ode indi&ates% A
SE+E*T fld1 fld( .R,M tab1 APPENDIN8 TA'+E itab W9ERE fld1 IN sfld1.
A: Add rows to the e#istin$ rows o% ita&.
'% Add rows to itab after first deletin) an" e3istin) rows of itab.
*% Sele&t rows fro! tab1 for !at&hin) itab entries.
D% Nothin)$ this is a s"nta3 error.

:. 6ou !a" &han)e the followin) data ob;e&t as shown below so that it equals 0.12.
*,NSTANTS% PI t"e P de&i!als ( value <0.1<.
PI = <0.12<.
A% True
B: 'alse
>. The SAP servi&e that ensures data inte)rit" b" handlin) lo&#in) is &alled%
A% /date
'% Dialo)
C: (n)*e*e+De)*e*e
D% Sool
?. Whi&h of these senten&es !ost a&&uratel" des&ribes the 8ET 1'A@ +ATE. event-
A% This event is ro&essed before the se&ond ti!e the 8ET 1'A@ event is ro&essed.
B: This event is pro,essed a%ter all o,,*rren,es o% the G(T -BA. event are ,o/pleted.
*% This event will onl" be ro&essed after the user has sele&ted a basi& list row.
D% This event is onl" ro&essed if no re&ords are sele&ted fro! table 1'A@.

1A. Whi&h of the followin) is not a true state!ent in re)ard to a hashed internal table t"e-
A% Its #e" !ust alwa"s be /NIB/E.
'% Ma" onl" be a&&essed b" its #e".
C: Response ti/e %or a,,essin$ a row depends on the n*/&er o% entries in the ta&le.
D% De&lared usin) internal table t"e 9AS9ED TA'+E.
11. T, in&lude database4se&ifi& SB+ state!ents within an A'AP ro)ra!$ &ode the! between%
'% D' SB+CENDD'.
D: (0(C 1L2(3D(0(C.
1(. To !easure how lon) a blo&# of &ode runs$ use the A'AP state!ent%
C: G(T R"3 T4M( '4(LD .
D% SET */RS,R .IE+D .
10. When a se&ondar" list is bein) ro&essed$ the data of the basi& list is available b" default.
A: Tr*e
'% .alse
12. 8iven%
DATA% 'E8IN ,. itab ,**/RS 1A$
qt" t"e I$
END ,. itab.
D, (5 TIMES. itab4qt" = s"4inde3. APPEND itab.
+,,P AT itab W9ERE qt" D 1A.
WRITE% E1 itab4qt".
This will result in%
A% ,utut of onl" those itab rows with a qt" field less than 1A
B: O*tp*t o% the %irst 56 ita& rows with a )ty %ield $reater than 56
*% A s"nta3 error
D% None of the above
15. After a DES*RI'E TA'+E state!ent S64T.I++ will &ontain
A: The n*/&er o% rows in the internal ta&le.
'% The &urrent ,**/RS value.
*% Fero$ if the table &ontains one or !ore rows.
D% The len)th of the internal table row stru&ture.
17. 6ou !a" de&lare "our own internal table t"e usin) the T6PES #e"word.
A: Tr*e
'% .alse
1:. After addin) rows to an internal table with *,++E*T$ "ou should avoid addin) !ore rows with
A: Tr*e
'% .alse
1>. Whi&h of the followin) is not a &o!onent of &ontrol brea# ro&essin) when looin) at an internal
*% AT +AST
1?. A di&tionar" table is !ade available for use within an A'AP ro)ra! via the TA'+ES state!ent.
A: Tr*e
'% .alse
(A. Whi&h of the followin) would be best for hidin) further sele&tion &riteria until a fun&tion is &hosen-
D: CALL (L(CT4O3-CR((3
(1. What !ust "ou &ode in the flow lo)i& to revent a !odule fro! bein) &alled unless a field &ontains a
non4initial value Gas deter!ined b" its data t"eH-
A: O3 43P"T
'% *9AIN
*% .IE+D
((. The AT /SER4*,MMAND event is tri))ered b" fun&tions defined in the CCCC.
A: s,reen painter
'% A'AP reort
*% !enu ainter status
D% A'AP Di&tionar"
(0. In re)ard to a fun&tion )rou$ whi&h of the followin) is N,T a true state!ent-
A% *o!bines si!ilar fun&tion !odules.
'% Shares )lobal data with all its fun&tion !odules.
C: (#ists within the ABAP work&en,h as an in,l*de pro$ra/.
D% Shares subroutines with all its fun&tion !odules.
