According to the report, China's production of basic passenger vehicles is predicted to reach 170 million units by 2017, up from 121 million in 2013. In the first four months of 2014, production and sales volumes totaled 41.042 million and 41.144 million units respectively, rising 7.8% and 4.6% year-on-year. Volkswagen Group occupied 22.1% of the overall market share in 2013. It is projected that A-class vehicles will continue to take the lead in market share in 2014, though mid-sized and large vehicles remain preferred overall by Chinese consumers.
According to the report, China's production of basic passenger vehicles is predicted to reach 170 million units by 2017, up from 121 million in 2013. In the first four months of 2014, production and sales volumes totaled 41.042 million and 41.144 million units respectively, rising 7.8% and 4.6% year-on-year. Volkswagen Group occupied 22.1% of the overall market share in 2013. It is projected that A-class vehicles will continue to take the lead in market share in 2014, though mid-sized and large vehicles remain preferred overall by Chinese consumers.
According to the report, China's production of basic passenger vehicles is predicted to reach 170 million units by 2017, up from 121 million in 2013. In the first four months of 2014, production and sales volumes totaled 41.042 million and 41.144 million units respectively, rising 7.8% and 4.6% year-on-year. Volkswagen Group occupied 22.1% of the overall market share in 2013. It is projected that A-class vehicles will continue to take the lead in market share in 2014, though mid-sized and large vehicles remain preferred overall by Chinese consumers.
According to the report, China's production of basic passenger vehicles is predicted to reach 170 million units by 2017, up from 121 million in 2013. In the first four months of 2014, production and sales volumes totaled 41.042 million and 41.144 million units respectively, rising 7.8% and 4.6% year-on-year. Volkswagen Group occupied 22.1% of the overall market share in 2013. It is projected that A-class vehicles will continue to take the lead in market share in 2014, though mid-sized and large vehicles remain preferred overall by Chinese consumers.
Industry Report, 2014-2017 Industry Report, 2014-2017 Published by : Sino Market Insight Date : May-2014 Page : 95 Single User License : US $1899 Multi User License : US $ 2999 Direct+1 (617) 674-4143 "oll #ree+1 (855) 711-1555 #a$+1 (855) 550-5975 sales%research&ea'(co' Report Re)ie* According to China Basic Passenger Vehicle Industry Report, 2014-2017, released y !ino"ar#etInsight, it is predicted that the production o$ asic passenger %ehicles in China &ill a'ount to 17(01 'illion units y 2017( In 201), the production o$ asic passenger %ehicles in China &as 12(100* 'illion units, up 12()+, $ro' a year earlier( -uring the period $ro' .anuary to April 2014, the production and sales %olu'e o$ asic passenger %ehicles /cars0 totaled 4(1042 'illion units and 4(14+4 'illion units respecti%ely, a year-on-year increase o$ )(7+, and 4(**, separately( In 201), the top 1 auto 'a#ers &ere 2A3-Vol#s&agen, !hanghai Vol#s&agen, -ong$eng 4issan Passenger Vehicle Co'pany, Bei5ing 6yundai "otor Co(, 7td( and !hanghai 8eneral "otors Co(, 7td(, o$ &hich Vol#s&agen 8roup occupied 22()1, o$ the o%erall 'ar#et share( In ter's o$ the le%els o$ asic passenger %ehicles, in$luenced y the ad5usted %ehicle purchase ta9 on passenger cars &ith 1(+7 or lo&er displace'ent as &ell as the susidies $or energy-sa%ing %ehicles, A-class %ehicle has seen a rising 'ar#et share $ro' 200: on, $ro' 10, in 200* to +0,( It is pro5ected that A-class %ehicles &ill continue to ta#e the lead in 'ar#et share y 2014( 6o&e%er, in the o%erall passenger %ehicle 'ar#et, the Chinese consu'ers pre$er 'id-si;ed and large %ehicles( <here$ore, asic passenger %ehicles &ould e s=uee;ed y !>V 'ar#et( China Basic Passenger Vehicle Industry Report, 2014-2017 y !ino"ar#etInsight in%ol%es + chapters and 7: charts, including the o%er%ie& o$ China-s o%erall auto'oile industry, the production and sales and co'petition pattern o$ asic passenger %ehicles, and 'a5or %ehicle 'odels sold in 'ar#et seg'ents( Additionally, the report also introduced the pro$ile and o%erall production and sales o$ asic passenger %ehicle 'anu$acturers, as &ell as production and sales, production ases and $uture de%elop'ent planning o$ asic passenger %ehicles( +et Details ,n http--***(research&ea'(co'-china-&asic-passenger-)ehicle-industry-report-' "a&le o/ Content 1 Industry0s 1acro-2n)iron'ent 3nalysis 1(1 !lo&do&n in China?s @cono'y 