This document provides biographical information on 10 teams competing on The Amazing Race. It summarizes each team with their names, hometowns, occupations, and brief details about their relationship and personalities. The teams range from dating couples to sisters to flight attendants who met on the job. Many share a competitive spirit and desire for adventure as they embark on the race around the world.
This document provides biographical information on 10 teams competing on The Amazing Race. It summarizes each team with their names, hometowns, occupations, and brief details about their relationship and personalities. The teams range from dating couples to sisters to flight attendants who met on the job. Many share a competitive spirit and desire for adventure as they embark on the race around the world.
Original Description:
Team descriptions from The Amazing Race, Season 14.
This document provides biographical information on 10 teams competing on The Amazing Race. It summarizes each team with their names, hometowns, occupations, and brief details about their relationship and personalities. The teams range from dating couples to sisters to flight attendants who met on the job. Many share a competitive spirit and desire for adventure as they embark on the race around the world.
This document provides biographical information on 10 teams competing on The Amazing Race. It summarizes each team with their names, hometowns, occupations, and brief details about their relationship and personalities. The teams range from dating couples to sisters to flight attendants who met on the job. Many share a competitive spirit and desire for adventure as they embark on the race around the world.
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Amanda and Kris
Amanda Blackledge (23); Kris Klicka (24)
Hometown: San Diego, Cali! "cc#$ation: Amanda (St#dent); Kris (Sales %e$resentati&e) %elations'i$: Dating ('is )o#ng co#$le w'o met more t'an t'ree )ears ago 'o$es to s$end t'e rest o t'eir li&es toget'er, *#t *eore taking t'eir relations'i$ to t'e ne+t le&el t'e) are looking orward to s'aring t'is e+$erience toget'er! ('eir a&orite s'ared memor) is alling in lo&e wit' eac' ot'er o&er *onires at t'e *eac' accom$anied *) wine and s,mores! ('e) $lan on creating man) more memories toget'er on t'e %ace and are 'o$ing to all in lo&e all o&er again! Amanda is a comm#nications st#dent at Cal State San -arcos, *#t is working at a tanning salon #ntil s'e grad#ates! S'e descri*es 'ersel as o#tgoing, talkati&e and genero#s! .'en asked w'at 'er *iggest $et $ee&e a*o#t 'er teammate is Amanda sa)s t'at Kris occasionall) doesn,t seem interested w'en s'e is talking to 'im! Kris, w'o was once almost attacked *) a *ear in Alaska, en/o)s '#nting, is'ing and snow *oarding! He c#rrentl) works as a sales re$resentati&e or a comm#nications com$an)! He 'as not 'ad t'e o$$ort#nit) to tra&el m#c' o#tside o t'e 0nited States and looks orward to t'e %ace as a c'ance to e+$lore ot'er c#lt#res and com$ete against t'e game1s *est! He 'o$es t'e ot'er (eams are as '#ngr) to win as 'e is! Amanda and Kris *ot' 'a&e a tendenc) to *e st#**orn w'en it comes to a disagreement, *#t