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M2HB Practical USMC

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1 August 2002



B2135 Student Handout


Section I. M2 .50 Caliber Heavy Machine Gun

History. The M2 is undoubtedly the worlds best-known .50 caliber heavy machine gun. John M. Browning
developed the M2 heavy machine gun at the end of World War I. After a series of early water-cooled, aircraft, and
tank models were tested in the 1920s, an improved version was adopted in 1933 as the Browning M2 water-cooled
machine gun. Subsequent models, using the same receiver, were adopted by the various services. During World
War II, nearly two million M2 machine guns of all variations were produced. The M2 is the mainstay of all Marine
Corps heavy machine gun platoons.

Description. The Browning machine gun caliber .50 HB, M2 (see picture below) is a belt-fed, recoil-operated, air-cooled, crew-
served machine gun. The gun is capable of single shot, as well as automatic fire, and operates on the short recoil principle.
The machinegun is capable of being fed from either the right or left by repositioning certain parts. The weapon has nonfixed
headspace that must be set. Timing must also be adjusted to cause the gun to fire slightly out of battery to prevent damage to
moving parts. The force for recoil operation is furnished by expanding powder gases, which are controlled by various springs,
cams, and levers. Maximum surface of the barrel and receiver are exposed to permit air-cooling. Perforations in the barrel
support allow air to circulate around the breach end of the barrel and help cool the parts. A heavy barrel is used to retard early

M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun

Specifications. The table below lists the characteristics of the M2 .50 caliber machine gun.

Characteristic Specification
Receiver 60 pounds
Barrel 24 pounds
Tripod 44 pounds
Total 128 pounds
Receiver with barrel
65 inches
Barrel 45 inches
Rifling Eight lands and grooves with a right-hand twist
One turn in 15 inches
Muzzle velocity M2 Ball 3050 feet per second
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2 August 2002

The table below lists the rates of fire and ranges for the M2 .50 caliber machine gun.

Rates of fire
Sustained Less than 40 rounds per minute (rpm)
Rapid 40 or more rpm
Cyclic 450-550 rpm
Maximum 7400 meters
Maximum effective 1830 meters
Grazing fire 700 meters

Ammunition. The table below lists the ammunition (see diagram below) used in the M2 .50 caliber machine gun.

Type Identifying Characteristics
M2 Dummy Plain
Holes in cartridge
M1, M1A1 Blank No bullet
Crimped cartridge
M2, M33 Ball Plain
M1, M10, M17 Tracer Red, orange, or brown tip
M1, M23 Incendiary Blue tip
M2 Armor piercing Black tip
M8 Armor-piercing incendiary Aluminum tip
M20 Armor-piercing incendiary-tracer Aluminum tip with red ring
M903 Sabot light armor penetrator Plastic sleeve on projectile

M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun Ammunition

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3 August 2002
Nomenclature. The major components of the caliber .50 MG (see diagram below) and their purposes are shown in
the table below.


M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun Components

Component Purpose
1 Barrel group Houses cartridges for firing
Directs projectile
2 Carrier assembly Provides handle to
Carry barrel
Remove barrel from the receiver
3 Backplate group Houses the
Bolt latch releases
Buffer tube sleeve
Left and right spade grips
4 Receiver group Serves as support for all major components
Houses action of weapon, which controls functioning of weapon
5 Bolt group Provides feeding, chambering, firing, and extracting, using the
propellant gases and recoil spring for power
6 Cover group Feeds linked belt ammunition
Positions and holds cartridges in position for extracting, feeding,
and chambering
7 Bolt stud Provides a means to move the bolt to the rear with the retracting
slide handle
8 Barrel extension group Secures the barrel to the recoiling parts
9 Barrel buffer body Assists in recoil and counter-recoil of the bolt group
10 Driving spring rod assembly Drives the bolt forward when the bolt latch release is depressed
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4 August 2002

Unloading/Clearing. The table below lists the steps for unloading/clearing the M2 .50 caliber machine gun.

Step Action
1 Unlock the bolt latch release, putting the weapon on single shot.
2 With the bolt forward, open the top cover and remove the belt of ammunition.
3 Pull the retracting slide handle to the rear, locking the bolt to the rear while maintaining positive control.
4 Examine the chamber and the face of the bolt to ensure that they are not holding rounds.
NOTE: In darkness, do this by feeling the chamber and face of the bolt.

Disassembly. Take the precautions below when working with the M2 .50 caliber machine gun:

Ensure the weapon is clear.
Before allowing the bolt to go forward, ensure that the cover, once raised, remains in the raised position with
the barrel remaining in the gun.

CAUTION: If the cover is lowered when the bolt is to the rear, the belt feed lever lug will not fit into its proper
groove in the bolt; parts may be damaged as the bolt goes forward. In the cover assembly, the action
of the shoulder headless pin and spring just above the pivot holds the belt feed lever lug to the left.

To allow the bolt to go forward with the barrel out of the gun, pull the retracting slide handle all of the to the
rear, engaging the bolt stud in the notch in the rear of the retracting slide. Maintain a steady pressure to the rear
on the retracting slide handle. Press the bolt latch release and allow the bolt to ride slowly forward.

CAUTION: If the bolt is allowed to go forward with the barrel out of the gun, parts may be damaged when the bolt
slams forward. The added weight and cushioning effect of the barrel act as a buffer and protect the
parts from damage.

General Disassembly. General disassembly consists of removing the major groups and assemblies (see diagram
below) for inspection and cleaning. The table below lists the eight major groups that must be disassembled in the
order they should be removed.

Sequence Major Group
1 Barrel group
2 Backplate group
3 Driving spring rod assembly
4 Bolt group
5 Barrel extension group
6 Barrel buffer body group
7 Barrel buffer assembly
8 Receiver group

M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun Major Component Groups
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5 August 2002

Barrel Group. Follow the steps in the table below to remove the barrel group.

Step Action
1 Turn the cover latch and raise the cover group (see diagram below).

2 Grasp the retracting slide handle with the right hand, palm up, and pull the recoiling parts to the rear until
the lug on the barrel locking spring aligns with the 3/8-inch hole in the right sideplate of the receiver (just
below the feedway exit). The barrel can be turned only when the lug is aligned with the 3/8-inch hole.
3 Place the smallest loop of a caliber .50 link, or suitable spacer, between the trunnion block and the barrel
extension (see diagram below) to hold the barrel locking spring lug aligned with the 3/8-inch hole in the
right sideplate.

4 Unscrew the barrel from the receiver (see diagram below).
CAUTION: Be careful not to damage the threads or barrel locking notches when setting the barrel down.

5 Pull back slightly on the retracting slide handle and remove the link or spacer from the receiver.

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6 August 2002
Backplate Group. Follow the steps in the table below to remove backplate group.

Step Action
1 Ensure that the bolt latch release is up, free of the bolt latch release lock. If it is not, push down on the
bolt latch release and turn the buffer tube sleeve to the right to free it (see diagram below).

2 The bolt must be forward before the backplate is removed. If the bolt is to the rear, push down on the bolt
latch release, place palm up on the retracting slide handle, and ease the bolt forward.
CAUTION: Take care to prevent the bolt from slamming forward with the barrel removed.
3 The backplate latch lock and latch are below the buffer tube. Pull out on the lock and up on the latch;
remove the backplate by lifting it straight up (see diagram below).

WARNING: Never attempt to cock the gun while the backplate is off and the driving spring assembly is in place.
If the backplate is off and the driving spring assembly is compressed, the retaining pin on the driving
spring rod can slip from its seat in the sideplate and seriously injure anyone behind the gun.

Driving Spring Rod Assembly. Follow the steps in the table below to remove the driving spring rod assembly.

Step Action
1 The inner and outer driving springs and driving spring rod are located inside the receiver next to the right
sideplate (see diagram below).

2 Push in on the head of the driving spring rod and push to the left to remove the driving spring rod
retaining pin from its seat in the right sideplate.
3 Pull the driving spring assembly to the rear and out of the receiver.

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7 August 2002
Bolt Stud. Follow the steps in the table below to remove the bolt stud.

Step Action
1 Grasp the retracting slide handle and give it a quick jerk, freeing the bolt from the barrel extension.
2 Align the collar of the bolt stud with the clearance hole in the bolt slot on the right sideplate and remove
the bolt stud (see diagram below).

3 If the bolt is accidentally moved all the way to the rear, the bolt latch will engage in the bolt latch notches
in the top of the bolt. If this occurs, raise the bolt latch (left of the trigger lever) and push the bolt forward
to align the bolt stud with the clearance hole (see diagram below).

Bolt Group. Follow the steps in the table below to remove the bolt group.

Step Action
1 After freeing the bolt, slide it to the rear and out of receiver (see diagram below).

2 Place the bolt down on its right side (with the extractor arm up), so that the extractor will not fall from the

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8 August 2002
Barrel Buffer Body Group and Barrel Extension Group. Follow the steps in the table below to remove the barrel
buffer body and barrel extension groups.

Step Action
1 Insert the drift of a combination tool, or other pointed instrument, through the hole in the lower rear corner
of the right sideplate.
2 Push in on the barrel buffer body lock. At the same time, place one hand in the receiver and push the
barrel extension group and barrel buffer group to the rear (see diagram below).

3 Remove the barrel buffer group and barrel extension group from the receiver.
4 Separate the two groups by pushing forward on the tips of the accelerator (see diagram below).

Barrel Buffer Assembly. Follow the steps in the table below to remove the barrel buffer assembly and complete
general disassembly.

Step Action
1 Pull the barrel buffer assembly from the rear of the barrel buffer body group.
2 The barrel buffer assembly will not be disassembled (see diagram below).

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9 August 2002
General Assembly. To assemble the gun, replace the groups and assemblies in reverse order of their removal in

Barrel Buffer Assembly and Barrel Buffer Body Group. Follow the steps in the table below to assemble the barrel
buffer assembly and barrel buffer body groups.

