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TAR14 Teams

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Amanda and Kris

Amanda Blackledge (23); Kris Klicka (24)

Hometown: San Diego, Cali!
"cc#$ation: Amanda (St#dent); Kris (Sales
%elations'i$: Dating
('is )o#ng co#$le w'o met more t'an t'ree )ears
ago 'o$es to s$end t'e rest o t'eir li&es toget'er,
*#t *eore taking t'eir relations'i$ to t'e ne+t
le&el t'e) are looking orward to s'aring t'is
e+$erience toget'er! ('eir a&orite s'ared
memor) is alling in lo&e wit' eac' ot'er o&er
*onires at t'e *eac' accom$anied *) wine and
s,mores! ('e) $lan on creating man) more
memories toget'er on t'e %ace and are 'o$ing to
all in lo&e all o&er again!
Amanda is a comm#nications st#dent at Cal State San -arcos, *#t is working at a
tanning salon #ntil s'e grad#ates! S'e descri*es 'ersel as o#tgoing, talkati&e and
genero#s! .'en asked w'at 'er *iggest $et $ee&e a*o#t 'er teammate is Amanda sa)s
t'at Kris occasionall) doesn,t seem interested w'en s'e is talking to 'im!
Kris, w'o was once almost attacked *) a *ear in Alaska, en/o)s '#nting, is'ing and
snow *oarding! He c#rrentl) works as a sales re$resentati&e or a comm#nications
com$an)! He 'as not 'ad t'e o$$ort#nit) to tra&el m#c' o#tside o t'e 0nited States and
looks orward to t'e %ace as a c'ance to e+$lore ot'er c#lt#res and com$ete against t'e
game1s *est! He 'o$es t'e ot'er (eams are as '#ngr) to win as 'e is!
Amanda and Kris *ot' 'a&e a tendenc) to *e st#**orn w'en it comes to a disagreement,
*#t t'e) reali2e t'e) m#st *e more o$en to ideas and sol#tions rom one anot'er in order
to $ro$el t'eir team into winning t'e one million dollars! ('e) eel t'is is a $erect
o$$ort#nit) to work on t'eir s'ortcomings and an) ot'er comm#nication iss#es t'e)
'a&e! Amanda and Kris 'a&e so m#c' in common t'at t'e) com$lete eac' ot'ers
sentences! "ne s'ared c'aracteristic is t'e a*ilit) to make riends w'ere&er t'e) go,
w'ic' can come in 'and) w'en racing aro#nd t'e glo*e!
Brad and Victoria
Brad H#nt (32); 4ictoria H#nt (45)
Hometown: Col#m*#s, "'io
"cc#$ation: Brad (Distri*#tion Dis$atc'er);
4ictoria ((a+ -anager)
%elations'i$: -arried
-arried or nine )ears, Brad and 4ictoria ma) not
alwa)s see e)e6to6e)e, *#t t'e) do make a
d)namic team! ('e) *ot' 'a&e c'ildren rom
$re&io#s marriages, t'is is 4ictoria,s t'ird and
Brad,s second! Bot' endearingl) concede t'at
t'e) are 7st#ck wit' eac' ot'er!8
4ictoria was *orn wit' 'i$ d)s$lasia and s$ent
m#c' o 'er c'ild'ood in 'os$itals, *od) casts
and cr#tc'es! 9ollowing a recent ma/or oot
s#rger), s'e was told t'at s'e co#ld ne&er r#n
again! S'e is now o#t to $ro&e t'at an)t'ing is $ossi*le! S'e claims t'at t'e *iggest
dierence *etween 'er and Brad is t'at s'e is an o$timist w'ile 'e is c)nical! Howe&er,
s'e *elie&es t'e) s'are t'e same desires and like to *e c'allenged *ot' mentall) and
$')sicall)! ('eir motto is, :lie is not a s$ectator s$ort and t'ereore )o# s'o#ld alwa)s
en/o) eac' moment t'at lie gi&es )o#!: 4ictoria works as a ta+ manager and Brad is a
distri*#tion dis$atc'er!