t'e) reali2e t'e) m#st *e more o$en to ideas and sol#tions rom one anot'er in order to $ro$el t'eir team into winning t'e one million dollars! ('e) eel t'is is a $erect o$$ort#nit) to work on t'eir s'ortcomings and an) ot'er comm#nication iss#es t'e) 'a&e! Amanda and Kris 'a&e so m#c' in common t'at t'e) com$lete eac' ot'ers sentences! "ne s'ared c'aracteristic is t'e a*ilit) to make riends w'ere&er t'e) go, w'ic' can come in 'and) w'en racing aro#nd t'e glo*e! Brad and Victoria Brad H#nt (32); 4ictoria H#nt (45) Hometown: Col#m*#s, "'io "cc#$ation: Brad (Distri*#tion Dis$atc'er); 4ictoria ((a+ -anager) %elations'i$: -arried -arried or nine )ears, Brad and 4ictoria ma) not alwa)s see e)e6to6e)e, *#t t'e) do make a d)namic team! ('e) *ot' 'a&e c'ildren rom $re&io#s marriages, t'is is 4ictoria,s t'ird and Brad,s second! Bot' endearingl) concede t'at t'e) are 7st#ck wit' eac' ot'er!8 4ictoria was *orn wit' 'i$ d)s$lasia and s$ent m#c' o 'er c'ild'ood in 'os$itals, *od) casts and cr#tc'es! 9ollowing a recent ma/or oot s#rger), s'e was told t'at s'e co#ld ne&er r#n again! S'e is now o#t to $ro&e t'at an)t'ing is $ossi*le! S'e claims t'at t'e *iggest dierence *etween 'er and Brad is t'at s'e is an o$timist w'ile 'e is c)nical! Howe&er, s'e *elie&es t'e) s'are t'e same desires and like to *e c'allenged *ot' mentall) and $')sicall)! ('eir motto is, :lie is not a s$ectator s$ort and t'ereore )o# s'o#ld alwa)s en/o) eac' moment t'at lie gi&es )o#!: 4ictoria works as a ta+ manager and Brad is a distri*#tion dis$atc'er! Brad descri*es 'imsel as intelligent, straig't orward and reso#rce#l! "ne o 'is $ro#dest ac'ie&ements is o&ercoming dr#gs and alco'ol addiction and remaining clean and so*er or 23 )ears and co#nting! Brad en/o)s $istol s'ooting, weig'tliting and gardening! ('is $')sicall) it (eam 'o$es to gain a lietime o stories and a little *it o gl#e to reinorce t'eir *ond! %egardless o w'et'er t'e) win or lose, t'e) alread) eel a sense o accom$lis'ment *) /#st *eing c'osen to com$ete in t'e s'ow! Cara and Jaime Cara %osent'al (2;); <aime =dmondson (2>) Hometown: Boca %aton, 9la!?9t! @a#derdale, 9la! "cc#$ation: Cara (@aw St#dent); <aime (9ormer Aolice "icer) %elations'i$: 9ormer B9@ C'eerleaders Cara and <aime met o#r )ears ago w'ile tr)ing o#t or t'e -iami Dol$'ins c'eerleading sC#ad! ('e two made an instant connection and 'a&e *een riends e&er since! Cara is $lanning to attend law sc'ool and <aime is a ormer $olice oicer! Cara, a grad#ate o 0C@A, is c#rrentl) working or a non6$roit #ndraising organi2ation *eneiting indi&id#als wit' mental disa*ilities! S'e $rides 'ersel #$on *eing a lo)al and de&oted riend! Cara e&en deerred attending 'er irst )ear o law sc'ool /#st to s#$$ort <aime1s dream to r#n in t'is %ace aro#nd t'e world! Cara is a tr#e t'es$ian w'o en/o)s dancing and singing! S'e descri*es 'ersel as com$assionate, intelligent and o#tgoing! <aime comes rom a amil) o $olice oicers! 