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James E.. Fifty Shades of Grey

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The document provides an excerpt from the novel Fifty Shades of Grey. It introduces the main characters, Ana Steele and Christian Grey, and sets up Ana volunteering for an interview that her roommate, Kate, was supposed to do.

The interview that Ana is volunteering for is for the student newspaper. Her roommate, Kate, had arranged an interview with Christian Grey, a major benefactor of their university, but Kate has fallen ill with the flu.

Ana and Christian Grey seem to be developing a romantic relationship, but it is unclear the full nature of it based on this excerpt. Christian is described as an 'enigmatic CEO' that Ana's roommate had struggled to arrange an interview with.

, Royallib.


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First published by The Writers Coffee Shop, 2011
Copyright E L Jaes, 2011
The right of E L Jaes to be ide!tified as the author of this "or# has bee! asserted by her
u!der the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000
This "or# is $opyright% &part fro a!y use as peritted u!der the Copyright &$t 1'(), !o
part aybe reprodu$ed, $opied, s$a!!ed, stored i! a retrie*al syste, re$orded or tra!sitted, i!
a!y for or by a!y ea!s, "ithout the prior "ritte! perissio! of the publisher%
This boo# is a "or# of fi$tio!% +aes, $hara$ters, pla$es a!d i!$ide!ts are either a produ$t of
the authors iagi!atio! or are used fi$titiously% &!y resebla!$e to a$tual people li*i!g or dead,
e*e!ts or lo$ales is e!tirely $oi!$ide!tal%
The Writers Coffee Shop
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& C8. $atalogue re$ord for this boo# is a*ailable fro the 5S Co!gress Library%
Co*er iage by: .apuga200( ; <reastie%$o
Co*er desig! by: Je!!ifer =$>uire
E L Jaes is a TA e1e$uti*e, "ife, a!d other of t"o, based i! West Lo!do!% Si!$e early
$hildhood, she dreat of "riti!g stories that readers "ould fall i! lo*e "ith, but put those dreas
o! hold to fo$us o! her faily a!d her $areer% She fi!ally plu$#ed up the $ourage to put pe! to paper
"ith her first !o*el, Fifty Shades of >rey%
E L Jaes is $urre!tly "or#i!g o! the seBuel to Fifty Shades of >rey a!d a !e" roa!ti$
thriller "ith a super!atural t"ist%
8 a i!debted to the follo"i!g people for their help a!d support: To y husba!d +iall C tha!#
you for tolerati!g y obsessio!, bei!g a doesti$ god a!d doi!g the first edit%
To y boss Lisa C tha!# you for putti!g up "ith e o*er the last year or so "hile 8 i!dulged
i! this ad!ess%
To CCL C 8ll !e*er tell but tha!# you%
To the origi!al bu!#er babes C tha!# you for your frie!dship a!d $o!sta!t support%
To SD C tha!# you for all the helpful ad*i$e fro the start a!d for goi!g first%
To Sue C tha!#s for sorti!g e out%
To &a!da a!d all at TWCS C tha!# you for ta#i!g a pu!t%
8 s$o"l "ith frustratio! at yself i! the irror% <a! y hair C it @ust "o!t beha*e, a!d
da! Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh for bei!g ill a!d sub@e$ti!g e to this ordeal% 8 should be studyi!g for
y fi!al e1as, "hi$h are !e1t "ee#, yet here 8 a tryi!g to brush y hair i!to subissio!% I must
not sleep with it wet. I must not sleep with it wet. De$iti!g this a!tra se*eral ties, 8 attept,
o!$e ore, to bri!g it u!der $o!trol "ith the brush% 8 roll y eyes i! e1asperatio! a!d gaFe at the
pale, bro"!9haired girl "ith blue eyes too big for her fa$e stari!g ba$# at e, a!d gi*e up% =y o!ly
optio! is to restrai! y "ay"ard hair i! a po!ytail a!d hope that 8 loo# sei prese!table%
Eate is y rooate, a!d she has $hose! today of all days to su$$ub to the flu%
Therefore, she $a!!ot atte!d the i!ter*ie" shed arra!ged to do, "ith soe ega9i!dustri9alist
ty$oo! 8*e !e*er heard of, for the stude!t !e"spaper% So 8 ha*e bee! *olu!teered% 8 ha*e fi!al
e1as to $ra for, o!e essay to fi!ish, a!d 8 supposed to be "or#i!g this after!oo!, but !o C
today 8 ha*e to dri*e a hu!dred a!d si1ty9fi*e iles to do"!to"! Seattle i! order to eet the
e!igati$ CE/ of >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$% &s a! e1$eptio!al e!trepre!eur a!d a@or
be!efa$tor of our 5!i*ersity, his tie is e1traordi!arily pre$ious
C u$h ore pre$ious tha! i!e C but he has gra!ted Eate a! i!ter*ie"% & real $oup, she tells
e% <a! her e1tra9$urri$ular a$ti*ities%
Eate is huddled o! the $ou$h i! the li*i!g roo%
G&!a, 8 sorry% 8t too# e !i!e o!ths to get this i!ter*ie"% 8t "ill ta#e a!other si1 to
res$hedule, a!d "ell both ha*e graduated by the!% &s the editor, 8 $a!t blo" this off% .lease,H Eate
begs e i! her raspi!g, sore throat *oi$e% 3o" does she do itI E*e! ill she loo#s gai!e a!d
gorgeous, stra"berry blo!de hair i! pla$e a!d gree! eyes bright, although !o" red9ried a!d
ru!!y% 8 ig!ore y pa!g of u!"el$oe sypathy%
G/f $ourse 8ll go Eate% Jou should get ba$# to bed% Would you li#e soe +yBuil or
G+yBuil, please% 3ere are the Buestio!s a!d y i!i9dis$ re$order% Just press re$ord here%
=a#e !otes, 8ll tra!s$ribe it all%H
G8 #!o" !othi!g about hi,H 8 urur, tryi!g a!d faili!g to suppress y risi!g pa!i$%
GThe Buestio!s "ill see you through% >o% 8ts a lo!g dri*e% 8 do!t "a!t you to be late%H
G/#ay, 8 goi!g% >et ba$# to bed% 8 ade you soe soup to heat up later%H 8 stare at her
fo!dly% Only for you !ate would I do this.
G8 "ill% >ood lu$#% &!d tha!#s &!a C as usual, youre y lifesa*er%H
>atheri!g y sat$hel, 8 sile "ryly at her, the! head out the door to the $ar% 8 $a!!ot belie*e 8
ha*e let Eate tal# e i!to this% 0ut the! Eate $a! tal# a!yo!e i!to a!ythi!g%
Shell a#e a! e1$eptio!al @our!alist% Shes arti$ulate, stro!g, persuasi*e, argue!tati*e,
beautiful C a!d shes y dearest, dearest frie!d%
The roads are $lear as 8 set off fro Aa!$ou*er, W& to"ard .ortla!d a!d the 894% 8ts early,
a!d 8 do!t ha*e to be i! Seattle u!til t"o this after!oo!% Fortu!ately, Eates le!t e her sporty
=er$edes CLE% 8 !ot sure Wa!da, y old AW 0eetle, "ould a#e the @our!ey i! tie% /h, the
=er$ is a fu! dri*e, a!d the iles slip a"ay as 8 floor the pedal to the etal%
=y desti!atio! is the headBuarters of =r% >reys global e!terprise% 8ts a huge t"e!ty9story
offi$e buildi!g, all $ur*ed glass a!d steel, a! ar$hite$ts utilitaria! fa!tasy, "ith >rey 3ouse "ritte!
dis$reetly i! steel o*er the glass fro!t doors% 8ts a Buarter to t"o "he! 8 arri*e, greatly relie*ed that
8 !ot late as 8 "al# i!to the e!orous C a!d fra!#ly i!tiidati!g C glass, steel, a!d "hite
sa!dsto!e lobby%
0ehi!d the solid sa!dsto!e des#, a *ery attra$ti*e, grooed, blo!de you!g "oa! siles
pleasa!tly at e% Shes "eari!g the sharpest $har$oal suit @a$#et a!d "hite shirt 8 ha*e e*er see!%
She loo#s ia$ulate%
G8 here to see =r% >rey% &!astasia Steele for Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh%H
GE1$use e o!e oe!t, =iss Steele%H She ar$hes her eyebro" slightly as 8 sta!d self9
$o!s$iously before her% 8 a begi!!i!g to "ish 8d borro"ed o!e of Eates foral blaFers rather
tha! "ear y !a*y blue @a$#et% 8 ha*e ade a! effort a!d "or! y o!e a!d o!ly s#irt, y se!sible
bro"! #!ee9le!gth boots a!d a blue s"eater% For e, this is sart% 8 tu$# o!e of the es$aped te!drils
of y hair behi!d y ear as 8 prete!d she does!t i!tiidate e%
G=iss Ea*a!agh is e1pe$ted% .lease sig! i! here, =iss Steele% Joull "a!t the last ele*ator o!
the right, press for the t"e!tieth floor%H She siles #i!dly at e, aused !o doubt, as 8 sig! i!%
She ha!ds e a se$urity pass that has A8S8T/D *ery firly staped o! the fro!t% 8 $a!t help
y sir#% Surely its ob*ious that 8 @ust *isiti!g% 8 do!t fit i! here at all%
"othing changes 8 i!"ardly sigh% Tha!#i!g her, 8 "al# o*er to the ba!# of ele*ators past the
t"o se$urity e! "ho are both far ore sartly dressed tha! 8 a i! their "ell9$ut bla$# suits%
The ele*ator "his#s e "ith teri!al *elo$ity to the t"e!tieth floor% The doors slide ope!,
a!d 8 i! a!other large lobby C agai! all glass, steel, a!d "hite sa!dsto!e% 8 $o!fro!ted by
a!other des# of sa!dsto!e a!d a!other you!g blo!de "oa! dressed ipe$$ably i! bla$# a!d "hite
"ho rises to greet e%
G=iss Steele, $ould you "ait here, pleaseIH She poi!ts to a seated area of "hite leather $hairs%
0ehi!d the leather $hairs is a spa$ious glass9"alled eeti!g roo "ith a! eBually spa$ious
dar# "ood table a!d at least t"e!ty at$hi!g $hairs arou!d it% 0eyo!d that, there is a floor9to9
$eili!g "i!do" "ith a *ie" of the Seattle s#yli!e that loo#s out through the $ity to"ard the Sou!d%
8ts a stu!!i!g *ista, a!d 8 oe!tarily paralyFed by the *ie"% #ow.
8 sit do"!, fish the Buestio!s fro y sat$hel, a!d go through the, i!"ardly $urs9i!g Eate
for !ot pro*idi!g e "ith a brief biography% 8 #!o" !othi!g about this a! 8 about to i!ter*ie"%
3e $ould be !i!ety or he $ould be thirty% The u!$ertai!ty is galli!g, a!d y !er*es resurfa$e,
a#i!g e fidget% 8*e !e*er bee! $ofortable "ith o!e9o!9o!e i!ter*ie"s, preferri!g the
a!o!yity of a group dis$ussio! "here 8 $a! sit i!$o!spi$uously at the ba$# of the roo% To be
ho!est, 8 prefer y o"! $opa!y, readi!g a $lassi$ 0ritish !o*el, $urled up i! a $hair i! the $apus
library% +ot sitti!g t"it$hi!g !er*ously i! a $olos9sal glass a!d sto!e edifi$e%
8 roll y eyes at yself% $et a grip %teele. Judgi!g fro the buildi!g, "hi$h is too $li!i$al
a!d oder!, 8 guess >rey is i! his forties: fit, ta!!ed, a!d fair9haired to at$h the rest of the
&!other elega!t, fla"lessly dressed blo!de $oes out of a large door to the right% What is it
"ith all the ia$ulate blo!desI 8ts li#e Stepford here% Ta#i!g a deep breath, 8 sta!d up% G=iss
SteeleIH the latest blo!de as#s%
GJes,H 8 $roa#, a!d $lear y throat% GJes%H There, that sou!ded ore $o!fide!t%
G=r% >rey "ill see you i! a oe!t% =ay 8 ta#e your @a$#etIH
G/h please%H 8 struggle out of the @a$#et%
G3a*e you bee! offered a!y refreshe!tIH
G5 C !o%H /h dear, is 0lo!de +uber /!e i! troubleI
0lo!de +uber T"o fro"!s a!d eyes the you!g "oa! at the des#%
GWould you li#e tea, $offee, "aterIH she as#s, tur!i!g her atte!tio! ba$# to e%
G& glass of "ater% Tha!# you,H 8 urur%
G/li*ia, please fet$h =iss Steele a glass of "ater%H 3er *oi$e is ster!% /li*ia s$oots up
iediately a!d s$urries to a door o! the other side of the foyer%
G=y apologies, =iss Steele, /li*ia is our !e" i!ter!% .lease be seated% =r% >rey "ill be
a!other fi*e i!utes%H
/li*ia retur!s "ith a glass of i$ed "ater%
G3ere you go, =iss Steele%H
GTha!# you%H
0lo!de +uber T"o ar$hes o*er to the large des#, her heels $li$#i!g a!d e$hoi!g o! the
sa!dsto!e floor% She sits do"!, a!d they both $o!ti!ue their "or#%
.erhaps =r% >rey i!sists o! all his eployees bei!g blo!de% 8 "o!deri!g idly if thats legal,
"he! the offi$e door ope!s a!d a tall, elega!tly dressed, attra$ti*e &fri$a!9&eri$a! a! "ith
short dreads e1its% 8 ha*e defi!itely "or! the "ro!g $lothes%
3e tur!s a!d says through the door% G>olf, this "ee#, >rey%H
8 do!t hear the reply% 3e tur!s, sees e, a!d siles, his dar# eyes $ri!#li!g at the $or!ers%
/li*ia has @uped up a!d $alled the ele*ator% She sees to e1$el at @upi!g fro her seat% Shes
ore !er*ous tha! eK
G>ood after!oo! ladies,H he says as he departs through the slidi!g door%
G=r% >rey "ill see you !o", =iss Steele% <o go through,H 0lo!de +uber T"o says%
8 sta!d rather sha#ily tryi!g to suppress y !er*es% >atheri!g up y sat$hel, 8 aba!do! y
glass of "ater a!d a#e y "ay to the partially ope! door%
GJou do!t !eed to #!o$# C @ust go i!%H She siles #i!dly%
8 push ope! the door a!d stuble through, trippi!g o*er y o"! feet, a!d falli!g head first
i!to the offi$e%
<ouble $rap C e a!d y t"o left feetK 8 a o! y ha!ds a!d #!ees i! the door"ay to =r%
>reys offi$e, a!d ge!tle ha!ds are arou!d e helpi!g e to sta!d% 8 a so ebarrassed, da! y
$lusi!ess% 8 ha*e to steel yself to gla!$e up% 3oly $o" C hes so you!g%
G=iss Ea*a!agh%H 3e e1te!ds a lo!g9fi!gered ha!d to e o!$e 8 upright% G8 Christia!
>rey% &re you all rightI Would you li#e to sitIH
So you!g C a!d attra$ti*e, *ery attra$ti*e% 3es tall, dressed i! a fi!e gray suit, "hite shirt, a!d
bla$# tie "ith u!ruly dar# $opper $olored hair a!d i!te!se, bright gray eyes that regard e
shre"dly% 8t ta#es a oe!t for e to fi!d y *oi$e%
G5% &$tuallyCH 8 utter% 8f this guy is o*er thirty the! 8 a o!#eys u!$le% 8! a daFe, 8
pla$e y ha!d i! his a!d "e sha#e% &s our fi!gers tou$h, 8 feel a! odd e1hilarati!g shi*er ru!
through e% 8 "ithdra" y ha!d hastily, ebarrassed% =ust be stati$% 8 bli!# rapidly, y eyelids
at$hi!g y heart rate%
G=iss Ea*a!agh is i!disposed, so she se!t e% 8 hope you do!t i!d, =r% >rey%H
G&!d you areIH 3is *oi$e is "ar, possibly aused, but its diffi$ult to tell fro his
ipassi*e e1pressio!% 3e loo#s ildly i!terested, but abo*e all, polite%
G&!astasia Steele% 8 studyi!g E!glish Literature "ith Eate, uL Eatheri!eL
uL =iss Ea*a!agh at Washi!gto! State%H
G8 see,H he says siply% 8 thi!# 8 see the ghost of a sile i! his e1pressio!, but 8 !ot sure%
GWould you li#e to sitIH 3e "a*es e to"ard a "hite leather butto!ed L9shaped $ou$h%
3is offi$e is "ay too big for @ust o!e a!% 8! fro!t of the floor9to9$eili!g "i!do"s, theres a
huge oder! dar#9"ood des# that si1 people $ould $ofortably eat arou!d% 8t at$hes the $offee
table by the $ou$h% E*erythi!g else is "hite C $eili!g, floors, a!d "alls e1$ept, o! the "all by the
door, "here a osai$ of sall pai!ti!gs ha!g, thirty9si1 of the arra!ged i! a sBuare% They are
e1Buisite C a series of u!da!e, forgotte! ob@e$ts pai!ted i! su$h pre$ise detail they loo# li#e
photographs% <isplayed together, they are breathta#i!g%
G& lo$al artist% Trouto!,H says >rey "he! he $at$hes y gaFe%
GTheyre lo*ely% Daisi!g the ordi!ary to e1traordi!ary,H 8 urur, distra$ted both by hi a!d
the pai!ti!gs% 3e $o$#s his head to o!e side a!d regards e i!te!tly%
G8 $ould!t agree ore, =iss Steele,H he replies, his *oi$e soft a!d for soe i!e1pli$able
reaso! 8 fi!d yself blushi!g%
&part fro the pai!ti!gs, the rest of the offi$e is $old, $lea!, a!d $li!i$al% 8 "o!der if it
refle$ts the perso!ality of the &do!is "ho si!#s gra$efully i!to o!e of the "hite leather $hairs
opposite e% 8 sha#e y head, disturbed at the dire$tio! of y thoughts, a!d retrie*e Eates
Buestio!s fro y sat$hel% +e1t, 8 set up the i!i9dis$ re$order a!d a all fi!gers a!d thubs,
droppi!g it t"i$e o! the $offee table i! fro!t of e% =r% >rey says !othi!g, "aiti!g patie!tly C 8
hope C as 8 be$oe i!$reasi!gly ebarrassed a!d flustered% Whe! 8 plu$# up the $ourage to loo# at
hi, hes "at$hi!g e, o!e ha!d rela1ed i! his lap a!d the other $uppi!g his $hi! a!d traili!g his
lo!g i!de1 fi!ger a$ross his lips% 8 thi!# hes tryi!g to suppress a sile%
GSorry,H 8 stutter% G8 !ot used to this%H
GTa#e all the tie you !eed, =iss Steele,H he says%
G<o you i!d if 8 re$ord your a!s"ersIH
G&fter you*e ta#e! so u$h trouble to set up the re$order C you as# e !o"IH
8 flush% 3es teasi!g eI 8 hope% 8 bli!# at hi, u!sure "hat to say, a!d 8 thi!# he ta#es pity
o! e be$ause he rele!ts% G+o, 8 do!t i!d%H
G<id Eate, 8 ea!, =iss Ea*a!agh, e1plai! "hat the i!ter*ie" "as forIH
GJes% To appear i! the graduatio! issue of the stude!t !e"spaper as 8 shall be $o!ferri!g the
degrees at this years graduatio! $ereo!y%H
Oh& This is !e"s to e, a!d 8 teporarily pre9o$$upied by the thought that soeo!e !ot
u$h older tha! e C o#ay, aybe si1 years or so, a!d o#ay, ega su$$essful, but still C is goi!g to
prese!t e "ith y degree% 8 fro"!, draggi!g y "ay"ard atte!tio! ba$# to the tas# at ha!d%
G>ood,H 8 s"allo" !er*ously% G8 ha*e soe Buestio!s, =r% >rey%H 8 sooth a stray lo$# of hair
behi!d y ear%
G8 thought you ight,H he says, deadpa!% 3es laughi!g at e% =y $hee#s heat at the
realiFatio!, a!d 8 sit up a!d sBuare y shoulders i! a! attept to loo# taller a!d ore i!tiidati!g%
.ressi!g the start butto! o! the re$order, 8 try to loo# professio!al%
GJoure *ery you!g to ha*e aassed su$h a! epire% To "hat do you o"e your su$$essIH 8
gla!$e up at hi% 3is sile is rueful, but he loo#s *aguely disappoi!ted%
G0usi!ess is all about people, =iss Steele, a!d 8 *ery good at @udgi!g people% 8 #!o" ho"
they ti$#, "hat a#es the flourish, "hat does!t, "hat i!spires the, a!d ho" to i!$e!ti*iFe the%
8 eploy a! e1$eptio!al tea, a!d 8 re"ard the "ell%H 3e pauses a!d fi1es e "ith his gray stare%
G=y belief is to a$hie*e su$$ess i! a!y s$hee o!e has to a#e o!eself aster of that s$hee,
#!o" it i!side a!d out, #!o" e*ery detail% 8 "or# hard, *ery hard to do that% 8 a#e de$isio!s based
o! logi$ a!d fa$ts% 8 ha*e a !atural gut i!sti!$t that $a! spot a!d !urture a good solid idea a!d good
people% The botto li!e is, its al"ays do"! to good people%H
G=aybe youre @ust lu$#y%H This is!t o! Eates list C but hes so arroga!t% 3is eyes flare
oe!tarily i! surprise%
G8 do!t subs$ribe to lu$# or $ha!$e, =iss Steele% The harder 8 "or# the ore lu$# 8 see to
ha*e% 8t really is all about ha*i!g the right people o! your tea a!d dire$ti!g their e!ergies
a$$ordi!gly% 8 thi!# it "as 3ar*ey Firesto!e "ho said Mthe gro"th a!d de*elop9e!t of people is the
highest $alli!g of leadership%H
GJou sou!d li#e a $o!trol frea#%H The "ords are out of y outh before 8 $a! stop the%G/h,
8 e1er$ise $o!trol i! all thi!gs, =iss Steele,H he says "ithout a tra$e of huor i! his sile% 8 loo# at
hi, a!d he holds y gaFe steadily, ipassi*e% =y heartbeat Bui$#e!s, a!d y fa$e flushes agai!%
Why does he ha*e su$h a! u!!er*i!g effe$t o! eI 3is o*er"heli!g good9loo#s aybeI
The "ay his eyes blaFe at eI The "ay he stro#es his i!de1 fi!ger agai!st his lo"er lipI 8 "ish
hed stop doi!g that%
G0esides, ie!se po"er is a$Buired by assuri!g yourself i! your se$ret re*eries that you
"ere bor! to $o!trol thi!gs,H he $o!ti!ues, his *oi$e soft%
G<o you feel that you ha*e ie!se po"erIH Control 'rea(.
G8 eploy o*er forty thousa!d people, =iss Steele% That gi*es e a $ertai! se!se of
respo!sibility C po"er, if you "ill% 8f 8 "ere to de$ide 8 "as !o lo!ger i!terested i! the
tele$ou!i$atio!s busi!ess a!d sell up, t"e!ty thousa!d people "ould struggle to a#e their
ortgage paye!ts after a o!th or so%H
=y outh drops ope!% 8 a staggered by his la$# of huility%
G<o!t you ha*e a board to a!s"er toIH 8 as#, disgusted%
G8 o"! y $opa!y% 8 do!t ha*e to a!s"er to a board%H 3e raises a! eyebro" at e%
8 flush% /f $ourse, 8 "ould #!o" this if 8 had do!e soe resear$h% 0ut holy $rap, hes so
arroga!t% 8 $ha!ge ta$#%
G&!d do you ha*e a!y i!terests outside your "or#IH
G8 ha*e *aried i!terests, =iss Steele%H & ghost of a sile tou$hes his lips% GAery *aried%H &!d
for soe reaso!, 8 $o!fou!ded a!d heated by his steady gaFe% 3is eyes are alight "ith soe
"i$#ed thought%
G0ut if you "or# so hard, "hat do you do to $hill outIH
GChill outIH 3e siles, re*eali!g perfe$t "hite teeth% 8 stop breathi!g% 3e really is beautiful%
+o o!e should be this good9loo#i!g%
GWell, to M$hill out as you put it C 8 sail, 8 fly, 8 i!dulge i! *arious physi$al pursuits%H
3e shifts i! his $hair% G8 a *ery "ealthy a!, =iss Steele, a!d 8 ha*e e1pe!si*e a!d
absorbi!g hobbies%H
8 gla!$e Bui$#ly at Eates Buestio!s, "a!ti!g to get off this sub@e$t%
GJou i!*est i! a!ufa$turi!g% Why, spe$ifi$allyIH 8 as#% Why does he a#e e so
G8 li#e to build thi!gs% 8 li#e to #!o" ho" thi!gs "or#: "hat a#es thi!gs ti$#, ho" to
$o!stru$t a!d de$o!stru$t% &!d 8 ha*e a lo*e of ships% What $a! 8 sayIH
GThat sou!ds li#e your heart tal#i!g rather tha! logi$ a!d fa$ts%H
3is outh Buir#s up, a!d he stares appraisi!gly at e%
G.ossibly% Though there are people "hod say 8 do!t ha*e a heart%H
GWhy "ould they say thatIH
G0e$ause they #!o" e "ell%H 3is lip $urls i! a "ry sile%
GWould your frie!ds say youre easy to get to #!o"IH &!d 8 regret the Buestio! as soo! as 8
say it% 8ts !ot o! Eates list%
G8 a *ery pri*ate perso!, =iss Steele% 8 go a lo!g "ay to prote$t y pri*a$y% 8 do!t ofte!
gi*e i!ter*ie"s,H he trails off%
GWhy did you agree to do this o!eIH
G0e$ause 8 a be!efa$tor of the 5!i*ersity, a!d for all i!te!ts a!d purposes, 8 $ould!t get
=iss Ea*a!agh off y ba$#% She badgered a!d badgered y .D people, a!d 8 adire that #i!d of
8 #!o" ho" te!a$ious Eate $a! be% Thats "hy 8 sitti!g here sBuiri!g u!$ofortably
u!der his pe!etrati!g gaFe, "he! 8 should be studyi!g for y e1as%
GJou also i!*est i! fari!g te$h!ologies% Why are you i!terested i! this areaIH
GWe $a!t eat o!ey, =iss Steele, a!d there are too a!y people o! this pla!et "ho do!t
ha*e e!ough to eat%H
GThat sou!ds *ery phila!thropi$% 8s it soethi!g you feel passio!ately aboutI Feedi!g the
"orlds poorIH
3e shrugs, *ery !o!9$oittal%
G8ts shre"d busi!ess,H he ururs, though 8 thi!# hes bei!g disi!ge!uous% 8t does!t a#e
se!se C feedi!g the "orlds poorI 8 $a!t see the fi!a!$ial be!efits of this, o!ly the *irtue of the
ideal% 8 gla!$e at the !e1t Buestio!, $o!fused by his attitude%
G<o you ha*e a philosophyI 8f so, "hat is itIH
G8 do!t ha*e a philosophy as su$h% =aybe a guidi!g pri!$iple C Car!egies: M& a! "ho
a$Buires the ability to ta#e full possessio! of his o"! i!d ay ta#e possessio! of a!ythi!g else to
"hi$h he is @ustly e!titled% 8 *ery si!gular, dri*e!% 8 li#e $o!trol C of yself a!d those arou!d
GSo you "a!t to possess thi!gsIH )ou are a control frea(.
G8 "a!t to deser*e to possess the, but yes, botto li!e, 8 do%H
GJou sou!d li#e the ultiate $o!suer%H
G8 a%H 3e siles, but the sile does!t tou$h his eyes% &gai! this is at odds "ith soeo!e
"ho "a!ts to feed the "orld, so 8 $a!t help thi!#i!g that "ere tal#i!g about soethi!g else, but
8 absolutely ystified as to "hat it is% 8 s"allo" hard% The teperature i! the roo is risi!g or
aybe its @ust e% 8 @ust "a!t this i!ter*ie" to be o*er% Surely Eate has e!ough aterial !o"I 8
gla!$e at the !e1t Buestio!%
GJou "ere adopted% 3o" far do you thi!# thats shaped the "ay you areIH /h, this is
perso!al% 8 stare at hi, hopi!g hes !ot offe!ded% 3is bro" furro"s%
G8 ha*e !o "ay of #!o"i!g%H
=y i!terest is piBued%
G3o" old "ere you "he! you "ere adoptedIH
GThats a atter of publi$ re$ord, =iss Steele%H 3is to!e is ster!% 8 flush, agai!% Crap.
Jes of $ourse C if 8d #!o"! 8 "as doi!g this i!ter*ie", 8 "ould ha*e do!e soe resear$h%
8 o*e o! Bui$#ly%
GJou*e had to sa$rifi$e a faily life for your "or#%H
GThats !ot a Buestio!%H 3es terse%
GSorry%H 8 sBuir, a!d hes ade e feel li#e a! erra!t $hild% 8 try agai!% G3a*e you had to
sa$rifi$e a faily life for your "or#IH
G8 ha*e a faily% 8 ha*e a brother a!d a sister a!d t"o lo*i!g pare!ts% 8 !ot i!terested i!
e1te!di!g y faily beyo!d that%H
G&re you gay, =r% >reyIH
3e i!hales sharply, a!d 8 $ri!ge, ortified% Crap. Why did!t 8 eploy soe #i!d of filter
before 8 read this straight outI 3o" $a! 8 tell hi 8 @ust readi!g the Buestio!sI
<a! Eate a!d her $uriosityK
G+o &!astasia, 8 !ot%H 3e raises his eyebro"s, a $ool glea i! his eyes% 3e does !ot loo#
G8 apologiFe% 8ts uL "ritte! here%H 8ts the first tie hes said y !ae% =y heartbeat has
a$$elerated, a!d y $hee#s are heati!g up agai!% +er*ously, 8 tu$# y loose!ed hair behi!d y ear%
3e $o$#s his head to o!e side%
GThese are!t your o"! Buestio!sIH
The blood drai!s fro y head% Oh no.
GErrL !o% Eate C =iss Ea*a!agh C she $opiled the Buestio!s%H
G&re you $olleagues o! the stude!t paperIH Oh crap. 8 ha*e !othi!g to do "ith the stude!t
paper% 8ts her e1tra9$urri$ular a$ti*ity, !ot i!e% =y fa$e is aflae%
G+o% Shes y rooate%H
3e rubs his $hi! i! Buiet deliberatio!, his gray eyes appraisi!g e%
G<id you *olu!teer to do this i!ter*ie"IH he as#s, his *oi$e deadly Buiet%
3a!g o!, "hos supposed to be i!ter*ie"i!g "hoI 3is eyes bur! i!to e, a!d 8
$opelled to a!s"er "ith the truth%
G8 "as drafted% Shes !ot "ell%H =y *oi$e is "ea# a!d apologeti$%
GThat e1plai!s a great deal%H
Theres a #!o$# at the door, a!d 0lo!de +uber T"o e!ters%
G=r% >rey, forgi*e e for i!terrupti!g, but your !e1t eeti!g is i! t"o i!utes%H
GWere !ot fi!ished here, &!drea% .lease $a!$el y !e1t eeti!g%H
&!drea hesitates, gapi!g at hi% Shes appears lost% 3e tur!s his head slo"ly to fa$e her a!d
raises his eyebro"s% She flushes bright pi!#% Oh good. It*s not +ust me.
GAery "ell, =r% >rey,H she utters, the! e1its% 3e fro"!s, a!d tur!s his atte!tio! ba$# to e%
GWhere "ere "e, =iss SteeleIH
Oh we*re ,ac( to -Miss %teele* now.
G.lease do!t let e #eep you fro a!ythi!g%H
G8 "a!t to #!o" about you% 8 thi!# thats o!ly fair%H 3is gray eyes are alight "ith $uriosity%
<ouble $rap% Wheres he goi!g "ith thisI 3e pla$es his elbo"s o! the ars of the $hair a!d steeples
his fi!gers i! fro!t of his outh% 3is outh is *eryL distra$ti!g% 8 s"allo"%
GTheres !ot u$h to #!o",H 8 say, flushi!g agai!%
GWhat are your pla!s after you graduateIH
8 shrug, thro"! by his i!terest% Come to %eattle with !ate find a place find a +o,. 8 ha*e!t
really thought beyo!d y fi!als%
G8 ha*e!t ade a!y pla!s, =r% >rey% 8 @ust !eed to get through y fi!al e1as%H
Whi$h 8 should be studyi!g for !o" rather tha! sitti!g i! your palatial, s"a!#y, sterile offi$e,
feeli!g u!$ofortable u!der your pe!etrati!g gaFe%
GWe ru! a! e1$elle!t i!ter!ship progra here,H he says Buietly% 8 raise y eyebro"s i!
surprise% 8s he offeri!g e a @obI
G/h% 8ll bear that i! i!d,H 8 urur, $opletely $o!fou!ded% GThough 8 !ot sure 8d fit
i! here%H /h !o% 8 usi!g out loud agai!%
GWhy do you say thatIH 3e $o$#s his head to o!e side, i!trigued, a hi!t of a sile playi!g o!
his lips%
G8ts ob*ious, is!t itIH I*m uncoordinated scruffy and I*m not ,londe.
G+ot to e,H he ururs% 3is gaFe is i!te!se, all huor go!e, a!d stra!ge us$les deep i!
y belly $le!$h sudde!ly% 8 tear y eyes a"ay fro his s$ruti!y a!d stare bli!dly do"! at y
#!otted fi!gers% #hat*s going on. 8 ha*e to go C !o"% 8 lea! for"ard to retrie*e the re$order%
GWould you li#e e to sho" you arou!dIH he as#s%
G8 sure youre far too busy, =r% >rey, a!d 8 do ha*e a lo!g dri*e%H
GJoure dri*i!g ba$# to WS5 i! Aa!$ou*erIH 3e sou!ds surprised, a!1ious e*e!% 3e gla!$es
out of the "i!do"% 8ts begu! to rai!% GWell, youd better dri*e $arefully%H 3is to!e is ster!,
authoritati*e% Why should he $areI G<id you get e*erythi!g you !eedIH he adds%
GJes sir,H 8 reply, pa$#i!g the re$order i!to y sat$hel% 3is eyes !arro", spe$ulati*ely%
GTha!# you for the i!ter*ie", =r% >rey%H
GThe pleasures bee! all i!e,H he says, polite as e*er%
&s 8 rise, he sta!ds a!d holds out his ha!d%
G5!til "e eet agai!, =iss Steele%H &!d it sou!ds li#e a $halle!ge, or a threat, 8 !ot sure
"hi$h% 8 fro"!% Whe! "ill "e e*er eet agai!I 8 sha#e his ha!d o!$e ore, astou!ded that that odd
$urre!t bet"ee! us is still there% 8t ust be y !er*es%
G=r% >rey%H 8 !od at hi% =o*i!g "ith lithe athleti$ gra$e to the door, he ope!s it "ide%
GJust e!suri!g you a#e it through the door, =iss Steele%H 3e gi*es e a sall sile%
/b*iously, hes referri!g to y earlier less9tha!9elega!t e!try i!to his offi$e% 8 flush%
GThats *ery $o!siderate, =r% >rey,H 8 s!ap, a!d his sile "ide!s% I*m glad you find me
entertaining 8 glo"er i!"ardly, "al#i!g i!to the foyer% 8 surprised "he! he follo"s e out%
&!drea a!d /li*ia both loo# up, eBually surprised%
G<id you ha*e a $oatIH >rey as#s%
GJes%H /li*ia leaps up a!d retrie*es y @a$#et, "hi$h >rey ta#es fro her before she $a!
ha!d it to e% 3e holds it up a!d, feeli!g ridi$ulously self9$o!s$ious, 8 shrug it o!%
>rey pla$es his ha!ds for a oe!t o! y shoulders% 8 gasp at the $o!ta$t% 8f he !oti$es y
rea$tio!, he gi*es !othi!g a"ay% 3is lo!g i!de1 fi!ger presses the butto! suo!i!g the ele*ator,
a!d "e sta!d "aiti!g C a"#"ardly o! y part, $oolly self9possessed o! his%
The doors ope!, a!d 8 hurry i! desperate to es$ape% I really need to get out of here. Whe! 8
tur! to loo# at hi, hes lea!i!g agai!st the door"ay beside the ele*ator "ith o!e ha!d o! the "all%
3e really is *ery, *ery good9loo#i!g% 8ts distra$ti!g% 3is bur!i!g gray eyes gaFe at e%
G&!astasia,H he says as a fare"ell%
GChristia!,H 8 reply% &!d er$ifully, the doors $lose%
=y heart is pou!di!g% The ele*ator arri*es o! the first floor, a!d 8 s$rable out as soo! as the
doors slide ope!, stubli!g o!$e, but fortu!ately !ot spra"li!g o! to the ia$ulate sa!dsto!e
floor% 8 ra$e for the "ide glass doors, a!d 8 free i! the bra$i!g, $lea!si!g, dap air of Seattle%
Daisi!g y fa$e, 8 "el$oe the $ool refreshi!g rai!% 8 $lose y eyes a!d ta#e a deep, purifyi!g
breath, tryi!g to re$o*er "hats left of y eBuilibriu%
+o a! has e*er affe$ted e the "ay Christia! >rey has, a!d 8 $a!!ot fatho "hy%
8s it his loo#sI 3is $i*ilityI WealthI .o"erI 8 do!t u!dersta!d y irratio!al rea$tio!%
8 breathe a! e!orous sigh of relief% What i! hea*e!s !ae "as that all aboutI Lea!i!g
agai!st o!e of the steel pillars of the buildi!g, 8 *alia!tly attept to $al do"! a!d gather y
thoughts% 8 sha#e y head% 3oly $rap C "hat was thatI =y heart steadies to its regular rhyth, a!d
8 $a! breathe !orally agai!% 8 head for the $ar%
&s 8 lea*e the $ity liits behi!d, 8 begi! to feel foolish a!d ebarrassed as 8 replay the
i!ter*ie" i! y i!d% Surely, 8 o*er9rea$ti!g to soethi!g thats iagi!ary% /#ay, so hes *ery
attra$ti*e, $o!fide!t, $oa!di!g, at ease "ith hiself C but o! the flip side, hes arroga!t, a!d for
all his ipe$$able a!!ers, hes auto$rati$ a!d $old% Well, o! the surfa$e%
&! i!*olu!tary shi*er ru!s do"! y spi!e% 3e ay be arroga!t, but the! he has a right to be
C hes a$$oplished so u$h at su$h a you!g age% 3e does!t suffer fools gladly, but "hy should
heI &gai!, 8 irritated that Eate did!t gi*e e a brief biography%
While $ruisi!g alo!g the 894, y i!d $o!ti!ues to "a!der% 8 truly perple1ed as to "hat
a#es soeo!e so dri*e! to su$$eed% Soe of his a!s"ers "ere so $rypti$ C as if he had a hidde!
age!da% &!d Eates Buestio!s C ughK The adoptio! a!d as#i!g hi if he "as gayK 8 shudder% 8 $a!t
belie*e 8 said that% $round swallow me up now& E*ery tie 8 thi!# of that Buestio! i! the future, 8
"ill $ri!ge "ith ebarrasse!t% <a! Eatheri!e Ea*a!aghK
8 $he$# the speedoeter% 8 dri*i!g ore $autiously tha! 8 "ould o! a!y other o$$asio!%
&!d 8 #!o" its the eory of t"o pe!etrati!g gray eyes gaFi!g at e, a!d a ster! *oi$e telli!g e
to dri*e $arefully% Sha#i!g y head, 8 realiFe that >reys ore li#e a a! double his age%
'orget it Ana 8 s$old yself% 8 de$ide that all i! all, its bee! a *ery i!teresti!g e1perie!$e,
but 8 should!t d"ell o! it . /ut it ,ehind you. 8 !e*er ha*e to see hi agai!% 8 iediately
$heered by the thought% 8 s"it$h o! the =.2 player a!d tur! the *olue up loud, sit ba$#, a!d liste!
to thupi!g i!die ro$# usi$ as 8 press do"! o! the a$$elerator%
&s 8 hit the 194, 8 realiFe 8 $a! dri*e as fast as 8 "a!t%
We li*e i! a sall $ou!ity of duple1 aparte!ts i! Aa!$ou*er, Washi!gto!, $lose to the
Aa!$ou*er $apus of WS5% 8 lu$#y C Eates pare!ts bought the pla$e for her, a!d 8 pay pea!uts
for re!t% 8ts bee! hoe for four years !o"% &s 8 pull up outside, 8 #!o" Eate is goi!g to "a!t a
blo"9by9blo" a$$ou!t, a!d she is te!a$ious% Well, at least she has the i!i9dis$% 3opefully 8 "o!t
ha*e to elaborate u$h beyo!d "hat "as said duri!g the i!ter*ie"%
G&!aK Joure ba$#%H Eate sits i! our li*i!g area, surrou!ded by boo#s% Shes $learly bee!
studyi!g for fi!als C though shes still i! her pi!# fla!!el pa@aas de$orated "ith $ute little rabbits,
the o!es she reser*es for the afterath of brea#i!g up "ith boyfrie!ds, for assorted ill!esses, a!d
for ge!eral oody depressio!% She bou!ds up to e a!d hugs e hard%
G8 "as begi!!i!g to "orry% 8 e1pe$ted you ba$# soo!er%H
G/h, 8 thought 8 ade good tie $o!sideri!g the i!ter*ie" ra! o*er%H 8 "a*e the i!i9dis$
re$order at her%
G&!a, tha!# you so u$h for doi!g this% 8 o"e you, 8 #!o"% 3o" "as itI What "as he li#eIH
/h !o C here "e go, the Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh 8!Buisitio!%
8 struggle to a!s"er her Buestio!% What $a! 8 sayI
G8 glad its o*er, a!d 8 do!t ha*e to see hi agai!% 3e "as rather i!tiidati!g, you #!o"%H
8 shrug% G3es *ery fo$used, i!te!se e*e! C a!d you!g% Deally you!g%H
Eate gaFes i!!o$e!tly at e% 8 fro"! at her%
G<o!t you loo# so i!!o$e!t% Why did!t you gi*e e a biographyI 3e ade e feel li#e
su$h a! idiot for s#ipi!g o! basi$ resear$h%H Eate $laps a ha!d to her outh%
GJeeF, &!a, 8 sorry C 8 did!t thi!#%H
8 huff%
G=ostly he "as $ourteous, foral, slightly stuffy C li#e hes old before his tie% 3e does!t
tal# li#e a a! of t"e!ty9soethi!g% 3o" old is he a!y"ayIH
GT"e!ty9se*e!% JeeF, &!a, 8 sorry% 8 should ha*e briefed you, but 8 "as i! su$h a pa!i$% Let
e ha*e the i!i9dis$, a!d 8ll start tra!s$ribi!g the i!ter*ie"%H
GJou loo# better% <id you eat your soupIH 8 as#, #ee! to $ha!ge the sub@e$t%
GJes, a!d it "as deli$ious as usual% 8 feeli!g u$h better%H She siles at e i! gratitude% 8
$he$# y "at$h%
G8 ha*e to ru!% 8 $a! still a#e y shift at Clayto!s%H
G&!a, youll be e1hausted%H
G8ll be fi!e% 8ll see you later%H
8*e "or#ed at Clayto!s si!$e 8 started at WS5% 8ts the largest i!depe!de!t hard"are store i!
the .ortla!d area, a!d o*er the four years 8*e "or#ed here, 8*e $oe to #!o" a little bit about
ost e*erythi!g "e sell C although iro!i$ally, 8 $rap at a!y <8J% 8 lea*e all that to y dad% 8
u$h ore of a $url9up9"ith9a9boo#9i!9a9$ofy9$hair9by9the9fire #i!d of girl% 8 glad 8 $a! a#e
y shift as it gi*es e soethi!g to fo$us o! that is!t Christia! >rey% Were busy C its the start of
the suer seaso!, a!d fol#s are rede$orati!g their hoes% =rs% Clayto! is pleased to see e%
G&!aK 8 thought you "ere!t goi!g to a#e it today%H
G=y appoi!te!t did!t ta#e as lo!g as 8 thought% 8 $a! do a $ouple of hours%H
G8 real pleased to see you%H
She se!ds e to the storeroo to start re9sto$#i!g shel*es, a!d 8 soo! absorbed i! the tas#%
Whe! 8 arri*e hoe later, Eatheri!e is "eari!g headpho!es a!d "or#i!g o! her laptop%
3er !ose is still pi!#, but she has her teeth i!to a story, so shes $o!$e!trati!g a!d typi!g
furiously% 8 thoroughly drai!ed C e1hausted by the lo!g dri*e, the grueli!g i!ter*ie", a!d by
bei!g rushed off y feet at Clayto!s% 8 slup o! to the $ou$h, thi!#i!g about the essay 8 ha*e to
fi!ish a!d all the studyi!g 8 ha*e!t do!e today be$ause 8 "as holed up "ith 0 him.
GJou*e got soe good stuff here, &!a% Well do!e% 8 $a!t belie*e you did!t ta#e hi up o!
his offer to sho" you arou!d% 3e ob*iously "a!ted to spe!d ore tie "ith you%H
She gi*es e a fleeti!g BuiFFi$al loo#%
8 flush, a!d y heart rate i!e1pli$ably i!$reases% That "as!t the reaso!, surelyI 3e @ust
"a!ted to sho" e arou!d so 8 $ould see that he "as lord of all he sur*eyed% 8 realiFe 8 biti!g y
lip, a!d 8 hope Eate does!t !oti$e% 0ut she sees absorbed i! her tra!s$rip9tio!%G8 hear "hat you
ea! about foral% <id you ta#e a!y !otesIH she as#s%
G5L !o, 8 did!t%H
GThats fi!e% 8 $a! still a#e a fi!e arti$le "ith this% Shae "e do!t ha*e soe origi!al stills%
>ood9loo#i!g so! of a bit$h, is!t heIH
8 flush%
G8 suppose so%H 8 try hard to sou!d disi!terested, a!d 8 thi!# 8 su$$eed%
G/h $oe o!, &!a C e*e! you $a!t be iu!e to his loo#s%H She ar$hes a perfe$t eyebro" at
Crap& 8 distra$t her "ith flattery, al"ays a good ploy%
GJou probably "ould ha*e got a lot ore out of hi%H
G8 doubt that, &!a% Coe o! C he pra$ti$ally offered you a @ob% >i*e! that 8 foisted this o! you
at the last i!ute, you did *ery "ell%H She gla!$es up at e spe$ulati*ely% 8 a#e a hasty retreat i!to
the #it$he!%
GSo "hat did you really thi!# of hiIH <a!, shes i!Buisiti*e% Why $a!t she @ust let this
goI 1hin( of something 2 3uic(.
G3es *ery dri*e!, $o!trolli!g, arroga!t C s$ary really, but *ery $harisati$% 8 $a! u!dersta!d
the fas$i!atio!,H 8 add truthfully, as 8 peer rou!d the door at her hopi!g this "ill shut her up o!$e
a!d for all%
GJou, fas$i!ated by a a!I Thats a first,H she s!orts%
8 start gatheri!g the a#i!gs of a sa!d"i$h so she $a!t see y fa$e%
GWhy did you "a!t to #!o" if he "as gayI 8!$ide!tally, that "as the ost ebarrassi!g
Buestio!% 8 "as ortified, a!d he "as pissed to be as#ed too%H 8 s$o"l at the eory%
GWhe!e*er hes i! the so$iety pages, he !e*er has a date%H
G8t "as ebarrassi!g% The "hole thi!g "as ebarrassi!g% 8 glad 8ll !e*er ha*e to lay eyes
o! hi agai!%H
G/h, &!a, it $a!t ha*e bee! that bad% 8 thi!# he sou!ds Buite ta#e! "ith you%H
1a(en with me. +o" Eates bei!g ridi$ulous%
GWould you li#e a sa!d"i$hIH
We tal# !o ore of Christia! >rey that e*e!i!g, u$h to y relief% /!$e "e*e eate!, 8
able to sit at the di!i!g table "ith Eate a!d, "hile she "or#s o! her arti$le, 8 "or# o! y essay o!
1ess of the 4*5r,er6illes. <a!, but that "oa! "as i! the "ro!g pla$e at the "ro!g tie i! the
"ro!g $e!tury% 0y the tie 8 fi!ish, its id!ight, a!d Eate has lo!g si!$e go!e to bed% 8 a#e y
"ay to y roo, e1hausted, but pleased that 8*e a$$oplished so u$h for a =o!day%
8 $url up i! y "hite iro! bed, "rappi!g y others Built arou!d e, $lose y eyes, a!d
8 i!sta!tly asleep% That !ight 8 drea of dar# pla$es, blea# "hite $old floors, a!d gray eyes%
For the rest of the "ee#, 8 thro" yself i!to y studies a!d y @ob at Clayto!s% Eate is busy
too, $opili!g her last editio! of her stude!t agaFi!e before she has to reli!Buish it to the !e"
editor "hile also $rai!g for her fi!als% 0y Wed!esday, shes u$h better, a!d 8 !o lo!ger ha*e to
e!dure the sight of her pi!#9fla!!el9"ith9too9a!y9rabbits .Js% 8 $all y o i! >eorgia to $he$#
o! her, but also so she $a! "ish e lu$# for y fi!al e1as% She pro$eeds to tell e about her latest
*e!ture i!to $a!dle a#i!g C y other is all about !e" busi!ess *e!tures% Fu!dae!tally shes
bored a!d "a!ts soethi!g to o$$upy her tie, but she has the atte!tio! spa! of a goldfish% 8tll be
soethi!g !e" !e1t "ee#%
She "orries e% 8 hope she has!t ortgaged the house to fi!a!$e this latest s$hee% &!d 8
hope that 0ob C her relati*ely !e" but u$h older husba!d C is #eepi!g a! eye o! her !o" that 8
!o lo!ger there% 3e does see a lot ore grou!ded tha! 3usba!d +uber Three%
G3o" are thi!gs "ith you, &!aIH
For a oe!t, 8 hesitate, a!d 8 ha*e =os full atte!tio!%
G8 fi!e%H
G&!aI 3a*e you et soeo!eIH #ow0 how does she do that. The e1$itee!t i! her *oi$e
is palpable%
G+o, =o, its !othi!g% Joull be the first to #!o" if 8 do%H
G&!a, you really !eed to get out ore, ho!ey% Jou "orry e%H
G=o, 8 fi!e% 3o"s 0obIH &s e*er, distra$tio! is the best poli$y%
Later that e*e!i!g, 8 $all Day, y stepdad, =os 3usba!d +uber T"o, the a! 8 $o!sider
y father, a!d the a! "hose !ae 8 bear% 8ts a brief $o!*ersatio!% 8! fa$t, its !ot so u$h a
$o!*ersatio! as a o!e9sided series of gru!ts i! respo!se to y ge!tle $oa1i!g% Day is !ot a tal#er%
0ut hes still ali*e, hes still "at$hi!g so$$er o! TA, a!d goi!g bo"li!g a!d fly9fishi!g or a#i!g
fur!iture "he! hes !ot% Day is a s#illed $arpe!ter a!d the reaso! 8 #!o" the differe!$e bet"ee! a
ha"# a!d a ha!dsa"% &ll sees "ell "ith hi%
Friday !ight, Eate a!d 8 are debati!g "hat to do "ith our e*e!i!g C "e "a!t soe tie out
fro our studies, fro our "or#, a!d fro stude!t !e"spapers C "he! the doorbell ri!gs%
Sta!di!g o! our doorstep is y good frie!d JosNO222P, $lut$hi!g a bottle of $hapag!e%
GJosNO222PK >reat to see youKH 8 gi*e hi a Bui$# hug% GCoe i!%H
JosNO222P is the first perso! 8 et "he! 8 arri*ed at WS5, loo#i!g as lost a!d lo!ely as 8 did%
We re$og!iFed a #i!dred spirit i! ea$h of us that day, a!d "e*e bee! frie!ds e*er si!$e%
+ot o!ly do "e share a se!se of huor, but "e dis$o*ered that both Day a!d JosNO222P
Se!ior "ere i! the sae ary u!it together% &s a result, our fathers ha*e be$oe fir frie!ds too%
JosNO222P is studyi!g e!gi!eeri!g a!d is the first i! his faily to a#e it to $ollege% 3es
pretty da! bright, but his real passio! is photography% JosNO222P has a great eye for a good
G8 ha*e !e"s%H 3e gri!s, his dar# eyes t"i!#li!g%
G<o!t tell e C you*e a!aged !ot to get #i$#ed out for a!other "ee#,H 8 tease, a!d he
s$o"ls playfully at e%
GThe .ortla!d .la$e >allery is goi!g to e1hibit y photos !e1t o!th%H
GThats aaFi!g C $o!gratulatio!sKH <elighted for hi, 8 hug hi agai!% Eate beas at hi
GWay to go JosNO222PK 8 should put this i! the paper% +othi!g li#e last i!ute editorial
$ha!ges o! a Friday e*e!i!g%H She gri!s%
GLets $elebrate% 8 "a!t you to $oe to the ope!i!g%H JosNO222P loo#s i!te!tly at e% 8 flush%
G0oth of you, of $ourse,H he adds, gla!$i!g !er*ously at Eate%
JosNO222P a!d 8 are good frie!ds, but 8 #!o" deep do"! i!side, hed li#e to be ore% 3es
$ute a!d fu!!y, but hes @ust !ot for e% 3es ore li#e the brother 8 !e*er had% Eatheri!e ofte!
teases e that 8 issi!g the !eed9a9boyfrie!d ge!e, but the truth is C 8 @ust ha*e!t et a!yo!e
"hoL "ell, "ho 8 attra$ted to, e*e! though part of e lo!gs for those trebli!g #!ees, heart9
i!9y9outh, butterflies9i!9y9belly, sleepless !ights%
Soeties 8 "o!der if theres soethi!g "ro!g "ith e% .erhaps 8*e spe!t too lo!g i! the
$opa!y of y literary roa!ti$ heroes, a!d $o!seBue!tly y ideals a!d e1pe$tatio!s are far too
high% 0ut i! reality, !obodys e*er ade e feel li#e that%
5ntil 6ery recently the u!"el$oe, still sall *oi$e of y sub$o!s$ious "hispers%
+/K 8 ba!ish the thought iediately% 8 a !ot goi!g there, !ot after that pai!ful i!ter*ie"%
Are you gay Mr. $rey. 8 "i!$e at the eory% 8 #!o" 8*e dreat about hi ost !ights si!$e
the!, but thats @ust to purge the a"ful e1perie!$e fro y syste, surelyI
8 "at$h JosNO222P ope! the bottle of $hapag!e% 3es tall, a!d i! his @ea!s a!d t9shirt hes all
shoulders a!d us$les, ta!!ed s#i!, dar# hair a!d bur!i!g dar# eyes% Jes, JosNO222Ps pretty hot,
but 8 thi!# hes fi!ally getti!g the essage: "ere @ust frie!ds% The $or# a#es its loud pop, a!d
JosNO222P loo#s up a!d siles%
Saturday at the store is a !ightare% We are besieged by do9it9yourselfers "a!ti!g to spru$e
up their hoes% =r% a!d =rs% Clayto!, Joh! a!d .atri$# C the t"o other part9tiers
C a!d 8 are all rushed off our feet% 0ut theres a lull arou!d lu!$htie, a!d =rs% Clayto! as#s
e to $he$# o! soe orders "hile 8 sitti!g behi!d the $ou!ter at the till dis$reetly eati!g y
bagel% 8 e!grossed i! the tas#, $he$#i!g $atalogue !ubers agai!st the ites "e !eed a!d the
ites "e*e ordered, eyes fli$#i!g fro the order boo# to the $oputer s$ree! a!d ba$# as 8 $he$#
the e!tries at$h% The!, for soe reaso!, 8 gla!$e upL a!d fi!d yself lo$#ed i! the bold gray
gaFe of Christia! >rey "hos sta!di!g at the $ou!ter, stari!g at e i!te!tly%
7eart failure.
G=iss Steele% What a pleasa!t surprise%H 3is gaFe is u!"a*eri!g a!d i!te!se%
3oly $rap% What the hell is he doi!g here loo#i!g all tousled9hair a!d outdoorsy i! his $rea
$hu!#y9#!it s"eater, @ea!s, a!d "al#i!g bootsI 8 thi!# y outh has popped ope!, a!d 8 $a!t
lo$ate y brai! or y *oi$e%
G=r% >rey,H 8 "hisper, be$ause thats all 8 $a! a!age% Theres a ghost of a sile o! his lips
a!d his eyes are alight "ith huor, as if hes e!@oyi!g soe pri*ate @o#e%
G8 "as i! the area,H he says by "ay of e1pla!atio!% G8 !eed to sto$# up o! a fe" thi!gs%
8ts a pleasure to see you agai!, =iss Steele%H 3is *oi$e is "ar a!d hus#y li#e dar# elted
$ho$olate fudge $araelL or soethi!g%
8 sha#e y head to gather y "its% =y heart is pou!di!g a fra!ti$ tattoo, a!d for soe reaso!
8 blushi!g furiously u!der his steady s$ruti!y% 8 a utterly thro"! by the sight of hi sta!di!g
before e% =y eories of hi did !ot do hi @usti$e% 3es !ot erely good9loo#i!g C hes the
epitoe of ale beauty, breathta#i!g, a!d hes here% 3ere i! Clayto!s 3ard"are Store% >o figure%
Fi!ally y $og!iti*e fu!$tio!s are restored a!d re$o!!e$ted "ith the rest of y body%
G&!a% =y !aes &!a,H 8 utter% GWhat $a! 8 help you "ith, =r% >reyIH
3e siles, a!d agai! its li#e hes pri*y to soe big se$ret% 8t is so dis$o!$erti!g% Ta#i!g a
deep breath, 8 put o! y professio!al 8*e9"or#ed9i!9this9shop9for9years faNO221Pade% I can do
GThere are a fe" ites 8 !eed% To start "ith, 8d li#e soe $able ties,H he ururs, his gray
eyes $ool but aused%
Ca,le ties.
GWe sto$# *arious le!gths% Shall 8 sho" youIH 8 utter, y *oi$e soft a!d "a*ery%
$et a grip %teele. & slight fro"! ars >reys rather lo*ely bro"%
G.lease% Lead the "ay, =iss Steele,H he says% 8 try for !o!$hala!$e as 8 $oe out fro behi!d
the $ou!ter, but really 8 $o!$e!trati!g hard o! !ot falli!g o*er y o"! feet C y legs are
sudde!ly the $o!siste!$y of Jell9/% 8 so glad 8 de$ided to "ear y best @ea!s this or!i!g%
GTheyre i! "ith the ele$tri$al goods, aisle eight%H =y *oi$e is a little too bright% 8 gla!$e up at
hi a!d regret it alost iediately% <a!, hes ha!dsoe% 8 blush%
G&fter you,H he ururs, gesturi!g "ith his lo!g9fi!gered, beautifully a!i$ured ha!d%With
y heart alost stra!gli!g e C be$ause its i! y throat tryi!g to es$ape fro y outh C 8 head
do"! o!e of the aisles to the ele$tri$al se$tio!% #hy is he in /ortland.
#hy is he here at Clayton*s. &!d fro a *ery ti!y, u!derused part of y brai! C probably
lo$ated at the base of y edulla oblo!gata "here y sub$o!s$ious d"ells C $oes the thought:
he*s here to see you. +o "ayK 8 disiss it iediately% Why "ould this beautiful, po"erful, urba!e
a! "a!t to see eI The idea is preposterous, a!d 8 #i$# it out of y head%
G&re you i! .ortla!d o! busi!essIH 8 as#, a!d y *oi$e is too high, li#e 8*e got y fi!ger
trapped i! a door or soethi!g% 4amn& 1ry to ,e cool Ana&
G8 "as *isiti!g the WS5 fari!g di*isio!% 8ts based at Aa!$ou*er% 8 $urre!tly fu!di!g
soe resear$h there i! $rop rotatio! a!d soil s$ie!$e,H he says atter9of9fa$tly% %ee.
"ot here to find you at all y sub$o!s$ious s!eers at e, loud, proud, a!d pouty% 8 flush at
y foolish "ay"ard thoughts%
G&ll part of your feed9the9"orld pla!IH 8 tease%
GSoethi!g li#e that,H he a$#!o"ledges, a!d his lips Buir# up i! a half sile%
3e gaFes at the sele$tio! of $able ties "e sto$# at Clayto!s% What o! Earth is he goi!g to do
"ith thoseI 8 $a!!ot pi$ture hi as a do9it9yourselfer at all% 3is fi!gers trail a$ross the *arious
pa$#ages displayed, a!d for soe i!e1pli$able reaso!, 8 ha*e to loo# a"ay% 3e be!ds a!d sele$ts a
GThese "ill do,H he says "ith his oh9so9se$ret sile, a!d 8 blush%
G8s there a!ythi!g elseIH
G8d li#e soe as#i!g tape%H
Mas(ing tape.
G&re you rede$orati!gIH The "ords are out before 8 $a! stop the% Surely he hires laborers or
has staff to help hi de$orateI
G+o, !ot rede$orati!g,H he says Bui$#ly the! sir#s, a!d 8 ha*e the u!$a!!y feeli!g that hes
laughi!g at e%
Am I that funny. 'unny loo(ing.
GThis "ay,H 8 urur ebarrassed% G=as#i!g tape is i! the de$orati!g aisle%H
8 gla!$e behi!d e as he follo"s%
G3a*e you "or#ed here lo!gIH 3is *oi$e is lo", a!d hes gaFi!g at e, gray eyes
$o!$e!trati!g hard% 8 blush e*e! ore brightly% Why the hell does he ha*e this effe$t o! eI
8 feel li#e 8 fourtee! years old C gau$he, as al"ays, a!d out of pla$e% 8yes front %teele&
GFour years,H 8 utter as "e rea$h our goal% To distra$t yself, 8 rea$h do"! a!d sele$t the
t"o "idths of as#i!g tape that "e sto$#%
G8ll ta#e that o!e,H >rey says softly poi!ti!g to the "ider tape, "hi$h 8 pass to hi%
/ur fi!gers brush *ery briefly, a!d the $urre!t is there agai!, Fappi!g through e li#e 8*e
tou$hed a! e1posed "ire% 8 gasp i!*olu!tarily as 8 feel it, all the "ay do"! to soe"here dar# a!d
u!e1plored, deep i! y belly% <esperately, 8 s$rabble arou!d for y eBuilibriu%
G&!ythi!g elseIH =y *oi$e is hus#y a!d breathy% 3is eyes "ide! slightly%
GSoe rope, 8 thi!#%H 3is *oi$e irrors i!e, hus#y%
GThis "ay%H 8 du$# y head do"! to hide y re$urri!g blush a!d head for the aisle%
GWhat sort "ere you afterI We ha*e sy!theti$ a!d !atural filae!t ropeL t"i!eL
$able $ordL H 8 halt at his e1pressio!, his eyes dar#e!i!g% 3oly $o"%
G8ll ta#e fi*e yards of the !atural filae!t rope please%H
Qui$#ly, "ith trebli!g fi!gers, 8 easure out fi*e yards agai!st the fi1ed ruler, a"are that his
hot gray gaFe is o! e% 8 dare !ot loo# at hi% JeeF, $ould 8 feel a!y ore self9$o!s$iousI Ta#i!g
y Sta!ley #!ife fro the ba$# po$#et of y @ea!s, 8 $ut it the! $oil it !eatly before tyi!g it i! a
slip#!ot% 0y soe ira$le, 8 a!age !ot to reo*e a fi!ger "ith y #!ife%
GWere you a >irl S$outIH he as#s, s$ulptured, se!sual lips $urled i! ausee!t% 4on*t loo( at
his mouth&
G/rga!iFed, group a$ti*ities are!t really y thi!g, =r% >rey%H
3e ar$hes a bro"%
GWhat is your thi!g, &!astasiaIH he as#s, his *oi$e soft a!d his se$ret sile is ba$#% 8 gaFe at
hi u!able to e1press yself% 8 o! shifti!g te$to!i$ plates% 1ry and ,e cool Ana y tortured
sub$o!s$ious begs o! be!ded #!ee%
G0oo#s,H 8 "hisper, but i!side, y sub$o!s$ious is s$reai!g: )ou& )ou are my thing&
8 slap it do"! i!sta!tly, ortified that y psy$he is ha*i!g ideas abo*e its statio!%
GWhat #i!d of boo#sIH 3e $o$#s his head to o!e side% #hy is he so interested.
G/h, you #!o"% The usual% The $lassi$s% 0ritish literature, ai!ly%H
3e rubs his $hi! "ith his lo!g i!de1 fi!ger a!d thub as he $o!teplates y a!s"er%
/r perhaps hes @ust *ery bored a!d tryi!g to hide it%
G&!ythi!g else you !eedIH 8 ha*e to get off this sub@e$t C those fi!gers o! that fa$e are so
G8 do!t #!o"% What else "ould you re$oe!dIH
What "ould 8 re$oe!dI 8 do!t e*e! #!o" "hat youre doi!g%
GFor a do9it9yourselferIH
3e !ods, gray eyes ali*e "ith "i$#ed huor% 8 flush, a!d y eyes stray of their o"! a$$ord to
his s!ug @ea!s%
GCo*eralls,H 8 reply, a!d 8 #!o" 8 !o lo!ger s$ree!i!g "hats $oi!g out of y outh%
3e raises a! eyebro", aused, yet agai!%
GJou "ould!t "a!t to rui! your $lothi!g,H 8 gesture *aguely i! the dire$tio! of his @ea!s%
G8 $ould al"ays ta#e the off%H 3e sir#s%
G5%H 8 feel the $olor i! y $hee#s risi!g agai!% 8 ust be the $olor of the $ou!ist
a!ifesto% %top tal(ing. %top tal(ing "O#.
G8ll ta#e soe $o*eralls% 3ea*e! forbid 8 should rui! a!y $lothi!g,H he says dryly%
8 try a!d disiss the u!"el$oe iage of hi "ithout @ea!s%
G<o you !eed a!ythi!g elseIH 8 sBuea# as 8 ha!d hi the blue $o*eralls%
3e ig!ores y i!Buiry%
G3o"s the arti$le $oi!g alo!gIH
3es fi!ally as#ed e a !oral Buestio!, a"ay fro all the i!!ue!do a!d the $o!fusi!g
double tal#L a Buestio! 8 $a! a!s"er% 8 grasp it tightly "ith t"o ha!ds as if "ere a life raft, a!d 8 go
for ho!esty%
G8 !ot "riti!g it, Eatheri!e is% =iss Ea*a!agh% =y rooate, shes the "riter%
Shes *ery happy "ith it% Shes the editor of the agaFi!e, a!d she "as de*astated that she
$ould!t do the i!ter*ie" i! perso!%H 8 feel li#e 8*e $oe up for air C at last, a !oral topi$ of
$o!*ersatio!% G3er o!ly $o!$er! is that she does!t ha*e a!y origi!al photographs of you%H
>rey raises a! eyebro"%
GWhat sort of photographs does she "a!tIH
/#ay% 8 had!t fa$tored i! this respo!se% 8 sha#e y head, be$ause 8 @ust do!t #!o"%
GWell, 8 arou!d% Toorro", perhapsL H he trails off%
GJoud be "illi!g to atte!d a photo shootIH =y *oi$e is sBuea#y agai!% Eate "ill be i!
se*e!th hea*e! if 8 $a! pull this off% And you might see him again tomorrow that dar# pla$e at the
base of y brai! "hispers sedu$ti*ely at e% 8 disiss the thought C of all the silly, ridi$ulousL
GEate "ill be delighted C if "e $a! fi!d a photographer%H 8 so pleased, 8 sile at hi
broadly% 3is lips part, li#e hes ta#i!g a sharp i!ta#e of breath, a!d he bli!#s% For a fra$tio! of a
se$o!d, he loo#s lost soeho", a!d the Earth shifts slightly o! its a1is, the te$to!i$ plates slidi!g
i!to a !e" positio!%
Oh my. Christian $rey*s lost loo(.
GLet e #!o" about toorro"%H Dea$hi!g i!to his ba$# po$#et, he pulls out his "allet% G=y
$ard% 8t has y $ell !uber o! it% Joull !eed to $all before te! i! the or!i!g%H
G/#ay%H 8 gri! up at hi% Eate is goi!g to be thrilled%
.aul has aterialiFed at other the e!d of the aisle% 3es =r% Clayto!s you!gest brother% 8d
heard he "as hoe fro .ri!$eto!, but 8 "as!t e1pe$ti!g to see hi today%
GEr, e1$use e for a oe!t, =r% >rey%H >rey fro"!s as 8 tur! a"ay fro hi%
.aul has al"ays bee! a buddy, a!d i! this stra!ge oe!t that 8 ha*i!g "ith the ri$h,
po"erful, a"esoely off9the9s$ale attra$ti*e $o!trol9frea# >rey, its great to tal# to soeo!e "hos
!oral% .aul hugs e hard ta#i!g e by surprise%
G&!a, hi, its so good to see youKH he gushes%
G3ello .aul, ho" are youI Jou hoe for your brothers birthdayIH
GJep% Joure loo#i!g "ell, &!a, really "ell%H 3e gri!s as he e1ai!es e at ars le!gth%
The! he releases e but #eeps a possessi*e ar draped o*er y shoulder% 8 shuffle fro foot to
foot, ebarrassed% 8ts good to see .aul, but hes al"ays bee! o*er9failiar%
Whe! 8 gla!$e up at Christia! >rey, hes "at$hi!g us li#e a ha"#, his gray eyes hooded a!d
spe$ulati*e, his outh a hard ipassi*e li!e% 3es $ha!ged fro the "eirdly atte!ti*e $ustoer to
soeo!e else C soeo!e $old a!d dista!t%
G.aul, 8 "ith a $ustoer% Soeo!e you should eet,H 8 say, tryi!g to defuse the a!tago!is
8 see i! >reys eyes% 8 drag .aul o*er to eet hi, a!d they "eigh ea$h other up% The atosphere is
sudde!ly ar$ti$%
GEr, .aul, this is Christia! >rey% =r% >rey, this is .aul Clayto!% 3is brother o"!s the pla$e%H
&!d for soe irratio!al reaso!, 8 feel 8 ha*e to e1plai! a bit ore%
G8*e #!o"! .aul e*er si!$e 8*e "or#ed here, though "e do!t see ea$h other that ofte!% 3es
ba$# fro .ri!$eto! "here hes studyi!g busi!ess adi!istratio!%H 8 babbli!gL %top now&
G=r% Clayto!%H Christia! holds his ha!d out, his loo# u!readable%
G=r% >rey,H .aul retur!s his ha!dsha#e% GWait up C !ot the Christia! >reyI /f >rey
E!terprises 3oldi!gsIH .aul goes fro surly to a"estru$# i! less tha! a !a!ose$o!d% >rey gi*es
hi a polite sile that does!t rea$h his eyes%
GWo" C is there a!ythi!g 8 $a! get youIH
G&!astasia has it $o*ered, =r% Clayto!% Shes bee! *ery atte!ti*e%H 3is e1pressio! is
ipassi*e, but his "ordsL its li#e hes sayi!g soethi!g else e!tirely% 8ts baffli!g%
GCool,H .aul respo!ds% GCat$h you later, &!a%H
GSure, .aul%H 8 "at$h hi disappear to"ard the sto$# roo% G&!ythi!g else, =r%
GJust these ites%H 3is to!e is $lipped a!d $ool% <a!L ha*e 8 offe!ded hiI Ta#i!g a deep
breath, 8 tur! a!d head for the till% #hat is his pro,lem.
8 ri!g up the rope, $o*eralls, as#i!g tape, a!d $able ties at the till%
GThat "ill be forty9three dollars, please%H 8 gla!$e up at >rey, a!d 8 "ish 8 had!t% 3es
"at$hi!g e $losely, his gray eyes i!te!se a!d so#y% 8ts u!!er*i!g%
GWould you li#e a bagIH 8 as# as 8 ta#e his $redit $ard%
G.lease, &!astasia%H 3is to!gue $aresses y !ae, a!d y heart o!$e agai! is fra!ti$%
8 $a! hardly breathe% 3urriedly, 8 pla$e his pur$hases i! a plasti$ $arrier%
GJoull $all e if you "a!t e to do the photo shootIH 3es all busi!ess o!$e ore% 8 !od,
re!dered spee$hless yet agai!, a!d ha!d ba$# his $redit $ard%
G>ood% 5!til toorro" perhaps%H 3e tur!s to lea*e, the! pauses% G/h C a!d &!astasia, 8
glad =iss Ea*a!agh $ould!t do the i!ter*ie"%H 3e siles, the! strides "ith re!e"ed purpose out of
the store, sli!gi!g the plasti$ bag o*er his shoulder, lea*i!g e a Bui*eri!g ass of ragi!g feale
horo!es% 8 spe!d se*eral i!utes stari!g at the $losed door through "hi$h hes @ust left before 8
retur! to pla!et Earth%
O(ay 2 I li(e him. There, 8*e aditted it to yself% 8 $a!!ot hide fro y feeli!gs a!yore%
8*e !e*er felt li#e this before% 8 fi!d hi attra$ti*e, *ery attra$ti*e% 0ut its a lost $ause, 8 #!o", a!d
8 sigh "ith bitters"eet regret% 8t "as @ust a $oi!$ide!$e, his $oi!g here% 0ut still, 8 $a! adire hi
fro afar, surelyI +o har $a! $oe of that% &!d if 8 fi!d a photographer, 8 $a! do soe serious
adiri!g toorro"% 8 bite y lip i! a!ti$ipatio! a!d fi!d yself gri!!i!g li#e a s$hoolgirl% 8 !eed to
pho!e Eate a!d orga!iFe a photo9shoot%
Eate is e$stati$%
G0ut "hat "as he doi!g at Clayto!sIH 3er $uriosity ooFes through the pho!e% 8 i! the
depths of the sto$# roo, tryi!g to #eep y *oi$e $asual%
G3e "as i! the area%H
G8 thi!# that is o!e huge $oi!$ide!$e, &!a% Jou do!t thi!# he "as there to see youIH
she spe$ulates% =y heart lur$hes at the prospe$t, but its a short9li*ed @oy% The dull,
disappoi!ti!g reality is that he "as here o! busi!ess%
G3e "as *isiti!g the fari!g di*isio! of WS5% 3es fu!di!g soe resear$h,H 8 utter%
G/h yes% 3es gi*e! the departe!t a R2%4 illio! gra!t%H
G3o" do you #!o" thisIH
G&!a, 8 a @our!alist, a!d 8*e "ritte! a profile o! the guy% 8ts y @ob to #!o" this%H
G/#ay, Carla 0er!stei!, #eep your hair o!% So do you "a!t these photosIH
G/f $ourse 8 do% The Buestio! is, "hos goi!g to do the a!d "here%H
GWe $ould as# hi "here% 3e says hes stayi!g i! the area%H
GJou $a! $o!ta$t hiIH
G8 ha*e his $ell pho!e !uber%H
Eate gasps%
GThe ri$hest, ost elusi*e, ost e!igati$ ba$helor i! Washi!gto! State, @ust ga*e you his
$ell pho!e !uber%H
GErL yes%H
G&!aK 3e li#es you% +o doubt about it%H 3er to!e is ephati$%
GEate, hes @ust tryi!g to be !i$e%H 0ut e*e! as 8 say the "ords, 8 #!o" theyre !ot true
C Christia! >rey does!t do nice. 3e does polite, aybe% &!d a sall Buiet *oi$e "hispers,
perhaps !ate is right. =y s$alp pri$#les at the idea that aybe, @ust aybe, he ight li#e e%
&fter all, he did say he "as glad Eate did!t do the i!ter*ie"% 8 hug yself "ith Buiet glee, ro$#i!g
fro side to side, e!tertai!i!g the possibility that he ight li#e e for o!e brief oe!t% Eate
bri!gs e ba$# to the !o"%
G8 do!t #!o" "ho "ell get to do the shoot% Le*i, our regular photographer, $a!t%
3es hoe i! 8daho Falls for the "ee#e!d% 3ell be pissed that he ble" a! opportu!ity to
photo o!e of &eri$as leadi!g e!trepre!eurs%H
G3L What about JosNO222PIH
G>reat ideaK Jou as# hi C hell do a!ythi!g for you% The! $all >rey a!d fi!d out "here he
"a!ts us%H Eate is irritati!gly $a*alier about JosNO222P%
G8 thi!# you should $all hi%H
GWho, JosNO222PIH Eate s$offs%
G+o, >rey%H
G&!a, youre the o!e "ith the relatio!ship%H
GDelatio!shipIH 8 sBuea# at her, y *oi$e risi!g se*eral o$ta*es% G8 barely #!o" the guy%HG&t
least you*e et hi,H she says bitterly% G&!d it loo#s li#e he "a!ts to #!o" you better% &!a, @ust
$all hi,H she s!aps a!d ha!gs up% She is so bossy soeties% 8 fro"! at y $ell, sti$#i!g y
to!gue out at it%
8 @ust lea*i!g a essage for JosNO222P "he! .aul e!ters the sto$# roo loo#i!g for sa!d9
GWere #i!d of busy out there, &!a,H he says "ithout a$rio!y%
GJeah, u, sorry,H 8 utter, tur!i!g to lea*e%
GSo, ho" $oe you #!o" Christia! >reyIH .auls *oi$e is u!$o!*i!$i!gly !o!$hala!t%
G8 had to i!ter*ie" hi for our stude!t !e"spaper% Eate "as!t "ell%H 8 shrug, tryi!g to sou!d
$asual a!d doi!g !o better tha! hi%
GChristia! >rey i! Clayto!s% >o figure,H .aul s!orts, aaFed% 3e sha#es his head as if to
$lear it% G&!y"ay, "a!t to grab a dri!# or soethi!g this e*e!i!gIH
Whe!e*er hes hoe he as#s e o! a date, a!d 8 al"ays say !o% 8ts a ritual% 8*e !e*er
$o!sidered it a good idea to date the bosss brother, a!d besides, .aul is $ute i! a "hole9soe all9
&eri$a! boy9!e1t9door #i!d of "ay, but hes !o literary hero, !ot by a!y stret$h of the
iagi!atio!% Is $rey. =y sub$o!s$ious as#s e, her eyebro" figurati*ely raised%
8 slap her do"!%
G<o!t you ha*e a faily di!!er or soethi!g for your brotherIH
GThats toorro"%H
G=aybe soe other tie, .aul% 8 !eed to study to!ight% 8 ha*e y fi!als !e1t "ee#%H
G&!a, o!e of these days, youll say yes,H he siles as 8 es$ape out to the store floor%
G0ut 8 do pla$es, &!a, !ot people,H JosNO222P groa!s%
GJosNO222P, pleaseIH 8 beg% Clut$hi!g y $ell, 8 pa$e the li*i!g area of our aparte!t, stari!g
out of the "i!do" at the fadi!g e*e!i!g light%
G>i*e e that pho!e%H Eate grabs the ha!dset fro e, tossi!g her sil#e! red9blo!de hair
o*er her shoulder%
GListe! here, JosNO222P DodriBueF, if you "a!t our !e"spaper to $o*er the ope!i!g of your
sho", youll do this shoot for us toorro", $api$heIH Eate $a! be a"esoely tough%
G>ood% &!a "ill $all ba$# "ith the lo$atio! a!d the $all tie% Well see you toorro"%H She
s!aps y $ell pho!e shut%
GSorted% &ll "e !eed to do !o" is de$ide "here a!d "he!% Call hi%H She holds the pho!e out
to e% =y stoa$h t"ists%
GCall >rey, !o"KH
8 s$o"l at her a!d rea$h i!to y ba$# po$#et for his busi!ess $ard% 8 ta#e a deep, steadyi!g
breath, a!d "ith sha#i!g fi!gers, 8 dial the !uber%
3e a!s"ers o! the se$o!d ri!g% 3is to!e is $lipped, $al a!d $old%
GErrL =r% >reyI 8ts &!astasia Steele%H 8 do!t re$og!iFe y o"! *oi$e, 8 so !er*ous%
Theres a brief pause% 8!side 8 Bua#i!g%
G=iss Steele% 3o" !i$e to hear fro you%H 3is *oi$e has $ha!ged% 3es surprised, 8 thi!#, a!d
he sou!ds soL "ar C seducti6e e*e!% =y breath hit$hes, a!d 8 flush% 8 sudde!ly $o!s$ious that
Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh is stari!g at e, her outh ope!, a!d 8 dart i!to the #it$he! to a*oid her
u!"a!ted s$ruti!y%
GErr C "ed li#e to go ahead "ith the photo9shoot for the arti$le%H 9reathe Ana ,reathe.
=y lu!gs drag i! a hasty breath% GToorro", if thats o#ay% Where "ould be $o!*e!ie!t for
you, sirIH
8 $a! alost hear his sphi!19li#e sile through the pho!e%
G8 stayi!g at the 3eatha! i! .ortla!d% Shall "e say, !i!e thirty toorro"
or!i!gIHG/#ay, "ell see you there%H 8 a all gushi!g a!d breathy C li#e a $hild, !ot a gro"!
"oa! "ho $a! *ote a!d dri!# legally i! the State of Washi!gto!%
G8 loo# for"ard to it, =iss Steele%H 8 *isualiFe the "i$#ed glea i! his gray eyes% 7ow can he
ma(e se6en little words hold so much tantali:ing promise. 8 ha!g up% Eate is i! the #it$he!, a!d
shes stari!g at e "ith a loo# of $oplete a!d utter $o!ster!atio! o! her fa$e%
G&!astasia Dose Steele% Jou li#e hiK 8*e !e*er see! or heard you so, soL affe$ted by
a!yo!e before% Joure a$tually blushi!g%H
G/h Eate, you #!o" 8 blush all the tie% 8ts a! o$$upatio!al haFard "ith e% <o!t be so
ridi$ulous,H 8 s!ap% She bli!#s at e "ith surprise C 8 *ery rarely thro" y toys out of the pra C
a!d 8 briefly rele!t% G8 @ust fi!d hiL i!tiidati!g, thats all%H
G3eatha!, that figures,H utters Eate% G8ll gi*e the a!ager a $all a!d !egotiate a spa$e for
the shoot%H
G8ll a#e supper% The! 8 !eed to study%H 8 $a!!ot hide y irritatio! "ith her as 8 ope! o!e of
$upboards to a#e supper%
8 a restless that !ight, tossi!g a!d tur!i!g% <reai!g of so#y gray eyes, $o*eralls, lo!g
legs, lo!g fi!gers, a!d dar#, dar# u!e1plored pla$es% 8 "a#e t"i$e i! the !ight, y heart pou!di!g%
Oh I*m going to loo( +ust great tomorrow with so little sleep 8 s$old yself% 8 pu!$h y pillo"
a!d try to settle%
The 3eatha! is !estled i! the do"!to"! heart of .ortla!d% 8ts ipressi*e bro"! sto!e
edifi$e "as $opleted @ust i! tie for the $rash of the late 1'20s% JosNO222P, Tra*is, a!d 8 are
tra*eli!g i! y 0eetle, a!d Eate is i! her CLE, si!$e "e $a!t all fit i! y $ar% Tra*is is
JosNO222Ps frie!d a!d gopher, here to help out "ith the lighti!g% Eate has a!aged to a$Buire the
use of a roo at the 3eatha! free of $harge for the or!i!g i! e1$ha!ge for a $redit i! the arti$le%
Whe! she e1plai!s at re$eptio! that "ere here to photograph Christia! >rey CE/, "e are i!sta!tly
upgraded to a suite% Just a regular9siFed suite, ho"e*er, as appare!tly =r% >rey is already o$$upyi!g
the largest o!e i! the buildi!g% &! o*er9#ee! ar#eti!g e1e$uti*e sho"s us up to the suite C hes
terribly you!g a!d *ery !er*ous for soe reaso!%
8 suspe$t its Eates beauty a!d $oa!di!g a!!er that disars hi, be$ause hes putty i!
her ha!ds% The roos are elega!t, u!derstated, a!d opule!tly fur!ished%
8ts !i!e% We ha*e half a! hour to set up% Eate is i! full flo"%
GJosNO222P, 8 thi!# "ell shoot agai!st that "all, do you agreeIH She does!t "ait for his
reply% GTra*is, $lear the $hairs% &!a, $ould you as# house#eepi!g to bri!g up soe refresh9e!tsI
&!d let >rey #!o" "here "e are%H
)es Mistress. She is so doi!eeri!g% 8 roll y eyes, but do as 8 told%
3alf a! hour later, Christia! >rey "al#s i!to our suite%
7oly Crap& 3es "eari!g a "hite shirt, ope! at the $ollar, a!d grey fla!!el pa!ts that ha!g
fro his hips% 3is u!ruly hair is still dap fro a sho"er% =y outh goes dry loo#i!g at hiL
hes so frea#i!g hot. >rey is follo"ed i!to the suite by a a! i! his id9thirties, all buFF9$ut a!d
stubble i! a sharp dar# suit a!d tie "ho sta!ds sile!tly i! the $or!er% 3is haFel eyes "at$h us
G=iss Steele, "e eet agai!%H >rey e1te!ds his ha!d, a!d 8 sha#e it, bli!#i!g rapidly%
/h yL he really is, BuiteL "o"% &s 8 tou$h his ha!d, 8 a"are of that deli$ious $urre!t
ru!!i!g right through e, lighti!g e up, a#i!g e blush, a!d 8 sure y errati$ breathi!g ust
be audible%
G=r% >rey, this is Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh,H 8 utter, "a*i!g a ha!d to"ard Eate "ho $oes
for"ard, loo#i!g hi sBuarely i! the eye%
GThe te!a$ious =iss Ea*a!agh% 3o" do you doIH 3e gi*es her a sall sile, loo#i!g
ge!ui!ely aused% G8 trust youre feeli!g betterI &!astasia said you "ere u!"ell last "ee#%H
G8 fi!e, tha!# you, =r% >rey%H She sha#es his ha!d firly "ithout batti!g a! eyelid%
8 rei!d yself that Eate has bee! to the best pri*ate s$hools i! Washi!gto!% 3er faily has
o!ey, a!d shes gro"! up $o!fide!t a!d sure of her pla$e i! the "orld% She does!t ta#e a!y $rap%
8 a i! a"e of her%
GTha!# you for ta#i!g the tie to do this%H She gi*es hi a polite, professio!al sile%
G8ts a pleasure,H he a!s"ers, tur!i!g his gray gaFe o! e, a!d 8 flush, agai!% <a! it%
GThis is JosNO222P DodrigueF, our photographer,H 8 say, gri!!i!g at JosNO222P "ho siles
"ith affe$tio! ba$# at e% 3is eyes $ool "he! he loo#s fro e to >rey%
G=r% >rey,H he !ods%
G=r% DodrigueF,H >reys e1pressio! $ha!ges too as he appraises JosNO222P%
GWhere "ould you li#e eIH >rey as#s hi% 3is to!e sou!ds *aguely threate!i!g% 0ut
Eatheri!e is !ot about to let JosNO222P ru! the sho"%
G=r% >rey C if you $ould sit here, pleaseI 0e $areful of the lighti!g $ables% &!d the! "ell do
a fe" sta!di!g, too%H She dire$ts hi to a $hair set up agai!st the "all%
Tra*is s"it$hes o! the lights, oe!tarily bli!di!g >rey, a!d utters a! apology%
The! Tra*is a!d 8 sta!d ba$# a!d "at$h as JosNO222P pro$eeds to s!ap a"ay% 3e ta#es
se*eral photographs ha!d9held, as#i!g >rey to tur! this "ay, the! that, to o*e his ar, the! put it
do"! agai!% =o*i!g to the tripod, JosNO222P ta#es se*eral ore, "hile >rey sits a!d poses,
patie!tly a!d !aturally, for about t"e!ty i!utes% =y "ish has $oe true: 8 $a! sta!d a!d adire
>rey fro !ot9so9afar% T"i$e our eyes lo$#, a!d 8 ha*e to tear yself a"ay fro his $loudy gaFe%
GE!ough sitti!g%H Eatheri!e "ades i! agai!% GSta!di!g, =r% >reyIH she as#s%
3e sta!ds, a!d Tra*is s$urries i! to reo*e the $hair% The shutter o! JosNO222Ps +i#o! starts
$li$#i!g agai!%
G8 thi!# "e ha*e e!ough,H JosNO222P a!!ou!$es fi*e i!utes later%
G>reat,H says Eate% GTha!# you agai!, =r% >rey%H She sha#es his ha!d, as does JosNO222P%
G8 loo# for"ard to readi!g the arti$le, =iss Ea*a!agh,H ururs >rey, a!d tur!s to e,
sta!di!g by the door% GWill you "al# "ith e, =iss SteeleIH he as#s%
GSure,H 8 say, $opletely thro"!% 8 gla!$e a!1iously at Eate, "ho shrugs at e% 8 !oti$e
JosNO222P s$o"li!g behi!d her%
G>ood day to you all,H says >rey as he ope!s the door, sta!di!g aside to allo" e out first%
7oly hell0 what*s this a,out. #hat does he want. 8 pause i! the hotel $orridor, fidgeti!g
!er*ously as >rey eerges fro the roo follo"ed by =r% 0uFF9Cut i! his sharp suit%
G8ll $all you, Taylor,H he ururs to 0uFF9Cut% Taylor "a!ders ba$# do"! the $orridor, a!d
>rey tur!s his bur!i!g gray gaFe to e% Crap0 ha6e I done something wrong.
G8 "o!dered if you "ould @oi! e for $offee this or!i!g%H
=y heart slas i!to y outh% & dateI Christian $rey is as(ing me on a date. 3es as#i!g if
you "a!t a $offee% May,e he thin(s you ha6en*t wo(en up yet y sub$o!s$ious "hi!es at e i! a
s!eeri!g ood agai!% 8 $lear y throat tryi!g to $o!trol y !er*es%
G8 ha*e to dri*e e*eryo!e hoe,H 8 urur apologeti$ally, t"isti!g y ha!ds a!d fi!gers i!
fro!t of e%
GT&JL/D,H he $alls, a#i!g e @up% Taylor, "ho had bee! retreati!g do"! the $orridor,
tur!s a!d heads ba$# to"ard us%
G&re they based at the u!i*ersityIH >rey as#s, his *oi$e soft a!d i!Buiri!g% 8 !od, too stu!!ed
to spea#%
GTaylor $a! ta#e the% 3es y dri*er% We ha*e a large S1S here, so hell be able to ta#e the
eBuipe!t too%H
G=r% >reyIH Taylor as#s "he! he rea$hes us, gi*i!g !othi!g a"ay%
G.lease, $a! you dri*e the photographer, his assista!t, a!d =iss Ea*a!agh ba$# hoeIH
GCertai!ly, sir,H Taylor replies%
GThere% +o" $a! you @oi! e for $offeeIH >rey siles as if its a do!e deal%
8 fro"! at hi%
G5 C =r% >rey, err C this reallyL loo#, Taylor does!t ha*e to dri*e the hoe%H 8 flash a
brief loo# at Taylor, "ho reai!s stoi$ally ipassi*e% G8ll s"ap *ehi$les "ith Eate, if you gi*e e
a oe!t%H
>rey siles a daFFli!g, u!guarded, !atural, all9teeth9sho"i!g, glorious sile% Oh my L a!d
he ope!s the door of the suite so 8 $a! re9e!ter% 8 s$oot arou!d hi to e!ter the roo, fi!di!g
Eatheri!e i! deep dis$ussio! "ith JosNO222P%
G&!a, 8 thi!# he defi!itely li#es you,H she says "ith !o preable "hatsoe*er% JosNO222P
glares at e "ith disappro*al% G0ut 8 do!t trust hi,H she adds% 8 raise y ha!d up i! the hope that
shell stop tal#i!g% 0y soe ira$le, she does%
GEate, if you ta#e the 0eetle, $a! 8 ta#e your $arIH
GChristia! >rey has as#ed e to go for $offee "ith hi%H
3er outh pops ope!% Spee$hless EateK 8 sa*or the oe!t% She grabs e by y ar a!d
drags e i!to the bedroo thats off the li*i!g area of the suite%
G&!a, theres soethi!g about hi%H 3er to!e is full of "ar!i!g% G3es gorgeous, 8 agree, but
8 thi!# hes da!gerous% Espe$ially to soeo!e li#e you%H
GWhat do you ea!, soeo!e li#e eIH 8 dea!d, affro!ted%
G&! i!!o$e!t li#e you, &!a% Jou #!o" "hat 8 ea!,H she says a little irritated% 8 flush%
GEate, its @ust $offee% 8 starti!g y e1as this "ee#, a!d 8 !eed to study, so 8 "o!t be
She purses her lips as if $o!sideri!g y reBuest% Fi!ally, she fishes her $ar #eys out of her
po$#et a!d ha!ds the to e% 8 ha!d her i!e%
G8ll see you later% <o!t be lo!g, or 8ll se!d out sear$h a!d res$ue%H
GTha!#s%H 8 hug her%
8 eerge fro the suite to fi!d Christia! >rey "aiti!g, lea!i!g up agai!st the "all, loo#i!g
li#e a ale odel i! a pose for soe glossy high9e!d agaFi!e%
G/#ay, lets do $offee,H 8 urur, flushi!g a beet red%
3e gri!s%
G&fter you, =iss Steele%H 3e sta!ds up straight, holdi!g his ha!d out for e to go first%
8 a#e y "ay do"! the $orridor, y #!ees sha#y, y stoa$h full of butterflies, a!d y
heart i! y outh thupi!g a draati$ u!e*e! beat% I am going to ha6e coffee with Christian
$rey... and I hate coffee.
We "al# together do"! the "ide hotel $orridor to the ele*ators% #hat should I say to him.
=y i!d is sudde!ly paralyFed "ith apprehe!sio!% What are "e goi!g to tal# aboutI
What o! Earth do 8 ha*e i! $oo! "ith hiI 3is soft, "ar *oi$e startles e fro y
G3o" lo!g ha*e you #!o"! Eatheri!e Ea*a!aghIH
/h, a! easy Buestio!s for starters%
GSi!$e our fresha! year% Shes a good frie!d%H
G3,H he replies, !o!9$oittal% What is he thi!#i!gI
&t the ele*ators, he presses the $all butto!, a!d the bell ri!gs alost iediately% The doors
slide ope! re*eali!g a you!g $ouple i! a passio!ate $li!$h i!side% Surprised a!d ebarrassed, they
@up apart, stari!g guiltily i! e*ery dire$tio! but ours% >rey a!d 8 step i!to the ele*ator%
8 a struggli!g to ai!tai! a straight fa$e, so 8 gaFe do"! at the floor, feeli!g y $hee#s
tur!i!g pi!#% Whe! 8 pee# up at >rey through y lashes, he has a hi!t of a sile o! his lips, but its
*ery hard to tell% The you!g $ouple says !othi!g, a!d "e tra*el do"! to the first floor i!
ebarrassed sile!$e% We do!t e*e! ha*e trashy piped usi$ to distra$t us%
The doors ope! a!d, u$h to y surprise, >rey ta#es y ha!d, $laspi!g it "ith his lo!g $ool
fi!gers% 8 feel the $urre!t ru! through e, a!d y already rapid heartbeat a$$elerates% &s he leads
e out of the ele*ator, "e $a! hear the suppressed giggles of the $ouple erupti!g behi!d us% >rey
GWhat is it about ele*atorsIH he utters%
We $ross the e1pa!si*e, bustli!g lobby of the hotel to"ard the e!tra!$e but >rey a*oids the
re*ol*i!g door, a!d 8 "o!der if thats be$ause hed ha*e to let go of y ha!d%
/utside, its a ild =ay Su!day% The su! is shi!i!g a!d the traffi$ is light% >rey tur!s left a!d
strolls to the $or!er, "here "e stop "aiti!g for the lights of the pedestria! $rossi!g to $ha!ge% 3es
still holdi!g y ha!d% I*m in the street and Christian $rey is holding my hand. +o o!e has e*er
held y ha!d% 8 feel giddy, a!d 8 ti!gle all o*er% 8 attept to sother the ridi$ulous gri! that
threate!s to split y fa$e i! t"o% 1ry to ,e cool Ana y sub$o!s$ious iplores e% The gree!
a! appears, a!d "ere off agai!%
We "al# four blo$#s before "e rea$h the .ortla!d Coffee 3ouse, "here >rey releases e to
hold the door ope! so 8 $a! step i!side%
GWhy do!t you $hoose a table, "hile 8 get the dri!#s% What "ould you li#eIH he as#s, polite
as e*er%
G8ll ha*eL u C E!glish 0rea#fast tea, bag out%H
3e raises his eyebro"s%
G+o $offeeIH
G8 !ot #ee! o! $offee%H
3e siles%
G/#ay, bag out tea% SugarIH
For a oe!t, 8 stu!!ed, thi!#i!g its a! e!deare!t, but fortu!ately y sub$o!s$ious
#i$#s i! "ith pursed lips% "o stupid 2 do you ta(e sugar.
G+o tha!#s%H 8 stare do"! at y #!otted fi!gers%
G&!ythi!g to eatIH
G+o tha!# you%H 8 sha#e y head, a!d he heads to the $ou!ter%
8 surreptitiously gaFe at hi fro be!eath y lashes as he sta!ds i! li!e "aiti!g to be ser*ed%
8 $ould "at$h hi all dayL hes tall, broad9shouldered, a!d sli, a!d the "ay those pa!ts ha!g
fro his hipsL Oh my. /!$e or t"i$e he ru!s his lo!g, gra$eful fi!gers through his !o" dry but
still disorderly hair% 7mm0 I*d li(e to do that. The thought $oes u!bidde! i!to y i!d, a!d y
fa$e flaes% 8 bite y lip a!d stare do"! at y ha!ds agai! !ot li#i!g "here y "ay"ard thoughts
are headed%
G.e!!y for your thoughtsIH >rey is ba$#, startli!g e%
8 go $riso!% I was +ust thin(ing a,out running my fingers through your hair and wondering
if it would feel soft to touch. 8 sha#e y head% 3es $arryi!g a tray, "hi$h he sets do"! o! the
sall, rou!d, bir$h9*e!eer table% 3e ha!ds e a $up a!d sau$er, a sall teapot, a!d a side plate
beari!g a lo!e teabag labeled MT"i!i!gs E!glish 0rea#fast C y fa*orite% 3e has a $offee "hi$h
bears a "o!derful leaf9patter! ipri!ted i! the il#% 7ow do they do that. 8 "o!der idly% 3es also
bought hiself a blueberry uffi!% .utti!g the tray aside, he sits opposite e a!d $rosses his lo!g
legs% 3e loo#s so $ofortable, so at ease "ith his body, 8 e!*y hi% 3eres e, all ga"#y a!d
u!$oordi!ated, barely able to get fro & to 0 "ithout falli!g flat o! y fa$e%
GJour thoughtsIH he propts e%
GThis is y fa*orite tea%H =y *oi$e is Buiet, breathy% 8 siply $a!t belie*e 8 sitti!g
opposite Christia! >rey i! a $offee shop i! .ortla!d% 3e fro"!s% 3e #!o"s 8 hidi!g soethi!g% 8
pop the teabag i!to the teapot a!d alost iediately fish it out agai! "ith y teaspoo!% &s 8 pla$e
the used teabag ba$# o! the side plate, he $o$#s his head gaFi!g BuiFFi$ally at e%
G8 li#e y tea bla$# a!d "ea#,H 8 utter as a! e1pla!atio!%
G8 see% 8s he your boyfrie!dIH
#hoa0 #hat.
GThe photographer% JosNO222P DodrigueF%H
8 laugh, !er*ous but $urious% What ga*e hi that ipressio!I
G+o% JosNO222Ps a good frie!d of i!e, thats all% Why did you thi!# he "as y boyfrie!dIH
GThe "ay you siled at hi, a!d he at you%H 3is gray gaFe holds i!e% 3es so u!!er*i!g% 8
"a!t to loo# a"ay but 8 $aught C spellbou!d%
G3es ore li#e faily,H 8 "hisper%
>rey !ods slightly, seei!gly satisfied "ith y respo!se, a!d gla!$es do"! at his blueberry
uffi!% 3is lo!g fi!gers deftly peel ba$# the paper, a!d 8 "at$h, fas$i!ated%
G<o you "a!t soeIH he as#s, a!d that aused, se$ret sile is ba$#%
G+o tha!#s%H 8 fro"! a!d stare do"! at y ha!ds agai!%
G&!d the boy 8 et yesterday, at the store% 3es !ot your boyfrie!dIH
G+o% .auls @ust a frie!d% 8 told you yesterday%H /h, this is getti!g silly% GWhy do you
as#IHGJou see !er*ous arou!d e!%H
3oly $rap, thats perso!al% I*m +ust ner6ous around you $rey.
G8 fi!d you i!tiidati!g%H 8 flush s$arlet, but e!tally pat yself o! the ba$# for y $a!dor,
a!d gaFe at y ha!ds agai!% 8 hear his sharp i!ta#e of breath%
GJou should fi!d e i!tiidati!g,H he !ods% GJoure *ery ho!est% .lease do!t loo# do"!% 8
li#e to see your fa$e%H
/h% 8 gla!$e at hi, a!d he gi*es e a! e!$ouragi!g but "ry sile%
G8t gi*es e soe sort of $lue "hat you ight be thi!#i!g,H he breathes% GJoure a ystery,
=iss Steele%
=ysteriousI =eI
GTheres !othi!g ysterious about e%H
G8 thi!# youre *ery self9$o!tai!ed,H he ururs%
& 8I #ow0 how am I managing that. This is be"ilderi!g% Me self;contained.
"o #ay.
GE1$ept "he! you blush, of $ourse, "hi$h is ofte!% 8 @ust "ish 8 #!e" "hat you "ere blushi!g
about%H 3e pops a sall pie$e of uffi! i!to his outh a!d starts to $he" it slo"ly, !ot ta#i!g his
eyes off e% &!d as if o! $ue, 8 blush% Crap&
G<o you al"ays a#e su$h perso!al obser*atio!sIH
G8 had!t realiFed 8 "as% 3a*e 8 offe!ded youIH 3e sou!ds surprised%
G+o,H 8 a!s"er truthfully%
G0ut youre *ery high9ha!ded,H 8 retaliate Buietly%
3e raises his eyebro"s a!d, if 8 !ot ista#e!, he flushes slightly too%
G8 used to getti!g y o"! "ay, &!astasia,H he ururs% G8! all thi!gs%H
G8 do!t doubt it% Why ha*e!t you as#ed e to $all you by your first !aeIH 8 surprised by
y auda$ity% Why has this $o!*ersatio! be$oe so seriousI This is!t goi!g the "ay 8 thought it
"as goi!g to go% 8 $a!t belie*e 8 feeli!g so a!tago!isti$ to"ards hi%
8ts li#e hes tryi!g to "ar! e off%
GThe o!ly people "ho use y gi*e! !ae are y faily a!d a fe" $lose frie!ds%
Thats the "ay 8 li#e it%H
/h% 3e still has!t said, MCall e Christia!% 3e is a $o!trol frea#, theres !o other
e1pla!atio!, a!d part of e is thi!#i!g aybe it "ould ha*e bee! better if Eate had i!ter*ie"ed
hi% T"o $o!trol frea#s together% .lus of $ourse shes alost blo!de C "ell, stra"berry blo!de C
li#e all the "oe! i! his offi$e% And she*s ,eautiful y sub$o!s$ious rei!ds e% 8 do!t li#e the
idea of Christia! a!d Eate% 8 ta#e a sip of y tea, a!d >rey eats a!other sall pie$e of his uffi!%
G&re you a! o!ly $hildIH he as#s%
#hoa L he #eeps $ha!gi!g dire$tio!%
GTell e about your pare!ts%H
Why does he "a!t to #!o" thisI 8ts so dull.
G=y o li*es i! >eorgia "ith her !e" husba!d 0ob% =y stepdad li*es i! =o!tesa!o%H
GJour fatherIH
G=y father died "he! 8 "as a baby%H
G8 sorry,H he utters a!d a fleeti!g troubled loo# $rosses his fa$e%
G8 do!t reeber hi%H
G&!d your other rearriedIH
8 s!ort%
GJou $ould say that%H
3e fro"!s at e%
GJoure !ot gi*i!g u$h a"ay, are youIH he says dryly, rubbi!g his $hi! as if i! deep thought%
G+either are you%H
GJou*e i!ter*ie"ed e o!$e already, a!d 8 $a! re$olle$t soe Buite probi!g Buestio!s the!%H
3e sir#s at e%
7oly shit. 3es reeberi!g the Mgay Buestio!% /!$e agai!, 8 ortified% 8! years to $oe,
8 #!o", 8ll !eed i!te!si*e therapy to !ot feel this ebarrassed e*ery tie 8 re$all the oe!t% 8
start babbli!g about y other C a!ythi!g to blo$# that eory%
G=y o is "o!derful% Shes a! i!$urable roa!ti$% Shes $urre!tly o! her fourth husba!d%H
Christia! raises his eyebro"s i! surprise%
G8 iss her,H 8 $o!ti!ue% GShe has 0ob !o"% 8 @ust hope he $a! #eep a! eye o! her a!d pi$# up
the pie$es "he! her harebrai!ed s$hees do!t go as pla!!ed%H 8 sile fo!dly% 8 ha*e!t see! y
o for so lo!g% Christia! is "at$hi!g e i!te!tly, ta#i!g o$$asio!al sips of his $offee% 8 really
should!t loo# at his outh% 8ts u!settli!g% Those lips%
G<o you get alo!g "ith your stepfatherIH
G/f $ourse% 8 gre" up "ith hi% 3es the o!ly father 8 #!o"%H
G&!d "hats he li#eIH
GDayI 3esL ta$itur!%H
GThats itIH >rey as#s, surprised%
8 shrug% What does this a! e1pe$tI =y life storyI
GTa$itur! li#e his stepdaughter,H >rey propts%
8 refrai! fro rolli!g y eyes at hi%
G3e li#es so$$er C Europea! so$$er espe$ially C a!d bo"li!g, a!d fly9fishi!g, a!d a#i!g
fur!iture% 3es a $arpe!ter% E19ary%H 8 sigh%
GJou li*ed "ith hiIH
GJes% =y o et 3usba!d +uber Three "he! 8 "as fiftee!% 8 stayed "ith Day%H
3e fro"!s as if he does!t u!dersta!d%
GJou did!t "a!t to li*e "ith your oIH he as#s%
8 blush% 1his really is none of his ,usiness.
