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Title Eleven Crimes Against Chastity: Article 333. Who Are Guilty of Adultery

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Title Eleven



Article 333. Who are guilt o! a"ulter
Article 33#. Concu$inage
Chapter T%o & RA'E AND ACT( O) LA(CI*IOU(NE((

Article 33+. RE'LEALED ,Ol" rape la%-
Article 33.. Act/ o! la/ci0iou/ne//
Chapter Three & (EDUCTION1 CORRU'TION O)
Article 334. 5uali6e" /e"uction
Article 337. (i8ple /e"uction
Article 339. Act/ o! la/ci0iou/ne// %ith the
con/ent o! the o:en"e"
Article 3#;. Corruption o! 8inor/
Article 3#<. White /la0e tra"e
Chapter )our & ABDUCTION
Article 3#=. )orci$le a$"uction
Article 3#3. Con/ente" a$"uction
Chapter )i0e & 'RO*I(ION( RELATI*E TO T3E
Article 3##. 'ro/ecution o! cri8e/ o! a"ulter1
concu$inage1 /e"uction1 a$"uction1 rape
an" act/ o! la/ci0iou/ne//
Article 3#+. Ci0il lia$ilit o! per/on/ guilt o!
again/t cha/tit
Article 3#.. Lia$ilit o! a/cen"ant/1 guar"ian/1
teacher/1 or other per/on/ entru/te" %ith
the cu/to" o! the o:en"e" part
Article 333. Who are guilty of aultery
<. The %o8an i/ 8arrie"?
=. (he ha/ /e@ual intercour/e %ith a 8an not
her hu/$an"?
3. A/ regar"/ the 8an %ith %ho8 /he ha/
/e@ual intercour/e1 he 8u/t Ano% her to $e
The e//ence o! a"ulter i/ the
0iolation o! the 8arital 0o%.
The gi/t o! the cri8e i/ the
"anger o! intro"ucing /puriou/ heir/ into
the !a8il.
The o:en"e" part 8u/t $e
legall 8arrie" to the o:en"er at the ti8e
o! the cri8inal ca/e.
It i/ not nece//ar that there
$e a 0ali" 8arriage $et%een the o:en"e"
hu/$an" an" the guilt %i!e. There i/
a"ulter e0en i! the 8arriage o! the guilt
%i!e i/ /u$/eBuentl "eclare" 0oi".
Carnal Ano%le"ge 8a $e
pro0e" $ circu8/tantial e0i"ence. Direct
proo! o! carnal Ano%le"ge i/ not nece//ar
to /u/tain a con0iction.
Each /e@ual intercour/e
con/titute/ a /eparate cri8e o! a"ulter.
A"ulter i/ NOT a continuing o:en/e.
A$an"on8ent o! the %i!e
%ithout Cu/ti6cation i/ not an e@e8pting
circu8/tance1 $ut onl 8itigate/ the
penalt. Both "e!en"ant/ are entitle" to
thi/ 8itigating circu8/tance.
A 8arrie" 8an %ho i/ not lia$le
!or a"ulter $ecau/e he "i" not Ano% that
the %o8an %a/ 8arrie"1 8a $e hel" lia$le
!or concu$inage. I! the %o8an Ane% that
the 8an %a/ 8arrie"1 /he 8a $e hel"
lia$le !or concu$inage a/ %ell.
The acBuittal o! one o! the
"e!en"ant/ "oe/ not operate a/ a cau/e !or
acBuittal o! the other.
I! the para8our "ie/1 the
o:en"e" %i!e 8a /till $e pro/ecute"
$ecau/e the reBuire8ent that $oth
o:en"er/ /houl" $e inclu"e" in the
co8plaint applie/ onl %hen $oth o:en"er/
are ali0e.
I! the o:en"e" part "ie/1 the
procee"ing/ 8u/t continue. Thi/ article
/eeA/ to protect the honor an" reputation
not onl o! the li0ing $ut o! "ea" per/on/
a/ %ell.
'ar"on o! the o:en"e" partie/
8u/t co8e BE)ORE the in/titution o! the
cri8inal pro/ecution1 an" $oth o:en"er/
8u/t $e par"one" $ the o:en"e" part.
Act o! intercour/e %ith the
o:en"ing /pou/e /u$/eBuent to the
a"ulterou/ con"uct i/ an i8plie" par"on.
An agree8ent to /eparate1
%hile 0oi" un"er the la%1 8a $e u/e" a/
e0i"ence to /ho% con/ent $ the hu/$an"
to the in6"elit o! hi/ %i!e.
Article 33!. Concu"inage
Act/ puni/ha$le>
<. Deeping a 8i/tre// in the conCugal
=. 3a0ing /e@ual intercour/e1 un"er
/can"alou/ circu8/tance/?
3. Coha$iting %ith her in an other place.
<. The 8an i/ 8arrie"?
=. 3e i/ either &
C2005 Criminal Law Reviewer
a. Deeping a 8i/tre// in the
conCugal "%elling?
$. 3a0ing /e@ual intercour/e
un"er /can"alou/ circu8/tance/ %ith a
%o8an %ho i/ not hi/ %i!e? or
c. Coha$iting %ith a %o8an %ho
i/ not hi/ %i!e in an other place?
3. A/ regar"/ the %o8an1 /he Ano%/
that the 8an i/ 8arrie".
Concu$inage i/ a 0iolation o!
the 8arital 0o%.
A 8arrie" 8an i/ NOT lia$le !or
concu$inage !or 8ere /e@ual relation/ %ith
a %o8an not hi/ %i!e.
EDeeping a 8i/tre// in the
conCugal "%ellingF & no po/iti0e proo! o!
actual intercour/e nece//ar.
ConCugal "%elling & the ho8e
o! the hu/$an" an" %i!e e0en i! the %i!e
happen/ to $e te8poraril a$/ent on an
E(can"alou/ circu8/tance/F &
an reprehen/i$le %or" or "ee" that
o:en"/ pu$lic con/cience1 re"oun"/ to the
"etri8ent o! the !eeling/ o! hone/t
per/on/1 an" gi0e/ occa/ion to the
neigh$or/F /piritual "a8age or ruin. ,thi/ i/
e//ential onl in concu$inage o! the /econ"
The people in the 0icinit are
the $e/t %itne//e/ to pro0e /can"alou/
When /pie/ are e8ploe"1
there i/ no e0i"ence o! /can"alou/
Ecoha$itF & to "%ell together1 in
the 8anner o! hu/$an" an" %i!e.
A"ulter i/ puni/he" 8ore
/e0erel than concu$inage $ecau/e o! the
po//i$le intro"uction o! another 8anF/
$loo" into the !a8il1 /o that the o:en"e"
hu/$an" 8a ha0e another 8anF/ /on
$earing hi/ na8e an" recei0ing /upport
!ro8 hi8.
Beltran vs People (2000)
FACTS: Petitioner Meynardo Beltran and wife
Charmaine E. Felix were married on June 16 1!"# at the
$mma%ulate Con%e&%ion Pari'h Chur%h in Cu(ao )ue*on
City. +n Fe(ruary " 1!!" after twenty,four year' of
marria-e and four %hildren &etitioner filed a &etition for
nullity of marria-e on the -round of &'y%holo-i%al
in%a&a%ity under Arti%le #6 of the Family Code (efore
Bran%h ." of the /e-ional Trial Court of )ue*on City. The
%a'e wa' do%0eted a' Ci1il Ca'e 2o. ),!",#31!4. $n her
An'wer to the 'aid &etition &etitioner5' wife Charmaine
Felix alle-ed that it wa' &etitioner who a(andoned the
%on6u-al home and li1ed with a %ertain woman named
Mila-ro' Saltin-. Charmaine 'u('e7uently filed a %riminal
%om&laint for %on%u(ina-e under Arti%le ##8 of the /e1i'ed
Penal Code a-ain't &etitioner and hi' &aramour. Petitioner
%ontend' that there i' a &o''i(ility that two %onfli%tin-
de%i'ion' mi-ht re'ult from the %i1il %a'e for annulment of
marria-e and the %riminal %a'e for %on%u(ina-e. $n the %i1il
%a'e the trial %ourt mi-ht de%lare the marria-e a' 1alid (y
di'mi''in- &etitioner5' %om&laint (ut in the %riminal %a'e
the trial %ourt mi-ht a%7uit &etitioner (e%au'e the
e1iden%e 'how' that hi' marria-e i' 1oid on the -round of
&'y%holo-i%al in%a&a%ity.
