This document provides instructions for a meditation and self-healing practice called the Black Manjushri Sadhana. It begins by explaining that Black Manjushri helps heal negative emotions and mental suffering caused by sickness or problems. It then outlines the benefits of the practice, which include helping with "incurable" diseases and dealing with difficult emotions. The document provides guidance on posture, diet, and generating oneself as the wrathful form of Black Manjushri before explaining mantras and meditation exercises to purify the subtle wind energy and heal illnesses.
This document provides instructions for a meditation and self-healing practice called the Black Manjushri Sadhana. It begins by explaining that Black Manjushri helps heal negative emotions and mental suffering caused by sickness or problems. It then outlines the benefits of the practice, which include helping with "incurable" diseases and dealing with difficult emotions. The document provides guidance on posture, diet, and generating oneself as the wrathful form of Black Manjushri before explaining mantras and meditation exercises to purify the subtle wind energy and heal illnesses.
This document provides instructions for a meditation and self-healing practice called the Black Manjushri Sadhana. It begins by explaining that Black Manjushri helps heal negative emotions and mental suffering caused by sickness or problems. It then outlines the benefits of the practice, which include helping with "incurable" diseases and dealing with difficult emotions. The document provides guidance on posture, diet, and generating oneself as the wrathful form of Black Manjushri before explaining mantras and meditation exercises to purify the subtle wind energy and heal illnesses.
This document provides instructions for a meditation and self-healing practice called the Black Manjushri Sadhana. It begins by explaining that Black Manjushri helps heal negative emotions and mental suffering caused by sickness or problems. It then outlines the benefits of the practice, which include helping with "incurable" diseases and dealing with difficult emotions. The document provides guidance on posture, diet, and generating oneself as the wrathful form of Black Manjushri before explaining mantras and meditation exercises to purify the subtle wind energy and heal illnesses.
The passage discusses the Black Manjushri practice which is used for healing negative emotions, diseases, and astrological influences through mantras and visualization.
The practice helps deal with negative emotions from illness and problems, purifies astrological mistakes, and protects from harm caused by inauspicious astrological elements.
It involves taking refuge, seven meditations on limitless qualities, nine round breathing meditation, and recitation of mantras with visualizations.
A Black Manjushri Sadhana
Self-Healing Meditation and Exercises
Black Manjushri is the wrathful healing form of Manjushri that helps us to heal our deep inner negative emotions and mental suffering that arise due to sickness or problems it is also a powerful antidote against the harm and disturbances caused b! negative astrological influences BENEFITS OF THE PRACTICE Amongst the numerous benefits of this practice it particularly helps, both mentally and physically, those suffering from so-called incurable diseases such as AIDS and cancer. It helps us to confront and deal with the negative emotions, such as anger, depression, fear and denial, which arise when we are challenged by such diseases or when we are confronted with problems in our daily life. his practice also enables us to purify astrological mista!es that happen, for e"ample, when we perform marriage or cremation ceremonies or cut down trees on astrologically inauspicious days. It gives us the opportunity to stop our energy flowing, at the cause of astrological influences, into the wrong path. In fact, through the recitation of #lac! $an%ushri mantras we protect ourselves from inauspicious and malevolent astrological elements, caused by con%unctions, transits, oppositions, eclipses, comets and other celestial phenomena that could result in sic!nesses, accidents, loss of property, social problems and discouraging life e"periences. &ompleting this practice also stops the harm of blac! magic and protects us from the interferences of spirits such as nagas who cause plagues, leprosy, possessions and contagious viral epidemics. #lac! $an%ushri protects us from the four maras that hinder our spiritual practice and success, and halts the negative actions of all malefic beings and geg spirits that obstruct the attainment of long-life. his practice stops the superstitious and fearful pro%ections we create, for e"ample when we wal! alone in the dar!, as well as those relating to digging the earth, cutting trees and moving roc!s where nagas abide.
