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Growth of Trade Union Movement in India

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Historical Development of Trade Union Movement in India:

The Trade Union Movement in our country has passed through the various
conditions after the advent of factory system in India. It would be desirable to
know how the factory system came in our country, with all its evils and problems.
The first Cotton Mill in India was established in 1851 in Bomba and the first
!"te Mill in 1855 in Ben#al. This was the beginning of the modern factory system
in India. After 1!1 and 1!!, the number of factories began to increase both in
"ombay and "engal. The modern factor sstem bro"#ht in its wa$e
emploment of women and children% lon# and e&cessive ho"rs of wor$%
"nderminin# of moralit% lac$ of ed"cation% poor ho"sin# and an e&cessivel
hi#h death rate' The year 1#! was landmark in the history of trade union
movement. $or the first time in India factory workers united together for securing
better working conditions in the factories. The growing consciousness of a
common cause for amelioration brought the working class closer despite several
hindrances. The %ecretary of %tate for India was kept informed of all these evils of
the modern factory system and the first (actor Commission was appointed in
Bomba in the ear 18)5 and the first (actories *ct was passed in 1881'
+rohibited child labo"r'
(irst +hase 185,-1.,,
+eriod prior to (irst /orld /ar 018)5 1 1.1)2:
The trade union movement developed in India as a response to the challenges faced
by the working class as a conse&uence of industrial development. The history of
organi'ed trade union movement in India which was begun eight decades ago has
been in contrast to the modern trade unionism in (reat "ritain which began during
1th century as a conse&uence of decay of the modern medieval system of
structuring wage system. It can be said that in India the trade union movement had
begun very late because of slow progress of industriali'ation, the problems arising
out of illiteracy and poverty of the workers, their migratory habits and
predominantly all the workers depending on agriculture only. The process of
industriali'ation commenced in India much later than that in )urope and America.
It was not before the 1*+,s that industriali'ation could make considerable progress
in India. The trade union movement, therefore, can be said that it is of recent origin
of industriali'ation. The germs of trade unionism could be traced in the early days
of industriali'ation at the beginning of 1!,s with the establishment of -otton and
.ute Mills in "ombay and -alcutta in 1!1. In India, living and working conditions
of the workers were deplorable and there was a wide spread discontentment among
the workers arising out of their efforts to mitigate or remove the evils of
industriali'ation provided the ma/or task for trade unionism to take root. The main
elements in the development of trade unions of workers 0Unions1 in every country
have been more or less the same. The setting up of large scale industrial units
created conditions of wide spread of machinery, the establishment of new lines of
production, the changes in working and living environment of workers and
concentration of industries in large towns, all of which introduced a new class of
workers who were dependent on wage for their livelihood. They were at a
disadvantage in an age when doctrine of laissez faire held the field. In the
absence of collective action, they had to be content with the wages which each one
of them could separately negotiate with employer from a position of disadvantage.
2rotest by individual workers could have no effect in such circumstances, because
of a plentiful supply of labour. 3orkers had to /oin together atleast to maintain if
not improve, their bargaining power against the employer4 where /oint action was
inade&uate, the sanction which workers evolved was /oint withdrawal from work.
5ecognition of the community of this right to combine, organi'e for collective
action and withhold labour was long and painful process, every where but a
perhaps less so in India unions have now come to symboli'e
0i1 3orkers 5ight to 6rgani'e and
0ii1 Their 5ight to 2ress their demand collectively and to go on strike if their
claims are not accepted.
In early times there was a support to trade unionism by certain groups of social
workers, humanists and philanthropists who were distressed with the in/uries of
workers and tried to assist workers by e7posing their courage through publishing
/ournals or sending their appeals to the "ritish (overnments. -onse&uently, the
$actory -ommission was constituted in the year 1#!, to en&uire into the workers8
problems and even by the end of the decade 1191*, the (overnment conducted
nothing in the nature of minimum wage was found. :owever, during this period
many important commissions were constituted in this regard such as "ombay
$actory -ommission 1;, the Indian $actory <abour -ommission 1*,, The
5oyal -ommission on <abour 1*,+ and the $actory <abour -ommission 1*,.
In 1; =.M. <okhandey convened a meeting of factory workers and a
memorandum was submitted to the $actory -ommission demarcating limitation of
hours, a weekly rest day, noon time recess and compensation for in/uries.
The "ombay Mill :ands Association was formed and organi'ed in the year 1*,,
=.M. <okhandey as its -hairman. The =ews 2aper called >heena "andu started
focusing the problems of the workers.