Brad descri*es 'imsel as intelligent, straig't orward and reso#rce#l! "ne o 'is
$ro#dest ac'ie&ements is o&ercoming dr#gs and alco'ol addiction and remaining clean
and so*er or 23 )ears and co#nting! Brad en/o)s $istol s'ooting, weig'tliting and
('is $')sicall) it (eam 'o$es to gain a lietime o stories and a little *it o gl#e to
reinorce t'eir *ond! %egardless o w'et'er t'e) win or lose, t'e) alread) eel a sense o
accom$lis'ment *) /#st *eing c'osen to com$ete in t'e s'ow!
Cara and Jaime
Cara %osent'al (2;); <aime =dmondson (2>)
Hometown: Boca %aton, 9la!?9t! @a#derdale, 9la!
"cc#$ation: Cara (@aw St#dent); <aime (9ormer
Aolice "icer)
%elations'i$: 9ormer B9@ C'eerleaders
Cara and <aime met o#r )ears ago w'ile tr)ing
o#t or t'e -iami Dol$'ins c'eerleading sC#ad!
('e two made an instant connection and 'a&e
*een riends e&er since! Cara is $lanning to attend
law sc'ool and <aime is a ormer $olice oicer!
Cara, a grad#ate o 0C@A, is c#rrentl) working
or a non6$roit #ndraising organi2ation
*eneiting indi&id#als wit' mental disa*ilities!
S'e $rides 'ersel #$on *eing a lo)al and de&oted
riend! Cara e&en deerred attending 'er irst )ear o law sc'ool /#st to s#$$ort <aime1s
dream to r#n in t'is %ace aro#nd t'e world! Cara is a tr#e t'es$ian w'o en/o)s dancing
and singing! S'e descri*es 'ersel as com$assionate, intelligent and o#tgoing!
<aime comes rom a amil) o $olice oicers! 9ollowing in 'er mot'er and at'er1s
ootste$s, s'e grad#ated rom t'e $olice academ) and donned t'e #niorm or a ew
)ears! <aime is an a&id animal lo&er and &ol#nteers at a non $roit no kill s'elter or dogs!
S'e was also a c'eerleader or t'e -iami Dol$'ins or si+ )ears and was c'osen to
re$resent t'e sC#ad at t'e 2DD5 Aro Bowl! <aime en/o)s reading and tra&eling and
descri*es 'ersel as ad&ent#ro#s, $assionate and witt)! Cara1s *iggest $et $ee&e a*o#t
<aime is t'at s'e tends to *e st#**orn and a *it o a control reak, w'ile <aime claims t'at
Cara is too nice and needs to sto$ worr)ing a*o#t kee$ing t'e $eace! Bot' <aime and
Cara 'a&e a 'ig'l) com$etiti&e nat#re and a need to win!
Don1t $#t it $ast t'ese two to #se t'eir good looks to t'eir ad&antage or a s'ot at t'e
million dollars and t'e c'ance to *ecome t'e irst e&er all emale team to win t'e %ace!
Christie and Jodi
C'ristie 4olkmer (35); <odi .inc'eski (4D)
Hometown: C'octaw, "kla!? Ho#ston, (e+as
"cc#$ation: 9lig't Attendants
%elations'i$: 9lig't Attendants
('ese two sa&&) lig't attendants met w'ile
working on a So#t'west Airlines lig't si+ )ears
ago w'ere t'e) made an instant connection! Bot'
admit to *eing e+tremel) com$etiti&e and
determined to win!
