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Origins and Destinies: Immigration To The United States Since World War II

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Sociological Forum, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1994
Ori gi ns and Des t i ni es : I mmi g r a t i o n to t he
Uni t e d St at es Si nce Wor l d War II
R u b e n G. R u m b a u t I
Contemporary immigration to the United States and the formation of new
ethnic groups are the complex and unintended social consequences of the
expansion of the nation to its post-World War H position of global hegemony.
Immigrant communities in the United States today are related to a history of
Ameri can military, political, economic, and cultural i nvol vement and
intervention in the sending countries, especially in Asia and the Caribbean
Basin, and to the linkages that are formed in the process that open a variety
of legal and illegal migration pathways. The 19.8 million foreign-born persons
counted in the 1990 U.S. census formed the largest immigrant population in
the world, though in r el at i ve terms, only 7. 9% of the U.S. population was
foreign-born, a lower proportion than earlier in this century. Today' s
immigrants are extraordinarily diverse, a reflection of polar-opposite types of
migrations embedded in very different historical and structural contexts. Also,
unlike the expanding economy that absorbed earlier flows from Europe, since
the 1970s new immigrants have entered an "hourglass" economy with reduced
opportunities for social mobility, particularly among the less educated, and new
waves of refugees have entered a welfare state with expanded opportunities f or
public assistance. This paper seeks to make sense of the new diversity. A
typology of contemporary immigrants is presented, and their patterns of
settlement, their distinctive social and economic characteristics compared to
maj or native-born racial-ethnic groups, and their different modes of
incorporation i n - - a n d consequences f or - - Amer i can society are considered.
KEY WORDS : immigrants; refugees; education; employment; poverty; welfare; fertility;
language; social networks; ethnic and racial diversity; nativism; adaptation.
1Department of Sociology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824.
0884-8971/94/1200-0583507.00/0 1994 Plenum Publishing Corporation
Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1881218
5 8 4 R u m b a u t
How curious a land is this--how full of untold story, of t r a g e d y a n d l a u g h t e r a n d
t h e ri ch legacy of human life; shadowed wi t h a t r agi c p a s t , a n d b i g wi t h f u t u r e
p r o mi s e ! . . . It is a land of rapid c o n t r a s t s a n d of curiously mingled hope a n d
pa i n.
(W. E. B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk)
Those apt and emotive words may serve as an epigraph for America
at the end of the 20th century, a land of rapid contrasts being again trans-
formed by new waves of immigration that rival those of the tumultuous
era before World War I. But DuBois was describing the "Black Belt" at
the beginning of the century as he traveled by train across Georgia in the
"Jim Crow Car," passing by the land of the Cherokees and the Creek In-
dians - - "and a hard time the Georgians had to seize i t " - - t o "the centre
of the Negro pr obl em. . , of America's dark heritage from slavery and the
slave trade" (DuBois, 1989/1903:78-79). In The Souls of Black Folk, written
soon after Africa was partitioned by European colonial powers and Puerto
Rico, the Philippines, Guam, and the Hawaiian islands were seized by the
United States in the aftermath of the Spanish-American-Cuban War,
DuBois had prophesied that "the problem of the twentieth century is the
problem of the color l i ne- - t he relation of the darker to the lighter races
of men in Asia and Africa, in America and the islands of the sea"
Much has changed since then, mainly in the years after World War
II, including the decolonization of Africa and Asia and the English-speak-
ing Caribbean, and the dismantling of Jim Crow in the United States; but
much has not, so that another preeminent African American scholar, John
Hope Franklin, could "venture to state categorically that the problem of
the twenty-first century will be the problem of the color line" (Franklin,
1993:5). Class, not color, had shaped the fates of the "white et hni cs"--
Southern and Eastern Europeans--whose arrival by the millions around
the turn of the century culminated in the restrictionist national-origins laws
of the 1920s (cf. Steinberg, 1989). The Great Depression and World War
II thereafter combined to cut the flow of immigrants to America to its
lowest point since the 1820s. But the new and rapidly accelerating immi-
gration to the United St at es- - f r om Asia, Latin America, and the Carib-
bean, and increasingly (though still relatively small) from Africa and the
Middle Eas t - - i s unprecedented in its diversity of color and class and na-
tional origins; it is changing fundamentally the racial and ethnic composi-
tion and stratification of the American population, and perhaps also the
social meanings of race and ethnicity, and of American identity. As were
their predecessors, the new immigrants and their children are themselves
Origins and Destinities 585
being transformed in the process, and their destinies, as yet full of unt ol d
story, will bear the stamp of their diverse origins.
The stories that are being told in the news media of the d a y - - p a r -
ticularly in the "Immigrant Belt" of global cities like Los Angeles, New
York, and Mi a mi - - a r e full of the dramatic contrasts and the "curiously
mingled hope and pain" of cont emporary immigrants from all over the
world who enter, with or without permission, in search of fut ure promi se
or to escape a tragic past, and of the variety of ways in which the natives
respond, often with alarm, to their presence. As in the past, Ameri can na-
tivism is exacerbated during periods of economic recession. Nowher e has
that been more palpable than in California in the early 1990s, where the
deepest and most prol onged recession since the Gr eat Depression, in part
a product of post-Cold War cutbacks in the defense industry and military
spending, coincided with the largest concentration of legal and illegal im-
migrants and refugees in the country. Governor Pet e Wilson led ot her poli-
ticians of bot h parties in singling out the cost of providing public services
to immigrants, especially in Los Angeles, as the cause of the state' s budget
deficit, and called for the denial of citizenship to the U. S. -born children
of undocument ed immigrants.
Yet in sharp contrast to the poverty and vulnerable status of many
newcomers, such as laborers from Mexico and Central America and refu-
gees from Sout heast Asia, many immigrant communities t hroughout South-
ern California have thrived despite the recession. Iranians make up about
a quart er of the high school enrollments in upscale Beverly Hills. In 1992
nearly 1 in 5 (19%) home buyers in Los Angeles Count y had a Chinese
s ur na me - - a l t hough the Chinese make up only 2.7% of the county' s huge
popul at i on- - pr oppi ng up the moribund housing market and revitalizing
entire neighborhoods. Some of these homes are so-called monst er houses
in rich suburbs for the wives and children of Taiwanese businessmen (called
"astronauts" locally) who spend most of their time abroad making money.
In 1993 in nearby Mont erey Pa r k - - k n o wn as "Little Taipei" and as "t he
first suburban Ch i n a t o wn " - - a businessman from mainland China wal ked
into a Taiwanese community bank, was assured by the manager that his
transactions would be kept confidential from Chinese authorities, and de-
posi t ed $10,000 on the spot, returning the next day to deposi t anot her
$900,000 by wire transfer. Business is booming in China' s coastal provinces,
and private fort unes are winding their way t hrough Hong Kong to t he
Uni t ed States and Canada; as a report in the Los Angel es Ti mes put it,
"The Gol d Rush, this time, is from west to east" (Schoenberger, 1993).
And the 1994 lifting of the U.S. trade embargo against Vietnam, whose
rapidly growing economy is widely expected to make it the next "Asian
tiger," will stimulate Vietnamese businesses t hroughout California, and Or -
586 Rumba ut
ange County' s "Little Saigon" may come to rival the economic dynamism
of "Koreat own" just to the north; already Vietnamese developers and re-
altors in California report a growing flow of capital from Vi et nam as en-
t repreneurs t here seek safe havens for their excess cash (Kotkin, 1994). No
one had imagined such an out come when a million mostly indigent Indo-
chinese refugees came in the years after the fall of Saigon as part of the
largest refugee resettlement program in U.S. history.
Such report s, however, are less common t han t hose t hat focus on
undocument ed immigrants, such as nanni es and house cl eaners for na-
t i ve-born affl uent families (and gover nment officials who since 1993 have
di scovered t hey had a "Z6e Baird pr obl em") , and t hose who wait at
busy corners t hr oughout Sout her n California to be hired for day j o b s - -
an est i mat ed 40 sites in Los Angel es Count y alone: "Each year t hey
pr obabl y compl et e close to a million workdays of dirt moving, t ree trim-
ming, hauling, moving, painting, yard and pool cleaning, dry-walling,
plastering and tiling for t he region' s homeowner s and small cont ract ors.
It is l abor t hat might not get done if it wer en' t for migrants willing to
work for $5 or less an hour " (Kelley, 1990). Several of t he t op economi c
sect ors in Cal i f or ni a- - es peci al l y agriculture, apparel, and const ruct i on
--depend al most exclusively on immigrant labor. Still, aft er t he massive
ear t hquake in Los Angel es in 1994, legislation was i nt roduced to deny
assistance to forei gn-born victims who coul d not prove t hei r legal statuE.
