B Compare
B Compare
B Compare
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Published: July 2012
Beyond Compare
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
3 Contents
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Table of Contents
Part 1 Welcome
................................................................................................................................... 8 1 What's New
................................................................................................................................... 9 2 Standard vs Pro
Part 2 Using Beyond Compare
................................................................................................................................... 12 1 Home View
.......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Managing Sessions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Sharing Sessions
................................................................................................................................... 14 2 Folder Compare
.......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Understanding the Display
.......................................................................................................................................................... 16 How to Compare Folders
.......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Filtering the View
.......................................................................................................................................................... 18 Reconciling Differences
.......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Archive Files
.......................................................................................................................................................... 20 File Action Details
......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Copy
......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Move
......................................................................................................................................................... 21 Copy to Folder
......................................................................................................................................................... 22 Move to Folder
......................................................................................................................................................... 24 Delete
......................................................................................................................................................... 24 Rename
......................................................................................................................................................... 25 Attributes
......................................................................................................................................................... 25 Touch
......................................................................................................................................................... 26 Exclude
......................................................................................................................................................... 26 New Folder
......................................................................................................................................................... 26 Synchronize
................................................................................................................................... 28 3 Folder Sync
................................................................................................................................... 30 4 Text Compare
.......................................................................................................................................................... 31 Editing Text
.......................................................................................................................................................... 31 Walking Through Differences
.......................................................................................................................................................... 32 Searching for Text
................................................................................................................................... 33 5 Text Merge
.......................................................................................................................................................... 34 Using Text Merge
................................................................................................................................... 35 6 Data Compare
................................................................................................................................... 37 7 Hex Compare
................................................................................................................................... 38 8 Picture Compare
................................................................................................................................... 40 9 Registry Compare
................................................................................................................................... 41 10 Text Edit
................................................................................................................................... 42 11 Other View Types
................................................................................................................................... 44 12 File Formats
.......................................................................................................................................................... 44 Grammars
................................................................................................................................... 44 13 Reports
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................................................................................................................................... 45 14 FTP Access
................................................................................................................................... 46 15 Using Snapshots
................................................................................................................................... 46 16 Renaming Files
................................................................................................................................... 47 17 Sample Regular Expressions
................................................................................................................................... 48 18 Calling Beyond Compare from Other Applications
................................................................................................................................... 48 19 Moving Beyond Compare to Another Computer
................................................................................................................................... 49 20 Automating with Scripts
.......................................................................................................................................................... 50 Sample Scripts
.......................................................................................................................................................... 53 Scheduling a Script
Part 3 Settings Reference
................................................................................................................................... 55 1 Program Options
.......................................................................................................................................................... 56 Startup
.......................................................................................................................................................... 57 General
.......................................................................................................................................................... 58 Tabs
.......................................................................................................................................................... 58 Backups
.......................................................................................................................................................... 58 Open With
.......................................................................................................................................................... 59 Scripts
.......................................................................................................................................................... 60 Folder Views
......................................................................................................................................................... 60 Conf irmations
......................................................................................................................................................... 61 Display
......................................................................................................................................................... 61 Compare Colors
......................................................................................................................................................... 61 Log
.......................................................................................................................................................... 62 File Views
......................................................................................................................................................... 62 Display
......................................................................................................................................................... 63 Compare Colors
......................................................................................................................................................... 63 Next Dif f erence
.......................................................................................................................................................... 64 Text
.......................................................................................................................................................... 65 Data
.......................................................................................................................................................... 65 Picture
................................................................................................................................... 65 2 Commands
................................................................................................................................... 66 3 Session Settings
.......................................................................................................................................................... 66 Folder Compare
......................................................................................................................................................... 67 Comparison
......................................................................................................................................................... 68 Handling
......................................................................................................................................................... 69 Name Filters
......................................................................................................................................................... 70 Other Filters
......................................................................................................................................................... 71 Misc
.......................................................................................................................................................... 72 Folder Sync
......................................................................................................................................................... 72 Sync
......................................................................................................................................................... 72 Comparison
......................................................................................................................................................... 74 Handling
......................................................................................................................................................... 74 Name Filters
......................................................................................................................................................... 75 Other Filters
......................................................................................................................................................... 76 Misc
.......................................................................................................................................................... 77 Text Compare
......................................................................................................................................................... 77 Format
......................................................................................................................................................... 77 Importance
......................................................................................................................................................... 78 Alignment
......................................................................................................................................................... 79 Replacements
5 Contents
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
.......................................................................................................................................................... 79 Text Merge
......................................................................................................................................................... 80 Format
......................................................................................................................................................... 80 Importance
......................................................................................................................................................... 81 Alignment
.......................................................................................................................................................... 81 Data Compare
......................................................................................................................................................... 82 Format
......................................................................................................................................................... 82 Columns
.......................................................................................................................................................... 83 Hex Compare
.......................................................................................................................................................... 83 MP3 Compare
.......................................................................................................................................................... 83 Picture Compare
.......................................................................................................................................................... 84 Registry Compare
.......................................................................................................................................................... 84 Version Compare
................................................................................................................................... 84 4 File Formats
.......................................................................................................................................................... 85 Text Formats
......................................................................................................................................................... 85 General
......................................................................................................................................................... 85 Conversion
......................................................................................................................................................... 86 Grammar
......................................................................................................................................................... 86 Misc
.......................................................................................................................................................... 86 Data Format
......................................................................................................................................................... 87 General
......................................................................................................................................................... 87 Conversion
......................................................................................................................................................... 88 Type
.......................................................................................................................................................... 88 Picture Format
......................................................................................................................................................... 89 General
......................................................................................................................................................... 89 Conversion
................................................................................................................................... 89 5 FTP Profiles
.......................................................................................................................................................... 90 General
.......................................................................................................................................................... 90 Connection
.......................................................................................................................................................... 91 Listings
.......................................................................................................................................................... 93 Transfer
.......................................................................................................................................................... 94 Authentication
................................................................................................................................... 94 6 Source Control Integration
................................................................................................................................... 94 7 Where Settings are Stored
Part 4 Commands Reference
................................................................................................................................... 96 1 Common Commands
................................................................................................................................... 98 2 Folder Compare
................................................................................................................................... 104 3 Folder Sync
................................................................................................................................... 106 4 Text Compare
................................................................................................................................... 111 5 Text Merge
................................................................................................................................... 115 6 Data Compare
................................................................................................................................... 118 7 Hex Compare
................................................................................................................................... 120 8 MP3 Compare
................................................................................................................................... 122 9 Picture Compare
................................................................................................................................... 124 10 Registry Compare
................................................................................................................................... 127 11 Version Compare
................................................................................................................................... 129 12 Text Edit
Beyond Compare 6
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Part 5 Command Line Reference
Part 6 Scripting Reference
Part 7 Regular Expression Reference
Part 8 Glossary
Part 9 Support, Ordering and License
Index 159
Welcome 7
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Beyond Compare is a utility for comparing files and folders. It can help you find and
reconcile differences in source code, folders, images and data, even if your files are
contained in zip archives or on FTP sites. It can synchronize your folders, and validate
your copies.
Beyond Compare seamlessly coordinates the entire comparison job, from the folder
structure down to individual differences in files. Specialized file viewers communicate
difference info back to the folder session, helping you quickly concentrate on important
differences. Beyond Compare remembers your various sessions so that you can come
back to the same comparison job time after time.
This document describes both the Standard vs Pro Editions of Beyond Compare. Features
that are only available in the Pro edition are indicated by this green icon:
Beyond Compare is available for both Windows and Linux. Items in this document that
refer to a specific platform are indicated by these icons:
Beyond Compare 8
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
1.1 What's New
Version 3 is a fairly complete rewrite of Beyond Compare. Like the transition from version
1 to version 2, we took the opportunity to rethink the user interface, redesign some of
the internal fundamentals, and add significant new functionality.
Here are some of the significant new features in Beyond Compare 3. Items flagged with
are only available in the Pro edition.
Expanded Session concept
Any comparison can be saved as a session, not just folder comparisons
Plug-ins have been replaced by built-in session types
Saved sessions can be organized in folders
New comparisons are now automatically saved as sessions
Fully unicode enabled
Unicode filenames are now supported, in addition to Unicode file content
Interface Improvements
Tabbed interface for session views
Handy "home" view for launching and managing sessions
Layout of open sessions can be saved, restored
Built-in "check for updates" feature
Folder Compare features
Folder icon colors now match your preferences
Multiple operations can be queued
File actions now respect filters by default
Dedicated Folder Sync session
Touch and Attributes commands can now recurse through subfolders
Attributes command now supports Unix attributes
New Ignored command flags mismatched file as okay
New Move to Folder command
Flatten folders lets you compare differing folder structures
Ability to override which files are aligned
Text Compare features
Full in-pane editor with dynamic re-comparisons
Syntax highlighting
Welcome 9
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Adaptive gutter buttons for copying sections
Unlimited undo after save
Grammar-based comparison rules
Independent file formats for each side of the comparison
New Ignored command flags mismatched sections as okay
Multiple bookmarks
Hex display option for line details
3-way text merge
Ability to treat specific text on one side as unimportant when compared to specific
text on the other side
Improved FTP support
FTP profiles, selectable per session
Multiple simultaneous connections
Built-in support for secure FTP protocols (SFTP and FTP over SSL)
1.2 Standard vs Pro
The Standard edition of Beyond Compare 3 is a powerful full-featured comparison tool, not
a stripped-down "lite" version. The Standard edition brings forward the functionality in
Beyond Compare 2, and adds full-screen editing, full Unicode support, syntax highlighting
and much more.
However, the Pro edition adds these advanced functions:
3-way text merging
Compares independent changes against a common ancestor to create new merged
Text replacements
Specifies text as unimportant if it is changed to a specific value on the other side. For
example, you can make apple found on the left when compared to orange on the right an
unimportant difference.
Folder Compare alignment overrides
Overrides how files are aligned in a Folder Compare session. For example, you could
compare your .gif files on one side with .png files of the same name on the other side.
Source control integration
Adds commands for checking files in or out of SCC-compliant version control systems.
Beyond Compare 10
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
SFTP support
Rather than relying on third-party solutions, Beyond Compare 3 Pro has integrated support
for secure FTP protocols (SFTP and FTP over SSL).
Registry Compare
Compares live registries, both local and remote, as well as registry files.
Note The trial download of Beyond Compare actually contains both Standard and Pro
editions. You can disable Pro mode in the Help > About dialog in order to limit your trial to
Standard functionality.
Your license key will unlock the appropriate edition for permanent use. If you choose the
Standard Edition license, you can upgrade later to Pro for the difference in price.
Using Beyond Compare 11
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Using Beyond Compare
Beyond Compare handles a wide variety of comparison tasks. It has specialized viewers
for different kinds of files and different approaches to reconciling differences.
Each comparison task is called a Session. Sessions can be individualized, named and
reused. Many of Beyond Compare's settings are managed and stored by session rather
than as program-wide options, to give you greater flexibility. You can save different
Folder Compare sessions with quite different settings, to accommodate differing tasks.
A Child Session is a file session that originated from a folder session.
Sessions can be opened in separate windows, or as multiple tabs on a single window. We
refer to open sessions as Views. You can have multiple windows open, each with multiple
tabs. You can drag a tab from one window to another, or right-click a tab and select
Tear Off from the context menu to move that tab onto its own window. (See Tab Options
You can save currently open sessions as a Workspac e, and load them again later with the
same configuration of windows and tabs. (See Managing Workspaces.)
The session settings that control how comparisons are performed are called Rules. Rules
help you concentrate on important differences. Beyond Compare also maintains a list of
file format s to specify how various types of files are to be handled. You can modify the
built-in file formats or create your own.
This part of the documentation provides an overview of the various types of sessions and
program concepts mentioned above.
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Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
2.1 Home View
When you open a new window or tab, Beyond Compare displays the Home view:
From the Home view, you can:
Start a new comparison session of any type
Select from one of your previously saved sessions
Select an auto-saved session
Manage the settings for your saved sessions
Edit the default settings to use for new sessions
You can also drag and drop files or folders from a file manager such as Windows Explorer
onto this page to compare them. Drag and drop onto one of the Start new session
buttons to start a session of that specific type.
To customize your Home view, select Options from the Tools menu, then select General
Using Beyond Compare 13
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2.1.1 Managing Sessions
Beyond Compare automatically saves your most recent sessions so you can come back to
them easily. If you want to retain a session indefinitely, you can save it with a
descriptive name. You can also organize your named sessions within session folders.
The Session menu contains common commands for manipulating the current session. If
you make a change to the parameters of a named session, you will be prompted to save it
on exit.
Use the Home view to manage all your sessions in one place. You can select a saved
session and edit its settings in the tabbed control at the right of the session tree. To
rename or delete a session, right-click in the saved sessions tree and select the
appropriate command.
A named session can be locked to guard against accidental modifications. Right-click a
named session and select Lock from the context menu.
To change default session settings:
In the Home view's Saved sessions tree, under the Edit session defaults branch, select a
session type. Edit the default settings in the tabbed control at the right of the tree.
2.1.2 Sharing Sessions
Multiple users can share read-only sessions by using a shared sessions file. From the
Tools menu, choose Export Settings to create a .bcpkg settings package with any subset
of your sessions.
To access a shared sessions file
1. From the Tools menu select Options .
2. On the General page, enter the location of the Shared sessions file.
Shared sessions will then appear as a new branch in the saved sessions tree:
Beyond Compare 14
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
2.2 Folder Compare
A Folder Compare session compares two folder structures side-by-side, in a variation of
the familiar Explorer style. The comparison may be of folders on your hard drive or
network, but either side also may be an FTP site, a zip archive, or a snapshot taken
earlier. All of these have a directory structure folders and subfolders containing files
and Beyond Compare treats them equivalently.
The Folder Compare view uses color to highlight the differences between the two sides.
Select View > Legend to display a guide to the various folder icon color combinations.
See Understanding the Display for details.
A typical Folder Compare strategy is to:
1. Define how to compare folder structures
2. Filter the view to show important differences
3. Reconcile the differences
You can click on a column header to sort by that column, or right-click the header to
choose different columns to display.
See also
Using Beyond Compare 15
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Folder Compare Commands
Folder Compare Settings
Folder View Options
2.2.1 Understanding the Display
The Folder Compare display uses color cues to highlight the differences between the two
base folders. By default, the color meanings are:
Black Match
Red Newer or mismatch
Gray Older
Blue Orphan (does not exist on other side)
To change the default colors, select Options from the Tools menu and under Folder
Views select Compare Colors.
Files in the display
In the following example, the file on the right side is colored red to show that it is newer.
The icon in the center column shows that a content comparison has found differences.
The content comparison results can override the file colors. For example, the above line
would change to all black if the content comparison returned an exact match. You can
change this behavior by disabling the Override quick test results option on the Comparison
tab of the session settings.
The center column shows the results of a content comparison, if any:
Binary match The files are byte-by-byte the same.
Binary mismatchAt least one byte is different between the files.
Match Although the files have some binary difference, a rules-based
comparison found them to match.
Similar A rules-based comparison found only unimportant differences.
Mismatch A rules-based comparison found important differences.
Some file types, such as zip archives, can be a container for other files. Beyond Compare
can handle these like regular folders. The following example shows our compiled help file
with a newer version on the right side. Notice the special "zipper" icon.
Beyond Compare 16
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
You can double-click the file to expand it and compare each of the contained files.
Folders in the display
Folders are colored to give you hints about their contents. For instance, the comparison
below lets you know that the folders contain at least one file that is newer on the right
(red), and that both sides have at least one orphaned file (blue).
Folders may appear hollow when you first start the comparison. This happens when the
background scanning process has not yet completed those folders. They will change
color when the process is finished.
A folder will be yellow if auto-scan is turned off and you haven't opened the folder yet.
Once you manually open the folder (and possibly its subfolders) it will be colored
Folder icons will include a small arrow glyph if the folder is a junction point or symbolic
link. Folder icons will include a small red "X" glyph if there was an error trying to open the
folder. The following example shows a folder with both conditions.
2.2.2 How to Compare Folders
There are several ways to compare folders and files.
If you want a quick look at what has changed between two folders, it might be sufficient
to just look at the dates and sizes of the files. If you are validating a CD copy, then a
byte-by-byte comparison of every file is important. If you are comparing versions of
source code, perhaps you want to consider only significant changes and ignore
differences in whitespace or comments.
Session settings define how, overall, a Folder Compare session should compare folders
when the session is loaded. Comparison criteria include file timestamps, sizes, attributes
and contents. Once the session is loaded, you can selectively recompare files with the
Compare Contents command or by opening the files in a file session.
Generally, these criteria are used to compare files, and not folders directly. For instance,
a folder's timestamp does not affect the comparison. A folder is classified as "newer" if it
contains newer files. Folders are compared by aggregating the comparisons of files within
Certain facts about a file can be determined quickly while others take some time. The
Comparison tab of the Session Settings dialog is organized into Quick tests and Requires
Using Beyond Compare 17
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
opening files. File systems typically provide fast access to file names, sizes, and
timestamps (the date and time last modified). But to get the CRC of a file, the entire file
will need to be read. Keep this in mind when selecting folder comparison criteria. See
also Content Comparisons.
The display aligns files and subfolders of the same name, left and right. You can modify
the alignment by defining alignment overrides in the session's Rules . You can also align
files regardless of what subfolder they are in by using the View > Ignore Folder Structure
2.2.3 Filtering the View
There are two overall type of filters you can use to control a Folder Compare's scope:
File filt ers that include or exclude files based on their name or attributes, and display
filt ers that show or hide lines of the comparison based on comparison status.
For instance, you can set the display filter to Show Left Newer to display only those files
that are newer on the left side of the comparison. Or you can set a file filter to exclude
*.bak files if you don't want to see or manipulate them.
By default, commands that act on a selected folder's contents (such as Copy, Move,
Delete, etc.) will respect the current filters. That is, if the selection includes a folder, the
folder's filtered-out contents are skipped. (Note that this behavior has changed from
Beyond Compare 2.) To change this default behavior, go to Tools > Options > Folder
Views > Confirmations and enable Include hidden items by default. In either case, action
dialogs allow you to override the default behavior on a case-by-case basis.
On the View menu, choose Suppress Filters to temporarily suppress file filters and
display filters. Files and folders that were hidden will appear colored teal (blue-green) and
can be processed.
File Filters
You can specify the type of files you want to include in (or exclude from) the session.
For instance, if you are comparing Delphi projects you could include file types such as *.
pas, *.dfm, and *.dpr. Or, you could include all files except *.dcu and *.~* by excluding
these file types.
To specify a simple "include these types" filter, use the Filters field on the toolbar. Enter
the file types separated by semicolons, or use the dropdown to select from presets.
Include a minus sign (-) in front of files to be excluded.
In addition to these simple wildcard filters, you can specify more complex filters that
include or exclude files or folders by name. From the Session menu, select Session
Settings , and in the dialog select the Name Filters tab. Or, simply click the File Filters
Beyond Compare 18
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icon on the toolbar. See also Folder Compare Name Filters.
Files can also be filtered based on their modified date, size, file attributes or text
content. Select the Other Filters tab in the Session Settings dialog. (Folders are not
directly filtered based on their attributes, but are affected by the filtering of their
contents.) See also Folder Compare Other Filters.
Display Filters
Display filters limit the view to certain comparison results. The comparison results are
determined by the session's comparison rules. For instance, you can pick Show
Differences to remove all the matching files so that you can concentrate on the
See also Display Filters.
Folder Display Filters
Special folder display filt ers control when folders appear, other than to hold visible files.
Always Show Folders causes all folders to appear (unless they have been explicitly
excluded by file filters), regardless of the other display filter selection.
Compare Files and Folder Structure causes folders to respect the display filters. For
example, if the main display filter is Show All then all folders appear. If it is Show Orphans,
only orphan folders and folders that contain orphan files are shown.
Only Compare Files suppresses all empty folders, both truly empty folders and folders
whose entire contents are hidden by other display or file filters.
Ignore Folder Structure hides the folder tree and aligns files regardless of what
subfolder they are in.
2.2.4 Reconciling Differences
A Folder Compare session provides Ac t ions, such as Copy, Move, Delete and Synchronize,
to help you reconcile differences on the folder level. It also is a platform for spawning file
views to understand and reconcile differences within files.
Actions generally require a selection. You can select specific files or folders from either or
both sides and then perform some action on them. (If you want to synchronize the entire
contents of the base folders, consider using a Folder Sync session instead.)
To select items in the Folder Compare view:
Click on an item on either side of the display to select it. You can click in the center
column to select both sides at once. Hold down the Ctrl key and click to add items to
your selection. To select a range of items, press the mouse button over the first, swipe
Using Beyond Compare 19
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
to the last, and release the button. If your swipe crosses the middle column, entries on
both sides will be selected.
To select all items on one side:
Pick Select All (or Select All Files ) from the Edit menu. Hold down the Shift key and
press the left arrow key to limit the selection to the left side. Press the right arrow key
instead to limit the selection to the right side.
To compare files with different names:
Click the first file, hold down the Ctrl key and click the second one, and then select Open
. To use the keyboard instead, position on the first file and press the space bar, then
position on the second one and press the space bar to Open.
2.2.5 Archive Files
Archives are files that contain other files, such as .zip. Beyond Compare displays them as
folders, with a zipper icon, but by default treats them as files when copying or comparing
them. Once you have expanded the archive by double clicking on it, the files within will
be compared. Many of the formats support both reading and writing, so you can use all
of the usual file operations on the files within the archives, including comparing the
content, copying, renaming, etc.
These standard archive formats are supported
7-zip (*.7z;*.7z.001)
BZip (*.bz;*.bz2)
BZipped Tar (*.tbz;*.tbz2;*.tar.bz2)
Beyond Compare Snapshot (*.bcss;*.bcs)
Compiled HTML Help (*.chm)
Debian Packages (*.deb)
GZip (*.gz)
GZipped Tar (*.tgz;*.tar.gz)
Microsoft Cabinet (*.cab)
RAR (*.rar)
Red Hat Packages (*.rpm)
Tar (*.tar)
Zip (*.zip;*.jar;*.ear;*.war;*.bcpkg)
Beyond Compare Snapshots
These files are similar to other archives, but only include the file names, dates, and sizes,
without including the file content itself. Since they are so small, you can save a snapshot
of an entire hard drive and compare against it later.
Beyond Compare 20
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Total Commander "Packer" Plug-ins
Beyond Compare can also use Total Commander "packer" plug-ins to support additional
archive formats. For example, there are plug-ins to support ISO disc images (.iso) and
Microsoft Installer Packages (.msi).
To add one of these third party plug-ins, go to Tools > Options > Folder Views, click Add
Plug-in, and follow the instructions.
2.2.6 File Action Details Copy
On the Actions menu, the Copy to Right, Copy to Left and Copy to Side commands copy
the selected files and folders from one side of the Folder Compare session to the other,
overwriting any existing files on the target side.
If a folder is selected, only its filtered contents will be copied (same as if the folder was
expanded and all visible contents selected). However, if an open folder is selected and
any of its children are selected as well, then the folder's selection is ignored and only the
selected children will be copied.
By default, a confirmation dialog appears before the copy. To skip the confirmation when
the direction of the copy is unambiguous (Copy to Left, Copy to Right), open the Tools
menu, click Options , go to the Folder Views > Confirmations page, and disable Confirm
file copy. Move
On the Actions menu, the Move to Right, Move to Left and Move to Side commands move
the selected files and folders from one side of the display to the other, overwriting any
existing files on the target side.
If a folder is selected, its entire contents are moved, regardless of file filters or display
filters in effect. However, if an open folder is selected and any of its children are
selected as well, then the folder's selection is ignored and only the selected children will
be moved.