G3usba!d +uber Three li*ed i! Te1as% =y hoe "as i! =o!tesa!o% &!dL you #!o" y
o "as !e"ly arried%H 8 stop% =y o !e*er tal#s about 3usba!d +uber Three% Where is
>rey goi!g "ith thisI This is !o!e of his busi!ess% 1wo can play at this game.
GTell e about your pare!ts,H 8 as#%
3e shrugs%
G=y dads a la"yer, y o is a pediatri$ia!% They li*e i! Seattle%H
/hL hes had a! afflue!t upbri!gi!g% &!d 8 "o!der about a su$$essful $ouple "ho adopt
three #ids, a!d o!e of the tur!s i!to a beautiful a! "ho ta#es o! the busi!ess "orld a!d
$o!Buers it si!gle9ha!ded% What dro*e hi to be that "ayI 3is fol#s ust be proud%
GWhat do your sibli!gs doIH
GElliots i! $o!stru$tio!, a!d y little sister is i! .aris, studyi!g $oo#ery u!der soe
re!o"!ed Fre!$h $hef%H 3is eyes $loud "ith irritatio!% 3e does!t "a!t to tal# about his faily or
G8 hear .aris is lo*ely,H 8 urur% Why does!t he "a!t to tal# about his failyI 8s it be$ause
hes adoptedI
G8ts beautiful% 3a*e you bee!IH he as#s, his irritatio! forgotte!%
G8*e !e*er left ai!la!d 5S&%H So !o" "ere ba$# to ba!alities% What is he hidi!gI
GWould you li#e to goIH
GTo .arisIH 8 sBuea#% This has thro"! e C "ho "ould!t "a!t to go to .arisI G/f $ourse,H 8
$o!$ede% G0ut its E!gla!d that 8d really li#e to *isit%H
3e $o$#s his head to o!e side, ru!!i!g his i!de1 fi!ger a$ross his lo"er lipL oh my.
8 bli!# rapidly% Concentrate %teele.
G8ts the hoe of Sha#espeare, &uste!, the 0ro!tNO224P sisters, Thoas 3ardy% 8d li#e to see
the pla$es that i!spired those people to "rite su$h "o!derful boo#s%H
&ll this tal# of literary greats rei!ds e that 8 should be studyi!g% 8 gla!$e at y "at$h%
G8d better go% 8 ha*e to study%H
GFor your e1asIH
GJes% They start Tuesday%H
GWheres =iss Ea*a!aghs $arIH
G8! the hotel par#i!g lot%H
G8ll "al# you ba$#%H
GTha!# you for the tea, =r% >rey%H
3e siles his odd I*6e got a whopping ,ig secret sile%
GJoure "el$oe, &!astasia% 8ts y pleasure% Coe,H he $oa!ds, a!d holds his ha!d out
to e% 8 ta#e it, beused, a!d follo" hi out of the $offee shop%
We stroll ba$# to the hotel, a!d 8d li#e to say its i! $opa!io!able sile!$e% 3e at least loo#s
his usual $al, $olle$ted self% &s for e, 8 desperately tryi!g to gauge ho" our little $offee
or!i!g has go!e% 8 feel li#e 8*e bee! i!ter*ie"ed for a positio!, but 8 !ot sure "hat it is%
G<o you al"ays "ear @ea!sIH he as#s out of the blue%
3e !ods% Were ba$# at the i!terse$tio!, a$ross the road fro the hotel% =y i!d is reeli!g%
#hat an odd 3uestion0 &!d 8 a"are that our tie together is liited% This is it% This "as it, a!d
8*e $opletely blo"! it, 8 #!o"% .erhaps he has soeo!e%
G<o you ha*e a girlfrie!dIH 8 blurt out% 3oly $rap 9 I +ust said that out loud.
3is lips Buir# up i! a half9sile, a!d he loo#s do"! at e%
G+o, &!astasia% 8 do!t do the girlfrie!d thi!g,H he says softly%
/hL what does that mean. 3es !ot gayI /h, aybe he is 9 $rapK 3e ust ha*e lied to e
i! his i!ter*ie"% &!d for a oe!t, 8 thi!# hes goi!g to follo" o! "ith soe e1pla!atio!, soe
$lue to this $rypti$ statee!t C but he does!t% 8 ha*e to go% 8 ha*e to try to reasseble y thoughts%
8 ha*e to get a"ay fro hi% 8 "al# for"ard, a!d 8 trip, stubli!g headlo!g o!to the road%
GShit, &!aKH >rey $ries% 3e tugs the ha!d that hes holdi!g so hard that 8 fall ba$# agai!st hi
@ust as a $y$list "hips past, !arro"ly issi!g e, headi!g the "ro!g "ay up this o!e9"ay street%
8t all happe!s so fast C o!e i!ute 8 falli!g, the !e1t 8 i! his ars, a!d hes holdi!g e
tightly agai!st his $hest% %8 i!hale his $lea!, *ital s$e!t% 3e sells of fresh lau!dered li!e! a!d soe
e1pe!si*e body9"ash% Oh my its i!to1i$ati!g% 8 i!hale deeply%
G&re you o#ayIH he "hispers% 3e has o!e ar arou!d e, $laspi!g e to hi, "hile the
fi!gers of his other ha!d softly tra$e y fa$e, ge!tly probi!g, e1ai!i!g e% 3is thub brushes y
lo"er lip, a!d 8 hear his breath hit$h% 3es stari!g i!to y eyes, a!d 8 hold his a!1ious, bur!i!g
gaFe for a oe!t or aybe its fore*erL but e*e!tually, y atte!tio! is dra"! to his beautiful
outh% Oh my. &!d for the first tie i! t"e!ty9o!e years, 8 "a!t to be #issed% 8 "a!t to feel his
outh o! e%
!iss me damn it& 8 iplore hi, but 8 $a!t o*e% 8 paralyFed "ith a stra!ge, u!failiar
!eed, $opletely $apti*ated by hi% 8 stari!g at Christia! >reys e1Buisitely s$ulptured outh,
eseriFed, a!d hes loo#i!g do"! at e, his gaFe hooded, his eyes dar#e!i!g%
3es breathi!g harder tha! usual, a!d 8*e stopped breathi!g altogether% I*m in your arms.
!iss me please. 3e $loses his eyes, ta#es a deep breath, a!d gi*es e a sall sha#e of his
head as if i! a!s"er to y sile!t Buestio!% Whe! he ope!s his eyes agai!, its "ith soe !e"
purpose, a steely resol*e%
G&!astasia, you should steer $lear of e% 8 !ot the a! for you,H he "hispers%
#hat. #here is this coming from. Surely 8 should be the @udge of that% 8 fro"! up at hi,
a!d y head s"is "ith re@e$tio!%
G0reathe, &!astasia, breathe% 8 goi!g to sta!d you up a!d let you go,H he says Buietly, a!d
he ge!tly pushes e a"ay%
&dre!ali!e has spi#ed through y body, fro the !ear iss "ith the $y$list or the heady
pro1iity to Christia!, lea*i!g e "ired a!d "ea#% "O& =y psy$he s$reas as he pulls a"ay,
lea*i!g e bereft% 3e has his ha!ds o! y shoulders, holdi!g e at ars le!gth, "at$hi!g y
rea$tio!s $arefully% &!d the o!ly thi!g 8 $a! thi!# is that 8 "a!ted to be #issed, ade it pretty
da!ed ob*ious, a!d he did!t do it% 7e doesn*t want me. 3e really does!t "a!t e% 8 ha*e
royally s$re"ed up the $offee or!i!g%
G8*e got this,H 8 breathe, fi!di!g y *oi$e% GTha!# you,H 8 utter a"ash "ith huiliatio!%
3o" $ould 8 ha*e isread the situatio! bet"ee! us so utterlyI 8 !eed to get a"ay fro hi%
GFor "hatIH he fro"!s% 3e has!t ta#e! his ha!ds off e%
GFor sa*i!g e,H 8 "hisper%
GThat idiot "as ridi!g the "ro!g "ay% 8 glad 8 "as here% 8 shudder to thi!# "hat $ould ha*e
happe!ed to you% <o you "a!t to $oe a!d sit do"! i! the hotel for a oe!tIH 3e releases e,
his ha!ds by his sides, a!d 8 sta!di!g i! fro!t of hi feeli!g li#e a fool%
With a sha#e, 8 $lear y head% 8 @ust "a!t to go% &ll y *ague, u!arti$ulated hopes ha*e bee!
dashed% 3e does!t "a!t e% #hat was I thin(ing. 8 s$old yself% #hat would Christian $rey
want with you. =y sub$o!s$ious o$#s e% 8 "rap y ars arou!d yself a!d tur! to fa$e the
road a!d !ote "ith relief that the gree! a! has appeared% 8 Bui$#ly a#e y "ay a$ross, $o!s$ious
that >rey is behi!d e% /utside the hotel, 8 tur! briefly to fa$e hi but $a!!ot loo# hi i! the eye%
GTha!#s for the tea a!d doi!g the photo shoot,H 8 urur%
G&!astasiaL 8L H 3e stops, a!d the a!guish i! his *oi$e dea!ds y atte!tio!, so 8 peer
u!"illi!gly up at hi% 3is gray eyes are blea# as he ru!s his ha!d through his hair%
3e loo#s tor!, frustrated, his e1pressio! star#, all his $areful $o!trol has e*aporated%
GWhat, Christia!IH 8 s!ap irritably after he says C !othi!g% 8 @ust "a!t to go% 8 !eed to ta#e y
fragile, "ou!ded pride a"ay a!d soeho" !urse it ba$# to health%
G>ood lu$# "ith your e1as,H he ururs%
7uh. This is "hy he loo#s so desolateI This is the big se!d offI Just to "ish e lu$# i! y
GTha!#s%H 8 $a!t disguise the sar$as i! y *oi$e% G>oodbye, =r% >rey%H 8 tur! o! y heel,
*aguely aaFed that 8 do!t trip, a!d "ithout gi*i!g hi a se$o!d gla!$e, 8 disappear do"! the
side"al# to"ard the u!dergrou!d garage%
/!$e u!der!eath the dar#, $old $o!$rete of the garage "ith its blea# fluores$e!t light, 8 lea!
agai!st the "all a!d put y head i! y ha!ds% What "as 8 thi!#i!gI 5!bidde! a!d u!"el$oe
tears pool i! y eyes% #hy am I crying. 8 si!# to the grou!d, a!gry at yself for this se!seless
rea$tio!% <ra"i!g up y #!ees, 8 fold i! o! yself% 8 "a!t to a#e yself as sall as possible%
.erhaps this !o!se!si$al pai! "ill be saller the saller 8 a%
.la$i!g y head o! y #!ees, 8 let the irratio!al tears fall u!restrai!ed% 8 a $ryi!g o*er the
loss of soethi!g 8 !e*er had% 7ow ridiculous. =our!i!g soethi!g that !e*er "as C
y dashed hopes, dashed dreas, a!d y soured e1pe$tatio!s%
8 ha*e !e*er bee! o! the re$ei*i!g e!d of re@e$tio!% /#ayL so 8 "as al"ays o!e of the last to
be pi$#ed for bas#etball or *olleyball C but 8 u!derstood that C ru!!i!g a!d doi!g soethi!g else at
the sae tie li#e bou!$i!g or thro"i!g a ball is !ot y thi!g% 8 a a serious liability i! a!y
sporti!g field%
Doa!ti$ally, though, 8*e !e*er put yself out there, e*er% & lifetie of i!se$urity
C 8 too pale, too s#i!!y, too s$ruffy, u!$oordi!ated, y lo!g list of faults goes o!% So 8 ha*e
al"ays bee! the o!e to rebuff a!y "ould be adirers% There "as that guy i! y $heistry $lass
"ho li#ed e, but !o o!e has e*er spar#ed y i!terest C !o o!e e1$ept Christia! da! >rey%
=aybe 8 should be #i!der to the li#es of .aul Clayto! a!d JosNO222P DodrigueF, though 8 sure
!either of the ha*e bee! fou!d sobbi!g alo!e i! dar# pla$es%
.erhaps 8 @ust !eed a good $ry%
%top& %top "ow& ; =y sub$o!s$ious is etaphori$ally s$reai!g at e, ars folded, lea!i!g
o! o!e leg a!d tappi!g her foot i! frustratio!% $et in the car go home do your studying. 'orget
a,out him0 "ow& &!d stop all this self9pityi!g, "allo"i!g $rap%
8 ta#e a deep, steadyi!g breath a!d sta!d up% $et it together %teele. 8 head for Eates $ar,
"ipi!g the tears off y fa$e as 8 do% 8 "ill !ot thi!# of hi agai!% 8 $a! @ust $hal# this i!$ide!t up to
e1perie!$e a!d $o!$e!trate o! y e1as%
Eate is sitti!g at the di!i!g table at her laptop "he! 8 arri*e% 3er "el$oi!g sile fades "he!
she sees e%
G&!a "hats "ro!gIH
/h !oL !ot the Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh 8!Buisitio!% 8 sha#e y head at her i! a ,ac(;off now
!a6anagh way C but 8 ight as "ell be deali!g "ith a bli!d, deaf ute%
GJou*e bee! $ryi!g,H she has a! e1$eptio!al gift for stati!g the da!ed ob*ious soeties%
GWhat did that bastard do to youIH she gro"ls, a!d her fa$e C @eeF, shes s$ary%
G+othi!g Eate%H Thats a$tually the proble% The thought bri!gs a "ry sile to y
fa$e%GThe! "hy ha*e you bee! $ryi!gI Jou !e*er $ry,H she says, her *oi$e softe!i!g% She sta!ds,
her gree! eyes brii!g "ith $o!$er!% She puts her ars arou!d e a!d hugs e%
8 !eed to say soethi!g @ust to get her to ba$# off%
G8 "as !early #!o$#ed o*er by a $y$list%H 8ts the best that 8 $a! do, but it distra$ts her
oe!tarily froL hi%
GJeeF &!a C are you o#ayI Were you hurtIH She holds e at ars le!gth a!d does a Bui$#
*isual $he$#9up o! e%
G+o% Christia! sa*ed e,H 8 "hisper% G0ut 8 "as Buite sha#e!%H
G8 !ot surprised% 3o" "as $offeeI 8 #!o" you hate $offee%H
G8 had tea% 8t "as fi!e, !othi!g to report really% 8 do!t #!o" "hy he as#ed e%H
G3e li#es you &!a%H She drops her ars%
G+ot a!yore% 8 "o!t be seei!g hi agai!%H Jes, 8 a!age to sou!d atter of fa$t%
Crap% Shes i!trigued% 8 head i!to the #it$he! so that she $a!t see y fa$e%
GJeahL hes a little out of y league Eate,H 8 say as dryly as 8 $a! a!age%
GWhat do you ea!IH
G/h Eate, its ob*ious%H 8 "hirl rou!d a!d fa$e her as she sta!ds i! the #it$he! door"ay%G+ot
to e,H she says% G/#ay, hes got ore o!ey tha! you, but the! he has ore o!ey tha! ost
people i! &eri$aKH
GEate hesC H 8 shrug%
G&!aK For hea*e!s sa#e C ho" a!y ties ust 8 tell youI Joure a total babe,H she
i!terrupts e% /h !o% Shes off o! this tirade agai!%
GEate, please% 8 !eed to study%H 8 $ut her short% She fro"!s%
G<o you "a!t to see the arti$leI 8ts fi!ished% JosNO222P too# soe great pi$tures%H
<o 8 !eed a *isual rei!der of the beautiful Christia! I;don*t;want;you >reyI
GSure,H 8 agi$ a sile o! to y fa$e a!d stroll o*er to the laptop% &!d there he is, stari!g at
e i! bla$# a!d "hite, stari!g at e a!d fi!di!g e la$#i!g%
8 prete!d to read the arti$le, all the tie eeti!g his steady gray gaFe, sear$hi!g the photo for
soe $lue as to "hy hes !ot the a! for e C his o"! "ords to e% &!d its sudde!ly, bli!di!gly
ob*ious% 3es too gloriously good9loo#i!g% We are poles apart a!d fro t"o *ery differe!t "orlds% 8
ha*e a *isio! of yself as 8$arus flyi!g too $lose to the su! a!d $rashi!g a!d bur!i!g as a result%
3is "ords a#e se!se% 3es !ot the a! for e%
This is "hat he ea!t, a!d it a#es his re@e$tio! easier to a$$eptL alost% 8 $a! li*e "ith
this% 8 u!dersta!d%
GAery good Eate,H 8 a!age% G8 goi!g to study%H 8 a !ot goi!g to thi!# about hi agai!
for !o", 8 *o" to yself, a!d ope!i!g y re*isio! !otes, 8 start to read%
8ts o!ly "he! 8 i! bed, tryi!g to sleep, that 8 allo" y thoughts to drift through y stra!ge
or!i!g% 8 #eep $oi!g ba$# to the -I don*t do the girlfriend thing* Buote, a!d 8 a!gry that 8
did!t pou!$e o! this i!foratio! soo!er, "he! 8 "as i! his ars e!tally beggi!g hi "ith e*ery
fiber of y bei!g to #iss e% 3ed said it there a!d the!% 3e did!t "a!t e as a girlfrie!d% 8 tur! o!
to y side% 8dly, 8 "o!der if perhaps hes $elibateI 8 $lose y eyes a!d begi! to drift% =aybe hes
sa*i!g hiself% #ell not for you y sleepy sub$o!s$ious has a fi!al s"ipe at e before
u!leashi!g itself o! y dreas%
&!d that !ight, 8 drea of gray eyes, leafy patter!s i! il#, a!d 8 ru!!i!g through dar#
pla$es "ith eerie strip lighti!g, a!d 8 do!t #!o" if 8 ru!!i!g to"ard soethi!g or a"ay fro
itL its @ust !ot $lear%
8 put y pe! do"!% Fi!ished% =y fi!al e1a is o*er% 8 feel the Cheshire $at gri! spread o*er
y fa$e% 8ts probably the first tie all "ee# that 8*e siled% 8ts Friday, a!d "e shall be
$elebrati!g to!ight, really $elebrati!g% 8 ight e*e! get dru!#K 8*e !e*er bee! dru!# before% 8
gla!$e a$ross the sports hall at Eate, a!d shes still s$ribbli!g furiously, fi*e i!utes to the e!d%
This is it, the e!d of y a$adei$ $areer% 8 shall !e*er ha*e to sit i! ro"s of a!1ious, isolated
stude!ts agai!% 8!side 8 doi!g gra$eful $art"heels arou!d y head, #!o"i!g full "ell thats the
o!ly pla$e 8 $a! do gra$eful $art"heels% Eate stops "riti!g a!d puts her pe! do"!% She gla!$es
a$ross at e, a!d 8 $at$h her Cheshire $at sile too%
We head ba$# to our aparte!t together i! her =er$edes, refusi!g to dis$uss our fi!al paper%
Eate is ore $o!$er!ed about "hat shes goi!g to "ear to the bar this e*e!i!g% 8 a busily fishi!g
arou!d i! y purse for y #eys%
G&!a, theres a pa$#age for you%H Eate is sta!di!g o! the steps up to the fro!t door holdi!g a
bro"! paper par$el% Odd. 8 ha*e!t ordered a!ythi!g fro &aFo! re$e!tly%
Eate gi*es e the par$el a!d ta#es y #eys to ope! the fro!t door% 8ts addressed to =iss
&!astasia Steele% Theres !o se!ders address or !ae% .erhaps its fro y o or Day%
G8ts probably fro y fol#s%H
G/pe! itKH Eate is e1$ited as she heads i!to the #it$he! for our ME1as are fi!ished hurrah
8 ope! the par$el, a!d i!side 8 fi!d a half leather bo1 $o!tai!i!g three seei!gly ide!ti9$al old
$loth9$o*ered boo#s i! i!t $o!ditio! a!d a plai! "hite $ard% Writte! o! o!e side, i! bla$# i!# i!
!eat $ursi*e ha!d"riti!g, is:
8 re$og!iFe the Buote fro 1ess. 8 a stu!!ed by the iro!y as 8*e @ust spe!t three hours
"riti!g about the !o*els of Thoas 3ardy i! y fi!al e1ai!atio!% .erhaps there is !o iro!yL
perhaps its deliberate% 8 i!spe$t the boo#s $losely, three *olues of 1ess of the 4*5r,er6illes. 8
ope! the fro!t $o*er% Writte! i! a! old typefa$e o! the fro!t plate is:
MLo!do!: Ja$# D% /sgood, =$8l*ai!e a!d Co%, 1)'1%
3oly shit 9 they are first editio!s% They ust be "orth a fortu!e, a!d 8 #!o" iediately
"hos se!t the% Eate is at y shoulder gaFi!g at the boo#s% She pi$#s up the $ard%
GFirst Editio!s,H 8 "hisper%
G+o%H Eates eyes are "ide "ith disbelief% G>reyIH
8 !od%
GCa!t thi!# of a!yo!e else%H
GWhat does this $ard ea!IH
G8 ha*e !o idea% 8 thi!# its a "ar!i!g C ho!estly he #eeps "ar!i!g e off% 8 ha*e !o idea "hy%
8ts !ot li#e 8 beati!g his door do"!%H 8 fro"!%
G8 #!o" you do!t "a!t to tal# about hi, &!a, but hes seriously i!to you% War!i!gs or !o%H
8 ha*e !ot let yself d"ell o! Christia! >rey for the past "ee#% /#ayL so his gray eyes are
still hau!ti!g y dreas, a!d 8 #!o" it "ill ta#e a! eter!ity to e1pu!ge the feel of his ars arou!d
e a!d his "o!derful fragra!$e fro y brai!% Why has he se!t e thisI
3e told e that 8 "as!t for hi%
G8*e fou!d o!e 1ess first editio! for sale i! +e" Jor# at R1S,000% 0ut yours loo#s i! u$h
better $o!ditio!% They ust ha*e $ost ore%H Eate is $o!sulti!g her good frie!d >oogle%
GThis Buote C Tess says it to her other after &le$ <5rber*ille has had his "i$#ed "ay "ith
G8 #!o",H uses Eate% GWhat is he tryi!g to sayIH
G8 do!t #!o", a!d 8 do!t $are% 8 $a!t a$$ept these fro hi% 8ll se!d the ba$# "ith a!
eBually baffli!g Buote fro soe obs$ure part of the boo#%H
GThe bit "here &!gel Clare says fu$# offIH Eate as#s "ith a $opletely straight fa$e%
GJes, that bit%H 8 giggle% 8 lo*e Eate, shes so loyal a!d supporti*e% 8 repa$# the boo#s a!d
lea*e the o! the di!i!g table% Eate ha!ds e a glass of $hapag!e%
GTo the e!d of e1as a!d our !e" life i! Seattle,H she gri!s%
GTo the e!d of e1as, our !e" life i! Seattle, a!d e1$elle!t results%H We $li!# glasses a!d
The bar is loud a!d he$ti$, full of soo! to be graduates out to get trashed% JosNO222P @oi!s us%
3e "o!t graduate for a!other year, but hes i! the ood to party a!d gets us i!to the spirit of our
!e"fou!d freedo by buyi!g a pit$her of argaritas for us all% &s 8 do"! y fifth, 8 #!o" this is
!ot a good idea o! top of the $hapag!e%
GSo "hat !o" &!aIH JosNO222P shouts at e o*er the !oise%
GEate a!d 8 are o*i!g to Seattle% Eates pare!ts ha*e bought a $o!do there for her%H
G<ios io, ho" the other half li*e% 0ut youll be ba$# for y sho"%H
G/f $ourse, JosNO222P, 8 "ould!t iss it for the "orld%H 8 sile, a!d he puts his ar arou!d
y "aist a!d pulls e $lose%
G8t ea!s a lot to e that youll be there &!a,H he "hispers i! y ear% G&!other argaritaIH
GJosNO222P Luis DodrigueF C are you tryi!g to get e dru!#I 0e$ause 8 thi!# its "or#i!g%H
8 giggle% G8 thi!# 8d better ha*e a beer% 8ll go get us a pit$her%H
G=ore dri!#, &!aKH Eate bello"s%
Eate has the $o!stitutio! of a! o1% Shes got her ar draped o*er Le*i, o!e of our fello"
E!glish stude!ts a!d her usual photographer o! her stude!t !e"spaper% 3es gi*e! up ta#i!g photos
of the dru!#e!!ess that surrou!ds hi% 3e o!ly has eyes for Eate% Shes all ti!y $aisole, tight
@ea!s, a!d high heels, hair piled high "ith te!drils ha!gi!g do"! softly arou!d her fa$e, her usual
stu!!i!g self% =e, 8 ore of a Co!*erse a!d t9shirt #i!d of girl, but 8 "eari!g y ost
flatteri!g @ea!s% 8 o*e out of JosNO222Ps hold a!d get up fro our table% Whoa% 3ead spi!% 8 ha*e
to grab the ba$# of the $hair% TeBuila based $o$#tails are !ot a good idea%
8 a#e y "ay to the bar a!d de$ide that 8 should *isit the po"der roo "hile 8 a o! y
feet% $ood thin(ing Ana. 8 stagger off through the $ro"d% /f $ourse, theres a li!e, but at least its
Buiet a!d $ool i! the $orridor% 8 rea$h for y $ell pho!e to relie*e the boredo of "aiti!g i! li!e%
7mm0 #ho did I last call. Was it JosNO222PI 0efore that a !uber 8 do!t re$og!iFe% /h yes%
>rey, 8 thi!# this is his !uber% 8 giggle% 8 ha*e !o idea "hat the tie is, aybe 8ll "a#e hi%
.erhaps he $a! tell e "hy he se!t e those boo#s a!d the $rypti$ essage% 8f he "a!ts e to stay
a"ay, he should lea*e e alo!e% 8 suppress a dru!#e! gri! a!d hit the autoati$ re9dial% 3e a!s"ers
o! the se$o!d ri!g%
G&!astasiaIH 3es surprised to hear fro e% Well, fra!#ly, 8 surprised to ri!g hi%
The! y befuddled brai! registersL ho" does he #!o" its eI
GWhy did you se!d e the boo#sIH 8 slur at hi%
G&!astasia, are you o#ayI Jou sou!d stra!ge%H 3is *oi$e is filled "ith $o!$er!%
G8 !ot the stra!ge o!e, you are,H 8 a$$use% There 9 that told hi, y $ourage fuelled by
G&!astasia, ha*e you bee! dri!#i!gIH
GWhats it to youIH
G8 C $urious% Where are youIH
G8! a bar%H
GWhi$h barIH 3e sou!ds e1asperated%
G& bar i! .ortla!d%H
G3o" are you getti!g hoeIH
G8ll fi!d a "ay%H This $o!*ersatio! is !ot goi!g ho" 8 e1pe$ted%
GWhi$h bar are you i!IH
GWhy did you se!d e the boo#s, Christia!IH
G&!astasia, "here are you, tell e !o"%H 3is to!e is so, so di$tatorial, his usual $o!trol frea#%
8 iagi!e hi as a! old tie o*ie dire$tor "eari!g @odhpurs, holdi!g a! old fashio!ed egapho!e
a!d a ridi!g $rop% The iage a#es e laugh out loud%
GJoure soL doi!eeri!g,H 8 giggle%
G&!a, so help e, "here the fu$# are youIH
Christia! >rey is s"eari!g at e% 8 giggle agai!% G8 i! .ortla!dL sa lo!g "ay fro
GWhere i! .ortla!dIH
G>ood!ight, Christia!%H
8 ha!g up% 3aK Though he did!t tell e about the boo#s% 8 fro"!% =issio! !ot a$$oplished%
8 a really Buite dru!# 9 y head s"is u!$ofortably as 8 shuffle "ith the li!e% Well, the ob@e$t of
the e1er$ise "as to get dru!#% 8 ha*e su$$eeded% This is "hat its li#e C pro,a,ly not an e<perience
to ,e repeated. The li!e has o*ed, a!d its !o" y tur!% 8 stare bla!#ly at the poster o! the ba$#
of the toilet door that e1tols the *irtues of safe se1% 3oly $rap, did 8 @ust $all Christia! >reyI Shit%
=y pho!e ri!gs a!d it a#es e @up% 8 yelp i! surprise%
G3i,H 8 bleat tiidly i! to the pho!e% 8 had!t re$#o!ed o! this%
G8 $oi!g to get you,H he says a!d ha!gs up% /!ly Christia! >rey $ould sou!d so $al a!d
so threate!i!g at the sae tie%
7oly crap. 8 pull y @ea!s up% =y heart is thupi!g% Coi!g to get eI Oh no. 8 goi!g
to be si$#L !oL 8 fi!e% 3a!g o!% 3es @ust essi!g "ith y head% 8 did!t tell hi "here 8 "as%
3e $a!t fi!d e here% 0esides, it "ill ta#e hi hours to get here fro Seattle, a!d "ell be lo!g
go!e by the!% 8 "ash y ha!ds a!d $he$# y fa$e i! the irror%
8 loo# flushed a!d slightly u!fo$used% 7mm0 te3uila.
8 "ait at the bar for "hat feels li#e a! eter!ity for the pit$her of beer a!d e*e!tually retur! to
the table%
GJou*e bee! go!e so lo!g%H Eate s$olds e% GWhere "ere youIH
G8 "as i! li!e for the restroo%H
JosNO222P a!d Le*i are ha*i!g soe heated debate about our lo$al baseball tea% JosNO222P
pauses i! his tirade to pour us all beers, a!d 8 ta#e a lo!g sip%
GEate, 8 thi!# 8d better step outside a!d get soe fresh air%H
G&!a, you are su$h a light"eight%H
G8ll be fi*e i!utes%H
8 a#e y "ay through the $ro"d agai!% 8 a begi!!i!g to feel !auseous, y head is
spi!!i!g u!$ofortably, a!d 8 a little u!steady o! y feet% =ore u!steady tha! usual%
<ri!#i!g i! the $ool e*e!i!g air i! the par#i!g lot a#es e realiFe ho" dru!# 8 a%
=y *isio! has bee! affe$ted, a!d 8 really seei!g double of e*erythi!g li#e i! old re9ru!s of
1om and =erry Cartoons. 8 thi!# 8 goi!g to be si$#% Why did 8 let yself get this essed upI
G&!a,H JosNO222P has @oi!ed e% GJou o#ayIH
G8 thi!# 8*e @ust had a bit too u$h to dri!#%H 8 sile "ea#ly at hi%
G=e too,H he ururs, a!d his dar# eyes are "at$hi!g e i!te!tly% G<o you !eed a ha!dIH he
as#s a!d steps $loser, putti!g his ar arou!d e%
GJosNO222P 8 o#ay% 8*e got this%H 8 try a!d push hi a"ay rather feebly%
G&!a, please,H he "hispers, a!d !o" hes holdi!g e i! his ars, pulli!g e $lose%
GJosNO222P, "hat you doi!gIH
GJou #!o" 8 li#e you &!a, please%H 3e has o!e ha!d at the sall of y ba$# holdi!g e
agai!st hi, the other at y $hi! tippi!g ba$# y head% 7oly fuc(0 he*s going to (iss me. G+o
JosNO222P, stop C !o%H 8 push hi, but hes a "all of hard us$le, a!d 8 $a!!ot shift hi%
3is ha!d has slipped i!to y hair, a!d hes holdi!g y head i! pla$e%
G.lease, &!a, $ariNO2S1Pa,H he "hispers agai!st y lips% 3is breath is soft a!d sells too
s"eet C of argarita a!d beer% 3e ge!tly trails #isses alo!g y @a" up to the side of y outh% 8
feel pa!i$#y, dru!#, a!d out of $o!trol% The feeli!g is suffo$ati!g%
GJosNO222P, !o,H 8 plead% I don*t want this. Jou are y frie!d, a!d 8 thi!# 8 goi!g to
thro" up% G8 thi!# the lady said !o%H & *oi$e i! the dar# says Buietly% 3oly shitK Christia! >rey, hes
here% 3o"I JosNO222P releases e%
G>rey,H he says tersely% 8 gla!$e a!1iously up at Christia!% 3es glo"eri!g at JosNO222P, a!d
hes furious% Crap% =y stoa$h hea*es, a!d 8 double o*er, y body !o lo!ger able to tolerate the
al$ohol, a!d 8 *oit spe$ta$ularly o! to the grou!d%
G5gh C <ios io, &!aKH JosNO222P @ups ba$# i! disgust% >rey grabs y hair a!d pulls it out
of the firi!g li!e a!d ge!tly leads e o*er to a raised flo"erbed o! the edge of the par#i!g lot% 8
!ote, "ith deep gratitude, that its i! relati*e dar#!ess%
G8f youre goi!g to thro" up agai!, do it here% 8ll hold you%H 3e has o!e ar arou!d y
shoulders C the other is holdi!g y hair i! a a#eshift po!ytail do"! y ba$# so its off y fa$e% 8
try a"#"ardly to push hi a"ay, but 8 *oit agai!L a!d agai!% Oh shit0
how long is this going to last. E*e! "he! y stoa$hs epty a!d !othi!g is $oi!g up,
horrible dry hea*es "ra$# y body% 8 *o" sile!tly that 8ll !e*er e*er dri!# agai!% This is @ust too
appalli!g for "ords% Fi!ally, it stops%
=y ha!ds are resti!g o! the bri$# "all of the flo"erbed, barely holdi!g e up 9 *oiti!g
profusely is e1hausti!g% >rey ta#es his ha!ds off e a!d passes e a ha!d#er$hief%
/!ly he "ould ha*e a o!ograed, freshly lau!dered, li!e! ha!d#er$hief% C1$. 8 did!t
#!o" you $ould still buy these% Aaguely 8 "o!der "hat the T sta!ds for as 8 "ipe y outh% 8
$a!!ot bri!g yself to loo# at hi% 8 s"aped "ith shae, disgusted "ith yself% 8 "a!t to be
s"allo"ed up by the aFaleas i! the flo"erbed a!d be a!y"here but here%JosNO222P is still ho*eri!g
by the e!tra!$e to the bar, "at$hi!g us% 8 groa! a!d put y head i! y ha!ds% This has to be the
si!gle "orst oe!t of y life% =y head is still s"ii!g as 8 try to reeber a "orse o!e C a!d 8
$a! o!ly $oe up "ith Christia!s re@e$tio! C a!d this is so, so a!y shades dar#er i! ters of
huiliatio!% 8 ris# a pee# at hi% 3es stari!g do"! at e, his fa$e $oposed, gi*i!g !othi!g a"ay%
Tur!i!g, 8 gla!$e at JosNO222P "ho loo#s pretty shaefa$ed hiself a!d, li#e e, i!tiidated by
>rey% 8 glare at hi% 8 ha*e a fe" $hoi$e "ords for y so9$alled frie!d, !o!e of "hi$h 8 $a! repeat
i! fro!t of Christia! >rey CE/% Ana who are you (idding he*s +ust seen you hurl all o6er the
ground and into the local flora. 1here*s no disguising your lac( of ladyli(e ,eha6ior.
G8ll errL see you i!side,H JosNO222P utters, but "e both ig!ore hi, a!d he sli!#s off ba$#
i!to the buildi!g% 8 o! y o"! "ith >rey% <ouble $rap% What should 8 say to hiI
&pologiFe for the pho!e $all%
G8 sorry,H 8 utter, stari!g at the ha!d#er$hief "hi$h 8 a furiously "orryi!g "ith y
fi!gers% It*s so soft.
GWhat are you sorry for &!astasiaIH
/h $rap, he "a!ts his da!ed pou!d of flesh%
GThe pho!e $all ai!ly, bei!g si$#% /h, the list is e!dless,H 8 urur, feeli!g y s#i!
$olori!g up% /lease please can I die now.
GWe*e all bee! here, perhaps !ot Buite as draati$ally as you,H he says dryly% G8ts about
#!o"i!g your liits, &!astasia% 8 ea!, 8 all for pushi!g liits, but really this is beyo!d the pale%
<o you a#e a habit of this #i!d of beha*iorIH
=y head buFFes "ith e1$ess al$ohol a!d irritatio!% What the hell has it got to do "ith hiI 8
did!t i!*ite hi here% 3e sou!ds li#e a iddle9aged a! s$oldi!g e li#e a! erra!t $hild% .art of
e "a!ts to say, if 8 "a!t to get dru!# e*ery !ight li#e this, the! its y de$isio! a!d !othi!g to do
"ith hi C but 8 !ot bra*e e!ough% +ot !o" that 8*e thro"! up i! fro!t of hi% Why is he still
sta!di!g thereI
G+o,H 8 say $o!tritely% G8*e !e*er bee! dru!# before a!d right !o" 8 ha*e !o desire to e*er be
8 @ust do!t u!dersta!d "hy hes here% 8 begi! to feel fai!t% 3e !oti$es y diFFi!ess a!d grabs
e before 8 fall a!d hoists e i!to his ars, holdi!g e $lose to his $hest li#e a $hild%
GCoe o!, 8ll ta#e you hoe,H he ururs%
G8 !eed to tell Eate%H 7oly Moses I*m in his arms again.
G=y brother $a! tell her%H
G=y brother Elliot is tal#i!g to =iss Ea*a!agh%H
G/hIH 8 do!t u!dersta!d%
G3e "as "ith e "he! you pho!ed%H
G8! SeattleIH 8 $o!fused%
G+o, 8 stayi!g at the 3eatha!%H
%till. #hy.
G3o" did you fi!d eIH
G8 tra$#ed your $ell pho!e &!astasia%H
/h, of $ourse he did% 3o" is that possibleI 8s it legalI %tal(er y sub$o!s$ious "hispers at
e through the $loud of teBuila thats still floati!g i! y brai!, but soeho", be$ause its hi, 8
do!t i!d%
G<o you ha*e a @a$#et or a purseIH
GErrL yes, 8 $ae "ith both% Christia!, please, 8 !eed to tell Eate% Shell "orry%H 3is outh
presses i!to a hard li!e, a!d he sighs hea*ily%
G8f you ust%H
3e sets e do"!, a!d, ta#i!g y ha!d, leads e ba$# i!to the bar% 8 feel "ea#, still dru!#,
ebarrassed, e1hausted, ortified, a!d o! soe stra!ge le*el absolutely off the s$ale thrilled% 3es
$lut$hi!g y ha!d C su$h a $o!fusi!g array of eotio!s% 8ll !eed at least a "ee# to pro$ess the
8ts !oisy, $ro"ded, a!d the usi$ has started so there is a large $ro"d o! the da!$e floor%
Eate is !ot at our table, a!d JosNO222P has disappeared% Le*i loo#s lost a!d forlor! o! his
o"!%GWheres EateIH 8 shout at Le*i abo*e the !oise% =y head is begi!!i!g to pou!d i! tie to the
thupi!g bass li!e of the usi$%
G<a!$i!g,H Le*i shouts, a!d 8 $a! tell hes ad% 3es eyei!g Christia! suspi$iously%
8 struggle i!to y bla$# @a$#et a!d pla$e y sall shoulder bag o*er y head so it sits at y
hip% 8 ready to go, o!$e 8*e see! Eate%
GShes o! the da!$e floor,H 8 tou$h Christia!s ar a!d lea! up a!d shout i! his ear, brushi!g
his hair "ith y !ose, selli!g his $lea!, fresh sell% Oh my. &ll those forbidde!, u!failiar
feeli!gs that 8 ha*e tried to de!y surfa$e a!d ru! ao# through y drai!ed body% 8 flush, a!d
soe"here deep, deep do"! y us$les $le!$h deli$iously%
3e rolls his eyes at e a!d ta#es y ha!d agai! a!d leads e to the bar% 3es ser*ed
iediately, !o "aiti!g for =r% Co!trol9Frea# >rey% <oes e*erythi!g $oe so easily to hiI 8
$a!t hear "hat he orders% 3e ha!ds e a *ery large glass of i$ed "ater%
G<ri!#,H he shouts his order at e%
The o*i!g lights are t"isti!g a!d tur!i!g i! tie to the usi$ $asti!g stra!ge $olored light
a!d shado"s all o*er the bar a!d the $lie!tele% 3es alter!ately gree!, blue, "hite, a!d a deo!i$
red% 3es "at$hi!g e i!te!tly% 8 ta#e a te!tati*e sip%
G&ll of it,H he shouts%
3es so o*erbeari!g% 3e ru!s his ha!d through his u!ruly hair% 3e loo#s frustrated, a!gry%
What is his probleI &part fro a silly dru!# girl ri!gi!g hi i! the iddle of the !ight so he
thi!#s she !eeds res$ui!g% &!d it tur!s out she does fro her o*er aorous frie!d% The! seei!g her
bei!g *iole!tly ill at his feet% Oh Ana0 are you e6er going to li6e this down. =y sub$o!s$ious is
figurati*ely tutti!g a!d glari!g at e o*er her half oo! spe$s% 8 s"ay slightly, a!d he puts his ha!d
o! y shoulder to steady e% 8 do as 8 told a!d dri!# the e!tire glass% 8t a#es e feel Bueasy%
Ta#i!g the glass fro e, he pla$es it o! the bar% 8 !oti$e through a blur "hat hes "eari!gP a loose
"hite li!e! shirt, s!ug @ea!s, bla$# Co!*erse s!ea#ers, a!d a dar# pi!striped @a$#et% 3is shirt is
u!butto!ed at the top, a!d 8 see a spri!#li!g of hair i! the gap% 8! y groggy frae of i!d, he
loo#s yuy%
3e ta#es y ha!d o!$e ore% 7oly cow C hes leadi!g e o!to the da!$e floor% Shit%
8 do !ot da!$e% 3e $a! se!se y relu$ta!$e, a!d u!der the $olored lights, 8 $a! see his
aused, slightly sardo!i$ sile% 3e gi*es y ha!d a sharp tug, a!d 8 i! his ars agai!, a!d he
starts to o*e, ta#i!g e "ith hi% 0oy, he $a! da!$e, a!d 8 $a!t belie*e that 8 follo"i!g hi
step for step% =aybe its be$ause 8 dru!# that 8 $a! #eep up% 3es holdi!g e tight agai!st hi,
his body agai!st i!eL if he "as!t $lut$hi!g e so tightly, 8 sure 8 "ould s"oo! at his feet% 8!
the ba$# of y i!d, y others ofte!9re$ited "ar!i!g $oes to e: "e6er trust a man who can
3e o*es us through the $ro"ded thro!g of da!$ers to the other side of the da!$e floor, a!d
"e are beside Eate a!d Elliot, Christia!s brother% The usi$ is pou!di!g a"ay, loud a!d leery,
outside a!d i!side y head% 8 gasp% !ate is ma(ing her mo6es. Shes da!$i!g her ass off, a!d she
o!ly e*er does that if she li#es soeo!e% Deally li#es soeo!e% 8t ea!s therell be three of us for
brea#fast toorro" or!i!g% !ate&
Christia! lea!s o*er a!d shouts i! Elliots ear% 8 $a!!ot hear "hat he says% Elliot is tall "ith
"ide shoulders, $urly blo!de hair, a!d light, "i$#edly gleai!g eyes% 8 $a!t tell the $olor u!der the
pulsati!g heat of the flashi!g lights% Elliot gri!s, a!d pulls Eate i!to his ars, "here she is ore
tha! happy to beL !ate& E*e! i! y i!ebriated state, 8 a sho$#ed% Shes o!ly @ust et hi% She
!ods at "hate*er Elliot says a!d gri!s at e a!d "a*es% Christia! propels us off the da!$e floor i!
double Bui$# tie%
0ut 8 !e*er got to tal# to her% 8s she o#ayI 8 $a! see "here thi!gs are headi!g for her a!d hi%
I need to do the safe se< lecture. 8! the ba$# of y i!d, 8 hope she reads o!e of the posters o! the
ba$# of the toilet doors% =y thoughts $rash through y brai!, fighti!g the dru!#, fuFFy feeli!g% 8ts
so "ar i! here, so loud, so $olorful C too bright% =y head begi!s to s"i, oh !oL a!d 8 $a! feel
the floor $oi!g up to eet y fa$e or so it feels%
The last thi!g 8 hear before 8 pass out i! Christia! >reys ars is his harsh epithet%
8ts *ery Buiet% The light is uted% 8 a $ofortable a!d "ar, i! this bed% 3L 8 ope! y
eyes, a!d for a oe!t, 8 tra!Buil a!d sere!e, e!@oyi!g the stra!ge u!failiar surrou!di!gs% 8
ha*e !o idea "here 8 a% The headboard behi!d e is i! the shape of a assi*e su!% 8ts oddly
failiar% The roo is large a!d airy a!d plushly fur!ished i! bro"!s a!d golds a!d beige% 8 ha*e
see! it before% WhereI =y befuddled brai! struggles through its re$e!t *isual eories% 3oly $rap%
8 i! the 3eatha! hotelL i! a suite% 8 ha*e stood i! a roo siilar to this "ith Eate% This loo#s
bigger% /h shit% 8 i! Christia! >reys suite% 3o" did 8 get hereI
Fra$tured eories of the pre*ious !ight $oe slo"ly ba$# to hau!t e% The dri!#i!g, oh no
the drin(ing the pho!e $all, oh no the phone call the *oiti!g, oh no the 6omiting. JosNO222P
a!d the! Christia!% Oh no. 8 $ri!ge i!"ardly% 8 do!t reeber $oi!g here%
8 "eari!g y t9shirt, bra, a!d pa!ties% +o so$#s% +o @ea!s% 7oly shit.
8 gla!$e at the bedside table% /! it is a glass of ora!ge @ui$e a!d t"o tablets% &d*il%
Co!trol frea# that he is, he thi!#s of e*erythi!g% 8 sit up a!d ta#e the tablets% &$tually, 8 do!t
feel that bad, probably u$h better tha! 8 deser*e% The ora!ge @ui$e tastes di*i!e%
8ts thirst Bue!$hi!g a!d refreshi!g% +othi!g beats freshly sBueeFed ora!ge @ui$e for re*i*9i!g
a! arid outh%
Theres a #!o$# o! the door% =y heart leaps i!to y outh, a!d 8 $a!t see to fi!d y
*oi$e% 3e ope!s the door a!y"ay a!d strolls i!%
3oly hell, hes bee! "or#i!g out% 3es i! gray s"eat pa!ts that ha!g, i! that "ay, off his hips
a!d a gray si!glet, "hi$h is dar# "ith s"eat, li#e his hair% Christian $rey*s sweat the notion does
odd things to me. 8 ta#e a deep breath a!d $lose y eyes% 8 feel li#e a t"o9year old, if 8 $lose y
eyes the! 8 !ot really here%
G>ood or!i!g &!astasia% 3o" are you feeli!gIH
Oh no.
G0etter tha! 8 deser*e,H 8 uble%
8 pee# up at hi% 3e pla$es a large shoppi!g bag o! a $hair a!d grasps ea$h e!d of the to"el
that he has arou!d his !e$#% 3es stari!g at e, gray eyes dar#, a!d as usual, 8 ha*e !o idea "hat
hes thi!#i!g% 3e hides his thoughts a!d feeli!gs so "ell%
G3o" did 8 get hereIH =y *oi$e is sall, $o!trite%
3e $oes a!d sits do"! o! the edge of the bed% 3es $lose e!ough for e to tou$h, for e to
sell% /h yL s"eat a!d body "ash a!d Christia!, its a heady $o$#tail 9 so u$h better tha! a
argarita, a!d !o" 8 $a! spea# fro e1perie!$e%
G&fter you passed out, 8 did!t "a!t to ris# the leather upholstery i! y $ar ta#i!g you all the
"ay to your aparte!t% So 8 brought you here,H he says phlegati$ally%
G<id you put e to bedIH
GJes%H 3is fa$e is ipassi*e%
G<id 8 thro" up agai!IH =y *oi$e is Buieter%
G<id you u!dress eIH 8 "hisper%
GJes%H 3e Buir#s a! eyebro" at e as 8 blush furiously%
GWe did!t,H 8 "hisper, y outh dryi!g i! ortified horror as 8 $a!t $oplete the Buestio!%
8 stare at y ha!ds%
G&!astasia, you "ere $oatose% +e$rophilia is !ot y thi!g% 8 li#e y "oe! se!tie!t a!d
re$epti*e,H he says dryly%
G8 so sorry%H
3is outh lifts slightly i! a "ry sile%
G8t "as a *ery di*erti!g e*e!i!g% +ot o!e that 8ll forget i! a "hile%H
=e !either C oh hes laughi!g at e, the bastard% 8 did!t as# hi to $oe a!d get e%
Soeho" 8*e bee! ade to feel li#e the *illai! of the pie$e%
GJou did!t ha*e to tra$# e do"! "ith "hate*er Jaes 0o!d stuff youre de*elopi!g for the
highest bidder,H 8 s!ap at hi% 3e stares at e, surprised, a!d if 8 !ot ista#e!, a little "ou!ded%
GFirstly, the te$h!ology to tra$# $ell pho!es is a*ailable o*er the 8!ter!et% Se$o!dly, y
$opa!y does !ot i!*est or a!ufa$ture a!y #i!d of sur*eilla!$e de*i$es, a!d thirdly, if 8 had!t
$oe to get you, youd probably be "a#i!g up i! the photographers bed, a!d fro "hat 8 $a!
reeber, you "ere!t o*erly e!thused about hi pressi!g his suit,H he says a$idly%
/ressing his suit& 8 gla!$e up at Christia!, hes glari!g at e, his gray eyes blaFi!g,
aggrie*ed% 8 try to bite y lip, but 8 fail to repress y laughter%
GWhi$h edie*al $hro!i$le did you es$ape froIH 8 giggle% GJou sou!d li#e a $ourtly
3is ood *isibly shifts% 3is eyes softe! a!d his e1pressio! "ars, a!d 8 see a tra$e of a sile
o! his beautifully $hiseled lips%
G&!astasia, 8 do!t thi!# so% <ar# #!ight aybe%H 3is sile is sardo!i$, a!d he sha#es his
head% G<id you eat last !ightIH 3is to!e is a$$usatory% 8 sha#e y head% What a@or tra!sgressio!
ha*e 8 $oitted !o"I 3is @a" $le!$hes, but his fa$e reai!s ipassi*e%
GJou !eed to eat% Thats "hy you "ere so ill% 3o!estly &!astasia, its dri!#i!g rule !uber
o!e%H 3e ru!s this ha!d through his hair, a!d 8 #!o" its be$ause hes e1asperated%
G&re you goi!g to $o!ti!ue to s$old eIH
G8s that "hat 8 doi!gIH
G8 thi!# so%H
GJoure lu$#y 8 @ust s$oldi!g you%H
GWhat do you ea!IH
GWell, if you "ere i!e, you "ould!t be able to sit do"! for a "ee# after the stu!t you
pulled yesterday% Jou did!t eat, you got dru!#, you put yourself at ris#%H 3e $loses his eyes, dread
et$hed o! his lo*ely fa$e, a!d he shudders slightly% Whe! he ope!s his eyes, he glares at e% G8 hate
to thi!# "hat $ould ha*e happe!ed to you%H
8 s$o"l ba$# at hi% What is his probleI Whats it to hiI 8f 8 "as hisL well I*m not.
Though aybe, part of e "ould li#e to be% The thought pier$es through the irritatio! 8 feel at his
high9ha!ded "ords% 8 flush at the "ay"ard!ess of y sub$o!s$ious 9 shes doi!g her happy da!$e
i! a bright red hula s#irt at the thought of bei!g his%
G8 "ould ha*e bee! fi!e% 8 "as "ith Eate%H
G&!d the photographerIH he s!aps at e%
7mm0 young =os>?2@@A. 8ll !eed to fa$e hi at soe poi!t%
GJosNO222P @ust got out of li!e%H 8 shrug%
GWell the !e1t tie he gets out of li!e, aybe soeo!e should tea$h hi soe a!!ers%H
GJou are Buite the dis$ipli!aria!,H 8 hiss at hi%
G/h, &!astasia, you ha*e !o idea%H 3is eyes !arro", a!d the! he gri!s "i$#edly% 8ts
disari!g% /!e i!ute, 8 $o!fused a!d a!gry, the !e1t 8 gaFi!g at his gorgeous sile%
#ow L 8 a e!tra!$ed, a!d its be$ause his sile is so rare% 8 Buite forget "hat hes tal#i!g
G8 goi!g to ha*e a sho"er% 5!less youd li#e to sho"er firstIH 3e $o$#s his head to o!e
side, still gri!!i!g% =y heartbeat has pi$#ed up, a!d y edulla oblo!gata has !egle$ted to fire a!y
sy!apses to a#e e breathe% 3is gri! "ide!s, a!d he rea$hes o*er a!d ru!s his thub do"! y
$hee# a!d a$ross y lo"er lip%
G0reathe, &!astasia,H he "hispers a!d rises% G0rea#fast "ill be here i! fiftee! i!utes%
Jou ust be faished%H 3e heads i!to the bathroo a!d $loses the door%
8 let out the breath that 8*e bee! holdi!g% Why is he so da!ed attra$ti*eI Dight !o" 8 "a!t
to go a!d @oi! hi i! the sho"er% 8 ha*e !e*er felt this "ay about a!yo!e% =y horo!es are ra$i!g%
=y s#i! ti!gles "here his thub tra$ed o*er y fa$e a!d lo"er lip%
8 feel li#e sBuiri!g "ith a !eedy, a$hyL dis$ofort% 8 do!t u!dersta!d this rea$tio!%
7mm0 4esire. This is desire% This is "hat it feels li#e%
8 lie ba$# o! the soft feather filled pillo"s% -If you were mine.* /h y C "hat "ould 8 do to
be hisI 3es the o!ly a! "ho has e*er set y blood ra$i!g arou!d y body% Jet, hes so
a!tago!iFi!g tooP hes diffi$ult, $opli$ated, a!d $o!fusi!g% /!e i!ute he rebuffs e, the !e1t he
se!ds e fourtee!9thousa!d9dollar boo#s, the! he tra$#s e li#e a stal#er%
&!d for all that, 8 ha*e spe!t the !ight i! his hotel suite, a!d 8 feel safe% .rote$ted% 3e $ares
e!ough to $oe a!d res$ue e fro soe ista#e!ly per$ei*ed da!ger% 3es !ot a dar# #!ight at
all, but a "hite #!ight i! shi!i!g, daFFli!g aror C a $lassi$ roa!ti$ hero C Sir >a"ai! or
8 s$rable out of his bed fra!ti$ally sear$hi!g for y @ea!s% 3e eerges fro the bathroo
"et a!d gliste!i!g fro the sho"er, still u!sha*e!, "ith @ust a to"el arou!d his "aist, a!d there a
8 C all bare legs a!d a"#"ard ga"#i!ess% 3es surprised to see e out of bed%
G8f youre loo#i!g for your @ea!s, 8*e se!t the to the lau!dry%H 3is gaFe is a dar# obsidia!%
GThey "ere spattered "ith your *oit%H
G/h%H 8 flush s$arlet% Why oh "hy does he al"ays $at$h e o! the ba$# footI
G8 se!t Taylor out for a!other pair a!d soe shoes% Theyre i! the bag o! the $hair%H
Clean clothes. What a! u!e1pe$ted bo!us%
G5L 8ll ha*e a sho"er,H 8 utter% GTha!#s%H What else $a! 8 sayI 8 grab the bag a!d dart
i!to the bathroo a"ay fro the u!!er*i!g pro1iity of !a#ed Christia!% =i$hel9a!gelos <a*id
has !othi!g o! hi%
8! the bathroo, its all hot a!d steay fro "here hes bee! sho"eri!g% 8 strip off y
$lothes a!d Bui$#ly $laber i!to the sho"er a!1ious to be u!der the $lea!si!g strea of "ater% 8t
$as$ades o*er e, a!d 8 hold up y fa$e i!to the "el$oi!g torre!t% 8 "a!t Christia! >rey% 8 "a!t
hi badly% Siple fa$t% For the first tie i! y life, 8 "a!t to go to bed "ith a a!% 8 "a!t to feel
his ha!ds a!d his outh o! e%
3e said he li#es his "oe! se!tie!t% 7e*s pro,a,ly not celi,ate then. 0ut hes !ot ade a
pass at e, u!li#e .aul or JosNO222P% 8 do!t u!dersta!d% <oes he "a!t eI 3e "ould!t #iss e
last "ee#% & 8 repelle!t to hiI &!d yet, 8 here a!d he brought e here% 8 @ust do!t #!o" "hat
his gae isI What hes thi!#i!gI )ou*6e slept in his ,ed all night and he*s not touched you Ana.
)ou do the math. =y sub$o!s$ious has reared her ugly, s!ide head% 8 ig!ore her%
The "ater is "ar a!d soothi!g% 7mm L 8 $ould stay u!der this sho"er, i! his bathroo,
fore*er% 8 rea$h for the body9"ash a!d it sells of hi% 8ts a deli$ious sell% 8 rub it all o*er
yself, fa!tasiFi!g that its hi 9 hi rubbi!g this hea*e!ly s$e!ted soap i!to y body, a$ross y
breasts, o*er y stoa$h, bet"ee! y thighs "ith his lo!g fi!gered ha!ds% Oh my. =y heartbeat
pi$#s up agai!, this feels soL so good%
G0rea#fast is here%H 3e #!o$#s o! the door, startli!g e%
G/#ay,H 8 stutter as 8 ya!#ed $ruelly out of y eroti$ daydrea%
8 $lib out of the sho"er a!d grab t"o to"els% 8 put y hair i! o!e a!d "rap it Care!
=ira!da style o! y head% 3astily, 8 dry yself, ig!ori!g the pleasurable feel of the to"el rubbi!g
agai!st y o*er9se!sitiFed s#i!%
8 i!spe$t the bag of @ea!s% +ot o!ly has Taylor brought e @ea!s a!d !e" Co!*erse, but a pale
blue shirt, so$#s, a!d u!der"ear% /h y% & $lea! bra a!d pa!ties C a$tually to des$ribe the i! su$h
a u!da!e, utilitaria! "ay does !ot do the @usti$e% They are a! e1Buisite desig! of soe fa!$y
Europea! li!gerie% &ll pale blue la$e a!d fi!ery% Wo"% 8 a i! a"e a!d slightly dau!ted by this
u!der"ear% % Whats ore, they fit perfe$tly% 0ut of $ourse they do% 8 flush to thi!# of the 0uFF9Cut
a! i! soe li!gerie store buyi!g this for e% 8 "o!der "hat else is i! his @ob des$riptio!%
8 dress Bui$#ly% The rest of the $lothi!g is a perfe$t fit% 8 brusBuely to"el9dry y hair a!d try
desperately to bri!g it u!der $o!trol% 0ut, as usual, it refuses to $ooperate, a!d y o!ly optio! is to
restrai! it "ith a hair tie% 8 shall sear$h i! y purse, "he! 8 fi!d it% 8 ta#e a deep breath% Tie to fa$e
=r% Co!fusi!g%
8 relie*ed to fi!d the bedroo epty% 8 hu!t Bui$#ly for y purse C but its !ot i! here%
Ta#i!g a!other deep breath, 8 e!ter the li*i!g area of the suite% 8ts huge% Theres a! opule!t, plush
seati!g area, all o*erstuffed $ou$hes a!d soft $ushio!s, a! elaborate $offee table "ith a sta$# of
large glossy boo#s, a study area "ith a top9of9the9ra!ge =a$, a! e!orous plasa s$ree! TA o! the
"all, a!d Christia! is sitti!g at a di!i!g table o! the other side of the roo readi!g a !e"spaper% 8ts
the siFe of a te!!is $ourt or soethi!g, !ot that 8 play te!!is, though 8 ha*e "at$hed Eate a fe"
ties% !ate&
GCrap, Eate,H 8 $roa#% Christia! peers up at e%
GShe #!o"s youre here a!d still ali*e% 8 te1ted Elliot,H he says "ith @ust a tra$e of huor%
Oh no. 8 reeber her fer*e!t da!$i!g of the !ight before% &ll her pate!ted o*es used "ith
a1iu effe$t to sedu$e Christia!s brother !o lessK Whats she goi!g to thi!# about e bei!g
hereI 8*e !e*er stayed out before% Shes still "ith Elliot% Shes o!ly do!e this t"i$e before, a!d
both ties 8*e had to e!dure the hideous pi!# .Js for a "ee# fro the fallout% Shes goi!g to thi!#
8*e had a o!e9!ight sta!d too%
Christia! stares at e iperiously% 3es "eari!g a "hite li!e! shirt, $ollar a!d $uffs u!do!e%
GSit,H he $oa!ds, poi!ti!g to a pla$e at the table% 8 a#e y "ay a$ross the roo a!d sit
do"! opposite hi as 8*e bee! dire$ted% The table is lade! "ith food%
G8 did!t #!o" "hat you li#ed, so 8 ordered a sele$tio! fro the brea#fast e!u%H 3e gi*es
e a $roo#ed, apologeti$ sile%
GThats *ery profligate of you,H 8 urur, be"ildered by the $hoi$e, though 8 a hu!gry%
GJes, it is%H 3e sou!ds guilty%
8 opt for pa!$a#es, aple syrup, s$rabled eggs, a!d ba$o!% Christia! tries to hide a sile as
he retur!s to his egg "hite oelet% The food is deli$ious%
GTeaIH he as#s%
GJes, please%H
3e passes e a sall teapot of hot "ater a!d o! the sau$er is a T"i!i!gs E!glish 0rea#fast
teabag% JeeF, he reebers ho" 8 li#e y tea%
GJour hairs *ery dap,H he s$olds%
G8 $ould!t fi!d the hairdryer,H 8 utter, ebarrassed% +ot that 8 loo#ed%
Christia!s outh presses i!to a hard li!e, but he does!t say a!ythi!g%
GTha!# you for orga!iFi!g the $lothes%H
G8ts a pleasure, &!astasia% That $olor suits you%H
8 blush a!d stare do"! at y fi!gers%
GJou #!o", you really should lear! to ta#e a $oplie!t%H 3is to!e is $astigati!g%
G8 should gi*e you soe o!ey for these $lothes%H
3e glares at e as if 8 ha*e offe!ded hi o! soe le*el% 8 hurry o!%
GJou*e already gi*e! e the boo#s, "hi$h, of $ourse, 8 $a!t a$$ept% 0ut these $lothes,
please let e pay you ba$#%H 8 sile te!tati*ely at hi%
G&!astasia, trust e, 8 $a! afford it%H
GThats !ot the poi!t% Why should you buy these for eIH
G0e$ause 8 $a!,H his eyes flash "ith a "i$#ed glea%
GJust be$ause you $a! does!t ea! that you should,H 8 reply Buietly as he ar$hes a! eyebro"
at e, his eyes t"i!#li!g, a!d sudde!ly 8 feel that "ere tal#i!g about soethi!g else, but 8 do!t
#!o" "hat it is% Whi$h rei!ds eL
GWhy did you se!d e the boo#s, Christia!IH =y *oi$e is soft% 3e puts do"! his $utlery a!d
regards e i!te!tly, his gray eyes bur!i!g "ith soe u!fathoable eotio!%
3oly $rap C y outh dries%
GWell, "he! you "ere !early ru! o*er by the $y$list C a!d 8 "as holdi!g you a!d you "ere
loo#i!g up at e C all #iss e, #iss e, Christia!,H he pauses a!d shrugs slightly, G8 felt 8 o"ed you
a! apology a!d a "ar!i!g%H 3e ru!s his ha!d through his hair% G&!astasia, 8 !ot a hearts a!d
flo"ers #i!d of a!, 8 do!t do roa!$e% =y tastes are *ery si!gular%
Jou should steer $lear fro e%H 3e $loses his eyes as if i! defeat% GTheres soethi!g about
you, though, a!d 8 fi!di!g it ipossible to stay a"ay% 0ut 8 thi!# you*e figured that out
=y appetite *a!ishes% 7e can*t stay away&
GThe! do!t,H 8 "hisper%
3e gasps, his eyes "ide%
GJou do!t #!o" "hat youre sayi!g%H
GE!lighte! e, the!%H
We sit gaFi!g at ea$h other, !either of us tou$hi!g our food%
GJoure !ot $elibate the!IH 8 breathe%
&usee!t lights up his gray eyes%
G+o, &!astasia, 8 !ot $elibate%H 3e pauses for this i!foratio! to si!# i!, a!d 8 flush s$arlet%
The outh9to9brai! filter is bro#e! agai!% 8 $a!t belie*e 8*e @ust said that out loud%GWhat are your
pla!s for the !e1t fe" daysIH he as#s, his *oi$e lo"%
G8 "or#i!g today, fro idday% What is the tieIH 8 pa!i$ sudde!ly%
G8ts @ust after te!, you*e ple!ty of tie% What about toorro"IH 3e has his elbo"s o! the
table, a!d his $hi! is resti!g o! his lo!g steepled fi!gers%
GEate a!d 8 are goi!g to start pa$#i!g% Were o*i!g to Seattle !e1t "ee#e!d, a!d 8
"or#i!g at Clayto!s all this "ee#%H
GJou ha*e a pla$e i! Seattle alreadyIH
G8 $a!t reeber the address% 8ts i! the .i#e =ar#et <istri$t%H
G+ot far fro e,H his lips t"it$h up i! a half sile% GSo "hat are you goi!g to do for "or# i!
Where is he goi!g "ith all these Buestio!sI The Christia! >rey 8!Buisitio! is alost as
irritati!g as the Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh 8!Buisitio!%
G8*e applied for soe i!ter!ships% 8 "aiti!g to hear%H
G3a*e you applied to y $opa!y as 8 suggestedIH
8 flushL of course not.
G5L !o%H
G&!d "hats "ro!g "ith y $opa!yIH
GJour $opa!y or your Copa!yIH 8 sir#%
3e siles slightly%
G&re you sir#i!g at e, =iss SteeleIH 3e $o$#s his head to o!e side, a!d 8 thi!# he loo#s
aused, but its hard to tell% 8 flush a!d gla!$e do"! at y u!fi!ished brea#fast% 8 $a!t loo# hi i!
the eye "he! he uses that to!e of *oi$e%
G8d li#e to bite that lip,H he "hispers dar#ly%
Oh my. 8 a $opletely u!a"are that 8 a $he"i!g y botto lip% =y outh pops ope! as 8
gasp a!d s"allo" at the sae tie% That has to be the se1iest thi!g a!ybody has e*er said to e%
=y heart beat spi#es, a!d 8 thi!# 8 pa!ti!g% JeeF, 8 a Bui*eri!g, oist ess, a!d he has!t e*e!
tou$hed e% 8 sBuir i! y seat a!d eet his dar# glare%
GWhy do!t youIH 8 $halle!ge Buietly%
G0e$ause 8 !ot goi!g to tou$h you &!astasia 9 !ot u!til 8 ha*e your "ritte! $o!se!t to do
so%H 3is lips hi!t at a sile%
GWhat does that ea!IH
GE1a$tly "hat 8 say%H 3e sighs a!d sha#es his head at e, aused, but e1asperated too%
G8 !eed to sho" you, &!astasia% What tie do you fi!ish "or# this e*e!i!gIH
G&bout eight%H
GWell, "e $ould go to Seattle this e*e!i!g or !e1t Saturday for di!!er at y pla$e, a!d 8ll
a$Buai!t you "ith the fa$ts the!% The $hoi$e is yours%H
GWhy $a!t you tell e !o"IH 8 sou!d petula!t%
G0e$ause 8 e!@oyi!g y brea#fast a!d your $opa!y% /!$e youre e!lighte!ed, you
probably "o!t "a!t to see e agai!%H
7oly shit. What does that ea!I <oes he "hite9sla*e sall $hildre! to soe >od9forsa#e!
part of the pla!etI 8s he part of soe u!der"orld $rie sy!di$ateI 8t "ould e1plai! "hy hes so
ri$h% 8s he deeply religiousI 8s he ipote!tI Surely !ot, he $ould pro*e that to e right !o"% Oh my.
8 flush s$arlet thi!#i!g about the possibilities% This is getti!g e !o"here% 8d li#e to sol*e the
riddle that is Christia! >rey soo!er rather tha! later% 8f it ea!s that "hate*er se$ret he has is so
gross that 8 do!t "a!t to #!o" hi a!y ore the!, Buite fra!#ly, it "ill be a relief% 4on*t lie to
yourself 2 my su,conscious yells at me2 it*ll ha6e to ,e pretty ,loody ,ad to ha6e you running for
the hills.
3e raises a! eyebro"%
GLi#e E*e, youre so Bui$# to eat fro the tree of #!o"ledge,H he sir#s%
G&re you sir#i!g at e, =r% >reyIH 8 as# s"eetly% /ompous ass.
3e !arro"s his eyes at e a!d pi$#s up his 0la$#0erry% 3e presses o!e !uber%
GTaylor% 8 goi!g to !eed Charlie Ta!go%H
Charlie 1ango& #ho*s he.
GFro .ortla!d at say t"e!ty9thirty%%% +o, sta!dby at Es$alaL &ll !ight%H
All night&
GJes% /! $all toorro" or!i!g% 8ll pilot fro .ortla!d to Seattle%H
GSta!dby pilot fro t"e!ty9t"o9thirty%H 3e puts the pho!e do"!% +o please or tha!# you%G<o
people al"ays do "hat you tell theIH
G5sually, if they "a!t to #eep their @obs,H he says, deadpa!%
G&!d if they do!t "or# for youIH
G/h, 8 $a! be *ery persuasi*e, &!astasia% Jou should fi!ish your brea#fast% &!d the! 8ll drop
you hoe% 8ll pi$# you up at Clayto!s at eight "he! you fi!ish% Well fly up to Seattle%H
8 bli!# at hi rapidly%
GJes% 8 ha*e a heli$opter%H
8 gape at hi% 8 ha*e y se$o!d date "ith Christia! oh9so9ysterious >rey% Fro $offee to
heli$opter rides% Wo"%
GWell go by heli$opter to SeattleIH
3e gri!s "i$#edly%
G0e$ause 8 $a!% Fi!ish your brea#fast%H
3o" $a! 8 eat !o"I 8 goi!g to Seattle by heli$opter "ith Christia! >rey% &!d he "a!ts to
bite y lipL 8 sBuir at the thought
GEat,H he says ore sharply% G&!astasia, 8 ha*e a! issue "ith "asted foodL eat%H
G8 $a!t eat all this%H 8 gape at "hats left o! the table%
GEat "hats o! your plate% 8f youd eate! properly yesterday, you "ould!t be here, a!d 8
"ould!t be de$lari!g y ha!d so soo!%H 3is outh sets i! a gri li!e% 3e loo#s a!gry%
8 fro"! a!d retur! to y !o" $old food% I*m too e<cited to eat Christian. 4on*t you
understand. =y sub$o!s$ious e1plai!s% 0ut 8 too u$h of a $o"ard to *oi$e these thoughts
aloud, espe$ially "he! he loo#s so sulle!% 7mm li#e a sall boy% 8 fi!d the thought ausi!g%
GWhats so fu!!yIH he as#s% 8 sha#e y head, !ot dari!g tell hi a!d #eep y eyes o! y
food% S"allo"i!g y last pie$e of pa!$a#e, 8 pee# up at hi% 3es eyei!g e spe$ulati*ely%
G>ood girl,H he says% G8ll ta#e you hoe "he! you*e dried your hair% 8 do!t "a!t you
getti!g ill%H Theres soe #i!d of u!spo#e! proise i! his "ords% #hat does he mean. 8 lea*e the
table, "o!deri!g for a oe!t if 8 should as# perissio! but disissi!g the idea% Sou!ds li#e a
da!gerous pre$ede!t to set% 8 head ba$# to his bedroo% & thought stops e%
GWhere did you sleep last !ightIH 8 tur! to gaFe at hi still sitti!g i! the di!i!g roo $hair% 8
$a!t see a!y bla!#ets or sheets out here C perhaps hes had the tidied a"ay%
G8! y bed,H he says siply, his gaFe ipassi*e agai!%
GJes, it "as Buite a !o*elty for e too%H 3e siles%
G+ot ha*i!gL se1%H There C 8 said the "ord% 8 blush C of $ourse%
G+o,H he sha#es his head a!d fro"!s as if re$alli!g soethi!g u!$ofortable% GSleepi!g "ith
soeo!e%H 3e pi$#s up his !e"spaper a!d $o!ti!ues to read%
What i! hea*e!s !ae does that ea!I 3es !e*er slept "ith a!yo!eI 3es a *irgi!I
Soeho" 8 doubt that% 8 sta!d stari!g at hi i! disbelief% 3e is the ost ystifyi!g perso! 8*e e*er
et% &!d it da"!s o! e that 8 ha*e slept "ith Christia! >rey, a!d 8 #i$# yself C "hat "ould 8
ha*e gi*e! to be $o!s$ious to "at$h hi sleep% See hi *ul!erable%
Soeho", 8 fi!d that hard to iagi!e% Well, allegedly all "ill be re*ealed to!ight%
8! his bedroo, 8 hu!t through a $hest of dra"ers a!d fi!d the hair dryer% 5si!g y fi!gers, 8
dry y hair the best 8 $a!% Whe! 8*e fi!ished, 8 head i!to the bathroo% 8 "a!t to $lea! y teeth% 8
eye Christia!s toothbrush% 8t "ould be li#e ha*i!g hi i! y outh%
7mm L >la!$i!g guiltily o*er y shoulder at the door, 8 feel the bristles o! the toothbrush%
They are dap% 3e ust ha*e used it already% >rabbi!g it Bui$#ly, 8 sBuirt toothpaste o! it a!d
brush y teeth i! double Bui$# tie% 8 feel so !aughty% 8ts su$h a thrill%
>rabbi!g y t9shirt, bra, a!d pa!ties fro yesterday, 8 put the i! the shoppi!g bag that
Taylor brought a!d head ba$# to the li*i!g area to hu!t for y bag a!d @a$#et% <eep @oy, there is a
hair tie i! y bag% Christia! is "at$hi!g e as 8 tie y hair i!to a po!ytail, his e1pressio!
u!readable% 8 feel his eyes follo" e as 8 sit do"! a!d "ait for hi to fi!ish%
3es o! his 0la$#0erry tal#i!g to soeo!e%
GThey "a!t t"oIL 3o" u$h "ill that $ostI%%% /#ay, a!d "hat safety easures do "e ha*e
i! pla$eIL &!d theyll go *ia SueFIL 3o" safe is 0e! Suda!I%%% &!d "he! do they arri*e i!
<arfurI%%% /#ay, lets do it% Eeep e abreast of progress%H 3e ha!gs up%
GDeady to goIH
8 !od% 8 "o!der "hat his $o!*ersatio! "as about% 3e slips o! a !a*y pi!striped @a$#et, pi$#s
up his $ar #eys, a!d heads for the door%
G&fter you, =iss Steele,H he ururs, ope!i!g the door for e% 3e loo#s so $asually elega!t%
8 pause, fra$tio!ally too lo!g, dri!#i!g i! the sight of hi% &!d to thi!# 8 slept "ith hi last
!ight a!d, after all the teBuila a!d the thro"i!g up, hes still here% Whats ore, he "a!ts to ta#e e
to Seattle% Why eI 8 do!t u!dersta!d it% 8 head out the door re$alli!g his "ords C 1here*s
something a,out you C Well the feeli!g is e!tirely utual =r% >rey, a!d 8 ai to fi!d out "hat it is%
We "al# i! sile!$e do"! the $orridor to"ard the ele*ator% &s "e "ait, 8 pee# up at hi
through y lashes, a!d he loo#s out of the $or!er of his eyes do"! at e% 8 sile, a!d his lips
The ele*ator arri*es, a!d "e step i!% Were alo!e% Sudde!ly, for soe i!e1pli$able reaso!,
possibly our pro1iity i! su$h a! e!$losed spa$e, the atosphere bet"ee! us $ha!ges, $hargi!g
"ith a! ele$tri$, e1hilarati!g a!ti$ipatio!% =y breathi!g alters as y heart ra$es% 3is head tur!s
fra$tio!ally to"ard e, his eyes dar#est slate% 8 bite y lip%
G/h, fu$# the paper"or#,H he gro"ls% 3e lu!ges at e, pushi!g e agai!st the "all of the
ele*ator% 0efore 8 #!o" it, hes got both of y ha!ds i! o!e of his i! a *i$e9li#e grip abo*e y
head, a!d hes pi!!i!g e to the "all usi!g his hips% 3oly shit% 3is other ha!d grabs y po!ytail
a!d ya!#s do"!, bri!gi!g y fa$e up, a!d his lips are o! i!e% 8ts o!ly @ust !ot pai!ful% 8 oa!
i!to his outh, gi*i!g his to!gue a! ope!i!g% 3e ta#es full ad*a!tage, his to!gue e1pertly e1plori!g
y outh% 8 ha*e !e*er bee! #issed li#e this%
=y to!gue te!tati*ely stro#es his a!d @oi!s his i! a slo" eroti$ da!$e thats all about tou$h
a!d se!satio!, all bup a!d gri!d% 3e bri!gs his ha!d up to grasp y $hi! a!d holds e i! pla$e% 8
a helpless, y ha!ds pi!!ed, y fa$e held, a!d his hips restrai!i!g e% % 8 feel his ere$tio! agai!st
y belly% Oh my L 3e "a!ts e% Christia! >rey, >ree# god, "a!ts e, a!d 8 "a!t him hereL
!o", i! the ele*ator%
GJou% &re% So% S"eet,H he ururs, ea$h "ord a sta$$ato%
The ele*ator stops, the doors ope!, a!d he pushes a"ay fro e i! the bli!# of a! eye,
lea*i!g e ha!gi!g% Three e! i! busi!ess suits loo# at both of us a!d sir# as they $lib o!
board% =y heart rate is through the roof, 8 feel li#e 8*e ru! a! uphill ra$e% 8 "a!t to lea! o*er a!d
grasp y #!eesL but thats @ust too ob*ious%
8 gla!$e up at hi% 3e loo#s so $ool a!d $al, li#e hes bee! doi!g the Seattle Ties
$ross"ord% 7ow unfair. 8s he totally u!affe$ted by y prese!$eI 3e gla!$es at e out of the
$or!er of his eye, a!d he ge!tly blo"s out a deep breath% /h, hes affe$ted all right
C a!d y *ery sall i!!er goddess s"ays i! a ge!tle *i$torious saba% The busi!esse! e1it
o! the se$o!d floor% We ha*e o!e ore floor to tra*el%
GJou*e brushed your teeth,H he says, stari!g at e%
G8 used your toothbrush,H 8 breathe%
3is lips Buir# up i! a half sile%
G/h, &!astasia Steele, "hat a 8 goi!g to do "ith youIH
The doors ope! at the first floor, a!d he ta#es y ha!d a!d pulls e out%
GWhat is it about ele*atorsIH he utters, ore to hiself tha! to e as he strides a$ross the
lobby% 8 struggle to #eep pa$e "ith hi be$ause y "its ha*e bee! thoroughly, royally, s$attered all
o*er the floor a!d "alls of ele*ator three i! the 3eatha! 3otel%
Christia! ope!s the passe!ger door to the bla$# &udi S5A, a!d 8 $laber i!% 8ts a beast of a
$ar% 3e has!t e!tio!ed the outburst of passio! that e1ploded i! the ele*ator% Should 8I Should "e
tal# about it or prete!d that it did!t happe!I 8t hardly sees real, y first proper !o9holds9barred
#iss% &s tie ti$#s o!, 8 assig! it ythi$al, &rthuria! lege!d, Lost City of &tla!tis status% 8t !e*er
happe!ed, it !e*er e1isted% /erhaps I imagined it all. +o%
8 tou$h y lips, s"olle! fro his #iss% 8t defi!itely happe!ed% 8 a a $ha!ged "oa!% 8 "a!t
this a!, desperately, a!d he "a!ted e%
8 gla!$e at hi% Christia! is his usual polite, slightly dista!t self%
7ow confusing.
3e starts the e!gi!e a!d re*erses out of his spa$e i! the par#i!g lot% 3e s"it$hes o! the =.2
player% The $ar i!terior is filled "ith the s"eetest, ost agi$al usi$ of t"o "oe! si!gi!g% /h
"o"L all y se!ses are i! disarray, so this is doubly affe$ti!g% 8t se!ds deli$ious shi*ers up y
spi!e% Christia! pulls out o! to SW .ar# &*e!ue, a!d he dri*es "ith easy, laFy $o!fide!$e%
GWhat are "e liste!i!g toIH
G8ts the Flo"er <uet by <elibes, fro the opera La#NO222P% <o you li#e itIH
GChristia!, its "o!derful%H
G8t is, is!t itIH he gri!s, gla!$i!g at e% &!d for a fleeti!g oe!t, he sees his ageP you!g,
$arefree, a!d heart9stoppi!gly beautiful% 8s this the #ey to hiI =usi$I 8 sit a!d liste! to the a!geli$
*oi$es, teasi!g a!d sedu$i!g e%
GCa! 8 hear that agai!IH
G/f $ourse%H Christia! pushes a butto!, a!d the usi$ is $aressi!g e o!$e ore% 8ts a ge!tle,
slo", s"eet, a!d sure assault o! y aural se!ses%
GJou li#e $lassi$al usi$IH 8 as#, hopi!g for a rare i!sight i!to his perso!al prefere!$es%
G=y taste is e$le$ti$, &!astasia, e*erythi!g fro Thoas Tallis to the Ei!gs of Leo!%
8t depe!ds o! y ood% JouIH
G=e too% Though 8 do!t #!o" "ho Thoas Tallis is%H
3e tur!s a!d gaFes at e briefly before his eyes are ba$# o! the road%
G8ll play it for you soetie% 3es a si1tee!th $e!tury 0ritish $oposer% Tudor, $hur$h $horal
usi$%H Christia! gri!s at e% GSou!ds *ery esoteri$, 8 #!o", but its also agi$al, &!astasia%H
3e presses a butto!, a!d the Ei!gs of Leo! start si!gi!g% 3L this 8 #!o"% %e< on 'ire.
3o" appropriate% The usi$ is i!terrupted by the sou!d of a $ell pho!e ri!gi!g o*er the =.2
spea#ers% Christia! hits a butto! o! the steeri!g "heel%
G>rey,H he s!aps% 3es so brusBue%
G=r% >rey, its Wel$h here% 8 ha*e the i!foratio! you reBuire%H & raspi!g, disebodied *oi$e
$oes o*er the spea#ers%
G>ood% Eail it to e% &!ythi!g to addIH
G+o sir%H
3e presses the butto!, the! the $all $eases a!d the usi$ is ba$#% +o goodbye or tha!#s% 8
so glad that 8 !e*er seriously e!tertai!ed the thought of "or#i!g for hi% 8 shudder at the *ery idea%
3es @ust too $o!trolli!g a!d $old "ith his eployees% The usi$ $uts off agai! for the pho!e%
GThe +<& has bee! eailed to you, =r% >rey%H & "oa!s *oi$e%
G>ood% Thats all, &!drea%H
G>ood day, sir%H
Christia! ha!gs up by pressi!g a butto! o! the steeri!g "heel% The usi$ is o! *ery briefly
"he! the pho!e ri!gs agai!% 3oly hell, is this his life, $o!sta!t !aggi!g pho!e $allsI
G>rey,H he s!aps%
G3i, Christia!, dyou get laidIH
G3ello, Elliot C 8 o! spea#er pho!e, a!d 8 !ot alo!e i! the $ar,H Christia! sighs%
GWhos "ith youIH
Christia! rolls his eyes%
G&!astasia Steele%H
G3i, &!aKH
G3ello, Elliot%H
G3eard a lot about you,H Elliot ururs hus#ily% Christia! fro"!s%
G<o!t belie*e a "ord Eate says%H
Elliot laughs%
G8 droppi!g &!astasia off !o"%H Christia! ephasiFes y !ae% GShall 8 pi$# you
GSee you shortly%H Christia! ha!gs up, a!d the usi$ is ba$#%
GWhy do you i!sist o! $alli!g e &!astasiaIH
G0e$ause its your !ae%H
G8 prefer &!a%H
G<o you !o"IH he ururs%
We are alost at y aparte!t% 8ts !ot ta#e! lo!g%
G&!astasia,H he uses% 8 s$o"l at hi, but he ig!ores y e1pressio!% GWhat happe!ed i! the
ele*ator 9 it "o!t happe! agai!, "ell, !ot u!less its preeditated%H
3e pulls up outside y duple1% 8 belatedly realiFe hes !ot as#ed e "here 8 li*e 9 yet he
#!o"s% 0ut the! he se!t the boo#s, of $ourse he #!o"s "here 8 li*e% What able, $ell9pho!e9tra$#i!g,
heli$opter o"!i!g, stal#er "ould!t%
Why "o!t he #iss e agai!I 8 pout at the thought% 8 do!t u!dersta!d% 3o!estly, his sur!ae
should be Crypti$, !ot >rey% 3e $libs out of the $ar, "al#i!g "ith easy, lo!g9legged gra$e rou!d
to y side to ope! the door, e*er the ge!tlea! 9 e1$ept perhaps i! rare, pre$ious oe!ts i!
ele*ators% 8 flush at the eory of his outh o! i!e, a!d the thought that 8d bee! u!able to tou$h
hi e!ters y i!d% 8 "a!ted to ru! y fi!gers through his de$ade!t, u!tidy hair, but 8d bee!
u!able to o*e y ha!ds% 8 a retrospe$ti*ely frustrated%
G8 li#ed "hat happe!ed i! the ele*ator,H 8 urur as 8 $lib out of the $ar% 8 !ot sure if 8
hear a! audible gasp, but 8 $hoose to ig!ore it a!d head up the steps to the fro!t door%
Eate a!d Elliot are sitti!g at our di!i!g table% The fourtee!9thousa!d9dollar boo#s ha*e
disappeared% Tha!# hea*e!s% 8 ha*e pla!s for the% She has the ost u!9Eate ridi$ulous gri! o! her
fa$e, a!d she loo#s ussed up i! a se1y #i!d of "ay% Christia! follo"s e i!to the li*i!g area, a!d
i! spite of her 8*e9bee!9ha*i!g9a9good9tie9all9!ight gri!, Eate eyes hi suspi$iously%
G3i &!a%H She leaps up to hug e, the! holds e at ars le!gth so she $a! e1ai!e e% She
fro"!s a!d tur!s to Christia!%
G>ood or!i!g, Christia!,H she says, a!d her to!e is a little hostile%
G=iss Ea*a!agh,H he says i! his stiff foral "ay%
GChristia!, her !ae is Eate,H Elliot grubles%
GEate%H Christia! gi*es her a polite !od a!d glares at Elliot "ho gri!s a!d rises to hug e too%
G3i, &!a,H he siles, his blue eyes t"i!#li!g, a!d 8 li#e hi iediately% 3es ob*iously
!othi!g li#e Christia!, but the! theyre adopted brothers%
G3i, Elliot,H 8 sile at hi, a!d 8 a"are that 8 biti!g y lip%
GElliot, "ed better go%H Christia! says ildly%
GSure%H 3e tur!s to Eate a!d pulls her i!to his ars a!d gi*es her a lo!g li!geri!g #iss%
=ee:0 get a room. 8 stare at y feet, ebarrassed% 8 gla!$e up at Christia!, a!d hes
"at$hi!g e i!te!tly% 8 !arro" y eyes at hi% Why $a!t you #iss e li#e thatI Elliot $o!ti!ues to
#iss Eate, s"eepi!g her off her feet a!d dippi!g her i! a draati$ hold so that her hair tou$hes the
grou!d as he #isses her hard%
GLaters, baby,H he gri!s%
Eate @ust elts% 8*e !e*er see! her elt before C the "ords $oely a!d $oplia!t $oe to
i!d% Coplia!t Eate, boy, Elliot ust be good% Christia! rolls his eyes a!d stares do"! at e, his
e1pressio! u!readable, although aybe hes ildly aused% 3e tu$#s a stray stra!d of y hair that
has "or#ed its "ay free fro y po!ytail behi!d y ear% =y breath hit$hes at the $o!ta$t, a!d 8
lea! y head slightly i!to his fi!gers% 3is eyes softe!, a!d he ru!s his thub a$ross y lo"er lip%
=y blood sears i! y *ei!s% &!d all too Bui$#ly, his tou$h is go!e%
GLaters, baby,H he ururs, a!d 8 ha*e to laugh be$ause its so u!li#e hi% 0ut e*e! though 8
#!o" hes bei!g irre*ere!t, the e!deare!t tugs at soethi!g deep i!side e%
G8ll pi$# you up at eight%H 3e tur!s to lea*e, ope!i!g the fro!t door a!d steppi!g out o! to the
por$h% Elliot follo"s hi to the $ar but tur!s a!d blo"s Eate a!other #iss, a!d 8 feel a! u!"el$oe
pa!g of @ealousy%
GSo, did youIH Eate as#s as "e "at$h the $lib i!to the $ar a!d dri*e off, the bur!i!g
$uriosity e*ide!t i! her *oi$e%
G+o,H 8 s!ap irritably, hopi!g that "ill halt the Buestio!s% We head ba$# i!to the aparte!t%
GJou ob*iously did, though%H 8 $a!t $o!tai! y e!*y% Eate al"ays a!ages to e!s!are e!% She is
irresistible, beautiful, se1y, fu!!y, for"ardL all the thi!gs that 8 !ot% 0ut her a!s"eri!g gri! is
G&!d 8 seei!g hi agai! this e*e!i!g%H She $laps her ha!ds a!d @ups up a!d do"! li#e a
sall $hild% She $a!!ot $o!tai! her e1$itee!t a!d happi!ess, a!d 8 $a!t help but feel happy for
her% & happy EateL this is goi!g to be i!teresti!g%
GChristia! is ta#i!g e to Seattle this e*e!i!g%H
G=aybe you "ill then IH
G/h, 8 hope so%H
GJou li#e hi the!IH
GLi#e hi e!ough toL IH
She raises her eyebro"s%
GWo"% &!a Steele, fi!ally falli!g for a a!, a!d its Christia! >rey C hot, se1y billio!aire%H
G/h yeah C its all about the o!ey%H 8 sir#, a!d "e both fall i!to a fit of giggles%
G8s that a !e" blouseIH she as#s, a!d 8 let her ha*e all the u!e1$iti!g details about y !ight%
G3as he #issed you yetIH she as#s as she a#es $offee%
8 blush%
G/!$eKH she s$offs%
8 !od, rather shae fa$ed%
G3es *ery reser*ed%H
She fro"!s%
GThats odd%H
G8 do!t thi!# odd $o*ers it really,H 8 urur%
GWe !eed to a#e sure youre siply irresistible for this e*e!i!g,H she says "ith
Oh no L this sou!ds li#e it "ill be tie $o!sui!g, huiliati!g, a!d pai!ful%
G8 ha*e to be at "or# i! a! hour%H
G8 $a! "or# "ith that tiefrae% Coe o!%H Eate grabs y ha!d a!d ta#es e i!to her
The day drags at Clayto!s e*e! though "ere busy% We*e hit the suer seaso!, so 8 ha*e
to spe!d t"o hours resto$#i!g the shel*es o!$e the shop is $losed% 8ts i!dless "or#, a!d it gi*es
e too u$h tie to thi!#% 8*e !ot really had a $ha!$e all day%
5!der Eates tireless a!d fra!#ly i!trusi*e i!stru$tio!, y legs a!d u!derars are sha*ed to
perfe$tio!, y eyebro"s plu$#ed, a!d 8 a buffed all o*er% 8t has bee! a ost u!pleasa!t
e1perie!$e% 0ut she assures e that this is "hat e! e1pe$t these days% What else "ill he e1pe$tI 8
ha*e to $o!*i!$e Eate that this is "hat 8 "a!t to do% For soe stra!ge reaso!, she does!t trust hi,
aybe be$ause hes so stiff a!d foral% She says she $a!t put her fi!ger o! it, but 8 ha*e proised
to te1t her "he! 8 arri*e i! Seattle% 8 ha*e!t told her about the heli$opter, shed frea#%
8 also ha*e the JosNO222P issue% 3es left three essages a!d se*e! issed $alls o! y $ell%
3es also $alled hoe t"i$e% Eate has bee! *ery *ague as to "here 8 a% 3ell #!o" shes
$o*eri!g for e% Eate does!t do *ague% 0ut 8 ha*e de$ided to let hi ste"% 8 still too a!gry "ith
Christia! e!tio!ed soe #i!d of "ritte! paper"or#, a!d 8 do!t #!o" if he "as @o#i!g or if
8 goi!g to ha*e to sig! soethi!g% 8ts so frustrati!g tryi!g to guess% &!d o! top of all the a!gst, 8
$a! barely $o!tai! y e1$itee!t or y !er*es% To!ights the !ightK
&fter all this tie, a 8 ready for thisI =y i!!er goddess glares at e, tappi!g her sall foot
ipatie!tly% Shes bee! ready for this for years, a!d shes ready for a!ythi!g "ith Christia! >rey,
but 8 still do!t u!dersta!d "hat he sees i! eL ousey &!a Steele 9 it a#es !o se!se%
3e is pu!$tual, of $ourse, a!d "aiti!g for e "he! 8 lea*e Clayto!s% 3e $libs out of the
ba$# of the &udi to ope! the door a!d siles "arly at e%
G>ood e*e!i!g, =iss Steele,H he says%
G=r% >rey%H 8 !od politely to hi as 8 $lib i!to the ba$#seat of the $ar% Taylor is sitti!g i! the
dri*ers seat%
G3ello, Taylor,H 8 say%
G>ood e*e!i!g, =iss Steele,H his *oi$e is polite a!d professio!al% Christia! $libs i! the
other side a!d $lasps y ha!d, gi*i!g it a ge!tle sBueeFe that 8 feel all the "ay though y body%
G3o" "as "or#IH he as#s%
GAery lo!g,H 8 reply, a!d y *oi$e is hus#y, too lo", a!d full of !eed%
GJes, its bee! a lo!g day for e too%H 3is to!e is serious%
GWhat did you doIH 8 a!age%
G8 "e!t hi#i!g "ith Elliot%H 3is thub stro#es y #!u$#les, ba$# a!d forth, a!d y heart
s#ips a beat as y breathi!g a$$elerates% 3o" does he do this to eI 3es o!ly tou$hi!g a *ery
sall area of y body, a!d the horo!es are flyi!g%
The dri*e to the heliport is short a!d, before 8 #!o" it, "e arri*e% 8 "o!der "here the fabled
heli$opter ight be% Were i! a built9up area of the $ity a!d e*e! 8 #!o" heli$opters !eed spa$e to
ta#e off a!d la!d% Taylor par#s, $libs out, a!d ope!s y $ar door% Christia! is beside e i! a!
i!sta!t a!d ta#es y ha!d agai!%
GDeadyIH he as#s% 8 !od a!d "a!t to say for anything but 8 $a!t arti$ulate the "ords as 8
too !er*ous, too e1$ited%
GTaylor%H 3e !ods $urtly at his dri*er, a!d "e head i!to the buildi!g, straight to a set of
ele*ators% 8le6ator& The eory of our #iss this or!i!g $oes ba$# to hau!t e%
8 ha*e thought of !othi!g else all day% <aydreai!g at the register at Clayto!s% T"i$e =r%
Clayto! had to shout y !ae to bri!g e ba$# to Earth% To say 8*e bee! distra$ted "ould be the
u!derstatee!t of the year% Christia! gla!$es do"! at e, a slight sile o! his lips% 3aK 3es
thi!#i!g about it too%
G8ts o!ly three floors,H he says dryly, his gray eyes da!$i!g "ith ausee!t% 3es telepathi$
surely% 8ts spoo#y%
8 try to #eep y fa$e ipassi*e as "e e!ter the ele*ator% The doors $lose, a!d its there, the
"eird ele$tri$al attra$tio! $ra$#li!g bet"ee! us, e!sla*i!g e% 8 $lose y eyes i! a *ai! attept to
ig!ore it% 3e tighte!s his grip o! y ha!d, a!d fi*e se$o!ds later the doors ope! o! to the roof of
the buildi!g% &!d there it is, a "hite heli$opter "ith the !ae >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
"ritte! i! blue "ith the $opa!y logo o! the side% %urely this is misuse of Company property.
3e leads e to a sall offi$e "here a! old tier sits behi!d the des#%
G3eres your flight pla!, =r% >rey% &ll e1ter!al $he$#s are do!e% 8ts ready a!d "aiti!g sir%
Joure free to go%H
GTha!# you, Joe%H Christia! siles "arly at hi%
/h% Soeo!e deser*i!g of the polite treate!t fro Christia!, perhaps hes !ot a! eployee%
8 stare at the old guy i! a"e%
GLets go,H Christia! says, a!d "e a#e our "ay to"ard the heli$opter% Whe! "ere up $lose,
its u$h bigger tha! 8 thought% 8 e1pe$ted it to be a roadster *ersio! for t"o, but it has at least
se*e! seats% Christia! ope!s the door a!d dire$ts e to o!e of the seats at the *ery fro!t%
GSit C do!t tou$h a!ythi!g,H he orders as he $labers i! behi!d e%
3e shuts the door "ith a sla% 8 glad that the area is floodlit, other"ise 8d fi!d it diffi$ult
to see i!side the sall $o$#pit% 8 sit do"! i! y allotted seat, a!d he $rou$hes beside e to strap e
i!to the har!ess% 8ts a four9poi!t har!ess "ith all the straps $o!!e$ti!g to o!e $e!tral bu$#le% 3e
tighte!s both of the upper straps, so 8 $a! hardly o*e%
3es so $lose a!d i!te!t o! "hat hes doi!g% 8f 8 $ould o!ly lea! for"ard, y !ose "ould be i!
his hair% 3e sells, $lea!, fresh, hea*e!ly, but 8 faste!ed se$urely i!to y seat a!d effe$ti*ely
iobile% 3e gla!$es up a!d siles, li#e hes e!@oyi!g his usual pri*ate @o#e, his gray eyes heated%
3es so ta!taliFi!gly $lose% 8 hold y breath as he pulls at o!e of the upper straps%
GJoure se$ure, !o es$api!g,H he "hispers, his eyes are s$or$hi!g% G0reathe, &!astasia,H he
adds softly% Dea$hi!g up, he $aresses y $hee#, ru!!i!g his lo!g fi!gers do"! to y $hi! "hi$h he
grasps bet"ee! his thub a!d forefi!ger% 3e lea!s for"ard a!d pla!ts a brief, $haste #iss o! y
lips, lea*i!g e reeli!g, y i!sides $le!$hi!g at the thrilli!g, u!e1pe$ted tou$h of his lips%
G8 li#e this har!ess,H he "hispers%
3e sits do"! beside e a!d bu$#les hiself i!to his seat, the! begi!s a protra$ted pro$edure
of $he$#i!g gauges a!d flippi!g s"it$hes a!d butto!s fro the i!d9boggli!g array of dials a!d
lights a!d s"it$hes i! fro!t of e% Little lights "i!# a!d flash fro *arious dials, a!d the "hole of
the i!strue!t pa!el lights up%
G.ut your $a!s o!,H he says, poi!ti!g to a set of headpho!es i! fro!t of e% 8 pop the o!, a!d
the rotor blades start% They are deafe!i!g% 3e puts his headpho!es o! a!d $o!ti!ues flippi!g *arious
G8 @ust goi!g through all the pre9flight $he$#s%H Christia!s disebodied *oi$e is i! y ears
through the headpho!es% 8 tur! a!d gri! at hi%
G<o you #!o" "hat you are doi!gIH 8 as#% 3e tur!s a!d siles at e%
G8*e bee! a fully Bualified pilot for four years, &!astasia, youre safe "ith e%H 3e gi*es e
a "olfish gri!% GWell, "hile "ere flyi!g,H he adds a!d "i!#s at e%
#in(ing0 Christian&
G&re you readyIH
8 !od "ide eyed%
G/#ay, to"er% .<6 this is Charlie Ta!go >olf C >olf E$ho 3otel, $leared for ta#e9off%
.lease $o!fir, o*er%H
GCharlie Ta!go 9 you are $lear% .<6 to $all, pro$eed to o!e four thousa!d, headi!g Fero o!e
Fero, o*er% H
GDoger to"er, Charlie Ta!go set, o*er a!d out% 3ere "e go,H he adds to e, a!d the heli$opter
rises slo"ly a!d soothly i!to the air%
.ortla!d disappears i! fro!t us as "e head i!to 5S airspa$e, though y stoa$h reai!s
firly i! /rego!% WhoaK &ll the bright lights shri!# u!til they are t"i!#li!g s"eetly belo" us% 8ts
li#e loo#i!g out fro i!side a fish bo"l% /!$e "ere higher, there really is !othi!g to see% 8ts pit$h
bla$#, !ot e*e! the oo! to shed a!y light o! our @our!ey% 3o" $a! he see "here "ere goi!gI
GEerie is!t itIH Christia!s *oi$e is i! y ears%
G3o" do you #!o" youre goi!g the right "ayIH
G3ere%H 3e poi!ts his lo!g i!de1 fi!ger at o!e of the gauges, a!d it sho"s a! ele$tro!i$
$opass% GThis is a! EC124 Euro$opter% /!e of the safest i! its $lass% 8ts eBuipped for !ight flight%H
3e gla!$es a!d gri!s at e%
GTheres a helipad o! top of the buildi!g 8 li*e i!% Thats "here "ere headi!g%H
/f $ourse theres a helipad "here he li*es% 8 a so out of y league here% 3is fa$e is softly
illui!ated by the lights o! the i!strue!t pa!el% 3es $o!$e!trati!g hard, a!d hes $o!ti!ually
gla!$i!g at the *arious dials i! fro!t of hi% 8 dri!# i! his features fro be!eath y lashes% 3e has a
beautiful profile% Straight !ose, sBuare @a"ed C 8d li#e to ru! y to!gue alo!g his @a"% 3e has!t
sha*ed, a!d his stubble a#es the prospe$t doubly tepti!g% 3L 8d li#e to feel ho" rough it is
be!eath y to!gue, y fi!gers, agai!st y fa$e%
GWhe! you fly at !ight, you fly bli!d% Jou ha*e to trust the i!strue!tatio!,H he i!terrupts y
eroti$ re*erie%
G3o" lo!g "ill the flight beIH 8 a!age breathlessly% 8 "as!t thi!#i!g about se1 at all, !o, !o
GLess tha! a! hour, the "i!d is i! our fa*or%H
7mm less than an hour to %eattle L thats !ot bad goi!g, !o "o!der "ere flyi!g%
8 ha*e less tha! a! hour before the big re*eal% &ll the us$les $le!$h deep i! y belly%
8 ha*e a serious $ase of butterflies% They are flourishi!g i! y stoa$h% 3oly shit, "hat has
he got i! store for eI
GJou o#ay, &!astasiaIH
GJes%H =y a!s"er is short, $lipped, sBueeFed out through y !er*es%
8 thi!# he siles, but its diffi$ult to tell i! the dar#!ess% Christia! fli$#s yet a!other s"it$h%
G.<6 this is Charlie Ta!go !o" at o!e four thousa!d, o*er%H 3e e1$ha!ges i!foratio! "ith
air traffi$ $o!trol% 8t all sou!ds *ery professio!al to e% 8 thi!# "ere o*i!g fro .ortla!ds air
spa$e to Seattle 8!ter!atio!al &irports%
G5!derstood Sea9Ta$, sta!di!g by o*er a!d out%H
GLoo#, o*er there%H 3e poi!ts to a sall pi!9poi!t of light i! the far dista!$e% GThats Seattle%H
G<o you al"ays ipress "oe! this "ayI Coe a!d fly i! y heli$opterIH 8 as#, ge!ui!ely
G8*e !e*er bought a girl up here, &!astasia% 8ts a!other first for e%H 3is *oi$e is Buiet,
/h, that "as a! u!e1pe$ted a!s"er% &!other firstI /h the sleepi!g thi!g, perhapsI
G&re you ipressedIH
G8 a"ed, Christia!%H
3e siles%
G&"edIH &!d for a brief oe!t, hes his age agai!%
8 !od%
GJoure @ust soL $opete!t%H
GWhy, tha!# you, =iss Steele,H he says politely% 8 thi!# hes pleased, but 8 !ot sure%
We ride i!to the dar# !ight i! sile!$e for a "hile% The bright spot that is Seattle is slo"ly
getti!g bigger%
GSea9Ta$ to"er to Charlie Ta!go% Flight pla! to Es$ala i! pla$e% .lease pro$eed% &!d sta!dby%
GThis is Charlie Ta!go, u!derstood Sea9Ta$% Sta!di!g by, o*er a!d out%H
GJou ob*iously e!@oy this,H 8 urur%
GWhatIH 3e gla!$es at e% 3e loo#s BuiFFi$al i! the half9light of the i!strue!ts%
GFlyi!g,H 8 reply%
G8t reBuires $o!trol a!d $o!$e!tratio!L ho" $ould 8 !ot lo*e itI Though, y fa*orite is
GJes% >lidi!g to the layperso!% >liders a!d heli$opters C 8 fly the both%H
G/h%H 8<pensi6e ho,,ies. 8 reeber hi telli!g e duri!g the i!ter*ie"% 8 li#e readi!g a!d
o$$asio!ally goi!g to the o*ies% 8 a out of y depth here%
GCharlie Ta!go $oe i! please, o*er%H The disebodied *oi$e of air traffi$ $o!trol i!terrupts
y re*erie% Christia! a!s"ers, sou!di!g i! $o!trol a!d $o!fide!t%
Seattle is getti!g $loser% We are o! the *ery outs#irts !o"% Wo"K 8t loo#s absolutely stu!!i!g%
Seattle at !ight, fro the s#yL
GLoo#s good, does!t itIH Christia! ururs%
8 !od e!thusiasti$ally% 8t loo#s other"orldly C u!real C a!d 8 feel li#e 8 o! a gia!t fil set,
JosNO222Ps fa*orite fil aybe, -9laderunner.* The eory of JosNO222Ps attepted #iss
hau!ts e% 8 begi!!i!g to feel a bit $ruel !ot $alli!g hi ba$#% 7e can wait until tomorrow0
GWell be there i! a fe" i!utes,H Christia! utters, a!d sudde!ly y blood is pou!di!g i!
y ears as y heartbeat a$$elerates a!d adre!ali!e spi#es through y syste% 3e starts tal#i!g to
air traffi$ $o!trol agai!, but 8 a !o lo!ger liste!i!g% /h yL 8 thi!# 8 goi!g to fai!t% =y fate is
i! his ha!ds%
We are !o" flyi!g ao!gst the buildi!gs, a!d up ahead 8 $a! see a tall s#ys$raper "ith a
helipad o! top% The "ord Es$ala is pai!ted i! "hite o! top of the buildi!g% 8ts getti!g !earer a!d
!earer, bigger a!d biggerL li#e y a!1iety% $od I hope I don*t let him down.
