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Parking Lot Monitoring System99.9

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Finding a parking space is a perennial source of frustration. College
campuses are especially prone to parking shortages. Tough competition between
students for a limited number of parking spaces compels students to arrive well in
advance in their preferred time. Shopping malls display an apparently useless
excess of parking spaces. In contrast to such public institution as state universities
and downtown retailing districts, which have too little parking, malls seem to go to
ridiculous extremes with their acres of parking lots which are never fill except for
arking studies recogni!e the importance of planning for a sufficient "cushion#
in excess of the necessary spaces. $owever, these studies are mostly concerned
with the smooth flow of vehicles in and out of the parking area and unforeseen
circumstances such as minor construction. The study by %egional Center lan says,
&Thus, a supply of parking operates at peak efficiency when occupancy is '() to
*+),. -hen occupancy exceeds this level, there may be delays and frustration in
finding a space. The parking supply may be perceived as inade.uate even though
there are spaces available in the system.
arking is an essential component of the transportation system. /ehicles
must park at every destination. 0 typical automobile is parked 12 hours each day,
and uses several parking spaces each week. arking convenience affects the ease of
reaching destination and therefore overall accessibility.
To easily find an unoccupied parking space in larger car park is a problem for
many drivers. 3uring the last four decades, there are many parking models that are
develop but the models still cannot solve the parking problem. 0nother problem in
parking system is about security system. The problem is about how to make sure
that the car is safe and this kind of problem involves the security system.
Conventionally speaking, it is customary built for the parking lot business
that uses manual strategy than computeri!ed. Some parking lot uses manual
strategy in their process to their customers that sometimes can make the customer
angry because their service is inefficient and can cause inconvenience. -ith the
present monitoring system, you can actually resolve any miscalculations due to
using the manual based strategy.
So we made a system that will help drivers to find a parking space easily and
at the same time secure safety with their vehicles. This system is especially design
for private parking spaces only. It will be monitored by the personnel in charge at
the same time using the security system in monitoring. 0 designated place is being
given to the driver as soon as the vehicle enters the premises. The design of the
system consists of six blocks with two areas in each block. There are colors
assigned, white for &vacant, and orange for &occupied,.
4sing of computeri!ed type of parking monitoring system will be of great
advantage on both parties. There will be fast, accurate and sufficient service being
served to the client and it guarantees less traffic. -e choose this system to help
the owner of the parking space to improve their process and transactions regarding
their parking services and greater revenue in the business.
Theoretical Background
This theory is anchored on the theory of ossibility Theory 56ang78hi 9iu
2++2:. This article presents a discrete choice model for evaluating parking users#
behavior. This approach is an alternative way to represent imperfect knowledge
5uncertainty: of users about parking and transportation system status, as well as
the approximate reasoning of the human decision maker 5imprecision: and in order
to explicitly take into account imprecision and uncertainty underlying a user;s
choice process. The resulting model is a .uantitative soft computing tool that could
support traffic analysts in planning parking policies and 0dvanced Traveler
Information Systems. In fact, effects of information on user choice can be
incorporated into the model itself. Thus, we consider the parking user be a decision
maker who assumes a certain choice set 5set of perceived parking alternatives:< the
user has some information about the parking supply system and he=she associates
each parking alternative with an approximate perceived cost=utility that is
represented by a possibility distribution< and, finally, the user chooses the
alternative which minimi!es=maximi!es his=her perceived parking cost=utility. The
results show how the model is able to represent the effect of various parking
policies on users# behavior and how the single component of parking policy affects
the decision process.
arking 9ot >onitoring System is build for monitoring a parking area,
detecting parking spots, recording data and to make sure that the car park is safe.
