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Contact Metamorphic Rocks-BGS

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The passage discusses the early history and study of contact metamorphism, introducing many terms used to describe the processes and rock types. It also discusses how later microscopic study and concepts of metamorphic zones and facies advanced understanding.

Some of the terms introduced include contact metamorphism, contact aureole, endomorphism/exomorphism, contact metasomatism, pneumatolysis and thermal/thermometamorphism.

Examples of contact metamorphic rock types mentioned include hornfels, cornéenne, kornite, calc-hornfels, skarn, basic hornfels and ultrabasic hornfels.


Contact Metamorphic Rocks

Recommendations by the IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Metamorphic Rocks:
Web version 01.02.07

E. Callegari and
N.N. Pertsev

E. Callegari, Department of Science, Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Torino, Italy

N. Pertsev, IGEM, Moscow, Russia


A Study Group under the leadership of E. Callegari was set up to look at definitions
concerning contact metamorphism and contact metamorphic rocks. The Study Group was
also asked to consider metamorphism associated with other localised heat sources, such as
combustion metamorphism and ligthning strikes. This paper presents the report of the Study

4BBrief historical notes on contact metamorphism

Les roches de ces derniers terrains (Vosges) ont souvent subi, proximit du granite, des
modifications si varies que leur nomenclature prcise devient un sujet dembarras pour le
Daubre, 1857.

The first mention of contact metamorphic phenomena dates back to the end of eighteenth
century when J ames Hutton observed that the rocks surrounding a granitic body at Glen Tilt
(Perthshire, Scotland) had suffered marked changes in either colour or structure especially in
zones crossed by granitic veins (Playfair, 1822). At that time Neptunists and Plutonists were
still debating the sedimentary vs igneous origin of granitic rocks, and the terms
metamorphism (Bou, 1820; Lyell, 1833) and contact metamorphism (Delesse, 1857) had
still to enter the geological vocabulary.
In the first decades of the nineteenth century rock alterations close to contacts with granitic
rocks were increasingly discovered in other localities of England and Scotland (MacCulloch,
1819) as well as in other European countries. They were observed in a variety of settings
(plutonic and volcanic) involving a wide spectrum of rock types. Many names appeared for
this particular and localised type of metamorphism and its varietie. Eventually Delesse (1857)
proposed the term contact metamorphism which found general acceptance and is still widely
used today.

Most names for contact metamorphic rocks (see Appendix) entered geological literature
between the end of the eighteenth and the first two thirds of the nineteenth century. Many of
these names were coined before the study of thin sections developed and the subsequent
widespread use of microscope techniques, particularly in the last quarter of the nineteenth
century, did much to improve the existing definitions removing most of the uncertainties and
ambiguities. At the same time unnecessary rock names were gradually abandoned or
superseded by more appropriate synonyms. The pioneering works of the early petrographers
also provided a general framework for many aspects of contact metamorphism including
definitions or basic concepts of contact aureole (von Buch, in Humboldt, 1831), endo- and
exomorphism (Fournet, 1847), contact metasomatism (Durocher, 1846) and many other terms
which are still current. Unfortunately, most of the original definitions were in languages other
than English, and in some cases the original name was lost in translation.
At the onset of the twentieth century, there was, in many countries, a renewed interest in the
study of contact aureoles. However, the interest of metamorphic petrologists was mainly
directed towards the interpretation of the relationships between rock microstructures, mineral
assemblages, rock chemistry and metamorphic conditions. It was the time when the concepts
of metamorphic zones (Becke, 1903b; Grubenmann, 1904, 1906; Barrow, 1912) and
metamorphic facies (Eskola, 1920) opened new horizons in the field of metamorphic
petrology and Golschmidt (1911) discovered very simple and fixed relations between rock
chemistry and mineral assemblages in the contact metamorphic rocks of the Christiania
(Oslo) region, Norway. Only a restricted number of new contact metamorphic rock names
appeared at this time including the important term skarn (Trnebohm, 1881a, b;
Goldschmidt, 1911). Further attempts to introduce new rock names based on the mineral
composition, (e.g. Salomon, 1898) did not achieve much success and names such as aviolite,
astite, seebenite, edolite created for different types of hornfelses were short-lived.
In the middle part of the twentieth century there was relatively little attention paid to contact
metamorphism and indeed the question was raised as to whether the distinction between
contact and regional metamorphism should be maintained or whether the two should be
regarded as a part of the general system of rock metamorphism and metasomatism (Barth,
1962), even though Delesse (1857) had argued that contact metamorphism was the natural
base for all metamorphic research because, on a limited scale, it was possible to see both the
cause and the product of metamorphism. Arguments in favour and against separation of
contact from regional metamorphism were brought by Read (1949), Yoder (1952) and
Miyashiro (1973a); today, however, there is a general consensus on the necessity for studying
contact aureoles as a tool for a better understanding of the physico-chemical processes
controlling regional metamorphism (Kerrick, 1991).
Following the procedures of the SCMR, the Study Group dealing with contact metamorphism
examined the existing names of contact metamorphic rocks and processes in order to select a
group of recommended names. The Study Group also considered the metamorphic
terminology associated with other localised heat sources. The reasoning and results of this
process are given below.

5BTowards a redefinition of contact metamorphism

Contact or thermal metamorphism?
The term thermal metamorphism was introduced by Harker (1889) for metamorphism caused
by elevated temperatures in the absence of directed stress as opposed to dynamic
metamorphism. Harker argued that the rise of temperature could be due to more than one
process and that contact metamorphism was therefore a type of thermal metamorphism
(Harker, 1932; see also Holmes, 1920). Tyrrell (1926) regarded thermal metamorphism as the
process of change where heat is the dominating factor, but took this to mean in the
proximity of igneous masses and he subdivided thermal metamorphism into various types,
namely: pyrometamorphism, contact metamorphism, optalic (or caustic) metamorphism and
pneumatolytic (or additive) metamorphism, although previously, following Delesse (1857),
all these types had been included under contact metamorphism. As Harkers division into
thermal and dynamic was increasingly seen as too simplistic his distinction between thermal
and contact also diminished and increasingly these two terms were taken as synonymous,
thermal relating to the cause of metamorphism, contact to the field relationships (Turner,
1948; Barth, 1962; Spry, 1969; Yardley 1989).
However, the term thermal metamorphism conveys the idea that the metamorphism is
essentially temperature dependent, the effects of directed pressure being immaterial. This is
certainly not the case where the metamorphism is associated with forceful magma intrusions
or where magma emplacement occurs in a region undergoing deformation, as for instance in
the Donegal area of Northern Ireland (Pitcher & Read, 1963) or in the Kwoiek area of British
Colombia (Hollister, 1969). Accordingly, distinctions between contact and regional
metamorphism can only be based on spatial, genetic, kinetic or textural characters, rather than
on P-T differences alone (Pattison & Tracy, 1991).
Therefore to avoid any further ambiguity the SCMR proposes that the term thermal
metamorphism is no longer accepted as a recommended synonym of contact
metamorphism and should be given restricted status. The recommended definition of contact
metamorphism is, therefore, as follows:
Contact metamorphism: Type of metamorphism of local extent that affects the country
rocks around magma bodies emplaced in a variety of environments from volcanic to upper
mantle depths, in both continental and oceanic settings.
The magmas are the sources of heat, mass and mechanical energy necessary for this type of
metamorphism. The zone where contact metamorphism occurs is called the contact aureole,
while the products of such metamorphism are called contact rocks. The thickness of the
aureole ranges from the millimetre- to the kilometre-scale. The intensity of contact
metamorphism decreases from the innermost to the outermost parts of the aureole. It is
customary to separate the metamorphic effects caused by the magma on its wall rocks
(exomorphism) from those induced by the wall rocks on the magma itself (endomorphism).
Contact metamorphism accompanied by substantial mass transfer (change of the original rock
composition) is called contact metasomatism.

