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> Products > Printer >
Compact Thermal Printer (Vertical Model / Horizontal Model) PTMBL11!" /
PTMBL1B!!" #eries

Compact Thermal Printer (Vertical Model/Horizontal Model) PTMBL1910A/PTMBL1B00A eries
Vertical or horizontal eas# loadin$ mechanism (%&'(mm )idth)
#mall and light 'eight(
Compati)le 'ith the standards o* this mar+et(
T#pical peci*ications
Paper setting ,as& loading
Printing method Line thermal
-um)er o* dots / Line ./0dots
1ensit& o* dot /dots/mm
Printing speed Ma2( speed 34mm/s
Paper 'idth 4/(5!6 71)mm
Printing 'idth 0/mm
Po'er suppl&
Head and motor 0(8 to /(4 V
Logic . to 4(84 V
,n9ironment temperature
Print %ualit& !:C to 4!:C
;perating 78!:C to 54!:C
#torage 784:C to 53!:C
Head li*e
")rasion resistance 4!+m
Pulse acti9ation 1!!million pulses
Mechanical dimensions
<idth =/(4mm
1epth 81(!mm .8(1mm
Height .!(/mm 14(.mm
<eight appro2( 03g appro2( 01g
,imensions >nit? mm

Compact Thermal Printer(Vertical Model/Horizontal Model) PTMBL1((( http?//'''(alps(com/products/e/np9@product/PTMB/PTMB7,(HTML
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Ca"tions *or -se
1( Aor the e2port o* products 'hich are controlled items su)Bect to *oreign and domestic e2port la's and regulations6 &ou must o)tain appro9al
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8( Products must not )e used *or militar& and/or antisocial purposes such as terrorism6 and shall not )e supplied to an& part& intending to use the
products *or such purposes(
.( >nless pro9ided other'ise6 the products ha9e )een designed and manu*actured *or application to e%uipment and de9ices 'hich are sold to
end7users in the mar+et6 such as "V (audio 9isual) e%uipment6 home electric e%uipment6 o**ice and commercial electronic e%uipment6
in*ormation and communication e%uipment or amusement e%uipment( The products are not intended *or use in6 and must not )e used *or6 an&
application o* nuclear e%uipment6 dri9ing control e%uipment *or aerospace or an& other unauthorized use( <ith the e2ception o* the a)o9e
mentioned )anned applications6 *or applications in9ol9ing high le9els o* sa*et& and lia)ilit& such as medical e%uipment6 )urglar alarm
e%uipment6 disaster pre9ention e%uipment and undersea e%uipment6 please contact an "lps sales representati9e and/or e9aluate the total s&stem
on the applica)ilit&( "lso6 implement a *ail7sa*e design6 protection circuit6 redundant circuit6 mal*unction protection and/or *ire protection into
the complete s&stem *or sa*et& and relia)ilit& o* the total s&stem(
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Aurthermore6 the products herein ma& discontinue 'ithout prior notice(
0( "ll product names6 compan& names and names o* standards descri)ed in this catalog are trademar+s or registered trademar+s o* their
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4( The contents o* this catalog are according to "lps ,lectric as o* Canuar& 8!1!(
=( This catalog is 9alid until the end o* 1ecem)er 8!1!(
+n."iries a/o"t Prod"cts
Compact Thermal Printer(Vertical Model/Horizontal Model) PTMBL1((( http?//'''(alps(com/products/e/np9@product/PTMB/PTMB7,(HTML
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Aor more in*ormation please contact? #ales or Products $n*ormation Center(
1736 Fu+iga&a7otsu+amachi6 ;ta7+u6 To+&o6 Capan 1047/4!1 PH;-, ? 5/1 (.) 407/140
Compact Thermal Printer(Vertical Model/Horizontal Model) PTMBL1((( http?//'''(alps(com/products/e/np9@product/PTMB/PTMB7,(HTML
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