9E:;: Partie' to the marria-e 'hould not (e
&ermitted to 6ud-e for them'el1e' it' nullity for the 'ame
mu't (e 'u(mitted to the 6ud-ment of the %om&etent
%ourt' and only when the nullity of the marria-e i' 'o
de%lared %an it (e held a' 1oid and 'o lon- a' there i' no
'u%h de%laration the &re'um&tion i' that the marria-e
exi't' for all intent' and &ur&o'e'. Therefore he who
%oha(it' with a woman not hi' wife (efore the 6udi%ial
de%laration of nullity of the marria-e a''ume' the ri'0 of
(ein- &ro'e%uted for %on%u(ina-e.
Article 33#. RE$EA%E& 'Y R.A. (3#3)
ANTI*RA$E %AW +, -../
Article 330. Act1 of la1civiou1ne11
<. O:en"er co88it/ an act o!
la/ci0iou/ne// or le%"ne//?
=. The act i/ co88itte" again/t a per/on
o! either /e@?
3. It i/ "one un"er an o! the !ollo%ing
a. B u/ing !orce or inti8i"ation?
$. When the o:en"e" part i/
"epri0e" or rea/on o! other%i/e
uncon/ciou/? or
c. B 8ean/ o! !rau"ulent
8achination or gra0e a$u/e o!
". When the o:en"e" part i/
un"er <= ear/ o! age or i/ "e8ente".
2oti0e o! la/ci0iou/
act/ i/ not i8portant $ecau/e the e//ence
o! le%"ne// i/ in the 0er act it/el!.
E8$racing1 Ai//ing
an" hol"ing a girlF/ $rea/t i/ an act o!
la/ci0iou/ne//1 i! the act %a/ "one %ith
le%" "e/ign/.
E@a8ple> i! the
Ai//ing etc. %a/ "one in/i"e church1
a$/ence o! le%" "e/ign/ 8a $e pro0en1
an" the cri8e i/ unCu/t 0e@ation onl. But
i! the Ai//ing %a/ "one in the hou/e o! a
%o8an %hen /he %a/ alone1 the
circu8/tance/ 8a pro0e the accu/e"F/
le%" "e/ign/.
C2005 Criminal Law Reviewer
Lo0erF/ e8$race/
an" Ai//e/ are not act/ o! la/ci0iou/ne//.
The act o!
la/ci0iou/ne// 8u/t $e co88itte" un"er
an o! the circu8/tance/ 8entione" in the
"e6nition o! the cri8e o! rape.
There i/ no !ru/trate"
cri8e o! act/ o! la/ci0iou/ne//.
+2en1e1 again1t
A"u1e1 again1t
Co88itte" $ a pri0ate
in"i0i"ual1 in 8o/t ca/e/
Co88itte" $ a pu$lic
oGcer onl
(o8e actual act o!
la/ci0iou/ne// /houl"
ha0e $een e@ecute" $
the o:en"er
2ere i88oral or
in"ecent propo/al 8a"e
earne/tl an"
per/i/tentl i/ /uGcient
Act1 of la1civiou1ne11 Atte34te Ra4e
2ean/ o! co88itting the cri8e are the /a8e
The o:en"e" part in $oth cri8e/ i/ a per/on o!
either /e@
The per!or8ance o! act/ o! la/ci0iou/ character i/
co88on to $oth cri8e/
Act/ per!or8e" "o not
in"icate that the accu/e"
%a/ to lie %ith the
o:en"e" part
Act/ per!or8e" clearl
in"icate that the
accu/e"F/ purpo/e %a/
to lie %it the o:en"e"
La/ci0iou/ act/ are
the8/el0e/ the 6nal
o$Cecti0e /ought $ the
La/ci0iou/ act/ are
preparator to the
co88i//ion o! rape
Act1 of la1civiou1ne11 5n6u1t ve7ation
The ele8ent o! le%"
"e/ign/ e@i/t/
There i/ no 8oti0e o!
le%" "e/ign/
People vs. Famularcano
Famular%ano a dri1er at the Cam& John 9ay followed
;ioni'ia after 'he ali-hted from the tru%0. She too0 her (y
the wai't held her to hi' (rea't and &ri1ate &art'. She
re'i'ted and wa' a(le to extri%ate her'elf. She then
wal0ed toward' the hou'e of her friend in'tead of -oin-
<hen a %om&laint for a%t' of la'%i1iou'ne'' wa' filed
a-ain't him Famular%ano %laimed that he had no intention
of ha1in- 'exual inter%our'e with her. 9e did the a%t' a ' a
re1en-e for what ;ioni'ia=' father did to hi' wife.
9E:;: The a%%u'ed %annot (e %on1i%ted of fru'trated a%t'
of la'%i1iou'ne'' for under the 1ery term' of the law 'u%h
fru'tration %an ne1er ta0e &la%e. $n %a'e' of a%t' of
la'%i1iou'ne'' a' in all %a'e' of %rime' a-ain't %ha'tity li0e
adultery and ra&e from the moment the offender &erform'
all the element' ne%e''ary for the exi'ten%e of the felony
he a%tually attain' hi' &ur&o'e and from that moment all
the e''ential element' of the offen'e ha1e al'o (een
a%%om&li'hed. Moti1e of re1en-e i' of no %on'e7uen%e
'in%e the e''en%e of lewdne'' i' in the 1ery a%t it'elf. 9e
wa' %on1i%ted of %on'ummated a%t' of la'%i1iou'ne''.
People v. ailito Pere! (2002)
FACTS: Sailito Pere* y >a*o wa' %har-ed with
fi1e %ount' of 'tatutory ra&e a-ain't Jo(elyn /amo' hi'
11 year old nie%e. The a%%u'ed inter&o'ed the defen'e
of denial and im&uted ill,moti1e on the &art of
Jo(elyn5' mother whi%h had led to the filin- of the
%riminal %har-e'. The a%%u'ed te'tified that durin- all
the time that the in%ident' were alle-edly ta0in- &la%e
he wa' &lyin- a tri%y%le to earn hi' li1in-. The trial
%ourt rendered 6ud-ment findin- the a%%u'ed -uilty of
the %rime of Statutory /a&e and -uilty of the offen'e of
A%t' of :a'%i1iou'ne''.
9E:;: The trial %ourt %orre%tly found
a&&ellant -uilty of a%t' of la'%i1iou'ne''. A&&ellant wa'
'hrouded with lu't in tryin- althou-h un'u%%e''fully to
-et the youn- -irl to 'u%0 hi' &eni'.
The element' of thi' %rime are that: ?a@ the
offender %ommit' any a%t of la'%i1iou'ne'' or lewdne''A
?(@ (y u'in- ford or intimidation or when the offended
&arty i' de&ri1ed of rea'on or otherwi'e un%on'%iou' or
the offended &arty i' under 14 year' of a-e. $n a%t' of
la'%i1iou'ne'' the a%t' %om&lained of are &rom&ted (y
lu't or lewd de'i-n where the 1i%tim ha' not
en%oura-ed 'u%h a%t'. $n %a'e' of a%t' of la'%i1iou'ne''
the offender i' deemed to ha1e a%%om&li'hed all the
element' ne%e''ary for the exi'ten%e of the felony
on%e he ha' (een a(le (y hi' o1ert a%t' to a%tually
a%hie1e or attain hi' &ur&o'e.
