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Rebound Hammer

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Rebound hammer test is done to find out the compressive strength of concrete by using
rebound hammer as per IS: 13311 (Part 2) 1992. The underlying principle of the rebound
hammer test is
The rebound of an elastic mass depends on the hardness of the surface against which its
mass strikes. When the plunger of the rebound hammer is pressed against the surface of the
concrete, the pring-controlled mass rebounds and the extent of such a rebound depends
upon the surface hardness of the concrete. The surface hardness and therefore the rebound
is taken to be related to the compressive strength of the concrete. The rebound value is read
from a graduated scale and is designated as the rebound number or rebound index. The
compressive strength can be read directly from the graph provided on the body of the
Procedure to determine strength of hardened concrete by rebound hammer.

i) Before commencement of a test, the rebound hammer should be tested against the test
anvil, to get reliable results, for which the manufacturer of the rebound hammer indicates the
range of readings on the anvil suitable for different types of rebound hammer.
ii) Apply light pressure on the plunger it will release it from the locked position and allow it
to extend to the ready position for the test.
iii) Press the plunger against the surface of the concrete, keeping the instrument
perpendicular to the test surface. Apply a gradual increase in pressure until the hammer
impacts. (Do not touch the button while depressing the plunger. Press the button after
impact, in case it is not convenient to note the rebound reading in that position.)
iv) Take the average of about 15 readings.

Interpretation of Results
The rebound reading on the indicator scale has been calibrated by the manufacturer of the
rebound hammer for horizontal impact, that is, on a vertical surface, to indicate the
compressive strength. When used in any other position, appropriate correction as given by
the manufacturer is to be taken into account.


Rebound Hammer Testing (Schmidt hammer)

The strength of concrete is generally governed by the strength of the cement paste. Measurements of the strength of
the paste can therefore provide a reasonable assessment of the strength of the concrete.This strength can be
determined by inference from the elasticity of the concrete. A practical assessment of elasticity can be made on site by
measuring the rebound of a sprung hammer.

The surface of the concrete is cleaned to remove laitance and shutter board marks.
A series of twelve readings are taken with a 'Schmidt' hammer in a diamond pattern at the test point.
The hammer is pressed against the surface, loading the sprung mass, and releasing this at the end of the stroke.
The percentage rebound is measured by a latched rider on the side of the hammer.
Care is taken to avoid obvious anomalies such as blowholes or exposed aggregate.

The conversion of rebound number to compressive strength can be achieved by preparation of a calibration chart for
the concrete concerned. If this is not possible a crude assessment can be made from the manufacturers' data.
Attention must be paid to BS 1881 Pt.. 202 which states 'The use of universal calibrations, such as those produced
by the manufacturers of rebound hammers, can lead to serious errors and should be avoided'.
To produce a calibration graph the structure should be tested and locations selected for coring to represent the
greatest possible range of rebound numbers.
Cores should be removed from the rebound test location and their compressive strengths determined. Sufficient cores
should be taken to enable a correlation to be determined. The greater the number of cores the greater will be the
resulting accuracy.
The calibration chart may then be used to convert rebound numbers to cube strength. It is unlikely that 95%
confidence limits on the estimation of the in-situ concrete strength by rebound hammer will be better
than 25% under ideal conditions.
In the absence of such calibration, the interpretation of the rebound number is based upon data in the manufacturers
For a horizontal impact on a vertical surface the probable cube strength of the concrete can be estimated as:
fc = 0.0126 (R + 29.8) - 21.1 N/mm2
where R is the mean rebound number after discarding the highest and lowest values.
In practice the test is very dependent upon the surface condition and moisture content of the concrete as well as the
ratio of aggregate to cement paste. Under laboratory conditions, testing carefully cast cubes, it is possible to predict
the strength with some accuracy. The manufacturers own estimate of error gives 95% confidence bound as 70% at
low strength and 11% at very high strengths. In the useful range of 20 N/mm2 the error range for95% confidence is
quoted as 30% to 18% respectively.
The manufacturers quoted figures are for concrete in the range 7 to 56 days old. Acknowledgement is made of the
hardening of the surface layer with age, primarily due to carbonation. The rebound hammer tests a localised area of
concrete to a depth of perhaps 20 or 30mm. In the region the influence of the carbonation can be significant. Removal
of the carbonated concrete changes the test from being quick, simple and non-destructive to slow laborious and
cosmetically damaging. For these reasons the carbonation layer is rarely removed.
Moisture content can modify the modulus of elasticity by up to 25%(ref. 2 pp. 363). Poor surface condition will tend
to lower the rebound number.
Caution must be exercised when assessing a structure using results from rebound hammers. Where the moisture
content, surface condition and carbonation are likely to be consistent then it will have a benefit in its ability to detect
weaker areas of concrete. In external texture and near surface moisture contents the potential errors can exceed 50%
rendering the results less useful.