How many types of contact metamorphism?
In the past two centuries several divisions have been made within the field of contact
metamorphism based on geological, chemical, physico-chemical, mineralogical, petrological,
structural or genetic grounds. Those found in literature are given in Appendix 1. They have
been arbitrarily grouped under three headings. The first two are isochemical and allochemical
(or metasomatic) contact metamorphism, whereas the third corresponds to a specific kind of
contact metamorphism known as pyrometamorphism.

Pyrometamorphism redefined
Unfortunately, the current usage of pyrometamorphism is at times quite different from that
originally proposed, covering not only igneous-related changes but also thermal
transformations due to, for example, combustion metamorphism (Cosca et al., 1989), flash-
heating of meteoritic material during atmospheric entry (Rietmeijer, 2004), artificial firing of
carbonate-clays mixtures (Bauluz et al., 2004) and even burning of rocks in prehistoric
sacrificial sites (Tropper et al., 2004).
The SG considered this position and discussed the redefinition of pyrometamorphism as
The term pyrometamorphism was proposed by Brauns (1911) for a high-temperature type of
metamorphism observed in ejected schist fragments found in the Laacher See tuffaceous
rocks, in the Eifel region of Germany. The unusual mineral assemblage (sanidine, corundum,
spinel, cordierite hypersthene glass), overprinted on both regional and contact
metamorphic assemblages, suggested to him formation temperatures higher than those found
in common contact metamorphism. Brauns attributed the pyrometamorphism to a steep
increase in the magma temperature while it was stationary in a shallow chamber. This led to
the exsolution of hot gases, which reacted with the country rocks, the latter becoming
subsequently incorporated in the magma and ejected. The typical end-product of this
metamorphism is a sanidine-rich rock. Eskola (1920) proposed the name sanidinite facies to
cover the particular P-T conditions under which the sanidinite rocks were formed.
Subsequently, Grubenmann & Niggli (1924) interpreted Brauns pyrometamorphism as a
variety of their pneumatolytic (metasomatic) contact metamorphism. Later, Tyrrell (1926)
expanded the term to cover all the metamorphic products formed at very low pressure and
very high magmatic temperatures whether or not associated with chemical interchange.
Subsequently, Turner & Verhoogen (1960) considered pyrometamorphism as a distinct,
though minor, type of metamorphism characterised by a volcanic to near-surface setting and
unusual mineral assemblages typical of the sanidinite facies. The particular kinetic conditions
under which pyrometamorphism occurs may favour disequilibrium melting and overstepping
of equilibrium mineral reactions (Kerrick et al., 1991; Grapes, 2003). The formation of
quenched melts (glass or microgranophyre) either as small pods and vein fillings or as
relatively thick contact zones suggests boundary conditions overlapping with
ultrametamorphism (Spry & Solomon, 1964). Reverdatto (1973) offered a compilation of the
pyrometamorphism critical minerals for different rock systems which the SG has included
in the definition of pyrometamorphism. Those for carbonate and calc-silicate rocks, however,
should be handled cautiously because the temperatures needed for their formation are
strongly dependent on the values of X
(Tracy & Frost, 1991).
Following the opinion of several authors (e.g. Turner, 1968; Miyashiro, 1973; Reverdatto,
1973), the SCMR recommends that pyrometamorphism is defined as a specific type of
contact metamorphism, thus:
Pyrometamorphism: a very high-grade type of contact metamorphism occurring in volcanic
settings or around near-surface intrusions and characterised by mineral assemblages stable
at or near atmospheric pressure and very high temperatures. Critical minerals are: spurrite,
tilleyite, rankinite, larnite and merwinite in silica-deficient carbonate rocks; mullite and
glass in aluminous rocks; tridymite and glass in silica-oversaturated rocks.
Non-critical minerals may include monticellite, melilite, scawtite, ferruginous wollastonite in
carbonate rocks; sanidine, sillimanite, cordierite, corundum, spinel and orthopyroxene in
aluminous rocks. Under the P-T conditions of pyrometamorphism aluminous and
quartzofeldspathic rocks may show variable degree of melting, which is indicated by the
presence of glass among the component minerals or, more rarely, by the formation of glassy
rocks (buchites). In the field it is found in (a) xenoliths ejected from volcanic vents or
embedded in lavas, (b) narrow rims of contact rocks at the base of basaltic lava flows, (c)
small contact aureoles (centimetre- to metre-scale) surrounding sheets, dykes or plugs of
predominantly basaltic magmas.
It should be noted that contact metamorphic effects associated with volcanic and near-surface
intrusive rocks may only be defined as pyrometamorphic if at least one of the critical
minerals listed above is present. Otherwise contact effects, characteristic of lower
temperatures, come under the general heading of contact metamorphism and may be
described according to their metamorphic grade or facies.
Tyrrel (1926) proposed the term optalic metamorphism for the indurating, baking and fritting
effects produced by lava flows or small dykes on their contact rocks: the upper boundary of
optalic metamorphism was characterised by incipient fusion without melting (fritting) thus
marking a boundary with pyrometamorphism. However the SCMR does not regard the
process as a distinct type of contact metamorphism and considers that the term is therefore

Combustion metamorphism and other kinds of non-igneous related local metamorphism
Local metamorphic processes (excluding dislocation and impact metamorphism) unrelated to
an igneous heat source may sometimes affect solid rocks and produce metamorphic aureoles
with a zonal pattern similar to that of true contact aureoles. The classic occurrence of such
processes is the rims or haloes of burned rocks (thermantides of Hay, 1822) surrounding
burned coal seams or other natural combustibles. However, there are other possible localised
heat sources producing metamorphic effects, for example: (a) thermal shocks due to
lightning; (b) flash-heating during atmospheric entry of extra-terrestrial materials; (c) the
tectonic transport of hot crust or mantle slices onto cooler sedimentary or metasedimentary
rock piles; (d) heat supply from gneiss domes to their surrounding rocks. The resulting
metamorphism is commonly accompanied by the formation of melts, which, on cooling, may
generate glass if near the surface (a, b), or migmatites if at depth (c, d).
The SCMR recommends that the terms contact metamorphism and pyrometamorphism
should not be used to describe the above processes but the following names should be used as
appropriate: combustion metamorphism, lightning metamorphism, impact metamorphism and
hot-slab metamorphism (Smulikowski et al., this vol.).

