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China Basic Passenger Vehicle Industry Report, 2014-2017

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China Basic Passenger Vehicle

China Basic Passenger Vehicle

Industry Report, 2014-2017
Industry Report, 2014-2017
Published by : Sino Market Insight
Date : May-2014
Page : 95
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Report Re)ie*
According to China Basic Passenger Vehicle Industry Report, 2014-2017, released y !ino"ar#etInsight, it is
predicted that the production o$ asic passenger %ehicles in China &ill a'ount to 17(01 'illion units y 2017(
In 201), the production o$ asic passenger %ehicles in China &as 12(100* 'illion units, up 12()+, $ro' a year
earlier( -uring the period $ro' .anuary to April 2014, the production and sales %olu'e o$ asic passenger
%ehicles /cars0 totaled 4(1042 'illion units and 4(14+4 'illion units respecti%ely, a year-on-year increase o$
)(7+, and 4(**, separately( In 201), the top 1 auto 'a#ers &ere 2A3-Vol#s&agen, !hanghai Vol#s&agen,
-ong$eng 4issan Passenger Vehicle Co'pany, Bei5ing 6yundai "otor Co(, 7td( and !hanghai 8eneral "otors
Co(, 7td(, o$ &hich Vol#s&agen 8roup occupied 22()1, o$ the o%erall 'ar#et share( In ter's o$ the le%els o$
asic passenger %ehicles, in$luenced y the ad5usted %ehicle purchase ta9 on passenger cars &ith 1(+7 or
lo&er displace'ent as &ell as the susidies $or energy-sa%ing %ehicles, A-class %ehicle has seen a rising
'ar#et share $ro' 200: on, $ro' 10, in 200* to +0,( It is pro5ected that A-class %ehicles &ill continue to ta#e
the lead in 'ar#et share y 2014( 6o&e%er, in the o%erall passenger %ehicle 'ar#et, the Chinese consu'ers
pre$er 'id-si;ed and large %ehicles( <here$ore, asic passenger %ehicles &ould e s=uee;ed y !>V 'ar#et(
China Basic Passenger Vehicle Industry Report, 2014-2017 y !ino"ar#etInsight in%ol%es + chapters
and 7: charts, including the o%er%ie& o$ China-s o%erall auto'oile industry, the production and sales
and co'petition pattern o$ asic passenger %ehicles, and 'a5or %ehicle 'odels sold in 'ar#et
seg'ents( Additionally, the report also introduced the pro$ile and o%erall production and sales o$ asic
passenger %ehicle 'anu$acturers, as &ell as production and sales, production ases and $uture
de%elop'ent planning o$ asic passenger %ehicles(
+et Details ,n
"a&le o/ Content
1 Industry0s 1acro-2n)iron'ent 3nalysis
1(1 !lo&do&n in China?s @cono'y
1(2 -rop in the 8ro&th o$ 2i9ed Assets In%est'ent
1() !igni$icant !lo&do&n in 8ro&th o$ I'ports and @9ports
1(4 !teady 8ro&th o$ !ocial Consu'ption
2( De/inition and Classi/ication o/ Basic Passenger Vehicles
2(1 -e$inition and Classi$ication
2(1(1 -e$inition
2(1(2 Classi$ication
"a&le o/ Content
4 China Passenger Vehicle 1ar.et
)(1 8ro&th Rates $or Production and !ales @9ceeded 11,
)(2 @9ports -ropped ut I'ports 8re& Rapidly
)(2(1 @9ports 2ell :, Aear-on-Aear
)(2(2 I'ports Rose o%er 11, Aear-on-Aear
4 De)elop'ent o/ Basic Passenger Vehicle 1ar.et
4(1 Production
4(1(1 B%erall Production
4(1(2 Production y -isplace'ent
4(2 !ales Volu'e
4(2(1 B%erall !ales Volu'e
4(2(1 !ales Volu'e y -isplace'ent
4() Co'petition Pattern
5 Production and 6ales o/ 6eg'ented Basic Passenger Vehicles
1(1 "icro-si;ed Vehicles
1(2 !'all-si;ed Vehicles
1() Co'pact Vehicles
1(4 "id-si;ed Vehicles
1(1 "id-si;ed and 7arge Vehicles
7 1a8or 2nterprises
+(1 !hanghai Vol#s&agen
+(1(1 Pro$ile
+(1(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles
+(1() !ales Volu'e o$ !eg'ented Vehicle "odels