3ell fi!d e la$#i!g i! soe "ay% 8 "ish 8d liste!ed to Eate a!d borro"ed o!e of her
dresses, but 8 li#e y bla$# @ea!s, a!d 8 "eari!g a soft i!t gree! shirt a!d Eates bla$# @a$#et% 8
loo# sart e!ough% 8 grip the edge of y seat tighter a!d tighter% I can do this. I can do this. 8
$ha!t this a!tra as the s#ys$raper loos belo" us%
The heli$opter slo"s a!d ho*ers, a!d Christia! sets it do"! o! the helipad o! top of the
buildi!g% =y heart is i! y outh% 8 $a!t de$ide if its fro !er*ous a!ti$ipatio!, relief that "e*e
arri*ed ali*e, or fear that 8 "ill fail i! soe "ay% 3e s"it$hes the ig!itio! off a!d the rotor blades
slo" a!d Buiet u!til all 8 hear is the sou!d of y o"! errati$ breathi!g%
Christia! ta#es his headpho!es off, a!d rea$hes a$ross a!d pulls i!e off too%
GWere here,H he says softly%
3is loo# is so i!te!se, half i! shado" a!d half i! the bright "hite light fro the la!di!g lights%
<ar# #!ight a!d "hite #!ight, its a fitti!g etaphor for Christia!% 3e loo#s strai!ed% 3is @a" is
$le!$hed a!d his eyes are tight% 3e u!faste!s his seatbelt a!d rea$hes o*er to u!bu$#le i!e% 3is
fa$e is i!$hes fro i!e%
GJou do!t ha*e to do a!ythi!g you do!t "a!t to do% Jou #!o" that do!t youIH 3is to!e is
so ear!est, desperate e*e!, his gray eyes ipassio!ed% 3e ta#es e by surprise%
G8d !e*er do a!ythi!g 8 did!t "a!t to do, Christia!%H &!d as 8 say the "ords, 8 do!t Buite
feel their $o!*i$tio! be$ause at this oe!t i! tie C 8d probably do a!ythi!g for this a! seated
beside e% 0ut this does the tri$#% 3es ollified%
3e eyes e "arily for a oe!t a!d soeho", e*e! though hes so tall, he a!ages to ease
his "ay gra$efully to the door of the heli$opter a!d ope! it% 3e @ups out, "aiti!g for e to follo",
a!d ta#es y ha!d as 8 $laber do"! o! to the helipad% 8ts *ery "i!dy o! top of the buildi!g, a!d
8 !er*ous about the fa$t that 8 sta!di!g at least thirty stories high i! a! u!e!$losed spa$e%
Christia! "raps his ar arou!d y "aist, pulli!g e tightly agai!st hi%
GCoe,H he shouts abo*e the !oise of the "i!d% 3e drags e o*er to a! ele*ator shaft a!d,
after tappi!g a !uber i!to a #eypad, the doors ope!% 8ts "ar i!side a!d all irrored glass% 8 $a!
see Christia! to i!fi!ity e*ery"here 8 loo#, a!d the "o!derful thi!g is, hes holdi!g e to i!fi!ity
too% Christia! taps a!other $ode i!to the #eypad, the! the doors $lose a!d the ele*ator des$e!ds%
=oe!ts later, "ere i! a! all9"hite foyer% 8! the iddle is a rou!d, dar# "ood table, a!d o!
it is a! u!belie*ably huge bu!$h of "hite flo"ers% /! the "alls there are pai!ti!gs, e*ery"here% 3e
ope!s t"o double doors, a!d the "hite thee $o!ti!ues through the "ide $orridor a!d dire$tly
opposite "here a palatial roo ope!s up% 8ts the ai! li*i!g area, double height% 3uge is too sall
a "ord for it% The far "all is glass a!d leads o! to a bal$o!y that o*erloo#s Seattle%
To the right is a! iposi!g M5 shaped sofa that $ould sit te! adults $ofortably% 8t fa$es a
state9of9the9art stai!less steel C or aybe plati!u for all 8 #!o" 9 oder! firepla$e%
The fire is lit a!d flai!g ge!tly% /! the left beside us, by the e!try"ay, is the #it$he! area%
&ll "hite "ith dar# "ood "or#tops a!d a large brea#fast bar "hi$h seats si1%
+ear the #it$he! area, i! fro!t of the glass "all, is a di!i!g table surrou!ded by si1tee! $hairs%
&!d tu$#ed i! the $or!er is a full siFe, shi!y bla$# gra!d pia!o% /h yesL he probably plays the
pia!o too% There is art of all shapes a!d siFes o! all the "alls% 8! fa$t, this aparte!t loo#s ore li#e
a gallery tha! a pla$e to li*e%
GCa! 8 ta#e your @a$#etIH Christia! as#s% 8 sha#e y head% 8 still $old fro the "i!d o! the
GWould you li#e a dri!#IH he as#s% 8 bli!# at hi% &fter last !ightK Is he trying to ,e funny.
For o!e se$o!d, 8 thi!# about as#i!g for a argarita C but 8 do!t ha*e the !er*e%
G8 goi!g to ha*e a glass of "hite "i!e, "ould you li#e to @oi! eIH
GJes, please,H 8 urur%
8 a sta!di!g i! this e!orous roo feeli!g out of pla$e% 8 "al# o*er to the glass "all, a!d 8
realiFe that the lo"er half of the "all ope!s $o!$erti!a9style o! to the bal$o!y% Seattle is lit up a!d
li*ely i! the ba$#grou!d% 8 "al# ba$# to the #it$he! area C it ta#es a fe" se$o!ds, its so far fro the
glass "all C a!d Christia! is ope!i!g a bottle of "i!e% 3es reo*ed his @a$#et%
G.ouilly FuNO222P o#ay "ith youIH
G8 #!o" !othi!g about "i!e, Christia!% 8 sure it "ill be fi!e%H =y *oi$e is soft a!d hesita!t%
=y heart is thupi!g% 8 "a!t to ru!% This is seriously ri$h% Seriously o*er9the9top 0ill >ates style
"ealthy% What a 8 doi!g hereI )ou (now 6ery well what you*re doing here 9 y sub$o!s$ious
s!eers at e% Jes, 8 "a!t to be i! Christia! >reys bed%
G3ere%H 3e ha!ds e a glass of "i!e% E*e! the glasses are ri$hL hea*y, $o!tepo9rary,
$rystal% 8 ta#e a sip, a!d the "i!e is light, $risp, a!d deli$ious%
GJoure *ery Buiet, a!d youre !ot e*e! blushi!g% 8! fa$t C 8 thi!# this is the palest 8*e e*er
see! you, &!astasia,H he ururs% G&re you hu!gryIH
8 sha#e y head% +ot for food%
G8ts a *ery big pla$e you ha*e here%H
G8ts big,H he agrees, a!d his eyes glo" "ith ausee!t% 8 ta#e a!other sip of "i!e%
G<o you playIH 8 poi!t y $hi! at the pia!o%
G/f $ourse you do% 8s there a!ythi!g you $a!t do "ellIH
GJesL a fe" thi!gs%H 3e ta#es a sip of his "i!e% 3e does!t ta#e his eyes off e% 8 feel the
follo"i!g e as 8 tur! a!d gla!$e arou!d this *ast roo% Doo is the "ro!g "ord%
8ts !ot a roo C its a issio! statee!t%
G<o you "a!t to sitIH
8 !od, a!d he ta#es y ha!d a!d leads e to the large off9"hite $ou$h% &s 8 sit, 8 stru$# by
the fa$t that 8 feel li#e Tess <urbeyfield loo#i!g at the !e" house that belo!gs to the !otorious &le$
<5rber*ille% The thought a#es e sile%
GWhats so ausi!gIH 3e sits do"! beside e, tur!i!g to fa$e e% 3e rests his head o! his
right ha!d, his elbo" propped o! the ba$# of the $ou$h%
GWhy did you gi*e e Tess of the <5rber*illes spe$ifi$allyIH 8 as#% Christia! stares at e
for a oe!t% 8 thi!# hes surprised by y Buestio!%
GWell, you said you li#ed Thoas 3ardy%H
G8s that the o!ly reaso!IH E*e! 8 $a! hear the disappoi!te!t i! y *oi$e% 3is outh presses
i!to a hard li!e%
G8t seeed appropriate% 8 $ould hold you to soe ipossibly high ideal li#e &!gel Clare or
debase you $opletely li#e &le$ <5rber*ille,H he ururs, a!d his gray eyes flash dar# a!d
G8f there are o!ly t"o $hoi$es, 8ll ta#e the debasee!t%H 8 "hisper, gaFi!g at hi% =y
sub$o!s$ious is stari!g at e i! a"e% 3e gasps%
G&!astasia, stop biti!g your lip, please% 8ts *ery distra$ti!g% Jou do!t #!o" "hat youre
GThats "hy 8 here%H
3e fro"!s%
GJes% Would you e1$use e a oe!tIH 3e disappears through a "ide door"ay o! the far
side of the roo% 3es go!e for a $ouple of i!utes a!d retur!s "ith a do$ue!t%
GThis is a !o!9dis$losure agreee!t%H 3e shrugs a!d has the gra$e to loo# a little
ebarrassed% G=y la"yer i!sists o! it%H 3e ha!ds it to e% 8 $opletely beused% G8f youre
goi!g for optio! t"o, debasee!t, youll !eed to sig! this%H
G&!d if 8 do!t "a!t to sig! a!ythi!gIH
GThe! its &!gel Clare high ideals, "ell, for ost of the boo# a!y"ay%H
GWhat does this agreee!t ea!IH
G8t ea!s you $a!!ot dis$lose a!ythi!g about us% &!ythi!g, to a!yo!e%H
8 stare at hi i! disbelief% 3oly shit% 8ts bad, really bad, a!d !o" 8 *ery $urious to #!o"%
G/#ay% 8ll sig!%H
3e ha!ds e a pe!%
G&re!t you e*e! goi!g to read itIH
3e fro"!s%
G&!astasia, you should al"ays read a!ythi!g you sig!,H he ado!ishes e%
GChristia!, "hat you fail to u!dersta!d is that 8 "ould!t tal# about us to a!yo!e, a!y"ay%
E*e! Eate% So its iaterial "hether 8 sig! a! agreee!t or !ot% 8f it ea!s so u$h to you, or
your la"yerL "ho you ob*iously tal# to, the! fi!e% 8ll sig!%H
3e gaFes do"! at e, a!d he !ods gra*ely%
GFair poi!t "ell ade, =iss Steele%H
8 la*ishly sig! o! the dotted li!e of both $opies a!d ha!d o!e ba$# to hi% Foldi!g the other, 8
pla$e it y purse a!d ta#e a large s"ig of y "i!e% 8 sou!di!g so u$h bra*er tha! 8 a$tually
G<oes this ea! youre goi!g to a#e lo*e to e to!ight, Christia!IH 7oly shit. 4id I +ust
say that. 3is outh drops ope! slightly, but he re$o*ers Bui$#ly%
G+o, &!astasia it does!t% Firstly, 8 do!t a#e lo*e% 8 fu$#L hard% Se$o!dly, theres a lot
ore paper"or# to do, a!d thirdly, you do!t yet #!o" "hat youre i! for% Jou $ould still ru! for the
hills% Coe, 8 "a!t to sho" you y playroo%H
=y outh drops ope!% 'uc( hard& 3oly shit, that sou!ds soL hot% 0ut "hy are "e loo#i!g
at a playrooI 8 a ystified%
GJou "a!t to play o! your 6bo1IH 8 as#% 3e laughs, loudly%
G+o, &!astasia, !o 6bo1, !o .laystatio!% Coe%H 3e sta!ds, holdi!g out his ha!d% 8 let hi
lead e ba$# out to the $orridor% /! the right of the double doors, "here "e $ae i!, a!other door
leads to a stair$ase% We go up to the se$o!d floor a!d tur! right% .rodu$i!g a #ey fro his po$#et, he
u!lo$#s yet a!other door a!d ta#es a deep breath%
GJou $a! lea*e a!ytie% The heli$opter is o! sta!d9by to ta#e you "he!e*er you "a!t to go,
you $a! stay the !ight a!d go hoe i! the or!i!g% 8ts fi!e "hate*er you de$ide%H
GJust ope! the da! door, Christia!%H
3e ope!s the door a!d sta!ds ba$# to let e i!% 8 gaFe at hi o!$e ore% 8 so "a!t to #!o"
"hats i! here% Ta#i!g a deep breath 8 "al# i!%
&!d it feels li#e 8*e tie9tra*eled ba$# to the si1tee!th $e!tury a!d the Spa!ish 8!Buisitio!%
7oly fuc(.
The first thi!g 8 !oti$e is the sellP leather, "ood, polish "ith a fai!t $itrus s$e!t% 8ts *ery
pleasa!t, a!d the lighti!g is soft, subtle% 8! fa$t, 8 $a!t see the sour$e, but its arou!d the $or!i$e i!
the roo, eitti!g a! abie!t glo"% The "alls a!d $eili!g are a deep, dar# bur9gu!dy, gi*i!g a
"ob9li#e effe$t to the spa$ious roo, a!d the floor is old, old *ar!ished "ood% There is a large
"oode! $ross li#e a! 6 faste!ed to the "all fa$i!g the door% 8ts ade of high9polished ahoga!y,
a!d there are restrai!i!g $uffs o! ea$h $or!er% &bo*e it is a! e1pa!si*e iro! grid suspe!ded fro the
$eili!g, eight9foot sBuare at least, a!d fro it ha!g all a!!er of ropes, $hai!s, a!d gli!ti!g
sha$#les% 0y the door, t"o lo!g, polished, or!ately $ar*ed poles, li#e spi!dles fro a ba!ister but
lo!ger, ha!g li#e $urtai! rods a$ross the "all% Fro the s"i!g a startli!g assorte!t of paddles,
"hips, ridi!g $rops, a!d fu!!y9loo#i!g feathery iplee!ts%
0eside the door sta!ds a substa!tial ahoga!y $hest of dra"ers, ea$h dra"er sli as if
desig!ed to $o!tai! spe$ie!s i! a $rusty old useu% 8 "o!der briefly "hat the dra"ers a$tually
do hold% 4o I want to (now. 8! the far $or!er is a! o1blood leather padded be!$h, a!d fi1ed to
the "all beside it is a "oode!, polished ra$# that loo#s li#e a pool or billiard $ue holder, but o!
$loser i!spe$tio!, it holds $a!es of *aryi!g le!gths a!d "idths% Theres a stout si19foot9lo!g table i!
the opposite $or!er C polished "ood "ith i!tri$ately $ar*ed legs C a!d t"o at$hi!g stools
0ut "hat doi!ates the roo is a bed% 8ts bigger tha! #i!g9siFe, a! or!ately $ar*ed ro$o$o
four9poster "ith a flat top% 8t loo#s late !i!etee!th $e!tury% 5!der the $a!opy, 8 $a! see ore
gleai!g $hai!s a!d $uffs% There is !o beddi!g%%% @ust a attress $o*ered i! red leather a!d red sati!
$ushio!s piled at o!e e!d%
&t the foot of the bed, set apart a fe" feet, is a large o1blood $hesterfield $ou$h, @ust stu$# i!
the iddle of the roo fa$i!g the bed% &! odd arra!gee!tL to ha*e a $ou$h fa$i!g the bed, a!d 8
sile to yself C 8*e pi$#ed o! the $ou$h as odd, "he! really its the ost u!da!e pie$e of
fur!iture i! the roo% 8 gla!$e up a!d stare at the $eili!g% There are #arabi!ers all o*er the $eili!g at
odd i!ter*als% 8 *aguely "o!der "hat theyre for% Weirdly, all the "ood, dar# "alls, oody lighti!g,
a!d o1blood leather a#es the roo #i!d of soft a!d roa!ti$L 8 #!o" its a!ythi!g but, this is
Christia!s *ersio! of soft a!d roa!ti$%
8 tur!, a!d hes regardi!g e i!te!tly as 8 #!e" he "ould be, his e1pressio! $opletely
u!readable% 8 "al# further i!to the roo, a!d he follo"s e% The feathery thi!g has e i!trigued% 8
tou$h it hesita!tly% 8ts suede, li#e a sall $at9of9!i!e9tails but bushier, a!d there are *ery sall
plasti$ beads o! the e!d%
G8ts $alled a flogger,H Christia!s *oi$e is Buiet a!d soft%
A flogger0 hmm. 8 thi!# 8 i! sho$#% =y sub$o!s$ious has eigrated or bee! stru$# dub
or siply #eeled o*er a!d e1pired% 8 a !ub% 8 $a! obser*e a!d absorb but !ot arti$ulate y
feeli!gs about all this, be$ause 8 i! sho$#% What is the appropriate respo!se to fi!di!g out a
pote!tial lo*er is a $oplete frea#y sadist or aso$histI 'ear L yesL that sees to be the o*er9
ridi!g feeli!g% 8 re$og!iFe it !o"% 0ut "eirdly !ot of hi C 8 do!t thi!# hed hurt e, "ell, !ot
"ithout y $o!se!t% So a!y Buestio!s $loud y i!d%
WhyI 3o"I Whe!I 3o" ofte!I WhoI 8 "al# to"ard the bed a!d ru! y ha!ds do"! o!e of
the i!tri$ately $ar*ed posts% The post is *ery sturdy, the $raftsa!ship outsta!di!g%
GSay soethi!g,H Christia! $oa!ds, his *oi$e de$epti*ely soft%
G<o you do this to people or do they do it to youIH
3is outh Buir#s up, either aused or relie*ed%
G.eopleIH 3e bli!#s a $ouple of ties as he $o!siders his a!s"er% G8 do this to "oe! "ho
"a!t e to%H
8 do!t u!dersta!d%
G8f you ha*e "illi!g *olu!teers, "hy a 8 hereIH
G0e$ause 8 "a!t to do this "ith you, *ery u$h%H
G/h,H 8 gasp% #hy.
8 "a!der to the far $or!er of the roo a!d pat the "aist high padded be!$h a!d ru! y fi!gers
o*er the leather% 7e li(es to hurt women. The thought depresses e%
GJoure a sadistIH
G8 a <oi!a!t%H 3is eyes are a s$or$hi!g gray, i!te!se%
GWhat does that ea!IH 8 "hisper%
G8t ea!s 8 "a!t you to "illi!gly surre!der yourself to e, i! all thi!gs%H
8 fro"! at hi as 8 try to assiilate this idea%
GWhy "ould 8 do thatIH
GTo please e,H he "hispers as he $o$#s his head to o!e side, a!d 8 see a ghost of a sile%
/lease him& 7e wants me to please him& 8 thi!# y outh drops ope!% /lease Christian
$rey. &!d 8 realiFe, i! that oe!t, that yes, thats e1a$tly "hat 8 "a!t to do% 8 "a!t hi to be
da!ed delighted "ith e% 8ts a re*elatio!%
G8! *ery siple ters, 8 "a!t you to "a!t to please e,H he says softly% 3is *oi$e is hyp!oti$%
G3o" do 8 do thatIH =y outh is dry, a!d 8 "ish 8 had ore "i!e% /#ay, 8 u!dersta!d the
pleasi!g bit, but 8 a puFFled by the soft9boudoir9EliFabetha!9torture set up% <o 8 "a!t to #!o" the
G8 ha*e rules, a!d 8 "a!t you to $oply "ith the% They are for your be!efit a!d for y
pleasure% 8f you follo" these rules to y satisfa$tio!, 8 shall re"ard you% 8f you do!t, 8 shall pu!ish
you, a!d you "ill lear!,H he "hispers% 8 gla!$e at the ra$# of $a!es as he says this .
G&!d "here does all this fit i!IH 8 "a*e y ha!d i! the ge!eral dire$tio! of the roo%
G8ts all part of the i!$e!ti*e pa$#age% 0oth re"ard a!d pu!ishe!t%H
GSo youll get your #i$#s by e1erti!g your "ill o*er e%H
G8ts about gai!i!g your trust a!d your respe$t, so youll let e e1ert y "ill o*er you%
8 "ill gai! a great deal of pleasure, @oy, e*e! i! your subissio!% The ore you subit, the
greater y @oy C its a *ery siple eBuatio!%H
G/#ay, a!d "hat do 8 get out of thisIH
3e shrugs a!d loo#s alost apologeti$%
G=e,H he says siply%
Oh my. Christia! ra#es his ha!d through his hair as he gaFes at e%
GJoure !ot gi*i!g a!ythi!g a"ay, &!astasia,H he ururs, e1asperated% GLets go ba$#
do"!stairs "here 8 $a! $o!$e!trate better% 8ts *ery distra$ti!g ha*i!g you i! here%H
3e holds his ha!d out to e, a!d !o" 8 hesita!t to ta#e it%
Eate had said he "as da!gerous, she "as so right% 7ow did she (now. 3es da!gerous to y
health, be$ause 8 #!o" 8 goi!g to say yes% &!d part of e does!t "a!t to%
.art of e "a!ts to ru! s$reai!g fro this roo a!d all it represe!ts% 8 a so out of y
depth here%
G8 !ot goi!g to hurt you, &!astasia%H 3is gray eyes iplore, a!d 8 #!o" he spea#s the truth%
8 ta#e his ha!d, a!d he leads e out of the door%
G8f you do this, let e sho" you%H Dather tha! goi!g ba$# do"!stairs, he tur!s right out of the
playroom as he $alls it, a!d do"! a $orridor% We pass se*eral doors u!til "e rea$h the o!e at the
e!d% 0eyo!d it is a bedroo "ith a large double bed, all i! "hiteL
e*erythi!g, fur!iture, "alls, beddi!g% 8ts sterile a!d $old but "ith the ost glorious *ie" of
Seattle through the glass "all%
GThis "ill be your roo% Jou $a! de$orate it ho" you li#e, ha*e "hate*er you li#e i! here%H
G=y rooI Joure e1pe$ti!g e to o*e i!IH 8 $a!t hide the horror i! y *oi$e%
G+ot full tie% Just say, Friday e*e!i!g through Su!day% We ha*e to tal# about all that,
!egotiate% 8f you "a!t to do this,H he adds, his *oi$e Buiet a!d hesita!t%
G8ll sleep hereIH
G+ot "ith you%H
G+o% 8 told you, 8 do!t sleep "ith a!yo!e, e1$ept you, "he! youre stupefied "ith dri!#%H 3is
eyes are repria!di!g%
=y outh presses i! a hard li!e% This is "hat 8 $a!!ot re$o!$ile% Ei!d, $ari!g Christia!, "ho
res$ues e fro i!ebriatio! a!d holds e ge!tly "hile 8 thro"i!g up i!to the aFaleas, a!d the
o!ster "ho possesses "hips a!d $hai!s i! a spe$ial roo%
GWhere do you sleepIH
G=y roo is do"!stairs% Coe, you ust be hu!gry%H
GWeirdly, 8 see to ha*e lost y appetite,H 8 urur petula!tly%
GJou ust eat, &!astasia,H he ado!ishes a!d, ta#i!g y ha!d, leads e ba$# do"!stairs%
0a$# i! the ipossibly big roo, 8 a filled "ith deep trepidatio!% 8 a o! the edge of a
pre$ipi$e, a!d 8 ha*e to de$ide "hether or !ot to @up%
G8 fully a"are that this is a dar# path 8 leadi!g you do"!, &!astasia, "hi$h is "hy 8
really "a!t you to thi!# about this% Jou ust ha*e soe Buestio!s,H he says as he "a!ders i!to the
#it$he! area, releasi!g y ha!d%
I do. 9ut where to start.
GJou*e sig!ed your +<&, you $a! as# e a!ythi!g you "a!t, a!d 8ll a!s"er%H
8 sta!d at the brea#fast bar "at$hi!g hi as he ope!s the refrigerator a!d pulls out a plate of
differe!t $heeses "ith t"o large bu!$hes of gree! a!d red grapes% 3e sets the plate do"! o! the
"or#top a!d pro$eeds to $ut up a Fre!$h baguette%
GSit%H 3e poi!ts to o!e of the bar stools at the brea#fast bar, a!d 8 obey his $oa!d%
8f 8 goi!g to do this, 8 goi!g to ha*e to get used to it% 8 realiFe hes bee! this bossy si!$e 8
et hi%
GJou e!tio!ed paper"or#%H
GWhat paper"or#IH
GWell, apart fro the +<&, a $o!tra$t sayi!g "hat "e "ill a!d "o!t do% 8 !eed to #!o" your
liits, a!d you !eed to #!o" i!e% This is $o!se!sual, &!astasia%H
G&!d if 8 do!t "a!t to do thisIH
GThats fi!e,H he says $arefully%
G0ut "e "o!t ha*e a!y sort of relatio!shipIH 8 as#%
GThis is the o!ly sort of relatio!ship 8 i!teresti!g i!%H
3e shrugs%
G8ts the "ay 8 a%H
G3o" did you be$oe this "ayIH
GWhy is a!yo!e the "ay they areI Thats #i!d of hard to a!s"er% Why do soe people li#e
$heese a!d other people hate itI <o you li#e $heeseI =rs% Jo!es C y house#eeper
C has left this for supper%H 3e ta#es soe large, "hite plates fro a $upboard a!d pla$es o!e
i! fro!t of e%
#e*re tal(ing a,out cheese0 7oly crap.
GWhat are your rules that 8 ha*e to follo"IH
G8 ha*e the "ritte! do"!% Well go through the o!$e "e*e eate!%H
'ood. 7ow can I eat now.
G8 really !ot hu!gry,H 8 "hisper%
GJou "ill eat,H he says siply% 4ominating Christian it all ,ecomes clear. GWould you li#e
a!other glass of "i!eIH
GJes, please%H
3e pours "i!e i!to y glass a!d $oes to sit beside e% 8 ta#e a hasty sip%
G3elp yourself to food, &!astasia%H
8 ta#e a sall bu!$h of grapes% This 8 $a! a!age% 3e !arro"s his eyes%
G3a*e you bee! li#e this for a "hileIH 8 as#%
G8s it easy to fi!d "oe! "ho "a!t to do thisIH
3e raises a! eyebro" at e%
GJoud be aaFed,H he says dryly%
GThe! "hy eI 8 really do!t u!dersta!d%H
G&!astasia, 8*e told you% Theres soethi!g about you% 8 $a!t lea*e you alo!e%H 3e siles
iro!i$ally% G8 li#e a oth to a flae%H 3is *oi$e dar#e!s% G8 "a!t you *ery badly, espe$ially !o",
"he! youre biti!g your lip agai!%H 3e ta#es a deep breath a!d s"allo"s%
=y stoa$h soersaults C he "a!ts eL i! a "eird "ay, true, but this beautiful, stra!ge,
#i!#y a! "a!ts e%
G8 thi!# you ha*e that $li$hNO222P the "ro!g "ay rou!d%H 8 gruble% 8 a the oth a!d he is
the flae, a!d 8 goi!g to get bur!t% 8 #!o"%
G+o% 8 ha*e!t sig!ed a!ythi!g yet, so 8 thi!# 8ll ha!g o! to y free "ill for a bit lo!ger, if
thats o#ay "ith you%H
3is eyes softe!, a!d his lips tur! up i! a sile%
G&s you "ish, =iss Steele%H
G3o" a!y "oe!IH 8 blurt out the Buestio!, but 8 so $urious%
/hL !ot as a!y as 8 thought%
GFor lo!g periods of tieIH
GSoe of the, yes%H
G3a*e you e*er hurt a!yo!eIH
7oly shit.
B 0adlyIH
GWill you hurt eIH
GWhat do you ea!IH
G.hysi$ally, "ill you hurt eIH
G8 "ill pu!ish you "he! you reBuire it, a!d it "ill be pai!ful%H
8 thi!# 8 feel a little fai!t% 8 ta#e a!other sip of "i!e% &l$ohol 9 this "ill a#e e bra*e%
G3a*e you e*er bee! beate!IH 8 as#%
/hL that surprises e% 0efore 8 $a! Buestio! hi o! this re*elatio! further, he i!terrupts y
trai! of thought%
GLets dis$uss this i! y study% 8 "a!t to sho" you soethi!g%H
This is so hard to pro$ess% 3ere 8 "as foolishly thi!#i!g that 8d spe!d a !ight of u!9paralleled
passio! i! this a!s bed, a!d "ere !egotiati!g this "eird arra!gee!t%
8 follo" hi i!to his study, a spa$ious roo "ith a!other floor9to9$eili!g "i!do" that ope!s
out o! to the bal$o!y% 3e sits o! the des#, otio!s for e to sit o! a leather $hair i! fro!t of hi,
a!d ha!ds e a pie$e of paper%
GThese are the rules% They ay be sub@e$t to $ha!ge% They for part of the $o!tra$t, "hi$h
you $a! also ha*e% Dead these rules a!d lets dis$uss%H
The Subissi*e "ill obey a!y i!stru$tio!s gi*e! by the <oi!a!t iediately "ithout
hesitatio! or reser*atio! a!d i! a! e1peditious a!!er% The Subissi*e "ill agree to a!y se1ual
a$ti*ity deeed fit a!d pleasurable by the <oi!a!t e1$epti!g those a$ti*ities "hi$h are outli!ed i!
hard liits ,&ppe!di1 2-% She "ill do so eagerly a!d "ithout hesitatio!%
The Subissi*e "ill e!sure she a$hie*es a i!iu of se*e! hours sleep a !ight "he! she is
!ot "ith the <oi!a!t%
The Subissi*e "ill eat regularly to ai!tai! her health a!d "ellbei!g fro a pres$ribed list
of foods ,&ppe!di1 S-% The Subissi*e "ill !ot s!a$# bet"ee! eals, "ith the e1$eptio! of fruit%
<uri!g the Ter, the Subissi*e "ill "ear $lothi!g o!ly appro*ed by the <oi!a!t% The
<oi!a!t "ill pro*ide a $lothi!g budget for the Subissi*e, "hi$h the Subissi*e shall utiliFe%
The <oi!a!t shall a$$opa!y the Subissi*e to pur$hase $lothi!g o! a! ad ho$ basis% 8f the
<oi!a!t so reBuires, the Subissi*e shall duri!g the Ter a!y ador!e!ts the <oi!a!t shall
reBuire, i! the prese!$e of the <oi!a!t a!d a!y other tie the <oi!a!t dees fit%
The <oi!a!t shall pro*ide the Subissi*e "ith a perso!al trai!er four ties a "ee# i! hour9
lo!g sessio!s at ties to be utually agreed bet"ee! the perso!al trai!er a!d the Subissi*e% The
perso!al trai!er "ill report to the <oi!a!t o! the Subissi*es progress%
.erso!al 3ygie!e?0eauty:
The Subissi*e "ill #eep herself $lea! a!d sha*ed a!d?or "a1ed at all ties% The Subissi*e
"ill *isit a beauty salo! of the <oi!a!ts $hoosi!g at ties to be de$ided by the <oi!a!t, a!d
u!dergo "hate*er treate!ts the <oi!a!t sees fit%
.erso!al Safety:
The Subissi*e "ill !ot dri!# to e1$ess, so#e, ta#e re$reatio!al drugs, or put herself i! a!y
u!!e$essary da!ger%
.erso!al Qualities:
The Subissi*e "ill !ot e!ter i!to a!y se1ual relatio!s "ith a!yo!e other tha! the <oi!a!t%
The Subissi*e "ill $o!du$t herself i! a respe$tful a!d odest a!!er at all ties%
She ust re$og!iFe that her beha*ior is a dire$t refle$tio! o! the <oi!a!t% She shall be held
a$$ou!table for a!y isdeeds, "ro!gdoi!gs, a!d isbeha*ior $oitted "he! !ot i! the prese!$e
of the <oi!a!t%
Failure to $oply "ith a!y of the abo*e "ill result i! iediate pu!ishe!t, the !ature of
"hi$h shall be deteri!ed by the <oi!a!t%
7oly fuc(.
G3ard liitsIH 8 as#%
GJes% What you "o!t do, "hat 8 "o!t do, "e !eed to spe$ify i! our agreee!t%H
G8 !ot sure about a$$epti!g o!ey for $lothes% 8t feels "ro!g%H 8 shift u!$ofortably, the
"ord Mho rattli!g rou!d y head%
G8 "a!t to la*ish o!ey o! you, let e buy you soe $lothes% 8 ay !eed you to a$$opa!y
e to fu!$tio!s, a!d 8 "a!t you dressed "ell% 8 sure your salary, "he! you do get a @ob, "o!t
$o*er the #i!d of $lothes 8d li#e you to "ear%H
G8 do!t ha*e to "ear the "he! 8 !ot "ith youIH
G/#ay%H 1hin( of them as uniform.
G8 do!t "a!t to e1er$ise four ties a "ee#%H
G&!astasia, 8 !eed you supple, stro!g, a!d "ith stai!a% Trust e, you !eed to e1er$ise%HG0ut
surely !ot four ties a "ee#, ho" about threeIH
G8 "a!t you to do four%H
G8 thought this "as a !egotiatio!IH
3e purses his lips at e%
G/#ay, =iss Steele, a!other poi!t "ell ade% 3o" about a! hour o! three days a!d o!e day
half a! hourIH
GThree days, three hours% 8 get the ipressio! youre goi!g to #eep e e1er$ised "he! 8
3e siles "i$#edly, a!d his eyes glo" as if relie*ed% GJes, 8 a% /#ay, agreed% &re you sure
you do!t "a!t to i!ter! at y $opa!yI Joure a good !egotiator%H
G+o, 8 do!t thi!# thats a good idea%H 8 stare do"! at his rules% #a<ing& #a<ing what.
86erything. 5gh.
GSo, liits% These are i!e%H 3e ha!ds e a!other pie$e of paper%
Hard Limits
No acts involving fire play
+o a$ts i!*ol*i!g uri!atio! or defe$atio! a!d the produ$ts thereof +o a$ts i!*ol*i!g !eedles,
#!i*es, pier$i!g, or blood
+o a$ts i!*ol*i!g gy!e$ologi$al edi$al i!strue!ts
+o a$ts i!*ol*i!g $hildre! or a!ials
+o a$ts that "ill lea*e a!y pera!e!t ar#s o! the s#i!
+o a$ts i!*ol*i!g breath $o!trol
5gh. 7e has to write these down& /f $ourse C they all loo# *ery se!sible, a!d fra!#ly,
!e$essaryL a!y sa!e perso! "ould!t "a!t to be i!*ol*ed i! this sort of thi!g surelyI
Though 8 !o" feel a little Bueasy%
G8s there a!ythi!g youd li#e to addIH he as#s #i!dly%
Crap. 8*e !o idea% 8 a $opletely stuped% 3e gaFes at e a!d furro"s his bro"%
G8s there a!ythi!g you "o!t doIH
G8 do!t #!o"%H
GWhat do you ea! you do!t #!o"IH
8 sBuir u!$ofortably a!d bite y lip%
G8*e !e*er do!e a!ythi!g li#e this%H
GWell, "he! you*e had se1, "as there a!ythi!g that you did!t li#e doi!gIH
For the first tie i! "hat sees to be ages, 8 blush%
GJou $a! tell e, &!astasia% We ha*e to be ho!est "ith ea$h other or this is!t goi!g to "or#%H
8 sBuir u!$ofortably agai! a!d stare at y #!otted fi!gers%
GTell e,H he $oa!ds%
GWellL 8*e !ot had se1 before, so 8 do!t #!o"%H =y *oi$e is sall% 8 pee# up at hi, a!d
hes stari!g at e, outh9ope!, froFe!, a!d pale 9 really pale%
G+e*erIH he "hispers% 8 sha#e y head%
GJoure a *irgi!IH he breathes% 8 !od, flushi!g agai!% 3e $loses his eyes a!d loo#s to be
$ou!ti!g to te!% Whe! he ope!s the agai!, hes a!gry, glari!g at e%
GWhy the fu$# did!t you tell eIH he gro"ls%
Christia! is ru!!i!g both his ha!ds through his hair a!d pa$i!g up a!d do"! his study%
T"o ha!ds C thats double e1asperatio!% 3is usual $o!$rete $o!trol sees to ha*e slipped a
G8 do!t u!dersta!d "hy you did!t tell e,H he $astigates e%
GThe sub@e$t !e*er $ae up% 8 !ot i! the habit of re*eali!g y se1ual status to e*eryo!e 8
eet% 8 ea!, "e hardly #!o" ea$h other%H 8 stari!g at y ha!ds% Why a 8 feeli!g guiltyI Why
is he so adI 8 pee# up at hi%
GWell, you #!o" a lot ore about e !o",H he s!aps, his outh presses i!to a hard li!e% G8
#!e" you "ere i!e1perie!$ed, but a 6irgin& H 3e says it li#e its a really dirty "ord%
G3ell, &!a, 8 @ust sho"ed you,H he groa!s% G=ay >od forgi*e e% 3a*e you e*er bee! #issed,
apart fro by eIH
G/f $ourse 8 ha*e%H 8 try y best to loo# affro!ted% O(ay0 may,e twice.
G&!d a !i$e you!g a! has!t s"ept you off your feetI 8 @ust do!t u!dersta!d% Joure
t"e!ty9o!e, !early t"e!ty9t"o% Joure beautiful%H 3e ru!s his ha!d through his hair agai!%
9eautiful. 8 flush "ith pleasure% Christia! >rey thi!#s 8 beautiful% 8 #!ot y fi!gers
together, stari!g at the hard, tryi!g to $o!$eal y goofy gri!% /erhaps he*s near;sighted y
sub$o!s$ious has reared her so!abula!t head% Where "as she "he! 8 !eeded herI
G&!d youre seriously dis$ussi!g "hat 8 "a!t to do, "he! you ha*e !o e1perie!$e%H
3is bro"s #!it together% G3o" ha*e you a*oided se1I Tell e, please%H
8 shrug%
G+o o!es really, you #!o"%H Coe up to s$rat$h, o!ly you% &!d you tur! out to be soe #i!d
of o!ster% GWhy are you so a!gry "ith eIH 8 "hisper%
G8 !ot a!gry "ith you, 8 a!gry "ith yself% 8 @ust assuedL H 3e sighs% 3e regards e
shre"dly a!d the! sha#es his head% G<o you "a!t to goIH he as#s, his *oi$e ge!tle%
G+o, u!less you "a!t e to go,H 8 urur% Oh no0 I don*t want to lea6e.
G/f $ourse !ot% 8 li#e ha*i!g you here%H 3e fro"!s as he says this a!d the! gla!$es at his
"at$h% G8ts late%H &!d he tur!s to loo# at e% GJoure biti!g your lip%H 3is *oi$e is hus#y, a!d hes
eyei!g e spe$ulati*ely%
G<o!t apologiFe% 8ts @ust that 8 "a!t to bite it too, hard%H
8 gaspL ho" $a! he say thi!gs li#e that to e a!d !ot e1pe$t e to be affe$ted%
GCoe,H he ururs%H
GWere goi!g to re$tify the situatio! right !o"%H
GWhat do you ea!I What situatio!IH
GJour situatio!% &!a, 8 goi!g to a#e lo*e to you, !o"%H
G/h%H The floor has falle! a"ay . I*m a situation. 8 holdi!g y breath%
GThats if you "a!t to, 8 ea!, 8 do!t "a!t to push y lu$#%H
G8 thought you did!t a#e lo*e% 8 thought you fu$#ed hard%H 8 s"allo", y outh sudde!ly
3e gi*es e a "i$#ed gri!, the effe$ts of "hi$h tra*el all the "ay do"! there.
G8 $a! a#e a! e1$eptio!, or aybe $obi!e the t"o, "ell see% 8 really "a!t to a#e lo*e to
you% .lease, $oe to bed "ith e% 8 "a!t our arra!gee!t to "or#, but you really !eed to ha*e
soe idea "hat youre getti!g yourself i!to% We $a! start your trai!i!g to!ight C "ith the basi$s%
This does!t ea! 8*e $oe o*er all hearts a!d flo"ers, its a ea!s to a! e!d, but o!e that 8 "a!t,
a!d hopefully you do too%H 3is gray gaFe is i!te!se%
8 flushL oh my L "ishes do $oe true%
G0ut 8 ha*e!t do!e all the thi!gs you reBuire fro your list of rules%H =y *oi$e is all breathy,
GForget about the rules% Forget about all those details for to!ight% 8 "a!t you% 8*e "a!ted you
si!$e you fell i!to y offi$e, a!d 8 #!o" you "a!t e% Jou "ould!t be sitti!g here $ally
dis$ussi!g pu!ishe!t a!d hard liits if you did!t% .lease, &!a, spe!d the !ight "ith e%H 3e
holds his ha!d out to e, his eyes are bright, fer*e!tL e1$ited, a!d 8 put y ha!d i! his% 3e pulls
e up a!d i!to his ars so 8 $a! feel the le!gth of his body agai!st i!e, this s"ift a$tio! ta#i!g e
by surprise% 3e ru!s his fi!gers rou!d the !ape of y !e$#, "i!ds y po!ytail arou!d his "rist, a!d
ge!tly pulls so 8 for$ed to loo# up at hi% 3e gaFes do"! at e%
GJou are o!e bra*e you!g "oa!,H he "hispers% G8 a i! a"e of you%H
3is "ords are li#e soe #i!d of i!$e!diary de*i$eP y blood flaes% 3e lea!s do"! a!d
#isses y lips ge!tly, a!d he su$#s at y lo"er lip%
G8 "a!t to bite this lip,H he ururs agai!st y outh, a!d $arefully he tugs at it "ith his
teeth% 8 oa!, a!d he siles%
G.lease &!a, let e a#e lo*e to you%H
GJes,H 8 "hisper, be$ause thats "hy 8 here% 3is sile is triupha!t as he releases e a!d
ta#es y ha!d a!d leads e through the aparte!t%
3is bedroo is *ast% The $eili!g height "i!do"s loo# out o! a lit up, high9rise Seattle%
The "alls are "hite, a!d the fur!ishi!gs are pale blue% The e!orous bed is ultra9oder!,
ade of rough, grey "ood, li#e drift"ood, four posts, but !o $a!opy% /! the "all abo*e it is a
stu!!i!g pai!ti!g of the sea%
8 a Bua#i!g li#e a leaf% This is it% Fi!ally, after all this tie, 8 goi!g to do it, "ith !o!e
other tha! Christia! >rey% =y breath is shallo", a!d 8 $a!t ta#e y eyes off hi%
3e reo*es his "at$h a!d pla$es it o! top of a $hest of dra"ers that at$hes the bed, a!d
reo*es his @a$#et, pla$i!g it o! a $hair% 3es dressed i! his "hite li!e! shirt a!d @ea!s%
3e is heart9stoppi!gly beautiful% 3is dar# $opper hair is a ess, his shirt ha!gi!g out C his
gray eyes bold a!d daFFli!g% 3e steps out of his Co!*erse shoes a!d rea$hes do"! a!d ta#es his
so$#s off i!di*idually% Christia! >reys feetL "o"L "hat is it about !a#ed feetI Tur!i!g, he
gaFes at e, his e1pressio! soft%
G8 assue youre !ot o! the pill%H
#hat& %hit.
G8 did!t thi!# so%H 3e ope!s the top dra"er of the $hest a!d reo*es a pa$#et of $o!dos%
3e gaFes at e i!te!tly%
G0e prepared,H he ururs% G<o you "a!t the bli!ds dra"!IH
G8 do!t i!d%H 8 "hisper% G8 thought you did!t let a!yo!e sleep i! your bed%H
GWho says "ere goi!g to sleepIH he ururs softly%
G/h%H 7oly hell.
3e strolls slo"ly to"ard e% Co!fide!t, se1y, eyes blaFi!g, a!d y heart begi!s to pou!d% =y
bloods pupi!g arou!d y body% <esire, thi$# a!d hot, pools i! y belly% 3e sta!ds i! fro!t of
e, stari!g do"! i!to y eyes% 7e*s so frea(ing hot.
GLets get this @a$#et off, shall "eIH he says softly, a!d ta#es hold of the lapels a!d ge!tly
slides y @a$#et off y shoulders% 3e pla$es it o! the $hair%
G<o you ha*e a!y idea ho" u$h 8 "a!t you, &!a SteeleIH he "hispers% =y breath hit$hes% 8
$a!!ot ta#e y eyes off his% 3e rea$hes up a!d ge!tly ru!s his fi!gers do"! y $hee# to y $hi!%
G<o you ha*e a!y idea "hat 8 goi!g to do to youIH he adds, $aressi!g y $hi!%
The us$les i!side the deepest, dar#est part of e $le!$h i! the ost deli$ious fashio!%
The pai! is so s"eet a!d sharp 8 "a!t to $lose y eyes, but 8 hyp!otiFed by his gray eyes
stari!g fer*e!tly i!to i!e% Lea!i!g do"!, he #isses e% 3is lips are dea!di!g, fir a!d slo",
oldi!g i!e% 3e starts u!butto!i!g y shirt "hile he pla$es feather9li#e #isses a$ross y @a", y
$hi!, a!d the $or!ers of y outh% Slo"ly he peels it off e a!d lets it fall to the floor% 3e sta!ds
ba$# a!d gaFes at e% 8 i! the pale blue la$y perfe$t9fit bra%
1han( hea6ens.
G/h, &!a,H he breathes% GJou ha*e the ost beautiful s#i!, pale a!d fla"less% 8 "a!t to #iss
e*ery si!gle i!$h of it%H
8 flush% Oh my L Why did he say he $ould!t a#e lo*eI 8 "ill do a!ythi!g he "a!ts%
3e grasps y hair tie, pulls it free, a!d gasps as y hair $as$ades do"! arou!d y shoulders%
G8 li#e bru!ettes,H he ururs, a!d both of his ha!ds are i! y hair, graspi!g ea$h side of y
head% 3is #iss is dea!di!g, his to!gue a!d lips $oa1i!g i!e% 8 oa!, a!d y to!gue te!tati*ely
eets his% 3e puts his ars arou!d e a!d hauls e agai!st his body, sBueeFi!g e tightly% /!e
ha!d reai!s i! y hair, the other tra*els do"! y spi!e to y "aist a!d do"! to y behi!d% 3is
ha!d fle1es o*er y ba$#side a!d sBueeFes ge!tly%
3e holds e agai!st his hips, a!d 8 feel his ere$tio!, "hi$h he la!guidly pushes i!to e%
8 oa! o!$e ore i!to his outh% 8 $a! hardly $o!tai! the riotous feeli!gs or is it horo!es
that rapage through y body% 8 "a!t hi so badly% >rippi!g his upper ars, 8 feel his bi$eps, hes
surprisi!gly stro!gL us$ular% Te!tati*ely, 8 o*e y ha!ds up to his fa$e a!d i!to his hair% 7oly
Moses. 8ts so soft, u!ruly% 8 tug ge!tly, a!d he groa!s%
3e eases e to"ard the bed, u!til 8 feel it behi!d y #!ees% 8 thi!# hes goi!g to push e
do"! o! to it, but he does!t% Deleasi!g e, he sudde!ly drops to his #!ees% 3e grabs y hips "ith
both his ha!ds a!d ru!s his to!gue arou!d y !a*el, the! ge!tly !ips his "ay to y hipbo!e, the!
a$ross y belly to y other hipbo!e%
G&h,H 8 groa!%
Seei!g hi o! his #!ees i! fro!t of e, feeli!g his outh o! e, its so u!e1pe$ted,, a!d hot%
=y ha!ds stay i! his hair, pulli!g ge!tly as 8 try to Buiet y too9loud breathi!g%
3e gaFes up at e through ipossibly lo!g lashes, his eyes a s$or$hi!g so#y gray% 3is
ha!ds rea$h up a!d u!do the butto! o! y @ea!s, a!d he leisurely pulls do"! the Fipper%
Without ta#i!g his eyes off i!e, his ha!ds o*e be!eath the "aistba!d, s#ii!g e a!d
o*i!g to y behi!d% 3is ha!ds glide slo"ly do"! y ba$#side to y thighs, reo*i!g y @ea!s
as they go% 8 $a!!ot loo# a"ay% 3e stops a!d li$#s his lips, !e*er brea#i!g eye $o!ta$t% 3e lea!s
for"ard, ru!!i!g his !ose up the ape1 bet"ee! y thighs% 8 feel hi%
GJou sell so good,H he ururs a!d $loses his eyes, a loo# of pure pleasure o! his fa$e, a!d
8 pra$ti$ally $o!*ulse% 3e rea$hes up a!d tugs the du*et off the bed, the! pushes e ge!tly so 8 fall
o! to the attress%
Still #!eeli!g, he grasps y foot a!d u!does y Co!*erse, pulli!g off y shoe a!d so$#% 8
raise yself up o! y elbo"s to see "hat hes doi!g% 8 pa!ti!gL "a!ti!g% 3e lifts y foot by
the heel a!d ru!s his thub!ail up y i!step% 8ts alost pai!ful, but 8 feel the o*ee!t e$hoed i!
y groi!% 8 gasp% +ot ta#i!g his eyes off i!e, agai! he ru!s his to!gue alo!g y i!step a!d the!
his teeth% %hit. 8 groa!L ho" $a! 8 feel this, there. 8 fall ba$# o! to the bed, oa!i!g% 8 hear his
soft $hu$#le%
G/h, &!a, "hat 8 $ould do to you,H he "hispers% 3e reo*es y other shoe a!d so$#, the!
sta!ds a!d reo*es y @ea!s% 8 lyi!g o! his bed dressed o!ly i! y bra a!d pa!ties, a!d hes
stari!g do"! at e%
GJoure *ery beautiful, &!astasia Steele% 8 $a!t "ait to be i!side you%H
7oly shit. 3is "ords% 3es so sedu$ti*e% 3e ta#es y breath a"ay%
GSho" e ho" you pleasure yourself%H
#hat. 8 fro"!%
G<o!t be $oy, &!a, sho" e,H he "hispers%
8 sha#e y head%
G8 do!t #!o" "hat you ea!%H =y *oi$e is hoarse% 8 hardly re$og!iFe it, la$ed "ith desire%
G3o" do you a#e yourself $oeI 8 "a!t to see%H
8 sha#e y head%
G8 do!t,H 8 uble% 3e raises his eyebro"s, asto!ished for a oe!t, a!d his eyes dar#e!,
a!d he sha#es his head i! disbelief%
GWell, "ell ha*e to see "hat "e $a! do about that%H 3is *oi$e is soft, $halle!gi!g, a deli$ious
se!sual threat% 3e u!does the butto!s of his @ea!s a!d slo"ly pulls his @ea!s do"!, his eyes o! i!e
the "hole tie% 3e lea!s do"! o*er e a!d, graspi!g ea$h of y a!#les, Bui$#ly @er#s y legs
apart a!d $ra"ls o!to the bed bet"ee! y legs% 3e ho*ers o*er e% 8 a sBuiri!g "ith !eed%
GEeep still,H he ururs, a!d the! he lea!s do"! a!d #isses the i!side of y thigh, traili!g
#isses up, o*er the thi! la$y aterial of y pa!ties, #issi!g e%
/hL 8 $a!t #eep still% 3o" $a! 8 !ot o*eI 8 "riggle be!eath hi%
GWere goi!g to ha*e to "or# o! #eepi!g you still, baby%H 3e trails #isses up y belly, a!d his
to!gue dips i!to y !a*el% Still hes headi!g !orth, #issi!g e a$ross y torso%
=y s#i! is bur!i!g% 8 flushed, too hot, too $old, a!d 8 $la"i!g at the sheet be!eath e%
3e lay do"! beside e, a!d his ha!d trails up fro y hip, to y "aist, a!d up to y breast% 3e
gaFes do"! at e, his e1pressio! u!readable, a!d ge!tly $ups y breast%
GJou fit y ha!d perfe$tly, &!astasia,H he ururs a!d dips his i!de1 fi!ger i!to the $up of
y bra a!d ge!tly ya!#s it do"! freei!g y breast, but the u!der "ire a!d fabri$ of the $up for$e it
up"ard% 3is fi!ger o*es to y other breast a!d repeats the pro$ess% =y breasts s"ell, a!d y
!ipples harde! u!der his steady gaFe% 8 a trussed9up by y o"! bra%GAery !i$e,H he "hispers
appre$iati*ely, a!d y !ipples harde! e*e! ore%
3e blo"s *ery ge!tly o! o!e as his ha!d o*es to y other breast, a!d his thub slo"ly rolls
the e!d of y !ipple, elo!gati!g it% 8 groa!, feeli!g the s"eet se!satio! all the "ay to y groi!% 8
a so "et . Oh please 8 beg i!ter!ally as y fi!gers $lasp the sheet tighter% 3is lips $lose arou!d
y other !ipple a!d he tugs, 8 !early $o!*ulse%
GLets see if "e $a! a#e you $oe li#e this,H he "hispers, $o!ti!ui!g his slo", se!sual
assault% =y !ipples bear the deli$ious bru!t of his deft fi!gers a!d lips, setti!g alight e*ery si!gle
!er*e e!di!g i! y body so that y "hole body si!gs "ith the s"eet ago!y%
3e @ust does!t stop%
G/hL please,H 8 beg, a!d 8 pull y head ba$#, y outh ope! as 8 groa!, y legs stiffe!i!g%
3oly hell, "hats happe!i!g to eI
GLet go, baby,H he ururs% 3is teeth $lose rou!d y !ipple, a!d his thub a!d fi!ger pull
hard, a!d 8 fall apart i! his ha!ds, y body $o!*ulsi!g a!d shatteri!g i!to a thousa!d pie$es% 3e
#isses e, deeply, his to!gue i! y outh absorbi!g y $ries%
Oh my. That "as e1traordi!ary% +o" 8 #!o" "hat all the fuss is about% 3e gaFes do"! at e,
a satisfied sile o! his fa$e, "hile 8 sure theres !othi!g but gratitude a!d a"e o! i!e%
GJou are *ery respo!si*e,H he breathes% GJoure goi!g to ha*e to lear! to $o!trol that, a!d its
goi!g to be so u$h fu! tea$hi!g you ho"%H 3e #isses e agai!%
=y breathi!g is still ragged as 8 $oe do"! fro y orgas% 3is ha!d o*es do"! y
"aist, to y hips, a!d the! $ups e, i!tiately%%% =ee:. 3is fi!ger slips through the fi!e la$e a!d
slo"ly $ir$les arou!d e C there. 0riefly he $loses his eyes, a!d his breathi!g hit$hes%
GJoure so deli$iously "et% >od, 8 "a!t you%H 3e thrusts his fi!ger i!side e, a!d 8 $ry out as
he does it agai! a!d agai!% 3e pals y $litoris, a!d 8 $ry out o!$e ore% 3e pushes i!side e
harder a!d harder still% 8 groa!%
Sudde!ly, he sits up a!d tugs y pa!ties off a!d thro"s the o! the floor% .ulli!g off his
bo1er briefs, his ere$tio! spri!gs free% 7oly cow L 3e rea$hes o*er to his bedside table a!d grabs a
foil pa$#et, a!d the! he o*es bet"ee! y legs, spreadi!g the further apart%
3e #!eels up a!d pulls a $o!do o! to his $o!siderable le!gth% Oh no0#ill it. 7ow.
G<o!t "orry,H he breathes, his eyes o! i!e, GJou e1pa!d too%H 3e lea!s do"!, his ha!ds o!
either side of y head, so hes ho*eri!g o*er e, stari!g do"! i!to y eyes, his @a" $le!$hed, eyes
bur!i!g% 8ts o!ly !o" that 8 register hes still "eari!g his shirt%
GJou really "a!t to do thisIH he as#s softly%
G.lease,H 8 beg%
G.ull your #!ees up,H he orders softly, a!d 8 Bui$# to obey% G8 goi!g to fu$# you !o",
=iss Steele,H he ururs as he positio!s the head of his ere$tio! at the e!tra!$e of y se1% G3ard,H
he "hispers, a!d he slas i!to e%
G&arghKH 8 $ry as 8 feel a "eird pi!$hi!g se!satio! deep i!side e as he rips through y
*irgi!ity% 3e stills, gaFi!g do"! at e, his eyes bright "ith e$stati$ triuph%
3is outh is ope! slightly, a!d his breathi!g is harsh% 3e groa!s%
GJoure so tight% Jou o#ayIH
8 !od, y eyes "ide, y ha!ds o! his forears% 8 feel so full% 3e stays still, letti!g e
a$$liatiFe to the i!trusi*e, o*er"heli!g feeli!g of hi i!side e%
G8 goi!g to o*e, baby,H he breathes after a oe!t, his *oi$e tight%
3e eases ba$# "ith e1Buisite slo"!ess% &!d he $loses his eyes a!d groa!s, a!d thrusts i!to e
agai!% 8 $ry out a se$o!d tie, a!d he stills%
G=oreIH he "hispers, his *oi$e ra"%
GJes,H 8 breathe% 3e does it o!$e ore, a!d stills agai!%
8 groa!% =y body a$$epti!g hiL /h, 8 "a!t this%
G&gai!IH he breathes%
GJes%H 8ts a plea%
&!d he o*es, but this tie he does!t stop% 3e shifts o!to his elbo"s so 8 $a! feel his "eight
o! e, holdi!g e do"!% 3e o*es slo"ly at first, easi!g hiself i! a!d out of e% &!d as 8 gro"
a$$ustoed to the alie! feeli!g, y hips o*e te!tati*ely to eet his%
3e speeds up% 8 oa!, a!d he pou!ds o!, pi$#i!g up speed, er$iless, a rele!tless rhyth, a!d
8 #eep up, eeti!g his thrusts% 3e grasps y head bet"ee! his ha!ds a!d #isses e hard, his teeth
pulli!g at y lo"er lip agai!% 3e shifts slightly, a!d 8 $a! feel soethi!g buildi!g deep i!side e,
li#e before% 8 start to stiffe! as he thrusts o! a!d o!% =y body Bui*ers, bo"s, a shee! of s"eat
gathers o*er e . Oh my L 8 did!t #!o" it "ould feel li#e thisL did!t #!o" it $ould feel as good
as this% =y thoughts are s$atteri!g%%% theres o!ly se!satio!%%% o!ly hi%%% o!ly eL oh pleaseL 8
GCoe for e, &!a,H he "hispers breathlessly, a!d 8 u!ra*el at his "ords, e1plodi!g arou!d
hi as 8 $lia1 a!d spli!ter i!to a illio! pie$es u!der!eath hi% &!d as he $oes, he $alls out y
!ae, thrusti!g hard, the! stilli!g as he epties hiself i!to e%
8 a still pa!ti!g, tryi!g to slo" y breathi!g, y thupi!g heart, a!d y thoughts are i!
riotous disarray% #ow0 that was astounding. 8 ope! y eyes, a!d he has his forehead pressed
agai!st i!e, his eyes $losed, his breathi!g ragged% Christia!s eyes fli$#er ope! a!d gaFe do"! at
e, dar# but soft% 3es still i!side e% Lea!i!g do"!, he ge!tly presses a #iss agai!st y forehead
the! slo"ly pulls out of e%
G/oh%H 8 "i!$e at the u!failiarity%
G<id 8 hurt youIH Christia! as#s as he lies do"! beside e propped o! o!e elbo"% 3e tu$#s a
stray stra!d of y hair behi!d y ear% &!d 8 ha*e to gri!, "idely%
G)ou are as#i!g e if you hurt eIH
GThe iro!y is !ot lost o! e,H he siles sardo!i$ally% GSeriously, are you o#ayIH 3is eyes are
i!te!se, probi!g, dea!di!g e*e!%
8 stret$h out beside hi, feeli!g loose9libed, y bo!es li#e @elly, but 8 rela1ed, deeply
rela1ed% 8 gri! at hi% 8 $a!t stop gri!!i!g% +o" 8 #!o" "hat all the fuss is about%
T"o orgassL $oi!g apart at the seas, li#e the spi! $y$le o! a "ashi!g a$hi!e, "o"%
8 had !o idea "hat y body "as $apable of, $ould be "ou!d so tightly a!d released so
*iole!tly, so gratifyi!gly% The pleasure "as i!des$ribable%
GJoure biti!g your lip, a!d you ha*e!t a!s"ered e%H 3es fro"!i!g% 8 gri! up at hi
ipishly% 3e loo#s glorious "ith his tousled hair, bur!i!g !arro"ed gray eyes, a!d serious, dar#
G8d li#e to do that agai!,H 8 "hisper% For a oe!t, 8 thi!# 8 see a fleeti!g loo# of relief o!
his fa$e, before the shutters $oe do"!, a!d he gaFes at e through hooded eyes%
GWould you !o", =iss SteeleIH he ururs dryly% 3e lea!s do"! a!d #isses e *ery ge!tly
at the $or!er of y outh% G<ea!di!g little thi!g are!t you% Tur! o! your fro!t%H
8 bli!# at hi oe!tarily, a!d the! 8 tur! o*er% 3e u!hoo#s y bra a!d ru!s his ha!d do"!
y ba$# to y behi!d%
GJou really ha*e the ost beautiful s#i!,H he ururs% 3e shifts so that o!e of his legs
pushes bet"ee! i!e, a!d hes half lyi!g a$ross y ba$#% 8 $a! feel the butto!s of his shirt pressi!g
i!to e as he gathers y hair off y fa$e a!d #isses y bare shoulder%
GWhy are you "eari!g your shirtIH 8 as#% 3e stills% &fter a beat, he shuffles out of his shirt,
a!d he lies ba$# do"! o! e% 8 feel his "ar s#i! agai!st i!e% 7mm L it feels hea*e!ly% 3e has a
light dusti!g of hair a$ross his $hest, "hi$h ti$#les y ba$#%
GSo you "a!t e to fu$# you agai!IH he "hispers i! y ear, a!d he begi!s to trail feather
light #isses arou!d y ear a!d do"! y !e$#%
3is ha!d o*es do"!, s#ii!g y "aist, o*er y hip, a!d do"! y thigh to the ba$# of
y #!ee% 3e pushes y #!ee up higher, a!d y breath hit$hesL oh my what*s he doing now. 3e
shifts so hes bet"ee! y legs, pressed agai!st y ba$#, a!d his ha!d tra*els up y thigh to y
behi!d% 3e $aresses y $hee# slo"ly, a!d the! trails his fi!gers do"! bet"ee! y legs%
G8 goi!g to ta#e you fro behi!d, &!astasia,H he ururs, a!d "ith his other ha!d, he
grasps y hair at the !ape i! a fist a!d pulls ge!tly, holdi!g e i! pla$e% 8 $a!!ot o*e y head% 8
a pi!io!ed be!eath hi, helpless%
GJou are i!e,H he "hispers% G/!ly i!e% <o!t forget it%H 3is *oi$e is i!to1i$ati!g, his
"ords heady, sedu$ti*e% 8 feel his gro"i!g ere$tio! agai!st y thigh%
3is lo!g fi!gers rea$h rou!d to ge!tly assage y $litoris, $ir$li!g slo"ly% 3is breath is soft
agai!st y fa$e as he slo"ly !ips e alo!g y @a"%
GJou sell di*i!e,H he !uFFles behi!d y ear% 3is ha!d rubs agai!st e, rou!d a!d rou!d%
Defle1i*ely, y hips start to $ir$le, irrori!g his ha!d, as e1$ru$iati!g pleasure spi#es through y
blood li#e adre!ali!e%
GEeep still,H he orders, his *oi$e soft but urge!t, a!d slo"ly he i!serts his thub i!side e,
rotati!g it rou!d a!d rou!d, stro#i!g the fro!t "all of y *agi!a% The effe$t is i!d9blo"i!g C all
y e!ergy $o!$e!trati!g o! this o!e sall spa$e i!side y body% 8 oa!%
GJou li#e thisIH he as#s softly, his teeth graFi!g y outer ear, a!d he starts to fle1 his thub
slo"ly, i!, out, i!, outL his fi!gers still $ir$li!g%
8 $lose y eyes, tryi!g to #eep y breathi!g u!der $o!trol, tryi!g to absorb the disordered,
$haoti$ se!satio!s that his fi!gers are u!leashi!g o! e, fire $oursi!g through y body% 8 oa!
GJoure so "et, so Bui$#ly% So respo!si*e% /h, &!astasia, 8 li#e that% 8 li#e that a lot,H
he "hispers%
8 "a!t to stiffe! y legs, but 8 $a!t o*e% 3es pi!!i!g e do"!, #eepi!g up a $o!sta!t,
slo", tortuous rhyth% 8ts absolutely e1Buisite% 8 oa! agai!, a!d he o*es sudde!ly%
G/pe! your outh,H he $oa!ds a!d thrusts his thub i! y outh% =y eyes fly ope!,
bli!#i!g "ildly%
GSee ho" you taste,H he breathes agai!st y ear% GSu$# e, baby%H 3is thub presses o! y
to!gue, a!d y outh $loses rou!d hi, su$#i!g "ildly% 8 taste the salti!ess o! his thub a!d the
fai!t etalli$ ta!g of blood . 7oly fuc(. This is "ro!g, but holy hell is it eroti$%
G8 "a!t to fu$# your outh, &!astasia, a!d 8 "ill soo!,H his *oi$e is hoarse, ra", his breathi!g
ore dis@oi!ted%
'uc( my mouth& 8 oa!, a!d 8 bite do"! o! hi% 3e gasps, a!d he pulls y hair tighter,
pai!fully, so 8 release hi%
G+aughty, s"eet girl,H he "hispers, a!d the! rea$hes o*er to the bedside table for a foil
pa$#et% GStay still, do!t o*e,H he orders as he releases y hair%
3e rips the foil "hile 8 breathi!g hard, y blood si!gi!g i! y *ei!s% The a!ti$ipatio! is
e1hilarati!g% 3e lea!s do"!, his "eight o! e agai!, a!d he grabs y hair holdi!g y head
iobile% 8 $a!!ot o*e% 8 e!ti$i!gly e!s!ared by hi, a!d hes poised a!d ready to ta#e e
o!$e ore%
GWere goi!g to go real, slo" this tie, &!astasia,H he breathes%
&!d slo"ly he eases i!to e, slo"ly, slo"ly, u!til hes buried i! e% Stret$hi!g, filli!g,
rele!tless% 8 groa! loudly% 8t feels deeper this tie, dele$table% 8 groa! agai!, a!d he deliberately
$ir$les his hips a!d pulls ba$#, pauses a beat, a!d the! eases his "ay ba$# i!%
3e repeats this otio! agai! a!d agai!% 8ts dri*i!g e i!sa!e C his teasi!g, deliberately slo"
thrusts, a!d the i!teritte!t feeli!g of full!ess is o*er"heli!g%
GJou feel so good,H he groa!s, a!d y i!sides start to Bui*er% 3e pulls ba$# a!d "aits%
G/h !o, baby, !ot yet,H he ururs, a!d as the Bui*eri!g $eases, he starts the "hole deli$ious
pro$ess agai!%
G/h, please,H 8 beg% 8 !ot sure 8 $a! ta#e u$h ore% =y body is "ou!d so tight, $ra*i!g
G8 "a!t you sore, baby,H he ururs, a!d he $o!ti!ues his s"eet, leisurely tore!t,
ba$#"ard, for"ard%
GE*ery tie you o*e toorro", 8 "a!t you to be rei!ded that 8*e bee! here% /!ly e%
Jou are i!e%H
8 groa!%
G.lease, Christia!,H 8 "hisper%
GWhat do you "a!t, &!astasiaI Tell e%H
8 groa! agai!% 3e pulls out a!d o*es slo"ly ba$# i!to e, $ir$li!g his hips o!$e ore%
GTell e,H he ururs%
GJou, please%H
3e i!$reases the rhyth i!fi!itesially, a!d his breathi!g be$oes ore errati$% =y i!sides
start Bui$#e!i!g, a!d Christia! pi$#s up the rhyth%
GJou% &re% So% S"eet,H he ururs bet"ee! ea$h thrust% G8% Wa!t% Jou% So% =u$h%H
8 oa!%
GJou% &re% =i!e% Coe for e, baby,H he gro"ls%
3is "ords are y u!doi!g, tippi!g e o*er the pre$ipi$e% =y body $o!*ulses arou!d hi,
a!d 8 $oe, loudly $alli!g out a garbled *ersio! of his !ae i!to the attress, a!d Christia! follo"s
"ith t"o sharp thrusts, a!d he freeFes, pouri!g hiself i!to e as he fi!ds his release% 3e $ollapses
o! top of e, his fa$e i! y hair%
GFu$#% &!a,H he breathes% 3e pulls out of e iediately a!d rolls o!to his side of the bed% 8
pull y #!ees up to y $hest, utterly spe!t, a!d iediately drift off or pass out i!to a! e1hausted
Whe! 8 "a#e, its still dar#% 8 ha*e !o idea ho" lo!g 8*e slept% 8 stret$h out be!eath the du*et,
a!d 8 feel sore, deli$iously sore% Christia! is !o"here to be see!% 8 sit up, stari!g out at the $itys$ape
i! fro!t of e% There are fe"er lights o! ao!gst the s#ys$rapers, a!d theres a "hisper of da"! i!
the east% 8 hear the usi$% The lilti!g !otes of the pia!o, a sad, s"eet lae!t% 0a$h, 8 thi!#, but 8
!ot sure%
8 "rap the du*et rou!d e a!d Buietly pad do"! the $orridor to"ard the big roo%
Christia! is at the pia!o, $opletely lost i! the usi$ hes playi!g% 3is e1pressio! is sad a!d
forlor!, li#e the usi$% 3is playi!g is stu!!i!g% Lea!i!g agai!st the "all at the e!tra!$e, 8 liste!
e!raptured% 3es su$h a! a$$oplished usi$ia!% 3e sits !a#ed, his body bathed i! the "ar light
$ast by a solitary freesta!di!g lap beside the pia!o% With the rest of the large roo i! dar#!ess,
its li#e hes i! his o"! isolated little pool of light, u!tou$h9ableL lo!ely, i! a bubble%
8 pad Buietly to"ard hi, e!ti$ed by the sublie, ela!$holy usi$% 8 eseriFed
"at$hi!g his lo!g s#illed fi!gers as they fi!d a!d ge!tly press the #eys, thi!#i!g ho" those sae
fi!gers ha*e e1pertly ha!dled a!d $aressed y body% 8 flush a!d gasp at the eory a!d press y
thighs together% 3e gla!$es up, his u!fathoable gray eyes bright, his e1pressio! u!readable%
GSorry,H 8 "hisper% G8 did!t ea! to disturb you%H
& fro"! flits a$ross his fa$e%
GSurely, 8 should be sayi!g that to you,H he ururs% 3e fi!ishes playi!g a!d puts his ha!ds
o! his legs%
8 !oti$e !o" that hes "eari!g .J pa!ts% 3e ru!s his fi!gers through his hair a!d sta!ds%
3is pa!ts ha!g fro his hips, i! that "ayL oh my. =y outh goes dry as he $asually strolls
arou!d the pia!o to"ard e% 3e has broad shoulders, !arro" hips, a!d his abdoi9!al us$les
ripple as he "al#s% 3e really is stu!!i!g%
GJou should be i! bed,H he ado!ishes%
GThat "as a beautiful pie$e% 0a$hIH
GTra!s$riptio! by 0a$h, but its origi!ally a! oboe $o!$erto by &lessa!dro =ar$ello%H
G8t "as e1Buisite, but *ery sad, su$h a ela!$holy elody%H
3is lips Buir# up i! a half sile%
G0ed,H he orders% GJoull be e1hausted i! the or!i!g%H
G8 "o#e a!d you "ere!t there%H
G8 fi!d it diffi$ult to sleep, a!d 8 !ot used to sleepi!g "ith a!yo!e,H he ururs% 8 $a!t
fatho his ood% 3e sees a little despo!de!t, but its diffi$ult to tell i! the dar#!ess% .erhaps it
"as the to!e of the pie$e he "as playi!g% 3e puts his ar arou!d e a!d ge!tly "al#s e ba$# to
the bedroo%
G3o" lo!g ha*e you bee! playi!gI Jou play beautifully%H
GSi!$e 8 "as si1%H
G/h%H Christia! as a si19year9old boyL y i!d $o!@ures a! iage of a beautiful, $opper9
haired little boy "ith gray eyes a!d y heart elts C a oppet9haired #id "ho li#es ipossibly sad
G3o" are you feeli!gIH he as#s "he! "e are ba$# i! the roo% 3e s"it$hes o! a sidelight%
G8 good%H
We both gla!$e do"! at the bed at the sae tie% Theres blood o! the sheets C e*ide!$e of
y lost *irgi!ity% 8 flush, ebarrassed, pulli!g the du*et tighter arou!d e%
GWell, thats goi!g to gi*e =rs% Jo!es soethi!g to thi!# about,H Christia! utters as he
sta!ds i! fro!t of e% 3e puts his ha!d u!der y $hi! a!d tips y head ba$#, stari!g do"! at e%
3is eyes are i!te!se as he e1ai!es y fa$e% 8 realiFe that 8*e !ot see! his !a#ed $hest before%
8!sti!$ti*ely, 8 rea$h out to ru! y fi!gers through the satteri!g of dar# hair o! his $hest to see
ho" it feels% 8ediately, he steps ba$# out of y rea$h%
G>et i!to bed,H he says sharply% G8ll $oe a!d lie do"! "ith you%H 3is *oi$e softe!s%
8 drop y ha!d a!d fro"!% 8 do!t thi!# 8*e e*er tou$hed his torso% 3e ope!s a $hest of
dra"ers a!d pulls out a t9shirt a!d Bui$#ly slips it o!%
G0ed,H he orders agai!% 8 $lib ba$# o!to the bed, tryi!g !ot to thi!# about the blood%
3e $labers i! beside e a!d pulls e i!to his ebra$e, "rappi!g his ars arou!d e so
that 8 fa$i!g a"ay fro hi% 3e #isses y hair ge!tly, a!d he i!hales deeply%
GSleep, s"eet &!astasia,H he ururs, a!d 8 $lose y eyes, but 8 $a!t help feel a re9sidual
ela!$holy either fro the usi$ or his deea!or% Christia! >rey has a sad side%
Light fills the roo, $oa1i!g e fro deep sleep to "a#eful!ess% 8 stret$h out a!d ope! y
eyes% 8ts a beautiful =ay or!i!g, Seattle at y feet% Wo", "hat a *ie"% 0eside e, Christia! >rey
is fast asleep% Wo", "hat a *ie"% 8 surprised hes still i! bed% 3es fa$i!g e, a!d 8 ha*e a!
u!pre$ede!ted opportu!ity to study hi% 3is lo*ely fa$e loo#s you!ger, rela1ed i! sleep% 3is
s$ulptured, pouty lips are parted slightly, a!d his shi!y, $lea! hair is a glorious ess% 3o" $ould
a!yo!e loo# this good a!d still be legalI 8 reeber his roo upstairsL perhaps hes !ot legal% 8
sha#e y head, so u$h to thi!# about% 8ts tepti!g to rea$h out a!d tou$h hi, but li#e a sall
$hild, hes so lo*ely "he! hes asleep% 8 do!t ha*e to "orry about "hat 8 sayi!g, "hat hes
sayi!g, "hat pla!s he has, espe$ially his pla!s for e%
8 $ould gaFe at hi all day, but 8 ha*e !eeds C bathroo !eeds% Slippi!g out of bed, 8 fi!d his
"hite shirt o! the floor a!d shrug it o!% 8 "al# through a door thi!#i!g that it ight be the
bathroo, but 8 i! a *ast "al#9i! $loset as big as y bedroo% Li!es a!d li!es of e1pe!si*e suits,
shirts, shoes, a!d ties% 3o" $a! a!yo!e !eed this a!y $lothesI 8 tut "ith disappro*al% &$tually,
Eates "ardrobe probably ri*als this% EateK Oh no. 8 did!t thi!# about her all e*e!i!g% 8 "as
supposed to te1t her% Crap% 8 goi!g to be i! trouble% 8 "o!der briefly ho" shes getti!g o! "ith
Detur!i!g to the bedroo, Christia! is still asleep% 8 try the other door% 8ts the bathroo, a!d
its bigger tha! y bedroo% Why does o!e a! !eed so u$h spa$eI T"o si!#s, 8 !oti$e "ith
iro!y% >i*e! he does!t sleep "ith a!yo!e, o!e of the $a!t ha*e bee! used%
8 stare at yself i! the giga!ti$ irror abo*e the si!#s% <o 8 loo# differe!tI 8 feel differe!t% 8
feel a little sore, if 8 ho!est, a!d y us$les 9 @eeF its li#e 8*e !e*er do!e a!y e1er$ise i! y
life% )ou don*t do any e<ercise in your life y sub$o!s$ious has "o#e!%
Shes stari!g at e "ith pursed lips, tappi!g her foot% So you*e @ust slept "ith hi, gi*e!
hi your *irgi!ity, a a! "ho does!t lo*e you% 8! fa$t, he has *ery odd ideas about you, "a!ts to
a#e you soe sort of #i!#y se1 sla*e%
AR8 )O5 CRAC). Shes shouti!g at e%
8 "i!$e as 8 loo# i! the irror% 8 a goi!g to ha*e to pro$ess all this% 3o!estly, fa!$y falli!g
for a a! "hos beyo!d beautiful, ri$her tha! Croesus, a!d has a Ded Doo of .ai! "aiti!g for e%
8 shudder% 8 be"ildered a!d $o!fused% =y hair is its usual "ay"ard self% Just9fu$#ed hair
does!t suit e% 8 try a!d bri!g order to the $haos "ith y fi!gers but fail iserably a!d gi*e up C
aybe 8ll fi!d hair ties i! y purse%
8 star*i!g% 8 head ba$# out to the bedroo% Sleepi!g beauty is still sleepi!g, so 8 lea*e hi
a!d head for the #it$he!%
Oh no0 !ate. 8 left y purse i! Christia!s study% 8 fet$h it a!d rea$h for y $ell pho!e%
Three te1ts%
*RU OK Ana*
*!ere RU Ana*
*"amn it Ana*
8 $all Eate% Whe! she does!t a!s"er, 8 lea*e her a gro*eli!g essage to tell her 8 a ali*e
a!d ha*e !ot su$$ubed to 0luebeard, "ell !ot i! the se!se she "ould be "orried about C or
perhaps I ha6e. /h this is so $o!fusi!g% 8 ha*e to try a!d $ategoriFe a!d a!alyFe y feeli!gs for
Christia! >rey% 8ts a! ipossible tas#% 8 sha#e y head i! defeat% 8 !eed alo!e tie, a"ay fro
here to thi!#%
8 fi!d t"o "el$oe hair ties at the sae tie i! y bag a!d Bui$#ly tie y hair i! pigtails%
JesK The ore girly 8 loo#, perhaps the safer 8ll be fro 0luebeard% 8 ta#e y i.od out of the bag
a!d plug y headpho!es i!% Theres !othi!g li#e usi$ to $oo# by% 8 slip it i!to the breast po$#et of
Christia!s shirt, tur! it up loud, a!d start da!$i!g%
3oly hell, 8 hu!gry%
8 a dau!ted by his #it$he!% 8ts so slee# a!d oder! a!d !o!e of the $upboards ha*e ha!dles%
8t ta#es e a fe" se$o!ds to dedu$e that 8 ha*e to push the $upboard doors to ope! the% .erhaps 8
should $oo# Christia! brea#fast% 3e "as eati!g a! oelet the other dayL u, yesterday at the
3eatha!% JeeF, so u$h has happe!ed si!$e the!% 8 $he$# i! the fridge, "here there are ple!ty of
eggs, a!d de$ide 8 "a!t pa!$a#es a!d ba$o!% 8 set about a#i!g soe batter, da!$i!g y "ay rou!d
the #it$he!%
0ei!g busy is good% 8t allo"s a bit of tie to thi!# but !ot too deeply% =usi$ blari!g i! y
ears also helps to sta*e off deep thought% 8 $ae here to spe!d the !ight i! Christia! >reys bed, a!d
a!aged it, e*e! though he does!t let a!yo!e i! his bed% 8 sile, issio! a$$oplished% 0ig tie% 8
gri!% 0ig, big tie, a!d 8 distra$ted by the eory of last !ight% 3is "ords, his body, his
lo*ea#i!gL 8 $lose y eyes as y body hus at the re$olle$tio!, a!d y us$les $o!tra$t
deli$iously deep i! y belly% =y sub$o!s$ious s$o"ls at eL fuc(ing C not lo6ema(ing C she
s$reas at e li#e a harpy . 8 ig!ore her, but deep do"! 8 #!o" she has a poi!t% 8 sha#e y head
to $o!$e!trate o! the tas# at ha!d%
There is a state9of9the9art ra!ge% 8 thi!# 8 ha*e the ha!g of it% 8 !eed soe"here to #eep the
pa!$a#es "ar, a!d 8 start o! the ba$o!% &y Studt is si!gi!g i! y ear about isfits% This so!g
used to ea! so u$h to e, thats be$ause 8 a isfit% 8 ha*e !e*er fitted i! a!y"here a!d !o"L
8 ha*e a! i!de$e!t proposal to $o!sider fro Ei!g =isfit hiself% Why is he this "ayI +ature or
+urtureI 8ts so alie! to a!ythi!g 8 #!o"%
8 put the ba$o! u!der the grill, a!d "hile its $oo#i!g, 8 "his# soe eggs% 8 tur!, a!d Christia!
is sitti!g o! o!e of the bar stools at the brea#fast bar, lea!i!g o! it, his fa$e supported by his
steepled ha!ds% 3es still "eari!g the t9shirt hes slept i!% Just9fu$#ed hair really, really suits hi, as
does his desig!er stubble% 3e loo#s both aused a!d be"ildered%
8 freeFe, flush, the! gather yself a!d pull the headpho!es out of y ears, y #!ees "ea# at
the sight of hi%
G>ood or!i!g, =iss Steele% Joure *ery e!ergeti$ this or!i!g,H he says dryly%
G8 slept "ell,H 8 stutter y e1pla!atio!% 3is lips try to as# his sile%
G8 $a!t iagi!e "hy%H 3e pauses a!d fro"!s% GSo did 8, after 8 $ae ba$# to bed%H
G&re you hu!gryIH
GAery,H he says "ith a! i!te!se loo#, a!d 8 do!t thi!# hes referri!g to food%
G.a!$a#es, ba$o!, a!d eggsIH
GSou!ds great%H
G8 do!t #!o" "here you #eep your pla$eats%H 8 shrug, tryi!g desperately hard !ot to loo#
G8ll do that% Jou $oo#% Would you li#e e to put soe usi$ o! so you $a! $o!ti!ue yourL
errL da!$i!gIH
8 stare do"! at y fi!gers, #!o"i!g that 8 a tur!i!g pu$e%
G.lease, do!t stop o! y a$$ou!t% 8ts *ery e!tertai!i!g%H 3is to!e is o!e of "ry ausee!t%
8 purse y lips% E!tertai!i!g ehI =y sub$o!s$ious has doubled o*er i! laughter at e%
8 tur! a!d $o!ti!ue to "his# the eggs, probably beati!g the a little harder tha! they !eed%
8! a oe!t, hes beside e% 3e ge!tly pulls y pigtail%
G8 lo*e these,H he "hispers% GThey "o!t prote$t you%H 7mm 9lue,eard0
G3o" "ould you li#e your eggsIH 8 as# tartly% 3e siles%
GThoroughly "his#ed a!d beate!,H he sir#s%
8 tur! ba$# to the tas# at ha!d, tryi!g to hide y sile% 3es hard to stay ad at% Espe$ially
"he! hes bei!g so u!$hara$teristi$ally playful% 3e ope!s a dra"er a!d ta#es out t"o bla$# slate
pla$eats for the brea#fast bar% 8 pour the egg i1 i!to a pa!, pull out the ba$o! a!d tur! it o*er,
a!d put it ba$# u!der the grill%
Whe! 8 tur! ba$# rou!d, there is ora!ge @ui$e o! the table, a!d hes a#i!g $offee%
GWould you li#e soe teaIH
GJes, please% 8f you ha*e soe%H
8 fi!d a $ouple of plates a!d pla$e the i! the "ari!g tray of the ra!ge% Christia! rea$hes
i!to a $upboard a!d pulls out soe T"i!i!gs E!glish 0rea#fast tea% 8 purse y lips%
G0it of a forego!e $o!$lusio! "as!t 8IH
G&re youI 8 !ot sure "e*e $o!$luded a!ythi!g yet, =iss Steele,H he ururs%
#hat does he mean ,y that. Our negotiations. Our err0 relationship0 whate6er that is.
3es still so $rypti$% 8 ser*e up the brea#fast o!to the heated plates a!d lay the o! the pla$eats% 8
hu!t i! the refrigerator a!d fi!d soe aple syrup%
8 gla!$e up at Christia!, a!d hes "aiti!g for e to sit do"!%
G=iss Steele%H 3e otio!s to o!e of the bar stools%
G=r% >rey%H 8 !od i! a$#!o"ledgee!t% 8 $lib up a!d "i!$e slightly as 8 sit do"!%
GJust ho" sore are youIH he as#s as he sits do"!% 3is gray eyes dar#%
8 flush% #hy does he as( such personal 3uestions.
GWell, to be truthful, 8 ha*e !othi!g to $opare this to,H 8 s!ap at hi% G<id you "ish to offer
your $oiseratio!sIH 8 as# too s"eetly% 8 thi!# hes tryi!g to stifle a sile, but 8 $a!t be sure%
G+o% 8 "o!dered if "e should $o!ti!ue your basi$ trai!i!g%H
G/h%H 8 stare at hi dubfou!ded as 8 stop breathi!g a!d e*erythi!g i!side e $le!$hes tight%
Ooh0 that*s so nice. 8 suppress y groa!%
GEat, &!astasia%H =y appetite has be$oe u!$ertai! agai!L oreL ore se1L yes please%
GThis is deli$ious, i!$ide!tally%H 3e gri!s at e%
8 try a for#ful of oelet but $a! barely taste it% 0asi$ trai!i!gK I want to fuc( your mouth.
<oes that for part of basi$ trai!i!gI
GStop biti!g your lip% 8ts *ery distra$ti!g, a!d 8 happe! to #!o" youre !ot "eari!g a!ythi!g
u!der y shirt "hi$h a#es it e*e! ore distra$ti!g,H he gro"ls%
8 du!# y teabag i! the sall pot that Christia! has pro*ided% =y i!d is i! a "hirl%
GWhat sort of basi$ trai!i!g did you ha*e i! i!dIH 8 as#, y *oi$e slightly too high,
betrayi!g y "ish to sou!d as !atural, disi!terested, a!d $al as 8 $a! "ith y horo!es "rea#i!g
ha*o$ through y body%
GWell, as youre sore, 8 thought "e $ould sti$# to oral s#ills%H
8 $ho#e o! y tea, a!d 8 stare at hi, eyes "ide a!d gapi!g% 3e pats e ge!tly o! the ba$#
a!d passes e soe ora!ge @ui$e% 8 $a!!ot tell "hat hes thi!#i!g%
GThats if you "a!t to stay,H he adds% 8 gla!$e up at hi, tryi!g to re$o*er y eBuilibriu% 3is
e1pressio! is u!readable% 8ts so frustrati!g%
G8d li#e to stay for today% 8f thats o#ay% 8 ha*e to "or# toorro"%H
GWhat tie do you ha*e to be at "or# toorro"IH
G8ll get you to "or# by !i!e toorro"%H
8 fro"!% 4oes he want me to stay another night.
G8ll !eed to go hoe to!ight C 8 !eed $lea! $lothes%H
GWe $a! get you soe here%H
8 do!t ha*e spare $ash to spe!d o! $lothes% 3is ha!d $oes up, a!d he grasps y $hi!,
tuggi!g it so y lip is released fro the grip of y teeth% 8 !ot e*e! a"are 8*e bee! biti!g y
GWhat is itIH he as#s%
G8 !eed to be hoe this e*e!i!g%H
3is outh is a hard li!e%
G/#ay, this e*e!i!g,H he a$Buies$es% G+o" eat your brea#fast%H
=y thoughts a!d y stoa$h are i! turoil% =y appetite has *a!ished% 8 stare at y half9
eate! brea#fast% 8 @ust !ot hu!gry%
GEat, &!astasia% Jou did!t eat last !ight%H
G8 really !ot hu!gry,H 8 "hisper%
3is eyes !arro"%
G8 "ould really li#e you to fi!ish your brea#fast%H
GWhat is it "ith you a!d foodIH 8 blurt% 3is bro" #!its%
G8 told you, 8 ha*e issues "ith "asted food% Eat,H he s!aps% 3is eyes are dar#, pai!ed%
7oly Crap. #hat is that all a,out. 8 pi$# up y for# a!d eat slo"ly, tryi!g to $he"%
8 ust reeber !ot to put so u$h o! y plate if hes goi!g to be "eird about food% 3is
e1pressio! softe!s as 8 $arefully a#e y "ay through y brea#fast% 8 !ote that he $lea!s his plate%
3e "aits for e to fi!ish, a!d the! he $lears y plate%
GJou $oo#ed, 8ll $lear%H
GThats *ery deo$rati$%H
GJes%H 3e fro"!s% G+ot y usual style% &fter 8*e do!e this, "ell ta#e a bath%H
G/h, o#ay%H Oh my0 I*d much rather ha6e a shower. =y $ell ri!gs, i!terrupti!g y re*erie%
8ts Eate%
G3i%H 8 "a!der o*er to the glass doors of the bal$o!y, a"ay fro hi%
G&!a, "hy did!t you te1t last !ightIH Shes a!gry%
G8 sorry, 8 "as o*erta#e! by e*e!ts%H
GJoure o#ayIH
GJes, 8 fi!e%H
G<id youIH Shes fishi!g for i!foratio!% 8 roll y eyes at the e1pe$tatio! i! her *oi$e%
GEate, 8 do!t "a!t to tal# o*er the pho!e%H Christia! gla!$es up at e%
GJou didL 8 $a! tell%H
3o" $a! she tellI Shes bluffi!g, a!d 8 $a!t tal# about this% 8*e sig!ed a da!ed agreee!t%
GEate, please%H
GWhat "as it li#eI &re you o#ayIH
G8*e told you 8 o#ay%H
GWas he ge!tleIH
GEate, pleaseKH 8 $a!t hide y e1asperatio!%
G&!a, do!t hold out o! e, 8*e bee! "aiti!g for this day for !early four years%H
G8ll see you this e*e!i!g%H 8 ha!g up%
That is goi!g to be o!e diffi$ult sBuare to $ir$le% Shes so te!a$ious, a!d she "a!ts to #!o" C
i! detail, a!d 8 $a!t tell her be$ause 8*e sig!ed a C "hat "as it $alledI +<&%
Shell frea# a!d rightly so% 8 !eed a pla!% 8 head ba$# to "at$h Christia! o*e gra$efully
arou!d his #it$he!%
GThe +<&, does it $o*er e*erythi!gIH 8 as# te!tati*ely%
GWhyIH he tur!s a!d gaFes at e "hile putti!g the T"i!i!gs a"ay% 8 flush%
GWell, 8 ha*e a fe" Buestio!s, you #!o", about se1%H 8 stare do"! at y fi!gers% G&!d 8d li#e
to as# Eate%H
GJou $a! as# e%H
GChristia!, "ith all due respe$t%H =y *oi$e fades% I can*t as( you. 8ll get your biased, #i!#y9
as9hell, distorted "orld9*ie" regardi!g se1% 8 "a!t a! ipartial opi!io!% G8ts @ust about e$ha!i$s%
8 "o!t e!tio! the Ded Doo of .ai!%H
3e raises his eyebro"s%
GDed Doo of .ai!I 8ts ostly about pleasure, &!astasia% 0elie*e e,H he says%
G0esides,H his to!e is harsher% GJour roo9ate is a#i!g the beast "ith t"o ba$#s "ith y
brother% 8d really rather you did!t%H
G<oes your faily #!o" about yourL u predile$tio!IH
G+o% 8ts !o!e of their busi!ess%H 3e sau!ters to"ard e u!til hes sta!di!g i! fro!t of e%
GWhat do you "a!t to #!o"IH he as#s, a!d raisi!g his ha!d ru!s his fi!gers ge!tly do"! y
$hee# to y $hi!, tilti!g y head ba$# so he $a! loo# dire$tly i!to y eyes% 8 sBuir i!"ardly% 8
$a!!ot lie to this a!%
G+othi!g spe$ifi$ at the oe!t,H 8 "hisper%
GWell, "e $a! start "ith C ho" "as last !ight for youIH 3is eyes bur!, filled "ith $uriosity%
7e*s an<ious to (now. #ow.
G>ood,H 8 urur%
3is lips lift slightly%
G=e too,H he ururs% G8*e !e*er had *a!illa se1 before% Theres a lot to be said for it% 0ut
the!, aybe its be$ause its "ith you%H 3e ru!s his thub a$ross y lo"er lip%
8 i!hale sharply% Danilla se<.
GCoe, lets ha*e a bath%H 3e lea!s do"! a!d #isses e% =y heart leaps a!d desire pools "ay
do"! lo"L "ay do"! there.
The bath is a "hite sto!e, deep, egg9shaped affair, *ery desig!er% Christia! lea!s o*er a!d fills
it fro the fau$et o! the tiled "all% 3e pours soe e1pe!si*e loo#i!g bath oil i!to the "ater% 8t
foas as the bath fills a!d sells of s"eet sultry Jasi!e% 3e sta!ds a!d gaFes at e, his eyes dar#,
the! peels his t9shirt off a!d $asts it o! the floor%
G=iss Steele%H 3e holds his ha!d out%
8 sta!di!g i! the door"ay, "ide9eyed a!d "ary, y ars "rapped arou!d yself% 8 step
for"ard "hile surreptitiously adiri!g his physiBue% 3e is @ust yuy% =y sub$o!s$ious s"oo!s
a!d passes out soe"here i! the ba$# of y head% 8 ta#e his ha!d, a!d he bids e to step i!to the
bath "hile 8 a still "eari!g his shirt% 8 do as 8 told% 8ll ha*e to get used to it if 8 goi!g to ta#e
hi up o! his outrageous offerL if& The "ater is e!ti$i!gly hot%
GTur! arou!d, fa$e e,H he orders, his *oi$e soft% 8 do as 8 bid% 3es "at$hi!g e i!te!tly%
G8 #!o" that lip is deli$ious, 8 $a! attest to that, but "ill you stop biti!g itIH he says through
$le!$hed teeth% GJou $he"i!g it a#es e "a!t to fu$# you, a!d youre sore, o#ayIH
8 gasp, autoati$ally u!lo$#i!g y lip, sho$#ed%
GJeah,H he $halle!ges% G>ot the pi$ture%H 3e glares at e% 8 !od fra!ti$ally . I had no idea I
could affect him so.
G>ood%H 3e rea$hes for"ard a!d ta#es y i.od out of the breast po$#et, a!d he puts it by the
GWater a!d i.ods C !ot a $le*er $obi!atio!,H he utters% 3e rea$hes do"!, grasps the he
of y "hite shirt, lifts it abo*e y head, a!d dis$ards it o! the floor%
3e sta!ds ba$# to gaFe at e% I*m na(ed for hea6en*s sa(e. 8 flush $riso! a!d stare do"! at
y ha!ds, le*el "ith the base of y belly, a!d 8 desperately "a!t to disappear i!to the hot "ater
a!d foa, but 8 #!o" he "o!t "a!t that%
G3ey,H he suo!s e% 8 pee# up at hi, a!d his head is $o$#ed to o!e side% G&!astasia,
youre a *ery beautiful "oa!, the "hole pa$#age% <o!t ha!g your head li#e youre ashaed% Jou
ha*e !othi!g to be ashaed of, a!d its a real @oy to sta!d here a!d gaFe at you%H 3e ta#es y $hi!
i! his ha!d a!d tilts y head up to rea$h his eyes% They are soft a!d "ar, heated e*e!% Oh my.
3es so $lose% 8 $ould @ust rea$h up a!d tou$h hi%
GJou $a! sit do"! !o"%H 3e halts y s$attered thoughts, a!d 8 s$oot do"! i!to the "ar,
"el$oi!g "ater% /ohL it sti!gs% Whi$h ta#es e by surprise, but it sells hea*e!ly too, a!d the
i!itial sarti!g pai! soo! ebbs a"ay% 8 lie ba$# a!d briefly $lose y eyes, rela1i!g i! the soothi!g
"arth% Whe! 8 ope! the, he is gaFi!g do"! at e%
GWhy do!t you @oi! eIH 8 as#, bra*ely 8 thi!# C y *oi$e hus#y%
G8 thi!# 8 "ill% =o*e for"ard,H he orders%
3e strips out of his .J pa!ts a!d $libs i! behi!d e% The "ater rises as he sits a!d pulls e
agai!st his $hest% 3e pla$es his lo!g legs o*er i!e, his #!ees be!t a!d his a!#les le*el "ith i!e,
a!d he pulls his feet apart, ope!i!g y legs% 8 gasp i! surprise% 3is !ose is i! y hair a!d he i!hales
GJou sell so good, &!astasia%H
& treor ru!s through y "hole body% I am na(ed in a ,ath with Christian $rey.
7e*s na(ed. 8f soeo!e had told e 8d be doi!g this "he! 8 "o#e up i! his hotel suite
yesterday, 8 "ould !ot ha*e belie*ed the%
3e rea$hes for a bottle of body "ash fro the built9i! shelf beside the bath a!d sBuirts soe
i!to his ha!d% 3e rubs his ha!ds together, $reati!g a soft, foai!g lather, a!d he $loses his ha!ds
arou!d y !e$# a!d starts to rub the soap i!to y !e$# a!d shoulders, assagi!g firly "ith his
lo!g, stro!g fi!gers% 8 groa!% 3is ha!ds o! e feel good%
GJou li#e thatIH 8 hear his sile%
3e o*es do"! y ars, the! u!der the to y u!derars "ashi!g ge!tly% 8 so glad Eate
i!sisted 8 sha*e% 3is ha!ds glide a$ross to y breasts, a!d 8 i!hale sharply as his fi!gers e!$ir$le
the a!d start #!eadi!g ge!tly, ta#i!g !o priso!ers% =y body bo"s i!sti!$ti*ely, pushi!g y
breasts i!to his ha!ds% =y !ipples are te!der% Aery te!der, !o doubt fro his less9tha!9deli$ate
treate!t of the last !ight% 3e does!t li!ger lo!g a!d glides his ha!ds do"! to y stoa$h a!d
belly% =y breathi!g i!$reases, a!d y heart is ra$i!g% 3is gro"i!g ere$tio! presses agai!st y
behi!d% 8ts su$h a tur!9o! #!o"i!g that its y body a#i!g hi feel this "ay% 7a0 not your
mind. =y sub$o!s$ious s!eers% 8 sha#e off the u!"el$oe thought%
3e stops a!d rea$hes for a "ash$loth as 8 pa!t agai!st hi, "a!ti!gL !eedi!g% =y ha!ds rest
o! his fir, us$ular thighs% SBuirti!g ore soap o! to the "ash$loth, he lea!s do"! a!d "ashes
bet"ee! y legs% 8 hold y breath% 3is fi!gers s#illfully stiulati!g e through the $loth, its
hea*e!ly, a!d y hips start o*i!g at their o"! rhyth, pushi!g agai!st his ha!d% &s the se!satio!s
ta#e o*er, 8 tilt y head ba$#, y eyes rolli!g to the ba$# of y head, y outh sla$#, a!d 8 groa!%
The pressure is buildi!g slo"ly, i!e1orably i!side e L oh my.
GFeel it, baby,H Christia! "hispers i! y ear a!d *ery ge!tly graFes y earlobe "ith his teeth%
GFeel it for e%H =y legs are pi!io!ed by his to the side of the bath, holdi!g e priso!er, gi*i!g
hi easy a$$ess to this ost pri*ate part of yself%
G/hL please,H 8 "hisper% 8 try to stiffe! y legs as y body goes rigid% 8 a i! a se1ual thrall
to this a!, a!d he does!t let e o*e%
G8 thi!# youre $lea! e!ough !o",H he ururs, a!d he stops% #hat& "o& "o& "o&
=y breathi!g is ragged%
GWhy are you stoppi!gIH 8 gasp%
G0e$ause 8 ha*e other pla!s for you &!astasia%H
WhatL oh yL butL 8 "asL thats !ot fair%
GTur! arou!d% 8 !eed "ashi!g, too,H he ururs%
/hK Tur!i!g to fa$e hi, 8 sho$#ed to fi!d he has his ere$tio! firly i! his grasp%
=y outh drops ope!%
G8 "a!t you to be$oe "ell a$Buai!ted, o! first !ae ters if you "ill, "ith y fa*orite a!d
ost $herished part of y body% 8 *ery atta$hed to this%H
It*s so ,ig and growing. 3is ere$tio! is abo*e the "ater li!e, the "ater lappi!g at his hips% 8
gla!$e up at hi a!d $oe fa$e to fa$e "ith his "i$#ed gri!% 3es e!@oyi!g y astou!ded
e1pressio!% 8 realiFe that 8 stari!g% 8 s"allo"% 1hat was inside me& 8t does!t see possible% 3e
"a!ts e to tou$h hi% 7mm L o#ay, bri!g it o!%
8 sile at hi a!d rea$h for the body "ash, sBuirti!g soe soap o!to y ha!d% 8 do as hes
do!e, latheri!g the soap i! y ha!ds u!til they are foay% 8 do !ot ta#e y eyes off his% =y lips are
parted to a$$oodate y breathi!gL *ery deliberately 8 ge!tly bite y botto lip a!d the! ru!
y to!gue a$ross it, tra$i!g "here y teeth ha*e bee!% 3is eyes are serious a!d dar#, a!d they
"ide! as y to!gue s#is y lo"er lip% 8 rea$h for"ard a!d pla$e o!e of y ha!ds arou!d hi,
irrori!g ho" hes holdi!g hiself% 3is eyes $lose briefly% Wo"L feels u$h firer tha! 8 e1pe$t%
8 sBueeFe, a!d he pla$es his ha!d o*er i!e%GLi#e this,H he "hispers, a!d he o*es his ha!d up a!d
do"! "ith a fir grip rou!d y fi!gers, a!d y fi!gers tighte! arou!d hi% 3e $loses his eyes
agai!, a!d his breath hit$hes i! his throat% Whe! he ope!s the agai!, his gaFe is s$or$hi!g olte!
gray% GThats right, baby%H
3e releases y ha!d, lea*i!g e to $o!ti!ue alo!e, a!d $loses his eyes as 8 o*e up a!d
do"! his le!gth% 3e fle1es his hips slightly i!to y ha!d a!d refle1i*ely 8 grasp hi tighter% & lo"
groa! es$apes fro deep "ithi! his throat% 'uc( my mouth0 hmm. 8 reeber hi pushi!g his
thub i! y outh a!d as#i!g e to su$#, hard% 3is outh drops ope! slightly as his breathi!g
i!$reases% 8 lea! for"ard, "hile he has his eyes $losed, a!d pla$e y lips arou!d hi a!d te!tati*ely
su$#, ru!!i!g y to!gue o*er the tip%
GWhoaL &!a%H 3is eyes fly ope!, a!d 8 su$# harder%
3L hes soft a!d hard at o!$e, li#e steel e!$ased i! *el*et, a!d surprisi!gly tasty
C salty a!d sooth%
GChrist,H he groa!s, a!d he $loses his eyes agai!%
=o*i!g do"!, 8 push hi i!to y outh% 3e groa!s agai!% 7a& =y i!!er goddess is
thrilled% 8 $a! do this% I can fu$# him "ith y outh% 8 t"irl y to!gue arou!d the tip agai!, a!d
he fle1es his hips% 3is eyes are ope! !o", blisteri!g "ith heat% 3is teeth are $le!$hed as he fle1es
agai!, a!d 8 push hi deeper i!to y outh, supporti!g yself o! his thighs% 8 feel his legs te!se
be!eath y ha!ds% 3e rea$hes up a!d grabs y pigtails a!d starts to really o*e%
G/hL babyL that feels good,H he ururs% 8 su$# harder, fli$#i!g y to!gue a$ross the
head of his ipressi*e ere$tio!% Wrappi!g y teeth behi!d y lips, 8 $lap y outh arou!d hi%
3is breath hisses bet"ee! his teeth, a!d he groa!s%
GJesus% 3o" far $a! you goIH he "hispers%
7mm0 8 pull hi deeper i!to y outh so 8 $a! feel hi at the ba$# of y throat a!d the!
to the fro!t agai!% =y to!gue s"irls arou!d the e!d% 3es y *ery o"! Christia! >rey fla*or
popsi$le% 8 su$# harder a!d harder, pushi!g hi deeper a!d deeper, s"irli!g y to!gue rou!d a!d
rou!d% 7mm0 8 had !o idea gi*i!g pleasure $ould be su$h a tur!9o!, "at$hi!g hi "rithe subtly
"ith $ar!al lo!gi!g% =y i!!er goddess is doi!g the ere!gue "ith soe salsa o*es%
G&!astasia, 8 goi!g to $oe i! your outh,H his breathy to!e is "ar!i!g% G8f you do!t
"a!t e to, stop !o"%H 3e fle1es his hips agai!, his eyes are "ide, "ary, a!d filled "ith sala$ious
!eed C !eed for e% +eed for y outh%%% oh my.