The SCMRs definition of combustion metamorphism is: A type of metamorphism of local
extent produced by the spontaneous combustion of naturally occurring substances such as
bituminous rocks, coal or oil.
In literature the process has been long considered as a distinct type of metamorphism (e.g.
Delesse, 1857; Naumann, 1858; Zirkel, 1893; Kalkowsky, 1886; Arnold & Anderson, 1907;
Mc Lintock, 1932; Bentnor & Kostner, 1976). The SCMR prefers the terms combustion
metamorphism for the process and burned (or burnt) rocks as a collective name for the
various kinds of rocks (porcellanites, buchites, paralavas) formed around burned coal seams,
oil or gas fountains and bituminous shales.
Aureoles produced by combustion metamorphism usually do not exceed a few metres in
width, exceptionally they may reach a few tens of metres. In some circumstances combustion
metamorphism has been described improperly as pyrometamorphism (Cosca et al., 1989;
Clark & Peacor, 1992; Sokol et al., 1998).
The SCMRs definition of lightning metamorphism is: A type of metamorphism of local
extent that is due to a lightning strike (Smulikowski et al., this vol.).
This is an exceptional type of metamorphism in which very high-temperatures (c 2000C) are
reached in a few microseconds, causing melting, vaporisation and extreme chemical
reduction (with formation of metal globules) on the rock surfaces struck by lightning (Essene
& Fisher, 1986). Shock wave compression structures have also been observed in unmolten
mineral grains (Frenzel et al., 1989). Most products of lightning-strike fusion form glassy
crusts, tubules or drops to which the name fulgurite was first given by Arago (1821). Tube-
like fulgurites are common in soils or in loose sediments, especially sands (Shrock, 1948).
Their diameter does not usually exceed a centimetre, while their length may reach up to ten
metres. Glassy crusts, small tubules and drops form preferentially on rock surfaces, especially
on high mountains. The largest exposure of a single mass of fulgurite so far recorded has a
maximum diameter of 0.3 m and a length of 5 m. It is part of a single-event system of
fulgurites which extends for 30 m near Winans Lake, Livingstone Co., Michigan (Essene &
Fisher, 1986).
The SCMRs definition of hot-slab metamorphism is: A type of metamorphism of local
extent occurring beneath an emplaced hot tectonic body (Smulikowski et al., this vol.).
This term has been proposed by the SCMR to cover the following situations: (a) the small
aureoles surrounding hot slices of obducted mantle rocks (Karamata, 1968, 1985; Coleman,
1977; Okrush et al., 1978) for which Williams & Smyth (1973) proposed the term contact
dynamo-thermal aureoles; (b) the relatively wide aureoles of the so-called inverted
metamorphism observed, for example, in the High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence at the
margins of hot crustal slices tectonically emplaced at upper crustal levels (Medlicott, 1864;
Gansser, 1964; Le Fort, 1975; J aupart & Provost, 1985; Swapp & Hollister, 1991; Vannay &
Grasemann, 2001); (c) the aureoles mantling typical gneiss domes may be considered as
similar phenomena (Allen & Chamberlain, 1989; Barton et al., 1991b).

The rocks of contact metamorphism

The appendix presents a list of contact metamorphic rock names found in literature. Apart
from some general names these have been subdivided on the basis of their protolith (pelitic to
quartzofeldspathic, carbonate to marly, mafic to ultramafic, and special rock types). Many of
the names given are now obsolete. Other names are not specific to contact metamorphism, for
example, marble, quartzite, calc-silicate rock, emery rock are also used for regional
metamorphic rocks, and buchite, a glassy metamorphic rock, may form by either contact or
combustion metamorphism. In these cases, the SCMR recommends the use of contact as a
prefix (e.g. contact marble, contact buchite) if it is desirable to stress the contact metamorphic
origin of a particular rock type (see below).
The names recommended by the SCMR are highlighted in the appendix. Some of these,
although established in international literature, were initially found to have ambiguous
definitions or usage, partly inherited from the original definitions, partly as a result of
subsequent modifications. Redefinition of such terms was therefore necessary. The
background discussion and recommended definitions are given below.

Today this name is widely used for a group of compact, highly metamorphosed contact rocks,
typically found in inner aureoles. It derives from an ancient term used by miners in Saxony
(Germany) for hard compact rocks of various origins, characterised by their horny
appearance and conchoidal to subconchoidal fracture, and commonly associated in the field
with granitic rocks (Leonhard, 1823). Initially, their geological status was uncertain since at
that time the igneous nature of granite was still in doubt. Bou (in Leonhard, 1823) noted a
transition from hornfels to unaltered graywacke and schist, although Leonhard considered
that the hornfels was in part a very fine-grained variety of granite. Cordier (1868) found the
same degree of ambiguity in the corresponding French terms cornenne or pierre de corne.
The geological significance of the hornfels rocks emerged as the igneous character of the
granitic rocks was established (Bou, 1829; Delesse, 1857; Zirkel, 1866). Rosenbuschs
paper (1877) on the contact rocks in the aureole of Alsace granites represents a landmark in
the modern interpretation of hornfels and other contact rocks. At the end of the nineteenth
century the term hornfels was firmly established in geological nomenclature as a type of
contact metamorphic rock (Loewinson-Lessing, 1893). Since then different definitions of
hornfels have appeared with varying emphasis placed on compositional and structural
features. For some, hornfels is an aluminous rock derived, for example, from shale; for others
it also includes quartzofeldspathic protoliths such as graywackes and for some the term can
be applied to any contact-metamorphic rock (including calc-silicate hornfels, quartz-hornfels,
mafic and ultramafic hornfelses) provided they possess the distinctive structural characters
recognised by the old Saxon miners. Another controversial point concerns the grain size of a
hornfels; to some (especially those supporters of an aluminous character of the hornfels) it is
very fine- to fine-grained; others regard it as very fine to coarse. Another source of
uncertainty concerns whether the term hornfels should be defined in a genetic sense (for
contact metamorphic rocks only) or should be used as a structural class of metamorphic
rocks. Further difficulty arises from the extended use of the name hornfels by some workers
to cover the partially metamorphosed rocks of the outer aureole.
To resolve these problems the SG decided that the name hornfels should only be used for
contact metamorphic rocks dominantly composed of silicate +oxide minerals in varying
proportions. Contact marble and coal are considered as separate rock types. For hornfels-
looking rocks produced by regional metamorphism the SCMR recommends the use of
granofels (e.g. calc-silicate granofels) or, alternatively, hornfelsoid. The SG farther decided
to base the definition mainly on structural criteria.. The recommended definition of hornfels
is therefore as follows:
6BHornfels: A hard, compact contact-metamorphic rock of any grain size, dominantly
composed of silicate + oxide minerals in varying proportions, with a horny aspect and a
subconchoidal to jagged fracture.
7BIt may retain some structural features inherited from its protolith such as bedding,
sedimentary laminations or metamorphic layering. Different types of hornfels may be
distinguished according to structural (e.g. fine-grained, coarse-grained, spotted, layered),
chemical (e.g. peraluminous) or mineralogical criteria (e.g. mafic, ultramafic, cordierite-
sillimanite-spinel hornfels, diopside-wollastonite-garnet hornfels). Hornfels occurs mostly,
but not exclusively, in the innermost part of contact aureoles.
The transition from unaltered schist to hornfels is marked by a gradual loss of the original
fissility; the primary foliation, however, is hard to destroy and persists, as compositional
differences, even in true hornfelses. Hornfelsic rocks with traces of a pre-existing schistosity
have been called either schist hornfels (Schieferhornfels) or schistose hornfels (schiefriger
Hornfels) (e.g. Rosenbusch, 1897; Salomon, 1898). The SG considered that neither term is
satisfactory: schistose hornfels because it conveys the idea of a schistose rock, and schist
hornfels because it is a compound of two different rock names. Therefore the SCMR
recommends that, for such rocks, the term hornfelsed schist should be used. Although
Harker (1932) considered that the use of hornfels as a verb affronted the English language,
the use of hornfelsed is now widespread in metamorphic literature (e.g. Spry, 1969). The
term schistose hornfels may be retained only for the particular rock type known in the old
literature as leptynolite, that is a totally recrystallised rock of the innermost aureole (with the
same mineralogical composition as the associated hornfelses), which is characterised by a
schistose structure.