By default, a confirmation dialog appears before the move. To skip the confirmation when
the direction of the move is unambiguous (Move to Left, Move to Right), open the Tools
menu, click Options , go to the Folder Views > Confirmations page, and disable Confirm
file move.
Using Beyond Compare 21
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc. Copy to Folder
On the Actions menu, the Copy to Folder command copies the selected files and folders
to a given folder, optionally with the path intact. You can select items on one side of the
Folder Compare view or the other, but not both.
If a folder is selected, only its filtered contents will be copied (same as if the folder was
expanded and all visible contents selected). However, if an open folder is selected and
any of its children are selected as well, then the folder's selection is ignored and only the
selected children will be copied.
When you select Copy to Folder, you can make the target an archive file (such as a zip
file). If the archive file does not exist, Beyond Compare will create it for you.
Path Options Example
In this example, three items are selected: The file 10.txt, the folder Q and the file 30.txt.
The pictures below show how the items look in the target folder, using each of the three
available path options.
Keep Relative Folder Structure Determines the minimum difference between all of the
selected files' paths, and creates that in the target folder. In this example, folders D and
P were not selected, but they were created in the target folder in order to keep the same
relative structure.
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Keep Base Folder Structure Creates the entire path (back to the base folder) in the
target folder.
Don't Keep Folder Structure Ignores all path information and copies all selected files and
folders into the target folder together. In this example, only the Q folder was created in
the target folder, because it was specifically selected. Move to Folder
On the Actions menu, the Move to Folder command moves the selected files and
folders to a given folder, optionally with the path intact. You can select items on one
side of the Folder Compare view or the other, but not both.
If a folder is selected, only its filtered contents will be moved (same as if the folder was
expanded and all visible contents selected). However, if an open folder is selected and
any of its children are selected as well, then the folder's selection is ignored and only the
selected children will be moved.
When you select Move to Folder, you can make the target an archive file (such as a zip
file). If the archive file does not exist, Beyond Compare will create it for you.
Path Options Example
Using Beyond Compare 23
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
In this example, three items are selected: The file 10.txt, the folder Q and the file 30.txt.
The pictures below show how the items look in the target folder, using each of the three
available path options.
Keep Relative Folder Structure Determines the minimum difference between all of the
selected files' paths, and creates that in the target folder. In this example, folders D and
P were not selected, but they were created in the target folder in order to keep the same
relative structure.
Keep Base Folder Structure Creates the entire path (back to the base folder) in the
target folder.
Beyond Compare 24
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Don't Keep Folder Structure Ignores all path information and moves all selected files and
folders into the target folder together. In this example, only the Q folder was created in
the target folder, because it was specifically selected. Delete
On the Actions menu, the Delete command deletes the selected files and folders from
one or both sides of the comparison.
If a folder is selected, its entire contents are deleted, regardless of file filters or display
filters in effect. If an open folder is selected and any of its children are selected as well,
then the folder's selection is ignored and only the selected children will be deleted.
Enable the Use recycle bin if possible option to move files and folders stored on a local
drive to the recycle bin instead of being completely removed. This option is ignored for
deletions from network drives, FTP sites and within archive files. Rename
On the Actions menu, the Rename command renames the selected files and folders.
In the Action subsection, you can select either DOS Compatible or Regular Expressions
rename. DOS Compatible expands wildcards using DOS rules. Regular Expressions rename
uses Perl-compatible regular expressions.
DOS Rename
To rename files using DOS Compatible Regular Expressions, select files in the Folder
Compare view and select Rename from the Actions menu. Select DOS Compatible from
the Rename dialog. In the New Mask field, enter the new name.
If multiple files or folders are selected, a base mask is computed which represents the
overlap of all the names. An asterisk (*) is used to represent one or more characters,
while a question mark (?) is used to represent a single character. Leave these characters
alone, but change others to produce unique names for each of the selected files or
Assume that you've selected the following files to rename:
Using Beyond Compare 25
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If you enter "abc?.bak" in the New Name, the files will be renamed to:
Or, enter "xyz?.txt" in the New Name field, and the files will be renamed to:
xyz3.txt Attributes
On the Actions menu, the Attributes command modifies various operating system
attributes of the selected files and folders.
For Windows file systems, the DOS attributes (Read-only, Hidden or Archive) are
modified. You cannot modify the System attribute.
For Unix file systems, the owner and group access permissions are modified.
If a folder is selected, its attributes are modified but not those of its contents. To modify
the attributes of folder contents, you need to expand the folder and select the contents.
The checkboxes initially show the current state of the selected items. If a checkbox is
unmarked, that attribute is disabled on all the selected files. If a checkbox is marked,
that attribute is enabled on all the selected files. If a checkbox is marked and gray, that
attribute is only enabled on some of the selected files.
Unmark a checkbox to clear that attribute from all selected files, or check it to set the
attribute. Touch
On the Actions menu, the Touch command modifies the timestamp (date/time last
modified) of the selected files.
If Copy timestamps from other side is selected, then the timestamps of the selected files
will be set to match those on the other side. If Set timestamps to --> is used, then any
date/time can be selected from the calendar.
The Default selection controls how the calendar is initialized. Current system time will
initialize the calendar to the current time. Last touch will recall the timestamp from the
last touch operation. The Default selection only initializes the calendar -- you can still
Beyond Compare 26
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change it to any date or time.
If a folder is selected, the Touch command will attempt to change the folder's timestamp
but not that of its contents. This command will fail if the operating system does not allow
changing folder timestamps. Exclude
On the Actions menu, the Exclude command filters out the selected files and folders from
the current session. It is a handy alternative to opening the File Filters dialog and
entering file/folder exclusions.
If you select one or more files of the same type, the Exclude command will offer to
exclude all files of that type.
To remove an exclude, click the file filters icon and remove the entry from the Exclude
files (or Exclude folders) list. New Folder
On the Actions menu, the New Folder command lets you create a folder at the current
position. If you have a file or closed folder selected, the new folder will be created with
the same parent folder as the selected item. If you have an opened folder selected, the
new folder will be created as a subfolder of the selected one.
If both sides are selected, a new folder will be created on both sides.
To create a new folder to use as a base folder, type the path for the new folder into the
left or right edit controls, and press the Enter key. In the warning dialog that appears,
click Create. Synchronize
On the Actions menu, the Synchronize submenu has commands that synchronize the
current selection.
Update Right
Copies newer and orphan items from left to right.
Update Left
Copies newer and orphan items from right to left.
Update Both
Performs a bidirectional update by copying newer
and orphan items from left to right and from right to
Mirror to Right
Replaces all different items on right, deletes any
right-side orphans, and copies any left-side orphans
Using Beyond Compare 27
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to the right.
Mirror to Left
Replaces all different items on left, deletes any left-
side orphans, and copies any right-side orphans to
the left.
Beyond Compare 28
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2.3 Folder Sync
A Folder Sync session is a specialized folder session that synchronizes folders by copying
or deleting files.
Once you set up a Folder Sync session you can save it for future use.
Setting sync parameters
In the upper part of the view, specify the Left folder and Right folder involved. Either or
both base folders may be on FTP sites. (You can use the Browse buttons to specify an
FTP site.)
Select one of these standard sync methods from the drop-down control in the middle of
the view:
Update Left
Copies newer and orphan files from right to left.
Update Right
Copies newer and orphan files from left to right.
Update Both
Using Beyond Compare 29
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Copies newer and orphan files to the other side.
Mirror to Left
Replaces all different items on left, deletes any orphans on left, and copies any right side
orphans to the left.
Mirror to Right
Replaces all different items on right, deletes any orphans on right, and copies any left side
orphans to the right.
Click the Rules button to define what constitutes a difference.
You can also specify Filters to limit the scope of the sync.
Previewing the sync
Click the Accept button if necessary to accept changes, and a preview of all copy and
delete operations will appear in the lower part of the view.
You can double-click any file pair to examine the differences in detail. To skip individual
operations, right-click the line and pick Exclude from the popup menu.
Starting the sync
Click Sync Now to begin processing.
See also
Folder Sync Commands
Folder Sync Settings
Folder View Options
Beyond Compare 30
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2.4 Text Compare
A Text Compare session visually compares two text files, in a side-by-side or over-under
layout. It helps you analyse and reconcile differences, with a variety of display, search,
and editing functions available.
In addition to files on your hard drive or network, you can specify files from an FTP site,
from within a zip archive, or the content of a webpage. Example file specs:
You can also compare against text on the clipboard by selecting Open Clipboard from the
File menu.
The Text Compare view displays files in two editor panes that scroll together. Text is
colored to highlight differences between the files. By default, the color scheme uses red
to flag important differences (insertions, deletions, and changes) and blue for unimportant
differences. The session's rules and file formats control how text is classified.
The display background is also colored to help you spot the differences. A light red
Using Beyond Compare 31
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background indicates an important difference somewhere on the line, while light-blue
indicates an unimportant difference. The light red background takes precedence over the
light blue. This makes it easy to find differences, even if they are horizontally scrolled out
of view. You can adjust these colors to suit your preferences. (See File View Comparison
On the left edge of the display is the optional thumbnail view. It represents each line of
the comparison as a colored line, one pixel high. At a glance you can see the pattern of
differences throughout the comparison. The white rectangle represents the main display's
current view, and the small triangle represents the display's current line. Click on a line in
the thumbnail to position the display at that location.
Below the main panes, the current line from each file is displayed using the entire width of
the window. From the View menu, choose Text Details for an editable text view, Hex
Details for a read-only hexadecimal view, or Aligned Details for a read-only view of
the character alignment.
See also
Text Compare Commands
Text Compare Settings
Text Format Settings
Text View Options
2.4.1 Editing Text
Each pane of the Text Compare view is a full-featured text editor. You can enter and
edit text like any other text editor, although as you do the comparison is continually
updated to reflect differences between the panes.
Line mode vs. character mode
The Full Edit command toggles the editor between line mode and c harac t er mode. In
line mode it works similarly to Beyond Compare 2, where editing occurs on a line-by-line
basis, so selection, cut, copy, paste, delete, etc. all affect entire lines. While in line
mode you can edit individual lines using the Text Details area. Line mode supports
disjointed selections. In character mode the main panes support editing text. Selection
and editing commands all affect individual characters or spans of characters. Character
mode can only have a single, continuous selection.
2.4.2 Walking Through Differences
The Next Difference Section and Previous Difference Section commands help you
step through all the differences in your files, and all your files with differences. In the
Text Compare, click Next Difference Section to position at the next range of lines with
differences or Previous Difference Section to go back to the previous range of lines with
Beyond Compare 32
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The arrow icons will either be disabled or change color from bright yellow to dull yellow to
indicate that there are no more differences in that direction. To configure what happens
when there are no more differences, see File View Next Difference Options.
In Text Compare sessions, the current file format controls whether Next and Previous are
on a line-by-line basis or a section-by-section basis. To access the current file format
from a Text Compare session, select Session > Session Settings > Importance and click
the Edit Grammar button. Then, on the Text Format dialog's Misc tab, toggle Lines are
You can use Next Difference and Previous Difference to position on individual differences in
long lines with multiple differences.
To jump directly to the next files with differences in the associated folder view, from the
Search menu select Next Difference Files , or Previous Difference Files .
2.4.3 Searching for Text
To search for text in a Text Compare session, select Find from the Search menu. Type
the text or a regular expression pattern in the Text to find edit, or click the dropdown
to select from a list of previous searches. There is also a separate dropdown button
with a list of common regular expression terms. Pick one from the list to insert it in the
match edit.
Click Find to move the cursor to the next match. If the editor is in line mode, you can
click Select All to select all the lines that contain a match.
The Find dialog options are:
Option Meaning
Match character case
Only match text with the same character case (uppercase or
Whole words only
Searching for apple will not match on apples, applesauc e or
Regular expression Interpret search text as a Perl-compatible regular expression.
Wrap search
When one end of the file is reached, continue searching at the
other end.
Search up Search for the first text to match that is before the cursor.
Sides Select which side(s) of the comparison to search.
Mark the Close dialog automatically checkbox if you want the dialog to close when you
click Find.
Select Find Next or Find Previous to continue searching for the same text.
To find and replace text, select Replace .
Using Beyond Compare 33
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2.5 Text Merge
A Text Merge session contains two or three non-editable source panes and an editable
output pane. The left and right panes hold two versions of a file. Beyond Compare helps
you combine changes from both versions into the output pane. The optional center pane
holds an older version of the file, a common ancestor of the left and right versions.
You can temporarily disable Center Pane to give the left and right panes more room.
You can also use the Detached Output Pane to move the output into a separate
window. If you have a second monitor, you can then move this window onto it.
The output content is constructed automatically as the comparison loads. You can
manually edit the output, or use Take buttons to pull text from a specific source file,
overriding the default merge.
It is important to note that any prior copy of the output file is ignored. If it existed
before the merge session, or was changed during the session, the existing content will be
lost if you save the merge session output.
See also
3-way Merge Concepts
Text Merge Commands
Beyond Compare 34
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Text Merge Settings
Text Format Settings
Text View Options
2.5.1 Using Text Merge
Once Beyond Compare has completed the comparison it will show up to four panes: The
left, center, and right panes at the top, with an output pane below it. If you include a
center file Beyond Compare will be able to compare both files to it and mark changes as
additions, modifications, or deletions on each specific side. Changes on the left are
marked in blue and changes on the right are marked in purple. Overlapping changes are
considered conflicts and are marked in red. (You can change the color scheme if you
Any time there are different changes in the left and right side that are on the same lines
or within two lines of each other those sections will be considered a conflict and will be
colored red in the three input panes. The output will be considered a conflict. If the
same change is made in both the left and right side it isn't considered a conflict.
Merging Data
You can navigate from difference to difference in both the input and output panes and
the windows will stay synched up. When you are positioned on a difference you can use
the Take Left , Take Center , and Take Right commands to accept the changes
from the left or right or keep the original from the center. The "Take" commands are
available on the toolbar, in each edit's popup menu, and as buttons next to each section
in the output pane. When it first loads, the output pane will have selected all non-
conflicting changes automatically, and each change will be colored to match the pane it
originally came from. While merging you can also edit the output pane directly, which will
change the section to yellow. If you want to revert to one of the original inputs just use
the "Take" command again.
Display Filters
When merging, the display filters switch from Beyond Compare's traditional ones to new
ones that check the merging status of each line. Using those filters you can limit the
display to just conflicts or just changes on one side or the other.
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2.6 Data Compare
A Data Compare session compares text files containing tabular data, such as .csv (comma
separated values) files, in a side-by-side or over-under layout. The files are displayed in
two grids that scroll together and the data is compared cell-by-cell.
The display shows c omparison c olumns, not necessarily the columns as they are
organized in the data files. For example, the first comparison column may be comparing
the third column of the left data file against the fifth column of the right file. See Data
Compare Column Settings.
By default, Data Compare sorts your files before comparing them and aligns rows with
matching key columns. You can define any combination of comparison columns as the
key. If you specify an unsorted alignment, Beyond Compare will not sort the files, but will
still only align rows with matching keys.
The display uses color to highlight differences. A row with a light red background
indicates an important difference somewhere on the line, while light-blue indicates an
unimportant difference. The light red background takes precedence over the light blue.
This makes it easy to find differences, even if they are horizontally scrolled out of view.
You can adjust these colors to suit your preferences.
See also
Data Compare Commands
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Data Compare Settings
Data Format Settings
Data Compare Options
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2.7 Hex Compare
A Hex Compare session visually compares the raw content of two files, either in a side-
by-side or over-under layout. It displays file content byte-by-byte, using the
hexadecimal notation typical of hex editors.
See also
Hex Compare Commands
Hex Compare Settings
Beyond Compare 38
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2.8 Picture Compare
A Picture Compare session compares a pair of image files visually, showing the differences
between them.
Aligning Image Content
You can compare images that have been resized, rotated, reflected or cropped.
Select View > Stretch to Same Size to automatically widen the thinner image and
heighten the shorter image before comparison.
Select View > Rotate Clockwise or View > Rotate Counterclockwise to rotate the
current image ninety degrees to the right or to the left.
Select View > Flip Horizontally or View > Flip Vertically to reflect the current image
across its x-axis or y-axis.
If one image is a cropped version of the other, you can drag the mouse over the
difference pane to adjust the position of the right image's top left corner. To reset the
offset back to (0,0) select View > Reset Difference Offset or simply click on the offset
display on the toolbar. For finer control, use the arrow keys to nudge the offset one pixel
Using Beyond Compare 39
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at a time, or Ctrl+arrow keys to move by a larger amount. Note that the difference pane
must be selected for the keyboard nudge function to work.
Tolerance Mode
Select View > Tolerance Mode to have difference pixels indicate matches, unimportant
differences, and important differences. It uses a configurable Tolerance to define the
greatest degree of difference that is considered unimportant. You can also define
Replacements to ignore specific color changes between images. By default, black pixels
are used for matches, blue ones are used for unimportant differences, and red ones are
used for important differences. You can change the colors to suit your preference. (See
Picture Compare Options.)
Enable View > Ignore Unimportant Differences to ignore any differences less than or
equal to the tolerance. They will be handled the same as matching pixels.
Mismatch Range Mode
Select View > Mismatch Range Mode to have difference pixels represent the degree of
difference between the images. Black pixels are used for matches and yellow ones are
used for differences. Brightness represents the degree of difference.
Binary Operation Mode
Select View > Binary Operation Mode to have difference pixels be the result of a
boolean operation on the RGB (red/green/blue) values of the images. The binary
operation can be XOR, AND, or OR.
Blend Mode
Select View > Blend Mode to use a configurable Blend percentage to combine the
images. Decrease the percentage to make the right image more dominant.
See also
Picture Compare Commands
Picture Compare Settings
Picture Format Settings
Picture Compare Options
Beyond Compare 40
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
2.9 Registry Compare
A Registry Compare session compares live registries on your computer or other computers
on your network, and .reg export files in a side-by-side display.
Keys and values are sorted and aligned based on their names. Keys will be colored based
on whether they contain differences or orphans. Values will be colored to highlight
character differences. Red indicates a difference and blue indicates an orphan.
Once the comparison is loaded, you can directly edit live registries. You can copy items
between registries, delete or rename existing items, and add new items. Double clicking
on a value also allows you to change its type and data.
See also
Registry Compare Commands
Registry Compare Settings
Using Beyond Compare 41
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2.10 Text Edit
A Text Edit view is a single-pane text editor.
See also
Text Edit Commands
Text Format Settings
Text View Options
Beyond Compare 42
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2.11 Other View Types
MP3 Compare
An MP3 Compare session compares two MP3 files with differences in tag fields highlighted.
See also
MP3 Compare Commands
MP3 Compare Settings
Version Compare
A Version Compare session compares version info in a pair of executable files.
Using Beyond Compare 43
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See also
Version Compare Commands
Version Compare Settings
Beyond Compare 2 Plug-ins
Beyond Compare 3 for Windows can use plug-ins designed for version 2 (although most of
our version 2 plug-in functionality is now built into version 3). To install a plug-in, copy
the .bcp file to Beyond Compare 3's program folder. Restart Beyond Compare, select Tools
> File Formats , click New and add an appropriate format definition for the plug-in.
Beyond Compare 44
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2.12 File Formats
Beyond Compare uses file format s to specify how certain types of files are to be
handled. For example, files with a .jpg or .png extension are associated with Picture
Compare, while .c and .cpp files are recognized as having C/C++ syntax and are handled
by Text Compare. You can modify the built-in file formats or create your own.
File formats determine:
The type of viewer used for visual comparison
What conversion, if any, should be performed before and after comparison
The syntax, or grammar, of the file's content
Case sensitivity of grammar elements
Tab stops
Line weights to help the alignment process
File formats primarily control how the file viewers handle your files, but they can also
affect how a folder session compares file contents. If you use rules-based content
comparison, then the folder session can limit the display to only files with important
See also
File Format Management
Rules vs. File Formats
2.12.1 Grammars
A file format specification can include a grammar definition, used for syntax highlighting,
and to help define which differences are important.
For example, our standard file format for C/C++ source code includes a grammar that
recognizes keywords, comments, and literal strings. By flagging differences in comments
as unimportant, you can better concentrate on important differences.
A grammar definition in Beyond Compare 3 is fairly simplistic. It does not support nested
or context-specific definitions, so it doesn't handle tagged languages like HTML and PHP
very well. On the other hand, it is a big step up from Beyond Compare 2's functionality.
To edit a grammar, select Tools > File Formats and find the appropriate file format.
Select the Grammar tab and edit the grammar items.
2.13 Reports
Comparison reports allow you to save the information from a comparison to view later
without re-running the comparison. These reports can be printed directly from Beyond
Using Beyond Compare 45
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Compare, or saved in HTML or plain text format.
The report feature is available on the Session menu in various types of sessions. For
instance, in a Folder Compare session you would select Session > Folder Compare Report
The style of reports available differs for the various session types, but the options are
much the same. You can output a report to any of these locations:
HTML report (file or clipboard)
Plain text (file or clipboard)
The HTML and Printer choices support difference highlighting with color.
You can preview a Printer report with the Print Preview command, or an HTML report with
the View in Browser command.
2.14 FTP Access
In general, wherever base folders are used in Beyond Compare, you can use a folder on an
FTP site instead.
Browsing to an FTP folder
Beyond Compare's Browse for Folder | dialog has a tab for FTP sites. On it, you can
select a previously defined FTP profile, or enter a new host name and other parameters.
An FTP profile is automatically created with each new combination of host name, protocol,
and username that doesn't use the defaults.
The Initial remote folder field identifies the base folder on the FTP site. You can click
Connect & Browse to find the folder interactively.
Typing an FTP specification
You can type an FTP specification directly into either of the base path edit controls by
using this syntax:
The program will prompt for the password as needed. Or, you can include the password in
the specification:
Leave the username off for anonymous access:
Beyond Compare 46
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You can specify a folder relative to the login folder:
...or relative to the site's root folder:
To specify SFTP (SSH2) access, use this syntax:
To specify FTP over SSL (explicit SSL), use this syntax:
2.15 Using Snapshots
On the Tools menu, the Save Snapshot command saves a compressed read-only listing
of the specified folder and all of its subfolders, including each file's timestamp, size, and
file attributes. Snapshots have a .bcss file extension.
Snapshots are useful for detecting changes over time. Snapshot files can be loaded at a
later date and compared to a live folder. You can load a snapshot just like any other
base folder. Binary and rules-based content comparisons do not work on snapshots, since
the files in the snapshot do not really exist.
If CRCs of the files are included in the snapshot, then CRC comparisons can be used to
determine whether the contents of files have changed. This can be useful for detecting
data corruption and other subtle changes to your data.
A snapshot remembers the name of the base folder it was produced from. If you load a
snapshot on the command line (or drag a snapshot file onto the Beyond Compare icon),
the program will automatically compare the snapshot with the original folder.
2.16 Renaming Files
In a Folder Compare session you can rename a group of files or folders all at once using
Perl-compatible Regular Expressions.
In a Folder Compare session, select two or more files with different names, and select
Rename from the Actions menu. In the Rename dialog select Regular expressions. In
the Old mask field, enter a regular expression that is matched against the original
filename. In the New mask Field, enter a template used to generate a new filename.
A template is the expression used with the regular expression defined in the old name field
Using Beyond Compare 47
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to create a new filename.
Example - Partial Name Change:
If "ABCDEF" is the file name, and you want to change "CD" to "HJ", enter "CD" in the Old
mask field and "HJ" in the New mask field. The new filename will be "ABHJEF".
Example - Complete Name Change:
If "Beyond" is the file name, and you want to change it to "Scooter", enter ".*" in the Old
mask field and "Scooter" in the New mask field.