3oly $rap% 3is ha!ds are really grippi!g y hair% 8 $a! do this% 8 push e*e! harder a!d, i! a
oe!t of e1traordi!ary $o!fide!$e, 8 bare y teeth% 8t tips hi o*er the edge%
3e $ries out a!d stills, a!d 8 $a! feel "ar, salty liBuid ooFi!g do"! y throat% 8 s"allo"
Bui$#ly% 5ghL 8 !ot sure about this% 0ut o!e loo# at hi, a!d hes $oe apart i! the bath
be$ause of e, a!d 8 do!t $are% 8 sit ba$# a!d "at$h hi, a triupha!t, gloati!g sile tuggi!g at
the $or!ers of y lips% 3is breathi!g is ragged% /pe!i!g his eyes, he glares at e% G<o!t you ha*e
a gag refle1IH he as#s, asto!ished% GChrist, &!aL that "asL good, really good, u!e1pe$ted
though%H 3e fro"!s% GJou #!o", you !e*er $ease to aaFe e%H
8 sile a!d $o!s$iously bite y lip% 3e eyes e spe$ulati*ely%
G3a*e you do!e that beforeIH
G+o%H &!d 8 $a!t help the sall ti!ge of pride i! y de!ial%
G>ood,H he says $opla$e!tly a!d, 8 thi!#, relie*ed% GJet a!other first, =iss Steele%H
3e loo#s appraisi!gly at e% GWell, you get a! & i! oral s#ills% Coe, lets go to bed, 8 o"e
you a! orgas%H
Orgasm& Another one&
Qui$#ly, he $labers out of the bath, gi*i!g e y first full glipse of the &do!is, di*i!ely
fored, that is Christia! >rey% =y i!!er goddess has stopped da!$i!g a!d is stari!g too, outh
ope! a!d drooli!g slightly% 3is ere$tio! taed, but still substa!tialL "o"% 3e "raps a sall to"el
arou!d his "aist, $o*eri!g the esse!tials, a!d holds out a larger fluffy "hite to"el for e% Clibi!g
out of the bath, 8 ta#e his proffered ha!d% 3e "raps e i! the to"el, pulls e i!to his ars, a!d
#isses e hard, pushi!g his to!gue i!to y outh%
8 lo!g to rea$h rou!d a!d ebra$e hiL tou$h hiL but he has y ars trapped i! the
to"el% 8 soo! lost i! his #iss% 3e $radles y head, his to!gue e1plori!g y outh, a!d 8 get a
se!se hes e1pressi!g his gratitude C aybe C for y first blo"@obI #hoa.
3e pulls a"ay, his ha!ds o! either side of y fa$e, stari!g i!te!tly i!to y eyes% 3e loo#s
GSay yes,H he "hispers fer*e!tly%
8 fro"!, !ot u!dersta!di!g%
GTo "hatIH
GJes to our arra!gee!t% To bei!g i!e% .lease, &!a,H he "hispers, ephasiFi!g the last
"ord a!d y !ae, pleadi!g% 3e #isses e agai!, s"eetly, passio!ately, before he sta!ds ba$# a!d
stares at e, bli!#i!g slightly% 3e ta#es y ha!d a!d leads e ba$# to his bedroo, lea*i!g e
reeli!g, so 8 follo" hi ee#ly% Stu!!ed% 7e really wants this.
8! his bedroo, he stares do"! at e as "e sta!d by his bed%
GTrust eIH he as#s sudde!ly% 8 !od, "ide9eyed "ith the sudde! realiFatio! that 8 do trust
hi% #hat*s he going to do to me now. &! ele$tri$ thrill hus through e%
G>ood girl,H he breathes, his thub brushi!g y botto lip% 3e steps a"ay i!to his $loset a!d
$oes ba$# "ith a sil*er9grey sil# "o*e! tie%
GE!it your ha!ds together i! fro!t of you,H he orders as he peels the to"el off e a!d thro"s
it o! the floor%
8 do as he as#s, a!d he bi!ds y "rists together "ith his tie, #!otti!g it firly% 3is eyes are
bright "ith "ild e1$itee!t% 3e tugs at the bi!di!g% 8ts se$ure% %ome ,oy scout he must ha6e ,een
to learn these (nots. What !o"I =y pulse has go!e through the roof, y heart beati!g a fra!ti$
tattoo% 3e ru!s his fi!gers do"! y pigtails%
GJou loo# so you!g "ith these,H he ururs a!d o*es for"ard% 8!sti!$ti*ely, 8 o*e ba$#
u!til 8 feel the bed agai!st the ba$# of y #!ees% 3e drops his to"el, but 8 $a!t ta#e y eyes off his
fa$e% 3is e1pressio! is arde!t, full of desire%
G/h, &!astasia, "hat shall 8 do to youIH he "hispers as he lo"ers e o! to the bed, lyi!g
beside e, a!d raisi!g y ha!ds abo*e y head%
GEeep your ha!ds up here, do!t o*e the, u!dersta!dIH 3is eyes bur! i!to i!e, a!d 8
breathless fro their i!te!sity% This is !ot a a! 8 "a!t to $rossL e*er%
G&!s"er e,H he dea!ds, his *oi$e soft%
G8 "o!t o*e y ha!ds%H 8 breathless%
G>ood girl,H he ururs a!d deliberately li$#s his lips slo"ly% 8 eseriFed by his to!gue
as it s"eeps slo"ly o*er his upper lip% 3es stari!g i!to y eyes, "at$hi!g e, appraisi!g% 3e lea!s
do"! a!d pla!ts a $haste, s"ift #iss o! y lips%
G8 goi!g to #iss you all o*er, =iss Steele,H he says softly, a!d he $ups y $hi!, pushi!g it
up gi*i!g hi a$$ess to y throat% 3is lips glide do"! y throat, #issi!g, su$#i!g, a!d !ippi!g, to
the sall dip at the base of y !e$#% =y body leaps to atte!tio!L e*ery"here% =y re$e!t bath
e1perie!$e has ade y s#i! hyper9se!siti*e% =y heated blood pools lo" i! y belly, bet"ee! y
legs, right do"! there. 8 groa!%
8 "a!t to tou$h hi% 8 o*e y ha!ds a!d rather a"#"ardly, gi*e! 8 restrai!ed, feel his
hair% 3e stops #issi!g e a!d glares up at e, sha#i!g his head fro side to side, tutti!g as he does%
3e rea$hes for y ha!ds a!d pla$es the abo*e y head agai!%
G<o!t o*e your ha!ds, or "e @ust ha*e to start all o*er agai!,H he s$olds e ildly%
/h, hes su$h a tease%
G8 "a!t to tou$h you%H =y *oi$e is all breathy a!d out of $o!trol%
G8 #!o",H he ururs% GEeep your ha!ds abo*e your head,H he orders, his *oi$e for$eful%
3e $ups y $hi! agai! a!d starts to #iss y throat as before% /hL hes so frustrati!g%
3is ha!ds ru! do"! y body a!d o*er y breasts as he rea$hes the dip at the base of y
!e$# "ith his lips% 3e s"irls the tip of his !ose arou!d it the! begi!s a *ery leisurely $ruise "ith his
outh, headi!g south, follo"i!g the path of his ha!ds, do"! y ster!u to y breasts% Ea$h o!e is
#issed a!d !ipped ge!tly a!d y !ipples te!derly su$#ed% 7oly crap.
=y hips start s"ayi!g a!d o*i!g of their o"! a$$ord, gri!di!g to the rhyth of his outh
o! e, a!d 8 desperately tryi!g to reeber to #eep y ha!ds abo*e y head%
GEeep still,H he "ar!s, his breath "ar agai!st y s#i!% Dea$hi!g y !a*el, he dips his
to!gue i!side, a!d the! ge!tly graFes y belly "ith his teeth% =y body bo"s off the bed%G3%
Jou are so s"eet, =iss Steele%H 3is !ose glides alo!g the li!e bet"ee! y belly a!d y pubi$ hair,
biti!g e ge!tly, teasi!g e "ith his to!gue% Sitti!g up sudde!ly, he #!eels at y feet, graspi!g
both y a!#les a!d spreadi!g y legs "ide%
7oly shit. 3e grabs y left foot, be!ds y #!ee, a!d bri!gs y foot up to his outh%
Wat$hi!g a!d assessi!g y e*ery rea$tio!, he te!derly #isses ea$h of y toes the! bites ea$h
o!e of the softly o! the pads% Whe! he rea$hes y little toe, he bites harder, a!d 8 $o!*ulse,
"hiperi!g% 3e glides his to!gue up y i!step C a!d 8 $a! !o lo!ger "at$h hi%
8ts too eroti$% 8 goi!g to $obust% 8 sBueeFe y eyes shut a!d try to absorb a!d a!age all
the se!satio!s hes $reati!g% 3e #isses y a!#le a!d trails #isses up y $alf to y #!ee, stoppi!g
@ust abo*e% 3e the! starts o! y right foot, repeati!g the "hole, sedu$ti*e, i!d9blo"i!g pro$ess%
G/h, please,H 8 oa! as he bites y little toe, the a$tio! reso!ati!g deep i! y belly%
G&ll good thi!gs, =iss Steele,H he breathes%
This tie he does!t stop at y #!ee, he $o!ti!ues up the i!side of y thigh, pushi!g y
thighs apart as he does% &!d 8 #!o" "hat hes goi!g to do, a!d part of e "a!ts to push hi off
be$ause 8 ortified a!d ebarrassed% 3es goi!g to #iss e there& 8 #!o" it% &!d part of e is
gloryi!g i! the a!ti$ipatio!% 3e tur!s to y other #!ee a!d #isses his "ay up y thigh, #issi!g,
li$#i!g, su$#i!g, a!d the! hes bet"ee! y legs, ru!!i!g his !ose up a!d do"! y se1, *ery softly,
*ery ge!tly% 8 "ritheL oh my.
3e stops, "aiti!g for e to $al% 8 do a!d raise y head to gaFe at hi, y outh ope! as
y pou!di!g heart struggles to $oe out%
G<o you #!o" ho" i!to1i$ati!g you sell, =iss SteeleIH he ururs, a!d #eepi!g his eyes
o! i!e, he pushes his !ose i!to y pubi$ hair a!d i!hales%
8 flush s$arlet, e*ery"here, feeli!g fai!t, a!d 8 i!sta!tly $lose y eyes% 8 $a!t "at$h hi do
3e blo"s ge!tly up the le!gth of y se1% Oh fuc(0
G8 li#e this%H 3e ge!tly tugs at y pubi$ hair% G.erhaps "ell #eep this%H
G/hL please,H 8 beg%
G3, 8 li#e it "he! you beg e, &!astasia%H
8 groa!%
GTit for tat is !ot y usual style, =iss Steele,H he "hispers as he ge!tly blo"s up a!d do"!
e% G0ut you*e pleased e today, a!d you should be re"arded%H 8 hear the "i$#ed gri! i! his
*oi$e, a!d "hile y body is si!gi!g fro his "ords, his to!gue starts to slo"ly $ir$le y $litoris as
his ha!ds hold do"! y thighs%
G&arghKH 8 oa! as y body bo"s a!d $o!*ulses at the tou$h of his to!gue%
3e s"irls his to!gue rou!d a!d rou!d, agai! a!d agai!, #eepi!g up the torture% 8 losi!g all
se!se of self, e*ery ato of y bei!g $o!$e!trati!g hard o! that sall, pote!t po"erhouse at the
ape1 of y thighs% =y legs go rigid, a!d he slips his fi!ger i!side e, a!d 8 hear his gro"li!g
G/h, baby% 8 lo*e that youre so "et for e%H
3e o*es his fi!ger i! a "ide $ir$le, stret$hi!g e, pulli!g at e, his to!gue irrori!g his
a$tio!s, rou!d a!d rou!d, 8 groa!% 8t is too u$hL =y body begs for relief, a!d 8 $a! !o lo!ger
de!y it% 8 let go, losi!g all $oge!t thought as y orgas seiFes e, "ri!gi!g y i!sides agai! a!d
agai!% 7oly fuc(. 8 $ry out, a!d the "orld dips a!d disappears fro *ie" as the for$e of y $lia1
re!ders e*erythi!g !ull a!d *oid%
8 a pa!ti!g a!d *aguely hear the rip of foil% Aery slo"ly he eases i!to e a!d starts to o*e%
/hL y% The feeli!g is sore a!d s"eet, a!d bold a!d ge!tle all at o!$e%
G3o"s thisIH he breathes%
GFi!e% >ood,H 8 breathe% &!d he really starts to o*e, fast, hard, a!d large, thrusti!g i!to e
o*er a!d o*er, ipla$able, pushi!g e a!d pushi!g e u!til 8 a $lose to the edge agai!% 8
GCoe for e, baby%H 3is *oi$e is harsh, hard, ra" at y ear, a!d 8 e1plode arou!d hi as he
pou!ds rapidly i!to e%
GTha!# fu$#,H he "hispers, a!d he thrusts hard o!$e ore a!d groa!s as he rea$hes his
$lia1, pressi!g hiself i!to e% The! he stills, his body rigid%
Collapsi!g o! top of e, 8 feel his full "eight for$i!g e i!to the attress% 8 pull y tied
ha!ds o*er his !e$# a!d hold hi the best 8 $a!% 8 #!o" i! that oe!t that 8 "ould do a!ythi!g for
this a!% 8 a his% The "o!der that hes i!trodu$ed e to, its beyo!d a!ythi!g 8 $ould ha*e
iagi!ed% &!d he "a!ts to ta#e it further, so u$h further, to a pla$e 8 $a!t, i! y i!!o$e!$e, e*e!
iagi!e% Oh0 what to do.
3e lea!s up o! his elbo"s a!d stares do"! at e, gray eyes i!te!se%
GSee ho" good "e are together,H he ururs% G8f you gi*e yourself to e, it "ill be so u$h
better% Trust e, &!astasia, 8 $a! ta#e you pla$es you do!t e*e! #!o" e1ist%H
3is "ords e$ho y thoughts% 3e stro#es his !ose agai!st i!e% 8 a still reeli!g fro y
e1traordi!ary physi$al rea$tio! to hi, a!d 8 gaFe up at hi bla!#ly, graspi!g for a $ohere!t
Sudde!ly "e both be$oe a"are of *oi$es i! the hall outside his bedroo door% 8t ta#es a
oe!t to pro$ess "hat 8 $a! hear%
B9ut if he*s still in ,ed then he must ,e ill. 7e*s ne6er in ,ed at this time. Christian ne6er
sleeps in.E
BMrs. $rey please.E
B1aylor. )ou cannot (eep me from my son.E
BMrs. $rey he*s not alone.E
B#hat do you mean he*s not alone.E
B7e has someone with him.E
B Oh0 E E*e! 8 hear the disbelief i! her *oi$e%
Christia! bli!#s rapidly, stari!g do"! at e, "ide9eyed "ith huored horror%
GShitK 8ts y other%H
3e pulls out of e sudde!ly% 8 "i!$e% 3e sits up o! the bed a!d thro"s the used $o!do i! a
GCoe o!, "e !eed to get dressed C thats if you "a!t to eet y other%H 3e gri!s, leaps up
off the bed, a!d pulls o! his @ea!s, !o u!der"earK 8 struggle to sit up as 8 still tethered%
GChristia! 9 8 $a!t o*e%H
3is gri! "ide!s, a!d lea!i!g do"!, he u!does the tie% The "o*e! patter! has ade a!
i!de!ted patter! arou!d y "rists% 8tsL se1y% 3e gaFes at e% 3es aused, his eyes da!$i!g "ith
irth% 3e #isses y forehead Bui$#ly a!d beas at e%
G&!other first,H he a$#!o"ledges, but 8 ha*e !o idea "hat hes tal#i!g about%
G8 ha*e !o $lea! $lothes i! here%H 8 a filled "ith sudde! pa!i$, a!d $o!sideri!g "hat 8*e
@ust e1perie!$ed, 8 fi!di!g the pa!i$ o*er"heli!g% 3is otherK 7oly crap. 8 ha*e !o $lea!
$lothes, a!d shes pra$ti$ally "al#ed i! o! us i! flagra!te deli$to% G.erhaps 8 should stay here%H
G/h, !o, you do!t,H Christia! threate!s% GJou $a! "ear soethi!g of i!e%H 3es slipped o!
a "hite t9shirt a!d ru!s his ha!d through his @ust9fu$#ed hair% 8! spite of y a!1iety, 8 lose y trai!
of thought% Will 8 e*er get used to loo#i!g at this beautiful a!I
3is beauty is deraili!g%
G&!astasia, you $ould be "eari!g a sa$# a!d youd loo# lo*ely% .lease do!t "orry%
8d li#e you to eet y other% >et dressed% 8ll @ust go a!d $al her do"!%H 3is outh
presses i!to a hard li!e% G8 "ill e1pe$t you i! that roo i! fi*e i!utes, other"ise 8ll $oe a!d
drag you out of here yself i! "hate*er youre "eari!g% =y t9shirts are i! this dra"er%
=y shirts are i! the $loset% 3elp yourself%H 3e eyes e spe$ulati*ely for a oe!t, the!
lea*es the roo%
7oly shit. Christian*s mother. This is so u$h ore tha! 8 bargai!ed for% .erhaps eeti!g
her "ill help put a little part of the @igsa" i! pla$e% =ight help e u!dersta!d "hy Christia! is the
"ay he isL Sudde!ly, 8 "a!t to eet her% 8 pull y shirt off the floor, a!d 8 pleased to dis$o*er
that it has sur*i*ed the !ight "ell "ith hardly a!y $reases% 8 fi!d y blue bra u!der the bed a!d
dress Bui$#ly% 0ut if theres o!e thi!g 8 hate, its !ot "eari!g $lea! pa!ties% 8 rifle through
Christia!s $hest of dra"ers a!d $oe a$ross his bo1er briefs%
&fter pulli!g o! a pair of tight gray Cal*i! Elei!s, 8 tug o! y @ea!s a!d y Co!*erse%
>rabbi!g y @a$#et, 8 dash i!to the bathroo a!d stare at y too9bright eyes, y flushed fa$e
C a!d y hairK 3oly $rapL @ust9fu$#ed pigtails do !ot suit e either% 8 hu!t i! the *a!ity u!it for a
brush a!d fi!d a $ob% 8t "ill ha*e to do% & po!ytail is the o!ly a!s"er% 8 despair at y $lothes%
=aybe 8 should ta#e Christia! up o! his offer of $lothes%
=y sub$o!s$ious purses her lips a!d ouths the "ord Mho% 8 ig!ore her% Struggli!g i!to y
@a$#et, pleased that the $uffs $o*er the tell9tale patter!s fro his tie, 8 ta#e a last a!1ious gla!$e at
yself i! the irror% This "ill ha*e to do% 8 a#e y "ay i!to the ai! li*i!g roo%
G3ere she is%H Christia! sta!ds fro "here hes lou!gi!g o! the $ou$h%
3is e1pressio! is "ar a!d appre$iati*e% The sa!dy9haired "oa! beside hi tur!s a!d
beas at e, a full ega"att sile% She sta!ds too% Shes ipe$$ably attired i! a $ael9$olored
fi!e #!it s"eater dress "ith at$hi!g shoes% She loo#s grooed, elega!t, beautiful, a!d i!side 8 die
a little, #!o"i!g 8 loo# su$h a ess%
G=other, this is &!astasia Steele% &!astasia, this is >ra$e Tre*elya!9>rey%H
<r% Tre*elya!9>rey holds her ha!d out to e% 10 for 1re6elyan.
GWhat a pleasure to eet you,H she ururs% 8f 8 !ot ista#e!, there is "o!der a!d aybe
stu!!ed relief i! her *oi$e a!d a "ar glo" i! her haFel eyes% 8 grasp her ha!d, a!d 8 $a!t help but
sile, retur!i!g her "arth%
G<r% Tre*elya!9>rey,H 8 urur%
GCall e >ra$e,H she gri!s, a!d Christia! fro"!s% G8 a usually <r% Tre*elya!, a!d =rs% >rey
is y other9i!9la"%H She "i!#s% GSo ho" did you t"o eetIH She loo#s Buestio!i!gly at
Christia!, u!able to hide her $uriosity%
G&!astasia i!ter*ie"ed e for the stude!t paper at WS5 be$ause 8 $o!ferri!g the degrees
there this "ee#%H
4ou,le crap. 8d forgotte! that%
GSo you are graduati!g this "ee#IH >ra$e as#s%
=y $ell pho!e starts ri!gi!g% !ate I ,et.
GE1$use e%H 8ts i! the #it$he!% 8 "a!der o*er a!d lea! a$ross the brea#fast bar, !ot $he$#i!g
the !uber%
G<ios ioK &!aKH 7oly crap it*s =os>?2@@A. 3e sou!ds desperate% GWhere are youI 8*e
bee! tryi!g to $o!ta$t you% 8 !eed to see you, to apologiFe for y beha*ior o! Friday% Why ha*e!t
you retur!ed y $allsIH
GLoo# JosNO222P, !o"s !ot a good tie%H 8 gla!$e a!1iously o*er at Christia! "hos
"at$hi!g e i!te!tly, his fa$e ipassi*e as he ururs soethi!g to his o% 8 tur! y ba$# to
GWhere are youI Eate is bei!g so e*asi*e,H he "hi!es%
G8 i! Seattle%H
GWhat are you doi!g i! SeattleI &re you "ith hiIH
GJosNO222P, 8ll $all you later% 8 $a!t tal# to you !o"%H 8 ha!g up%
8 "al# as !o!$hala!tly ba$# to Christia! a!d his other% >ra$e is i! full flo"%
GL &!d Elliot $alled to say you "ere arou!d C 8 ha*e!t see! you for t"o "ee#s, darli!g%H
G<id he !o"IH Christia! ururs, gaFi!g at e, his e1pressio! u!readable%
G8 thought "e ight ha*e lu!$h together, but 8 $a! see you ha*e other pla!s, a!d 8 do!t "a!t
to i!terrupt your day%H She gathers up her lo!g $rea $oat a!d tur!s to hi, offeri!g hi her $hee#%
3e #isses her briefly, s"eetly% She does!t tou$h hi%
G8 ha*e to dri*e &!astasia ba$# to .ortla!d%H
G/f $ourse, darli!g% &!astasia, its bee! su$h a pleasure% 8 do hope "e eet agai!%H
She holds her ha!d out to e, her eyes glo"i!g, a!d "e sha#e%
Taylor appears froL where.
G=rs% >reyIH he as#s%
GTha!# you, Taylor%H 3e es$orts her fro the roo a!d through the double doors to the foyer%
Taylor "as here the "hole tieI 3o" lo!g has he bee! hereI Where has he bee!I
Christia! glares at e%
GSo the photographer $alledIH
GWhat did he "a!tIH
GJust to apologiFe, you #!o" C for Friday%H
Christia! !arro"s his eyes%
G8 see,H he says siply%
Taylor reappears%
G=r% >rey, theres a! issue "ith the <arfur shipe!t%H
Christia! !ods $urtly at hi%
GCharlie Ta!go ba$# at 0oei!g FieldIH
GJes sir%H
Taylor !ods at e%
G=iss Steele%H
8 sile te!tati*ely ba$# at hi, a!d he tur!s a!d lea*es%
G<oes he li*e hereI TaylorIH
GJes%H 3is to!e is $lipped% #hat is his pro,lem.
Christia! heads o*er to the #it$he! a!d pi$#s up his 0la$#0erry, s$rolli!g through soe
eails, 8 assue% 3is outh presses i! a hard li!e, a!d he a#es a $all%
GDos, "hats the issueIH he s!aps% 3e liste!s, "at$hi!g e, gray eyes spe$ulati*e, as 8 sta!d
i! the iddle of the huge roo "o!deri!g "hat to do "ith yself, feeli!g e1traordi!arily self9
$o!s$ious a!d out of pla$e%
G8 !ot ha*i!g either $re" put at ris#% +o, $a!$elL Well air drop i!steadL >ood%H
3e ha!gs up% The "arth i! his eyes has disappeared% 3e loo#s forbiddi!g, a!d "ith o!e
Bui$# gla!$e at e, he heads i!to his study a!d retur!s a oe!t later%
GThis is the $o!tra$t% Dead it, a!d "ell dis$uss it !e1t "ee#e!d% =ay 8 suggest you do soe
resear$h, so you #!o" "hats i!*ol*ed%H 3e pauses% GThats if you agree, a!d 8 really hope you do%H
3e adds, his to!e softer, a!1ious%
GJoull be aaFed "hat you $a! fi!d o! the 8!ter!et,H he ururs%
8!ter!etK 8 do!t ha*e a$$ess to a $oputer, o!ly Eates laptop, a!d 8 $ould!t use Clayto!s,
!ot for this sort of Mresear$h surelyI
GWhat is itIH he as#s, $o$#i!g his head to o!e side%
G8 do!t ha*e a $oputer% 8ll see if 8 $a! use Eates laptop%H
3e ha!ds e a a!ila e!*elope%
G8 sure 8 $a!L err, le!d you o!e% >rab your thi!gs, "ell dri*e ba$# to .ortla!d a!d grab
soe lu!$h o! the "ay% 8 !eed to dress%H
G8ll @ust a#e a $all,H 8 urur% 8 @ust "a!t to hear Eates *oi$e% 3e fro"!s%
GThe photographerIH 3is @a" $le!$hes, a!d his eyes bur!% 8 bli!# at hi% G8 do!t li#e to
share, =iss Steele% Deeber that%H 3is Buiet, $hilli!g to!e is a "ar!i!g, a!d "ith o!e lo!g, $old
loo# at e, he heads ba$# to the bedroo%
3oly $rap% I +ust wanted to call !ate 8 "a!t to $all after hi, but his sudde! aloof!ess has
left e paralyFed% What happe!ed to the ge!erous, rela1ed, sili!g a! "ho "as a#i!g lo*e to
e !ot half a! hour agoI
GDeadyIH Christia! as#s as "e sta!d by the double doors to the foyer%
8 !od u!$ertai!ly% 3es resued his dista!t, polite, uptight perso!a, his as# ba$# up a!d o!
sho"% 3es $arryi!g a leather esse!ger bag% Why does he !eed thatI .erhaps hes stayi!g i!
.ortla!d, a!d the! 8 reeber graduatio!% /h yesL hell be there o! Thursday%
3es "eari!g a bla$# leather @a$#et% 3e $ertai!ly does!t loo# li#e the ulti9ulti illio!9
aire, billio!aire, "hat9e*er9aire, i! these $lothes% 3e loo#s li#e a boy fro the "ro!g side of the
tra$#s, aybe a badly beha*ed ro$# star or a $at"al# odel% 8 sigh i!"ardly, "ishi!g 8 had a te!th
of his poise% 3es so $al a!d $o!trolled% 8 fro"!, re$alli!g his outburst about JosNO222PL Well,
he sees to be%
Taylor is ho*eri!g i! the ba$#grou!d%
GToorro" the!,H he says to Taylor "ho !ods%
GJes sir% Whi$h $ar are you ta#i!g, sirIH
3e loo#s do"! at e briefly%
GThe D)%H
GSafe trip, =r% >rey% =iss Steele%H Taylor loo#s #i!dly at e, though perhaps theres a hi!t of
pity hidde! i! the depths of his eyes%
+o doubt he thi!#s 8*e su$$ubed to =r% >reys dubious se1ual habits% +ot yet, @ust his
e1$eptio!al se1ual habits, or perhaps se1 is li#e that for e*eryo!e% 8 fro"! at the thought% 8 ha*e !o
$opariso!, a!d 8 $a!t as# Eate% Thats soethi!g 8 a goi!g to ha*e to address "ith Christia!%
8ts perfe$tly !atural that 8 should tal# to soeo!e C a!d 8 $a!t tal# to hi if he is so ope! o!e
i!ute a!d so sta!doffish the !e1t%
Taylor holds the door ope! for us a!d ushers us through% Christia! suo!s the ele*ator%
GWhat is it, &!astasiaIH he as#s% 3o" does he #!o" 8 $he"i!g soethi!g o*er i! y i!dI 3e
rea$hes up a!d pulls y $hi!%
GStop biti!g your lip, or 8 "ill fu$# you i! the ele*ator, a!d 8 do!t $are "ho gets i! "ith us%H
8 blush, but theres a hi!t of a sile arou!d his lips, fi!ally his ood sees to be
shifti!g%GChristia!, 8 ha*e a proble%H
G/hIH 8 ha*e his full atte!tio!%
The ele*ator arri*es% We "al# i!, a!d Christia! presses the butto! ar#ed >%
GWell,H 8 flush% 7ow to say this. G8 !eed to tal# to Eate% 8*e so a!y Buestio!s about se1,
a!d youre too i!*ol*ed% 8f you "a!t e to do all these thi!gs, ho" do 8 #!o"CIH 8 pause,
struggli!g to fi!d the right "ords% G8 @ust do!t ha*e a!y ters of refere!$e%H
3e rolls his eyes at e%
GTal# to her if you ust%H 3e sou!ds e1asperated% G=a#e sure she does!t e!tio! a!ythi!g
to Elliot%H
8 bristle at his i!si!uatio!% !ate isn*t li(e that.
GShe "ould!t do that, a!d 8 "ould!t tell you a!ythi!g she tells e about Elliot C if she "ere
to tell e a!ythi!g,H 8 add Bui$#ly%
GWell, the differe!$e is that 8 do!t "a!t to #!o" about his se1 life,H Christia! ururs dryly%
GElliots a !osy bastard% 0ut o!ly about "hat "e*e do!e so far,H he "ar!s%
GShed probably ha*e y balls if she #!e" "hat 8 "a!ted to do to you,H he adds so softly 8
!ot sure 8 supposed to hear it%
G/#ay,H 8 agree readily, sili!g up at hi, relie*ed% The thought of Eate "ith Christia!s balls
is !ot soethi!g 8 "a!t to d"ell o!%
3is lip Buir#s up at e, a!d he sha#es his head%
GThe soo!er 8 ha*e your subissio! the better, a!d "e $a! stop all this,H he ururs%
GStop all "hatIH
GJou, defyi!g e%H 3e rea$hes do"! a!d $ups y $hi! a!d pla!ts a s"ift, s"eet #iss o! y
lips as the doors to the ele*ator ope!% 3e grabs y ha!d a!d leads e i!to the u!dergrou!d garage%
Me defying him0 how.
0eside the ele*ator, 8 $a! see the bla$# S1S &udi, but its the slee#, bla$# sporty !uber that
blips ope! a!d lights up "he! he poi!ts the #ey fob at it% 8ts o!e of those $ars that should ha*e a
*ery leggy blo!de, "eari!g !othi!g but a sash, spra"led a$ross the hood%
G+i$e $ar,H 8 urur dryly%
3e gla!$es up a!d gri!s%
G8 #!o",H he says, a!d for a split se$o!d, s"eet, you!g, $arefree Christia! is ba$#% 8t "ars
y heart% 3es so e1$ited% 9oys and their toys. 8 roll y eyes at hi but $a!t stifle y sile% 3e
ope!s the door for e a!d 8 $lib i!% WhoaL its lo"% 3e o*es rou!d the $ar "ith easy gra$e a!d
folds his lo!g frae elega!tly i! beside e . 7ow does he do that.
GSo "hat sort of $ar is thisIH
G8ts a! &udi D) Spyder% 8ts a lo*ely day, "e $a! ta#e the top do"!% Theres a baseball $ap i!
there% 8! fa$t there should be t"o%H 3e poi!ts to the glo*e bo1% G&!d su!glasses if you "a!t the%H
3e starts the ig!itio!, a!d the e!gi!e roars behi!d us% 3e pla$es his bag i! the spa$e behi!d
our seats, presses a butto!, a!d the roof slo"ly re$li!es% With the fli$# of a s"it$h, 0ru$e
Spri!gstee! surrou!ds us%
G>otta lo*e 0ru$e,H he gri!s at e a!d eases the $ar out of the par#i!g spa$e, a!d up the steep
rap "here "e pause for the barrier%
The! "ere out i!to the bright Seattle =ay or!i!g% 8 rea$h i!to the glo*e bo1 a!d retrie*e
the baseball $aps% The =ari!ers% 3e li#es baseballI 8 pass hi a $ap, a!d he puts it o!% 8 pass y
po!ytail through the ba$# of i!e a!d pull the pea# do"! lo"%
.eople stare at us as "e dri*e through the streets% For a oe!t, 8 thi!# its at hiL
a!d the! a *ery para!oid part thi!#s e*eryo!e is loo#i!g at e be$ause they #!o" "hat 8*e
bee! doi!g duri!g the last t"el*e hours, but fi!ally, 8 realiFe its the $ar% Christia! sees obli*ious,
lost i! thought%
The traffi$ is light a!d "ere soo! o! the 894 headi!g south, the "i!d s"eepi!g o*er our
heads% 0ru$e is si!gi!g about bei!g o! fire a!d his desire% 3o" apt% 8 flush as 8 liste! to the "ords%
Christia! gla!$es at e% 3es got his Day90a!s o! so 8 $a!t see "hat hes thi!#i!g% 3is outh
t"it$hes slightly, a!d he rea$hes a$ross a!d pla$es his ha!d o! y #!ee, sBueeFi!g ge!tly% =y
breath hit$hes%
G3u!gryIH he as#s%
"ot for food.
G+ot parti$ularly%H
3is outh tighte!s i!to that hard li!e%
GJou ust eat, &!astasia,H he $hides% G8 #!o" a great pla$e !ear /lypia% Well stop there%H
3e sBueeFes y #!ee agai!, a!d the! retur!s his ha!d to the steeri!g "heel as he puts his foot do"!
o! the gas% 8 pressed i!to the ba$# of y seat% 0oy this $ar $a! o*e%
The restaura!t is sall a!d i!tiate, a "oode! $halet i! the iddle of a forest% The
dNO222P$or is rusti$: ra!do $hairs a!d tables "ith gi!gha table$loths, "ild flo"ers i! little
*ases% Cuisine %au6age it boasts abo*e the door%
G8*e !ot bee! here for a "hile% We do!t get a $hoi$e C they $oo# "hate*er they*e $aught or
gathered%H 3e raises his eyebro"s i! o$# horror, a!d 8 ha*e to laugh% The "aitress ta#es our dri!#s
order% She flushes "he! she sees Christia!, a*oidi!g eye $o!ta$t "ith hi, hidi!g u!der her lo!g
blo!de ba!gs% She li#es hiK It*s not +ust me&
GT"o glasses of the .i!ot >rigio,H Christia! says "ith a *oi$e of authority% 8 purse y lips,
GWhatIH he s!aps%
G8 "a!ted a <iet Co#e,H 8 "hisper%
3is gray eyes !arro", a!d he sha#es his head%
GThe .i!ot >rigio heres a de$e!t "i!e, it "ill go "ell "ith the eal, "hate*er "e get%H
3e says patie!tly%
GWhate*er "e getIH
GJes%H 3e siles, his daFFli!g, head $o$#ed to o!e side sile, a!d y stoa$h pole *aults
o*er y splee!% 8 $a!t help but refle$t his glorious sile ba$# at hi%
G=y other li#ed you,H he says dryly%
GDeallyIH 3is "ords a#e e flush "ith pleasure%
G/h yes% Shes al"ays thought 8 "as gay%H
=y outh drops ope!, a!d 8 reeber that 3uestion0 from the inter6iew. Oh no.
GWhy did she thi!# you "ere gayIH 8 "hisper%
G0e$ause shes !e*er see! e "ith a girl%H
G/hL !ot e*e! o!e of the fiftee!IH
3e siles%
GJou reebered% +o, !o!e of the fiftee!%H
GJou #!o", &!astasia, its bee! a "ee#e!d of firsts for e, too,H he says Buietly%
G8t hasIH
G8*e !e*er slept "ith a!yo!e, !e*er had se1 i! y bed, !e*er flo"! a girl i! Charlie Ta!go,
!e*er i!trodu$ed a "oa! to y other% What are you doi!g to eIH 3is eyes bur!, their i!te!sity
ta#es y breath a"ay%
The "aitress arri*es "ith our glasses of "i!e, a!d 8 iediately ta#e a Bui$# sip% 8s he
ope!i!g up or @ust a#i!g a $asual obser*atio!I
G8*e really e!@oyed this "ee#e!d,H 8 urur% 3e !arro"s his eyes at e agai!%
GStop biti!g that lip,H he gro"ls% G=e too,H he adds%
GWhats *a!illa se1IH 8 as#, if a!ythi!g to distra$t yself fro the i!te!se, bur!i!g, se1y loo#
hes gi*i!g e% 3e laughs%
GJust straightfor"ard se1, &!astasia% +o toys, !o added e1tras%H 3e shrugs% GJou #!o"L "ell
a$tually you do!t, but thats "hat it ea!s%H
G/h%H 8 thought it "as $ho$olate fudge bro"!ie se1 that "e had, "ith a $herry o! the top% 0ut
hey, "hat do 8 #!o"I
The "aitress bri!gs us soup% We both stare at it rather dubiously%
G+ettle soup,H the "aitress i!fors us before tur!i!g a!d flou!$i!g ba$# i!to the #it$he!% 8
do!t thi!# she li#es to be ig!ored by Christia!% 8 ta#e a te!tati*e taste% 8ts deli$ious%
Christia! a!d 8 loo# up at ea$h other at the sae tie "ith relief% 8 giggle, a!d he $o$#s his
head to o!e side%
GThats a lo*ely sou!d,H he ururs%
GWhy ha*e you !e*er had *a!illa se1 beforeI 3a*e you al"ays do!eL err, "hat you*e
do!eIH 8 as#, i!trigued%
3e !ods slo"ly%
GSort of%H 3is *oi$e is "ary% 3e fro"!s for a oe!t a!d sees to be e!gaged i! soe #i!d
of i!ter!al struggle% The! he gla!$es up, a de$isio! ade% G/!e of y others frie!ds sedu$ed e
"he! 8 "as fiftee!%H
G/h%H 7oly shit that*s young&
GShe had *ery parti$ular tastes% 8 "as her subissi*e for si1 years%H 3e shrugs%
G/h%H =y brai! has froFe!, stu!!ed i!to i!a$ti*ity by this adissio!%
GSo 8 do #!o" "hat it i!*ol*es, &!astasia%H 3is eyes glo" "ith i!sight%
8 stare at hi, u!able to arti$ulate a!ythi!g C e*e! y sub$o!s$ious is sile!t%
G8 did!t really ha*e a ru!9of9the9ill i!trodu$tio! to se1%H
Curiosity #i$#s i! big tie%
GSo you !e*er dated a!yo!e at $ollegeIH
G+o%H 3e sha#es his head to ephasiFe the poi!t%
The "aitress ta#es our plates, i!terrupti!g us for a oe!t%
GWhyIH 8 as# "he! shes go!e%
3e siles sardo!i$ally%
G<o you really "a!t to #!o"IH
G8 did!t "a!t to% She "as all 8 "a!ted, !eeded% &!d besides, shed ha*e beate! the shit out of
e%H 3e siles fo!dly at the eory%
Oh this is way too much information 2 but 8 "a!t ore%
GSo if she "as a frie!d of your others, ho" old "as sheIH
3e sir#s%
G/ld e!ough to #!o" better%H
G<o you still see herIH
G<o you stillL errL IH 8 flush%
G+o%H 3e sha#es his head a!d siles i!dulge!tly at e% GShes a *ery good frie!d%H
G/h% <oes your other #!o"IH
3e gi*es e a do!t9be9stupid stare%
G/f $ourse !ot%H
The "aitress retur!s "ith *e!iso!, but y appetite has *a!ished% What a re*elatio!%
Christian the su,missi6e0 7oly shit. 8 ta#e a large slug of .i!ot >rigio C hes right, of
$ourse, its deli$ious% JeeF, all these re*elatio!s, its so u$h to thi!# about% 8 !eed tie to pro$ess
this, "he! 8 o! y o"!, !ot "he! 8 distra$ted by his prese!$e% 3es so o*er"heli!g, so
&lpha =ale, a!d !o" hes thro"! this bobshell i!to the eBuatio!% 7e (nows what it*s li(e.
G0ut it $a!t ha*e bee! full tieIH 8 $o!fused%
GWell, it "as, though 8 did!t see her all the tie% 8t "asL diffi$ult% &fter all, 8 "as still at
s$hool a!d the! at $ollege% Eat up, &!astasia%H
G8 really !ot hu!gry, Christia!%H I am reeling from your disclosure.
3is e1pressio! harde!s%
GEat,H he says Buietly, too Buietly%
8 stare at hi% This a! C se1ually abused as a! adoles$e!t C his to!e is so threate!i!g%
G>i*e e a oe!t,H 8 utter Buietly% 3e bli!#s a $ouple of ties%
G/#ay,H he ururs, a!d he $o!ti!ues "ith his eal%
This is "hat it "ill be li#e if 8 sig!, hi orderi!g e arou!d% 8 fro"!% 4o I want this.
Dea$hi!g for y #!ife a!d for#, 8 te!tati*ely $ut i!to the *e!iso!% 8ts *ery tasty%
G8s this "hat our errL relatio!ship "ill be li#eIH 8 "hisper% GJou, orderi!g e arou!dIH 8
$a!t Buite bri!g yself to loo# at hi%
GJes,H he ururs%
G8 see%H
G&!d "hats ore, youll "a!t e to,H he adds, his *oi$e lo"%
I sincerely dou,t that. 8 sli$e a!other pie$e of *e!iso!, holdi!g it agai!st y outh%
G8ts a big step,H 8 urur a!d eat%
G8t is%H 3e $loses his eyes briefly% Whe! he ope!s the, they are "ide a!d gra*e%
G&!astasia, you ha*e to go "ith your gut% <o the resear$h, read the $o!tra$t C 8 happy to
dis$uss a!y aspe$t% 8ll be i! .ortla!d u!til Friday if you "a!t to tal# about it before the!%H 3is
"ords are $oi!g at e i! a rush% GCall e C aybe "e $a! ha*e di!!er C say, Wed!esdayI 8 really
"a!t to a#e this "or#% 8! fa$t, 8*e !e*er "a!ted a!ythi!g as u$h as 8 "a!t this to "or#%H
3is bur!i!g si!$erity, his lo!gi!g, is refle$ted i! his eyes% This is fu!dae!tally "hat 8 do!t
grasp% #hy me. Why !ot o!e of the fiftee!I /h !oL Will that be e C a !uberI
Si1tee! of a!yI
GWhat happe!ed to the fiftee!IH 8 blurt%
3e raises his eyebro"s i! surprise, the! loo#s resig!ed, sha#i!g his head%
GAarious thi!gs, but it boils do"! to,H he pauses, struggli!g to fi!d the "ords 8 thi!#%
G8!$opatibility%H 3e shrugs%
G&!d you thi!# that 8 ight be $opatible "ith youIH
GSo youre !ot seei!g a!y of the a!yoreIH
G+o, &!astasia, 8 !ot% 8 a o!ogaous i! y relatio!ships%H
/hL this is news.
G8 see%H
G<o the resear$h, &!astasia%H
8 put y #!ife a!d for# do"!% 8 $a!!ot eat a!y ore%
GThats itI Thats all youre goi!g to eatIH
8 !od% 3e s$o"ls at e but $hooses !ot to say a!ythi!g% 8 breathe a sall sigh of relief%
=y stoa$h is $hur!i!g "ith all this !e" i!foratio!, a!d 8 feeli!g a little lightheaded
fro the "i!e% 8 "at$h as he de*ours e*erythi!g o! his plate% 3e eats li#e a horse% 3e ust "or#
out to stay i! su$h great shape% The eory of the "ay his .Js hu!g fro his hips $oes u!bidde!
to y i!d% The iage is totally distra$ti!g% 8 sBuir u!$ofortably% 3e gla!$es up at e, a!d 8
G8d gi*e a!ythi!g to #!o" "hat youre thi!#i!g right at this oe!t,H he ururs%
8 blush further%
3e siles a "i$#ed sile at e%
G8 $a! guess,H he teases softly%
G8 glad you $a!t read y i!d%H
GJour i!d, !o, &!astasia, but your body C that 8*e got to #!o" Buite "ell si!$e yesterday%H
3is *oi$e is suggesti*e% 3o" does he s"it$h so Bui$#ly fro o!e ood to the !e1tI 3es so
er$urialL 8ts hard to #eep up%
3e otio!s for the "aitress a!d as#s for the $he$#% /!$e hes paid, he sta!ds a!d holds out
his ha!d%
GCoe%H Ta#i!g y ha!d i! his, he leads e ba$# to the $ar% This $o!ta$t, flesh to flesh, its
"hat is so u!e1pe$ted fro hi, !oral, i!tiate% 8 $a!t re$o!$ile this ordi!ary, te!der gesture
"ith "hat he "a!ts to do i! that rooL The Ded Doo of .ai!%
We are Buiet o! the dri*e fro /lypia to Aa!$ou*er, both lost i! our o"! thoughts%
Whe! he par#s outside y aparte!t, its fi*e i! the e*e!i!g% The lights are o! C Eate is at
hoe% .a$#i!g, !o doubt, u!less Elliot is still there% 3e s"it$hes off the e!gi!e, a!d 8 realiFe 8
goi!g to ha*e to lea*e hi%
G<o you "a!t to $oe i!IH 8 as#% 8 do!t "a!t hi to go% 8 "a!t to prolo!g our tie together%
G+o% 8 ha*e "or# to do,H he says siply, gaFi!g at e, his e1pressio! u!fathoable%
8 stare do"! at y ha!ds, as 8 #!ot y fi!gers together% Sudde!ly 8 feel eotio!al%
3es lea*i!g% Dea$hi!g o*er, he ta#es o!e of y ha!ds a!d slo"ly pulls it to his outh,
te!derly #issi!g the ba$# of y ha!d, su$h a! old fashio!ed, s"eet gesture% =y heart leaps i!to y
GTha!# you for this "ee#e!d, &!astasia% 8ts bee!L the best% Wed!esdayI 8ll pi$# you up
fro "or#, fro "here*erIH he says softly%
GWed!esday,H 8 "hisper%
3e #isses y ha!d agai! a!d pla$es it ba$# i! y lap% 3e $libs out, $oes rou!d to y side,
a!d ope!s the passe!ger door% Why do 8 feel sudde!ly bereftI & lup fors i! y throat% 8 ust !ot
let hi see e li#e this% Fi1i!g a sile o! y fa$e, 8 $laber out of the $ar a!d head up the path,
#!o"i!g 8 ha*e to fa$e Eate, dreadi!g fa$i!g Eate% 8 tur! a!d gaFe at hi id"ay% Chi! up Steele, 8
$hide yself%
G/hL by the "ay, 8 "eari!g your u!der"ear%H 8 gi*e hi a sall sile a!d pull up the
"aistba!d of the bo1er briefs 8 "eari!g so he $a! see% Christia!s outh drops ope!, sho$#ed%
What a great rea$tio!% =y ood shifts iediately, a!d 8 sashay i!to the house, part of e "a!ti!g
to @up a!d pu!$h the air% )8%& =y i!!er goddess is thrilled%
Eate is i! the li*i!g area pa$#i!g up her boo#s i!to $rates%
GJoure ba$#% Wheres Christia!I 3o" are youIH 3er *oi$e is fe*ered, a!1ious, a!d she
bou!ds up to e, grabbi!g y shoulders, i!utely a!alyFi!g y fa$e before 8*e e*e! said hello%
Crap L 8 ha*e to deal "ith Eates persiste!$e a!d te!a$ity, a!d 8 i! possessio! of a legal
sig!ed do$ue!t sayi!g 8 $a!t tal#% 8ts !ot a healthy i1%
GWell ho" "as itI 8 $ould!t stop thi!#i!g about you, after Elliot left, that is%H She gri!s
8 $a!t help but sile at her $o!$er! a!d her bur!i!g $uriosity, but sudde!ly 8 feel shy%
8 blush% 8t "as *ery pri*ate% &ll of it% Seei!g a!d #!o"i!g "hat Christia! has to hide% 0ut 8
ha*e to gi*e her soe details, be$ause she "o!t lea*e e alo!e u!til 8 do%
G8t "as good, Eate% Aery good, 8 thi!#,H 8 say Buietly, tryi!g to hide y ebarrassed tell9all
GJou thi!#IH
G8*e got !othi!g to $opare it to, do 8IH 8 shrug apologeti$ally%
G<id he a#e you $oeIH
3oly $rap% Shes so blu!t% 8 go s$arlet%
GJes,H 8 uble, e1asperated%
Eate pulls e to the $ou$h a!d "e sit% She $lasps y ha!ds%
GThat is good%H Eate loo#s at e i! disbelief% G8t "as your first tie% Wo", Christia! ust
really #!o" "hat hes doi!g%H
Oh !ate if only you (new.
G=y first tie "as horrid,H she $o!ti!ues, a#i!g a sad $oedy fa$e%
G/hIH This has e i!terested, soethi!g shes !e*er di*ulged before%
GJes, Ste*e .ato!% 3igh s$hool, di$#less @o$#%H She shudders% G3e "as rough% 8 "as!t ready%
We "ere both dru!#% Jou #!o" C typi$al tee!age post9pro disaster% 5gh
C it too# e o!ths before 8 de$ided to ha*e a!other go% &!d !ot "ith hi, the gutless
"o!der% 8 "as too you!g% Jou "ere right to "ait%H
GEate, that sou!ds a"ful%H
Eate loo#s "istful%
GJeah, too# alost a year to ha*e y first orgas through pe!etrati*e se1 a!d here you areL
first tieIH
8 !od shyly% =y i!!er goddess sits i! the lotus positio! loo#i!g sere!e e1$ept for the sly, self9
$o!gratulatory sile o! her fa$e%
G8 glad you lost it to soeo!e "ho #!o"s their ass fro their elbo"%H She "i!#s at e% GSo
"he! are you seei!g hi agai!IH
GWed!esday% Were ha*i!g di!!er%H
GSo you still li#e hiIH
GJes% 0ut 8 do!t #!o" aboutL the future%H
G3es $opli$ated, Eate% Jou #!o" C he i!habits a *ery differe!t "orld to i!e%H
>reat e1$use% 0elie*able too% =u$h better tha! C he*s got a Red Room of /ain and he wants
to ma(e me his se< sla6e.
G/h please, do!t let this be about o!ey, &!a% Elliot said its *ery u!usual for Christia! to
date a!yo!e%H
G<id heIH =y *oi$e hit$hes up se*eral o$ta*es%
1oo o,6ious %teele& =y sub$o!s$ious glares at e, "aggi!g her lo!g s#i!!y fi!ger, the!
orphs i!to the s$ales of @usti$e to rei!d e he $ould sue if 8 dis$lose too u$h%
7a0 what*s he going to do 2 ta(e all my money. 8 ust reeber to >oogle -penalties for
,reaching a non;disclosure agreement* "hile 8 doi!g the rest of y Mresear$h% 8ts li#e 8*e
bee! gi*e! a s$hool assig!e!t% =aybe 8ll be graded% 8 flush, reeberi!g y & for this
or!i!gs bath e1perie!t%
G&!a, "hat is itIH
G8 @ust reeberi!g soethi!g Christia! said%H
GJou loo# differe!t,H Eate says fo!dly%
G8 feel differe!t% Sore,H 8 $o!fess%
G& little%H 8 flush%
G=e too% =e!,H she says i! o$# disgust% GTheyre a!ials%H We both laugh%
GJoure soreIH 8 e1$lai%
GJesL o*eruse%H
8 giggle%
GTell e about Elliot the o*er9user,H 8 as# "he! 8*e stopped giggli!g% /h, 8 $a! feel yself
rela1i!g for the first tie si!$e 8 "as i! li!e at the barL before the pho!e $all that started all this C
"he! 8 "as adiri!g =r% >rey fro afar% 3appy u!$opli$ated days%
Eate blushes% Oh my L Eatheri!e &g!es Ea*a!agh goes all &!astasia Dose Steele o! e%
She gi*es e a de"y9eyed loo#% 8*e !e*er see! her rea$t this "ay to a a! before%
=y @a" drops to the floor% #here*s !ate what ha6e you done with her.
G/h, &!a,H she gushes% G3es @ust soL E*erythi!g% &!d "he! "eL ohL really good%H She
$a! hardly stri!g a se!te!$e together shes got it so bad%
G8 thi!# youre tryi!g to tell e that you li#e hi%H
She !ods, gri!!i!g li#e a lu!ati$%
G&!d 8 seei!g hi o! Saturday% 3es goi!g to help us o*e%H She $lasps her ha!ds
together, leaps up off the $ou$h, a!d pirouettes to the "i!do"% =o*i!g% Crap C 8d forgotte! all
about that, e*e! "ith the pa$#i!g $ases surrou!di!g us%
GThats helpful of hi,H 8 say appre$iati*ely% 8 $a! get to #!o" hi too% .erhaps he $a! gi*e
e ore i!sight i!to his stra!ge, disturbi!g brother%
GSo "hat did you do last !ightIH 8 as#% She $o$#s her head at e a!d raises her eyebro"s i! a
G.retty u$h "hat you did, though "e had di!!er first%H She gri!s at e% G&re you o#ay
reallyI Jou loo# #i!d of o*er"heled%H
G8 feel o*er"heled% Christia! is *ery i!te!se%H
GJeah, 8 $ould see ho" he $ould be% 0ut he "as good to youIH
GJes,H 8 reassure her% G8 really hu!gry, shall 8 $oo#IH
She !ods a!d pi$#s up t"o ore boo#s to pa$#%
GWhat do you "a!t to do "ith the fourtee! thousa!d dollar boo#sIH she as#s%
G8 goi!g to retur! the to hi%H
G8ts a $opletely o*er9the9top gift% 8 $a!t a$$ept it, espe$ially !o"%H 8 gri! at Eate, a!d she
G8 u!dersta!d% & $ouple of letters $ae for you, a!d JosNO222P has bee! $alli!g e*ery hour o!
the hour% 3e sou!ded desperate%H
G8ll $all hi,H 8 utter e*asi*ely% 8f 8 tell Eate about JosNO222P, shell ha*e hi for
brea#fast% 8 $olle$t the letters fro the di!i!g table a!d ope! the%
G3ey, 8 ha*e i!ter*ie"sK The "ee# after !e1t, i! Seattle, for i!ter! pla$ee!tsKH
GFor "hi$h publishi!g houseIH
GFor both of theKH
G8 told you your >.& "ould ope! doors, &!a%H
Eate, of $ourse, already has a! i!ter!ship set up at the Seattle Ties% 3er father #!o"s
soeo!e, "ho #!o"s soeo!e%
G3o" does Elliot feel about you goi!g a"ayIH 8 as#%
Eate "a!ders i!to the #it$he!, a!d for the first tie this e*e!i!g, shes dis$o!solate%
G3es u!dersta!di!g% .art of e does!t "a!t to go, but its tepti!g to lie i! the su! for a
$ouple of "ee#s% 0esides, =o is ha!gi!g i! there, thi!#i!g this "ill be our last real faily holiday
before Etha! a!d 8 head off i!to the "orld of paid eploye!t%H
8 ha*e !e*er left $o!ti!e!tal 5S% Eate is off to 0arbados "ith her pare!ts a!d her brother
Etha! for t"o "hole "ee#s% 8ll be Eateless i! our !e" aparte!t% That "ill be "eird% Etha! has
bee! tra*eli!g the "orld si!$e he graduated last year% 8 "o!der briefly if 8ll see hi before they go
o! *a$atio!% 3es su$h a lo*ely guy% The pho!e ri!gs, @olti!g e fro y re*erie%
GThatll be JosNO222P%H
8 sigh% 8 #!o" 8 ha*e to tal# to hi% 8 grab the pho!e%
G&!a, youre ba$#KH JosNO222P shouts his relief at e%
G/b*iously%H Sar$as drips fro y *oi$e, a!d 8 roll y eyes at the pho!e%
3es sile!t for a oe!t%
GCa! 8 see youI 8 sorry about Friday !ight% 8 "as dru!#L a!d youL "ell% &!a C
please forgi*e e%H
G/f $ourse, 8 forgi*e you JosNO222P% Just do!t do it agai!% Jou #!o" 8 do!t feel li#e that
about you%H
3e sighs hea*ily, sadly%
G8 #!o", &!a% 8 @ust thought, if 8 #issed you, it ight $ha!ge ho" you feel%H
GJosNO222P, 8 lo*e you dearly, you ea! so u$h to e% Joure li#e the brother 8 !e*er had%
Thats !ot goi!g to $ha!ge% Jou #!o" that%H 8 hate to let hi do"!, but its the truth%
GSo youre "ith hi !o"IH 3is to!e is full of disdai!%
GJosNO222P, 8 !ot "ith a!ybody%H
G0ut you spe!t the !ight "ith hi%H
GThats !o!e of your busi!essKH
G8s it the o!eyIH
GJosNO222PK 3o" dare youKH 8 shout, staggered by his auda$ity%
G&!a,H he "hi!es a!d apologiFes siulta!eously% 8 $a!!ot deal "ith his petty @ealousy !o"% 8
#!o" hes hurt, but y plate is o*erflo"i!g deali!g "ith Christia! >rey%
G=aybe "e $a! ha*e a $offee or soethi!g toorro"% 8ll $all you%H 8 a $o!$iliatory%
3e is y frie!d, a!d 8 *ery fo!d of hi% 0ut right !o", 8 do!t !eed this%
GToorro" the!% Joull $allIH The hope i! his *oi$e t"ists y heart%
GJesL good!ight, JosNO222P%H 8 ha!g up, !ot "aiti!g for his respo!se%
GWhat "as that all aboutIH Eatheri!e dea!ds, her ha!ds o! her hips% 8 de$ide ho!esty is the
poli$y% Shes loo#i!g ore i!tra$table tha! e*er%
G3e ade a pass at e o! Friday%H
GJosNO222PI And Christia! >reyI &!a, your pheroo!es ust be "or#i!g o*ertie% What
"as the stupid fool thi!#i!gIH She sha#es her head i! disgust a!d retur!s to pa$#i!g $rates%
Forty9fi*e i!utes later, "e pause our pa$#i!g for the house spe$ialty, y lasag!a%
Eate ope!s a bottle of "i!e, a!d "e sit ao!gst the bo1es eati!g, Buaffi!g $heap red "i!e,
a!d "at$hi!g $rap TA% This is !orality% 8ts so grou!di!g a!d "el$oe after the last forty9eight
hours ofL ad!ess% 8 eat y first u!hurried, !o !aggi!g, pea$eful eal i! that tie% #hat is it
a,out him and food. Eate $lears the dishes, a!d 8 fi!ish pa$#i!g up the li*i!g roo% We are left
"ith the $ou$h, the TA, a!d the di!i!g table% What ore $ould "e !eedI Just the #it$he! a!d our
bedroos left to pa$# up, a!d "e ha*e the rest of the "ee#% Result&
The pho!e ri!gs agai!% 8ts Elliot% Eate "i!#s at e a!d s#ips off to her bedroo li#e shes
fourtee!% 8 #!o" that she should be "riti!g her Aaledi$toria! spee$h, but it sees Elliot is ore
iporta!t% What is it about the >rey e!I What is it that a#es the totally distra$ti!g, all9
$o!sui!g, a!d irresistibleI 8 ta#e a!other slug of "i!e%
8 fli$# through the TA $ha!!els, but deep do"! 8 #!o" 8 pro$rasti!ati!g% 0ur!i!g a bright
red hole i! the side of y purse is that $o!tra$t% <o 8 ha*e the stre!gth a!d the "here"ithal to read
it to!ightI
8 put y head i! y ha!ds% JosNO222P a!d Christia!, they both "a!t soethi!g fro e%
JosNO222P is easy to deal "ith% 0ut Christia!L Christia! ta#es a "hole differe!t league of
ha!dli!g, of u!dersta!di!g% .art of e "a!ts to ru! a!d hide% What a 8 goi!g to doI 3is bur!i!g
gray eyes a!d that i!te!se solderi!g stare $oe i!to y i!ds eye, a!d y body tighte!s at the
thought% 8 gasp% 3es !ot e*e! here, a!d 8 tur!ed o!% 8t @ust $a!t be about se1, $a! itI 8 re$all his
ge!tle ba!ter this or!i!g at brea#fast, his @oy at y delight "ith the heli$opter ride, hi playi!g
the pia!o C the s"eet soulful oh9so9sad usi$%
3es su$h a $opli$ated perso!% &!d !o" 8 ha*e a! i!sight as to "hy% & you!g a! depri*ed
of his adoles$e!$e, se1ually abused by soe e*il =rs% Dobi!so! figureL !o "o!der hes old before
his tie% =y heart fills "ith sad!ess at the thought of "hat he ust ha*e bee! through% 8 too
!aNO22'P*e to #!o" e1a$tly "hat, but the resear$h should shed soe light% 0ut do 8 really "a!t to
#!o"I <o 8 "a!t to e1plore this "orld 8 #!o" !othi!g aboutI
8ts su$h a big step%
8f 8d !ot et hi, 8d still be s"eetly a!d blissfully obli*ious% =y i!d drifts to last !ight,
a!d this or!i!gL a!d the i!$redible, se!sual se1uality 8*e e1perie!$ed% <o 8 "a!t to say
goodbye to thatI "o& S$reas y sub$o!s$iousL y i!!er goddess !ods i! sile!t Fe!9li#e
agreee!t "ith her%
Eate "a!ders ba$# i!to the li*i!g roo, gri!!i!g fro ear to ear% /erhaps she*s in lo6e C 8
gape at her% Shes !e*er beha*ed li#e this%
G&!a, 8 off to bed% 8 pretty tired%H
G=e too, Eate%H
She hugs e%
G8 glad youre ba$# i! o!e pie$e% Theres soethi!g about Christia!,H she adds Buietly,
apologeti$ally% 8 gi*e her a sall, reassuri!g sile C all the "hile thi!#i!gL 7ow the hell does she
(now. This is "hat "ill a#e her a great @our!alist, her u!falteri!g i!tuitio!%
Colle$ti!g y purse, 8 "a!der listlessly i!to y bedroo% 8 a "eary fro all our $ar!al
e1ertio!s of the last day a!d fro the $oplete a!d utter dilea that 8 fa$ed "ith% 8 sit o! y
bed a!d gi!gerly e1tra$t the a!ila e!*elope fro the bag, tur!i!g it o*er a!d o*er i! y ha!ds% <o
8 really "a!t to #!o" the e1te!t of Christia!s depra*ityI 8ts so dau!ti!g% 8 ta#e a deep breath, a!d
"ith y heart i! y throat, 8 rip ope! the e!*elope%
There are se*eral papers i!side the e!*elope% 8 fish the out, y heart still pou!di!g, a!d 8 sit
ba$# o! y bed a!d begi! to read%
=ade this dayTTTTTTTTT of 2011 ,GThe Coe!$ee!t <ateH-
=D% C3D8ST8&+ >DEJ of 201 Es$ala, Seattle, W& ')))'
,GThe <oi!a!tH-
=8SS &+&ST&S8& STEELE of 111S SW >ree! Street, &parte!t 7, 3a*e! 3eights,
Aa!$ou*er, W& '))))
,GThe Subissi*eH-
1 The follo"i!g are the ters of a bi!di!g $o!tra$t bet"ee! the <oi!a!t a!d the
2 The fu!dae!tal purpose of this $o!tra$t is to allo" the Subissi*e to e1plore her
se!suality a!d her liits safely, "ith due respe$t a!d regard for her !eeds, her liits a!d her
2 The <oi!a!t a!d the Subissi*e agree a!d a$#!o"ledge that all that o$$urs u!der the
ters of this $o!tra$t "ill be $o!se!sual, $o!fide!tial, a!d sub@e$t to the agreed liits a!d safety
pro$edures set out i! this $o!tra$t% &dditio!al liits a!d safety pro$edures ay be agreed i!
S The <oi!a!t a!d the Subissi*e ea$h "arra!t that they suffer fro !o se1ual, serious,
i!fe$tious or life9threate!i!g ill!esses i!$ludi!g but !ot liited to 38A, 3er9pes a!d 3epatitis% 8f
duri!g the Ter ,as defi!ed belo"- or a!y e1te!ded ter of this $o!tra$t either party should be
diag!osed "ith or be$oe a"are of a!y su$h ill!ess he or she u!derta#es to i!for the other
iediately a!d i! a!y e*e!t prior to a!y for of physi$al $o!ta$t bet"ee! the parties%
4 &dhere!$e to the abo*e "arra!ties, agreee!ts a!d u!derta#i!gs ,a!d a!y additio!al liits
a!d safety pro$edures agreed u!der $lause 2 abo*e- are fu!dae!tal to this $o!tra$t% &!y brea$h
shall re!der it *oid "ith iediate effe$t a!d ea$h party agrees to be fully respo!sible to the other
for the $o!seBue!$e of a!y brea$h%
( E*erythi!g i! this $o!tra$t ust be read a!d i!terpreted i! the light of the fu!dae!tal
purpose a!d the fu!dae!tal ters set out i! $lauses 294 abo*e%
7 The <oi!a!t shall ta#e respo!sibility for the "ellbei!g a!d the proper trai!i!g, guida!$e,
a!d dis$ipli!e of the Subissi*e% 3e shall de$ide the !ature of su$h trai!i!g, guida!$e, a!d
dis$ipli!e a!d the tie a!d pla$e of its adi!istratio!, sub@e$t to the agreed ters, liitatio!s a!d
safety pro$edures set out i! this $o!tra$t or agreed additio!ally u!der $lause 2 abo*e%
) 8f at a!y tie the <oi!a!t should fail to #eep to the agreed ters, liitatio!s a!d safety
pro$edures set out i! this $o!tra$t or agreed additio!ally u!der $lause 2 abo*e the Subissi*e is
e!titled to teri!ate this $o!tra$t forth"ith a!d to lea*e the ser*i$e of the <oi!a!t "ithout !oti$e%
' Sub@e$t to that pro*iso a!d to $lauses 294 abo*e the Subissi*e is to ser*e a!d obey the
<oi!a!t i! all thi!gs% Sub@e$t to the agreed ters, liitatio!s a!d safety pro$edures set out i! this
$o!tra$t or agreed additio!ally u!der $lause 2 abo*e she shall "ithout Buery or hesitatio! offer the
<oi!a!t su$h pleasure as he ay reBuire a!d she shall a$$ept "ithout Buery or hesitatio! his
trai!i!g, guida!$e a!d dis$ipli!e i! "hate*er for it ay ta#e%
#O**EN#E*EN$ AN" $ER*
10 The <oi!a!t a!d Subissi*e e!ter i!to this $o!tra$t o! The Coe!$ee!t <ate fully
a"are of its !ature a!d u!derta#e to abide by its $o!ditio!s "ithout e1$eptio!%
11 This $o!tra$t shall be effe$ti*e for a period of three Cale!dar =o!ths fro The
Coe!$ee!t <ate ,GThe TerH-% /! the e1piry of The Ter the parties shall dis$uss "hether
this $o!tra$t a!d the arra!gee!ts they ha*e ade u!der this $o!tra$t are satisfa$tory a!d "hether
the !eeds of ea$h party ha*e bee! et% Either party ay propose the e1te!sio! of this $o!tra$t
sub@e$t to ad@uste!ts to its ters, or to the arra!gee!ts they ha*e ade u!der it% 8! the abse!$e
of agreee!t to su$h e1te!sio! this $o!tra$t shall teri!ate a!d both parties shall be free to resue
their li*es separately%
12 The Subissi*e "ill a#e herself a*ailable to the <oi!a!t fro Friday e*e!i!gs through
to Su!day after!oo!s ea$h "ee# duri!g the Ter at ties to be spe$ified by the <oi!a!t ,Gthe
&llotted TiesH-% Further allo$ated tie $a! be utually agreed o! a! ad ho$ basis%
12 The <oi!a!t reser*es the right to disiss the Subissi*e fro his ser*i$e at a!y tie
a!d for a!y reaso!% The Subissi*e ay reBuest her release at a!y tie, su$h reBuest to be gra!ted
at the dis$retio! of the <oi!a!t sub@e$t o!ly to the Subissi*es rights u!der $lauses 294 a!d )
1S The Subissi*e "ill a#e herself a*ailable duri!g the &llotted Ties a!d agreed
additio!al ties at lo$atio!s to be deteri!ed by the <oi!a!t% The <oi!a!t "ill e!sure that all
tra*el $osts i!$urred by the Subissi*e for that purpose are et by the <oi!a!t%
14 The follo"i!g ser*i$e pro*isio!s ha*e bee! dis$ussed a!d agreed a!d "ill be ad9hered to
by both parties duri!g the Ter% 0oth parties a$$ept that $ertai! atters ay arise "hi$h are !ot
$o*ered by the ters of this $o!tra$t or the ser*i$e pro*isio!s, or that $ertai! atters ay be
re!egotiated% 8! su$h $ir$usta!$e further $lauses ay be proposed by "ay of ae!de!t% &!y
further $lauses or ae!de!ts ust be agreed, do$ue!ted a!d sig!ed by both parties a!d shall be
sub@e$t to the fu!dae!tal ters set out at $lauses 294 abo*e%
14%1 The <oi!a!t shall a#e the Subissi*es health a!d safety a priority at all ties% The
<oi!a!t shall !ot at a!y tie reBuire, reBuest, allo" or dea!d the Subissi*e to parti$ipate at
the ha!ds of the <oi!a!t i! the a$ti*ities detailed i! &ppe!di1 2 or i! a!y a$t that either party
dees to be u!safe% The <oi!a!t "ill !ot u!derta#e or perit to be u!derta#e! a!y a$tio! "hi$h
$ould $ause serious i!@ury or a!y ris# to the Subissi*es life% The reai!i!g sub9$lauses of this
$lause 14 are to be read sub@e$t to this pro*iso a!d to the fu!dae!tal atters agreed i! $lauses 294
14%2 The <oi!a!t a$$epts the Subissi*e as his, to o"!, $o!trol, doi!ate a!d dis$ipli!e
duri!g the Ter% The <oi!a!t ay use the Subissi*es body at a!y tie duri!g the &llotted
Ties or a!y agreed additio!al ties i! a!y a!!er he dees fit, se1ually or other"ise%
14%2 The <oi!a!t shall pro*ide the Subissi*e "ith all !e$essary trai!i!g a!d guida!$e i!
ho" to properly ser*e the <oi!a!t%
14%S The <oi!a!t shall ai!tai! a stable a!d safe e!*iro!e!t i! "hi$h the Subissi*e
ay perfor her duties i! ser*i$e of the <oi!a!t%
14%4 The <oi!a!t ay dis$ipli!e the Subissi*e as !e$essary to e!sure the Subissi*e
fully appre$iates her role of subser*ie!$e to the <oi!a!t a!d to dis$ourage u!a$$eptable $o!du$t%
The <oi!a!t ay flog, spa!#, "hip or $orporally pu!ish the Subissi*e as he sees fit, for
purposes of dis$ipli!e, for his o"! perso!al e!@oye!t, or for a!y other reaso!, "hi$h he is !ot
obliged to pro*ide%
14%( 8! trai!i!g a!d i! the adi!istratio! of dis$ipli!e the <oi!a!t shall e!sure that !o
pera!e!t ar#s are ade upo! the Subissi*es body !or a!y i!@uries i!$urred that ay reBuire
edi$al atte!tio!%
14%7 8! trai!i!g a!d i! the adi!istratio! of dis$ipli!e the <oi!a!t shall e!sure that the
dis$ipli!e a!d the i!strue!ts used for the purposes of dis$ipli!e are safe, shall !ot be used i! su$h
a "ay as to $ause serious har a!d shall !ot i! a!y "ay e1$eed the liits defi!ed a!d detailed i!
this $o!tra$t%
14%) 8! $ase of ill!ess or i!@ury the <oi!a!t shall $are for the Subissi*e, seei!g to her
health a!d safety, e!$ouragi!g a!d "he! !e$essary orderi!g edi$al atte!tio! "he! it is @udged
!e$essary by the <oi!a!t%
14%' The <oi!a!t shall ai!tai! his o"! good health a!d see# edi$al atte!tio! "he!
!e$essary i! order to ai!tai! a ris#9free e!*iro!e!t 14%10 The <oi!a!t shall !ot loa! his
Subissi*e to a!other <oi!a!t%
14%11 The <oi!a!t ay restrai!, ha!d$uff, or bi!d the Subissi*e at a!y tie duri!g the
&llotted Ties or a!y agreed additio!al ties for a!y reaso! a!d for e1te!ded periods of tie,
gi*i!g due regard to the health a!d safety of the Subissi*e%
14%12 The <oi!a!t "ill e!sure that all eBuipe!t used for the purposes of trai!i!g a!d
dis$ipli!e shall be ai!tai!ed i! a $lea!, hygie!i$ a!d safe state at all ties%
14%12 The Subissi*e a$$epts the <oi!a!t as her aster, "ith the u!dersta!di!g that she is
!o" the property of the <oi!a!t, to be dealt "ith as the <oi!a!t pleases duri!g the Ter
ge!erally but spe$ifi$ally duri!g the &llotted Ties a!d a!y additio!al agreed allotted ties%
14%1S The Subissi*e shall obey the rules ,Gthe DulesH- set out i! &ppe!di1 1 to this
14%14 The Subissi*e shall ser*e the <oi!a!t i! a!y "ay the <oi!a!t sees fit a!d shall
e!dea*or to please the <oi!a!t at all ties to the best of her ability%
14%1( The Subissi*e shall ta#e all easures !e$essary to ai!tai! her good health a!d shall
reBuest or see# edi$al atte!tio! "he!e*er it is !eeded, #eepi!g the <oi!a!t i!fored at all ties
of a!y health issues that ay arise%
14%17 The Subissi*e "ill e!sure that she pro$ures oral $o!tra$eptio! a!d e!sure that she
ta#es it as a!d "he! pres$ribed to pre*e!t a!y preg!a!$y%
14%1) The Subissi*e shall a$$ept "ithout Buestio! a!y a!d all dis$ipli!ary a$tio!s deeed
!e$essary by the <oi!a!t a!d reeber her status a!d role i! regard to the <oi!a!t at all ties%
14%1' The Subissi*e shall !ot tou$h or pleasure herself se1ually "ithout perissio! fro
the <oi!a!t%
14%20 The Subissi*e shall subit to a!y se1ual a$ti*ity dea!ded by the <oi!a!t a!d
shall do "ithout hesitatio! or argue!t%
14%21 The Subissi*e shall a$$ept "hippi!gs, floggi!gs, spa!#i!gs, $a!i!g, paddli!g or a!y
other dis$ipli!e the <oi!a!t should de$ide to adi!ister, "ithout hesitatio!, e!Buiry or $oplai!t%
14%22 The Subissi*e shall !ot loo# dire$tly i!to the eyes of the <oi!a!t e1$ept "he!
spe$ifi$ally i!stru$ted to do so% The Subissi*e shall #eep her eyes $ast do"! a!d ai!tai! a Buiet
a!d respe$tful beari!g i! the prese!$e of the <oi!a!t%
14%22 The Subissi*e shall al"ays $o!du$t herself i! a respe$tful a!!er to the <oi!a!t
a!d shall address hi o!ly as Sir, =r% >rey, or su$h other title as the <oi!a!t ay dire$t%
14%2S The Subissi*e "ill !ot tou$h the <oi!a!t "ithout his e1press perissio! to do so%
1( The Subissi*e shall !ot parti$ipate i! a$ti*ities or a!y se1ual a$ts that either party dees
to be u!safe or a!y a$ti*ities detailed i! &ppe!di1 2%
17 The <oi!a!t a!d the Subissi*e ha*e dis$ussed the a$ti*ities set out i! &ppe!di1 2 a!d
re$orded i! "riti!g o! &ppe!di1 2 their agreee!t i! respe$t of the%
1) The <oi!a!t a!d the Subissi*e re$og!iFe that the <oi!a!t ay a#e dea!ds of the
Subissi*e that $a!!ot be et "ithout i!$urri!g physi$al, e!tal, eotio!al, spiritual, or other
har at the tie the dea!ds are ade to the Subissi*e% 8! su$h $ir$usta!$es related to this, the
Subissi*e ay a#e use of a safe"ord ,GThe Safe"ord ,s-H-% T"o Safe"ords "ill be i!*o#ed
depe!di!g o! the se*erity of the dea!ds%
1' The Safe"ord GJello"H "ill be used to bri!g to the atte!tio! of the <oi!a!t that the
Subissi*e is $lose to her liit of e!dura!$e%
20 The Safe"ord GDedH "ill be used to bri!g to the atte!tio! of the <oi!a!t that the
Subissi*e $a!!ot tolerate a!y further dea!ds% Whe! this "ord is said the <oi!a!ts a$tio! "ill
$ease $opletely "ith iediate effe$t%
21 We the u!dersig!ed ha*e read a!d u!derstood fully the pro*isio!s of this $o!tra$t%
We freely a$$ept the ters of this $o!tra$t a!d ha*e a$#!o"ledged this by our sig!a9tures
The <oi!a!t: Christia! >rey
The Subissi*e: &!astasia Steele
A&&EN"'- .
The Subissi*e "ill obey a!y i!stru$tio!s gi*e! by the <oi!a!t iediately "ithout
hesitatio! or reser*atio! a!d i! a! e1peditious a!!er% The Subissi*e "ill agree to a!y se1ual
a$ti*ity deeed fit a!d pleasurable by the <oi!a!t e1$epti!g those a$ti*ities "hi$h are outli!ed i!
hard liits ,&ppe!di1 2-% She "ill do so eagerly a!d "ithout hesitatio!%
The Subissi*e "ill e!sure she a$hie*es a i!iu of eight hours sleep a !ight "he! she is
!ot "ith the <oi!a!t%
The Subissi*e "ill eat regularly to ai!tai! her health a!d "ellbei!g fro a pres$ribed list
of foods ,&ppe!di1 S-% The Subissi*e "ill !ot s!a$# bet"ee! eals, "ith the e1$eptio! of fruit%
<uri!g the Ter the Subissi*e "ill "ear $lothi!g o!ly appro*ed by the <oi!a!t%
The <oi!a!t "ill pro*ide a $lothi!g budget for the Subissi*e, "hi$h the Subissi*e shall
utiliFe% The <oi!a!t shall a$$opa!y the Subissi*e to pur$hase $lothi!g o! a! ad ho$ basis% 8f
the <oi!a!t so reBuires the Subissi*e shall duri!g the Ter "ear ador!e!ts the <oi!a!t
shall reBuire, i! the prese!$e of the <oi!a!t a!d a!y other tie the <oi!a!t dees fit%
The <oi!a!t shall pro*ide the Subissi*e "ith a perso!al trai!er four ties a "ee# i! hour9
lo!g sessio!s at ties to be utually agreed bet"ee! the perso!al trai!er a!d the Subissi*e% The
perso!al trai!er "ill report to the <oi!a!t o! the Subissi*es progress%
.erso!al 3ygie!e?0eauty:
The Subissi*e "ill #eep herself $lea! a!d sha*ed a!d?or "a1ed at all ties% The Subissi*e
"ill *isit a beauty salo! of the <oi!a!ts $hoosi!g at ties to be de$ided by the <oi!a!t, a!d
u!dergo "hate*er treate!ts the <oi!a!t sees fit% &ll $osts "ill be et by the <oi!a!t%
.erso!al Safety:
The Subissi*e "ill !ot dri!# to e1$ess, so#e, ta#e re$reatio!al drugs or put herself i! a!y
u!!e$essary da!ger%
.erso!al Qualities:
The Subissi*e "ill !ot e!ter i!to a!y se1ual relatio!s "ith a!yo!e other tha! the <oi!a!t%
The Subissi*e "ill $o!du$t herself i! a respe$tful a!d odest a!!er at all ties% She ust
re$og!iFe that her beha*ior is a dire$t refle$tio! o! the <oi!a!t%
She shall be held a$$ou!table for a!y isdeeds, "ro!gdoi!gs a!d isbeha*ior $oitted
"he! !ot i! the prese!$e of the <oi!a!t%
Failure to $oply "ith a!y of the abo*e "ill result i! iediate pu!ishe!t, the !ature of
"hi$h shall be deteri!ed by the <oi!a!t%
A&&EN"'- /
Hard Limits
+o a$ts i!*ol*i!g fire play
+o a$ts i!*ol*i!g uri!atio! or defe$atio! a!d the produ$ts thereof +o a$ts i!*ol*i!g !eedles,
#!i*es, $utti!g, pier$i!g, or blood +o a$ts i!*ol*i!g gy!e$ologi$al edi$al i!strue!ts
+o a$ts i!*ol*i!g $hildre! or a!ials
+o a$ts that "ill lea*e a!y pera!e!t ar#s o! the s#i!
+o a$ts i!*ol*i!g breath $o!trol%
+o a$ti*ity that i!*ol*es the dire$t $o!ta$t of ele$tri$ $urre!t ,"hether alter!ati!g or dire$t-,
fire or flaes to the body%
A&&EN"'- 0
Soft Limits
To be dis$ussed a!d agreed bet"ee! both parties:
Whi$h of the follo"i!g se1ual a$ts are a$$eptable to the Subissi*eI
U =asturbatio!
U Fellatio
U Cu!!ili!gus
U Aagi!al i!ter$ourse
U Aagi!al fisti!g
U &!al i!ter$ourse
U &!al fisti!g
8s s"allo"i!g see! a$$eptable to the Subissi*eI
8s the use of se1 toys a$$eptable to the Subissi*eI
U Aibrators
U <ildos
U 0utt .lugs
U /ther
8s 0o!dage a$$eptable to the Subissi*eI
U 3a!ds i! fro!t
U 3a!ds behi!d ba$#
U &!#les
U E!ees
U Elbo"s
U Wrists to a!#les
U Spreader bars
U Tied to fur!iture
U 0li!dfoldi!g
U >aggi!g
U 0o!dage "ith Dope
U 0o!dage "ith Tape
U 0o!dage "ith leather $uffs
U Suspe!sio!
U 0o!dage "ith ha!d$uffs?etal restrai!ts
What is the Subissi*es ge!eral attitude about re$ei*i!g pai!I Where 1 is li#es i!te!sely a!d
4 is disli#es i!te!sely: 1 C 2 C 2 C S C 4
3o" u$h pai! does the subissi*e "a!t to re$ei*eI Where 1 is !o!e a!d 4 is se*ere: 1 C 2 C
2 C S C 4
Whi$h of the follo"i!g types of pai!?pu!ishe!t?dis$ipli!e are a$$eptable to the Subissi*eI
U Spa!#i!g
U .addli!g
U Whippi!g
U Ca!i!g
U 0iti!g
U +ipple $laps
U >e!ital $laps
U 8$e
U 3ot "a1
U /ther types?ethods of pai!
3oly Fu$#% 8 $a!t bri!g yself to e*e! $o!sider the food list% 8 s"allo" hard, y outh dry,
a!d read it agai!%
=y head is buFFi!g% 3o" $a! 8 possibly agree to all thisI &!d appare!tly its for y be!efit,
to e<plore my sensuality my limits 2 safely 2 oh pleaseK 8 s$off a!grily% %er6e and o,ey in all
things. &ll Thi!gsK 8 sha#e y head i! disbelief% &$tually, does!t the arriage $ereo!y use
those "ordsL o,ey. This thro"s e% <o $ouples still say thatI /!ly three o!ths, is that "hy
there ha*e bee! so a!yI 3e does!t #eep the for lo!gI /r ha*e they had e!ough after three
o!thsI 86ery wee(end. Thats too u$h% 8ll !e*er see Eate or "hate*er frie!ds 8 ay a#e at
y !e" @ob C pro*ided 8 get o!e% .erhaps 8 should ha*e o!e "ee#e!d a o!th to yself% .erhaps
"he! 8 ha*e y period, that sou!dsL pra$ti$al%
3es y asterK To be dealt "ith as he pleasesK 7oly shit.
8 shudder at the thought of bei!g flogged or "hipped% Spa!#i!g probably "ould!t be so bad,
huiliati!g though% &!d tied upI Well he did tie y ha!ds together% That "asL
"ell it "as hot, really hot, so perhaps that "o!t be so bad% 3e "o!t loa! e to a!other
<oi!a!t C da! right he "o!t% That "ould be totally u!a$$eptable% #hy am I e6en thin(ing
a,out this.
8 $a!t loo# hi i! the eye% 7ow weird is that. The o!ly "ay 8 e*er ha*e a!y $ha!$e to see
"hat hes thi!#i!g% &$tually, "ho a 8 #iddi!g, 8 !e*er #!o" "hat hes thi!#i!g, but 8 li#e
loo#i!g i!to his eyes% 3e has beautiful eyes C $apti*ati!g, i!tellige!t, deep a!d dar#, dar# "ith
doi!a!t se$rets% 8 re$all his bur!i!g so#y gaFe a!d press y thighs together, sBuiri!g%
&!d 8 $a!t tou$h hi% Well, !o surprise there% &!d these silly rulesL +o, !o 8 $a!t do this% 8
put y head i! y ha!ds% This is !o "ay to ha*e a relatio!ship% 8 !eed soe sleep% 8 shattered%
&ll the physi$al she!a!iga!s 8*e bee! e!gaged i! o*er the last t"e!ty9four hours ha*e bee!,
fra!#ly, e1hausti!g% &!d e!tallyL oh a!, this is so u$h to ta#e o! board% &s JosNO222P "ould
say, a real i!d9fu$#% .erhaps i! the or!i!g, this ight !ot read li#e a bad @o#e%
8 s$rable up a!d $ha!ge Bui$#ly% .erhaps 8 should borro" Eates pi!# fla!!el pa@aas% 8
"a!t soethi!g $uddly a!d reassuri!g arou!d e% 8 head to the bathroo i! y t9shirt a!d sleep
shorts a!d brush y teeth%
8 stare at yself i! the bathroo irror% )ou can*t seriously ,e considering this L
=y sub$o!s$ious sou!ds sa!e a!d ratio!al, !ot her usual s!ar#y self% =y i!!er goddess is
@upi!g up a!d do"!, $lappi!g her ha!ds li#e a fi*e9year9old% /lease let*s do this0
otherwise we*ll end up alone with lots of cats and your classic no6els to (eep you company.
The o!ly a! 8*e e*er bee! attra$ted to, a!d he $oes "ith a bloody $o!tra$t, a flogger, a!d
a "hole "orld of issues% Well, at least 8 got y "ay this "ee#e!d% =y i!!er goddess stops @upi!g
a!d siles sere!ely% Oh yes L she ouths, !oddi!g at e sugly%
8 flush at the eory of his ha!ds a!d his outh o! e, his body i!side i!e% Closi!g y
eyes, 8 feel the failiar deli$ious pull of y us$les fro deep, deep do"!% 8 "a!t to do that agai!
a!d agai!% =aybe if 8 @ust sig! up for the se1L "ould he go "ith thatI 8 suspe$t !ot%
& 8 subissi*eI =aybe 8 $oe a$ross that "ay% =aybe 8 isled hi i! the i!ter*ie"% 8
shy, yesL but subissi*eI 8 let Eate bully e C is that the saeI &!d those soft liits, @eeF% =y
i!d boggles, but 8 reassured that they are up for dis$ussio!%
8 "a!der ba$# to y bedroo% This is too u$h to thi!# about% 8 !eed a $lear head C a fresh
or!i!g approa$h to the proble% 8 put the offe!di!g do$ue!ts ba$# i! y sat$hel%
Toorro"L toorro" is a!other day% Claberi!g i!to bed, 8 s"it$h off the light a!d lie
stari!g up at the $eili!g% /h, 8 "ish 8d !e*er et hi% =y i!!er goddess sha#es her head at e%
She a!d 8 #!o" its a lie% 8 ha*e !e*er felt as ali*e as 8 do !o"%
8 $lose y eyes, a!d 8 drift i!to a hea*y sleep "ith o$$asio!al dreas of four9poster beds a!d
sha$#les a!d i!te!se gray eyes%
Eate "a#es e the !e1t day%
G&!a, 8*e bee! $alli!g you% Jou ust ha*e bee! out $old%H
=y eyes relu$ta!tly ope!% Shes !ot @ust up C shes bee! for a ru!% 8 gla!$e at y alar% 8ts
eight i! the or!i!g% 3oly =oses, 8*e slept for a solid !i!e hours%
GWhat is itIH 8 uble sleepily%
GTheres a a! here "ith a deli*ery for you% Jou ha*e to sig! for it%H
GCoe o!% 8ts big% 8t loo#s i!teresti!g%H She hops fro foot to foot e1$itedly a!d bou!ds ba$#
i!to the li*i!g area% 8 $laber out of bed a!d grab y dressi!g go"! ha!gi!g o! the ba$# of y
door% & sart you!g a! "ith a po!ytail is sta!di!g i! our li*i!g roo $laspi!g a large bo1%
G3i,H 8 uble%
G8ll a#e you soe tea%H Eate s$uttles off to the #it$he!%
G=iss SteeleIH
&!d 8 iediately #!o" "ho the par$el is fro%
GJes,H 8 a!s"er $autiously%
G8 ha*e a pa$#age for you here, but 8 ha*e to set it up a!d sho" you ho" to use it%H
GDeallyI &t this tieIH
G/!ly follo"i!g orders, aa%H 3e siles i! a $hari!g but professio!al hes9!ot9ta#i!g9
a!y9$rap "ay%
4id he +ust call me ma*am. 3a*e 8 aged te! years o*er!ightI 8f 8 ha*e, its that $o!tra$t% =y
outh pu$#ers i! disgust%
G/#ay, "hat is itIH
G8ts a =a$0oo# .ro%H
G/f $ourse it is%H 8 roll y eyes .
GThese are!t a*ailable i! the shops yet, aa, the *ery latest fro &pple%H
3o" $oe that does !ot surprise eI 8 sigh hea*ily%
GJust set it up o! the di!i!g table o*er there%H
8 "a!der i!to the #it$he! to @oi! Eate%
GWhat is itIH she says i!Buisiti*e, bright eyed a!d bushy tailed% Shes slept "ell too%
G8ts a laptop fro Christia!%H
GWhys he se!t you a laptopI Jou #!o" you $a! use i!e,H she fro"!s%
"ot for what he has in mind.
G/h, its o!ly o! loa!% 3e "a!ted e to try it out%H =y e1$use sou!ds feeble% 0ut Eate !ods
her asse!t% Oh my L 8 ha*e hood"i!#ed Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh% & first% She ha!ds e y tea%
The =a$ laptop is slee# a!d sil*er a!d rather beautiful% 8t has a *ery large s$ree!%
Christia! >rey li#es s$ale C 8 thi!# of his li*i!g area, i! fa$t, his "hole aparte!t%
G8ts got the latest /S a!d a full suite of progras, plus a o!e9poi!t9fi*e terabyte hard dri*e so
youll ha*e ple!ty of roo, thirty9t"o gigs of D&= C "hat are you pla!!i!g to use it forI
G5hL eail%H
GEailKH he $ho#es, beused, raisi!g his eyebro"s "ith a slightly si$# loo# o! his fa$e%G&!d
aybe 8!ter!et resear$hIH 8 shrug apologeti$ally%
3e sighs%
GWell, this has full "ireless +, a!d 8*e set it up "ith your =e a$$ou!t details% This baby is all
ready to go, pra$ti$ally a!y"here o! the pla!et%H 3e loo#s lo!gi!gly at it%
G=e a$$ou!tIH
GJour !e" eail address% E
I ha6e an email address.
3e poi!ts to a! i$o! o! the s$ree! a!d $o!ti!ues to tal# at e but its li#e "hite !oise%
8 ha*e!t got a $lue "hat hes sayi!g, a!d i! all ho!estly, 8 !ot i!terested% =ust tell me how
to switch it on and off C 8ll figure out the rest% &fter all, 8*e bee! usi!g Eates for four years% Eate
"histles, ipressed "he! she sees it%
GThis is !e1t9ge!eratio! te$h%H She raises her eyebro"s at e% G=ost "oe! get flo"ers or
aybe @e"elry,H she says suggesti*ely, tryi!g to suppress a sile%
8 s$o"l at her but $a!t #eep a straight fa$e% We both burst i!to a fit of giggles, a!d $oputer
a! gapes at us, beused% 3e fi!ishes up a!d as#s e to sig! the deli*ery !ote%
&s Eate sho"s hi out, 8 sit "ith y $up of tea, ope! the eail progra, a!d sitti!g there
"aiti!g for e is a! eail fro Christia!% =y heart leaps i!to y outh% I ha6e an email from
Christian $rey. +er*ously, 8 ope! it%

)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Jour +e" Coputer
"ate: =ay 22 2011 22:14
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
8 trust you slept "ell% 8 hope that you put this laptop to good use, as dis$ussed%
8 loo# for"ard to di!!er, Wed!esday%
3appy to a!s"er a!y Buestio!s before the!, *ia eail, should you so desire%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
8 hit reply%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Jour +e" Coputer ,o! loa!-
<ate: =ay 22 2011 0):20
$o: Christia! >rey
8 slept *ery "ell tha!# you C for soe stra!ge reaso! C Sir%
8 u!derstood that this $oputer "as o! loa!, ergo !ot i!e%
&lost i!sta!ta!eously there is a respo!se%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Jour +e" Coputer ,o! loa!-
"ate: =ay 22 2011 0):22
$o: &!astasia Steele
The $oputer is o! loa!% 8!defi!itely, =iss Steele%
8 !ote fro your to!e that you ha*e read the do$ue!tatio! 8 ga*e you%
<o you ha*e a!y Buestio!s so farI
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
8 $a!t help but gri!%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: E!Buiri!g =i!ds
"ate: =ay 22 2011 0):24
$o: Christia! >rey
8 ha*e a!y Buestio!s, but !ot suitable for eail, a!d soe of us ha*e to "or# for a li*i!g%
8 do !ot "a!t or !eed a $oputer i!defi!itely%
5!til later, good day% %ir.
3is reply agai! is i!sta!t, a!d it a#es e sile%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Jour +e" Coputer ,agai! o! loa!-
"ate: =ay 22 2011 0):2(
$o: &!astasia Steele
Laters, baby%
.S: 8 "or# for a li*i!g too%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
8 shut the $oputer do"!, gri!!i!g li#e a! idiot% 3o" $a! 8 resist playful Christia!I 8 a
goi!g to be late for "or#% Well, it is y last "ee# C =r% a!d =rs% Clayto! "ill probably $ut e
soe sla$#% 8 ra$e i!to the sho"er, u!able to sha#e y fa$e9splitti!g gri!% 7e emailed me. 8 li#e
a sall, giddy $hild% &!d all the $o!tra$t a!gst fades% &s 8 "ash y hair, 8 try a!d thi!# "hat 8 $ould
possibly as# hi *ia eail% Surely its better to tal# these thi!gs through% Suppose soeo!e ha$#ed
i!to his a$$ou!tI 8 flush at the thought% 8 dress Bui$#ly, shout a hasty goodbye to Eate, a!d 8 off
to "or# y last "ee# at Clayto!s%
JosNO222P pho!es at ele*e!%
G3ey, are "e doi!g $offeeIH 3e sou!ds li#e the old JosNO222P% JosNO222P y frie!d, !ot a C
"hat did Christia! $all hiI Suitor% 5gh%
GSure% 8 at "or#% Ca! you a#e it here for say t"el*eIH
GSee you the!%H
3e ha!gs up, a!d 8 go ba$# to resto$#i!g the pai!tbrushes a!d thi!#i!g about Christia! >rey
a!d his $o!tra$t%
JosNO222P is pu!$tual% 3e $oes bou!di!g i!to the shop li#e a gaboli!g dar#9eyed puppy%
G&!a,H he siles his daFFli!g toothy all93ispa!i$9&eri$a! sile, a!d 8 $a!t be a!gry "ith
hi a!yore%
G3i JosNO222P%H 8 hug hi% G8 star*i!g% 8ll @ust let =rs% Clayto! #!o" 8 goi!g for
&s "e stroll to the lo$al $offee shop, 8 slip y ar through JosNO222Ps% 8 so grateful for
C !orality% Soeo!e 8 #!o" a!d u!dersta!d%
G3ey &!a,H he ururs% GJou*e really forgi*e! eIH
GJosNO222P, you #!o" 8 $a! !e*er stay ad at you for lo!g%H
3e gri!s%
8 $a!t "ait to get hoe% The lure of eaili!g Christia!, a!d aybe 8 $a! begi! y resear$h
pro@e$t% Eate is out soe"here, so 8 fire up the !e" laptop a!d ope! y eail% Sure e!ough, theres
a! eail fro Christia! sitti!g i! the i!bo1% 8 pra$ti$ally bou!$i!g out of y seat "ith glee%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Wor#i!g for a li*i!g
"ate: =ay 22 2011 17:2S
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
8 do hope you had a good day at "or#%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
8 hit reply%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Wor#i!g for li*i!g
"ate: =ay 22 2011 17:S)
$o: Christia! >rey
%ir L 8 had a *ery good day at "or#%
Tha!# you%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: <o The Wor#K
"ate: =ay 22 2011 17:40
$o: &!astasia Steele
=iss Steele
<elighted you had a good day%
While you are eaili!g, you are !ot resear$hi!g%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: +uisa!$e
"ate: =ay 22 2011 17:42
$o: Christia! >rey
=r% >rey, stop eaili!g e, a!d 8 $a! start y assig!e!t%
8d li#e a!other &%
8 hug yself%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: 8patie!t
"ate: =ay 22 2011 17:44
$o: &!astasia Steele
=iss Steele
Stop eaili!g me C a!d do your assig!e!t%
8d li#e to a"ard a!other &%
The first o!e "as so "ell deser*ed% P-
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
Christia! >rey @ust se!t e a "i!#i!g sileyL Oh my. 8 fire up >oogle%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: 8!ter!et Desear$h
"ate: =ay 22 2011 17:4'
$o: Christia! >rey
=r% >rey
What "ould you suggest 8 put i!to a sear$h e!gi!eI
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: 8!ter!et Desear$h
"ate: =ay 22 2011 1):02
$o: &!astasia Steele
=iss Steele
&l"ays start "ith Wi#ipedia%
+o ore eails u!less you ha*e Buestio!s% 5!derstoodI
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: 0ossyK
"ate: =ay 22 2011 1):0S
$o: Christia! >rey
JesL %ir.
Jou are so bossy%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: 8! Co!trol
"ate: =ay 22 2011 1):0(
$o: &!astasia Steele
&!astasia, you ha*e !o idea%
Well, aybe a! i!#li!g !o"%
<o the "or#%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
8 type Subissi*e i!to Wi#ipedia%
3alf a! hour later, 8 feel slight Bueasy a!d fra!#ly sho$#ed to y $ore% <o 8 really "a!t this
stuff i! y headI JeeF C is this "hat he gets up to i! the Ded Doo of .ai!I 8 sit stari!g at the
s$ree!, a!d part of e, a *ery oist a!d i!tegral part of e C that 8*e o!ly be$oe a$Buai!ted "ith
*ery re$e!tly, is seriously tur!ed o!% /h y, soe of this stuff is 3/T% 0ut is it for eI 3oly shitL
$ould 8 do thisI 8 !eed spa$e% 8 !eed to thi!#%
For the first tie i! y life, 8 *olu!tarily go for a ru!% 8 fi!d y !asty, !e*er9used s!ea#ers,
soe s"eat pa!ts, a!d a t9shirt% 8 put y hair i! pigtails, blushi!g at the eories they bri!g ba$#,
a!d 8 plug i! y i.od% 8 $a!t sit i! fro!t of that ar*el of te$h!ology a!d loo# at or read a!y ore
disturbi!g aterial% 8 !eed to e1pe!d soe of this e1$ess, e!er*ati!g, e!ergy% Quite fra!#ly, 8 ha*e a
i!d to ru! to the 3eatha! hotel a!d @ust dea!d se1 fro the $o!trol frea#% 0ut thats fi*e iles,
a!d 8 do!t thi!# 8ll be able to ru! o!e ile, let alo!e fi*e, a!d of $ourse, he ight tur! e do"!
"hi$h "ould be beyo!d huiliati!g%
Eate is "al#i!g fro her $ar as 8 head out of the door% She !early drops her shoppi!g "he!
she sees e% &!a Steele i! s!ea#ers% 8 "a*e a!d do!t stop for the i!Buisitio!% 8 !eed soe serious
alo!e tie% S!o" .atrol blari!g i! y ears, 8 set off i!to the opal a!d aBuaari!e dus#%
8 pa$e through the par#% #hat am I going to do. 8 "a!t hi, but o! his tersI 8 @ust do!t
#!o"% .erhaps 8 should !egotiate "hat 8 "a!t% >o through that ridi$ulous $o!tra$t li!e by li!e a!d
say "hat is a$$eptable a!d "hat is!t% =y resear$h has told e that legally its u!e!for$eable% 3e
ust #!o" that% 8 figure that it @ust sets up the paraeters of the relatio!ship% 8t illustrates "hat 8
$a! e1pe$t fro hi a!d "hat he e1pe$ts fro e C y total subissio!% & 8 prepared to gi*e
hi thatI & 8 e*e! $apableI
8 a plagued by o!e Buestio! 9 "hy is he li#e thisI 8s it be$ause he "as sedu$ed at su$h a
you!g ageI 8 @ust do!t #!o"% 3es still su$h a ystery%
8 stop beside a large spru$e a!d put y ha!ds o! y #!ees, breathi!g hard, draggi!g pre$ious
air i!to y lu!gs% /h, this feels good, $atharti$% 8 $a! feel y resol*e harde!i!g%
Jes% 8 !eed to tell hi "hats o#ay a!d "hat is!t% 8 !eed to eail hi y thoughts, a!d the!
"e $a! dis$uss these o! Wed!esday% 8 ta#e a deep $lea!si!g breath, the! @og ba$# to the aparte!t%
Eate has bee! shoppi!g, as o!ly she $a!, for $lothes for her holiday to 0arbados%
=ai!ly bi#i!is a!d at$hi!g saro!gs% She "ill loo# fabulous i! all of the, yet she still
a#es e sit a!d $oe!t "hile she tries o! ea$h a!d e*ery o!e% There are o!ly so a!y "ays o!e
$a! say C you loo( fa,ulous !ate. She has a $ur*y, sli figure to die for% She does!t do it o!
purpose, 8 #!o", but 8 haul y sorry, perspiratio! $lad, old t9shirt, s"eat pa!ts, a!d s!ea#ers ass
i!to y roo o! the prete1t of pa$#i!g ore bo1es% Could 8 feel a!y ore i!adeBuateI Ta#i!g the
a"esoe free te$h!ology "ith e, 8 set the laptop up o! y des#% 8 eail Christia!%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Sho$#ed of WS5A
"ate: =ay 22 2011 20:22
$o: Christia! >rey
/#ay, 8*e see! e!ough%
8t "as !i$e #!o"i!g you%
8 press se!d, huggi!g yself, laughi!g at y little @o#e% Will he fi!d it as fu!!yI Oh shit
C probably !ot% Christia! >rey is !ot faed for his se!se of huor% 0ut 8 #!o" it e1ists, 8*e
e1perie!$ed it% .erhaps 8*e go!e too far% 8 "ait for his a!s"er%
8 "aitL a!d "ait% 8 gla!$e at y alar $lo$#% Te! i!utes ha*e passed%
To distra$t yself fro the a!1iety that bloos i! y belly, 8 start doi!g "hat 8 told Eate 8
"ould be doi!g C pa$#i!g up y roo% 8 begi! by $rai!g y boo#s i!to a $rate%
0y !i!e, 8*e heard !othi!g% /erhaps he*s out. 8 pout petula!tly as 8 plug y i.od ear buds
i!, liste! to S!o" .atrol, a!d sit do"! at y sall des# to re9read the $o!tra$t a!d a#e y
8 do!t #!o" "hy 8 gla!$e up, aybe 8 $at$h a slight o*ee!t fro the $or!er of y eye, 8
do!t #!o", but "he! 8 do, hes sta!di!g i! the door"ay of y bedroo "at$hi!g e i!te!tly% 3es
"eari!g his grey fla!!el pa!ts a!d a "hite li!e! shirt, ge!tly t"irli!g his $ar #eys% 8 pull y ear
buds out a!d freeFe . 'uc(&
G>ood e*e!i!g, &!astasia%H 3is *oi$e is $ool, his e1pressio! $opletely guarded a!d
u!readable% The $apa$ity to spea# deserts e% <a! Eate for letti!g hi i! here "ith !o "ar!i!g%
Aaguely, 8 a"are that 8 still i! y s"eats, u!9sho"ered, yu$#y, a!d hes @ust gloriously
yuy, his pa!ts doi!g that ha!gi!g fro the hips thi!g, a!d "hats ore, hes here i! y
G8 felt that your eail "arra!ted a reply i! perso!,H he e1plai!s dryly%
8 ope! y outh a!d the! $lose it agai!, t"i$e% The @o#e is o! e% +e*er i! this or a!y
alter!ati*e u!i*erse did 8 e1pe$t hi to drop e*erythi!g a!d tur! up here%
G=ay 8 sitIH he as#s, his eyes !o" da!$i!g "ith huor C than( hea6ens 2 may,e he*ll see the
funny side.
8 !od% The po"er of spee$h reai!s elusi*e% Christian $rey is sitting on my ,ed.
G8 "o!dered "hat your bedroo "ould loo# li#e,H he says%
8 gla!$e arou!d it, plotti!g a! es$ape route, !o C theres still o!ly the door or "i!do"%
=y roo is fu!$tio!al but $oFy C sparse "hite "i$#er fur!iture a!d a "hite iro! double bed
"ith a pat$h"or# Built, ade by y other "he! she "as i! her fol#sy &eri$a! Builti!g phase%
8ts all pale blue a!d $rea%
G8ts *ery sere!e a!d pea$eful i! here,H he ururs% "ot at the moment0 not with you here.
Fi!ally, y edulla oblo!gata re$alls its purpose, 8 breathe%
G3o"L IH
3e siles at e%
G8 still at the 3eatha!%H
I (now that.
GWould you li#e a dri!#IH .olite!ess "i!s out o*er e*erythi!g else 8d li#e to say%
G+o, tha!# you, &!astasia%H 3e siles a daFFli!g, $roo#ed sile, his head $o$#ed slightly to
o!e side%
#ell I might need one.