Non-hornfelsic contact rocks
According to the definition of hornfels given above, not all contact metamorphic rocks are
hornfelses. Among them are various rocks of the outermost aureole that commonly retain
most of their original mineralogical and structural characteristics (e.g. sandstones, some
limestones, schists) and can be difficult to distinguish from their unmetamorphosed
equivalents, apart from a slight colour change or the development of an indistinct spotted
structure. The transition from rocks unaffected by contact metamorphism to typical hornfels
is marked by progressive changes in the mineral content and structure of the rocks. The
classification of these transitional rocks was discussed in detail by Salomon (1898), who
proposed that the rocks of the outer aureole, whose original characters are largely retained are
simply named by use of the prefix contact (e.g. contact sandstone, contact schist).
Unfortunately, the same prefix was used by Salomon (1891), although in hyphenated form, to
mean a rock derived by contact metamorphism, thus, a contact-pyroxenite or a contact-
peridotite were rocks having the composition of a pyroxenite or a peridotite and produced by
contact metamorphism regardless of the nature of the protolith (e.g. a pyroxenite might be
derived from a recrystallised pyroxenite, or from a marly rock).
To further complicate the nomenclature the term hornfels has been used for all the products
of contact metamorphism, including rocks of the outer aureole. This usage followed the
introduction of two new faciesF
F of contact metamorphism namely hornblende hornfels facies
and albite-epidote hornfels facies (Fyfe et al., 1958). Accordingly, all contact-metamorphic
rocks became part of a single hornfels family. This meant that although the rocks of Eskolas
(1920) original hornblende hornfels facies were true hornfelses of the inner aureole this was
not the case (or only partially the case) for rocks belonging to the albite-epidote hornfels
To resolve this situation, the SCMR recommends the following:
1. That the term hornfels is used in accord with the above definition, that is, the rock is
named on its structural or mineralogical characteristics, not on the facies to which it belongs.
2. To use the prefix contact in front of a metamorphic rock name to distinguish that rock
from another of similar composition generated by other types of metamorphism. Thus, a
contact marble or contact amphibolite is a marble or an amphibolite formed by contact
metamorphism and not by regional metamorphism. And also, contact buchite is used to
distinguish a buchite formed by contact metamorphism from a coal-fire buchite.
3. To use the prefix contact-metamorphosed in front of the name of a protolith for the rocks
of the outer aureole which have been slightly modified by contact metamorphism but still
retain most of their original structural and/or mineralogical characteristics; the prefix may be
used in front of metamorphic protoliths, for example, contact-metamorphosed eclogite.
Structural terms like spotted, maculose, or knotted schists may be used to describe contact-
metamorphosed schists in which the new metamorphic minerals form either spots or nodules
growing on a pre-existing unaltered or slightly altered schistose matrix.

Mafic and ultramafic hornfelses
Igneous rocks of mafic composition and/or ultramafic rocks of either oceanic or continental
provenance may be present in some contact aureoles (e.g. Isle of Skye, Scotland; Sudbury
layered intrusion, Ontario; Bushveld igneous complex, South Africa; Bergell pluton, Italy and
Switzerland). The metabasic rocks are rather insensitive to temperature variations in this
context and do not produce a great variety of contact rocks, essentially because most related
chemical reactions are multivariant and do not involve the appearance or disappearance of
many phases (Tracy & Frost, 1991). In the hottest part of the aureole, however, most basaltic
or gabbroid rocks are converted into fine-grained hard rocks, essentially composed of
plagioclase +pyroxene(s) olivine opaque minerals amphibole, which were described
with different names in different countries (e.g. muscovadite, granulitised rocks, granoblast,
sudburite, beerbachite). The SG considered these names as unnecessary and recommends the
use instead of the general term mafic hornfelses (in preference to basic hornfels, Spry,
1969). Further distinctions are possible on the basis of the metamorphic grade (e.g. medium-
grade mafic hornfels, high-grade mafic hornfels) or the mineral assemblage (e.g. plagioclase-
hornblende mafic hornfels, magnetite-olivine-augite-plagioclase mafic hornfels). In a similar
manner, for the various hornfelsic rocks generated from ultramafic rocks close to igneous
contacts, the SG recommends the use of the general term ultramafic hornfels (in preference
to ultrabasic hornfels, Williams et al., 1954; Spry, 1969).

Contact-metamorphic carbonate rocks
In accord with Rosen et al. (this vol.) a contact marble is a contact rock containing more
than 50% vol. of carbonate minerals (calcite and/or dolomite). Pure contact marble contains
more than 95% vol. of carbonate minerals; the remainder is classified as impure contact

Note: these two facies are not recommended by the SCMR (see Smulikowski et al., this vol.).
marble. Depending on the prevailing carbonate minerals a distinction may be made between
dolomitic and calcitic marble. Further differentiation can be given by reference to the
metamorphic mineral assemblage (e.g. spinel-forsterite-calcite (-contact) marble, diopside-
wollastonite-calcite (-contact) marble, scapolite (-contact) marble), the microstructure (e.g.
fine-grained, coarse-grained, saccharoidal) or other characteristics observable at hand
specimen scale (e.g. colour, banding, veining).
In many contact aureoles, pre-existing dolomitic rocks are largely converted to dolomitic
marble; however, in the innermost part of many low-pressure aureoles, the existing T-X

conditions favour the formation of calcite +periclase and/or brucite from the breakdown of
dolomite. As a result brucite marble is relatively common close to the igneous contact. In
literature, two types of brucite marble have been distinguished by reference to their
chemistry, namely: pencatite (Roth, 1851) for a brucite marble having CaO and MgO
amounts similar to those found in pure dolomite rocks (31% and 21% by weight
respectively), and predazzite (Petzholdt, 1843) for brucite marble (derived from dolomitic
limestones) having a much lower amount of MgO and a correspondingly higher value of CaO
than in dolomite. The SCMR proposes that these two terms have restricted status and their
use is only permissible if the rock chemistry is known. In the absence of chemical data or for
general use the recommended name is brucite marble. In some marbles the brucite may
form coarse tabular grains unrelated to the former presence of periclase (Williams et al.,