Step Action
1 Replace the barrel buffer assembly in the barrel buffer body group, with the key on the spring guide to the
NOTE: This key must fit in its slot in the right side of the barrel buffer body.
2 Turn the barrel buffer tube until the screwdriver slot (in the rear of the tube) is vertical and the arrow is
pointing to the right (see diagram below). The stud on the tube lock will now engage the serrations in the
barrel buffer tube to keep the tube from turning.

3 Push the barrel buffer assembly fully forward (see diagram below).

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10 August 2002
Barrel Buffer Group and Barrel Extension Group. Follow the steps in the table below to assemble the barrel buffer
and barrel extension groups.

Step Action
1 To join the two groups together, hold the barrel buffer group in the right hand, with the index finger
supporting the accelerator. Join the notch on the shank of the barrel extension group with the cross-
groove in the pistol rod of the barrel buffer assembly. At the same time, align the breech lock depressors
with their guideways in the sides of the barrel extension, ensuring that the tips of the accelerator are
against the rear end of the barrel extension (claws against the shank) (see diagram below).

2 Push the groups together.
3 As the accelerator rotates to the rear, press down on its tips to ensure positive locking of groups.
4 Place the groups in the receiver, and push them forward until the barrel buffer body spring lock snaps into
NOTE: When the parts are properly locked in place, the barrel buffer tube should protrude about 1 1/8
inches from the rear of the barrel buffer body group.

Bolt. Place the bolt in the receiver, with the top of the cocking lever forward and the extractor down. The barrel
extension, barrel buffer, and bolt groups may be assembled and returned to the receiver together (see diagram

M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun Bolt

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11 August 2002
Bolt Stud. Follow the steps in the table below to assemble the bolt stud.

Step Action
1 Align the stud hole in the bolt with the clearance hole.
2 Replace the bolt stud, ensuring that the collar of the stud is inside the sideplate (see diagram below).

Driving Spring Group. Follow the steps in the table below to assemble the driving spring group.

Step Action
1 Press up on the bolt latch and push the bolt all the way forward by pushing on the bolt stud only.
2 Place the end of the driving spring rod in its hole in the rear of the bolt and push forward on the driving
spring group and the barrel buffer tube.
3 Press in and to the right on the head of the driving spring rod and place the retaining pin in its seat in the
right sideplate.

NOTE: At this time, the barrel buffer tube should be completely inside the receiver. If not, the barrel buffer body
spring is not properly seated.

Backplate Group. Follow the steps in the table below to assemble the backplate group.

Step Action
1 Hold the backplate with the latch down and the trigger up; place the backplate guides in their guideways.
2 Hold out on the latch lock and tap the backplate into position until the latch snaps into place (see diagram

3 Release the latch lock and pull up on the backplate group to ensure it is firmly seated.

CAUTION: Do not use the driving rod to drive the bolt forward from the rear position, or you may damage the
driving spring group and cause a stoppage.

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12 August 2002
Barrel. Follow the steps in the table below to assemble the barrel and complete general assembly of the M2 .50
caliber machine gun.

Step Action
1 Pull the retracting slide handle to the rear until the lug on the barrel locking spring is visible through the
3/8-inch hole in the right sideplate.
2 Place the smallest loop of a caliber .50 link, or suitable spacer, between the trunnion block and the barrel
3 Screw the barrel all the way into the barrel extension; then unscrew the barrel two notches.
4 Remove the link and close the cover.

Care and Cleaning. To ensure proper care of the M2 .50 caliber machine gun, follow a system of maintenance or
an SOP for the frequency of cleaning. Clean each gun

As soon after firing as possible
Each time it is exposed to field conditions


Combat conditions, clean and oil the gun daily
Extreme climatic and combat conditions, you may have to clean and lubricate it more frequently
Ideal conditions, where the gun is not used and is stored in a clean, dry place, you may only have to inspect,
clean, and lubricate every five days

Disassemble, clean, and oil the gun in a clean, dry location. If possible, when not in use, keep the gun covered with

Gun cover

Routine Care and Cleaning. Before firing (when the situation permits), follow the steps in the table below to ensure
efficient functioning of the machine gun.

Step Action
1 Disassemble the gun into its major groups or assemblies.
2 Clean the bore and chamber, and lightly oil them.
3 Clean all metal parts thoroughly with CLP.

Care and Cleaning Under Unusual Conditions. Extreme cold, hot, dry, and tropical climates affect the gun and its
functioning. Take care under these climatic conditions to ensure that the gun is

Cleaned daily with the prescribed lubricants
Protected from the elements by some sort of cover if possible

TM 9-1005-213-10 provides further information on care and cleaning of the gun under unusual climatic conditions.

Care and Cleaning of M3 Mount and Accessories. Keep the mount, accessories, and spare parts clean and
lubricated. Spot paint surfaces when necessary. Inspect moving surfaces and oil them with the prescribed lubricant.
Keep all external surfaces of the mount clean and lightly oiled. Be particularly careful to keep the pintle bushing
clean and lightly oiled and ensure that the pintle lock release cam is well-lubricated and free from grit. Clean and
lubricate the sleeve lock indexing levers and telescopic legs enough for ease in use. Clean and oil the mount with
the same regularity and in the same manner as the gun.

Lubrications. Use cleaner, lubricant, preservative (CLP) to clean the machine gun. As its name implies, it cleans,
lubricates, and preserves all in one application. After cleaning the gun with CLP, wipe it dry and reapply a thin
coating. Allow this thin coat to dry on the parts for a short time before reassembly. CLP deposits a thin coating on
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13 August 2002
the metal, which minimizes carbon buildup and prevents foreign material from sticking. The CLP coating provides
the frictionless operation of the weapon parts, not liquid oil deposited on them. A gun treated with CLP will operate
better and remain clean longer than one treated with any other cleaning material. Use of CLP will reduce
maintenance costs and extend the life of the weapon.

Rifle bore cleaner (RBC) is a cleaning solvent, which can be used to clean powder residue, carbon, and dirt from
weapons. RBC does not preserve or lubricate a weapon. If you clean a weapon with RBC, dry the weapon and
lubricate it with

Lubricating oil semifluid (LSA)
Lubricating oil, special purpose (PL-S)
Lubricating oil, general purpose (PL-M)

The use of these oils will cause sand or grit to stick to the weapon.

NOTE: Use RBC and oil only when CLP is not available.

Inspection. When you inspect the machine gun, it should be completely disassembled. Look for dirt, cracks, burrs,
and rust.

The table below is an inspection checklist to for crewmembers or inspecting personnel to ensure that the gun and
equipment are properly maintained.

Nomenclature Inspection
Barrel Be sure that the bore and chamber are
Free of rust
Lightly oiled.
Moving parts Be sure the moving parts are clean and lightly oiled.
Operate the retracting slide handle and bolt latch release several times
to see that the parts function without excessive friction.
Headspace and timing Using the gauges, check to ensure that headspace and timing are correct.
Rear sight and windage knob Be sure the sight is
In good condition
Free of grease or dirt
Lightly oiled
Be sure
Elevation is set at 1000
Windage is set at zero
The sight is down
Mount (M3, MK64, M36, or M4) Be sure that the mount
Is clean and lightly lubricated
Is complete
Functions properly
Be sure all clamps are securely tightened
Spare parts and tools Be sure spare parts are clean and lightly oiled
Be sure spare parts kits are complete and in good condition.
Requisition replacement parts
Examine newly drawn parts
T&E Be sure it is clean and lightly lubricated
Be sure both hand wheels work properly
Ammunition Be sure ammunition is properly stored
Be sure boxes and ammunition are in good condition and not oiled.

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14 August 2002
Function Check. Perform a function check as soon as the weapon is assembled to ensure that it has been assembled
correctly. Follow the steps in the table below to check the function of the weapon.

Step Action
1 Place the weapon in the single-shot mode.
2 Open the cover and lock the bolt to the rear (bolt should stay to rear while in the single-shot mode).
3 Return retracting slide handles to full forward position and press the bolt latch release.
4 Press down on the trigger; weapon should fire. (Check T-slot to ensure that firing pin does protrude.)
5 Place the weapon in the automatic-fire mode.
6 Pull the retractor slide handle to the rear and release. (Bolt should not lock to rear.)
7 Make sure firing pin does not protrude.
8 Press trigger; weapon should fire.
9 Make sure firing pin does protrude.

NOTE: If weapon is going to be fired after assembly, then you must set the headspace and timing.

Headspace and Timing. Headspace is the distance between the face of the bolt and the base of the cartridge case,
fully seated in the chamber. Timing is the adjustment of the gun so that firing takes place when the recoiling parts
are in the correct position for firing.

Because the cartridge is held by the T-slot of the bolt, headspace with the M2 .50 caliber machine gun is measured
as the distance between the rear of the barrel and the face of the bolt. This occurs when the recoiling parts are
forward and there is positive contact between the breech lock recess in the bolt and the lock in the barrel extensions.
Periodically check the calibration of the gauge; check the gauge at least annually.

WARNING: Firing a weapon that has improperly set headspace and timing could damage the machine gun or
injure the gunner. Damage may also occur in the trunnion block, base of the barrel, or face of the
bolt. This warning applies whether the gun is firing service ammunition or M1E1 blanks. (The
weapon has improper early timing when two rounds are fired--and firing stops.)

Gauges. The headspace and timing gauge consists of a headspace gauge and two timing gauges (see diagram below)
that provide an accurate means of checking the adjustment of headspace and timing.

NOTE: Keep the headspace and timing gauge with the gun at all times.

Headspace and Timing Gauge

Headspace. Check and set headspace

Before firing
After assembling the gun
After replacing the barrel or receiver group

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15 August 2002
Follow the steps in the table below to set headspace.

Step Action
1 Raise the cover all the way up.
2 Grasp the retracting slide handle (see diagram below).

3 Using the retracting slide handle, retract the bolt until the barrel-locking-spring lug is centered in the 3/8-
inch hole on the right side of the receiver directly under the feed tray(see diagram below).