(2. In re)ard to SET P.4STAT/S$ "ou &an dea&tivate unwanted fun&tion &odes b" usin) CCCC.
A: (0CL"D43G
*% WIT9,/T
(5. In re)ard to data transorted in PAI when the .IE+D state!ent is used$ whi&h of the followin) is
N,T a true state!ent-
A% .ields in P', are transorted dire&tl" fro! PAI.
'% .ields with identi&al na!es are transorted to the A'AP side.
*: 'ields not de%ined in '4(LD state/ents are transported %irst.
D% .ields that are defined in .IE+D state!ents are transorted when their &orresondin) !odule is
(7. The order in whi&h an event aears in the A'AP &ode deter!ines when the event is ro&essed.
A% True
B: 'alse
(:. A field de&lared as t"e T has the followin) internal reresentation%
B: 77MM
*% MM99SS
(>. Whi&h of the followin) is N,T a &o!onent of the default standard A'AP reort header-
A: Date and Ti/e
'% +ist title
*% Pa)e nu!ber
D% /nderline
(?. Assu!in) a ushbutton with fun&tion &ode <./N*< is available in the toolbar of a list reort$ what
event is ro&essed when the button is &li&#ed-
'% AT P.n.
D% END4,.4SE+E*TI,N.
0A. In re)ard to field sele&tion$ what otion of the SE+E*T state!ent is required-
'% W9ERE
C: 43TO
31. The following program outputs what?
report zjgtest1
write: /1 'Ready_'.
!R!"#T#R: test.
write: /1 ')et_'.
write: /1 '-(..'.
!: )et_ -(.. /ea0h on its own line1
2: )et_ Ready_ -(.. /all on their own lines1
,: Ready_ -(.. /ea0h on its own line1
3: Ready_ )et_ -(.. /all on their own lines1
34. To de0lare a sele0tion 0riterion that does not appear on the sele0tion s0reen5 use:
2: $%6$)$2&#
,: "(3$+ $3
3: (2&$-!T(R7
33. !n internal ta8le that is nested within another internal ta8le should not 0ontain a header line.
!: True B: False
39. :hat is output 8y the following 0ode?
3!T!: 2#-$% (+ ita8 (,,;R) <5 letter type 05 #%3 (+ ita8.
ita8*letter = '!'. !#%3 ita8. ita8*letter = '2'. !#%3 ita8.
ita8*letter = ','. !#%3 ita8. ita8*letter = '3'. !#%3 ita8.
&(( !T ita8.
)7*T!2$> = 4.
:R$T# ita8*letter.
A: A
2: ! 2 , 3
,: 2
3: 2 , 3
3?. To sele0t all data8ase entries for a 0ertain :@#R# 0lause into an internal ta8le in one step5 use
2: )#&#,T_$%T( ita8_
,: )#&#,T_!#%3$%- ita8
3: )#&#,T_ita8_
3A. !fter a su00essful )#&#,T statement5 what does )7*);2R, eBual?
!: < 2: 9 ,: C 3: %ull
3D. This sele0tion s0reen syntaE for0es the user to input a Falue:
!: R#G;$R#3*#%TR7
,: 3#+!;&T
3: )#&#,T$(%*),R##% #>,&;3#
3C. $f the following 0ode results in a syntaE error5 the remedy is:
3!T!: ita8 T7# )(RT#3 T!2&# (+ re0_type :$T@ ;%$G;# H#7 field1
:$T@ @#!3#R &$%#.
ita8*field1 = ',ompany'. ita8*field4 = '1439'. $%)#RT T!2&# ita8.
ita8*field1 = '2anI'. ita8*field4 = '!2,'. $%)#RT T!2&# ita8.
)(RT ita8.
&(( !T ita8.
write: /1 ita8*field15 ita8*field4.
!: There is no syntaE error here
2: RemoFe the )(RT statement
,: ,hange $%)#RT to !#%3
3: !dd a :@#R# 0lause to the loop
3J. $f this 0ode results in an error5 the remedy is:
)#&#,T fld1 fld4 +R(" ta81 :@#R# fld3 = pfld3.
:R$T#: /1 ta81*fld15 ta81*fld4.
!: !dd a )7*);2R, 0he0I.
2: ,hange the :@#R# 0lause to use fld1 or fld4.
,: RemoFe the /1 from the :R$T# statement.
D: Add INTO (tab1-fld1 tab1-fld!"#
9<. :hen modifying an internal ta8le within &(( !T ita8. _ #%3&((. you must in0lude an indeE num8er.
!: True 2: +alse
91. To allow the user to enter Falues on the s0reen for a list field5 use:
!: (#% &$%#.