GSo, it "as nice #!o"i!g eIH
3oly $o", is he offended. 8 stare do"! at y fi!gers% 3o" a 8 goi!g to dig yself out of
thisI 8f 8 tell hi it "as a @o#e, 8 do!t thi!# hell be ipressed%
G8 thought youd reply by eail%H =y *oi$e is sall, patheti$%
G&re you biti!g your lo"er lip deliberatelyIH he as#s dar#ly%
8 bli!# up at hi, gaspi!g, freei!g y lip%
G8 "as!t a"are 8 "as biti!g y lip,H 8 urur softly%
=y heart is pou!di!g% 8 $a! feel that pull, that deli$ious ele$tri$ity bet"ee! us $hargi!g,
filli!g the spa$e bet"ee! us "ith stati$% 3es sitti!g so $lose to e, his eyes dar# so#y gray, his
elbo"s resti!g o! his #!ees, his legs apart% Lea!i!g for"ard, he slo"ly u!does o!e of y pigtails,
his fi!gers freei!g y hair% =y breathi!g is shallo", a!d 8 $a!!ot o*e% 8 "at$h hyp!otiFed as his
ha!d o*es to y se$o!d pigtail, a!d pulli!g the hair tie, he loose!s the braid "ith his lo!g, s#illed
GSo you de$ided o! soe e1er$ise,H he breathes, his *oi$e soft a!d elodious% 3is fi!gers
ge!tly tu$# y hair behi!d y ear% GWhy, &!astasiaIH 3is fi!gers $ir$le y ear, a!d *ery softly, he
tugs y earlobe, rhythi$ally% 8ts so se1ual%
G8 !eeded tie to thi!#,H 8 "hisper% 8 all rabbit?headlights, oth?flae, bird?s!a#eL
a!d he #!o"s e1a$tly "hat hes doi!g to e%
GThi!# about "hat, &!astasiaIH
G&!d you de$ided that it "as !i$e #!o"i!g eI <o you ea! #!o"i!g e i! the bibli$al
/h shit% 8 flush%
G8 did!t thi!# you "ere failiar "ith the 0ible%H
G8 "e!t to Su!day S$hool, &!astasia% 8t taught e a great deal%H
G8 do!t reeber readi!g about !ipple $laps i! the 0ible% .erhaps you "ere taught fro a
oder! tra!slatio!%H
3is lips ar$h "ith a tra$e of a sile, a!d y eyes are dra"! to his beautiful s$ulptured outh%
GWell, 8 thought 8 should $oe a!d rei!d you ho" nice it "as #!o"i!g e%H
3oly $rap% 8 stare at hi ope! outhed, a!d his fi!gers o*e fro y ear to y $hi!%
GWhat do you say to that, =iss SteeleIH
3is gray eyes blaFe at e, his $halle!ge i!tri!si$ i! his stare% 3is lips are parted C hes
"aiti!g, $oiled to stri#e% <esire C a$ute, liBuid a!d solderi!g, $obusts deep i! y belly%
8 ta#e pre9epti*e a$tio! a!d lau!$h yself at hi% Soeho" he o*es, 8 ha*e !o idea ho",
a!d i! the bli!# of a! eye 8 o! the bed pi!!ed be!eath hi, y ars stret$hed out a!d held abo*e
y head, his free ha!d $lut$hi!g y fa$e, a!d his outh fi!ds i!e%
3is to!gue is i! y outh, $laii!g a!d possessi!g e, a!d 8 re*el i! the for$e he uses% 8 feel
hi agai!st the le!gth of y body% 3e "a!ts me , a!d this does stra!ge, deli$ious thi!gs to y
i!sides% +ot Eate i! her little bi#i!is, !ot o!e of the fiftee!, !ot e*il =rs% Dobi!so!% =e% This
beautiful a! "a!ts e% =y i!!er goddess glo"s so bright she $ould light up .ortla!d% 3e stops
#issi!g e, a!d ope!i!g y eyes, 8 fi!d hi gaFi!g do"! at e%
GTrust eIH he breathes%
8 !od, "ide9eyed, y heart bou!$i!g off y ribs, y blood thu!deri!g arou!d y body%3e
rea$hes do"!, a!d fro his pa!ts po$#et, he ta#es out his sil*er grey sil# tieL that sil*er grey
"o*e! tie that lea*es sall ipressio!s of its "ea*e o! y s#i!% 3e o*es so Bui$#ly, sitti!g
astride e as he faste!s y "rists together, but this tie, he ties the other e!d of the tie to o!e of
the spo#es of y "hite iro! headboard% 3e pulls at y bi!di!g $he$#i!g its se$ure% 8 !ot goi!g
a!y"here% 8 tied, literally, to y bed, a!d 8 so aroused%
3e slides off e a!d sta!ds beside the bed, stari!g do"! at e, his eyes dar# "ith "a!t% 3is
loo# is triupha!t, i1ed "ith relief%
GThats better,H he ururs a!d siles a "i$#ed, #!o"i!g sile% 3e be!ds a!d starts u!doi!g
o!e of y s!ea#ers% /h !oL !oL y feet% +o% 8*e @ust bee! ru!!i!g%
G+o,H 8 protest, tryi!g to #i$# hi off%
3e stops%
G8f you struggle, 8ll tie your feet too% 8f you a#e a !oise, &!astasia, 8 "ill gag you%
Eeep Buiet% Eatheri!e is probably outside liste!i!g right !o"%H
$ag me& !ate& 8 shut up%
3e reo*es y shoes a!d y so$#s effi$ie!tly a!d slo"ly peels off y s"eat pa!ts%
/h C what panties am I wearing. 3e lifts e a!d pulls the Built a!d y du*et out fro
u!der!eath e a!d pla$es e ba$# do"!, this tie o! the sheets%
G+o" the!%H 3e li$#s his botto lip slo"ly% GJoure biti!g that lip, &!astasia% Jou #!o" the
effe$t it has o! e%H 3e pla$es his lo!g i!de1 fi!ger o*er y outh, a "ar!i!g%
Oh my. 8 $a! barely $o!tai! yself, lyi!g helpless, "at$hi!g hi o*e gra$efully arou!d y
roo, its a heady aphrodisia$% Slo"ly, alost leisurely, he reo*es his shoes a!d so$#s, u!does his
pa!ts, a!d lifts his shirt off o*er his head%
G8 thi!# you*e see! too u$h,H he $hu$#les slyly% 3e sits astride e agai!, pulls y t9shirt
up, a!d 8 thi!# hes goi!g to ta#e it off e, but he rolls it up to y !e$# a!d the! pulls it up o*er y
head so he $a! see y outh a!d y !ose, but it $o*ers y eyes% &!d be$ause its folded o*er C 8
$a!!ot see a thi!g through it%
G=,H he breathes appre$iati*ely% GThis @ust gets better a!d better% 8 goi!g to get a
Lea!i!g do"!, he #isses e, his lips te!der agai!st i!e, a!d his "eight shifts off the bed% 8
hear the Buiet $rea# of the bedroo door% >et a dri!#% #here. 7ere. /ortland.
%eattle. 8 strai! to hear hi% 8 $a! a#e out lo" rubli!gs, a!d 8 #!o" hes tal#i!g to Eate
C oh !oL he*s practically na(ed. Whats she goi!g to sayI 8 hear a fai!t poppi!g sou!d% Whats
thatI 3e retur!s, the door $rea#i!g o!$e ore, his feet paddi!g a$ross the bedroo floor, a!d i$e
ti!#li!g agai!st glass as it s"irls i! liBuid% What #i!d of dri!#I 3e shuts the door a!d shuffles
arou!d reo*i!g his pa!ts% They drop to the floor, a!d 8 #!o" hes !a#ed% 3e sits astride e agai!%
G&re you thirsty, &!astasiaIH he as#s, his *oi$e teasi!g
GJes,H 8 breathe, be$ause y outh is sudde!ly par$hed% 8 hear the i$e $li!# agai!st the glass,
a!d he puts it do"! agai! a!d lea!s do"! a!d #isses e, pouri!g a deli$ious $risp, liBuid i!to y
outh as he does% 8ts "hite "i!e% 8ts so u!e1pe$ted, hot , though its $hilled, a!d Christia!s lips
are $ool%
G=oreIH he "hispers%
8 !od% 8t tastes all the ore di*i!e be$ause its bee! i! his outh% 3e lea!s do"!, a!d 8 dri!#
a!other outhful fro his lipsL oh my.
GLets !ot go too far, "e #!o" your $apa$ity for al$ohol is liited, &!astasia%H
8 $a!t help it% 8 gri!, a!d he lea!s do"! to deli*er a!other deli$ious outhful% 3e shifts so
hes lyi!g beside e, his ere$tio! at y hip% /h, 8 "a!t hi i!side e%
G8s this nice IH he as#s, but 8 hear the edge i! his *oi$e%
8 te!se% 3e o*es the glass agai! a!d lea!s do"!, #issi!g e a!d depositi!g a sall shard of
i$e i! y outh "ith a little "i!e% 3e slo"ly a!d leisurely trails $hilled #isses do"! the $e!ter of
y body, fro the base of y throat, bet"ee! y breasts, do"! y torso, a!d to y belly% 3e pops
a frage!t of i$e i! y !a*el i! a pool of $ool, $old "i!e%
8t bur!s all the "ay do"! to the depths of y belly% Wo"%
G+o" you ha*e to #eep still,H he "hispers% G8f you o*e, &!astasia, youll get "i!e all o*er
the bed%H
=y hips fle1 autoati$ally%
G/h !o% 8f you spill the "i!e, 8 "ill pu!ish you, =iss Steele%H
8 groa! a!d desperately fight the urge to tilt y hips, pulli!g o! y restrai!t% /h !oL
With o!e fi!ger, he pulls do"! y bra $ups i! tur!, y breasts pushed up, e1posed a!d
*ul!erable% Lea!i!g do"!, he #isses a!d tugs at ea$h of y !ipples i! tur! "ith $ool, $old lips% 8
fight y body as it tries to ar$h i! respo!se%
G3o" nice is thisIH he breathes, blo"i!g o! o!e of y !ipples%
8 hear a!other $li!# of i$e, a!d the! 8 $a! feel it rou!d y right !ipple as he tugs the left o!e
"ith his lips% 8 oa!, struggli!g !ot to o*e% 8ts s"eet, ago!iFi!g torture%
G8f you spill the "i!e, 8 "o!t let you $oe,H
G/hL pleaseL Christia!L SirL .lease%H 3es dri*i!g e i!sa!e% 8 hear hi sile%
The i$e i! y !a*el is elti!g% 8 a beyo!d "ar C "ar a!d $hilled a!d "a!ti!g%
Wa!ti!g hi, i!side e% +o"%
3is $ool fi!gers trail la!guidly a$ross y belly% =y s#i! is o*erse!siti*e, y hips fle1
autoati$ally, a!d the !o" "arer liBuid fro y !a*el seeps o*er y belly% Christia! o*es
Bui$#ly, lappi!g it up "ith his to!gue, #issi!g, biti!g e softly, su$#i!g%
G/h dear, &!astasia, you o*ed% What a 8 goi!g to do to youIH
8 pa!ti!g loudly% &ll 8 $a! $o!$e!trate o! is his *oi$e a!d his tou$h% +othi!g else is real%
+othi!g else atters, !othi!g else registers o! y radar% 3is fi!gers slip i!to y pa!ties, a!d 8
re"arded "ith his u!guarded sharp i!ta#e of air%
G/h, baby,H he ururs a!d he pushes t"o fi!gers i!side e%
8 gasp%
GDeady for e so soo!,H he says% 3e o*es his fi!gers ta!taliFi!gly slo"ly, i!, out, a!d 8
push agai!st hi, tilti!g y hips up%
GJou are a greedy girl,H he s$olds softly, a!d his thub $ir$les y $litoris a!d the! presses
8 groa! loudly as y body bu$#s be!eath his e1pert fi!gers% 3e rea$hes up a!d pushes the t9
shirt o*er y head so 8 $a! see hi as 8 bli!# i! the soft light of y sidelight% 8 lo!g to tou$h hi%
G8 "a!t to tou$h you,H 8 breathe%
G8 #!o",H he ururs% 3e lea!s do"! a!d #isses e, his fi!gers still o*i!g rhythi$ally
i!side e, his thub $ir$li!g a!d pressi!g% 3is other ha!d s$oops y hair off y head a!d holds
y head i! pla$e% 3is to!gue irrors the a$tio!s of his fi!gers, $laii!g e% =y legs begi! to
stiffe! as 8 push agai!st his ha!d% 3e ge!tles his ha!d, so 8 brought ba$# fro the bri!#% 3e does
this agai! a!d agai!% 8ts so frustrati!gL Oh please Christian 8 s$rea i! y head%
GThis is your pu!ishe!t, so $lose a!d yet so far% 8s this nice IH he breathes i! y ear%
8 "hiper, e1hausted, pulli!g agai!st y restrai!t% 8 helpless, lost i! a! eroti$ tore!t%
G.lease,H 8 beg, a!d he fi!ally ta#es pity o! e%
G3o" shall 8 fu$# you, &!astasiaIH
/hL y body starts to Bui*er% 3e stills agai!%
GWhat do you "a!t, &!astasiaIH
GJouL !o",H 8 $ry%
GShall 8 fu$# you this "ay, or this "ay, or this "ayI Theres a! e!dless $hoi$e,H he breathes
agai!st y lips% 3e "ithdra"s his ha!d a!d rea$hes o*er to the bedside table for a foil pa$#et% 3e
#!eels up bet"ee! y legs, a!d *ery slo"ly he pulls y pa!ties off, stari!g do"! at e, his eyes
gleai!g% 3e puts o! the $o!do% 8 "at$h fas$i!ated, eseriFed%
G3o" nice is thisIH he says as he stro#es hiself%
G8 ea!t it as a @o#e,H 8 "hiper% /lease fuc( me Christian.
3e raises his eyebro"s as his ha!d o*es up a!d do"! his ipressi*e le!gth%
G& @o#eIH 3is *oi$e is e!a$i!gly soft%
GJes% .lease, Christia!,H 8 besee$h hi%
G&re you laughi!g !o"IH
G+o,H 8 e"l%
8 a @ust o!e ball of se1ual, te!se, !eed% 3e stares do"! at e for a oe!t, easur9i!g y
!eed, the! he grabs e sudde!ly a!d flips e o*er% 8t ta#es e by surprise, a!d be$ause y ha!ds
are tied, 8 ha*e to support yself o! y elbo"s% 3e pushes both y #!ees up the bed so y behi!d
is i! the air, a!d he slaps e hard% 0efore 8 $a! rea$t, he plu!ges i!side e% 8 $ry out C fro the slap
a!d fro his sudde! assault, a!d 8 $oe i!sta!tly agai! a!d agai!, falli!g apart be!eath hi as he
$o!ti!ues to sla deli$iously i!to e% 3e does!t stop% 8 spe!t% 8 $a!t ta#e thisL a!d he pou!ds
o! a!d o! a!d o!%%% the! 8 buildi!g agai!L surely !otL !oL
GCoe o!, &!astasia, agai!,H he gro"ls through $le!$hed teeth, a!d u!belie*ably, y body
respo!ds, $o!*ulsi!g arou!d hi as 8 $lia1 a!e", $alli!g out his !ae% 8 shatter agai! i!to ti!y
frage!ts, a!d Christia! stills, fi!ally letti!g go, sile!tly fi!di!g his release%
3e $ollapses o! top of e, breathi!g hard%
G3o" nice "as thatIH he as#s through his gritted teeth%
Oh my.
8 lie pa!ti!g a!d spe!t o! the bed, eyes $losed as he slo"ly pulls out of e% 3e rises
iediately a!d dresses% Whe! hes fully $lothed, he $libs ba$# o! the bed a!d ge!tly u!does his
tie a!d pulls y t9shirt off% 8 fle1 y fi!gers a!d rub y "rists, sili!g at the "o*e! patter!
ipri!ted o! y "rists fro the tie% 8 re9ad@ust y bra as he pulls the du*et a!d Built o*er e% 8
stare up at hi $opletely daFed, a!d he sir#s do"! at e%
GThat "as really !i$e,H 8 "hisper, sili!g $oyly%
GTheres that "ord agai!%H
GJou do!t li#e that "ordIH
G+o% 8t does!t do it for e at all%H
G/h C 8 do!t #!o"L it sees to ha*e a *ery be!efi$ial effe$t o! you%H
G8 a be!efi$ial effe$t, !o" a 8I Could you "ou!d y ego a!y further, =iss SteeleIH
G8 do!t thi!# theres a!ythi!g "ro!g "ith your ego%H 0ut e*e! as 8 say it, 8 do!t feel the
$o!*i$tio! of y "ords 9 soethi!g elusi*e $rosses y i!d, a fleeti!g thought, but its lost before
8 $a! grasp it%
GJou thi!#IH 3is *oi$e is soft% 3es lyi!g beside e, fully $lothed, his head propped up o! his
elbo", a!d 8 a o!ly "eari!g y bra%
GWhy do!t you li#e to be tou$hedIH
G8 @ust do!t%H 3e rea$hes o*er a!d pla!ts a soft #iss o! y forehead% GSo, that eail "as your
idea of a @o#e%H
8 sile apologeti$ally at hi a!d shrug%
G8 see% So you are still $o!sideri!g y propositio!IH
GJour i!de$e!t proposalL yes 8 a% 8 ha*e issues though%H
3e gri!s do"! at e as if relie*ed%
G8d be disappoi!ted if you did!t%H
G8 "as goi!g to eail the to you, but you #i!d of i!terrupted e%H
GCoitus 8!terruptus%H
GSee, 8 #!e" you had a se!se of huor soe"here i! there%H 8 sile%
G/!ly $ertai! thi!gs are fu!!y, &!astasia% 8 thought you "ere sayi!g !o, !o dis$ussio! at all%H
3is *oi$e drops%
G8 do!t #!o" yet% 8 ha*e!t ade up y i!d% Will you $ollar eIH
3e raises his eyebro"s%
GJou ha*e bee! doi!g your resear$h% 8 do!t #!o", &!astasia% 8*e !e*er $ollared a!yo!e%H
/hL should 8 be surprised by thisI 8 #!o" so little about the scene L 8 do!t #!o"%
GWere you $ollaredIH 8 "hisper%
G0y =rs% Dobi!so!IH
G=rs% Dobi!so!KH he laughs loudly, freely, a!d he loo#s so you!g a!d $arefree, his head
thro"! ba$#, his laughter i!fe$tious%
8 gri! ba$# at hi%
G8ll tell her you said that, shell lo*e it%H
GJou still tal# to her regularlyIH 8 $a!t #eep the sho$# out of y *oi$e%
GJes%H 3es serious !o"%
/hL a!d part of e is sudde!ly i!sa!ely @ealous C 8 disturbed by the depth of y feeli!g%
G8 see%H =y *oi$e is tight% GSo you ha*e soeo!e you $a! dis$uss your alter!ati*e lifestyle
"ith, but 8 !ot allo"ed%H
3e fro"!s%
G8 do!t thi!# 8*e e*er thought about it li#e that% =rs% Dobi!so! "as part of that lifestyle% 8
told you, shes a good frie!d !o"% 8f youd li#e, 8 $a! i!trodu$e you to o!e of y forer subs, you
$ould tal# to her%H
#hat. Is he deli,erately trying to upset me.
G8s this your idea of a @o#eI
G+o, &!astasia%H 3es beused as he sha#es his head ear!estly%
G+o C 8ll do this o! y o"!, tha!# you *ery u$h,H 8 s!ap at hi, pulli!g the du*et up to y
3e stares at e, at sea, surprised%
G&!astasia, 8L H 3es lost for "ords% & first, 8 thi!#% G8 did!t ea! to offe!d you%H
G8 !ot offe!ded% 8 appalled%H
G8 do!t "a!t to tal# to o!e of your e19girlfrie!dsL sla*eL subL "hate*er you $all the%H
G&!astasia Steele C are you @ealousIH
8 flush, $riso!%
G&re you stayi!gIH
G8 ha*e a brea#fast eeti!g toorro" at the 3eatha!% 0esides, 8 told you, 8 do!t sleep "ith
girlfrie!ds, sla*es, subs, or a!yo!e% Friday a!d Saturday !ight "ere e1$eptio!s%
8t "o!t happe! agai!%H 8 $a! hear the resol*e behi!d his soft, hus#y *oi$e%
8 purse y lips at hi%
GWell 8 tired !o"%H
G&re you #i$#i!g e outIH 3e raises his eyebro"s at e, aused a!d a little disayed%
GWell thats a!other first%H 3e eyes e spe$ulati*ely% GSo !othi!g you "a!t to dis$uss !o"I
&bout the $o!tra$t%H
G+o%H 8 reply petula!tly%
G>od, 8d li#e to gi*e you a good hidi!g% Joud feel a lot better, a!d so "ould 8%H
GJou $a!t say thi!gs li#e thatL 8 ha*e!t sig!ed a!ythi!g yet%H
G& a! $a! drea, &!astasia%H 3e lea!s o*er e a!d grasps y $hi!% GWed!esdayIH
he ururs, a!d he #isses e lightly o! y lips%
GWed!esday,H 8 agree% G8ll see you out% 8f you gi*e e a i!ute%H 8 sit up a!d grab y t9shirt,
pushi!g hi out of the "ay% &used a!d relu$ta!t, he gets up off the bed%
G.lease pass e y s"eat pa!ts%H
3e $olle$ts the fro the floor a!d ha!ds the to e%
GJes, aa%H 3es tryi!g u!su$$essfully to hide his sile%
8 !arro" y eyes at hi as 8 slip the pa!ts o!% =y hair is a state, a!d 8 #!o" 8ll ha*e to fa$e
the Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh 8!Buisitio! after hes go!e% >rabbi!g a hair tie, 8 "al# to y bedroo door,
ope!i!g it slightly $he$#i!g for Eate% She is !ot i! the li*i!g area% 8 thi!# 8 $a! hear her o! the
pho!e i! her roo% Christia! follo"s e out% <uri!g the short "al# fro bedroo to fro!t door, y
thoughts a!d feeli!gs ebb a!d flo", tra!sfori!g% 8 !o lo!ger a!gry "ith hi, 8 feel sudde!ly
u!bearably shy% 8 do!t "a!t hi to go% For the first tie, 8 "ishi!g he "as C normal C "a!ti!g a
!oral relatio!ship that does!t !eed a te!9page agreee!t, a flogger, a!d #arabi!ers i! his
playroo $eili!g%
8 ope! the door for hi a!d stare do"! at y ha!ds% This is the first tie 8 ha*e e*er had se1
i! y hoe, a!d as se1 goes, 8 thi!# it "as pretty da! fi!e% 0ut !o" 8 feel li#e a re$epta$le C a!
epty *essel to be filled at his "hi% =y sub$o!s$ious sha#es her head%
)ou wanted to run to the 7eathman for se< 2 you had it e<press;deli6ered. She $rosses her
ars a!d taps her foot "ith a "hat9are9you9$oplai!i!g9about9loo# o! her fa$e% Christia! stops i!
the door"ay a!d $lasps y $hi!, for$i!g y eyes to eet his% 3is bro" $reases slightly%
GJou o#ayIH he as#s te!derly as his thub lightly $aresses y botto lip%
GJes%H 8 reply, though i! all ho!esty 8 @ust !ot sure% 8 feel a paradig shift% 8 #!o" that if 8
do this thi!g "ith hi, 8 "ill get hurt% 3es !ot $apable, i!terested, or "illi!g to offer e a!y
oreL a!d 8 "a!t ore% Much more. The surge of @ealousy 8 felt o!ly oe!ts ago tells e that 8
ha*e deeper feeli!gs for hi tha! 8 ha*e aditted to yself%
GWed!esday,H he $o!firs, a!d he lea!s for"ard a!d #isses e softly% Soethi!g $ha!ges
"hile hes #issi!g e, his lips gro" ore urge!t agai!st i!e, his ha!d o*es up fro y $hi! a!d
hes holdi!g the side of y head, his other ha!d o! the other side% 3is breathi!g a$$elerates% 3e
deepe!s the #iss, lea!i!g i!to e% 8 put y ha!ds o! his ars%
8 "a!t to ru! the through his hair, but 8 resist, #!o"i!g that he "o!t li#e it% 3e lea!s his
forehead agai!st i!e, his eyes $losed, his *oi$e strai!ed%
G&!astasia,H he "hispers% GWhat are you doi!g to eIH
G8 $ould say the sae to you,H 8 "hisper ba$#%
Ta#i!g a deep breath, he #isses y forehead a!d lea*es% 3e strolls purposefully do"! the path
to"ards his $ar as he ru!s his ha!d through his hair% >la!$i!g up as he ope!s his $ar door, he siles
his breathta#i!g sile% =y a!s"eri!g sile is "ea#, $opletely daFFled by hi, a!d 8 rei!ded
o!$e ore of 8$arus soari!g too $lose to the Su!% 8 $lose the fro!t door as he $libs i!to his sporty
$ar% 8 ha*e a! o*er"heli!g urge to $ry, a sad a!d lo!ely ela!$holy grips a!d tighte!s rou!d y
heart% <ashi!g ba$# to y bedroo, 8 $lose the door a!d lea! agai!st it tryi!g to ratio!aliFe y
feeli!gs% 8 $a!t% Slidi!g to the floor, 8 put y head i! y ha!ds as y tears begi! to flo"%
Eate #!o$#s ge!tly%
G&!aIH she "hispers% 8 ope! the door% She ta#es o!e loo# at e a!d thro"s her ars arou!d
GWhats "ro!gI What did that $reepy good9loo#i!g bastard doIH
G/h Eate, !othi!g 8 did!t "a!t hi to%H
She pulls e to y bed a!d "e sit%
GJou ha*e dreadful se1 hair%H
8! spite of y poig!a!t sad!ess, 8 laugh%
G8t "as good se1, !ot dreadful at all%H
Eate siles%
GThats better% Why are you $ryi!gI Jou !e*er $ry%H She retrie*es y brush fro the side
table, a!d sitti!g behi!d e, *ery slo"ly starts brushi!g out the #!ots%
G8 @ust do!t thi!# our relatio!ship is goi!g to go a!y"here%H 8 stare do"! at y fi!gers%
G8 thought you said you "ere goi!g to see hi o! Wed!esdayIH
G8 a, that "as our origi!al pla!%H
GSo, "hy did he tur! up here todayIH
G8 se!t hi a! eail%H
G&s#i!g hi to drop byIH
G+o, sayi!g 8 did!t "a!t to see hi a!yore%H
G&!d he tur!s upI &!a, thats ge!ius%H
G&$tually it "as a @o#e%H
G/h% +o" 8 really $o!fused%H
.atie!tly, 8 e1plai! the esse!$e of y eail "ithout gi*i!g a!ythi!g a"ay%
GSo you thought hed reply by eail%H
G0ut i!stead he tur!s up here%H
G8d say hes $opletely sitte! "ith you%H
8 fro"!% Christian smitten with me. 7ardly. 3es @ust loo#i!g for a !e" toy C a $o!*e!ie!t
!e" toy that he $a! bed a!d do u!spea#able thi!gs to% =y heart tighte!s pai!fully%
This is the reality%
G3e $ae here to fu$# e, thats all%H
GWho said roa!$e "as deadIH she "hispers horrified% 8*e sho$#ed Eate% 8 did!t thi!# that
"as possible% 8 shrug apologeti$ally%
G3e uses se1 as a "eapo!%H
GFu$# you i!to subissio!IH She sha#es her head disappro*i!gly% 8 bli!# rapidly at her, a!d 8
$a! feel the blush as it spreads a$ross y fa$e% Oh0 spot on !atherine !a6anagh /ulit:er /ri:e;
winning +ournalist.
G&!a, 8 do!t u!dersta!d, you @ust let hi a#e lo*e to youIH
G+o, Eate, "e do!t a#e lo*e C "e fu$# C Christia!s teri!ology% 3e does!t do the lo*e
G8 #!e" there "as soethi!g "eird about hi% 3e has $oite!t issues%H
8 !od, as if i! agreee!t% 8!"ardly, 8 pi!e% /h Eate%%% 8 "ish 8 $ould tell you e*erythi!g,
e*erythi!g about this stra!ge, sad, #i!#y guy, a!d you $ould tell e to forget about hi% Stop e
fro bei!g a fool%
G8 guess its all a little o*er"heli!g,H 8 urur% 1hat*s the understatement of the year.
0e$ause 8 do!t "a!t to tal# about Christia! a!y ore, 8 as# her about Elliot% Eatheri!es "hole
deea!or $ha!ges at the ere e!tio! of his !ae, she lights up fro "ithi!, beai!g at e%
G3es $oi!g o*er early Saturday to help load up%H She hugs the hairbrush, boy has she got it
bad, a!d 8 feel a failiar fai!t stab of e!*y% Eate has fou!d herself a !oral a!, a!d she loo#s so
8 tur! a!d hug her%
G/h, 8 ea!t to say% Jour dad $alled "hile you "ereL err, o$$upied% &ppare!tly 0ob has
sustai!ed soe i!@ury, so your o a!d he $a!t a#e graduatio!% 0ut your dad "ill be here
Thursday% 3e "a!ts you to $all%H
G/h%%% y o !e*er $alled e% 8s 0ob o#ayIH
GJes% Call her i! the or!i!g% 8ts late !o"%H
GTha!#s, Eate% 8 o#ay !o"% 8ll $all Day i! the or!i!g too% 8 thi!# 8ll @ust tur! i!%H She
siles, but her eyes $ri!#le at the $or!ers "ith $o!$er!%
&fter shes go!e, 8 sit a!d read the $o!tra$t agai!, a#i!g ore !otes as 8 go% Whe! 8*e
fi!ished, 8 fire up the laptop, ready to respo!d%
Theres a! eail fro Christia! i! y i!bo1%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: This e*e!i!g
"ate: =ay 22 2011 22:1(
$o: &!astasia Steele
=iss Steele
8 loo# for"ard to re$ei*i!g your !otes o! the $o!tra$t%
5!til the!, sleep "ell baby%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: 8ssues
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 00:02
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear =r% >rey
3ere is y list of issues% 8 loo# for"ard to dis$ussi!g the ore fully at di!!er o!
The !ubers refer to $lauses:
2: +ot sure "hy this is solely for =J be!efit C ie to e1plore =J se!suality a!d liits% 8
sure 8 "ould!t !eed a te!9page $o!tra$t to do thatK Surely this is for J/5D be!efit%
S: &s you are a"are you are y o!ly se1ual part!er% 8 do!t ta#e drugs, a!d 8*e !ot had a!y
blood tra!sfusio!s% 8 probably safe% What about youI
): 8 $a! teri!ate at a!y tie if 8 do!t thi!# youre sti$#i!g to the agreed liits% /#ay C 8 li#e
': /bey you i! all thi!gsI &$$ept "ithout hesitatio! your dis$ipli!eI We !eed to tal# about
11: /!e o!th trial period% +ot three%
12: 8 $a!!ot $oit e*ery "ee#e!d% 8 do ha*e a life, or "ill ha*e% .erhaps three out of fourI
14%2: 5si!g y body as you see fit se1ually or other"ise C please defi!e Gor other"ise%H
14%4: This "hole dis$ipli!e $lause% 8 !ot sure 8 "a!t to be "hipped, flogged, or $orporally
pu!ished% 8 a sure this "ould be i! brea$h of $lauses 294% &!d also Gfor a!y other reaso!H% Thats
@ust ea! C a!d you told e you "ere!t a sadist%
14%10: Li#e loa!i!g e out to soeo!e else "ould e*er be a! optio!% 0ut 8 glad its here i!
bla$# a!d "hite%
14%1S: The Dules% =ore o! those later%
14%1': Tou$hi!g yself "ithout your perissio!% Whats the proble "ith thisI Jou #!o" 8
do!t do it a!y"ay%
14%21: <is$ipli!e C .lease see $lause 14%4 abo*e%
14%22: 8 $a!t loo# i!to your eyesI WhyI
14%2S: Why $a!t 8 tou$h youI
Sleep C 8ll agree to ( hours% Food C 8 a !ot eati!g food fro a pres$ribed list% The food list
goes or 8 do C <eal brea#er% Clothes C as lo!g as 8 o!ly ha*e to "ear your $lothes "he! 8 "ith
you%%% o#ay% E1er$ise C We agreed 2 hours, this still says S%
Soft Liits:
Ca! "e go through all of theseI +o Fisti!g of a!y #i!d% What is suspe!sio!I >e!ital Claps
C you ha*e got to be #iddi!g e%
Ca! you please let e #!o" the arra!gee!ts for Wed!esdayI 8 a "or#i!g u!til 4p that
>ood !ight%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: This e*e!i!g
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 00:07
$o: &!astasia Steele
=iss Steele
Thats a lo!g list% Why are you still upI
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: 0ur!i!g the id!ight oil
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 00:10
$o: Christia! >rey
8f you re$all 8 "as goi!g through this list, "he! 8 "as distra$ted a!d bedded by a passi!g
$o!trol frea#%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Stop 0ur!i!g the id!ight oil
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 00:12
$o: &!astasia Steele
>/ T/ 0E< &+&ST&S8&%
Christia! >rey
CE/ N Co!trol Frea#, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
Oh0 shouty capitals& 8 s"it$h off% 3o" $a! he i!tiidate e "he! hes si1 iles a"ayI
8 sha#e y head% =y heart still hea*y, 8 $lib i!to bed a!d fall i!sta!tly i!to a deep but
troubled sleep%
The follo"i!g day, 8 $all y o "he! 8 hoe fro "or#% 8ts bee! a relati*ely pea$eful
day at the Clayto!s, allo"i!g e far too u$h tie to thi!#% 8 restless, !er*ous about y
sho"do"! "ith =r% Co!trol Frea# toorro", a!d at the ba$# of y i!d, 8 "orried that perhaps
8*e bee! too !egati*e i! y respo!se to the $o!tra$t% .erhaps hell $all the "hole thi!g off%
=y o is ooFi!g $o!tritio!, desperately sorry !ot to a#e y graduatio!% 0ob has t"isted
soe ligae!t "hi$h ea!s hes hobbli!g all o*er the pla$e% 3o!estly, hes as a$$ide!t9pro!e as 8
a% 3es e1pe$ted to a#e a full re$o*ery, but it ea!s hes resti!g up, a!d y other has to "ait
o! hi ha!d a!d sore foot%
G&!a ho!ey, 8 so sorry,H y o "hi!es do"! the pho!e%
G=o, its fi!e% Day "ill be there%H
G&!a, you sou!d distra$ted C are you o#ay, babyIH
GJes, =o,H Oh if only you (new. Theres a! obs$e!ely ri$h guy 8*e et a!d he "a!ts
soe #i!d of stra!ge #i!#y se1ual relatio!ship, i! "hi$h 8 do!t get a say i! thi!gs%
G3a*e you et soeo!eIH
G+o, =o%H 8 a so !ot goi!g there right !o"%
GWell, darli!g, 8ll be thi!#i!g of you o! Thursday% 8 lo*e youL you #!o" that ho!eyIH8
$lose y eyes, her pre$ious "ords gi*e e a "ar glo" i!side%
GLo*e you too, =o% Say hi to 0ob, a!d 8 hope he gets better fast%H
GWill do, ho!ey% 0ye%H
8 ha*e strayed i!to y bedroo "ith the pho!e% 8dly, 8 s"it$h the ea! a$hi!e o! a!d fire
up the eail progra% Theres a! eail fro Christia! fro late last !ight or *ery early this
or!i!g, depe!di!g o! your poi!t of *ie"% =y heart rate spi#es i!sta!tly, a!d 8 hear the blood
pupi!g i! y ears% 3oly $rapL perhaps hes said !o C thats it C aybe hes $a!$eli!g di!!er% The
thought is so pai!ful% 8 disiss it Bui$#ly a!d ope! the eail%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Jour 8ssues
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 01:27
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
Follo"i!g y ore thorough e1ai!atio! of your issues, ay 8 bri!g to your atte!tio! the
defi!itio! of subissi*e%
s1bmissive Vs uh, 9mis 9i*W C ad2ective .4 i!$li!ed or ready to subitP u!resisti!gly or
hubly obedie!t: su,missi6e ser6ants.
/4 ar#ed by or i!di$ati!g subissio!: a su,missi6e reply.
Origin: 14)0C'0P subiss X 9i*e
Synonyms: .4 tra$table, $oplia!t, plia!t, ae!able% /4 passi*e, resig!ed, patie!t, do$ile,
tae, subdued% Antonyms: .4 rebellious, disobedie!t%
.lease bear this i! i!d for our eeti!g o! Wed!esday%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
=y i!itial feeli!g is o!e of relief% 3es "illi!g to dis$uss y issues at least, a!d he still "a!ts
to eet toorro"% &fter soe thought, 8 reply%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: =y 8ssuesL What about Jour 8ssuesI
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 1):2'
$o: Christia! >rey
.lease !ote the date of origi!: 14)09'0% 8 "ould respe$tfully rei!d Sir that the year is 2011%
We ha*e $oe a lo!g "ay si!$e the!%
=ay 8 offer a defi!itio! for you to $o!sider for our eeti!g: compromise V5om 9pr uh
9ahyFW 9 noun
.4 a settlee!t of differe!$es by utual $o!$essio!sP a! agreee!t rea$hed by ad@uste!t of
$o!fli$ti!g or opposi!g $lais, pri!$iples, et$%, by re$ipro$al odifi$atio! of dea!ds% /4 the
result of su$h a settlee!t% 04 soethi!g i!terediate bet"ee! differe!t thi!gs: 1he split;le6el is a
compromise ,etween a ranch house and a multistoried house.
64 a! e!da!geri!g, esp% of reputatio!P e1posure to da!ger, suspi$io!, et$%: a compro;
mise of one*s integrity.
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: What about =y 8ssuesI
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 1):22
$o: &!astasia Steele
>ood poi!t, "ell ade, as e*er, =iss Steele% 8 "ill $olle$t you fro your aparte!t at 7:00
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: 2011 C Woe! $a! dri*e
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 1):S0
$o: Christia! >rey
8 ha*e a $ar% 8 $a! dri*e%
8 "ould prefer to eet you soe"here%
Where shall 8 eet youI
&t your hotel at 7:00I
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Stubbor! Jou!g Woe!
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 1):S2
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
8 refer to y eail dated =ay 2S, 2011 se!t at 1:27 a!d the defi!itio! $o!tai!ed therei!%
<o you e*er thi!# youll be able to do "hat youre toldI
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: 8!tra$table =e!
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 1):S'
$o: Christia! >rey
=r% >rey
8 "ould li#e to dri*e%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: E1asperated =e!
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 1):42
$o: &!astasia Steele
=y hotel at 7:00%
8ll eet you i! the =arble 0ar%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
3es e*e! grupy by eail% <oes!t he u!dersta!d that 8 ay !eed to a#e a Bui$# get9
a"ayI +ot that y 0eetle is Bui$#L but still C 8 !eed a ea!s of es$ape%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: +ot So 8!tra$table =e!
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 1):44
$o: Christia! >rey
Tha!# you%
&!a 1
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: E1asperati!g Woe!
"ate: =ay 2S 2011 1):4'
$o: &!astasia Steele
Joure "el$oe%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
8 $all Day, "ho is @ust about to "at$h the Sou!ders play soe so$$er tea fro Salt La#e
City, so our $o!*ersatio! is er$ifully brief% 3es dri*i!g do"! o! Thursday for graduatio!% 3e
"a!ts to ta#e e out after"ard for a eal% =y heart s"ells tal#i!g to Day, a!d a huge lup #!ots i!
y throat% 3e has bee! y $o!sta!t through all os roa!ti$ ups a!d do"!s% We ha*e a spe$ial
bo!d that 8 treasure% E*e! though hes y stepdad, hes al"ays treated e as his o"!, a!d 8 $a!t
"ait to see hi% 8ts bee! too lo!g% 3is Buiet fortitude is "hat 8 !eed !o", "hat 8 iss% =aybe 8 $a!
$ha!!el y i!!er Day for y eeti!g toorro"%
Eate a!d 8 $o!$e!trate o! pa$#i!g, shari!g a bottle of $heap red "i!e as "e do% Whe! 8 fi!ally
go to bed, ha*i!g alost fi!ished pa$#i!g y roo, 8 feel $aler% The physi$al a$ti*ity of bo1i!g
e*erythi!g up has bee! a "el$oe distra$tio!, a!d 8 tired% 8 "a!t a good !ights sleep% 8 s!uggle
i!to y bed a!d a soo! asleep%
.aul is ba$# fro .ri!$eto! before he sets off for +e" Jor# to start a! i!ter!ship "ith a
fi!a!$i!g $opa!y% 3e follo"s e rou!d the store all day as#i!g e for a date% 8ts a!!oyi!g%
G.aul, for the hu!dredth tie, 8 ha*e a date this e*e!i!g%H
G+o, you do!t, youre @ust sayi!g that to a*oid e% Joure al"ays a*oidi!g e%H
)es0 you*d thin( you*d ta(e the hint.
G.aul, 8 !e*er thought it "as a good idea to date the bosss brother%H
GJoure fi!ishi!g here o! Friday% Joure !ot "or#i!g toorro"%H
G&!d 8ll be i! Seattle as of Saturday a!d youll be i! +e" Jor# soo!% We $ould!t get u$h
further apart if "e tried% 0esides, 8 do ha*e a date this e*e!i!g%H
GWith JosNO222PIH
GWho the!IH
G.aulL oh%H =y sigh is e1asperated% 3es !ot goi!g to let this go% GChristia! >rey%H 8 $a!!ot
help the a!!oya!$e i! y *oi$e% 0ut it does the tri$#% .auls outh falls ope!, a!d he gapes at e,
stru$# dub% 3uph C e*e! his name re!ders people spee$hless%
GJou ha*e a date "ith Christia! >rey,H he says fi!ally, o!$e hes o*er the sho$#% <isbelief is
e*ide!t i! his *oi$e%
G8 see%H .aul loo#s positi*ely $restfalle!, stu!!ed e*e!, a!d a *ery sall part rese!ts that he
should fi!d this a surprise% =y i!!er goddess does too% She a#es a *ery *ulgar a!d u!attra$ti*e
gesture at hi "ith her fi!gers%
&fter that, he ig!ores e, a!d at fi*e 8 a out of the door, pro!to%
Eate has le!t e t"o dresses a!d t"o pairs of shoes for to!ight a!d for graduatio! toorro"%
8 "ish 8 $ould feel ore e!thused about $lothes a!d a#e a! e1tra effort, but $lothes are @ust !ot y
thi!g% #hat is your thing Anastasia. Christia!s softly spo#e! Buestio! hau!ts e% Sha#i!g y
head a!d e!dea*ori!g to Buell y !er*es, 8 de$ide o! the plu9$olored sheath dress for this
e*e!i!g% 8ts deure a!d *aguely busi!ess9li#e C after all, 8 a !egotiati!g a $o!tra$t%
8 sho"er, sha*e y legs a!d u!derars, "ash y hair, a!d the! spe!d a good half9hour
dryi!g it so that it falls i! soft "a*es to y breasts a!d do"! y ba$#% 8 slip a $ob i! to #eep o!e
side off y fa$e a!d apply as$ara a!d soe lip9gloss% 8 rarely "ear a#e9up C it i!tiidates e%
+o!e of y literary heroi!es had to deal "ith a#e9up C aybe 8d #!o" ore about it if they had%
8 slip o! the plu9$olored stilettos that at$h the dress, a!d 8 ready by si19thirty%
GWellIH 8 as# Eate%
She gri!s%
G0oy, you s$rub up "ell, &!a%H She !ods "ith appro*al% GJou loo# hot%H
G3otK 8 aii!g for deure a!d busi!ess9li#e%H
GThat too, but ost of all, hot% The dress really suits you a!d your $olori!g% The "ay it
$li!gs%H She sir#s%
GEateKH 8 s$old%
GJust #eepi!g it real, &!a% The "hole pa$#age C loo#s good% Eeep the dress% Joull ha*e hi
eati!g out of your ha!d%H
=y outh presses i! a hard li!e% Oh you so ha6e that the wrong way round.
GWish e lu$#%H
GJou !eed lu$# for a dateIH 3er bro" furro"s, puFFled%
GJes, Eate%H
GWell the! C good lu$#%H She hugs e, a!d 8 a out the fro!t door%
8 ha*e to dri*e i! y bare feet C Wa!da, y sea9blue 0eetle, "as!t built to be dri*e! by
stiletto9"earers% 8 pull up outside the 3eatha! at si19fifty9eight pre$isely a!d ha!d y $ar #eys to
the *alet for par#i!g% 3e loo#s as#a!$e at y 0eetle, but 8 ig!ore hi% Ta#i!g a deep breath a!d
e!tally girdi!g y loi!s, 8 head i!to the hotel%
Christia! is lea!i!g $asually agai!st the bar, dri!#i!g a glass of "hite "i!e% 3es dressed i!
his $ustoary "hite li!e! shirt, bla$# @ea!s, bla$# tie, a!d bla$# @a$#et% 3is hair is as tousled as
e*er% 8 sigh% /f $ourse he loo#s gorgeous% 8 sta!d for a fe" se$o!ds i! the e!tra!$e of the bar, gaFi!g
at hi, adiri!g the *ie"% 3e is beyo!d beautiful% 3e gla!$es, !er*ously 8 thi!#, to"ard the
e!tra!$e a!d stills "he! he sees e% 0li!#i!g a $ouple of ties, he the! siles a slo", laFy, se1y
sile that re!ders e spee$hless a!d all olte! i!side% =a#i!g a supree effort !ot to bite y lip, 8
o*e for"ard a"are that 8, &!astasia Steele of Clusy*ille, a i! high stilettos% 3e "al#s
gra$efully o*er to eet e%
GJou loo# stu!!i!g,H he ururs as he lea!s do"! to briefly #iss y $hee#% G& dress, =iss
Steele% 8 appro*e%H Ta#i!g y ar, he leads e to a se$luded booth a!d sig!als for the "aiter%
GWhat "ould you li#e to dri!#IH
=y lips Buir# up i! a Bui$#, sly sile as 8 sit a!d slide i!to the booth C "ell, at least hes
as#i!g e%
G8ll ha*e "hat youre ha*i!g, please%H SeeK 8 $a! play !i$e a!d beha*e yself%
&used, he orders a!other glass of Sa!$erre a!d slides i! opposite e%
GThey ha*e a! e1$elle!t "i!e $ellar here,H he says, $o$#i!g his head to o!e side%
.utti!g his elbo"s o! the table, he steeples his fi!gers i! fro!t of his beautiful outh, his gray
eyes ali*e "ith soe u!readable eotio!% &!d there it isL that failiar pull a!d $harge fro hi,
it $o!!e$ts soe"here deep i!side e% 8 shift u!$ofortably u!der his s$ruti!y, y heart
palpitati!g% 8 ust #eep y $ool%
G&re you !er*ousIH he as#s softly%
3e lea!s for"ard%
G=e too,H he "hispers $o!spiratorially% =y eyes shoot up to eet his% 7im. "er6ous.
"e6er. 8 bli!# at hi, a!d he siles his adorable lopsided sile at e% The "aiter arri*es
"ith y "i!e, a sall dish of i1ed !uts, a!d a!other of oli*es%
GSo, ho" are "e goi!g to do thisIH 8 as#% GDu! through y poi!ts o!e by o!eIH
G8patie!t as e*er, =iss Steele%H
GWell, 8 $ould as# you "hat you thought of the "eather todayIH
3e siles, a!d his lo!g fi!gers rea$h do"! to $olle$t a! oli*e% 3e pops it i! his outh, a!d
y eyes li!ger o! his outh, that outh, thats bee! o! eL all parts of e% 8 flush%
G8 thought the "eather "as parti$ularly u!e1$eptio!al today,H he sir#s%
G&re you sir#i!g at e, =r% >reyIH
G8 a, =iss Steele%H
GJou #!o" this $o!tra$t is legally u!e!for$eable%H
G8 a fully a"are of that, =iss Steele%H
GWere you goi!g to tell e that at a!y poi!tIH
3e fro"!s at e%
GJoud thi!# 8d $oer$e you i!to soethi!g you do!t "a!t to do, a!d the! prete!d that 8 ha*e
a legal hold o*er youIH
GWellL yes%H
GJou do!t thi!# *ery highly of e at all, do youIH
GJou ha*e!t a!s"ered y Buestio!%H
G&!astasia, it does!t atter if its legal or !ot% 8t represe!ts a! arra!gee!t that 8 "ould li#e
to a#e "ith you C "hat 8 "ould li#e fro you a!d "hat you $a! e1pe$t fro e% 8f you do!t li#e
it, the! do!t sig!% 8f you do sig!, a!d the! de$ide you do!t li#e it, there are e!ough get9out $lauses
so you $a! "al# a"ay% E*e! if it "ere legally bi!di!g, do you thi!# 8d drag you through the $ourts
if you did de$ide to ru!IH
8 ta#e a lo!g draft of y "i!e% =y sub$o!s$ious taps e hard o! the shoulder% Jou ust #eep
your "its about you% 4on*t drin( too much.
GDelatio!ships li#e this are built o! ho!esty a!d trust,H he $o!ti!ues% G8f you do!t trust e C
trust e to #!o" ho" 8 affe$ti!g you, ho" far 8 $a! go "ith you, ho" far 8 $a! ta#e you C if you
$a!t be ho!est "ith e, the! "e really $a!t do this%H
Oh my "e*e $ut to the $hase Bui$#ly% 7ow far he can ta(e me. 3oly shit% What does that
GSo its Buite siple, &!astasia% <o you trust e or !otIH 3is eyes are bur!i!g, fer*e!t%G<id
you ha*e siilar dis$ussio!s "ith uL the fiftee!IH
GWhy !otIH
G0e$ause they "ere all established subissi*es% They #!e" "hat they "a!ted out of a
relatio!ship "ith e a!d ge!erally "hat 8 e1pe$ted% With the, it "as @ust a Buestio! of fi!e9tu!i!g
the soft liits, details li#e that%H
G8s there a store you go toI Subissi*es D 5sIH
3e laughs%
G+ot e1a$tly%H
GThe! ho"IH
G8s that "hat you "a!t to dis$ussI /r shall "e get do"! to the !itty9grittyI Jour issues, as
you say%H
8 s"allo"% 4o I trust him. 8s that "hat this all $oes do"! to C trustI Surely that should be a
t"o9"ay thi!g% 8 reeber his s!it "he! 8 pho!ed JosNO222P%
G&re you hu!gryIH he as#s, distra$ti!g e fro y thoughts%
Oh no0 food.
G3a*e you eate! todayIH
8 stare at hi% 7onesty0 3oly $rap, hes !ot goi!g to li#e y a!s"er%
G+o%H =y *oi$e is sall%
3e !arro"s his eyes%
GJou ha*e to eat, &!astasia% We $a! eat do"! here or i! y suite% What "ould you preferIH
G8 thi!# "e should stay i! publi$, o! !eutral grou!d%H
3e siles sardo!i$ally%
G<o you thi!# that "ould stop eIH he says softly, a se!sual "ar!i!g%
=y eyes "ide!, a!d 8 s"allo" agai!%
G8 hope so%H
GCoe, 8 ha*e a pri*ate di!i!g roo boo#ed% +o publi$%H 3e siles at e e!igati9$ally a!d
$libs out of the booth, holdi!g his ha!d out to e%
G0ri!g your "i!e,H he ururs%
.la$i!g y ha!d i! his, 8 slide out a!d sta!d up beside hi% 3e releases e, a!d his ha!d
rea$hes for y elbo"% 3e leads e ba$# through the bar a!d up the gra!d stairs to a eFFa!i!e
floor% & you!g a! i! full 3eatha! li*ery approa$hes us%
G=r% >rey, this "ay sir%H
We follo" hi through a plush seati!g area to a! i!tiate di!i!g roo% =ust one secluded
ta,le. The roo is sall but suptuous% 0e!eath a shieri!g $ha!delier, the table is all star$hed
li!e!, $rystal glasses, sil*er $utlery, a!d "hite rose bouBuet% &! old9"orld, sophisti$ated $har
per*ades the "ood9pa!eled roo% The "aiter pulls out y $hair, a!d 8 sit% 3e pla$es y !ap#i! i!
y lap% Christia! sits opposite e% 8 pee# up at hi%G<o!t bite your lip,H he "hispers%
8 fro"!% <a! it% 8 do!t e*e! #!o" that 8 doi!g it%
G8*e ordered already% 8 hope you do!t i!d%H
Fra!#ly, 8 relie*ed, 8 !ot sure 8 $a! a#e a!y further de$isio!s%
G+o, thats fi!e,H 8 a$Buies$e%
G8ts good to #!o" that you $a! be ae!able% +o", "here "ere "eIH
GThe !itty9gritty%H 8 ta#e a!other large sip of "i!e% 8t really is deli$ious% Christia! >rey does
"i!e "ell% 8 reeber the last sip of "i!e he ga*e e, i! y bed% 8 blush at the i!trusi*e thought%
GJes, your issues%H 3e fishes i!to his i!side @a$#et po$#et a!d pulls out a pie$e of paper%
=y eail%
GClause 2% &greed% This is for the be!efit of us both% 8 shall redraft%H
8 bli!# at hi% 3oly shitL "e are goi!g to go through ea$h of these poi!ts o!e at a tie% 8 @ust
do!t feel so bra*e fa$e to fa$e% 3e loo#s so ear!est% 8 steel yself "ith a!other sip of y "i!e%
Christia! $o!ti!ues%
G=y se1ual health% Well, all of y pre*ious part!ers ha*e had blood tests, a!d 8 ha*e regular
tests e*ery si1 o!ths for all the health ris#s you e!tio!% &ll y re$e!t tests are $lear% 8 ha*e !e*er
ta#e! drugs% 8! fa$t, 8 *ehee!tly a!ti9drugs% 8 ha*e a stri$t !o9tolera!$e poli$y "ith regards to
drugs for all y eployees, a!d 8 i!sist o! ra!do drug testi!g%H
Wo"L $o!trol frea#ery go!e ad% 8 bli!# at hi sho$#ed%
G8 ha*e !e*er had a!y blood tra!sfusio!s% <oes that a!s"er your Buestio!IH
8 !od, ipassi*e%
GJour !e1t poi!t 8 e!tio!ed earlier% Jou $a! "al# a"ay a!y tie, &!astasia% 8 "o!t stop
you% 8f you go, ho"e*er C thats it% Just so you #!o"%H
G/#ay,H 8 a!s"er softly% 8f 8 go, thats it% The thought is surprisi!gly pai!ful%
The "aiter arri*es "ith our first $ourse% 3o" $a! 8 possibly eatI 3oly =oses C hes ordered
oysters o! a bed of i$e%
G8 hope you li#e oysters,H Christia!s *oi$e is soft%
G8*e !e*er had o!e%H E*er%
GDeallyI Well%H 3e rea$hes for o!e% G&ll you do is tip a!d s"allo"% 8 thi!# you $a! a!age
that%H 3e gaFes at e, a!d 8 #!o" "hat hes referri!g to% 8 blush s$arlet% 3e gri!s at e, sBuirts
soe leo! @ui$e o!to his oyster, a!d the! tips it i!to his outh%
G3, deli$ious% Tastes of the sea,H he gri!s at e% G>o o!,H he e!$ourages%
GSo, 8 do!t $he" itIH
G+o, &!astasia, you do!t%H 3is eyes are alight "ith huor% 3e loo#s so you!g li#e this% 8 bite
y lip, a!d his e1pressio! $ha!ges i!sta!tly% 3e loo#s ster!ly at e% 8 rea$h a$ross a!d pi$# up y
first e*er oyster% /#ayL here goes !othi!g% 8 sBuirt soe leo! @ui$e o! it a!d tip it up% 8t slips
do"! y throat, all sea"ater, salt, the sharp ta!g of $itrus, a!d fleshi!essL ooh% 8 li$# y lips, a!d
hes "at$hi!g e i!te!tly, his eyes hooded%
G8ll ha*e a!other,H 8 say dryly%
G>ood girl,H he says proudly%
G<id you $hoose these deliberatelyI &re!t they #!o"! for their aphrodisia$ BualitiesIHG+o,
they are the first ite o! the e!u% 8 do!t !eed a! aphrodisia$ !ear you% 8 thi!# you #!o" that, a!d
8 thi!# you rea$t the sae "ay !ear e,H he says siply% GSo "here "ere "eIH 3e gla!$es at y
eail as 8 rea$h for a!other oyster%
7e reacts the same way. I affect him0 wow.
G/bey e i! all thi!gs% Jes, 8 "a!t you to do that% 8 !eed you to do that% Thi!# of it as role9
play &!astasia%H
G0ut 8 "orried youll hurt e%H
G3urt you ho"IH
G.hysi$ally%H And emotionally.
G<o you really thi!# 8 "ould do thatI >o beyo!d a!y liit you $a!t ta#eIH
GJou*e said you*e hurt soeo!e before%H
GJes, 8 ha*e% 8t "as a lo!g tie ago%H
G3o" did you hurt theIH
G8 suspe!ded the fro y playroo $eili!g% 8! fa$t, thats o!e of your Buestio!s%
Suspe!sio! C thats "hat the #arabi!ers are for i! the playroo% Dope play% /!e of the ropes
"as tied too tightly%H
8 hold y ha!d up beggi!g hi to stop%
G8 do!t !eed to #!o" a!y ore% So you "o!t suspe!d e the!IH
G+ot if you really do!t "a!t to% Jou $a! a#e that a hard liit%H
GSo obeyi!g, do you thi!# you $a! a!age thatIH
3e stares at e, his gray eyes i!te!se% The se$o!ds ti$# by%
G8 $ould try,H 8 "hisper%
G>ood%H 3e siles% G+o" ter% /!e o!th i!stead of three is !o tie at all, espe$ially if you
"a!t a "ee#e!d a"ay fro e ea$h o!th% 8 do!t thi!# 8ll be able to stay a"ay fro you for that
le!gth of tie% 8 $a! barely a!age it !o",H he pauses%
7e can*t stay away from me. #hat.
G3o" about, o!e day o*er o!e "ee#e!d per o!th you get to yourself C but 8 get a id"ee#
!ight that "ee#IH
G&!d please, lets try it for three o!ths% 8f its !ot for you the!, you $a! "al# a"ay a!ytie%H
GThree o!thsIH 8 feeli!g railroaded% 8 ta#e a!other large sip of "i!e a!d treat yself to
a!other oyster% 8 $ould lear! to li#e these%
GThe o"!ership thi!g, thats @ust teri!ology a!d goes ba$# to the pri!$iple of obeyi!g% 8ts to
get you i!to the right frae of i!d, to u!dersta!d "here 8 $oi!g fro%
&!d 8 "a!t you to #!o" that as soo! as you $ross y threshold as y subissi*e, 8 "ill do
"hat 8 li#e to you% Jou ha*e to a$$ept that a!d "illi!gly% Thats "hy you ha*e to trust e%
8 "ill fu$# you, a!y tie, a!y "ay, 8 "a!t C a!y"here 8 "a!t% 8 "ill dis$ipli!e you, be$ause
you "ill s$re" up% 8 "ill trai! you to please e% 0ut 8 #!o" you*e !ot do!e this before%
8!itially, "ell ta#e it slo"ly, a!d 8 "ill help you% Well build up to *arious s$e!arios% 8 "a!t
you to trust e, but 8 #!o" 8 ha*e to ear! your trust, a!d 8 "ill% The Gor other"iseH
C agai! its to help you get i!to the i!dset, it ea!s a!ythi!g goes%H
3es so passio!ate, eseriFi!g% This is ob*iously his obsessio!, the "ay he isL 8 $a!t ta#e
y eyes off hi% 3e really, really "a!ts this% 3e stops tal#i!g a!d gaFes at e%
GStill "ith eIH he "hispers, his *oi$e ri$h, "ar a!d sedu$ti*e% 3e ta#es a sip of his "i!e,
his pe!etrati!g stare holdi!g i!e%
The "aiter $oes to the door, a!d Christia! subtly !ods peritti!g the "aiter to $lear our
GWould you li#e soe ore "i!eIH
G8 ha*e to dri*e%H
GSoe "ater the!IH
8 !od%
GStill or spar#li!gIH
GSpar#li!g, please%H
The "aiter lea*es%
GJoure *ery Buiet,H Christia! "hispers%
GJoure *ery *erbose%H
3e siles%
G<is$ipli!e% Theres a *ery fi!e li!e bet"ee! pleasure a!d pai! &!astasia% They are t"o sides
of the sae $oi!, o!e !ot e1isti!g "ithout the other% 8 $a! sho" you ho" pleasurable pai! $a! be%
Jou do!t belie*e e !o", but this is "hat 8 ea! about trust% There "ill be pai!, but !othi!g that
you $a!t ha!dle% &gai!, it $oes do"! to trust% 4o you trust e, &!aIH
GJes, 8 do%H 8 respo!d spo!ta!eously, !ot thi!#i!gL be$ause its true C 8 do trust hi%
GWell the!,H he loo#s relie*ed% GThe rest of this stuff is @ust details%H
G8porta!t details%H
G/#ay, lets tal# through those%H
=y head is s"ii!g "ith all his "ords% 8 should ha*e brought Eates i!i dis$ player so 8
$a! liste! ba$# to this% There is so u$h i!foratio!, so u$h to pro$ess% The "aiter re9eerges
"ith our e!trees: bla$# $od, asparagus, a!d $rushed potatoes "ith a hol9la!daise sau$e% 8 ha*e !e*er
felt less li#e food%
G8 hope you li#e fish,H Christia! says ildly%
8 a#e a stab at y food a!d ta#e a lo!g dri!# of y spar#li!g "ater% 8 *ehee!tly "ish it
"as "i!e%
GThe rules% Lets tal# about the% The food is a deal brea#erIH
GCa! 8 odify to say that you "ill eat at least three eals a dayIH
G+o%H 8 a so !ot ba$#i!g do"! o! this% +o o!e is goi!g to di$tate to e "hat 8 eat%
3o" 8 fu$#, yes, but eatL !o, !o "ay%
3e purses his lips%
G8 !eed to #!o" that youre !ot hu!gry%H
8 fro"!% #hy.
GJoull ha*e to trust e%H
3e gaFes at e for a oe!t, a!d he rela1es%
GTou$hNO222P, =iss Steele,H he says Buietly% G8 $o!$ede the food a!d the sleep%H
GWhy $a!t 8 loo# at youIH
GThats a <o?sub thi!g% Joull get used to it%H
#ill I.
GWhy $a!t 8 tou$h youIH
G0e$ause you $a!t%H
3is outh sets i! a ulish li!e%
G8s it be$ause of =rs% Dobi!so!IH
3e loo#s BuiFFi$ally at e%
GWhy "ould you thi!# thatIH &!d iediately he u!dersta!ds% GJou thi!# she trau9atiFed
8 !od%
G+o &!astasia% Shes !ot the reaso!% 0esides, =rs% Dobi!so! "ould!t ta#e a!y of that shit
fro e%H
Oh0 ,ut I ha6e to. 8 pout%
GSo !othi!g to do "ith her%H
G+o% &!d 8 do!t "a!t you tou$hi!g yourself, either%H
#hat. &h yes, the !o asturbatio! $lause%
G/ut of $uriosityL "hyIH
G0e$ause 8 "a!t all your pleasure,H his *oi$e is hus#y, but deteri!ed%
Oh L 8 ha*e !o a!s"er for that% /! o!e le*el its up there "ith, M8 "a!t to bite that lip, o!
a!other, its so selfish% 8 fro"! a!d ta#e a bite of $od, tryi!g to assess e!tally "hat $o!$essio!s
8*e gai!ed% The food, the sleep, 8 $a! loo# hi i! the eye% 3es goi!g to ta#e it slo", a!d "e
ha*e!t dis$ussed soft liits% 0ut 8 !ot sure 8 $a! fa$e that o*er food%
G8*e gi*e! you a great deal to thi!# about ha*e!t 8IH
G<o you "a!t to go through the soft liits !o" tooIH
G+ot o*er di!!er%H
3e siles%
GSoethi!g li#e that%H
GJou*e !ot eate! *ery u$h%H
G8*e had e!ough%H
GThree oysters, four bites of $od, a!d o!e asparagus stal#, !o potatoes, !o !uts, !o oli*es, a!d
you*e !ot eate! all day% Jou said 8 $ould trust you%H
JeeF% 3es #ept a! i!*e!tory%
GChristia!, please, its !ot e*ery day 8 sit through $o!*ersatio!s li#e this%H
G8 !eed you fit a!d healthy &!astasia%H
G8 #!o"%H
G&!d right !o", 8 "a!t to peel you out of that dress%H
8 s"allo"% /eel me out of !ate*s dress. 8 feel the pull deep i! y belly% =us$les that 8 !o"
ore a$Buai!ted "ith $le!$h at his "ords% 0ut 8 $a!t ha*e this% 3is ost pote!t "eapo!, used
agai!st e agai!% 3es so good at se1 C e*e! 8*e figured this out%
G8 do!t thi!# thats a good idea,H 8 urur Buietly% GWe ha*e!t had dessert%H
GJou "a!t dessertIH he s!orts%
GJou $ould be dessert,H he ururs suggesti*ely%
G8 !ot sure 8 s"eet e!ough%H
G&!astasia, youre deli$iously s"eet% 8 #!o"%H
GChristia!% Jou use se1 as a "eapo!% 8t really is!t fair,H 8 "hisper, stari!g do"! at y ha!ds,
a!d the! loo#i!g dire$tly at hi% 3e raises his eyebro"s, surprised, a!d 8 see hes $o!sideri!g y
"ords% 3e stro#es his $hi! thoughtfully%
GJoure right% 8 do% 8! life you use "hat you #!o", &!astasia% <oes!t $ha!ge ho" u$h 8
"a!t you% 3ere% +o"%H
3o" $a! he sedu$e e solely "ith his *oi$eI 8 pa!ti!g already C y heated blood rushi!g
through y *ei!s, y !er*es ti!gli!g%
G8d li#e to try soethi!g,H he breathes%
8 fro"!% 3es @ust gi*e! e a shit load of ideas to pro$ess a!d !o" this%
G8f you "ere y sub, you "ould!t ha*e to thi!# about this% 8t "ould be easy%H 3is *oi$e is
soft, sedu$ti*e% G&ll those de$isio!s C all the "earyi!g thought pro$esses behi!d the% The C is this
the right thi!g to doI Should this happe! hereI Ca! it happe! !o"I
Jou "ould!t ha*e to "orry about a!y of that detail% Thats "hat 8d do as your <o% &!d
right !o", 8 #!o" you "a!t e, &!astasia%H
=y fro"! deepe!s% 3o" $a! he tellI
G8 $a! tell be$auseL H
7oly shit he*s answering my unspo(en 3uestion % 8s he psy$hi$ as "ellI
GL Jour body gi*es you a"ay% Joure pressi!g your thighs together, youre flushed, a!d your
breathi!g has $ha!ged%H
O this is too much.
G3o" do you #!o" about y thighsIH =y *oi$e is lo", disbelie*i!g% Theyre u!der the table
for hea*e!s sa#e%
G8 felt the table$loth o*e, a!d its a $al$ulated guess based o! years of e1perie!$e%
8 right are!t 8IH
8 flush a!d stare do"! at y ha!ds% Thats "hat 8 hi!dered by i! this gae of sedu$tio!%
3es the o!ly o!e "ho #!o"s a!d u!dersta!ds the rules% 8 @ust too !aNO22'P*e a!d
i!e1perie!$ed% =y o!ly sphere of refere!$e is Eate, a!d she does!t ta#e a!y shit fro e!% =y
other refere!$es are all fi$tio!al: EliFabeth 0e!!ett "ould be outraged, Ja!e Eyre too frighte!ed,
a!d Tess "ould su$$ub, @ust as 8 ha*e%
G8 ha*e!t fi!ished y $od%H
GJoud prefer $old $od to eIH
=y head @er#s up to glare at hi, a!d his gray eyes bur! olte! sil*er, "ith $opelli!g !eed%
G8 thought you li#ed e $leari!g y plate%H
GDight !o", =iss Steele, 8 $ould!t gi*e a fu$# about your food%H
GChristia!% Jou @ust do!t fight fair%H
G8 #!o"% 8 !e*er ha*e%H
=y i!!er goddess fro"!s at e% Jou $a! do this, she $oa1es C play this se1 god at his o"!
gae% Can I. /#ay% What to doI =y i!e1perie!$e is a! albatross arou!d y !e$#%
.i$#i!g up a spear of asparagus, 8 gaFe at hi a!d bite y lip% The! *ery slo"ly put the tip of
y $old asparagus i! y outh a!d su$# it%
Christia!s eyes "ide! i!fi!itesially, but 8 !oti$e%
G&!astasia% What are you doi!gIH
8 bite off the tip%
GEati!g y asparagus%H
Christia! shifts i! his seat%
G8 thi!# youre toyi!g "ith e, =iss Steele%H
8 feig! i!!o$e!$e%
G8 @ust fi!ishi!g y food, =r% >rey%H
The "aiter $hooses this oe!t to #!o$# a!d, u!bidde!, e!ter% 3e gla!$es briefly at
Christia!, "ho fro"!s at hi but the! !ods, so the "aiter $lears our plates% The "aiters arri*al has
bro#e! the spell% &!d 8 grasp this pre$ious oe!t of $larity% 8 ha*e to go% /ur eeti!g "ill o!ly
e!d o!e "ay if 8 stay, a!d 8 !eed soe bou!daries after su$h a! i!te!se $o!*ersatio!% &s u$h as
y body $ra*es his tou$h, y i!d is rebelli!g% 8 !eed soe dista!$e to thi!# about all hes said% 8
still ha*e!t ade a de$isio!, a!d his se1ual allure a!d pro"ess does!t a#e it a!y easier%
GWould you li#e soe dessertIH Christia! as#s, e*er the ge!tlea!, but his eyes still blaFe%
G+o, tha!# you% 8 thi!# 8 should go%H 8 stare do"! at y ha!ds%
G>oIH 3e $a!t hide his surprise%
The "aiter lea*es hastily%
GJes%H 8ts the right de$isio!% 8f 8 stay here, i! this roo "ith hi, he "ill fu$# e% 8 sta!d,
purposefully% GWe both ha*e the graduatio! $ereo!y toorro"%H
Christia! sta!ds autoati$ally, re*eali!g years of i!grai!ed $i*ility%
G8 do!t "a!t you to go%H
G.leaseL 8 ha*e to%H
G0e$ause you*e gi*e! e so u$h to $o!siderL a!d 8 !eed soe dista!$e%H
G8 $ould a#e you stay,H he threate!s%
GJes, you $ould easily, but 8 do!t "a!t you to%H
3e ru!s his ha!d through his hair, regardi!g e $arefully%
GJou #!o", "he! you fell i!to y offi$e to i!ter*ie" e, you "ere all yes sir, !o sir%
8 thought you "ere a !atural bor! subissi*e% 0ut Buite fra!#ly, &!astasia, 8 !ot sure you
ha*e a subissi*e bo!e i! your dele$table body%H 3e o*es slo"ly to"ard e as his spea#s, his
*oi$e te!se%
GJou ay be right,H 8 breathe%
G8 "a!t the $ha!$e to e1plore the possibility that you do,H he ururs, stari!g do"! at e%
3e rea$hes up a!d $aresses y fa$e, his thub tra$i!g y lo"er lip% G8 do!t #!o" a!y other "ay,
&!astasia% This is "ho 8 a%H
G8 #!o"%H
3e lea!s do"! to #iss e, but pauses before his lips tou$h i!e, his eyes sear$hi!g i!e,
"a!ti!g, as#i!g perissio!% 8 raise y lips to his, a!d he #isses e a!d be$ause 8 do!t #!o" if 8ll
e*er #iss hi agai!, 8 let go C y ha!ds o*i!g of their o"! a$$ord a!d t"isti!g i!to his hair,
pulli!g hi to e, y outh ope!i!g, y to!gue stro#i!g his% 3is ha!d grasps the !ape of y !e$#
as he deepe!s the #iss, respo!di!g to y ardor% 3is other ha!d slides do"! y ba$# a!d flatte!s at
the base of y spi!e as he pushes e agai!st his body%G8 $a!t persuade you to stayIH he breathes
bet"ee! #isses%
GSpe!d the !ight "ith e%H
G&!d !ot tou$h youI +o%H
3e groa!s%
GJou ipossible girl%H 3e pulls ba$#, gaFi!g do"! at e% GWhy do 8 thi!# youre telli!g e
G0e$ause 8 lea*i!g !o"%H
GThats !ot "hat 8 ea!, a!d you #!o" it%H
GChristia!, 8 ha*e to thi!# about this% 8 do!t #!o" if 8 $a! ha*e the #i!d of relatio!ship you
3e $loses his eyes a!d presses his forehead agai!st i!e, gi*i!g us both the opportu!ity to
slo" our breathi!g% &fter a oe!t, he #isses y forehead, i!hales deeply, his !ose i! y hair, a!d
the! he releases e, steppi!g ba$#%
G&s you "ish, =iss Steele,H he says, his fa$e ipassi*e% G8ll es$ort you to the lobby%H
3e holds out his ha!d% Lea!i!g do"!, 8 grab y purse a!d pla$e y ha!d i! his% 7oly crap
this could ,e it. 8 follo" hi ee#ly do"! the gra!d stairs a!d i!to the lobby, y s$alp pri$#li!g,
y blood pupi!g% This $ould be the last goodbye if 8 de$ide to say !o%
=y heart $o!tra$ts pai!fully i! y $hest% What a tur!arou!d% What a differe!$e a oe!t of
$larity $a! a#e to a girl%
G<o you ha*e your *alet ti$#etIH
8 fish i!to y $lut$h purse a!d ha!d hi the ti$#et, "hi$h he gi*es to the doora!% 8 pee# up
at hi as "e sta!d "aiti!g%
GTha!# you for di!!er,H 8 urur%
G8ts a pleasure as al"ays, =iss Steele,H he says politely, though he loo#s deep i! thought,
$opletely distra$ted%
&s 8 peer up at hi, 8 $oit his beautiful profile to eory% The idea that 8 ight !ot see
hi agai! hau!ts e, u!"el$oe a!d too pai!ful to $o!teplate% 3e tur!s sudde!ly, stari!g do"!
at e, his e1pressio! i!te!se%
GJoure o*i!g this "ee#e!d to Seattle% 8f you a#e the right de$isio!, $a! 8 see you o!
Su!dayIH 3e sou!ds hesita!t%
GWell see% =aybe,H 8 breathe% =oe!tarily, he loo#s relie*ed, a!d the! he fro"!s%
G8ts $ooler !o", do!t you ha*e a @a$#etIH
3e sha#es his head i! irritatio! a!d ta#es off his @a$#et%
G3ere% 8 do!t "a!t you $at$hi!g $old%H
8 bli!# up at hi as he holds it ope!, a!d as 8 hold y ars out behi!d e, 8 rei!ded of
the tie i! his offi$e "he! he slipped y $oat o!to y shoulders C the first tie 8 et hi C a!d
the effe$t he had o! e the!% +othi!gs $ha!ged, i! fa$t, its ore i!te!se%
3is @a$#et is "ar, far too big, a!d it sells of hi% Oh my0 deli$ious%
=y $ar pulls up outside% Christia!s outh drops ope!%
GThats "hat you dri*eIH 3es appalled% Ta#i!g y ha!d, he leads e outside% The *alet
@ups out a!d ha!ds e y #eys, a!d Christia! $oolly pals hi soe o!ey%
G8s this road"orthyIH 3es glari!g at e !o"%
GWill it a#e it to SeattleIH
GJes% She "ill%H
GJes,H 8 s!ap, e1asperated% G/#ay shes old% 0ut shes i!e, a!d shes road"orthy%
=y stepdad bought it for e%H
G/h, &!astasia, 8 thi!# "e $a! do better tha! this%H
GWhat do you ea!IH DealiFatio! da"!s% GJou are not buyi!g e a $ar%H
3e glo"ers at e, his @a" te!se%
GWell see,H he says tightly%
3e gria$es as he ope!s the dri*ers door a!d helps e i!% 8 ta#e y shoes off a!d roll do"!
the "i!do"% 3es gaFi!g at e, his e1pressio! u!fathoable, eyes dar#%
G<ri*e safely,H he says Buietly%
G>oodbye, Christia!%H =y *oi$e is hoarse fro u!bidde!, u!shed tears C +ee: I*m not going
to cry. 8 gi*e hi a sall sile%
&s 8 dri*e a"ay, y $hest $o!stri$ts, y tears start to fall, a!d 8 $ho#e ba$# a sob%
Soo! tears are streai!g do"! y fa$e, a!d 8 really do!t u!dersta!d "hy 8 $ryi!g% 8 "as
holdi!g y o"!% 3e e1plai!ed e*erythi!g% 3e "as $lear% 3e "a!ts e, but the truth is, 8 !eed ore%
8 !eed hi to "a!t e li#e 8 "a!t a!d !eed hi, a!d deep do"! 8 #!o" thats !ot possible% 8 a
@ust o*er"heled%
8 do!t e*e! #!o" ho" to $ategoriFe hi% 8f 8 do this thi!gL "ill he be y boyfrie!dI
Will 8 be able to i!trodu$e hi to y frie!dsI >o out to bars, the $i!ea, bo"li!g e*e!, "ith
hiI The truth is, 8 do!t thi!# 8 "ill% 3e "o!t let e tou$h hi a!d he "o!t let e sleep "ith
hi% 8 #!o" 8*e !ot had these thi!gs i! y past, but 8 "a!t the i! y future%
&!d thats !ot the future he e!*isages%
What if 8 do say yes, a!d i! three o!ths tie he says !o, hes had e!ough of tryi!g to old
e i!to soethi!g 8 !ot% 3o" "ill 8 feelI 8ll ha*e eotio!ally i!*ested three o!ths, doi!g
thi!gs that 8 !ot sure 8 "a!t to do% &!d if he the! says !o, agreee!t o*er, ho" $ould 8 $ope "ith
that le*el of re@e$tio!I .erhaps its best to ba$# a"ay !o" "ith "hat self9estee 8 ha*e reaso!ably
0ut the thought of !ot seei!g hi agai! is ago!iFi!g% 3o" has he gotte! u!der y s#i! so
Bui$#lyI 8t $a!t @ust be the se1L $a! itI 8 dash the tears fro y eyes% 8 do!t "a!t to e1ai!e y
feeli!gs for hi% 8 frighte!ed "hat 8ll u!$o*er if 8 do% #hat am I going to do.
8 par# up outside our duple1% +o lights o!% Eate ust be out% 8 relie*ed% 8 do!t "a!t her to
$at$h e $ryi!g agai!% &s 8 u!dress, 8 "a#e up the ea! a$hi!e a!d sitti!g i! y i!bo1 is a
essage fro Christia!%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: To!ight
"ate: =ay 24 2011 22:01
$o: &!astasia Steele
8 do!t u!dersta!d "hy you ra! this e*e!i!g% 8 si!$erely hope 8 a!s"ered all your Buestio!s to
your satisfa$tio!% 8 #!o" 8 ha*e gi*e! you a great deal to $o!teplate, a!d 8 fer*e!tly hope that you
"ill gi*e y proposal your serious $o!sideratio!% 8 really "a!t to a#e this "or#% We "ill ta#e it
Trust e%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
3is eail a#es e "eep ore% 8 a !ot a erger% 8 a !ot a! a$Buisitio!% Deadi!g this, 8
ight as "ell be% 8 do!t reply% 8 @ust do!t #!o" "hat to say to hi% 8 fuble i!to y .Js, a!d
"rappi!g his @a$#et arou!d e% 8 $lib i!to bed% &s 8 lie stari!g i!to the dar#!ess, 8 thi!# of all the
ties he "ar!ed e to stay a"ay%
-Anastasia you should steer clear of me. I*m not the man for you.*
-I don*t do the girlfriend thing.*
-I*m not a hearts and flowers (ind of guy.*
-I don*t ma(e lo6e.*-1his is all I (now.*
&!d as 8 "eep i!to y pillo" sile!tly, its this last idea 8 $li!g to% This is all 8 #!o", too%
.erhaps together "e $a! $hart a !e" $ourse%
Christia! is sta!di!g o*er e graspi!g a plaited, leather ridi!g9$rop% 3es "eari!g old, faded,
ripped Le*is a!d thats all% 3e fli$#s the $rop slo"ly i!to his pal as he gaFes do"! at e% 3es
sili!g, triupha!t% 8 $a!!ot o*e% 8 a !a#ed a!d sha$#led, spread9eagled o! a large four9poster
bed% Dea$hi!g for"ard, he trails the tip of the $rop fro y forehead do"! the le!gth of y !ose,
so 8 $a! sell the leather, a!d o*er y parted, pa!ti!g lips%
3e pushes the tip i!to y outh so 8 $a! taste the sooth, ri$h leather%
GSu$#,H he $oa!ds his *oi$e soft% =y outh $loses o*er the tip as 8 obey%
GE!ough,H he s!aps%
8 pa!ti!g o!$e ore as he tugs the $rop out of y outh, trails it do"! a!d u!der y $hi!,
o! do"! y !e$# to the hollo" at the base of y throat% 3e s"irls it slo"ly there a!d the!
$o!ti!ues to drag the tip do"! y body, alo!g y ster!u, bet"ee! y breasts, o*er y torso
do"! to y !a*el% 8 pa!ti!g, sBuiri!g, pulli!g agai!st y restrai!ts that are biti!g i!to y
"rists a!d y a!#les% 3e s"irls the tip arou!d y !a*el the! $o!ti!ues to trail the leather tip south,
through y pubi$ hair to y $litoris% 3e fli$#s the $rop a!d it hits y s"eet spot "ith a sharp slap,
a!d 8 $oe, gloriously, shouti!g y release%
&bruptly, 8 "a#e, gaspi!g for breath, $o*ered i! s"eat a!d feeli!g the aftersho$#s of y
orgas% 3oly hell% 8 $opletely disorie!tated% #hat the hell +ust happened. 8 i! y bedroo
alo!e% 3o"I WhyI 8 sit bolt upright, sho$#edL "o"% 8ts or!i!g% 8 gla!$e at y alar $lo$# C
eight o$lo$#% 8 put y head i! y ha!ds% 8 did!t #!o" 8 $ould drea se1% Was it soethi!g 8 ateI
.erhaps the oysters a!d y 8!ter!et resear$h a!ifesti!g itself i! y first "et drea% 8ts
be"ilderi!g% 8 had !o idea that 8 $ould orgas i! y sleep%
Eate is s#ippi!g arou!d the #it$he! "he! 8 stagger i!%
G&!a, are you o#ayI Jou loo# odd% 8s that Christia!s @a$#et youre "eari!gIH
G8 fi!e%H <a!, should ha*e $he$#ed i! the irror% 8 a*oid her pier$i!g gree! eyes%
8 still reeli!g fro y or!i!gs e*e!t% GJes, this is Christia!s @a$#et%H
She fro"!s%
G<id you sleepIH
G+ot *ery "ell%H
8 head for the #ettle% 8 !eed tea%
G3o" "as di!!erIH
%o it ,egins.
GWe had oysters% Follo"ed by $od, so 8d say it "as fishy%H
G5ghL 8 hate oysters, a!d 8 do!t "a!t to #!o" about the food% 3o" "as Christia!I
What did you tal# aboutIH
G3e "as atte!ti*e,H 8 pause%
What $a! 8 sayI 3is 38A status is $lear, hes hea*ily i!to role9play, "a!ts e to obey his
e*ery $oa!d, he hurt soeo!e he tied to his bedroo $eili!g, a!d he "a!ted to fu$# e i! the
pri*ate di!i!g roo% Would that be a good suaryI 8 try desperately to reeber soethi!g fro
y e!$ou!ter "ith Christia! that 8 $a! dis$uss "ith Eate%
G3e does!t appro*e of Wa!da%H
GWho does, &!aI Thats old !e"s% Why are you bei!g so $oyI >i*e it up, girlfrie!d%H
G/h, Eate, "e tal#ed about lots thi!gs% Jou #!o" C ho" fussy he is about food% 8!$ide!tally,
he li#ed your dress%H The #ettle has boiled, so 8 a#e yself soe tea% G<o you "a!t teaI Would
you li#e e to hear your spee$h for todayIH
GJes, please% 8 "or#ed o! it last !ight o*er at Lilahs% 8ll go fet$h it% &!d yes, 8d lo*e soe
tea%H Eate ra$es out of the #it$he!%
.he", Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh sidetra$#ed% 8 sli$e a bagel a!d pop it i!to the toaster% 8 flush
reeberi!g y *ery *i*id drea% What o! earth "as that aboutI
Last !ight 8 fou!d it hard to sleep% =y head "as buFFi!g "ith *arious optio!s% 8 a so
$o!fused% Christia!s idea of a relatio!ship is ore li#e a @ob offer% 8t has set hours, a @ob
des$riptio!, a!d a rather harsh grie*a!$e pro$edure% 8ts !ot ho" 8 e!*isaged y first roa!$e C
but, of $ourse, Christia! does!t do roa!$e% 8f 8 tell hi 8 "a!t ore, he ay say !oL a!d 8 $ould
@eopardiFe "hat he has offered% &!d this is "hat $o!$er!s e ost, be$ause 8 do!t "a!t to lose
hi% 0ut 8 !ot sure 8 ha*e the stoa$h to be his subissi*e
C deep do"!, its the $a!es a!d "hips that put e off% 8 a physi$al $o"ard, a!d 8 "ill go a
lo!g "ay to a*oid pai!% 8 thi!# of y dreaL is that what it would ,e li(e. =y i!!er goddess
@ups up a!d do"! "ith $heerleadi!g po9pos shouti!g yes at e%
Eate $oes ba$# i!to the #it$he! "ith her laptop% 8 $o!$e!trate o! y bagel a!d liste!
patie!tly as she ru!s through her Aaledi$toria! spee$h%
8 a dressed a!d ready "he! Day arri*es% 8 ope! the fro!t door, a!d hes sta!di!g o! the
por$h i! his ill9fitti!g suit% & "ar surge of gratitude a!d lo*e for this u!$opli$ated a! strea#s
through e, a!d 8 thro" y ars arou!d hi i! a! u!$hara$teristi$ display of affe$tio!% 3es ta#e!9
aba$#, beused%
G3ey, &!!ie, 8 pleased to see you too,H he utters as he hugs e% Setti!g e ba$#, his
ha!ds o! y shoulders, he loo#s e up a!d do"!, his bro" furro"ed% GJou o#ay, #idIH
G/f $ourse, <ad, $a!t a girl be pleased to see her old a!IH
3e siles, his dar# eyes $ri!#li!g at the $or!ers, a!d follo"s e i!to the li*i!g area%
GJou loo# good,H he says%
GThis is Eates dress%H 8 gla!$e do"! at the grey $hiffo! halter !e$# dress%
3e fro"!s%
GWhere is EateIH
GShes go!e to $apus% Shes gi*i!g a spee$h, so she has to be early%H
GShould "e head o! o*erIH
G<ad, "e ha*e half a! hour% Would you li#e soe teaI &!d you $a! tell e ho" e*eryo!e i!
=o!tesa!o is getti!g alo!g% 3o" "as the dri*e do"!IH
Day pulls his $ar i!to the $apus par#i!g lot, a!d "e follo" the strea of hua!ity dotted
"ith ubiBuitous bla$# a!d red go"!s, headi!g to"ard the sports auditoriu%
G>ood lu$#, &!!ie% Jou see a"fully !er*ous, do you ha*e to do a!ythi!gIH
3oly $rapL "hy has Day pi$#ed today to be so obser*a!tI
G+o, <ad% 8ts a big day%H And I*m going to see him.
GJeah, y baby girl has gotte! a degree% 8 proud of you, &!!ie%H
G&"L tha!#s Day%H /h 8 lo*e this a!%
The sports auditoriu is $ro"ded% Day has go!e to sit "ith the other pare!ts a!d "ell9"ishers
i! the ra#ed seati!g, "hile 8 a#e y "ay to y seat% 8 "eari!g y bla$# go"! a!d y $ap, a!d
8 feel prote$ted by the, a!o!yous% There is !o o!e o! the stage yet, but 8 $a!t see to steady y
!er*es% =y heart is pou!di!g, a!d y breathi!g is shallo"% 3es here, soe"here% 8 "o!der if Eate
is tal#i!g to hi, i!terrogati!g hi aybe%
8 a#e y "ay to y seat ao!gst fello" stude!ts "hose sur!aes also begi! "ith S% 8 a
i! the se$o!d ro", affordi!g e yet ore a!o!yity% 8 gla!$e behi!d e a!d spot Day sat up high
i! the blea$hers% 8 gi*e hi a "a*e% 3e self9$o!s$iously gi*es e a half9"a*e, half9salute ba$#% 8 sit
a!d "ait%
The auditoriu fills Bui$#ly, a!d the buFF of e1$ited *oi$es gets louder a!d louder% The ro" of
seats i! fro!t fills% /! either side of e, 8 a @oi!ed by t"o girls "ho 8 do!t #!o" fro a
differe!t fa$ulty% Theyre ob*iously $lose frie!ds a!d tal# a$ross e e1$itedly%
&t ele*e! pre$isely, the Cha!$ellor appears fro behi!d the stage, follo"ed by the three Ai$e
Cha!$ellors, a!d the! the se!ior professors, all de$#ed out i! their bla$# a!d red regalia% We sta!d
a!d applaud our tea$hi!g staff% Soe .rofessors !od a!d "a*e, others loo# bored% .rofessor
Colli!s, y tutor a!d y fa*orite tea$her, loo#s li#e hes @ust falle! out of bed, as usual% Last o! to
the stage are Eate a!d Christia!% Christia! sta!ds out i! his bespo#e gray suit, $opper highlights
gli!ti!g i! his hair u!der the auditoriu lights% 3e loo#s so serious a!d self9$o!tai!ed% &s he sits, he
u!does his si!gle9breasted @a$#et, a!d 8 glipse his tie% 7oly shit0 that tie& 8 rub y "rists
refle1i*ely% 8 $a!!ot ta#e y eyes off hi C his beauty as distra$ti!g as e*er C a!d hes "eari!g that
tie, o! purpose !o doubt% 8 $a! feel y outh press i!to a hard li!e% The audie!$e sits do"! a!d the
applause $eases%
GLoo# at hiKH /!e of the girls beside e breathes e!thusiasti$ally to her frie!d%
G3es hot%H
8 stiffe!% 8 sure theyre !ot tal#i!g about .rofessor Colli!s%
G=ust be Christia! >rey%H
G8s he si!gleIH
8 bristle%
G8 do!t thi!# so,H 8 urur%
G/h%H 0oth girls loo# at e i! surprise%
G8 thi!# hes gay,H 8 utter%
GWhat a shae,H o!e of the girls groa!s%
&s the Cha!$ellor gets to his feet a!d #i$#s off the pro$eedi!gs "ith his spee$h, 8 "at$h
Christia! subtly s$a!!i!g the hall% 8 si!# i!to y seat, hu!$hi!g y shoulders, tryi!g to a#e
yself as i!$o!spi$uous as possible% 8 fail iserably as a se$o!d later his gray eyes fi!d i!e% 3e
stares at e, his fa$e ipassi*e, $opletely i!s$rutable% 8 sBuir u!$ofortably, hyp!otiFed by his
glare as 8 feel a slo" flush spread a$ross y fa$e% 5!bidde!, 8 re$all y drea fro this or!i!g,
a!d the us$les i! y belly do the dele$table $le!$h thi!g% 8 i!hale sharply% 8 $a! see the shado" of
a sile $ross his lips, but its fleeti!g% 3e briefly $loses his eyes, a!d o! ope!i!g the, resues his
i!differe!t e1pressio!%
Follo"i!g a s"ift gla!$e up at the Cha!$ellor, he stares ahead, fo$usi!g o! the WS5A e9
ble hu!g abo*e the e!tra!$e% 3e does!t tur! his eyes to"ard e agai!% The Cha!$ellor dro!es o!,
a!d Christia! still does!t loo# at e, he @ust stares fi1edly ahead%
Why "o!t he loo# at eI .erhaps hes $ha!ged his i!dI & "a*e of u!ease "ashes o*er e%
.erhaps "al#i!g out o! hi last !ight "as the e!d for hi too% 3es bored of "aiti!g for e to
a#e up y i!d% /h !o, 8 $ould ha*e $opletely blo"! it% 8 reeber his eail last !ight% =aybe
hes ad that 8 ha*e!t replied%
Sudde!ly, the roo erupts i!to applause as =iss Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh has ta#e! the stage% The
Cha!$ellor sits, a!d Eate tosses her lo*ely lo!g hair behi!d her as she pla$es her papers o! the
le$ter!% She ta#es her tie, !ot i!tiidated by a thousa!d people ga"p9i!g at her% She siles "he!
shes ready, loo#s up at the $apti*ated thro!g, a!d lau!$hes eloBue!tly i!to her spee$h% Shes so
$oposed a!d fu!!y, the girls beside e erupt o! $ue at her first @o#e . Oh !atherine !a6anagh
you can deli6er a good line. 8 feel so proud of her at that oe!t, y erra!t thoughts of Christia!
are pushed to o!e side% E*e! though 8 ha*e heard her spee$h before, 8 liste! $arefully% She
$oa!ds the roo a!d ta#es her audie!$e "ith her%
3er thee is What +e1t &fter CollegeI /h, "hat !e1t i!deed% Christia! is "at$hi!g Eate, his
eyebro"s slightly raised C i! surprise, 8 thi!#% Jes, it $ould ha*e bee! Eate that "e!t to i!ter*ie"
hi% &!d it $ould ha*e bee! Eate that he "as !o" a#i!g i!de$e!t proposals to% 0eautiful Eate
a!d beautiful Christia!, together% 8 $ould be li#e the t"o girls beside e, adiri!g hi fro afar% 8
#!o" Eate "ould!t ha*e gi*e! hi the tie of day%
What did she $all hi the other dayI Creepy% The thought of a $o!fro!tatio! bet"ee! Eate
a!d Christia! a#es e u!$ofortable% 8 ha*e to say 8 do!t #!o" "hi$h of the 8 "ould put y
o!ey o!%
Eate $o!$ludes her spee$h "ith a flourish, a!d spo!ta!eously e*eryo!e sta!ds, applaudi!g
a!d $heeri!g, her first sta!di!g o*atio!% 8 bea at her a!d $heer, a!d she gri!s ba$# at e% $ood
+o, !ate. She sits, as does the audie!$e, a!d the Cha!$ellor rises a!d i!trodu$es Christia!L holy
shit Christia!s goi!g to gi*e a spee$h% The Cha!$ellor tou$hes briefly o! Christia!s
a$hie*ee!ts: CE/ of his o"! e1traordi!arily su$$essful $opa!y, a real self9ade a!%
G&!d also a a@or be!efa$tor to our 5!i*ersity, please "el$oe, =r% Christia! >rey%H
The Cha!$ellor pups Christia!s ha!d, a!d there is a s"ell of polite applause% =y hearts i!
y throat% 3e approa$hes the le$ter! a!d sur*eys the hall% 3e loo#s so $o!fide!t sta!di!g i! fro!t of
us all, as Eate did before hi% The t"o girls beside e lea! i!, e!raptured% 8! fa$t, 8 thi!# ost of
the feale ebers of the audie!$e i!$h $loser a!d a fe" of the e!% 3e begi!s, his *oi$e soft,
easured, a!d eseriFi!g%
G8 profou!dly grateful a!d tou$hed by the great $oplie!t a$$orded to e by the
authorities of WS5 today% 8t offers e a rare opportu!ity to tal# about the ipressi*e "or# of the
e!*iro!e!tal s$ie!$e departe!t here at the 5!i*ersity% /ur ai is to de*elop *ia9ble a!d
e$ologi$ally sustai!able ethods of fari!g for third "orld $ou!triesP our ultiate goal is to help
eradi$ate hu!ger a!d po*erty a$ross the globe% /*er a billio! people, ai!ly i! Sub9Sahara! &fri$a,
South &sia, a!d Lati! &eri$a, li*e i! ab@e$t po*erty% &gri$ultural dysfu!$tio! is rife "ithi! these
parts of the "orld a!d the result is e$ologi$al a!d so$ial destru$tio!% 8 ha*e #!o"! "hat its li#e to
be profou!dly hu!gry% This is a *ery perso!al @our!ey for eL H
=y @a" falls to the floor% #hat. Christia! "as hu!gry o!$e% 7oly crap. Well, that e1plai!s
a great deal% &!d 8 re$all the i!ter*ie"P he really does "a!t to feed the "orld% 8 desperately ra$# y
brai!s to reeber "hat Eate had "ritte! i! her arti$le% &dopted at age four, 8 thi!#% 8 $a!t
iagi!e that >ra$e star*ed hi, so it ust ha*e bee! before the!, as a little boy% 8 s"allo", y heart
$o!stri$ti!g at the thought of a hu!gry, gray9eyed toddler%
/h !o% What #i!d of life did he ha*e before the >reys got hold of hi a!d res$ued hiI
8 seiFed by a se!se of ra" outrage, poor, fu$#ed9up, #i!#y, phila!thropi$ Christia! C
though 8 sure he "ould!t see hiself this "ay a!d "ould repel a!y thoughts of sypathy
or pity% &bruptly, e*eryo!e bursts i!to applause a!d sta!ds% 8 follo", though 8 ha*e!t heard half his
spee$h% 3es doi!g all of these good "or#s, ru!!i!g a huge $opa!y, a!d $hasi!g e at the sae
tie% 8ts o*er"heli!g% 8 reeber the brief s!ippets of $o!*ersatio!s hes had about <arfurL it
all falls i!to pla$e% 'ood.
3e siles briefly at the "ar applause C e*e! Eate is $lappi!g, the! he resues his seat% 3e
does!t loo# y "ay, a!d 8 off9#ilter tryi!g to assiilate this !e" i!foratio! about hi%
/!e of the Ai$e Cha!$ellors rises, a!d "e begi! the lo!g, tedious pro$ess of $olle$ti!g our
degrees% There are o*er four hu!dred to be gi*e! out, a!d it ta#es @ust o*er a! hour before 8 hear y
!ae% 8 a#e y "ay up to the stage bet"ee! the t"o giggli!g girls%
Christia! gaFes do"! at e, his gaFe "ar but guarded%
GCo!gratulatio!s, =iss Steele,H he says as he sha#es y ha!d, sBueeFi!g it ge!tly% 8 feel the
$harge of his flesh o! i!e% G<o you ha*e a proble "ith your laptopIH
8 fro"! as he ha!ds e y degree%
GThe! you are ig!ori!g y eailsIH
G8 o!ly sa" the ergers a!d a$Buisitio!s o!e%H
3e loo#s BuiFFi$ally at e%
GLater,H he says, a!d 8 ha*e to o*e o! be$ause 8 holdi!g up the li!e%
8 go ba$# to y seat% EailsI 3e ust ha*e se!t a!other% What did it sayI
The $ereo!y ta#es a!other hour to $o!$lude% 8ts i!teri!able% Fi!ally, the Cha!$ellor leads
the fa$ulty ebers off the stage to yet ore rousi!g applause, pre$eded by Christia! a!d Eate%
Christia! does !ot gla!$e at e, e*e! though 8 "illi!g hi to do it%
=y i!!er goddess is !ot pleased%
&s 8 sta!d a!d "ait for our ro" to disperse, Eate $alls to e% Shes headi!g y "ay fro
behi!d the stage%
GChristia! "a!ts to tal# to you,H she shouts% The t"o girls "ho are !o" sta!di!g beside e
tur! a!d gape at e%
G3es se!t e out here,H she $o!ti!ues%
GJour spee$h "as great, Eate%H
G8t "as, "as!t itIH she beas% G&re you $oi!gI 3e $a! be *ery i!siste!t%H She rolls her
eyes, a!d 8 gri!%
GJou ha*e !o idea% 8 $a!t lea*e Day for lo!g%H 8 gla!$e up at Day a!d hold y fi!gers up
i!di$ati!g fi*e i!utes% 3e !ods, gi*i!g e a! o#ay sig!, a!d 8 follo" Eate i!to the $orridor behi!d
the stage% Christia! is tal#i!g to the Cha!$ellor a!d t"o of the tea$hi!g staff% 3e loo#s up "he! he
sees e%
GE1$use e, ge!tlee!,H 8 hear hi urur% 3e $oes to"ard e a!d siles briefly at Eate%
GTha!# you,H he says, a!d before she $a! reply, he ta#es y elbo" a!d steers e i!to "hat
loo#s li#e a e!s lo$#er roo% 3e $he$#s to see if its epty, a!d the! he lo$#s the door% 7oly shit
what does he ha6e in mind. 8 bli!# up at hi as he tur!s o! e%
GWhy ha*e!t you eailed eI /r te1ted e ba$#IH 3e glares% 8 !o!plussed%
G8 ha*e!t loo#ed at y $oputer today, or y pho!e%H Crap, has he bee! tryi!g to $allI 8 try
y distra$tio! te$h!iBue thats so effe$ti*e o! Eate% GThat "as a great spee$h%H
GTha!# you%H
GE1plai!s your food issues to e%H
3e ru!s a ha!d through his hair, e1asperated%
G&!astasia, 8 do!t "a!t to go there at the oe!t%H 3e $loses his eyes, loo#i!g pai!ed%
G8*e bee! "orried about you%H
GWorried, "hyIH
G0e$ause you "e!t hoe i! that deathtrap you $all a $ar%H
GWhatI 8ts !ot a deathtrap% 8ts fi!e% JosNO222P regularly ser*i$es it for e%H
GJosNO222P, the photographerIH Christia!s eyes !arro", his fa$e frosti!g% Oh Crap.
GJes, the 0eetle used to belo!g to his other%H
GJes, a!d probably her other a!d her other before her% 8ts !ot safe%H
G8*e bee! dri*i!g it for o*er three years% 8 sorry you "ere "orried% Why did!t you $allIH
JeeF, hes $opletely o*er9rea$ti!g%
3e ta#es a deep breath%
G&!astasia, 8 !eed a! a!s"er fro you% This "aiti!g arou!d is dri*i!g e $raFy%H
GChristia!, 8L loo#, 8*e left y stepdad o! his o"!%H
GToorro"% 8 "a!t a! a!s"er by toorro"%H
G/#ay% Toorro", 8ll tell you the!%H 8 bli!# at hi%
3e steps ba$#, regardi!g e $oolly, a!d his shoulders rela1%
G&re you stayi!g for dri!#sIH he as#s%
G8 do!t #!o" "hat Day "a!ts to do%H
GJour stepfatherI 8d li#e to eet hi%H
Oh no0 why.
G8 !ot sure thats a good idea%H
Christia! u!lo$#s the door, his outh i! a gri li!e%
G&re you ashaed of eIH
G+oKH 8ts y tur! to sou!d e1asperated% G8!trodu$e you to y dad as "hatI MThis is the a!
"ho deflo"ered e a!d "a!ts us to start a 0<S= relatio!ship% Joure !ot "eari!g ru!!i!g shoes%H
Christia! glares do"! at e, a!d the! his lips t"it$h up i! a sile% &!d i! spite of the fa$t 8
ad at hi, y fa$e is u!"illi!gly pulled i!to a! a!s"eri!g gri!%
GJust so you #!o", 8 $a! ru! Buite fast% Just tell hi 8 your frie!d, &!astasia%H
3e ope!s the door, a!d 8 head out% =y i!d is "hirli!g% The Cha!$ellor, the three Ai$e
Cha!$ellors, four professors, a!d Eate stare at e as 8 "al# hastily past the% 7oly crap. Lea*i!g
Christia! "ith the fa$ulty 8 go i! sear$h of Day%
1ell him I*m your friend. Frie!d "ith be!efits, y sub$o!s$ious s$o"ls% 8 #!o", 8 #!o"% 8
sha#e the u!pleasa!t thought a"ay% 3o" "ill 8 i!trodu$e hi to DayI The hall is still at least half
full, a!d Day has !ot o*ed fro his spot% 3e sees e, "a*es, a!d a#es his "ay do"!%
G3ey, &!!ie% Co!gratulatio!s%H 3e puts his ar arou!d e%
GWould you li#e to $oe a!d ha*e a dri!# i! the arBueeIH
GSure% 8ts your day% Lead the "ay%H
GWe do!t ha*e to if you do!t "a!t to%H /lease say no0
G&!!ie, 8*e @ust sat for t"o a!d half hours liste!i!g to all #i!ds of @abberi!g% 8 !eed a dri!#%H
8 put y ar through his, a!d "e stroll out "ith the thro!g i!to the "arth of the early
after!oo!% We pass the li!e for the offi$ial photographer%
G/h, that rei!ds e%H Day drags a digital $aera out of his po$#et% G/!e for the albu,
&!!ie%H 8 roll y eyes at hi as he s!aps a pi$ture of e%
GCa! 8 ta#e the $ap a!d go"! off !o"I 8 feel #i!d of dor#y%H
)ou loo( (inda dor(y L y sub$o!s$ious is at her s!ar#y best% %o are you going to introduce
Ray to the man you*re fuc(ing. She is glari!g at e o*er her "i!g9shaped spe$9ta$les% 7e*d ,e so
proud. >od, 8 hate her soeties%
The arBuee is ie!se, a!d $ro"ded C stude!ts, pare!ts, tea$hers, a!d frie!ds, all
$hatteri!g happily% Day ha!ds e a glass of $hapag!e or $heap fiFFy "i!e, 8 suspe$t% 8ts !ot
$hilled, a!d it tastes s"eet% =y thoughts tur! to Christia!L he won*t li(e this.
G&!aKH 8 tur!, a!d Etha! Ea*a!agh s$oops e i!to his ars% 3e t"irls e arou!d, "ithout
spilli!g y "i!e, soe feat%
GCo!gratulatio!sKH 3e beas do"! at e, gree! eyes t"i!#li!g%
What a surprise% 3is dirty blo!de hair tousled a!d se1y9loo#i!g% 3es as beautiful as Eate%
The faily resebla!$e is stri#i!g%
GWo" C Etha!K 3o" lo*ely to see you% <ad, this is Etha!, Eates brother% Etha!, this is y
dad, Day Steele%H They sha#e ha!ds, y dad $oolly assessi!g =r% Ea*a!agh%
GWhe! did you get ba$# fro EuropeIH 8 as#%
G8*e bee! ba$# for a "ee#, but 8 "a!ted to surprise y little sister,H he says $o!spiratorially%
GThats so s"eet%H 8 gri! up at hi%
GShe is Aaledi$toria!, $ould!t iss that%H 3e loo#s ie!sely proud of his sister%
GShe ga*e a great spee$h%H
GThat she did,H Day agrees%
Etha! has his ar arou!d y "aist "he! 8 loo# up i!to the frosty gray eyes of Christia! >rey%
Eate is beside hi%
G3ello, Day,H Eate #isses Day o! both $hee#s, a#i!g hi blush% G3a*e you et &!as
boyfrie!dI Christia! >rey%H
7oly shit0 !ate& 'uc(& &ll the blood drai!s fro y fa$e%
G=r% Steele, its a pleasure to eet you%H Christia! says soothly, "arly, $opletely
u!flustered by Eates i!trodu$tio!% 3e holds out his ha!d, "hi$h, all $redit to Day, Day ta#es, !ot
sho"i!g a hi!t of the drop9dead surprise hes @ust had thrust upo! hi%
1han( you 6ery much !atherine !a6anagh 8 fue% 8 thi!# y sub$o!s$ious has fai!ted%
G=r% >rey,H Day ururs, his e1pressio! i!de$ipherable e1$ept perhaps for the slight
"ide!i!g of his big bro"! eyes% They slide o*er y fa$e "ith a "he!9"ere9you9goi!g9togi*e9e9
this9!e"s loo#% 8 bite y lip%
G&!d this is y brother, Etha! Ea*a!agh%H says Eate to Christia!%
Christia! tur!s his ar$ti$ glare o! Etha!, "ho still has o!e ar arou!d e%
G=r% Ea*a!agh%H
They sha#e ha!ds% Christia! holds his ha!d out to e%
G&!a, baby,H he ururs, a!d 8 !early e1pire at the e!deare!t%
8 "al# out of Etha!s grasp, "hile Christia! siles i$ily at hi, a!d 8 ta#e y pla$e at his
side% Eate gri!s at e% She #!o"s e1a$tly "hat shes doi!g, the *i1e!K
GEtha!, =o a!d <ad "a!ted a "ord%H Eate drags Etha! a"ay%
GSo ho" lo!g ha*e you #ids #!o"! ea$h otherIH Day loo#s ipassi*ely fro Christia! to e%
The po"er of spee$h has deserted e% 8 "a!t the grou!d to s"allo" e up% Christia! puts his
ar arou!d e, his thub s#ii!g y !a#ed ba$# i! a $aress, before his ha!d $lasps y
GCouple of "ee#s or so !o",H he says soothly% GWe et "he! &!astasia $ae to i!ter*ie"
e for the stude!t agaFi!e%H
G<id!t #!o" you "or#ed o! the stude!t agaFi!e, &!a%H Days *oi$e is a Buiet
ado!ishe!t, re*eali!g his irritatio!% %hit.