Meanwhile, on t he ot her side of the country, t he Miami Herald r epor t ed
t hat j ust bef or e Christmas 1993, 7 Cubans and 10 Hai t i ans pool ed t hei r
resources and sailed from t he Ba ha ma s - - l i t e r a l l y in t he same b o a t - -
to Florida, wher e upon arrival the Cubans were duly pr ocessed by t he
U.S. Immi grat i on and Nat ural i zat i on Service (INS) while t he Hai t i ans
were sent to det ent i on facilities (Garci a and Cavanaugh, 1993). In 1992,
t he INS appr oved over 96% of Cubans who applied for r ef ugee status,
but less t han 11% of Hai t i ans (Immigration and Nat ural i zat i on Service
[INS], 1993). Color, Cold War foreign policies, and t he political cl out
of Cuban et hni c communi t i es in t he Uni t ed St at es have hel ped shape
the cont radi ct ory recept i on accorded to r ecent escapees from Cuba and
Hai t i who make it to the Uni t ed States: t he Cubans, fleeing an economi c
crisis deepened by the 1989 collapse of t he Soviet Uni on and a t i ght ened
U. S. -i mposed t rade embargo, are general l y guar ant eed political asylum,
and under the Cuban Adj ust ment Act of 1966, become eligible for per-
manent resi dency a year aft er their arrival; t he Haitians, fleeing the po-
litical t errori sm of a military regi me t hat deposed t he democrat i cal l y
el ect ed presi dent in 1991, are det ai ned and subj ect to depor t at i on as
economi c migrants (cf. Domfnguez, 1992; Stepick, 1992). Some make it
spectacularly, as did a 21-year-old Cuban who in 1994 crossed 110 miles
Origins and Destinities 587
of s ha r k- i nf e s t e d wa t e r s f r om Cuba t o t he Fl or i da Keys r i di ng a wi nd-
s ur f e r ( t he s e c ond such cr ossi ng in r e c e nt year s ) . Ma n y do not ma k e it
at all and dr own at sea. 2
Such exampl es ma ke f or sensat i onal copy, but t hey do humani ze and
i l l ust rat e me mor a bl y t he ext r aor di nar y di versi t y of t he new i mmi gr at i on,
t hei r mot i ves and mode s of passage t o Amer i ca, t hei r cont ext s of exit and
r ecept i on. Thi s art i cl e is an ef f or t t o ma ke sense of t hat di versi t y t hr ough
a br oa d- br us h sket ch of t he social and hi st ori cal ori gi ns of i mmi gr at i on t o
t he Uni t ed St at es since t he end of Wor l d Wa r II. The focus will be on
t ypes of i mmi gr ant s t hat compr i se c ont e mpor a r y flows, t hei r pat t er ns of
dest i nat i on and set t l ement , t hei r di st i nct i ve soci al and economi c char ac-
t eri st i cs c ompa r e d t o maj or nat i ve- bor n r aci al - et hni c gr oups, and t hei r di f-
f e r e n t mo d e s of i nc or por a t i on i n - - a n d c ons e que nc e s f o r - - Ame r i c a n
soci et y.
A t wofol d cl assi fi cat i on of c ont e mpor a r y i mmi gr ant s will hel p or gan-
ize our anal ysi s and r e nde r t hei r di verse ori gi ns and dest i ni es mor e com-
pr ehensi bl e. First, dependi ng on t hei r s oci oeconomi c st at us, we f ocus on
t hr ee sal i ent t ypes of i mmi gr ant s: pr of essi onal s, ent r epr eneur s , and ma nua l
l abor er s. Second, dependi ng on t hei r l egal -pol i t i cal st at us, we di st i ngui sh
a mo n g t hr ee basi c t ypes: r egul ar i mmi gr ant s (who ent er unde r pr ovi si ons
of U. S. law t hat f avor fami l y r euni f i cat i on as wel l as highly skilled pr of es -
si onal s), undoc ume nt e d i mmi gr ant s (who ent er illegally by crossi ng t he bor -
der or over st ayi ng a t e mpor a r y visa), and r ef ugees ( or asyl ees, in t he case
of t hose who cl ai m pol i t i cal asyl um once in t he Uni t e d St at es). Ea c h of
t hese t ypes is r epr es ent ed by several nat i onal i t i es; and conver sel y, wi t hi n a
si ngl e nat i onal i t y ma y be f ound i ndi vi dual s who r e pr e s e nt di f f er ent t ypes
( Por t es and Rumba ut , 1990). I n addi t i on, t hese s oci oeconomi c and l egal -
pol i t i cal st at uses cri sscross and combi ne in ways t hat magni f y t he rel at i ve
soci al advant ages or di sadvant ages of par t i cul ar i mmi gr ant gr oups as t hey
ma k e t hei r way in Amer i ca. For exampl e, t he u n d o c u me n t e d t end t o consi st
2In August 1994, several months after this essay was written, over 30,000 Cubans attempted
to cross the Florida Straits in flimsy rafts and inner tubes after the Castro government
indicated that it would not prevent anyone who wanted to leave Cuba from doing so. The
drama on the high seas climaxed several years of such increasingly desperate crossings. The
Clinton Administration, fearing "another Mariel," responded by interdicting the balseros
(rafters) on the high seas and taking them to the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, where they remained in indefinite detention along with over 15,000 Haitian boat
people. In the process, the U.S. government reversed three decades of preferential admission
and reception policies toward Cuban refugees. In a pact reached in September 1994, the
Cuban government agreed to curtail the dangerous boat crossings conditioned upon the U.S.
government's decision to admit 20,000 Cubans annually via regular immigration channels.
Later that month, over 20,000 U.S. troops occupied Haiti to ensure the return of the Haitian
President who had been ousted in the 1991 coup. The military intervention, ironically, may
yet open up new pathways of Haitian immigration to America.
588 Rumbaut
di sproport i onat el y of manual laborers, whose legal vulnerability ma k e s
t hem in t urn mor e economically exploitable; professionals are typically
found among the first waves of refugee flows, and among "pi oneer" immi-
grants who come under the occupational preferences of U.S. law (where-
upon, once established as permanent residents or U.S. citizens, they can
sponsor the immigration of their immediate family members). These and
ot her f a c t o r s - - s u c h as the ext ent of racial discrimination and nativist
prejudice, the state of the economy, the structure and cohesiveness of fami-
lies, and the presence or absence of strong co-ethnic communities in areas
of immigrant s e t t l e me n t - - f o r m t he cont ext s wi t hi n whi ch i mmi grant
groups adapt and shape their diverse fates.
Changes in U.S. immigration l a ws - - i n particular the amendment s
passed in 1965 (fully i mpl ement ed in 1968), which abolished t he national
origins quot a system and changed the preference system to give priority to
family reunification over occupational s ki l l s - - have oft en been singled out
as the principal reason for the "new immigration" and the change in its
composition. But the causal effects of the Hart -Cel l er Act of 1965 have
been exaggerated, and its most important consequences, such as the re-
moval of barriers to immigrants from Asian and African countries (Hing,
1993; Reimers, 1985), were largely unintended. The law does matter, of
course: it influences migration decisions and constitutes a key context of
reception shaping the destinies of newcomers, especially their right to full
membership and future citizenship. But it cannot control historical forces
or determine the size or source of migration flows.
Mi grat i on pat t erns are r oot ed in historical rel at i onshi ps est abl i shed
bet ween t he Uni t ed St at es and the principal sending c o u n t r i e s - - t h a t
is, t he size and source of new immigrant communi t i es in t he Uni t ed
St at es t oday is directly if variously rel at ed to t he history of Ameri can
military, political, economi c, and cultural i nvol vement and i nt ervent i on
in the sending countries, and t o the linkages t hat are f or med in t he proc-
ess t hat (oft en uni nt ent i onal l y) open a surprising variety of legal and
illegal migration pathways. A remarkabl e recent exampl e involves t he
t housands of f or mer Iraqi soldiers and pri soners of war from t he 1991
Persian Gul f War who reset t l ed in t he Uni t ed St at es as refugees. Thus,
a principal ar gument is t hat immigration to t he Uni t ed St at es and the
format i on of new Amer i can et hni c groups are t he compl ex and deepl y
ironic social consequences of the expansion of t he nat i on t o its post-
Worl d War II posi t i on of gl obal hegemony. As t he Uni t ed St at es has
become mor e deepl y involved in t he world, t he worl d has become mor e
deepl y involved in Ame r i c a - - i n d e e d , in diverse ways, it has come to
Origins and Destinities 589
International migration has been a major feat ure of the new world
order that emerged from the ashes of World War II, for a complex set of
reasons (Massey e t a l . , 1993; Zolberg, 1991, 1992). Societies have become
increasingly linked in numerous ways- - economi cal l y, politically, culturally
- - a n d modern consumption standards (especially Ameri can lifestyles and
popul ar culture) have been diffused worldwide at an accelerating rate.