4 Hold the bolt in this position and screw the barrel fully into the barrel extension (see diagram below).

WARNING: When resetting the headspace and timing of a gun that has been fired, use an asbestos mitt
to avoid burns.
5 With the bolt still retracted, unscrew the barrel two notches (clicks). Release the retracting slide handle
and allow the bolt to go forward.
NOTE: At this point, check the barrel for rotation. Attempt to turn the barrel in either direction; the
barrel should not turn. If the barrel does turn, stop and check barrel notches and the barrel-
locking spring for damage.
6 Pull the bolt to the rear with the retracting slide handle and hold, thus cocking the weapon. Otherwise, the
headspace gauge will not fit.
7 Ensure retracting slide handle is in full forward position; depress bolt latch release to release the bolt.
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16 August 2002

Step Action
8 Raise the extractor out of the way to clear the top of the T-slot and try both ends of the go/no-go gauge
(see diagram below).

9 Insert the go end of the gauge between the face of the bolt and the end of the barrel all the way up to the
ring. If the go end of the gauge
Enters the T-slot freely to the center ring of the gauge and the no-go end will not enter, headspace is
correct. Remove gauge. Headspace setting is now complete.
Will not enter the T-slot freely, headspace is too tight. Continue with step 10.
10 Retract the bolt, so you can see the barrel-locking lug in the center of the 3/8th-inch alignment hole on the
right side of the receiver.
11 Unscrew the barrel one notch (click).
12 Return the bolt fully forward.
13 Recheck headspace (step 9).
14 Repeat steps 10 through 13 until the go gauge fits but the no-go gauge does not fit.
NOTE: You should not have to unscrew the barrel more than five notches (clicks) beyond the first setting
of two clicks. If this condition does occur, turn in the machine gun to your unit armorer for inspection.
15 If the no-go end of the gauge enters the T-slot, headspace is too loose. Adjust it using the same
procedures as above, screwing the barrel into the barrel extension rather than out.
16 Repeat steps 10 through 13, one click at a time, until the no-go gauge does not fit but the go gauge does

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17 August 2002
Timing. Timing is the adjustment of the weapon so that firing takes place when the recoiling parts are between .020
and .116 inch out of battery to prevent contact between the front end of the barrel extension and the trunnion block.
Follow the steps in the table below to set timing.

WARNING: Be sure the gun is clear of ammunition before starting.

Step Action
1 Check headspace first as previously described.
2 Pull the bolt to the rear with the retracting slide handle and release to cock the machine gun.
3 Grasp the retracting slide handle and retract the bolt just enough (1/16-inch) to insert the no-fire gauge
between the barrel extension and the trunnion block. Release the retracting slide handle (see diagram
NOTE: Insert the timing gauge with bevel against barrel notches.

4 Depress the trigger; gun should not fire.
NOTE: If the gun
Does not fire, go to step5.
Does fire, you have early timing. Go to steps 7 through 14
5 Grasp the retracting slide handle and retract the bolt just enough to remove the no-fire gauge and insert the
fire gauge in the same place (see diagram below). Release the retracting slide handle.

6 Depress the trigger; gun should fire. If it
Does, timing adjustment is now complete.
Does not fire, you have late timing. Go to steps 7 through 14.
7 Remove the gauge, cock the gun, and return the bolt forward.
8 Insert the fire gauge.
9 Remove the backplate.
NOTE: Weapon must be in single-shot mode to remove backplate. Always place the backplate on the
ground with the spade handles down to avoid damaging the trigger mechanism.
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18 August 2002

Step Action
10 Screw the timing adjustment nut all the way down until it touches the trigger lever (see diagram below).
NOTE: The timing nut will come off the timing post if it is depressed too many clicks. If this happens,
apply upward pressure to the timing nut while screwing it back on to the timing post.

WARNING: Never cock the gun or insert the gauge with the backplate off.
11 Try to fire the machine gun by pushing up on the rear of the trigger lever located directly underneath the
timing nut; gun should not fire.
12 Screw the timing adjustment nut up (to the right) one click at a time. Push up on the trigger lever after
each click. Keep doing this until the gun fires.
NOTE: You must apply firm pressure to the trigger lever.
13 Turn the timing adjustment nut an additional two clicks to compensate for heat expansion.
14 Replace the backplate, remove the gauge, and cock the machine gun.
15 Repeat steps 3 through 6 to ensure timing is set correctly.

Field Expedient Methods. When a go/no-go gauge is not available, you can still set the headspace and timing using
field expedient methods. However, this method should be used only in combat.

To set headspace,

Raise the cover and retract the bolt in the normal manner until the barrel-locking-spring lug is centered in the
3/8-inch hole on the right side of the receiver.

Hold the bolt in this position and screw the barrel fully into the barrel extension; then unscrew the barrel two
clicks or notches.

To set timing, use a

Dog tag or a dime as a fire gauge
Nickel and a dime or four dog tags as a no-fire gauge

Set the timing using the normal procedure.

To check for correct settings,

Attempt to fire the weapon. If it fires sluggishly, clear the weapon then unscrew the barrel one more notch.
Recheck the rate of fire. Repeat the procedures to set headspace (as described above); however, do not exceed
two more clicks.
Do not unscrew the barrel more than one notch between test firings.

Functioning. The cycle of functioning is consists of these basic steps:

Firing - The firing pin is released, igniting the primer of the cartridge.
Unlocking - The bolt is unlocked from the barrel and barrel extension.
Extracting - The empty cartridge case is pulled from the chamber.
Ejecting - The empty cartridge case is expelled from the receiver.
Cocking - The firing pin is withdrawn into the cocked position.
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19 August 2002
Feeding - The act of placing a cartridge in the receiver, approximately in back of the barrel, ready for
Chambering - Placing the cartridge into the chamber of the weapon.
Locking - The bolt is locked to the barrel and barrel extension.

Some of these steps may occur at the same time.

Firing. (See diagrams below.) As the trigger is pressed down, it pivots on the trigger pin so that the trigger cam on
the inside of the backplate engages and raises the rear end of the trigger lever. This in turn pivots on the trigger
lever pin assembly, causing the front end of the trigger lever to press down on the top of the sear stud. The sear is
forced down until the hooked notch of the firing pin extension is disengaged from the sear notch. The firing pin
spring drives the firing pin and firing pin extension forward; the striker of the firing pin hits the primer of the
cartridge, firing the round.


For automatic firing, the bolt-latch release must be locked or held depressed so that the bolt latch will not engage the
notches in top of the bolt, holding the bolt to the rear as in single-shot firing. The trigger is pressed and held down.
Each time the bolt travels forward in counter-recoil, the trigger lever depresses the sear, releasing the firing pin
extension assembly and the firing pin. This automatically fires the next round when the forward movement of the
recoiling groups is nearly completed. The gun should fire about one-sixteenth of an inch before the recoiling groups
are fully forward. Only the first round should be fired with the parts fully forward. The gun fires automatically as
long as the trigger and bolt latch are held down and ammunition is fed into the gun.

Unlocking. (See diagram below.) At the instant of firing, the breech lock, which is on top of the breech lock cam
and in the breech lock recess in the bottom of the bolt, locks the bolt to the barrel extension and against the rear end
of the barrel.

When the cartridge explodes, the bullet travels out of the barrel; the force of recoil drives the recoiling groups
rearward. During the first three-fourths of an inch, the recoiling groups are locked together. As this movement
takes place, the breech lock is moved off the breech lock cam stop, allowing the breech lock depressors (acting on
the breech lock pin) to force the breech lock down, out of its recess from the bottom of the bolt. At the end of the
first three-fourths of an inch of recoil, the bolt is unlocked, free to move to the rear independent of the barrel and
barrel extension.

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20 August 2002
As the recoiling groups move to the rear, the barrel extension causes the tips of the accelerator to rotate rearward.
The accelerator tips strike the lower rear projection of the bolt, accelerating the movement of the bolt to the rear.
The barrel and barrel extension continue to travel to the rear an additional three-eighths of an inchapproximately a
total distance of 1 1/8 inchesuntil the barrel buffer assembly stops them (see diagram below).


During the recoil of 1 1/8 inches, the barrel extension shank compresses the barrel buffer spring, since the notch on
the shank is engaged in the cross groove in the piston rod head. The claws of the accelerator, which engage the
shoulders of the barrel extension shank, locks the spring in the compressed position. After its initial travel of three-
fourths of an inch, the bolt travels an additional 6 3/8 inches to the rear, after it is unlocked from the barrel and
barrel extension, for a total of 7 1/8 inches. During this movement, the driving springs are compressed. The
rearward movement of the bolt is stopped as the bolt strikes the buffer plate. The driving spring rod assembly stores
part of the recoil energy of the bolt, and the buffer disks in the backplate absorbed part of it (see diagram below).


Extracting. The force of the explosion has expanded the empty case, which is held by the T-slot; therefore, it fits
snugly in the chamber. If the case is withdrawn from the chamber too rapidly, it may be torn. To prevent this, and
to ensure slow initial extraction of the case, the top forward edge of the breech lock and the forward edge of the lock
recess in the bolt are beveled. As the breech lock is unlocked, the initial movement of the bolt away from the barrel
and barrel extension is gradual.

The slope of the locking faces facilitates locking and unlocking and prevents sticking. The leverage of the
accelerator tips on the bolt speeds extraction after it is started by kicking the bolt to the rear to extract the empty case
from the chamber.

Ejecting. As the bolt starts its forward movement (counter-recoil), the extractor lug rides below the extractor switch,
forcing the extractor assembly farther down until the round is in the center of the T-slot of the bolt. The round, still
gripped by the extractor, ejects the empty case from the T-slot. The ejector pushes the last empty case of an
ammunition belt out.

Cocking. When the recoiling groups are fully forward, the top of the cocking lever rests on the rear half of the V-
slot in the top plate bracket. As the bolt moves to the rear, the top of the cocking lever is forced forward. The lower
end pivots to the rear on the cocking lever pin. The rounded nose of the cocking lever, which fits through the slot in
the firing pin extension, forces the extension to the rear, compressing the firing pin spring against the sear stop pin
(accelerator stop). As the firing pin extension is pressed to the rear, the hooked notch of the extension rides over the
B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
21 August 2002
sear notch, forcing the sear down. The sear spring forces the sear back up after the hooked notch of the firing pin
extension has entered the sear notch.

