This document provides a list of 20 experiments for an Introduction to PHP using IDE lab. The experiments cover basic PHP concepts like conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, classes, exceptions, forms and file handling. Some key experiments include writing a program to check if a number is even or odd, creating a calculator using switch case, creating a login form, converting decimal to binary, defining a Student class, and handling invalid data in a function to calculate average marks.
This document provides a list of 20 experiments for an Introduction to PHP using IDE lab. The experiments cover basic PHP concepts like conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, classes, exceptions, forms and file handling. Some key experiments include writing a program to check if a number is even or odd, creating a calculator using switch case, creating a login form, converting decimal to binary, defining a Student class, and handling invalid data in a function to calculate average marks.
This document provides a list of 20 experiments for an Introduction to PHP using IDE lab. The experiments cover basic PHP concepts like conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, classes, exceptions, forms and file handling. Some key experiments include writing a program to check if a number is even or odd, creating a calculator using switch case, creating a login form, converting decimal to binary, defining a Student class, and handling invalid data in a function to calculate average marks.
This document provides a list of 20 experiments for an Introduction to PHP using IDE lab. The experiments cover basic PHP concepts like conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, classes, exceptions, forms and file handling. Some key experiments include writing a program to check if a number is even or odd, creating a calculator using switch case, creating a login form, converting decimal to binary, defining a Student class, and handling invalid data in a function to calculate average marks.
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Fall, 2011-12
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Introduction to PHP using IDE I!"101# List of Experiments for the Lab 1$ Introduction to %asic H&"' tags$ 2$ (rite a Program to c)ec* and print +)et)er a gi,en num%er is e,en or odd$ -$ (rite a program to compute net amount from t)e gi,en .uantit/ purc)ased and rate per .uantit/$ Discount 0101 is allo+ed if t)e .uantit/ purc)ased e2ceeds 100$ 3$ (rite a program to find largest among t)ree num%ers using ternar/ operators$ 4$ (rite a program to print sum of digits of a gi,en num%er$ using +)ile loop# 5$ (rite a program to print Fi%onacci series upto a gi,en num%er$ 6$ (rite a program to enter num%ers till t)e user +ants$ 7t t)e end it s)ould displa/ t)e count of positi,e, negati,e and 8eros entered$ 9sing do-+)ile loop# :$ (rite a function count(ords ;str# t)at ta*es an/ string of c)aracters and finds t)e <um%er of times eac) +ord occurs$ =ou s)ould ignore t)e distinction %et+een capital and lo+ercase letters$ >$ Create a form +it) one te2t field and su%mit %uttons for string lengt), string reverse and uppercase, lowercase, string replace. Display the result accordingly. 10$ (rite a "enu-Dri,en program to implement a calculator +)ic) performs onl/ addition, su%traction, multiplication and di,ision$ &)e operation s)ould )appen %ased on t)e user c)oice$ use s+itc) case# 11$ (rite a function to s+ap t+o string ,alues using call %/ ,alue and call %/ references$ 12$ (rite a program t)at +ill accept an arra/ of integers as input, and output an arra/ +)ere for eac) item in t)e source arra/, t)e ne+ arra/ +ill perform t)e follo+ing operations? For e,en num%ers di,ide %/ 2 For odd num%ers multipl/ %/ - 1-$ Create an associati,e arra/ using t)e countries as *e/s, t)e cities as ,alues and transform it into 2-dimensional arra/ and displa/ t)e data as a ta%le$ 13$ @i,en t+o strings 7 and !, )o+ +ould /ou find out if t)e c)aracters in ! +ere a su%set of t)e c)aracters in 7A 14$ (rite a program t)at create a file and +rite contents to it and displa/ it$ &)en append some data to it$ 15$ Create a login form +it) t+o te2t fields called BloginC and Bpass+ordC$ ()en user enters B@algotiasC as a user name and Buni,ersit/C as a pass+ord it s)ould %e redirected to a (elcome$H&"' page or to Sorr/$H&"' in case of +rong usernameDpass+ord$ 16$ (rite a PHP program using Ea,a Script to con,ert t)e decimal num%er to its %inar/ e.ui,alent$ =ou must use a form to accept t)e num%er from t)e user$ 1:$ (rite a PHP code t)at define class Student +it) attri%utes Foll<o, <ame, !ranc), and =ear, create - instances of it, sets t)e ,alues of eac) instance appropriatel/ and print t)e ,alues of all attri%utes$ 1>$ (rite a function calculate7,erage ) +)ic) ta*es four int arguments +)ic) are mar*s for four courses in t)e semester and returns t)eir a,erage as a float$ &)e calculate7,erage ) function s)ould ta*e onl/ ,alid range for mar*s +)ic) is %et+een 0 - 100$ If t)e mar*s are out of range is s)ould t)ro+ an GutGfFangeE2ception and )andles it$ 20$ Create a form +it) a te2t %o2 as*ing to enter /our fa,orite cit/ +it) a su%mit %utton +)en t)e user enters t)e cit/ and clic*s t)e su%mits %utton anot)er p)p page s)ould %e opened displa/ing B(elcome to t)e cit/C$
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