HOW TO DO THIS PRACTICE his practice is most effective when completed daily before sunrise. 'e should sit facing the east in the cross-legged lotus posture. (ollowing a vegetarian diet, avoiding strong alcohol drin!s, garlic, onions and sesame all strengthen this practice. )owever, if it is not possible for us to follow these indications we should do the practice whenever possible and however we feel comfortable
THE SEVEN LIMITLESS MEDITATIONS )* Semchen %amche $ewa $ang $ewai #!u $ang $enpar #!ur +hik ,* Semchen %amche $ungal $ang $ungal #!i #!u $ang $relwar #!ur +hik '* Semchen %amche $ungal Mepai $ewa $ang Min $relwar #!ur +hik -* Semchen %amche "!ering +hak $ang "!i $ang $relwei %ang "!om .a "e /ar #!ur +hik 0* Semchen %amche .u Sem #!i $u "gal So Shing %rai 1un .u Sem $e 2a $ang $en /ar #!ur +hik 3* Semchen %amche "galso %opching +hinang "ogchu 4or!uk $angshing %sangmar "e #!ur +hik 5* Semchen %amche $ang 6ambuling #i 4!e $ro %adag +h!i "ang #hi Shide $han $huekun $enpar #!ur +hik .imitless .ove 7 Ma! all beings have happiness and its causes* .imitless +ompassion 7 Ma! all beings be free from suffering and its causes* .imitless 8o! 7 Ma! all beings never be separated from the great happiness that is be!ond all miser!* .imitless E9uanimit! 7 Ma! all beings alwa!s dwell in e9uanimit!: unaffected b! attraction to dear ones and aversion to others* .imitless Health 7 Ma! all beings recover from the sicknesses of mind and bod! pollution and enjo! relative and absolute health now and forever* .imitless Ecological ;egeneration 7 Ma! all beings relax in a pure and health! outer and inner environment now and forever* .imitless /eace 7 Ma! all beings enjo! inner and world peace now and forever*
NINE ROUND BREATHING MEDITATION TO PURIFY OUR SUBTLE WIND ENERGY Sitting in the vajra posture we begin b! visuali<ing that our gross ph!sical bod!: composed of flesh: organs and bones: graduall! melts into light until we are left with onl! a holographic image that sparkles like a rainbow* At this point we make a vajra fist with our left hand and place it under our right armpit* 2ith our right hand we make a vajra fist and extending the right middle finger: placing the index finger on top of it: we gentl! block the left nostril* =* >isuali<ing clearl! our three inner channels: we inhale through our right nostril imagining that the pure essences of the five elements: positive and healing energies and all the hol! beings? blessings enter our right channel in the form of white light* %his white light absorbs into the subtle wind energ! at our heart* 2e now block the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril in three short breaths: imagining that all our sicknesses: polluted elemental winds: inner demons and interferences: relating to the left side of the bod!: are expelled in the aspect of polluted black smoke* ==* %his exercise should now be repeated on the opposite side to purif! the left channel and expel all negativities relating to the right side of the bod!* ===* /lacing our hands in the meditation mudra and breathing evenl! through both nostrils: we should visuali<e that all the positive and healing energ! of the hol! beings enter both the right and left channels and absorb into the subtle wind energ! at the heart* =n three short breaths: through both nostrils: we breathe out all negativities: ph!sical and mental sicknesses: interferences: demons and polluted winds from both sides of the bod!*
SELF-GENERATION AS BLACK MANJUSHRI Ever!thing becomes the same nature as emptiness* @ut of emptiness from the black letter PAM arises a black lotus* =n the center of this black lotus from the letter AH appears a moon: and above this moon from a green letter YAM arises a green wind mandala* =n the center of the wind mandala from a red letter RAM appears a red triangular fire mandala* %he lotus: wind and fire mandalas contain the essences of the five elements* %hese essences absorb into space* =n the center of the moon appears m! mind in the aspect of a black letter HUNG* .ights radiate out from the letter HUNG and then return fulfilling the two purposes of attaining enlightenment and helping others to overcome suffering* =n an instant from the black letter HUNG = arise as Black Manjushri* = am in a ver! wrathful aspect with one face and two arms* M! right leg is bent and m! left leg is outstretched* =n m! right hand with a wrathful mudra = hold the wisdom sword that eliminates all interferences: and in m! left hand = hold the emanation scripture of the 4adampas and the /rajnaparamita sutra at m! heart* Half m! red hair is knotted at m! crown: the other half falls on m! shoulders* = have a big bell! and tiger skin loincloth* = wear various wrathful bone ornaments such as a crown of five skulls and a necklace of fift! freshl! cut heads* M! three e!es are red and round and in the nature of YAM: RAM and BAM* = am surrounded b! fiercel! bla<ing flames of wisdom* M! root guru is above m! crown in the form of Amoghasiddhi: who embodies the entire lineage* At m! crown is a white OM the nature of the enlightened bod!: at m! throat is red AH the nature of the enlightened speech and at m! heart is blue HUNG the nature of the enlightened mind*