Transnational population movement s of workers, refugees and their fami-
lies are but one of many ot her global exchanges of capital, commodities,
and information across state borders, all facilitated by a postwar revolution
in transportation and communication technologies that have reduced t he
costs of travel and raised expectations about opportunities abroad. In gen-
eral, the patterns reflect the nat ure of cont emporary global inequality: capi-
tal flows from rich to poor countries and labor flows from less devel oped
to more developed regions. Also, the era since Worl d War I I - - t h e era of
the Cold War and global superpower confrontation, decolonization and the
format i on of new states, revolutions and count er r evol ut i ons - - has been
characterized by continuing flows of refugees primarily from one "Third
Worl d" country to anot her (Zolberg e t a l . , 1989). Since the disintegration
of the "Second Worl d" at the end of the 1980s and anot her round of new
state formation, new refugee flows have been added in Europe, Africa, and
In absolute numbers, the Uni t ed States remains by far the principal
receiving country: the 19.8 million foreigners count ed in the 1990 U.S. cen-
sus formed the largest immigrant popul at i on in the wo r l d - - i n d e e d , in
world history. In r e l a t i v e terms, however, only 7.9% of the 1990 U.S. popu-
lation was foreign-born, a percentage exceeded by many countries and a
much lower proportion than had been the case earlier in this century, as
Tabl e I makes clear. Still, net immigration account ed for 39% of total U.S.
population growth during the 1 9 8 0 s - - a proportion larger by far t han any
ot her decade in the 20th century except for 1901-1910. The so-called for-
eign stock popul a t i on- - t he two generations of immigrants plus their chil-
dren born in the Uni t ed S a t e s - - i s near an all-time high, est i mat ed at
roughly 45 million in 1990, and poised to increase much more rapidly still
in the coming decades (Passel and Edmonst on, 1992). Although little is
known about their adaptation patterns to date, the new second generat i on
- - t h e children of the new i mmi gr ant s - - ar e bound to represent a crucial
component of Ameri can society in the years to come (Port es and Zhou,
1993; Rumbaut , 1990, 1994).
590 Rumbaut
Table I shows decennial trends in the changing size and composition
of immigrant flows to the United Sates for the century from 1890 to 1990,
using data from the two main national-level sources: the U.S. census
(counts of all foreign-born persons, regardless of their legal status) and the
INS (counts of persons "admitted to lawful permanent residence," who
either entered the United States with an immigrant visa from abroad or
were already in the United States but adjusted their status from temporary
to permanent resident). The INS data do not reflect the entry of unauthor-
ized immigrants into the United States, deaths, or emigration from the
United States, which accounts for many of the discrepancies between the
two data sets in Table I. For example, the census data show an increase
of some 3 million in the foreign-born population between 1900 and 1910;
but INS data show 8.8 million immigrants were admitted during that dec-
ade, the largest on record. Much of this flow was initiated by active re-
cruitment on the part of American employers, and many immigrants
returned home after a few years in the United St at es- - "bi r ds of passage,"
predominantly young single men, whose movements tended to follow the
ups and downs of the American business cycle (Piore, 1979).
After World War I broke out, immigration began an uneven and then
precipitous decline until the trend reversed itself immediately after World
War II, and has been increasing rapidly since. In the post-World War I1
period, legal immigration flows are more apt to be sustained by family re-
unification preferences in the allocation of immigrant visas and by kinship
networks developed over time (Jasso and Rosenzweig, 1990) than by eco-
nomic cycles and deliberate recruitment. While in the first decades of the
century 67% of all immigrants were men, since 1941 the maj or i t y- - 55%
- - ha ve been women (INS, 1991). By 1940, only 13% of immigrants were
coming from Asia and Latin America while 86% came from Europe and
Canada. The pattern had been completely reversed by 1990, with 84% com-
ing from Asia and Latin America and less than 13% from Europe and
Canada (see Table I).
Contemporary flows are further distinguished by sizeable and increas-
ing proportions of the following: (1) political refugees and asylees, beginning
with the 1948 Displaced Persons Act, which first recognized refugees in
U.S. law; (2) highly skilled professionals, who have entered variously under
employment-based visa preferences, in the first waves of refugee exoduses,
or under student or other temporary statuses; (3) undocumented laborers,
whose numbers began to swell after the termination in 1964 of the Bracero
Program (begun in 1942 to meet labor shortages in the southwest during
World War II, then maintained during the postwar years of rapid expansion
of the U.S. economy), and also ironically after passage of the 1965 law
(and after another in 1976), which placed for the first time numerical limits
Ori gi ns and Desti ni ti es 591
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592 Rumbaut
on legal immigration from the Western Hemi sphere even as it abolished
the national-origins quota system that had governed admissions from the
Eastern Hemisphere; and (4) per s ons ent eri ng on "noni mmi grant ' " visas (uni-
versity students, exchange visitors, t emporary workers, and many others).
These characteristics of cont emporary immigration provide in part t he basis
for t he typology of immigrants proposed above (INS, 1993; cf. Sorensen et
al., 1992).
For all of the attention it has received, the 1924 Johnson-Reed Act
that set preferential quotas for immigrants from northwest Europe had vir-
tually no effect on immigration from Asia, which had already been barred
in 1917, except for t he U.S. colony in the Philippines; much earlier, in 1882,
the Chinese had been excluded (a ban not repeal ed until 1943, when the
U.S. and China were wartime allies), and the Japanese restricted aft er 1907.
The 1924 law also had no effect on immigration from the Americas. Largely
at the urging of Ameri can growers and ranchers, no limits were set on
West ern Hemi sphere countries by the 1924 law: it was understood that
cheap, unskilled Mexican labor could be recruited when needed, as hap-
pened during World War I and t he 1920s (Vargas, 1993), and again during
the Bracero Program (Calavita, 1992); and that those laborers could be
deport ed en mas s e when they were no longer needed, as happened during
t he 1930s and agai n duri ng " Oper at i on Wet back" in t he mid-1950s
(Sanchez, 1993). Similarly, the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952 (passed over
President Truman' s veto, who opposed it because it hampered U.S. foreign
policy), basically kept the East ern Hemi sphere quot a system and exempted
the i ndependent nations of the Western Hemi sphere from any limits. Again
at the urging of growers and ranchers, the act included a "Texas Proviso"
exempting employers from sanctions for hiring illegal aliens that in fact
encouraged undocument ed immigration, all t he mor e aft er t he Bracero
Program was ended in 1964. (This loophole was formally closed by the Im-
migration Reform and Control Act [IRCA] in 1986.)
To this general picture of post-World War II immigration flows and
immigration policies need to be added the internal migration of blacks from
the south to the nort h and west (which dwarfed t he earlier Great Migration
of t he World War I era), and t he island-to-mainland j ourney of Puert o
Ricans (who are also not "immigrants" but travel freely as U.S. citizens by
birth), since both form a key part of the labor history of the period. Labor
recrui t ment of Puert o Ricans became widespread among employers in t he
nort heast during and after World War II, when cheap air travel was insti-
t ut ed bet ween San Juan and New York (a one-way ticket cost less t han
$50). Mass immigration to New York reached its peak in the 1950s and
made Puert o Ricans t he first "ai rborne" migration in U.S. history. Net mi-
grat i on to t he mai nl and duri ng t he peak decade of t he 1950s (about
Origins and Destinities 593
470,000) was higher than t he immigration totals of any country, including
Mexico (Falc6n, 1991; Port es and Grosfoguel , 1994; Rumbaut , 1992).
Puert o Ricans have since become the nation' s third largest ethnic minority,
aft er African Americans and Mexican Americans.
Although t he collection of statistics on emigration from t he Uni t ed
States was discontinued in 1957, indirect measures suggest that it has av-
eraged over 100,000 per year since 1970, a substantial but lower proportion
t han had been the case in t he early decades of t he century; of t he roughly
30 million immigrants admitted to t he Uni t ed States bet ween 1900 and
1980, an estimated 10 million emigrated (Warren and Kraly, 1985). But in
absolute if not relative numbers, and above all in its extraordinary diversity,
t he 1980s has rivaled any ot her decade in U.S. immigration history: nearly
half (44%) of the 19.8 million immigrants count ed in t he 1990 c e n s u s - -
8.7 million pe opl e - - a r r i ve d during t he 1980s.