2: )#T ,;R)(R +$#&3.
,: :R$T# fld !) $%;T +$#&3.
94. 2efore a fun0tion module may 8e tested5 it must first 8e:
!: &inIed 2: !uthorized ,: Released D: A&ti'e
93. To in0lude a field on your s0reen that is not in the !2! 3i0tionary5 whi0h in0lude program should 0ontain the
data de0laration for the field?
!: 2( module in0lude program
B: TOP i(&l)de *+,-+a.
,: !$ module in0lude program
3: )u8routine in0lude program
99. $f a ta8le 0ontains many dupli0ate Falues for a field5 minimize the num8er of re0ords returned 8y using this
)#&#,T statement addition.
!: "$% 2: (R3#R 27 ,: DISTINCT 3: 3#&#T#
9?. The system internal ta8le used for dynami0 s0reen modifi0ation is named:
!: $T!2 B: SCREEN ,: "(3T!2 3: )"(3
9A. :ithin the sour0e 0ode of a fun0tion module5 errors are handled Fia the Ieyword:
!: #>,#T$(% B: RAISE ,: )T( 3: !2#%3
9D. :hi0h system field 0ontains the 0ontents of a sele0ted line?
!: )7*,;,(& 2: )7*&$&&$ ,: )7*,;R(: D: SY-LISEL
9C. The following statement writes what type of data o8je0t?
:R$T#: /1 'Total !mount:'.
A: Te/t lite+al 2: TeEt Faria8le ,: $n*0ode 0omment 3: TeEt integer
9J. +or the 0ode 8elow5 se0ond_field is of what data type?
3!T!: first_field type 5 se0ond_field liIe first_field.
A: P
2: ,
,: %
3: 3
?<. :hi0h of the following des0ri8es the internal representation of a type 3 data o8je0t?
!: 33""7777
2: 777733""
,: ""337777
?1. ! 23, program is used for all of the following eE0ept:
A: D,0(l,adi(- data t, a l,&al file
2: 3ata interfa0es 8etween )! and eEternal systems
,: $nitial data transfer
3: #ntering a large amount of data
?4. $n regard to #R+(R"5 whi0h of the following is %(T a true statement?
!: "ay 8e used within a su8routine.
2: ReBuires a0tual parameters.
C: Re&)+si'e &alls a+e all,0ed i( ABAP#
3: ,an 0all a su8routine in another program.
?3. :hat is the transa0tion 0ode for the !2! #ditor?
!: )#11
B: SE12
,: )#3A
3: )#1A
?9. $n regard to @$3#5 whi0h of the following is %(T a true statement?
!: )aFes the 0ontents of Faria8les in relation to a list line's row num8er.
2: The hidden Faria8les must 8e output on a list line.
C: T3e 4IDE a+ea is +et+ie'ed 03e( )si(- t3e READ LINE state.e(t.
3: The @$3# area is retrieFed when an intera0tiFe eFent is triggered.
??. 3ata8ase lo0Is are suffi0ient in a multi*user enFironment.
!: True
B: False
?A. The 0omplete te0hni0al definition of a ta8le field is determined 8y the field's:
A: D,.ai(
2: +ield name
,: 3ata type
3: 3ata element
?D. $n regard to &#!6#5 whi0h of the following is %(T a true statement?
A: $a5 be )sed t, +et)+( i..ediatel5 t, a &alli(- *+,-+a..
2: "ay 8e used to stop the 0urrent loop pass and get the neEt.
,: "ay 8e used to start a new transa0tion.
3: "ay 8e used to go to the neEt s0reen.
?C. The following 0ode indi0ates:
)#&#,T fldA fld3 fld4 fld1 +R(" ta81 $%T( ,(RR#)(%3$%- +$#&3) (+ T!2&# ita8
:@#R# fld3 = pfld3.
A: T3e ,+de+ ,f t3e fields i( itab d,es (,t .atte+#
2: +ill the header line of ita85 8ut not the 8ody.
,: Ta8le ita8 0an only 0ontain fields also in ta8le ta81.
3: %one of the a8oFe.
?J. The !2! statement 8elow indi0ates that the program should 0ontinue with the neEt line of 0ode if the internal
ta8le ita8:
,@#,H %(T ita8KL $) $%$T$!&.
!: ,ontains no rows
B: C,(tai(s at least ,(e +,0
,: @as a header line
3: @as an empty header line
A<. :hat will 8e output 8y the following 0ode?
3!T!: 2#-$% (+ ita8 (,,;R) <5 fFal type i5 #%3 (+ ita8.
ita8*fFal = 1. !#%3 ita8.
ita8*fFal = 4. !#%3 ita8.
