Secondary Planar Structural Elements
Secondary Planar Structural Elements
Secondary Planar Structural Elements
Foliation is the general term describing the arrangement of any kind of sub-parallel, closely spaced
and low-cohesion surfaces that are no strata in deformed rocks (and glaciers). These generally
regularly spaced surfaces impart to foliated rocks the facility to split into leaf-like (folia = leaf in
Latin) planar elements other than bedding.
Foliation planes are reported for a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions, from shallow
crustal to deep mantle conditions. Any plane is referred to as S-surface. Where S-surfaces of different
generations can be distinguished by type and age (crosscutting relationships, overprinting, absolute
age of mineral components), they are given numerical subscripts according to relative timing: S0 is
the primary surface, generally bedding, and S1, S2 … Sn are secondary foliation planes in order of
determined superposition. Such a foliation-related reference frame helps to unravel the tectonic and
metamorphic evolution of the area where S-surfaces are present.
Morphological classification
Morphological features used to characterize and classify foliations are those used for planar features.
They refer to:
- Spacing between the planes or planar domains.
- The shape of the planes (rough, smooth, wriggly, etc.).
- The spatial relationship between planes (parallel, anastomosing, conjugate, crosscutting…).
- Characteristics of the boundaries of planar domains (gradational, sharp, discrete, etc.).
- The fabric of the rock between foliation planes (planar, folded, etc.).
Spacing scale
Foliation fabrics vary between two broad descriptive categories referring to the overall spacing of
foliation planes: spaced foliation and penetrative foliation.
Spaced foliation
Spaced foliation planes are discrete, tabular domains separated by thin slabs of rock without fabric
or with a differently oriented, older, primary (original) or secondary fabric. These rock slabs which
are thick enough (> ca. 1mm) to be distinguished in hand specimens or outcrop are called
microlithons. Foliation domains (the foliae) are heterogeneously distributed lamellae where the
fabric and mineralogy of the host rock have been altered (usually concentration of phyllosilicates and
opaques) so that minerals show a preferred shape and/or crystallographic orientation. Foliation
domains are those thin planar regions along which the rock splits.
Spaced foliations
Fracture cleavage
Fracture cleavage consists of evenly spaced, planar discontinuities that sharply divide the rock into
a series of plate-shaped microlithons that display essentially no internal deformation. Fracture
cleavage can be envisioned as a dense population of joints or microfaults generally formed in low
metamorphic grade, competent rocks such as sandstone and limestone, where fracture cleavage may
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coexist with and grade into slaty cleavage in interlayered pelites. Microscopic to meter-scale sets of
foliation-like, closely spaced yet non-penetrative fractures may be confused with dense sets of joints.
Disjunctive fracture cleavage, occasionally with shear movement, is not a “true” foliation in terms of
finite strain: it is a false cleavage.
Solution cleavage
Solution cleavage consists of regularly spaced dissolution surfaces (e.g. stylolitic joints) that divide
the rock into a series of microlithons. Dissolution surfaces, along which some rock mass has been
removed often contain dark seams of insoluble residues that may impart a prominent striping to the
rock. Stripes denote the spatial variation in mineral composition and/or grain size. Mineral
overgrowths, pressure shadows and veins record local mass transfer. Solution cleavage is generally
formed in fluid-rich, low metamorphic grade rocks and is common within limestone as regularly
spaced stylolitic planes.
Crenulation Cleavage
Crenulation cleavage is created when an earlier foliation is folded (crenulated) on a meso- to micro-
scale. The small, regular crinkle folds (10-1-101 mm) may be symmetric but are most commonly
asymmetric. The crenulation cleavage is defined by the parallel alignment of grains in the limbs of
In a laminated sequence of rocks, successive layers generally have different competences. Intense
deformation produces appressed to isoclinal folds through rotation and stretching/thinning of limbs
until these coincide with the foliation plane.
Fold hinges are sharp and folds are intrafolial. Hinges may be torn apart along the stretched limbs
that ultimately disappear. The intrafolial folds are rootless where hinges are completely detached
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from the limbs and relic bedding appears to be restricted to local occurrences in obscured fold hinges.
There is then practically no variation in the orientation of the transposed bedding. A transposed
sequence may be mistaken for a normal sedimentary succession. Nevertheless, pseudo-bedding has
no stratigraphic significance.