9ollowing in 'er mot'er and at'er1s ootste$s, s'e grad#ated rom t'e $olice academ) and donned t'e #niorm or a ew )ears! <aime is an a&id animal lo&er and &ol#nteers at a non $roit no kill s'elter or dogs! S'e was also a c'eerleader or t'e -iami Dol$'ins or si+ )ears and was c'osen to re$resent t'e sC#ad at t'e 2DD5 Aro Bowl! <aime en/o)s reading and tra&eling and descri*es 'ersel as ad&ent#ro#s, $assionate and witt)! Cara1s *iggest $et $ee&e a*o#t <aime is t'at s'e tends to *e st#**orn and a *it o a control reak, w'ile <aime claims t'at Cara is too nice and needs to sto$ worr)ing a*o#t kee$ing t'e $eace! Bot' <aime and Cara 'a&e a 'ig'l) com$etiti&e nat#re and a need to win! Don1t $#t it $ast t'ese two to #se t'eir good looks to t'eir ad&antage or a s'ot at t'e million dollars and t'e c'ance to *ecome t'e irst e&er all emale team to win t'e %ace! Christie and Jodi C'ristie 4olkmer (35); <odi .inc'eski (4D) Hometown: C'octaw, "kla!? Ho#ston, (e+as "cc#$ation: 9lig't Attendants %elations'i$: 9lig't Attendants ('ese two sa&&) lig't attendants met w'ile working on a So#t'west Airlines lig't si+ )ears ago w'ere t'e) made an instant connection! Bot' admit to *eing e+tremel) com$etiti&e and determined to win! C'ristie and <odi agree t'e) 'a&e dierent $ersonalities, *#t are conident t'ese dierences will *e #sed as a strengt' on t'e %ace! C'ristie claims t'at s'e is more anal)tical w'ile <odi is t'e reacti&e one! Her *iggest $et $ee&e a*o#t <odi is t'at s'e reacts too ast, w'ile <odi,s $et $ee&e wit' C'ristie is t'at s'e asks too man) C#estions! C'ristie, w'o recentl) married, descri*es 'ersel as realistic, o$$ort#nistic and street6 smart! Her $rimar) moti&ation or r#nning t'e %ace is to c'allenge 'ersel and to 'a&e an e+$erience o a lietime *eore s'e settles down and starts a amil)! <odi is #sing t'is e+$erience to test w'at s'e is made o! As a di&orced, single mot'er, s'e li&es or 'er da#g'ter and wants to $ro&e to 'er t'at )o# can accom$lis' an) goal )o# set )o#r mind to! S'e descri*es 'ersel as strong6willed, determined and inde$endent! <odi en/o)s *eac' &olle)*all, snow skiing and tra&eling! D#ring t'eir 23 )ears o com*ined tra&eling e+$erience, C'ristie and <odi 'a&e *ecome well6&ersed in all t'e ins6and6o#ts o t'e tra&el ind#str) and t'e),re eager to $#t t'at &al#a*le knowledge to good #se! Jennifer and Preston <ennier Ho$ka (2;); Areston -cCam) (2E) Hometown: Col#m*ia, S!C! "cc#$ation: <ennier (St#dent); Areston (Sotware =ngineer) %elations'i$: Dating <ennier and Areston 'a&e *een dating or nearl) two )ears! Fn some wa)s, t'e) 'a&e similar $ersonalities *#t, or t'e most $art, t'e) co#ldn,t *e more dierent! Areston is a laid *ack g#) t'at is #sed to sticking to a ro#tine, w'ile <ennier 'ates $lanning and en/o)s s$ontaneit)! "ne o t'e C#alities t'e) s'are is t'at t'e) are *ot' &er) strong minded indi&id#als and, as a team, t'e) 'o$e to *ring o#t t'e *est in eac' ot'er and solidi) t'eir relations'i$! "n se&eral occasions t'e) 'a&e *roken #$ and made #$! <ennier is read) to $lan or 'er #t#re *) eit'er mo&ing orward in 'er relations'i$ wit' Areston or ending it and mo&ing orward in 'er lie wit'o#t 'im, w'ile Areston 'as taken t'e ste$ o mo&ing rom Birming'am, Ala! to Col#m*ia, S!C! to *e closer to 'er *#t still 'as some reser&ations a*o#t w'at t'e #t#re ma) *ring! <ennier is c#rrentl) st#d)ing n#rsing d#ring t'e da) and *artending at nig't! ('is sel6 descri*ed dri&en, o#ts$oken and inde$endent