+R## ita8.
:R$T#: /1 ita8*fFal.
A: !
2: <
,: 8lanI
3: 1
A1. To allow the user to enter a range of Falues on a sele0tion s0reen5 use the !2! Ieyword:
!: 3!T!.
2: R!%-#).
,: !R!"#T#R).
A4. $f an internal ta8le is de0lared without a header line5 what else must you de0lare to worI with the ta8le's rows?
!: !nother internal ta8le with a header line.
B: A 0,+6 a+ea 0it3 t3e sa.e st+)&t)+e as t3e i(te+(al table#
,: !n internal ta8le type using the T7#) statement.
3: ! !R!"#T#R.
A3. !ssuming an internal ta8le 0ontains 4<<< entries5 how many entries will it haFe after the following line of 0ode
is eEe0uted?
3#&#T# ita8 +R(" 1?<< T( 1D<<.
!: This is a syntaE error.
2: 1C<1
,: 1C<<
D: 1788
A9. To remoFe lines from a data8ase ta8le5 use ____.
!: ;3!T#
2: "(3$+7
,: #R!)#
A?. !ll of the following may 8e performed using )#T ,;R)(R eE0ept:
!: "oFe the 0ursor to a spe0ifi0 field on a list.
2: "oFe the 0ursor to a spe0ifi0 list line.
C: $,'e t3e &)+s,+ t, a s*e&ifi& *)s3b)tt,( a&ti'ati(- t3at f)(&ti,(.
3: "oFe the 0ursor to a spe0ifi0 row and 0olumn on a list.
AA. :hen is it optional to pass an a0tual parameter to a reBuired formal parameter of a fun0tion module?
!: The a0tual parameter is type ,.
2: The formal parameter 0ontains a default Falue.
,: The formal parameter's MNReferen0eMN attri8ute is turned on.
D: It is (e'e+ ,*ti,(al#
AD. ,oding two $%$T$!&$'!T$(% eFents will 0ause a syntaE error.
!: True
B: False
AC. !dding a ,(""$T :(RH statement 8etween )#&#,T_#%3)#&#,T is a good method for improFing
!: True
B: False
AJ. To saFe information on a list line for use after the line is sele0ted5 use this Ieyword.
!: !#%3
2: #>(RT
,: :R$T#
D<. To 8ypass automati0 field input 0he0Is5 in0lude this in !$.
2: (% $%;T
,: (% R#G;#)T
3: &#!6# T( ),R##% <.
D1. :ithin a fun0tion module's sour0e 0ode5 if the "#))!-#_R!$)$%- statement is eEe0uted5 all of the following
system fields are filled automati0ally eE0ept:
!: )7*")-T7
2: )7*")-%(
,: )7*")-61
D4. The following 0ode indi0ates:
R#(RT '&$)TT)T.
:R$T#: teEt*<<1.
+(R"!T @(T)(T (%.
:R$T#: teEt*<<4.
+(R"!T @(T)(T (++.
!T &$%#*)#&#,T$(%.
:R$T# / teEt*<<3.
!: TeEt*<<4 may not 8e sele0ted.
2: The Falue of teEt*<<4 is stored in a spe0ial memory area.
C: Te/t-;;! .a5 be &li&6ed ,(&e t, t+i--e+ t3e ,)t*)t ,f te/t-;;1#
3: %one of the a8oFe.
D3. The ____ type of !2! 3i0tionary Fiew 0onsists of one or more transparent ta8les and may 8e a00essed 8y
an !2! program using (pen )G&.
A: Database 'ie0
2: roje0tion Fiew
,: @elp Fiew
3: #ntity Fiew
D9. ! 0on0rete field is asso0iated with a field*sym8ol Fia !2! Ieyword
!: "(6#
2: :R$T#
3: 6!&;#
D?. The output for the following 0ode will 8e:
report za8aprg.
3!T!: 0har_field type ,.
0har_field = '!2! data'.
:R$T# 0har_field.
!: !2! data
B: A
,: %othing5 there is a syntaE error
3: %one of the a8oFe
DA. age footers are 0oded in the eFent:
!: T(*(+*!-#.
2: #%3*(+*)#&#,T$(%.
,: %#:*!-#.
DD. The eFent !T )#&#,T$(%*),R##% (;T;T. o00urs 8efore the sele0tion s0reen is displayed and is the 8est
eFent for assigning default Falues to sele0tion 0riteria.
!: True
B: False
DC. The T!2&#) statement de0lares a data o8je0t.
!: True
B: False
DJ. !ssuming ta81*fldD is not a Iey field5 how 0an you preFent reading all the ta8le rows?