The purpose of the study is to eliminate the problems occur in ?entong#s parking
current system and at the same time by maintaining the good .uality of their
service. Through this study they can improve their customer#s service and build a
long lasting customer relationship. The proposed system covers mainly in
monitoring, other existing system of the business such as the payroll and income of
the business are no longer under the concern of the proposed system.
arking systems were developed in the early 2+th century in response to the
need for storage space for vehicles. 3uring recent years there has been a growing
appreciation of the importance of parking issues in the overall context of urban
transport problems.
arking is an essential component of the transportation system. /ehicles
must park at every destination. 0 typical automobile is parked 2@ hours each day,
and uses several parking spaces each week. arking convenience affects the ease of
reaching destinations and therefore affects overall accessibility. arking facilities are
a maAor cost to society, and parking conflicts are among the most common
problems facing designers, operators, planners and other officials. Such problems
can be often defined either in terms of supply 5too few spaces are available,
somebody must build more: or in terms of management 5available facilities are
used inefficiently and should be better managed:.
>any facets of parking are interrelated. arking programs usually evolve
from parking studies that determine the supply of parking and the current demand,
as well as estimates of future parking demand. arking facility planning and design
re.uires a determination of the number of spaces needed, the proper location for
these spaces, and a workable layout with acceptable operating controls. In addition,
other factors need to be considered, such as characteristics of the transportation
system and users, transportation attractions and generators, and transportation
The choice of parking type and location is a common place decision problem
tackled daily by many drivers. These studies have shown that parking choices are
typically the outcome of a complex interaction between individual drivers parking
preferences, their prior knowledge of the characteristics of the parking stock, the
instantaneous availability of parking opportunities and prevailing traffic conditions.
>anual parking monitoring system has its flaws, like in getting the customer
details 5plate number, type of vehicle and model:. There will be information
mismatch in their current system they are using. -hat we are proposing is a
computeri!ed parking monitoring system that can be the solution with these
problems that can occur for the effectiveness of their business.
Computeri!ed parking monitoring system is an effective way to ease the flaws in
the manual system. In our proposed system, the employee will get the customer
details when he=she wants to park and be directed if there is an available space.
Related Studie
Bestor %eyes 52++(: automated parking lot monitoring system 509>S: help people
find parking spots .uickly, thereby reducing frustration and enhancing the visitor#s
%odrigo 9aveste 52++C: arking studies recogni!e the importance of planning for a
sufficient cushion in excess of necessary spaces.
$arry 8eigler 51**C: the impact of automated parking monitoring system has been
tremendous, it has not only made parking easier and faster, but it has improved
customer satisfaction and reduced illegal parking.
The Chittenden County >etropolitan lanning Drgani!ation 52++1: engaged -ilbur
Smith 0ssociates to perform a study of parking issues at ?urlington International
0irport 5?I0: and to develop a range of alternative concepts for passenger and
employee accessibility to the airport.
%esidential Car Traffic %esearch in 4rban Settlements in Bingbo 52+11: ?ased on
the transformation of residential .uarters, the construction of parking lots can be
more users friendly and improve the landscape when we aim to make the public
service and environment match.
Sigua 52++': discussed and elucidated on the parking monitoring system in the
hilippines and traffic accident analysis, in which ongoing studies are anticipated to
improve incident management strategies.
Ehsan 52++': &?usiness is continually striving to upgrade their service and increase
their return on investment. It is therefore not surprising that the .uality or parking
lots is increasing in importance,.
>ohammad 52++': In order for a business such as a mall to maximi!e revenue and
profits, it is vital that the parking lot be efficient for shoppers because a business
with &in efficient parking facilities could lose hundreds of thousands of proud in
retail business every year,.
State!ent o" the Pro#le!
?entong#s parking business always encountered delay of process in their
current system which greatly affected their daily operations. The current system is
ineffective and slow because the means of transaction is by manual rather than
using computeri!ed system.
1: 3elay of rocess
1.1 3ue to slow monitoring and non7computeri!ed system, many
customers are stuck and not satisfied with their parking services.
2: Inaccurate 3ata Entry
2.1 9ack of proper information for motorists on parking availability and
parking rate.
@: 9ack of Fuality Service
@.1 oor service means waste of time, effort, energy and revenues.
$eature o" good Parking S%te!
1: 3elay of process will be eliminated
1.1 4sing of computeri!ed system in their business, it will help to speed
up their process.