Given current trends, t he size of t he immigrant population may well
be eclipsed and its composition furt her diversified during t he 1990s. Al-
ready, 1990 and 1991 set annual records for legal admi s s i ons - - over 1.5
and 1.8 million r esPect i vel y- - as a result of legalizing formerly undocu-
ment ed immigrafits Under t he amnesty provisions of IRCA. The Immigra-
t i on Act of 1990 ( i mpl ement ed in 1992) i ncr eased wor l dwi de legal
immigration limits by about 40%, to 700,000 per year through 1994 and
675,000 thereafter; of these, employment-based visas (reserved largely for
professionals) nearly tripled to 140,000, and family-sponsored admissions
also expanded to about half a million annually. The law also set aside
55,000 visas annually through 1994 for t he spouses and children of immi-
grants whose status was legalized under IRCA, and 120,000 "diversity visas"
for immigrants from 34 countries "adversely affected" by t he 1965 law, with
t he lion's share going to natives of Ireland (tens of thousands of whom
had overstayed their t emporary visas and remai ned in t he Uni t ed States
illegally in recent years). The number of t emporary "nonimmigrants" ad-
mitted set a record in 1992: nearly 21 million persons, including mostly
tourists and businesspeople but also over half a million foreign students
and exchange visitors and their families (INS, 1993). In addition, since pas-
sage of the 1980 Refugee Act, refugees and asylees are admitted outside
t he regular numerical limits under separate ceilings det ermi ned each year
by t he administration and Congress. Since t he end of the Cold War, refugee
admissions have actually increased: in 1992 t he refugee ceiling was 142,000,
up from 125,000 in 1990; and the asylee ceiling has been raised to 10,000
per year, even t hough t he number of asylum applications doubl ed to
104,000 in 1992.
The undocument ed immigrant population has not only grown but di-
versified. I RCA did not stop the flow of unaut hori zed migrants, despite a
594 Ru mb a u t
big drop immediately after 1986 (Bean e t a l . , 1990); the number of appre-
hensions along the Mexican border increased abruptly after 1989, reaching
1.3 million in 1992, and the number of deportations grew to 1.1 million.
Excluding t he nearly 3 million formerly undocument ed immigrants whose
status was legalized under I RCA (over 2 million were Mexican nationals,
followed by Salvadorans, Guatemalans, and Haitians), the INS estimated
that by Oct ober 1992 the illegal resident population - - consisting of "entries
without inspection" and "visa over st ayer s"- - t ot al ed about 3.2 million, and
was growing at a rate of perhaps 300,000 annually. Of that total, about 1
million were est i mat ed to be from Mexico, 298,000 from El Salvador,
121,000 from Guatemala, and roughly 100,000 each from Canada, Poland,
the Philippines, and Haiti (INS, 1992).
Census data on the size, year of immigration, citizenship, and states
of principal settlement of the 1990 foreign-born population are present ed
in Table II, broken down by t he major regions and countries of birth. For
the first time in U.S. history, Latin Ameri can and Caribbean peoples re-
placed Europeans as the largest immigrant population in the country. Fully
half of those 8.4 million immigrants came during the 1980s. Mexicans alone
accounted for 22% (4.3 million) of the total foreign-born population, and
26% of all immigrants arriving since 1970; Mexico is by far t he largest
source of both legal and illegal immigration. The Philippines ranked sec-
ond, with close to 1 million immigrants and 5% of t he total. Indeed, Mexi-
cans and Filipinos compri se, respectively, t he largest "Hi spani c" and
"Asian" immigrant groups in t he Uni t ed States today. Thus, while today' s
immigrants come from over 140 different countries, some regions and na-
tions clearly send many more than others, despite t he equitable numerical
quotas provided to each country by U.S. law since 1965. Regionally, t he
Asian and African immigrant flows grew fastest of all, with most arriving
in the 1980s; only 12% of immigrants coming in the 1980s hailed from
Europe and Canada.
One pattern, a continuation of trends already under way in the 1950s,
is quite clear: immigration from the mor e developed countries has declined
over time, while from less developed countries it has grown sharply. Among
the more developed countries, this pat t ern is clearest for Canada and most
European countries, with the sharpest reductions occurring since 1960. Al-
though traditional countries of immigration to t he Uni t ed States in the past,
by t he 1960s their prosperous postwar economies dampened the relative
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Origins and Destinities 597
attraction of America. About half of all Europeans and Canadians came
before 1960; many British, German, and ot her Eur opean scientists and pro-
fessionals j ourneyed to America in the aftermath of the war to pursue op-
portunities not available in their count r i es - - Br i t ai n alone lost 16% of its
Ph.D.s bet ween 1952 and 1961, half of t hem coming to the Uni t ed States
(Wei sberger, 1994:88). Among the less devel oped countries, t he maj or
countries of immigration are located either in the Cari bbean Ba s i n - - i n
the immediate periphery of the Uni t ed S t a t e s - - o r are a handful of Asian
nations also characterized by significant historical, economic, political, and
military ties to the Uni t ed States. These historical relationships, and the
particular social networks to which they give rise, are crucial to an under-
standing of the new immigration, bot h legal and i l l e g a l - and help explain
why most less devel oped countries are not similarly represent ed in cont em-
porary flows, as might be predicted by neoclassical economic theories of
transnational labor movements.
In fact, just a baker' s dozen of countries has account ed for two-thirds
of all immigrants since 1970: Mexico, Cuba, El Salvador, Guat emal a, Nica-
ragua, the Dominican Republ i c and Haiti in the Cari bbean Basin; and the
Philippines, Vietnam, South Korea, China, Taiwan, and India in Asia. Not
surprisingly, the two largest source countries, Mexico and the Philippines,
share the deepest structural linkages with the Uni t ed States, including a
long history of dependency relationships, external intervention, and (in the
case of the Philippines) colonization. In bot h countries, decades of active
agricultural labor recruitment by the Uni t ed St at es - - - of Mexicans to t he
Southwest, Filipinos to plantations in Hawaii and Cal i f or ni a- - pr eceded
the establishment of chain migrations of family members and eventually of
large and self-sustaining migratory social networks.
In the case of Mexico, the process has evolved over several genera-
tions. From California to Texas, the largest Mexican-origin communities in
the Uni t ed States are still located in former Mexican territories that were
annexed in the last cent ur y- - al t hough ot her large communities stretch to
Chicago and the Midwest (Vargas, 1 9 9 3 ) - - a n d they are t oday linked to
entire communities on the ot her side of the bor der (Massey, 1991; Massey
e t a l . , 1987; Port es and Bach, 1985; Rico, 1992; Rumbaut , 1992). In the
context of Mexico' s internal economic crises in the 1970s and 1980s, big
wage differentials and strong demand for Mexican labor across the 2,000-
mile-long U. S. -Mexi co bor der have acted as a magnet to attract immigrants
to America. The 1993 passage of the Nort h Ameri can Fr ee Trade Agree-
ment may stimulate further Mexican immigration to the Uni t ed States, at
least in the short term.
Unlike Puert o Rico, which also came under U.S. hegemony as a result
of the 1898 Spanish-American War, the Philippines secured its formal in-
598 Ru mb a u t
dependence from t he Uni t ed States after World War II (symbolically, on
July 4, 1946). This has since led to di fferent pat t erns of i mmi grat i on
(Carifio, 1987). During the half-century of U.S. colonization, the Ameri -
canization of Filipino culture was pervasive, especially in t he development
of a U.S.-styled educational system and t he adoption of English as an of-
ficial language (Karnow, 1989). Today the Uni t ed States is not only the
Philippines' major trading partner, but also accounts for more than half of
total foreign investment t here and for t he second largest share of income
of t he country' s gross national product. Since the 1960s, t he Philippines
have sent t he largest number of immigrant professionals to the Uni t ed
States, particularly nurses, and a high proportion of t he many international
students enrolled in Ameri can universities. The extensive U.S. military pres-
ence in t he Phi l i ppi nes- - i ncl udi ng until recently t he largest Ameri can
bases in t he Asian-Pacific r e gi on- - ha s also fueled immigration through
marriages with U.S. citizens stationed there, through unique arrangements
granting U.S. citizenship to Filipinos who served in the armed forces during
World War II, and through direct recrui t ment of Filipinos into t he U.S.
