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Product Manager Role Description

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Product Manager Role

Each Service has a Product Manager who is responsible for the overall management of that service.
Business Management:
Manage the service as a business with close attention to expenditures and revenues.
Ensure service offerings are clearly defined in the ITD Service atalog !what is
included"excluded# levels of service etc.$ and documentation is maintained appropriately.
%usiness Planning# Identify and manage all costs !staff# maintenance costs# hardware#
overtime etc.$ associated with engineering# implementing and supporting services !certain
services may be delegated to &perations$
Identify opportunities to reduce financial expenditures whilst meeting customers needs
Identify and manage funding mechanisms !chargebac'# capital# appropriation# revenue
account$ for each service
&wn the chargebac' model for each service and wor' collaboratively with The (inancial
)roup !T()$ and Service *ccount Managers !S*Ms$ to maintain each model as
Manage +ey ,endor -elationships and routinely review vendor service delivery
-oadmaps# maintain . to / year service strategy for each service managed
Services Development Lifecycle Management:
0ith Service *ccount Managers !S*Ms$ meet with customers to understand ongoing
re1uirements !functionality# cost# availability# reliability# performance$ and to develop
tactical and strategic plans which incorporate those re1uirements into the services
development lifecycle
0ith Infrastructure Planning )roup !IP)$# Security &ffice !S&$# and Policy 2 *rchitecture
)roup involvement# manage the development and engineering of new or existing services.
Ensure infrastructure standards are adhered to or improved upon.
In collaboration with The (inancial )roup !T()$ and S*Ms define clear business plans that
identify future expenditures# revenues and funding model for each service
Manage the service engineering and implementation efforts either through allocation of
wor' or through sponsorship of Program Management &ffice !PM&$ efforts
Ensure all services are migrated effectively to 3production4 status. 0or' with Service
Management &ffice !SM&$ &perations to transition service execution and support
0or' with S*Ms and SM& &perations to review Service 5evel Management targets on an
ongoing basis and to recommend improvements to services
0or' with third party ,endors to assess 60"S0 licensing opportunities
Service Product Organizational Management:
7nderstand ustomer -e1uirements and %usiness 8eeds
Translate %usiness 8eeds into Teams and Individual Expectations
5ead Product teams in managing transition and removing roadbloc's
reate Positive Environment for )rowth and ontribution
Provide Effective oaching# Ensure Development Plan in EP-S *ddresses Employee 8eeds
)ive Timely# 6onest# 6elpful (eedbac'
Ensure Mentorship# *dvocacy# *ssign Technical -esources
oach and motivate Employees on areer
&n %oard 8ew Employee"Transferee
Promote Interaction with &ther ITD &rgani9ations
Promote Interaction with ustomer &rgani9ations
Promote the values of being open# collaborative# responsive and proactive
Manage and inspire engineering team to deliver great service and performance

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