C'ristie and <odi agree t'e) 'a&e dierent
$ersonalities, *#t are conident t'ese dierences
will *e #sed as a strengt' on t'e %ace! C'ristie
claims t'at s'e is more anal)tical w'ile <odi is t'e
reacti&e one! Her *iggest $et $ee&e a*o#t <odi is
t'at s'e reacts too ast, w'ile <odi,s $et $ee&e wit' C'ristie is t'at s'e asks too man)
C'ristie, w'o recentl) married, descri*es 'ersel as realistic, o$$ort#nistic and street6
smart! Her $rimar) moti&ation or r#nning t'e %ace is to c'allenge 'ersel and to 'a&e an
e+$erience o a lietime *eore s'e settles down and starts a amil)!
<odi is #sing t'is e+$erience to test w'at s'e is made o! As a di&orced, single mot'er, s'e
li&es or 'er da#g'ter and wants to $ro&e to 'er t'at )o# can accom$lis' an) goal )o# set
)o#r mind to! S'e descri*es 'ersel as strong6willed, determined and inde$endent! <odi
en/o)s *eac' &olle)*all, snow skiing and tra&eling!
D#ring t'eir 23 )ears o com*ined tra&eling e+$erience, C'ristie and <odi 'a&e *ecome
well6&ersed in all t'e ins6and6o#ts o t'e tra&el ind#str) and t'e),re eager to $#t t'at
&al#a*le knowledge to good #se!
Jennifer and Preston
<ennier Ho$ka (2;); Areston -cCam) (2E)
Hometown: Col#m*ia, S!C!
"cc#$ation: <ennier (St#dent); Areston (Sotware
%elations'i$: Dating
<ennier and Areston 'a&e *een dating or nearl)
two )ears! Fn some wa)s, t'e) 'a&e similar
$ersonalities *#t, or t'e most $art, t'e) co#ldn,t
*e more dierent! Areston is a laid *ack g#) t'at
is #sed to sticking to a ro#tine, w'ile <ennier
'ates $lanning and en/o)s s$ontaneit)! "ne o t'e
C#alities t'e) s'are is t'at t'e) are *ot' &er)
strong minded indi&id#als and, as a team, t'e)
'o$e to *ring o#t t'e *est in eac' ot'er and
solidi) t'eir relations'i$!
"n se&eral occasions t'e) 'a&e *roken #$ and made #$! <ennier is read) to $lan or 'er
#t#re *) eit'er mo&ing orward in 'er relations'i$ wit' Areston or ending it and mo&ing
orward in 'er lie wit'o#t 'im, w'ile Areston 'as taken t'e ste$ o mo&ing rom
Birming'am, Ala! to Col#m*ia, S!C! to *e closer to 'er *#t still 'as some reser&ations
a*o#t w'at t'e #t#re ma) *ring!
<ennier is c#rrentl) st#d)ing n#rsing d#ring t'e da) and *artending at nig't! ('is sel6
descri*ed dri&en, o#ts$oken and inde$endent woman en/o)s tra&eling, 'anging o#t wit'
riends and s'o$$ing! Areston is a sotware engineer w'o en/o)s working o#t, 'anging
o#t wit' riends and watc'ing A#*#rn oot*all! Bot' are &er) acti&e and com$etiti&e and
t'e) eel t'ese C#alities will 'el$ t'em work well as a team!
LaKisha and Jennifer
@aKis'a Homan (2E); <ennier Homan (24)
Hometown: Bron+, B!G! ? @o#is&ille, K)!
"cc#$ation: @aKis'a (Arogram Coordinator);
<ennier (-arketing Assistant)
%elations'i$: Sisters
('ese two ormer Di&ision H College at'letes look
orward to *ecoming t'e irst e&er all emale
(eam to win t'e %ace! Besides at'leticism, t'ese
sisters 'a&e little in common!
@aKis'a works as a )o#t' $rogram coordinator
and *asket*all coac'! S'e 'o$es t'e same
strengt's t'at make 'er a good coac' I $atience
and a strong com$etiti&e nat#re 6 will #ltimatel)
make 'er t'e *est %acer t'e game 'as seen!