You can also change the filename by entering "Beyond" in the Old mask field and "Scooter"
in the New mask field. However, for simple renames, it's easier to use the DOS compatible
Example - Changing a group of filenames
If you have a group of text files with six-letter names, and you want to swap the first
three and the last three letters, enter "(...)(...).txt" in the Old mask field and "$2$1.txt" in
the New mask field. In this case, "beyond.txt" becomes "ondbey.txt".
Another example is if you have a group of music files that are titled "Artist-Song" and you
want to change them to "Artist - Song", enter "-" in the Old mask field and " - " in the New
mask field.
2.17 Sample Regular Expressions
Expression Meaning
^abc Match "abc" at beginning of line
abc$ Match "abc" at end of line
^abc$ Match the line "abc" exactly
Match "abc" at beginning of line, but allow
leading whitespace
Match a line containing only "end" or "end;"
with leading or trailing whitespace
abc|def Matches either "abc" or "def"
a(b|c)d Matches "abd" or "acd"
Matches "abdb" or "acdc", but it does not
match "abdc"
Control characters used in above samples
Character Meaning
^ Beginning of line
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$ End of line
\s Whitespace (a tab or space)
* Zero or more of the preceding character
? Preceding character is optional
| Alternative expression
( ) Subexpressions
\1 Back reference to 1st subexpression
2.18 Calling Beyond Compare from Other Applications
As you would expect, Beyond Compare's setup program creates shortcuts to the main
executable file, such as:
C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 3\BCompare.exe
However, if you call Beyond Compare from a batch file or a version control system, we
recommend using "BComp" instead of "BCompare.exe". BComp is a helper program which
launches Beyond Compare and waits until it is closed. For more technical details, see
Command Line Reference.
2.19 Moving Beyond Compare to Another Computer
To copy or move Beyond Compare to a different computer:
1. On the new computer, download and install the latest version of Beyond Compare.
2. Enter your registration key in the new installation.
3. Run Beyond Compare on the old computer and from the Tools menu choose Export
Settings to save all desired settings in a file.
4. Copy this settings file to the new computer.
5. Run Beyond Compare on the new computer and from the Tools menu choose Import
Settings to load the settings file.
Note If you have Beyond Compare version 2.0 or older on the old computer, you will not
have an Export Settings command. You can contact Scooter Software for assistance in
transferring your settings.
Using Beyond Compare 49
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2.20 Automating with Scripts
Beyond Compare provides a script processing feature which allows you to automate
routine tasks. A script is a simple text file containing a list of commands which can
control the program and automatically perform file operations or produce reports.
Scripts run without displaying the usual Beyond Compare user interface, but might require
input for certain confirmations. To execute a script, specify it on the command line with
a leading '@' symbol, as in:
BCompare.exe @"C:\My Folder\My Script.txt"
bcompare @"My Folder/My Script"
At its most basic, a script is a simple series of commands. See Scripting Reference for a
list of all scripting commands. The shortest meaningful script would be something like:
load "C:\My Folder"
select all
delete all
which deletes all files and folders within the specified folder.
Scripts essentially manipulate an invisible folder session: file operations require selections,
the "display" can be limited with filters, and folders can be "expanded" to recurse into
them. Any folder name argument can be a folder on your system, on the network or an
FTP site, or the name of a folder-like archive such as .ZIP, .CAB, or Beyond Compare
Snapshot file.
Scripts are processed line by line, with a single command per line. Scripts are not case
sensitive, and blank lines and comments (anything after a '#') are ignored. Arguments are
separated by spaces. To include a space in an argument, surround the argument with
quotes ("). To continue a long command on a second (or third) line, add an ampersand
(&) at the end of every line but the last.
In addition to the standard commands, command line parameters and environmental
variables can be inserted into the script at run time. Command line variables are specified
by a percent sign (%) and a single number from 1-9. The script name and command line
switches starting with / are not included in the 1-9 list. The scripting command:
load "%1"
would load whatever session was given on the command line, as in:
BCompare.exe @"My Script.txt" "My Session"
Environmental variables are inserted by enclosing the variable name in percent signs, and
are case sensitive. The following performs the same as the earlier script, except it gets
the folder from the environment:
load "%TMP%"
select all
delete all
Beyond Compare 50
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There are several dynamic variables that Beyond Compare can fill in at each line of the
script. The %date% variable fills in the current date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. The %
time% variable's format depends on your computer's regional settings. The %fn_time%
variable outputs the time as hh-mm-ss, which can be used for filenames.
Scripting Command Line Switches
Note Linux users should prefix the switches with "-" instead of "/".
The command line switches that affect scripting are /closescript, /leftreadonly, /
readonly, /rightreadonly, and /silent. Normally, script processing adds an entry on
the Task Bar and displays a Scripting Status Window detailing its progress and any
errors. The /silent switch bypasses the Task Bar entry and Scripting Status Window,
allowing Beyond Compare to process the script invisibly.
Scripting Options
To change the script processing options, select Options from the Tools menu and then
select Scripts. Mark the Beep when finished checkbox to have Beyond Compare sound an
audible beep when it completes script processing. This beep can alert you to check and
close the Scripting Status window. Close when finished causes Beyond Compare to
automatically close its Scripting Status window when it completes script processing.
When used in conjunction with Beep when finished, the beep simply tells you the process
has completed.
There is also a place to designate a Shared scripts folder. When you provide a script
name argument on the command line with no path designation, and there is no file of that
name in the current folder, Beyond Compare will look in the Shared scripts folder for that
2.20.1 Sample Scripts
The following are some sample scripts to show how Beyond Compare can use scripts. You
can either use these scripts as is or model your own scripts after them.
Here is a basic script which copies all of the newer and orphaned files from one folder to
another, using a previously created session:
load "Sync Laptop"
sync update:left->right
Synching two folders
Here is a more advanced script which syncs two specific folders using advanced filters.
This works the same as loading the folders in a Folder Compare session and performing a
"Mirror Left to Right" folder synchronization.
# Turn logging on.
log normal "C:\My Log.txt"
# Load the default session and exclude all but certain file types.
Using Beyond Compare 51
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
load <default>
filter "*.html;*.htm;*.png;*.jpg"
# Load the base folders.
load "C:\My Folder" ftp://user@website.com/folder
# Copy different files left to right, delete orphans on right.
sync mirror:left->right
Comparing two files by name
This script compares two files by name.
file-report layout:side-by-side &
options:display-mismatches &
output-to:%3 %1 %2
A sample command line, calling the above script:
BCompare.exe @"My Script.txt" "My File.txt" "Your File.txt" "My Report.
Note An ampersand (&) at the end of a line means that the command continues on the
next line.
Note %1, %2, and %3 refer to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd command line argument,
Generating a report
This script compares two files by name and generates an html report showing differences
with context:
text-report layout:side-by-side &
options:ignore-unimportant,display-context &
output-to:%3 output-options:html-color %1 %2
Keeping a web site in sync
This script keeps a web site in sync with development files.
# Turn verbose logging on.
log verbose append:"C:\My Log.txt"
# Set the comparison criteria.
criteria timestamp size
# Load source and target folders.
load "C:\My Folder" ftp://user@website.com/folder
# Filter to only include source files, ignore CVS subfolders.
filter "*.htm;*.html;*.php;*.jpg;*.gif;-CVS\"
# Sync the local files to the web site, creating empty folders.
sync create-empty mirror:left->right
Beyond Compare 52
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Performing a rules-based comparison and logging results to a file
This script logs the script results to a file that uses the current date as part of the
name. The variable %date% is expanded by the script in the format 2012-12-31 on U.S.
English systems, on other systems it will match the system locale. It performs a rules-
based comparison of Pascal source files and generates a report of mismatches.
# Log to a file of the form "C:\My Log 2012-12-31.txt".
# The exact format depends on your regional and language settings.
log verbose append:"C:\My Log %date%.txt"
# Compare the text contents of the files.
criteria rules-based
# Only compare Delphi source files, ignore the archive folder.
filter "*.pas;*.dfm;*.dpr;*.inc;-archive\"
load "C:\My Folder" "C:\Your Folder"
folder-report layout:summary &
size &
output-to:"My Report.txt"
Comparing current folder state to a snapshot
This script compares the current state of a folder to a snapshot from the last time
updates were sent out. Then it copies the changed and new files to a zip file and
updates the snapshot of the folder.
option confirm:yes-to-all
# Compare using crc.
criteria crc
# Load current files against snapshot from the last patch.
load "C:\My Folder" "C:\My Snapshot.bcss"
# Expand to affect subfolders and files.
expand all
# Select updated files.
select left.diff.files left.orphan.files
# Copy changes to a zip file.
copyto left path:relative "C:\My Archive.zip"
# Update the snapshot.
snapshot save-crc left output:"C:\My Snapshot.bcss"
Generating a report of differences
This script generates a report of only differences.
# Set up basic comparison features.
criteria timestamp:2sec
# Filter out log files.
filter "-*.log"
# Load first comparison.
load "C:\My Folder" "C:\Your Folder"
# Compare files with timestamp differences.
Using Beyond Compare 53
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
select newer.files older.files
# Generate a report of the differences.
folder-report layout:summary options:display-mismatches output-to:"C:\My
2.20.2 Scheduling a Script
You can use Beyond Compare's script processor to perform certain tasks, such as
synchronizing folders, without interaction. For example, to automate a backup of "C:\My
Folder", enter the following script commands into Notepad:
load "C:\My Folder" "C:\My Backups"
expand all
select left.newer.files left.orphan.files
copy left->right
Save this text file as "C:\My Scripts\Sync.txt".
A Beyond Compare script can be run at any desired time by using Window's Task
1. Open the Control Panel and double-click Schedule Tasks.
2. Double-click Add Scheduled Task.
3. In the Scheduled Task Wizard, select "Beyond Compare 3" from the list of installed
applications and follow the instructions.
4. Double-click the newly created scheduled task to open the Properties dialog.
5. In the Run field add a reference to your script file:
BCompare.exe @Sync.txt
6. Change the Start In field to be the location of the script file:
"C:\My Scripts"
Note If you are running Windows XP, you will first need to select Performance and
Maintenance from the Control Panel before selecting Schedule Tasks.
We recommend including a log command in your script. If you have trouble with your
script, check out the Scheduled Tasks error log: "SchedLgU.txt" in your Windows folder.
Beyond Compare 54
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Settings Reference
Beyond Compare is highly configurable, and it sometimes can be hard to know where to go
in the program to change a specific setting. Here's where to look:
Program Options
General user preferences are set in the Options dialog. From the Tools menu, select
Options . From here you can set startup options, control confirmation messages, and
customize display colors and fonts.
You can define your own keyboard shortcuts and toggle the visibility of various toolbar
and menu items. From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands .
Session Settings
Most of the options that define the scope and rules of a comparison can be found in the
Session Settings dialog. Each session type has its own session settings dialog. Select
Session Settings from the Session menu to open the dialog, or simply click the Rules
icon on the toolbar.
Session settings are stored with your saved sessions.
File Formats
You can configure how Beyond Compare handles specific file types. From the Tools menu,
select File Formats .
File formats determine:
The type of viewer used for visual comparison
What conversion, if any, should be performed before and after comparison
The syntax, or grammar, of the file's content
Tab stops
Settings Reference 55
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Which grammar elements are important or unimportant to the comparison
Line weights to help the alignment process
FTP Profiles
You can configure how Beyond Compare connects to specific FTP servers. From the Tools
menu, select FTP Profiles.
Source Control Integration
You can configure Beyond Compare to support checking files in and out of source control.
From the Tools menu, select Source Control Integration.
T weaks are advanced or obscure program options that we have decided not to include in
the normal user interface.
Press Ctrl+Shift+T to access the Tweaks dialog.
Editing tweaks should be self-explanatory. Contact Scooter Software if you require
3.1 Program Options
To set program preferences:
1. From the Tools menu, choose Options to open the Options dialog.
2. In the list at the left, click the item containing the options you want to set:
Open With
Folder Views
Compare Colors
File Views
Beyond Compare 56
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Compare Colors
Next Difference
3. On any page, click Factory Defaults to revert the options on that page back to
Scooter Software's default settings.
4. Modify the desired settings, and then click Apply to accept the changes, or OK to
apply and close.
3.1.1 Startup
Startup options:
When Beyond Compare starts up, it normally shows the Home view. To have the program
automatically start up with the same sessions that were open the last time you used
Beyond Compare, specify the same workspace name in the Load workspace and On Exit,
save workspace as fields. You can also use the Save Workspace As and Load Workspace
commands on the Session menu for further control.
When you start Beyond Compare with a pair of files specified, the program can display a
dialog with a comparison summary, rather than taking the time to display the entire side-
by-side comparison. To preface a file comparison with the Quick Compare dialog:
1. Mark the checkbox labeled When starting with file comparison, show quick compare
2. Select Binary quick compare to perform a byte-by-byte comparison, or Rules-based
quick compare to use the file format settings appropriate for the specified files.
3. Mark the Open view automatically if files are different checkbox if you want the dialog
to only appear when the files match.
The Check for updates every XXX days option determines how often Beyond Compare
checks our website for new versions of the software.
To add Beyond Compare to Explorer's right-click menu:
Mark the Include Beyond Compare in Explorer context menu checkbox.
Select any of the optional commands listed in the table and choose Main menu or
Submenu to include it in the context menu. Enable Compare Using to add a submenu that
lists specific views, such as the Data Compare view and the Hex Compare view. This
allows you to override the view that would normally be selected via the file formats list.
Enable Merge to add 3-way merge support to the context menu. Enable Sync to support
Settings Reference 57
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
synchronizing folders from Explorer. Enable Edit to support editing a single file from
Explorer. Enable Compare to Registry to support comparing a registry file to the live
3.1.2 General
These options control some of the general features of Beyond Compare.
To customize the Home view:
Enable Include session management to expose a tabbed session settings control on the
Home view.
Set the maximum number of auto-saved sessions to store. Once this limit is passed, the
oldest auto-saved sessions will be automatically deleted. Enter zero (0) to disable the
auto-save sessions feature.
Interface options:
Edit these options to show Large buttons with text labels on the toolbars, to Show hints
for toolbar buttons, etc. or to Show keyboard shortcut in hints. Here is what a toolbar
looks like when all of these options are enabled:
The ESC key closes file views option applies to all file view types, such as Text Compare,
Data Compare and Picture Compare. It does not affect folder views.
Shared Sessions:
Specify a Shared sessions file. Shared sessions will appear in your session tree. You can
use but not modify them. Use Tools > Export Settings to create a shared sessions file.
Available session types:
This list controls which session types are offered for new sessions. Unmark the types of
sessions that you don't want to use, in order to simplify the user interface. Saved
sessions of a disabled type will still appear and function normally.
The list will also show any Beyond Compare 2-style plug-ins that have been installed. To
install a plug-in, copy the .bcp file to Beyond Compare's program folder. Then select Tools
> File Formats , click New and add an appropriate format definition for the plug-in.
Beyond Compare 58
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3.1.3 Tabs
When working with multiple sessions simultaneously, Beyond Compare can open them in
independent windows, or under tabs in a single window. These options control that
To control new sessions:
Select either A new window or A new tab for newly created sessions.
To control child sessions:
Select either A new window or A new tab for newly created file sessions that are opened
directly from a folder session.
To control miscellaneous tab behavior:
Set these options to reflect your preferences.
If you uncheck both Closing last remaining tab closes the window and Hide tab bar if single
tab then closing the last tab will return to the Home view.
3.1.4 Backups
Beyond Compare can create a backup of your files before overwriting them during a copy
or move operation, or before saving an edited file. Set these options to control how
backup files are named and where they are stored.
3.1.5 Open With
You can configure external applications to appear in the Open With submenu.
Click New to add an application.
Enter a name in the Description field to appear on the Open With menu.
To define a keyboard shortcut for the application, focus on the Shortcut field and press
the desired keystroke. Click Remove to remove an assigned shortcut.
Enter a suitable Command line specification for launching the application. It can include
command line switches appropriate to that application. The following variables will be
replaced with the indicated information:
%f Absolute path and filename
Settings Reference 59
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%l (lowercase L) Current line number in file view
%n Filename only
%p Absolute path
%x Extension (includes '.')
%b Filename without extension
%F Path and filename relative to the working folder
%P Path relative to the working folder
'1' and '2' can be appended to the end of variables to refer to the left/first or right/second
file (eg. "BCompare %F2 %F1"). In all cases except for a second %f or %l (for backwards
compatibility), leaving a number off will refer to the first file no matter how many times it's
listed on the command line.
The Working Folder field allows you to change where the program executes (the "Start in"
folder). If it is blank, the program is executed in the same working folder as Beyond
Compare. You can specify a specific folder, or pick the special values <parent folder>
and <base folder> from the dropdown list. <parent folder> will use the selected file's
parent folder, while <base folder> will use the base folder of the selected side (or the
parent folder in a file view).
Use the Path delimiter field to replace all path delimiters with the given string. If left
blank, the normal delimiters will be used (eg. backslash (\) under Windows).
The Accepts files and Accepts folders options control whether the application should be
available for files, folders, or both. Tip: You can configure Beyond Compare itself as an
additional application for folders. That way, you can select folders and compare them in
another instance of Beyond Compare.
Refresh when finished performs a Fast Refresh when Beyond Compare is done processing
the Open With list.
When the Multiple instances option is enabled, you can select multiple files or file pairs,
and execute the operation on all of them once per file or pair of lined up files. With this
option, Beyond Compare checks to see if a second file would be given on the command
line (eg. "%x2"). If it is, the application will execute on pairs at a time, otherwise it will
break the pair up and execute once for each selected item in the pair.
Wait for previous instance to finish makes Beyond Compare wait until the previous
command finishes executing before running the next command.
3.1.6 Scripts
Set these options to control how scripts are processed:
Beyond Compare 60
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Enable Beep when finished for an audible cue that a script has finished.
Enable Close when finished to exit the program when the script has finished.
Specify a Shared scripts folder to be the location for shared scripts. If a script filename is
not found in the current folder, Beyond Compare will look for it there.
3.1.7 Folder Views
Name filter presets
Specify the preset name filter choices, available on the folder view's toolbar. Use simple
wildcard definitions separated by semicolons for the mask. Example:
Archive associations
Specify the file types to be associated with each of the supported archive formats.
Select a format and enter the associated file types separated by semicolons in the Mask
for XXX field. You can leave the field blank to drop support for that format. You can add
support for additional archive formats by clicking Add Plug-in and following the
instructions. For more information, see Archive Files.
The read-only attribute is normally preserved when copying files. On read-only media
such as CDs or DVDs, all files will still be marked read-only when they are copied to
another location. To avoid this, enable the Remove read-only flag when copying from a CD
or DVD option. Confirmations
By default, Beyond Compare prompts for confirmation before performing various actions.
Unmark any of these checkboxes to suppress the confirmation dialogs.
The Beep after long file operations option causes an audible sound when file operations
such as copy and move are complete, unless they take less than 3 seconds.
Synchronize confirmations:
Select Prompt, Yes to All or No to All to control confirmations that might appear during a
Folder Compare session's synchronize command.
How filters affect file actions:
Settings Reference 61
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
By default, file filters and display filters are respected during file actions (such as Copy,
Move and Delete), unless Suppress Filters is on. To change the default behavior, mark
the Include hidden items by default checkbox. Display
These options allow you to customize overall colors and fonts used in folder views.
By default, the font used for folder displays is the same as what the operating system
uses. To change it, un-mark the Use system checkbox and click the Font button.
By default, a light green background color is used to highlight selected items. This allows
the comparison colors to show even when selected. You can modify the selection color,
or if you prefer, mark the Use system checkbox to use the operating system's scheme for
highlighting selections.
Select the colors to be used for Filtered out items (when Suppress Filters is used), and for
items whose comparison state is Unknown. Mark the Use Stripes checkbox to tint the
background on every other line of the comparison. Compare Colors
These options allow you to customize the colors used to highlight differences in folder
views. Log
Set these options to include or exclude types of messages in the log:
Operation summaries
Log a summary of each operation.
Operation details
Log details of each operation, including each file affected.
Log warnings and errors.
FTP trace
Log messages to and from FTP site.
To limit the memory usage of the log:
Beyond Compare 62
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Enter a value for Display up to XXX messages. Once this limit is reached in a session, the
oldest messages will be deleted.
To continuously write log messages to a text file:
Enter a file specification for Automatically save messages to file. The file will be created if
3.1.8 File Views
Thumbnail control for large files
Select Compress to fit to compress the thumbnail to the available vertical space. Select
Allow scrolling to show a vertical scrollbar instead.
Displayed files changed externally
Mark the Check for files changed on disk checkbox to check for a newer copy of a file
when returning focus to a file view. If found, Beyond Compare will prompt "File changed
on disk, reload?" Mark the Automatically reload unless changes will be discarded checkbox
to have Beyond Compare automatically load the newer file as long as you haven't made
changes to the displayed file. Display
These options allow you to customize visual aspects of the various types of file views.
Select an element from the list to change its visual treatment. You can change the
Background color and Text color of each element on the list. Lower elements in the list
override higher ones. Select Default to leave unchanged a color set by an element higher
on the list.
Mark the Use Stripes checkbox to tint the background on every other line of the
By default, Beyond Compare uses a medium green color for selected text, so that
difference coloring is not obscured. If you prefer the operating system's standard coloring
for selections, pick Selection from the list of elements and mark Use system.
The list also includes synt ax highlight ing elements.
Click one of the Font buttons to change the overall font used to display text. The Editor
font is used in Text Compare, Text Merge and Data Compare views. The Hex font is used
in Hex Compare views, as well as the optional hex details display at the bottom of other
views. The Listing font is used in all other views.
The Dim inactive pane by XXX % setting is used to darken the non-active side of the
Settings Reference 63
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
comparison, to help you focus on the active side. Compare Colors
These options allow you to customize the colors used to highlight differences in the
various types of file views.
Set Important differences and Unimportant differences to your preference for those
concepts. The font colors and background colors will be derived from these basic colors.
By default, the basic color is used for the text color on differences, and a pale version of
the color is used for the entire line's background color.
Click the Bold button to use a bold font style for differences.
Adjust the Background Contrast slider to make the background colors lighter or darker
The Difference Enhancer slider controls foreground/background contrast for individual
Mark the Use merge colors for compares checkbox to color one-sided lines as left or
right additions (blue and purple) rather than differences (red).
Pick a basic color for indicating Left changes, Conflicts and Right changes. These
colors will be used for icons and the thumbnail summary. Derived colors will be used for
the background color on appropriate lines. For each of these colors there is a Shift
Unimportant Color slider that modifies the hue used for unimportant differences. There is
also an Additional Contrast slider that further lightens the unimportant color. Next Difference
Set these options to reflect your preferences concerning how to peruse differences.
Next difference:
When loading new files, go to first difference
Immediately position at first difference when a new text comparison starts.
Go to next difference after copying to other side
Position at next difference item after copying the current item to the other side.
Limit "Next Difference Files" to current folder
Limit the Next Difference Files command to finding files in the same parent folder.
When no more differences:
Wrap around to first difference
If the end of the comparison is reached when looking for a difference, position back at the
first difference in the comparison.
Beyond Compare 64
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Show message panel
Disable this option in order to suppress the message panel (and beep) when a difference
is not found.
3.1.9 Text
These options apply to Text Compare and Text Merge sessions.
Editing features
Auto indent
When enabled and a new line is created, it is automatically indented to match the leading
whitespace on the previous line.
Backspace unindents
When enabled and positioned immediately after the leading whitespace on a line, pressing
the Backspace key deletes enough whitespace to match the previous indentation level, as
defined by preceding lines.
Allow positioning beyond end of line
When enabled, the edit cursor is not constrained by the end of text on a line.