Contact-metamorphic glassy rocks
Rocks heated to very high temperatures in a very short time, followed by a rapid dissipation
of heat, may be converted into vitreous or semivitreous materials. Such rocks have received
different names according to the cause of heating, for example tektite (by meteoritic impact),
pseudotachylite (by frictional heating in fault zones), fulgurites (by a lightning strike). In
volcanic to subvolcanic environments, very high-grade contact metamorphism of the
immediate country rocks or of xenoliths commonly produces glassy hornfelses. Various
terms have been proposed for these rocks, namely: porzellanjaspis (Leonhard, 1823, 1824),
basaltjaspis (Zirkel, 1866), systil (Zimmermann, in Nggerath, 1822), thermantide (Cordier,
1868), buchite (Mhl, 1873) and porcellanite (e.g. Cordier, 1868; Rinne, 1928). The last two
names are still widely used in modern literature, buchite being mostly used where the
protolith is a quartzofeldspathic rock, porcellanite when it is an argillaceous rock. However, it
is of interest to note that the two terms were originally coined for fused rocks of different
origin: porcellanite for the products of combustion metamorphism (Leonhard, 1823, 1824)
and buchite for the products of contact metamorphism (Mhl, 1873). The use of the terms,
however, varied greatly and gave rise to many ambiguities; for example, Delesse (1857) used
porcellanite to include glassy rocks formed by both combustion and contact metamorphism.
Similarly although the term buchite was originally created for vitrified sandstones formed by
contact metamorphism, it was subsequently enlarged to include rocks of pelitic composition
(for further details see Tomkeieff, 1940). An attempt by Tomkeieff (1940) to differentiate, on
structural grounds, porcellanite (as a finely crystalline rock) from buchite (vitreous or
semivitreous rock) was not particularly successful. The position is further complicated by the
use of the term porcellanite by sedimentary petrologists for a special class of silica-rich rocks
(e.g. Williams et al., 1954; Moorhouse, 1959).
It is therefore not surprising if the terms buchite and porcellanite are used by some workers as
synonyms, and by others as indicators of either the kind of metamorphism or of the protolith.
Also there is a recent tendency to use buchite and/or porcellanite for any glassy material
produced by any metamorphic process: from meteoritic impact to burned rocks in sacrificial
sites or burned artificial mixture of clay and carbonate materials.
Against this background the SG agreed on the the following points:
1. It is convenient to have a single name for vitreous or semivitreous rocks of contact-
metamorphic origin;
2. The selected name should also be applicable to similar rocks produced by combustion
metamorphism but it should not be used for vitreous rocks formed by other processes where
acceptable names exist, for example, fulgurite, tektite and pseudotachylite (see above);
3. The definition of names for metamorphic glassy rocks should state the minimum glass
content and rock structure.
A thorough discussion about these points reached the following conclusions:
1. Vitreous rocks of contact-metamorphic origin should be named buchites. The name
porcellanite is unnecessary and should be dropped because of its ambiguity. The name
buchite has no compositional implications, but the protolith lithology may be indicated by
appropriate qualifiers (e.g. aluminous, marly, arenaceous).
2. Vitreous rocks produced by combustion metamorphism should also be named
buchites. The name porcellanite, originally proposed for such burned rocks, should be
dropped because of its ambiguity.
3. The minimum glass content of buchite should be 20% by volume; contact
metamorphic or burned rocks with a lower glass content should be named fritted rocks.
The structure of buchite ranges from massive to vesicular or slaggy. In some outcrops it may
show columnar jointing. It has a glassy matrix containing abundant unmelted or partially
melted mineral grains from the protolith together with new mineral grains in assemblages
typical of pyrometamorphism. Fritted rocks have a structure similar to buchite, but show a
wide range of colour. Sometimes they have a glazed appearance, hence their original name of
porcellanite. The microstructure of fritted rocks resembles that of buchite, from which they
differ by their lower glass content.
The recommended definitions for buchite and fritted rock are as follows:
Buchite: A compact, vesicular or slaggy metamorphic rock of any composition containing
more than 20% by vol. of glass, produced by either contact metamorphism in volcanic to
subvolcanic settings or generated by combustion metamorphism.
It is also used for partially melted materials obtained in laboratories by burning or heating
natural rocks or artificial mineral mixtures. In hand specimens the rock is commonly
characterised by a conchoidal fracture. In some outcrops buchite may show columnar
jointing. In thin section the rock is composed of a glassy matrix and unmelted or partially
melted mineral grains of the protolith. The glass commonly contains small grains of newly
formed minerals in phase assemblages typical of pyrometamorphism. Locally the original
glassy matrix is partially converted into very fine quartz-K-feldspar intergrowths resembling
granophyre. Buchites formed by different metamorphic processes can be distinguished by
appropriate qualifiers (e.g. contact, combustion, or artificial buchite).
Fritted rock: Compact, vesicular or slaggy metamorphic rock of any composition with a
glass content ranging from a few per cent up to a maximum of 20% by vol. and produced by
either contact metamorphism in volcanic to subvolcanic settings or generated by combustion
It is also used for glassy materials obtained in laboratories by burning or heating natural
rocks or artificial mineral mixtures. Fritted rocks commonly show changes from the protolith
in either the structure or the colour even at the hand specimen scale, commonly developing a
streaky aspect due to bands of different colours. The glass is mostly interstitial between the
protolith grains or is irregularly distributed in small patches or along microfractures. The
glass may contain the same new minerals as in buchite, though in lesser amounts.
Burned rocks
The products of combustion metamorphism have received different names in the past, for
example, thermantide, thermantide porcellanite, fused shale, porcellanite, porcelain jasper.
However, most of these names have also been used for the products of contact metamorphism
in volcanic or near-surface settings. Thus the SG decided to find a general name for all rocks
generated by combustion metamorphism and an agreement was found for the term burned (or
burnt) rock, which has been defined as follows:
Burned rock: General term for a compact, vesicular or clinkery, glassy to holocrystalline
metamorphic rock of various colours, produced by the combustion metamorphism of pre-
existing sedimentary rocks.
In the fused varieties the glass coexists with refractory grains and/or newly formed minerals
(e.g. melilite, wollastonite, mullite, cristobalite, spinel), whose nature reflects both the very
high temperature metamorphic conditions and the variable chemical composition of the
original rock. The term burned rock supersedes such old names as thermantide, thermantide
porcellanite, fused shale, porcellanite, porcelain jasper. The glassy or glass-bearing varieties
of burned rocks are called buchite (coal-fire buchite) or fritted rock respectively. The term
burned rocks also includes some typical ash deposits of refractory material remaining after
the combustion of coal seams, giving rise to soft, clay-like rocks resembling volcanic
cinerites, and for which the SG proposes the name of coal-fire ash to distinguish it from ash
deposits of volcanic origin.

Special contact metasomatic rocks: the adinole series
The contact metasomatic rocks are discussed elsewhere (Zharikov et al., this vol.). The
discussion here is restricted to a particular type of contact metamorphism, well known in the
Harz mountains, Germany, where it was observed in the proximity of stratiform diabase
dykes injected into slates and other metasediments of Devonian to Lower Carboniferous age.
Characteristic of this kind of metamorphism is the development of narrow (<2 m) aureoles
with a particular zonation of the contact rocks. At the immediate contact with the diabase
there is a fine-grained compact rock predominantly composed of albite and subordinate
quartz, that passes rapidly into schistose or gneissic albite-rich rocks, with a characteristic
spotted or banded structure, that in turn pass into slates unaffected by contact metamorphism.
This rock association was interpreted by Lossen (1872) as a typical diabase contact
metasomatic aureole, and, making use of already existing terms, he proposed the name
adinole, for the compact albite-quartz rock, and spilosite and desmosite for the spotted and
banded albite-rich schists respectively. Lossen (1872), however, also recognised the existence
of other adinole rocks, with an aspect recalling the Swedish hlleflintas (the adinole of
Beudant, 1824). These rocks occur as layers intercalated in a metasedimentary sequence,
unrelated to diabase dykes and thus excluding a contact metamorphic origin. They were
interpreted as metamorphosed silicified acid tuffs by Rosenbusch (1910). Subsequent
workers (Milch, 1917; Mempel, 1935-36) tried to make a distinction between these two types
of adinole-rocks as described by Lossen. For example, Mempel proposed the name adinolit
for the contact-type rock, and adinole for the hlleflinta-looking type. However in most
textbooks and geological glossaries the term adinole is generally identified with Lossens
(1872) contact-metasomatic type.
The SG considered this complex position and decided the following:
1. to maintain the term adinole as a general name for all the rocks described above;
2. to mantain the distinction between the two types of adinole so far recognised,
rejecting, however, because of their potential ambiguity, the two names proposed by
3. to accept Milchs (1917) idea of an adinole-series, in which the various members
represent different stages of an adinolisation process, whose final product is the adinole rock.
The resulting proposals for the corresponding terms are the following:
Adinole: A compact, fine-grained rock with a splintery fracture, commonly with a finely
banded aspect due to alternating gray, green or reddish layers of variable colour intensity;
mineralogically it is essentially composed of a fine- to very fine-grained mosaic of albite and
subordinate quartz, with minor amounts of other constituents (muscovite, sericite, chlorite,
actinolite, epidote, rutile and/or anatase); chemically it is characterised by high (up to 10%
by weight) amounts of soda, a character that easily distinguishes it from the hard siliceous
shales or slates that it resembles. Hence adinolisation, a Na-metasomatic process leading to
the formation of adinole.
There exist two different varieties of adinole distinguished according to their geological
settings, namely: contact adinole found in the contact aureoles of diabase dykes and
tuffaceous adinole found as layers within metasedimentary sequences and unrelated to the
proximity of diabase dykes.
Adinole series A group of rocks in the aureole of a diabase intrusion that show stages of
contact metasomatism (adinolisation) leading ultimately to the formation of adinole.
The intermediate stages of the process, still retaining part of the original schistosity, give rise
to spotted or banded albite-rich schist called spilosite and desmosite respectively. Following
Milch (1917) the intermediate stages could be alternatively called adinole schist and adinole
hornfels according to the amount of relict schistosity.