-eanw'ile, s'e claims 'er sister is &er) im$atient
and *l#nt w'en it comes to dealing wit' ot'ers or s$eaking 'er mind!
<ennier works as a marketing assistant and newsletter coordinator or an assisted li&ing
com$an)! S'e claims t'at s'e is t'e creati&e one w'ile @aKis'a is t'e anal)tical oneJ
two traits t'at will #ndo#*tedl) *e tested on t'e %ace! <ennier is inectio#sl) energetic
and conident, $la)ed college &olle)*all at t'e 0ni&ersit) o @o#is&ille! @aKis'a $la)ed
*asket*all or t'e same sc'ool! Bot' 'a&e a com$etiti&e dri&e and are eager to $#t it to
t'e test against t'is season,s cro$ o %acers!
Beit'er sister 'as tra&eled e+tensi&el) o#tside o t'e states, *#t t'e) are looking orward
to em*arking on t'is /o#rne) o a lietime toget'er in order to c'ange t'at! ('e) will r#n
t'e %ace wit' #nsto$$a*le s$eed and n#mero#s arg#ments along t'e wa)!
Linda and Steve
@inda Cole (32); Ste&e Cole (43)
Hometown: -artins&ille, 4a!
"cc#$ation: @inda (C#stomer Ser&ice
S#$er&isor); Ste&e (Car$enter)
%elations'i$: -arried
('is '#s*and and wie team met w'en Ste&en
went wit' a date to @inda,s 'o#se or a $art)!
@inda asked 'er *rot'er to kee$ 'is date occ#$ied
w'ile s'e asked Ste&en o#t! ('e) 'a&e *een
toget'er e&er since and married or H5 )ears! ('e)
*ot' 'a&e c'ildren rom $re&io#s marriages, *#t
treat all o t'em as t'eir &er) own!
@inda is nine )ears older t'an Ste&en! S'e
descri*es 'ersel as smart, 'ard working and
ad&ent#ro#s! Ste&en lo&es tra&eling, making and
$osting &ideos online, rec)cling scra$ metal and is'ing! He is a 4irginia -aster Angler!
He descri*es 'imsel as a $erectionist and creati&e! His one set*ack is t'at 'e s#ers
rom cla#stro$'o*ia!
Bot' @inda and Ste&en are well tra&eled! ('e two 'ad a &er) scar) e+$erience tra&eling
t'ro#g' K#atemala w'ere t'e) were ro**ed o all t'eir mone) and identiication! @#ckil)
t'e) were reso#rce#l eno#g' and o#nd t'eir wa) *ack to t'e states wit'o#t too m#c'
(oget'er, t'e) are e+cited or new e+$eriences t'at will e+$and t'eir 'ori2ons! ('e) lo&e
to com$ete and are looking orward to s'aring t'is once in a lietime e+$erience toget'er,
w'ile making new riends along t'e wa)! @ook or t'e ot'er (eams to com$letel)
#nderestimate t'ese two, *#t wit' @inda1s anal)tical mind and Ste&en1s a*ilit) to $ro*lem
sol&e t'e) co#ld do well!
Margie and Luke
-argie Adams (3D); @#ke Adams (22)
Hometown: Den&er, Colo!
"cc#$ation: -argaret (Clinical %esearc'
Associate); @#ke (College Krad#ate)
%elations'i$: -ot'er?Son
('is mot'er?son team is determined to s'ow t'e
world t'at not'ing can sto$ t'em rom li&ing o#t
t'eir dreams! ('e) en/o) 'iking and tra&eling
toget'er and s'are a strong *ond! @#ke 'as *een
dea since *irt' and -argie *ecame 'is link to t'e
'earing world! He #ses American Sign @ang#age
to comm#nicate!