GEate "as ill,H 8 urur% 8ts all 8 $a! a!age%
GFi!e spee$h you ga*e, =r% >rey%H
GTha!# you, sir% 8 u!dersta!d that youre a #ee! fishera!%H
Day raises his eyebro"s a!d siles C a rare, ge!ui!e, bo!a fide Day Steele sile C a!d off
they go, tal#i!g fish% 8! fa$t, 8 soo! feel surplus to reBuiree!ts% 3es $hari!g the pa!ts off y
dadL li(e he did you y sub$o!s$ious s!aps at e% 3is po"er #!o"s !o bou!ds% 8 e1$use yself
to go a!d fi!d Eate%
Shes tal#i!g to her pare!ts, "ho are delightful as e*er a!d greet e "arly% We e1$ha!ge
brief pleasa!tries, ostly about their up a!d $oi!g holiday to 0arbados a!d about our o*e%
GEate, ho" $ould you out e to DayIH 8 hiss at the first opportu!ity "e "o!t be o*er9heard%
G0e$ause 8 #!e" you !e*er "ould, a!d 8 "a!t to help "ith Christia!s $oite!t issues%H
Eate siles at e s"eetly%
8 s$o"l% It*s me that won*t commit to him silly&
G3e sees trNO222Ps $ool about it, &!a% <o!t s"eat it% Loo# at hi !o" C Christia! $a!!ot
ta#e his eyes off you%H 8 gla!$e up, a!d both Day a!d Christia! are loo#i!g at e% G3es bee!
"at$hi!g you li#e a ha"#%H
G8d better go res$ue Day or Christia!% 8 do!t #!o" "hi$h% Jou ha*e!t heard the last of this,
Eatheri!e Ea*a!aghKH 8 glare at her%
G&!a, 8 did you a fa*or,H she $alls after e%
G3i%H 8 sile at both of the o! y retur!%
They see o#ay% Christia! is e!@oyi!g soe pri*ate @o#e, a!d y dad loo#s u!belie*ably
rela1ed gi*e! hes i! a so$ial situatio!% #hat ha6e they ,een discussing apart from fish. G&!a,
"here are the restroosIH
G0a$# out fro!t of the arBuee a!d to the left%H
GSee you i! a oe!t% Jou #ids e!@oy yoursel*es%H
Day heads out% 8 gla!$e !er*ously up at Christia!% We pause briefly as a photographer ta#es a
pi$ture of both of us%
GTha!# you, =r% >rey%H The photographer s$urries off% 8 bli!# fro the flash%
GSo you*e $hared y father as "ellIH
G&s "ellIH Christia!s gray eyes bur!, a!d he raises a Buestio!i!g eyebro"% 8 flush%
3e lifts his ha!d a!d tra$es y $hee# "ith his fi!gers%
G/h, 8 "ish 8 #!e" "hat you "ere thi!#i!g, &!astasia,H he "hispers dar#ly, $uppi!g y $hi!
a!d raisi!g y head so that "e gaFe i!te!tly i!to ea$h others eyes%
=y breath hit$hes% 3o" $a! he ha*e this effe$t o! e, e*e! i! this $ro"ded te!tI
GDight !o", 8 thi!#i!g, !i$e tie,H 8 breathe%
3e $hu$#les%
G8ts re$e!tly be$oe y fa*orite%H
8 blush s$arlet%
GJou loo# lo*ely, &!astasia, this halter9!e$# dress suits you, a!d 8 get to stro#e your ba$#,
feel your beautiful s#i!%H
Sudde!ly, its li#e "ere o! our o"! i! the roo% Just the t"o of us, y "hole body has $oe
ali*e, e*ery !er*e e!di!g si!gi!g softly, that ele$tri$ity pulli!g e to hi, $hargi!g bet"ee! us%
GJou #!o" its goi!g to be good, do!t you, babyIH he "hispers% 8 $lose y eyes as y
i!sides u!$oil a!d elt%
G0ut 8 "a!t ore,H 8 "hisper%
G=oreIH he loo#s do"! at e puFFled, his eyes dar#e!i!g% 8 !od a!d s"allo"% "ow he (nows.
G=ore,H he says agai! softly% Testi!g the "ord C a sall, siple "ord, but so full of proise%
3is thub tra$es y lo"er lip% GJou "a!t hearts a!d flo"ers%H
8 !od agai!% 3e bli!#s do"! at e, a!d 8 "at$h his i!ter!al struggle played out i! his
eyes%G&!astasia%H 3is *oi$e is soft% G8ts !ot soethi!g 8 #!o"%H
G=e !either%H
3e siles slightly%
GJou do!t #!o" u$h,H he ururs%
GJou #!o" all the "ro!g thi!gs%H
GWro!gI +ot to e%H 3e sha#es his head% 3e loo#s so si!$ere% GTry it,H he "hispers%
& $halle!ge, dari!g e, a!d he $o$#s his head to o!e side a!d siles his $roo#ed, daFFli!g
8 gasp, a!d 8 E*e i! the >arde! of Ede!, a!d hes the serpe!t, a!d 8 $a!!ot resist%
G/#ay,H 8 "hisper%
GWhatIH 8 ha*e his full, u!di*ided atte!tio!% 8 s"allo"%
G/#ay% 8ll try%H
GJoure agreei!gIH 3is disbelief is e*ide!t%
GSub@e$t to the soft liits, yes% 8ll try%H =y *oi$e is so sall% Christia! $loses his eyes a!d
pulls e i!to a! ebra$e%
GJesus, &!a, youre so u!e1pe$ted% Jou ta#e y breath a"ay%H
3e steps ba$#, a!d sudde!ly Days retur!ed, a!d the *olue i! the arBuee gradually rises
a!d fills y ears% We are !ot alo!e% 7oly shit I*6e +ust agreed to ,e his su,. Christia! siles at
Day, a!d his eyes are da!$i!g "ith @oy%
G&!!ie, should "e get soe lu!$hIH
G/#ay%H 8 bli!# up at Day, tryi!g to fi!d y eBuilibriu% #hat ha6e you done. =y
sub$o!s$ious s$reas at e% =y i!!er goddess is doi!g ba$# flips i! a routi!e "orthy of a Dussia!
/lypi$ gy!ast%
GWould you li#e to @oi! us, Christia!IH Day as#s%
Christian& 8 stare up at hi, iplori!g hi to refuse% 8 !eed spa$e to thi!#L "hat the fu$#
ha*e 8 do!eI
GTha!# you, =r% Steele, but 8 ha*e pla!s% 8ts bee! great to eet you, sir%H
GLi#e"ise,H Day respo!ds% GLoo# after y baby girl%H
G/h, 8 fully i!te!d to, =r% Steele%H
They sha#e ha!ds% 8 feel si$#% Day has !o idea ho" Christia! i!te!ds to loo# after e%
Christia! ta#es y ha!d a!d raises it to his lips a!d #isses y #!u$#les te!derly, his s$or$hi!g eyes
i!te!t o! i!e%
GLater, =iss Steele,H he breathes, his *oi$e full of proise%
=y belly $urls at the thoughtL oh y% 7ang on0 later.
Day ta#es y elbo" a!d leads e to"ard the e!tra!$e to the te!t%
GSees a solid you!g a!% Well9off too% Jou $ould do a lot "orse, &!!ie% Though "hy 8 had
to hear about hi fro Eatheri!e,H he s$olds%
8 shrug apologeti$ally%
GWell, a!y a! "ho li#es a!d #!o"s his fly9fishi!g is o#ay "ith e%H
3oly $o" C Day appro*es% 8f o!ly he #!e"%
Day drops e ba$# at the house at dus#%
GCall your o,H he says%
G8 "ill% Tha!#s for $oi!g, <ad%H
GWould!t ha*e issed it for the "orld, &!!ie% Jou a#e e so proud%H
Oh no. 8 !ot goi!g to get eotio!al% & huge lup fors i! y throat, a!d 8 hug hi, hard%
3e puts his ars arou!d e, beused, a!d 8 $a!t help it C tears pool i! y eyes%G3ey, &!!ie,
s"eetheart,H Day $roo!s% G0ig old dayL ehI Wa!t e to $oe i! a!d a#e you soe teaIH
8 laugh, i! spite of y tears% Tea is al"ays the a!s"er a$$ordi!g to Day% 8 reeber y
other $oplai!i!g about hi, sayi!g that "he! it $ae to tea a!d sypathy, he "as al"ays good
at the tea, !ot so hot o! the sypathy%
G+o, <ad, 8 good% 8ts bee! so great to see you% 8ll *isit real soo! o!$e 8 settled i!
G>ood lu$# "ith the i!ter*ie"s% Let e #!o" ho" they go%H
GSure thi!g, <ad%H
GLo*e you, &!!ie%H
GLo*e you too, <ad%H
3e siles, his bro"! eyes "ar, glo"i!g, a!d he $libs ba$# i!to his $ar% 8 "a*e hi off as
he dri*es i!to the dus#, a!d 8 "a!der listlessly ba$# i!to the aparte!t%
First thi!g 8 do is $he$# y $ell pho!e% 8t !eeds re$hargi!g, so 8 ha*e to hu!t do"! the
$harger a!d plug it i! before 8 $a! $olle$t y essages% Four issed $alls, o!e *oi$e essage, a!d
t"o te1ts% Three issed $alls fro Christia!L !o essages% /!e issed $all fro JosNO222P a!d a
*oi$e ail fro hi "ishi!g e all the best for graduatio!%
8 ope! the te1ts%
*Are yo1 !ome safe*
*#all me*
They are both fro Christia!, "hy did!t he $all the houseI 8 head i!to y bedroo a!d fire
up the ea! a$hi!e%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: To!ight
"ate: =ay 24 2011 22:4)
$o: &!astasia Steele
8 hope you ade it hoe i! that $ar of yours%
Let e #!o" if youre o#ay%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
JeeF%%% "hy is he so "orried about y 0eetle% 8t has gi*e! e three years of loyal ser*i$e, a!d
JosNO222P has al"ays bee! o! ha!d to ai!tai! it for e% Christia!s !e1t eail is fro today%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Soft Liits
"ate: =ay 2( 2011 17:22
$o: &!astasia Steele
What $a! 8 say that 8 ha*e!t alreadyI
3appy to tal# these through a!ytie%
Jou loo#ed beautiful today%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
8 "a!t to see hi% 8 hit reply
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Soft Liits
"ate: =ay 2( 2011 1':22
$o: Christia! >rey
8 $a! $oe o*er this e*e!i!g to dis$uss if youd li#e%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Soft Liits
"ate: =ay 2( 2011 1':27
$o: &!astasia Steele
8ll $oe to you% 8 ea!t it "he! 8 said 8 "as!t happy about you dri*i!g that $ar%
8ll be "ith you shortly%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
7oly crap L hes $oi!g o*er !o"% 8 ha*e to get o!e thi!g ready for hi C the first editio!
Thoas 3ardy boo#s are still o! the shel*es i! the li*i!g roo% 8 $a!!ot #eep the% 8 "rap the i!
bro"! paper, a!d 8 s$ra"l o! the "rappi!g a dire$t Buote fro Tess fro the boo#:
G3i%H 8 feel u!bearably shy "he! 8 ope! the door% Christia! is sta!di!g o! the por$h i! his
@ea!s a!d leather @a$#et%
G3i,H he says, a!d his fa$e lights up "ith his radia!t sile% 8 ta#e a oe!t to adire the
pretty% /h y, hes hot i! leather%
GCoe i!%H
G8f 8 ay,H he says aused% 3e holds up a bottle of $hapag!e as he "al#s i!% G8 thought
"ed $elebrate your graduatio!% +othi!g beats a good 0olli!ger%H
G8!teresti!g $hoi$e of "ords,H 8 $oe!t dryly%
3e gri!s%
G/h, 8 li#e your ready "it, &!astasia%H
GWe o!ly ha*e tea$ups% We*e pa$#ed all the glasses%H
GTea$upsI Sou!ds good to e%H
8 head i!to the #it$he!% +er*ous, butterflies floodi!g y stoa$h, its li#e ha*i!g a pa!ther or
ou!tai! lio! all u!predi$table a!d predatory i! y li*i!g roo%
G<o you "a!t sau$ers as "ellIH
GTea$ups "ill be fi!e, &!astasia,H Christia! $alls distra$tedly fro the li*i!g roo%
Whe! 8 retur!, hes stari!g at the bro"! par$el of boo#s% 8 pla$e the $ups o! the table%
GThats for you,H 8 urur a!1iously%
Crap0 this is pro,a,ly going to ,e a fight.
G3, 8 figured as u$h% Aery apt Buote%H 3is lo!g i!de1 fi!ger abse!tly tra$es the "riti!g%
G8 thought 8 "as <5rber*ille, !ot &!gel% Jou de$ided o! the debasee!t%H 3e gi*es e a brief
"olfish sile% GTrust you to fi!d soethi!g that reso!ates so appropriately%H
G8ts also a plea,H 8 "hisper% #hy am I so ner6ous. =y outh is dry%
G& pleaI For e to go easy o! youIH
8 !od%
G8 bought these for you,H he says Buietly his gaFe ipassi*e% G8ll go easier o! you if you
a$$ept the%H
8 s"allo" $o!*ulsi*ely%
GChristia!, 8 $a!t a$$ept the, theyre @ust too u$h%H
GJou see, this is "hat 8 "as tal#i!g about, you defyi!g e% 8 "a!t you to ha*e the, a!d
thats the e!d of the dis$ussio!% 8ts *ery siple% Jou do!t ha*e to thi!# about this%
&s a subissi*e you "ould @ust be grateful for the% Jou @ust a$$ept "hat 8 buy you be$ause
it pleases e for you to do so%H
G8 "as!t a subissi*e "he! you bought the for e,H 8 "hisper%
G+oL but you*e agreed, &!astasia%H 3is eyes tur! "ary%
8 sigh% 8 a !ot goi!g to "i! this, so o*er to pla! 0%
GSo they are i!e to do "ith as 8 "ishIH
3e eyes e suspi$iously, but $o!$edes%
G8! that $ase, 8d li#e to gi*e the to a $harity, o!e "or#i!g i! <arfur si!$e that sees to be
$lose to your heart% They $a! au$tio! the%H
G8f thats "hat you "a!t to do%H 3is outh sets i!to a hard li!e% 3es disappoi!ted%
8 flush%
G8ll thi!# about it,H 8 urur, 8 do!t "a!t to disappoi!t hi, a!d his "ords $oe ba$# to
e% I want you to want to please me.
G<o!t thi!#, &!astasia% +ot about this%H 3is to!e is Buiet a!d serious%
3o" $a! 8 !ot thi!#I )ou can pretend to ,e a car li(e his other possessions y
sub$o!s$ious a#es a! u!"el$oe *itrioli$ retur!% 8 ig!ore her% /h, $a!t "e re"i!dI The
atosphere bet"ee! us is !o" te!se% 8 do!t #!o" "hat to do% 8 stare do"! at y fi!gers%
3o" do 8 retrie*e this situatio!I
3e puts the $hapag!e bottle o! the table a!d sta!ds i! fro!t of e% .utti!g his ha!d u!der
y $hi!, he tilts y head up% 3e gaFes do"! at e, his e1pressio! gra*e%
G8 "ill buy you lots of thi!gs, &!astasia% >et used to it% 8 $a! afford it% 8 a *ery "ealthy
a!%H 3e lea!s do"! a!d pla!ts a s"ift, $haste #iss o! y lips% G.lease%H 3e releases e%
-7o* y sub$o!s$ious ouths at e%
G8t a#es e feel $heap,H 8 urur%
Christia! ru!s his ha!d through his hair, e1asperated%
G8t should!t% Joure o*er9thi!#i!g it, &!astasia% <o!t pla$e soe *ague oral @udge!t o!
yourself based o! "hat others ight thi!#% <o!t "aste your e!ergy% 8ts o!ly be$ause you ha*e
reser*atio!s about our arra!gee!t, thats perfe$tly !atural% Jou do!t #!o" "hat youre getti!g
yourself i!to%H
8 fro"!, tryi!g to pro$ess his "ords%
G3ey, stop this,H he $oa!ds softly, $uppi!g y $hi! agai! a!d pulli!g at it ge!tly so 8
release y lo"er lip fro y teeth% GThere is !othi!g about you that is $heap, &!astasia%
8 "o!t ha*e you thi!#i!g that% 8 @ust bought you soe old boo#s that 8 thought ight ea!
soethi!g to you, thats all% 3a*e soe $hapag!e%H 3is eyes "ar a!d softe!, a!d 8 sile
te!tati*ely ba$# up at hi% GThats better,H he ururs% 3e pi$#s up the $hapag!e, ta#es off the
foil top a!d $age, t"ists the bottle rather tha! the $or#, a!d ope!s it "ith a sall pop a!d a pra$ti$ed
flourish that does!t spill a drop% 3e half fills the $ups%
G8ts pi!#,H 8 urur, surprised%
G0olli!ger >ra!de &!!NO222Pe DosNO222P 1''', a! e1$elle!t *i!tage,H he says "ith relish%
G8! tea$ups%H
3e gri!s%
G8! tea$ups% Co!gratulatio!s o! your degree, &!astasia%H We $li!# $ups, a!d he ta#es a dri!#,
but 8 $a!t help thi!#i!g this is really about y $apitulatio!%
GTha!# you,H 8 urur a!d ta#e a sip% /f $ourse its deli$ious% GShall "e go through the soft
3e siles, a!d 8 blush%
G&l"ays so eager%H Christia! ta#es y ha!d a!d leads e to the $ou$h "here he sits a!d tugs
e do"! beside hi%
GJoure stepfathers a *ery ta$itur! a!%H
Oh0 not soft limits then. I +ust want to get this out of the wayA the an<iety is gnawing at me.
GJou a!aged to ha*e hi eati!g out of your ha!d%H 8 pout%
Christia! laughs softly%
G/!ly be$ause 8 #!o" ho" to fish%H
G3o" do you #!o" he li#ed fishi!gIH
GJou told e% Whe! "e "e!t for $offee%H
G/hL did 8IH 8 ta#e a!other sip% Wo" he has a eory for detail% 3L this $hapag!e
really is *ery good% G<id you try the "i!e at the re$eptio!IH
Christia! a#es a fa$e%
GJes% 8t "as foul%H
G8 thought of you "he! 8 tasted it% 3o" did you get to be so #!o"ledgeable about "i!eIH
G8 !ot #!o"ledgeable, &!astasia, 8 @ust #!o" "hat 8 li#e%H 3is gray eyes shi!e, alost
sil*er, a!d it a#es e flush% GSoe oreIH he as#s, referri!g to the $hapag!e%
Christia! rises gra$efully a!d $olle$ts the bottle% 3e fills y $up% 8s he getti!g e tipsyI 8 eye
hi suspi$iously%
GThis pla$e loo#s pretty bare, are you ready for the o*eIH
G=ore or less%H
G&re you "or#i!g toorro"IH
GJes, y last day at Clayto!sH
G8d help you o*e, but 8 proised to eet y sister at the airport%H
/hL this is !e"s%
G=ia arri*es fro .aris *ery early Saturday or!i!g% 8 headi!g ba$# to Seattle toorro",
but 8 hear Elliot is gi*i!g you t"o a ha!d%H
GJes, Eate is *ery e1$ited about that%H
Christia! fro"!s%
GJes, Eate a!d Elliot, "ho "ould ha*e thoughtIH he ururs, a!d for soe reaso!, he
does!t loo# pleased%
GSo "hat are you doi!g about "or# i! SeattleIH
#hen are we going to tal( a,out the limits. #hat*s his game.
G8 ha*e a $ouple of i!ter*ie"s for i!ter! pla$es%H
GJou "ere goi!g tell e this "he!IH 3e ar$hes a bro"%
GErrL 8 telli!g you !o"%H
3e !arro"s his eyes%
For soe reaso!, possibly be$ause he ight use his i!flue!$e, 8 do!t "a!t to tell hi%
G& $ouple of publishi!g houses%H
G8s that "hat you "a!t to do, soethi!g i! publishi!gIH
8 !od "arily%
GWellIH 3e loo#s at e patie!tly "a!ti!g ore i!foratio!%
GWell "hatIH
G<o!t be obtuse, &!astasia, "hi$h publishi!g housesIH he s$olds%
GJust sall o!es,H 8 urur%
GWhy do!t you "a!t e to #!o"IH
G5!due i!flue!$e%H
3e fro"!s%
G/h, !o" you*re bei!g obtuse%H
3e laughs%
G/btuseI =eI >od, youre $halle!gi!g% <ri!# up, lets tal# about these liits%H 3e fishes out
a!other $opy of y eail a!d the list% <oes he "a!der about "ith these lists i! his po$#etsI 8 thi!#
theres o!e i! his @a$#et that 8 ha*e% Shit, 8d better !ot forget that% 8 drai! y $up%
3e gla!$es Bui$#ly at e%
3e siles that oh9so9sug9pri*ate sile of his, holds the $hapag!e bottle up, a!d pauses%
G3a*e you eate! a!ythi!gIH
/h !oL !ot this old $hest!ut%
GJes% 8 had a three $ourse eal "ith Day%H 8 roll y eyes at hi% The $hapag!e is a#i!g
e bold%
3e lea!s for"ard a!d holds y $hi!, stari!g i!te!tly i!to y eyes%
G+e1t tie you roll your eyes at e, 8 "ill ta#e you a$ross y #!ee%H
G/h,H 8 breathe, a!d 8 $a! see the e1$itee!t i! his eyes%
G/h,H he respo!ds, irrori!g y to!e% GSo it begi!s, &!astasia%H
=y heart slas agai!st y $hest, a!d the butterflies es$ape fro y stoa$h i!to y
$o!stri$ti!g throat% #hy is that hot.
3e fills y $up, a!d 8 dri!# pra$ti$ally all of it% Chaste!ed, 8 stare up at hi%
G>ot your atte!tio! !o", ha*e!t 8IH
8 !od%
G&!s"er e%H
GJesL you*e got y atte!tio!%H
G>ood,H he siles a #!o"i!g sile% GSo se1ual a$ts% We*e do!e ost of this%H
8 o*e $loser to hi o! the $ou$h a!d gla!$e do"! at the list%
A&&EN"'- 0
Soft Limits
To be dis$ussed a!d agreed bet"ee! both parties:
Whi$h of the follo"i!g se1ual a$ts are a$$eptable to the Subissi*eI
U =asturbatio!
U Fellatio
U Cu!!ili!gus
U Aagi!al i!ter$ourse
U Aagi!al fisti!g
U &!al i!ter$ourse
U &!al fisti!g
G+o fisti!g, you say% &!ythi!g else you ob@e$t toIH he as#s softly%
8 s"allo"%
G&!al i!ter$ourse does!t e1a$tly float y boat%H
G8ll agree to the fisti!g, but 8d really li#e to $lai your ass, &!astasia% 0ut "ell "ait for
that% 0esides, its !ot soethi!g "e $a! di*e i!to,H he sir#s at e% GJour ass "ill !eed trai!i!g%H
GTrai!i!gIH 8 "hisper%
G/h yes% 8tll !eed $areful preparatio!% &!al i!ter$ourse $a! be *ery pleasurable, trust e% 0ut
if "e try it a!d you do!t li#e it, "e do!t ha*e to do it agai!%H 3e gri!s do"! at e% 8 bli!# up at
hi% 3e thi!#s 8ll e!@oy itI 3o" does he #!o" its pleasurableI
G3a*e you do!e thatIH 8 "hisper%
7oly crap. 8 gasp%
GWith a a!IH
G+o% 8*e !e*er had se1 "ith a a!% +ot y s$e!e%H
G=rs% Dobi!so!IH
7oly shit0 how. 8 fro"!% 3e o*es o! do"! the list%
G/#ayL s"allo"i!g see!% Well, you get a! & i! that%H
8 flush, a!d y i!!er goddess sa$#s her lips together glo"i!g "ith pride%
GSo%H 3e loo#s do"! at e gri!!i!g% GS"allo"i!g see! o#ayIH
8 !od, !ot able to loo# hi i! the eye, a!d drai! y $up agai!%
G=oreIH he as#s%
G=ore%H &!d 8 sudde!ly rei!ded of our $o!*ersatio! earlier today as he refills y $up% 8s
he referri!g to that or @ust the $hapag!eI 8s this "hole $hapag!e thi!g oreI
GSe1 toysIH he as#s%
8 shrug, gla!$i!g do"! the list%
8s the use of se1 toys a$$eptable to the Subissi*eI
U Aibrators
U <ildos
U 0utt .lugs
U /ther
G0utt plugI <oes it do "hat it says o! the ti!IH 8 s$ru!$h y !ose up i! distaste%
GJes,H he siles% G&!d 8 refer to a!al i!ter$ourse abo*e% Trai!i!g%H
G/hL "hats i! otherIH
G0eads, eggsL that sort of stuff%H
GEggsIH 8 alared%
G+ot real eggs,H he laughs loudly, sha#i!g his head%
8 purse y lips at hi%
G8 glad you fi!d e fu!!y%H 8 $a!t #eep y i!@ured feeli!gs out of y *oi$e%
3e stops laughi!g%
G8 apologiFe% =iss Steele, 8 sorry,H he says, tryi!g to loo# $o!trite, but his eyes are still
da!$i!g "ith huor% G&!y proble "ith toysIH
G+o,H 8 s!ap%
G&!astasia,H he $a@oles% G8 a sorry% 0elie*e e% 8 do!t ea! to laugh% 8*e !e*er had this
$o!*ersatio! i! so u$h detail% Joure @ust so i!e1perie!$ed% 8 sorry%H 3is eyes are big a!d gray
a!d si!$ere%
8 tha" a little a!d ta#e a!other sip of $hapag!e%
GDight C bo!dage,H he says, retur!i!g to the list% 8 e1ai!e the list, a!d y i!!er goddess
bou!$es up a!d do"! li#e a sall $hild "aiti!g for i$e $rea%
8s 0o!dage a$$eptable to the Subissi*eI
U 3a!ds i! fro!t U 3a!ds behi!d ba$#
U &!#les U E!ees
U Elbo"s
U Wrists to a!#les
U Spreader bars
U Tied to fur!iture
U 0li!dfoldi!g
U >aggi!g
U 0o!dage "ith Dope
U 0o!dage "ith Tape
U 0o!dage "ith leather $uffs
U Suspe!sio!
U 0o!dage "ith ha!d$uffs?etal restrai!ts
GWe*e tal#ed about suspe!sio!% &!d its fi!e if you "a!t to set that up as a hard liit% 8t
ta#es a great deal of tie, a!d 8 o!ly ha*e you for short periods of tie a!y"ay%
&!ythi!g elseIH
G<o!t laugh at e, but "hats a spreader barIH
G8 proise !ot to laugh% 8*e apologiFed t"i$e%H 3e glares at e% G<o!t a#e e do it
agai!,H he "ar!s% &!d 8 thi!# 8 *isibly shri!#%%% oh, hes so bossy% G& spreader is a bar "ith $uffs for
a!#les a!d?or "rists% Theyre fu!%H
G/#ayL Well gaggi!g e% 8d be "orried 8 "ould!t be able to breatheH
GI*d be "orried if you $ould!t breathe% 8 do!t "a!t to suffo$ate you%H
G&!d ho" "ill 8 use safe "ords if 8 gaggedIH
3e pauses%
GFirst of all, 8 hope you !e*er ha*e to use the% 0ut if youre gagged, "ell use ha!d sig!als,H
he says siply%
8 bli!# up at hi% 0ut if 8 trussed up, ho"s that goi!g to "or#I =y brai! is begi!!i!g to
fogL hmm alcohol.
G8 !er*ous about the gaggi!g%H
G/#ay% 8ll ta#e !ote%H
8 stare up at hi, realiFatio! da"!i!g%
G<o you li#e tyi!g your subissi*es up so they $a!t tou$h youIH
3e gaFes at e, his eyes "ide!i!g%
GThats o!e of the reaso!s,H he says Buietly%
G8s that "hy you*e tied y ha!dsIH
GJou do!t li#e tal#i!g about that,H 8 urur%
G+o, 8 do!t% Would you li#e a!other dri!#I 8ts a#i!g you bra*e, a!d 8 !eed to #!o" ho"
you feel about pai!%H
3oly $rapL this is the tri$#y part% 3e refills y tea$up, a!d 8 sip%
GSo, "hats your ge!eral attitude to re$ei*i!g pai!IH Christia! loo#s e1pe$ta!tly at e%
GJoure biti!g your lip,H he says dar#ly%
8 stop iediately, but 8 do!t #!o" "hat to say% 8 flush a!d stare do"! at y ha!ds%
GWere you physi$ally pu!ished as a $hildIH
GSo you ha*e !o sphere of refere!$e at allIH
G8ts !ot as bad as you thi!#% Jour iagi!atio! is your "orst e!ey i! this,H he "hispers%
G<o you ha*e to do itIH
G>oes "ith the territory, &!astasia% 8ts "hat 8 do% 8 $a! see youre !er*ous% Lets go through
3e sho"s e the list% =y sub$o!s$ious ru!s, s$reai!g, a!d hides behi!d the $ou$h%
U Spa!#i!g
U .addli!g
U Whippi!g
U Ca!i!g
U 0iti!g
U +ipple $laps
U >e!ital $laps
U 8$e
U 3ot "a1
U /ther types?ethods of pai!
GWell, you said !o to ge!ital $laps% Thats fi!e% 8ts $a!i!g that hurts the ost%H
8 bla!$h%
GWe $a! "or# up to that%H
G/r !ot do it at all,H 8 "hisper%
GThis is part of the deal, baby, but "ell "or# up to all of this% &!astasia, 8 "o!t push you too
GThis pu!ishe!t thi!g, it "orries e the ost%H =y *oi$e is *ery sall%
GWell, 8 glad you*e told e% Well #eep $a!i!g off the list for !o"% &!d as you get ore
$ofortable "ith this stuff, "ell i!$rease i!te!sity% Well ta#e it slo"%H
8 s"allo", a!d he lea!s for"ard a!d #isses e o! y lips%
GThere, that "as!t so bad "as itIH
8 shrug, y heart i! outh agai!%
GLoo#, 8 "a!t to tal# about o!e ore thi!g, the! 8 ta#i!g you to bed%H
G0edIH 8 bli!# rapidly, a!d y blood pou!ds rou!d y body, "ari!g pla$es 8 did!t #!o"
e1isted u!til *ery re$e!tly%
GCoe o!, &!astasia, tal#i!g through all this, 8 "a!t to fu$# you i!to !e1t "ee#, right !o"% 8t
ust be ha*i!g soe effe$t o! you too%H
8 sBuir% =y i!!er goddess is pa!ti!g%
GSeeI 0eside, theres soethi!g 8 "a!t to try%H
GSoethi!g pai!fulIH
G+o C stop seei!g pai! e*ery"here% 8ts ai!ly pleasure% 3a*e 8 hurt you yetIH
8 flush%
GWell the!% Loo#, earlier today you "ere tal#i!g about "a!ti!g ore,H he halts, u!$ertai! all
of a sudde!%
Oh my0 where*s this going.
3e $lasps y ha!d%
G/utside of the tie youre y sub, perhaps "e $ould try% 8 do!t #!o" if it "ill "or#%
8 do!t #!o" about separati!g e*erythi!g% 8t ay !ot "or#% 0ut 8 "illi!g to try% =aybe o!e
!ight a "ee#% 8 do!t #!o"%H
3oly $o"L y outh drops ope!, y sub$o!s$ious is i! sho$#, Christian $rey is up for
more& 3es "illi!g to tryK =y sub$o!s$ious pee#s out fro behi!d the $ou$h, still registeri!g
sho$# o! her harpy fa$e%
G8 ha*e o!e $o!ditio!%H 3e loo#s "arily at y stu!!ed e1pressio!%
GWhatIH 8 breathe% &!ythi!g% 8ll gi*e you a!ythi!g%
GJou gra$iously a$$ept y graduatio! prese!t to you%H
G/h%H &!d deep do"! 8 #!o" "hat it is% <read spa"!s i! y belly%
3es stari!g do"! at e, gaugi!g y rea$tio!%
GCoe,H he ururs a!d rises, draggi!g e up% Ta#i!g his @a$#et off, he drapes it o*er y
shoulders a!d heads for the door%
.ar#ed outside is a red hat$hba$# $ar, a t"o9door $opa$t &udi%
G8ts for you% 3appy graduatio!,H he ururs, pulli!g e i!to his ars a!d #issi!g y hair%
3es bought e a da!ed $ar, bra!d !e" by the loo#s of it% JeeFL 8*e had e!ough trouble
"ith the boo#s% 8 stare at it bla!#ly, tryi!g desperately to deteri!e ho" 8 feel about this% 8 a
appalled o! o!e le*el, grateful o! a!other, sho$#ed that hes a$tually do!e it, but the o*erridi!g
eotio! is a!ger% Jes, 8 a!gry, espe$ially after e*erythi!g 8 told hi about the boo#sL but the!
hed already bought this% Ta#i!g y ha!d, he leads e do"! the path to"ard this !e" a$Buisitio!%
G&!astasia, that 0eetle of yours is old a!d fra!#ly da!gerous% 8 "ould !e*er forgi*e yself if
soethi!g happe!ed to you "he! its so easy for e to a#e it right,H he trails off% 3is eyes are o!
e, but at the oe!t 8 $a!!ot bri!g yself to loo# at hi% 8 sta!d sile!tly stari!g at its a"esoe
bright red !e"!ess%
G8 e!tio!ed it to your stepfather% 3e "as all for it,H he ururs%
Tur!i!g, 8 glare at hi, y outh ope! i! horror%
GJou e!tio!ed this to Day% 3o" $ould youIH 8 $a! barely spit the "ords out% 7ow dare he.
.oor Day% 8 feel si$#, ortified for y dad%
G8ts a gift, &!astasia% Ca!t you @ust say tha!# youIH
G0ut you #!o" its too u$h%H
G+ot to e it is!t, !ot for y pea$e of i!d%H
8 fro"! at hi, at a loss "hat to say% 3e @ust does!t get itK 3es had o!ey all his life%
/#ay, !ot all his life C !ot as a sall $hild C a!d y "orld9*ie" shifts% The thought is *ery
soberi!g, a!d 8 softe! to"ards the $ar, feeli!g guilty about y fit of piBue% 3is i!te!tio!s are good,
isguided, but !ot fro a bad pla$e%
G8 happy for you to loa! this to e, li#e the laptop%H
3e sighs hea*ily%
G/#ay% /! loa!% 8!defi!itely%H 3e loo#s "arily at e%
G+o, !ot i!defi!itely, but for !o"% Tha!# you%H
3e fro"!s% 8 rea$h up a!d #iss hi briefly o! his $hee#%
GTha!# you for the $ar, sir%H 8 say as s"eetly as 8 $a! a!age%
3e grabs e sudde!ly a!d ya!#s e up agai!st hi, o!e ha!d at y ba$# holdi!g e to hi
a!d the other fisti!g i! y hair%
GJou are o!e $halle!gi!g "oa!, &!a Steele%H 3e #isses e passio!ately, for$i!g y lips
apart "ith his to!gue, ta#i!g !o priso!ers%
=y blood heats iediately, a!d 8 retur!i!g his #iss "ith y o"! passio!% 8 "a!t hi
badly C i! spite of the $ar, the boo#s, the soft liitsL the $a!i!gL 8 "a!t hi%
G8ts ta#i!g all y self9$o!trol !ot to fu$# you o! the hood of this $ar right !o", @ust to sho"
you that you are i!e, a!d if 8 "a!t to buy you a fu$#i!g $ar, 8ll buy you a fu$#i!g $ar,H he gro"ls%
G+o" lets get you i!side a!d !a#ed%H 3e pla!ts a s"ift rough #iss o! e%
0oy, hes a!gry% 3e grabs y ha!d a!d leads e ba$# i!to the aparte!t a!d straight i!to y
bedrooL !o passi!g go% =y sub$o!s$ious is behi!d the sofa agai!, head hidde! u!der her ha!ds%
3e s"it$hes o! the sidelight a!d halts, stari!g at e%
G.lease do!t be a!gry "ith e,H 8 "hisper%
3is gaFe is ipassi*eP his gray eyes $old shards of so#y glass%
G8 sorry about the $ar a!d the boo#s,H 8 trail off% 3e reai!s sile!t a!d broodi!g%
GJou s$are e "he! youre a!gry,H 8 breathe, stari!g at hi%
3e $loses his eyes a!d sha#es his head% Whe! he ope!s the, his e1pressio! has softe!ed
fra$tio!ally% 3e ta#es a deep breath a!d s"allo"s%
GTur! rou!d,H he "hispers% G8 "a!t to get you out of that dress%H
&!other er$urial ood s"i!g, its so hard to #eep up% /bedie!tly, 8 tur! a!d y heart is
thupi!g, desire i!sta!tly repla$i!g u!ease, $oursi!g through y blood a!d settli!g dar# a!d
year!i!g lo", lo" i! y belly% 3e s$oops y hair off y ba$# so it ha!gs do"! y right side,
$urli!g at y breast% 3e pla$es his i!de1 fi!ger at the !ape of y !e$# a!d a$hi!gly slo"ly drags it
do"! y spi!e% 3is "ell9a!i$ured fi!ger!ail ge!tly graFes do"! y ba$#%
G8 li#e this dress,H he ururs% G8 li#e to see your fla"less s#i!%H
3is fi!ger rea$hes the ba$# of y halter dress id"ay do"! y spi!e, a!d hoo#i!g his fi!ger
be!eath the top, he pulls e $loser so that 8 step ba$# agai!st hi% 8 feel hi flush agai!st y body%
Lea!i!g do"!, he i!hales y hair%
GJou sell so good, &!astasia% So s"eet%H 3is !ose s#is past y ear do"! y !e$#, a!d he
trails soft, feather light #isses alo!g y shoulder%
=y breathi!g $ha!ges, be$oi!g shallo", rushed, full of e1pe$tatio!% 3is fi!gers are at y
Fipper% &$hi!gly slo", o!$e ore he eases it do"! "hile his lips o*e, li$#i!g a!d #issi!g a!d
su$#i!g their "ay a$ross to y other shoulder% 3e is so ta!taliFi!gly good at this% =y body
reso!ates, a!d 8 start to sBuir la!guidly be!eath his tou$h%
GJou% &re% >oi!g% To% 3a*e% To% Lear!% To% Eeep% Still,H he "hispers, #issi!g e arou!d y
!ape bet"ee! ea$h "ord%
3e tugs at the faste!i!g at the halter !e$#, a!d the dress drops a!d pools at y feet%
G+o bra, =iss Steele% 8 li#e that%H
3is ha!ds rea$h rou!d a!d $up y breasts, a!d y !ipples pu$#er at his tou$h%
GLift your ars a!d put the arou!d y head,H he ururs agai!st y !e$#%
8 obey iediately, a!d y breasts rise a!d push i!to his ha!ds, y !ipples harde!i!g
further% =y fi!gers "ea*e i!to his hair, a!d *ery ge!tly 8 tug his soft, se1y hair% 8 roll y head to
o!e side to gi*e hi easier a$$ess to y !e$#%
G=L H he ururs i!to that spa$e behi!d y ear, as he starts to e1te!d y !ipples "ith
his lo!g fi!gers, irrori!g y ha!ds i! his hair%
8 groa! as the se!satio! registers sharp a!d $lear i! y groi!%
GShall 8 a#e you $oe this "ayIH he "hispers%
8 ar$h y ba$# to for$e y breasts i!to his e1pert ha!ds%
GJou li#e this, do!t you, =iss SteeleIH
GTell e%H 3e $o!ti!ues the slo" se!suous torture, pulli!g ge!tly%
GJes, "hat%H
GJesL Sir%H
G>ood girl%H 3e pi!$hes e hard, a!d y body "rithes $o!*ulsi*ely agai!st his fro!t%
8 gasp at the e1Buisite, a$ute, pleasure?pai!% 8 feel hi agai!st e% 8 oa! a!d y ha!ds
$le!$h i! his hair pulli!g harder%
G8 do!t thi!# youre ready to $oe yet,H he "hispers, stilli!g his ha!ds, a!d he ge!tly bites
y earlobe a!d tugs at it% G0esides, you ha*e displeased e%H
Oh0 no what will this mean. =y brai! registers through the fog of !eedy desire as 8 groa!%
GSo perhaps 8 "o!t let you $oe after all%H 3e retur!s the atte!tio! of his fi!gers to y
!ipples, pulli!g, t"isti!g, #!eadi!g% 8 gri!d y behi!d agai!st hiL o*i!g side to side%
8 feel his gri! agai!st y !e$# as his ha!ds o*e do"! to y hips% 3is fi!gers hoo# i!to y
pa!ties at the ba$#, stret$hi!g the, a!d he pushes his thubs through the aterial, shreddi!g the
a!d tossi!g the i! fro!t of e so 8 $a! see 0 holy shit. 3is ha!ds o*e do"! to y se1L a!d
fro behi!d, he slo"ly i!serts his fi!ger%
G/h, yes% =y s"eet girl is all ready,H he breathes as he "hirls e rou!d so 8 fa$i!g hi%
3is breathi!g has Bui$#e!ed% 3e puts his fi!ger i! his outh% GJou taste so fi!e, =iss Steele%H 3e
sighs% G5!dress e,H he $oa!ds Buietly, stari!g do"! at e, eyes hooded%
&ll 8 "eari!g is y shoes, "ell, Eates high9heeled pups% 8 ta#e! aba$#% 8*e !e*er
u!dressed a a!%
GJou $a! do it,H he $a@oles softly%
Oh my. 8 bli!# rapidly% Where to startI 8 rea$h for his t9shirt, a!d he grabs y ha!ds a!d
sha#es his head, sili!g slyly at e%
G/h !o%H 3e sha#es his head, gri!!i!g% G+ot the t9shirt, you ay !eed to tou$h e for "hat 8
ha*e pla!!ed%H 3is eyes are ali*e "ith e1$itee!t%
Oh0 this is news0 I can touch with clothes. 3e ta#es o!e of y ha!ds a!d pla$es it agai!st
his ere$tio!%
GThis is the effe$t you ha*e o! e, =iss Steele%H
8 gasp a!d fle1 y fi!gers arou!d his girth, a!d he gri!s%
G8 "a!t to be i!side you% Ta#e y @ea!s off% Joure i! $harge%H
7oly fuc(0 me in charge. =y outh drops ope!%
GWhat are you goi!g to do "ith eIH he teases%
Oh the possi,ilities L y i!!er goddess roars, a!d fro soe"here bor! of frustratio!, !eed,
a!d sheer Steele bra*ery, 8 push hi o! to the bed% 3e laughs as he falls, a!d 8 gaFe do"! at hi
feeli!g *i$torious% =y i!!er goddess is goi!g to e1plode% 8 ya!# off his shoes, Bui$#ly, $lusily, a!d
his so$#s% 3es stari!g up at e, his eyes lui!ous "ith ausee!t a!d desire% 3e loo#sL
gloriousL mine. 8 $ra"l up the bed a!d sit astride hi to u!do his @ea!s, slidi!g y fi!gers u!der
the "aistba!d, feeli!g the hair i! his oh so happy trail% 3e $loses his eyes a!d fle1es his hips%
GJoull ha*e to lear! to #eep still,H 8 s$old, a!d 8 tug at the hair u!der his "aistba!d%
3is breath hit$hes, a!d he gri!s at e%
GJes, =iss Steele,H he ururs, eyes bur!i!g bright% G8! y po$#et, $o!do,H he breathes%
8 sear$h i! his po$#et slo"ly, "at$hi!g his fa$e as 8 feel arou!d% 3is outh is ope!% 8 fish out
both foil pa$#ets that 8 fi!d a!d lay the o! the bed by his hips% 1wo& =y o*er9eager fi!gers rea$h
for the butto! of his "aistba!d a!d u!do it, fubli!g a little% 8 a beyo!d e1$ited%
GSo eager, =iss Steele,H he ururs, his *oi$e la$ed "ith huor% 8 tug do"! the Fipper, a!d
!o" 8 fa$ed "ith the proble of reo*i!g his pa!tsL hmm. 8 shuffle do"! a!d pull% They
hardly o*e% 8 fro"!% 3o" $a! this be so diffi$ultI
G8 $a!t #eep still if youre goi!g to bite that lip,H he "ar!s, the! ar$hes his pel*is up off the
bed so 8 able to tug do"! his trousers a!d his bo1ers at the sae tie, "hoaL
freei!g hi% 3e #i$#s his $lothes to the floor%
3oly =oses, hes all i!e to play "ith, a!d sudde!ly its Christas%
G+o" "hat are you goi!g to doIH he breathes, all tra$e of huor go!e% 8 rea$h up a!d tou$h
hi, "at$hi!g his e1pressio! as 8 do% 3is outh shapes li#e a letter / as he ta#es a sharp breath%
3is s#i! is so sooth a!d softL a!d hardL h, "hat a deli$ious $obi!atio!% 8 lea! for"ard,
y hair falli!g arou!d e, a!d hes i! y outh% 8 su$#, hard% 3e $loses his eyes, his hips @er#i!g
be!eath e%
GJeeF, &!a, steady,H he groa!s%
8 feel so po"erful, its su$h a heady feeli!g, teasi!g a!d testi!g hi "ith y outh a!d
to!gue% 3e te!ses u!der!eath e as 8 ru! y outh up a!d do"! hi, pushi!g hi to the ba$# of
y throat, y lips tightL agai! a!d agai!%
GStop, &!a, stop% 8 do!t "a!t to $oe%H
8 sit up, bli!#i!g at hi, a!d 8 pa!ti!g li#e hi, but $o!fused% I thought I was in charge.
=y i!!er goddess loo#s li#e soeo!e s!at$hed her i$e $rea%
GJoure i!!o$e!$e a!d e!thusias is *ery disari!g,H he gasps% GJou, o! topL thats "hat
"e !eed to do%H
G3ere, put this o!%H 3e ha!ds e a foil pa$#et%
7oly Crap. 7ow. 8 rip the pa$#et ope!, a!d the rubbery $o!do is all ta$#y i! y fi!gers%
G.i!$h the top a!d the! roll it do"!% Jou do!t "a!t a!y air i! the e!d of that su$#er,H
he pa!ts%
&!d *ery slo"ly, $o!$e!trati!g hard, 8 do as 8 told%
GChrist, youre #illi!g e here, &!astasia,H he groa!s%
8 adire y ha!di"or# a!d hi% 3e really is a fi!e spe$ie! of a a!, loo#i!g at hi is *ery,
*ery arousi!g%
G+o"% 8 "a!t to be buried i!side you,H he ururs% 8 stare do"! at hi, dau!ted, a!d he sits
up sudde!ly, so "ere !ose to !ose%
GLi#e this,H he breathes, a!d he s!a#es o!e ha!d rou!d y hips, lifti!g e slightly, a!d "ith
the other he positio!s hiself be!eath e, a!d *ery slo"ly, eases e o! to hi%
8 groa! as he stret$hes e ope!, filli!g e, y outh ha!gi!g ope! i! surprise at the s"eet,
sublie, ago!iFi!g, o*er9full feeli!g% Oh0 please.
GThats right, baby, feel e, all of e,H he gro"ls a!d briefly $loses his eyes%
&!d hes i!side e, sheathed to the hilt, a!d he holds e i! pla$e, for se$o!dsL i!utesL 8
ha*e !o idea,, stari!g i!te!tly i!to y eyes%
G8ts deep this "ay,H he ururs% 3e fle1es a!d s"i*els his hips i! the sae otio!, a!d 8
groa!L oh y C the se!satio! radiates throughout y bellyL e*ery"here% 'uc(&
G&gai!,H 8 "hisper% 3e gri!s a laFy gri! a!d obliges%
=oa!i!g, 8 thro" y head ba$#, y hair tubli!g do"! y ba$#, a!d *ery slo"ly, he si!#s
ba$# do"! o! to the bed%
GJou o*e, &!astasia, up a!d do"!, ho" you "a!t% Ta#e y ha!ds,H he breathes, his *oi$e
hoarse a!d lo" a!d oh so se1y%
8 $lasp his ha!ds, holdi!g o! for life% >e!tly 8 push off hi a!d ba$# do"!, oh my % 3is eyes
are bur!i!g "ith "ild a!ti$ipatio!% 3is breathi!g is ragged, at$hi!g i!e, a!d he lifts his pel*is as
8 $oe do"!, bou!$i!g e ba$# up% We pi$# up the rhythL up, do"!, up, do"!L o*er a!d
o*erL a!d it feels soL good% 0et"ee! y pa!ti!g breaths, the deep do"!, brii!g full!essL
the *ehee!t se!satio! pulsi!g through e thats buildi!g Bui$#ly, 8 "at$h hi, our eyes lo$#edL
a!d 8 see "o!der there, "o!der at e%
8 a fu$#i!g hi% 8 a i! $harge% 3es i!e, a!d 8 his% The thought pushes e, "eighted
"ith $o!$rete, o*er the edge, a!d 8 $lia1 arou!d hiL shouti!g i!$ohere!tly%
3e grabs y hips, a!d $losi!g his eyes, tippi!g his head ba$#, his @a" strai!ed, he $oes
Buietly% 8 $ollapse o! to his $hest, o*er"heled, soe"here bet"ee! fa!tasy a!d reality, a pla$e
"here there are !o hard or soft liits%
Slo"ly the outside "orld i!*ades y se!ses, a!d oh y, "hat a! i!*asio!% 8 a floati!g, y
libs soft a!d la!guid, utterly spe!t% 8 lyi!g o! top of hi, y head o! his $hest, a!d he sells
di*i!e: fresh, lau!dered li!e! a!d soe e1pe!si*e body "ash, a!d the best, ost sedu$ti*e s$e!t o!
the pla!etL Christia!% 8 do!t "a!t to o*e, 8 "a!t to breathe this eli1ir for eter!ity% 8 !uFFle hi,
"ishi!g 8 did!t ha*e the barrier of his t9shirt% &!d as rhye a!d reaso! retur! to the rest of y
body, 8 stret$h y ha!d out o! his $hest% This is the first tie 8*e tou$hed hi here% 3es firL
stro!g% 3is ha!d s"oops up a!d grabs i!e, but he softe!s the blo" by pulli!g it to his outh a!d
s"eetly #issi!g y #!u$#les%
3e rolls o*er so hes gaFi!g do"! at e%
G<o!t,H he ururs, the! #isses e lightly%
GWhy do!t you li#e to be tou$hedIH 8 "hisper, stari!g up i!to soft gray eyes%
G0e$ause 8 fifty shades of fu$#ed9up, &!astasia%H
/hL his ho!esty is $opletely disari!g% 8 bli!# up at hi%
G8 had a *ery tough i!trodu$tio! to life% 8 do!t "a!t to burde! you "ith the details%
Just do!t%H 3e stro#es his !ose agai!st i!e, a!d the! he pulls out of e a!d sits up%
G8 thi!# thats all the *ery basi$s $o*ered% 3o" "as thatIH
3e loo#s thoroughly pleased "ith hiself a!d sou!ds *ery atter9of9fa$t at the sae tie,
li#e hes @ust ar#ed a!other ti$# bo1 i! a $he$#list% 8 still reeli!g fro the tough i!trodu$tio! to
life $oe!t% 8ts so frustrati!g C 8 a desperate to #!o" ore% 0ut he "o!t tell e% 8 $o$# y
head to o!e side, li#e he does, a!d a#e a! e!orous effort to sile at hi%
G8f you iagi!e for o!e i!ute that 8 thi!# you $eded $o!trol to e, "ell you ha*e!t ta#e!
i!to a$$ou!t y >.&%H 8 sile shyly at hi% G0ut tha!# you for the illusio!%H
G=iss Steele, you are !ot @ust a pretty fa$e% Jou*e had si1 orgass so far a!d all of the
belo!g to e,H he boasts, playful agai!%
8 flush a!d bli!# at the sae tie, as he stares do"! at e% 7e*s (eeping count& 3is bro"
G<o you ha*e soethi!g to tell eIH his *oi$e is sudde!ly ster!%
8 fro"! . Crap.
G8 had a drea this or!i!g%H
G/hIH 3e glares at e%
4ou,le crap. Am I in trou,le.
G8 $ae i! y sleep%H 8 thro" y ar o*er y eyes% 3e says !othi!g% 8 pee# up at hi fro
u!der y ar, a!d he loo#s aused%
G8! your sleepIH
GWo#e e up%H
G8 sure it did% What "ere you dreai!g aboutIH
GWhat "as 8 doi!gIH
8 thro" y ar o*er y eyes agai!% &!d li#e a sall $hild, 8 briefly e!tertai! the thought that
if 8 $a!t see hi, the! he $a!t see e%
G&!astasia, "hat "as 8 doi!gI 8 "o!t as# you agai!%H
GJou had a ridi!g $rop%H
3e o*es y ar%
GJes%H 8 a $riso!%
GTheres hope for you yet,H he ururs% G8 ha*e se*eral ridi!g $rops%H
G0ro"! plaited leatherIH
3e laughs%
G+o, but 8 sure 8 $ould get o!e%H 3is gray eyes blaFe "ith e1$itee!t%
Lea!i!g do"!, he gi*es e a brief #iss the! sta!ds a!d grabs his bo1ers, oh no0 he*s going.
8 gla!$e Bui$#ly at the tie C its o!ly !i!e9forty% 8 s$oot out of bed too a!d grab y s"eat pa!ts
a!d a $ai top, the! sit ba$# o! the bed, $ross9legged, "at$hi!g hi% 8 do!t "a!t hi to go% What
$a! 8 doI
GWhe! is your period dueIH 3e i!terrupts y thoughts%
G8 hate "eari!g these thi!gs,H he grubles% 3e holds up the $o!do, the! puts it o! the floor,
a!d slips o! his @ea!s%
GWellIH he propts "he! 8 do!t reply, a!d he loo#s at e e1pe$ta!tly as if hes "aiti!g for
y opi!io! o! the "eather% 3oly $rapL this is perso!al stuff%
G+e1t "ee#%H 8 stare do"! at y ha!ds%
GJou !eed to sort out soe $o!tra$eptio!%H
3e is so bossy% 8 stare at hi bla!#ly% 3e sits ba$# o! the bed as he puts o! his shoes a!d
G<o you ha*e a do$torIH
8 sha#e y head% We are ba$# to ergers a!d a$Buisitio!s C a!other 1)09degree ood s"i!g%
3e fro"!s%
G8 $a! ha*e i!e $oe a!d see you at your aparte!t C Su!day or!i!g before you $oe a!d
see e% /r he $a! see you at y pla$e% Whi$h "ould you preferIH
"o pressure then. Soethi!g else that hes payi!g forL but a$tually this is for his be!efit%
GJour pla$e%H That ea!s 8 a guara!teed to see hi Su!day%
G/#ay% 8ll let you #!o" the tie%H
G&re you lea*i!gIH
4on*t go0 stay with me please.
G3o" are you getti!g ba$#IH 8 "hisper%
GTaylor "ill pi$# e up%H
G8 $a! dri*e you% 8 ha*e a lo*ely !e" $ar%H
3e gaFes at e, his e1pressio! "ar%
GThats ore li#e it% 0ut 8 thi!# you*e had too u$h to dri!#%H
G<id you get e tipsy o! purposeIH
G0e$ause you o*er9thi!# e*erythi!g, a!d youre reti$e!t li#e your stepdad% & drop of "i!e i!
you a!d you start tal#i!g, a!d 8 !eed you to $ou!i$ate ho!estly "ith e% /ther"ise you $la
up, a!d 8 ha*e !o idea "hat youre thi!#i!g% 8! *i!o *eritas, &!astasia%H
G&!d you thi!# youre al"ays ho!est "ith eIH
G8 e!dea*or to be%H 3e loo#s do"! at e "arily% GThis "ill o!ly "or# if "ere ho!est "ith
ea$h other%H
G8d li#e you to stay a!d use this%H 8 hold up the se$o!d $o!do%
3e siles a!d his eyes glo" "ith huor%
G&!astasia, 8 ha*e $rossed so a!y li!es here to!ight% 8 ha*e to go% 8ll see you o! Su!day% 8ll
ha*e the re*ised $o!tra$t ready for you, a!d the! "e $a! really start to play%H
G.layIH 7oly shit. =y heart leaps i!to y outh%
G8d li#e to do a s$e!e "ith you% 0ut 8 "o!t u!til you*e sig!ed, so 8 #!o" youre ready%H
G/h% So 8 $ould stret$h this out, if 8 do!t sig!IH
3e gaFes at e assessi!g, a!d the! his lips t"it$h i!to a sile%
GWell, 8 suppose you $ould, but 8 ay $ra$# u!der the strai!%H
GCra$#I 3o"IH =y i!!er goddess has "o#e! a!d is payi!g atte!tio!%
3e !ods slo"ly, a!d the! he gri!s, teasi!g%
GCould get really ugly%H
3is gri! is i!fe$tious%
G5gly, ho"IH
G/h you #!o", e1plosio!s, $ar $hases, #id!appi!g, i!$ar$eratio!%H
GJoud #id!ap eIH
G/h yes,H he gri!s%
G3old e agai!st y "illIH =ee: this is hot.
G/h yes,H he !ods% G&!d the! "ere tal#i!g T.E 2S?7%H
GJou*e lost e,H 8 breathe, y heart is pou!di!gL is he serious.
GTotal .o"er E1$ha!ge C rou!d the $lo$#%H 3is eyes are shi!i!g, a!d 8 $a! feel his e1$itee!t
fro "here 8 sit%
7oly shit.
GSo you ha*e !o $hoi$e,H he says sardo!i$ally%
GClearly%H 8 $a!t #eep the sar$as out of y *oi$e as y eyes rea$h for the hea*e!s%
G/h, &!astasia Steele, did you @ust roll your eyes at eIH
G+o,H 8 sBuea#%
G8 thi!# you did% What did 8 say 8d do to you if you rolled your eyes at e agai!IH
%hit. 3e sits do"! o! the edge of the bed%
GCoe here,H he says softly%
8 bla!$h% JeeFL hes serious% 8 sit stari!g at hi $opletely iobile%
G8 ha*e!t sig!ed,H 8 "hisper%
G8 told you "hat 8d do% 8 a a! of y "ord% 8 goi!g to spa!# you, a!d the! 8 goi!g to
fu$# you *ery Bui$# a!d *ery hard% Loo#s li#e "ell !eed that $o!do after all%H
3is *oi$e is so soft, e!a$i!g, a!d it*s damned hot % =y i!sides pra$ti$ally $o!tort "ith
pote!t, !eedy, liBuid, desire% 3e gaFes at e, "aiti!g, eyes blaFi!g% Te!tati*ely, 8 u!$url y legs%
%hould I run. This is it, our relatio!ship ha!gs i! the bala!$e, right here, right !o"% <o 8 let hi
do this or do 8 say !o, a!d the! thats itI 0e$ause 8 #!o" it "ill be o*er if 8 say !o% 4o it& =y i!!er
goddess pleads "ith e, y sub$o!s$ious is as paralyFed as 8 a%G8 "aiti!g,H he says% G8 !ot a
patie!t a!%H
Oh for the lo6e of all that*s holy. 8 pa!ti!g, afraid, tur!ed o!% 0lood pou!di!g through y
body, y legs are li#e @elly% Slo"ly, 8 $ra"l o*er to hi u!til 8 a beside hi%
G>ood girl,H he ururs% G+o" sta!d up%H
/h shitL $a!t he @ust get this o*er "ithI 8 !ot sure if 8 $a! sta!d% 3esita!tly, 8 $laber to
y feet% 3e holds his ha!d out, a!d 8 pla$e the $o!do i! his pal% Sudde!ly he grabs e, tippi!g
e a$ross his lap% With o!e sooth o*ee!t, he a!gles his body so y torso is resti!g o! the bed
beside hi% 3e thro"s his right leg o*er both of i!e a!d pla!ts his left forear o! the sall of y
ba$#, holdi!g e do"! so 8 $a!!ot o*e% Oh fuc(. G.ut your ha!ds up o! either side of your
head,H he orders%
8 obey iediately%
GWhy a 8 doi!g this, &!astasiaIH he as#s%
G0e$ause 8 rolled y eyes at you,H 8 $a! barely spea#%
G<o you thi!# thats politeIH
GWill you do it agai!IH
G8 "ill spa!# you ea$h tie you do it, do you u!dersta!dIH
Aery slo"ly, he pulls do"! y s"eatpa!ts% /h, ho" deea!i!g is this, deea!i!g a!d s$ary
a!d hot% 3es a#i!g su$h a eal of this% =y heart is i! y outh% 8 $a! barely breathe% %hit is this
going to hurt.
3e pla$es his ha!d o! y !a#ed behi!d, softly fo!dli!g e, stro#i!g rou!d a!d rou!d "ith
his flat pal% &!d the! his ha!d is !o lo!ger thereL a!d he hits e C hard% Ow& =y eyes spri!g
ope! i! respo!se to the pai!, a!d 8 try to rise, but his ha!d o*es bet"ee! y shoulder blades
#eepi!g e do"!% 3e $aresses e agai! "here hes hit e, a!d his breathi!gs $ha!ged C its
louder, harsher% 3e hits e agai! a!d agai!, Bui$#ly i! su$$essio!%
7oly fuc( it hurts. 8 a#e !o sou!d, y fa$e s$re"ed up agai!st the pai!% 8 try a!d "riggle
a"ay fro the blo"s C spurred o! by adre!ali!e spi#i!g a!d $oursi!g through y body%
GEeep still,H he gro"ls% G/r 8ll spa!# you for lo!ger%H
3es rubbi!g e !o", a!d the blo" follo"s% & rhythi$ patter! eerges, $aress, fo!dle, slap
hard% 8 ha*e to $o!$e!trate to ha!dle this pai!% =y i!d epties as 8 e!dea*or to absorb the
grueli!g se!satio!% 3e does!t hit e i! the sae pla$e t"i$e i! su$$essio!
C hes spreadi!g the pai!%
G&arghKH 8 $ry out o! the te!th slap C a!d 8 u!a"are that 8 ha*e bee! e!tally $ou!ti!g the
G8 @ust getti!g "ared up%H
3e hits e agai! the! he stro#es e softly% The $obi!atio! of the hard sti!gi!g blo" a!d his
ge!tle $aress is so i!d !ubi!g% 3e hits e agai!L this is getti!g harder to ta#e%
=y fa$e hurts, its s$re"ed up so tight% 3e stro#es e ge!tly a!d the! the blo" $oes% 8 $ry
out agai!%
G+o o!e to hear you, baby, @ust e%H
&!d he hits e agai! a!d agai!% Fro soe"here deep i!side, 8 "a!t to beg hi to stop% 0ut
8 do!t% 8 do!t "a!t to gi*e hi the satisfa$tio!% 3e $o!ti!ues the u!rele!ti!g rhyth% 8 $ry out si1
ore ties% Eightee! slaps i! total% =y body is si!gi!g, si!gi!g fro his er$iless assault%
GE!ough,H he breathes hoarsely% GWell do!e, &!astasia% +o" 8 goi!g to fu$# you%H
3e $aresses y behi!d ge!tly, a!d it bur!s as he stro#es e rou!d a!d rou!d a!d do"!%
Sudde!ly, he i!serts t"o fi!gers i!side e, ta#i!g e $opletely by surprise% 8 gasp, this !e"
assault brea#i!g through the !ub!ess arou!d y brai!%
GFeel this% See ho" u$h your body li#es this, &!astasia% Joure soa#i!g @ust for e%H
There is a"e i! his *oi$e% 3e o*es his fi!gers, i! a!d out i! Bui$# su$$essio!%
8 groa!, !o surely !ot, a!d the! his fi!gers are go!eL a!d 8 left "a!ti!g%
G+e1t tie, 8 "ill get you to $ou!t% +o" "heres that $o!doIH
3e rea$hes beside hi for the $o!do a!d lifts e ge!tly, pushi!g e fa$e do"! o!to the
bed% 8 hear the sou!d of his Fipper a!d the rip of the foil% 3e drags y s"eatpa!ts off a!d the!
guides e i!to a #!eeli!g positio!, ge!tly $aressi!g y !o" *ery sore behi!d%
G8 goi!g to ta#e you !o"% Jou $a! $oe,H he ururs%
#hat. Gi(e I ha6e a choice.
&!d hes i!side e, Bui$#ly filli!g e, 8 oa! loudly% 3e o*es, pou!di!g i!to e, a fast,
i!te!se pa$e agai!st y sore behi!d% The feeli!g is beyo!d e1Buisite, ra" a!d debas9i!g a!d i!d
blo"i!g% =y se!ses are ra*aged, dis$o!!e$ted, solely $o!$e!trati!g o! "hat hes doi!g to e% 3o"
hes a#i!g e feel, that failiar pull deep i! y belly, tighte!i!g, Bui$#e!i!g% +/L a!d y
traitorous body e1plodes i! a! i!te!se, body9shatteri!g orgas%
G/h, &!aKH he $ries out loudly as he fi!ds his release, holdi!g e i! pla$e as he pours hiself
i!to e% 3e $ollapses, pa!ti!g hard beside e, a!d he pulls e o! top of hi a!d buries his fa$e i!
y hair, holdi!g e $lose%
G/h, baby,H he breathes% GWel$oe to y "orld%H
We lie there, pa!ti!g together, "aiti!g for our breathi!g to slo"% 3e ge!tly stro#es y hair%
8 o! his $hest agai!% 0ut this tie, 8 do!t ha*e the stre!gth to lift y ha!d a!d feel hi% 9oy0 I
sur6i6ed. That "as!t so bad% 8 ore stoi$ tha! 8 thought% =y i!!er goddess is prostrateL "ell
at least shes Buiet% Christia! !uFFles y hair agai!, i!hali!g deeply%
GWell do!e, baby,H he "hispers, Buiet @oy i! his *oi$e% 3is "ords $url arou!d e li#e a soft
fluffy to"el fro the 3eatha! 3otel, a!d 8 so pleased that hes happy%
3e pi$#s at the strap o! y $aisole%
G8s this "hat you sleep i!IH he as#s ge!tly%
GJes,H 8 breathe sleepily%
GJou should be i! sil#s a!d sati!s, you beautiful girl% 8ll ta#e you shoppi!g%H
G8 li#e y s"eats,H 8 urur, tryi!g a!d faili!g to sou!d irritated%
3e #isses y head agai!%
GWell see,H he says%
We lie for a fe" ore i!utes, hours, "ho #!o"s, a!d 8 thi!# 8 doFe%
G8 ha*e to go,H he says, a!d lea!i!g do"!, he #isses y forehead ge!tly% G&re you o#ayIH 3is
*oi$e is soft%
8 thi!# about his Buestio!% =y ba$#side is sore% Well, glo"i!g !o", a!d aaFi!gly 8 feel,
apart fro e1hausted, radia!t% The realiFatio! is hubli!g, u!e1pe$ted% 8 do!t u!dersta!d% 7oly
G8 o#ay,H 8 "hisper% 8 do!t "a!t to say ore tha! that%
3e rises%
GWheres your bathrooIH
G&lo!g the $orridor to the left%H
3e s$oops up the other $o!do a!d heads out of the bedroo% 8 rise stiffly a!d put y
s"eatpa!ts ba$# o!% They $hafe a little agai!st y still9sarti!g behi!d% 8 so $o!fused by y
rea$tio!% 8 reeber hi sayi!g C 8 $a!t reeber "he! C that 8 "ould feel so u$h better after a
good hidi!g% 7ow can that ,e so. 8 really do!t get it% 0ut stra!gely, 8 do% 8 $a!t say that 8 e!@oyed
the e1perie!$e, i! fa$t, 8 "ould still go a lo!g "ay to a*oid it, but !o"L 8 ha*e this safe, "eird,
bathed i! afterglo", sated feeli!g% 8 put y head i! y ha!ds% 8 @ust do!t u!dersta!d%
Christia! re9e!ters the roo% 8 $a!t loo# hi i! the eye% 8 stare do"! at y ha!ds%
G8 fou!d soe baby oil% Let e rub it i!to your behi!d%H
G+o% 8ll be fi!e%H
G&!astasia,H he "ar!s, a!d 8 "a!t to roll y eyes but Bui$#ly stop yself% 8 sta!d fa$i!g the
bed% Sitti!g beside e, he ge!tly pulls y s"eatpa!ts do"! agai!% 5p and down li(e whores*
drawers y sub$o!s$ious rear#s bitterly% 8! y head, 8 tell her "here to go%
Christia! sBuirts baby oil i!to his ha!d a!d the! rubs y behi!d "ith $areful te!der!ess
C fro a#eup reo*er to soothi!g bal for a spa!#ed ass, "ho "ould ha*e thought it "as
su$h a *ersatile liBuid%
G8 li#e y ha!ds o! you,H he ururs, a!d 8 ha*e to agree, e too%
GThere,H he says "he! hes fi!ished, a!d he pulls y pa!ts up agai!%
8 gla!$e o*er at y $lo$#% 8ts te!9thirty%
G8 lea*i!g !o"%H
G8ll see you out%H 8 still $a!t loo# at hi%
Ta#i!g y ha!d, he leads e to the fro!t door% Fortu!ately, Eate is still !ot hoe% She ust
still be ha*i!g di!!er "ith her fol#s a!d Etha!% 8 really glad shes !ot bee! arou!d to hear y
G<o!t you ha*e to $all TaylorIH 8 as#, a*oidi!g eye $o!ta$t%
GTaylors bee! here si!$e !i!e% Loo# at e,H he breathes%
8 struggle to eet his eyes, but "he! 8 do, hes gaFi!g do"! at e "ith "o!der%
GJou did!t $ry,H he ururs, the! grabs e sudde!ly a!d #isses e fer*e!tly% GSu!day,H he
"hispers agai!st y lips, a!d its both a proise a!d a threat%
8 "at$h hi "al# do"! the path a!d $lib i!to the big bla$# &udi% 3e does!t loo# ba$#% 8
$lose the door a!d sta!d helpless i! the li*i!g roo of a! aparte!t that 8 shall o!ly spe!d a!other
t"o !ights i!% & pla$e 8 ha*e li*ed happily for alost four yearsL yet today, for the first tie e*er,
8 feel lo!ely a!d u!$ofortable here, u!happy "ith y o"! $opa!y% 3a*e 8 strayed so far fro
"ho 8 aI 8 #!o" that lur#i!g, !ot *ery far u!der y rather !ub e1terior, is a "ell of tears% What
a 8 doi!gI The iro!y is 8 $a!t e*e! sit do"! a!d e!@oy a good $ry% 8ll ha*e to sta!d% 8 #!o" its
late, but 8 de$ide to $all y o%
G3o!ey, ho" are youI 3o" "as graduatio!IH she e!thuses do"! the pho!e% 3er *oi$e is a
soothi!g bal%
GSorry its so late,H 8 "hisper%
She pauses%
G&!aI Whats "ro!gIH Shes all serious!ess !o"%
G+othi!g, =o, 8 @ust "a!ted to hear your *oi$e%H
Shes sile!t for a oe!t%
G&!a, "hat is itI .lease tell e%H 3er *oi$e is soft a!d $oforti!g, a!d 8 #!o" that she $ares%
5!i!*ited, y tears begi! to flo"% 8 ha*e $ried so ofte! i! the last fe" days%
G.lease, &!a,H she says, a!d her a!guish refle$ts i!e%
G/h, =o, its a a!%H
GWhats he do!e to youIH 3er alar is palpable%
G8ts !ot li#e that%H Although it is L /h $rap% 8 do!t "a!t to "orry her% 8 @ust "a!t soeo!e
else to be stro!g for e at the oe!t%
G&!a, please, youre "orryi!g e%H
8 ta#e a big breath%
G8*e #i!d of falle! for this guy, a!d hes so differe!t fro e, a!d 8 do!t #!o" if "e should
be together%H
G/h, darli!g% 8 "ish 8 $ould be "ith you% 8 a so sorry 8 issed your graduatio!%
Jou*e falle! for soeo!e, fi!ally% /h, ho!ey, e!, they are so tri$#y% Theyre a differe!t
spe$ies, ho!ey% 3o" lo!g ha*e you #!o"! hiIH
Christia! is defi!itely a differe!t spe$iesL different planet.
G/h, !early three "ee#s or so%H
G&!a, darli!g, thats !o tie at all% 3o" $a! you possibly #!o" soeo!e i! that #i!d of tie
fraeI Just ta#e it easy "ith hi a!d #eep hi at ars le!gth u!til you de$ide "hether hes "orthy
of you%H
Wo"L its u!!er*i!g "he! y other is so i!sightful, but shes @ust too late o! this%
8s he worthy of eI Thats a! i!teresti!g $o!$ept% 8 al"ays "o!der "hether 8 a "orthy of
G3o!ey, you sou!d so u!happy% Coe hoe C *isit "ith us% 8 iss you, darli!g% 0ob "ould
lo*e to see you too% Jou $a! get soe dista!$e a!d aybe soe perspe$ti*e% Jou !eed a brea#%
Jou*e bee! "or#i!g so hard%H
/h boy, is this tepti!g% Du! a"ay to >eorgia% >rab soe su!shi!e, soe $o$#tails%
=y others good huorL her lo*i!g ars%
G8 ha*e t"o @ob i!ter*ie"s i! Seattle o! =o!day%H
G/h, thats "o!derful !e"s%H
The door ope!s a!d Eate appears, gri!!i!g at e% 3er fa$e falls "he! she sees 8*e bee!
G=o, 8 ha*e to go% 8ll thi!# about a *isit% Tha!# you%H
G3o!ey, please, do!t let a a! get u!der your s#i!% Joure far too you!g% >o a!d e!@oy
GJes, =o, lo*e you%H
G/h, &!a, 8 lo*e you too, so u$h% Stay safe, ho!ey%H 8 ha!g up a!d fa$e Eate "ho glares at
G3as that obs$e!ely ri$h fu$#er upset you agai!IH
G+oL sort ofL errL yes%H
GJust tell hi to ta#e a hi#e, &!a% Jou*e bee! so up a!d do"! si!$e you et hi%
8*e !e*er see! you li#e this%H
The "orld of Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh is *ery $lear, *ery bla$# a!d "hite% +ot the i!ta!gible,
ysterious, *ague hues of gray that $olor y "orld . #elcome to my world.
GSit, lets tal#% Lets ha*e soe "i!e% /h, you*e had $hapag!e%H She spies the bottle%
GSoe good stuff too%H
8 sile i!effe$tually, loo#i!g apprehe!si*ely at the $ou$h% 8 approa$h it "ith $autio!%
7mm0 sitting.
G&re you o#ayIH
G8 fell o*er a!d la!ded o! y behi!d%H
She does!t thi!# to Buestio! y e1pla!atio!, be$ause 8 a o!e of the ost u!9$oordi!ated
people i! Washi!gto! State% 8 !e*er thought 8d see that as a blessi!g% 8 sit do"! gi!gerly, pleasa!tly
surprised that 8 o#ay, a!d tur! y atte!tio! to Eate, but y i!d glaFes o*er a!d 8 pulled ba$#
to the 3eatha! C B#ell if you were mine you wouldn*t ,e a,le to sit down for a wee( after the
stunt you pulled yesterday.E 3e said it the!, a!d all
8 $ould $o!$e!trate o! at the tie "as bei!g his% &ll the "ar!i!g sig!s "ere there, 8 "as @ust
too $lueless a!d too e!aored to !oti$e%
Eate $oes ba$# i!to the li*i!g area "ith a bottle of red "i!e a!d "ashed tea$ups%
G3ere "e go%H She ha!ds e a $up of "i!e% 8t "o!t taste as good as the 0olly%
G&!a, if hes a @er# "ith $oite!t issues, dup hi% Though 8 do!t really u!dersta!d his
$oite!t issues% 3e $ould!t ta#e his eyes off you i! the arBuee, "at$hed you li#e a ha"#% 8d
say he "as $opletely sitte!, but aybe he has a fu!!y "ay of sho"i!g it%H
%mitten. Christian. 'unny way of showing it. 8ll say%
GEate, its $opli$ated% 3o" "as your e*e!i!gIH 8 as#%
8 $a!t tal# this through "ith Eate "ithout re*eali!g too u$h, but o!e Buestio! o! her day
a!d Eate is off% 8ts so reassuri!g to sit a!d liste! to her !oral $hatter% The hot !e"s is that Etha!
ay be $oi!g to li*e "ith us after their holiday% That "ill be fu! C Etha! is a hoot% 8 fro"!% 8 do!t
thi!# Christia! "ill appro*e% #ell0 tough. 3ell @ust ha*e to su$# it up% 8 ha*e a $ouple of tea$ups
of "i!e a!d de$ide to $all it a !ight% 8ts bee! o!e *ery lo!g day% Eate hugs e, a!d the! grabs the
pho!e to $all Elliot%
8 $he$# the ea! a$hi!e after 8 brush y teeth% Theres a! eail fro Christia!%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Jou
"ate: =ay 2( 2011 22:1S
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
Jou are Buite siply e1Buisite% The ost beautiful, i!tellige!t, "itty a!d bra*e "oa! 8 ha*e
e*er et% Ta#e soe &d*il C this is !ot a reBuest% &!d do!t dri*e your 0eetle agai!% 8 "ill #!o"%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
/h, !ot dri*e y $ar agai!K 8 type out y reply%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Flattery
"ate: =ay 2( 2011 22:20
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear =r% >rey
Flattery "ill get you !o"here, but si!$e you*e bee! e*ery"here the poi!t is oot%
8 "ill !eed to dri*e y 0eetle to a garage so 8 $a! sell it C so "ill !ot gra$iously a$$ept a!y of
your !o!se!se o*er that% Ded "i!e is al"ays ore preferable to &d*il%
.S: Ca!i!g is a 3&D< liit for e%
8 hit se!d%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Frustrati!g "oe! "ho $a!t ta#e $oplie!ts "ate: =ay 2( 2011 22:2(
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =s% Steele
8 a !ot flatteri!g you% Jou should go to bed%
8 a$$ept your additio! to the hard liits%
<o!t dri!# too u$h%
Taylor "ill dispose of your $ar a!d get a good pri$e for it too%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Taylor C 8s he the right a! for the @obI
"ate: =ay 2( 2011 22:S0
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear Sir
8 a i!trigued that you are happy to ris# letti!g your right ha!d a! dri*e y $ar C but !ot
soe "oa! you fu$# o$$asio!ally% 3o" $a! 8 be sure that Taylor is the a! to get e the best
deal for said $arI 8 ha*e, i! the past, probably before 8 et you, bee! #!o"! to dri*e a hard bargai!%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: CarefulK
"ate: =ay 2( 2011 22:SS
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =s% Steele
8 a assui!g it is the DE< W8+E tal#i!g, a!d that you*e had a *ery lo!g day%
Though 8 a tepted to dri*e ba$# o*er there to e!sure that you do!t sit do"! for a "ee#,
rather tha! a! e*e!i!g%
Taylor is e19ary a!d $apable of dri*i!g a!ythi!g fro a otor$y$le to a Shera! Ta!#%
Jour $ar does !ot prese!t a haFard to hi%
+o" please do !ot refer to yourself as Msoe "oa! 8 fu$# o$$asio!ally be$ause, Buite
fra!#ly it a#es e =&<, a!d you really "ould!t li#e e "he! 8 a!gry%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Careful yourself
"ate: =ay 2( 2011 22:47
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear =r% >rey
8 !ot sure 8 li#e you a!y"ay, espe$ially at the oe!t%
=s% Steele
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Careful yourself
"ate: =ay 27 2011 00:02
$o: &!astasia Steele
Why do!t you li#e eI
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Careful yourself
"ate: =ay 27 2011 00:0'
$o: Christia! >rey
0e$ause you !e*er stay "ith e%
There, thats gi*e! hi soethi!g to thi!# about% 8 shut the a$hi!e do"! "ith a flourish 8
do!t really feel a!d $ra"l i!to y bed% 8 s"it$h off y sidelight a!d stare up at the $eili!g% 8ts
bee! o!e lo!g day, o!e eotio!al "re!$h after a!other% 8t "as heart"ari!g to spe!d soe tie
"ith Day% 3e loo#ed "ell, a!d "eirdly he appro*ed of Christia!% JeeF, Eate a!d her garga!tua!
outh% 3eari!g Christia! spea# about bei!g hu!gry% What the hell is that all aboutI >od, a!d the
$ar% 8 ha*e!t e*e! told Eate about the !e" $ar% What "as Christia! thi!#i!gI
&!d the! this e*e!i!g, he a$tually hit e% 8*e !e*er bee! hit i! y life% What ha*e 8 gotte!
yself i!toI Aery slo"ly, y tears, halted by Eates arri*al, begi! to slide do"! the side of y fa$e
a!d i!to y ears% 8 ha*e falle! for soeo!e "hos so eotio!ally shut do"!, 8 "ill o!ly get hurt C
deep do"! 8 #!o" this C soeo!e "ho by his o"! adissio! is $opletely fu$#ed up% #hy is he
so fu$#ed upI 8t ust be a"ful to be as affe$ted as he is, a!d the thought that as a toddler he
suffered soe u!bearable $ruelty a#es e $ry harder% /erhaps if he was more normal he wouldn*t
want you y sub$o!s$ious $o!tributes s!idely to y usi!gsL a!d i! y heart of hearts 8 #!o"
this is true% 8 tur! i!to y pillo" a!d the slui$e gates ope!L a!d for the first tie i! years, 8 a
sobbi!g u!$o!trollably i!to y pillo"%
8 a oe!tarily distra$ted fro y dar# !ight of the soul by Eate shouti!g%
B#hat the fuc( do you thin( you*re doing here.E
B#ell you can*t&E
B#hat the fuc( ha6e you done to her now.E
B%ince she*s met you she cries all the time.E
B)ou can*t come in here&E
Christia! bursts i!to y bedroo a!d u!$ereo!iously s"it$hes o! the o*erhead light,
a#i!g e sBui!t%
GJesus, &!a,H he utters% 3e fli$#s the s"it$h off agai! a!d is at y side i! a oe!t%
GWhat are you doi!g hereIH 8 gasp bet"ee! sobs% Crap% 8 $a!t stop $ryi!g%
3e s"it$hes o! the sidelight a#i!g e sBui!t agai!% Eate $oes a!d sta!ds i! the door"ay%
G<o you "a!t e to thro" this asshole outIH she as#s, radiati!g thero9!u$lear hostility%
Christia! raises his eyebro"s at her, !o doubt surprised by her flatteri!g epithet a!d her feral
a!tago!is% 8 sha#e y head, a!d she rolls her eyes at e% Oh0 I wouldn*t do that near Mr. $.
GJust holler if you !eed e,H she says ore ge!tly% G>rey C your $ards are ar#ed,H
she hisses at hi% 3e !ods at her, a!d she tur!s a!d pulls the door to but does!t $lose it%
Christia! gaFes do"! at e, his e1pressio! gra*e, his fa$e ashe!% 3es "eari!g his pi!striped
@a$#et, a!d fro his i!side po$#et, he pulls out a ha!d#er$hief a!d ha!ds it to e% 8 thi!# 8 still ha*e
his other o!e soe"here%
GWhats goi!g o!IH he as#s Buietly%
GWhy are you hereIH 8 as#, ig!ori!g his Buestio!% =y tears ha*e ira$ulously $eased, but 8
left "ith dry hea*es ra$#i!g y body%
G.art of y role is to loo# after your !eeds% Jou said you "a!ted e to stay, so here 8 a%
&!d yet 8 fi!d you li#e this%H 3e bli!#s at e, truly be"ildered% G8 sure 8 respo!sible, but 8
ha*e !o idea "hy% 8s it be$ause 8 hit youIH
8 pull yself up, "i!$i!g fro y sore behi!d% 8 sit a!d fa$e hi%
G<id you ta#e soe &d*ilIH
8 sha#e y head% 3e !arro"s his eyes, sta!ds, a!d lea*es the roo% 8 hear hi tal#i!g to Eate
but !ot "hat they are sayi!g% 3es ba$# a fe" oe!ts later "ith pills a!d a tea$up of "ater%
GTa#e these,H he orders ge!tly as he sits o! y bed beside e%
8 do as 8 told%
GTal# to e,H he "hispers% GJou told e you "ere o#ay% 8d !e*er ha*e left you if 8 thought
you "ere li#e this%H
8 stare do"! at y ha!ds% What $a! 8 say that 8 ha*e!t said alreadyI 8 "a!t ore% 8 "a!t hi
to stay be$ause he "a!ts to stay "ith e, !ot be$ause 8 a blubberi!g ess, a!d 8 do!t "a!t hi
to beat e, is that so u!reaso!ableI
G8 ta#e it that "he! you said you "ere o#ay, you "ere!t%H
8 flush%
G8 thought 8 "as fi!e%H
G&!astasia, you $a!t tell e "hat you thi!# 8 "a!t to hear% Thats !ot *ery ho!est,H
he ado!ishes e% G3o" $a! 8 trust a!ythi!g you*e said to eIH
8 pee# up at hi, a!d hes fro"!i!g, a blea# loo# i! his eye% 3e ru!s both ha!ds through his
G3o" did you feel "hile 8 "as hitti!g you a!d afterIH
G8 did!t li#e it% 8d rather you did!t do it agai!%H
GJou "ere!t ea!t to li#e it%H
GWhy do you li#e itIH 8 stare up at hi%
=y Buestio! surprises hi%
GJou really "a!t to #!o"IH
G/h, trust e, 8 fas$i!ated%H &!d 8 $a!t Buite #eep the sar$as out of y *oi$e%
3e !arro"s his eyes agai!%
GCareful,H he "ar!s%
8 bla!$h%
G&re you goi!g to hit e agai!IH 8 $halle!ge%
G+o, !ot to!ight%H
.he"%%% y sub$o!s$ious a!d 8 both breathe a sile!t sigh of relief%
GSo,H 8 propt%
G8 li#e the $o!trol it bri!gs e, &!astasia% 8 "a!t you to beha*e i! a parti$ular "ay, a!d if you
do!t, 8 shall pu!ish you, a!d you "ill lear! to beha*e the "ay 8 desire% 8 e!@oy pu!ishi!g you% 8*e
"a!ted to spa!# you si!$e you as#ed e if 8 "as gay%H
8 flush at the eory . =ee: I wanted to span( myself after that 3uestion. So Eatheri!e
Ea*a!agh is respo!sible for all this, a!d if shed go!e to that i!ter*ie" a!d as#ed her gay Buestio!,
shed be sitti!g here "ith the sore ass% 8 do!t li#e that thought% 3o" $o!fusi!g is thisI
GSo you do!t li#e the "ay 8 a%H
3e stares at e, be"ildered agai!%
G8 thi!# youre lo*ely the "ay you are%H
GSo "hy are you tryi!g to $ha!ge eIH
G8 do!t "a!t to $ha!ge you% 8d li#e you to be $ourteous a!d to follo" the set of rules 8*e
gi*e! you a!d !ot defy e% Siple,H he says%
G0ut you "a!t to pu!ish eIH
GJes 8 do%H
GThats "hat 8 do!t u!dersta!d%H
3e sighs a!d ru!s his ha!ds through his hair agai!%
G8ts the "ay 8 ade, &!astasia% 8 !eed to $o!trol you% 8 !eed you to beha*e i! a $ertai!
"ay, a!d if you do!t C 8 lo*e to "at$h your beautiful alabaster s#i! pi!# a!d "ar up u!der y
ha!ds% 8t tur!s e o!%H
3oly shit% +o" "ere getti!g soe"here%
GSo its !ot the pai! youre putti!g e throughIH
3e s"allo"s%
G& bit, to see if you $a! ta#e it, but thats !ot the "hole reaso!% 8ts the fa$t that you are i!e
to do "ith as 8 see fit C ultiate $o!trol o*er soeo!e else% &!d it tur!s e o!%
0ig tie, &!astasia% Loo#, 8 !ot e1plai!i!g yself *ery "ellL 8*e !e*er had to before%
8*e !ot really thought about this i! a!y great depth% 8*e al"ays bee! "ith li#e9i!ded
people,H he shrugs apologeti$ally% G&!d you still ha*e!t a!s"ered y Buestio! C ho" did you feel
GJou "ere se1ually aroused by it, &!astasia,H he $loses his eyes briefly, a!d "he! he re9ope!s
the a!d gaFes at e, they are solderi!g so#y ebers%
3is e1pressio! pulls at that dar# part of e, buried i! the depths of y belly C y libido,
"o#e! a!d taed by hi, but e*e! !o", i!satiable%
G<o!t loo# at e li#e that,H he ururs%
8 fro"!% =ee: what ha6e I done now.
G8 do!t ha*e a!y $o!dos, &!astasia, a!d you #!o", youre upset% Co!trary to "hat your
rooate belie*es, 8 !ot a priapi$ o!ster% So, you felt $o!fusedIH
8 sBuir u!der his i!te!se gaFe%
GJou ha*e !o proble bei!g ho!est "ith e i! pri!t% Jour eails al"ays tell e e1a$tly ho"
you feel% Why $a!t you do that i! $o!*ersatio!I <o 8 i!tiidate you that u$hIH
8 pi$# at a! iagi!ary spot o! y others blue a!d $rea Built%
GJou beguile e, Christia!% Copletely o*er"hel e% 8 feel li#e 8$arus flyi!g too $lose to
the Su!,H 8 "hisper%
3e gasps%
GWell, 8 thi!# you*e got that the "ro!g "ay arou!d,H he "hispers%
G/h, &!astasia, you*e be"it$hed e% 8s!t it ob*iousIH
+o, !ot to e% 9ewitched0 y i!!er goddess is stari!g ope!9outhed% E*e! she does!t
belie*e this%
GJou*e still !ot a!s"ered y Buestio!% Write e a! eail, please% 0ut right !o", 8d really
li#e to sleep% Ca! 8 stayIH
G<o you "a!t to stayIH 8 $a!t hide the hope i! y *oi$e%
GJou "a!ted e here%H
GJou ha*e!t a!s"ered y Buestio!%H
G8ll "rite you a! eail,H he utters petula!tly%
Sta!di!g, he epties his @ea!s po$#ets of 0la$#0erry, #eys, "allet, a!d o!ey% 3oly $o",
e! $arry a lot of $rap i! their po$#ets% 3e strips off his "at$h, his shoes, so$#s, a!d @ea!s a!d
pla$es his @a$#et o*er y $hair% 3e "al#s rou!d to the other side of the bed a!d slides i!%
GLie do"!,H he orders%
8 slip slo"ly u!der the $o*ers, "i!$i!g slightly, stari!g at hi% JeeFL hes stayi!g% 8 thi!# 8
!ub "ith elated sho$#% 3e lea!s up o! o!e elbo" stari!g do"! at e%
G8f you are goi!g to $ry% Cry i! fro!t of e% 8 !eed to #!o"%H
G<o you "a!t e to $ryIH
G+ot parti$ularly% 8 @ust "a!t to #!o" ho" youre feeli!g% 8 do!t "a!t you slippi!g through
y fi!gers% S"it$h the light off% 8ts late, a!d "e both ha*e to "or# toorro"%H
%o here0 and still so ,ossy , but 8 $a!t $oplai!, hes i! y bed% 8 do!t Buite u!dersta!d
"hyL aybe 8 should "eep ore ofte! i! fro!t of hi% 8 s"it$h off the bedside light%GLie o! your
side, fa$i!g a"ay fro e,H he ururs i! the dar#!ess%
8 roll y eyes i! the full #!o"ledge that he $a!!ot see e, but 8 do as 8 told% >i!gerly, he
o*es o*er a!d puts his ars arou!d e a!d pulls e to his $hest 0 oh my.
GSleep, baby,H he "hispers, a!d 8 feel his !ose i! y hair as he i!hales deeply%
3oly $o"% Christia! >rey is sleepi!g "ith e, a!d i! the $ofort a!d sola$e of his ars, 8
drift i!to a pea$eful sleep%
The $a!dle flae is too hot% 8t fli$#ers a!d da!$es i! the o*er9"ar breeFe, a breeFe that
bri!gs !o respite fro the heat% Soft gossaer "i!gs flutter to a!d fro i! the dar#, spri!#li!g dusty
s$ales i! the $ir$le of light% 8 struggli!g to resist, but 8 dra"!% &!d the! its so bright, a!d 8 a
flyi!g too $lose to the su!, daFFled by the light, fried a!d elti!g fro the heat, "eary i! y
e!dea*ors to stay airbor!e% 8 a so "ar% The heatL its stifli!g, o*erpo"eri!g% 8t "a#es e%
8 ope! y eyes, a!d 8 draped i! Christia! >rey% 3es "rapped arou!d e li#e a *i$tory
flag% 3es fast asleep "ith his head o! y $hest, his ar o*er e, holdi!g e $lose, o!e of his legs
thro"! o*er a!d hoo#ed arou!d both of i!e% 3es suffo$ati!g e "ith his body heat, a!d hes
hea*y% 8 ta#e a oe!t to absorb that hes still i! y bed a!d fast asleep, a!d its light outside C
or!i!g% 3e has spe!t the "hole !ight "ith e%
=y right ar is stret$hed, !o doubt i! sear$h of a $ool spot, a!d as 8 pro$ess the fa$t that hes
still "ith e, the thought o$$urs that 8 $a! tou$h hi% 3es asleep% Te!tati*ely, 8 lift y ha!d a!d
ru! the tips of y fi!gers do"! his ba$#% <eep i! his throat, 8 hear a fai!t distressed groa!, a!d he
stirs% 3e !uFFles y $hest, i!hali!g deeply as he "a#es% Sleepy, bli!#i!g gray eyes eet i!e
be!eath his tousled op of hair%
G>ood or!i!g,H he ubles a!d fro"!s% GJesus, e*e! i! y sleep 8 dra"! to you%H 3e
o*es slo"ly, u!peeli!g his libs fro e as he gets his beari!gs% 8 be$oe
a"are of his ere$tio! agai!st y hip% 3e !oti$es y "ide9eyed rea$tio!, a!d he siles a slo"
se1y sile%
G3L this has possibilities, but 8 thi!# "e should "ait u!til Su!day%H 3e lea!s do"! a!d
!uFFles y ear "ith his !ose%
8 flush, but the! 8 feel se*e! shades of s$arlet fro his heat%
GJoure *ery hot,H 8 urur%
GJoure !ot so bad yourself,H he ururs a!d presses hiself agai!st e, suggesti*ely%
8 flush soe ore% 1hat*s not what I meant. 3e props hiself up o! his elbo" gaFi!g do"!
at e, aused% 3e be!ds, a!d to y surprise, pla!ts a ge!tle #iss o! y lips%
GSleep "ellIH he as#s%
8 !od, stari!g up at hi, a!d 8 realiFe that 8*e slept *ery "ell e1$ept aybe for the last half9
hour "he! 8 "as too hot%
GSo did 8%H 3e fro"!s% GJes, really "ell%H 3e raises his eyebro"s i! $o!fused surprise%
GWhats the tieIH
8 gla!$e at y alar%
G8ts 7:20%H
G7:20L shit%H 3e s$rables out of bed a!d drags o! his @ea!s%
8t is y tur! to loo# aused as 8 sit up% Christia! >rey is late a!d flustered% This is soethi!g
8 ha*e !e*er see! before% 8 belatedly realiFe that y behi!d is !o lo!ger sore%
GJou are su$h a bad i!flue!$e o! e% 8 ha*e a eeti!g% 8 ha*e to go C 8 ha*e to be i! .ortla!d
at eight% &re you sir#i!g at eIH
3e gri!s%
G8 late% 8 do!t do late% &!other first, =iss Steele%H 3e pulls o! his @a$#et a!d the! be!ds
do"! a!d grasps y head, his ha!ds o! either side%
GSu!day,H he says, a!d the "ord is preg!a!t "ith a! u!spo#e! proise% E*erythi!g deep i!
y body u!$urls a!d the! $le!$hes i! deli$ious a!ti$ipatio!, the feeli!g is e1Buisite% 3oly hell, if
y i!d $ould @ust #eep up "ith y body% 3e lea!s for"ard a!d #isses e Bui$#ly% 3e grabs his
stuff fro y side table a!d his shoes C "hi$h he does!t put o!%
GTaylor "ill $oe a!d sort your 0eetle% 8 "as serious% <o!t dri*e it% 8ll see you at y pla$e
o! Su!day% 8ll eail you a tie%H &!d li#e a "hirl"i!d, hes go!e .
Oh my Christia! >rey spe!t the !ight "ith e, a!d 8 feel rested% &!d there "as !o se1, o!ly
$uddli!g% 3e told e he !e*er slept "ith a!yo!e C but hes slept three ties "ith e%
8 gri! a!d slo"ly $lib out of y bed% 8 feel ore optiisti$ tha! 8 ha*e for the last day or so%
8 head for the #it$he!, !eedi!g a $up of tea%
&fter brea#fast, 8 sho"er a!d dress Bui$#ly for y last day at Clayto!s% 8t is the e!d of a! era
C goodbye to =r% N =rs% Clayto!, WS5, Aa!$ou*er, the aparte!t, y 0eetle% 8 gla!$e at the ea!
a$hi!e C its o!ly 7:42% 8 ha*e tie%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: &ssault a!d 0attery: The after9effe$ts
"ate: =ay 27 2011 0):04
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear =r% >rey
Jou "a!ted to #!o" "hy 8 felt $o!fused after you C "hi$h eupheis should "e apply 9
spa!#ed, pu!ished, beat, assaulted e% Well duri!g the "hole alari!g pro$ess 8 felt deea!ed,
debased a!d abused% &!d u$h to y ortifi$atio!, youre right, 8 "as aroused, a!d that "as
u!e1pe$ted% &s you are "ell a"are, all thi!gs se1ual are !e" to e C 8 o!ly "ish 8 "as ore
e1perie!$ed a!d therefore ore prepared% 8 "as sho$#ed to feel aroused%
What really "orried e "as ho" 8 felt after"ards% &!d thats ore diffi$ult to arti$ulate%
8 "as happy that you "ere happy% 8 felt relie*ed that it "as!t as pai!ful as 8 thought it "ould
be% &!d "he! 8 "as lyi!g i! your ars, 8 felt C sated% 0ut 8 feel *ery u!$ofortable, guilty e*e!,
feeli!g that "ay% 8t does!t sit "ell "ith e, a!d 8 $o!fused as a result% <oes that a!s"er your
8 hope the "orld of =ergers a!d &$Buisitio!s is as stiulati!g as e*erL a!d that you "ere!t
too late%
Tha!# you for stayi!g "ith e%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Free Jour =i!d
"ate: =ay 27 2011 0):2S
$o: &!astasia Steele
8!teresti!gL if slightly o*erstated title headi!g =iss Steele%
To a!s"er your poi!ts:
U 8ll go "ith spa!#i!g C as thats "hat it "as%
U So you felt deea!ed, debased, abused N assaulted C ho" *ery Tess <urbeyfield of you% 8
belie*e it "as you "ho de$ided o! the debasee!t if 8 reeber $orre$tly% <o you really feel li#e
this or do you thi!# you ought to feel li#e thisI
T"o *ery differe!t thi!gs% 8f that is ho" you feel, do you thi!# you $ould @ust try a!d ebra$e
these feeli!gs, deal "ith the, for eI Thats "hat a subissi*e "ould do%
U 8 a grateful for your i!e1perie!$e% 8 *alue it, a!d 8 o!ly begi!!i!g to u!dersta!d "hat it
ea!s% Siply putL it ea!s that you are i!e i! e*ery "ay%
U Jes, you "ere aroused, "hi$h i! tur! "as *ery arousi!g, theres !othi!g "ro!g "ith that%
U 3appy does !ot e*e! begi! to $o*er ho" 8 felt% E$stati$ @oy $oes $lose%
U .u!ishe!t spa!#i!g hurts far ore tha! se!sual spa!#i!g C so thats about as hard as it
gets, u!less of $ourse you $oit soe a@or tra!sgressio!, i! "hi$h $ase 8ll use soe iplee!t
to pu!ish you "ith% =y ha!d "as *ery sore% 0ut 8 li#e that%
U 8 felt sated too 9 ore so tha! you $ould e*er #!o"%
U <o!t "aste your e!ergy o! guilt, feeli!gs of "ro!gdoi!g et$% We are $o!se!t9i!g adults a!d
"hat "e do behi!d $losed doors is bet"ee! oursel*es% Jou !eed to free your i!d a!d liste! to your
U The "orld of =N& is !ot !early as stiulati!g as you are =iss Steele%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
3oly $rapL mine in e6ery way. =y breath hit$hes%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Co!se!ti!g &dultsK
"ate: =ay 27 2011 0):2(
$o: Christia! >rey
&re!t you i! a eeti!gI
8 *ery glad your ha!d "as sore%
&!d if 8 liste!ed to y body, 8d be i! &las#a by !o"%
.S: 8 "ill thi!# about ebra$i!g these feeli!gs%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Jou <id!t Call the Cops
"ate: =ay 27 2011 0):24
$o: &!astasia Steele
=iss Steele
8 a i! a eeti!g dis$ussi!g the futures ar#et if youre really i!terested%
For the re$ord 9 you stood beside e #!o"i!g "hat 8 "as goi!g to do%
Jou did!t at a!y tie as# e to stop C you did!t use either safe "ord%
Jou are a! adult C you ha*e $hoi$es%
Quite fra!#ly, 8 loo#i!g for"ard to the !e1t tie y pal is ri!gi!g "ith pai!%
Joure ob*iously !ot liste!i!g to the right part of your body%
&las#a is *ery $old a!d !o pla$e to ru!% 8 "ould fi!d you%
8 $a! tra$# your $ell pho!e C reeberI
>o to "or#%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
8 s$o"l at the s$ree!% 3es right of $ourse% 8ts y $hoi$e% 7mm. 8s he serious about $oi!g
to fi!d e, should 8 de$ide to es$ape for a "hileI =y i!d flits briefly to y others offer% 8 hit
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Stal#er
"ate: =ay 27 2011 0):2(
$o: Christia! >rey
3a*e you sought therapy for your stal#er te!de!$iesI
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Stal#erI =eI
"ate: =ay 27 2011 0):2)
$o: &!astasia Steele
8 pay the ei!e!t <r% Fly!! a sall fortu!e "ith regard to y stal#er a!d other te!de!$ies%
>o to "or#%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: E1pe!si*e Charlata!s
"ate: =ay 27 2011 0):S0
$o: Christia! >rey
=ay 8 hubly suggest you see# a se$o!d opi!io!I
8 a !ot sure that <r% Fly!! is *ery effe$ti*e%
=iss Steele
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Se$o!d /pi!io!s
"ate: =ay 27 2011 0):S2
$o: &!astasia Steele
+ot that its a!y of your busi!ess, huble or other"ise, but <r% Fly!! is the se$o!d opi!io!%
Jou "ill ha*e to speed, i! your !e" $ar, putti!g yourself at u!!e$essary ris# C 8 thi!# thats
agai!st the rules%
>/ T/ W/DE%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: S3/5TJ C&.8T&LS
"ate: =ay 27 2011 0):S7
$o: Christia! >rey
&s the ob@e$t of your stal#er te!de!$ies C 8 thi!# it is y busi!ess a$tually%
8 ha*e!t sig!ed yet% So rules s$hules% &!d 8 do!t start u!til ':20%
=iss Steele
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: <es$ripti*e Li!guisti$s
"ate: =ay 27 2011 0):S'
$o: &!astasia Steele
S$hulesI +ot sure "here that appears i! Websters <i$tio!ary Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: <es$ripti*e Li!guisti$s
"ate: =ay 27 2011 0):42
$o: Christia! >rey
8ts bet"ee! $o!trol frea# a!d stal#er%
&!d des$ripti*e li!guisti$s is a hard liit for e%
Will you stop botheri!g e !o"I
8d li#e to go to "or# i! y !e" $ar%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Challe!gi!g but ausi!g Jou!g Woe!