1(2 -rop in the 8ro&th o$ 2i9ed Assets In%est'ent 1() !igni$icant !lo&do&n in 8ro&th o$ I'ports and @9ports 1(4 !teady 8ro&th o$ !ocial Consu'ption 2( De/inition and Classi/ication o/ Basic Passenger Vehicles 2(1 -e$inition and Classi$ication 2(1(1 -e$inition 2(1(2 Classi$ication "a&le o/ Content 4 China Passenger Vehicle )(1 8ro&th Rates $or Production and !ales @9ceeded 11, )(2 @9ports -ropped ut I'ports 8re& Rapidly )(2(1 @9ports 2ell :, Aear-on-Aear )(2(2 I'ports Rose o%er 11, Aear-on-Aear 4 De)elop'ent o/ Basic Passenger Vehicle 4(1 Production 4(1(1 B%erall Production 4(1(2 Production y -isplace'ent 4(2 !ales Volu'e 4(2(1 B%erall !ales Volu'e 4(2(1 !ales Volu'e y -isplace'ent 4() Co'petition Pattern 5 Production and 6ales o/ 6eg'ented Basic Passenger Vehicles 1(1 "icro-si;ed Vehicles 1(2 !'all-si;ed Vehicles 1() Co'pact Vehicles 1(4 "id-si;ed Vehicles 1(1 "id-si;ed and 7arge Vehicles 7 1a8or 2nterprises +(1 !hanghai Vol#s&agen +(1(1 Pro$ile +(1(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles +(1() !ales Volu'e o$ !eg'ented Vehicle "odels +(1(4 "a5or Production Bases +(1(1 !ales "odel +(1(+ Planned !ales Volu'e in 2014 +(2 2A3-Vol#s&agen +(1(1 Pro$ile +(1(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles +(1() !ales Volu'e o$ !eg'ented Vehicle "odels +(1(4 "a5or Production Bases +(1(1 !ales "odel +(1(+ Planned !ales Volu'e in 2014 +(2 2A3-Vol#s&agen +(1(1 Pro$ile +(1(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles +(1() Production and !ales o$ !eg'ented Vehicle "odels +(1(4 "a5or Production Bases +(1(1 2uture -e%elop'ent Planning +() Bei5ing 6yundai "otor Co(, 7td( +()(1 Pro$ile +()(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles +()() Production and !ales o$ !eg'ented Vehicle "odels +()(4 "a5or Production Bases +()(1 2uture -e%elop'ent Planning +(4 -ong$eng 4issan Passenger Vehicle Co'pany +(4(1 Pro$ile +(4(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles +(4() Production and !ales o$ !eg'ented Vehicle "odels +(4(4 "a5or Production Bases +(4(1 2uture -e%elop'ent Planning +(1 !hanghai 8eneral "otors Co(, 7td( +(1(1 Pro$ile +(1(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles +(1() Production and !ales o$ !eg'ented Vehicle "odels +(1(4 "a5or Production Bases +(1(1 2uture -e%elop'ent Planning +(+ -ong$eng Peugeot Citroen Auto'oile Co'pany 7td( +(+(1 Pro$ile +(+(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles Purchase 9o* http--***(research&ea'(co'-china-&asic-passenger-)ehicle-industry-report-' China?s 8-P and AoA 8ro&th Rate, 2001-2014 Proportion o$ Added Value in <hree "a5or Industries in China, 2001-2014 Added Value o$ <ransportation, 3arehousing and "ail Business and , o$ 8-P in China, 2001-2014 Co'pleted A'ount and 8ro&th Rate o$ 2i9ed-Asset In%est'ent in China, 2001-2014 <otal @9port-I'port Volu'e and AoA 8ro&th Rate in China, 2001-2014 <otal Retail !ales o$ Consu'er 8oods and 8ro&th Rate in China, 2001-2014 Production and !ales o$ Passenger Vehicles in China, 200:-201* Production o$ Various Passenger Vehicles in China, 200*-2014 !ales Volu'e o$ Various Passenger Vehicles in China, 200*-2014 @9port Volu'e o$ Passenger Vehicles in China, 2007-2014 ;ist ,/ #igures I'port Volu'e o$ Passenger Vehicles in China, 2007-2014 Production, AoA 8ro&th and "ar#et !hare o$ Basic Passenger Vehicles in China, 2001-2017@ Production o$ Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y -isplace'ent, 2010-2014 !ales Volu'e, AoA 8ro&th and "ar#et !hare o$ Basic Passenger Vehicles in China, 2001-2017@ !ales Volu'e o$ China?s Basic Passenger Vehicles y -isplace'ent in "a5or Production Bases, 2010-2014 <BP 11 Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y Production and !ales, 201)-2014 <BP 11 Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y Production and !ales, 2014 Ran#ing o$ "icro-si;ed Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 201) Ran#ing o$ "icro-si;ed Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 2014 Ran#ing o$ !'all-si;ed Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 201) Ran#ing o$ !'all-si;ed Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 2014 Ran#ing o$ Co'pact Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 201) Ran#ing o$ Co'pact Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 2014 Ran#ing o$ "id-si;ed Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 201) Ran#ing o$ "id-si;ed Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 2014 6i'ilar 6tudies
+lo&al Rupture Disc 2014-201<
+lo&al 3uto'oti)e =iring >arness 2014-201<
+lo&al Rail ;ogistics 2014-201<
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