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This Specification covers the design, manufacture, testing before despatch, supply and delivery of Static
CT/PT operated Tri-Vector Meters for 3 phase 3 wire and 3 phase 4 wire balanced/unbalanced load for use
in urban/rural areas.
Unless otherwise expressly modified and to the extent so modified from these specifications, the meters
shall comply with the latest versions of IEC 687 and IS 14697.
Further, meters from ISO certified manufacturers shall be preferred.
i) Temperature : -10
C to 55
C(in shade)
ii) Humidity : up to 95% RH non-condensing
iii) Average annual rainfall : 150 cm.(if not specified otherwise)
iv) Max. Wind Pressure : 150 kg/sq. m.
v) Max. altitude above MSL : 1000 m.(if not specified otherwise)
(To be modified as per site conditions)
The meters shall be suitably designed and treated for normal life and satisfactory operation under the hot
and hazardous tropical climate conditions and shall be dust and vermin proof. All the parts and surface
which are subject to corrosion shall either be made of such material or shall be provided with such protective
finish which provides suitable protection to them from any injurious effect of excessive humidity


Class of Accuracy Class 1.0/Class 0.5/Class 0.2
Supply Voltage 240 V AC (phase to neutral), 415V AC (phase to phase) or
230V (Phase Neutral) 400 V (Phase to Phase)
PT Secondary 110 V, 110/?3 V

Frequency 50 Hz
Current Ib 1A/5A (for CT operated)
Maximum Current 120% of Ib for CT operated
Starting Current As per IS 13779/IS 14697/IEC 687
Power Factor Range 0.5 lag Unity 0.8 lead
Power Loss As per IS 13779/ IS 14697/CBI&P 88
Resistance to surge voltage
of 1.2/50 Microsec. As per IS 13779/ IS 14697
Test Voltage at 50 Hz for 1 min. 2 kV rms
Clock Time Accuracy +/- 5 ppm at 250 C
As per IS 13779/IS 14697
The meter shall have the following anti-tamper features:
i) The meter shall not get damaged even if any phase and neutral are interchanged.
ii) The meter should register energy even when the load is not terminated back to the meter and instead
current is drawn through a local earth.
iii) The meter shall be factory calibrated and shall be sealed suitably before despatch.
iv) The meter shall be capable of recording occurrence of missing potential and its restoration with date and
time of all occurrences with the total number of such occurrences during the above period for all the phases.
v) The meter shall detect CT polarity reversal and record the same with date and time of all occurrences and
restorations with total number of such occurrences during the above period for all the phases.
vi) The meter shall work correctly irrespective of the phase sequence of supply.
vii) In case of 3 phase 4 wire system, the meter should keep working even in the presence of any two wires
i.e. even in the absence of neutral and any one phase or any two phases.
viii) In case of three phase three wire meters, even if reference Y phase is removed, the meter shall
continue to work.
The case, winding, terminal disconnecting device for the meter, voltage circuit, sealing arrangement,
registers, terminal block, terminal cover and name plate etc. shall be in accordance with the relevant
Standard. The meter shall be compact and reliable in design, easy to transport and immune to vibration and
shock involved in transportation and handling. The construction of the meter shall ensure consistent
performance under all conditions specially during dust storm/heavy rains/very hot weather. The insulating
material used in the meter should be non-hygroscopic, non-aging and of tested quality. The meter should be
sealed in such a way that the internal parts of the meter are inaccessible.
The meter should employ latest technology such as Hybrid Micro Circuit or Application Specific Integrating
circuit (ASIC) to ensure reliable performance. The mounting of components on the PCB (Printed Circuit
Board) shall preferably be SMT(Surface Mounted Technology ) type. The electronic components used in the
meter shall be of high quality and there shall be no drift in the accuracy of the meter at least up to 10 years.
The circuitry in the meter shall be compatible with 2x8 bit, 16 bit (or better) processor and the meter shall be
based on digital measuring and sampling technique.
The meter shall have alpha-numeric LCD display with at least 6 full digits and preferably one
decimal(optional) along with legend and the data shall not be lost in the event of power failure. The non-
volatile memory shall have a storage life (without use) of at least 10 years.
The meter shall be capable of measuring and displaying the following electrical quantities within specified
limits of accuracy:
i. Active Energy
ii. Reactive Energy
iii. Apparent Energy
iv. Power Factor
v. Maximum Demand
vi. MD reset count
Meter shall carry out periodic self check on performance of electronic circuits, memory, crystal oscillator etc.
and should indicate any abnormal condition with suitable error message.
The meter shall give error message on display in case tampering occurs or meter malfunctions.
The meter shall have facility on display itself to pick up pulses to facilitate testing with reference
The meter shall continuously monitor and calculate the average maximum demand for each interval of time
and this interval shall be factory programmable i.e. hour, half hour or one hour.
The MD shall automatically reset at 00.00 Hrs. on the first date of each calendar month. The meter shall
have a provision of manual resetting of Maximum Demand with proper sealing facility. Provision for auto-
resetting of MD at fixed date and time shall also be possible.