The pressure of the sear and firing pin springs holds the two notches locked together. The firing pin extension
slightly over travels in its movement to the rear to ensure proper engagement with the sear. As the bolt starts
forward, the overtravel is taken up and completed when the cocking lever enters the V-slot of the top plate bracket
and is caromed toward the rear. Pressure on the cocking lever is relieved as the bolt starts forward.

Feeding. When the bolt is fully forward and the top is closed, the belt-holding pawl holds the ammunition belt in the
feedway (see diagram below).

As the bolt is moved to the rear, the belt-holding pawl moves the belted ammunition over and then holds it in a
stationary position. At the same time, the belt-feed pawl rides up and over the link, holding the first round in place.
When the bolt is all the way to the rear, the belt-feed slide moves out far enough to allow the belt-feed pawl spring
to force the pawl up between the first and second rounds (see diagram below).

As the bolt moves forward, the belt-feed slide is moved back into the receiver, pulling with it the next linked
cartridge. When the bolt reaches the fully forward position, the belt-holding pawl will snap into place behind the
second linked cartridge (see diagram below), holding it in place.

The extractor will then grasp the rim of the first cartridge, preparing to release it from the belt on the next rearward
motion (see diagram below).

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22 August 2002

As the bolt then moves to the rear, the extractor will pull the cartridge with it, releasing it from the belt. As the extractor moves
to the rear, the extractor cam forces it down, causing the cartridge to be moved into the T-slot in the bolt face, preparing the
cartridge to be chambered (see diagram below). The extractor is connected under the extractor switch on the side of the receiver
until the forward movement of the bolt repositions it, and pressure of the cover extractor spring forces it over the next round.

Chambering. (See diagram below.) During this cycle, the bolt moves forward, carrying the cartridge in the T-slot in
a direct route to the chamber of the weapon. At the same time, the extractor rides up the extractor cam and when the
bolt is fully forward, the extractor grasps the next linked cartridge.


Locking. Initially, the energy stored in the driving spring assembly and the compressed buffer disks forces the bolt
forward in counter-recoil. At the start of counter-recoil, the barrel buffer body tube lock keeps the accelerator tips
from bounding up too soon and catching in the breech lock recess in the bolt. After the bolt travels forward about 5
inches, the lower rear projection of the bolt strikes the tips of the accelerator, turning the accelerator forward. This
unlocks the barrel extension from the barrel buffer body group and releases the barrel buffer spring. The barrel
buffer spring expands, forcing the piston rod forward.

Since the cross groove in the piston rod engages the notch on the barrel extension shank, the action of the barrel
buffer spring also forces the barrel extension and barrel forward. Some of the forward motion of the bolt is
transmitted to the barrel extension through the accelerator. As the accelerator rotates forward, the front of the
accelerator speeds up the barrel extension; at the same time, the accelerator tips slow down the bolt.

Locking begins 1 1/8 inches before the recoiling groups (bolt, barrel extension, and barrel) are fully forward. The
breech lock in the barrel extension rides up the breech lock cam in the bottom of the receiver into the breech lock
recess in the bottom of the bolt, locking the recoiling groups together. The recoiling groups are completely locked
together three-fourths of an inch before the groups are fully forward (see diagram below).

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23 August 2002

Sights. The M2 .50 caliber machine gun has a leaf-type rear sight (see diagram below), graduated in both yards and
mils. The scale ranges from 100 to 2,600 in yards and from 0 to 62 in mils.

M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun Sights

The windage knob-permits deflection changes to right or left of center. The front sight is a fixed blade type with
cover (see diagram below).

Front Sight Blade

Mounts and Accessories.

Tripod Mount, M3. The M3 mount is the standard ground mount of the caliber .50 machine gun (see diagram
below). The M3 mount is a folding tripod with three, telescopic, tubular legs connected at the tripod head.

Tripod Mount M3
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24 August 2002

Each leg ends in a metal shoe that can be stamped into the ground for greater stability. The two trail legs are joined
together by the traversing bar. The traversing bar serves as a support for the traversing and elevating mechanism,
which in turn supports the rear of the gun. The tripod head furnishes a front support for the mounted gun that is
further supported by the short front leg.

When the tripod is emplaced on flat terrain with all extensions closed, the adjustable front leg should form an angle
of about 60 degrees with the ground. This places the gun on a low mount about 12 inches above the ground.

To raise the tripod farther off the ground, extend the telescopic front and trail legs enough to keep the tripod level
and maintain the stability of the mount.

To set the tripod trail legs,

Unscrew the leg-clamping handle, press down on the indexing lever, and extend the leg to the desired length.
Align the indexing lever stud with one of the holes in the tripod leg extension.
Release the pressure on the indexing lever, allowing the stud to fit the desired hole. Tighten the leg-clamping

To set the front leg of the tripod,

Turn the front leg clamp handle counterclockwise to loosen the front leg.
Adjust the leg to the desired angle and tighten the front leg clamp.

To secure the tripod legs,

Stamp the metal shoe on each tripod leg into the ground
Sandbag each leg to stabilize the M2 for firing.

Traversing and Elevating (T&E) Mechanism. The T&E mechanism (see diagram below) is used to engage
preselected target areas at night or during limited visibility conditions. Record direction and elevation readings from
the traversing bar and T&E mechanism. Record all readings in mils.

Traversing and Elevating (T&E) Mechanism

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25 August 2002
The traversing mechanism consists of a

Traversing bar
Screw assembly

The traversing bar, graduated in 5-mi increments, fits between the trail legs of the tripod. The traversing slide lock
lever clamps the traversing slide and screw assembly in place on the traversing bar. When the traversing slide is
locked to the traversing bar, the traversing handwheel should be centered. The traversing slide is properly mounted
when the

Lock lever is to the rear
Traversing handwheel is positioned to the left

To make changes in direction, loosen the traversing slide lock lever and move the slide along the traversing bar; this
permits traverse of 400 mils left or right of the zero index in the center of the traversing bar. Readings on the
traversing bar are taken from the left side of the traversing slide.

For changes of 50 mils or less in deflection, turn the traversing handwheel of the screw assembly; this allows a
traverse of 50 mils left or right of center. One click in the traversing handwheel signifies 1 mil change in direction.

The elevating mechanism consists of an upper and lower elevating screw. The elevating mechanism is connected to
the gun by inserting the quick release pin assembly through the holes in the upper elevating screw yoke and the rear
mounting lugs of the receiver. A scale, graduated in mils, is fitted to the upper screw to indicate elevation. This
scale is marked to show 250 mils in depression and 100 mils in elevation from the zero setting.

The elevating handwheel is graduated in l-mil increments up to 50 mils and is fastened to the elevating screw by a
screw lock. This synchronizes the handwheel graduations with those on the upper elevating screw. A spring-
actuated index device produces a clicking sound when the handwheel is turned. Each click equals 1 mil change in
elevation. The handwheel is turned

Clockwise to depress the barrel
Counterclockwise to elevate the barrel

Pintle. A pintle (see diagram below) connects the gun to the tripod mount, M3. A pintle bolt through the front
mounting hole in the receiver semipermanently attaches the pintle to the machine gun. The tapered stem of the
pintle seats in the tripod head; a pintle lock and spring holds it securely. To release the pintle, raise the pintle lock,
thus releasing the cam.


The weight of the pintle and traversing and elevating mechanism are considered as part of the total weight of the
tripod mount, M3 (44 pounds).

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26 August 2002
Truck Mount, M36. The truck mount, M36 (see diagram below) consists of a cradle with a roller carriage on a
circular track. The cradle can be

Rotated in the pintle sleeve of the carriage
Adjusted for elevation

Truck Mount, M36

The carriage is guided on the track by rollers. The track is secured to the vehicle by supports.

To move the gun in elevation on the M36 mount,

Remove the cradle locking pin and place it in the carriage handle
Grasp the spade grips and elevate or depress as desired

The gun is also moved in traverse by pressure on the spade grips.

To move the gun on the track, raise the brake handle lever until the brake detent plungers retain it. Then you may
move the cradle on the track by applying pressure on the carriage handle.

MK64 Gun Cradle Mount. The MK64 gun cradle mount (see diagram below) is a vehicle mount primarily designed
for the M2. However, because of its versatility, the MK64 will accept the MK19 also (using the M2 mounting
adapter assembly). The MK64 is used when mounting the gun on a HMMWV.

MK64 Gun Cradle Mount

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27 August 2002
Malfunctions and Stoppages.

Malfunction. A malfunction is any failure of the gun to function satisfactorily. Examples of malfunctions are

Failure to function freely. Sluggish operation is usually due to human failure to eliminate excessive friction
caused by

Lack of proper lubrication
Burred parts
Incorrect headspace adjustment
Incorrect timing

Uncontrolled automatic fire. Uncontrolled automatic fire (runaway gun) is when fire continues even when the
trigger or trigger control mechanism is released. If the cause is present before the gun is fired, the gun will start
to fire when the recoiling groups move into battery the second time. If the defect occurs during firing, the gun
will continue firing when the trigger control mechanism is released. A runaway gun may be caused by

A bent trigger lever, forward end of the trigger lever sprung downward
Burred beveled contacting surfaces of the trigger lever and sear
A jammed or broken sideplate trigger

To stop the uncontrolled automatic fire,

Keep the gun laid on target.
Twist the belt, causing the gun to jam.

CAUTION: Do not unlatch the cover.

Wait 5 minutes to guard against cook off.
Clear weapon.
Replace broken, worn, or burred parts.
Check the sideplate trigger and trigger control mechanism, when applicable.