Navy. Remarkably, by 1970 there were more Filipinos in t he U.S. Navy
(14,000) than in the entire Filipino navy (Reimers, 1985); and in San Diego,
site of the third largest Filipino community in the Uni t ed States, about half
of t he Filipino labor force is employed by the U.S. Navy (Rumbaut, 1991).
Ameri can foreign policy, particularly the post-World War II doctrine
of communist containment, is of key importance in explaining many of the
most recent sizable migrations from different world regions. As of 1990, as
Table II shows, the most recently arrived Asian groups were the Cambo-
dians, Laotians, and Vietnamese, admitted as political r e f u g e e s - - a dialec-
tical legacy of the U.S. role in the Indochina War (Karnow, 1991; Rumbaut ,
1989). The most recent European arrivals were Soviet Jews and Poles, who
also have been admitted mainly as refugees, like ot her groups from com-
munist countries. From Latin America t he most recent arrivals were the
Salvadorans, Guatemalans, and Nicaraguans, who fled civil wars and dete-
riorating economic conditions in Central Ameri ca in t he 1980s in a context
long shaped by Ameri can foreign policy (Gibney, 1991; LaFeber, 1983; Nef,
1991; Niess, 1990; Schoultz, 1992). As with Haitians, Salvadorans and Gua-
temalans have been denied refugee status and ent ered mostly without docu-
ments (although the Immigration Act of 1990 granted "t emporary prot ect ed
status" to many Salvadorans). Cubans, who comprise t he oldest and (after
Mexico) largest of Latin American immigrant groups, ent ered primarily in
the 1960s, despite the chaotic flotilla of 125,000 Marielitos that began the
decade of the 1980s. With the exception of t he Mariel "entrants, " they have
been t he classic example of the use by t he Uni t ed States of refugee policy
as foreign policy (Domfnguez, 1992; Pedraza-Bailey, 1985; Zucker and
Ori gi ns and Desti ni ti es 599
Zucker, 1991). In fact, it has been to "prevent anot her Cuba" that a variety
of U.S. interventions t hroughout the Cari bbean Basin have been justified,
such as in the Dominican Republic after the assassination of Trujillo in
1961 and the U.S. military occupation in 1965, which opened key immigra-
tion pathways that over time have led to the large Dominican population
in the Uni t ed States (Grasmuck and Pessar, 1991; Mitchell, 1992; Port es
and Grosfoguel, 1994).
Among the ot her leading countries of recent immigration, linkages
unwittingly structured by American foreign policy and military intervention
are most salient in the exodus of the Koreans in the aftermath of the Ko-
rean War and the subsequent U.S. economic and political involvement and
permanent military presence in South Korea (Dudden, 1992; Kim, 1987a;
Light and Bonacich, 1988). There, as in India and Taiwan, large-scale U.S.
foreign aid, technical assistance, trade, and direct investment (which in In-
dia surpassed that of the Uni t ed Kingdom after decolonization in 1947)
hel ped to forge the channels for many professionals and university students
to come to America (Minocha, 1987). Emigration connections forged by
U.S. intervention and foreign and immigration policies are also a common
denomi nat or in the exodus of the Chinese after the 1949 revolution, and
of Iranians after the 1978 revolution. Very few of the tens of t housands of
students from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong who came to the Uni t ed
States after World War II on nonimmigrant visas ever ret urned home, in-
cluding an elite Chinese cohort stranded as refugees in the Uni t ed States
after the events of 1949 in China (Tsai, 1986). Many adjusted their status
and gained U.S. citizenship via marriages or occupational connections with
American industry and business, thus becoming eligible to send for family
members later on, consolidating and expanding social networks that over
time give the process of immigration its cumulative and seemingly sponta-
neous character.
The impact of the new immigration on Amer i can communi t i es is
much more significant than might appear at first glance because, as in the
past, immigrants t end to concentrate in urban areas where coethnic com-
munities have been established by past immigration. Such spatial concen-
trations serve to provide newcomers with manifold sources of moral, social,
cultural, and economic support that are unavailable to immigrants who are
more dispersed. This gravitational pull to places where family and friends
of immigrants are concentrated was clearly demonst rat ed by a recent analy-
600 Rumbaut
sis using 1980 census data for 411 counties with populations above 100,000,
covering more than 90% of the national foreign-born population: it found
that for every 100 immigrants in 1975, 35 new immigrants were added by
1980, whereas only 12 persons were added for every 100 natives (Enchau-
tegui, 1992:27).
In general, patterns of concentration or dispersal vary for different
social classes of immigrants (professionals, entrepreneurs, manual laborers)
with different types of legal status (regular immigrants, refugees, the un-
document ed). The likelihood of dispersal is greatest among immigrant pro-
fessionals, who t end to rely more on their qualifications and j ob offers than
on preexisting ethnic communities; and, at least initially, among recent refu-
gees who are sponsored and resettled through official government programs
that have sought deliberately to minimize their numbers in particular lo-
calities. However, refugee groups too have shown a tendency to gravitate
as "secondary migrants" to areas where their compatriots have clustered
(e.g., Cubans to South Florida, Southeast Asians to California). The like-
lihood of concentration is greatest among the undocument ed (e.g., over
25% of the 3 million I RCA applicants nationally were concent rat ed in the
Los Angeles metropolitan area alone) and working-class immigrants, who
t end to rely more on the assistance offered by preexisting kinship networks;
and among busi ness-ori ent ed groups who t end to settle in large cities.
Dense ethnic enclaves provi de immigrant ent r epr eneur s with access to
sources of cheap labor, working capital and credit, and dependabl e markets.
Social networks are thus crucial not only for an understanding of migration
processes, but also of adaptation processes and settlement pat t erns in areas
of final immigrant destination (Portes and Rumbaut , 1990; Rumbaut , 1991).
Over time, as the immigrants become naturalized U.S. citizens, local
strength in numbers also provides opportunities for political advancement
and representation of ethnic minority group interests at the ballot box (see
Table II for the proportion of U.S. citizens by national origin). The median
time from arrival to naturalization is 8 years, t hough some groups such as
Asian and African professionals naturalize more rapidly, controlling for
length of residence in the Uni t ed States. Others, such as Canadians, Mexi-
cans, and the British have low rates of naturalization (INS, 1993). In part
because of the recency of their arrival, the majority (59%) of the 1990 im-
migrants had not yet acquired U.S. citizenship or begun to vot e in elections.
Time in the Uni t ed States alone does not explain why different groups be-
come U.S. citizens at different rates, but this is an important question since,
along with higher numbers and great er concentration, citizenship acquisi-
tion and effective political participation go to the heart of ethnic politics
and to the ability of these groups to make themselves heard in the larger
society. The research literature has shown that, among legal immigrants
Origins and Destinities 601
and refugees, the motivation and propensity to naturalize is higher among
upwardly mobile younger persons with higher levels of education, occupa-
tional status, English proficiency, income and property, and t hose whose
spouses or children are U.S. citizens (Port es and Rumbaut , 1990). Undocu-
ment ed immigrants by definition remai n disenfranchised and politically
Table II also lists the states of principal immigrant settlement in the
Uni t ed States. While t here are immigrants t oday in each of the 50 states,
j ust 6 states (California on the West Coast; New York, New Jersey, and
Florida on the East Coast; and Texas and IUinois bet ween the coasts) ac-
count ed for three-fourths of the total 1990 U.S. foreign-born population.
A decade earlier, those same 6 states had account ed for two-thirds of the
national foreign-born total, a fact that underscores the pat t ern of increasing
concentration in just a few states and localities. California dominates the
national figures, accounting for fully one-third of all immigrants in t he
Uni t ed States (up from one-fourth in 1980), including approximately half
of the undocument ed; in fact, by 1990, 22% of all Californians were for-
eign-born, and their U. S. -born children nearly doubl ed that proportion.
New York, New Jersey, and Florida combined for anot her 28% of the for-
eign-born in 1990, although only 15% of the native-born lived in t hose
Pat t er ns of i mmi grant concent r at i on are even mor e pr onounced
within particular metropolitan areas. By 1990, Los Angeles had become
the premi er immigrant capital of the world, with 2.9 million foreign-born
residents (one third of the county' s huge population). The New York met-
ropolitan area followed with 2.1 million immigrants (just over one quart er
of New York City's population), concent rat ed mainly in Queens and Brook-
lyn, then Manhat t an and the Bronx. This does not include Puert o Ricans,
who are not "foreign-born," though 40% of their total mainland population
of 2.7 million was concent rat ed in New York City. Remarkably, those two
global cities t oget her contained 5 million immigrants, 1 in 4 of the national
total of 19.8 million. Orange and San Di ego Counties, next to Los Angeles,
added 1 million immigrants, while the San Fr anci sco- Oakl and- San Jose
metropolitan area in northern California added 825,000 more. The Miami
metropolitan area contained 875,000 immigrants, including the two cities
with the greatest proport i on of foreign-born residents in the Uni t ed States:
Hialeah (70%) and Miami (60%).