The meter shall have a case which can be sealed in such a way that the internal parts of the meter are
accessible only after breaking the seal. The cover shall not be easily removable from the base. The material
of meter body (case and cover) shall be either
Self insulating non corroding black thermosetting material which would ensure maximum strength against
distortion and also injury to working parts during normal use and rough handling during transportation. The
material shall not soften/ melt on heating.
The meter casing material should be glass reinforced, flame retardant, unbreakable engineering plastic
material to ensure high reliability, long trouble free life, safety against electric shock, spread of fire and
effects of excessive temperature. The material should be corrosion resistant, inert to chemicals, oxidising
agents, petro-chemical products, acids, salts, and ultraviolet radiation. The meter chamber shall be dust
proof and moisture proof. The supplier should indicate hardness, melting temperature and tensile yield
strength of the material and necessary test certificate of the same shall be furnished. The meter case and
cover should be sturdy enough to prevent damage during transportation and installation.
The engineering plastic housing may be provided with a key hole on the top for fixing which should not be
accessible to the consumer after the terminal cover is sealed. The meter shall withstand external magnetic
influence as per latest amendments of CBIP Technical Report No. 88.
The engineering plastic used shall conform to IS 11731 besides meeting the test requirement of heat
deflection test as per ISO 75 and glow wire test as per relevant Standard.
The meter casing shall be made of sheet steel of at least 22 gauge(0.71 mm) thickness with 4 screws for
fixing frame with lock and tempered spring washer. Synthetic rubber or any other non-hygroscopic material
should be used for gasket and for fixing the meter cover over the body. The tenderer shall specify the
thickness of sheet steel used for the construction of the meter cover, base and the material of the gasket in
the guaranteed technical particulars.
The window shall be dust proof made of toughened glass and be provided to permit clear view of register
and indicator. Minimum clearance between window glass and name plate should be 8mm. Fixing
arrangement should be such that the window glass can not be removed without breaking the sleeves of the
window glass and shall be replaceable from inside only.
The terminals may be grouped in a terminal block having adequate insulating properties and mechanical
strength. The terminal block should be made from best quality non-hygroscopic, flame retardant material
(capable of passing the flammability tests given in IS 11731) with nickel plated brass or aluminium alloy for
connecting terminals.. The terminal block is to be enclosed in a metallic housing of steel plate of sufficient
thickness to cover its back and sides to provide enough strength for purpose of tightening of screws. The
clamping screw should be provided inside the terminal cover and should have metallic sleeve moulded
within the block to avoid damage during tightening of the screws.
The terminals in the terminal block shall be of adequate length in order to have proper grip of conductor with
the help of two screws. The screws shall have thread size not less than M4 and head having 4-6 mm. dia.
The screws shall not have pointed ends at the end of threads. All terminals and connecting screws and
washers should be of tinned / nickel plated brass material or aluminium alloy.
The internal diameter of terminal hole should be minimum 5.5 mm. The holes in the insulating material shall
be of sufficient size to accommodate the insulation of conductor also.
The terminal cover shall be of sheet steel with minimum thickness 0.6 mm. or Engineering plastic with
minimum thickness 2.5 mm. and the terminal cover shall be of extended type completely covering the
terminal block and fixing holes except for the provision of conductor entry at the bottom for incoming and
outgoing leads. The terminal cover shall be so provided that it remains permanently connected with meter
base. The supplier shall suitably design the cover so that it opens or closes like a hinged door and the ends
of hinged pins shall be flattened so that it does not come out.
In order to facilitate testing of meters without opening the meter cover the voltage links shall also be
provided preferably on front side above the terminal block so that the same is accessible from outside
without opening the meter body cover or seal. Separate sealing arrangement should be available for these
Every meter shall have a name plate clearly visible and indelible and distinctly marked in accordance with
the relevant Standard. The following information should appear on an external plate attached to the meter
i. Manufacturers name or trade-mark and place of manufacture
ii. Designation of type
iii. Number of phases and number of wires for which the meter is suitable.
In addition to above, the following information shall be marked on a nameplate preferably placed
within the meter:
a. Serial number and year of manufacture
b. Principal unit in which the meter records
c. Reference voltage
d. Basic current and rated maximum current
e. Reference frequency in Hz
f. Meter constant
g. Class index
h. Reference Temperature
The meter shall work satisfactory with guaranteed accuracy as per limit of relevant IS under presence of the
following quantities :
i. External magnetic field
ii. Electromagnetic field
iii. Radio frequency interference
iv. Vibration
v. Harmonic wave form
vi. Voltage fluctuation
vii. Electromagnetic high frequency field
There shall be a visual signal to indicate the operation of the meter.
As per IS 13779/ IS 14697.
The current & voltage circuits shall be made of appropriate material such as enameled copper wire of EC
grade. The current circuit shall be appropriately insulated and the potential circuit appropriately
encapsulated . The cross section of current carrying wires shall be designed so as to withstand the
temperature rise of 50
C over the ambient temperature at maximum current. The maximum current density
shall not exceed 620 amp per sq cm. at maximum current for conductors to be used in current coil. The
short time current rating shall be as per IS 13779.