"ate: =ay 27 2011 0):4(
$o: &!astasia Steele
=y pal is t"it$hi!g%
<ri*e safely =iss Steele%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
The &udi is a @oy to dri*e% 8t has po"er steeri!g% Wa!da, y 0eetle, has !o po"er i! it at all C
a!y"here, so y daily "or#out, "hi$h "as dri*i!g y 0eetle, "ill $ease% /h, but 8 "ill ha*e a
perso!al trai!er to $o!te!d "ith, a$$ordi!g to Christia!s rules% 8 fro"!% 8 hate e1er$isi!g%
While 8 a dri*i!g, 8 try a!d a!alyFe our eail e1$ha!ge% 3es a patro!iFi!g so!9of9a9bit$h
soeties% &!d the! 8 thi!# of >ra$e a!d 8 feel guilty% 0ut of $ourse, she "as!t his birth other%
7mm thats a "hole "orld of u!#!o"! pai!% Well, patro!iFi!g so!9of9a9bit$h "or#s "ell the!% Jes%
8 a! adult, tha!# you for rei!di!g e, Christia! >rey, a!d it is y $hoi$e% The proble is, 8 @ust
"a!t Christia!, !ot all hisL baggage C a!d right !o" he has a 7S7 holds "orth of baggage% Could 8
@ust lie ba$# a!d ebra$e itI Li#e a subissi*eI 8*e said 8d try% 8ts a! a"fully big as#%
8 pull i!to the par#i!g lot at Clayto!s% &s 8 a#e y "ay i!, 8 $a! hardly belie*e its y last
day% Fortu!ately, the store is busy a!d tie passes Bui$#ly% &t lu!$htie, =r%
Clayto! suo!s e fro the sto$#roo% 3es sta!di!g beside a otor$y$le $ourier%
G=iss SteeleIH the $ourier as#s% 8 fro"! Buestio!i!gly at =r% Clayto!, "ho shrugs, as puFFled
as e% =y heart si!#s% What has Christia! se!t e !o"I 8 sig! for the sall pa$#age a!d ope! it
straight a"ay% 8ts a 0la$#0erry% =y heart si!#s further% 8 s"it$h it o!%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: 0la$#0erry /+ L/&+
"ate: =ay 27 2011 11:14
$o: &!astasia Steele
8 !eed to be able to $o!ta$t you at all ties, a!d si!$e this is your ost ho!est for of
$ou!i$atio!, 8 figured you !eeded a 0la$#0erry%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Co!sueris >o!e =ad
"ate: =ay 27 2011 12:22
$o: Christia! >rey
8 thi!# you !eed to $all <r% Fly!! right !o"%
Jour stal#er te!de!$ies are ru!!i!g "ild%
8 a at "or#% 8 "ill eail you "he! 8 get hoe%
Tha!# you for yet a!other gadget%
8 "as!t "ro!g "he! 8 said you "ere the ultiate $o!suer%
Why do you do thisI
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Saga$ity fro o!e so you!g
"ate: =ay 27 2011 12:2S
$o: &!astasia Steele
Fair poi!t9"ell ade, as e*er =iss Steele%
<r% Fly!! is o! *a$atio!%
&!d 8 do this be$ause 8 $a!%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
8 put the thi!g i! y ba$# po$#et, hati!g it already% Eaili!g Christia! is addi$ti*e, but 8 a
supposed to be "or#i!g% 8t buFFes o!$e agai!st y behi!dL ho" apt, 8 thi!# iro!i$ally, but
suo!i!g all y "illpo"er, 8 ig!ore it%
&t four, =r% a!d =rs% Clayto! gather all the other eployees i! the shop, a!d duri!g a hair9
$urli!gly ebarrassi!g spee$h, prese!t e "ith a $he$# for three hu!dred dollars%
8! that oe!t, three "ee#s of C e1as, graduatio!, i!te!se, fu$#ed9up billio!aires, de9
flo"eri!g, hard N soft liits, playroos "ith !o $o!soles, heli$opter rides C a!d the fa$t that
8 "ill o*e toorro", all "ell up i!side e% &aFi!gly, 8 hold yself together% =y sub$o!s$ious is
i! a"e% 8 hug the Clayto!s hard% They ha*e bee! #i!d a!d ge!erous e9ployers, a!d 8 "ill iss
Eate is $libi!g out of her $ar "he! 8 arri*e hoe%
GWhats thatIH she says a$$usi!gly, poi!ti!g at the &udi% 8 $a!t resist%
G8ts a $ar,H 8 Buip% She !arro"s her eyes, a!d for a brief oe!t, 8 "o!der if shes goi!g to
put e a$ross her #!ee too% G=y graduatio! prese!t%H 8 try a!d a$t !o!$hala!t% )es I get e<pensi6e
cars gi6en to me e6eryday. 3er outh drops ope!%
G>e!erous, o*er9the9top bastard, is!t heIH
8 !od%
G8 did try !ot to a$$ept it, but fra!#ly, its @ust !ot "orth the fight%H
Eate purses her lips%
G+o "o!der youre so o*er"heled% 8 did !ote that he stayed%H
GJeah%H 8 sile "istfully%
GShall "e fi!ish pa$#i!gIH
8 !od a!d follo" her i!side% 8 $he$# the eail fro Christia!%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Su!day
"ate: =ay 27 2011 12:S0
$o: &!astasia Steele
Shall 8 see you at 1 p%% Su!dayI
The do$tor "ill be at Es$ala to see you at 1:20%
8 lea*i!g for Seattle !o"%
8 hope your o*e goes "ell, a!d 8 loo# for"ard to Su!day%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
JeeF, he $ould be dis$ussi!g the "eather% 8 de$ide to eail hi o!$e "e*e fi!ished pa$#i!g,
he $a! be su$h fu! o!e i!ute, a!d the! he $a! be so foral a!d stuffy% 8ts diffi$ult to #eep up%
3o!estly, its li#e a! eail to a! eployee% 8 roll y eyes at it defia!tly a!d @oi! Eate to pa$#%
Eate a!d 8 are i! the #it$he! "he! theres a #!o$# at the door% Taylor sta!ds o! the por$h,
loo#i!g ia$ulate i! his suit% 8 !oti$e the tra$e of e19ary i! his buFF $ut, tri physiBue, a!d his
$ool stare%
G=iss Steele,H he says% G8*e $oe for your $ar%H
G/h yes, of $ourse% Coe i!, 8ll fet$h the #eys%H
Surely this is abo*e a!d beyo!d the $all of duty% 8 "o!der agai! at Taylors @ob des$riptio!% 8
ha!d hi the #eys, a!d "e "al# i! a! u!$ofortable sile!$e for e 9 to"ard the light blue 0eetle% 8
ope! the door a!d reo*e the flashlight fro the glo*e bo1% Thats it%
8 ha*e !othi!g else thats perso!al i! the Wa!da% $ood,y #anda. 1han( you. 8 $aress her
roof as 8 $lose the passe!ger door%
G3o" lo!g ha*e you "or#ed for =r% >reyIH 8 as#%
GFour years, =iss Steele%H
Sudde!ly, 8 ha*e a! o*er"heli!g urge to bobard hi "ith Buestio!s% What this a! ust
#!o" about Christia!, all his se$rets% 0ut the! hes probably sig!ed a! +<&%
8 loo# !er*ously at hi% 3e has the sae ta$itur! e1pressio! as Day, a!d 8 "ar to hi%
G3es a good a!, =iss Steele,H he says, a!d he siles slightly% With that, he gi*es e a little
!od, $libs i!to y $ar, a!d dri*es a"ay%
&parte!t, 0eetle, Clayto!s C its all $ha!ge !o"% 8 sha#e y head as 8 "a!der ba$# i!side%
&!d the biggest $ha!ge of all is Christia! >rey% Taylor thi!#s hes a good man.
Ca! 8 belie*e hiI
JosNO222P @oi!s us "ith a Chi!ese ta#e9out at eight% Were do!e% Were pa$#ed a!d ready to
go% 3e bri!gs se*eral bottles of beer, a!d Eate a!d 8 sit o! the $ou$h "hile hes $ross9legged o! the
floor bet"ee! us% We "at$h $rap TA, dri!# beer, a!d as the e*e!i!g "ears o!, "e fo!dly a!d loudly
rei!is$e as the beer ta#es effe$t% 8ts bee! a good four years%
The atosphere bet"ee! JosNO222P a!d 8 has retur!ed to !oral, the attepted #iss
forgotte!% Well, its bee! s"ept u!der the rug that y i!!er goddess is lyi!g o!, eati!g grapes a!d
tappi!g her fi!gers, "aiti!g !ot so patie!tly for Su!day% Theres a #!o$# o! the door, a!d y heart
leaps i!to y throat% 8s itI
Eate a!s"ers the door a!d is !early #!o$#ed off her feet by Elliot% 3e seiFes her i! a
3olly"ood9style $li!$h that o*es Bui$#ly i!to a Europea! art house ebra$e% 7onestly0
get a room. JosNO222P a!d 8 stare at ea$h other% 8 appalled at their la$# of odesty%
GShall "e "al# do"! to the barIH 8 as# JosNO222P, "ho !ods fra!ti$ally% We are too
u!$ofortable "ith the u!restrai!ed se1i!g u!foldi!g i! fro!t of us% Eate loo#s up at e, flushed
a!d bright9eyed%
GJosNO222P a!d 8 are goi!g for a Bui$# dri!#%H 8 roll y eyes at her% 3aK 8 $a! still roll y
eyes i! y o"! tie%
G/#ay,H she gri!s%
G3i Elliot, bye Elliot%H
3e "i!#s a big blue eye at e, a!d JosNO222P a!d 8 are out of the door, giggli!g li#e
tee!agers% &s "e stroll do"! to the bar, 8 put y ar through JosNO222Ps% >od, hes so
9 8 had!t really appre$iated that before%
GJoull still $oe to the ope!i!g of y sho", "o!t youIH
G/f $ourse, JosNO222P, "he! is itIH
GJu!e '%H
GWhat day is thatIH 8 sudde!ly pa!i$%
G8ts a Thursday%H
GJeah 8 should a#e thatL a!d you "ill *isit us i! SeattleIH
GTry a!d stop e%H 3e gri!s%
8ts late "he! 8 arri*e ba$# fro the bar% Eate a!d Elliot are !o"here to be see! but boy $a!
they be heard% 7oly shit. 8 hope 8 !ot that loud% 8 #!o" Christia! is!t% 8 flush at the thought a!d
es$ape to y roo% &fter a brief !ot9at9all9a"#"ard9tha!#9good!ess hug, JosNO222P has go!e% 8
do!t #!o" "he! 8ll see hi agai!, probably his photographi$ sho", a!d o!$e agai!, 8 blo"!
a"ay that he fi!ally has a! e1hibitio!% 8 shall iss hi a!d his boy9ish $har% 8 $ould!t bri!g
yself to tell hi about the 0eetle, 8 #!o" hell frea# "he! he fi!ds out, a!d 8 $a! o!ly deal "ith
o!e a! at a tie frea#i!g out at e% /!$e i! y roo, 8 $he$# the ea! a$hi!e, a!d of $ourse,
theres a! eail fro Christia!%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Where &re JouI
"ate: =ay 27 2011 22:1S
$o: &!astasia Steele
-I am at wor(. I will email you when I get home.*
&re you still at "or# or ha*e you pa$#ed your pho!e, 0la$#0erry a!d =a$0oo#I
Call e, or 8 ay be for$ed to $all Elliot%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
CrapL =os>?2@@A0 shit.
8 grab y pho!e% Fi*e issed $alls a!d o!e *oi$e essage% Te!tati*ely, 8 liste! to the
essage% 8ts Christia!%
-I thin( you need to learn to manage my e<pectations. I am not a patient man. If you say you
are going to contact me when you finish wor( then you should ha6e the decency to do so.
Otherwise I worry and it*s not an emotion I*m familiar with and I don*t tolerate it 6ery well. Call
<ouble $rap% Will he e*er gi*e e a brea#I 8 s$o"l at the pho!e% 3e is suffo$ati!g e% With a
deep dread u!$urli!g i! y stoa$h, 8 s$roll do"! to his !uber a!d press dial% =y heart is i! y
outh as 8 "ait for hi to a!s"er% 3ed probably li#e to beat se*e! shades of shit out of e . The
thought is depressi!g%
G3i,H he says softly, a!d his respo!se #!o$#s e off bala!$e be$ause 8 a e1pe$ti!g his
a!ger, but if a!ythi!g, he sou!ds relie*ed%
G3i,H 8 urur%
G8 "as "orried about you%H
G8 #!o"% 8 sorry 8 did!t reply, but 8 fi!e%H
3e pauses for a beat%
G<id you ha*e a pleasa!t e*e!i!gIH 3e is $risply polite%
GJes% We fi!ished pa$#i!g a!d Eate a!d 8 shared a Chi!ese ta#e9out "ith JosNO222P%H 8 $lose
y eyes tightly as 8 say JosNO222Ps !ae% Christia! says !othi!g%
G3o" about youIH 8 as# to fill the sudde! deafe!i!g $has of sile!$e% 8 "ill !ot let hi guilt
e out about JosNO222P%
E*e!tually, he sighs%
G8 "e!t to a fu!draisi!g di!!er% 8t "as deathly dull% 8 left as soo! as 8 $ould%H
3e sou!ds so sad a!d resig!ed% =y heart $le!$hes% 8 pi$ture hi all those !ights ago sat at the
pia!o i! his huge li*i!g roo a!d the u!bearable bitters"eet ela!$holy of the usi$ he "as
G8 "ish you "ere here,H 8 "hisper, be$ause 8 ha*e a! urge to hold hi% Soothe hi%
E*e! though he "o!t let e% 8 "a!t his pro1iity%
G<o youIH he ururs bla!dly% 7oly mac(erel. This does!t sou!d li#e hi, a!d y s$alp
pri$#les "ith da"!i!g apprehe!sio!%
GJes,H 8 breathe% &fter a! eter!ity, he sighs%
G8ll see you Su!dayIH
GJes, Su!day,H 8 urur, a!d a thrill $ourses through y body%
G>ood!ight, Sir%H
=y address $at$hes hi u!a"ares, 8 $a! tell by his sharp i!ta#e of breath%
G>ood lu$# "ith your o*e toorro", &!astasia%H 3is *oi$e is soft% &!d "ere both ha!gi!g
o! the pho!e li#e tee!agers, !either "a!ti!g to ha!g up%
GJou ha!g up,H 8 "hisper% Fi!ally, 8 se!se his sile%
G+o, you ha!g up%H &!d 8 #!o" hes gri!!i!g%
G8 do!t "a!t to%H
G+either do 8%H
GWere you *ery a!gry "ith eIH
G&re you stillIH
GSo youre !ot goi!g to pu!ish eIH
G+o% 8 a! i!9the9oe!t #i!d of guy%H
G8*e !oti$ed%H
GJou $a! ha!g up !o", =iss Steele%H
G<o you really "a!t e to, SirIH
G>o to bed, &!astasia%H
GJes, Sir%H
We both stay o! the li!e%
G<o you e*er thi!# youll be able to do "hat youre toldIH 3es aused a!d e1asperated at
G=aybe% Well see after Su!day%H &!d 8 press Me!d o! the pho!e%
Elliot sta!ds a!d adires his ha!di"or#% 3e has re9plugged our TA i!to the satellite syste i!
our .i#e .la$e =ar#et aparte!t% Eate a!d 8 flop o! to the $ou$h giggli!g, ipressed by his
pro"ess "ith a po"er drill% The flat s$ree! loo#s odd agai!st the bri$#"or# of the $o!*erted
"arehouse, but !o doubt 8 "ill get used to it%
GSee, baby, easy%H 3e gri!s a "ide "hite9toothed sile at Eate, a!d she alost literally
dissol*es i!to the $ou$h%
8 roll y eyes at the pair of the%
G8d lo*e to stay, baby, but y sister is ba$# fro .aris% 8ts a $opulsory faily di!!er
GCa! you $oe by afterIH Eate as#s te!tati*ely, all soft a!d u!9Eateli#e%
8 sta!d a!d a#e y "ay o*er to the #it$he! area o! the prete!se of u!pa$#i!g o!e of the
$rates% They are goi!g to get i$#y%
G8ll see if 8 $a! es$ape,H he proises%
G8ll $oe do"! "ith you%H Eate siles%
GLaters, &!a%H Elliot gri!s%
G0ye, Elliot% Say hi to Christia! fro e%H
GJust hiIH 3is eyebro"s shoot up suggesti*ely%
GJes%H 8 flush% 3e "i!#s at e, a!d 8 go $riso! as he follo"s Eate out of the
aparte!t%Elliot is adorable a!d so differe!t fro Christia!% 3es "ar, ope!, physi$al, *ery
physi$al, too physi$al, "ith Eate% They $a! barely #eep their ha!ds off ea$h other C to be ho!est its
ebarrassi!g 9 a!d 8 a pea9gree! "ith e!*y%
Eate retur!s about t"e!ty i!utes later "ith piFFa, a!d "e sit, surrou!ded by $rates, i! our
!e" ope! spa$e, eati!g straight fro the bo1% Eates dad has do!e us proud% The aparte!t is !ot
large, but its big e!ough, three bedroos a!d a large li*i!g spa$e that loo#s out o! to .i#e .la$e
=ar#et itself% 8ts all solid "ood floors a!d red bri$#, a!d the #it$he! tops are sooth $o!$rete, *ery
utilitaria!, *ery !o"% We both lo*e that "e "ill be i! the heart of the $ity%
&t eight the e!try9pho!e buFFes% Eate leaps up 9 a!d y heart leaps i!to y outh%
G<eli*ery, =iss Steele, =iss Ea*a!agh%H <isappoi!te!t flo"s freely a!d u!e1pe$tedly
through y *ei!s% 8ts !ot Christia!%
GSe$o!d floor, aparte!t t"o%H
Eate buFFes the deli*ery boy i!% 3is outh falls ope! "he! he sees Eate, all tight @ea!s, t9
shirt, hair piled high "ith es$api!g te!drils% She has that effe$t o! e!% 3e holds a bottle of
$hapag!e "ith a heli$opter9shaped balloo! atta$hed% She gi*es hi a daFFli!g sile to se!d hi
o! his "ay a!d pro$eeds to read the $ard out to e%
Gadies $ood luc( in your new home Christian $rey.
Eate sha#es her head i! disappro*al%
GWhy $a!t he @ust "rite Mfro Christia!I &!d "hats "ith the "eird heli$opter balloo!IH
GCharlie Ta!go%H
GChristia! fle" e to Seattle i! his heli$opter%H 8 shrug%
Eate stares at e ope! outhed% 8 ha*e to say C 8 lo*e these o$$asio!s C Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh,
sile!t a!d floored, they are so rare% 8 ta#e a brief a!d lu1urious oe!t to e!@oy it%
GJep, he has a heli$opter, "hi$h he fle" hiself,H 8 state proudly%
G/f $ourse the obs$e!ely ri$h bastard has a heli$opter% Why did!t you tell eIH Eate loo#s
a$$usi!gly at e, but shes sili!g, sha#i!g her head i! disbelief%
G8*e had a lot o! y i!d lately%H
She fro"!s%
G&re you goi!g to be o#ay "hile 8 a"ayIH
G/f $ourse%H 8 a!s"er reassuri!gly% "ew city no +o,0 nut;+o, ,oyfriend.
G<id you gi*e hi our addressI
G+o, but stal#i!g is o!e of his spe$ialties%H 8 use, atter9of9fa$t%
Eates bro" #!its further%
GSoeho" 8 !ot surprised% 3e "orries e, &!a% &t least its a good $hapag!e a!d its
/f $ourse, o!ly Christia! "ould se!d $hilled $hapag!e or get his se$retary to do itL
or aybe Taylor% We ope! it there a!d the! a!d fi!d our tea$ups 9 they "ere the last ites to
be pa$#ed%
G0olli!ger >ra!de &!!NO222Pe DosNO222P 1''', a! e1$elle!t *i!tage%H 8 gri! at Eate, a!d
"e $li!# tea$ups%
8 "a#e early to a gray Su!day or!i!g after a surprisi!gly refreshi!g !ights sleep a!d lie
a"a#e stari!g at y $rates% )ou should really ,e unpac(ing these y sub$o!s$ious !ags, pursi!g
her harpy lips together% "o0 today*s the day. =y i!!er goddess is beside herself, hoppi!g fro
foot to foot% &!ti$ipatio! ha!gs hea*y a!d porte!tous o*er y head li#e a dar# tropi$al stor $loud%
0utterflies flood y belly C as "ell as a dar#er, $ar!al, $apti*ati!g a$he as 8 try to iagi!e "hat he
"ill do to eL a!d of $ourse, 8 ha*e to sig! that da!ed $o!tra$t or do 8I 8 hear the pi!g of
i!$oi!g ail fro the ea! a$hi!e o! the floor beside y bed%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: =y Life i! +ubers
"ate: =ay 2' 2011 0):0S
$o: &!astasia Steele
8f you dri*e youll !eed this a$$ess $ode for the u!dergrou!d garage at Es$ala: 1S('(2
.ar# i! bay 4 C its o!e of i!e%
Code for the ele*ator: 1))0
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: &! e1$elle!t Ai!tage
"ate: =ay 2' 2011 0):0)
$o: Christia! >rey
Jes Sir% 5!derstood%
Tha!# you for the $hapag!e a!d the blo"9up Charlie Ta!go, "hi$h is !o" tied to y bed%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: E!*y
"ate: =ay 2' 2011 0):11
$o: &!astasia Steele
Joure "el$oe%
<o!t be late%
Lu$#y Charlie Ta!go%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
8 roll y eyes at his bossi!ess, but his last li!e a#es e sile% 8 head for the bathroo,
"o!deri!g if Elliot ade it ba$# last !ight a!d tryi!g hard to rei! i! y !er*es%
8 $a! dri*e the &udi i! high9heelsK &t 12:44 p%% pre$isely, 8 pull i!to the garage at Es$ala a!d
par# i! bay fi*e% 3o" a!y bays does he o"!I The &udi S5A is there, the D), a!d t"o saller
&udi S5AsL hmm. 8 $he$# y seldo9"or! as$ara i! the light up *a!ity irror o! y
su!shield% <id!t ha*e o!e of these i! the 0eetle%
$o girl& =y i!!er goddess has her po pos i! ha!d 9 shes i! $heerleadi!g ode%
8! the i!fi!ity irrors of the ele*ator, 8 $he$# out y plu dress, "ell C Eates plu dress%
The last tie 8 "ore this, he "a!ted to peel it off e% =y body $le!$hes at the thought%
/h y, the feeli!g is @ust e1Buisite, a!d 8 $at$h y breath% 8 "eari!g the u!der"ear that
Taylor bought for e% 8 flush at the thought of his buFF9$ut roai!g the aisles of &ge!t .ro*o$ateur
or "here*er he bought it% The doors ope!, a!d 8 fa$i!g the foyer of aparte!t !uber o!e%
Taylor sta!ds at the double doors as 8 step out of the ele*ator%
G>ood after!oo!, =iss Steele,H he says%
G/h please $all e, &!a%H
G&!a,H he siles%
G=r% >rey is e1pe$ti!g you%H
I ,et he is.
Christia! is seated o! his li*i!g roo $ou$h readi!g the Su!day papers% 3e gla!$es up as
Taylor dire$ts e i!to the li*i!g area% The roo is e1a$tly as 8 reeber it C its bee! a "hole "ee#
si!$e 8*e bee! here C but it feels so u$h lo!ger% Christia! loo#s $ool a!d $al C a$tually, he loo#s
hea*e!ly% 3es i! a loose "hite li!e! shirt a!d @ea!s, !o shoes or so$#s% 3is hair is tousled a!d
u!#ept, a!d his gray eyes t"i!#le "i$#edly at e% 3e is @a"9droppi!gly ha!dsoe% 3e rises a!d
strolls to"ards e, a! aused appraisi!g sile o! his beautiful s$ulptured lips%
8 sta!d iobiliFed at the e!tra!$e of the roo, paralyFed by his beauty a!d the s"eet
a!ti$ipatio! of "hats to $oe% The failiar $harge bet"ee! us is there, spar#i!g slo"ly i! y
belly, dra"i!g e to hi%
G3L that dress,H he ururs appro*i!gly as he gaFes do"! at e% GWel$oe ba$#, =iss
Steele,H he "hispers, a!d $laspi!g y $hi!, he lea!s do"! a!d proffers a ge!tle light #iss o! y
lips% The tou$h of his lips to i!e re*erberates throughout y body% =y breath hit$hes%
G3i,H 8 "hisper as 8 flush%
GJoure o! tie% 8 li#e pu!$tual% Coe%H 3e ta#es y ha!d a!d leads e to the $ou$h% G8
"a!ted to sho" you soethi!g,H he says as "e sit% 3e ha!ds e the Seattle Ties% /! page eight,
theres a photograph of the t"o of us together at the graduatio! $ereo!y% 7oly crap. 8 i! the
paper% 8 $he$# the $aptio!%
Christian $rey and friend at the graduation ceremony at #%5 Dancou6er.
8 laugh%
GSo 8 your Mfrie!d !o"%H
GSo it "ould appear% &!d its i! the !e"spaper, so it ust be true%H 3e sir#s%
Sitti!g beside e, his "hole body is tur!ed to"ard e, o!e of his legs tu$#ed u!der the other%
Dea$hi!g o*er, he tu$#s y hair behi!d y ear "ith his lo!g i!de1 fi!ger% =y body $oes ali*e at
his tou$h, "aiti!g a!d !eedful%
GSo, &!astasia, you ha*e a u$h better idea of "hat 8 about si!$e you "ere last here%H
GJes%H #here*s he going with this.
G&!d yet you*e retur!ed%H
8 !od shyly, a!d his gray eyes blaFe% 3e sha#es his head slightly as if hes struggli!g "ith the
G3a*e you eate!IH he as#s out of the blue%
G&re you hu!gryIH 3es really tryi!g !ot to loo# a!!oyed%
G+ot for food,H 8 "hisper, a!d his !ostrils flare slightly i! rea$tio!%
3e lea!s for"ard a!d "hispers i! y ear%
GJou are as eager as e*er, =iss Steele, a!d @ust to let you i!to a little se$ret, so a 8%
0ut <r% >ree!e is due here shortly%H 3e sits up% G8 "ish youd eat,H he s$olds e ildly%
=y heated blood $ools% 3oly $o" C the do$tor% 8d forgotte!%
GWhat $a! you tell e about <r% >ree!eIH 8 as# to distra$t us both%
GShes the best /b?>y! i! Seattle% What ore $a! 8 sayIH 3e shrugs%
G8 thought 8 "as seei!g your do$tor, a!d do!t tell e youre really a "oa!, be$ause 8 "o!t
belie*e you%H
3e gi*es e a do!t9be9ridi$ulous loo#%
G8 thi!# its ore appropriate that you see a spe$ialist% <o!t youIH he says ildly%
8 !od% 3oly =oses, if shes the best /b?>y!, hes s$heduled her to see e o! a Su!day
C at lu!$htieK 8 $a!!ot begi! to iagi!e ho" u$h that $osts% Christia! fro"!s sudde!ly as
if re$alli!g soethi!g u!pleasa!t%
G&!astasia, y other "ould li#e you to $oe to di!!er this e*e!i!g% 8 belie*e Elliot is
as#i!g Eate too% 8 do!t #!o" ho" you feel about that% 8t "ill be odd for e to i!trodu$e you to y
Odd. #hy.
G&re you ashaed of eIH 8 $a!t #eep the "ou!ded hurt out of y *oi$e%
G/f $ourse !ot%H 3e rolls his eyes at e%
GWhy is it oddIH
G0e$ause 8*e !e*er do!e it before%H
GWhy are you allo"ed to roll your eyes, a!d 8 !otIH
3e bli!#s at e%
G8 "as!t a"are that 8 "as%H
G+either a 8 usually,H 8 s!ap at hi%
Christia! glares at e, spee$hless% Taylor appears at the door"ay%
G<r% >ree!e is here, Sir%H
GSho" her up to =iss Steeles roo%H
Miss %teele*s room&
GDeady for soe $o!tra$eptio!IH he as#s as he sta!ds a!d holds out his ha!d to e%
GJoure !ot goi!g to $oe as "ell are youIH 8 gasp, sho$#ed%
3e laughs%
G8d pay *ery good o!ey to "at$h, belie*e e, &!astasia, but 8 do!t thi!# the good do$tor
"ould appro*e%H
8 ta#e his ha!d, a!d he pulls e up i!to his ars a!d #isses e deeply% 8 $lut$h o! to his ars,
ta#e! by surprise% 3is ha!d is i! y hair holdi!g y head, a!d he pulls e agai!st hi, his
forehead agai!st i!e%
G8 so glad youre here,H he "hispers% G8 $a!t "ait to get you !a#ed%H
<r% >ree!e is tall, blo!d, a!d ia$ulate, dressed i! a royal blue suit% 8 rei!ded of the
"oe! "ho "or# i! Christia!s offi$e% Shes li#e a! ide!ti#it odel C a!other Stepford blo!de% 3er
lo!g hair is s"ept up i! a! elega!t $hig!o!% She ust be i! her early forties%
G=r% >rey%H She sha#es Christia!s outstret$hed ha!d%
GTha!# you for $oi!g at su$h short !oti$e,H Christia! says%
GTha!# you for a#i!g it "orth y "hile, =r% >rey% =iss Steele%H She siles, her eyes $ool
a!d assessi!g%
We sha#e ha!ds, a!d 8 #!o" shes o!e of those "oe! "ho does!t tolerate fools gladly% Li#e
Eate% 8 li#e her iediately% She gi*es Christia! a poi!ted stare, a!d after a! a"#"ard beat, he
ta#es his $ue%
G8ll be do"!stairs,H he utters, a!d he lea*es "hat "ill be y bedroo%
GWell =iss Steele% =r% >rey is payi!g e a sall fortu!e to atte!d to you% What $a! 8 do for
&fter a thorough e1ai!atio! a!d le!gthy dis$ussio!, <r% >ree!e a!d 8 de$ide o! the i!i
pill% She "rites e a pre9paid pres$riptio! a!d i!stru$ts e to pi$# the up toorro"% 8 lo*e her !o9
!o!se!se attitude C she has le$tured e u!til shes as blue as her dress about ta#i!g it at the sae
tie e*ery day% &!d 8 $a! tell shes bur!i!g "ith $uriosity about y so9$alled relatio!ship "ith =r%
>rey% 8 do!t gi*e her a!y details% Soeho" 8 do!t thi!# shed loo# so $al a!d $olle$ted if shed
see! his Ded Doo of .ai!% 8 flush as "e pass its $losed door a!d head ba$# do"!stairs to the art
gallery that is Christia!s li*i!g roo%
Christia! is readi!g, seated o! his $ou$h% & breathta#i!g aria is playi!g o! the usi$ syste,
s"irli!g rou!d hi, $o$oo!i!g hi, filli!g the roo "ith a s"eet, soulful so!g%
For a oe!t, he loo#s sere!e% 3e tur!s a!d gla!$es at us "he! "e e!ter a!d siles "arly
at e%
G&re you do!eIH he as#s as if hes ge!ui!ely i!terested% 3e poi!ts the reote at a slee# "hite
bo1 be!eath the firepla$e that houses his i.od, a!d the e1Buisite elody fades but $o!ti!ues i! the
ba$#grou!d% Sta!di!g, he strolls to"ards us%
GJes, =r% >rey% Loo# after herP shes a beautiful, bright you!g "oa!%H
Christia! is ta#e! aba$# C as a 8% What a! i!appropriate thi!g for a do$tor to say% 8s she
gi*i!g hi soe #i!d of !ot so subtle "ar!i!gI Christia! re$o*ers hiself%
G8 fully i!te!d to,H he utters, beused%
>aFi!g at hi, 8 shrug, ebarrassed%
G8ll se!d you y bill,H she says $risply as she sha#es his ha!d%
G>ood day, a!d good lu$# to you, &!a%H She siles, her eyes $ri!#li!g as she does "he! "e
sha#e ha!ds%
Taylor appears fro !o"here to es$ort her through the double doors a!d out to the ele*ator%
3o" does he do thatI Where does he lur#I
G3o" "as thatIH Christia! as#s%
GFi!e, tha!# you% She said that 8 had to abstai! fro all se1ual a$ti*ity for the !e1t four
Christia!s outh drops ope! i! sho$#, a!d 8 $a!!ot #eep a straight fa$e a!y lo!ger a!d gri!
at hi li#e a! idiot%
3e !arro"s his eyes, a!d 8 iediately stop laughi!g% 8! fa$t, he loo#s rather forbiddi!g% Oh
shit. =y sub$o!s$ious Buails i! the $or!er as all the blood drai!s fro y fa$e, a!d 8 iagi!e hi
putti!g e a$ross his #!ee agai!%
G>ot$haKH he says a!d sir#s% 3e grabs e arou!d y "aist a!d pulls e up agai!st hi%
GJou are i!$orrigible, =iss Steele,H he ururs, stari!g do"! i!to y eyes as he "ea*es his
fi!gers i!to y hair, holdi!g e firly i! pla$e% 3e #isses e, hard, a!d 8 $li!g o! to his us$ular
ars for support%
G&s u$h as 8d li#e to ta#e you here, !o", you !eed to eat a!d so do 8% 8 do!t "a!t you
passi!g out o! e later,H he ururs agai!st y lips%
G8s that all you "a!t e for C y bodyIH 8 "hisper%
GThat a!d your sart outh,H he breathes%
3e #isses e agai! passio!ately, a!d the! abruptly releases e, ta#i!g y ha!d a!d leadi!g
e to the #it$he!% 8 a reeli!g% /!e i!ute "ere @o#i!g a!d the !e1tL 8 fa! y heated fa$e% 3es
@ust se1 o! legs, a!d !o" 8 ha*e to re$o*er y eBuilibriu a!d eat soethi!g% The aria is still
playi!g i! the ba$#grou!d%
GWhats the usi$IH
GAilla Lobos, a! aria fro 0a$hia!as 0rasileiras% >ood, is!t itIH
GJes,H 8 urur i! total agreee!t%
The brea#fast bar is laid for t"oP Christia! ta#es a salad bo"l fro the fridge%
GChi$#e! $aesar salad o#ay "ith youIH
Oh than( hea6ens nothing too hea6y.
GJes, fi!e, tha!# you%H
8 "at$h as he o*es gra$efully through his #it$he!% 3es so at ease "ith his body o! o!e
le*el, but the! he does!t li#e to be tou$hedL so aybe deep do"! he is!t% +o a! is a! isla!d, 8
use C e1$ept perhaps Christia! >rey%
GWhat are you thi!#i!gIH he as#s, pulli!g e fro y re*erie% 8 flush%
G8 "as @ust "at$hi!g the "ay you o*e%H
3e raises a! eyebro", aused%
G&!dIH he says dryly%
8 flush soe ore%
GJoure *ery gra$eful%H
GWhy tha!# you, =iss Steele,H he ururs% 3e sits do"! beside e, holdi!g a bottle of "i!e%
G3elp yourself to salad,H he says, his *oi$e soft%
GTell e 9 "hat ethod did you opt forIH
8 a oe!tarily thro"! by his Buestio!, "he! 8 realiFe hes tal#i!g about <r% >ree!es
*isit%G=i!i pill%H
3e fro"!s%
G&!d "ill you reeber to ta#e it regularly, at the right tie, e*ery dayIH
=ee:0 of course I will. 3o" does he #!o"I 8 blush at the thought, probably fro o!e or
ore of the fiftee!%
G8 sure youll rei!d e,H 8 urur dryly%
3e gla!$es at e "ith aused $o!des$e!sio!%
G8ll put a! alar o! y $ale!dar%H 3e sir#s% GEat%H
The $hi$#e! $aesar is deli$ious% To y surprise, 8 faished, a!d for the first tie si!$e 8*e
bee! "ith hi, 8 fi!ish y eal before he does% The "i!e is $risp, $lea!, a!d fruity%
GEager as e*er, =iss SteeleIH he siles do"! at y epty plate%
8 loo# at hi fro be!eath y lashes%
GJes,H 8 "hisper%
3is breath hit$hes% &!d as he stares do"! at e, 8 feel the atosphere bet"ee! us slo"ly
shift, e*ol*eL $harge% 3is loo# goes fro dar# to solderi!g, ta#i!g e "ith hi%
3e sta!ds, $losi!g the dista!$e bet"ee! us, a!d tugs e off y bar stool i!to his ars%
G<o you "a!t to do thisIH he breathes, loo#i!g do"! at e i!te!tly%
G8 ha*e!t sig!ed a!ythi!g%H
G8 #!o" C but 8 brea#i!g all the rules these days%H
G&re you goi!g to hit eIH
GJes, but it "o!t be to hurt you% 8 do!t "a!t to pu!ish you right !o"% 8f youd $aught e
yesterday e*e!i!g, "ell, that "ould ha*e bee! a differe!t story%H
3oly $o"% 3e wants to hurt eL ho" do 8 deal "ith thisI 8 $a!t hide the horror o! y fa$e%
G<o!t let a!yo!e try a!d $o!*i!$e you other"ise, &!astasia% /!e of the reaso!s people li#e
e do this is be$ause "e either li#e to gi*e or re$ei*e pai!% 8ts *ery siple%
Jou do!t, so 8 spe!t a great deal of tie yesterday thi!#i!g about that%H
3e pulls e agai!st hi, a!d his ere$tio! presses i!to y belly% 8 should ru!, but 8 $a!t% 8
dra"! to hi o! soe deep, elee!tal le*el, that 8 $a!t begi! to u!dersta!d%
G<id you rea$h a!y $o!$lusio!sIH 8 "hisper%
G+o, a!d right !o", 8 @ust "a!t to tie you up a!d fu$# you se!seless% &re you ready for thatIH
GJes,H 8 breathe as e*erythi!g i! y body tighte!s at o!$eL wow.
G>ood% Coe%H 3e ta#es y ha!d a!d, lea*i!g all the dirty dishes o! the brea#fast bar, a!d
"e head upstairs%
=y heart starts pou!di!g% This is it% 8 really goi!g to do this% =y i!!er goddess is spi!!i!g
li#e a "orld9$lass balleri!a, pirouette after pirouette% 3e ope!s the door to his playroo, sta!di!g
ba$# for e to "al# through, a!d 8 a o!$e ore i! the Ded Doo of .ai!%8ts the sae, the sell
of leather, $itrus, polish a!d dar# "ood, all *ery se!sual% =y blood is ru!!i!g heated a!d s$ared
through y syste C adre!ali!e i1ed "ith lust a!d lo!gi!g% 8ts a heady, pote!t $o$#tail%
Christia!s sta!$e has $ha!ged $opletely, subtly altered, harder a!d ea!er% 3e gaFes do"! at e
a!d his eyes are heated, lustfulL hyp!oti$%
GWhe! youre i! here, you are $opletely i!e,H he breathes, ea$h "ord slo" a!d easured%
GTo do "ith as 8 see fit% <o you u!dersta!dIH
3is gaFe is so i!te!se% 8 !od, y outh dry, y heart thupi!g for a "ay out of y $hest%
GTa#e your shoes off,H he orders softly%
8 s"allo", a!d rather $lusily, 8 ta#e the off% 3e be!ds a!d pi$#s the up a!d deposits the
beside the door%
G>ood% <o!t hesitate "he! 8 as# you to do soethi!g% +o" 8 goi!g to peel you out of this
dress% Soethi!g 8*e "a!ted to do for a fe" days if 8 re$all% 8 "a!t you to be $ofortable "ith
your body, &!astasia% Jou ha*e a beautiful body, a!d 8 li#e to loo# at it%
8t is a @oy to behold% 8! fa$t, 8 $ould gaFe at you all day, a!d 8 "a!t you u!ebarrassed a!d
u!ashaed of your !a#ed!ess% <o you u!dersta!dIH
GJes, "hatIH 3e lea!s o*er e, glari!g%
GJes, Sir%H
G<o you ea! thatIH he s!aps%
GJes, Sir%H
G>ood% Lift your ars up o*er your head%H
8 do as i!stru$ted, a!d he rea$hes do"! a!d grabs the he% Slo"ly, he pulls y dress up o*er
y thighs, y hips, y belly, y breasts, y shoulders, a!d o*er y head% 3e sta!ds ba$# to
e1ai!e e a!d abse!ti!dedly folds y dress, !ot ta#i!g his eyes off e%
3e pla$es it o! the large $hest beside the door% Dea$hi!g up, he pulls at y $hi!, his tou$h
seari!g e%
GJoure biti!g your lip,H he breathes% GJou #!o" "hat that does to e,H he adds dar#ly% GTur!
8 tur! iediately, !o hesitatio!% 3e u!$lasps y bra a!d the! ta#i!g both straps, he slo"ly
pulls the do"! y ars, brushi!g y s#i! "ith his fi!gers a!d the tip of his thub!ails as he
slides y bra off% 3is tou$h se!ds shi*ers do"! y spi!e, "a#i!g e*ery !er*e e!di!g i! y body%
3es sta!di!g behi!d e, so $lose that 8 feel the heat radiati!g fro hi, "ari!g e, "ari!g e
all o*er% 3e pulls y hair so its all ha!gi!g do"! y ba$#, grasps a ha!dful at y !ape, a!d a!gles
y head to o!e side% 3e ru!s his !ose do"! y e1posed !e$#, i!hali!g all the "ay, the! ba$# up to
y ear% The us$les i! y belly $le!$h, $ar!al a!d "a!ti!g% JeeF, hes hardly tou$hed e, a!d 8
"a!t hi%
GJou sell as di*i!e as e*er, &!astasia,H he "hispers as he pla$es a soft #iss be!eath y ear%
8 oa!%
GQuiet,H he breathes% G<o!t a#e a sou!d%H
.ulli!g y hair behi!d e, to y surprise, he starts braidi!g it i! o!e large braid, his fi!gers
fast a!d deft% 3e ties it "ith a! u!see! hair tie "he! hes fi!ished a!d gi*es it a Bui$# tug so 8
for$ed ba$# agai!st hi%
G8 li#e your hair braided i! here,H he "hispers%
7mm0 why.
3e releases y hair%
GTur! arou!d,H he orders%
8 do as 8 bid, y breathi!g shallo", fear a!d lo!gi!g i1ed together% 8ts a! i!to1i$ati!g
GWhe! 8 tell you to $oe i! here, this is ho" you "ill dress% Just i! your pa!ties% <o you
GJes, "hatIH 3e glo"ers at e%
GJes, Sir%H
& tra$e of a sile lifts the $or!er of his outh%
G>ood girl%H 3is eyes bur! i!to i!e% GWhe! 8 tell you to $oe i! here, 8 e1pe$t you to #!eel
o*er there%H 3e poi!ts to a spot beside the door% G<o it !o"%H
8 bli!# pro$essi!g his "ords, tur!, a!d rather $lusily #!eel as dire$ted%
GJou $a! sit ba$# o! your heels%H
8 sit ba$#%
G.la$e your ha!ds a!d forears flat o! your thighs% >ood% +o" part your #!ees%
Wider% Wider% .erfe$t% Loo# do"! at the floor%H
3e "al#s o*er to e, a!d 8 $a! see his feet a!d shi!s i! y field of *isio!% +a#ed feet%
8 should be ta#i!g !otes if he "a!ts e to reeber% 3e rea$hes do"! a!d grasps y braid
agai!, the! pulls y head ba$# so 8 a loo#i!g up at hi% 8ts o!ly @ust !ot pai!ful%
GWill you reeber this positio!, &!astasiaIH
GJes, Sir%H
G>ood% Stay here, do!t o*e%H 3e lea*es the roo%
8 o! y #!ees, "aiti!g% Wheres he go!eI What is he goi!g to do to eI Tie shifts% 8
ha*e !o idea ho" lo!g he lea*es e li#e thisL a fe" i!utes, fi*e, te!I =y breathi!g be$oes
shallo"er, the a!ti$ipatio! is de*ouri!g e fro the i!side out%
&!d sudde!ly hes ba$# C a!d all at o!$e 8 $aler a!d ore e1$ited i! the sae breath%
Could I ,e more e<cited. 8 $a! see his feet% 3es $ha!ged his @ea!s% These are older, ripped, soft,
a!d o*er9"ashed% 3oly $o"% These @ea!s are hot% 3e shuts the door a!d ha!gs soethi!g o! the
G>ood girl, &!astasia% Jou loo# lo*ely li#e that% Well do!e% Sta!d up%H
8 sta!d, but 8 #eep y fa$e do"!%
GJou ay loo# at e%H
8 pee# up at hi, a!d hes stari!g at e i!te!tly, assessi!g, but his eyes softe!% 3es ta#e! off
his shirt% /h yL 8 "a!t to tou$h hi% The top butto! of his @ea!s is u!do!e%
G8 goi!g to $hai! you !o", &!astasia% >i*e e your right ha!d%H
8 gi*e hi y ha!d% 3e tur!s it pal up, a!d before 8 #!o" it, he s"ats the $e!ter "ith a
ridi!g $rop 8 had!t !oti$ed is i! his right ha!d% 8t happe!s so Bui$#ly that the surprise hardly
registers% E*e! ore asto!ishi!g C it does!t hurt% Well, !ot u$h, @ust a slight ri!gi!g sti!g%
G3o" does that feelIH he as#s%
8 bli!# at hi, $o!fused%
G&!s"er e%H
G/#ay%H 8 fro"!%
G<o!t fro"!%H
8 bli!# a!d try for ipassi*e% 8 su$$eed%
G<id that hurtIH
GThis is !ot goi!g to hurt% <o you u!dersta!dIH
GJes%H =y *oi$e is u!$ertai!% Is it really not going to hurt.
G8 ea! it,H he says%
JeeF, y breathi!g is so shallo"% <oes he #!o" "hat 8 thi!#i!gI 3e sho"s e the $rop%
8ts bro"! plaited leather% =y eyes @er# up to eet his, a!d theyre alight "ith fire a!d a tra$e of
GWe ai to please, =iss Steele,H he ururs% GCoe%H 3e ta#es y elbo" a!d o*es e to
be!eath the grid% 3e rea$hes up a!d ta#es do"! soe sha$#les "ith bla$# leather $uffs%GThis grid is
desig!ed so the sha$#les o*e a$ross the grid%H
8 gla!$e up% 7oly shit C its li#e a sub"ay ap%
GWere goi!g to start here, but 8 "a!t to fu$# you sta!di!g up% So "ell e!d up by the "all
o*er there%H 3e poi!ts "ith the ridi!g $rop to "here the large "oode! 6 is o! the "all%
G.ut your ha!ds abo*e your head%H
8 oblige iediately, feeli!g li#e 8 e1iti!g y body C a $asual obser*er of e*e!ts as they
u!fold arou!d e% This is beyo!d fas$i!ati!g, beyo!d eroti$% 8ts si!gularly the ost e1$iti!g a!d
s$ary thi!g 8*e e*er do!e% 8 e!trusti!g yself to a beautiful a! "ho, by his o"! adissio!, is
fifty shades of fu$#ed9up% 8 suppress the brief thrill of fear% Eate a!d Elliot, they #!o" 8 here%
3e sta!ds *ery $lose as he faste!s the $uffs% 8 stari!g at his $hest% 3is pro1iity is
hea*e!ly% 3e sells of body "ash a!d Christia!, a! i!ebriati!g i1, a!d that drags e ba$# i!to the
!o"% 8 "a!t to ru! y !ose a!d to!gue through that satteri!g of $hest hair%
8 $ould @ust lea! for"ardL
3e steps ba$# a!d gaFes at e, his e1pressio! hooded, sala$ious, $ar!al, a!d 8 a helpless,
y ha!ds tied, but @ust loo#i!g at his lo*ely fa$e, readi!g his !eed a!d lo!gi!g for e, 8 $a! feel the
dap!ess bet"ee! y legs% 3e "al#s slo"ly rou!d e%
GJou loo# ighty fi!e trussed up li#e this, =iss Steele% &!d your sart outh, Buiet for !o"%
8 li#e that%H
Sta!di!g i! fro!t of e agai!, he hoo#s his fi!gers i!to y pa!ties, a!d at a ost u!hurried
pa$e, peels the do"! y legs, strippi!g e ago!iFi!gly slo"ly, so that he e!ds up #!eeli!g i!
fro!t of e% +ot ta#i!g his eyes off i!e, he s$ru!$hes y pa!ties i! his ha!d, holds the up to his
!ose, a!d i!hales deeply% 7oly fuc(. 4id he +ust do that. 3e gri!s "i$#edly at e a!d tu$#s the
i!to the po$#et of his @ea!s%
5!$oili!g fro the floor, risi!g laFily, li#e a @u!gle $at, he poi!ts the e!d of the ridi!g $rop at
y !a*el, leisurely $ir$li!g it C ta!taliFi!g e% &t the tou$h of the leather, 8 Bui*er a!d gasp% 3e
"al#s rou!d e agai!, traili!g the $rop arou!d the iddle of y body% /! his se$o!d $ir$uit, he
sudde!ly fli$#s the $rop, a!d it hits e u!der!eath y behi!dL agai!st y se1% 8 $ry out i!
surprise as all y !er*e e!di!gs sta!d to atte!tio!% 8 pull agai!st the restrai!ts% The sho$# ru!s
through e, a!d its the s"eetest stra!gest, hedo!isti$ feeli!g%
GQuiet,H he "hispers as he "al#s arou!d e agai!, the $rop slightly higher arou!d the iddle
of y body% This tie "he! he fli$#s it agai!st e i! the sae pla$e, 8 a!ti$ipat9i!g itL oh my.
=y body $o!*ulses at the s"eet, sti!gi!g bite%
&s he a#es his "ay arou!d e, he fli$#s agai!, this tie hitti!g y !ipple, a!d 8 thro" y
head ba$# as y !er*e e!di!gs si!g% 3e hits the otherL a brief, s"ift, s"eet $hastisee!t% =y
!ipples harde! a!d elo!gate fro the assault, a!d 8 oa! loudly, pulli!g o! y leather $uffs%
G<oes that feel goodIH he breathes%
3e hits e agai! a$ross the butto$#s% The $rop sti!gs this tie%
GJes "hatIH
GJes, Sir,H 8 "hiper%
3e $oes to a stopL but 8 $a! !o lo!ger see hi% =y eyes are $losed as 8 try to absorb the
yriad of se!satio!s $oursi!g through y body% Aery slo"ly, he rai!s sall, biti!g li$#s of the $rop
do"! y belly, headi!g south% 8 #!o" "here this is leadi!g, a!d 8 try a!d psy$he yself up for it C
but "he! he hits y $litoris, 8 $ry out loudly%
G/hL pleaseKH 8 groa!%
GQuiet,H he orders, a!d he hits e agai! o! y behi!d%
8 did !ot e1pe$t this to be li#e thisL 8 a lost% Lost i! a sea of se!satio!% &!d sudde!ly, hes
draggi!g the $rop agai!st y se1, through y pubi$ hair, do"! to the e!tra!$e of y *agi!a%
GSee ho" "et you are for this, &!astasia% /pe! your eyes a!d your outh%H
8 do as 8 told, $opletely sedu$ed% 3e pushes the tip of the $rop i!to y outh, li#e y
drea . 7oly shit.
GSee ho" you taste% Su$#% Su$# hard, baby%H
=y outh $loses arou!d the $rop as y eyes lo$# o! his% 8 $a! taste the ri$h leather a!d the
salti!ess of y arousal% 3is eyes are blaFi!g% 3es i! his elee!t%
3e pulls the tip fro y outh, a!d he sta!ds for"ard a!d grabs e a!d #isses e hard, his
to!gue i!*adi!g y outh% Wrappi!g his ars arou!d e, he pulls e agai!st hi% 3is $hest
$rushes i!e, a!d 8 it$h to tou$h, but 8 $a!t, y ha!ds, useless abo*e e%
G/h, &!astasia, you taste ighty fi!e,H he breathes% GShall 8 a#e you $oeIH
G.lease,H 8 beg%
The $rop bites y butto$#% Ow&
G.lease, "hatIH
G.lease, Sir,H 8 "hiper%
3e siles at e, triupha!t%
GWith thisIH 3e holds the $rop up so 8 $a! see it%
GJes, Sir%H
G&re you sureIH 3e loo#s ster!ly at e%
GJes, please, Sir%H
GClose your eyes%H
8 shut the roo out, hi outL the $rop out% 3e starts sall, biti!g li$#s of the $rop agai!st
y belly o!$e ore% =o*i!g do"!, soft sall li$#s agai!st y $litoris, o!$e, t"i$e, three ties,
agai! a!d agai!, u!til fi!ally, thats it C 8 $a! ta#e !o ore C a!d 8 $oe, gloriously, loudly, saggi!g
"ea#ly% 3is ars $url arou!d e as y legs tur! to @elly% 8 dissol*e i! his ebra$e, y head agai!st
his $hest, a!d 8 e"li!g a!d "hiperi!g as the aftersho$#s of y orgas $o!sue e% 3e lifts
e, a!d sudde!ly "ere o*i!g, y ars still tethered abo*e y head, a!d 8 $a! feel the $ool
"ood of the polished $ross at y ba$#, a!d hes poppi!g the butto!s o! his @ea!s% 3e puts e do"!
agai!st the $ross briefly "hile he slides o! a $o!do, a!d the! his ha!ds "rap arou!d y thighs as
he lifts e agai!%
GLift your legs, baby, "rap the rou!d e%H
8 feel so "ea#, but 8 do as he as#s as he "raps y legs arou!d his hips a!d positio!s hiself
be!eath e% With o!e thrust, hes i!side e, a!d 8 $ry out agai!, liste!i!g to his uffled oa! at
y ear% =y ars are resti!g o! his shoulders as he thrusts i!to e% JeeF, its deep this "ay% 3e
thrusts agai! a!d agai!, his fa$e at y !e$#, his harsh breathi!g at y throat% 8 feel the build up
agai!% JeeF !oL !ot agai!L 8 do!t thi!# y body "ill "ith9sta!d a!other earth9shatteri!g
oe!t% 0ut 8 ha*e !o $hoi$eL a!d "ith a! i!e*itability thats be$oi!g failiar, 8 let go a!d
$oe agai!, a!d its s"eet a!d ago!iFi!g a!d i!te!se%
8 lose all se!se of self% Christia! follo"s, shouti!g his release through $le!$hed teeth a!d
holdi!g e hard a!d $lose as he does%
3e pulls out of e s"iftly a!d sets e do"! agai!st the $ross, his body supporti!g i!e%
5!bu$#li!g the $uffs, he frees y ha!ds, a!d "e both si!# to the floor% 3e pulls e i!to his lap,
$radli!g e, a!d 8 lea! y head agai!st his $hest% 8f 8 had the stre!gth, 8d tou$h hi, but 8 do!t%
0elatedly, 8 realiFe hes still "eari!g his @ea!s%
GWell do!e, baby,H he ururs% G<id that hurtIH
G+o,H 8 breathe% 8 $a! barely #eep y eyes ope!% #hy am I so tired.
G<id you e1pe$t it toIH he "hispers as he holds e $lose, his fi!gers pushi!g soe es$aped
te!drils of hair off y fa$e%
GJou see ost of your fear is i! your head, &!astasia,H he pauses% GWould you do it agai!IH
8 thi!# for a oe!t as fatigue $louds y brai! 0 Again.
GJes%H =y *oi$e is so soft%
3e hugs e tightly%
G>ood% So "ould 8,H he ururs, the! lea!s do"! a!d softly #isses the top of y head%G&!d
8 ha*e!t fi!ished "ith you yet%H
"ot finished with me yet. 7oly Moses. Theres !o "ay 8 $a! do a!y ore% 8 a utterly spe!t
a!d fighti!g a! o*er"heli!g desire to sleep% 8 lea!i!g agai!st his $hest, y eyes are $losed, a!d
hes "rapped arou!d e C ars a!d legs C a!d 8 feelL safe, a!d oh so $ofortable% Will he let e
sleep, per$ha!$e to dreaI =y outh Buir#s up at the silly thought, a!d tur!i!g y fa$e i!to
Christia!s $hest, 8 i!hale his u!iBue s$e!t a!d !uFFle hi, but iediately he te!sesL oh $rap% 8
ope! y eyes a!d gla!$e up at hi% 3es stari!g do"! at e%
G<o!t,H he breathes i! "ar!i!g%
8 flush a!d loo# ba$# at his $hest i! lo!gi!g% 8 "a!t to ru! y to!gue through the hair, #iss
hi, a!d for the first tie, 8 !oti$e he has a fe" ra!do a!d fai!t sall, rou!d s$ars dotted arou!d
his $hest% Chic(en po<. Measles. 8 thi!# abse!tly%
GE!eel by the door,H he orders as he sits ba$#, putti!g his ha!ds o! his #!ees, effe$ti*ely
releasi!g e% +o lo!ger "ar, the teperature of his *oi$e has dropped se*eral degrees%
8 stuble $lusily up i!to a sta!di!g positio! a!d s$oot o*er to the door a!d #!eel as
i!stru$ted% 8 sha#y a!d *ery, *ery tired, o!ue!tally $o!fused% Who "ould ha*e thought 8
$ould ha*e fou!d su$h gratifi$atio! i! this roo% Who $ould ha*e thought it "ould be so
e<hausting. =y libs are deli$iously hea*y, sated% =y i!!er goddess has a
Mdo !ot disturb sig! o! the outside of her roo%
Christia! is o*i!g about i! the periphery of y *isio!% =y eyes start to droop%
G0ori!g you, a 8, =iss SteeleIH
8 @up a"a#e, a!d Christia! is sta!di!g i! fro!t of e, his ars $rossed glari!g do"! at e%
/h shit, $aught !appi!g C this is !ot goi!g to be good% 3is eyes softe! as 8 gaFe up at hi%
GSta!d up,H he orders%
8 $lib "arily to y feet% 3e stares at e, a!d his ouths Buir#s up%
GJoure shattered, are!t youIH
8 !od shyly, flushi!g%
GStai!a, =iss Steele%H 3e !arro"s his eyes at e% G8 ha*e!t had y fill of you yet%
3old out your ha!ds i! fro!t as if youre prayi!g%H
8 bli!# at hi% /raying& /raying for you to go easy on me. 8 do as 8 told% 3e ta#es a $able
tie a!d faste!s it arou!d y "rists, tighte!i!g the plasti$% 3oly hell% =y eyes fly to his%
GLoo# failiar,H he as#s, u!able to $o!$eal his sile%
JeeFL the plasti$ $able ties% Restoc(ing at Clayto!sK 8t all be$oes $lear% 8 gape up at hi as
adre!ali!e spi#es though y body a!e"% /#ay C thats got y atte!tio! C 8 a"a#e !o"%
G8 ha*e s$issors here%H 3e holds the up for e to see% G8 $a! $ut you out of this i! a
8 try to pull y "rists apart, testi!g y bo!ds, a!d as 8 do, the plasti$ bites i!to y flesh C its
sore, but if 8 rela1 y "rists theyre fi!e C the tie is !ot $utti!g i!to y s#i!%
GCoe%H 3e ta#es y ha!ds a!d leads e o*er to the four9poster bed% 8 !oti$e !o" that it has
dar# red sheets o! it a!d a sha$#le at ea$h $or!er%
G8 "a!t ore C u$h, u$h ore,H he lea!s do"! a!d "hispers i! y ear%
&!d y heartbeat starts pou!di!g agai!% Oh ,oy.
G0ut 8ll a#e this Bui$#% Joure tired% 3old o! to the post,H he says%
8 fro"!% "ot on the ,ed then. 8 fi!d 8 $a! part y ha!ds as 8 grasp the or!ately $ar*ed
"oode! post%
GLo"er,H he orders% G>ood% <o!t let go% 8f you do, 8ll spa!# you% 5!dersta!dIH
GJes, Sir%H
3e sta!ds behi!d e a!d grasps y hips, a!d the! Bui$#ly lifts e ba$#"ard so 8 be!di!g
for"ard, holdi!g the post%
G<o!t let go, &!astasia,H he "ar!s% G8 goi!g to fu$# you hard fro behi!d% 3old the post
to support your "eight% 5!dersta!dIH
3e sa$#s e a$ross y behi!d "ith his ha!d% Ow0 8t sti!gs%
GJes, Sir,H 8 utter Bui$#ly%
G.art your legs%H 3e puts his leg bet"ee! i!e, a!d holdi!g y hips, he pushes y right leg
to the side%
GThats better% &fter this, 8ll let you sleep%H
SleepI 8 pa!ti!g% 8 !ot thi!#i!g of sleep !o"% 3e rea$hes up a!d ge!tly stro#es y ba$#%
GJou ha*e su$h beautiful s#i!, &!astasia,H he breathes as he be!ds do"! a!d #isses e alo!g
y spi!e, ge!tle feather9light #isses% &t the sae tie, his ha!ds o*e rou!d to y fro!t pali!g
y breasts, a!d as he does this, he traps y !ipples bet"ee! his fi!gers a!d tugs the ge!tly%
8 stifle y oa! as 8 feel y "hole body respo!d, $oi!g ali*e o!$e ore for hi%
3e ge!tly bites a!d su$#s e at y "aist, tuggi!g y !ipples, a!d y ha!ds tighte! o! the
e1Buisitely $ar*ed post% 3is ha!ds drop a"ay, a!d 8 hear the !o" failiar tear of foil, a!d he #i$#s
off his @ea!s%
GJou ha*e su$h a $apti*ati!g, se1y ass, &!astasia Steele% What 8d li#e to do to it%H
3is ha!ds sooth a!d shape ea$h of y butto$#s, the! his fi!gers glide do"!, a!d he slips
t"o fi!gers i!side e%
GSo "et% Jou !e*er disappoi!t, =iss Steele,H he "hispers, a!d 8 hear the "o!der i! his *oi$e%
G3old tightL this is goi!g to be Bui$#, baby%H
3e grabs y hips a!d positio!s hiself, a!d 8 bra$e yself for his assault% 0ut he rea$hes
o*er e a!d grabs y braid !ear the e!d a!d "i!ds it rou!d his "rist to y !ape holdi!g y head
i! pla$e% Aery slo"ly he eases i!to e, pulli!g y hair at the sae tieL oh the fullness. 3e
eases out of e slo"ly, a!d his other ha!d grabs y hip, holdi!g tight, a!d the! he slas i!to e,
@olti!g e for"ard%
G3old o!, &!astasiaKH he shouts through $le!$hed teeth%
8 grip harder rou!d the post a!d push ba$# agai!st hi as he $o!ti!ues his er$iless
o!slaught, agai! a!d agai!, his fi!gers diggi!g i!to y hip% =y ars are a$hi!g, y legs feel
u!$ertai!, y s$alp is getti!g sore fro his tuggi!g y hairL a!d 8 $a! feel a gatheri!g deep i!side
e% /h !oL a!d for the first tie, 8 fear y orgasL if 8 $oeL
8ll $ollapse% Christia! $o!ti!ues to o*e roughly agai!st e, i! e, his breathi!g harsh,
oa!i!g, groa!i!g% =y body is respo!di!g 0 how. 8 feel a Bui$#e!i!g% 0ut sudde!ly, Christia!
stills, slai!g really deep%
GCoe o!, &!a, gi*e it to e,H he groa!s, a!d y !ae o! his lips se!ds e o*er the edge as
8 be$oe all body a!d spirali!g se!satio! a!d s"eet, s"eet release, a!d the! $opletely a!d utterly
Whe! se!se retur!s, 8 lyi!g o! hi% 3es o! the floor, a!d 8 lyi!g o! top of hi, y
ba$# to his fro!t, a!d 8 stari!g at the $eili!g, all post9$oital, glo"i!g, shattered% Oh0
the (ara,iners 8 thi!# abse!tly C 8d forgotte! about those% Christia! !uFFles y ear%
G3old up your ha!ds,H he says softly%
=y ars feel li#e theyre ade of lead, but 8 hold the up% 3e "ields the s$issors a!d passes
o!e blade u!der the plasti$%
G8 de$lare this &!a ope!,H he breathes, a!d $uts the plasti$%
8 giggle a!d rub y "rists as theyre freed% 8 feel his gri!%
GThat is su$h a lo*ely sou!d,H he says "istfully% 3e sits sudde!ly, ta#i!g e "ith hi so that
8 o!$e ore sitti!g i! his lap%
GThats y fault,H he says a!d shifts e so that he $a! rub y shoulders a!d ars%
>e!tly he assages soe life ba$# i!to y libs
8 gla!$e up at hi behi!d e, tryi!g to u!dersta!d "hat he ea!s%
GThat you do!t giggle ore ofte!%H
G8 !ot a great giggler,H 8 uble sleepily%
G/h, but "he! it happe!s, =iss Steele, Mtis a "o!der a!d @oy to behold%H
GAery flo"ery, =r% >rey,H 8 utter, tryi!g to #eep y eyes ope!%
3is eyes softe!, a!d he siles%
G8d say youre thoroughly fu$#ed a!d i! !eed of sleep%H
GThat "as!t flo"ery at all,H 8 gruble playfully%
3e gri!s a!d ge!tly lifts e off hi a!d sta!ds, gloriously !a#ed% 8 "ish oe!tarily that 8
"ere ore a"a#e to really appre$iate hi% .i$#i!g up his @ea!s, he slides the ba$# o!, $oa!do%
G<o!t "a!t to frighte! Taylor, or =rs% Jo!es for that atter,H he utters%
7mm0 they must (now what a (in(y ,astard he is. 1he thought preoccupies me.
3e stoops to help e to y feet a!d leads e to the door, o! the ba$# of "hi$h ha!gs a grey
"affle robe% 3e patie!tly dresses e as if 8 a sall $hild% 8 do!t ha*e the stre!gth to lift y
ars% Whe! 8 $o*ered a!d respe$table, he lea!s do"! a!d #isses e ge!tly, his outh Buir#s up
i! a sile%
G0ed,H he says%
Oh0 no0
GFor sleep,H he adds reassuri!gly "he! he sees y e1pressio!%
Sudde!ly, he s$oops e up a!d $arries e $urled agai!st his $hest to the roo alo!g the
$orridor "here earlier today <r% >ree!e e1ai!ed e% =y head drops agai!st his $hest%
8 a e1hausted% 8 do!t reeber e*er bei!g this tired% .ulli!g ba$# the du*et, he lays e
do"!, a!d e*e! ore surprisi!gly, $libs i! beside e a!d holds e $lose%
GSleep !o", gorgeous girl,H he "hispers, a!d he #isses y hair%
&!d before 8 $a! a#e a fa$etious $oe!t, 8 asleep%
Soft lips brush a$ross y teple, lea*i!g s"eet te!der #isses i! their "a#e, a!d part of e
"a!ts to tur! a!d respo!d, but ostly 8 "a!t to stay asleep% 8 oa! a!d burro" i!to y pillo"%
G&!astasia, "a#e up%H Christia!s *oi$e is soft, $a@oli!g%
G+o,H 8 oa!%
GWe ha*e to lea*e i! half a! hour for di!!er at y pare!ts%H 3es aused%
8 ope! y eyes relu$ta!tly% 8ts dus# outside% Christia! is lea!i!g o*er, gaFi!g at e i!te!tly%
GCoe o! sleepy9head% >et up%H 3e stoops do"! a!d #isses e agai!%
G8*e bought you a dri!#% 8ll be do"!stairs% <o!t go ba$# to sleep, or youll be i! trouble,H
he threate!s, but his to!e is ild% 3e #isses e briefly a!d e1its, lea*i!g e bli!#i!g sleep fro y
eyes i! the $ool, star# roo%
8 refreshed but sudde!ly !er*ous% 3oly $o", 8 a eeti!g his fol#sK 3es @ust "or#ed e
o*er "ith a ridi!g $rop a!d tied e up usi!g a $able tie "hi$h 8 sold hi, for hea*e!s sa#e C a!d
8 goi!g to eet his pare!ts% 8t "ill be Eates first tie eeti!g the too C at least shell be there
for support% 8 roll y shoulders% Theyre stiff% 3is dea!ds for a perso!al trai!er do!t see so
outla!dish !o", i! fa$t, theyre a!datory if 8 a to ha*e a!y hope of #eepi!g up "ith hi%
8 $lib slo"ly out of bed a!d !ote that y dress is ha!gi!g outside the "ardrobe a!d y bra
is o! the $hair% Where are y pa!tiesI 8 $he$# be!eath the $hair% +othi!g% The! 8 reeber C he
sBuirreled the a"ay i! the po$#et of his @ea!s% 8 flush at the eory, after he, 8 $a!t e*e! bri!g
yself to thi!# about it, he "as so C barbarous% 8 fro"!% #hy hasn*t he gi6en me ,ac( my panties.
8 steal i!to the bathroo, be"ildered by y la$# of u!der"ear% While dryi!g yself after y
e!@oyable but far too brief sho"er, 8 realiFe hes do!e this o! purpose% 3e "a!ts e to be
ebarrassed a!d as# for y pa!ties ba$#, a!d hell either say yes or !o% =y i!!er goddess gri!s at
e% 7ell0 two can play that particular game. Desol*i!g there a!d the! !ot to as# hi for the
a!d !ot gi*e hi that satisfa$tio!, 8 shall go eet his pare!ts sa!s $ulottes% Anastasia %teele& =y
sub$o!s$ious $hides e, but 8 do!t "a!t to liste! to her C 8 alost hug yself "ith glee be$ause 8
#!o" this "ill dri*e hi $raFy%
0a$# i! the bedroo, 8 put o! y bra, slip i!to y dress, a!d $lib i!to y shoes% 8 reo*e
the braid a!d hastily brush out y hair, 8 the! gla!$e do"! at the dri!# hes left%
8ts pale pi!#% Whats thisI Cra!berry a!d spar#li!g "ater% 3L it tastes deli$ious a!d
Bue!$hes y thirst%
<ashi!g ba$# i!to the bathroo, 8 $he$# yself i! the irror: eyes bright, $hee#s slightly
flushed, slightly sug loo# be$ause of y pa!ty pla!, a!d 8 head do"!stairs% Fiftee! i!utes% +ot
bad, &!a%
Christia! is sta!di!g by the pa!orai$ "i!do", "eari!g the grey fla!!el pa!ts that 8 lo*e, the
o!es that ha!g i! that u!belie*ably se1y "ay off his hips, a!d of $ourse, a "hite li!e! shirt% <oes!t
he ha*e a!y other $olorsI Fra!# Si!atra si!gs softly o*er the surrou!d sou!d spea#ers%
Christia! tur!s a!d siles as 8 e!ter% 3e loo#s at e e1pe$ta!tly%
G3i,H 8 say softly, a!d y sphi!19li#e sile eets his%
G3i,H he says% G3o" are you feeli!gIH 3is eyes are alight "ith ausee!t%
G>ood, tha!#s% JouIH
G8 feel ighty fi!e, =iss Steele%H
3e is so "aiti!g for e to say soethi!g%
GFra!#% 8 !e*er figured you for a Si!atra fa!%H
3e raises his eyebro"s at e, his loo# spe$ulati*e%
GE$le$ti$ taste, =iss Steele,H he ururs, a!d he pa$es to"ard e li#e a pa!ther u!til hes
sta!di!g i! fro!t of e, his gaFe so i!te!se it ta#es y breath a"ay%
Fra!# starts $roo!i!gL a! old so!g, o!e of Days fa*orites% MWit$h$raft% Christia! leisurely
tra$es his fi!gertips do"! y $hee#, a!d 8 feel it all the "ay do"! there.
G<a!$e "ith e,H he ururs, his *oi$e hus#y%
Ta#i!g the reote out of his po$#et, he tur!s up the *olue a!d holds his ha!d out to e, his
gray gaFe full of proise a!d lo!gi!g a!d huor% 3e is totally beguili!g, a!d 8 be"it$hed% 8 pla$e
y ha!d i! his% 3e gri!s laFily do"! at e a!d pulls e i!to his ebra$e, his ar $urli!g arou!d
y "aist, a!d he starts to s"ay%
8 put y free ha!d o! his shoulder a!d gri! up at hi, $aught i! his i!fe$tious, playful ood%
&!d he starts to o*e% 0oy $a! he da!$e% We $o*er the floor, fro the "i!do" to the #it$he! a!d
ba$# agai!, "hirli!g a!d tur!i!g i! tie to the usi$% &!d he a#es it so effortless for e to
We glide arou!d the di!i!g table, o*er to the pia!o, a!d ba$#"ards a!d for"ards i! fro!t of
the glass "all, Seattle t"i!#li!g outside, a dar# a!d agi$al ural to our da!$e, a!d 8 $a!t help y
$arefree laugh% 3e gri!s do"! at e as the so!g $oes to a $lose%
GTheres !o !i$er "it$h tha! you,H he ururs, the! #isses e s"eetly% GWell, thats bought
soe $olor to your $hee#s, =iss Steele% Tha!# you for the da!$e% Shall "e go a!d eet y
GJoure "el$oe, a!d yes, 8 $a!t "ait to eet the,H 8 a!s"er breathlessly%
G<o you ha*e e*erythi!g you !eedIH
G/h, yes,H 8 respo!d s"eetly%
G&re you sureIH
8 !od as !o!$hala!tly as 8 $a! a!age u!der his i!te!se, aused s$ruti!y% 3is fa$e splits i!to
a huge gri!, a!d he sha#es his head%
G/#ay% 8f thats the "ay you "a!t to play it, =iss Steele%H
3e grabs y ha!d, $olle$ts his @a$#et "hi$h is ha!gi!g o! o!e of the barstools, a!d leads e
through the foyer to the ele*ator% /h, the a!y fa$es of Christia! >rey% #ill I e6er ,e a,le to
understand this mercurial man.
8 pee# up at hi i! the ele*ator% 3es e!@oyi!g a pri*ate @o#e, a tra$e of a sile flirti!g "ith
his beautiful outh% 8 fear that it ay be at y e1pe!se% #hat was I thin(ing. 8 goi!g to see his
pare!ts, a!d 8 !ot "eari!g a!y u!der"ear% =y sub$o!s$ious gi*es e a! u!helpful I told you so
e1pressio!% 8! the relati*e safety of his aparte!t, it seeed li#e a fu!, teasi!g idea% +o", 8
alost outside "ith "o /anties& 3e peers do"! at e, a!d its there, the $harge buildi!g bet"ee!
us% The aused loo# disappears fro his fa$e a!d his e1pressio! $louds, his eyes dar#L oh my.
The ele*ator doors ope! o! the grou!d floor% Christia! sha#es his head slightly as if to $lear
his thoughts a!d gestures for e to e1it before hi i! a ost ge!tlea!ly a!!er%
#ho*s he (idding. 3es !o ge!tlea!% 3e has y pa!ties%
Taylor dra"s up i! the large &udi% Christia! ope!s the rear door for e, a!d 8 $lib i!side as
elega!tly as 8 $a!, $o!sideri!g y state of "a!to! u!dress% 8 grateful that Eates plu dress is so
$li!gy a!d ha!gs to the top of y #!ees%
We speed up the 894, both of us Buiet, !o doubt i!hibited by Taylors steady prese!$e i! the
fro!t% Christia!s ood is alost ta!gible a!d sees to shift, the huor dissipati!g slo"ly as "e
head !orth% 3es broodi!g, stari!g out of the "i!do", a!d 8 $a! feel hi slippi!g a"ay fro e%
What is he thi!#i!gI 8 $a!t as# hi% What $a! 8 say i! fro!t of TaylorI
GWhere did you lear! to da!$eIH 8 as# te!tati*ely% 3e tur!s to gaFe at e, his eyes u!readable
be!eath the i!teritte!t light of the passi!g street laps%
G<o you really "a!t to #!o"IH he replies softly%
=y heart si!#s, a!d !o" 8 do!t be$ause 8 $a! guess%
GJes,H 8 urur, relu$ta!tly%
G=rs% Dobi!so! "as fo!d of da!$i!g%H
/h, y "orst suspi$io!s $o!fired% She has taught hi "ell, a!d the thought depresses e C
theres !othi!g 8 $a! tea$h hi% 8 ha*e !o spe$ial s#ills%
GShe ust ha*e bee! a good tea$her%H
GShe "as,H he says softly%
=y s$alp pri$#les% <id she ha*e the best of hiI 0efore he be$ae so $losedI /r did she
bri!g hi out of hiselfI 3e has su$h a fu!, playful side% 8 sile i!*olu!tarily as 8 re$all bei!g i!
his ars as he spu! e arou!d his li*i!g roo, so u!e1pe$ted, a!d he has y pa!ties, soe"here%
&!d the! theres the Ded Doo of .ai!% 8 rub y "rists refle1i*ely C thi! strips of plasti$ "ill
do that to a girl% She taught hi all that too or rui!ed hi, depe!di!g o! o!es poi!t of *ie"% /r
perhaps he "ould ha*e fou!d his "ay there a!y"ay i! spite of =rs% D%
8 realiFe, i! that oe!t, that 8 hate her% 8 hope that 8 !e*er eet her be$ause 8 "ill !ot be
respo!sible for y a$tio!s if 8 do% 8 $a!t reeber e*er feeli!g this passio!ately about a!yo!e,
espe$ially soeo!e 8*e !e*er et% >aFi!g u!seei!g out of the "i!do", 8 !urse y irratio!al a!ger
a!d @ealousy%
=y i!d drifts ba$# to the after!oo!% >i*e! "hat 8 u!dersta!d of his prefere!$es, 8 thi!# hes
bee! easy o! e% #ould I do it again. 8 $a!t e*e! prete!d to put up a! argue!t agai!st that% /f
$ourse 8 "ould, if he as#ed e C as lo!g as he did!t hurt e a!d if its the o!ly "ay to be "ith hi%
Thats the botto li!e% 8 "a!t to be "ith hi% =y i!!er goddess sighs "ith relief% 8 rea$h the
$o!$lusio! that she rarely uses her brai! to thi!# but a!other *ital part of her a!atoy, a!d at the
oe!t, its a rather e1posed part%
G<o!t,H he ururs%
8 fro"! a!d tur! to loo# at hi%
G<o!t "hatIH 8 ha*e!t tou$hed hi%
G/*er9thi!# thi!gs, &!astasia%H Dea$hi!g out, he grasps y ha!d, dra"s it up to his lips, a!d
#isses y #!u$#les ge!tly% G8 had a "o!derful after!oo!% Tha!# you%H
&!d hes ba$# "ith e agai!% 8 bli!# up at hi a!d sile shyly% 3es so $o!fusi!g% 8 as# a
Buestio! thats bee! buggi!g e%
GWhy did you use a $able tieIH
3e gri!s at e%
G8ts Bui$#, its easy, a!d its soethi!g differe!t for you to feel a!d e1perie!$e% 8 #!o"
theyre Buite brutal, a!d 8 do li#e that i! a restrai!i!g de*i$e%H 3e siles at e ildly%
GAery effe$ti*e at #eepi!g you i! your pla$e%H
8 flush a!d gla!$e !er*ously at Taylor, "ho reai!s ipassi*e, eyes o! road% #hat am I
supposed to say to that. Christia! shrugs i!!o$e!tly%
G&ll part of y "orld, &!astasia%H 3e sBueeFes y ha!d a!d lets go, stari!g out of the
"i!do" agai!%
3is "orld i!deed, a!d 8 "a!t to belo!g i! it, but o! his tersI 8 @ust do!t #!o"% 3e has!t
e!tio!ed that da!ed $o!tra$t% =y i!!er usi!gs do !othi!g to $heer e% 8 stare out of the
"i!do" a!d the la!ds$ape has $ha!ged% Were $rossi!g o!e of the bridges, surrou!ded by i!#y
dar#!ess% The sober !ight refle$ts y i!trospe$ti*e ood, $losi!g i!, suffo$ati!g%
8 gla!$e briefly at Christia!, a!d hes stari!g at e%
G.e!!y for your thoughtsIH he as#s%
8 sigh a!d fro"!%
GThat bad, huhIH
G8 "ish 8 #!e" "hat you "ere thi!#i!g%H
3e sir#s at e%
G<itto, baby,H he says softly as Taylor speeds i!to the !ight to"ard 0elle*ue%
8t is @ust before eight "he! the &udi dra"s i!to the dri*e"ay of a $olo!ial9style a!sio!%
8ts breathta#i!g, e*e! do"! to the roses arou!d the door% .i$ture9boo# perfe$t%
G&re you ready for thisIH Christia! as#s as Taylor pulls up outside the ipressi*e fro!t door%
8 !od, a!d he gi*es y ha!d a!other reassuri!g sBueeFe%
GFirst for e too,H he "hispers, the! siles "i$#edly% G0et you "ish you "ere "eari!g your
u!der"ear right !o",H he teases%
8 flush% 8d forgotte! y issi!g pa!ties% Fortu!ately, Taylor has $libed out of the $ar a!d is
ope!i!g y door so he $a!t hear our e1$ha!ge% 8 s$o"l at Christia! "ho gri!s broadly as 8 tur! a!d
$lib out of the $ar%
<r% >ra$e Tre*elya!9>rey is o! the doorstep "aiti!g for us% She loo#s elega!tly sophisti$ated
i! a pale blue sil# dressP behi!d her sta!ds =r% >rey, 8 presue, tall, blo!d, a!d as ha!dsoe i! his
o"! "ay as Christia!%
G&!astasia, you*e et y other, >ra$e% This is y dad, Carri$#%H
G=r% >rey, "hat a pleasure to eet you%H 8 sile a!d sha#e his outstret$hed ha!d%
GThe pleasure is all i!e, &!astasia%H
G.lease $all e, &!a%H
3is blue eyes are soft a!d ge!tle%
G&!a, ho" lo*ely to see you agai!%H >ra$e "raps e i! a "ar hug% GCoe i!, y dear%H
G8s she hereIH 8 hear a s$ree$h fro "ithi! the house% 8 gla!$e !er*ously at Christia!%
GThat "ould be =ia, y little sister,H he says alost irritably, but !ot Buite%
Theres a! u!der$urre!t of affe$tio! i! his "ords, the "ay his *oi$e gro"s softer a!d his eyes
$ri!#le as he e!tio!s her !ae% Christia! ob*iously adores her% 8ts a re*elatio!%
&!d she $oes barreli!g do"! the hall, ra*e! haired, tall, a!d $ur*a$eous% Shes about y
G&!astasiaK 8*e heard so u$h about you%H She hugs e hard%
7oly Cow. 8 $a!t help but sile at her bou!dless e!thusias%
G&!a, please,H 8 urur as she drags e i!to the large *estibule% 8ts all dar# "ood floors a!d
a!tiBue rugs "ith a s"eepi!g stair$ase to the se$o!d floor%
G3es !e*er brought a girl hoe before,H says =ia, dar# eyes bright "ith e1$itee!t%
8 glipse Christia! rolli!g his eyes, a!d 8 raise a! eyebro" at hi% 3e !arro"s his eyes at e%
G=ia, $al do"!,H >ra$e ado!ishes softly% G3ello, darli!g,H she says as she #isses Christia!
o! both $hee#s% 3e siles do"! at her "arly, a!d the! sha#es ha!ds "ith his father%
We all tur! a!d head i!to the li*i!g roo% =ia has !ot let go of y ha!d% The roo is
spa$ious, tastefully fur!ished i! $reas, bro"!s, a!d pale blue, $ofortable, u!derstated, a!d *ery
stylish% Eate a!d Elliot are $uddled together o! a $ou$h, $lut$hi!g $hapag!e flutes% Eate bou!$es
up to ebra$e e, a!d =ia fi!ally releases y ha!d%
G3i, &!aKH She beas% GChristia!%H She !ods $urtly to hi%
GEate%H 3e is eBually foral "ith her%
8 fro"! at their e1$ha!ge% Elliot grasps e i! a! all9ebra$i!g hug% What is this, hug &!a
"ee#I This daFFli!g display of affe$tio! C 8 @ust !ot used to it% Christia! sta!ds at y side,
"rappi!g his ar arou!d e% .la$i!g his ha!d o! y hip, he spreads out his fi!gers a!d pulls e
$lose% E*eryo!e is stari!g at us% 8ts u!!er*i!g%
G<ri!#sIH =r% >rey sees to re$o*er hiself% G.rose$$oIH
G.lease,H Christia! a!d 8 spea# i! u!iso!%
/hL this is beyo!d "eird% =ia $laps her ha!ds%
GJoure e*e! sayi!g the sae thi!gs% 8ll get the%H She s$oots out of the roo%
8 flush s$arlet, a!d seei!g Eate sitti!g "ith Elliot, it o$$urs to e sudde!ly that the o!ly
reaso! Christia! i!*ited e is be$ause Eate is here% Elliot probably freely a!d happily as#ed Eate to
eet his pare!ts% Christia! "as trapped C #!o"i!g that 8 "ould ha*e fou!d out *ia Eate% 8 fro"! at
the thought% 3es bee! for$ed i!to the i!*itatio!% The realiFatio! is blea# a!d depressi!g% =y
sub$o!s$ious !ods sagely, a you*e9fi!ally9"or#ed9it9out9stupid loo# o! her fa$e%
G<i!!ers alost ready,H >ra$e says as she follo"s =ia out of the roo%
Christia! fro"!s as he gaFes at e%
GSit,H he $oa!ds, poi!ti!g to the plush $ou$h, a!d 8 do as 8 told, $arefully $rossi!g y
legs% 3e sits do"! beside e but does!t tou$h e%
GWe "ere @ust tal#i!g about *a$atio!s, &!a,H =r% >rey says #i!dly% GElliot has de$ided to
follo" Eate a!d her faily to 0arbados for a "ee#%H
8 gla!$e at Eate, a!d she gri!s, her eyes bright a!d "ide% Shes delighted% Eatheri!e
Ea*a!agh, sho" soe dig!ityK
G&re you ta#i!g a brea# !o" you*e fi!ished your degreeIH =r% >rey as#s%
G8 thi!#i!g about goi!g to >eorgia for a fe" days,H 8 reply%
Christia! gapes at e, bli!#i!g a $ouple of ties, his e1pressio! u!readable% Oh shit.
8 ha*e!t e!tio!ed this to hi%
G>eorgiaIH he ururs%
G=y other li*es there, a!d 8 ha*e!t see! her for a "hile%H
GWhe! "ere you thi!#i!g of goi!gIH 3is *oi$e is lo"%
GToorro", late e*e!i!g%H
=ia sau!ters ba$# i!to the li*i!g roo a!d ha!ds us $hapag!e flutes filled "ith pale pi!#
GJour good healthKH =r% >rey raises his glass% &! appropriate toast fro a do$tors husba!d,
it a#es e sile%
GFor ho" lo!gIH Christia! as#s, his *oi$e de$epti*ely soft%
7oly crap0 he*s angry.
G8 do!t #!o" yet% 8t "ill depe!d ho" y i!ter*ie"s go toorro"%H
3is @a" $le!$hes, a!d Eate gets that i!terferi!g loo# o! her fa$e% She siles o*er9s"eetly%
G&!a deser*es a brea#,H she says poi!tedly at Christia!% Why is she so a!tago!isti$ to"ards
hiI What is her probleI
GJou ha*e i!ter*ie"sIH =r% >rey as#s%
GJes, for i!ter!ships at t"o publishers, toorro"%H
G8 "ish you the best of lu$#%H
G<i!!er is o! the table,H >ra$e a!!ou!$es%
We all sta!d% Eate a!d Elliot follo" =r% >rey a!d =ia out of the roo% 8 go to follo", but
Christia! $lut$hes y elbo", bri!gi!g e to a! abrupt halt%
GWhe! "ere you goi!g to tell e you "ere lea*i!gIH he as#s urge!tly% 3is to!e is soft, but
hes as#i!g his a!ger%
G8 !ot lea*i!g, 8 goi!g to see y other, a!d 8 "as o!ly thi!#i!g about it%H
GWhat about our arra!gee!tIH
GWe do!t ha*e a! arra!gee!t yet%H
3e !arro"s his eyes, a!d the! sees to reeber hiself% Deleasi!g y ha!d, he ta#es y
elbo" a!d leads e out of the roo%
GThis $o!*ersatio! is !ot o*er,H he "hispers threate!i!gly as "e e!ter the di!i!g roo%
/h, $rapola% <o!t get your pa!ties i! su$h a t"istL and gi6e me ,ac( mine. 8 glare at hi%
The di!i!g roo rei!ds e of our pri*ate di!!er at the 3eatha!% & $rystal $ha!delier
ha!gs o*er the dar# "ood table a!d theres a assi*e, or!ately $ar*ed irror o! the "all% The table
is laid a!d $o*ered "ith a $risp "hite li!e! table$loth, a bo"l of pale pi!# peo!ies as the $e!ter
pie$e% 8ts stu!!i!g%
We ta#e our pla$es% =r% >rey is at the head of the table, "hile 8 sit at his right ha!d, a!d
Christia! is seated beside e% =r% >rey rea$hes for the ope!ed bottle of red "i!e a!d offers soe to
Eate% =ia ta#es her seat beside Christia!, a!d grabbi!g his ha!d, sBueeFes it tightly% Christia!
siles "arly at her%
GWhere did you eet, &!aIH =ia as#s hi%
GShe i!ter*ie"ed e for the WS5 stude!t agaFi!e%H
GWhi$h Eate edits,H 8 add, hopi!g to steer the $o!*ersatio! a"ay fro e%
=ia beas at Eate, seated opposite !e1t to Elliot, a!d they start tal#i!g about the stude!t
GWi!e, &!aIH =r% >rey as#s%
G.lease%H 8 sile at hi% =r% >rey rises to fill the rest of the glasses%
8 pee# up at Christia!, a!d he tur!s to loo# at e, his head $o$#ed to o!e side%
GWhatIH he as#s%
G.lease do!t be ad at e,H 8 "hisper%
G8 !ot ad at you%H
8 stare at hi% 3e sighs%
GJes, 8 a ad at you%H 3e $loses his eyes briefly%
G.al9t"it$hi!gly adIH 8 as# !er*ously%
GWhat are you t"o "hisperi!g aboutIH Eate i!ter@e$ts%
8 flush, a!d Christia! glares at her i! a butt9out9of9this9Ea*a!agh #i!d of "ay C e*e! Eate
"ilts u!der his stare%
GJust about y trip to >eorgia,H 8 say s"eetly, hopi!g to diffuse their utual hostility%
Eate siles, a "i$#ed glea i! her eye%
G3o" "as JosNO222P "he! you "e!t to the bar "ith hi o! FridayIH
7oly fuc( !ate. 8 "ide! y eyes at her% What is she doi!gI She "ide!s her eyes ba$# at e,
a!d 8 realiFe shes tryi!g to a#e Christia! @ealous% 7ow little she (nows. 8 thought 8d got a"ay
"ith this%
G3e "as fi!e,H 8 urur%
Christia! lea!s o*er%
G.al9t"it$hi!gly ad,H he "hispers% GEspe$ially !o"%H 3is to!e is Buiet a!d deadly%
Oh no % 8 sBuir%
>ra$e reappears $arryi!g t"o plates, follo"ed by a pretty you!g "oa! "ith blo!de pigtails,
dressed sartly i! pale blue, $arryi!g a tray of plates% 3er eyes iediately fi!d Christia! i! the
roo% She blushes a!d gaFes at hi fro u!der her lo!g as$arad lashes%
Soe"here i! the house the pho!e starts ri!gi!g%
GE1$use e,H =r% >rey rises agai! a!d e1its%
GTha!# you, >ret$he!,H >ra$e says ge!tly, fro"!i!g as =r% >rey e1its% GJust lea*e the tray o!
the $o!sole%H >ret$he! !ods, a!d "ith a!other furti*e gla!$e at Christia!, she lea*es%
So the >reys ha*e staff, a!d the staff are eyei!g up my "ould9be <oi!a!t% Ca! this e*e!i!g
get a!y "orseI 8 s$o"l at y ha!ds i! y lap%
=r% >rey retur!s%
GCall for you, darli!g% 8ts the hospital,H he says to >ra$e%
G.lease start, e*eryo!e%H >ra$e siles as she ha!ds e a plate a!d lea*es%
8t sells deli$ious C $horiFo a!d s$allops "ith roasted red peppers a!d shallots, spri!#led "ith
flat leafed parsley% &!d i! spite of the fa$t that y stoa$h is $hur!i!g fro Christia!s *eiled
threats, the surreptitious gla!$es fro pretty little =iss .igtails, a!d the deba$le of y issi!g
u!der"ear, 8 a star*i!g% 8 flush as 8 realiFe its the physi$al effort of this after!oo! thats gi*e! e
su$h a! appetite%
=oe!ts later >ra$e retur!s, her bro" furro"ed% =r% >rey $o$#s his head to o!e sideL li#e
GE*erythi!g o#ayIH
G&!other easles $ase,H >ra$e sighs%
G/h !o%H
GJes, a $hild% The fourth $ase this o!th% 8f o!ly people "ould get their #ids *a$$i9!ated%H
She sha#es her head sadly, a!d the! siles% G8 so glad our $hildre! !e*er "e!t through that% They
!e*er $aught a!ythi!g "orse tha! $hi$#e! po1, tha!# good!ess% .oor Elliot,H she says as she sits
do"!, sili!g i!dulge!tly at her so!% Elliot fro"!s id $he" a!d sBuirs u!$ofortably%
GChristia! a!d =ia "ere lu$#y% They got it so ildly, o!ly a spot to share bet"ee! the%H
=ia giggles, a!d Christia! rolls his eyes%
GSo, did you $at$h the =ari!ers gae, <adIH Elliots $learly #ee! to o*e the $o!*ersatio!
The hors doeu*res are deli$ious, a!d 8 $o!$e!trate o! eati!g "hile Elliot, =r% >rey, a!d
Christia! tal# baseball% Christia! sees rela1ed a!d $al tal#i!g to his faily% =y i!d is "or#i!g
furiously% <a! Eate, "hat gae is she playi!gI #ill he punish me. 8 Buail at the thought% 8
ha*e!t sig!ed that $o!tra$t yet% .erhaps 8 "o!t% .erhaps 8ll stay i! >eorgia "here he $a!t rea$h
G3o" are you settli!g i!to your !e" aparte!t dearIH >ra$e as#s politely%
8 grateful for her Buestio!, distra$ti!g e fro y dis$orda!t thoughts, a!d 8 tell her about
our o*e%
&s "e fi!ish our starters, >ret$he! appears, a!d !ot for the first tie, 8 "ish 8 felt able to put
y ha!ds freely o! Christia! @ust to let her #!o" C he ay be fifty shades of fu$#ed9up, but hes
i!e% She pro$eeds to $lear the table, brushi!g rather too $losely to Christia! for y li#i!g%
Fortu!ately, he sees obli*ious to her, but y i!!er goddess is solderi!g a!d !ot i! a good "ay%
Eate a!d =ia are "a1i!g lyri$al about .aris%
G3a*e you bee! to .aris, &!aIH =ia as#s i!!o$e!tly, distra$ti!g e fro y @ealous re*erie%
G+o, but 8d lo*e to go%H 8 #!o" 8 the o!ly o!e at the table "ho has !e*er left ai!la!d
GWe ho!eyoo!ed i! .aris%H >ra$e siles at =r% >rey "ho gri!s ba$# at her%
8ts alost ebarrassi!g to "it!ess% They ob*iously lo*e ea$h other deeply, a!d 8 "o!der for
a brief oe!t "hat it ust be li#e to gro" up "ith both o!es pare!ts i! situ%
G8ts a beautiful $ity,H =ia agrees% G8! spite of the .arisia!s% Christia!, you should ta#e &!a to
.aris,H =ia states firly%
G8 thi!# &!astasia "ould prefer Lo!do!,H Christia! says softly%
Oh0 he remem,ered. 3e pla$es his ha!d o! y #!ee C his fi!gers tra*eli!g up y thigh%
=y "hole body tighte!s i! respo!se% "o0 not here not now. 8 flush a!d shift, tryi!g to pull a"ay
fro hi% 3is ha!d $laps do"! o! y thigh, stilli!g e% 8 rea$h for y "i!e, i! desperatio!%
Little =iss Europea! .igtails retur!s, all $oy gla!$es a!d s"ayi!g hips, "ith our e!9
trNO222Pe, a 0eef Welli!gto!, 8 thi!#% Fortu!ately, she gi*es us our plates a!d the! lea*es, although
she li!gers ha!di!g Christia! his% 3e loo#s BuiFFi$ally at e as 8 "at$h her $lose the di!i!g roo
GSo "hat "as "ro!g "ith the .arisia!sIH Elliot as#s his sister% G<id!t they ta#e to your
"i!soe "aysIH
G5gh, !o they did!t% &!d =o!sieur Floubert, the ogre 8 "as "or#i!g for, he "as su$h a
doi!eeri!g tyra!t%H
8 splutter i!to y "i!e%
G&!astasia, are you o#ayIH Christia! as#s soli$itously, ta#i!g his ha!d off y thigh%
3uor has retur!ed to his *oi$e% Oh than( hea6ens. Whe! 8 !od, he pats y ba$# ge!tly,
a!d o!ly reo*es his ha!d "he! he #!o"s 8*e re$o*ered%
The beef is deli$ious a!d ser*ed "ith roasted s"eet potatoes, $arrots, pars!ips, a!d gree!
bea!s% 8t is e*e! ore palatable si!$e Christia! a!ages to retai! his good9huor for the rest of the
eal% 8 suspe$t that its be$ause 8 eati!g so heartily% The $o!*ersatio! flo"s freely ao!g the
>reys, "ar a!d $ari!g, ge!tly teasi!g ea$h other% /*er our dessert of leo! syllabub, =ia regales
us "ith her e1ploits i! .aris, lapsi!g at o!e poi!t i!to flue!t Fre!$h% We all stare at her, a!d she
stares ba$# puFFled, u!til Christia! tells her i! eBually flue!t Fre!$h "hat shes do!e, "hereupo!
she bursts i!to a fit of giggles% She has a *ery i!fe$tious laugh a!d soo! "ere all i! stit$hes%
Elliot holds forth about his latest buildi!g pro@e$t, a !e" e$o9frie!dly $ou!ity to the !orth
of Seattle% 8 gla!$e up at Eate, a!d shes ha!gi!g o! e*ery "ord Elliot says, her eyes glo"i!g "ith
lust or lo*e% 8 ha*e!t Buite "or#ed out "hi$h yet% 3e gri!s do"! at her, a!d its as if a! u!spo#e!
proise passes bet"ee! the% Gaters ,a,y hes sayi!g, a!d its hot, frea#i!g hot% 8 flush @ust
"at$hi!g the%
8 sigh a!d pee# up at Fifty Shades% 3es so beautiful, 8 $ould stare at hi fore*er% 3e has light
stubble o*er his $hi!, a!d y fi!gers it$h to s$rat$h it a!d feel it agai!st y fa$e, agai!st y
breastsL bet"ee! y thighs% 8 blush at the dire$tio! of y thoughts% 3e peers do"! at e a!d
raises his ha!d to pull at y $hi!%
G<o!t bite your lip,H he ururs hus#ily% G8 "a!t to do that%H
>ra$e a!d =ia $lear our dessert glasses a!d head to the #it$he!, "hile =r% >rey, Eate, a!d
Elliot dis$uss the erits of solar pa!els i! Washi!gto! State% Christia!, feig!i!g i!terest i! their
$o!*ersatio!, puts his ha!d o!$e ore o! y #!ee, a!d his fi!gers tra*el up y thigh% =y breathi!g
hit$hes, a!d 8 press y thighs together i! a bid to halt his progress% 8 $a! see hi sir#%
GShall 8 gi*e you a tour of the grou!dsIH he as#s e Buite ope!ly%
8 #!o" 8 ea!t to say yes, but 8 do!t trust hi% 0efore 8 $a! a!s"er ho"e*er, hes o! his
feet a!d holdi!g his ha!d out to e% 8 pla$e y ha!d i! his, a!d 8 feel all the us$les $le!$h deep i!
y belly, respo!di!g to his dar#, hu!gry gray gaFe%
GE1$use e,H 8 say to =r% >rey a!d follo" Christia! out of the di!i!g roo%
3e leads e through the hall"ay a!d i!to the #it$he! "here =ia a!d >ra$e are sta$#9i!g the
dish"asher% Europea! .igtails is !o"here to be see!%
G8 goi!g to sho" &!astasia the ba$#yard,H Christia! says i!!o$e!tly to his other%
She "a*es us out "ith a sile as =ia heads ba$# to the di!i!g roo%
We step out o!to a grey flagsto!e patio area lit by re$essed lights i! the flagsto!es%
There are shrubs i! grey sto!e tubs a!d a $hi$ etal table a!d $hairs set up i! o!e $or!er%
Christia! "al#s past those, up soe steps, a!d o!to a *ast la"! that leads do"! to the bayL
oh y C its beautiful% Seattle t"i!#les o! the horiFo!, a!d the $ool, bright, =ay oo! et$hes a
spar#li!g sil*er path a$ross the "ater to"ard a @etty "here t"o boats are oored% 0eside the @etty
sta!ds a boathouse% 8t is so pi$turesBue, so pea$eful% 8 sta!d a!d gape for a oe!t%
Christia! pulls e behi!d hi, a!d y heels si!# i!to the soft grass%
GStop, please%H 8 a stubli!g i! his "a#e%
3e stops a!d gaFes at e, his e1pressio! u!fathoable%
G=y heels% 8 !eed to ta#e y shoes off%H
G<o!t bother,H he says, a!d he be!ds do"! a!d s$oops e o*er his shoulder% 8 sBueal loudly
"ith sho$#ed surprise, a!d he gi*es e a ri!gi!g slap o! y behi!d%
GEeep your *oi$e do"!,H he gro"ls%
Oh no0 this is not good y sub$o!s$ious is Bua#i!g at the #!ees% 3es ad about
soethi!g C $ould be JosNO222P, >eorgia, !o pa!ties, biti!g y lip% JeeF, hes easy to rile%
GWhere are "e goi!gIH 8 breathe%
G0oathouse,H he s!aps%
8 ha!g o! to his hips as 8 tipped upside9do"!, a!d he strides purposefully i! the oo!light
a$ross the la"!%
GWhyIH 8 sou!d breathless, bou!$i!g o! this shoulder%
G8 !eed to be alo!e "ith you%H
GWhat forIH
G0e$ause 8 goi!g to spa!# a!d the! fu$# you%H
GWhyIH 8 "hiper softly%
GJou #!o" "hy,H he hisses%
G8 thought you "ere a! i!9the9oe!t guyIH 8 plead breathlessly%
G&!astasia, 8 i! the oe!t, trust e%H
7oly fuc(.
Christia! bursts through the "oode! door of the boathouse a!d pauses to fli$# o! soe lights%
Fluores$e!ts pi!g a!d buFF i! seBue!$e as harsh "hite light floods the large "oode! buildi!g% Fro
y upside9do"! *ie", 8 $a! see a! ipressi*e otor lau!$h i! the do$# floati!g ge!tly o! the dar#
"ater, but 8 o!ly get a brief loo# before hes $arryi!g e up soe "oode! stairs to the roo abo*e%
3e pauses at the door"ay a!d tou$hes a!other s"it$h C haloge!s this tie, they are softer, o!
a dier C a!d "ere i! a! atti$ roo "ith slopi!g $eili!gs% 8ts de$orated "ith a !auti$al +e"
E!gla!d thee: !a*y blues a!d $reas "ith a dash of red% The fur!ishi!gs are sparse, @ust a $ouple
of $ou$hes are all 8 $a! see%
Christia! sets e o! y feet o! the "oode! floor% 8 do!t ha*e tie to e1ai!e y
surrou!di!gs C y eyes $a!t lea*e hi% 8 a eseriFedL "at$hi!g hi li#e o!e "ould "at$h a
rare a!d da!gerous predator, "aiti!g for hi to stri#e% 3is breathi!g is harsh but the! hes @ust
$arried e a$ross the la"! a!d up a flight of stairs% >ray eyes blaFe "ith a!ger, !eed, a!d pure
u!adulterated lust%
7oly shit. 8 $ould spo!ta!eously $obust fro his loo# alo!e%
G.lease do!t hit e,H 8 "hisper, pleadi!g%
3is bro" furro"s, his eyes "ide!i!g% 3e bli!#s t"i$e%
G8 do!t "a!t you to spa!# e, !ot here, !ot !o"% .lease do!t%H
3is outh drops ope! slightly i! surprise, a!d beyo!d bra*e, 8 te!tati*ely rea$h up a!d ru!
y fi!gers do"! his $hee#, alo!g the edge of his sidebur!, to the stubble o! his $hi!%
8ts a $urious i1ture of soft a!d pri$#ly% Slo"ly $losi!g his eyes, he lea!s his fa$e i!to y
tou$h, a!d his breath hit$hes i! his throat% Dea$hi!g up "ith y other ha!d, 8 ru! y fi!gers i!to
his hair% 8 lo*e his hair% 3is soft oa! is barely audible, a!d "he! he ope!s his eyes, his loo# is C
"ary, li#e he does!t u!dersta!d "hat 8 doi!g%
Steppi!g for"ard so 8 a flush agai!st hi, 8 pull ge!tly o! his hair, bri!gi!g his outh do"!
to i!e, a!d 8 #iss hi, for$i!g y to!gue bet"ee! his lips a!d i!to his outh% 3e groa!s, a!d his
ars ebra$e e, pulli!g e to hi% 3is ha!ds fi!d their "ay i!to y hair, a!d he #isses e ba$#,
hard a!d possessi*e% 3is to!gue a!d y to!gue t"ist a!d tur! together, $o!sui!g ea$h other% 3e
tastes di*i!e%
3e pulls ba$# sudde!ly, our $olle$ti*e breathi!g ragged a!d i!gli!g% =y ha!ds drop to his
ars a!d he glares do"! at e%
GWhat are you doi!g to eIH he "hispers $o!fused%
GEissi!g you%H
GJou said !o%H
GWhatIH "o to what.
G&t the di!!er table, "ith your legs%H
Oh0 that*s what this is all a,out.