C2005 Criminal Law Reviewer
RA /(//
SECTI+N 3. Wor9) Eucation or Training*
relate Se7ual Hara113ent &e:ne. H WorA1
e"ucation or trainingIrelate" /e@ual hara//8ent i/
co88itte" $ an e8ploer1 e8ploee1 8anager1
/uper0i/or1 agent o! the e8ploer1 teacher1
in/tructor1 pro!e//or1 coach1 trainor1 or an other
per/on %ho1 ha0ing authorit1 inJuence or 8oral
a/cen"anc o0er another in a %orA or training or
e"ucation en0iron8ent1 "e8an"/1 reBue/t/ or
other%i/e reBuire/ an /e@ual !a0or !ro8 the other1
regar"le// o! %hether the "e8an"1 reBue/t or
reBuire8ent !or /u$8i//ion i/ accepte" $ the o$Cect
o! /ai" act.
,a- In a %orAIrelate" or e8plo8ent en0iron8ent1
/e@ual hara//8ent i/ co88itte" %hen>
,<- The /e@ual !a0or i/ 8a"e a/ a con"ition in
the hiring or in the e8plo8ent1 reI
e8plo8ent or continue" e8plo8ent o!
/ai" in"i0i"ual1 or in granting /ai" in"i0i"ual
!a0ora$le co8pen/ation1 ter8/1 con"ition/1
pro8otion/1 or pri0ilege/? or the re!u/al to
grant the /e@ual !a0or re/ult/ in li8iting1
/egregating or cla//i!ing the e8ploee
%hich in an %a %oul" "i/cri8inate1
"epri0e or "i8ini/h e8plo8ent
opportunitie/ or other%i/e a"0er/el a:ect
/ai" e8ploee?
,=- The a$o0e act/ %oul" i8pair the e8ploeeK/
right/ or pri0ilege/ un"er e@i/ting la$or
la%/? or
,3- The a$o0e act/ %oul" re/ult in an
inti8i"ating1 ho/tile1 or o:en/i0e
en0iron8ent !or the e8ploee.
,$- In an e"ucation or training en0iron8ent1 /e@ual
hara//8ent i/ co88itte">
,<- Again/t one %ho i/ un"er the
care1 cu/to" or /uper0i/ion o! the o:en"er?
,=- Again/t one %ho/e e"ucation1
training1 apprentice/hip or tutor/hip i/
entru/te" to the o:en"er?
,3- When the /e@ual !a0or i/ 8a"e
a con"ition to the gi0ing o! a pa//ing gra"e1
or the granting o! honor/ an" /cholar/hip/
or the pa8ent o! a /tipen"1 allo%ance or
other $ene6t/1 pri0ilege/1 or con/i"eration/?
,#- When the /e@ual a"0ance/
re/ult in an inti8i"ating1 ho/tile or o:en/i0e
en0iron8ent !or the /tu"ent1 trainee or
An per/on %ho "irect/ or in"uce/ another to co88it
an act o! /e@ual hara//8ent a/ herein "e6ne"1 or
%ho cooperate/ in the co88i//ion thereo! $
another %ithout %hich it %oul" not ha0e $een
co88itte"1 /hall al/o $e hel" lia$le un"er thi/ Act.
Article 33/. ;uali:e 1euction
Act/ puni/ha$le>
<. (e"uction o! a 0irgin o0er <= ear/ an"
un"er <7 ear/ o! age $ certain per/on/1
/uch a/ a per/on in authorit1 prie/t1
teacher? an"
a. O:en"e" part i/ a 0irgin1
%hich i/ pre/u8e" i! /he i/ un8arrie"
an" o! goo" reputation?
$. (he i/ o0er <= an" un"er <7
ear/ o! age?
c. O:en"er ha/ /e@ual intercour/e
%ith her?
". There i/ a$u/e o! authorit1
con6"ence or relation/hip on the part
o! the o:en"er.
=. (e"uction o! a /i/ter $ her $rother1 or
"e/cen"ant $ her a/cen"ant1 regar"le//
o! her age or reputation.
'er/on lia$le>
<. Tho/e %ho a$u/e" their
authorit &
a. 'er/on in pu$lic authorit?
$. Guar"ian?
c. Teacher?
". 'er/on %ho1 in an capacit1 i/
entru/te" %ith the e"ucation or
cu/to" o! the %o8an /e"uce"?
=. Tho/e %ho a$u/e" con6"ence
repo/e" in the8 I
a. 'rie/t?
$. 3ou/e /er0ant?
c. Do8e/tic?
3. Tho/e %ho a$u/e" their
relation/hip I
a. Brother %ho /e"uce"
hi/ /i/ter?
$. A/cen"ant %ho
/e"uce" hi/ "e/cen"ant.
Deceit i/ not an ele8ent o!
Buali6e" /e"uction. A$u/e o! con6"ence i/
the nece//ar ele8ent.
The !act that the girl ga0e her
con/ent to the /e@ual intercour/e i/ not a
"e!en/e1 $ecau/e lacA o! con/ent i/ not an
ele8ent o! the o:en/e.
E"o8e/ticF & a per/on u/uall
li0ing un"er the /a8e roo!1 pertaining to
the /a8e hou/e
Di/tingui/he" !ro8 rape> i! an
o! the circu8/tance/ in the cri8e o! rape i/
C2005 Criminal Law Reviewer
pre/ent1 the cri8e i/ not to $e puni/he"
un"er thi/ article
In ca/e o! a teacher1 it i/ not
nece//ar that he $e the teacher o! the
o:en"e" part1 a/ long a/ he i/ a teacher
in the /a8e /chool.
5uali6e" /e"uction o! a /i/ter
or "e/cen"ant i/ puni/he" $ a penalt
ne@t higher in "egree. The age or
reputation o! the /i/ter or "e/cen"ant i/
An accu/e" charge" %ith rape
cannot $e con0icte" o! Buali6e" /e"uction
un"er the /a8e in!or8ation.
People vs. Fontanilla
Fe Ca'tro a fifteen,year old 1ir-in wa' (rou-ht (y her
mother to the hou'e of the a&&ellant and hi' 'e%ond wife
to 'er1e a' a hel&er. Fe Ca'tro te'tified that durin- her 'tay
in the hou'e of Fontanilla for a(out three month' the
a%%u'ed 'u%%eeded in ha1in- %arnal 0nowled-e of her
re&eatedly the total num(er of time' 'he %ould not re%all.
She wa' %ertain howe1er that the a%%u'ed %on'ummated
the fir't 'exual inter%our'e with her one ni-ht in
Se&tem(er. She al'o de%lared that &rior to thi' in%ident
the a%%u'ed had made amorou' o1erture' and ad1an%e'
toward her. A'ide from -i1in- her money the a%%u'ed
re&eatedly &romi'ed to a(andon hi' wife to li1e with her.
Fe Ca'tro re&eatedly yielded to the %arnal de'ire' of the
a%%u'ed a' 'he wa' indu%ed (y hi' &romi'e' of marria-e
and fri-htened (y hi' a%t' of intimidation. Their intima%ie'
la'ted for almo't three month' until her aunt the wife of
the a%%u'ed %au-ht them in fla-rante on the 0it%hen floor.
The followin- day 'he returned to her &arent' and
re1ealed e1erythin- to her mother two day' later.
Fontanilla denie' e1erythin-.
9E:;: $t wa' 7ualified 'edu%tion. Anent the 'aid marital
&romi'e Fontanilla al'o %laim' that there i' no e1iden%e on
re%ord 'u&&ortin- it' 1era%ity. >rantin- thi' to (e %orre%t
it i' ne1erthele'' 'ettled that de%eit althou-h an e''ential
element of ordinary or 'im&le 'edu%tion doe' not need to
(e &ro1ed or e'ta(li'hed in a %har-e of 7ualified 'edu%tion.