Moreover, as Table II shows, different immigrant groups concent rat e
in different states and metropolitan areas and create distinct communities
within each of these cities. Asians, Mexicans, and Central Americans are
heavily concent rat ed in California; Cari bbean newcomers join Eur opean
old-timers who are still densely overrepresent ed in New York; and Cubans
602 Rumbaut
and Nicaraguans are concent rat ed in South Florida. Among the largest con-
tingents of recent immigrants, Miami remains the premi er destination of
Cubans, where they are already a majority of the city' s total population
(cf. Port es and Stepick, 1993), as is New York for Dominicans, Jamaicans,
and Soviet Jews. Colombians and Haitians are also most concent rat ed in
New York and Miami. Los Angeles is the main destination for Mexicans,
Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Filipinos, Koreans, Iranians, and Cambodi ans
- - t he i r communities in that city are already the largest in the world outside
their respective c ount r i e s - - a nd it is the third choice of Chinese and In-
dians. Aft er Los Angeles, recent Mexican immigrants have settled in largest
numbers in San Diego and El Paso, Filipinos in San Di ego and San Fran-
cisco, Koreans in New York and Washington, DC. The Vi et namese are
concent rat ed in Santa Ana, Los Angeles, San Jose, and San Diego, with
anot her major enclave in Houst on. Most immigrants from China, Taiwan,
and Hong Kong settle in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York; more
Indians also settle in New Yor k (although among all major immigrant
groups Indians t end to be the most dispersed, reflecting their significantly
great er proportion of professionals).
Less obvious is the fact that these concentrations oft en consist of en-
tire community segments from places of o r i g i n - - o f extended families and
former neighbors, and not j ust compatriots. In some cities in California
and elsewhere the links with particular towns or villages in Mexico go back
generations and can be traced to the Bracero Program or earlier migration
chains. In ot her cases, the process happens very quickly: for example, 20%
of the small Salvadoran town of Intipuc~i was already living in the Adams -
Morgan section of Washington, DC, in 1985, with an organized Club of
Intipuc~ City to assist new arrivals (Schoultz, 1992:189). In the Det roi t met-
ropolitan area, home to the largest Arab community in North America,
most Chaldeans are from the village of Tel Kaif in northern Iraq and live
in Southfield; Lebanese Shiites are from Tibnin or Bent Jbail near the Is-
raeli border and prefer Dearborn; most Palestinians are from within ten
miles of Jer usal em- - Chr i st i ans from Ramallah, Muslims from El Bireh or
Beit Ha n i n a - and live in Livonia; Egyptian Coptic Christians are in Troy,
and Lebanese Maronite Catholics on the east side (Stockton, 1994:13A).
Tables III and IV provide a general sociodemographic and socioeco-
nomic portrait of the largest immigrant nationalities in the Uni t ed States
in 1990, compared to principal native-born racial-ethnic groups. While the
effort is necessarily constrained by the nature of the available aggregate
Or i g i n s a n d De s t i n i t i e s 6 0 3
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Origins and Destinities
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606 Rumbaut
census data, the selection of variables drawn for this portrait is aimed at
drawing attention not simply to individual characteristics, but t o a variety
of larger contexts that shape the incorporation of these groups as they make
their way through the American economy and society. Tabl e III present s
basic information about the age/sex structure of the groups, fertility and
selected indicators of family structure, and level of English language pro-
ficiency. Table IV focuses on educational, occupational, and economic char-
acteristics and resources of all of these immigrant groups, ranked in order
of their proport i on of college graduates, which may serve as a proxy for
their social class origins. The overall picture drawn in Tabl es III and IV is
contrasted against the norms for the total native-born population as well
as for specific groups of nat i ves- - non- Hi spani c whites and blacks, Puert o
Ricans on the mainland, Asian and Mexican Americans, and indigenous
groups (American Indians, Alaska Natives, Pacific Islanders). Bot h tables
dramatize the extraordinary diversity and complexity of t he new immigra-
tion to the Uni t ed States. In addition, though not shown in the tables, we
summarize census data on self-classified "race" drawn from a 5% Public
Use Microdata Sample of the 1990 U.S. foreign-born population, as a proxy
for the contextual effects of racial prejudice and discrimination in the re-
ceiving society.
Most new immigrants are nonwhite: the proportion of white immi-
grants declined from 88% of those arriving before 1960, to 64% in the
1960s, 41% in the 1970s, and 38% in the 1980s. Black immigrants increased
from 2% of pre-1960 arrivals to over 8% in the 1980s; Asians from 5%
pre-1960 to 31% in the 1980s; and "ot her race" from 5% pre-1960 to 23%
in the 1980s. This changing racial-ethnic makeup, which will change in still
more complex ways due to rapidly increasing rates of ethnic intermarriage,
affects primarily the leading metropolitan areas of immigrant concentration:
significantly, half of all black immigrants are concentrated in the New York
metropolitan area, and anot her 16% in Miami; half of t he mestizo and
Asian popul at i ons are concent rat ed in California; white immigrants are
more dispersed, but 26% are in California and 19% in the New Yor k- New
Jersey area.
Immigrants from the Americas are the most racially mixed, with less
than 45% self-reporting as white (disproportionately from Argentina and
Cuba, then Colombia and Nicaragua), 13% black (most from Haiti, Jamaica
and the English-speaking Caribbean, then the Dominican Republic), 1%
Asian (mostly Indians from former British colonies in Guyana and Trini-
dad-Tobago), and over 41% identified as "ot her" (predominantly mixed
populations of mestizos from Mexico, Central and South America; mulat-
toes from the Spanish-speaking Caribbean). Among African immigrants,
52% self-classify as black (of whom Nigerians and Ethiopians are the most
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610 Rumbaut
numerous), 41% as white (the Egyptians and many South Africans), and
7% as Asian (also remnants of the Indian diaspora during British colonial
rule, especially from Uganda, Kenya, and East Africa). Of immigrants from
Asia, 15% self-classify as white (mainly the Iranians, Israelis, and Arabs
throughout the Middle East). Virtually all Europeans and Canadians indi-
cate they are white (98.5%).
By region of birth, very significant contrasts are apparent in the de-
mography of the foreign-born. Europeans and Canadians, most of whom
immigrated decades ago, are now a much older and rapidly aging popula-
tion (median age is 53), disproportionately female (57%), with low fertility
rates that match those of non-Hispanic white natives (1.8 children ever born
per woman aged 35-44, which is an approximation of completed fertility);
and they generally have, along with immigrants from Asia and Africa, a
notably lower proportion of female-headed households and a higher pro-
portion of children under 18 residing at home with both parents than is
the case for native-born Americans. Yet immigrants from Asia include the
groups with both the lowest fertility (Japanese) and the highest fertility
(Cambodians and Laotians, the latter including the Hmong, the ethnic mi-
nority with the highest fertility rate in the United States). In this context,
the very young median ages of the U.S.-born Asian and Mexican-origin
populations (15 and 18 years, respectively), shown on the last two rows of
Table III, suggest that they consist largely of U.S.-born children of recent
immigrants, and show how the higher overall levels of fertility of the for-
eign-born combine with high levels of current immigration to produce the
rapid growth of new ethnic groups in the United States. The low fertility
and low immigration of Europeans, by contrast, point to the diminution of
European ethnic communities and their rapid assimilation into the "twilight
of ethnicity" (Alba, 1985, 1990).
With the exception of Cubans and Jamaicans, the majority of immi-
grants from Latin America and the Caribbean arrived during the 1980s.