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Summary lists of selected terms found in the literature and arranged in chronological order. Recommended
terms are shown in bold font, restricted terms in regular font and unnecessary terms in italics. Not all the terms
listed are given in the glossary: the full lists along with source references are given in Appendix 2. m. =

1. Names for contact-metamorphic processes and other types of metamorphism related to
localised heat sources

Abnormal m.
Caloric m.
Everse vs inverse m.
Exo- vs endomorphism
44BHydatocaustic m.
45BHydatothermic m.
Contact m.
Special m.
8BLocal m.
Juxtaposition m.
46BDiabase contact m.
Accidental m.
Peripheral m.
Exogenic vs endogenic m.
47BSelective contact m.
Exo- vs endomorphic contact m.
Thermal m.
Piezo-contact m.
48BNormal contact m.
Thermal contact m.
Thermo-contact m.
Hydrothermal contact m.
49BM. by regeneration
Load-contact m.
50BAlembic contact m.
51BUltra-contact m.
9BIsochemical contact m.
52BHigh-pressure contact m.

Perimetral m.
Atmogenic m.
Metachemic m.,
metachemical m.
11BContact metasomatism
53BAdditive vs subtractive
54BPneumatolytic metasomatism
55BHydrothermal metasomatism
Metasomatic pneumatolysis
56BPneumatolytic contact m.
Endo- vs exopneumatolytic
contact m.
Apomagmatic contact
Perimagmatic contact
Perimagmatic additive
contact metasomatism
Additive contact m.
Metasomatic contact m.
Endo vs exosmotic m.
57BPneumatolytic to
hydrothermal contact m.
Enhanced m.
38BPneumatolytic m.
Allochemical contact m.

58BCaustic m.
Pyrocaustic m.
Optalic m.

Firing m.
Burning m.
Pyrogenic m.
Combustion m.

2. Names for contact-metamorphic rocks and rocks generated by other types of
metamophism related to localised heat sources

94BVitreous tube
12BBurned rock, burnt rock
13BLightning tube
Contact rock
14BFritted rock
Neptunopyrogenic rock
Diabase contact rock
59BNormal contact rock
60BPneumatolytic contact rock
61BEndo- vs exopneumatolytic
contact rock
Contact metamorphic ore deposit
15BBaked rock


Porcellanite, Porcelain-jasper
Vitrified shale
Spotted slate/schist
16BAdinole, adinole schist
Knotted schist
Schistose hornfels
Contact schist
Quartz hornfels
Injected hornfels
64BPelitic hornfels

Calc-silicate hornfels
Calc-silicate rock
Lime-silicate hornstone
68BCalc -iron silicate rock
Lime- silicate rock
70BCalc-magnesian silicate rock
107BContact marble
71BMagnesian marble

Basic hornfels
Mafic hornfels
White trap
Ultrabasic hornfels
19BUltramafic hornfels
20BMagnesian hornfels

22BCoal-fire ash
73BCorundum-spinel hornfels
23BEmery rock


Table 1 Names for the process of contact metamorphism found in literature, and arranged in chronological
order, according to their references.
Recommended names are in bold, restricted names in regular font and unnecessary names in italics

Abnormal metamorphism, Mtamorphisme anormal,
Abnormer Metamorphismus, extraordinary metamorphism
Elie de Beaumont 1833 (in Touret & Nijland, 2002, p115);
Dufrenoy & Elie de Beaumont 1841, p42; Naumann 1858,
Mtamorphisme par incandescence Boube 1844, p460
Caloric metamorphism, Metamorphisme produit sur laction
de la chaleur sans apport de matire exteriure
Durocher 1846, p576 ; Milch 1922, p288
Mtamorphisme maclifre Durocher 1846, p606
Everse vs inverse metamorphism Cotta 1846, p103
Exo- vs Endomorphism Fournet 1847, p243
74BHydatocausthic metamorphism Bunsen 1849, p16
75BHydatothermic metamorphism Bunsen 1849, p16
Contact Metamorphism Delesse 1857, p90-91; Kerrick 1991, p1
Special metamorphism, Mtamorphisme spcial Delesse 1857, p90
Local metamorphism, Lokalmetamorphismus Naumann 1858, p721
Juxtaposition metamorphism, Mtamorphisme de
Daubre 1859,p393; 1879, p133
76BDiabase contact metamorphism,
Lossen, 1869, p286 and ff.
Pyromorphism p.p. Lasaulx 1875, p444
Paroptesis Kinahan 1878, p176
Accidental metamorphism ,Mtamorphisme accidentel Daubre 1879, p145
Mtamorphisme dinfluence De Lapparent 1882, p1117-1118; 1893, p1402
Peripheral mtamorphism, Mtamorphisme Pripherique De Lapparent 1882, p1117-118; 1893, p1402
Exogenic vs. Endogenic metamorphism, Exogenous vs
endogenous metamorphism, Exogene vs endogene
Kalkowsky 1886, p33
Selective contact metamorphism Bonney 1886, p105; Bianchi & Dal Piaz, 1948, p85
Exo-vs Endomorphic contact metamorphism Milch 1922, p288
Thermal metamorphism, Thermometamorphism Harker, 1889, p16
Piezocontact metamorphism, Piezocontactmetamorphose,
Weinschenk 1900, p326; 1902a, p464; 1902b, p214;
Erdmannsdrffer 1924, p312.
Anaphryxis Grich 1905, p250
Normal contact metamorphism Goldschmidt 1911, p119.
Thermal contact metamorphism, Thermo-contact
Irving J .D, 1911, p298; Niggli 1954, p521
Hydrothermal contact metamorphism Irving J .D. 1911, p298
78BMetamorphism by regeneration Spurr et al. 1912, p455
Load contact metamorphism Daly 1917, p408-409.
79BAlembic contact metamorphism Daly 1917, p410
Ultra-contact metamorphism Niggli, 1954
24BIsochemical contact metamorphism Reverdatto et al., 1970, p311-12; 1974, p287
25BHigh pressure contact metamorphism Delor et al., 1984, p55