$t i' re&la%ed (y a(u'e of %onfiden%e. <hen the offender i'
a &u(li% offi%er a &rie't or mini'ter a 'er1ant dome'ti%
tutor tea%her or under any title i' in %har-e of the
edu%ation or 0ee&in- of the offended woman a' in the
&re'ent %a'e the a%t i' &uni'ha(le althou-h fraud or de%eit
may not ha1e (een u'ed or if em&loyed ha' not (een
&ro1ed. The 'edu%tion of a 1ir-in o1er twel1e and under
ei-hteen year' of a-e %ommitted (y any of the &er'on'
enumerated in Art. ##" Bi' %on'tituti1e of the %rime of
7ualified 'edu%tion . . . e1en thou-h no de%eit inter1ene'
or e1en when 'u%h %arnal 0nowled-e were 1oluntary on the
&art of the 1ir-in (e%au'e in 'u%h a %a'e the law ta0e' for
-ranted the exi'ten%e of the de%eit a' an inte-ral element
of the 'aid %rime and &uni'he' it with -reater 'e1erity than
it doe' the 'im&le 'edu%tion . . . ta0in- into a%%ount the
a(u'e of %onfiden%e on the &art of the a-ent ?%ul&rit@ an
a(u'e of %onfiden%e whi%h im&lie' de%eit or fraud.B
Ba#anto vs. $osa
Ba(anto a &oli%eman (rou-ht ;a-ohoy 1# year' old and
with low mentality to the ABC 9all where he 'u%%eeded in
ha1in- 'exual inter%our'e with her. Ba(anto wa' %har-ed
with ra&e (ut %on1i%ted of 7ualified 'edu%tion.
9E:;: The %om&laint filed alle-ed that the a%%u'ed a(u'ed
hi' &o'ition a' &oli%eman (y ha1in- %arnal 0nowled-e of a
1# year old -irl. 9owe1er there i' no alle-ation that the
%om&lainant wa' a 1ir-in. Thou-h it i' true that 1ir-inity i'
&re'umed if the -irl i' o1er 14 (ut under 1. unmarried and
of -ood re&utation 1ir-inity i' 'till an e''ential element of
the %rime of 7ualified 'edu%tion and mu't (e alle-ed in the
%om&laint. A %on1i%tion of the %rime of 7ualified 'edu%tion
without the alle-ation of 1ir-inity would 1iolate the
&etitioner=' ri-ht to (e informed of the nature and %au'e of
the a%%u'ation a-ain't him. Petitioner i' -uilty of ra&e
%on'ider the 1i%tim=' a-e mental a(normality and
defi%ien%y. There wa' al'o 'uffi%ient intimidation with the
a%%u'ed wearin- hi' uniform.
Pere! vs. C%
Pere* wa' a(le to ha1e 'exual inter%our'e with Mendo*a
twi%e after he &romi'ed marria-e to her. A' he did not
ma0e -ood on 'aid &romi'e' Mendo*a filed a %om&laint for
Con'ented A(du%tion. The trial %ourt found that the a%t'
%on'tituted 'edu%tion and 'o it a%7uitted him on the
%har-e of %on'ented a(du%tion. Mendo*a then filed a
%om&laint for 7ualified 'edu%tion. Pere* mo1ed to 7ua'h
on the -round' of dou(le 6eo&ardy.
9E:;: There are 'imilar element' (etween Con'ented
A(du%tion and )ualified Sedu%tion namely: ?1@ the
offended &arty i' a 1ir-in and ?4@ o1er 14 (ut under 1.
year' of a-e. 9owe1er there are other element' whi%h
differentiate the two %rime'. For exam&le %on'ented
a(du%tion re7uire' the ta0in- away of the 1i%tim without
her %on'ent while 7ualified 'edu%tion re7uire' that there
(e a(u'e of authority %onfiden%e or relation'hi&. Thu' an
a%7uittal for Con'ented A(du%tion will not &re%lude the
filin- of a %har-e for )ualified Sedu%tion (e%au'e the
element' of the two %rime' are different.
Article 33(. Si34le 1euction
<. O:en"e" part i/ o0er <= an" un"er <7
ear/ o! age?
=. (he i/ o! goo" reputation1 /ingle or
3. O:en"er ha/ /e@ual intercour/e %ith
#. It i/ co88itte" $ 8ean/ o! "eceit.
'urpo/e o! the la%> To puni/h
the /e"ucer %ho $ 8ean/ o! pro8i/e o!
8arriage1 "e/tro/ the cha/tit o! an
un8arrie" !e8ale o! pre0iou/ cha/te
*irginit o! the o:en"e" part
i/ not reBuire"1 goo" reputation i/
C2005 Criminal Law Reviewer
Deceit generall taAe/ the !or8
o! un!ul6lle" pro8i/e o! 8arriage.
What a$out un!ul6lle" pro8i/e
o! 8aterial thing/1 i.e. the %o8an agree/ to
intercour/e %ith a 8an %ho pro8i/e" to
gi0e her Ce%elrL Thi/ i/ not /e"uction1
$ecau/e /he i/ a %o8an o! loo/e 8oral/.
,/he i/ a highIcla// pro/tituteM-
'ro8i/e o! 8arriage $ a
8arrie" 8an i/ not a "eceit1 i! the %o8an
Ane% hi8 to $e 8arrie".
People vs Pascua (2003)
FACTS: :i*a and Anna Para-a' 14 year old twin' were
'exually mole'ted (y a nei-h(or 9i&olito Pa'%ua. C&on
learnin- what the Pa'%ua had done to her dau-hter'
:eti%ia their mother %onfronted them. :i*a and Anna
re1ealed that Pa'%ua had 'exually a(u'ed them. :eti%ia
wa'ted no time in re&ortin- the matter to their (aran-ay
%hairman and to the &oli%e (efore whom 'he filed %riminal
%om&laint'. +n a&&eal Pa'%ua ar-ued that he 'hould only
(e lia(le for 'im&le 'edu%tion.
9E:;: Cnder Arti%le ##. of the /e1i'ed Penal Code to
%on'titute 'edu%tion there mu't in all %a'e' (e 'ome
de%eitful &romi'e or indu%ement. The woman 'hould ha1e
yielded (e%au'e of thi' &romi'e or indu%ement. $n thi'
%a'e the a&&ellant %laim' that the a%t' of 'exual
inter%our'e with the &ri1ate %om&lainant' were in
ex%han-e for money. 9e de%lared that &rior to e1ery
'exual inter%our'e with :i*a and Anna he would &romi'e
them P43. 9owe1er a'ide from hi' (are te'timony the
a&&ellant &re'ented no &roof that &ri1ate %om&lainant'5
%on'ent wa' 'e%ured (y mean' of 'u%h &romi'e. A' a&tly
o&ined (y the trial %ourt the money -i1en (y the a&&ellant
to &ri1ate %om&lainant' wa' not intended to lure them to
ha1e 'ex with him. /ather it wa' for the &ur&o'e of (uyin-
their 'ilen%e to en'ure that no(ody di'%o1ered hi' da'tardly
a%t'. The e1iden%e for the &ro'e%ution wa' more than
enou-h to 'how that the element of 1oluntarine'' on the
&art of &ri1ate %om&lainant' wa' totally a('ent. :i*a and
Anna5' re'&e%ti1e te'timonie' e'ta(li'hed that the
a&&ellant had 'exual inter%our'e with them without their
%on'ent and a-ain't their will.
Article 33.. Act1 of la1civiou1ne11 <ith
the con1ent of the o2ene 4arty
<. O:en"er co88it/ act/ o!
la/ci0iou/ne// or le%"ne//?
=. The act/ are co88itte" upon a
%o8an %ho i/ a 0irgin or /ingle or %i"o% o!
goo" reputation1 un"er <7 ear/ o! age $ut
o0er <= ear/1 or a /i/ter or "e/cen"ant1
regar"le// o! her reputation or age?