As a whole, they appear to be younger, disproportionately male, with higher
fertility and a higher proportion of female-headed households than non-
Hispanic white natives, and significantly handicapped in their knowledge
of English (40% do not speak it well or at all); but, as Table III makes
clear, wide differences between nationalities are concealed at this level of
aggregation. For example, the Cubans are much older and have much lower
fertility; the Jamaicans and Dominicans have predominantly female popu-
lations (cf. Foner, 1987; Grasmuck and Pessar, 1991; P6rez, 1986). The Do-
minicans have by far the highest proportion of female-headed households
(41%) and are the only immigrant nationality with less than half its children
residing at home with both parents; this pattern is matched only by native
Blacks and Puerto Ricans, and approximated to a lesser extent by Jamai-
Or i g i ns and De s t i ni t l e s 611
cans and Haitians. Salvadorans, Guatemalans, and Me xi c a ns - - t he groups
composed primarily of undocument ed i mmi g r a n t s - are disproportionately
male, much younger, with fertility rates that are t he highest among all im-
migrant groups except for Indochinese refugees, and they also exhibit t he
greatest degree of English language handicaps. Yet among Latin Ameri -
cans, the Mexicans, who number 4.3 million immigrants and domi nat e t he
aggregate statistics, have t he highest fertility (3.3 children ever born among
women aged 35-44) but also t he lowest proport i on of f emal e- headed
households and t he highest percent of children living at home with bot h
par ent s - - i ndi cat or s of family cohesion that belie their low socioeconomic
As Table III also shows, for all the alarm about the demise of the
English language and t he alleged lack of assimilation of today' s immigrants,
fully 1 in 5 (21%) speak English o n l y , and anot her 53% speak it well or
very well, although 44% just arrived during the 1980s. Only 1 in 4 do not
yet speak it well or at all, and these are disproportionately t he elderly (es-
pecially those in dense ethnic enclaves, such as Cubans in Miami), the most
recently arrived, t he undocument ed, and t he least educated. English pro-
ficiency increases significantly over time, and English becomes by far t he
preferred language of use by the second generation; this is implied by t he
data in Table III for the U.S.-born Asian and Mexican-origin populations.
In fact, in recent years immigrant children have been consistently not only
among the winners of national science talent search contests, but of t he
U.S. National Spelling Bee as well (Rumbaut, 1991:225). It is t he immi-
grants' mot her tongue that atrophies over time, and quickly; this has been
t he pat t ern t hroughout American hi s t or y- - t he third generation typically
grows up speaking English o n l y - - a n d explains why the Uni t ed States has
been called a "language graveyard."
The Africans, who are mostly recently arrived young males, have t he
least difficulty with English (only 5% do not speak it well or at all, com-
pared to 9% among the Europeans and Canadians). This is not surprising
since Egypt and Nigeria alone account for 33% of all African immigration;
Ethiopia, South Africa, and Ghana add anot her 25%; and all but Ethiopia
are English-speaking countries. In fact, three-fifths (61%) of all African
immigrants come from countries where English is an official language. In
addition to this resource, which is key for those who come with st udent
visas, economic and political ties have shaped their migration pathways to
the Uni t ed States (e.g., t he Uni t ed States is a principal trading part ner of
t he main sending countries, and they include t he top t hree African coun-
tries in U.S. direct investment; Ethiopians have ent er ed as Cold War refu-
gees; Egypt since the Camp David Accords receives massive U.S. foreign
aid and economic and military assistance, exceeded only by Israel; and while
612 Ru mb a u t
there were virtually no Somalis counted in the 1990 census, U.S. involve-
ment in Somalia in the early 1990s could open various migration pathways).
But there are more complex reasons. The oil-rich Nigerian government in
the 1970s tried to build a national university system and sent thousands of
Nigerians abroad for advanced studies, but an economic crisis in the 1980s
left the students abroad without funds in the middle of their studies and
many failed to return. A similar situation in Ghana caused it to experience
the highest "brain drain" rate of any country in Africa (Kritz and Caces,
1992:226). One irony is that Nigerians now rank with Indian and Taiwanese
immigrants as the most highly educated group in the United States: nearly
two-thirds of Nigerian adults over 25 are college graduates. However, many
are "visa overstayers" (as I learned in 1993 from a Nigerian taxi driver with
a M.A. in economic development who was finishing work on his Ph.D.).
The 1990 census counted a foreign-born Nigerian population of 55,350; in
1992 INS estimated the Nigerian illegal immigrant population at between
24,000 and 30,000 (INS, 1992).
Table IV stratifies all of the principal immigrant groups in the
United States by their proportion of college graduates, and compares them
to native racial-ethnic groups on various indicators of socioeconomic
status. The foreign-born as a whole have the same proportion of college
graduates (20%) as does the native-born population, as well as an equiva-
lent rate of labor force participation and self-employment. They are, how-
ever, more likely than natives to be poor and to work in low-status jobs.
But again, decontextualized data at this level of analysis conceal far more
than they reveal, although that is often the level at which arguments about
the supposedly "declining stock" of new immigrants are made (i.e., that
relative to earlier decades today' s immigrants are less educated and more
welfare dependent). By far, the most educated and the least educated
groups in the United States today are immigrants, a reflection of polar-
opposite types of migrations embedded in very different historical contexts.
Disaggregated by region and country of birth, the huge differences among
them are made clear, underscoring the fact that these groups cannot sen-
sibly be subsumed under supranational categories like "Asians" or "Lati-
nos." That most come from poorer nations does not mean that the
immigrants themselves are poor and uneducated; on the contrary, one
point that stands out in Table IV is the extremely high degree of educa-
tional attainment among immigrants, especially from the developing coun-
t ri es of Af r i ca and As i a - - 47% and 38% are col l ege graduat es,
respect i vel y--and they are well above the U.S. average in their propor-
tion of professionals, executives and managers.
Table IV lists an upper stratum composed of sizable foreign-born
groups whose educational and occupational attainments significantly exceed
Origins and Destinities 613
the average for the native-born American population. Wi t hout exception,
all of t hem are of Asian or i gi n- - f r om India, Taiwan, Iran, Hong Kong,
t he Phi l i ppi nes, Japan, Korea, and Ch i n a - - wi t h recent l y i mmi grat ed
groups reflecting the highest levels of attainment. Also in this upper stratum
are several ot her smaller immigrant groups (not shown in Tabl e IV), no-
tably t hose from Nigeria, Egypt, Sout h Africa, Kenya, Israel, Lebanon,
Ghana, and Argentina. By the mid-1970s, one-fifth of all U.S. physicians
were immigrants, and there were already more foreign medical graduat es
from India and the Philippines in the Uni t ed States than Ameri can Black
physicians. By the mid-1980s, over half of all doctoral degrees in engineer-
ing awarded by U.S. universities were earned by foreign-born students, with
one-fifth of all engineering doct orat es going to students from Taiwan, India,
and South Korea alone; and one third of all engineers with a doct orat e
working in U.S. industry were immigrants. These "brain drain" immigrants
are perhaps the most skilled ever to come to the Uni t ed States. Their class
origins help explain the popularization of Asians as a "model minority"
and to debunk nativist calls for restricting immigrants to t hose perceived
to be more "assimilable" on the basis of color, language, and culture (Rum-
baut, 1991).
By contrast, as Table IV shows, the lower socioeconomic stratum in-
cludes recent immigrants from Mexico, El Salvador, Guat emal a, the Do-
minican Republic, and to a lesser extent Ha i t i - - ma n y or most of whom
are undocument ed. They have higher rates of labor force participation but
much lower levels of educational attainment, are concent rat ed in low-wage
unskilled jobs, and have poverty rates as high as those of native minority
groups but much lower proportions of households on welfare. Her e also
are less educat ed but less visible Eur opean immigrants from Italy and Por-
tugal (34% of Port uguese adult immigrants have less than a fifth-grade edu-
cation, compared to 1.8% of the total U.S.-born population, yet only 7%
of the Port uguese are below the poverty line). And two Asian-origin groups,
Laotian and Cambodi an refugees, exhibited by far the highest rates of pov-
erty and welfare dependency in the Uni t ed States. Sout heast Asians and
to a lesser extent Chinese and Korean workers are much in evidence, along
with undocument ed Mexican and Central American immigrants, in a vast
underground sweatshop economy that expanded during the 1980s and 1990s
in Sout hern California. These data t oo debunk the st ereot ypes that have
been propounded in the mass media as explanations of "Asian" success,
and point instead to the contextual diversity of recent immigration and to
the class advantages and disadvantages of particular groups.
A middle stratum evident in Table IV, composed of groups whose edu-
cational and occupational characteristics are close to the U.S. average, is
more het erogeneous in terms of their national origins. It includes older ira-
614 Rumbaut
migrants from t he Soviet Union, Britain, Canada, and Germany, and more
recent immigrants from Vietnam, Cuba, Colombia, and Jamaica. However,
not at all evident in Table IV is the fact that within particular nationalities
there are often also many class differences that reflect different "waves" and
immigration histories. For example, while 31% of adult immigrants from
China have college degrees, 16% have less than a fifth-grade education; this
bimodal distribution in part reflects different patterns of Chinese immigra-
tion and enterprise between the pre-1965 Lo Wa Kiu ("old overseas Chi-
nese") and the post-1965 San Yi Man ("new immigrants"; Wong, 1987).