Stoppage. A stoppage is any interruption in the cycle of operation caused by the faulty action of the gun or
ammunition. Stoppages are classified as follows:

Failure to Feed: Prevents the round from being properly positioned in the receiver group.
Failure to Chamber: Prevents the complete chambering of the round.
Failure to Lock: Prevents the breech lock from correctly entering its recess in the bolt.
Failure to Fire: Prevents the ignition of the round.
Failure to Unlock: Prevents the breech lock from moving out of its recess in the bolt.
Failure to Extract: Prevents the extraction of the expended cartridge from the chamber.
Failure to Eject: Prevents the ejection of the expended cartridge from the receiver.
Failure to Cock: Prevents the firing pin extension from being engaged with the sear.

Immediate Action. The first thing to do when a stoppage occurs is for the firer to take prompt action taken to apply
immediate action. The gunner performs immediate action; however, every crewmember must be trained to apply
immediate action. The table below lists the steps to follow to reduce most stoppages without analyzing their cause
in detail.

Step Action
1 Yell, Misfire! to inform the gun line that you have a stoppage or malfunction.
2 Wait 5 seconds for the possibility of a hang fire.
3 Within the next 5 seconds, pull the bolt to the rear and watch for feeding and ejecting.

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28 August 2002

Step Action
4 If feeding and ejecting occur, aim in and attempt to fire. If weapon
Fires continue mission.
Fails to fire, determine whether or not you have a hot barrel. If so, wait 5 minutes for barrel to reach
air temperature.
NOTE: You have a hot barrel if it has fired 150 rounds or more in 2 minutes or less.
5 Once the barrel cools, proceed to remedial action.

Remedial Action. When immediate action does not correct the malfunction, the quickest way to resume firing is to
replace the defective part:

Removal of a cartridge from the T-Slot. If the cartridge does not fall out,

Hold the bolt to the rear
With the extractor raised, use a screwdriver to push the cartridge out the bottom of the receiver

Removal of a ruptured cartridge. You may remove a ruptured (separated) cartridge case with a cleaning rod or
ruptured cartridge extractor. When using the ruptured cartridge extractor,

Raise the cover and pull the bolt to the rear.
Place the extractor in the T-slot of the bolt in the same manner as that of a cartridge, so that it is held in line
with the bore by the ejector of the extractor assembly of the gun.
With the extractor aligned with the bore and held firmly in the T-slot, let the bolt go forward into the
ruptured case; the shoulders will spring out in front of the case.
Pull the bolt to the rear and remove the ruptured case and extractor.

Weapon Conditions. The M2 .50 caliber machine gun has no safety. Therefore, take extra care when operating
this weapon. The table below lists the weapon conditions for the M2 .50 caliber machine gun.

Condition Description
1 Rounds inserted all the way to the cartridge stop
Bolt forward
A round in the chamber
2 Does not apply
3 Rounds inserted all the way to the cartridge stop
Bolt forward
An empty chamber
4 No rounds inserted anywhere in the weapon
Bolt forward
An empty chamber

Weapon Commands.

The table below lists the steps to execute "LOAD" taking the M2 .50 caliber machine gun from condition 4 to
condition 3.

Step Action
1 Point the weapon in a safe direction.
2 Ensure the weapon is in condition 4:
No rounds inserted anywhere in the weapon
Bolt forward
An empty chamber
3 Close cover; be sure bolt is forward.
4 Insert the double loop end of the belt in the feedway until the holding pawl engages the first round.

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29 August 2002
The table below lists the steps to execute "MAKE READY" taking the M2 .50 caliber machine gun from condition 3
to condition 1.

Step Action
1 Point the weapon in a safe direction.
2 Ensure the bolt latch release is locked down.
3 Pull the retracting slide handle to the rear and release it.
CAUTION: The weapon is half-loaded.
4 Pull the retracting slide handle to the rear and release it a second time.
CAUTION: The weapon is fully loaded.

The table below lists the steps to execute "UNLOAD/CLEAR GUN" taking the M2 .50 caliber machine gun from
condition 3 to condition 4.

Step Action
1 Point the weapon in a safe direction.
2 Unlock the bolt latch release.
3 Raise the cover.
4 Remove the ammunition from the feedway.
5 Pull the retracting slide handle to the rear until it locks.
6 Examine the chamber and T-slot to ensure they are clear of ammunition.
7 Insert a cleaning rod in the muzzle end of the barrel and push it through the bore until it can be seen in the
8 Hold the retracting slide handle to the rear, press the bolt latch release, and ease the bolt forward.
9 Close the cover.

d. Execute "Unload/Clear Gun" condition 1 to condition4

The table below lists the steps to execute "UNLOAD/CLEAR GUN" taking the M2 .50 caliber machine gun from
condition 1 to condition 4.

Step Action
1 Point the weapon in a safe direction.
2 Unlock the bolt latch release.
3 Raise the cover.
4 Remove the ammunition belt from the feedway.
5 Pull the retracting slide handle to the rear until it locks.
6 Examine the chamber and T-slot.
7 If there is a round in the T-slot, with a length of cleaning rod, push the round out of the bottom of the
8 Insert a cleaning rod in the muzzle end of the barrel and push it through the bore until it can be seen in the
9 Hold the retracting slide handle to the rear, press the bolt latch release, and ease the bolt forward.
10 Close the cover.


MCWP 3-15.1, Machine Guns and Machine Gun Gunnery
FM 23-65, Browning Machine Gun Caliber .50 HB, M2

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
30 August 2002
Section I Review Questions

Short Answer. Write your answer in the space provided.

1. What must you do before you disassemble the M2?


2. What is the sustained rate of fire for the M2?


3. What is condition 1 for the M2?


4. In what position should the bolt be to unscrew the barrel?


5. What is condition 3 for the M2?


6. When checking headspace and timing, what must be done first?


7. When checking timing, which end of the gauge is used first?


8. Must the M2 be cocked to check timing?


9. If you have a failure to fire, how can you prevent a cook off from occurring?


10. If a stoppage occurs and the barrel is hot and a round cannot be extracted within 10 seconds, how long must the
round remain locked in the chamber?


11. How many mils of traverse are there on the traversing bar?


12. Which tripod is used with the M2?


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31 August 2002
13. What is the maximum effective range of the M2?


Matching. For questions 14 through 21, use the illustration below to identify parts of the M2 .50 caliber machine


14. Which part is the barrel group?


15. Which part is the bolt stud?


16. Which part is the backplate group?


17. Which part is the receiver group?


18. Which part is the bolt group?

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
32 August 2002

19. Which part is the barrel buffer body?


20. Which part is the barrel extension?


21. Which part is the cover group?


True or False. Mark you answer in the appropriate box.

22. It is okay to allow the bolt to slam forward when the barrel is out of the gun. True False

23. The M2 must be cocked in order to check headspace. True False

24. If the no-go end of the headspace gauge enters the T-slot, headspace is too tight. True False

25. The cover cannot be closed with the bolt to the rear. True False

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
33 August 2002
Section I Review Question Answers

Short Answer.

1. What must you do before you disassemble the M2?

Clear the weapon.

2. What is the sustained rate of fire for the M2?

Less than 40 rpm.

3. What is condition 1 for the M2?

Rounds inserted all the way to the cartridge stop, bolt forward, round in the chamber.

4. In what position should the bolt be to unscrew the barrel?

Retracted until the barrel-locking-spring lug is centered in the 3/8 inch hole on the right side of the receiver.

5. What is condition 3 for the M2?

Rounds inserted to the cartridge stop, bolt forward on an empty chamber.

6. When checking headspace and timing, what must be done first?


7. When checking timing, which end of the gauge is used first?

No fire

8. Must the M2 be cocked to check timing?


9. If you have a failure to fire, how can you prevent a cook off from occurring?

By applying immediate action within 10 seconds.

10. If a stoppage occurs and the barrel is hot and a round cannot be extracted within 10 seconds, how long must the
round remain locked in the chamber?

Five minutes

11. How many mils of traverse are there on the traversing bar?


12. Which tripod is used with the M2?


13. What is the maximum effective range of the M2?

1830 meters

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
34 August 2002
Matching. For questions 14 through 21, use the illustration below to identify parts of the M2 .50 caliber machine


14. Which part is the barrel group?


15. Which part is the bolt stud?


16. Which part is the backplate group?


17. Which part is the receiver group?


18. Which part is the bolt group?


19. Which part is the barrel buffer body?7


B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
35 August 2002
20. Which part is the barrel extension?


21. Which part is the cover group?


True or False.

22. It is okay to allow the bolt to slam forward when the barrel is out of the gun. True False

23. The M2 must be cocked in order to check headspace. True False

24. If the no-go end of the headspace gauge enters the T-slot, headspace is too tight. True False

25. The cover cannot be closed with the bolt to the rear. True False

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
36 August 2002
Section II. MOD 3, 40 mm Automatic Grenade Launcher

History. Development of the MK19 began in 1963. The first version was a hand-cranked multiple grenade
launcher called the MK-18. In 1966, the need for more firepower inspired the development of a self-powered 40-
mm machine gun called the MK19 MOD 0. This model was neither reliable enough nor safe enough for use as a
military gun. Product improvements begun in 1971 resulted in the 1972 MOD 1, of which only six were produced.
The MOD 1 performed effectively in Navy riverine patrol craft, and broader applications for the MK19 were found.
In 1973, the Navy developed the MOD 2, which featured improved reliability, safety, and maintainability. In 1976,
a complete redesign resulted in the MK19 MOD 3 (see diagram below).

MK19 MOD 3

Description. The MK19 is a belt-fed, air-cooled, blowback-operated, crew-served, fully automatic 40 mm grenade
launcher. Six of these machineguns are in each platoon; they are divided into two gun sections.

Specifications. The table below lists the specifications for the MK19.

Gun 75.6 pounds
Cradle (MK64 MOD 5) 21 pounds
Tripod 44 pounds
Total 1406 pounds
Length 43.1 inches
Rifling Right-hand, uniform twist
One turn in 48 inches
Muzzle velocity 790 feet per second

The table below lists the rates of fire for the MK19.

Sustained 40 rounds per minute (3- to 5-round burst)
Rapid 60 rounds per minute
Cyclic 325 to 375 rounds per minute

The table below lists the maximum ranges and minimum safe distances for the MK19.