3. O:en"er acco8pli/he/ the act/
$ a$u/e o! authorit1 con6"ence1
relation/hip1 or "eceit.
A 8ale cannot $e the
o:en"e" part in thi/ cri8e.
E0en i! the o:en"e"
part con/ente"1 the o:en"er i/ /till lia$le
$ecau/e the con/ent i/ o$taine" $ a$u/e
o! con6"ence or relation/hip1 or $ 8ean/
o! "eceit.
When the 0icti8 i/
un"er <= ear/1 the penalt /hall $e one
"egree higher that that i8po/e" $ la%.
Act1 of la1civiou1ne11
=Art. 330>
Act1 of la1civiou1ne11
=Art. 33.>
Co88itte" un"er the
circu8/tance/ %hich1
ha" there $een carnal
Ano%le"ge1 %oul"
a8ount to rape
Co88itte" un"er
circu8/tance/ %hich1
ha" there $een carnal
Ano%le"ge1 %oul"
a8ount to either
Buali6e" or /i8ple
Article 3!?. Corru4tion of 3inor1
Act puni/ha$le> The pro8otion or !acilitation o!
the pro/titution or corruption o! per/on/ un"er
age ,8inor/-1 to /ati/! the lu/t o! ANOT3ER

Who are lia$le> An per/on. I! the culprit i/ a
pu$lic oGcer or e8ploee1 inclu"ing tho/e in
GOCC/1 there i/ an a""itional penalt o!
te8porar a$/olute "i/Buali6cation
It i/ not nece//ar that the
uncha/te act/ /hall ha0e $een "one on the
8inor. What the la% puni/he/ i/ the act o!
a pi8p %ho !acilitate/ the corruption o!
8inor/1 NOT the per!or8ance o! uncha/te
act/ upon the 8inor.
A 8ere propo/al %ill
con/u88ate the o:en/e.
When the 0icti8 i/ un"er <=
ear/1 the penalt i/ one "egree higher
RA /0-?
S4ecial 4rotection of Chilren Again1t Chil
A"u1e) E74loitation an &i1cri3ination Act
Chil" 'ro/titution an" Other (e@ual A$u/e
SECTI+N #. Chil" 'ro/titution an" Other (e@ual
A$u/e. H Chil"ren1 %hether 8ale or !e8ale1 %ho !or
8one1 pro6t1 or an other con/i"eration or "ue to
the coercion or inJuence o! an a"ult1 /n"icate or
group1 in"ulge in /e@ual intercour/e or la/ci0iou/
con"uct1 are "ee8e" to $e chil"ren e@ploite" in
pro/titution an" other /e@ual a$u/e.
The penalt o! reclu/ion te8poral in it/ 8e"iu8
perio" to reclu/ion perpetua /hall $e i8po/e" upon
the !ollo%ing>
C2005 Criminal Law Reviewer
a- Tho/e %ho engage in or pro8ote1 !acilitate
or in"uce chil" pro/titution %hich inclu"e1 $ut are not
li8ite" to1 the !ollo%ing>
<. Acting a/ a procurer o! a chil" pro/titute?
=. In"ucing a per/on to $e a client o! a chil"
pro/titute $ 8ean/ o! %ritten or oral
a"0erti/e8ent/ or other /i8ilar 8ean/?
3. TaAing a"0antage o! inJuence or
relation/hip to procure a chil" a/ pro/titute?
#. Threatening or u/ing 0iolence to%ar"/ a
chil" to engage hi8 a/ a pro/titute? or
+. Gi0ing 8onetar con/i"eration goo"/ or
other pecuniar $ene6t to a chil" %ith
intent to engage /uch chil" in pro/titution.
,$- Tho/e %ho co88it the act o! /e@ual
intercour/e o! la/ci0iou/ con"uct %ith a chil"
e@ploite" in pro/titution or /u$Cect to other /e@ual
a$u/e? 'ro0i"e"1 That %hen the 0icti8/ i/ un"er
t%el0e ,<=- ear/ o! age1 the perpetrator/ /hall $e
pro/ecute" un"er Article 33+1 paragraph 31 !or rape
an" Article 33. o! Act No. 37<+1 a/ a8en"e"1 the
Re0i/e" 'enal Co"e1 !or rape or la/ci0iou/ con"uct1
a/ the ca/e 8a $e> 'ro0i"e"1 That the penalt !or
la/ci0iou/ con"uct %hen the 0icti8 i/ un"er t%el0e
,<=- ear/ o! age /hall $e reclu/ion te8poral in it/
8e"iu8 perio"? an"
,c- Tho/e %ho "eri0e pro6t or a"0antage
there!ro81 %hether a/ 8anager or o%ner o! the
e/ta$li/h8ent %here the pro/titution taAe/ place1 or
o! the /auna1 "i/co1 $ar1 re/ort1 place o!
entertain8ent or e/ta$li/h8ent /er0ing a/ a co0er or
%hich engage/ in pro/titution in a""ition to the
acti0it !or %hich the licen/e ha/ $een i//ue" to /ai"
SECTI+N 0. Atte8pt To Co88it Chil"
'ro/titution. There i/ an atte8pt to co88it chil"
pro/titution un"er (ection +1 paragraph ,a- hereo!
%hen an per/on %ho1 not $eing a relati0e o! a chil"1
i/ !oun" alone %ith the /ai" chil" in/i"e the roo8 or
cu$icle o! a hou/e1 an inn1 hotel1 8otel1 pen/ion
hou/e1 apartelle or other /i8ilar e/ta$li/h8ent/1
0e//el1 0ehicle or an other hi""en or /eclu"e" area
un"er circu8/tance/ %hich %oul" lea" a rea/ona$le
per/on to $elie0e that the chil" i/ a$out to $e
e@ploite" in pro/titution an" other /e@ual a$u/e.
There i/ al/o an atte8pt to co88it chil" pro/titution1
un"er paragraph ,$- o! (ection + hereo! %hen an
per/on i/ recei0ing /er0ice/ !ro8 a chil" in a /auna
parlor or $ath1 8a//age clinic1 health clu$ an" other
/i8ilar e/ta$li/h8ent/.
A penalt lo%er $ t%o ,=- "egree/ than that
pre/cri$e" !or the con/u88ate" !elon un"er
(ection + hereo! /hall $e i8po/e" upon the principal/
o! the atte8pt to co88it the cri8e o! chil"
pro/titution un"er thi/ Act1 or1 in the proper ca/e1
un"er the Re0i/e" 'enal Co"e.
Article 3!-. White 1lave trae
Act/ puni/ha$le>
In an 8anner or un"er an prete@t1
<. Engaging in the $u/ine// o!
=. 'ro6ting $ pro/titution?
3. Enli/ting the /er0ice/ o! %o8en !or
the purpo/e o! pro/titution.
3a$itualit i/ not a nece//ar
ele8ent o! %hite /la0e tra"e. It i/
/uGcient that the accu/e" ha/ co88itte"
an o! the act/ in thi/ article.
EUn"er an prete@tF & one %ho
engage" the /er0ice/ o! a %o8an
o/ten/i$l a/ a 8ai"1 $ut it realit !or
pro/titution1 i/ guilt un"er thi/ article.
When the 0icti8 i/ un"er <=
ear/1 the penalt /hall $e one "egree
Article 3!@. ,orci"le a"uction
<. The per/on a$"ucte" i/ an %o8an1
regar"le// or her age1 ci0il /tatu/1 or
=. The a$"uction i/ again/t her %ill?