Recognition criteria for transposition are (1) foliation parallel to bedding, (2) isolated, intrafolial fold
hinges, (3) isolated boudins of competent layers, (4) extreme flattening of strain markers and (5)
reversals of younging criteria and asymmetry of parasitic folds in close proximity.
Transposition is found on all sizes ranging from hand specimens to several kilometers big structures.
Differentiated layering
Crystallization of metamorphic minerals, metamorphic recrystallization of older minerals and
pressure solution may create independently or together a new, generally rough “layering” defined by
alternating layers of different composition and/or grain size. In effect, metamorphism reorganizes the
chemical components of rock and produces new minerals in new orientations governed by evolving
strain. The resulting compositional, differentiated layering is visible as distinct light and dark-
colored bands in hand specimen. Differentiated layering is found in medium to coarse-grained,
granular metamorphic rocks of all grades. Slaty cleavage, crenulation cleavage, and schistosity can
be differentiated.
In high-grade rocks, differentiated layering is customarily described as gneissic layering, also
commonly defined by alternating mafic (dark-colored) and felsic (light-colored) layers. The resulting
lithological banding may be more or less modified bedding, and thus reflects either initial sedimentary
compositional differences or a foliation entirely due to differentiation during deformation. Gneissic
layering can also result from oriented melt segregation during partial melting and/or intimate injection
of subparallel igneous veins. Gneiss is a generally coarse-grain, metamorphic rock with gneissic
Strongly sheared rocks develop a mylonitic foliation, which is both a mineral foliation due to the
preferred orientation of platy mineral grains and aggregates and a planar shape fabric defined by the
flattened crystals (called ribbons).
Numerical and analog considerations support evidence from measurements of finite strain in natural
structures. In complex transpressive or transtensive flows, foliation planes lay somewhere between
Foliation planes typically change orientation at boundaries of layers with different grain-size or
composition, i.e. competence. This change of angular relationship between foliation and bedding
across lithological boundaries (and occasionally within layers as in graded beds) is termed refraction,
Straight foliation traces in the two-dimensional XZ plane of finite strain denote homogeneous strain.
Consider angular refraction across a coherent bedding plane parallel to the Y-axis. Two adjacent
homogeneously deformed rocks with different viscosity yield different strain Mohr circles. These
circles personify two strain states that must be compatible along the layer boundary, provided there
is constant volume (area) deformation and there is no discontinuous slip on the layer boundary.
Continuity across the boundary implies that the elliptical sections of the strain ellipsoids on either
side are equal on that boundary. In two dimensions, the strain ellipses have different shapes in the
two layers. Normalized to be equal area, the longitudinal strains are equal along the interface, i.e. the
two strain Mohr circles of the hard and weak rocks must intersect exactly on the layer boundary.
However, different angles between this interface direction and the longest axes X indicate
differences in shear strain, which the strain Mohr construction can illustrate if one knows strain
magnitudes in one layer.
Foliation fans
Owing to refraction, axial plane foliations typically fan, i.e. display a radiating pattern within the
fold. The fan is convergent or divergent, depending on whether the foliation converges towards the
core or the convex side of a fold, respectively. Both convergent and divergent fans may coexist in a
folded multi-layer. Competent layers tend to develop parallel folds in which strain axes are at high
angles to the layer boundaries, thereby generating convergent fans. Incompetent layers, tend to
develop congruent folds with large amounts of shear imposed by adjacent competent layers and
consequently fostering divergent fans. In numerical models, convergent fans are similar to the pattern
of the XY plane produced during folding by tangential longitudinal strain, while divergent fans are
comparable to the pattern due to flexural slip.
Due to fanning foliations, convergent and divergent foliation orientations form triangular regions
with no cleavage in hinge regions of the less competent layers of folds: the finite neutral points.
- The geometry of bedding and foliation is very powerful in determining whether the beds are
overturned or right side up in an outcrop of recumbently folded rocks. In the normal limb, the
foliation is steeper than the bedding dipping in the same direction; in the overturned limb the
bedding dips steeper than the foliation.
- The smaller the average cleavage-bedding angle, the tighter the fold.
Note that these rules are consistent with the distribution of S, M or Z minor folds around a major fold,
the foliation plane remaining axial plane to both scales of folds.