Display options
Most of the display settings for Text Compare and Text Merge are found on the Display
and Compare Colors pages of the Options dialog. Settings specific to the text editors are
You can add or subtract pixels from Extra line spacing to change the density of text in the
To show a vertical line at a specific column position, set Show column line at to the
desired value. Set it to zero (0) to hide the line. If you use a proportionally spaced font,
the column position will be determined by the width of the space character.
Enable Show filtered line counts to display a summary of lines hidden by display filters:
To use an alternate font for the narrower input panes in a Text Merge session,
enable Different font for merge input panes.
Other miscellaneous options
Initialize "Text to find" to be current word
Settings Reference 65
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Causes the current selection to be filled in as the search text for the Find command.
Number of context lines
Defines the number of matching lines to display before and after a difference section
when the Text Compare's Show Context is used.
3.1.10 Data
The Details resize columns to fit option causes the Row Details area at the bottom of a
Data Compare view to size columns to fit the specific rows displayed there, rather than
matching the column widths in the main comparison display.
3.1.11 Picture
You can change the colors used in Tolerance mode in Picture Compare sessions.
Change the Solid color as desired, or select Gray scale, Red scale or Blue scale to "tint" the
left image, so that it shows through on the difference pane.
Turn on Show transparency as checkerboarding to indicate which pixels in the original
images are transparent.
Set the Background color to control the color of the panes that hold the images.
3.2 Commands
From the Tools menu, choose Customize Commands . In this dialog you can control
which commands appear in menus and on toolbars, and you can set keyboard shortcuts
for commands. Since the menus and toolbars change depending on the type of window,
you need to open a session to customize the commands for that session type.
In the search field, type the name or description of the command you are looking for in
order to limit the list of commands.
Select a command in the list to edit. The command's description will appear below the
For most commands, you can enable or disable Show command in menu and/or Show
command on toolbar. Some commands also have a Show command on dropdown option
that positions the command on a drop-down menu connected to a toolbar button.
To change the keyboard shortcut, focus on the Shortcut field and press the desired
keystroke. Click Remove to remove an assigned shortcut or Default to revert it to the
factory default setting. If a keyboard shortcut is already assigned elsewhere, a warning
appears and you have the option of reassigning it.
Most session types have display filters commands available. For those, Display filter
presets are available for quickly selecting popular toolbar layouts (DropDown, Favorites or
Toggles). These presets can also be selected by right-clicking the toolbar.
Beyond Compare 66
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Enable Lock toolbar positions to disable drag-and-dock on the toolbar.
For documentation of specific commands, see Commands Reference.
3.3 Session Settings
To edit session settings:
1. From the Session menu choose Session Settings .
2. Modify the desired settings on each tab.
3. The drop-down selection at the bottom of the dialog controls the scope of your
changes. Select Use for this view only to affect the current session, or Update session
defaults to apply your changes to all new sessions of this type.
Additional choices are shown for c hild sessions, comparisons spawned from a folder
session. Use for these files within parent session causes the current folder session to
remember these settings and use them whenever this particular pair of files is
compared. Use for all files within parent session causes these settings to be used for
any new sessions of this type spawned from the current folder session.
4. Click OK.
Specific settings for session types:
Folder Compare
Folder Sync
Text Compare
Text Merge
Data Compare
Hex Compare
MP3 Compare
Picture Compare
Registry Compare
Version Compare
3.3.1 Folder Compare
Click the tab containing the settings you want to edit:
Settings Reference 67
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
These settings control which folders to compare.
Name Filters
Other Filters
Misc Comparison
These settings control what is considered a difference in a folder session.
Quick tests
These comparison tests can be performed simply by reading directories and are much
quicker than tests that require reading individual files.
Compare file size
Marks files as different if file sizes differ.
Compare timestamps
Compares files' date and time last modified. Timestamps must differ by more seconds
than the Tolerance to be considered mismatches.
Ignore daylight saving difference ignores exact hour differences. This is useful for
dealing with the way that different file systems handle Daylight Savings Time.
Ignore timezone differences ignores timestamp differences that are multiples of an
exact hour.
Compare filename case
Marks files as different if character capitalizations differ.
Compare file attributes
Archive compares files' archive attribute. Since merely copying a file can change its
archive attribute, you should normally disable this option.
System compares files' system attribute.
Hidden compares files' hidden attribute.
Read-only compares files' read-only attribute.
Beyond Compare 68
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Tests that require reading files
Compare contents
Enables size or content-related comparisons.
CRC comparison compares CRC values. A CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) is a numeric
representation of the contents of a file. If the CRCs of two files are different, then
the contents of those files must be different. If the CRCs match, then it is likely (but
not certain) that the contents match.
Binary comparison compares files byte-by-byte.
Rules-based comparison compares files based on their file format associations. Allows
you to ignore differences in line endings, whitespace, or source code comments.
Enable Skip if quick tests indicate files are the same when you only want to perform the
slower, more thorough tests when timestamps are different.
Compare versions
Compares version information, typically stored in application files (.exe, .dll, .ocx, etc).
Override quick test results
If enabled, a content comparison that finds identical contents will show the files as
matching, even though there are differences in timestamps or other quick tests. Handling
Folder handling
Automatically scan subfolders in background causes folders to be read in the background
when a comparison is loaded. This way, folders can be colored appropriately before you
open them. Top-level orphan folders can usually be colored and filtered without scanning,
since they can only contain other orphans. Automatically scan top-level orphan subfolders
causes these orphan folders to be scanned anyway, so that the folder's size is accurately
Expand subfolders when loading session opens all folders automatically when a comparison
is loaded. Only expand subfolders with differences limits auto expansion to folders that are
found to have mismatches.
Archive handling (eg. zip files)
As files always treats archive files like other files. They will sort with files and not show a
folder icon.
As folders once opened sorts and compares archive files like other files, but with a zip
folder icon. Once you open the zip folder, its comparison status changes to reflect its
contents, like other folders do.
Settings Reference 69
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As folders always treats archive files like regular folders.
File handling
Touch local files when copying to an FTP site
Many FTP sites do not allow Beyond Compare to control file timestamps, so when a file is
copied to the FTP site, its date will not match the local copy. This option changes the
local file timestamp to match the FTP copy.
Bypass disk cache during binary comparisons
Reads files directly from the media, avoiding the operating system's disk cache. This
ensures an accurate comparison after copying to questionable media.
Follow symbolic links
Displays symbolic links and NTFS junction points as if they were their target. This
includes whether they will be shown as files or folders, their size, their last modified time,
and their attributes.
Maintain DOS 8.3 aliases
Tries to keep the same short (DOS 8.3) filenames when copying files.
Copy NTFS file permissions
Copies security descriptors of files on NTFS file systems under Windows 2000 or newer.
This feature does not preserve permissions of files edited from Text Compare sessions.
Automatic refresh
Set this option to periodically refresh the folder comparison. Name Filters
You can include or exclude folders and files based on their names by using one or more file
To set a name filter:
Add a file mask to the appropriate list. Each file mask must be on its own line.
Include Files Files to include in this session.
Exclude Files Files to exclude from this session.
Include Folders Folders to include in this session.
Exclude Folders Folders to exclude from this session.
For examples, see the File Masks topic.
Beyond Compare 70
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
To clear all name filters:
Click the Clear button to clear all the filter settings on this tab.
To make the current name filter a preset:
Click the Add To Presets button, optionally enter a Name, optionally edit the Mask, and
click OK. Other Filters
You can exclude files from a folder session based on criteria other than their names.
To filter by date:
1. Select Date from the list of filter types.
2. If Use days ago is enabled, filters will be the number of whole days relative to 12:00AM
on the date when the comparison is run. If it is disabled, filters will use absolute
dates and times.
3. Enable Exclude files that are older than or Exclude files that are newer than to define a
filter. Enable both to include files within a range of dates.
To filter by size:
1. Select Size from the list of filter types.
2. Enable Exclude files that are smaller than or Exclude files that are larger than to define
a filter. Enable both to include files within a range of sizes.
To filter by DOS attributes:
1. Select DOS attributes from the list of filter types.
2. Select the options you want to control exclusion. Exclude protected operating system
files is enabled by default.
To filter by source control status:
1. Select Source control status from the list of filter types.
2. Select the options you want to control exclusion.
To filter by text content:
Settings Reference 71
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
3. Select Text content from the list of filter types.
4. Select the options you want to define the text search. If a match can't be found in a
file, it will be excluded.
Note When any of the above filters is in effect, a comment bar appears near the
bottom of the folder view. You can click the icon on the bar to edit these filters.
Note If a file filter determines that a file on one side of the comparison should be
hidden but the corresponding file on the other side should be visible, both are made visible
and the one that should be hidden will be colored teal (blue-green).
To clear all other file filters:
Click the Clear button to clear all the filter settings on this tab. Misc
In the absence of alignment overrides, a folder session aligns files and subfolders by
name, left and right. You can manually change the default alignment.
To force a different alignment:
Click New to add an alignment override.
In the Alignment Override dialog, fill in the Align left file (or folder) and with right file (or
folder) fields. You can use * and ? wildcards in your entries, or enable Regular expression
to interpret your entries as replacement-style regular expressions. Use Limit to this folder
to specify a relative path for the alignment.
Align left file (or folder) ... with right file (or folder) Description
x.txt x.csv Lines up "x.txt" with "x.csv".
*.gif *.png
Lines up all GIF files with
PNG files of the same name.
x*.jpg y*.jpg
Lines up files such as "x1.
jpg" with "y1.jpg" and "x2.
jpg" with "y2.jpg".
Note The easiest way to manually align two items in a folder session is to right-click
the first item, select Align With, then click the second item.
Beyond Compare 72
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To override file format associations:
The Enabled file formats list lets you override which file formats will be used by this folder
session. A file format is listed in bold if its enabled state in this session is different from
its global enabled state. You can create a custom file format that is enabled for use in
this session but disabled in the global list.
3.3.2 Folder Sync
Click the tab containing the settings you want to edit:
These settings control which folders to compare.
Name Filters
Other Filters
Misc Sync
You can use one of the predefined sync methods described in the overview or create a
custom one. Comparison
These settings control what is considered a difference in a folder session.
Quick tests
These comparison tests can be performed simply by reading directories and are much
quicker than tests that require reading individual files.
Compare file size
Marks files as different if file sizes differ.
Compare timestamps
Settings Reference 73
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Compares files' date and time last modified. Timestamps must differ by more seconds
than the Tolerance to be considered mismatches.
Ignore daylight saving difference ignores exact hour differences. This is useful for
dealing with the way that different file systems handle Daylight Savings Time.
Ignore timezone differences ignores timestamp differences that are multiples of an
exact hour.
Compare filename case
Marks files as different if character capitalizations differ.
Compare file attributes
Archive compares files' archive attribute. Since merely copying a file can change its
archive attribute, you should normally disable this option.
System compares files' system attribute.
Hidden compares files' hidden attribute.
Read-only compares files' read-only attribute.
Tests that require reading files
Compare contents
Enables size or content-related comparisons.
CRC comparison compares CRC values. A CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) is a numeric
representation of the contents of a file. If the CRCs of two files are different, then
the contents of those files must be different. If the CRCs match, then it is likely (but
not certain) that the contents match.
Binary comparison compares files byte-by-byte.
Rules-based comparison compares files based on their file format associations. Allows
you to ignore differences in line endings, whitespace, or source code comments.
Enable Skip if quick tests indicate files are the same when you only want to perform the
slower, more thorough tests when timestamps are different.
Compare versions
Compares version information, typically stored in application files (.exe, .dll, .ocx, etc).
Override quick test results
If enabled, a content comparison that finds identical contents will show the files as
matching, even though there are differences in timestamps or other quick tests.
Beyond Compare 74
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc. Handling
Folder handling
Sync empty folders will affect folders without content or whose entire contents have been
filtered out.
Expand subfolders when loading session opens all folders automatically when a comparison
is loaded.
Sync within archives treats archive files like regular folders.
File handling
Delete to recycle bin if possible
Moves files and folders stored on a local drive to the recycle bin instead of permanently
deleting them. This option is ignored for deletions from network drives, FTP sites and
within archive files.
Touch local files when copying to an FTP site
Many FTP sites do not allow Beyond Compare to control file timestamps, so when a file is
copied to the FTP site, its date will not match the local copy. This option changes the
local file timestamp to match the FTP copy.
Bypass disk cache during binary comparisons
Reads files directly from the media, avoiding the operating system's disk cache. This
ensures an accurate comparison after copying to questionable media.
Follow symbolic links
Displays symbolic links and NTFS junction points as if they were their target. This
includes whether they will be shown as files or folders, their size, their last modified time,
and their attributes.
Maintain DOS 8.3 aliases
Tries to keep the same short (DOS 8.3) filenames when copying files.
Copy NTFS file permissions
Copies security descriptors of files on NTFS file systems under Windows 2000 or newer.
This feature does not preserve permissions of files edited from Text Compare sessions.
Automatic refresh
Set this option to periodically refresh the folder comparison. Name Filters
You can include or exclude folders and files based on their names by using one or more file
Settings Reference 75
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
To set a name filter:
Add a file mask to the appropriate list. Each file mask must be on its own line.
Include Files Files to include in this session.
Exclude Files Files to exclude from this session.
Include Folders Folders to include in this session.
Exclude Folders Folders to exclude from this session.
For examples, see the File Masks topic.
To clear all name filters:
Click the Clear button to clear all the filter settings on this tab.
To make the current name filter a preset:
Click the Add To Presets button, optionally enter a Name, optionally edit the Mask, and
click OK. Other Filters
You can exclude files from a folder session based on criteria other than their names.
To filter by date:
1. Select Date from the list of filter types.
2. If Use days ago is enabled, filters will be the number of whole days relative to 12:00AM
on the date when the comparison is run. If it is disabled, filters will use absolute
dates and times.
3. Enable Exclude files that are older than or Exclude files that are newer than to define a
filter. Enable both to include files within a range of dates.
To filter by size:
1. Select Size from the list of filter types.
2. Enable Exclude files that are smaller than or Exclude files that are larger than to define
a filter. Enable both to include files within a range of sizes.
To filter by DOS attributes:
Beyond Compare 76
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
1. Select DOS attributes from the list of filter types.
2. Select the options you want to control exclusion. Exclude protected operating system
files is enabled by default.
To filter by source control status:
1. Select Source control status from the list of filter types.
2. Select the options you want to control exclusion.
To filter by text content:
3. Select Text content from the list of filter types.
4. Select the options you want to define the text search. If a match can't be found in a
file, it will be excluded.
Note When any of the above filters is in effect, a comment bar appears near the
bottom of the folder view. You can click the icon on the bar to edit these filters.
Note If a file filter determines that a file on one side of the comparison should be
hidden but the corresponding file on the other side should be visible, both are made visible
and the one that should be hidden will be colored teal (blue-green).
To clear all other file filters:
Click the Clear button to clear all the filter settings on this tab. Misc
In the absence of alignment overrides, a folder session aligns files and subfolders by
name, left and right. You can manually change the default alignment.
To force a different alignment:
Click New to add an alignment override.
In the Alignment Override dialog, fill in the Align left file (or folder) and with right file (or
folder) fields. You can use * and ? wildcards in your entries, or enable Regular expression
to interpret your entries as replacement-style regular expressions. Use Limit to this folder
to specify a relative path for the alignment.
Settings Reference 77
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Align left file (or folder) ... with right file (or folder) Description
x.txt x.csv Lines up "x.txt" with "x.csv".
*.gif *.png
Lines up all GIF files with
PNG files of the same name.
x*.jpg y*.jpg
Lines up files such as "x1.
jpg" with "y1.jpg" and "x2.
jpg" with "y2.jpg".
To override file format associations:
The Enabled file formats list lets you override which file formats will be used by this folder
session. A file format is listed in bold if its enabled state in this session is different from
its global enabled state. You can create a custom file format that is enabled for use in
this session but disabled in the global list.
3.3.3 Text Compare
Click the tab containing the settings you want to edit:
These settings control which files to compare.
Replacements Format
Specify the file format to be used when reading the left and/or right files. The default
selection is Detected, which means the file format will be selected based on file masks.
Encoding overrides allow this session to override the character encoding to be used for
each file, normally controlled by the selected file format. The default is None, which
means the file format's encoding choice will be used. Importance
These settings control which differences you consider important in the current session.
Important differences will be colored red in the comparison. Unimportant differences will
be blue (or not highlighted at all if Ignore Unimportant Differences is enabled).
Grammar elements
Beyond Compare 78
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Mark the boxes in the list of items that are important to the comparison. The list contains
elements that are defined by the file format's grammar. Click the Edit Grammar button to
examine or change the grammar definitions in the selected file format.
Default text
These settings control the importance of text not defined in the grammar (or for file
formats that don't have a grammar defined).
Leading whitespace controls whether whit espac e (spaces and tabs) at the start of the
line is important.
Embedded whitespace controls whether whitespace in the middle of the line is important.
Trailing whitespace controls whether whitespace at the end of the line is important.
Everything else refers to non-whitespace text not already defined as a grammar element.
Mark Character case if the "everything else" text is case-sensitive. (The case sensitivity
of grammar elements is controlled by the file format's grammar.)
To consider an extra blank line (or an inserted line with only unimportant text) an
important difference, mark the Orphan lines are always important checkbox.
Beyond Compare normally ignores differences in line ending style, such as CR/LF in
Windows text files vs. LF alone in Unix files. To find differences in line endings on a line-
by-line basis, mark the Compare line endings (PC/Mac/Unix) checkbox. (To examine the
line endings, enable the Visible Whitespace option in the View menu.) Alignment
The Alignment tab settings control the algorithm for aligning lines in the comparison.
The Standard method aligns the files by comparing successively smaller sections of each
file. Parts of the alignment can be shown before the entire comparison is finished.
Skew tolerance represents how far the algorithm will look for matches. When comparing
files with many or large inserts, a larger tolerance can improve the alignment.
The Use closeness matching option attempts to align the remaining mismatched lines based
on their similarity.
The Alternate method aligns the files using a common LCS (Longest Common
Subsequence) algorithm. This can give better matches in certain cases, such as large
inserts or when the files contain a lot of repeating text. Since files are compared all at
once, larger file scans take much longer than the standard method, and the files are not
displayed until the comparison is complete. It does not support similarity comparisons, so
Settings Reference 79
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
mismatches will be grouped in blocks.
Select Unaligned to compare files without aligning lines based on their content.
Mark the Never align differences checkbox to show lines with important differences as
blocks of added and deleted text rather than changed text.
Note Regardless of these settings, the alignment algorithm will sometimes produce
undesirable results. To manually align two lines, right-click one line and select Align With
and then click the second line. Replacements
Replac ement s identify repetitive changes that should be considered unimportant. You
can specify the text to match on one side and the text that replaces it on the other side.
To define a replacement rule:
On the Replacements tab, click New.
Specify the Text to find and the Replace with text.
Mark Match character case to only match on text with the same uppercase and lowercase
Mark Whole words only to prevent matching on parts of words.
Mark Regular expression to treat the search string as a PCRE regular expression. You can
use the dropdown button to the right of the search string to insert common regular
expression elements. Click the RE Examples button for more info.
Specify the Side of the editor pane that should be searched.
3.3.4 Text Merge
Click the tab containing the settings you want to edit:
These settings control which files to merge.
Beyond Compare 80
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc. Format
Specify the file format to be used when reading the input files. The default selection is
Detected, which means the file format will be selected based on file masks.
Encoding overrides allow this session to override the character encoding to be used for
each file, normally controlled by the selected file format. The default is None, which
means the file format's encoding choice will be used. Importance
These settings control which differences you consider important in the current session.
Important differences will be colored red in the comparison. Unimportant differences will
be blue (or not highlighted at all if Ignore Unimportant Differences is enabled).
Grammar elements
Mark the boxes in the list of items that are important to the comparison. The list contains
elements that are defined by the file format's grammar. Click the Edit Grammar button to
examine or change the grammar definitions in the selected file format.
Default text
These settings control the importance of text not defined in the grammar (or for file
formats that don't have a grammar defined).
Leading whitespace controls whether whit espac e (spaces and tabs) at the start of the
line is important.
Embedded whitespace controls whether whitespace in the middle of the line is important.
Trailing whitespace controls whether whitespace at the end of the line is important.
Everything else refers to non-whitespace text not already defined as a grammar element.
Mark Character case if the "everything else" text is case-sensitive. (The case sensitivity
of grammar elements is controlled by the file format's grammar.)
To consider an extra blank line (or an inserted line with only unimportant text) an
important difference, mark the Orphan lines are always important checkbox.
Beyond Compare normally ignores differences in line ending style, such as CR/LF in
Windows text files vs. LF alone in Unix files. To find differences in line endings on a line-
by-line basis, mark the Compare line endings (PC/Mac/Unix) checkbox. (To examine the
Settings Reference 81
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line endings, enable the Visible Whitespace option in the View menu.) Alignment
The Alignment tab settings control the algorithm for aligning lines in the comparison.
The Standard method aligns the files by comparing successively smaller sections of each
file. Parts of the alignment can be shown before the entire comparison is finished.
Skew tolerance represents how far the algorithm will look for matches. When comparing
files with many or large inserts, a larger tolerance can improve the alignment.
The Use closeness matching option attempts to align the remaining mismatched lines based
on their similarity.
The Alternate method aligns the files using a common LCS (Longest Common
Subsequence) algorithm. This can give better matches in certain cases, such as large
inserts or when the files contain a lot of repeating text. Since files are compared all at
once, larger file scans take much longer than the standard method, and the files are not
displayed until the comparison is complete. It does not support similarity comparisons, so
mismatches will be grouped in blocks.
Select Unaligned to compare files without aligning lines based on their content.
Mark the Never align differences checkbox to show lines with important differences as
blocks of added and deleted text rather than changed text.
Note Regardless of these settings, the alignment algorithm will sometimes produce
undesirable results. To manually align two lines, right-click one line and select Align With
and then click the second line.
A merge conflict is...
These settings define the scope of conflicts. A conflict occurs when the same section of
text has changes on both left and right sides.
Select Only different change lines to limit conflicts to where each line has changes on both
sides. Select Left change and right change separated by lines to specify the maximum
number of lines between changes that should be considered conflicts. This way, left and
right changes that are close to each other can be flagged for review along with direct
3.3.5 Data Compare
Click the tab containing the settings you want to edit:
Beyond Compare 82
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These settings control which files to compare.
Columns Format
Specify the file format to be used when reading the left and/or right files. The default
selection is Detected, which means the file format will be selected based on file masks.
Encoding overrides allow this session to override the character encoding to be used for
each file, normally controlled by the selected file format. The default is None, which
means the file format's encoding choice will be used. Columns
Each line in the display represents a comparison column, and shows:
Comparison if key, column number, column name
Left file column number, sample data if available
Right file column number, sample data if available
Handling summary of column comparison
To control the alignment of rows:
Define as many columns as keys as necessary to uniquely identify each row. By default,
the first column is the only one defined as a key. To define a column as a key, position
on the appropriate line, click the Edit button, mark the Key checkbox, and click OK. If
multiple keys are defined, precedence follows the order in the comparison. If no keys are
defined, the alignment will use all of the columns to uniquely identify each row.
By default, the files are sorted by their keys before the rows are aligned. Mark the
Unsorted alignment checkbox to force the alignment to preserve the order of rows as they
exist in the files. Note that this may cause rows with the same key column data not to
be aligned.