Metasomatism, Metasomatismus or Metasomatose Naumann 1826, p. 209; Lindgren 1925; Barton et al., 1991, p321
Mtamorphisme avec apport d lment tranger Durocher 1846, p558
Pneumatolysis Bunsen 1851, p238-239, 258
Perimetral metamorphism, metamorfismo perimetrico Stoppani, 1873, III, p42-43
Atmogenic metamorphism, Atmogen Metamorphismus Kalkowsky 1886, p35
Methylosis King & Rowney (in: Bonney 1886, p59)
Metachemic metamorphism, metachemical
Dana 1886, p70
Paramorphism Irving A. 1889, p5
Contact metasomatism Barrell 1907, p117
80BAdditive vs subtractive metasomatism Barrell 1907, p117
81BPneumatolytic metasomatism Barrell 1907, p117
82BHydrothermal metasomatism Barrell 1907, p117
Metasomatic pneumatolysis Goldschmidt 1911, p212
Pneumatolytic contact metamorphism,
Pneumatolytische Kontaktmetamorphose
Goldschmidt 1911, p119, 211; Irving 1911, p298
Endo- vs exopneumatolitic contact metamorphism Goldschmidt 1911, p211
Apomagmatic contact metasomatism Bergeat 1912, p11
Perimagmatic contact metasomatism Bergeat 1912, p11
Perimagmatic additive contact metasomatism Bergeat 1912, p11
Additive contact metamorphism Spurr et al. 1912, p455 ; Tyrrell 1926, p252
Metasomatic contact metamorphism Hatch & Rastall 1913, p260-261
Endo- vs exosmotic metamorphism J ohnston-Lavis 1914, p382
Pneumatolithic to hydrothermal contact metamorphism,
Pneumatolytische bis Hydrothermale
Grubemann & Niggli 1924, p282-284; Niggli 1954,p523
Enhanced metamorphism, Potenzierte,
Grubemann & Niggli 1924 , p8, 284
Pyrometasomatism Lindgren 1928, p781
43BPneumatolytic metamorphism Zirkel 1893, p583; Harker, A., 1932, p116
Allochemical contact metamorphism Reverdatto et al., 1974 , p287

Caustic metamorphism Leonhard 1832; Milch 1922, p288
Pyrocaustic metamorphism, Pyrocaustische
Bunsen 1849, p16-17 (in note)
Pyromorphism, Pyromorphose p.p. Lasaulx 1875, p444
Thermometamorphism, Thermometamorphismus Loewinson-Lessing 1893/94, p231
Pyrometamorphism, Pyrometamorphose Brauns 1911, p12
Optalic metamorphism Tyrrell 1926, p301

Firing metamorphism, Metamorphism durch Feuer Naumann 1858, p736-737
Burning metamorphism, Metamorphismus durch
Naumann 1858, p721.
Pyromorphism p.p. Lasaulx 1875, p444
Pyrogenic metamorphism, Pyrogene Metamorphismus Kalkowsky 1886, p34
Combustion metamorphism Arnold & Anderson 1907, p750; Mc Lintock 1932, p208-12

Table 2. Names for contact metamorphic rocks (sensu lato) found in literature, and arranged in chronological
order, according to theirreferences.
Recommended names are in bold, restricted names in regular font and unnecessary names in italics

98BBlitzrhre Voigt 1805; Fiedler 1817
99BBlitzstein, Pierre foudroye Bruckmann 1806
100BVitreous tube ,Tubes vitreux Anonymous 1814 ; Arago 1821b
26BFulgurite Arago 1821a, p.415 -421
101BTube de foudre Arago 1821a, p.415
Thermantide Hay 1822, p.582; Cordier 1868, p. 247
27BBurned rocks , burnt rocks Leonhard 1824, p.500; Arnold & Anderson 1907, p755;
Reverdatto 1973, p87-89
102BTubes fulminaires, lightning tubes, lightning holes Beudant et al. 1828; Hitchcock 1861, p. 302; Merrill 1887
Contact rocks, Contactfels, Kontaktgestein Bunsen 1851, p. 239; Salomon 1891, p482; 1898, p143, 145
28BFritted rocks Naumann 1858, p737 and ff.; Zirkel 1893 (I), p. 602-603.
Neptunopyrogenic rocks Cordier 1868, p37
Diabase contact rocks, Diabasecontactgesteine Lossen 1869, p288-291; Kayser 1870, p106 and ff.;
Rosenbusch 1896, 1170-1172.
Normal contact rocks, Normalkontaktgesteine Goldschmidt 1911, p120
Pneumatolytic contact rocks, Pneumatolitische
Goldschmidt 1911, p211
Endo- vs exopneumatolytic contact rocks Goldschmidt 1911, p211
103BContact-Deposits Kemp 1907
Contact metamorphic ore deposits, Kontaktmetamorphe
Stutzer 1909, p145; Bergeat 1912, p9.
104BContactolite Loewinson-Lessing, 1925
29BBaked rocks Tyrrell 1926, p301-302
105BBlitzglas Frenzel & Ottemann 1978, p439


Killas Woodward 1728, vol.2, p2, 5 ; vol. 3, p.78; Mac Culloch
1821, p344 and ff.; Hawkins 1822, p251;
Loewinson-Lessing 1893/94, p112; Holmes 1920, p132
Palaioptre De Saussure 1779, p108 and ff ; 1786, p596; Zirkel 1866, p. 419
83BPorcellanite, Porzellanite, porcelanit Werner 1789 (in Brochant 1798, p336); Peithner 1794 (in
Kirwan 1794, p313); Leonhard 1824, p587; Naumann 1858,
p685, 736
Porcelain-jasper, Porcellan-jaspis, Porzellanjaspis Werner 1789 (in Brochant 1798, p336-338; Leonhard 1824,
p587 588
Cornenne Dolomieu (in Cordier 1868, p101)
Delesse 1857, p758
Roche de corne, Pierre de corne De Saussure 1796-1803 (I), 95100; Delesse 1857, p758
Thermantide porcellanite Brochant 1798, p. 336-338; Hay 1822, p510 , 582 ; Leonhard
1824, p587
Tripoli, Tripolenne, Tripel Brochant 1798, p381; Hay 1822, p582; Cordier 1868, p249-250
Basalt-jasper, Basalt-jaspis Werner (in Hay 1822, p582); Leonhard 1823, p106; Leonhard
1824, p535
Hornfels Werner (in Cordier 1868, p101-102); Hausmann 1805 (in
Leonhard 1823, p139-141); Bou 1829, p131
Keratite Delamethrie 1806, p347
Keralite Pinkerton 1811, p153; Cordier 1868, p204
Ebensinite Pinkerton 1811, p46
Hornstone MacCulloch 1819 (III), p13; Necker de Saussure 1821, p257
259; Barrell 1907, p119, 145; Shand 1931, p182-183; Shand
1959, p200-203
Systyl Zimmermann 1822 (In: Nggerath 1822, p109); Zirkel 1866,
Jaspe porcellaine Leonhard 1824, p587
Vitrified shale, Verglaster Schieferthon Leonhard, K.C., 1824, p587
Burnt Clay, Argile brule Leonhard 1824, p500
Erdschlacke Leonhard 1824, p597
Schiste maclifre Leonhard 1824, p463; Cordier 1868, p199
Spotted slate, spotted schist, schistes tachets,
Fleckschiefer, Fruchtschiefer
Leonhard 1824, p460; Naumann 1849, p559; 1858, p542;
Harker, 1902, p385
Cornean De la Beche 1826, p3
Kornite Breithaupt 1830, p40
Cornubianite Boase 1832, p390;Bonney 1886, p104
Proteolite Boase 1832, p394; Bonney 1886, p104
Adinole, adinole schist, adinole hornfels Beudant 1832, p126; Rosenbusch 1910, p626; Milch 1917, 352-
357; Mempel 1935/36, p14, 16
Desmosite Zincken 1841, p.394-395; Lossen 1869, p291-292; 1872, p728-
Spilosite Zincken 1841, p394-395; Lossen 1872, p735
Leptynolite Cordier 1842-1848; Cordier 1868, p203
Nodular slate, nodular schist, knotted schist, schistes
noduleux, Knotenschiefer.
Naumann 1849, p559; 1858, p543; Rosenbusch 1877a; 1877b,
p38; Harker 1932, p15
Coal Ash Delesse 1857, p105; Naumann 1858, p736
106BJaspe Delesse 1857a, p475, 757
Horn-schist, Hornschiefer Lossen 1869, p291; Eisele 1907, p134 and 150-151
Buchite Mhl 1873, p83
Corneite Gosselet 1888, p767
Cornubianite-gneis Rosenbusch 1896, p95
Schistose hornfels, Schiefrige Hornfels Rosenbusch 1896, p96
Schist Hornfels, Schieferhornfels Rosenbusch 1898, p96
Contact schist, Contactschiefer Salomon 1898, p145
Contactfels Salomon, 1898, p145
Astite Salomon 1898, p150
Aviolite Salomon 1898, p150
Seebenite Salomon 1898, p150
Edolite Salomon 1898, p149-150
Quartz Hornfels Eisele 1907, p134; Tyrrell 1926, p300
Injected hornfels Hall 1910, p66-67; 1932, p407
Paralava Fermor (in Tilley 1924, p70); Lightfoot 1929, p32
108BPelitic hornfels Williams et al. 1954, p179; Spry 1969, p192.