Bedding foliation
In sediments, a single set of foliation planes parallel to the bedding may exist, although there is no
ostensible phase of folding. This bedding foliation is attributed to vertical compaction of the
sediments under the static load of overlying strata. The resulting diagenetic foliation results
essentially from oriented crystallization of diagenetic minerals.
Shear foliation
When a ductile shear zone develops in granular rocks like granites, the foliation that initially develops
from the undeformed rock is not associated with a synchronous system of folds. The foliation, which
tracks the plane of maximum finite shortening, typically shows a progressive rotation along with an
increase in intensity (depicted by foliation planes that come progressively closer) from the
undeformed rock towards a strongly foliated, planar zone (the mylonite). Typically, also, this rotation
is symmetrical on both sides of the planar zone, conferring to the shear foliation a sigmoidal shape,
which is a most reliable structure to readily define the relative movements involved.
Note that owing to simple shear geometry, the plane of maximum finite shortening becomes rapidly
(after a shear strain of about 10) nearly parallel to the shear plane. At that stage, further simple shear
distorts the finite strain ellipsoid so that its plane of maximum flattening does not stay parallel to the
shear plane. However, the planar fabric, i.e. shear foliation visually remains parallel to the shear
plane. The rule equating the λ1λ 2 plane of the finite strain ellipsoid with foliation does not strictly
Departure from the λ1λ 2 plane of finite strain ellipsoid is even more consequent when the foliation
is transformed from a passive strain marker into an active slip surface. Indeed, foliation as a plane of
mechanical anisotropy is a plane of weakness along which the shear stress for failure is smaller than
that of the rock. Therefore, shear foliation planes will tend to lose cohesion and slip once they have
been rotated to a near shear plane attitude. At that stage, they become microfaults that are no longer
related to the plane of maximum flattening.
Shear foliations and their deterioration into shear planes are common in high-grade gneisses and
deformed igneous rocks that have suffered intense shear deformation.
Each C shear zone is relatively planar and develops its curved foliation pattern on a small scale so
that the sense of deflection of S into C is the same as the general sense of shear.
The rocks where ductile shear zones are sufficiently abundant to constitute a fabric have S-C
structures (or fabrics). S stands for the foliation (schistosity) planes, defined by the skewed grain
shapes of the rock. S is typically deflected into the smaller grain size C (from the French cisaillement
= shear) shear zones or planes. The foliation S is leaning over in the direction of shear and has an
acute bulk inclination to the C-surfaces. Parting of the rock is easier along the C planes.
Note that owing to additional and localized displacements on C surfaces, the foliation planes S do not
record the total shear-strain of the rock. Note also that C-surfaces are parallel to surfaces of no finite
shear strain.
S-C fabrics are most common in granular rocks, in particular porphyroclastic granitoids.
C’ (and C’’)-surfaces
In strongly foliated rocks, one or more sets of secondary, spaced planar elements may appear
systematically oblique to both the early foliation and the shear plane and shear zone boundary. They
are essentially small-scale shear zones oblique to a pre-existing foliation, such that the displacement
on this new spaced “foliation” results in net extension parallel to the earlier planar anisotropy.
Formation of foliations
Four processes operating either separately or in conjunction may achieve preferred dimensional
orientation of grains or produce rock foliations. They are:
1. Shape-controlled mechanical rotation of pre-existing, non-equant grains or fabrics.
2. Modification of grain shape and volume through pressure-solution.
3 Modification of grain shape by within-crystal slip or diffusion.
4. Growth of non-equant grains in a preferred dimensional orientation.
The "Jeffery model" is concerned with the rotation of ellipsoidal, rigid bodies in a viscous fluid.
Rigid rotation of initially randomly distributed, clastic, tabular or elongate grains towards the plane
of flattening defines statistically a foliation parallel to that plane. This process is particularly
applicable to foliations formed during diagenetic compaction and/or tectonic dewatering of
incompletely lithified mudstones. It is also applicable to foliations formed during the emplacement
of an unconsolidated magma. Slip along grain boundaries usually accompanies rotation.
The progressively developed preferred orientations predicted by both, Jeffery and March models are
essentially the same, Jeffery’s analysis differing from that of March by a factor that describes the
shape of the rotating particles. Furthermore, the Jeffery rigid particles define in simple shear regime
a stable statistical orientation that cannot be achieved in the March model.