@#ke and 'is mot'er 'a&e de&elo$ed t'eir own
s'ort 'and sign lang#age and t'e a*ilit) to almost
read eac' ot'er,s mind I an a*ilit) t'at will
#ndo#*tedl) come in 'and) on t'e road! "ne o t'e most mo&ing moments t'e) s'ared
was w'en @#ke s#r$rised 'is mot'er *) deli&ering a &aledictorian s$eec' at 'is
grad#ation ceremon) rom Colorado Sc'ool or t'e Dea and Blind!
-argie is looking at t'is e+$erience as a great o$$ort#nit) to s$end C#alit) time wit' 'er
son! S'e descri*es 'ersel as com$etiti&e and a little controlling, *#t in a good wa)! S'e
is willing to go an)w'ere t'e %ace takes 'er and isn1t araid o ad&ent#re! S'e en/o)s
'iking and r#nning w'ile @#ke also en/o)s 'iking and *iking! @#ke descri*es 'imsel as
talkati&e, determined and ad&ent#ro#s!
@#ke 'o$es to *e a role6model or dea $eo$le e&er)w'ere w'ile $ro&ing t'at t'e dea
can do /#st a*o#t an)t'ing and to ne&er t'ink ot'erwise! He *elie&es 'is knowledge on
t'e to$ic o an)t'ing and e&er)t'ing %ace related 6 'e,s one o t'e *iggest ans o t'e
s'ow e&er 6 will 'el$ 'is team win!
-argie and @#ke are e+cited to see new $laces, e+$erience new oods and learn a*o#t
dierent c#lt#res I all t'e w'ile #lilling a s'ared dream I to com$ete and win :('e
Ama2ing %ace!:
Mark and Michael
-ark -#no2 (4E); -ic'ael -#no2 (3H)
Hometown: @os Angeles, Cali!?-a#i, Hawaii
"cc#$ation: -ark (St#ntman?<ocke)); -ic'ael
%elations'i$: Brot'ers?St#ntmen
('is (eam o *rot'ers 'as *een com$eting I
against e&er)one else and eac' ot'er I t'eir entire
lie! Standing at 4, >8 t'ese married at'ers are
read) to $ro&e t'e) 'a&e w'at it takes to win one6
million dollars!
-ark makes 'is li&ing as a st#ntman and
occasionall) works as a /ocke)! ('is at'er o two
is looking orward to r#nning t'e %ace wit' 'is
*rot'er in order to contin#e *#ilding on t'eir
relations'i$! -ark *elie&es t'at t'e *iggest ad&antage 'e and 'is teammate 'a&e o&er
t'eir com$etition is t'eir itness le&el and a*ilit) to make s$lit second decisions, a skill
t'e) 'a&e mastered ater )ears o working in $')sicall) and mentall) demanding ields!
-ark en/o)s skiing, *iking and goling and descri*es 'imsel as s'ort, at'letic and
-ic'ael is looking orward to working on comm#nication iss#es 'e and 'is *rot'er 'a&e
'ad wit' eac' ot'er in t'e $ast! -ic'ael, also a at'er o two, s$lits 'is time *etween
-a#i and @os Angeles! His a&orite 'o**ies incl#de $la)ing m#sic and s#ring! He
claims t'at t'e *iggest dierence *etween t'e two is t'at 'e is t'e s#rer and -ark is t'e
skier! Bot' 'a&e worked e+tensi&el) in ilms and tele&ision incl#ding t'e eat#re ilms
74an Helsing,8 7S$iderman8 and 7Sea*isc#it!8
('e) c'ose similar $at's in t'eir li&es and, ater )ears o s#ring *ig wa&es and racing
'orses aro#nd a track, t'e),re eager to r#n t'e %ace o a lietime wit' one anot'er or a
s'ot at a million dollars!
Mel and Mike
-el .'ite (;E); -ike .'ite (3E)
Hometown: @)nc'*#rg, 4a ? Santa -onica, Cali!!