woman en/o)s tra&eling, 'anging o#t wit' riends and s'o$$ing! Areston is a sotware engineer w'o en/o)s working o#t, 'anging o#t wit' riends and watc'ing A#*#rn oot*all! Bot' are &er) acti&e and com$etiti&e and t'e) eel t'ese C#alities will 'el$ t'em work well as a team! LaKisha and Jennifer @aKis'a Homan (2E); <ennier Homan (24) Hometown: Bron+, B!G! ? @o#is&ille, K)! "cc#$ation: @aKis'a (Arogram Coordinator); <ennier (-arketing Assistant) %elations'i$: Sisters ('ese two ormer Di&ision H College at'letes look orward to *ecoming t'e irst e&er all emale (eam to win t'e %ace! Besides at'leticism, t'ese sisters 'a&e little in common! @aKis'a works as a )o#t' $rogram coordinator and *asket*all coac'! S'e 'o$es t'e same strengt's t'at make 'er a good coac' I $atience and a strong com$etiti&e nat#re 6 will #ltimatel) make 'er t'e *est %acer t'e game 'as seen! -eanw'ile, s'e claims 'er sister is &er) im$atient and *l#nt w'en it comes to dealing wit' ot'ers or s$eaking 'er mind! <ennier works as a marketing assistant and newsletter coordinator or an assisted li&ing com$an)! S'e claims t'at s'e is t'e creati&e one w'ile @aKis'a is t'e anal)tical oneJ two traits t'at will #ndo#*tedl) *e tested on t'e %ace! <ennier is inectio#sl) energetic and conident, $la)ed college &olle)*all at t'e 0ni&ersit) o @o#is&ille! @aKis'a $la)ed *asket*all or t'e same sc'ool! Bot' 'a&e a com$etiti&e dri&e and are eager to $#t it to t'e test against t'is season,s cro$ o %acers! Beit'er sister 'as tra&eled e+tensi&el) o#tside o t'e states, *#t t'e) are looking orward to em*arking on t'is /o#rne) o a lietime toget'er in order to c'ange t'at! ('e) will r#n t'e %ace wit' #nsto$$a*le s$eed and n#mero#s arg#ments along t'e wa)! Linda and Steve @inda Cole (32); Ste&e Cole (43) Hometown: -artins&ille, 4a! "cc#$ation: @inda (C#stomer Ser&ice S#$er&isor); Ste&e (Car$enter) %elations'i$: -arried ('is '#s*and and wie team met w'en Ste&en went wit' a date to @inda,s 'o#se or a $art)! @inda asked 'er *rot'er to kee$ 'is date occ#$ied w'ile s'e asked Ste&en o#t! ('e) 'a&e *een toget'er e&er since and married or H5 )ears! ('e) *ot' 'a&e c'ildren rom $re&io#s marriages, *#t treat all o t'em as t'eir &er) own! @inda is nine )ears older t'an Ste&en! S'e descri*es 'ersel as smart, 'ard working and ad&ent#ro#s! Ste&en lo&es tra&eling, making and $osting &ideos online, rec)cling scra$ metal and is'ing! He is a 4irginia -aster Angler! He descri*es 'imsel as a $erectionist and creati&e! His one set*ack is t'at 'e s#ers rom cla#stro$'o*ia! Bot' @inda and Ste&en are well tra&eled! ('e two 'ad a &er) scar) e+$erience tra&eling t'ro#g' K#atemala w'ere t'e) were ro**ed o all t'eir mone) and identiication! @#ckil) t'e) were reso#rce#l eno#g' and o#nd t'eir wa) *ack to t'e states wit'o#t too m#c' 'assle! (oget'er, t'e) are e+cited or new e+$eriences t'at will e+$and t'eir 'ori2ons! ('e) lo&e to com$ete and are looking orward to s'aring t'is once in a lietime e+$erience toget'er, w'ile making new riends along t'e wa)! @ook or t'e ot'er (eams to com$letel) #nderestimate t'ese two, *#t wit' @inda1s anal)tical mind and Ste&en1s a*ilit) to $ro*lem sol&e t'e) co#ld do well! Margie and Luke -argie Adams (3D); @#ke Adams (22) Hometown: Den&er, Colo! "cc#$ation: -argaret (Clinical %esearc' Associate); @#ke (College Krad#ate) %elations'i$: -ot'er?Son ('is mot'er?son team is determined to s'ow t'e world t'at not'ing can sto$ t'em rom li&ing o#t t'eir dreams! ('e) en/o) 'iking and tra&eling toget'er and s'are a strong *ond! @#ke 'as *een dea since *irt' and -argie *ecame 'is link to t'e 'earing world! He #ses American Sign @ang#age to comm#nicate! @#ke and 'is mot'er 'a&e de&elo$ed t'eir own s'ort 'and sign lang#age and t'e a*ilit) to almost read eac' ot'er,s mind I an a*ilit) t'at will #ndo#*tedl) come in 'and) on t'e road! "ne o t'e most mo&ing moments t'e) s'ared was w'en @#ke s#r$rised 'is mot'er *) deli&ering a &aledictorian s$eec' at 'is grad#ation ceremon) rom Colorado Sc'ool or t'e Dea and Blind! -argie is looking at t'is e+$erience as a great o$$ort#nit) to s$end C#alit) time wit' 'er son! S'e descri*es 'ersel as com$etiti&e and a little controlling, *#t in a good wa)! S'e is willing to go an)w'ere t'e %ace takes 'er and isn1t araid o ad&ent#re! S'e en/o)s 'iking and r#nning w'ile @#ke also en/o)s 'iking and *iking! @#ke descri*es 'imsel as talkati&e, determined and ad&ent#ro#s! @#ke 'o$es to *e a role6model or dea $eo$le e&er)w'ere w'ile $ro&ing t'at t'e dea can do /#st a*o#t an)t'ing and to ne&er t'ink ot'erwise! He *elie&es 'is knowledge on t'e to$ic o an)t'ing and e&er)t'ing %ace related 6 'e,s one o t'e *iggest ans o t'e s'ow e&er 6 will 'el$ 'is team win! -argie and @#ke are e+cited to see new $laces, e+$erience new oods and learn a*o#t dierent c#lt#res I all t'e w'ile #lilling a s'ared dream I to com$ete and win :('e Ama2ing %ace!: Mark and Michael -ark -#no2 (4E); -ic'ael -#no2 (3H) Hometown: @os Angeles, Cali!?-a#i, Hawaii "cc#$ation: -ark (St#ntman?<ocke)); -ic'ael (St#ntman?Actor) %elations'i$: Brot'ers?St#ntmen ('is (eam o *rot'ers 'as *een com$eting I against e&er)one else and eac' ot'er I t'eir entire lie! Standing at 4, >8 t'ese married at'ers are read) to $ro&e t'e) 'a&e w'at it takes to win one6 million dollars! -ark makes 'is li&ing as a st#ntman and occasionall) works as a /ocke)! ('is at'er o two is looking orward to r#nning t'e %ace wit' 'is *rot'er in order to contin#e *#ilding on t'eir relations'i$! -ark *elie&es t'at t'e *iggest ad&antage 'e and 'is teammate 'a&e o&er t'eir com$etition is t'eir itness le&el and a*ilit) to make s$lit second decisions, a skill t'e) 'a&e mastered ater )ears o working in $')sicall) and mentall) demanding ields! -ark en/o)s skiing, *iking and goling and descri*es 'imsel as s'ort, at'letic and creati&e! -ic'ael is looking orward to working on comm#nication iss#es 'e and 'is *rot'er 'a&e 'ad wit' eac' ot'er in t'e $ast! -ic'ael, also a at'er o two, s$lits 'is time *etween -a#i and @os Angeles! His a&orite 'o**ies incl#de $la)ing m#sic and s#ring! He claims t'at t'e *iggest dierence *etween t'e two is t'at 'e is t'e s#rer and -ark is t'e skier! Bot' 'a&e worked e+tensi&el) in ilms and tele&ision incl#ding t'e eat#re ilms 74an Helsing,8 7S$iderman8 and 7Sea*isc#it!8 ('e) c'ose similar $at's in t'eir li&es and, ater )ears o s#ring *ig wa&es and racing 'orses aro#nd a track, t'e),re