To control the alignment of columns:
By default, the comparison assumes the columns of the files are in the same order. To
change the comparison order of a column in the left file, position on the appropriate line
under Left file, and click the Move Up or Move Down button as necessary. If you
position under Comparison instead, those buttons will change the position of the
comparison column itself. To prevent a column in the left file from being compared at all,
position on the appropriate line under Left file, and click the Remove button. If you
position under Comparison instead, this button will prevent its file columns from being
compared and delete this comparison column definition. To restore a removed column
from the left file, position under Left file, right-click to pick Insert, mark items in the Insert
Columns dialog and click OK. Click the Tidy button to remove any blank lines from the list.
Settings Reference 83
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To control the names of columns:
By default, column names are automatically determined from the left or right file. To give
a column a specific name, position on the appropriate line, click the Edit button,
change the Name, and click OK. To revert all columns to automatic naming, select Reset
Names from the list's right-click menu. If left file data is available, you can select Fill
Names Using Left File from the list's right-click menu to force the names to be those found
in the left file. Fill Names Using Comparison will force the names to be those that would be
automatically determined.
To control how column data is compared:
Position on the appropriate line and click the Edit button to open the Column Handling
dialog. To change the default Handling settings, click the Edit Default button.
3.3.6 Hex Compare
These settings control which files to compare.
These settings control how the files are compared.
Complete will align the bytes using a complex algorithm. Fast will perform a simpler but
quicker alignment that is ideal for really large files. None will just align the bytes one
by one.
Bytes per line controls the layout of the bytes in the view.
Files up to this size are loaded without file locks allows smaller files to be edited in other
3.3.7 MP3 Compare
These settings control which files to compare.
These settings control which differences you consider important.
3.3.8 Picture Compare
These settings control which files to compare.
Beyond Compare 84
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Specify the file format to be used when reading the left and/or right files. The default
selection is Detected, which means the file format will be selected based on file
These settings control how the files are compared. Many of them can also be
changed using toolbar buttons. See the Picture Compare Overview topic for details on
the difference modes.
3.3.9 Registry Compare
These settings control which files to compare.
These settings control which differences you consider important.
3.3.10 Version Compare
These settings control which files to compare.
These settings control which differences you consider important.
3.4 File Formats
From the Tools menu, choose File Formats . Here you can see and manage the entire
list of file formats.
The order of the list is important. When Beyond Compare looks for a file format to use on
a file, it scans this list from top to bottom, stopping on the first enabled item whose mask
matches the filename. To change the order of the list, highlight an item and click Move
Up or Move Down . To enable or disable an item, mark or unmark its checkbox.
An item is colored red if any filename it could match is already matched by an item higher
in the list. A disabled item is colored gray. An item with an empty mask cannot match
any filename. To use any of these file formats, you must manually pick them in file
Settings Reference 85
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Note A specific session can independently enable or disable file formats. (See Folder
Compare Miscellaneous Settings.) This way you can have a special file format that is
used only by one session.
3.4.1 Text Formats
Text formats are file formats used by the Text Compare and Text Merge session types.
Click the tab containing the settings you want to edit:
Misc General
The Mask is a set of file types to be associated with this file format.
The Description can include any text you want. The built-in file format descriptions
include any limitations or requirements for using them. Conversion
The Conversion tab defines how files should be loaded and saved.
Text Compare sessions can compare plain text files, such as programming source files,
directly. To compare files with structured or proprietary formats, it may be necessary to
first extract the plain text content from the file. For example, Microsoft Word documents
are binary files, but Beyond Compare can extract and compare their textual content.
Beyond Compare can highlight differences in words and sentences but cannot identify
differences in formatting or embedded images.
Select a Conversion method. When using External Program methods, you will need to
specify a conversion program with the appropriate path and command line switches in the
Loading field. In order to support filenames with extended characters, make sure to pick
the appropriate filename encoding (Unicode or ANSI). The following variables will be
replaced with the indicated information:
%s source file
%t target file
%n original file
Beyond Compare 86
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
%x original extension, including '.'
Conversion programs are only considered successful if they return a zero exit code and
generate a non-empty file.
If you have a conversion program you want to use before saving, you can unmark the
Disable editing checkbox and in the Saving field specify that conversion program's path
and command line switches. The above variables apply.
Trim trailing whitespace and Convert leading spaces to tabs are edits that can be
performed before saving files.
The Encoding of most text files can be detected automatically, but you can specify a
specific code page to use.
The characters per line limit setting will break long lines at the indicated length. Those
artificial line breaks are removed when saving an edited file.
Mark the Ctrl+Z indicates end of file checkbox for if your file type uses the hex value 1A as
an EOF marker. Grammar
The Grammar tab defines the syntax of a file. Grammar elements such as comments and
keywords are defined here. Each grammar element can be described by one or more
grammar items which appear in the list. The order of the list is significant. Items higher
on the list take precedence over lower items. See Editing a Grammar Item.
Line weights are used to improve alignment in a comparison. The alignment algorithm will
try to line up matching lines with higher line weights. Misc
Insert spaces instead of tabs
When disabled, pressing the Tab key inserts a tab character into the file. When enabled,
an appropriate number of spaces is inserted instead.
The Tab stop setting determines the interval between tab stops. Pressing the Tab key
advances the cursor to the next tab stop.
Mark the Lines are independent checkbox when each line is an independent record and it
is not useful to manipulate consecutive difference lines as a sec t ion.
Mark the Column-based data checkbox when the position of each character on a line is
important and lines should be compared column-by-column.
3.4.2 Data Format
Data formats are file formats used by the Data Compare session type.
Settings Reference 87
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Click the tab containing the settings you want to edit:
Type General
The Mask is a set of file types to be associated with this file format.
The Description can include any text you want. The built-in file format descriptions
include any limitations or requirements for using them. Conversion
The Conversion tab defines how files should be loaded and saved.
Data Compare sessions can compare plain text files, such as comma separated value files,
directly. To compare files with structured or proprietary formats, it may be necessary to
first extract the plain text content from the file. For example, Microsoft Excel
spreadsheets are binary files, but Beyond Compare can extract and compare their textual
content. Beyond Compare can highlight differences in words and sentences but cannot
identify differences in formatting or embedded images.
Select a Conversion method. When using External Program methods, you will need to
specify a conversion program with the appropriate path and command line switches in the
Loading field. In order to support filenames with extended characters, make sure to pick
the appropriate filename encoding (Unicode or ANSI). The following variables will be
replaced with the indicated information:
%s source file
%t target file
%n original file
%x original extension, including '.'
Conversion programs are only considered successful if they return a zero exit code and
generate a non-empty file.
If you have a conversion program you want to use before saving, you can unmark the
Disable editing checkbox and in the Saving field specify that conversion program's path
and command line switches. The above variables apply.
The Encoding of most text files can be detected automatically, but you can specify a
specific code page to use.
Beyond Compare 88
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Mark the Ctrl+Z indicates end of file checkbox for if your file type uses the hex value 1A as
an EOF marker. Type
The Type tab defines the syntax of the data file.
Delimited text files
Select Delimited if the fields are separated by a delimiter character such as a tab or
Mark the Detect checkbox to have the program automatically determine the delimiter.
Otherwise, specify the delimiter character(s) and select the Text qualifier that optionally
surrounds fields (necessary for data that contains the delimiter character).
Mark the Treat consecutive delimiters as one checkbox if a delimiter can consist of multiple
delimiter characters. For example, if the data file contains columns separated by
whitespace, you should enable this option and select Space as the delimiter character.
Unmark the Treat surrounding whitespace as part of delimiter checkbox if any whitespace
next to a delimiter should be considered part of the data field.
Fixed position text files
Select Fixed for files where fields are defined by position on the line.
Enter the Column widths in a list separated by semicolons.
All types
Select the Decimal symbol to be used when interpreting numeric fields. Normally the
symbol set by your system's Regional Settings is used but you can override it here.
Often, the first line of a data file is a header, containing the names of the columns. The
First line contains option controls whether the first line is a header or a regular data row.
Select Detect to have Data Compare try to determine it automatically.
3.4.3 Picture Format
Picture formats are file formats used by the Picture Compare session type.
Click the tab containing the settings you want to edit:
Settings Reference 89
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc. General
The Mask is a set of file types to be associated with this file format.
The Description can include any text you want. The built-in file format descriptions
include any limitations or requirements for using them. Conversion
The Conversion tab defines how files should be loaded.
Select a Conversion method. When using External Program methods, you will need to
specify a conversion program with the appropriate path and command line switches in the
Loading field. In order to support filenames with extended characters, make sure to pick
the appropriate filename encoding (Unicode or ANSI). The following variables will be
replaced with the indicated information:
%s source file
%t target file
%n original file
%x original extension, including '.'
Conversion programs are only considered successful if they return a zero exit code and
generate a non-empty file.
3.5 FTP Profiles
From the Tools menu, choose FTP Profiles. Here you can see and manage the entire list of
FTP Profiles.
Edit the <default> to change settings used for most profiles. You can edit specific
profiles to have settings different from the default.
Click the tab for the settings you wish to edit:
Beyond Compare 90
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3.5.1 General
These settings control general FTP behavior.
Login settings:
Specify FTP or one of the secure FTP options: SSL or SSH.
Override if you don't want to use the standard value for the specified protocol.
Host, Username, Password
Specify login parameters for your account.
Anonymous login
Mark to use an email address for your password.
Save password
Mark to weakly encrypt your password and store it along with other FTP profile settings.
Server settings:
Filenames are case sensitive
Mark to require filename character case to be the same in order to line up in the
Specify the character encoding the server uses for directory listings and commands.
Time zone
Specify the time zone of the server. Timestamps will be converted to local time
Custom login commands
Specify any additional commands to send to the server upon connection. Not supported
by SFTP (SSH) connections.
Note If you need help with the settings on this page, consult your system
3.5.2 Connection
These settings control how the connection is made to the remote server.
Simultaneous connections
Specify the maximum number of concurrent connections (from 1 to 10) that Beyond
Settings Reference 91
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Compare can create to this server.
Read timeout (seconds)
Specify the timeout for downloading files. The operation will fail if no bytes are received
within this time.
Passive transfers (PASV)
Some firewall configurations require this setting, which modifies the methods used to
transfer data back and forth between your computer and the FTP server. Not all FTP
servers support PASV mode. If the connection hangs, try turning this on.
Limit ports used for active transfers (PORT)
Specify a range of ports that the FTP server will connect to when uploading/downloading
files using active transfers (Passive transfers is disabled). Use this if you need to
configure your firewall to allow incoming connections.
Use HOST before login
Controls whether the HOST command should be sent before sending the username and
password to log in. This is required to connect to some virtual FTP hosts. Disable it if
the connection is being dropped before the username is sent.
Clear control channel (SSL only)
After sending encrypted login details, control channel communication is unencrypted. Try
turning this on if the initial SSL connection succeeds but file transfers or directory listings
Clear data channel (SSL only)
Send file content and directory listings unencrypted. This can provide a speedup when
transferring lots of files after sending encrypted login details.
Use proxy
Mark if connections should use FTP Proxy protocol. If you are not on a Local Area
Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN), leave this option unchecked.
Proxy type
Specify the type of firewall.
Host, Port, Username, Password
Specify login parameters for your firewall / proxy.
Note If you need help with the settings on this page, consult your system
3.5.3 Listings
Beyond Compare parses the plain text directory listings sent from the FTP server in order
to determine the remote folder structure. Unfortunately, there is no one standard for
these listings.
Beyond Compare 92
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
These settings help Beyond Compare understand the conventions and capabilities of the
FTP server.
LIST options:
Use MLSD command
Mark to request high-resolution timestamps from the server. If successful, the following
settings are ignored. Soft links will be listed as plain files and directories, and listings
won't be recursive.
Show hidden [-a]
Mark to make the FTP server include files that it wouldn't normally include, such as UNIX
filenames that begin with a period.
Force long format [-l]
Mark to attempt to change the output of the FTP server list command. Try this option if
Beyond Compare doesn't list any files when it loads.
Complete timestamps [-T]
Mark to expand the timestamps that the FTP server returns to include a full date and
time, including seconds.
Resolve links [-L]
Mark to make the FTP server list soft links as plain files and directories with the timestamp
and size of the link's target.
Recursive [-R]
Mark to make directory listings recursive, including contents of the subdirectories in
response to a single FTP list command. Recursive listings may be slower initially, but save
time overall if subdirectories will need to be examined eventually.
Link resolution:
FTP sites can connect files together using symbolic "links" which point from one area of
the site to another. These links do not specify whether they point to files or folders, so
the following methods of resolving are available:
Mark to treat any link which has an extension (eg. '.txt') as a file and all others as
folders. This requires no extra transfers.
Mark to attempt to change directories into every link as it encounters it. If it succeeds
the link is considered a folder, otherwise it is considered a file.
Miscellaneous settings:
Fetch incomplete timestamps
Mark to try to fetch the file's last modified time in cases where the directory listing only
reports the date. This will provide more accurate timestamp comparisons at the cost of
Settings Reference 93
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some performance. Not supported on all FTP servers.
Hide VMS versions
Mark to only include the most recent version of a file and align it with a local file.
Otherwise, all versions of the file are included with their version numbers.
Note If you need help with the settings on this page, consult your system
3.5.4 Transfer
These settings control how files are transferred to and from the FTP server.
Transfer settings:
Preserve timestamps on upload
Mark to force the remote timestamp to match the source timestamp. Only unmark if it
causes problems with the server.
Compress transfers (MODE Z)
Mark to use compression to speed up transfers when supported by the server. This may
actually slow down transfers on fast connections.
Force faster uploads to older OpenSSH servers
Mark to use larger transfer buffers and pipelining on OpenSSH servers prior to OpenSSH
3.9. This can substantially increase transfer speed, but is not compatible with all servers,
and failures may not be obvious. Use a binary content comparison to verify the first
transfers you do after enabling this.
Limit download (Kbps), Limit upload (Kbps)
Specify how much bandwidth Beyond Compare can consume for each connection.
Transfer type:
FTP sites can transfer data in two ways: ASCII and Binary. ASCII is used to transfer
text files which don't have any special characters. The FTP server will automatically
make any adjustments to line endings needed in ASCII mode. ASCII mode also handles
transfers from mainframes by converting from EBCDIC to ANSI and adding line terminators
to the end of records. Binary is used to transfer all other files, including pictures, music,
Word documents, etc. In Binary mode, no changes are made to the file during the
Setting the transfer type to either ASCII or Binary will force all files to transfer that way.
If the transfer type is Auto, Beyond Compare will automatically switch back and forth
based on the file's extension. To change which files get transferred as ASCII, add and
remove extensions from the ASCII types list.
Note If you need help with the settings on this page, consult your system
Beyond Compare 94
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3.5.5 Authentication
These settings apply globally to all profiles.
Anonymous logins:
Email address
When connecting to anonymous FTP sites, it is customary to include your email address
as the password. Specify the email address (real or fictitious) to use for anonymous
SSH public key authentication:
These settings are used to authenticate against an SSH server using a public/private key
pair. Keys stored using OpenSSH's ssh-agent and PuTTY's pageant SSH agents will be
used automatically.
Private key file
Specify the path to the SSH private key. OpenSSH, SSH.COM, PuTTY, and PGP key
formats are supported.
Specify the passphrase used to encrypt the private key.
Create Keys
Click to create a new SSH key pair.
SSL client certificate:
This setting is used to authenticate against an SSL FTP server using an SSL client
Create Certificate
Click to create a new self-signed SSL client certificate.
Note If you need help with the settings on this page, consult your system
3.6 Source Control Integration
You can associate folders with your SCC-compatible source control application so that
Beyond Compare can offer check out and check in services.
3.7 Where Settings are Stored
Beyond Compare stores your sessions, customized file formats and other preferences as .
Settings Reference 95
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
xml files in its settings folder. A quick way of finding this location is to select Support
from the Help menu and click the Explore settings folder link at the bottom of the dialog.
Standard installation
In Linux, the settings folder is:
In Windows, the settings folder is inside your Application Data folder. The location
depends on your version of Windows. For instance, under Windows Vista the settings
folder is:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Scooter Software\Beyond Compare 3
Notice that this location differs for different users on the same computer.
Portable installation
If you prefer a more portable installation with the program and settings all in one location,
you can copy your setting files to the same folder as the program. That folder may be
the default program folder ("C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 3"), or perhaps a folder on
a USB flash drive or a CD-ROM. Portable installs allow you to share one set of settings for
all users on a computer, or take your settings with you. If you don't have existing
settings files to copy, you can create an empty file named BCState.xml in the folder.
Beyond Compare 96
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Commands Reference
This part of the documentation describes the commands available in menus and on the
toolbar for each view type.
Commands that are common to all views
Folder Compare Commands
Folder Sync Commands
Text Compare Commands
Text Merge Commands
Data Compare Commands
Hex Compare Commands
MP3 Compare Commands
Picture Compare Commands
Registry Compare Commands
Version Compare Commands
Text Edit Commands
4.1 Common Commands
The main menu changes depending on what kind of view is active. However, the
commands listed below are common across different view types.
From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard
shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.
The Session menu:
New Session Opens a new view with an empty session of the
specified type.
New Tab Opens a new tab in the current window and displays
the Home view.
Commands Reference 97
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
New Window Opens a new window and displays the Home view.
Open Session Opens a new view and displays the Home view.
Load Workspace Lists saved workspaces. Selecting one closes any
open views and restores the selected configuration.
Load Workspace >
Manage Workspaces
Lets you rename or delete saved workspaces.
Save Workspace As Saves the current configuration of windows and
tabs as a named workspace.
Save Session Saves the current session.
Save Session As Saves the current session under a new name.
Session Settings Edits session-specific settings for the current
Locked Locks or unlocks current session.
Clear Session Replaces the current view with an empty session of
the same type, with default settings.
Close Tab Closes the current tab.
Exit Quits Beyond Compare, prompting to save any
edits. All of the instance's windows will close.
The Tools menu:
Options Opens the Options dialog to set program
File Formats Opens the File Formats dialog to manage file format
FTP Profiles Opens the FTP Profiles dialog to manage FTP
Source Control Integration Opens the Source Control Integration dialog.
Available in Windows version only.
Tweaks * Opens the Tweaks dialog to set obscure program
Customize Commands Opens the Customize Commands dialog that controls
keyboard shortcuts and visibility of commands on
menus and toolbars.
Export Settings Opens the Export Settings dialog to selectively save
settings and sessions to a file.
Import Settings Opens the Import Settings dialog to selectively load
settings and sessions from a file.
Save Snapshot Opens the Save Snapshot dialog to create a
snapshot of a folder structure.
Beyond Compare 98
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Edit Text File Opens a new Text Edit view.
The Help menu:
Contents Displays help contents.
Context Sensitive Help Displays help contents page relevant to what you
are focused on.
Scooter Software on the Web Opens the Scooter Software website in your
Check for Updates Checks to see if a newer version of Beyond Compare
is available.
Support Displays resources for getting support.
Enter Key Opens the Register dialog to accept your license
About Beyond Compare Displays the About box with program version and
license information.
* Hidden by default.
4.2 Folder Compare
Following is a description of the Folder Compare commands, in addition to the common
commands. Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.
From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard
shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.
The Session menu:
Save Session Saves the current session.
Save Session As Saves the current session under a new name.
Session Settings Opens the Folder Compare Session Settings dialog.
Clear Session Replaces the current view with an empty Folder
Swap Sides Exchanges the left and right base folders.
Back Goes back to (earlier) compared base folders.
Forward Goes forward to (later) compared base folders.
Browse for Folder >
Left Side / Right Side
Browses for an existing folder on the specified side.
Commands Reference 99
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Up One Level >
Left Side / Right Side / Both
Changes either or both base folders to their parent
Folder Compare Report Produces a Folder Compare report.
Folder Compare Info Displays comparison statistics.
Compare Parent Folders Opens a new Folder Compare session based on the
parent folders of the current base folders.
Sync Base Folders Opens a new Folder Sync session based on the
current base folders.
The Actions menu:
Open Folder / Close Folder Opens or closes the selected folder in the
Open Subfolders Opens the selected folders and all their subfolders.
Close Subfolders * Closes the selected folders and all their subfolders.
Set as Base Folder Sets the selected folder as the base folder on its
side of the comparison.
Set as Base on Other Side Sets the selected folder as the base folder on the
other side of the comparison.
Set as Base Folders Sets the two selected folders as the left and right
base folders in this comparison view. (To open
them in a new view use Open in New View instead.)
Open Opens selected items in a new comparison view. If
the items are files, the view type is determined by
the file format list. If exactly two items are
selected, they will be compared to each other
(whether or not they are across from each other) in
the new view. If only one item is selected it will be
compared to the item across from it, if it exists.
Open With Opens selected files in a new view using a specified
type of file session, or opens the selected items in
an external application, as defined in "Open With"
Applications. Note that the Folder Compare view is
not automatically updated if the items are modified
by the external application.
Open With >
Associated Application
Opens selected files with the associated application.
Open With >
Text Edit
Opens selected files with the built-in text editor.
Quick Compare Displays the Quick Compare dialog for the selected
files. If exactly two files are selected, they will be
compared to each other (whether or not they are
Beyond Compare 100
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
across from each other). If only one file is selected,
it will be compared to the file across from it.
Compare To Allows you to select one item, and then click on a
second item to compare them in a new view.
Align Forces selected items to be side-by-side. Items'
parent folders must be side-by-side.
Align With Allows you to select one item, and then click on a
second item to force them to be side-by-side.
Compare Contents Compares contents of the selected items using one
of three methods.
Copy to Other Side Dynamic command that copies selected files, folders
to the opposite side. The caption and icon appear
as Copy to Right, Copy to Left or Copy to Side
depending on which side(s) are selected.
Copy to Right / Copy to Left * Copies selected files, folders to the explicitly
indicated side. Normally associated with Ctrl+R,
Ctrl+L keyboard shortcuts.
Copy to Side * Prompts which side to copy selected files, folders
Move to Other Side Dynamic command that moves selected files, folders
to the opposite side. The caption and icon appear
as Move to Right, Move to Left or Move to Side
depending on which side(s) are selected.
Move to Right / Move to Left * Moves selected files, folders to the explicitly
indicated side.
Move to Side * Prompts which side to move selected files, folders
Copy to Folder Copies selected files, folders to another folder.
Move to Folder Moves selected files, folders to another folder.
Delete Deletes selected files, folders.
Rename Renames selected files, folders.
Attributes Changes file attributes on selected files, folders.
Touch Changes timestamps on selected files, folders.
Exclude Excludes selected file, or type of file, from the
current session.
New Folder Creates a new folder.
Copy Filename Copies a list of the selected items' paths to the
Ignored Suppresses differences in selected items.
Refresh Selection Refreshes the selected items.
Commands Reference 101
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File Compare Report Produces a File Compare report for the selected
Synchronize >
Update Right
Copies newer and orphan items from left to right.
Synchronize >
Update Left
Copies newer and orphan items from right to left.
Synchronize >
Update Both
Performs a bidirectional update by copying newer
and orphan items from left to right and from right to
Synchronize >
Mirror to Right
Replaces all different items on right, deletes any
right-side orphans, and copies any left-side orphans
to the right.
Synchronize >
Mirror to Left
Replaces all different items on left, deletes any left-
side orphans, and copies any right-side orphans to
the left.
Source Control
Displays a submenu of source control actions (see
below). Only appears if a source control provider
has been configured and all selected items are under
source control.
Explorer Displays the file manager's context menu for the
selected item(s).
Source Control Submenu:
Add to source control
Adds the file to the project.
Remove from source control
Removes the file from the project.
Get latest version
Gets the latest version from the source control
Get *
Gets a particular version from the source control
Check in
Takes your changes and applies them to the
Check out
Checks the file out from the source control
repository and makes your local copy writable.
Beyond Compare 102
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Undo check out
Removes any changes you have made to the local
copy and sets it back to read-only.