It is very important to note here that during this period many other associations,
such as *mal#amated 3ociet of 4ailwa 3ervants of India and B"rma018.)2%
+rinters Union 1.,5% the Bomba +ostal Union 01.,)2' The 6am#ar
Hitwardha$ 3abha 01.,.2% the +ress 7mploees *ssociation were established'
Many efforts were made by some eminent social workers like =.M. <akhandey
supported by a very eminent 2arsi 2hilanthropist and social worker by name
%orab/i "engali. It is a significant act that in the year 18.,% the first labo"r "nion
was formed called Bomba Mill Hands *ssociation' However it was not a
trade "nion in real sense% beca"se this association had no membership% no
r"les and re#"lations and no f"nds and it is merel a welfare association and
so no trade "nion was foc"sed b the Bomba Mill Hands *ssociation.
Although during this period a sort of labour movement began by social workers, it
could not wipe out the evils of industriali'ation. In 1.1)% an important land
mar$ in the histor of Indian trade "nion movement too$ place% thatwas the
establishment of *hmedabad Te&tile 8abo"r *ssociation "nder the leadership
of Mahatma 9andhi' The Association declared a strike making the labour
demand for higher wages, war bonus, etc. It is important to mention here that the
establishment of Ahmedabad Te7tile <abour Association was considered India8s
biggest and best labour union which was closely associated with (andhian
philosophy and principles of trade unionism. *fter this another "nion the Te&tile
8abo"r of Madras "nder the leadership of B' +' /adia $nown as the Madras
8abo"r Union at Madras on :)th *pril% 1.18 was established Mr' B' +' /adia%
a leader of the Indian =ational -ongress and a close associate of >r. Annie "esant
in the :ome 5ule Movement was considered the earliest trade union leader in
organi'ing trade unions in India. The establishment of Madras <abour Union gave
a sense of solidarity for a trade union consciousness among the workers. The
important characteristics of the early trade union movement were that it adopted
constitutional approach for redressing in grievances and it was led by
philanthropists and intellectuals. ?et, there was no trade union movement as such
during this period, it should not be set that workers were inactive and it is a fact
and true that workers were illiterate and ine7perienced. :owever the workers were
reacted to inhuman conditions prevailing in the organi'ed industry and they were
aware of their organi'ed strength which indicated by the strikes which were taken
place during the period.
3econd +hase 1.,,-1.5;
The +eriod between Two /orld /ars 1.18 1 1.5;:
>uring the first &uarter of +,th century the emergence of trade union freedom had
become one of the most powerful and challenging problems of Indian social and
economical institutions. There emerged two fold ob/ectives9one to provide militant
force to national movement and the other to protect the general interest of the
workers during the year 1*1*@1*+,.
Many Unions started in "ombay, Madras, 2un/ab and "engal were inspired. The
railway workers and seamen also worked for strengthening their e7isting union and
led for the establishment of new unions. 3ince 1.1. the Indian Trade Union
Con#ress be#an to ta$e interest in trade "nion movement. It is si#nificant to
mention here that the trade "nion movement th"s became an inte#ral part of
freedom movement tho"#h the main ob<ective was to "se trade "nion as a
weapon to fi#ht a#ainst the British 9overnment% yet it did also some
constructive activities for labour movement in the beginning.
At the end of $irst 3orld 3ar, there was a rapid progress in the field of trade
unionism in India. In the post war period the trade union movement got a fresh
stimulus on account of economic and social unrest. The first factor provided the
goal, the second intense fight and third supplying, willing and active leaders.
8ater in 1.:1% the Indian 8e#islative *ssembl adopted a resol"tion
re="estin# a le#islation action for re#istration of trade "nion and for their
protection from civil action' Mr' >'>' !oshi the 9eneral 3ecretar of *ITUC
at that time% in March% 1.:1 moved a resol"tion s"ccessf"ll in the Central
8e#islative *ssembl recommendin# that the 9overnment of India sho"ld
introd"ce a le#islation for the re#istration of trade "nion and the protection of
trade "nion freedoms' B"t it was not "ntil 1.:; that the Indian Trade Union
*ct was placed on the stat"te boo$' "esides the international economic crisis
caused by the $irst 3orld 3ar, there were a few other reasons which helped the
evolution of the Indian trade union movement during this period. The first and the
foremost was the new upsurge of national movement. 8eaders li$e B'+' /adia%
8o$mana Tila$% *nnie Besant% Mahatma 9andhi and 8ala 8a<pati 4ai and
man others Anurtured the sapling in the initial stages so well that it bosomed to
full before longB.