Maximum 2212 meters
Maximum effective 1500 meters
Minimum safe distance (training) 310 meters
Minimum safe distance (combat) 75 meters

Ammunition. The table below describes the ammunition (see diagram below) for the MK19.

Ammunition Description
High-explosive, dual-
purpose (HEDP) M430
Joined with M16A2 links
Is standard round for MK19
B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
37 August 2002
Is impact-type round
Penetrates 2 inches of steel armor at 0 degree obliquity
Has a PIBD, M549 fuze and Comp B filler
Arms between 18 to 30 meters
Inflicts personnel casualties in the target area
Has a casualty radius of 15 meters
Round is packed in an M548 ammunition container (48 rounds linked in each
Is olive drab with a yellow ogive and yellow markings
High-explosive (HE) Two types whose fillers and body materials differ, but performance traits are same
HE M383 or M383E1: linked with M16A2 links, DODIC B571
HE M384: Linked with M16A2 links, DODIC B470
Inflicts personnel casualties in the target area with ground burst effects
Doesnt have armor penetrating ability of the HEDP M430 round
Round is packed in an M548 ammunition container (48 rounds linked in each
Training practice M385A1
Joined with M16A1 or M16A2 links
Consists of a one-piece solid inert aluminum projectile body
Packed the same as HEDP rounds, 48 rounds to a box
Is blue with black markings
Joined with M16A1 or M16A2 links
Is a fixed round of ammunition consisting of a one-piece steel projectile body
which is fitted to a cartridge case assembly
Aluminum ogive contains a firing pin plate assembly and an aluminum insert
that contains the flash charge
Contains one gram of flash charge composition
Is packed the same as the HEDP rounds, 48 rounds to a box
Is blue with black markings, brown band, and blue ogive
M922 Dummy Joined with M16A2 links
Used to check weapon function and for crew training
Each MK19 is allowed one 10-round belt, which is packed in an M2A1 metal box
Is gold with black markings

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38 August 2002

MK19 Ammunition

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39 August 2002
Nomenclature. The major components of the MK19 are shown in the diagram below.

MK19 Major Components

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40 August 2002
Unloading/Clearing. The table below lists the steps for unloading/clearing the MK19.

Step Action
1 Move the safety switch to SAFE (S) (see diagram below). If all the ammunition has not been fired, the
bolt is to the rear and a round is on the bolt face.

2 Open the top cover assembly (see diagram below).

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41 August 2002

Step Action
3 Take the ammunition from the feed tray by reaching beneath the feed tray and pressing the primary and
secondary positioning pawls (see diagram below). At the same time, slide the linked rounds out of the
MK19 through the feed throat.

4 Insert a section of the cleaning rod through either side of the receiver rail, place it on top of the live round
or cartridge case as close to the bolt face as possible, and push down to force the round out of the MK19.
5 Lower and pull both charger handles to the rear (see diagram below).

6 Inspect the chamber and bolt face again to ensure that no live rounds are in the weapon.
7 Place the safety switch on FIRE (F) (see diagram in step 1).
8 While maintaining rearward pressure on the charging handle, press the trigger and ease the bolt forward.
9 Place the safety switch on SAFE.

Disassembly. Disassembly of the MK19 includes removal of parts to the extent explained in this text. Only
qualified ordnance personnel are authorized to conduct further disassembly.

To ensure that parts are not lost and are replaced properly, place them in the order in which they are taken off on a
clean flat surface.

Before you begin disassembly of the MK19, clear the weapon.

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
42 August 2002
Removing the Secondary Drive Lever. The table below lists the steps to remove the secondary driver lever.

Step Action
1 Raise the top cover assembly and push the secondary drive lever pivot post from the outside of the top
cover assembly (see diagram below).

2 Separate the secondary drive lever from the top cover assembly.
3 Take the secondary drive lever from the slide assembly and allow the feed slide and tray assembly to

Removing the Top Cover Assembly. The table below lists the steps to remove the top cover assembly.

Step Action
1 Hold the top cover straight up with one hand and pull the top cover pins from both sides (see diagram

2 Lift the top cover assembly straight up and off.

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
43 August 2002
Removing the Feed Slide Assembly and Feed Tray. The table below lists the steps to remove the feed slide
assembly and feed tray.

Step Action
1 Align the tabs on the feed slide assembly with the slots in the feed tray and lift them straight up (see
diagram below).

2 Take out the feed tray (see diagram below) by lifting it straight up.

Remove the Bolt and Backplate Assembly. The table below lists the steps to remove the bolt and backplate

Step Action
1 Place the safety switch in the FIRE position.
CAUTION: Before removing the backplate pin, be sure the bolt is in the forward position.
2 Take out the backplate pin (see diagram below) using the rim of a spent cartridge case or metal link. Pry
outward on the pin lip and remove the pin with your fingers.

3 Grasp the control grips with both hands and lift up slightly to disengage the backplate from the locking
lugs in the receiver.
4 Pull the bolt and backplate assembly to the rear (see diagram below). Once the bolt clears the sear, catch
the bolt in one hand to prevent damage to the backplate assembly.

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44 August 2002

Remove the Primary Drive Lever and Vertical Cam. The table below lists the steps to remove the primary drive
lever and vertical cam.

Step Action
1 Reach under the top of the receiver and locate the drive lever lock. Slide the lock a quarter inch to the
2 Press down on the primary drive lever pivot post, which releases both the primary drive and vertical cam.
3 Pull the primary driver lever from the front of the weapon and the vertical cam from the back (see diagram

Remove the Sear Assembly. The table below lists the steps to remove the sear assembly.

Step Action
1 Turn the MK19 on it side or upside down.
2 Use the rim of a spent cartridge case to lift up on the sear lock plunger (see diagram below). At the same
time, squeeze the sear and rotate the assembly 90 degrees to the right or left.

3 Take off the sear assembly by pulling it away from the weapon. Keep pressure on the sear until the
assembly comes off.
4 Place the safety switch in the SAFE position.

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
45 August 2002
Remove the Alignment Guide. The table below lists the steps to remove the alignment guide.

Step Action
1 Depress the tip of the alignment guide spring (see diagram below) with your finger.

2 Slide the alignment guide out of the receiver, pulling the assembly slightly rearward.

Remove the Ogive Plunger and Round Positioning Lock. The table below lists the steps to remove the ogive
plunger and the round positioning lock.

Step Action
1 Remove the ogive plunger by pulling the ogive plunger assembly out through the inside wall of the
receiver (see diagram below).

2 Remove the round positioning block by pushing it into the side of the gun, sliding it forward, and
releasing it from the key slots in the receiver wall (see diagram below).

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
46 August 2002
Remove the Charger Assemblies. The table below lists the steps to remove the charger assemblies from both sides.

Step Action
1 Place the charger assemblies in the upright position.
2 Using a metal link or spent cartridge case, retract the lock plunger (see diagram below) at the base of the
charging arm.

3 Slide the charger housing rearward to disengage the lugs from the key slots in the receiver (see diagram

4 Lift the charger assembly away from the receiver.

NOTE: Further disassembly must be done by qualified ordnance personnel.

Assembly. To assemble the MK19, replace the groups in the reverse order from which they were removed. The
table below lists the steps to assemble the MK19.

Step Action
1 Replace the charger assemblies.
2 Replace the round-positioning block.
3 Replace the ogive plunger.
4 Replace the alignment guide.
5 Replace the primary drive lever and vertical cam.
6 Attach the sear assembly, depress the sear spring, and turn the assembly 90 degrees toward the barrels
center line until the assembly locks into position.
7 Insert the bolt and backplate assembly:
Be sure the cocking lever is forward.
Insert the bolt and backplate assembly into the receiver (see diagram below).

8 Be sure the safety switch is in the FIRE position so the sear can be easily depressed.

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
47 August 2002

Step Action
9 Press the receiver sear and slide the bolt assembly forward until the retainer pin holes in the backplate and
receiver are aligned.
10 Insert the backplate retainer pin to lock the assembly in position.
11 Place the feed tray assembly on the receiver.
12 Place the feed slide assembly into the cutout slots on the feed tray.
13 Attach the top cover assembly:
Align the pinholes in the top cover assembly with the pinholes in the feed tray.
Hold the cover straight up and insert the pins into both sides of the cover.
CAUTION: Insert the top cover pins using only your hand. Forcing the pin will break the welded
14 Replace the secondary drive lever:
Lift the feed slide assembly and feed tray.
Place the forked end of the secondary drive lever on the inner feed slide pin (see diagram below).
Press the raised pivot post through the hole in the top cover assembly.
Press the secondary drive lever firmly against the top cover assembly.

CAUTION: If the secondary drive lever is not properly engaged with the inner feed slide pin, the weapon
will not fire properly and may damage the weapon.

Function Check. After disassembly and assembly and before operating the MK19, conduct a function check. The
table below lists the steps to conduct a function check.

Step Action
1 Open the feed tray cover and inspect the feed tray assembly and chamber to ensure the gun is clear.
2 With the cover closed and the bolt to the rear and one charging assembly down and to the rear, place the
safety on SAFE (S)..
3 Pull the trigger; the bolt should not go forward.
4 Place the safety on FIRE (F).
5 Pull the trigger and ride the bolt forward.
6 Open the feed tray cover.
7 Inspect the firing pin and bolt face for sings of worn or damaged parts.
8 Move the secondary drive lever back and forth to ensure that it moves freely.
9 Press the feed pawls to check for spring pressure.
10 Ensure that the secondary drive lever is to the right and engaged under the feed tray.
11 Slide the feed slide to the left; before closing the cove, ensure that the bolt is forward.

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
48 August 2002
Cleaning and Inspection. The table below lists the cleaning materials and lubricants authorized for the MK19.

Cleaning Materials Lubricants
Cleaning, lubricant, protectant (CLP) CLP
Rifle bore cleaner (RBC) Lubricant, arctic weather (LAW)
Dry cleaning solvent: Not authorized for the
Backplate assembly
Ogive plunger
Sear assembly
Lubricant, weapon semi-fluid (LSA)

To inspect the MK19, mount it on the M122 tripod and place it on a poncho with the spare barrel case.