Show differences
Tells the version control system to display the
comparison of the file with the one in version
control. The version control system will only use
Beyond Compare if it is set up to do so.
Show history
Shows the history of the file in the version control
Show properties
Shows version control-specific properties.
Run source control application
Runs the source control application.
The Edit menu:
Expand All Opens all folders in view.
Collapse All Closes all folders in view.
Select All Selects all visible items.
Select All Files Selects all visible files.
Select Newer >
Left Side / Right Side / Both
Selects all visible files that are newer on the
specified side.
Select Orphans >
Left Side / Right Side / Both
Selects all visible orphan files on the specified side.
Invert Selection Selects all items not currently selected, and
deselects all items currently selected.
Refresh Refreshes open folders.
Full Refresh Refreshes entire comparison.
The Search menu:
Next Difference Positions at next difference.
Previous Difference Positions at previous difference.
Find Filename Finds filename matching search string.
Find Next Filename Finds next filename matching search string.
Commands Reference 103
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Find Previous Filename Finds previous filename matching search string.
The View menu:
Show All Uses no display filter on either side.
Show Differences Filters out matches, based on file status, from both
Show Same Filters out older, newer or different, and orphans
from both sides.
Show No Orphans Filters out orphans from both sides.
Show Differences but No
Filters out matches and orphans from both sides.
Show Orphans Filters out matches, older, and newer or different
from both sides.
Show Left Newer Filters out matches, orphans, older on left (newer or
different on right) from both sides.
Show Right Newer Filters out matches, orphans, newer or different on
left (older on right) from both sides.
Show Left Newer and Left
Filters out matches and older on left (newer or
different on right) from both sides and orphans on
the right side.
Show Right Newer and Right
Filters out matches and newer or different on left
(older on right) from both sides and orphans from
the left side.
Show Left Orphans Filters out matches, older, and newer or different
from both sides and orphans on the right side.
Show Right Orphans Filters out matches, older, and newer or different
from both sides and orphans on the left side.
Show None * Hides all files. Useful in conjunction with Always
Show Folders to copy folder structures.
Always Show Folders Shows all folders, except those excluded by file
Compare Files and Folder
Shows folders containing files or folders that match
the current display filter. Orphan folders will follow
the same filtering rules as orphan files.
Compare Files Only Shows only folders containing files to be shown.
Ignore Folder Structure Compares filenames regardless of which subfolder
they may be in. (Also called Flat t en Folders.)
Suppress Filters Temporarily suppresses file filters and display filters.
Ignore Unimportant Differences Treats unimportant differences as same.
Beyond Compare 104
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Columns Shows or hides view columns.
Legend Displays a window that lists what the different
folder colors mean.
Show Log Shows or hides the log panel.
* Hidden by default.
4.3 Folder Sync
Following is a description of the Folder Sync commands, in addition to the common
commands. Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.
From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard
shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.
The Session menu:
Save Session Saves the current session.
Save Session As Saves the current session under a new name.
Session Settings Opens the Folder Sync Session Settings dialog.
Clear Session Replaces the current view with an empty Folder
Swap Sides Exchanges the left and right base folders.
Folder Sync Info Displays sync statistics.
Run Sync Performs all sync actions.
Compare Parent Folders Opens a new Folder Compare session based on the
parent folders of the current base folders.
Compare Base Folders Opens a new Folder Compare session based on the
current base folders.
The Actions menu:
Open Folder / Close Folder Opens or closes the selected folder in the
Open Subfolders Opens the selected folders and all their subfolders.
Close Subfolders * Closes the selected folders and all their subfolders.
Set as Base Folder Sets the selected folder as the base folder on its
side of the comparison.
Commands Reference 105
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Set as Base on Other Side Sets the selected folder as the base folder on the
other side of the comparison.
Set as Base Folders Sets the two selected folders as the left and right
base folders in this comparison view. (To open
them in a new view use Open in New View instead.)
Open Opens selected items in a new comparison view. If
the items are files, the view type is determined by
the file format list. If exactly two items are
selected, they will be compared to each other
(whether or not they are across from each other) in
the new view. If only one item is selected it will be
compared to the item across from it, if it exists.
Open With Opens selected files in a new view using a specified
type of file session, or opens the selected items in
an external application, as defined in "Open With"
Applications. Note that the Folder Sync view is not
automatically updated if the items are modified by
the external application.
Open With >
Associated Application
Opens selected files with the associated application.
Open With >
Text Edit
Opens selected files with the built-in text editor.
Exclude Excludes selected file, or type of file, from the
current session.
Copy Filename Copies a list of the selected items' paths to the
Refresh Selection Refreshes the selected items.
Explorer Displays the file manager's context menu for the
selected item(s).
The Edit menu:
Expand All Opens all folders in view.
Collapse All Closes all folders in view.
Select All Selects all visible items.
Invert Selection Selects all items not currently selected, and
deselects all items currently selected.
Refresh Refreshes open folders.
Full Refresh Refreshes entire comparison.
The Search menu:
Beyond Compare 106
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Next Conflict Positions at next conflict.
Previous Conflict Positions at previous conflict.
Find Filename Finds filename matching search string.
Find Next Filename Finds next filename matching search string.
Find Previous Filename Finds previous filename matching search string.
The View menu:
Peek Temporarily shows items that will not be affected by
the sync.
Ignore Unimportant Differences Treats unimportant differences as same.
Columns Shows or hides view columns.
Legend Displays a window that lists what the different
folder colors mean.
Show Log Shows or hides the log panel.
4.4 Text Compare
Following is a description of the Text Compare commands, in addition to the common
commands. Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.
From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard
shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.
The Session menu:
Save Session Saves the current session.
Save Session As Saves the current session under a new name.
Session Settings Opens the Text Compare Session Settings dialog.
Clear Session Replaces the current view with an empty Text
Swap Sides Exchanges the left and right files.
Reload Files Reloads the displayed files, prompting to save first if
Recompare Files Recompares the displayed files, preserving edits, but
not undoability.
Text Compare Report Produces the Text Compare report.
Commands Reference 107
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Text Compare Info Displays comparison statistics.
Compare Files Using Opens the displayed files in a new session using a
different class of file viewer.
Merge Files Opens a new Text Merge session based on the
currently loaded files.
Compare Parent Folders Opens a new Folder Compare session based on the
parent folders of the currently loaded files.
The File menu:
Open File Opens an existing file into the selected pane.
Open File on File System * Opens an existing local file into the selected pane.
Open File on FTP Site * Opens an existing file on an FTP site into the
selected pane.
Open Clipboard Loads the Clipboard contents into the selected
Open with Text Edit Opens the selected pane's file in the text editor.
Open With Opens the selected pane's file in one of the
external Open With applications.
Save File Saves the modified file from the selected pane.
Save File As Saves the file from the selected pane with a new
Save File on File System As * Saves the file from the selected pane with a new
name on the file system.
Save File on FTP Site As * Saves the file from the selected pane with a new
name on an FTP site.
Explorer Displays the file manager's context menu for the file
in the selected pane.
Check In
Appears if a source control provider has been
configured and the file is under source control.
Check Out
Undo Check Out
The Edit menu:
Undo Undoes previous action.
Redo Redoes previously undone action.
Align With Allows you to select one or more lines, and then
Beyond Compare 108
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
click on a line on the other side to force them to be
Isolate Realigns comparison so that selected lines are by
Copy to Right / Copy to Left * Copies selected lines or current section to indicated
Copy to Other Side Copies selected lines or current section to opposite
side. The caption and icon appear as Copy to Right
or Copy to Left depending on the current side.
Copy Line to Right / Copy Line
to Left *
Copies current line to indicated side.
Copy Line to Other Side Copies current line to other side. The caption and
icon appear as Copy Line to Right or Copy Line to
Left depending on the current side.
Increase Indent Increases indentation of selected lines.
Decrease Indent Decreases indentation of selected lines.
Cut / Copy / Paste / Delete Standard editing commands.
Delete Line * Deletes the current line.
Delete to Start of Line * Deletes text from the current position to the
beginning of the line.
Delete to End of Line * Deletes text from the current position to the end of
the line.
Delete Word * Deletes the word at the current position.
Delete to Start of Word * Deletes from the current position to the beginning of
the word.
Delete to End of Word * Deletes from the current position to the end of the
Insert Line Before * Inserts a new blank line before the current line.
Insert Line After * Inserts a new blank line after the current line.
Select All Selects all visible lines in the current pane.
Select Section Selects all lines in the current section.
Compare Selection to Clipboard Compares the selected text with the contents of
the clipboard in a new view.
Convert File >
Trim Trailing Whitespace
Strips off spaces and tab characters at end of lines.
Convert File >
Leading Spaces to Tabs
Replaces spaces at the beginning of lines with the
appropriate number of tab characters (based on
current tab stop setting).
Convert File > Replaces all tab characters with the appropriate
Commands Reference 109
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Tabs To Spaces number of space characters (based on current tab
stop setting).
Convert File >
Line Endings
Changes the line ending style on all lines.
(Windows/DOS = CR+LF, Unix = LF only, Macintosh
= CR only)
Full Edit Toggles between full character mode editing
(enabled) and Beyond Compare 2-like line mode
(disabled) in the main file panes.
The Search menu:
Next Difference Positions at next difference text.
Previous Difference Positions at previous difference text.
Next Difference Section Positions at next difference sec t ion (contiguous
range of lines with differences).
Previous Difference Section Positions at previous difference section.
Next Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's next pair of files
with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Previous Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's previous pair of
files with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Copy File to Left and Open Next
Copies the entire right-side file to the left and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Copy File to Right and Open Next
Copies the entire left-side file to the right and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Next Replacement Positions at next replacement text.
Previous Replacement Positions at previous replacement text.
Next Edit Positions at the next edited line beyond the cursor.
Previous Edit Positions at previous edited line before the cursor.
Find Searches for matching text.
Replace Replaces matching text.
Find Next Finds next occurrence of search string.
Find Previous Finds previous occurrence of search string.
Go To Positions at specified line and column.
Toggle Bookmark Places a numbered marker on the current line of the
comparison, numbered from 0 to 9.
Go To Bookmark Repositions at the specified bookmark.
Beyond Compare 110
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Clear Bookmarks Removes all bookmarks from the comparison.
The View menu:
Show All Shows all lines, with or without differences.
Show Differences Shows only lines with differences.
Show Same Shows only lines without differences.
Show None * Hides all lines.
Show Context Shows lines surrounding differences. The number of
context lines can be set in Text View Options.
Ignore Unimportant Differences Treats unimportant differences as same.
Ignored Suppresses differences in selected lines or current
Visible Whitespace Shows or hides visible spaces, tabs.
Line Numbers Shows or hides line numbers.
Syntax Highlighting Shows or hides syntax highlighting.
Display Font * Selects the font to use in editor panes.
Side-by-side Layout Arranges editor panes left and right of each other.
Over-under Layout Arranges editor panes above and below each other.
Webpages Shows or hides web browser panels that display the
current files as webpages.
Thumbnail View Shows or hides the thumbnail summary of changes
at left of view.
Text Details Shows or hides the text details panel at bottom of
Hex Details Shows or hides the hexadecimal details panel at
bottom of view.
Alignment Details Shows or hides the alignment details panel at
bottom of view.
Ruler Shows or hides the line details ruler.
File Info Shows or hides file information panels at the top of
editor panes.
* Hidden by default.
Commands Reference 111
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
4.5 Text Merge
Following is a description of the Text Merge commands, in addition to the common
commands. Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.
From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard
shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.
The Session menu:
Save Session Saves the current session.
Save Session As Saves the current session under a new name.
Session Settings Opens the Text Merge Session Settings dialog.
Clear Session Replaces the current view with an empty Text
Swap Sides Exchanges the left and right files.
Reload Files Reloads the displayed files, prompting to save first if
Recompare Files Recompares the displayed files, preserving edits, but
not undoability.
Text Compare Info Displays comparison statistics.
Compare to Output >
Left Side / Center Side / Right
Opens the file on the indicated side and the output
file in a new Text Compare session.
The File menu:
Open File Opens an existing file into the selected pane.
Open File on File System * Opens an existing local file into the selected pane.
Open File on FTP Site * Opens an existing file on an FTP site into the
selected pane.
Open Clipboard Loads the Clipboard contents into the selected
Open with Text Edit Opens the selected pane's file in the text editor.
Open With Opens the selected pane's file in one of the
external Open With applications.
Save File Saves the modified file from the selected pane.
Beyond Compare 112
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Save File As Saves the file from the selected pane with a new
Save File on File System As * Saves the file from the selected pane with a new
name on the file system.
Save File on FTP Site As * Saves the file from the selected pane with a new
name on an FTP site.
Explorer Displays the file manager's context menu for the file
in the selected pane.
The Edit menu:
Undo Undoes previous action.
Redo Redoes previously undone action.
Align With Allows you to select one line, and then click on a
second line to force them to be side-by-side.
Isolate Realigns comparison so that selected lines are by
Conflict Clears or sets conflict for selected lines or current
Take Left / Take Center / Take
Takes selected lines or current section from
indicated side.
Take Left Then Right / Take
Right Then Left
Takes selected lines or current section from left and
right in the indicated order.
Take Left Line / Take Center
Line / Take Right Line
Takes current line from indicated side.
Increase Indent Increases indentation of selected lines.
Decrease Indent Decreases indentation of selected lines.
Cut / Copy / Paste / Delete Standard editing commands.
Delete Line * Deletes the current line.
Delete to Start of Line * Deletes text from the current position to the
beginning of the line.
Delete to End of Line * Deletes text from the current position to the end of
the line.
Delete Word * Deletes the word at the current position.
Delete to Start of Word * Deletes from the current position to the beginning of
the word.
Delete to End of Word * Deletes from the current position to the end of the
Insert Line Before * Inserts a new blank line before the current line.
Commands Reference 113
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Insert Line After * Inserts a new blank line after the current line.
Select All Selects all visible lines in the current pane.
Select Section Selects all lines in the current section.
Compare Selection to Clipboard Compares the selected text with the contents of
the clipboard in a new view.
Full Edit Toggles between full character mode editing
(enabled) and Beyond Compare 2-like line mode
(disabled) in the main file panes.
The Search menu:
Clear Conflict Section, Next Clears conflict for current section and positions at
next conflict section.
Next Conflict Section Positions at next conflict section.
Previous Conflict Section Positions at previous conflict section.
Next Difference Positions at next difference text.
Previous Difference Positions at previous difference text.
Next Difference Section Positions at next difference section.
Previous Difference Section Positions at previous difference section.
Next Left Taken / Next Right
Positions at next range of lines where indicated side
was taken.
Previous Left Taken / Previous
Right Taken
Positions at previous range of lines where indicated
side was taken.
Next Edit Positions at the next edited line beyond the cursor.
Previous Edit Positions at previous edited line before the cursor.
Find Searches for matching text.
Replace Replaces matching text.
Find Next Finds next occurrence of search string.
Find Previous Finds previous occurrence of search string.
Go To Positions at specified line and column.
Toggle Bookmark Places a numbered marker on the current line of the
comparison, numbered from 0 to 9.
Go To Bookmark Repositions at the specified bookmark.
Clear Bookmarks Removes all bookmarks from the comparison.
Beyond Compare 114
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
The View menu:
Show All Shows unchanged, same change, left change, right
change, different change and conflict lines.
Show Changes Shows same change, left change, right change,
different change and conflict lines.
Show Conflicts Shows conflict lines.
Show Left Changes Shows same change, left change, different change
and conflict lines.
Show Right Changes Shows same change, right change, different change
and conflict lines.
Show Mergeable Shows same change, left change, right change, and
different change lines.
Show Unchanged Shows unchanged lines.
Show None * Shows no lines.
Show Context Shows lines surrounding differences. The number of
context lines can be set in Text View Options.
Ignore Unimportant Differences Treats unimportant differences as same.
Ignore Same Changes Treats same changes as same.
Favor Left Changes Suppresses highlighting of left-only changes in
Favor Right Changes Suppresses highlighting of right-only changes in
Ignored Ignores (or un-ignores) differences in selected lines
or current section.
Visible Whitespace Shows or hides visible spaces, tabs.
Line Numbers Shows or hides line numbers.
Syntax Highlighting Shows or hides syntax highlighting.
Display Font * Selects the font to use in editor panes.
Side-by-side Layout Arranges editor panes left and right of each other.
Over-under Layout Arranges editor panes above and below each other.
Detached Output Pane Shows output pane in separate window.
Webpages Shows or hides web browser panels that display the
current files as webpages.
Thumbnail View Shows or hides the thumbnail summary of changes
at left of view.
Center Pane Shows or hides center pane.
Commands Reference 115
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Text Details Shows or hides the text details panel at bottom of
Hex Details Shows or hides the hexadecimal details panel at
bottom of view.
Ruler Shows or hides the line details ruler.
File Info Shows or hides file information panels at the top of
editor panes.
* Hidden by default.
4.6 Data Compare
Following is a description of the Data Compare commands, in addition to the common
commands. Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.
From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard
shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.
The Session menu:
Save Session Saves the current session.
Save Session As Saves the current session under a new name.
Session Settings Opens the Data Compare Session Settings dialog.
Clear Session Replaces the current view with an empty Data
Swap Sides Exchanges the left and right files.
Reload Files Reloads the displayed files, prompting to save first if
Recompare Files Recompares the displayed files, preserving edits, but
not undoability.
Data Compare Report Produces the Data Compare report.
Data Compare Info Displays comparison statistics.
Compare Files Using Opens the displayed files in a new session using a
different class of file viewer.
Compare Parent Folders Opens a new Folder Compare session based on the
parent folders of the currently loaded files.
The File menu:
Beyond Compare 116
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
New File Opens an empty file into the selected pane.
Open File Opens an existing file into the selected pane.
Open File on File System * Opens an existing local file into the selected pane.
Open File on FTP Site * Opens an existing file on an FTP site into the
selected pane.
Open Clipboard Loads the Clipboard contents into the selected
Open with Text Edit Opens the selected pane's file in the text editor.
Open With Opens the selected pane's file in one of the
external Open With applications.
Save File Saves the modified file from the selected pane.
Save File As Saves the file from the selected pane with a new
Save File on File System As * Saves the file from the selected pane with a new
name on the file system.
Save File on FTP Site As * Saves the file from the selected pane with a new
name on an FTP site.
Explorer Displays the file manager's context menu for the file
in the selected pane.
The Edit menu:
Undo Undoes previous action.
Redo Redoes previously undone action.
Copy to Right / Copy to Left * Copies selected rows to indicated side.
Copy to Other Side Copies selected rows to opposite side. The caption
and icon appear as Copy to Right or Copy to Left
depending on the current side.
Cut / Copy / Paste / Delete Standard editing commands.
Insert Inserts new row.
Edit Toggles edit mode on current cell.
Select All Selects all visible rows in the current pane.
The Search menu:
Next Difference Row Positions at next difference row.
Previous Difference Row Positions at previous difference row.
Commands Reference 117
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Next Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's next pair of files
with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Previous Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's previous pair of
files with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Copy File to Right and Open Next
Copies the entire left-side file to the right and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Copy File to Left and Open Next
Copies the entire right-side file to the left and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Next Edit Positions at the next edited row beyond the cursor.
Previous Edit Positions at previous edited row before the cursor.
Find Searches for matching text.
Find Next Finds next occurrence of search string.
Find Previous Finds previous occurrence of search string.
Go To Positions at specified row and column.
The View menu:
Show All Shows all rows, with or without differences.
Show Differences Shows only rows with differences.
Show Same Shows only rows without differences.
Show None * Hides all rows.
Ignore Unimportant Differences Treats unimportant differences as same.
Resize Columns to Fit Makes columns wide enough for data to be fully
Columns Shows or hides columns.
Visible Whitespace Shows or hides visible spaces, tabs.
Row Numbers Shows or hides row numbers.
Display Font * Selects the font to use to display file data.
Side-by-side Layout Arranges panes left and right of each other.
Over-under Layout Arranges panes above and below each other.
Thumbnail View Shows or hides the thumbnail summary of changes
at left of view.
Row Details Shows or hides the row details panel at bottom of
Beyond Compare 118
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
File Info Shows or hides file information panels at the top of
* Hidden by default.
4.7 Hex Compare
Following is a description of the Hex Compare commands, in addition to the common
commands. Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.
From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard
shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.
The Session menu:
Save Session Saves the current session.
Save Session As Saves the current session under a new name.
Session Settings Opens the Hex Compare Session Settings dialog.
Clear Session Replaces the current view with an empty Hex
Swap Sides Exchanges the left and right files.
Reload Files Reloads the displayed files.
Recompare Files Recompares the displayed files without reloading.
Hex Compare Report Produces the Hex Compare report.
Hex Compare Info Displays comparison statistics.
Compare Files Using Opens the displayed files in a new session using a
different class of file viewer.
Compare Parent Folders Opens a new Folder Compare session based on the
parent folders of the currently loaded files.
The File menu:
Open File Opens an existing file into the selected pane.
Open File on File System * Opens an existing local file into the selected pane.
Open File on FTP Site * Opens an existing file on an FTP site into the
selected pane.
Open Clipboard Loads the Clipboard contents into the selected
Commands Reference 119
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Open with Text Edit Opens the selected pane's file in the text editor.
Open With Opens the selected pane's file in one of the
external Open With applications.
Explorer Displays the file manager's context menu for the file
in the selected pane.
The Search menu:
Next Difference Bytes Positions at next difference bytes.
Previous Difference Bytes Positions at previous difference bytes.
Next Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's next pair of files
with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Previous Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's previous pair of
files with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Copy File to Right and Open Next
Copies the entire left-side file to the right and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Copy File to Left and Open Next
Copies the entire right-side file to the left and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Find Searches for matching text.
Find Next Finds next occurrence of search string.
Find Previous Finds previous occurrence of search string.
Go To Positions at specified byte.
The View menu:
Show All Shows all items, with or without differences.
Show Differences Shows only items with differences.
Show Same Shows only items without differences.
Show None * Hides all items.
Current Byte Address Shows current byte address.
Little Endian Values Lists values treating the first byte as the least
significant one.
Big Endian Values Lists values treating the first byte as the most
significant one.
Byte Addresses Shows or hides byte addresses.
Beyond Compare 120
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Display Font * Selects the font to use to display file data.
Side-by-side Layout Arranges panes left and right of each other.
Over-under Layout Arranges panes above and below each other.
Thumbnail View Shows or hides the thumbnail summary of changes
at left of view.
File Info Shows or hides file information panels at the top of
* Hidden by default.
4.8 MP3 Compare
Following is a description of the MP3 Compare commands, in addition to the common
commands. Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.
From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard
shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.
The Session menu:
Save Session Saves the current session.
Save Session As Saves the current session under a new name.
Session Settings Opens the MP3 Compare Session Settings dialog.
Clear Session Replaces the current view with an empty MP3
Swap Sides Exchanges the left and right files.
Reload Files Reloads the displayed files.
Recompare Files Recompares the displayed files without reloading.
MP3 Compare Report Produces the MP3 Compare report.
MP3 Compare Info Displays comparison statistics.
Compare Files Using Opens the displayed files in a new session using a
different class of file viewer.
Compare Parent Folders Opens a new Folder Compare session based on the
parent folders of the currently loaded files.
Play Both Plays both audio tracks.
The File menu:
Commands Reference 121
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Open File Opens an existing file into the selected pane.
Open File on File System * Opens an existing local file into the selected pane.
Open File on FTP Site * Opens an existing file on an FTP site into the
selected pane.
Play Plays audio track.
Open With Opens the selected pane's file in one of the
external Open With applications.
Explorer Displays the file manager's context menu for the file
in the selected pane.
The Edit menu:
Copy Copies selection to the Clipboard.