eager to r#n t'e %ace o a lietime wit' one anot'er or a s'ot at a million dollars! Mel and Mike -el .'ite (;E); -ike .'ite (3E) Hometown: @)nc'*#rg, 4a ? Santa -onica, Cali!! "cc#$ation: -el (.riter, Clerg)man); -ike (.riter, Arod#cer, Actor); %elations'i$: 9at'er?Son -ike and -el 'ad a $rett) t)$ical amil) lie #ntil -ike was HH )ears old, w'ic' is w'en -el told t'e amil) t'at 'e was ga)! -el and -ike,s mot'er remained married #ntil -ike and 'is sister, =rinn, went to college! -el is now married to 'is lie $artner o 25 )ears, Kar) Bi+on! -ike works as a writer, director and actor in @os Angeles! His writing credits incl#de t'e eat#re ilms :Bac'o @i*re: and :Sc'ool o %ock,: in w'ic' 'e also starred o$$osite <ack Black and Sara' Sil&erman, as well as t'e tele&ision series :Aasadena!: -ike and -el are eager to s$end some C#alit) time racing aro#nd t'e glo*e! -ike descri*es 'imsel as entertaining, t'o#g't#l and 7ridic#lo#sl) $ale!8 ('ese two mig't not *e t'e most $')sical team on t'e %ace, *#t t'e),ll s#rel) com$ensate wit' t'eir wit and comm#nication skills! -el, a ga)6rig'ts acti&ist, 'as worked as a writer, $roessor, ilmmaker and a $astor and is eager to 'a&e a once in a lietime e+$erience wit' 'is )o#ngest c'ild! He,s conident t'at 'is $eo$le skills will gi&e 'im an ad&antage o&er some o t'e ot'er %acers! He descri*es 'imsel as energetic, caring and $assionate and en/o)s sc#*a di&ing and racC#et*all! .'en asked w'o 'e wo#ld model 'is st)le o game $la) ater, 'e $ointed to Season 5 winners 0c'enna and <o)ce, w'ile -ike will model 'is game $la) ater t'e :ne&er sa) die: attit#de o C'arla and -irna! -ike and -el are well6tra&eled, o$inionated and '#ge ans o t'e %ace! Tammy and Victor (amm) <i' (2;); 4ictor <i' (33) Hometown: San 9rancisco, Cali!?@os Angeles, Cali! "cc#$ation: @aw)ers %elations'i$: Si*lings?@aw)ers F t'e) can manage to work toget'er, t'is smart and sass) *rot'er?sister d#o I *ot' wit' Har&ard @aw degrees I mig't 'a&e /#st w'at it takes to o#tsmart t'e com$etition and cross t'e inis' line irst! (amm) is a litigator w'o *elie&es t'at 'er a*ilit) to kee$ a cool 'ead #nder $ress#re, es$eciall) wit' little or no slee$, will lead to s#ccess on t'e %ace! Her *iggest $et $ee&e wit' 'er *rot'er is t'at 'e,s a *it o a control reak! ('is was ne&er more e&ident t'an w'en t'e) recentl) tra&eled wit' riends to C'ina and 4ictor ma$$ed o#t t'e entire tri$ down to t'e min#te! 4ictor is a $artner at 'is law irm and works as a cor$orate litigator! He is r#nning t'e %ace to see i 'e and 'is sister can co6e+ist in a ')$er6com$etiti&e sit#ation wit'o#t dri&ing eac' ot'er cra2)! 4ictor t'inks t'at 'is teammate can *e immat#re and selis' and 'e,s 'o$ing t'e %ace will remed) t'at! 4ictor is conident in 'is decision making and *elie&es 'is sister s'o#ld do w'at 'e sa)s as 'e knows *est! (amm) wo#ld like to $ro&e to 4ictor t'at s'e,s not a *a*) an)more and t'at it,s time 'e &iew 'er as an eC#al! 4ictor is modeling 'is game $la) ater t'e c#t6 t'roat st)le o %o* and Am*er w'ile (amm) $reers Season H2 winners (K and %ac'el,s laid *ack a$$roac'! Bot' 'a&e tra&eled e+tensi&el) and are s#$remel) conident in t'eir a*ilit) to win t'e million dollar $ri2e!