2: Inaccurate data entry will be minimi!ed
2.1 roper dissemination of information about the parking services and
guidelines to the motorist will speed up the flow of traffic within the
@: 9ack of .uality service will be resolved
@.1Systematic parking lot monitoring system will save time and give
.uality service to the motorists.
Signi"icance o" the tud%
Dur proposed system is all about arking and >onitoring System of ?entong#s
parking business. The proposed system aimed to benefit the following owner,
customers, employees, and future researcher.
Dwner G This study is very beneficial mostly important to the owner. It is
useful for their parking business to make their work easier.
Customers G It is also very important to the customers because it is
accurate, more convenient and hassle free.
Employees G It will help the employees make their work faster, much easier
and extend .uality service.
%esearchers G -e as researchers will be benefited because through this
parking system, we can able to gain more knowledge on how to manage a
business like parking lot business and how to produce fast, reliable and easy
parking system work.
Future %esearcher G It can help them to use this as their reference in the
The Reearch Methodolog%
-e as the researchers who conducted the study decided to use the
descriptive method. It is a method that the researcher has to use a facts or
information already available and analy!e these to make a critical evaluation of
the material. It attempts to describe and explain conditions of the present by
using a subAect and .uestionnaires to fully describe a phenomenon and collect
data to answer the .uestions. For this purpose .uestionnaires were used to
elicit the responses and the drivers who always park in ?entong#s parking area
were selected as the respondents.
The said .uestionnaires simply asked the respondents about the common
problems they encountered in the parking area, the .uality of service of the
management and how they handled it. The data that will be collected, presented,
analy!ed and interpreted as the bases for the design and development of
Computeri!ed arking 9ot >onitoring System for ?entong#s parking business.
Reearch Deign
In&ut Proce Out&ut
encountered in the
present system
The features of a
arking 9ot >onitoring
3escriptive method
using .uestionnaires,
interviews, observations
and document analysis

Hathering of 3ata
rocessing of 3ata
0nalysis and
Interpretation of 3ata
arking 9ot >onitoring
$igure '( Reearch $lo)
Reearch En*iron!ent
?entong#s parking lot business is owned by >r. Sundee 0nthony . 0lve! way
back in 0pril 11, 2++2. >r. 0lve! came up of an idea to use his vacant lot to build a
parking lot for his business. 0 parking lot that is essential to him and to his
neighbors who don#t have proper spaces to park their vehicles. ?ecause of rampant
gambling in his place which took place in his own lot, he decided to build a parking
lot out from it. It is also highly urbani!ed and most residents owned a vehicle but
lack of parking spaces which motivates him to provide his area a parking space for
?entong#s parking lot area is located at Sitio Saging, Cambaro, >andaue City
near Duano -arf. It is strategically located in >andaue City as center for economics
and religious activities take place.
Reearch Re&ondent
3uring our research, our respondents are the company owner, employees
and the customers. >r. Sundee 0nthony . 0lve! the owner of the parking business
answers all the .uestions we asked from the background of their company until to
their business processes. $e is a decent man and at the same time accommodating
during the research was conducted.
The drivers answered the .uestionnaire to the best of their ability as to help
us gather the necessary information about the existing problem and to help us
come up a solution to the problem presented.
Ta#le '
1 I)
Employees 2 C)
Customers=3rivers 2( '*)
Total 2' 1++)
Reearch Intru!ent
The instruments being used in our research is the .uestionnaires, laptop and
internet connection< we used this when we conduct a survey to the customers and
when we interviewed the owner of the parking business. 3uring in the survey we
asked .uestions about the common problems they encountered in the parking area
and the .uality of service of the management. -hile in the interview, we asked
.uestions with regards to their existing system, the problems they encountered,
and other information with regards to our study.
Reearch Procedure
-e the researchers, planned to conduct a study at ?entong#s parking lot and
then we made .uestionnaires that will be used for the interview and survey form.
Then we went to the location for the gathering of data through survey. The data
that will be gathered will be used for the interpretation of data and solutions of their
problems with regards to the existing system.