NOTE: The inspecting officer, or the unit leader, may specify the exact position of the gun and contents of the spare
barrel case.

Always check for cleanliness.
Look for broken, missing, or burred parts.
Test the spring tension of appropriate parts
Perform appropriate checks to determine if the gun functions properly.

Cycle of Operation. The MK19 cycle of operation includes six steps:

Extracting (delinking)
Automatic feeding

More than one step may be done at the same time.

Charging. (See diagram below.) The charger handles are to pull the bolt (1) to the rear, aligning the round with the
bolt extractors. The rearward movement of the bolt causes the primary drive lever (2) to move to the left, which
moves the secondary drive lever (3) to the right. The forked end of the secondary drive lever, which rests on the
inner feed slide assembly pin (4), moves the feed slide assembly (5) to the right. The feed pawls (6) on the feed
slide assembly move the linked rounds (7) over one place in the ammunition-feed area of the receiver. The leading
round (8) lines up with the bolt extractor (9).


B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
49 August 2002
Extracting (Delinking). (See diagram below.) When a round is stripped from the belt, it is extracted or "delinked".
This happens, after the MK19 has been charged once, when the trigger (10) is pressed. The bolt slams forward and
the bolts extractors (11) snap over the rim of the cartridge case. When the MK19 is charged again, the extractor
pulls the leading round to the rear and separates the male and female links. The curved edge of the vertical cam (12)
forces the lead round out of the extractors and into the bolt fingers (13). With the bolt completely to the rear, the
round lines up with the chamber (14) and is ready to fire. As the original leading round chambers, the next round
aligns with the bolt extractors.


Cocking. The rearward movement of the bolt (see diagram below) causes the cocking lever (15) to retract the firing
pin (16). When the cocking lever hits the rear end of the left receiver rail slot (17), the cocking lever is forced
forward. The cocking lever retracts the firing pin, which the firing pin sear holds to the rear (18).


Firing. Pressing the trigger depresses the tip of the receiver sear (21). The receiver sear disengages the bolt sear
(22), which releases the bolt forward under spring pressure with a round in the blot fingers. The cocking lever hits
the forward end of the left receiver rail slot, forcing the lever to the rear. The bolt sear hits a plate in the bottom of
the receiver, which pushes the firing pin sear up to release the firing pin. A combination of the bolts inertia and
pressure from the firing pin spring drive the firing pin forward. The tip of the firing pin detonates the primer. The
round is not completely inside the chamber at the moment the weapon is fired. The cartridge case, held by the bolt
fingers, protrudes from the chamber (23). The explosion forces the projectile down the bore (Figure 25).

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
50 August 2002

Blowback and Automatic Feeding. (See diagram below.) The gases from the burning powder force the bolt, with a
new round in its extractors, to the rear. During this blowback, several things happen at once:

The curved rail of the vertical cam delinks and forces down the new round on top of the spent case, forcing the
spent case out of the bolt fingers and ejecting it out the bottom of the gun
The feed slide assembly pulls the rounds to the right in the receiver ammunition-feed area, where a new round is
ready to pick up (automatic feed).
During the bolts travel to the rear, the cocking lever is pushed forward, which cocks the firing pin.
When the bolt reaches the limit of its rearward travel, the recoil springs (24) are completely compressed.

The bolt buffers (25) absorb over-travel, reducing trunnion load (recoil force) at the gun-mount attaching points.
The bolt sear will not engage the receiver sear if the trigger is still depressed, and another firing cycle occurs.
Release of the trigger causes the bolt sear to engage the receiver sear, which prevents the bolt from going forward,
and firing stops.

Blowback and Automatic Feeding

Sights. The MK19 has a blade-type front sight attached to the top cover assembly (see diagram below).

MK19 Front Sight

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
51 August 2002
The MK19 has a leaf-type rear sight (with an adjustable range plate) (see diagram below) mounted on a spring
dovetail base, which should be folded forward to a horizontal position when the weapon is moved, and which has,
on the sight leaf, a range plate incremented in 100-meter intervals from 300 to 1500 meters. Range changes may be
made using either the slide release or the elevation wheel:

The slide release is used to make major changes in elevation
The elevation wheel is used to make fine adjustments

The rear sight is adjustable for windage; turning the windage screw

Clockwise moves the sight to the right
Counterclockwise moves the sight to the left

One click equals a 1-mil change.

MK19 Rear Sight

Mounts. The MK19 is used in either the ground- or vehicle-mount mode. The most often-used ground mount is the
M3 tripod. The MK19 may be mounted on any vehicle equipped for the M2 .50 caliber machine gun. The MK64
MOD 7 gun cradle, issued with the MK19, gives the MK19 its mounting flexibility.

MK64, MOD 7, Gun Cradle. Use the MK-67 MOD 7 gun cradle to mount the MK19 to the tripod or ring mount.
Attach the ammunition container bracket to the side plate of the cradle. In the center of the cradle is a pintle bushing
and lock in which the M2 may be mounted. The front of the MK19 is mounted on the two forward lugs of the gun
cradle. The retainer pin secures the rear. Insert the cradle stow pin to hold the cradle in a horizontal position during
travel (see diagram below).

MK64 MOD 7 Gun Cradle

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
52 August 2002
Ground Mount. (See diagram below). Mount the MK19 as close to the ground as possible and lock the tripods trail
legs open. Set the adjustable front tripod leg to an angle of about 60 degrees to the ground.

Ground Mount

In flat terrain with the extensions closed, for example, follow the steps in the table below to place the MK19 about
12 inches above the ground.

Step Action
1 Set the tripod trail legs:
Unscrew the leg-clamping handle; press down on the indexing lever, and extend the leg to the desired
Align the indexing lever stud with one of the holes in the tripod leg extension.
Release pressure on the indexing lever allowing the stud to fit the desired hole. Tighten the leg-
clamping handle.
Set the front leg of the tripod:
Turn the front leg clamp handle counterclockwise to loosen the front leg.
Adjust the leg to the desired angle and tighten the front leg clamp.
Sandbag each leg to stabilize the MK19 for firing.
Mount the MK64 MOD 7 gun cradle onto the M3 tripod:
Unlock the tripod pintle lock release cam.
Insert the gun cradles pintle into the tripod pintle bushing (see diagram below).
Lock the pintle lock release cam to secure the gun cradle. Check the gun cradle, by pulling up on it
slightly, to ensure that it is seated and locked.

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
53 August 2002

Step Action
5 Attach the T&E mechanism (see diagram below):

Center the elevating handwheel between the upper and lower elevating screws.
Center the traversing handwheel on the upper elevating screw yoke.
Remove the stow pin from the gun cradle (see diagram below).

Align the holes in the upper elevating screw yoke of the T&E mechanism with the rear holes in the
gun cradle (see diagram below).

NOTE: The stow pin locks the cradle in a horizontal position, preventing it from depressing or elevating.

Lock the elevating sleeve mechanism onto the center of the traversing bar.
Insert the quick-release pin from the right (see diagram below).

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
54 August 2002

Step Action
6 Mount the MK19:
Lift the MK19 into the gun cradle. Align the grooves on the receiver with the lugs in the gun cradle,
and slide the receiver forward (see diagram below).

Align the sear mounting holes with the gun cradle mounting holes (see diagram below)

Secure the rear of the weapon by inserting the retaining pin through the cradle and sear assembly and
rotate it until it locks in place (see diagram below). If a safety clip is attached, use it to secure the
retaining pin.

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
55 August 2002

Step Action
7 Attach the feed throat to the MK19 by squeezing together each set of grip pins (see diagram below) and
attaching the feed throat to the front left-hand side of the receiver assembly.

The pins of the feed throat must line up with the pinholes in the receiver (see diagram below).

Relax pressure on the spring-loaded grip pins so they will snap into place (see diagram below).

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
56 August 2002
Vehicle Mounts. The table below describes the vehicle mounts for the MK19.

Type of Mount Description
Pintle adapter

Is needed to mount the MK19 to vehicles
Upper end accepts the gun cradle pintle, which
is secured by a quick-release pin
Lower end fits the
Mounting wells of the HMMWV weapon
M36A2 ring- mount with the M66 ring
Train and elevating assembly

Secures the MK64 MOD 7 gun cradle to the
HMMWV weapon platform pedestal
Allows mechanical fire control adjustments
A train lock clamp attaches the lower end of the
train and elevating assembly to the pedestal;
clamp may be released or locked in position by
a train lock handle. When used on the
HMMWV weapon platform pedestal, only one
clamp is needed above the train lock clamp.
Upper end of the train and elevating assembly is
a standard caliber .50 T&E mechanism
Bracket mounting assembly

Supplies a mount for the M548 metal
ammunition container
Has a metal frame that attaches to the gun
cradle and a retaining pin that inserts through
the top-inner end of the M548 ammunition
B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
57 August 2002

Type of Mount Description
HMMWV weapon platform

To mount the MK19 on the HMMWV weapon
Loosen the locking bolts on the side of the
HMMWV pedestal with a 9/16-inch wrench.
Insert the pintle adapter into the pedestal and
tighten the bolts with the wrench.
Pull up on the pintle adapter to ensure it is
installed securely.
Attach the train and elevating assembly to the
HMMWV pedestal.
Mount the MK19 and attach the bracket
mounting assembly.
Attach the empty case catch bag.
M66 ring mount For 2 1/2- to 5-ton cargo trucks
To mount the MK19 on the M66 ring mount,
Insert the pintle adapter into the M36A2
ring mount with M66 ring receptacle.
Install the gun cradle and mount the MK19.
Attach the bracket mounting assembly and
the empty case catch bag.

Malfunctions and Stoppages. A malfunction is a failure of the weapon to function properly. Neither defective
ammunition nor improper operation of the gun by a crewmember is considered a malfunction of the MK19. The
two most common MK19 malfunctions are

Sluggish action. Excessive friction from dirt, carbon buildup, lack of lubrication, or burred parts usually cause
sluggish action. Inspect the MK19 for worn and damaged parts and replace them as necessary. To remedy
continued sluggish operation, clean, lubricate, tighten, or replace parts as required.