3. The a$"uction i/ %ith le%" "e/ign/.
A$"uction & the taAing a%a o!
a %o8an !ro8 her hou/e or the place
%here /he 8a $e !or the purpo/e o!
carring her to another place %ith intent to
8arr or corrupt her
Cri8e/ again/t cha/tit %here
age an" reputation are i88aterial>
o Rape
o Act/ o! la/ci0iou/ne//
again/t the %ill or %ithout the con/ent
o! the o:en"e" part
o 5uali6e" /e"uction o!
a /i/terN"e/cen"ant
o )orci$le a$"uction
The taAing a%a o! the %o8an
8a $e acco8pli/he" $ 8ean/ o! "eceit
6r/t an" then $ 8ean/ o! 0iolence an"
I! the !e8ale a$"ucte" i/ un"er
<= ear/ o! age1 the cri8e i/ !orci$le
a$"uction1 e0en i! /he 0oluntaril goe/ %ith
her a$"ucter.
(e@ual intercour/e i/ not
nece//ar in !orci$le a$"uction
Where there are /e0eral
"e!en"ant/1 it i/ enough that one o! the8
ha" le%" "e/ign/
C2005 Criminal Law Reviewer
3u/$an" cannot $e !oun"
guilt o! !orci$le a$"uction1 a/ le%" "e/ign
i/ %anting. LLL
When there i/ "epri0ation o!
li$ert an" no le%" "e/ign/1 the cri8e i/
Ai"napping an" /eriou/ illegal "etention.
Atte8pt to rape i/ a$/or$e" in
the cri8e o! !orci$le a$"uction1 thu/ there
i/ no co8ple@ cri8e o! !orci$le a$"uction
%ith atte8pte" rape ,the atte8pt i/
e0i"ence o! the le%" "e/ign/-
Con/u88ate" rape 8a
a$/or$ !orci$le a$"uction i! the 8ain
o$Cecti0e %a/ to rape the 0icti8.
,orci"le a"uction Corru4tion of 3inor1
'urpo/e i/ to e:ect hi/
le%" "e/ign/ on the
'urpo/e i/ to len" the
0icti8 to illicit
intercour/e %ith other/
,orci"le a"uction
<ith ra4e
Aina44ing =<ith
The 0iolent taAing o! the
%o8an i/ 8oti0ate" $
le%" "e/ign/
Not /o 8oti0ate"
Cri8e again/t cha/tit Cri8e again/t li$ert
People vs. unpon)co
An-ele' wa' a(du%ted from the 6ee&ney (y Sil1e'tre
Sun&on-%o with the aid of # men and wa' (rou-ht to 9illto&
9otel where Sil1e'tre 'u%%eeded in ha1in- 'exual
inter%our'e with her.
9E:;. Arti%le #88 of the /PC and the /ule' on Criminal
Pro%edure re7uire that the offen'e' of a(du%tion and ra&e
and other offen'e' whi%h %annot (e &ro'e%uted de ofi%io
'hall not (e &ro'e%uted ex%e&t u&on %om&laint filed (y the
offended &arty. $n the CAB it i' admitted that the 'worn
%om&laint of the 1i%tim wa' not formally offered in
e1iden%e (y the &ro'e%ution. Thi' failure to adhere to the
rule' howe1er i' not fatal and did not ou't the %ourt of it'
6uri'di%tion to hear and de%ide the %a'e.
Juri'&ruden%e re1eal' that if the %om&laint in a %a'e whi%h
%annot (e &ro'e%uted de ofi%io i' forwarded to the trial
%ourt a' &art of the re%ord' of the &reliminary in1e'ti-ation
of the %a'e the %ourt %an ta0e 6udi%ial noti%e of the 'ame
without the ne%e''ity of it' formal introdu%tion a' e1iden%e
for the &ro'e%ution. The re%ord' of the %a'e forwarded to
the CF$ in%lude the %om&laint filed (y Juanita in the
muni%i&al %ourt of >ui-uinto whi%h %ondu%ted the
&reliminary in1e'ti-ation. Su(6e%t %om&laint wa' al'o
mar0ed a' an exhi(it.
People vs. *ose
Thi' i' the Ma--ie ;e:a /i1a 'tory ?wherein Ma--ie wa'
a(du%ted and (rou-ht to the Swan0y 9otel where the four
a%%u'ed ea%h too0 turn' in ra&in- her@
9E:;: <hile the fir't a%t of ra&e wa' (ein- &erformed the
%rime of for%i(le a(du%tion had already (een
%on'ummated 'o that ea%h of the three 'u%%eedin- %rime'
of the 'ame nature %annot le-ally (e %on'idered a' 'till
%onne%ted with the a(du%tion. $n other word' they 'hould
(e deta%hed from and %on'idered inde&endently of that
of for%i(le a(du%tion and therefore the former %an no
lon-er (e %om&lexed with the latter.
A' re-ard' therefore the %om&lex %rime of for%i(le
a(du%tion with ra&e the fir't of the %rime' %ommitted the
latter i' definitely the more 'eriou' %rime. 9en%e
&ur'uant to Arti%le 8. the &enalty &re'%ri(ed 'hall (e
im&o'ed in the maximum &eriod. Con'e7uently the
a%%u'ed 'hould 'uffer the extreme &enalty of death. 2o
need to %on'ider a--ra1atin- %ir%um'tan%e' for the 'ame
would not alter the nature of the &enalty im&o'ed.
People vs. %l#uro
Al(uro and 4 other men ra&ed E1elyn Cantina. She wa' a
6ee&ney &a''en-er when 'he wa' &re1ented from lea1in-
the 6ee&ney ta0en to a remote &la%e and wa' ra&ed there.
9E:;: They are -uilty of the %om&lex %rime of F+/C$B:E
AB;CCT$+2 <$T9 /APE. $n re1iewin- the e1iden%e
addu%ed (y the &ro'e%ution for thi' %rime of /a&e we ha1e
li0ewi'e (een -uided (y t+ree well,-nown principles
namely (1) that an accusation of rape can be made with
facility, is difficult to prove, but more difficult for the
person accused, though innocent, to disprove; (2) that
in view of the intrinsic nature of the crime of rape
where only two persons are usually involved, the
testimony of the complainant must be scrutinized with
extreme caution; and (3) that the evidence for the
prosecution must stand or fall on its own merits, and
cannot be allowed to draw strength from the
weanesses of the evidence for the defense!
The fa%tual milieu of thi' %riminal %har-e (efore u' -i1e' u'
no rea'on to de&art from the'e e'ta(li'hed rule'. +n the
%ontrary we find that A&&ellant had ta0en E1elyn away
a-ain't her will with lewd de'i-n' 'u('e7uently for%ed
her to 'u(mit to hi' lu't and renderin- her un%on'%iou' in
the &ro%e'' there(y 6u'tifyin- hi' %on1i%tion for the
%om&lex %rime of For%i(le A(du%tion with /a&e under
Arti%le 8. in relation to Arti%le' ##D and #84 of the /e1i'ed
Penal Code with whi%h he ha' herein (een %har-ed.
People vs. .o/ines
An%a6a' witne''ed the 0illin- of Eila0'i (y the 4 a%%u'ed.
The a%%u'ed u&on 'eein- her with her (a(y dra--ed her to
a 1a%ant lot where they too0 turn' in ra&in- her. Trial
%ourt %on1i%ted them of the %rime of ra&e.
9E:;: TC %orre%tly held that for%i(le a(du%tion i'
a('or(ed in the %rime of ra&e if the main o(6e%ti1e of the
a%%u'ed i' to ra&e the 1i%tim.
Forcible Abduction with rape
People v. %#lane/a (2001)
FACTS: +n Fe(ruary 1. 1!!# at around ":33
o5%lo%0 in the mornin- 'ix,year old Ma-dalena Sala'
wa' wal0in- to '%hool. Alon- the way Jaime A(laneda
C2005 Criminal Law Reviewer
a&&roa%hed her and a'0ed if he %ould 'hare her
um(rella 'in%e it wa' rainin-. 9e then (oarded a
trimo(ile with Ma-dalena and (rou-ht her to a 'mall
hut. <hile in'ide A(laneda remo1ed hi' underwear and
the %hild5' &antie'. 9e a&&lied %oo0in- oil whi%h he
had (ou-ht earlier on hi' or-an and on Ma-dalena5'.