Operating Instructions - Concrete Test Hammer, Proceq 1989
Properties of Concrete. A. M. Neville 3rd Edition 1981
BS 1881 pt. 202:1986. Recommendations for Surface Hardness Testing by Rebound Hammer

While Rebound Hammer, CAPO/Pullout, Windsor probe and ultrasonic pulse
velocitytests give indirect evidence of concrete quality, a more direct assessment on
strength can be made by core sampling and testing. Cores are usually cut by means of a
rotary cutting tool with diamond bits. In this manner, a cylindrical specimen is obtained
usually with its ends being uneven, parallel and square and sometimes with embedded
pieces of reinforcement. The cores are visually described and photographed, giving
specific attention to compaction, distribution ofaggregates, presence of steel etc. the
core should then be soaked in water, capped with molten sulpher to make its ends
plane, parallel, at right angle and then tested in compression in a moist condition as per
BS 1881: Part 4: 1970 or ASTM C 42-77. The core samples can also be used for the
Strength and density determination
Depth of carbonation of concrete
Chemical analysis
Water/gas permeability
Petrographic analysis
ASHTO Chloride permeability test

Fig: Instrument showing core cutting

Fig: Concrete Core
The strength of a test specimen depends on its shape, proportions and size. The
influence of height/diameter (H/D) ratio on the recorded strength of cylinder is an
established fact. Strength of core have to be related to the standard cylinder strengths,
i.e. for H/D ratio of 2. Thus core should be preferably have this ration near to 2. For
values of H/D less than 1, between 1 and 2, a correction factor has to be applied. Cores
with H/D ratio less than 1 yield unreliable results and BS 1881: Part-4:1970 prescribes a
minimum value as 0.95. The same standard specifies the use of 150mm or 100mm
cores. However cores as small as 50mm are also permitted in the standards. Very small
diameter cores exhibit more variability in results than larger dia cores, hence their use is
generally not recommended. The general rule adopted for fixing the core size, besides
the H/D ratio, is the nominal size of stone aggregate and the dia should be not less than
3 times the maximum size of stone aggregate. For diameter of core less than 3 times the
size of the stone aggregate, an increased number of cores have to be tested.
Following are the factors which affect the compressive strength of extracted
concrete cores:
Size of stone aggregate: If the ratio of diameter of core to maximum size of stone
aggregate is less than 3, a reduction in strength is reported. For concrete with 20mm
size aggregate, 50mm dia core has been tested to give 10% lower results than with
10mm dia cores.
Presence of transverse reinforcement steel: It is reported that the presence of
transverse steel causes a 5 to 15% reduction in compressive strength of core. The
effect of embedded steel is higher on stronger concrete and as its location moves
away from ends, i.e. towards the middle. However presence of steel parallel to the
axis of the core is not desirable.
H/D ratio: This has been already discussed above. However its value should be
minimum 0.95 and maximum 2. Higher ratio would cause a reduction in strength.
Age of concrete: No age allowance is recommended by the Concrete Society as
some evidence is reported to suggest that in-situ concrete gains little strength after
28 days. Whereas others suggest that under average conditions, the increase over
28 days strength is 10% after 3 months, 15% after 6 months. Hence it is not easy to
deal the effect of age on core strength.
Strength of concrete: The effect in reducing the core strength appears to be higher
in stronger concretes and reduction has been reported as 15% for 40 MPa concrete.
However a reduction of 5 50 7% is considered reasonable.
Drilling operations: The strength of cores is generally less than that of standard
cylinders, partly as a consequence of disturbance due to vibrations during drilling
operations. Whatever best precautions are taken during drilling, there is always a
risk of slight damage.
Site conditions vis-a-vis standard specimens: Because site curing is invariably
inferior to curing prescribed for standard specimens, the in-situ core strength is
invariably lower than the standard specimens taken and tested during concreting

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