Descriptive Research
Descriptive Research
Descriptive Research
With a descriptive research , it is easy to describe about a group of people like demographic,
psychographic and their purchasing behavior.
To describe the character of certain people-
For example a restaurant owner can go through a descriptive research and get to know about
customers gender, their income level, married status, kids. It could be possible that female customers
are more and they are working in private companies.
To determine the proportion of people who behave in certain way-
For example if a shop or retail is in a mall then through descriptive research it can catch up about
converting ratio of prospect to a purchaser within a particular radius of surrounding.
To make specific prediction-to predict the sales or forecasting of sales for next 6 months so that
company would hire and carry forward training program.
Relationship between variables-how is many variables or factors are related to each other for example,
brand loyalty to age group or consumer satisfaction. How price increase can impact the customer
Descriptive research can be used or applicable for a variety of research objectives. However, descriptive
data become useful for solving problems only when the process is guided by one or more specific
research problems, much thought and effort, and quite often exploratory research to clarify the
problem with hypotheses. Both descriptive and exploratory researches are different. Exploratory
studies are flexible in nature; descriptive research is structured .It includes all the exploratory questions
Who should be considered a customer? Someone who just come up to the stores but not purchase?
Someone who makes a purchase? Whether customer range should be up to the household or b2b or or
individual b2c?
What characteristics of customers should be considered, Are we interested in their age and sex, where
they live how did they get information about this store.
When will we measure characteristics of the customers While they are shopping or later.Should the
study take place during the first weeks of operation of the store, or should it be delayed six
Where will we measure the customers. Should it be in the store, immediately outside the store, or
should we attempt to contact them at home or to take the survey during lunch or break time.
Why do we want to measure them in the first Place. Are we going to use these measurements to
planpromotional strategy. Are we going to use these measurements as a basis for deciding where
to place other stores?
How should we measure the customers.we use a questionnaire, or should we observe their purchasing
behavior? If we use a questionnaire, what form will it take.
There are two types of descriptive research design-
1)cross-sectional 2)longitudinal
cross-sectional research design involves drawing a sample of elements from the population of interest.
Characteristics of the elements or sample members are measured only once.
A longitudinal research design on the other hand, involves a panel ,which is a fixed sample of elements.
The elements may be stores, dealers, individuals, or other entities. The panel, or sample, remains
relatively constant through time, although members may be added to replace drop outs or to keep it
representative. The sample members in a panel are measured repeatedly over time, in contrast with the
one-time measurement in a cross-sectional study