Data /athering
-e have gathered much information from our chosen company. -e gathered
data through having a personal interview to the owner and conducting a survey to
the drivers. First, we waited for the letter of approval from the school to conduct a
study at ?entong#s parking lot. Then after the approval we formulated .uestions to
be used in gathering data. There was a fast and sufficient time conducted during
the interview and survey because of the cooperation and support from the
Second, we conducted a survey to the customers and asked them also about
the common problems they encountered in the parking lot and the .uality of service
they get from the management. 9astly, the use of gadgets and the Internet made
our study easy and possible.
Through this, we successfully accomplished our obAectives which are to know
the existing problem, poor service, and find a solution that answers to the need of
the respondents.
Treat!ent o" Data
0ccording to our research and survey, we found out that they mostly lacked
in .uality service in terms to needs of their customers. So, we made a solution that
will help their daily operations smooth flowing and there will be more revenues
coming because of the .uality they gave to them.
The data gathered on the existing system were processed, analy!ed,
interpreted and treated using fre.uencies, percentages and ranks.
Organi0ation o" the Stud%
Chapter 1 presents the roblem and Scope. This includes the %ationale of
The Study that explains the purpose of the study, followed by the Theoretical
?ackground that presents theories used for the study, its advantages and
disadvantages, and its benefits.
Statement of the roblem is also presented, enumerating the problems that
need a solution in order to achieve the goal of the study.
Significance of the Study presents the people or organi!ation that will
benefited the output of the study.
%esearch >ethodology presents the methods on how the researchers gather
data. This section includes %esearch Environment, %esearch %espondents, %esearch
Instruments and %esearch rocedures.
Chapter 2 discussed the resentation, 0nalysis and Interpretation of 3ata.
This chapter presents the results of the data gathering done by the researchers, its
analysis and interpretation.
Chapter @ presents the Technical Specification and 3esign. Specifically, this
includes the System 3evelopment 9ife Cycle5S39C:, System user, $ardware and
Software Specification, roAect Schedule, 0nalysis hase, Information Hathering,
0naly!e 4ser Beeds, Functional %e.uirements, System 3esign, System Functions,
Implementation hase and System Dverview which includes rogram 3esign, 3ata
Flow 3iagram, and rocess Specification< and lastly this chapter presents the
3atabase 3esign. Sample output is also presented as the result or output of the
new system.
Chapter I presents the Summary Findings, Conclusions of the study and
provides %ecommendation to future researchers.
Dela% o" &roce 7 Is a commencement scheduled activity of something that
occurs in impedes of its stage that affects the se.uence of interdependent and
linked procedures.
Inaccurate data entr% 7 Containing data errors that affects the heading of an
index under which a record is located and can be searched and identified.
Lack o" 1ualit% er*ice G It#s a service that does not meet the needs of a
customer and usually it is inefficient state of operation in various systems
Tran!ittal Letter
3ecember C, 2+12
>r. Sundee 0nthony . 0lve!
arking lot owner
?entong#s arking 9ot
San 0ntonio Street, Cambaro, >andaue City
3ear SirJ
0s part of my professional growth as a third year student I am currently enrolling a
%esearch subAect at the 4niversity Df Cebu 9apu79apu and >andaue for my
?achelor of Science in Information Technology course where in we will going to
conduct a proposal of a certain system in the company as a re.uirement of the said
subAect. Dur proposed title is &PAR2IN/ LOT MONITORIN/ S,STEM, for this
-ith this study will be a .great help for it will provide an efficient and effective
method of tracing and monitoring the graduates. In this premise, the undersigned
would like to ask permission from your good office to conduct this study. I#m
looking forward for your approval on this matter.
%espectfully yours,
S4B3EE 0BT$DBK . 09/E8 EITD FE%B0B3E8 L%.
0%D/E3 ?KJ %eceived byJ
Reearch Intru!ent
A.C., Cortes, Ave., Looc, Mandaue City
Tel no: 255-7777
+uetionnaire -"or the o)ner3e!&lo%ee.