)#&#,T fld1 fld4 fld3 +R(" ta81 $%T( /fld95 fld?5 fldA1
:@#R# fldD = pfldD.
:R$T#: /1 fld95 fld?5 fldA.
A: Ta6e fld7 ,)t ,f t3e :4ERE &la)se#
2: ,reate an indeE in the !2! 3i0tionary for ta81*fldD.
,: ;se $%T( T!2&# instead of just $%T(.
3: TaIe the :R$T# statement out of the )#&#,T_#%3)#&#,T.
C<. :hi0h of the following is %(T a reBuired attri8ute when 0reating an !2! program?
!: !ppli0ation
2: Title
C: Stat)s
3: Type
C1. :hen 0reating a transparent ta8le in the !2! 3i0tionary5 whi0h step automati0ally 0reates the ta8le in the
underlying data8ase?
!: !dding te0hni0al settings to the ta8le
2: ,he0Iing the ta8le syntaE
,: )aFing the ta8le
D: A&ti'ati(- t3e table
C4. :ithin the !2! program attri8utes5 Type = 1 represents:
!: $%,&;3# program
B: O(li(e *+,-+a.
,: "odule pool
3: +un0tion group
#: )u8routine pool
C3. $f this 0ode results in an error5 the remedy is:
)#&#,T fld1 );"/ fld1 1 +R(" ta81 $%T(_
!: RemoFe the spa0es from );"/ fld1 1.
2: "oFe );"/ fld1 1 8efore fld1.
,: !dd -R(; 27 f1.
3: ,hange to );"/ 3$)T$%,T f1 1.
C9. :hi0h Ieyword adds rows to an internal ta8le while a00umulating numeri0 Falues?
!: $%)#RT
2: !#%3
3: -R(;
C?. !ssuming ita8 has a header line5 what will 8e output 8y the following 0ode?
R#!3 T!2&# ita8 $%3#> 3 TR!%)(RT$%- field1.
:R$T#: /1 ita8*field15 ita8*field4.
!: The 0ontents of the third row's ita8*field1.
B: T3e &,(te(ts ,f t3e t3i+d +,0<s itab-field1 a(d itab-field!.
,: The 0ontents of the third row's ita8*field4.
3: %othing.
CA. The following 0ode indi0ates:
)#&#,T$(%*),R##% 2#-$% (+ 2&(,H 21.
!R!"#T#R): myparam/1<1 type ,5
"yparam4/1<1 type %5
)#&#,T$(%*),R##% #%3 (+ 2&(,H.
A: D+a0 a b,/ a+,)(d .5*a+a. a(d .5*a+a.! ,( t3e sele&ti,( s&+ee(#
2: !llow myparam and myparam4 to 8e ready for input during an error dialog.
,: 3o not display myparam and myparam4 on the sele0tion s0reen.
3: 3isplay myparam and myparam4 only if 8oth fields haFe default Falues.
CD. :hi0h statement will sort the data of an internal ta8le with fields +R;$T5 GT75 and R$,# so that it appears as
+R;$T GT7 R$,#
!pples 14 44.?<
!pples J 1C.4?
(ranges 1? 1D.3?
2ananas 4< 1<.4<
2ananas 1? A.CJ
2ananas ? 4.D?
!: )(RT ita8 3#),#%3$%- 27 GT7 R$,#.
2: )(RT ita8 27 R$,# +R;$T.
,: )(RT ita8.
CC. :hi0h Ieyword adds a line anywhere within an internal ta8le?
!: !#%3
2: "(3$+7
,: !33
CJ. To read a single line of an internal ta8le5 use the following:
!: &(( !T ita8. _ #%3&((.
2: R#!3 ita8.
,: )#&#,T )$%-&# O +R(" ita8.
J<. :hi0h (pen )G& statement should not 8e used with 0luster data8ases?
!: ;3!T#
2: "(3$+7
,: 3#&#T#
J1. To in0lude a field on your s0reen that is not in the !2! 3i0tionary5 whi0h in0lude program should 0ontain the
data de0laration for the field?
!: 2( module in0lude program
B: TOP i(&l)de *+,-+a.
,: !$ module in0lude program
3: )u8routine in0lude program
J4. This flow logi0 statement is used to maIe multiple fields open for input after an error or warning message.
!: -R(;
2: +$#&3*-R(;
,: ,@!$%
J3. -iFen:
#R+(R" su8routine ;)$%- Far.
The Far field is Inown as what type of parameter?
!: +ormal
B: A&t)al
,: )tati0
3: 6alue

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