Experiments on aggregates containing layer silicates or other platy crystals have shown that two kinds
of fabric may develop by rotation. The first is a homogeneous fabric characterized by the general
preferred orientation of the platy grains with their planar dimensions parallel to the λ1λ 2 plane. The
degree of preferred orientation intensifies with strain, but the rotation patterns of individual rigid
particles are complicated due to particle-to-particle interactions. The second is a heterogeneous or
domainal fabric in which reorientation is localized along narrow shear zones.
The third model ("Taylor-Bishop-Hill model") implies the rotation of a single mineral grain due to
internal shear on a unique set of crystallographic slip planes so that the final grain shape is compatible
with the deformation imposed by the surrounding matrix.
The principal limitation of these models, however, is that they do not explain the domainal fabric
observed in many slates. Nevertheless, they provide one possible model for the development of
preferred orientation in low-grade rocks.
Buckling - Microfolding
The formation of crenulation cleavage involves periodic, small-scale and intense buckling and/or
kinking of an earlier planar fabric. Buckling and/or kinking give rise to microfolds.
As the microfolds become more closely compressed, the limbs become progressively thinned out and
parallel while the fold hinges become relatively thicker. The new crenulation cleavage is parallel to
the aligned limbs of stacked microfolds. Micas within the limbs of crenulations remain approximately
parallel to the earlier fabric. They are still parallel to the earlier foliation but have been rotated toward
parallelism with the new foliation.
In this manner, the development of crenulation cleavage likely involves the mechanical rotation of
existing grains accompanied by chemical processes such as modification of grain shapes and sizes by
diffusive processes and growth of new grains with an orientation and shape compatible with the local
strain history.
Solution transfer
Several foliation types involve compositional layering. This layering (called banding in two-
dimension observations) is attributed to some metamorphic differentiation (or segregation) during
the foliation development. The solution, mass transfer and re-deposition of material (pressure-
solution) cause segregation, which is part of a diffusion process through interstitial, aqueous fluids
flowing along grain boundaries. The process can result in significant volume loss if the dissolved
material is transported out of the system.
Pressure solution
Dissolution (removal) occurs on grain-to-grain or layer boundaries in porous rocks under non-
hydrostatic stress at a rate controlled by the magnitude of normal stress across the boundary.
Boundaries perpendicular to the direction of the greatest compression dissolve into the aqueous pore
fluid most rapidly. The dissolved material reprecipitates, often as fibrous minerals on low-stress
intergranular boundaries and opening veins. Truncated fossils and veins, the missing parts of which
have been dissolved and not sheared along discrete surfaces, are classical examples showing that
foliation planes may occupy a zone of lost volume. Stylolitic foliations are familiar examples in
The juxtaposition of quartz-rich domains and cleavage domains with insoluble and densely-packed
minerals suggests that pressure solution is involved in the formation of most foliation types.
Migration of dissolved material (solution transfer) away from high-solubility sites occurs down a
stress-induced chemical potential gradient (i.e. created by variations in the magnitude of normal stress
at grain boundaries) to nearby sites of low solubility. Material precipitation may take place at sites of
lower normal stress, commonly in extension veins and pressure fringes with fiber-growths at
extremities of flattened grains, while the insoluble residue (secondary minerals and oxides) remains
within the foliation planes. Rocks have become differentiated, which means that there is a
preferential redistribution of minerals in the rock.
From differentiated crenulation cleavage to transposition
In fine-grained metamorphic rocks, a crenulation cleavage develops along the limbs of microfolds
deforming an earlier planar fabric. Quartz and feldspar may dissolve under pressure solution in the
highly compressed limbs and be reprecipitated at the hinges where pressure is lower. As the process
continues, the new foliation aligns itself perpendicular to maximum shortening and bands of micas
or sheet silicates (limb sites) alternating with bands of quartz or feldspar (hinge sites) define a
differentiation layering parallel to the new foliation.
Fold limbs and hinges may completely disappear when strain-induced solution transfer is extreme.
The resulting bands constitute a transposition of the old structures.