1. In your current system, did you ever encountered problemsM
a. Kes b. Bo
2. 3o you have a solution if these problems occurredM
a. Kes b. Bo
@. Dn those problems you#ve mentioned, did it affect the daily operation of your
a. Kes b. Bo
I. 3o you have permanent customersM
a. Kes b. Bo
(. 3o you give receipts to the customers after their paymentM
a. Kes b. Bo
N. Is your business open for 2I hours a dayM
a. Kes b. Bo
+uetionnaire -"or the dri*er.
1. 0re you satisfied with the services they offered to youM
a. Kes b. Bo
2. 3id they have a hard time in processing your data entryM
a. Kes b. Bo
@. $ave you encountered delays in process due to their offered servicesM
a. Kes b. Bo
I. 3id they have a strict policy in accepting customersM
a. Kes b. Bo
(. 3id they have a secured parking area facilityM
a. Kes b. Bo
N. 0re their services efficient and hassle7freeM
a. Kes b. Bo
Location Ma&
Cha&ter II
This chapter presents the information obtained from the survey conducted by
the researchers to the owner, employees and customers of ?entong#s parking. The
researchers made .uestionnaire to the respondents to gather data which aimed to
answer the problems that are being used in this study. The responses of the
respondents that will be presented in the following sections of this chapter were
based on the following categoriesJ causes of delay process, inaccurate data entry
and lack of .uality of service. The collected data were then computed, analy!ed and
interpreted using statistical formula such as fre.uencies and percentages. The
appropriate of designing and developing the parking lot monitoring system of
?entong#s parking lies on the result of the survey which will be discussed in the
following sections.
Dela% o" &roce in Bentong5 &arking to the cuto!er
Ta#le 6
Dwner Employees Customers Total
Kes 1 1 2+ 22 C*)
Bo 7 1 ( N 21)
Total 1 2 2( 2' 1++)
0s seen in Table 2, >ost of the respondents are stuck in and not satisfied with their
parking services.
Inaccurac% o" Data Entr% in Bentong5 &arking
Ta#le 7
Dwner Employee Customers Total
Kes 1 1 2@ 2( '*)
Bo 7 1 2 @ 11)
Total 1 2 2( 2' 1++)
0s seen in Table @, >ost of the respondents are experiencing inaccuracy of data
entry that greatly affects the flow of the existing system.
Lack o" +ualit% Ser*ice in Bentong5 &arking
Ta#le 8
Dwner Employee Customers Total
Kes 1 7 2( 2N *@)
Bo 7 2 7 2 C)
Total 1 2 2( 2' 1++)
0s shown in Table I, >ost of the respondents are not satisfied with the kind of
.uality service in the said parking business.
$eature o" a good &arking lot !onitoring %te!
Features ercentage5p: %ank Customers Employees Dwner Total
Systematic 1I 2 1 1C N+) 2
12 1 1 1I (+) @
0ccessibility 1' 1 1 2+ C1) 1
Ta#le 9
The table above shows that 0ccessible ranked 1 which has a percentage of C1).
Bext is Systematic which ranked 2 has a percentage of N+) and lastly, 0ccurate
which has a percentage of (+) at ranked @.
arking is one of the maAor problems that are created by the increasing road
traffic. It is an impact of transport development. The availability of less space in
urban areas has increased the demand for parking space especially in areas like
Central business district. This affects the mode choice also. This has a great
economical impact.
?efore taking any measures for the betterment of conditions, data regarding
availability of parking space, extent of its usage and parking demand is essential. It
is also re.uired to estimate the parking fares also. arking surveys are intended to
provide all these information. Since the duration of parking varies with different
vehicles, several statistics are used to access the parking need.

Cha&ter III
This chapter presents the technical aspects of the arking lot monitoring
system for ?entong#s parking. This chapter is divided into two main sections. The
first section discusses the concept of the System 3evelopment 9ife Cycle 5S39C:
>odel as the basis of developing any applications such as information systems. The
second section discusses the details on how the arking 9ot >onitoring System is
being developed as it closely follows the se.uence of activities defined in S39C.
$igure '( S%te! De*elo&!ent Li"e C%cle -SDLC.
0ccording to ollard, et. al. 52++C:, System 3evelopment 9ife Cycle 5S39C: is the
entire process of building, deploying, using, and updating an information system.