Apart from the link provided in voltage circuit within the terminal block, it shall be possible to disconnect
easily the voltage terminal from the input current terminal within the main body of the meter. The
disconnecting device shall be such that it is easy to de-link them. It shall be made of brass (tinned) of
minimum thickness 0.7 mm. In de-linked position, the link should not come in contact with any live part or
body of the meter. While supplying the meters the links must be in closed position.
As per IS 13779/ IS 14697.
Every meter shall have three fixing holes one at the top and two at the bottom. The top hole shall be
provided with a special clip at the back of the meter so that holding screw is not accessible to the consumer
after the fixing of the meters. The lower fixing screws shall be provided under the sealed terminal cover. The
requisite fixing screws shall be supplied with each meter.
At least, two sealing screws shall be provided for proper fixing of the meter cover so that access to the
working part shall not be possible without breaking the seal. Necessary provision may be kept for fixing the
utility seal also.
The meter shall have a test output device in the form of a pulse indicator accessible from the front and
capable of being monitored by a suitable testing equipment.
The meter shall have ports suitable for interface of the meter with appropriate protocol to
i. Meter Reading Instrument (MRI)
ii. Stand alone computer (for eg. desk top computer/PC/laptop)
iii. Facilitate reading or reprogramming by the utility from remote locations
Calibration of meter should not be possible through the meter reading instrument to avoid meter tampering
through MRI.
The meter should comply with the requirements of the relevant Standard.
The meter should comply with the requirements of the relevant Standard.
The meters shall be suitably packed for vertical/horizontal transport to withstand handling during transport.
The Bidder shall be responsible for any damage during transit due to inadequate or improper packing.
The accuracy of meters shall not exceed the permissible limits of accuracy as per Standards for a period of
10 years from the date of supply. In case any drift is noticed which is beyond the permissible limits, the
Bidder shall re-calibrate the meter for correct accuracy and if re-calibration is not possible, the meter shall be
replaced by a new meter without any extra cost.
Meters shall be fully type tested as per the relevant Standard(latest version). The type test certificates shall
be submitted along with the offer. Offer without Type Test Report shall be liable for rejection. The Type Test
Certificate shall not be more than 5 years old. Test certificates of wider Ranges shall also be acceptable.
The Acceptance and Routine Tests shall be carried out as per the latest version of the relevant standard. In
addition to above, the following tests shall also be performed:
i) Transportation Test(Acceptance Test)
At least 50% of the sample meters shall be particularly tested for error at Imax., Ib at u.p.f. and 50% Imax.,
10%Ib at 0.5 p.f. lag besides checking them for starting current and creep. The meters should be tested as
aforesaid with the meter cover fully tightened and sealed. After recording the errors at the above test points,
the meters should be placed in their normal packing and transported for a distance of at least 40 to 50 kms.
in any transport vehicle such as a truck, jeep etc. on uneven rural roads, and then re-tested at the aforesaid
test points after transportation. The variation in errors recorded before and after the transportation test at the
said test points should not exceed 1% at higher loads and 1.5% at low loads.
The mechanical strength of the meter shall be tested with spring hammer as per the relevant Standard.
The type test certificates shall be from Institutions approved by the purchaser/ As per Appendix G of CBIP
Technical Report 88(Amended).
28. Guarantee:
The meter shall have a design life of at least 10 years and be guaranteed for a period of at least 5 years
against manufacturing/design defect. The meter found defective within the above guarantee period shall be
replaced/repaired by the supplier free of cost within one month of the receipt of intimation. If the defective
meters are not replaced/repaired within the above specified period, the purchaser shall recover an
equivalent amount plus 15% supervision charges.
The design life of the meter shall be minimum 10 years and to prove the design life the firm shall have at
least the following Quality Assurance Plan:

i. The factory shall be completely dust proof .
ii. The testing rooms shall be temperature and humidity controlled as per relevant Standards.
iii. The testing and calibrating equipment should be automatic and all test equipment shall have their
valid calibration certificates.
iv. Power supplies used in testing equipment shall be distortion free with sinusoidal wave-forms and
maintaining constant voltage current and frequency as per the relevant Standards.
v. During the manufacturing of the meters the following checks shall be carried out.
a. Meter frame dimension tolerance shall be minimum.
b. The pressure coil shall be made totally encapsulated and care shall be taken to avoid
ingress of dust and moisture inside the coil.
c. The assembly of parts shall be done with the help of jigs and fixtures so that human errors
are eliminated.
d. The meters shall be batch tested on automatic, computerised test bench and the results
shall be printed directly without any human errors.
e. The current coil shall be made with the help of jigs and fixtures.
f. The potential coil shall be made with automatic computerised machine.
The Bidder shall have at least the following testing facilities to ensure accurate calibration:
i. Insulation resistance measurement
ii. Running at no load
iii. Starting current test
iv. Limits of error
v. Range of adjustment
vi. Power loss in voltage and current circuits
vii. Repeatability of error
viii. Transportation test
ix. Low load run test
x. Heating test
The Bidder shall give a detailed list of bought out items with name of the manufacturer and details about
quality control:

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