Select All Selects all visible items in the current pane.
The Search menu:
Next Difference Item Positions at next difference item.
Previous Difference Item Positions at previous difference item.
Next Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's next pair of files
with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Previous Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's previous pair of
files with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Copy File to Right and Open Next
Copies the entire left-side file to the right and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Copy File to Left and Open Next
Copies the entire right-side file to the left and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Find Searches for matching text.
Find Next Finds next occurrence of search string.
Find Previous Finds previous occurrence of search string.
The View menu:
Show All Shows all items, with or without differences.
Show Differences Shows only items with differences.
Beyond Compare 122
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Show Same Shows only items without differences.
Show None * Hides all items.
Ignore Unimportant Differences Treats unimportant differences as same.
Item Is Important Marks selected item as important or unimportant.
Visible Whitespace Shows or hides visible spaces, tabs.
Display Font * Selects the font to use to display file data.
Side-by-side Layout Arranges panes left and right of each other.
Over-under Layout Arranges panes above and below each other.
Item Details Shows or hides the item details panel at bottom of
File Info Shows or hides file information panels at the top of
* Hidden by default.
4.9 Picture Compare
Following is a description of the Picture Compare commands, in addition to the common
commands. Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.
From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard
shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.
The Session menu:
Save Session Saves the current session.
Save Session As Saves the current session under a new name.
Session Settings Opens the Picture Compare Session Settings dialog.
Clear Session Replaces the current view with an empty Picture
Swap Sides Exchanges the left and right files.
Reload Files Reloads the displayed files.
Recompare Files Recompares the displayed files without reloading.
Picture Compare Report Produces the Picture Compare report.
Picture Compare Info Displays comparison statistics.
Compare Files Using Opens the displayed files in a new session using a
different class of file viewer.
Commands Reference 123
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Compare Parent Folders Opens a new Folder Compare session based on the
parent folders of the currently loaded files.
The File menu:
Open File Opens an existing file into the selected pane.
Open File on File System * Opens an existing local file into the selected pane.
Open File on FTP Site * Opens an existing file on an FTP site into the
selected pane.
Open Clipboard Loads the Clipboard contents into the selected
Open With Opens the selected pane's file in one of the
external Open With applications.
Explorer Displays the file manager's context menu for the file
in the selected pane.
The Edit menu:
Copy Copies selection to the Clipboard.
The Search menu:
Next Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's next pair of files
with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Previous Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's previous pair of
files with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Copy File to Right and Open Next
Copies the entire left-side file to the right and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Copy File to Left and Open Next
Copies the entire right-side file to the left and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
The View menu:
Tolerance Mode Detects pixel differences greater than configurable
Mismatch Range Mode Measures degree of pixel difference.
Binary Operation Mode Performs binary operation.
Blend Mode Blends images based on configurable percentage.
Beyond Compare 124
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Ignore Unimportant Differences Treats unimportant differences as same.
Stretch to Same Size Forces pictures to have same height and width.
Rotate Clockwise Spins current picture to right by 90 degrees.
Rotate Counterclockwise Spins current picture to left by 90 degrees.
Flip Horizontally Swaps pixels of current picture relative to its
horizontal center.
Flip Vertically Swaps pixels of current picture relative to its
vertical center.
Reset Difference Offset Realigns top left corner of both pictures.
Difference Side-by-side Layout Arranges panes left and right of each other with
difference pane in middle.
Difference Over-under Layout Arranges panes above and below each other with
difference pane in middle.
Difference Underneath Layout Arranges difference pane below left and right panes.
Only Difference Layout Shows difference pane and hides left and right
Side-by-side Layout Arranges panes left and right of each other.
Over-under Layout Arranges panes above and below each other.
File Info Shows or hides file information panels at the top of
Zoom >
Zoom In
Makes pictures appear to be larger.
Zoom >
Zoom Out
Makes pictures appear to be smaller.
Zoom >
Makes pictures appear to fill panes.
* Hidden by default.
4.10 Registry Compare
Following is a description of the Registry Compare commands, in addition to the common
commands. Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.
From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard
shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.
The Session menu:
Commands Reference 125
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Save Session Saves the current session.
Save Session As Saves the current session under a new name.
Session Settings Opens the Registry Compare Session Settings dialog.
Clear Session Replaces the current view with an empty Registry
Swap Sides Exchanges the left and right registries.
Up One Level >
Left Side / Right Side / Both
Changes either or both base keys to their parent
Reload Reloads the displayed registries.
Recompare Recompares the displayed registries without
Registry Compare Report Produces the Registry Compare report.
Registry Compare Info Displays comparison statistics.
Compare Files Using Opens the displayed files in a new session using a
different class of file viewer.
Compare Parent Folders Opens a new Folder Compare session based on the
parent folders of the currently loaded files.
The File menu:
Open Opens a registry into the selected pane.
Open Registry * Opens a live registry into the selected pane.
Open Registry File on File
System *
Opens an existing local registry file into the selected
Open Registry File on FTP Site * Opens an existing registry file on an FTP site into
the selected pane.
Open with Text Edit Opens the selected pane's file in the text editor.
Open With Opens the selected pane's file in one of the
external Open With applications.
Explorer Displays the file manager's context menu for the file
in the selected pane.
The Edit menu:
Set as Base Keys Sets selected keys as base keys.
Set Both as Base Keys Sets selected key and key on other side as base
Beyond Compare 126
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Set as Base Key on Other Side Sets selected key as base key on other side.
Undo Undoes previous action.
Redo Redoes previously undone action.
Copy to Right / Copy to Left * Copies selected items to indicated side.
Copy to Other Side Copies selected items to opposite side. The caption
and icon appear as Copy to Right or Copy to Left
depending on the current side.
New Key Adds a new key.
New Value Adds a new value.
Modify Modifies current value.
Delete Deletes selected items.
Rename Renames current item.
Copy Key Name Copies current key's name to Clipboard.
Export Saves current key as registry file.
Export All Saves all keys as registry file.
Select All Selects all visible items in the current pane.
The Search menu:
Next Difference Item Positions at next difference item.
Previous Difference Item Positions at previous difference item.
Next Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's next pair of files
with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Previous Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's previous pair of
files with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Copy File to Right and Open Next
Copies the entire left-side file to the right and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Copy File to Left and Open Next
Copies the entire right-side file to the left and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Find Searches for matching text.
Find Next Finds next occurrence of search string.
Find Previous Finds previous occurrence of search string.
The View menu:
Commands Reference 127
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Show All Shows all items, with or without differences.
Show Differences Shows only items with differences.
Show Same Shows only items without differences.
Show None * Hides all items.
Expand All Opens all items.
Collapse All Closes all items.
Visible Whitespace Shows or hides visible spaces, tabs.
Display Font * Selects the font to use to display file data.
Side-by-side Layout Arranges panes left and right of each other.
Over-under Layout Arranges panes above and below each other.
Text Details Shows or hides the text details panel at bottom of
Hex Details Shows or hides the hexadecimal details panel at
bottom of view.
File Info Shows or hides file information panels at the top of
* Hidden by default.
4.11 Version Compare
Following is a description of the Version Compare commands, in addition to the common
commands. Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.
From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard
shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.
The Session menu:
Save Session Saves the current session.
Save Session As Saves the current session under a new name.
Session Settings Opens the Version Compare Session Settings dialog.
Clear Session Replaces the current view with an empty Version
Swap Sides Exchanges the left and right files.
Reload Files Reloads the displayed files.
Beyond Compare 128
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Recompare Files Recompares the displayed files without reloading.
Version Compare Report Produces the Version Compare report.
Version Compare Info Displays comparison statistics.
Compare Files Using Opens the displayed files in a new session using a
different class of file viewer.
Compare Parent Folders Opens a new Folder Compare session based on the
parent folders of the currently loaded files.
The File menu:
Open File Opens an existing file into the selected pane.
Open File on File System * Opens an existing local file into the selected pane.
Open File on FTP Site * Opens an existing file on an FTP site into the
selected pane.
Open With Opens the selected pane's file in one of the
external Open With applications.
Explorer Displays the file manager's context menu for the file
in the selected pane.
The Edit menu:
Copy Copies selection to the Clipboard.
Select All Selects all visible items in the current pane.
The Search menu:
Next Difference Item Positions at next difference item.
Previous Difference Item Positions at previous difference item.
Next Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's next pair of files
with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Previous Difference Files Opens the parent folder session's previous pair of
files with differences. (Child sessions only.)
Copy File to Right and Open Next
Copies the entire left-side file to the right and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Copy File to Left and Open Next
Copies the entire right-side file to the left and opens
the folder session's next different files. (Child
sessions only.)
Find Searches for matching text.
Commands Reference 129
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Find Next Finds next occurrence of search string.
Find Previous Finds previous occurrence of search string.
The View menu:
Show All Shows all items, with or without differences.
Show Differences Shows only items with differences.
Show Same Shows only items without differences.
Show None * Hides all items.
Ignore Unimportant Differences Treats unimportant differences as same.
Item Is Important Marks selected item as important or unimportant.
Visible Whitespace Shows or hides visible spaces, tabs.
Display Font * Selects the font to use to display file data.
Side-by-side Layout Arranges panes left and right of each other.
Over-under Layout Arranges panes above and below each other.
Item Details Shows or hides the item details panel at bottom of
File Info Shows or hides file information panels at the top of
* Hidden by default.
4.12 Text Edit
Following is a description of the Text Edit commands, in addition to the common
commands. Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.
From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard
shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.
The File menu:
New File Opens an empty file.
Open File Opens an existing file.
Open File on File System * Opens an existing local file.
Open File on FTP Site * Opens an existing file on an FTP site.
Beyond Compare 130
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Open With Opens file in one of the external Open With
Save File Saves the modified file.
Save File As Saves the file with a new name.
Save File on File System As * Saves the file with a new name on the file system.
Save File on FTP Site As * Saves the file with a new name on an FTP site.
Explorer Displays the file manager's context menu for the file.
Check In
Appears if a source control provider has been
configured and the file is under source control.
Check Out
Undo Check Out
The Edit menu:
Undo Undoes previous action.
Redo Redoes previously undone action.
Increase Indent Increases indentation of selected lines.
Decrease Indent Decreases indentation of selected lines.
Cut / Copy / Paste / Delete Standard editing commands.
Delete Line * Deletes the current line.
Delete to Start of Line * Deletes text from the current position to the
beginning of the line.
Delete to End of Line * Deletes text from the current position to the end of
the line.
Delete Word * Deletes the word at the current position.
Delete to Start of Word * Deletes from the current position to the beginning of
the word.
Delete to End of Word * Deletes from the current position to the end of the
Insert Line Before * Inserts a new blank line before the current line.
Insert Line After * Inserts a new blank line after the current line.
Select All Selects all visible lines.
Convert File >
Trim Trailing Whitespace
Strips off spaces and tab characters at end of lines.
Convert File >
Leading Spaces to Tabs
Replaces spaces at the beginning of lines with the
appropriate number of tab characters (based on
Commands Reference 131
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
current tab stop setting).
Convert File >
Tabs To Spaces
Replaces all tab characters with the appropriate
number of space characters (based on current tab
stop setting).
Convert File >
Line Endings
Changes the line ending style on all lines.
(Windows/DOS = CR+LF, Unix = LF only, Macintosh
= CR only)
The Search menu:
Next Edit Positions at the next edited line beyond the cursor.
Previous Edit Positions at previous edited line before the cursor.
Find Searches for matching text.
Replace Replaces matching text.
Find Next Finds next occurrence of search string.
Find Previous Finds previous occurrence of search string.
Find in Files Finds search string in multiple files.
Go To Positions at specified line and column.
Toggle Bookmark Places a numbered marker on the current line of the
comparison, numbered from 0 to 9.
Go To Bookmark Repositions at the specified bookmark.
Clear Bookmarks Removes all bookmarks from the comparison.
The View menu:
Visible Whitespace Shows or hides visible spaces, tabs.
Line Numbers Shows or hides line numbers.
Syntax Highlighting Shows or hides syntax highlighting.
Display Font * Selects the font to use in editor pane.
Webpages Shows or hides web browser panel that displays the
current file as a webpage.
File Info Shows or hides file information panels at the top of
editor panes.
* Hidden by default.
Beyond Compare 132
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Command Line Reference
Command Line Parameters
Notice that each parameter should be enclosed in quotation marks if it might contain a
Note Linux users should use "bcompare" instead of "BCompare.exe".
Parameter Meaning
Opens the specified session in the appropriate view. For example:
BCompare.exe "My Session"
Opens the specified saved workspace. (see also Managing Workspaces)
For example:
BCompare.exe "My Special Workspace"
Pair of
Opens a new Folder Compare view with the specified base folders. For
BCompare.exe "C:\Left Folder" "C:\Right Folder"
Pair of files Opens the specified files in the associated file view. For example:
BCompare.exe "C:\Left File.ext" "C:\Right File.ext"
3 files Opens a Text Merge view with the specified files in the left, right, and
center panes. For example:
BCompare.exe C:\Left.ext C:\Right.ext C:\Center.ext
4 files Opens a Text Merge view with the specified files in the left, right, center,
and output panes. For example:
BCompare.exe C:\Left.ext C:\Right.ext C:\Center.ext C:\Output
Script file Automatically executes a list of commands without using a view. For
BCompare.exe "@C:\My Script.txt"
- Opens stdin in the appropriate view. For example:
dir | BCompare.exe -
Command Line Reference 133
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Command Line Switches
Note Linux users should prefix the switches with "-" instead of "/".
Switch Meaning
/? Displays the command line documentation.
/automerge Automatically merges files without user
interaction unless conflicts are found.
/bds <filename> Prompts to compare against previous revisions
available in the CodeGear RAD Studio/Borland
Developer Studio "__history" folders. Add to the
IDE Tools menu with "/BDS $SAVE $EDNAME" as
the parameters, or use the Beyond Compare IDE
Expert from JED Software, available at www.jed-
/closescript Closes the script window on completion.
Overrides the Close when finished setting in Tools
> Options > Scripts.
/edit Opens a Text Edit view.
/expandall Expands all subfolders during the initial folder
Draws non-conflicting changes in the output from
the "favored" side without coloring or section
lines. For ignored unimportant conflicts, changes
are automatically taken from the "favored" side
instead of the center.
/filters=<file masks> Uses the specified name filter for the initial folder
comparison. Separate multiple file masks with
semi-colons. Surround the name filter with
quotes if it contains spaces.
/force Writes conflicts to the output with CVS-style
markers if /automerge is present.
/fv=<type>, /fileviewer=<type> Opens a new view of the specified type which
can be any of:
"Text Compare"
"Text Merge"
"Data Compare"
"Hex Compare"
"MP3 Compare"
"Picture Compare"
"Registry Compare"
"Version Compare"
/iu, /ignoreunimportant Turns on Ignore Unimportant Differences if /
automerge is present.
Beyond Compare 134
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
/mergeoutput=<filename> Explicitly specifies the merge output file.
/nobackups Prevents the creation of backup files.
/qc=<type>, /quickcompare=<type
Performs a quick comparison of two files and sets
the DOS error level on exit. The specified type
can be size, crc, or binary. If a type is not
specified, a rules-based comparison will be
performed. Error levels are documented below.
/reviewconflicts Opens a Text Merge view if /automerge is
present and conflicts are found.
/ro, /readonly Disables editing on all sides.
/ro1, /lro, /leftreadonly
/ro2, /rro, /rightreadonly
Disables editing on the respective side.
/savetarget=<filename> Overwrites the specified file instead of original file
when the file view's Save command is used.
/silent Causes a script to be processed invisibly,
bypassing the Task Bar entry and Scripting
Status window. All interaction will be
suppressed, so any unresolved issue that would
normally show a dialog will log an error instead.
/solo Forces a new instance of the program.
/sync Opens a Folder Sync view.
/title1=<title>, /lefttitle=<
/title2=<title>, /righttitle=<
/title3=<title>, /centertitle=<
/title4=<title>, /outputtitle=<
Shows the specified description in the respective
path edit.
/vcs1=<path>, /vcsleft=<path>
/vcs2=<path>, /vcsright=<path>
/vcs3=<path>, /vcscenter=<path>
/vcs4=<path>, /vcsoutput=<path>
Shows the specified version control system path
in the respective path edit unless a title has been
provided. For a file view, the specified path is
also used to pick the appropriate file format.
DOS Error Levels set on exit
Level Meaning
0 Success
1 Binary same
2 Rules-based same
11 Binary differences
Command Line Reference 135
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
12 Similar
13 Rules-based differences
14 Conflicts detected
100 Unknown error
101 Conflicts detected, merge output not written
102 BComp.exe unable to wait until BCompare.exe finishes
103 BComp.exe cannot find BCompare.exe
104 Trial period expired
105 Error loading script file
106 Script syntax error
107 Script failed to load folders or files
Command Line Executable Files
Executable Meaning
This is the main application. Only one copy will run at a time,
regardless of how many windows you have open. If you launch a
second copy it will tell the existing copy to start a comparison and exit
BComp.exe This is a Win32 GUI program. If launched from a version control
system, it should work just fine. If launched from a console window,
the console (or batch file) will not wait for it.
BComp.com This is a Win32 console program. It has to have a console. If you
launch it from one (or a batch file) that console will wait for the
comparison to complete before returning. If you launch it from a
version control system interactively, it will show a console window while
it's waiting.
Beyond Compare 136
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Scripting Reference
A script is a simple text file containing a list of commands which can control the program
and automatically perform file operations or produce reports. See also Automating with
Scripts and Sample Scripts.
You can use lt in place of left or rt in place of right in any of the commands.
These are the script commands (in alphabetical order):
attrib (+|-)<attribute set 1> [(+|-)<attribute set 2> [...]]
Where <attribute set> is:
The Linux version does not support attrib.
Sets (+) or clears (-) the DOS file attributes in the current selection. Use a for archive, s
for system, h for hidden and r for read-only.
attrib +h
attrib +sh -a
Scripting Reference 137
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Beeps the PC speaker. The beep occurs regardless of the /silent command line switch.
collapse all
collapse <path 1> [<path 2> [...]]
Collapses all folders or folders with specified paths. Paths are relative to the base folder
and can not have wildcards.
collapse "My Folder 1" "My Folder 2"
compare [CRC|binary|rules-based]
Compares the contents of the current selection using the compare type. By default, the
most recent compare type is used.
This command only compares files once. To change how files are compared after
modification, use CRITERIA.
copy (left->right|right->left)
Copies the selected files/folders in the direction indicated.
Beyond Compare 138
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copyto [left|right|all] [path:(relative|base|none)] <path>
Copies the selected files/folders on the specified side to the specified path using the path
base keeps the entire folder structure relative to the base folders of all selected items.
relative keeps the minimum relative folder structure of all selected items.
The defaults are all and path:none.
criteria \
[attrib:<attribute set>] \
[version] \
[timestamp[:[<number of seconds>sec][;IgnoreDST]]] \
[size|CRC|binary|rules-based] \
[timezone:(ignore|(left|right)(+|-)<0..12>)] \
Where <attribute set> is:
The Linux version does not support attrib.
Sets all comparison criteria settings.
attrib enables comparisons of the specified DOS file attributes. Use a for archive, s for
system, h for hidden and r for read-only.
version enables comparisons of version information common in exes and dlls.
timestamp enables timestamp comparisons.
o <number of seconds>sec considers differences within a tolerance of seconds as
o IgnoreDST considers differences of exactly 1 hour as matches.
size, CRC, binary and rules-based are the possible ways to compare contents.
timezone ignores timezone differences or applies timezone offset to the specified side.
follow-symlinks treats symbolic links and NTFS junctions as the target file or folder,
rather than the link itself.
criteria attrib:sh timestamp:2sec;IgnoreDST rules-based timezone:left+6
Scripting Reference 139
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
data-report \
layout:<layout> \
[options:<options>] \
[title:<report title>] \
output-to:(printer|clipboard|<filename>) \
[output-options:<options>] \
Generates a Data Compare report of the currently selected files.
layout controls the report's appearance and can be side-by-side, summary or
options is optional and is used differently for each layout.
o ignore-unimportant treats differences in unimportant text as matches and is available
in all layouts.
o display-all, display-mismatches or display-matches can be used to control which lines
of the comparison are included in all layouts except summary. By default, display-all
is used.
o line-numbers includes row numbers in the side-by-side layout.
title, output-to, output-options and <comparison> arguments are documented under
Common Report Arguments.
delete [recyclebin=(yes|no)] (left|right|all)
Deletes the currently selected files/folders on the specified side(s). The recyclebin
argument only has effect where supported by the operating system.
Windows does not recycle from network drives, FTP sites and archive files.
expand all
expand <path 1> [<path 2> [...]]
Expands specified subfolders or all subfolders. Paths are relative to the base folder and
can not have wildcards. Subfolders must be expanded in order for their contents to be
used by other commands, like SELECT. expand all will not expand subfolders that have
been excluded from the comparison by File Filter settings.
Beyond Compare 140
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
file-report \
layout:<layout> \
[options:<options>] \
[title:<report title>] \
output-to:(printer|clipboard|<filename>) \
[output-options:<options>] \
Generates a report of the currently selected files based on the type of files processed.
For example, it will produce a DATA-REPORT for file types associated with a Data Compare
file format.
layout controls the report's appearance and can be side-by-side or summary.
options is optional and is used differently for each layout.
o ignore-unimportant treats differences in unimportant text as matches and is available
in all layouts.
o display-all, display-mismatches or display-matches can be used to control which lines
of the comparison are included in all layouts except summary. By default, display-all
is used.
o line-numbers includes line numbers in the side-by-side layout.
title, output-to, output-options and <comparison> arguments are documented under
Common Report Arguments.
file-report layout:side-by-side options:display-mismatches &
output-to:printer output-options:print-color,wrap-word
filter <file masks>
filter cutoff:([<|>](<timestamp>|<number of days>[days])|none)
filter attrib:((+|-)<attribute set>|none)
filter size:([<|>]<number>[KB|MB|GB|TB]|none)
filter exclude-protected
filter include-protected
Where <attribute set> is:
Scripting Reference 141
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
The Linux version does not support attrib, exclude-protected or include-protected.
Controls which folders and types of files are compared by using name filtering (file masks),
date filtering (cutoff) or other filtering (attrib, size, exclude-protected or include-
Name filters include and exclude files and folders based on their names and paths.