ESSENCE MANTRA At m! heart is a sun cushion with a black letter HUNG at its center: around this two mantra garlands circle in a clockwise direction* OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI HUNG *+," or as many times as possible- At this point we should meditate on emptiness of phenomenon: self and others: based on the method we are familiar with such as the Heart Sutra or dependent origination* SPECIAL ESSENCE MANTRA OM EH RA PA TSA NA DHI HUNG *+,"- After we have repeated for as man! times as possible the essence mantra and meditated on emptiness we can repeat the special essence mantra that helps to stabili<e and give extra power to our practice*
ACTION MANTRA OM PRASO / CHUSO / DURTASO / DURMISO / NYING GOLA CHO / KALA DZA / KAM SHAM TRAM BHE PHET SOHA *+,"- &%o complete a traditional Black Manjushri retreat we have to recite 5AA:AAA essence mantras and )A:AAA action mantras(*
THE SEVEN TANTRIC SELF-HEALING EXERCISES OF BLACK MANJUSHRI 2e should keep in mind when beginning this part of the practice that the more mantras we manage to recite the more effective the exercises will be* 2e should also remember that to make the following seven exercises work well we should complete them with the Maha!ana attitudes of compassion and wisdom*
1. Pu!"!#$%!&' &" O()%$#*+) $', I'%+"++'#+) Blame-like lights radiate out from our hearts: burning up all our emotional problems: mind pollution: interferences and karmic obstacles that cause sickness and interferences to ourselves: other beings and the environment* OM PRASO / CHUSO / DURTASO / DURMISO / NYING GOLA CHO / KALA DZA / KAM SHAM TRAM BHE PHET SOHA *+,"-
-. P&%+#%!&' "&. S!#/'+)) After repeating the essence and action mantras as man! times as possible: we should join our thumb to the top joint of the ring finger on each hand and then blow on the tip of the ring finger* %hen we should rub the tips of these fingers on the soles of our feet and in the armpits* =f we find in these places a black substance then we should put it on the nine entrances to the auric bod! listed beneath whilst repeating the action mantra* =f we do not find a black substance we should imagine one* 2e now envisage a suit of vajra armor under our skin that protects us from an! contagious diseases or pollution entering our bod!* )* Soles of the two feet ,* Anus '* Crethra -* "avel 0* Mouth 3* "ose 5* %wo E!es D* %wo Ears E* Bontanella OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI HUNG OM PRASO / CHUSO / DURTASO / DURMISO / NYING GOLA CHO / KALA DZA / KAM SHAM TRAM BHE PHET SOHA *+,"-
0. C$*.!'1 D!)%u(!'1 P+&2*+ $', S2!!%) 2ith our hands joined together: above the crown of the head: in the prostration mudra we click our tongue against the top palate of our mouth and clap our hands together three times* %hen we recite the action mantra* OM PRASO / CHUSO / DURTASO / DURMISO / NYING GOLA CHO / KALA DZA / KAM SHAM TRAM BHE PHET SOHA *+,"-
3. Su22+))!'1 I'%+"++'#+) >isuali<ing our self in the aspect of Black Manjushri: we have to sit with our knees brought up to our chest with our arms wrapped around them: we then place the big toe of our right foot over the big toe of our left foot* 4eeping this posture we should press down and trap all interferences under our feet causing them to become weaker and powerless* OM PRASO / CHUSO / DURTASO / DURMISO / NYING GOLA CHO / KALA DZA / KAM SHAM TRAM BHE PHET SOHA *+,"-
4. H+$*!'1 N+#%$) 2ith a container of water placed in front of us: visuali<ing our self in the aspect of Black Manjushri: we imagine nectar radiating from the letter HC"# at our heart* %his nectar flows with our breath and the special 9ualities are transferred to the water when we blow on it* %he water transforms into nectar* Binall!: Black Manjushri dissolves into the water: making it so powerful that those who drink it are purified of their obscurations and sicknesses caused b! negative karma and ph!sical health problems improve* OM PRASO / CHUSO / DURTASO / DURMISO / NYING GOLA CHO / KALA DZA / KAM SHAM TRAM BHE PHET SOHA *+,"-
5. H+$*!'1 A%6!%!) $rink the healing water and recite the action mantra before blowing on our mala* %hen massage: outwardl! towards the extremities: the affected limbs and joints* 2hen tin! wounds appear on the extremities it is a sign that we are healed* %o heal this condition we should also tr! to avoid eating meat and consuming strong alcoholic drinks* OM PRASO / CHUSO / DURTASO / DURMISO / NYING GOLA CHO / KALA DZA / KAM SHAM TRAM BHE PHET SOHA *+,"-
7. H+$*!'1 N!16%.$+) Either when awakening from a bad dream or nightmare: or if possible during the dream: we should visuali<e our self as Black Manjushri who emanates wisdom fires that burn up the dream enem! or negative feelings* OM PRASO / CHUSO / DURTASO / DURMISO / NYING GOLA CHO / KALA DZA / KAM SHAM TRAM BHE PHET SOHA *+,"-
DEDICATION G8+ W$ D! N8u Du D$1 J$.26+* N$12& Du2 G8u N+ D&9$ C6!/ C6$'1 M$*u P$ D+ Y! S$ L$ G&2$ S6&/ B! this virtue ma! = 9uickl! attain the enlightened experience of Black Manjushri and lead all sentient beings without exception to that ground*
S6!,+ S+. C6&1 R!'2+ M$ K!+2$ N$. K8+ G8u C6!/ K!+2$ N8$.2$ M+2$ Y$'1 G&'1 N+ G&'1 Tu P+* W$ S6&/ Ma! the precious: health! and happ! mind of peace: which is not !et born: arise and grow* 2hich is born have no decline and increase forever more*
VERSE OF AUSPICIOUSNESS N8!.& D+*+/ T)+' D+*+/ N8!.+ Gu'1 Y$'1 D+*+/ S6!' N8!'%)+' T$/%u D+*+/ P+ K&' C6&/ Su. G8! J!' G8! L&( K&' C6&/ Su. K8! N1&+ Du2 T)&* K&' C6&/ Su. G8! T$ S6! S6&/ At dawn or dusk: at night or midda!: Ma! the three jewels grant us their blessings: Ma! the! help us to achieve all reali<ations: And sprinkle the path of our lives with various signs of auspiciousness*