In some metamorphic rocks, the orientation of new crystals may be governed by, and is parallel to,
the orientation of pre-existing grains or aggregates. Their shape fabric mimics the older fabric and
sometimes inherits the shape of previous crystals, so defining a mimetic foliation. Growth is
Crystal plastic deformation
Foliation can simply form when grains in the rocks become flattened. Two mechanisms may control
this change in shape: dislocation creep and, usually at a higher temperature, solid-state diffusion.
These processes are important in producing a crystallographic preferred orientation.
Dislocation creep
The change in shape results from lattice distortion through the movement of dislocations or twinning
or kinking. In coherent (also dynamic) recrystallization either old deformed grains are
progressively transformed into new undeformed grains as a grain boundary migrates through the old
crystal lattice, or old grains (clasts) are subdivided into many new grains by the rotation of small
internal domains (called subgrains). The crystal structure and the composition of old and new grains
are the same, although new grains have different lattice orientations from the old. Dislocation creep
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is most active in mylonites. In reconstructive recrystallization, the old crystal breaks down, and a
new crystal forms (a blast) that generally has a different composition.
Solid-state diffusion
A purely diffusion-controlled mass transfer can flatten grains: The change in shape results from ionic
diffusion within grains (Nabarro-Herring creep) or along grain boundaries in the absence of a fluid
phase (Coble creep). Highly strained (facing compression) grain boundaries are favorable for
degradation by transfer of their components towards less pressured (facing extension) boundaries,
resulting in a net increase in the proportion of grains elongated towards the X-axis of finite strain.
Transposed foliations
Transposition is a mechanical transformation of layers from an initial orientation into another
orientation. It gives a striped appearance to the rock.
An essential part of the mechanical transposition process is the rotation of a pre-existing plane by
tight folding into an orientation approximately parallel to the axial plane of the resulting isoclinal
folds. Extreme flattening, development of discontinuities parallel to axial surfaces, development of
axial plane foliation, elimination of fold closures and segmentation of marker beds or layers achieve
Severe shear deformation in gneisses produces layering partly by flattening and elongation of large
crystals, and partly by rotation of veins and other heterogeneities into the plane of flattening, towards
the plane of shearing. As a result, foliation-parallel layers may become alternately enriched in
granular and in micaceous minerals. A similar process involves boudinage of competent layers, with
Foliation is a planar fabric element that originates from sedimentary and magmatic processes
(primary fabric) and ductile deformation (secondary fabric). The latter provides clues to the geometry
of large-scale structures, kinematics, strain, and conditions of deformation. Foliations are
systematically associated with tectonic deformation and are common in all grades of metamorphic
rocks. Ductile flattening and the parallel alignment of platy minerals are believed to be the principal
cause of axial plane foliations.
The type of foliation depends on the composition of the deformed rock and varies in morphology
between classified end members that refer to deformation processes. Mechanical rotation,
solution/precipitation, crystallization, and recrystallization are involved in the development of diverse
foliations. Differentiated types are increasingly obvious as grade increases but are also ordinary in
the lower grade rocks.
All of these mechanisms tend to produce a preferred dimensional orientation of non-equant grains
and/or aggregates of grains that define a planar structure parallel to the λ1λ 2 (i.e. XY) plane of the
strain ellipsoid.
Recommended literature
Gray D.R. - 1997. Volume loss and slaty cleavage development. In: Evolution of geological structures
in micro- to macro-scales. (Sengupta S.), Chapman & Hall, London, 273-291,
Gray D.R. & Durney D.W. - 1979. Investigations on the mechanical significance of crenulation
cleavage. Tectonophysics. 58 (1-2), 35-79, 10.1016/0040-1951(79)90321-4
Passchier C.W. & Trouw R.A.J. - 1996. Microtectonics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 289 p.
Powell C.M. - 1979. A morphological classification of rock cleavage. Tectonophysics. 58 (1), 21-34,
Ramsay J.G. & Huber M.I. - 1983. The techniques of modern structural geology - Volume1: Strain
analysis. Academic Press, Academic Press, London. 307 p.
Siddans A.W.B. - 1972. Slaty cleavage. A review of research since 1815. Earth-Science Reviews. 8
(2), 205-232, 10.1016/0012-8252(72)90084-0
Treagus S.H. - 1983. A theory of finite strain variation through contrasting layers, and its bearing on
cleavage refraction. Journal of Structural Geology. 5 (3-4), 351-368, 10.1016/B978-0-08-030273-