Multiple masks can be separated by semicolons. To indicate that a mask is an exclude
mask use a leading minus (-). To indicate that a mask affects folders use a trailing
backslash (\).
cutoff excludes all files older (<) or newer (>) than a timestamp or a number of days
from the current system date (<number of days>days). By default, cutoff:< is used.
none can be used to remove date filtering. The date parsing is fairly lenient but if you
want to be sure it parses correctly, use the format specified by the operating system's
regional settings. (See Control Panel > Regional and Language Settings.) The time is
optional and should follow the date (cutoff:"12/31/2012 12:00pm"). Remember to use
quotation marks (" ") whenever a term contains a space.
attrib limits the comparison to files which have an included DOS file attribute (+) and
don't have an excluded attribute (-). Use a for archive, s for system, h for hidden and r
for read-only. none can be used to remove attribute filtering.
size excludes all files smaller (<) or larger (>) than the given size. By default the size is
given in bytes but you can add KB, MB, GB or TB to the end to indicate that the value is
in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes, respectively. none can be used to
remove size filtering.
exclude-protected excludes files and folders that have both system and hidden
attributes set.
include-protected includes files and folders that have both system and hidden attributes
filter "*.pas;*.dpr;*.dfm"
filter cutoff:<7days
filter cutoff:>"Dec 31, 2012"
filter cutoff:"12/31/2012 12:00pm"
filter attrib:-sh
filter "*.txt;-My Folder\" attrib:+r
folder-report \
layout:<layout> \
[options:<options>] \
[title:<report title>] \
output-to:(printer|clipboard|<filename>) \
Generates a folder comparison report of the currently loaded base folders. Folders are
Beyond Compare 142
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
shown in their current state. To include subfolders add an expand all command before
layout controls the report's appearance and can be side-by-side, summary or xml.
options is optional.
o Display filter flags control which files are included in the report. The possible values
are display-all, display-mismatches, display-no-orphans, display-mismatches-no-
orphans, display-orphans, display-left-newer, display-right-newer, display-left-newer-
orphans, display-right-newer-orphans and display-matches. By default, display-all is
o Optional columns can be included, separated by commas, in the report by using the
flags column-version, column-size, column-crc, column-timestamp, column-attributes,
column-group, column-owner and column-vcs. By default, column-size and column-
timestamp are included. column-none can be used by itself to clear the default
title, output-to and output-options arguments are documented under Common Report
folder-report layout:side-by-side &
options:column-size,column-version,column-timestamp &
output-to:clipboard output-options:html-color
folder-report layout:xml output-to:"C:\My Report.xml"
hex-report \
layout:<layout> \
[options:<options>] \
[title:<report title>] \
output-to:(printer|clipboard|<filename>) \
[output-options:<options>] \
Generates a Hex Compare report of the currently selected files.
layout controls the report's appearance and can be side-by-side, summary or
options is optional and is used differently for each layout.
o display-all, display-mismatches or display-matches can be used to control which lines
of the comparison are included in all layouts except summary. By default, display-all
is used.
o line-numbers includes byte addresses in the side-by-side layout.
title, output-to, output-options and <comparison> arguments are documented under
Common Report Arguments.
Scripting Reference 143
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
load <session>
load [create:(all|left|right)] <left path> [<right path>]
load <default>
Loads the specified Folder Compare session, the specified base folders or a new Folder
Compare session with default settings (load <default>). Failure to load a base folder will
cause the script to terminate.
Loading a session causes all that session's settings, except the display filter (show all,
only mismatches, only matches, etc.), to be used.
Loading base folders uses the currently active settings. By default, the program
default s are used.
The optional create parameter creates a base folder if it doesn't already exist.
load "My Session"
load "C:\My Folder" "X:\Your Folder"
load <default>
log [none|normal|verbose] [[append:]<filename>]
Controls how detailed the log is and where the log is stored.
none, normal and verbose determine the amount of detail used in the log. Logging is
initially disabled and begins when the mode is changed from none.
append: causes logging to add to the file instead of replace it. By default, the log is
output as Log.txt in the current directory (eg, the Windows "Start In" folder in shortcut
move (left->right|right->left)
Moves the selected files/folders in the direction specified.
Beyond Compare 144
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mp3-report \
layout:<layout> \
[options:<options>] \
[title:<report title>] \
output-to:(printer|clipboard|<filename>) \
[output-options:<options>] \
Generates a MP3 Compare report of the currently selected files.
layout controls the report's appearance and can be side-by-side or summary.
options is optional and is used differently for each layout.
o ignore-unimportant treats differences in unimportant text as matches and is available
in all layouts.
o display-all, display-mismatches or display-matches can be used to control which lines
of the comparison are included in all layouts except summary. By default, display-all
is used.
title, output-to, output-options and <comparison> arguments are documented under
Common Report Arguments.
option stop-on-error
option confirm:(prompt|yes-to-all|no-to-all)
Adjusts script processing options.
stop-on-error makes the script watch for various error conditions, including file
operation errors, and, when one occurs, prompts the user before continuing.
confirm can use prompt, yes-to-all or no-to-all to handle confirmation dialogs that occur
due to file operations. By default, prompt is used.
picture-report \
layout:<layout> \
[options:<options>] \
[title:<report title>] \
output-to:(printer|clipboard|<filename>) \
[output-options:<options>] \
Scripting Reference 145
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Generates a Picture Compare report of the currently selected files.
layout controls the report's appearance and can be side-by-side or summary.
options is optional and is used differently for each layout.
o ignore-unimportant treats differences in unimportant text as matches in the summary
title, output-to, output-options and <comparison> arguments are documented under
Common Report Arguments.
registry-report \
layout:<layout> \
[options:<options>] \
[title:<report title>] \
output-to:(printer|clipboard|<filename>) \
[output-options:<options>] \
Generates a Registry Compare report of the currently selected files.
layout controls the report's appearance and can be side-by-side or summary.
options is optional and is used differently for each layout.
o ignore-unimportant treats differences in unimportant text as matches and is available
in all layouts.
o display-all, display-mismatches or display-matches can be used to control which lines
of the comparison are included in all layouts except summary. By default, display-all
is used.
title, output-to, output-options and <comparison> arguments are documented under
Common Report Arguments.
rename [regexpr <old mask>] <new mask>
Performs a multi-file rename on the current selection using the specified new mask.
regexpr uses an old mask to perform a "Regular Expression Rename". By default, a DOS-
style rename is performed.
rename *.bak
rename regexpr (...)(...)\.txt $2$1.txt
Beyond Compare 146
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
select <selection mask 1> [<selection mask 2> [...]]
Where <selection mask> is one of the following:
Select controls which files and folders can be operated on. Only files and folders that
match at least one of the selection masks are part of the selection.
left, right or all limits the selection to the specified side. By default, all is used.
exact, diff, newer, older, orphan or all limits the selection based on results of
comparison. diff refers to differences in criteria other than timestamps. To compare
timestamps use newer or older instead. Folders must contain only the specified result
type to be affected. By default, all is used.
files, folders or all limits the selection to files, folders or both. By default, all is used.
empty.folders is a special selection mask that will select empty folders.
select all
select left
select exact
select files
select right.diff
select left.folders
select newer.files right.older.files
snapshot \
[save-crc] \
[save-version] \
[expand-archives] \
[follow-symlinks] \
[no-filters] \
left|right|path:<path> \
Scripting Reference 147
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Saves a read-only snapshot of the specified folder.
save-crc calculates CRC's for all files and stores them as part of the snapshot.
save-version stores version information for executable files.
expand-archives stores the contents of archive files in an expanded format.
follow-symlinks stores files and folders pointed to by symbolic links.
no-filters stores all files regardless of the active filename filters.
left, right and path indicate which folder is stored. left or right will save a snapshot of
one of the loaded base folders and path will save a snapshot of a specified path.
output is optional and determines where the snapshot will be saved. By default, it will
be saved in the current folder.
o If target is a fully qualified filename, that will be the name of the snapshot. If target
doesn't have an extension, .bcss will be used.
o If the target isn't included or refers to a folder a filename will be generated based on
the source folder's name and the current system date, eg folder_2012-12-31.bcss.
If necessary an additional number will be added to the generated name to keep it from
overwriting existing snapshots.
snapshot save-crc save-version no-filters path:C:\ output:D:\
snapshot left output:"My Snapshot.bcss"
sync \
[visible] \
[create-empty] \
Synchronizes folders by copying and deleting files. This command does not use the
current selection.
visible enables "Only affect visible files" behavior. Only files in expanded folders will be
create-empty enables the "Create empty folders" behavior.
update copies newer and orphan files in the indicated direction, leaving orphans and
newer files on the opposite side unchanged. Using all as the direction indicates a
bidirectional sync and copies newer and orphan files in both directions.
mirror makes the target folder identical to the source one. Newer, older, different and
orphaned files are all copied to the destination. Orphans in the destination are deleted.
The all direction doesn't apply in this context and is not valid.
sync create-empty mirror:left->right
Beyond Compare 148
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
text-report \
layout:<layout> \
[options:<options>] \
[title:<report title>] \
output-to:(printer|clipboard|<filename>) \
[output-options:<options>] \
Generates a Text Compare report of the currently selected files.
layout controls the report's appearance and can be side-by-side, summary, interleaved,
patch, statistics or xml. Deprecated layouts over-under and composite have been
replaced by interleaved.
options is optional and is used differently for each layout.
o ignore-unimportant treats differences in unimportant text as matches and is available
in all layouts.
o display-all, display-mismatches, display-context or display-matches can be used to
control which lines of the comparison are included in all layouts except summary,
patch and statistics. By default, display-all is used.
o line-numbers includes line numbers in the side-by-side layout.
o strikeout-left-orphans crosses out left only lines in the interleaved layout.
o strikeout-right-orphans crosses out right only lines in the interleaved layout.
o patch-normal, patch-context or patch-unified formats are available in the patch
layout. By default, patch-normal is used.
title, output-to, output-options and <comparison> arguments are documented under
Common Report Arguments.
The deprecated stats-descriptive option will generate a summary report instead and post
a warning to the log. The deprecated stats-tabular option is ignored in the statistics
layout: the statistics layout is always tabular (CSV) now.
text-report layout:interleaved options:display-context &
output-to:printer output-options:print-color,wrap-word
text-report layout:patch options:patch-unified &
output-to:"My Report.txt"
touch (left->right|right->left)
touch (left|right|all):(now|<timestamp>)
Scripting Reference 149
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Copies the timestamps from files on one side to the other or sets the timestamps of all
files on a specified side to the current system time (now) or a specified timestamp. You
must select files before you can touch them.
version-report \
layout:<layout> \
[options:<options>] \
[title:<report title>] \
output-to:(printer|clipboard|<filename>) \
[output-options:<options>] \
Generates a Version Compare report of the currently selected files.
layout controls the report's appearance and can be side-by-side or summary.
options is optional and is used differently for each layout.
o ignore-unimportant treats differences in unimportant text as matches and is available
in all layouts.
o display-all, display-mismatches or display-matches can be used to control which lines
of the comparison are included in all layouts except summary. By default, display-all
is used.
title, output-to, output-options and <comparison> arguments are documented under
Common Report Arguments.
Common Report Arguments
The report commands (data-report, file-report, folder-report, hex-report, mp3-report,
pix-report, registry-report, text-report and version-report) must include information on
where the report should be sent and may include additional information on the output
title controls the title that appears at the top of the report.
output-to controls the output target. It can be printer, clipboard or a filename.
output-options is optional and is used differently for each output target.
o print-color or print-mono color schemes are available for printer output. By default,
print-mono is used.
o print-portrait or print-landscape orientations are available for printer output. By
default, print-portrait is used.
o wrap-none, wrap-character or wrap-word control whether long lines are wrapped.
printer output can use all three options. HTML output can use wrap-none and wrap-
word. By default, wrap-none is used.
o html-color, html-mono or html-custom stylesheets are available for clipboard and file
outputs. If html-custom is used it should include a URL or path, which will be used as
the HTML's external style sheet. By default, html-mono is used.
Beyond Compare 150
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
<comparison> can either be a session name or a pair of filenames. The file report will
use the specified comparison instead of the files that have been selected within the
script. When using a saved session, the comparison type must match the report type
(e.g., a Data Compare session must use data-report or file-report).
data-report layout:interleaved output-to:printer &
file-report layout:summary output-to:clipboard &
text-report layout:patch options:patch-unified &
output-to:"My Report.txt"
Regular Expression Reference 151
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Regular Expression Reference
Regular Expressions are a powerful way to define patterns for searching and matching.
Beyond Compare allows you to use regular expressions when searching through text, and
when specifying rules for classifying text. The regular expression support in Beyond
Compare is a subset of the Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) syntax.
While Regular Expressions can be a complex topic, there are several excellent resources
about them. One such resource is a book called Mast ering Regular Expressions. Another
excellent resource is Steve Mansour's A T ao of Regular Expressions, a copy of which can
be found at:
A regular expression is composed of two types of characters: normal characters and
metacharacters. When performing a match, metacharacters take on special meanings,
controlling how the match is made and serving as wildcards. Normal characters always
match against only themselves. To match against a metacharacter, esc ape it, by
prefixing it with a backslash "\". There are multiple types of metacharacters, each
detailed below.
Metacharacters - Escape Sequences
Escape Sequence Meaning
\xnn character with the hex code nn
\x{nnnn} character with the hex code nnnn
\x{F000} character with a null value
\t tab (0x09)
\f form feed (0x0C)
\a bell (0x07)
\e escape (0x1B)
Metacharacters - Predefined classes
Predefined character classes match any of a certain subset of characters. The following
classes are already defined for you.
Beyond Compare 152
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Class Meaning
. match any character
\w any alphanumeric character or _
\W any non-alphanumeric character
\d any numeric character (0-9)
\D any non-numeric character
\s any whitespace (space, tab)
You can also construct your own character classes by surrounding a group of characters
in brackets "[]". The predefined classes (except ".") can be used in the brackets, and if a
dash "-" appears between two characters, it represents a range. Thus [a-z] would
represent all lowercase letters, and [a-zA-Z] would represent both lower and uppercase
letters. To include a "-" as part of the class, place it at the beginning or end of the
If the first character within the brackets is a caret "^", then the class represents
everything except the specified characters. [^a-z] matches on any character that isn't
a lower-case alphabetic character.
Metacharacters - Alternatives
By placing an "|" between two groups of items, alternative matches can be represented.
a|b will match either a or b. ab|cd will match "ab" or "cd", but not "ac". "|" groups
characters from pattern delimiter ("(", "[", or the start of the pattern) to itself and then
again to the end of the pattern. Alternatives can be placed within parenthesis "()" to
make it obvious what is being matched against, as in a(bc|de)f. Alternatives are matched
left to right. bey|beyond will match on bey, even if the string is "beyond".
Metacharacters - Position
The following metacharacters control where the match can occur on a line. Note: \A
and \Z match the start and end of text respectively, but since Beyond Compare performs
the search on a line by line basis, these have the same effect as ^ and $.
Metacharacter Meaning
^ match only at start of line
$ match only at end of line
Metacharacters - Iterators
Anything in a regular expression can be followed by an iterator metacharacter, which
refers to the item before it. There are two kinds of iterators - greedy and non-greedy.
Greedy iterators match as many as they can, non-greedy match as few as they can.
Regular Expression Reference 153
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Metacharacter Meaning
match zero or more of the preceding
character (equivalent to {0,})
match one or more of the preceding
character (equivalent to {1,})
matches zero or one times (equivalent to
matches exactly n times (equivalent to {n,
{n,} matches n or more times
matches at least n but no more than m
Metacharacter Meaning
*? matches zero or more times
+? matches one or more times
?? matches zero or one time
{n}? matches exactly n times
{n,}? matches at least n times
matches at least n but no more than m
Metacharacters - Subexpressions
Parenthesis "()" can also be used to group characters for use with iterators and
backreferences (discussed below). (bey){4,5} will match between 4 and 5 instances of
"bey". (abc|[0-9])* will match any combination of "abc" and the digits 0 to 9. Eg.
"abc5", "679abc" and "abc77abc".
Metacharacters - Back References
Each sequence of characters which is matched within a "()" will be saved as a
subexpression, which you can refer to later with \1 to \9, which refer to the
subexpressions from left to right. b(.)\1n will match "been" and "boon", but not "bean",
"ben" or "beeen".
Modifiers allow changes to the matching behavior from that point on. If the modifier is
contained within a subexpression, it affects only that subexpression. Use (?i) and (?-i) to
control the case sensitivity of matching.
Beyond Compare 154
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
(?i)Beyond Compare
matches both "Beyond Compare" and
"beyond compare"
(?i)Beyond (?-i)Compare
matches "Beyond Compare" and "bEyOnD
Compare", but not "beyond compare"
Glossary 155
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Base folder
The top-most folder on either side of a folder view. Base folder names appear in the
toolbar path edits above each pane of the comparison.
Child Session
A file session launched from a folder session.
In a 3-way merge, a conflict occurs when the same section of text has changes on
both left and right sides.
(Cyclic Redundancy Check) is a numeric representation of the contents of a file. If
the CRCs of two files are different, then the contents of those files must be different.
If the CRCs match, then it is quite likely that the contents match.
CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a common file layout for representing row and
column data.
File Format
Our term for the collection of settings that characterize a type of file. For example,
the Java Source file format describes the Java grammar for syntax highlighting and
rules-based comparisons, and stores your tab stop preference for Java source. File
formats can also specify conversion routines to be run before and after comparisons.
A setting that limits what is displayed or processed, "filtering out" unneeded content.
Important text
Beyond Compare 156
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Text that is important to the comparison.
Line ending style
The pattern of control characters that define the end of each line in a text file.
Typically CR+LF in a Windows text file and LF in a Unix text file.
Our term for an item that is on one side and not the other in a comparison.
Software accessory that can be 'plugged into' the program for more features.
Regular Expressions
Formulas for matching strings that follow a pattern.
Our term for the session settings that control how a comparison is performed.
A contiguous range of lines with differences.
Our term for a comparison task, such as comparing folders or files. Each session view
is in its own top-level window, or tab on a window.
Skew tolerance
The number of lines Beyond Compare will search forward and backward for a matching
A custom Beyond Compare file that contains folder tree information. Like a camera
capturing reality at a moment in time, a snapshot file captures the state of a folder so
that the user can compare it to the live folder at some later time, and find what has
Thumbnail view
In file comparison windows, the (optional) panel on the left with the color-coded
summary of differences.
Glossary 157
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
A timestamp is a file or folder's last modified time.
In Data Compare and Picture Compare, the amount that two cells (or pixels) can differ
before being considered an important difference. Differences less than or equal to the
tolerance are unimportant differences.
The action of setting the timestamp of a file to a specific value.
Unimportant differences
Differences in text that are defined to be unimportant to the comparison. They may
include whitespace or character case differences, comments or line numbers.
An open session (or the Home view) as it appears as a window or on a tab.
The blank space at the beginning and end of lines and between words. Whitespace is
generally made up of any combination of the 'space' and 'tab' characters.
The collection of all open sessions, including the size and position of windows and
Zip archive/zip file
A set of files or folders, compressed into a single archive file. There are different
archive formats, but zip is the most common. Beyond Compare supports several
different archive formats.
Beyond Compare 158
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
Support, Ordering and License
For the latest version of Beyond Compare and for other news about the program, visit our
web site at: www.scootersoftware.com
Technical Support
Please send any comments, suggestions or bug reports to: support@scootersoftware.
Visit our support forums to share problems and ideas: www.scootersoftware.com/forum
Access our online FAQ and Knowledge Base articles at: www.scootersoftware.com/kb
Customer Support
The single user license fee for Beyond Compare is $30 (US dollars) for the Standard
edition and $50 for the Pro edition. The Windows and Linux versions are licensed
separately. For current information on multi-user discounts and upgrade policy, please
visit our on-line shop at: www.scootersoftware.com/shop
If you need help ordering Beyond Compare, contact us at: sales@scootersoftware.com
For our mailing address and other contact information, visit: www.scootersoftware.com/
License Agreement
Our License Agreement allows each licensed user to install and use Beyond Compare on
any number of computers. Read the agreement to understand your rights and obligations
concerning the use of the software.
Index 159
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
- 3 -
3-way merge
session 33
- A -
alignment control (in Text Compare) 78
alignment control (in Text Merge) 81
alignment override (in Folder Compare) 71
alignment override (in Folder Sync) 76
anonymous login 90, 94
archive files
associations 60
handling 68, 74
ASCII mode transfer 93
compare 67, 72
modify 25
authentication 94
automate Beyond Compare 49
- B -
automatic backup options 58
batch file processing 49
binary mode transfer 93
- C -
classifying text differences 44, 77, 80
clipboard, compare to 30
file comparison 63
folder comparison 61
folder display 61
selection in file view 62
selection in folder view 61
syntax highlighing 62
command line
parameters 132
switches 132
attributes 67, 72
clipboard contents 30
file contents 67, 72
file size 67, 72
timestamps 67, 72
version info 67, 72
via http 30
comparison criteria
planning 16
setting 67, 72
compress transfers 93
confirmations 60
contacting us 158
files, folders 20, 21
settings to new computer 48
customer support 158
keyboard shortcuts 65
menus 65
toolbars 65
customizing Beyond Compare 54
cutoff date 70, 75
- D -
Data Compare
about 35
commands 115
options 65
rules 82
session settings 81
date modified
filter by 70, 75
modify 25
delete files, folders 24
load 96
save 96
display filters 17
- E -
editing text 31
editions (Standard vs Pro) 9
Beyond Compare 160
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
editor 41
editor options 64
error level 132
exclude 26
files by attribute 70, 75
files by date modified 70, 75
files by file size 70, 75
files by name 69, 74
folders by name 69, 74
Explorer context menu 56
external applications 58
- F -
factory defaults 55
file filters 17
File Formats 44
managing 84
file masks 69, 74
filename conversion 93
by attribute 70, 75
by date modified 70, 75
by file size 70, 75
by name 69, 74
filter presets 60
filters 17
firewall settings 90
Folder Compare
about 14
commands 98
rules 67
session settings 66
Folder Sync
about 28
commands 104
presets 72
rules 72
session settings 72
as base folder 45
authentication 94
connection settings 90
listing format 91
login 90
profile 89
transfer settings 93
- G -
using 44
- H -
Hex Compare
about 37
commands 118
session settings 83
hints, configuring 57
Home view 12
Home view options 57
HTML output 44
http compare 30
- I -
folder structure 17
files by name 69, 74
folders by name 69, 74
- K -
keyboard shortcuts 65
- L -
limit download/upload speed 93
location of program settings 94
lock session 13
options 61
- M -
Data Compare commands 115
Folder Compare commands 98
Folder Sync commands 104
global commands 96
Hex Compare commands 118
Index 161
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
MP3 Compare commands 120
Picture Compare commands 122
Registry Compare commands 124
Text Compare commands 106
Text Edit commands 129
Text Merge commands 111
Version Compare commands 127
menu configuration 65
session 33
move files 22
move files, folders 20
MP3 Compare
about 42
commands 120
session settings 83
- N -
new features 8
next difference 31
next difference options 63
- O -
Open With
configuration 58
options 54, 55
ordering Beyond Compare 158
file formats 68, 74
filename alignment 71, 76
folder alignment 71, 76
- P -
Picture Compare
about 38
commands 122
options 65
session settings 83
plug-ins 42
portable install 94
previous difference 31
printouts 44
Pro Edition 9
proxy settings 90
- R -
reconcile differences 18
automatic 68, 74
Registry Compare
about 40
commands 124
session settings 84
regular expressions 46, 47, 151
files, folders 24
replacements 79
reports 44
- S -
scheduled task 53
options 59
overview 49
reference 136
samples 50
scheduling 53
selecting folders, files 18
Data Compare 35
deleting 13
Folder Compare 14
Folder Sync 28
locking 13
managing 13
Picture Compare 38
renaming 13
sharing 57
Text Compare 30
Text Merge 33
how to find 54
location of 94
move to new computer 48
tweaks 54
authentication 94
Beyond Compare 162
Copyright 2012 Scooter Software, Inc.
as base folder 45
login 90
shared sessions 57
sharing Beyond Compare on a network 94
sharing sessions 13
shell extension 56
simultaneous connections 90
creating, using 46
SSH authentication 94
certificate 94
clear control channel 90
clear data channel 90
startup options 56
stored settings 94
switches, command line 132
synchronize folders 28
syntax highlighting 44
- T -
tab stops 86
tabbed windows
options 58
using 11
tear off tab 11
tech support 158
Text Compare
about 30
commands 106
options 64
rules 77
session settings 77
Text Edit
about 41
commands 129
Text Merge
about 33
commands 111
rules 80
session settings 79
text replacements 79
thumbnail configuration 62
timeout 90
filter by 70, 75
modify 25
compare 67, 72
preserve on upload 93
toolbar configuration 65
touch 25
tweaks 54
- V -
compare version info 67, 72
Version Compare
about 42
commands 127
session settings 84
- W -
auto-load, auto-save 56
- Z -
zip files
associations 60
comparing 14
handling 68, 74