Marble Theophrastus ca 320 B.C., Ch. 20
Calciphyre Brongniart 1813, p38; 1827, p97
30BPredazzite Petzholdt 1843, p193-205
31BPencatite Roth 1851, p143
Calcaire pyro-pigne Cordier 1868, p290
Thermocalcite Cordier 1868, p290
Plakite Cordella 1871 (in Lepsius 1893, p126)
84BCalc-hornfels, Kalkhornfels Lossen 1872, p777
Calc-silicate hornfels, Kalksilicathornfels Lossen 1872, p.777; Rosenbusch 1877b, p44
Bargienn, barrgienne Magnan 1877, p33; Lacroix 1898
Limurite Zirkel 1879, p380-381; Lacroix 1892, p740
Skarnsteine, skarnsten Trnebohm, 1881a, p201; 1881b, p400
85BCornenne calcaire Lapparent, 1893, p1403
86BMarbres a silicates calciques J ung 1963, p. 163
Calc-silicate rock, roche silicate de chaux Harker 1902, p397
Lime-silicate hornstone Barrell 1907, p119; Shand 1931, p182
Calc-flinta Barrow & Thomas 1908, p114-115; Harker 1932, p89
87BVullinite Shand 1910, p406-407
Skarn Goldschmidt 1911, p213
Calc-iron-silicate rocks, Kalkeisensilikatfels Goldschmidt 1911, p213
Tactite Hess 1919, p.377; J ung, 1963, p164
Marmorite Shand 1931, p183; 1951, p204
Lime- silicate rock Harker 1932, p89; Harker 1968, p262
Contact metamorphic magnesian limestones Harker 1932, p84
Calc-magnesian silicate rock Niggli 1954, p525
109BContact marble Williams et al. 1954, p188; 1982, p487
110BMagnesian marble Williams et al. 1954, p190-191; 1982, p490-491
88BCalcaire minraux, marbre minraux Focault & Raoult 1984, p54, 193

32BBasic hornfels , mafic hornfels Williams et al. 1954, p180; Spry 1969, p198
89BBeerbachite Chelius 1892; Klemm 1926, p112-113; MacGregor 1931, p518
90BSudburite Thomson 1935, p427
91BGranoblast Schwartz 1924, p117
92BMuscovadite Winchell 1900a, p295; Schwartz 1924, p117
93BSilicoferrolite Winchell 1900b, p353-359
White trap Flett 1910, p311
111BUltrabasic hornfels, magnesian hornfels Spry 1969, p201; Williams et al. 1954, p197

Cokeite Lacroix, 1910, IV, p648; Cocquand 1857, p342-343; Zirkel
1893, I, p601
Carbonite Heinrich 1875 (inTomkeieff, 1954, p35)
Corundolite Wadsworth, 1893, p92
Corundum-spinel hornfels Golschmidt 1911, p199-200
Emery rock Holmes 1920, p89; Friedman 1956

Table 2.10.1. Lists of selected terms for local metamorphic processes and
their products.
The terms, occurring in literature, are arranged in chronological order. Recommended terms are shown in bold
font, restricted terms in regular font and unnecessary terms in italics. Not all the terms listed are given in the
glossary: the full lists along with source references are given on the SCMR website. m. =metamorphism

1. Names for contact-metamorphic processes and other types of metamorphism related to
localised heat sources

Abnormal m.
Caloric m.
Everse vs inverse m.
Exo- vs endomorphism
23BHydatocaustic m.
24BHydatothermic m.
Contact m.
Special m.
1BLocal m.
Juxtaposition m.
25BDiabase contact m.
Accidental m.
Peripheral m.
Exogenic vs endogenic m.
26BSelective contact m.
Exo- vs endomorphic contact m.
Thermal m.
Piezo-contact m.
27BNormal contact m.
Thermal contact m.
Thermo-contact m.
Hydrothermal contact m.
28BM. by regeneration
Load-contact m.
29BAlembic contact m.
30BUltra-contact m.
2BIsochemical contact m.
31BHigh-pressure contact m.

Perimetral m.
Atmogenic m.
Metachemic m.,
metachemical m.
4BContact metasomatism
32BAdditive vs subtractive
33BPneumatolytic metasomatism
34BHydrothermal metasomatism
Metasomatic pneumatolysis
35BPneumatolytic contact m.
Endo- vs exopneumatolytic
contact m.
Apomagmatic contact
Perimagmatic contact
Perimagmatic additive
contact metasomatism
Additive contact m.
Metasomatic contact m.
Endo vs exosmotic m.
36BPneumatolytic to
hydrothermal contact m.
Enhanced m.
18BPneumatolytic m.
Allochemical contact m.

37BCaustic m.
Pyrocaustic m.
Optalic m.

Firing m.
Burning m.
Pyrogenic m.
Combustion m.

2. Names for contact-metamorphic rocks and rocks generated by other types of
metamophism related to localised heat sources

53BVitreous tube
5BBurned rock, burnt rock
6BLightning tube
Contact rock
7BFritted rock
Neptunopyrogenic rock
Diabase contact rock
38BNormal contact rock
39BPneumatolytic contact rock
40BEndo- vs exopneumatolytic
contact rock
Contact metamorphic ore deposit
8BBaked rock

Porcellanite, Porcelain-jasper
Vitrified shale
Spotted slate/schist
9BAdinole, adinole schist
Knotted schist
Schistose hornfels
Contact schist
Quartz hornfels
Injected hornfels
43BPelitic hornfels

Calc-silicate hornfels
Calc-silicate rock
Lime-silicate hornstone
47BCalc -iron silicate rock
Lime- silicate rock
49BCalc-magnesian silicate rock
58BContact marble
50BMagnesian marble

Basic hornfels
Mafic hornfels
White trap
Ultrabasic hornfels
12BUltramafic hornfels
13BMagnesian hornfels

15BCoal-fire ash
52BCorundum-spinel hornfels
16BEmery rock


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