1) Large corporations will have advantages over small farms and businesses in adapting to legalized hemp production due to existing infrastructure and resources. They will be able to outcompete small operations.
2) A new corporate ruling class may emerge from legalization that distances itself from ordinary people, as seen with other new industries.
3) Legalization will primarily benefit the state through tax revenue and freeing up law enforcement resources, rather than helping individuals or small businesses. The drug war will continue and control will tighten over time.
1) Large corporations will have advantages over small farms and businesses in adapting to legalized hemp production due to existing infrastructure and resources. They will be able to outcompete small operations.
2) A new corporate ruling class may emerge from legalization that distances itself from ordinary people, as seen with other new industries.
3) Legalization will primarily benefit the state through tax revenue and freeing up law enforcement resources, rather than helping individuals or small businesses. The drug war will continue and control will tighten over time.
Original Description:
Is Hemp legalization being used to numb the republic?
1) Large corporations will have advantages over small farms and businesses in adapting to legalized hemp production due to existing infrastructure and resources. They will be able to outcompete small operations.
2) A new corporate ruling class may emerge from legalization that distances itself from ordinary people, as seen with other new industries.
3) Legalization will primarily benefit the state through tax revenue and freeing up law enforcement resources, rather than helping individuals or small businesses. The drug war will continue and control will tighten over time.
1) Large corporations will have advantages over small farms and businesses in adapting to legalized hemp production due to existing infrastructure and resources. They will be able to outcompete small operations.
2) A new corporate ruling class may emerge from legalization that distances itself from ordinary people, as seen with other new industries.
3) Legalization will primarily benefit the state through tax revenue and freeing up law enforcement resources, rather than helping individuals or small businesses. The drug war will continue and control will tighten over time.
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Lighting up the Grassroots: Why Hemp Legalization may Backfire on Activists
Michael C Ellis ept! "#$ "%&#
Hemp Legalization Does Not Create New Jobs 'hus far hemp legalization has really create( no ne) *o+s! Me(ical mari*uana asi(e$ only farmers retooling their fiel(s an( a fe) research facilities have create( a fe) *o+s in the mi( &%,s range in Colora(o! With the research-legalization of hemp alone$ )e can e.pect slo) *o+ gro)th until in(ustrial hemp infrastructure is fully realize( into its o)n economy! A New Elite Class may be Created or Sustained Only Industrial Giants will e able to Adapt to !eet Demand mall scale pro(uction may +e ()arfe( +y larger corporate interests come legalization! While many farms may convert infrastructure$ they too$ may +e +ought out +y larger corporations! mall farms may +e a+le to a(apt /uickly$ +ut they )ill lack the processing infrastructure availa+le to large corporate farms an( in(ustrial giants! Money almost al)ays rules in the a(aptation game! Large Corporations will E"entually Out#Compete Small usinesses 'o+acco companies are alrea(y making large investments in real estate in California,s Emeral( 'riangle to +egin raising Canna+is plants )hen 0not if1 fe(eral legalization takes place! 'hey )ill have no har( time retooling e.isting to+acco plants to (eveloping canna+is cigarettes! 2ot only )ill they have an easy time gaining pu+lic acceptance$ +ut their ne) pro(ucts may +e *ust as (angerous an( a((ictive as to+acco$ an( *ust as socially (etrimental as their corporate empires e.isting to(ay! Lum+er an( oil companies )ill naturally also have the a(vantage to retool their e.isting infrastructure to support hemp pro(uct processing$ leaving us$ the consumers$ to foot the +ill of yet another resource rai(! 3f you think Walmart is (estructive$ )ait until your organic me(icines an( foo( pro(ucts are ma(e +y these types of corporations that have ha( a historical past of unconsciona+le actions such as strip mining$ (eforestation$ an( fracking at the e.pense of our environmental safety! With the mainstream me(ia on their si(e$ these large corporations )ill have not nearly the (ifficulty small farms an( manufacturers have a(vertising an( (istri+uting their likely su+-par an( possi+ly even (angerous ne) ,greener, pro(ucts! $%e New &uling Class will Naturally Distan'e itsel( (rom Its Origins As )ith any ne) corporate class$ as )e have seen )ith the We+ "!% technocracy$ the likelihoo( that the ne) ruling class )ill turn its +ack on its people is all too real! Betrayal is no ne) trait to the human con(ition! Industry will Ha"e to &etool Itsel( at Great E)pense Hemp Cannot be Grown on E)isting In(rastru'ture While hemp can +e gro)n like a )ee( 0hence the nickname1$ it is incre(i+ly resource intense if gro)n for nutritional use! 'o gro) truly me(icinal mari*uana re/uires even more intense cropping an( management! 4nfortunately most mo(ern agriculture is poorly e/uippe( to han(le such a venture an( it is +etter left to e.perience( gro)ers )ith e.isting infrastructure 5 for e.ample most me(ical mari*uana re/uires in(oor gro)ing con(itions for optimal results! 'his limits the start-up potential for mo(ern farmers an( the transition to hemp an( me(icinal mari*uana may +e costly an( (ifficult! Hemp Climate *ones are Already being +tilized Most farmers are /uite please( )ith their current crops in communities that )oul( sustain hemp gro)th! 3t )oul( take massive e(ucation initiatives to convert e.isting farmlan(s into hemp an( mari*uana fiel(s! While there are great +enefits to converting crops to hemp$ as has +een (one in the past$ it ultimately re/uires incentives an( guarantees of greater profit! 'here is currently no motivation to convert farmlan( into hemp acreage$ as corn largely meets many 0+ut not all61 of hemp,s uses! 6hemp is a great fi+er an( +io-oil crop !ari,uana is anot%er Opiate o( t%e !asses $%e State will &etain Control 'he state is the entity that )ill most +enefit from the en( of prohi+ition! 7ecreational an( me(icinal mari*uana can +e ta.e( to fun( further (rug control efforts that )ill ultimately +enefit la) enforcement! Crime rates have +een (emonstrate( to naturally (ecrease$ freeing up further ta. (ollars! $%e -opulation will be Sedated Mari*uana is *ust another se(ative that the elite can use to (um+ (o)n the population an( use (istract them into accepting an unaccepta+le )ay of life! A pot high creates a passive acceptance that is (angerous to a free society an( ultimately )ill engen(er a lack of respect for the human )ill to survive our chaotic times! $%e Drug .ar .ill Continue Legalization is a thorn in the si(e of the 8EA$ +ut prohi+ition is still active to this (ay on the fe(eral level! 3f an( )hen fe(eral legalization takes place$ it )ill only take place to further tighten the police state that e.ists over humanity in the free countries to(ay! 'reatment fun(ing )as never an option$ though great stri(es have +een ma(e on the local level! 'he true function of the (rug )ar )as to fill the prisons an( to lea( the population into accepting the normalcy of government control over their )ay of life as free consenting a(ults! 9or this reason the (rug )ar )ill continue even after mari*uana prohi+ition ceases! Look ho) far they ma(e you *ump *ust to get access to a plant: Li/e Al'o%ol0 Control will $ig%ten O"er $ime 3nto.ication (etection kits are alrea(y un(er research an( (evelopment )ithin the 4 an( a+roa($ an( are planne( to +e use( +y high)ay patrol officers to further encroach on e.isting civil li+erties alrea(y en(angere( +y the (eveloping terror-state! With the en( of prohi+ition$ one can e.pect incrementally tightening la)s much like )ith (riving an( alcohol consumption to the point of tyranny over time!