The second important event was the 4"ssian 3ocialist 4evol"tion of 1.1)
under the leadership of <enin which held out hopes for oppressed people of the
3orld. *nother important factor was the establishment of the International
8abo"r ?r#ani@ation 01.1.2 of which India was the fo"nder1member. The
imperatives of I<6 -onstitution impelled the need of workers8 organi'ations to
represent Indian workers. This led to the establishment of the *ll 1 India Trade
Union Con#ress 0*ITUC2 in 1.:, as the central bod of wor$ersA representin#
the vario"s trade "nions affiliated to it' This central organi'ations grew in
strength in the course of time ad came to occupy a crucial position in the
The most important year in the history of Indian Trade Union movement is 1*+,
when the All India Trade Union -ongress 0AITU-1 was formed conse&uent upon
the necessity of electing delegates for the International <abour 6rganisation 0I<61.
This is the first all India trade union in the country. The first meeting of the AlTU-
was held in 6ctober, 1*+, at "ombay 0now Mumbai1 under the presidentship of
<ala <a/pat 5ai. The formation of AlTU- led to the establishment of All India
5ailwaymen8s $ederation 0AI5$1 I= 1*++. Many -ompany 5ailway Unions were
affiliated to it. %igns of militant tendency and revolutionary ideas were apparent
during this period.
+eriod of splits and mer#ers: The splinter group of AITU- formed All India
Trade Union $ederation 0AlTU$1 in 1*+*. Another split by the communists in
1*C1 led to the formation of All India 5ed Trade Union -ongress. Thus, splits were
more common during the period. :owever, efforts were made by the
5ailway $ederation to bring unity within the AITU- unity. These efforts did bear
fruit and All India 5ed Trade Union -ongress was dissolved.
Added to this, All India Trade Union $ederation also merged with AITU-. The
unified AITU-8s convention was held in 1*;, in =agpur. "ut the unity did not last
The 3orld 3as II brought splits in the AITU-. There were two groups in the
AITU-, one supporting the war while the other opposing it. The supporting group
established its own central organisation called the Indian (ederation of 8abo"r.

Third +hase 01.5)-+resent2
A further split took place in 1*;#, when the top leaders of the Indian =ational
-ongress formed another central organisation.
Indian >ational Trade Union Con#ress: The efforts of Indian =ational -ongress
resulted in the establishment of Indian =ational Trade Union -ongress 0I=TU-1
by bringing the split in the AITU-, I=TU- started gaining membership right from
the beginning.
?ther Central Unions: 3ocialists separated from *ITUC had formed Hind
Ma@door 3abha 0HM32 in 1.58' The Indian $ederation of <abour merged with
the :M%, 5adicals formed another union under the name of United Trade Union
Con#ress in 1.5.' Thus, the trade union movement in the country was split into
four distinct central unions during the short span of 1*;D to 1*;*. %ome other
central unions were also formed. They were Bharatia Ma@door 3an#h 0BM32 in
1.55% the Hind Ma@door +anchaat 0HM+2 in 1.;5 and the Centre of Indian
Trade Unions 0CITU2 in 1.),' Thus, splinter group of I=TU- formed Union
Trade Union -ongress, the split in the -ongress 2arty in 1*D* resulted in the split
in I=TU- and let to the formation of =ational <abour 6rganisation 0=<61
The )conomic reforms in 1*; and 1**1 have been an impetus for the industry.
*t present there are twelve Central Trade Union ?r#ani@ations in India:
The criteria for recognition as -entral Trade Union has been that the combined
strength should be ! lacs numbers with a spread over to at least ; states and ;
industries as on C1.1+.*.
1. All India Trade Union -ongress 0AITU-1
+. "haratiya Ma'door %angh 0"M%1
C. -entre of Indian Trade Unions 0-ITU1
;. :ind Ma'door Eisan 2anchayat 0:ME21
!. :ind Ma'door %abha 0:M%1
D. Indian $ederation of $ree Trade Unions 0I$$TU1
#. Indian =ational Trade Union -ongress 0I=TU-1
. =ational $ront of Indian Trade Unions 0=$ITU1
*. =ational <abor 6rgani'ation 0=<61
1,.Trade Unions -o@ordination -entre 0TU--1
11. United Trade Union -ongress 0UTU-1 and
1+.United Trade Union -ongress @ <enin %arani 0UTU- @ <%1
Trade Union 3tren#th 0appro&'2
"M% @ CC1 <akhs
I=TU- @ +#1 <akhs
AITU- @ 1 <akhs
:M% @ 1! <akhs
-ITU @ C.; <akhs

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