Then he &ro%eeded to ha1e 'exual inter%our'e with
the little -irl.
<hen Ma-dalena arri1ed at their hou'e
Ailene Eillaflore' her un%le5' 'i'ter,in,law noti%ed that
'he loo0ed &ale and wea0 and found tra%e' of (lood on
her dre''. Ma-dalena %onfe''ed that 'he wa' ra&ed (y a
man who had a '%ar on the 'toma%h. ;r. 2ilda Baylon
the Medi%o,:e-al +ffi%er who examined Ma-dalena
found that the latter5' hymen wa' %om&letely
la%erated thu' %onfirmin- that 'he had indeed (een
A(laneda wa' %har-ed (efore the /TC with
the %om&lex %rime of For%i(le A(du%tion with /a&e. 9e
wa' found -uilty.
9E:;: All the element' of for%i(le a(du%tion
are &re'ent in thi' %a'e. The 1i%tim who i' a woman
wa' ta0en a-ain't her will a' 'hown (y the fa%t that
'he wa' intentionally dire%ted (y a%%u'ed,a&&ellant to
a 1a%ant hut. At her tender a-e Ma-dalena %ould not
(e ex&e%ted to &hy'i%ally re'i't %on'iderin- that the
lewd de'i-n' of a%%u'ed,a&&ellant %ould not ha1e (een
a&&arent to her at that time. The em&loyment of
de%e&tion 'uffi%e' to %on'titute the for%i(le ta0in-
e'&e%ially 'in%e the 1i%tim i' an un'u'&e%tin- youn-
-irl. Con'iderin- that it wa' rainin- -oin- to the hut
wa' not unu'ual to Ma-dalena a' &ro(a(ly the &ur&o'e
wa' to 'ee0 'helter. Barrio -irl' are &arti%ularly &rone
to de%e&tion. $t i' the ta0in- ad1anta-e of their
inno%en%e that ma0e' them ea'y %ul&rit' of de%ei1in-
mind'. Finally the e1iden%e 'how' that the ta0in- of
the youn- 1i%tim a-ain't her will wa' effe%ted in
furtheran%e of lewd and un%ha'te de'i-n'. Su%h lewd
de'i-n' in for%i(le a(du%tion i' e'ta(li'hed (y the
a%tual ra&e of the 1i%tim.
People v .err0 Linin) (2002)
FACTS: +n +%to(er 8 1!!" Emelina +rno'
then fifteen ?1D@ year' old 1i'ited her aunt Jo'e&hine to
'&end the ni-ht. <hile in her aunt5' hou'e Emelina wa'
in1ited (y one Sa6er to a dan%e &arty to (e held at the
(aran-ay (a'0et(all %ourt. Emelina a%%e&ted the
in1itation and at around 'e1en o5%lo%0 in the e1enin- of
the 'ame day 'he went to the &arty a%%om&anied (y
her aunt. Jo'e&hine then left Emelina at the &arty
tellin- her that 'he had to -o home (ut 'he would
return later to fet%h her.
Emelina de%ided to -o home alone. +n her
way to her aunt5' hou'e Emelina wa' a%%o'ted (y >erry
:inin- and :ian Sal1a%ion. :inin- &o0ed a 0it%hen 0nife
at Emelina5' (rea't and the two held her hand'.
Emelina wa' dra--ed toward' the ri%efield and wa'
for%i(ly %arried to an uno%%u&ied hou'e where 'he wa'
ra&ed (y (oth men.
The next day >erry Selda a friend of her
father 'aw her %ryin-. She told him a(out the ra&e
in%ident and Selda a%%om&anied her to the &oli%e. The
Chief of Poli%e immediately ordered the arre't of :inin-
(ut Sal1a%ion wa' a(le to e'%a&e. After trial the %ourt
found >erry :inin- -uilty (eyond rea'ona(le dou(t for
the %rime of for%i(le a(du%tion with ra&e and for
another %ount of ra&e.
9E:;: A%%u'ed,a&&ellant %ould only (e
%on1i%ted for the %rime of ra&e in'tead of the %om&lex
%rime of for%i(le a(du%tion with ra&e. $ndeed it would
a&&ear from the re%ord' that the main o(6e%ti1e of the
a%%u'ed when the 1i%tim wa' ta0en to the hou'e of Mila
Sal1a%ion wa' to ra&e her. 9en%e for%i(le a(du%tion i'
a('or(ed in the %rime of ra&e.
Article 3!3. Con1ente a"uction
<. O:en"e" part i/ a 0irgin?
=. (he i/ o0er <= an" un"er <7 ear/ o! age?
3. O:en"er taAe/ her a%a %ith her con/ent1
a!ter /olicitation or caColer?
#. The taAing a%a i/ %ith le%" "e/ign/.
'urpo/e o! the la%> to
pre/cri$e puni/h8ent !or the "i/grace to
her !a8il an" the alar8 cau/e" therein $
the "i/appearance o! one %ho i/1 $ her
age an" /e@1 /u/cepti$le to caColer an"
I! the 0irgin i/ un"er <=1 the
cri8e i/ !orci$le a$"uction. ,$ecau/e la%
a//u8e/ that a per/on o! /uch age cannot
gi0e con/ent1 /o thi/ al/o applie/ to tho/e
"epri0e" o! rea/on-
The taAing a%a o! the girl
nee" not $e %ith /o8e character o!
When there %a/ no /olicitation
or caColer an" no "eceit an" the girl
0oluntaril %ent %ith the 8an1 there i/ no
cri8e co88itte" e0en i! the ha" /e@ual
Article 3!!. $ro1ecution of the cri3e1 of
aultery) concu"inage) 1euction)
a"uction) ra4e an act1 of
Who 8a 6le co8plaint>
<. )or a"ulter an" concu$inage & 8u/t
$e pro/ecute" upon co8plaint /igne" $
the o:en"e" per/on
=. )or /e"uction1 a$"uction or act/ o!
la/ci0iou/ne// & 8u/t $e pro/ecute" upon
co8plaint /igne" $
a. the o:en"e" part
$. her parent/
c. her gran"parent/ or
". guar"ian/1 in the or"er in %hich
the are na8e" a$o0e.
C2005 Criminal Law Reviewer
Rea/on %h the
cri8e/ again/t cha/tit cannot $e
pro/ecute" "e o6cio & o:en"e" %o8an
8ight pre!er to /u:er the outrage in /ilence
rather than go through %ith the /can"al o!
a pu$lic trial
A"ulter an" concu$inage
O:en"e" part cannot in/titute
cri8inal procee"ing/ %ithout inclu"ing
BOT3 guilt partie/1 i! the are $oth ali0e.
O:en"e" part cannot in/titute
cri8inal procee"ing/ i! he /hall ha0e
con/ente" or par"one" the o:en"er/.
'ar"on in a"ulter an"
concu$inage 8u/t co8e $e!ore the
in/titution o! the cri8inal action an" $oth
o:en"er/ 8u/t $e par"one" $ the
o:en"e" part i! /ai" par"on i/ to $e
Con/ent & gi0en $e!ore the
a"ulter or concu$inage %a/ co88itte".
E@a8ple> agree8ent to li0e /eparatel.
Dela in the 6ling o! the
co8plaint "oe/ not in"icate par"on.
(e"uction1 a$"uction1 act/ o! la/ci0iou/ne//
O:en"e" part cannot in/titute
cri8inal procee"ing/ i! the o:en"er ha/
$een EO'RE((LY par"one" $ the o:en"e"
part1 or her parent/1 gran"parent/ or
'ar"on $ the parent1
gran"parent or guar"ian 8u/t $e
acco8panie" $ the e@pre// par"on o! the
o:en"e" %o8an her/el!.
The right to 6le action o! the
parent/1 gran"parent/ an" guar"ian /hall
$e e@clu/i0e o! other per/on/ an" /hall $e
e@erci/e" /ucce//i0el in the or"er
When the o:en"e" part i/ a
8inor1 her parent/ 8a 6le the co8plaint.