Today, there are various S39C approaches for the developer to choose from. ?ut in
this study, it utili!es the waterfall approach. The waterfall approach assumes that
the various phases 5see Figure 1: of a proAect can be carried out and completed
entirely se.uentially. The five main phases of the S39C includes proAect planning,
analysis, design, implementation and maintenance phase.
Pro:ect Planning Phae; The roAect lanning hase focuses principally on
re.uired proAect planning work. In this
phase, the current problems of the parking lot business were identified, analy!ed
and came up with plans on how to solve the said problems.
S%te! Sco&e and O#:ecti*e; Dur main obAective in implementing the arking
9ot >onitoring System is to give an efficient and accurate system that will help the
employee of the ?entong#s parking through adapting with computer technology.
This system is exclusively for the parking lot business only.
Technical S&eci"ication
E1ui&!ent and So"t)are Ued; Thee.uipment and software re.uirements to
design and develop the arking lot monitoring system are the followingJ
Hard)are Re1uire!ent
?elow is the list of hardware needed to design and develop the systemJ
1. 1 unit 0dmin C
rocessorJ Intel entium I 1.C+ H$! or more
>emoryJ 1 H? or more
$ard 3iskJ 12+ H? or more
Dperating SystemJ -indows P
So"t)are Re1uire!ent
The interface of the system is designed and developed using the following
1. >icrosoft /isual Studio 2++( G for coding and system design
2. 0dobe hotoshop CS@ G image design for the layouts of the system
@. SF9 Server 2++( G for the database
I. >icrosoft /isio 2++C G system flowchart and context diagram
Pro:ect Schedule; This section shows the maAor activities and time
allocated to each specific activity in the development of the arking 9ot
>onitoring System. Dur proAect was estimated to run for four months from
information gathering to the finali!ation of the prototype.
$igure 6; Pro:ect Schedule
Anal%i Phae; The analysis phase defines the re.uirements of the system,
independent of how these re.uirements will be accomplished. This phase defines
the problem that the customer is trying to solve. In
this phase, the problems defined in the previous phase were examined in a greater
detail. The researcher gathers information from the involved entities through
distributing .uestionnaires to capture specific details of the system. The gathered
data were analy!ed to identify their problems encountered and fully understand the
present system in customer entry and monitoring. The suggestions on what good
features the system must have were also considered.
S%te! Deign; This section presents the activities carried out by the researchers
associated in designing the desktop application parking lot monitoring system such
us designing the entire system architecture, the functionalities of the system, the
database and the interface.
$igure 7; S%te! Architecture Deign
S%te! $unction; This section shows the over7all operation in the system of the
following entities and the arking 9ot >onitoring System itself. These functionalities
are described in the following figuresJ
$igure 8; Parking Lot Monitoring S%te! Conte<t Diagra!
The figure above shows how the entities are connected to each other in the system
and its end user of the ?entong#s parking. The design arking 9ot >onitoring
System will get the data from the database to allow authori!ed users to access
valuable information from the parking business.
$igure 9; Parking Lot Monitoring S%te! $lo)chart
Inter"ace Deign; This section shows the screenshots of the arking 9ot
>onitoring System for ?entong#s parking.
S+L connection Page
Login Page
E!&lo%ee Ho!e Page
Ad!in Ho!e Page
Cotu!er In
Cuto!er Recei&t
Cuto!er Out Con"ir!ation

Cuto!er Out Con"ir!
O)ner Print
Data#ae Deign. The system designers choose >ySF9 to build the database for
the design of arking 9ot >onitoring System. Each set of tables are composed of
primary keys, field names and data type which is being designed and used in the
Parking S%te! ';=
Parking S%te! ';'
I!&le!entation Phae. In this phase translates the designed system into codes.
The desktop7based system was written by researcher using a /isual Studio 2++(, a
H4I editor for windows application and >ySF9 for database storage that is
compatible with /isual ?asic.