"cc#$ation: -el (.riter, Clerg)man); -ike
(.riter, Arod#cer, Actor);
%elations'i$: 9at'er?Son
-ike and -el 'ad a $rett) t)$ical amil) lie #ntil
-ike was HH )ears old, w'ic' is w'en -el told
t'e amil) t'at 'e was ga)! -el and -ike,s
mot'er remained married #ntil -ike and 'is
sister, =rinn, went to college! -el is now married
to 'is lie $artner o 25 )ears, Kar) Bi+on!
-ike works as a writer, director and actor in @os
Angeles! His writing credits incl#de t'e eat#re
ilms :Bac'o @i*re: and :Sc'ool o %ock,: in
w'ic' 'e also starred o$$osite <ack Black and
Sara' Sil&erman, as well as t'e tele&ision series :Aasadena!: -ike and -el are eager to
s$end some C#alit) time racing aro#nd t'e glo*e! -ike descri*es 'imsel as entertaining,
t'o#g't#l and 7ridic#lo#sl) $ale!8 ('ese two mig't not *e t'e most $')sical team on t'e
%ace, *#t t'e),ll s#rel) com$ensate wit' t'eir wit and comm#nication skills!
-el, a ga)6rig'ts acti&ist, 'as worked as a writer, $roessor, ilmmaker and a $astor and is
eager to 'a&e a once in a lietime e+$erience wit' 'is )o#ngest c'ild! He,s conident t'at
'is $eo$le skills will gi&e 'im an ad&antage o&er some o t'e ot'er %acers! He descri*es
'imsel as energetic, caring and $assionate and en/o)s sc#*a di&ing and racC#et*all!
.'en asked w'o 'e wo#ld model 'is st)le o game $la) ater, 'e $ointed to Season 5
winners 0c'enna and <o)ce, w'ile -ike will model 'is game $la) ater t'e :ne&er sa)
die: attit#de o C'arla and -irna!
-ike and -el are well6tra&eled, o$inionated and '#ge ans o t'e %ace!
Tammy and Victor
(amm) <i' (2;); 4ictor <i' (33)
Hometown: San 9rancisco, Cali!?@os Angeles,
"cc#$ation: @aw)ers
%elations'i$: Si*lings?@aw)ers
F t'e) can manage to work toget'er, t'is smart
and sass) *rot'er?sister d#o I *ot' wit' Har&ard
@aw degrees I mig't 'a&e /#st w'at it takes to
o#tsmart t'e com$etition and cross t'e inis' line
(amm) is a litigator w'o *elie&es t'at 'er a*ilit)
to kee$ a cool 'ead #nder $ress#re, es$eciall)
wit' little or no slee$, will lead to s#ccess on t'e
%ace! Her *iggest $et $ee&e wit' 'er *rot'er is
t'at 'e,s a *it o a control reak! ('is was ne&er
more e&ident t'an w'en t'e) recentl) tra&eled wit' riends to C'ina and 4ictor ma$$ed
o#t t'e entire tri$ down to t'e min#te!
4ictor is a $artner at 'is law irm and works as a cor$orate litigator! He is r#nning t'e
%ace to see i 'e and 'is sister can co6e+ist in a ')$er6com$etiti&e sit#ation wit'o#t
dri&ing eac' ot'er cra2)! 4ictor t'inks t'at 'is teammate can *e immat#re and selis' and
'e,s 'o$ing t'e %ace will remed) t'at!
4ictor is conident in 'is decision making and *elie&es 'is sister s'o#ld do w'at 'e sa)s
as 'e knows *est! (amm) wo#ld like to $ro&e to 4ictor t'at s'e,s not a *a*) an)more and
t'at it,s time 'e &iew 'er as an eC#al! 4ictor is modeling 'is game $la) ater t'e c#t6
t'roat st)le o %o* and Am*er w'ile (amm) $reers Season H2 winners (K and %ac'el,s
laid *ack a$$roac'!
Bot' 'a&e tra&eled e+tensi&el) and are s#$remel) conident in t'eir a*ilit) to win t'e
million dollar $ri2e!

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