+(1(4 "a5or Production Bases
+(1(1 !ales "odel
+(1(+ Planned !ales Volu'e in 2014
+(2 2A3-Vol#s&agen
+(1(1 Pro$ile
+(1(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles
+(1() !ales Volu'e o$ !eg'ented Vehicle "odels
+(1(4 "a5or Production Bases
+(1(1 !ales "odel
+(1(+ Planned !ales Volu'e in 2014
+(2 2A3-Vol#s&agen
+(1(1 Pro$ile
+(1(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles
+(1() Production and !ales o$ !eg'ented Vehicle "odels
+(1(4 "a5or Production Bases
+(1(1 2uture -e%elop'ent Planning
+() Bei5ing 6yundai "otor Co(, 7td(
+()(1 Pro$ile
+()(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles
+()() Production and !ales o$ !eg'ented Vehicle "odels
+()(4 "a5or Production Bases
+()(1 2uture -e%elop'ent Planning
+(4 -ong$eng 4issan Passenger Vehicle Co'pany
+(4(1 Pro$ile
+(4(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles
+(4() Production and !ales o$ !eg'ented Vehicle "odels
+(4(4 "a5or Production Bases
+(4(1 2uture -e%elop'ent Planning
+(1 !hanghai 8eneral "otors Co(, 7td(
+(1(1 Pro$ile
+(1(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles
+(1() Production and !ales o$ !eg'ented Vehicle "odels
+(1(4 "a5or Production Bases
+(1(1 2uture -e%elop'ent Planning
+(+ -ong$eng Peugeot Citroen Auto'oile Co'pany 7td(
+(+(1 Pro$ile
+(+(2 Production and !ales o$ Asse'led Vehicles
Purchase 9o*
China?s 8-P and AoA 8ro&th Rate, 2001-2014
Proportion o$ Added Value in <hree "a5or Industries in China, 2001-2014
Added Value o$ <ransportation, 3arehousing and "ail Business and , o$ 8-P in China, 2001-2014
Co'pleted A'ount and 8ro&th Rate o$ 2i9ed-Asset In%est'ent in China, 2001-2014
<otal @9port-I'port Volu'e and AoA 8ro&th Rate in China, 2001-2014
<otal Retail !ales o$ Consu'er 8oods and 8ro&th Rate in China, 2001-2014
Production and !ales o$ Passenger Vehicles in China, 200:-201*
Production o$ Various Passenger Vehicles in China, 200*-2014
!ales Volu'e o$ Various Passenger Vehicles in China, 200*-2014
@9port Volu'e o$ Passenger Vehicles in China, 2007-2014
;ist ,/ #igures
I'port Volu'e o$ Passenger Vehicles in China, 2007-2014
Production, AoA 8ro&th and "ar#et !hare o$ Basic Passenger Vehicles in China, 2001-2017@
Production o$ Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y -isplace'ent, 2010-2014
!ales Volu'e, AoA 8ro&th and "ar#et !hare o$ Basic Passenger Vehicles in China, 2001-2017@
!ales Volu'e o$ China?s Basic Passenger Vehicles y -isplace'ent in "a5or Production Bases, 2010-2014
<BP 11 Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y Production and !ales, 201)-2014
<BP 11 Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y Production and !ales, 2014
Ran#ing o$ "icro-si;ed Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 201)
Ran#ing o$ "icro-si;ed Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 2014
Ran#ing o$ !'all-si;ed Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 201)
Ran#ing o$ !'all-si;ed Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 2014
Ran#ing o$ Co'pact Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 201)
Ran#ing o$ Co'pact Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 2014
Ran#ing o$ "id-si;ed Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 201)
Ran#ing o$ "id-si;ed Basic Passenger Vehicles in China y !ales, 2014
6i'ilar 1ar.et 6tudies

+lo&al Rupture Disc 1ar.et 2014-201<

+lo&al 3uto'oti)e =iring >arness 1ar.et 2014-201<

+lo&al Rail ;ogistics 1ar.et 2014-201<

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United States
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