Christian Thibaudeau - Shoulder Blasting Circuit Combos
Christian Thibaudeau - Shoulder Blasting Circuit Combos
Christian Thibaudeau - Shoulder Blasting Circuit Combos
I believe that you can't have delts that are too big. Big broad shoulders give your body a totally
different look... a SUPERHERO look. ot to !ention that having big and strong delts can do
"onders for in#ury $revention.
%elts have al"ays been one of the $riorities in !y training because I have a naturally narro"
&et !e get this out first' NOTHING WILL BUILD O!"#LL SHOULD!" $#SS B!TT!"
TH#N H!#% O!"H!#D WO"&'
(he core of your shoulder "ork should be $ush $resses )the best e*ercise+ and various for!s of
shoulder $ressing )%Bs, barbell, seated, standing, high-incline, "ide gri$, narro" gri$, etc.+.
Basically beco!e a strong $resser at !any various angles and fro! !any different $ositions.
But to really !a*i!i.e overall shoulder si.e I also feel that adding isolation "ork is crucial
es$ecially if you have strong trice$s )like I do+.
/ith isolation "ork for delts I like to use circuits )0-1 e*ercises+ or co!bos )2 e*ercises+ to cause a
lot of local fatigue.
This should #LW#%S be done one (our hea)( *or+ has been done'
Here are some o, m( -ersonal ,a)orite.
TH! /OW!"LI0T!" T"IO. I used that one "ith a fe!ale $o"erlifter "ho has tre!endous
trice$s and chest strength but lagging front delts "hen it co!es to the bench $ress... 34. 5lose-gri$
barbell front raise 6-47 re$s8 47 sec rest8 32. 9ediu!-gri$ )shoulder "idth+ barbell front raise sa!e
"eight !a* re$s8 47 sec rest8 30. /ide-gri$ barbell front raise sa!e "eight !a* re$s.
TH! BOD%BUILDING C#/ T"IO. I used that one !yself since I "anted to e!$hasi.e "idth, as
"ell as "ith a 5anadian ational Bodybuilding 5ha!$... 34. 4-ar! lateral raise side"ay on an
incline bench 6-47 re$s8 47 sec rest8 32. 4-ar! standing leaning a"ay laterals sa!e "eight !a*
re$s8 47 sec rest8 4-ar! front raise sa!e "eight !a* re$s...
TH! H!#LTH #ND SI1! T"IO. 34. Barbell cuban $ress 6-47 re$s8 47 sec rest8 32. Barbell
front raise sa!e "eight !a* re$s8 47 sec rest8 30. Bradford $ress sa!e "eight !a* re$s
TH! O"IGIN#L BOD%BUILDING CI"CUIT. (his is the one used by %aryl :ee' 34.
%eadstart laterals * 6-478 47 sec rest8 32. standing laterals sa!e "eight !a* re$s8 47 sec. rest8 30.
%eadstart front raise sa!e "eight, !a* re$s8 47 sec. rest8 3;. Standing front raise sa!e "eight,
!a* re$s.
Normall( *e do a circuit 2 times' <es I do allo" so!e slight cheating at the end of a set as long as
the delts are still doing !ost of the "ork.
:otta go to the gy! and fil! so!e co!$le*es, be back in a fe" hours to $ost a fe" !ore of these
shoulder co!bos.
Christian Thibaudeau 3 45/67/6477
8 799:36477 T N#TION LLC