When the o:en"e" part i/ o!
age an" i/ in co8plete po//e//ion o! her
8ental or ph/ical !acultie/1 /he alone can
6le the co8plaint.
The guar"ian 8u/t $e legall
appointe" $ the court.
Rape co8ple@e" %ith another
cri8e again/t cha/tit nee" not $e /igne"
$ the o:en"e" %o8an1 /ince rape i/ a
pu$lic cri8e.
When the e0i"ence !ail/ to
pro0e a co8ple@ cri8e o! rape %ith
another cri8e1 an" there i/ no co8plaint
/igne" $ the o:en"e" %o8an1 the
accu/e" cannot $e con0icte" o! rape.
2arriage o! the o:en"er %ith
the o:en"e" part in /e"uction1 a$"uction1
act/ o! la/ci0iou/ne// an" rape1
e@tingui/he/ cri8inal action or re8it/ the
penalt alrea" i8po/e".
The 8arriage e@tingui/he/ the
cri8inal action e0en a/ to coIprincipal/1
acco8plice/ an" acce//orie/ o! the cri8e.
2arriage 8u/t $e entere" into
in goo" !aith an" %ith the intent o! !ul6lling
the 8arital "utie/ an" o$ligation/.
'ar"on 8u/t $e gi0en $e!ore
the in/titution o! cri8inal procee"ing/ ,$ar
to pro/ecution-. 2arriage 8a taAe place
a!ter cri8inal procee"ing/ ha0e
co88ence"1 or e0en a!ter con0iction
,e@tingui/he/ cri8inal action an" re8it/
Pilapil vs. 1#a0,omera
>eilin- a >erman wa' a(le to o(tain a de%ree of di1or%e
in >ermany a-ain't hi' wife Pila&il a Fili&ina. Fi1e month'
after the i''uan%e of the di1or%e de%ree >eilin- filed 4
%om&laint' for adultery a-ain't Pila&il.
She %hallen-ed the %om&laint on the -round that the
%om&lainant her hu'(and doe' not 7ualify a' an offended
'&ou'e ha1in- o(tained a final di1or%e de%ree under hi'
national law &rior to hi' filin- the %riminal %om&laint.
9E:;: The %rime of adultery a' well a' four other %rime'
a-ain't %ha'tity %annot (e &ro'e%uted ex%e&t u&on a 'worn
written %om&laint filed (y the offended '&ou'e. $t ha' lon-
'in%e (een e'ta(li'hed with unwa1erin- %on'i'ten%y that
%om&lian%e with thi' rule i' a 6uri'di%tional and not merely
a formal re7uirement. 2ow the law '&e%ifi%ally &ro1ide'
that in &ro'e%ution' for adultery and %on%u(ina-e the
&er'on who %an le-ally file the %om&laint 'hould (e the
offended '&ou'e and no(ody el'e. Cnli0e the offen'e' of
'edu%tion a(du%tion ra&e and a%t' of la'%i1iou'ne'' no
&ro1i'ion i' made for the &ro'e%ution of the %rime' of
adultery and %on%u(ina-e (y the &arent' -rand&arent' or
-uardian of the offended &arty. The 'o,%alled ex%lu'i1e
and 'u%%e''i1e rule in the &ro'e%ution of the fir't four
offen'e' do not a&&ly to adultery and %on%u(ina-e.
$t ne%e''arily follow' that 'u%h initiator mu't ha1e the
'tatu' %a&a%ity or le-al re&re'entation to do 'o at the time
of the filin- of the %riminal a%tion. :a%0 of le-al %a&a%ity
to 'ue a' a -round for a motion to di'mi'' in %i1il %a'e' i'
determined a' of the filin- of the %om&laint or &etition.
9en%e with referen%e to adultery %a'e' the 'tatu' of the
%om&lainant 1i',F,1i' the a%%u'ed mu't (e determined a' of
the time the %om&laint wa' filed. The &er'on who initiate'
the adultery %a'e mu't (e an offended '&ou'e and (y thi'
i' meant that 9E $S ST$:: MA//$E; to the a%%u'ed '&ou'e
at the time of the filin- of the %om&laint.
The di1or%e o(tained (y >eilin- and it' le-al effe%t' may
(e re%o-ni*ed in the Phil'. $n 1iew of the nationality
&rin%i&le in our %i1il law on the matter of 'tatu' of &er'on'.
C2005 Criminal Law Reviewer
?Alien' of Fili&ino '&ou'e' may o(tain di1or%e' a(road
whi%h may (e re%o-ni*ed in the Phil'. if they are 1alid
a%%ordin- to their national law.G
Bein- no lon-er the hu'(and of Pila&il >eilin- had no le-al
'tandin- to %ommen%e the adultery %a'e under the
im&o'ture that he wa' the offended '&ou'e at the time he
filed the 'uit.
Article 3!#. Civil lia"ility of 4er1on1
guilty of cri3e1 again1t cha1tity
Ci0il lia$ilitie/ o! per/on/ guilt o! rape1
/e"uction1 or a$"uction>
<. To in"e8ni! the o:en"e" %o8an?
=. To acAno%le"ge the o:/pring1 unle//
the la% /hall pre0ent hi8 !ro8 /o "oing?
3. In e0er ca/e to /upport the o:/pring
The a"ulterer an" concu$ine
can $e /entence" onl to in"e8ni! !or
"a8age/ cau/e" to the o:en"e" /pou/e.
No ci0il lia$ilit o! act/ o!
la/ci0iou/ne// un"er thi/ article.
Onl in"e8nit i/ po//i$le in
a"ulter an" concu$inage $ecau/e onl
chil"ren $orn o! parent/ %ho coul" 8arr
at the ti8e o! conception 8a not $e
acAno%le"ge". (upport i/ al/o not
po//i$le $ecau/e the per/on %ho gi0e/
$irth i/ one o! the o:en"er/.
2oral "a8age/ 8a $e
reco0ere" in /e"uction1 a$"uction1 rape or
other la/ci0iou/ act/1 a/ %ell a/ a"ulter
an" concu$inage ,Art. ==<91 Ci0il Co"e-.
The parent/ o! the !e8ale /e"uce"1 rape"
or a$u/e" 8a al/o reco0er 8oral
All o:en"er/ in 8ultiple rape
8u/t /upport the o:/pring1 a/ an one o!
the8 8a $e the !ather.
Un"er the Ci0il Co"e1 Cu"g8ent
to recogniPe the o:/pring 8a onl $e
gi0en i! there i/ pregnanc %ithin the
perio" o! conception1 %hich i/ %ithin <=;
"a/ !ro8 the co88i//ion o! the o:en/e
,Article =73-
In rape o! a 8arrie" %o8an1
onl in"e8nit i/ allo%e". De!en"ant
cannot $e /entence" to acAno%le"ge the
o:/pring1 $ecau/e the %o8an i/ 8arrie".
(upport cannot al/o $e gi0en1 $ecau/e the
o:en"er cannot enter perio"icall the
hou/e o! the 8arrie" %o8an to gi0e /uch
/upport. Thi/ %ill cau/e "i/tur$ance to the
!a8il right/ o! the 8arrie" couple.
Article 3!0. %ia"ility of a1cenant1)
guarian1) teacher or other 4er1on1
entru1te <ith the cu1toy of the
o2ene 4arty
'er/on/ %ho cooperate a/ acco8plice/ $ut are
puni/he" a/ principal/ in rape1 /e"uction1
a$"uction1 act/ o! la/ci0iou/ne// etc ,chapter/
=1 3 an" # o! thi/ title->
<. a/cen"ant/
=. guar"ian/
3. curator/
#. teacher/
+. an other per/on1 %ho cooperate/ a/
acco8plice %ith a$u/e o! con6"ence or
con6"ential relation/hip
C2005 Criminal Law Reviewer

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