Desperate Haitian boat people arriving by the thousands in the 1980s and
1990s mask an upper-middle-class flow of escapees from the Duvalier regime
in the early 1960s; by 1972 t he number of Haitian physicians in t he Uni t ed
States represented an incredible 95% of Haiti' s stock (cf. Rumbaut , 1991).
Similarly, the post-1980 waves of Cuban Mariel refugees and Vietnamese
boat people from modest social class backgrounds differed sharply from the
elite "first waves" of the 1959-1962 Cubans and the 1975 Vietnamese, un-
derscoring the internal diversification of particular national flows over time.
Among the employed, the percentage of longer established Canadian
and certain European immigrants in professional specialties exceeds the re-
spective proportion of their groups who are college graduates, but the per-
centage of recently arrived Asian immigrants who are empl oyed in t he
professions is generally far below their respective proportions of college
graduates. These discrepancies between educational and occupational attain-
ment point to barriers such as English proficiency and strict licensing require-
ments that regulate entry into the professions and that recent immigrants
most of them non-white, non-European, and non-English s peaker s - - mus t
confront as they seek to make their way in America. In response, some im-
migrants shift instead to entrepreneurship as an avenue of economic advance-
ment and as an alternative to employment in segmented labor markets. As
Table IV shows, Korean immigrants are the leading example of this en-
trepreneurial mode of incorporation, with self-employment rates that are
higher by far than any ot her native-born or foreign-born groups.
Ent repreneuri al immigrants create jobs. For example, among Koreans
in Los Angeles in 1980, a study found that 22% were self-employed, and
they in turn employed anot her 40% of Korean workers in t hei r businesses;
Korean-owned firms thus account ed for almost two-thirds of all employed
Koreans in the Los Angeles metropolitan area (Light and Bonacich, 1988).
Origins and Destinities 615
Similar proport i ons have been report ed for immigrants from China, Hong
Kong, and South Korea in New York City (Kim, 1987b; Wong, 1987). A
panel study of Cuban refugees who arrived in Miami in 1973 showed that
by 1979 21% were self-employed and anot her 36% were empl oyed in busi-
nesses owned by Cubans. A subsequent survey of Mariel Cubans who ar-
rived in Miami in 1980 found that, by 1986, 28% were self-employed and
anot her 45% were employed by their conationals (Port es and Bach, 1985;
Port es and Stepick, 1993). Indeed, the national study cited earlier of all
U.S. counties with populations above 100,000 found that the larger the for-
ei gn-born popul at i on, the larger t he gains in empl oyment : immigrants
added twice as many j obs to the count y as natives (Enchautegui, 1992).
Overall, immigrants create more j obs than they themselves fill.
There is little evidence that unempl oyment is caused by immigrants
either in the Uni t ed States as a whole or in areas of high immigrant con-
centration, or that immigration adversely affects the earnings of either do-
mestic majority or minority groups (Bean et al . , 1988; Borjas, 1990; But cher
and Card, 1991; Simon, 1989; Sorensen et al . , 1992; but see Ti enda and
Stier, 1994, for an analysis of displacement effects in Chicago' s inner city).
To the contrary, research studies of bot h legal a n d undocument ed immigra-
tion point to significant net economic benefits accruing to U.S. natives. To
be sure, some newcomers in areas of immigrant concent r at i on- - especi al l y
t he undocument ed and unskilled immigrant wo me n ma r e expl oi t ed as
sources of cheap labor in a growing informal sector that is fueled by foreign
competition and the demand for low-cost goods and services in the larger
economy. In this context, the presence of a large supply of cheap labor does
keep wages down: the low wages paid to immigrants who, under their pre-
carious circumstances, are willing to accept whatever work is offered.
As a rule, the entry of immigrants into urban labor markets helps to
i ncrease native wages as well as productivity and investment, sustain the
pace of economic growth, and revive declining sectors such as light manu-
facturing, construction and apparel (New York City, Los Angeles, and Mi-
ami provide examples). An influx of new immigrant labor also has the effect
of pushing up domestic workers to bet t er supervisory or administrative j obs
that may otherwise disappear or go abroad in the absence of a supply of
immigrant manual labor. Less skilled immigrants typically move into man-
ual labor markets deserted by native-born workers, who shift into preferred
nonmanual jobs. And immigrant professionals, such as engineers and phy-
sicians, fill significant national needs for skilled talent and in some respects
also serve as a strategic reserve of scarce expertise. For example, given
declining enrollments in advanced engineering training among the native-
born, the proport i on of the foreign-born in these fields has grown rapidly;
and forei gn-born physicians have similarly per f or med key funct i ons in
616 Ru mb a u t
American medical care: they have been concent rat ed in the less prestigious,
non-university-affiliated hospitals in underserved areas that do not attract
native-born physicians, especially in rural and inner-city hospitals serving
Medicaid patients and the uninsured working poor, and t hereby given na-
tive-born medical graduates more options in choosing jobs.
As Table IV shows, the highest proportions of households receiving
public assistance income are found primarily among groups admitted as refu-
gees (mainly from Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, the former Soviet Union, and
Cuba). Refugee assistance programs evolved in t andem with the expansion
of the welfare state in the 1960s and early 1970s (Rumbaut, 1989), and in-
digent persons received as refugees have the right to access public assistance
programs on the same means-tested basis as U.S. citizens (legal immigrants
do not, at least during their first three to five years in the country). The
Dominicans, whose high reliance on welfare in the New York City area is
tied to a very high proportion of poor female-headed households, are the
main exception. In addition, the increase in the number of elderly parents
entering the United States to reunify with their children has also increased
the rolls of legal immigrants eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income
(the SSI program was founded in 1974 to aid indigent persons who are blind
or disabled, as well as elderly Americans who do not qualify for Social Se-
curity benefits because they have not worked in the United States). Among
the 10% of immigrants from China and the Philippines who receive public
assistance (see Table IV), many are elderly SSI recipients. Because of their
vulnerable legal status, the undocumented typically avoid involvement in wel-
fare services altogether (INS, 1992; Rumbaut et aL, 1988).
The costs of providing public services to immigrants - - including wel-
fare, education, and health c a r e - - h a s again become the focus of intensi-
fied and heat ed debates, particularly in states and localities of immigrant
concentration such as California and Florida. Research on the fiscal im-
pacts of different types of i mmi gr ant s- - l egal , undocument ed, refugees,
I RCA legalizees - - has sought to estimate bot h specific taxes paid by im-
migrants to all levels of government, as well as t he specific service costs
incurred by local, state, and federal governments. Such estimates are nec-
essarily based on many assumptions. The most comprehensive and cau-
tiously reasoned national cost -benefi t assessment to date estimated that
immigrants who came to the Uni t ed States bet ween 1970 and 1992 were
paying a total of over $70 billion in taxes of all kinds (including FI CA and
a dozen ot her types of taxes and fees) from aggregate incomes in excess
of $300 billion, more than 9% of all U.S. personal income. Subtracting
from those taxes the estimated costs of all kinds for social services used
by immigrants and their chi l dr en- - i ncl udi ng costs borne disproportion-
ately by state and local governments, such as primary and secondary edu-
Origins and Destinities 617
cat i on- - i ndi cat ed that immigrants entering bet ween 1970 and 1992 gen-
erat ed a s u r p l u s of at least $25 to $30 billion (Passel, 1994; cf. Clark and
Passel, 1993).
Today' s immigrants are extraordinarily diverse. So is t he Ameri can so-
ciety that receives them. Their origins reflect the global reach of U.S. he-
gemony. Unlike t he expanding industrial economy that absorbed t he huge
flows from Europe at the beginning of this century and t hen t he smaller
flows of the first two decades after World War II, since the 1970s new and
much larger waves of immigrants have ent ered an hourglass economy that
has undergone industrial restructuring and downsizing, characterized by the
loss of high-wage manufacturing jobs and the growth of low-wage service
jobs. This process has reduced opportunities for social mobility, particularly
among the less educated, and widened the gap between rich and poor (cf.
Lamphere e t a l . , 1994). Within this changing historical and structural context,
the destinies of the new immigrant groups and of the rapidly growing gen-
eration of their children born in the United States, will likely be as divergent
as their origins. Internal characteristics, including their demographic struc-
ture, family organization, and social class resources, interact in complex but
pat t erned ways with external contexts of r ecept i on- - s uch as government
policies and programs, the strength of existing ethnic communities, employer
preferences in local labor markets, the color l i n e - - t o mold their diverse
fates in Ameri can society. In the process, as yet full of untold story, they
are becoming, creatively, unevenly, its newest members.
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