Runaway gun. A runaway weapon continues to fire after the trigger has been released. Worn parts or short
recoil of the bolt assembly may cause runaway gun. Consider the amount of ammunition left and the type of
MK19 mount used when finding the best way to stop the weapon.

If ammunition is not a factor and the MK19 is being employed in the free gun mode, keep rounds on target
until the all the rounds on the belt have been fired.

If the MK19 is mounted on either the M3 tripod or on a vehicle with the T&E (traversing and elevating)
mechanism attached, hold the grip with one hand. At the same time, press the charger handle locks and
lower one charger handle. This action interrupts the cycle of function causing the MK19 to cease firing.

CAUTION: Do not try to break the ammunition belt.

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
58 August 2002
Immediate Action. The table below lists the steps to perform immediate action.

Step Training Action Combat Action
1 Shout Misfire! Press charger handle locks and rotate charger
handles down.
2 Clear the area of nonessential personnel. Pull and lock the bolt to the rear.
3 Wait 10 seconds. Push the charger handles forward and up to their
locked position.
4 Pull bolt to the rear (the team leader catches the
round as it is ejected). Look for feeding and
Relay the gun on target and attempt to fire.
5 Push charger handles forward and up.
6 If it
Feeds and ejects, attempt to fire. If it does not
Shout Misfire!
Put gun on SAFE.
Wait 10 seconds.
Pull bolt to the rear. (Catch round as it is
Unload and clear the weapon and begin
remedial action.
Does not feed and eject, unload and clear the
weapon and begin remedial action.

Remedial Action. When immediate action fails to reduce a stoppage, its cause must be investigated, usually by
disassembling the weapon and inspecting the appropriate parts. Parts may have to be replaced before the gun can be
returned to action.

Another problem may be detected and corrected without the need for disassembly: Bore obstruction.

Bore obstruction means that part of the previous round may be lodged in the barrel and could possibly prevent the
next ogive from passing safely through it. The gunner/crew should be alert for

A muffled report from the gun when it fires
Smoke and debris from the bottom of the receiver
Failure of the ogive to leave the muzzle

The table below lists the safety procedures for clearing a projectile lodged in the bore.

Step Action
1 Cease fire immediately.
2 Place the weapon on SAFE.
3 Clear the area around the gun of personnel and ammunition.
4 Clear the weapon. If spent cartridge is extracted, take subsequent action for a suspected obstruction of the
Clear the bore using a round removal tool. The round removal tool is to be used only with the M430
HEDP, M385 TP, and M918 TP ammunition; do not use it with the M383 HE or M384 HE
Place the round removal tool collar over the end of the flash suppressor and screw the five cap screws
into slots in the flash suppressor.
Attach the handle to the end of the threaded rod.
Position the cup of the threaded rod over the ogive.
Screw the threaded rod into the barrel and push out the projectile into the hands of an assistant.
Carefully carry projectile to designated area and notify EOD.

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
59 August 2002
Weapon Conditions. The table below describes the four weapon conditions for the MK19.

Condition Description
1 Rounds inserted all the way to the round positioning block
Bolt to the rear with a round on its face
Weapon on SAFE
2 Does not apply
3 Rounds inserted past the primary feed pawl
Bolt forward
No rounds on its face
Weapon on SAFE
4 No rounds inserted anywhere in the weapon
Bolt forward on an empty chamber
Weapon on SAFE

Weapon Commands.

Load. The table below lists the steps to execute LOAD taking the MK19 from condition 4 to condition 3.

Step Action
1 Point the weapon in a safe direction.
2 Ensure the weapon is in condition 4.
3 Be sure the cover is raised, the bolt is forward, and the weapon is on SAFE.
4 Insert the first round into the feeder, female link first (see diagram below).

5 Push the round across the first feed pawl.
6 Move the feed slide assembly to the left by pushing the secondary drive lever to the right (see diagram

NOTE: To close the cover, the bolt must be forward and the feed slide assembly must be to the left.
7 Close the cover.

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
60 August 2002
Make Ready. The table below lists the steps to execute MAKE READY taking the MK19 from condition 3 to
condition 1.

Step Action
1 Point the weapon in a safe direction.
2 Grasp the charger handles with the palms down (see diagram below). Press in on the charger handle locks.
Rotate the handles down and pull them sharply to the rear. After locking the bolt to the rear, return the
charger handles forward to their original upright position.

CAUTION: Failure to completely pull the bolt to the rear may result in the misalignment of the M16A2
links on the round, causing the round to feed improperly.
3 Place the safety on FIRE and press the trigger. The bolt slams forward and grasps the first round in the bolt
4 Grasp, unlock, and turn downward on the charger handles and lock the bolt to the rear again. After locking
the bolt to the rear, return the charger handles forward to their original upright position.
5 Ensure the safety switch is on SAFE.
6 Return the charger handles to their original upright position.
NOTE: Charger handles must be in this position in order for the MK19 to fire.
7 The MK19 is ready to fire.

Unload/Clear Gun. The table below lists the steps to execute UNLOAD/CLEAR GUN taking the MK19 from
condition 3 to condition 4.

Step Action
1 Point the weapon in a safe direction.
2 Ensure the weapon is on SAFE.
3 Raise the cover.
4 Press the primary and secondary pawls; slide the linked rounds out of the feed tray.
5 Rotate the handles down and pull the bolt to the rear.
6 Keep both charger handles to the rear.
7 Visually inspect the chamber and the face of the bolt.
8 Ride the bolt forward and return the weapon to the SAFE position.
9 Close the cover.

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
61 August 2002
Unload/Clear Gun. The table below lists the steps to execute UNLOAD/CLEAR GUN taking the MK19 from
condition 1 to condition 4.

Step Action
1 Point weapon in a safe direction.
2 Do not raise the cover.
3 Ensure the weapon is on SAFE.
4 Rotate the charger handles down and pull the bolt to the rear.
5 Keep both charger handles to the rear.
6 Insert a length of cleaning rod through the right hand receiver rail.
7 Push down on the round, forcing it off the face of the bolt and out the bottom of the receiver. Catch the
round as it falls.
8 Open the cover.
9 Press the primary and secondary pawls; slide the linked rounds out of the feed tray.
10 Visually inspect the chamber and the face of the bolt.
11 Ride the bolt forward and return the weapon to the SAFE position.
12 Close the cover.


MCWP 3-15.1, Machine Guns and Machine Gun Gunnery
FM 23-27, MK19 40-MM Grenade Machine Gun MOD 3

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
62 August 2002
Section II Review Questions

Short Answer. Write your answer in the space provided.

1. What must you do first before you disassemble the MK19?


2. What is the sustained rate of fire for the MK19?


3. Where is the weapon safety located?


4. What is condition 1 for the MK19?


5. When closing the top cover, in what position must the feed slide assembly be; and in what position must the bolt
be to ensure proper alignment of the primary and secondary drive levers?


6. How much armor plating, in inches, is the weapon capable of penetrating, when firing ammunition at zero degree


7. Within how many meters must the 40-mm HE round impact to cause casualties to exposed enemy personnel?


8. To stop a runaway weapon, what step(s) must be taken?


9. What is condition 3 for the MK19?


10. If a stoppage occurs, how long must you wait before pulling the bolt to the rear?


11. How many rounds per burst should the gunner fire when engaging targets at the sustained rate?

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
63 August 2002

12. What is the maximum effective range of the MK19?


13. Which tripod is used with the MK19?


Matching. For questions 14 through 18, use the illustration below.

14. Which component is the ogive plunger assembly?


15. Which component is the feed slide assembly?


16. Which component is the secondary drive lever assembly?


17. Which component is the round positioning block?


18. Which component is the sear assembly?

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
64 August 2002

True or False. Mark the appropriate box.

19. When loading the weapon, place the female link end of the ammunition belt through the feed throat and draw
the ammunition into the weapon feed area. True False

20. The MK64, MOD 7 gun cradle is used with the tripod and ring mounts. True False

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
65 August 2002
Section II Review Question Answers

Short Answer.

1. What must you do first before you disassemble the MK19?

Clear the weapon.

2. What is the sustained rate of fire for the MK19?

40 rpm (3-5 round bursts)

3. Where is the weapon safety located?

On the sear assembly at the bottom rear of the receiver assembly

4. What is condition 1 for the MK19?

Rounds inserted all the way to the round positioning block
Bolt to the rear
Round on the face of the bolt
Weapon on safe

5. When closing the top cover, in what position must the feed slide assembly be; and in what position must the bolt
be to ensure proper alignment of the primary and secondary drive levers?

Left; forward

6. How much armor plating, in inches, is the weapon capable of penetrating, when firing ammunition at zero degree


7. Within how many meters must the 40-mm HE round impact to cause casualties to exposed enemy personnel?


8. To stop a runaway weapon, what step(s) must be taken?

Unlock and lower one charging handle while keeping control of the weapon

9. What is condition 3 for the MK19?

Rounds inserted past the primary feed pawl, bolt forward, no rounds on its face, weapon on safe.

10. If a stoppage occurs, how long must you wait before pulling the bolt to the rear?

10 seconds

11. How many rounds per burst should the gunner fire when engaging targets at the sustained rate?

3 to 5

12. What is the maximum effective range of the MK19?

1500 meters

B2135 Machine Gun Practical Application
66 August 2002
13. Which tripod is used with the MK19?


Matching. For questions 14 through 18, use the illustration below.

14. Which component is the ogive plunger assembly?


15. Which component is the feed slide assembly?


16. Which component is the secondary drive lever assembly?


17. Which component is the round positioning block?


18. Which component is the sear assembly?


True or False.

19. When loading the weapon, place the female link end of the ammunition belt through the feed throat and draw
the ammunition into the weapon feed area. True False

20. The MK64, MOD 7 gun cradle is used with the tripod and ring mounts. True False

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