3uring the system development a series of testing and debugging were made
to ensure it works properly and conforms to the system functionalities as defined in
analysis and designed phase. This system is for the employees of ?entong#s parking
to help with their daily business operations.
Maintenance Phae; If the system will be implemented, the researchers will
constantly monitor the operational life of the system. This phase further enhance
the system to deliver more satisfying services.
Cha&ter I>
This study aimed to analy!ed, develop a system and to create a solution to
?entong#s parking lot business.
This study specifically sought toJ
1) 3etermine the problems encountered in the current parking system.
1.13elay of process
1.2Inaccurate 3ata Entry
1.@9ack of Fuality Service
2) Identify the problems encountered by the owner, customers and employees
in the current parking system.
3) 3etermine the features of a good arking lot monitoring system.
4) 3esign and develop a arking lot monitoring system that will lessen the
problems of ?entong#s parking business.
In this study, the researcher used a descriptive research method that will
attempt to describe and explain conditions of the present by using a subAect and
.uestionnaires to fully describe a problem and collect data to answer the .uestions.
The information that is being used in the .uestionnaires is related to the existing
parking lot monitoring system. The .uestionnaire was then distributed to the
selected respondents. The researchers used simple random sampling method that
involves making a list of the people from which the sample of respondents 5people
that will be interviewed: is selected and this kind of method may be done by
computer or by hand. 0fter the data were gathered, they were presented, analy!ed,
and interpreted. Dbservation and interviews were also conducted to understand
further the subAect of the study.
The results and findings of the research study were used by the researcher
as reference and basis for the design and development of arking 9ot >onitoring
System of ?entong#s parking lot business.
The researcher made a transmittal letter addressed to the owner asking
permission to conduct a survey and allowing the researcher to gather data in
?entong#s parking lot business. 0fter the survey, the data that is being conducted
were analysed and interpreted. 9astly, the researcher designed and developed the
arking 9ot >onitoring System.
0fter the data were gathered, tabulated, analy!ed and interpreted the
researcher came up with the following findingsJ
The E<iting Parking Lot Monitoring S%te! o" Bentong5 Parking Lot in
ter! o" it Dela% o" Proce4 Inaccurate Data Entr%4 Lack +ualit% Ser*ice;
1. 3elay of process in terms of their accommodation and pending of customer#s
service due to their slow process.
2. Inaccurate data entry in terms of accepting data information, availability of
parking space and parking price.
@. 9ack of .uality service in terms of time consuming, effort and management
$eature o" a /ood Parking Lot Monitoring S%te!
1. The features of the proposed system offered a systematic, accurate and
accessible way of services.
?ased on the findings of the study, the researcher concludes that it is more
applicable to use the proposed arking lot monitoring system rather than the
existing system they are using. -ith this proposed system, it can minimi!e the
work load of the employee< it can also lessen the delays of their processes and
transactions. This parking system will also help the employees view the availability
of the parking space without supervising the area. Therefore, this system will help a
lot in terms of .uality of service and customer satisfaction. It is also accurate, fast
and more convenient to use.
0fter a thorough analysis of data, the following recommendations are hereby madeJ
1. This research study suggests that the management should use the proposed
system in order to resolve the problems they always encountered in their
existing system and to update their services in accurate and accessible way.
2. The management should change their business strategy in order to develop
a long7lasting customer relationship.
@. 0dapt the new technology today like purchasing gadgets that can help their
daily operations and to be able to compete with the other business.
I. The employees and owner should be oriented on how the system works.
(. Employees should carefully record the data of the customers to ensure that
their given information is secured.
N. They should have a regular monitoring in the system to minimi!e
reoccurrence of the problem.
>r. ?enAamin 3ayondon 5College Instructor in 0C9C College >andaue:
>s. Theresa Terariray7>ondoQedo 56indergarten Teacher in Saint Loseph 0cademy,
>andaue City:
Introduction to System 0nalysis and 3esign Third Edition by I.T. $awrys!kiewyc!
arking Structures 5lanning, 3esign, Construction, >aintenance, and %epair: Third
Edition by 0nthony . Crest, >ary S. Smith, Sam ?huyan, 3onald %. >onahan,
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