G0ut "e "ere at your pare!ts di!i!g table%H 8 stare up at hi, $opletely be"ildered%
G+o o!es e*er said !o to e before% &!d its so C hot%H
3is eyes "ide! slightly, filled "ith "o!der a!d lust% 8ts a heady i1% 8 s"allo" i!sti!$ti*ely%
3is ha!d o*es do"! to y behi!d% 3e pulls e sharply agai!st hi, a!d 8 $a! feel his ere$tio!%
Oh my0
GJoure ad a!d tur!ed o! be$ause 8 said !oIH 8 breathe, asto!ished%
G8 ad be$ause you !e*er e!tio!ed >eorgia to e% 8 ad be$ause you "e!t dri!#i!g
"ith that guy "ho tried to sedu$e you "he! you "ere dru!# a!d "ho left you "he! you "ere ill
"ith a! alost $oplete stra!ger% What #i!d of frie!d does thatI &!d 8 ad a!d aroused be$ause
you $losed your legs o! e%H 3is eyes glitter da!gerously, a!d hes slo"ly i!$hi!g up the he of
y dress%
G8 "a!t you, a!d 8 "a!t you !o"% &!d if youre !ot goi!g to let e spa!# you C "hi$h you
deser*e C 8 goi!g to fu$# you o! the $ou$h this i!ute, Bui$#ly, for y pleasure, !ot yours%H
=y dress is !o" barely $o*eri!g y !a#ed behi!d% 3e o*es sudde!ly so that his ha!d is
$uppi!g y se1, a!d o!e of his fi!gers si!#s slo"ly i!to e% 3is other ar holds e firly i! pla$e
arou!d y "aist% 8 suppress y oa!%
GThis is i!e,H he "hispers aggressi*ely% G&ll i!e% <o you u!dersta!dIH 3e eases his fi!ger
i! a!d out as he gaFes do"! at e, gaugi!g y rea$tio!, his eyes bur!i!g%
GJes, yours,H 8 breathe as y desire, hot a!d hea*y, surges through y bloodstrea,
affe$ti!gL e*erythi!g% =y !er*e e!di!gs, y breathi!g, y heart is pou!di!g, tryi!g to lea*e y
$hest, the blood thrui!g i! y ears%
&bruptly, he o*es, doi!g se*eral thi!gs at o!$e% Withdra"i!g his fi!gers, lea*i!g e
"a!ti!g, u!Fippi!g his fly, a!d pushi!g e do"! o!to the $ou$h so hes lyi!g o! top of e%
G3a!ds o! your head,H he $oa!ds through gritted teeth as he #!eels up, for$i!g y legs
"ider, a!d rea$hi!g i!to the i!side po$#et of his @a$#et% 3e ta#es out a foil pa$#et, gaFi!g do"! at
e, his e1pressio! dar#, before shruggi!g off his @a$#et so it falls to the floor% 3e rolls the $o!do
do"! o*er his ipressi*e le!gth%
8 pla$e y ha!ds o! y head, a!d 8 #!o" its so 8 "o!t tou$h hi% 8 so tur!ed o!%
8 feel y hips o*i!g already up to eet hi C "a!ti!g hi i!side e, li#e this C rough a!d
hard% /hL the a!ti$ipatio!%
GWe do!t ha*e lo!g% This "ill be Bui$#, a!d its for e, !ot you% <o you u!dersta!dI
<o!t $oe, or 8 "ill spa!# you,H he says through $le!$hed teeth%
7oly crap0 how do I stop.
With o!e s"ift thrust, hes fully i!side e% 8 groa! loudly, gutturally, a!d re*el i! the full!ess
of his possessio!% 3e puts his ha!ds o! i!e o! top of y head, his elbo"s hold y ars out a!d
do"!, a!d his legs pi!io! e% 8 a trapped% 3es e*ery"here, o*er"heli!g e, alost
suffo$ati!g% 0ut its hea*e!ly too, this is y po"er, this is "hat 8 do to hi, a!d its a hedo!isti$,
triupha!t feeli!g% 3e o*es Bui$#ly a!d furiously i!side e, his breathi!g harsh at y ear, a!d
y body respo!ds, elti!g arou!d hi% I mustn*t come. +o% 0ut 8 eeti!g hi thrust for thrust,
a perfe$t $ou!terpoi!t% &bruptly, a!d all too soo!, he ras i!to e a!d stills as he fi!ds his release,
air hissi!g through his teeth%
3e rela1es oe!tarily, so 8 feel his e!tire, deli$ious "eight o! e% 8 !ot ready to let hi
go, y body $ra*i!g relief, but hes so hea*y, a!d i! that oe!t, 8 $a!t push agai!st hi% &ll of a
sudde!, he "ithdra"s, lea*i!g e a$hi!g a!d hu!gry for ore% 3e glares do"! at e%
G<o!t tou$h yourself% 8 "a!t you frustrated% Thats "hat you do to e by !ot tal#i!g to e,
by de!yi!g e "hats i!e%H 3is eyes blaFe a!e", a!gry agai!%
8 !od, pa!ti!g% 3e sta!ds a!d reo*es the $o!do, #!otti!g it at the e!d, a!d puts it i! his
pa!ts po$#et% 8 gaFe at hi, y breathi!g still errati$, a!d i!*olu!tarily 8 sBueeFe y thighs
together, tryi!g to fi!d soe relief% Christia! does up his fly a!d ru!s his ha!d through his hair as he
rea$hes do"! to $olle$t his @a$#et% 3e tur!s ba$# to gaFe do"! at e, his e1pressio! softer%
GWed better get ba$# to the house%H
8 sit up, a little u!steadily, daFed%
G3ere% Jou ay put these o!%H
Fro his i!side po$#et, he produ$es y pa!ties% 8 do!t gri! as 8 ta#e the fro hi, but
i!side 8 #!o" C 8*e ta#e! a pu!ishe!t fu$# but gai!ed a sall *i$tory o*er the pa!ties% =y i!!er
goddess !ods i! agreee!t, a satisfied gri! o*er her fa$e C )ou didn*t ha6e to as( for them.
GC3D8ST8&+KH =ia shouts fro the floor belo"%
3e tur!s a!d raises his eyebro"s at e%
GJust i! tie% Christ, she $a! be really irritati!g%H
8 s$o"l ba$# at hi, hastily restore y pa!ties to their rightful pla$e, a!d sta!d "ith as u$h
dig!ity as 8 $a! uster i! y @ust9fu$#ed state% Qui$#ly, 8 attept to sooth y @ust9fu$#ed hair%
G5p here, =ia,H he $alls do"!% GWell, =iss Steele, 8 feel better for that C but 8 still "a!t to
spa!# you,H he says softly%
G8 do!t belie*e 8 deser*e it =r% >rey, espe$ially after tolerati!g your u!pro*o#ed atta$#%H
G5!pro*o#edI Jou #issed e%H 3e tries his best to loo# "ou!ded%
8 purse y lips%
G8t "as atta$# as the best for of defe!se%H
G<efe!se agai!st "hatIH
GJou a!d your t"it$hy pal%H
3e $o$#s his head to o!e side a!d siles at e as =ia $oes $latteri!g up the stairs%
G0ut it "as tolerableIH he as#s softly%
8 flush%
G0arely,H 8 "hisper, but 8 $a!t help y sir#%
G/h, there you are%H She beas at us%
G8 "as sho"i!g &!astasia arou!d%H Christia! holds his ha!d out to e, his gray eyes i!te!se%
8 put y ha!d i!to his, a!d he gi*es it a soft sBueeFe%
GEate a!d Elliot are about to lea*e% Ca! you belie*e those t"oI They $a!t #eep their ha!ds
off ea$h other%H =ia feig!s disgust a!d loo#s fro Christia! to e% GWhat ha*e you bee! doi!g i!
JeeF, shes for"ard% 8 blush s$arlet%
GSho"i!g &!astasia y ro"i!g trophies,H Christia! says "ithout issi!g a beat, $opletely
po#er9fa$ed% GLets go say goodbye to Eate a!d Elliot%H
Rowing trophies. 3e pulls e ge!tly i! fro!t of hi, a!d as =ia tur!s to go, he s"ats y
behi!d% 8 gasp i! surprise%
G8 "ill do it agai!, &!astasia, a!d soo!,H he threate!s Buietly $lose to y ear, the! he pulls e
i!to a! ebra$e, y ba$# to his fro!t, a!d #isses y hair%
0a$# i! the house, Eate a!d Elliot are a#i!g their fare"ells to >ra$e a!d =r% >rey% Eate
hugs e hard%
G8 !eed to spea# to you about a!tago!iFi!g Christia!,H 8 hiss Buietly i! her ear as she
ebra$es e%
G3e !eeds a!tago!iFi!g, the! you $a! see "hat hes really li#e% 0e $areful, &!a C hes so
$o!trolli!g,H she "hispers% GSee you later%H
I !"O# #7A1 78*% R8AGG) GI!8 2 )O5 4O"*1& C 8 s$rea at her i! y head%
8 fully a"are that her a$tio!s $oe fro a good pla$e, but soeties she @ust o*ersteps the
ar#, a!d right !o" so far that shes i!to the !eighbori!g state% 8 s$o"l at her, a!d she po#es her
to!gue out at e, a#i!g e sile u!"illi!gly% .layful Eate is !o*el, ust be Elliots i!flue!$e%
We "a*e the off at the door"ay, a!d Christia! tur!s to e%
GWe should go too C you ha*e i!ter*ie"s toorro"%H
=ia ebra$es e "arly as "e say our goodbyes%
GWe !e*er thought hed fi!d a!yo!eKH she gushes%
8 flush, a!d Christia! rolls his eyes agai!% 8 purse y lips% Why $a! he do that "he! 8 $a!tI 8
"a!t to roll y eyes ba$# at hi, but 8 do !ot dare, !ot after his threat i! the boathouse%
GTa#e $are of yourself, &!a, dear,H >ra$e says #i!dly%
Christia!, ebarrassed or frustrated by the la*ish atte!tio! 8 re$ei*i!g fro the reai!i!g
>reys, grabs y ha!d a!d pulls e to his side%
GLets !ot frighte! her a"ay or spoil her "ith too u$h affe$tio!,H he grubles%
GChristia!, stop teasi!g%H >ra$e s$olds hi i!dulge!tly, her eyes glo"i!g "ith lo*e a!d
affe$tio! for hi%
Soeho", 8 do!t thi!# hes teasi!g% 8 surreptitiously "at$h their i!tera$tio!% 8ts ob*ious
>ra$e adores hi "ith a others u!$o!ditio!al lo*e% 3e be!ds a!d #isses her stiffly%
G=o,H he says, a!d theres a! u!der$urre!t i! his *oi$e C re*ere!$e aybeI
G=r% >rey C goodbye a!d tha!# you%H 8 hold out y ha!d to hi, a!d he hugs e tooK
G.lease, $all e Carri$#% 8 do hope "e see you agai!, *ery soo!, &!a%H
/ur fare"ells said, Christia! leads e to the $ar "here Taylor is "aiti!g% 7as he ,een waiting
here the whole time. Taylor ope!s y door, a!d 8 slide i!to the ba$# of the &udi%
8 feel soe of the te!sio! lea*i!g y shoulders% JeeF, "hat a day% 8 a e1hausted, physi$ally
a!d eotio!ally% &fter a brief $o!*ersatio! "ith Taylor, Christia! $labers i!to the $ar beside e%
3e tur!s to fa$e e%
GWell, it sees y faily li#es you, too,H he ururs%
1oo. The depressi!g thought about ho" 8 $ae to be i!*ited pops u!bidde! a!d *ery
u!"el$oe i!to y head% Taylor starts the $ar a!d heads a"ay fro the $ir$le of light i! the
dri*e"ay to the dar#!ess of the road% 8 gaFe at Christia!, a!d hes stari!g at e%
GWhatIH he as#s, his *oi$e Buiet%
8 flou!der oe!tarily% +o C 8ll tell hi% 3es al"ays $oplai!i!g that 8 do!t tal# to hi%
G8 thi!# that you felt trapped i!to bri!gi!g e to eet your pare!ts%H =y *oi$e is soft a!d
hesita!t% G8f Elliot had!t as#ed Eate, youd !e*er ha*e as#ed e%H 8 $a!t see his fa$e i! the dar#,
but he tilts his head, gapi!g at e%
G&!astasia, 8 delighted that you*e et y pare!ts% Why are you so filled "ith self9doubtI
8t !e*er $eases to aaFe e% Joure su$h a stro!g, self9$o!tai!ed you!g "oa!, but you ha*e su$h
!egati*e thoughts about yourself% 8f 8 had!t "a!ted you to eet the, you "ould!t be here% 8s that
ho" you "ere feeli!g the "hole tie you "ere thereIH
Oh& 3e "a!ted e there C a!d its a re*elatio!% 3e does!t see u!$ofortable a!s"eri!g
e as he "ould if he "ere hidi!g the truth% 3e sees ge!ui!ely pleased that 8 hereL a "ar
glo" spreads slo"ly through y *ei!s% 3e sha#es his head a!d rea$hes for y ha!d% 8 gla!$e
!er*ously at Taylor%
G<o!t "orry about Taylor% Tal# to e%H
8 shrug%
GJes% 8 thought that% &!d a!other thi!g, 8 o!ly e!tio!ed >eorgia be$ause Eate "as tal#i!g
about 0arbados C 8 ha*e!t ade up y i!d%H
G<o you "a!t to go a!d see your otherIH
3e loo#s oddly at e, li#e hes ha*i!g soe i!ter!al struggle%
GCa! 8 $oe "ith youIH he as#s e*e!tually%
GErL 8 do!t thi!# thats a good idea%H
GWhy !otIH
G8 "as hopi!g for a brea# fro all thisL i!te!sity to try a!d thi!# thi!gs through%H
3e stares at e%
G8 too i!te!seIH
8 burst out laughi!g%
GThats putti!g it ildlyKH
8! the light of the passi!g street laps, 8 see his lips Buir# up%
G&re you laughi!g at e, =iss SteeleIH
G8 "ould!t dare, =r% >rey,H 8 reply "ith o$# serious!ess%
G8 thi!# you dare, a!d 8 thi!# you do laugh at e, freBue!tly%H
GJou are Buite fu!!y%H
G/h yes%H
GFu!!y pe$uliar or fu!!y ha haIH
G/hL a lot of o!e a!d soe of the other%H
GWhi$h "ay rou!dIH
G8ll lea*e you to figure that out%H
G8 !ot sure if 8 $a! figure a!ythi!g out arou!d you, &!astasia,H he says sardo!i$ally, a!d
the! $o!ti!ues Buietly, GWhat do you !eed to thi!# about i! >eorgiaIH
G5s,H 8 "hisper%
3e stares at e, ipassi*e%
GJou said youd try,H he ururs%
G8 #!o"%H
G&re you ha*i!g se$o!d thoughtsIH
3e shifts as if u!$ofortable%
7oly crap. 3o" did this sudde!ly be$oe su$h a! i!te!se a!d ea!i!gful $o!*ersatio!I 8ts
bee! spru!g o! e, li#e a! e1a that 8 !ot prepared for% What do 8 sayI 0e$ause 8 thi!# 8 lo*e
you, a!d you @ust see e as a toy% 0e$ause 8 $a!t tou$h you, be$ause 8 too frighte!ed to sho"
you a!y affe$tio! i! $ase you fli!$h or tell e off or "orse C
beat eI What $a! 8 sayI
8 stare oe!tarily out of the "i!do"% The $ar is headi!g ba$# a$ross the bridge% We are both
shrouded i! dar#!ess, as#i!g our thoughts a!d feeli!gs, but "e do!t !eed the !ight for that%
GWhy, &!astasiaIH Christia! presses e for a! a!s"er%
8 shrug, trapped% 8 do!t "a!t to lose hi% 8! spite of all his dea!ds, his !eed to $o!trol, his
s$ary *i$es% 8 ha*e !e*er felt as ali*e as 8 do !o"% 8ts a thrill to be sitti!g here beside hi% 3es so
u!predi$table, se1y, sart, a!d fu!!y% 0ut his oodsL oh C a!d he "a!ts to hurt e% 3e says hell
thi!# about y reser*atio!s, but it still s$ares e% 8 $lose y eyes% What $a! 8 sayI <eep do"! 8
"ould @ust li#e ore, ore affe$tio!, ore playful Christia!, oreL lo*e%
3e sBueeFes y ha!d%
GTal# to e, &!astasia% 8 do!t "a!t to lose you% This last "ee#L H 3e trails off%
Were $oi!g !ear to the e!d of the bridge, a!d the road is o!$e ore bathed i! the !eo! light
of the street laps so his fa$e is i!teritte!tly i! the light a!d the dar#% &!d its su$h a fitti!g
etaphor% This a!, "ho 8 o!$e thought of as a roa!ti$ hero C a bra*e shi!i!g "hite #!ight, or
the dar# #!ight as he said% 3es !ot a hero, hes a a! "ith serious, deep eotio!al fla"s, a!d hes
draggi!g e i!to the dar#% Ca! 8 !ot guide hi i!to the lightI
G8 still "a!t ore,H 8 "hisper%
G8 #!o",H he says% G8ll try%H
8 bli!# up at hi, a!d he reli!Buishes y ha!d a!d pulls at y $hi!, releasi!g y trapped lip%
GFor you, &!astasia, 8 "ill try%H 3es radiati!g si!$erity%
&!d thats y $ue% 8 u!bu$#le y seatbelt, rea$h a$ross, a!d $laber i!to his lap, ta#i!g hi
$opletely by surprise% Wrappi!g y ars arou!d his head, 8 #iss hi, lo!g a!d hard, a!d i! a
!a!ose$o!d, hes respo!di!g%
GStay "ith e, to!ight,H he breathes% G8f you go a"ay, 8 "o!t see you all "ee#%
GJes,H 8 a$Buies$e% G&!d 8ll try too% 8ll sig! your $o!tra$t%H &!d its a spur of the oe!t
3e gaFes do"! at e%
GSig! after >eorgia% Thi!# about it% Thi!# about it hard, baby%H
G8 "ill%H &!d "e sit i! sile!$e for a ile or t"o%
GJou really should "ear your seatbelt,H Christia! "hispers disappro*i!gly i!to y hair, but
he a#es !o o*e to shift e fro his lap%
8 !uFFle up agai!st hi, eyes $losed, y !ose at his throat, dri!#i!g i! his se1y Christia!9a!d9
spi$ed9us#y9body9"ash fragra!$e, y head o! his shoulder% 8 let y i!d drift, a!d 8 allo"
yself to fa!tasiFe that he lo*es e% /h, a!d its so real, ta!gible alost, a!d a sall part of y
!asty harpy self9$o!s$ious a$ts $opletely out of $hara$ter a!d dares to hope. 8 $areful !ot to
tou$h his $hest but @ust s!uggle i! his ars as he holds e tightly%
&ll too soo!, 8 tor! fro y ipossible daydrea%
GWere hoe,H Christia! ururs, a!d its su$h a ta!taliFi!g se!te!$e, full of so u$h
pote!tial .
7ome with Christian. E1$ept his aparte!t is a! art gallery, !ot a hoe%
Taylor ope!s the door for us, a!d 8 tha!# hi shyly, a"are that hes bee! "ithi! earshot of our
$o!*ersatio!, but his #i!d sile is reassuri!g a!d gi*es !othi!g a"ay% /!$e out of the $ar, Christia!
assesses e $riti$ally . Oh no0 what ha6e I done now.
GWhy do!t you ha*e a @a$#etIH he fro"!s as he shrugs out of his a!d drapes it o*er y
Delief "ashes through e%
G8ts i! y !e" $ar,H 8 reply sleepily, ya"!i!g%
3e sir#s at e%
GTired, =iss SteeleIH
GJes, =r% >rey%H 8 feel bashful u!der his teasi!g s$ruti!y% +e*ertheless 8 feel a! e1pla!atio! is
i! order, G8*e bee! pre*ailed upo! i! "ays 8 !e*er thought possible today%H
GWell, if youre really u!lu$#y, 8 ay pre*ail upo! you soe ore,H he proises as he ta#es
y ha!d a!d leads e i!to the buildi!g% 7oly %hit0 Again.&
8 gaFe up at hi i! the ele*ator% 8 ha*e assued hed li#e e to sleep "ith hi, a!d the! 8
reeber that he does!t sleep "ith a!yo!e, although he has "ith e a fe" ties%
8 fro"!, a!d abruptly his gaFe dar#e!s% 3e rea$hes up a!d grasps y $hi!, freei!g y lip
fro teeth%
G/!e day 8 "ill fu$# you i! this ele*ator, &!astasia, but right !o" youre tired C so 8 thi!# "e
should sti$# to a bed%H
0e!di!g do"!, he $laps his teeth arou!d y lo"er lip a!d pulls ge!tly% 8 elt agai!st hi,
a!d y breathi!g stops as y i!sides u!furl "ith lo!gi!g% 8 re$ipro$ate, faste!i!g y teeth o*er his
top lip, teasi!g hi, a!d he groa!s% Whe! the ele*ator doors ope!, he grabs y ha!d a!d tugs e
i!to the foyer, through the double doors, a!d i!to the hall"ay%
G<o you !eed a dri!# or a!ythi!gIH
G>ood% Lets go to bed%H
8 raise y eyebro"s at hi%
GJoure goi!g to settle for plai! old *a!illaIH
3e $o$#s his head to o!e side%
G+othi!g plai! or old about *a!illa C its a *ery i!trigui!g fla*or,H he breathes%
GSi!$e "he!IH
GSi!$e last Saturday% WhyI Were you hopi!g for soethi!g ore e1oti$IH
=y i!!er goddess pops her head abo*e the parapet%
G/h !o% 8*e had e!ough e1oti$ for o!e day%H =y i!!er goddess pouts at e, faili!g iserably
to hide her disappoi!te!t%
GSureI We $ater for all tastes here C at least thirty9o!e fla*ors%H 3e gri!s at e las$i*i9ously%
G8*e !oti$ed,H 8 reply dryly%
3e sha#es his head%
GCoe o!, =iss Steele, you ha*e a big day toorro"% Soo!er youre i! bed, soo!er youll be
fu$#ed, a!d soo!er you $a! sleep%H
G=r% >rey, you are a bor! roa!ti$%H
G=iss Steele, you ha*e a sart outh% 8 ay ha*e to subdue it soe "ay% Coe%H 3e leads
e do"! the hall"ay i!to his bedroo a!d #i$#s the door $losed%
G3a!ds i! the air,H he $oa!ds%
8 oblige, a!d i! o!e breathta#i!gly s"ift o*e, he reo*es y dress li#e a agi$ia!, graspi!g
it at the he a!d pulli!g it soothly a!d fleetly o*er y head%
GTa <aKH he says playfully%
8 giggle a!d applaud politely% 3e bo"s gra$efully gri!!i!g% 7ow can I resist him when he*s
li(e this. 3e pla$es y dress o! the lo!e $hair beside his $hest of dra"ers%
G&!d for your !e1t tri$#IH 8 propt, teasi!g%
G/h y dear, =iss Steele% >et i!to y bed,H he gro"ls% G&!d 8ll sho" you%H
G<o you thi!# that for o!$e 8 should play hard to getIH 8 as# $oBuettishly%
3is eyes "ide! "ith surprise, a!d 8 see a glier of e1$itee!t%
GWellL the doors $losed% +ot sure ho" youre goi!g to a*oid e,H he says sardo!i$ally% G8
thi!# its a do!e deal%H
G0ut 8 a good !egotiator%H
GSo a 8%H 3e stares do"! at e, but as he does, his e1pressio! $ha!ges, $o!fusio! "ashes
o*er hi, a!d the atosphere i! the roo shifts abruptly, te!si!g% G<o!t you "a!t to fu$#IH he
G+o,H 8 breathe%
G/h%H 3e fro"!s%
O(ay here goes0 deep ,reath.
G8 "a!t you to a#e lo*e to e%H
3e stills a!d stares at e bla!#ly% 3is e1pressio! dar#e!s . /h shit, this does!t loo# good .
$i6e him a minute& =y sub$o!s$ious s!aps%
G&!a, 8L H 3e ru!s his ha!ds through his hair% T"o ha!ds% JeeF, hes really be"ildered%
G8 thought "e didIH he says e*e!tually%
G8 "a!t to tou$h you%H
3e ta#es a! i!*olu!tary step ba$# fro e, his e1pressio! for a oe!t fearful, a!d the! he
rei!s it i!%
G.lease,H 8 "hisper%
3e re$o*ers hiself%
G/h, !o =iss Steele, you*e had e!ough $o!$essio!s fro e this e*e!i!g% &!d 8 sayi!g
Oh0 I can*t argue with that0 can I.
GLoo#, youre tired, 8 tired% Lets @ust go to bed,H he says, "at$hi!g e $arefully%
GSo tou$hi!g is a hard liit for youIH
GJes% This is old !e"s%H
G.lease tell e "hy%H
G/h, &!astasia, please% Just drop it for !o",H he utters e1asperated%
G8ts iporta!t to e%H
&gai! he ru!s both ha!ds through his hair, a!d he utters a! oath be!eath his breath%
Tur!i!g o! his heel, he heads for the $hest of dra"ers, pulls out a t9shirt, a!d thro"s it at e% 8
$at$h it, beused%
G.ut that o! a!d get i!to bed,H he s!aps, irritated%
8 fro"! but de$ide to huor hi% Tur!i!g y ba$#, 8 Bui$#ly reo*e y bra, pulli!g the t9
shirt o! as hastily as 8 $a! to $o*er y !a#ed!ess% 8 lea*e y pa!ties o!, 8 ha*e!t "or! the for
ost of the e*e!i!g%
G8 !eed the bathroo%H =y *oi$e is a "hisper%
3e fro"!s, beused%
G+o" youre as#i!g perissio!IH
GErrL !o%H
G&!astasia, you #!o" "here the bathroo is% Today, at this poi!t i! our stra!ge arra!gee!t,
you do!t !eed y perissio! to use it%H 3e $a!!ot hide his irritatio!% 3e shrugs out of his shirt,
a!d 8 s$oot i!to the bathroo%
8 stare at yself i! the o*er9large irror, sho$#ed that 8 still loo# the sae% &fter all that 8*e
do!e today, its still the sae ordi!ary girl gapi!g ba$# at e% #hat did you e<pect 2 that you*d
grow horns and a little pointy tail. =y sub$o!s$ious s!aps at e% And what the hell are you
doing. 1ouching is his hard limit. 1oo soon you idiot he needs to wal( ,efore he can run. =y
sub$o!s$ious is furious, edusa9li#e i! her a!ger, hair flyi!g, her ha!ds $le!$hed arou!d her fa$e
li#e Ed*ard =u!$hs S$rea% 8 ig!ore her, but she "o!t $lib ba$# i!to her bo1% )ou are ma(ing
him mad 2 thin( a,out all that*s he*s said all he*s conceded. 8 s$o"l at y refle$tio!% 8 !eed to be
able to sho" hi affe$tio! C the! perhaps he $a! re$ipro$ate%
8 sha#e y head resig!ed a!d grasp Christia!s toothbrush% =y sub$o!s$ious is right of
$ourse% 8 rushi!g hi% 3es !ot ready a!d !either a 8% We are bala!$ed o! the deli$ate see9sa",
that is our stra!ge arra!gee!t C at differe!t e!ds, *a$illati!g, a!d it tips a!d s"ays bet"ee! us% We
both !eed to edge $loser to the iddle% 8 @ust hope !either of us falls off i! our attept to do so% This
is all so Bui$#% =aybe 8 !eed soe dista!$e% >eorgia sees ore appeali!g tha! e*er% &s 8 begi!
brushi!g y teeth, he #!o$#s%
GCoe i!,H 8 splutter through a outhful of toothpaste%
Christia! sta!ds i! the door"ay, his .Js ha!gi!g off his hips C i! that "ay that a#es e*ery
little $ell i! y body sta!d up a!d ta#e !oti$e% 3es bare9$hested, a!d 8 dri!# hi i! li#e 8 $raFed
"ith thirst a!d hes $lear $ool ou!tai! spri!g "ater% 3e gaFes at e ipassi*ely, the! sir#s a!d
$oes to sta!d beside e% /ur eyes lo$# i! the irror, gray to blue% 8 fi!ish "ith his toothbrush,
ri!se it off, a!d ha!d it to hi, y loo# !e*er lea*i!g his% Wordlessly, he ta#es the toothbrush fro
e a!d puts it i! his outh% 8 sir# ba$# at hi, a!d his eyes are sudde!ly da!$i!g "ith huor%
G<o feel free to borro" y toothbrush%H 3is to!e is ge!tly o$#i!g%
GTha!# you, Sir,H 8 sile s"eetly, a!d 8 lea*e, headi!g ba$# to bed%
& fe" i!utes later he @oi!s e%
GJou #!o" this is !ot ho" 8 sa" to!ight pa!!i!g out,H he utters petula!tly%
G8agi!e if 8 said to you that you $ould!t tou$h e%H
3e $labers o!to the bed a!d sits $ross9legged%
G&!astasia, 8*e told you% Fifty shades% 8 had a rough start i! life C you do!t "a!t that shit i!
your head% Why "ould youIH
G0e$ause 8 "a!t to #!o" you better%H
GJou #!o" e "ell e!ough%H
G3o" $a! you say thatIH 8 struggle up o!to y #!ees, fa$i!g hi%
3e rolls his eyes at e, frustrated%
GJoure rolli!g your eyes% Last tie 8 did that, 8 e!ded up o*er your #!ee%H
G/h, 8d li#e to put you there agai!%H
8!spiratio! hits e%
GTell e a!d you $a!%H
GJou heard e%H
GJoure bargai!i!g "ith eIH 3is *oi$e reso!ates "ith asto!ished disbelief%
8 !od% )es0 this is the way.
G8t does!t "or# that "ay, &!astasia%H
G/#ay% Tell e, a!d 8ll roll y eyes at you%H
3e laughs, a!d 8 get a rare glipse of $arefree Christia!% 8*e !ot see! hi for a "hile%
3e sobers%
G&l"ays so #ee! a!d eager for i!foratio!%H 3is gray eyes blaFe "ith spe$ulatio!%
&fter a oe!t, he gra$efully $libs off the bed% G<o!t go a"ay,H he says a!d e1its the
Trepidatio! la!$es through e, a!d 8 hug yself% Whats he doi!gI <oes he ha*e soe e*il
pla!I Crap. Suppose he retur!s "ith a $a!e, or soe "eird #i!#y iplee!tI
7oly shit what will I do then. Whe! he does retur!, hes holdi!g soethi!g sall i! his
ha!ds% 8 $a!t see "hat it is, a!d 8 bur!i!g "ith $uriosity%
GWhe!s your first i!ter*ie" toorro"IH he as#s softly%
& slo" "i$#ed gri! spreads a$ross his fa$e%
G>ood%H &!d before y eyes, he subtly $ha!ges% 3es harder, i!tra$table%%% hot% This is
<oi!a!t Christia!%
G>et off the bed% Sta!d o*er here%H 3e poi!ts to beside the bed, a!d 8 s$rable up a!d off i!
double9Bui$# tie% 3e stares i!te!tly do"! at e, his eyes glitteri!g "ith proise%
GTrust eIH he as#s softly%
8 !od% 3e holds out his ha!d, a!d i! his pal are t"o rou!d, shi!y, sil*er balls, li!#ed "ith a
thi$# bla$# thread%
GThese are !e",H he says ephati$ally%
8 loo# Buestio!i!gly up at hi%
G8 a goi!g to put these i!side you, a!d the! 8 goi!g to spa!# you, !ot for pu!ishe!t, but
for your pleasure a!d i!e%H 3e pauses, gaugi!g y "ide9eyed rea$tio!%
Inside me& 8 gasp, a!d all the us$les deep i! y belly $le!$h% =y i!!er goddess is doi!g
the da!$e of the se*e! *eils%
GThe! "ell fu$#, a!d if youre still a"a#e, 8ll ipart soe i!foratio! about y forati*e
years% &greedIH
3es as#i!g y perissio!K 0reathlessly, 8 !od% 8 i!$apable of spee$h%
G>ood girl% /pe! your outh%H
Aery ge!tly, he puts the balls i! y outh%
GThey !eed lubri$atio!% Su$#,H he orders, his *oi$e soft%
The balls are $old, sooth, surprisi!gly hea*y, a!d etalli$ tasti!g% =y dry outh pools "ith
sali*a as y to!gue e1plores the u!failiar ob@e$ts% Christia!s gray gaFe does !ot lea*e i!e%
3oly hell, this is tur!i!g e o!% 8 sBuir slightly%
GEeep still, &!astasia,H he "ar!s%
GStop%H 3e tugs the fro y outh% =o*i!g to"ard the bed, he thro"s the du*et aside a!d
sits do"! o! the edge%
GCoe here%H
8 sta!d i! fro!t of hi%
G+o" tur! rou!d, be!d do"!, a!d grasp your a!#les%H
8 bli!# at hi, a!d his e1pressio! dar#e!s%
G<o!t hesitate,H he ado!ishes e softly, a! u!der$urre!t i! his *oi$e, a!d he pops the balls
i! his outh%
'uc( this is se<ier than the tooth,rush. 8 follo" his orders iediately% JeeF, $a! 8 tou$h
y a!#lesI 8 fi!d 8 $a!, "ith ease% The t9shirt slides up y ba$#, e1posi!g y behi!d% Tha!#
hea*e!s 8 ha*e retai!ed y pa!ties, but 8 suspe$t 8 "o!t for lo!g%
3e pla$es his ha!d re*ere!tly o! y ba$#side a!d *ery softly $aresses it "ith his "hole ha!d%
With y eyes ope!, 8 $a! see his legs through i!e, !othi!g else% 8 $lose y eyes tightly as he
ge!tly o*es y pa!ties to the side a!d slo"ly ru!s his fi!ger up a!d do"! y se1% =y body
bra$es itself i! a heady i1 of "ild a!ti$ipatio! a!d arousal% 3e slides o!e fi!ger i!side e, a!d he
$ir$les it deli$iously slo"ly% /h, it feels good% 8 oa!%
3is breathi!g halts, a!d 8 hear hi gasp as he repeats the otio!% 3e "ithdra"s his fi!ger a!d
*ery slo"ly i!serts the ob@e$ts, o!e slo", deli$ious ball at a tie% Oh my.
Theyre body teperature, "ared by our $olle$ti*e ouths% 8ts a $urious feeli!g% /!$e
theyre i!side e, 8 $a!t really feel the C but the! agai! 8 #!o" theyre there.
3e straighte!s y pa!ties a!d lea!s for"ard, a!d his lips softly #iss y behi!d%
GSta!d up,H he orders, a!d sha#ily 8 get to y feet%
Oh& +o" 8 $a! feel theL sort of% 3e grasps y hips to steady e "hile 8 re9establish y
GJou o#ayIH he as#s, his *oi$e ster!%
GJes%H =y a!s"er is feather soft%
GTur! rou!d%H 8 tur! a!d fa$e hi%
The balls pull do"!"ard a!d i!*olu!tarily 8 $le!$h arou!d the% The feeli!g startles e but
!ot i! a bad "ay%
G3o" does that feelIH he as#s%
GStra!ge good or stra!ge badIH
GStra!ge good,H 8 $o!fess, blushi!g%
G>ood%H Theres a tra$e of huor lur#i!g i! his eyes%
G8 "a!t a glass of "ater% >o a!d fet$h o!e for e please%H
G&!d "he! you $oe ba$#, 8 shall put you a$ross y #!ee% Thi!# about that, &!astasia%H
#ater. 7e wants water 2 now 2 why.
&s 8 lea*e the bedroo, it be$oes abu!da!tly $lear "hy he "a!ts e to "al# arou!d
C as 8 do, the balls "eigh do"! i!side e, assagi!g e i!ter!ally% 8ts su$h a "eird feeli!g
a!d !ot e!tirely u!pleasa!t% 8! fa$t, y breathi!g a$$elerates as 8 stret$h up for a glass fro the
#it$he! $abi!et, a!d 8 gasp% Oh my0 8 ay ha*e to #eep these% They a#e e !eedy, !eedy for
3es "at$hi!g e $arefully "he! 8 retur!%
GTha!# you,H he says as he ta#es the glass fro e%
Slo"ly, he ta#es a sip the! pla$es the glass o! his bedside table% Theres a foil pa$#et, ready
a!d "aiti!g, li#e e% &!d 8 #!o" hes doi!g this to build the a!ti$ipatio!% =y heart has pi$#ed up a
beat% 3e tur!s his bright gray gaFe to i!e%
GCoe% Sta!d beside e% Li#e last tie%H
8 sidle up to hi, y blood thrui!g through y body, a!d this tieL 8 e1$ited%
G&s# e,H he says softly%
8 fro"!% &s# hi "hatI
G&s# e,H his *oi$e is slightly harder%
WhatI 3o" "as your "aterI What does he "a!tI
G&s# e, &!astasia% 8 "o!t say it agai!%H &!d theres su$h a threat ipli$it i! his "ords, a!d
it da"!s o! e% 3e "a!ts e to as# hi to spa!# e%
7oly shit. 3es loo#i!g at e e1pe$ta!tly, his eyes gro"i!g $older% %hit.
GSpa!# e, pleaseL Sir,H 8 "hisper%
3e $loses his eyes oe!tarily, sa*ori!g y "ords% Dea$hi!g up, he grasps y left ha!d a!d
he tugs e o*er his #!ees% 8 fall i!sta!tly, a!d he steadies e as 8 la!d i! his lap%
=y heart is i! y outh as his ha!d ge!tly stro#es y behi!d% 8 a!gled a$ross his lap
agai! so that y torso rests o! the bed beside hi% This tie he does!t thro" his leg o*er i!e, but
soothes y hair out of y fa$e a!d tu$#s it behi!d y ear% /!$e hes do!e, he $lasps y hair at
the !ape to hold e i! pla$e% 3e tugs ge!tly a!d y head shifts ba$#%
G8 "a!t to see your fa$e "hile 8 spa!# you, &!astasia,H he ururs, all the "hile softly
rubbi!g y ba$#side%
3is ha!d o*es do"! bet"ee! the $hee#s of y behi!d, a!d he pushes agai!st y se1, a!d
the full feeli!g isL 8 oa!% /h, the se!satio! is e1Buisite%
GThis is for pleasure, &!astasia, i!e a!d yours,H he "hispers softly%
3e lifts his ha!d a!d bri!gs it do"! i! a resou!di!g slap agai!st the @u!$tio! of y thighs, y
behi!d, a!d y se1% The balls are for$ed for"ard i!side e, a!d 8 lost i! a Buagire of se!satio!%
The sti!gi!g a$ross y behi!d, the full!ess of the balls i!side e, a!d the fa$t that hes holdi!g e
do"!% 8 s$re" y fa$e up as y fa$ulties attept to absorb all these foreig! feeli!gs% 8 !ote
soe"here i! y brai! that hes !ot sa$#ed e as hard as last tie% 3e $aresses y ba$#side
agai!, traili!g his pal a$ross y s#i! a!d o*er y u!der"ear%
#hy*s he not remo6ed my panties. The! his pal disappears, a!d he bri!gs it do"! agai!% 8
groa! as the se!satio! spreads% 3e starts a patter!: left to right a!d the! do"!%
The do"! o!es are the best% E*erythi!g o*i!g for"ard, i!side eL a!d i! bet"ee! ea$h
sa$# he $aresses e, #!eads e C so 8 a assaged i!side a!d out% 8ts su$h a stiulati!g, eroti$
feeli!g, a!d for soe reaso!, be$ause this is o! y ters, 8 do!t i!d the pai!%
8ts !ot pai!ful as su$h C "ell it is, but !ot u!bearable% 8ts soeho" a!ageable, a!d yes
pleasurableL e*e!% 8 groa!% )es I can do this.
3e pauses as he slo"ly peels y pa!ties do"! y legs% 8 "rithe o! his legs, !ot be$ause 8
"a!t to es$ape the blo"s, but 8 "a!tL ore, release, soethi!g% 3is tou$h agai!st y se!sitiFed
s#i! is all se!suous ti!gle% 8ts o*er"heli!g, a!d he starts agai!% & fe" soft slaps the! buildi!g up,
left to right a!d do"!% /h, the do"!s, 8 groa!%
G>ood girl, &!astasia,H he groa!s, a!d his breathi!g is ragged%
3e spa!#s e t"i$e ore, a!d the! he pulls at the sall threads atta$hed to the balls a!d @er#s
the out of e sudde!ly% 8 alost $lia1 C the feeli!g is out of this "orld% =o*i!g s"iftly, he
ge!tly tur!s e o*er% 8 hear rather see the rip of the foil pa$#et, a!d the! hes lyi!g beside e% 3e
seiFes y ha!ds, hoists the o*er y head, a!d eases hiself o!to e, i!to e, slidi!g slo"ly,
filli!g e "here the sil*er globes ha*e bee!% 8 groa! loudly%
G/h, baby,H he "hispers as he o*es ba$#, for"ard, a slo" se!sual tepo, sa*ori!g e,
feeli!g e%
8t is the ost ge!tle he has e*er bee!, a!d it ta#es !o tie at all for e to fall o*er the edge,
spirali!g i!to a deli$ious, *iole!t, e1hausti!g, orgas% &s 8 $le!$h arou!d hi, it ig!ites his release,
a!d he slides i!to e, stilli!g, gaspi!g out y !ae i! desperate "o!der%
3es sile!t a!d pa!ti!g o! top of e, his ha!ds still e!t"i!ed i! i!e abo*e y head%
Fi!ally, he lea!s ba$# a!d stares do"! at e%
G8 e!@oyed that,H he "hispers, a!d the! #isses e s"eetly%
3e does!t li!ger for ore s"eet #isses, but rises, $o*ers e "ith the du*et, a!d disappears
i!to the bathroo% /! his retur! hes $arryi!g a bottle of "hite lotio!% 3e sits beside e o! the bed%
GDoll o*er,H he orders, a!d begrudgi!gly 8 o*e o! to y fro!t%
3o!estly, all this fuss% 8 feel *ery sleepy%
GJour ass is a glorious $olor,H he says appro*i!gly, a!d he te!derly assages the $ooli!g
lotio! i!to y pi!# behi!d%
GSpill the bea!s, >rey,H 8 ya"!%
G=iss Steele, you #!o" ho" to rui! a oe!t%H
GWe had a deal%H
G3o" do you feelIH
GShort $ha!ged%H
3e sighs, slides i! beside e, a!d pulls e i!to his ars% Careful !ot to tou$h y sti!gi!g
behi!d, "e are spoo!i!g agai!% 3e #isses e *ery softly beside y ear%
GThe "oa! "ho brought e i!to this "orld "as a $ra$#9"hore, &!astasia% >o to sleep%H
7oly fuc( L "hat does that ea!I
GShes dead%H
G3o" lo!gIH
3e sighs%
GShe died "he! 8 "as four% 8 do!t really reeber her% Carri$# has gi*e! e soe details% 8
o!ly reeber $ertai! thi!gs% .lease go to sleep%H
G>ood!ight, Christia!%H
G>ood!ight, &!a%H
&!d 8 slip i!to a daFed a!d e1hausted sleep, dreai!g of a four9year9old, gray9eyed boy i! a
dar#, s$ary, iserable pla$e%
There is light e*ery"here% 0right, "ar, pier$i!g light, a!d 8 e!dea*or to #eep it at bay for a
fe" ore pre$ious i!utes% 8 "a!t to hide, @ust a fe" ore i!utes% 0ut the glare is too stro!g, a!d
8 fi!ally su$$ub to "a#eful!ess% & glorious Seattle or!i!g greets e C
su!shi!e pouri!g through the full9height "i!do"s a!d floodi!g the roo "ith too9bright
light% Why did!t "e $lose the bli!ds last !ightI 8 a i! Christia! >reys *ast bed i!us o!e
Christia! >rey%
8 lie ba$# for a oe!t stari!g through the "i!do"s at the lofty *ista of Seattles s#yli!e% Life
i! the $louds sure feels u!real% & fa!tasy C a $astle i! the air, adrift fro the grou!d, safe fro the
realities of life C far a"ay fro !egle$t, hu!ger, a!d $ra$#9"hore others% 8 shudder to thi!# "hat
he "e!t through as a sall $hild, a!d 8 u!dersta!d "hy he li*es here, isolated, surrou!ded by
beautiful, pre$ious "or#s of art C so far reo*ed fro "here he startedL issio! statee!t i!deed%
8 fro"! be$ause it still does!t e1plai! "hy 8 $a!t tou$h hi%
8ro!i$ally, 8 feel the sae up here i! his lofty to"er% 8 adrift fro reality% 8 i! this fa!tasy
aparte!t, ha*i!g fa!tasy se1 "ith y fa!tasy boyfrie!d% Whe! the gri reality is he "a!ts a
spe$ial arra!gee!t, though hes said hell try ore% What does that a$tually ea!I This is "hat 8
!eed to $larify bet"ee! us to see if "e are still at opposite e!ds o! the see9sa" or if "e are i!$hi!g
$loser together%
8 $laber out of bed feeli!g stiff, a!d for "a!t of a better e1pressio!, "ell9used% )es that
would ,e all the se< then. =y sub$o!s$ious purses her lips i! disappro*al% 8 roll y eyes at her,
grateful that a $ertai! t"it$hy9paled $o!trol frea# is !ot i! the roo, a!d resol*e to as# hi about
the perso!al trai!er% Thats if 8 sig!% =y i!!er goddess glares at e i! desperatio!% Of course you*ll
sign. 8 ig!ore the both, a!d after a Bui$# trip to the bathroo, 8 go i! sear$h of Christia!%
3es !ot i! the art gallery, but a! elega!t iddle9aged "oa! is $lea!i!g i! the #it$he! area%
The sight of her stops e i! y tra$#s% She has short blo!de hair a!d $lear blue eyesP she "ears a
plai! "hite tailored shirt a!d a !a*y blue pe!$il s#irt% She siles broadly "he! she sees e%
G>ood or!i!g, =iss Steele% Would you li#e soe brea#fastIH 3er to!e is "ar but busi!ess
li#e, a!d 8 a stu!!ed% Who is this attra$ti*e blo!de i! Christia!s #it$he!I
8 o!ly "eari!g Christia!s t9shirt% 8 feel self9$o!s$ious a!d ebarrassed by y la$# of
G8 afraid you ha*e e at a disad*a!tage%H =y *oi$e is Buiet, u!able to hide the a!1iety i!
y *oi$e%
G/h, 8 terribly sorry C 8 =rs% Jo!es, =r% >reys house#eeper%H
G3o" do you doIH 8 a!age%
GWould you li#e soe brea#fast, aaIH
GJust soe tea "ould be lo*ely, tha!# you% <o you #!o" "here =r% >rey isIH
G8! his study%H
GTha!# you%H
8 s$uttle off to"ard the study, ortified% Why does Christia! o!ly ha*e attra$ti*e blo!des
"or#i!g for hiI &!d a !asty thought $oes i!*olu!tarily i!to y i!d C Are they all e<;su,s. 8
refuse to e!tertai! that hideous idea% 8 po#e y head shyly rou!d the door% 3es o! the pho!e,
fa$i!g the "i!do", i! bla$# pa!ts a!d a "hite shirt% 3is hair is still "et fro the sho"er, a!d 8
$opletely distra$ted fro y !egati*e thoughts%
G5!less that $opa!ys .NL ipro*es, 8 !ot i!terested, Dos% Were !ot $arryi!g dead
"eightL 8 do!t !eed a!y ore lae e1$usesL 3a*e =ar$o $all e, its shit or bust tie%%% Jes,
tell 0ar!ey that the prototype loo#s good, though 8 !ot sure about the i!ter9fa$eL +o, its @ust
issi!g soethi!gL 8 "a!t to eet hi this after!oo! to dis$ussL
8! fa$t, hi a!d his tea, "e $a! brai!storL% /#ay% Tra!sfer e ba$# to &!dreaL H 3e
"aits, stari!g out of the "i!do", aster of his u!i*erse, stari!g do"! at the little people belo" fro
this $astle i! the s#y% G&!dreaL H
>la!$i!g up, he !oti$es e at the door% & slo", se1y sile spreads a$ross his beautiful fa$e,
a!d 8 re!dered spee$hless as y i!sides elt% 3e is "ithout a doubt the ost beautiful a! o!
the pla!et, too beautiful for the little people belo", too beautiful for e%
"o y i!!er goddess s$o"ls at e, !ot too beautiful for e% 7e is sort of mine for !o"%
The idea se!ds a thrill through y blood a!d dispels y irratio!al self9doubt%
3e $o!ti!ues his $o!*ersatio!, his eyes !e*er lea*i!g i!e%
GClear y s$hedule this or!i!g, but get 0ill to $all e% 8ll be i! at t"o% 8 !eed to tal# to
=ar$o this after!oo!, that "ill !eed at least half a! hourL S$hedule 0ar!ey a!d his tea i! after
=ar$o or aybe toorro", a!d fi!d tie for e to see Claude e*eryday this "ee#L Tell hi to
"aitL /hL +o, 8 do!t "a!t publi$ity for <arfurL Tell Sa to deal "ith itL +oL% Whi$h
e*e!tI%%% Thats !e1t SaturdayIL 3old o!%H
GWhe! "ill you be ba$# fro >eorgiaIH he as#s%
3e resues his pho!e $o!*ersatio!%
G8ll !eed a! e1tra ti$#et be$ause 8 ha*e a dateL Jes &!drea, thats "hat 8 said, a date, =iss
&!astasia Steele "ill a$$opa!y eL Thats all%H 3e ha!gs up% G>ood or!i!g, =iss Steele%H
G=r% >rey,H 8 sile shyly%
3e "al#s arou!d his des# "ith his usual gra$e a!d sta!ds i! fro!t of e% 3e sells so goodP
$lea! a!d freshly lau!dered, so Christia!% 3e ge!tly stro#es y $hee# "ith the ba$# of his fi!gers%
G8 did!t "a!t to "a#e you, you loo#ed so pea$eful% <id you sleep "ellIH
G8 a *ery "ell9rested, tha!# you% 8 @ust $ae to say hi before 8 had a sho"er%H
8 gaFe up at hi, dri!#i!g hi i!% 3e lea!s do"! a!d ge!tly #isses e, a!d 8 $a!t help
yself% 8 thro" y ars arou!d his !e$# a!d y fi!gers t"ist i! his still dap hair%
.ushi!g y body flush agai!st his, 8 #iss hi ba$#% 8 "a!t hi% =y atta$# ta#es hi by
surprise, but after a beat, he respo!ds, a lo" groa! i! his throat% 3is ha!ds slip i!to y hair a!d
do"! y ba$# to $up y !a#ed behi!d, his to!gue e1plori!g y outh% 3e pulls ba$#, his eyes
GWell, sleep sees to agree "ith you,H he ururs% G8 suggest you go a!d ha*e your sho"er,
or 8 shall lay you a$ross y des#, !o"%H
G8 $hoose the des#,H 8 "hisper re$#lessly as desire s"eeps li#e adre!ali!e through y syste,
"a#i!g e*erythi!g i! its path%
3e stares be"ildered do"! at e for a illise$o!d%
GJou*e really got a taste for this, ha*e!t you, =iss Steele% Joure be$oi!g i!satiable,H he
G8*e o!ly got a taste for you,H 8 "hisper%
3is eyes "ide! a!d dar#e! "hile his ha!ds #!ead y !a#ed ba$#side%
G<a! right, o!ly e,H he gro"ls, a!d sudde!ly "ith o!e fluid o*ee!t, he $lears all the
pla!s a!d papers off his des# so that they s$atter o! the floor, s"eeps e up i! his ars, a!d lays
e do"! a$ross the short e!d of his des# so that y head is alost off the edge%
GJou "a!t it, you got it, baby,H he utters, produ$i!g a foil pa$#et fro his pa!ts po$#et
"hile he u!Fips his pa!ts% Oh Mr. 9oy %cout. 3e rolls the $o!do o*er his ere$tio! a!d gaFes
do"! at e% G8 sure hope youre ready,H he breathes, a sala$ious sile a$ross his fa$e% &!d i! a
oe!t, hes filli!g e, holdi!g y "rists tightly by y side, a!d thrusti!g i!to e deeply%
8 groa!L oh yes.
GChrist, &!a% Joure so ready,H he "hispers i! *e!eratio!%
Wrappi!g y legs arou!d his "aist, 8 hold hi the o!ly "ay 8 $a! as he stays sta!di!g,
stari!g do"! at e, gray eyes glo"i!g, passio!ate a!d possessi*e% 3e starts to o*e, really o*e%
This is !ot a#i!g lo*e, this is fu$#i!g C a!d 8 lo*e it% 8 groa!% 8ts so ra", so $ar!al, a#i!g e so
"a!to!% 8 re*el i! his possessio!, his lust sla#i!g i!e% 3e o*es "ith ease, lu1uriati!g i! e,
e!@oyi!g e, his lips slightly parted as his breathi!g i!$reases%
3e t"ists his hips fro side to side, a!d the feeli!g is e1Buisite%
Oh my. 8 $lose y eyes, feeli!g the build up C that deli$ious, slo", step $libi!g build%
.ushi!g e higher, higher to the $astle i! the air% /h yesL his stro#e i!$reasi!g fra$tio!ally% 8
oa! loudly% 8 a all se!satio!L all hi, e!@oyi!g e*ery thrust, e*ery push that fills e% &!d he
pi$#s up the pa$e, thrusti!g fasterL harderL a!d y "hole body is o*i!g to his rhyth, a!d 8
$a! feel y legs stiffe!i!g, a!d y i!sides Bui*eri!g a!d Bui$#e!i!g%
GCoe o!, baby, gi*e it up for e,H he $a@oles through gritted teeth C a!d the fer*e!t !eed i!
his *oi$e C the strai! C se!ds e o*er the edge%
8 $ry out a "ordless, passio!ate plea as 8 tou$h the su! a!d bur!, falli!g arou!d hi, falli!g
do"!, ba$# to a breathless, bright suit o! Earth% 3e slas i!to e a!d stops abruptly as he
rea$hes his $lia1, pulli!g at y "rists, a!d si!#i!g gra$efully a!d "ordlessly o!to e%
#ow... that was une<pected. 8 slo"ly aterialiFe ba$# o! Earth%
GWhat the hell are you doi!g to eIH he breathes as he !uFFles y !e$#% GJou $opletely
beguile e, &!a% Jou "ea*e soe po"erful agi$%H
3e releases y "rists, a!d 8 ru! y fi!gers through his hair, $oi!g do"! fro y high% 8
tighte! y legs arou!d hi%
G8 the o!e beguiled,H 8 "hisper%
3e loo#s up, gaFi!g at e, his e1pressio! is dis$o!$erted, alared e*e!% .la$i!g his ha!ds o!
either side of y fa$e, he holds y head i! pla$e%
GJou% &re% =i!e,H he says, ea$h "ord a sta$$ato% G<o you u!dersta!dIH
3es so ear!est, so ipassio!ed C a Fealot% The for$e of his plea is so u!e1pe$ted a!d
disari!g% 8 "o!der "hy hes feeli!g li#e this%
GJes, yours,H 8 "hisper, derailed by his fer*or%
G&re you sure you ha*e to go to >eorgiaIH
8 !od slo"ly% &!d i! that brief oe!t, 8 $a! see his e1pressio! $ha!ge a!d the shutters
$oi!g do"!% &bruptly he "ithdra"s, a#i!g e "i!$e%
G&re you soreIH he as#s, lea!i!g o*er e%
G& little,H 8 $o!fess%
G8 li#e you sore%H 3is eyes solder% GDei!ds you "here 8*e bee!, a!d o!ly e%H
3e grabs y $hi! a!d #isses e roughly, the! sta!ds a!d holds his ha!d out to help e up% 8
gla!$e do"! at the foil pa$#et beside e%
G&l"ays prepared,H 8 urur%
3e loo#s at e $o!fused as he redoes his fly% 8 hold up the epty pa$#et%
G& a! $a! hope, &!astasia, drea e*e!, a!d soeties his dreas $oe true%H
3e sou!ds so odd, his eyes bur!i!g% 8 @ust do!t u!dersta!d% =y post $oital glo" is fadi!g
fast% #hat is his pro,lem.
GSo, o! your des#, thats bee! a dreaIH 8 as# dryly, tryi!g huor to lighte! the atosphere
bet"ee! us%
3e siles a! e!igati$ sile that does!t rea$h his eyes, a!d 8 #!o" iediately this is !ot
the first tie hes had se1 o! his des#% The thought is u!"el$oe% 8 sBuir u!$ofortably as y
post $oital glo" e*aporates%
G8d better go a!d ha*e a sho"er%H 8 sta!d a!d a#e to o*e past hi%
3e fro"!s a!d ru!s a ha!d through his hair%
G8*e got a $ouple ore $alls to a#e% 8ll @oi! you for brea#fast o!$e youre out of the
sho"er% 8 thi!# =rs% Jo!es has lau!dered your $lothes fro yesterday% Theyre i! the $loset%H
#hat. Whe! the hell did she do thatI JeeF, $ould she hear usI 8 flush%
GTha!# you,H 8 utter%
GJoure ost "el$oe,H he replies autoati$ally, but theres a! edge to his *oi$e%
I*m not saying than( you for fuc(ing me. &lthough, it "as *ery%%%
GWhatIH he as#s, a!d 8 realiFe 8 fro"!i!g%
GWhats "ro!gIH 8 as# softly%
GWhat do you ea!IH
GWellL youre bei!g ore "eird tha! usual%H
GJou fi!d e "eirdIH 3e tries to stifle a sile%
8 blush%
3e regards e for a oe!t, his eyes spe$ulati*e%
G&s e*er, 8 surprised by you, =iss Steele%H
GSurprised ho"IH
GLets @ust say that "as a! u!e1pe$ted treat%H
GWe ai to please, =r% >rey%H 8 $o$# y head to o!e side li#e he ofte! does to e a!d gi*e
his "ords ba$# to hi%
G&!d please e you do,H he says, but he loo#s u!easy% G8 thought you "ere goi!g to ha*e a
/h, hes disissi!g e%
GJesL u, 8ll see you i! a oe!t%H 8 s$urry out of his offi$e $opletely dubfou!ded%
3e seeed $o!fused% #hy. 8 ha*e to say as physi$al e1perie!$es go, that "as *ery
satisfyi!g% 0ut eotio!ally C "ell, 8 rattled by his rea$tio!, a!d that "as about as eotio!ally
e!ri$hi!g as $otto! $a!dy is !utritious%
=rs% Jo!es is still i! the #it$he!%
GWould you li#e your tea !o", =iss SteeleIH
G8ll ha*e a sho"er first, tha!# you,H 8 utter a!d ta#e y blaFi!g fa$e Bui$#ly out of the
8! the sho"er, 8 try to figure out "hats up "ith Christia!% 3e is the ost $opli$ated perso! 8
#!o", a!d 8 $a!!ot u!dersta!d his e*er9$ha!gi!g oods% 3e seeed fi!e "he! 8 "e!t i!to his
study% We had se1L a!d the! he "as!t% +o, 8 do!t get it% 8 loo# to y sub$o!s$ious% Shes
"histli!g "ith her ha!ds behi!d her ba$# a!d loo#i!g a!y"here but at e% She has!t got a $lue,
a!d y i!!er goddess is still bas#i!g i! a re!a!t of post9$oital glo"% +o C "ere all $lueless%
8 to"el9dry y hair, $ob it through "ith Christia!s o!e a!d o!ly hair iplee!t, a!d put
y hair up i! bu!% Eates plu dress ha!gs lau!dered a!d iro!ed i! the $loset alo!g "ith y $lea!
bra a!d pa!ties% =rs% Jo!es is a ar*el% Slippi!g o! Eates shoes, 8 straighte! y dress, ta#e a deep
breath, a!d head ba$# out to the great roo%
Christia! is still !o"here to be see!, a!d =rs% Jo!es is $he$#i!g the $o!te!ts of the pa!try%
GTea !o", =iss SteeleIH she as#s%
G.lease%H 8 sile at her% 8 feel slightly ore $o!fide!t !o" that 8 dressed%
GWould you li#e soethi!g to eatIH
G+o, tha!# you%H
G/f $ourse youll ha*e soethi!g to eat,H Christia! s!aps, glo"eri!g% GShe li#es pa!$a#es,
ba$o!, a!d eggs, =rs% Jo!es%H
GJes, =r% >rey% What "ould you li#e, sirIH
G/elet, please, a!d soe fruit%H 3e does!t ta#e his eyes off e, his e1pressio!
u!fathoable% GSit,H he orders, poi!ti!g to o!e of the bar stools%
8 oblige, a!d he sits beside e "hile =rs% Jo!es busies herself "ith brea#fast% >osh, its
u!!er*i!g ha*i!g soeo!e else liste! to our $o!*ersatio!%
G3a*e you bought your air ti$#etIH
G+o, 8ll buy it "he! 8 get hoe C o*er the 8!ter!et%H
3e lea!s o! his elbo", rubbi!g his $hi!%
G<o you ha*e the o!eyIH
Oh no.
GJes,H 8 say "ith o$# patie!$e as if 8 tal#i!g to a sall $hild%
3e raises a $e!sorious eyebro" at e% Crap.
GJes, 8 do, tha!# you,H 8 ae!d rapidly%
G8 ha*e a @et% 8ts !ot s$heduled to be used for three days, its at your disposal%H
8 gape at hi% /f $ourse he has a @et, a!d 8 ha*e to resist y bodys !atural i!$li!atio! to roll
y eyes at hi% 8 "a!t to laugh% 0ut 8 do!t, as 8 $a!t read his ood%
GWe*e already ade serious isuse of your $opa!ys a*iatio! fleet% 8 "ould!t "a!t to do
it agai!%H
G8ts y $opa!y, its y @et%H 3e sou!ds alost "ou!ded% Oh ,oys and their toys&
GTha!# you for the offer% 0ut 8d be happier ta#i!g a s$heduled flight%H
3e loo#s li#e he "a!ts to argue further but de$ides agai!st it%
G&s you "ish,H he sighs% G<o you ha*e u$h preparatio! to do for your i!ter*ie"IH
G>ood% Joure still !ot goi!g to tell e "hi$h publishi!g housesIH
3is lips $url up i! a relu$ta!t sile%
G8 a a a! of ea!s, =iss Steele%H
G8 a fully a"are of that, =r% >rey% &re you goi!g to tra$# y pho!eIH 8 as# i!!o$e!tly%
G&$tually, 8ll be Buite busy this after!oo!, so 8ll ha*e to get soeo!e else to do it%H
3e sir#s%
Is he +o(ing.
G8f you $a! spare soeo!e to do that, youre ob*iously o*erstaffed%H
G8ll se!d a! eail to the head of hua! resour$es a!d ha*e her loo# i!to our head $ou!t%H
3is lips t"it$h to hide his sile%
Oh than( the Gord he*s reco6ered his sense of humor.
=rs% Jo!es ser*es us brea#fast a!d "e eat Buietly for a fe" oe!ts% &fter $leari!g the pa!s,
ta$tfully, she heads out of the li*i!g area% 8 pee# up at hi%
GWhat it is, &!astasiaIH
GJou #!o", you !e*er did tell e "hy you do!t li#e to be tou$hed%H
3e bla!$hes, a!d his rea$tio! a#es e feel guilty for as#i!g%
G8*e told you ore tha! 8*e e*er told a!ybody%H 3is *oi$e is Buiet as he gaFes at e
&!d its $lear to e that hes !e*er $o!fided i! a!yo!e% <oes!t he ha*e a!y $lose frie!dsI
.erhaps he told =rs% Dobi!so!I 8 "a!t to as# hi, but 8 $a!t C 8 $a!t pry that i!*asi*ely% 8 sha#e
y head at the realiFatio!% 3e really is a! isla!d%
GWill you thi!# about our arra!gee!t "hile youre a"ayIH he as#s%
GWill you iss eIH
8 gaFe at hi, surprised by his Buestio!%
GJes,H 8 a!s"er ho!estly%
3o" $ould he ea! so u$h to e i! su$h a short tieI 3es got right u!der y s#i!L
literally% 3e siles a!d his eyes light up%
G8ll iss you too% =ore tha! you #!o",H he breathes%
=y heart "ars at his "ords% 3e really is tryi!g, hard% 3e ge!tly stro#es y $hee#, be!ds
do"!, a!d #isses e softly%
8t is late after!oo!, a!d 8 sit !er*ous a!d fidgeti!g i! the lobby "aiti!g for =r% J% 3yde of
Seattle 8!depe!de!t .ublishi!g% This is y se$o!d i!ter*ie" today, a!d the o!e 8 ost a!1ious
about% =y first i!ter*ie" "e!t "ell, but it "as for a larger $o!gloerate "ith offi$es based
throughout the 5S, a!d 8 "ould be o!e of a!y editorial assista!ts there% 8 $a! iagi!e bei!g
s"allo"ed up a!d spat out pretty Bui$#ly i! su$h a $orporate a$hi!e%
S8. is "here 8 "a!t to be% 8ts sall a!d u!$o!*e!tio!al, $hapio!i!g lo$al authors, a!d has
a! i!teresti!g a!d Buir#y roster of $lie!ts%
=y surrou!di!gs are sparse, but 8 thi!# its a desig! statee!t rather tha! frugality% 8 a
seated o! o!e of t"o dar# gree! $hesterfield $ou$hes ade of leather C !ot u!li#e the $ou$h that
Christia! has i! his playroo% 8 stro#e the leather appre$iati*ely a!d "o!der idly "hat Christia!
does o! that $ou$h% =y i!d "a!ders as 8 thi!# of the possibilitiesL !o C 8 ust !ot go there !o"%
8 flush at y "ay"ard a!d i!appropriate thoughts%
The re$eptio!ist is a you!g &fri$a!9&eri$a! "oa! "ith large sil*er earri!gs a!d lo!g
straighte!ed hair% She has a boheia! loo# about her, the sort of "oa! 8 $ould be frie!dly "ith%
The thought is $oforti!g% E*ery fe" oe!ts, she gla!$es at up e, a"ay fro her $oputer a!d
siles reassuri!gly% 8 te!tati*ely retur! her sile%
=y flight is boo#edP y other is i! se*e!th hea*e! that 8 a *isiti!gP 8 a pa$#ed, a!d Eate
has agreed to dri*e e to the airport% Christia! has ordered e to ta#e y 0la$#0erry a!d the =a$%
8 roll y eyes at the eory of his o*erbeari!g bossi!ess, but 8 realiFe !o" thats @ust the "ay he
is% 3e li#es $o!trol o*er e*erythi!g, i!$ludi!g e% Jet hes so u!predi$tably a!d disari!gly
agreeable too% 3e $a! be te!der, good9huored, e*e! s"eet% &!d "he! he is, its so left field a!d
u!e1pe$ted% 3e i!sisted o! a$$opa!yi!g e all the "ay do"! to y $ar i! the garage% JeeF, 8
o!ly goi!g for a fe" days, hes a$ti!g li#e 8 goi!g for "ee#s% 3e #eeps e o! the ba$# foot
G&!a SteeleIH & "oa! "ith lo!g, bla$#, pre9Daphaelite hair sta!di!g by the re$eptio! des#
distra$ts e fro y i!trospe$tio!% She has the sae boheia!, floaty loo# as the re$eptio!ist% She
$ould be i! her late thirties, aybe i! her forties% 8ts so diffi$ult to tell "ith older "oe!%
GJes,H 8 reply, sta!di!g a"#"ardly%
She gi*es e a polite sile, her $ool haFel eyes assessi!g e% 8 a "eari!g o!e of Eates
dresses, a bla$# pi!afore o*er a "hite blouse, a!d y bla$# pups% Aery i!ter*ie", 8 thi!#% =y hair
is restrai!ed i! a po!ytail, a!d for o!$e the te!drils are beha*i!g the9sel*esL she holds her ha!d
out to e%
G3ello, &!a, y !aes EliFabeth =orga!% 8 head of 3ua! Desour$es here at S8.%HG3o"
do you doIH 8 sha#e her ha!d% She loo#s *ery $asual to be the head of 3D%
G.lease follo" e%H
We go through the double doors behi!d the re$eptio! area, i!to a large brightly de$orated
ope! pla! offi$e, a!d fro there, head i!to a sall eeti!g roo% The "alls are pale gree!, li!ed
"ith pi$tures of boo# $o*ers% &t the head of the =aple"ood $o!fere!$e table sits a you!g a! "ith
red hair tied i! a po!ytail% Sall, sil*er, hooped earri!gs gli!t i! both his ears% 3e "ears a pale blue
shirt, !o tie, a!d grey fla!!el trousers% &s 8 approa$h hi, he sta!ds a!d gaFes at e "ith
fatholess dar# blue eyes%
G&!a Steele, 8 Ja$# 3yde, the $oissio!i!g editor here at S8., a!d 8 *ery pleased to
eet you%H
We sha#e ha!ds, a!d his dar# e1pressio! is u!readable, though frie!dly e!ough, 8 thi!#%
G3a*e you tra*eled farIH he as#s pleasa!tly%
G+o, 8*e re$e!tly o*ed to the .i#e Street =ar#et area%H
G/h, !ot far at all the!% .lease, ta#e a seat%H
8 sit, a!d EliFabeth ta#es a seat beside hi%
GSo "hy "ould you li#e to i!ter! for us at S8., &!aIH he as#s%
3e says y !ae softly a!d $o$#s his head to o!e side, li#e soeo!e 8 #!o" C its u!!er*i!g%
<oi!g y best to ig!ore the irratio!al "ari!ess he i!spires, 8 lau!$h i!to y $arefully prepared
spee$h, $o!s$ious that a rosy flush is spreadi!g a$ross y $hee#s% 8 loo# at both of the,
reeberi!g The Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh Su$$essful 8!ter*ie"i!g Te$h!iBue le$ture C maintain eye
contact Ana& 0oy, that "oa! $a! be bossy too, soeties% Ja$# a!d EliFabeth both liste!
GJou ha*e a *ery ipressi*e >.&% What e1tra9$urri$ular a$ti*ities did you i!dulge i! at
Indulge. 8 bli!# at hi% What a! odd $hoi$e of "ord% 8 lau!$h i!to details of y
libraria!ship at the $apus $e!tral library, a!d y o!e e1perie!$e of i!ter*ie"i!g a! obs$e!ely ri$h
despot for the stude!t agaFi!e% 8 gloss o*er the part that 8 did!t a$tually "rite the arti$le% 8
e!tio! the t"o literary so$ieties that 8 belo!ged to a!d $o!$lude "ith "or#i!g at Clayto!s a!d all
the useless #!o"ledge 8 !o" possess about hard"are a!d <8J%
They both laugh, "hi$h is the respo!se 8d hoped for% Slo"ly, 8 rela1 a!d begi! to e!@oy
Ja$# 3yde as#s sharp, i!tellige!t Buestio!s, but 8 !ot thro"! C 8 #eep up, a!d "he! "e
dis$uss y readi!g prefere!$es a!d y fa*orite boo#s, 8 thi!# 8 hold y o"!% Ja$#, o! the other
ha!d, appears to o!ly fa*or &eri$a! literature "ritte! after 1'40% +othi!g else%
+o $lassi$s 9 !ot e*e! 3e!ry Jaes or 5pto! Si!$lair or F S$ott FitFgerald% EliFabeth says
!othi!g, @ust !ods o$$asio!ally a!d ta#es !otes% Ja$#, though argue!tati*e, is $hari!g i! his "ay,
a!d y i!itial "ari!ess dissipates the lo!ger "e tal#%
G&!d "here do you see yourself i! fi*e years tieIH he as#s%
#ith Christian $rey the thought $oes i!*olu!tarily i!to y head% =y erra!t i!d a#es
e fro"!%
GCopy editi!g perhapsI =aybe a literary age!t, 8 !ot sure% 8 a ope! to opportu!ities%H3e
GAery good, &!a% 8 do!t ha*e a!y further Buestio!s% <o youIH he dire$ts his Buestio! at e%
GWhe! "ould you li#e soeo!e to startIH 8 as#%
G&s soo! as possible,H EliFabeth pipes up% GWhe! $ould you startIH
G8 a*ailable fro !e1t "ee#%H
GThats good to #!o",H Ja$# says%
G8f thats all a!yo!e has to say,H EliFabeth gla!$es at the t"o of us, G8 thi!# that $o!$ludes the
i!ter*ie"%H She siles #i!dly%
G8ts bee! a pleasure to eet you, &!a,H Ja$# says softly as he ta#es y ha!d% 3e sBueeFes it
ge!tly, so that 8 bli!# up at hi as 8 say goodbye%
8 feel u!settled as 8 a#e y "ay to y $ar, though 8 !ot sure "hy% 8 thi!# the i!ter*ie"
"e!t "ell, but its so hard to say% 8!ter*ie"s see su$h artifi$ial situatio!s, e*eryo!e o! their best
beha*ior tryi!g desperately to hide behi!d a professio!al faNO221Pade% <id y fa$e fitI 8 shall ha*e
to "ait a!d see%
8 $lib i!to y &udi &2 a!d head ba$# to the aparte!t, though 8 ta#e e tie% 8 o! the
red9eye "ith a stopo*er i! &tla!ta, but y flight does!t lea*e u!til 10:24 this e*e!i!g, so 8 ha*e
ple!ty of tie%
Eate is u!pa$#i!g bo1es i! the #it$he! "he! 8 retur!%
G3o" did they goIH she as#s, e1$ited% /!ly Eate $a! loo# gorgeous i! a! o*ersiFed shirt,
tattered @ea!s, a!d a dar# blue ba!da!a%
G>ood, tha!#s, Eate% +ot sure this outfit "as $ool e!ough for the se$o!d i!ter*ie"%H
G0oho $hi$ ight ha*e do!e it%H
Eate raises a! eyebro"%
GJou a!d boho $hi$%H She $o$#s her head to o!e side 9 >ahK Why is e*eryo!e rei!di!g e
of y fa*orite Fifty ShadesI G&$tually, &!a, youre o!e of the fe" people "ho $ould really pull
that loo# off%H
8 gri!%
G8 really li#ed the se$o!d pla$e% 8 thi!# 8 $ould fit i! there% The guy "ho i!ter*ie"ed e "as
u!!er*i!g though,H 8 trail off C shit 8 tal#i!g to foghor! Ea*a!agh here% %hut up Ana&
G/hIH The Eatheri!e Ea*a!agh radar for a! i!teresti!g tidbit of i!foratio! s"oops i!to
a$tio! C a tidbit that "ill o!ly resurfa$e at soe i!opportu!e a!d ebarrassi!g oe!t, "hi$h
rei!ds e%
G8!$ide!tally C "ill you please stop "i!di!g Christia! upI Jour $oe!t about JosNO222P at
di!!er yesterday "as out of li!e% 3es a @ealous guy% 8t does!t do a!y good, you #!o"%H
GLoo#, if he "as!t Elliots brother 8d ha*e said a lot "orse% 3es a real $o!trol frea#%
8 do!t #!o" ho" you sta!d it% 8 "as tryi!g to a#e hi @ealous C gi*e hi a little help "ith
his $oite!t issues%H She holds her ha!ds up defe!si*ely% G0ut C if you do!t "a!t e to
i!terfere, 8 "o!t,H she says hastily at y s$o"l%
G>ood% Life "ith Christia! is $opli$ated e!ough, trust e%H
=ee: I sound li(e him.
G&!a,H she pauses stari!g at e% GJoure o#ay, are!t youI Joure !ot ru!!i!g to your
others to es$apeIH
8 flush%
G+o Eate% 8t "as you "ho said 8 !eeded a brea#%H
She $loses the dista!$e bet"ee! us a!d ta#es y ha!ds C a ost u!9Eate thi!g to do%
Oh no L tears threate!%
GJoure @ust, 8 do!t #!o"L differe!t% 8 hope youre o#ay, a!d "hate*er issues youre ha*i!g
"ith =r% =o!eybags, you $a! tal# to e% &!d 8 "ill try !ot to "i!d hi up, though fra!#ly its li#e
shooti!g fish i! a barrel "ith hi% Loo#, &!a, if soethi!gs "ro!g, you "ill tell e, 8 "o!t @udge%
8ll try to u!dersta!d%H
8 bli!# ba$# tears%
G/h, Eate%H 8 hug her% G8 thi!# 8*e really falle! for hi%H
G&!a, a!yo!e $a! see that% &!d hes falle! for you% 3es ad about you% Wo!t ta#e his eyes
off you%H
8 laugh u!$ertai!ly%
G<o you thi!# soIH
G3as!t he told youIH
G+ot i! so a!y "ords%H
G3a*e you told hiIH
G+ot i! so a!y "ords%H 8 shrug apologeti$ally%
G&!aK Soeo!e has to a#e the first o*e, other"ise youll !e*er get a!y"here%H
#hat0 tell him how I feel.
G8 @ust afraid 8ll frighte! hi a"ay%H
G&!d ho" do you #!o" hes !ot feeli!g the saeIH
GChristia!, afraidI 8 $a!t iagi!e hi bei!g frighte!ed of a!ythi!g%H 0ut as 8 say the "ords, 8
iagi!e hi as a sall $hild% =aybe fear "as all he #!e" the!% Sorro" grips a!d sBueeFes y heart
at the thought%
Eate gaFes at e "ith pursed lips a!d !arro"ed eyes, rather li#e y sub$o!s$ious C all she
!eeds is the half9oo! spe$s%
GJou t"o !eed to sit do"! a!d tal# to ea$h other%H
GWe ha*e!t bee! doi!g u$h tal#i!g lately%H 8 flush% /ther stuff% +o!9*erbal $ou!i$atio!
a!d thats o#ay% Well, u$h ore tha! o#ay%
She gri!s%
GThatll be the se1i!gK 8f thats goi!g "ell, the! thats half the battle &!a% 8ll grab soe
Chi!ese ta#e9out% &re you ready to goIH
G8 "ill be C "e do!t ha*e to lea*e for a $ouple of hours or so%H
G+o C 8ll see you i! t"e!ty%H She grabs her @a$#et a!d lea*es, forgetti!g to $lose the door% 8
shut it behi!d her a!d head off to y bedroo ulli!g o*er her "ords%
8s Christia! afraid of his feeli!gs for eI <oes he e*e! ha*e feeli!gs for eI 3e sees *ery
#ee!, says 8 his C but thats @ust part of his 89ust9o"!9a!d9ha*e9e*erythi!g9!o" C $o!trol9frea#
doi!a!t self, surely% 8 realiFe that "hile 8 a"ay, 8 "ill ha*e to ru! through all our $o!*ersatio!s
agai! a!d see if 8 $a! pi$# out telltale sig!s%
I*ll miss you too0 more than you (now...
)ou*6e completely ,eguiled me0
8 sha#e y head% 8 do!t "a!t to thi!# about it !o"% 8 a $hargi!g the 0la$#0erry, so 8
ha*e!t had it "ith e all after!oo!% 8 approa$h it "ith $autio!, a!d 8 disappoi!ted that there are
!o essages% 8 s"it$h o! the ea! a$hi!e, a!d there are !o essages there either% %ame email
address Ana C y sub$o!s$ious rolls her eyes at e, a!d for the first tie, 8 u!dersta!d "hy
Christia! "a!ts to spa!# e "he! 8 do that%
/#ay% Well, 8ll "rite hi a! eail%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: 8!ter*ie"s
"ate: =ay 20 2011 1):S'
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear Sir
=y i!ter*ie"s "e!t "ell today%
Thought you ight be i!terested%
3o" "as your dayI
8 sit a!d glare at the s$ree!% Christia!s respo!ses are usually i!sta!ta!eous% 8 "aitL a!d "ait,
a!d fi!ally 8 hear the "el$oe pi!g fro y i!bo1%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: =y day
"ate: =ay 20 2011 1':02
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
E*erythi!g you do i!terests e, you are the ost fas$i!ati!g "oa! 8 #!o"%
8 glad your i!ter*ie"s "e!t "ell%
=y or!i!g "as beyo!d all e1pe$tatio!s%
=y after!oo! "as *ery dull i! $opariso!%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Fi!e =or!i!g
"ate: =ay 20 2011 1':04
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear Sir
The or!i!g "as e1eplary for e too, i! spite of you "eirdi!g out o! e after the
ipe$$able des# se1% <o!t thi!# 8 did!t !oti$e%
Tha!# you for brea#fast% /r tha!# =rs% Jo!es%
8d li#e to as# you Buestio!s about her C "ithout you "eirdi!g out o! e agai!%
=y fi!ger ho*ers o*er the se!d butto!, a!d 8 a reassured that 8ll be o! the other side of the
$o!ti!e!t this tie toorro"%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: .ublishi!g a!d JouI
"ate: =ay 20 2011 1':10
$o: &!astasia Steele
MWeirdi!g is !ot a *erb a!d should !ot be used by a!yo!e "ho "a!ts to go i!to publishi!g%
8pe$$ableI Copared to "hat, pray tellI &!d "hat do you !eed to as# about =rs%
Jo!esI 8 i!trigued%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Jou a!d =rs% Jo!es
"ate: =ay 20 2011 1':17
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear Sir
La!guage e*ol*es a!d o*es o!% 8t is a! orga!i$ thi!g% 8t is !ot stu$# i! a! i*ory to"er, hu!g
"ith e1pe!si*e "or#s of art a!d o*erloo#i!g ost of Seattle "ith a helipad stu$# o! its roof%
8pe$$able C $opared to the other ties "e ha*eL "hats your "ordL oh yesL
fu$#ed% &$tually the fu$#i!g has bee! pretty ipe$$able, period, i! y huble opi!io! C
but the! as you #!o" 8 ha*e *ery liited e1perie!$e%
8s =rs% Jo!es a! e19sub of yoursI
=y fi!ger ho*ers o!$e ore o*er the se!d butto!, a!d 8 press it%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: La!guage% Wat$h Jour =outhK
"ate: =ay 20 2011 1':22
$o: &!astasia Steele
=rs% Jo!es is a *alued eployee% 8 ha*e !e*er had a!y relatio!ship "ith her beyo!d our
professio!al o!e% 8 do !ot eploy a!yo!e 8*e had a!y se1ual relatio!s "ith% 8 a sho$#ed that you
"ould thi!# so% The o!ly perso! 8 "ould a#e a! e1$eptio! to this rule is you C be$ause you are a
bright you!g "oa! "ith rear#able !egotiati!g s#ills%
Though, if you $o!ti!ue to use su$h la!guage, 8 ay ha*e to re$o!sider ta#i!g you o! here% 8
a glad you ha*e liited e1perie!$e% Jour e1perie!$e "ill $o!ti!ue to be liited
C @ust to e% 8 shall ta#e ipe$$able as a $oplie!t C though "ith you, 8 !e*er sure if
thats "hat you ea!, or if your se!se of iro!y is getti!g the better of you C as usual%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$% Fro 3is 8*ory To"er
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: +ot for all the Tea i! Chi!a
"ate: =ay 20 2011 1':27
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear =r% >rey
8 thi!# 8 ha*e already e1pressed y reser*atio!s about "or#i!g for your $opa!y% =y *ie"s
o! this ha*e !ot $ha!ged, are !ot $ha!gi!g, a!d "ill !ot $ha!ge, e*er% 8 ust lea*e you !o" as Eate
has retur!ed "ith food% =y se!se of iro!y a!d 8, bid you good!ight%
8 "ill $o!ta$t you o!$e 8 i! >eorgia%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: E*e! T"i!i!gs E!glish 0rea#fast TeaI
"ate: =ay 20 2011 1':2'
$o: &!astasia Steele
>ood!ight &!astasia%
8 hope you a!d your se!se of iro!y ha*e a safe flight%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
Eate a!d 8 pull up outside the drop9off area at Sea9Ta$ &irport teri!al% Lea!i!g a$ross, she
hugs e%
GE!@oy 0arbados, Eate% 3a*e a "o!derful holiday%H
G8ll see you "he! 8 get ba$#% <o!t let old o!eybags gri!d you do"!%H
G8 "o!t%H
We hug agai! C a!d the! 8 o! y o"!% 8 head o*er to $he$#9i! a!d sta!d i! li!e, "aiti!g
"ith y $arry9o! luggage% 8 ha*e!t bothered "ith a suit$ase, @ust a sart ru$#sa$# that Day ga*e
e for y last birthday%
GTi$#et pleaseIH The bored you!g a! behi!d the des# holds up his ha!d "ithout loo#i!g at
=irrori!g his boredo, 8 ha!d o*er y ti$#et a!d y dri*ers li$e!se as 8<% 8 a hopi!g for a
"i!do" seat if at all possible%
G/#ay, =iss Steele% Jou*e bee! upgraded to first $lass%H
G=aa, if youd li#e to go through to the first $lass lou!ge a!d a"ait your flight there%H 3e
sees to ha*e "o#e! up a!d is beai!g at e li#e 8 the Christas Fairy a!d the Easter 0u!!y
rolled i!to o!e%
GSurely theres soe ista#e%H
G+o, !o%H 3e $he$#s his $oputer s$ree! agai!% G&!astasia Steele C upgrade%H 3e sipers at
5gh. 8 !arro" y eyes% 3e ha!ds e y boardi!g pass, a!d 8 head to"ards the first $lass
lou!ge utteri!g u!der y breath% <a! Christia! >rey, i!terferi!g $o!trol frea# C
he @ust $a!t lea*e "ell e!ough alo!e%
8 a a!i$ured, assaged, a!d 8*e had t"o glasses of $hapag!e% The First Class lou!ge
has a!y redeei!g features% With ea$h sip of =oet, 8 feel slightly ore i!$li!ed to forgi*e
Christia! a!d his i!ter*e!tio!% 8 ope! up y =a$0oo#, hopi!g to test the theory that it "or#s
a!y"here o! the pla!et%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: /*er9E1tra*aga!t >estures
"ate: =ay 20 2011 21:42
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear =r% >rey
What really alars e is ho" you #!e" "hi$h flight 8 "as o!%
Jour stal#i!g #!o"s !o bou!ds% Lets hope that <r% Fly!! is ba$# fro *a$atio!%
8 ha*e had a a!i$ure, a ba$# assage, a!d t"o glasses of $hapag!e C a *ery !i$e start to
y *a$atio!%
Tha!# you%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Joure =ost Wel$oe
"ate: =ay 20 2011 21:4'
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
<r% Fly!! is ba$#, a!d 8 ha*e a! appoi!te!t this "ee#%
Who "as assagi!g your ba$#I
Christia! >rey
CE/ "ith frie!ds i! the right pla$es, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
&haK .ay ba$# tie% /ur flight has bee! $alled so 8 shall eail hi fro the pla!e% 8t "ill be
safer% 8 alost hug yself "ith is$hie*ous glee%
There is so u$h roo i! first $lass% Chapag!e $o$#tail i! ha!d, 8 settle yself i!to the
suptuous leather "i!do" seat as the $abi! slo"ly fills% 8 $all Day to tell hi "here 8 a
C a er$ifully brief $all, as its so late for hi%
GLo*e you, <ad,H 8 urur%
GJou too, &!!ie% Say hi to your o% >ood!ight%H
G>ood!ight%H 8 ha!g up%
Day is i! good for% 8 stare at y =a$ a!d "ith the sae $hildish glee buildi!g%
/pe!i!g y laptop, 8 log i!to the eail progra%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Stro!g &ble 3a!ds
"ate: =ay 20 2011 22:22
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear Sir
& *ery pleasa!t you!g a! assaged y ba$#% Jes% Aery pleasa!t i!deed% 8 "ould!t ha*e
e!$ou!tered Jea!9.aul i! the ordi!ary departure lou!ge C so tha!# you agai! for that treat% 8 !ot
sure if 8ll be allo"ed to eail o!$e "e ta#e off, a!d 8 !eed y beauty sleep si!$e 8*e !ot bee!
sleepi!g so "ell re$e!tly%
.leasa!t dreas =r% >reyL thi!#i!g of you%
/h, hes goi!g to flip out C a!d 8 shall be airbor!e a!d out of rea$h% Ser*es hi right%
8f 8d bee! i! the ordi!ary departure lou!ge the! Jea!9.aul "ould!t ha*e gotte! his ha!ds o!
e% 3e "as a *ery !i$e you!g a!, i! a blo!de, pera9ta!!ed "ay C ho!estly, "ho has a ta! i!
SeattleI 8ts @ust so "ro!g% 8 thi!# he "as gay C but 8ll @ust #eep that detail to yself% 8 stare at y
eail% Eate is right% 8t is li#e shooti!g fish i! a barrel "ith hi% =y sub$o!s$ious stares at e "ith
a! ugly t"ist to her outh C do you really want to wind him up. What hes do!e is s"eet, you
#!o"K 3e $ares about you a!d "a!ts you to tra*el i!
style% Jes, but he $ould ha*e as#ed e or told e% +ot ade e loo# li#e a $oplete #lutF at
$he$#9i!% 8 press se!d a!d "ait, feeli!g li#e a *ery !aughty girl%
G=iss Steele, youll !eed to sto" your laptop for ta#e9off,H the o*er9ade9up flight atte!da!t
says politely% She a#es e @up% =y guilty $o!s$ie!$e is at "or#%
G/h, sorry%H
Crap. +o" 8ll ha*e to "ait to #!o" if hes replied% She ha!ds e a soft bla!#et a!d pillo",
sho"i!g her perfe$t teeth% 8 drape the bla!#et o*er y #!ees% 8ts !i$e to feel ol9ly$oddled
The $abi! has filled up, e1$ept for the seat beside e "hi$h is still u!o$$upied% Oh no L a
disturbi!g thought $rosses y i!d% /erhaps the seat is Christian*s. /h shitL
!oL he "ould!t do that% Would heI 8 told hi 8 did!t "a!t hi to $oe "ith e% 8 gla!$e
a!1iously at y "at$h a!d the! the disebodied *oi$e fro the flight de$# a!!ou!$es,
GCabi! $re", doors to autoati$ a!d $ross $he$#%H
What does that ea!I &re they $losi!g the doorsI =y s$alp pri$#les as 8 sit i! palpitati!g
a!ti$ipatio!% The seat !e1t to e is the o!ly u!o$$upied o!e i! the si1tee!9seat $abi!% The pla!e
@olts as it pulls a"ay fro its sta!d, a!d 8 breathe a sigh of relief but feel a fai!t ti!gle of
disappoi!te!t tooL !o Christia! for four days% 8 ta#e a s!ea# pee# at y 0la$#0erry%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: E!@oy it While Jou Ca!
"ate: =ay 20 2011 22:24
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
8 #!o" "hat youre tryi!g to do C a!d trust e C you*e su$$eeded% +e1t tie youll be i! the
$argo hold, bou!d a!d gagged i! a $rate% 0elie*e e "he! 8 say that atte!di!g to you i! that state
"ill gi*e e so u$h ore pleasure tha! erely upgradi!g your ti$#et%
8 loo# for"ard to your retur!%
Christia! >rey
.al9T"it$hi!g CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
7oly crap. Thats the proble "ith Christia!s huor C 8 $a! be !e*er be sure if hes @o#i!g
or if hes seriously a!gry% 8 suspe$t o! this o$$asio! hes seriously a!gry% Surreptitiously, so the
flight atte!da!t $a!t see, 8 type a reply u!der the bla!#et%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Jo#i!gI
"ate: =ay 20 2011 22:20
$o: Christia! >rey
Jou see C 8 ha*e !o idea if youre @o#i!g C a!d if youre !ot C the! 8 thi!# 8ll stay i! >eorgia%
Crates are a hard liit for e% Sorry 8 ade you ad% Tell e you forgi*e e%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Jo#i!g
"ate: =ay 20 2011 22:21
$o: &!astasia Steele
3o" $a! you be eaili!gI &re you ris#i!g the life of e*eryo!e o! board, i!$ludi!g yourself,
by usi!g your 0la$#0erryI 8 thi!# that $o!tra*e!es o!e of the rules%
Christia! >rey
T"o .als T"it$hi!g CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
1wo palms& 8 put y 0la$#0erry a"ay, sit ba$# "hile the pla!e ta1is to the ru!"ay, a!d pull
out y tattered $opy of Tess C soe light readi!g for the @our!ey% /!$e "ere airbor!e, 8 tip y seat
ba$#, a!d soo! 8 drifti!g off to sleep%
The flight atte!da!t "a#es e as "e start our des$e!t i!to &tla!ta% Lo$al tie is 4:S4
a%%, but 8*e o!ly had four hours sleep or soL 8 feel groggy, but grateful for the glass of
ora!ge @ui$e she ha!ds e% 8 gla!$e !er*ously at y 0la$#0erry% There are !o further eails fro
Christia!% Well, its !early three i! the or!i!g i! Seattle, a!d he probably "a!ts to dis$ourage e
fro s$re"i!g up the a*io!i$s syste, or "hate*er pre*e!ts pla!es fro flyi!g if obile pho!es are
s"it$hed o!%
The "ait i! &tla!ta is o!ly a! hour% &!d agai! 8 lu1uriati!g i! the $o!fi!es of the first $lass
lou!ge% 8 a tepted to $url up a!d go to sleep o! o!e of the plush, i!*iti!g $ou$hes that si!# softly
u!der y "eight% 0ut it "ill @ust !ot be lo!g e!ough% To #eep yself a"a#e, 8 start a lo!g stea of
$o!s$ious!ess to Christia! o! y laptop%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: <o you li#e to s$are eI
"ate: =ay 21 2011 0(:42 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
Jou #!o" ho" u$h 8 disli#e you spe!di!g o!ey o! e% Jes, youre *ery ri$h, but still it
a#es e u!$ofortable, li#e youre payi!g e for se1% 3o"e*er, 8 li#e tra*eli!g first $lass, its so
u$h ore $i*iliFed tha! $oa$h% So tha!# you% 8 ea! it C a!d 8 did e!@oy the assage fro Jea!
.aul% 3e "as *ery gay% 8 oitted that bit i! y eail to you to "i!d you up, be$ause 8 "as a!!oyed
"ith you, a!d 8 sorry about that%
0ut as usual you o*errea$t% Jou $a!t "rite thi!gs li#e that to e C bou!d a!d gagged i! a
$rate C ,Were you serious or "as it a @o#eI- That s$ares eL you s$are eL 8 a $opletely
$aught up i! your spell, $o!sideri!g a lifestyle "ith you that 8 did!t e*e! #!o" e1isted u!til last
Saturday "ee#, a!d the! you "rite soethi!g li#e that a!d 8 "a!t to ru! s$reai!g i!to the hills% 8
"o!t, of $ourse, be$ause 8d iss you% Deally iss you% 8 "a!t us to "or#, but 8 a terrified of the
depth of feeli!g 8 ha*e for you a!d the dar# path youre leadi!g e do"!% What you are offeri!g is
eroti$ a!d se1y, a!d 8 $urious, but 8 also s$ared youll hurt e C physi$ally a!d eotio!ally%
&fter three o!ths you $ould say goodbye, a!d "here "ill that lea*e e if you doI 0ut the! 8
suppose that ris# is there i! a!y relatio!ship% This @ust is!t the sort of relatio!ship 8 e*er e!*isaged
ha*i!g, espe$ially as y first% 8ts a huge leap of faith for e%
Jou "ere right "he! you said 8 did!t ha*e a subissi*e bo!e i! y bodyL a!d 8 agree "ith
you !o"% 3a*i!g said that, 8 "a!t to be "ith you, a!d if thats "hat 8 ha*e to do, 8 "ould li#e to try,
but 8 thi!# 8ll su$# at it a!d e!d up bla$# a!d blue C a!d 8 do!t relish that idea at all%
8 a so happy that you ha*e said that you "ill try ore% 8 @ust !eed to thi!# about "hat
More ea!s to e, a!d thats o!e of the reaso!s "hy 8 "a!ted soe dista!$e% Jou daFFle e
so u$h 8 fi!d it *ery diffi$ult to thi!# $learly "he! "ere together%
They are $alli!g y flight% 8 ha*e to go%
=ore later
Jour &!a
8 press se!d a!d a#e y "ay sleepily to the departure gate to board a differe!t pla!e%
This o!e has o!ly si1 seats i! first $lass, a!d o!$e "e are i! the air, 8 $url up u!der y soft
bla!#et a!d fall asleep%
&ll too soo!, 8 "o#e! by the flight atte!da!t offeri!g e ore ora!ge @ui$e as "e begi!
our approa$h to Sa*a!!ah 8!ter!atio!al% 8 sip slo"ly, beyo!d fatigued, a!d 8 allo" yself to feel a
odi$u of e1$itee!t% 8 goi!g to see y other for the first tie i! si1 o!ths% S!ea#i!g
a!other $o*ert loo# at y 0la$#0erry, 8 reeber *aguely that 8 se!t a lo!g rabli!g eail to
Christia! C but theres !othi!g i! respo!se% 8ts fi*e i! the or!i!g i! Seattle C hopefully hes still
asleep a!d !ot up playi!g our!ful lae!ts o! his pia!o%
The beauty of $arry9o! ru$#sa$#s is that o!e $a! breeFe out of the airport a!d !ot "ait
e!dlessly for baggage at the $arousels% The beauty of tra*eli!g first $lass is that they let you off the
pla!e first%
=y o is "aiti!g "ith 0ob, a!d it is so good to see the% 8 do!t #!o" if its be$ause of
e1haustio!, the lo!g @our!ey, or the "hole Christia! situatio!, but as soo! as 8 i! y others
ars, 8 burst i!to tears%
G/h &!a, ho!ey% Jou ust be so tired%H She gla!$es a!1iously at 0ob%
G+o =o, its @ust C 8 so pleased to see you%H 8 hug her tightly%
She feels so good a!d "el$oi!g a!d hoe% Delu$ta!tly, 8 reli!Buish her, a!d 0ob gi*es e
a! a"#"ard o!e9ared hug% 3e sees u!steady o! his feet, a!d 8 reeber that hes hurt his leg%
GWel$oe ba$#, &!a% Why you $ryi!IH he as#s%
G&", 0ob, 8 @ust pleased to see you too%H 8 stare up i!to his ha!dsoe sBuare9@a"ed fa$e,
a!d his t"i!#li!g blue eyes that gaFe at e fo!dly% 8 li#e this husba!d, =o% Jou $a! #eep hi% 3e
ta#es y ba$#pa$#%
GJeeF, &!a, "hat ha*e you got i! hereIH
That "ill be the =a$, a!d they both put their ars arou!d e as "e head for the par#i!g lot%
8 al"ays forget ho" u!bearably hot it is i! Sa*a!!ah% Lea*i!g the $ool air9$o!ditio!ed
$o!fi!es of the arri*al teri!al, "e step i!to the >eorgia heat li#e "ere "eari!g it% #hoa&
8t saps e*erythi!g% 8 ha*e to struggle out of =o a!d 0obs ebra$e so 8 $a! reo*e y
hoodie% 8 a so glad 8 pa$#ed shorts% 8 iss the dry heat of Aegas soeties, "here 8 li*ed "ith
=o a!d 0ob "he! 8 "as se*e!tee!, but this "et heat, e*e! at ):20 i! the or!i!g, ta#es soe
getti!g used to% 0y the tie 8 i! the ba$# of 0obs "o!derfully air9$o!ditio!ed Tahoe S5A, 8 feel
lip, a!d y hair has started a friFFy protest at the heat%
8! the ba$# of the S5A 8 Bui$#ly te1t Day, Eate, a!d Christia!:
*Arrived Safely in Savanna!4 A :7*
=y thoughts stray briefly to JosNO222P as 8 press se!d, a!d through the fog of y fatigue, 8
reeber that its his sho" !e1t "ee#% Should 8 i!*ite Christia! #!o"i!g ho" he feels about
JosNO222PI Will Christia! still "a!t to see e after that eailI 8 shudder at the thought, a!d the!
put it out of y i!d% 8ll deal "ith that later% Dight !o" 8 a goi!g to e!@oy y os $opa!y%
G3o!ey, you ust be tired% Would you li#e to sleep "he! "e get hoeIH
G+o, =o% 8d li#e to go to the bea$h%H
8 a i! y blue halter !e$# ta!#i!i, sippi!g a <iet Co#e, o! a su! bed fa$i!g the &tla!ti$
/$ea!, a!d to thi!# that o!ly yesterday 8 "as stari!g out at the Sou!d to"ard the .a$ifi$%
=y other lou!ges beside e i! a ridi$ulously large floppy su! hat a!d Ja$#ie / shades,
sippi!g a Co#e of her o"!% We are o! Tybee 8sla!d 0ea$h, @ust three blo$#s fro hoe%
She holds y ha!d% =y fatigue has "a!ed, a!d as 8 soa# up the su!, 8 feel $ofortable, safe,
a!d "ar% For the first tie i! fore*er, 8 start to rela1%
GSo &!aL tell e about this a! "ho has you i! su$h a spi!%H
%pin& 3o" $a! she tellI What to sayI 8 $a!t tal# about Christia! i! a!y great detail be$ause
of the +<&, but e*e! the!, "ould 8 $hoose to tal# to y other about itI 8 bla!$h at the thought%
GWellIH she propts a!d sBueeFes y ha!d%
G3is !aes Christia!% 3es beyo!d ha!dsoe% 3es "ealthyL too "ealthy% 3es *ery
$opli$ated a!d er$urial%H
Jes C 8 feel i!ordi!ately pleased "ith y $o!$ise, a$$urate suary% 8 tur! o! y side to fa$e
her, @ust as she a#es the sae o*e% She gaFes at e "ith her $rystal9$lear blue eyes%
GCopli$ated a!d er$urial are the t"o pie$es of i!foratio! 8 "a!t to $o!$e!trate o!, &!a%H
Oh no0
G/h, =o, his ood9s"i!gs a#e e diFFy% 3es had a gri upbri!gi!g, so hes *ery $losed,
diffi$ult to gauge%H
G<o you li#e hiIH
G8 ore tha! li#e hi%H
GDeallyIH She gapes at e%
GJes, =o%H
G=e! are!t really $opli$ated, &!a, ho!ey% They are *ery siple, literal $reatures%
They usually ea! "hat they say% &!d "e spe!d hours tryi!g to a!alyFe "hat they*e said
C "he! really its ob*ious% 8f 8 "ere you, 8d ta#e hi literally% That ight help%H
8 gape at her% This sou!ds li#e good ad*i$e% Ta#e Christia! literally% 8ediately soe of the
thi!gs hes said spri!g i!to y i!d%
I don*t want to lose you0
)ou*6e ,ewitched me0
)ou*6e completely ,eguiled me0
I*ll miss you too0 more than you (now...
8 gaFe at y o% She is o! her fourth arriage% =aybe she does #!o" soethi!g about
e! after all%
G=ost e! are oody darli!g, soe ore tha! others% Ta#e your father for i!sta!$eL,H 3er
eyes softe! a!d sadde! "he!e*er she thi!#s of y dad% =y real dad, this ythi$al a! 8 !e*er
#!e", s!at$hed so $ruelly fro us i! a $obat trai!i!g a$$ide!t "he! he "as a ari!e% .art of e
thi!#s y o has bee! loo#i!g for soeo!e li#e y dad all this tieL aybe shes fi!ally fou!d
"hat shes loo#i!g for i! 0ob% .ity she $ould!t fi!d it "ith Day%
G8 used to thi!# your father "as oody% 0ut !o" "he! 8 loo# ba$#, 8 @ust thi!# he "as too
$aught up i! his @ob a!d tryi!g to a#e a life for us%H She sighs% G3e "as so you!g, "e both "ere%
=aybe that "as the issue%H
3L Christia! is !ot e1a$tly old% 8 sile fo!dly at her% She $a! be$oe *ery soulful
thi!#i!g about y father, but 8 sure he had !othi!g o! Christia!s oods%
G0ob "a!ts to ta#e us out to!ight for di!!er% To his golf $lub%H
G/h !oK 0obs started playi!g golfIH 8 s$off i! disbelief%
GTell e about it,H groa!s y other, rolli!g her eyes%
&fter a light lu!$h ba$# at the house, 8 start to u!pa$#% 8 a goi!g to treat yself to a si9esta%
=y other has disappeared to old soe $a!dles or "hate*er she does "ith the, a!d 0ob is at
"or#, so 8 ha*e tie to $at$h up o! soe sleep% 8 ope! the =a$ a!d fire it up%
8ts t"o i! the after!oo! i! >eorgia, ele*e! i! the or!i!g i! Seattle% 8 "o!der if 8 ha*e a
reply fro Christia!% +er*ously, 8 log i!to the eail progra%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Fi!allyK
"ate: =ay 21 2011 07:20
$o: &!astasia Steele
8 a a!!oyed that as soo! as you put soe dista!$e bet"ee! us, you $ou!i$ate ope!ly a!d
ho!estly "ith e% Why $a!t you do that "he! "ere togetherI
Jes, 8 ri$h% >et used to it% Why should!t 8 spe!d o!ey o! youI We*e told your father
8 your boyfrie!d, for hea*e!s sa#e% 8s!t that "hat boyfrie!ds doI &s your <o, 8 "ould e1pe$t
you to a$$ept "hate*er 8 spe!d o! you "ith !o argue!t% 8!$ide!tally, tell your other too%
8 do!t #!o" ho" to a!s"er your $oe!t about feeli!g li#e a "hore% 8 #!o" thats !ot "hat
you*e "ritte!, but its "hat you iply% 8 do!t #!o" "hat 8 $a! say or do to eradi$ate these
feeli!gs% 8d li#e you to ha*e the best of e*erythi!g% 8 "or# e1$eptio!ally hard, so 8 $a! spe!d y
o!ey as 8 see fit% 8 $ould buy you your hearts desire, &!astasia, a!d 8 "a!t to% Call it
redistributio! of "ealth if you "ill% /r siply #!o" that 8 "ould !ot, $ould !ot e*er thi!# of you i!
the "ay you des$ribed, a!d 8 a!gry thats ho" you per$ei*e yourself% For su$h a bright, "itty,
beautiful you!g "oa! you ha*e soe real self9estee issues, a!d 8 ha*e a half a i!d to a#e a!
appoi!te!t for you "ith <r% Fly!!%
8 apologiFe for frighte!i!g you% 8 fi!d the thought of i!stilli!g fear i! you abhorre!t% <o you
really thi!# 8d let you tra*el i! the holdI 8 offered you y pri*ate @et for hea*e!s sa#e% Jes it "as a
@o#e, a poor o!e ob*iously% 3o"e*er, the fa$t is C the thought of you bou!d a!d gagged tur!s e o!
,this is !ot a @o#e C its true-% 8 $a! lose the $rate C $rates do !othi!g for e% 8 #!o" you ha*e issues
"ith gaggi!g, "e*e tal#ed about that a!d if?
"he! 8 do gag you, "ell dis$uss it% What 8 thi!# you fail to realiFe is that i! <o?sub
relatio!ships it is the sub that has all the po"er% Thats you% 8ll repeat this C you are the o!e "ith all
the po"er% +ot 8% 8! the boathouse you said !o% 8 $a!t tou$h you if you say !o C thats "hy "e ha*e
a! agreee!t C "hat you "ill a!d "o!t do% 8f "e try thi!gs a!d you do!t li#e the, "e $a! re*ise
the agreee!t% 8ts up to you C !ot e% &!d if you do!t "a!t to be bou!d a!d gagged i! a $rate,
the! it "o!t happe!%
8 "a!t to share y lifestyle "ith you% 8 ha*e !e*er "a!ted a!ythi!g so u$h% Fra!#ly 8 i!
a"e of you, that o!e so i!!o$e!t "ould be "illi!g to try% That says ore to e tha! you $ould e*er
#!o"% Jou fail to see 8 a $aught i! your spell, too, e*e! though 8 ha*e told you this $ou!tless
ties% 8 do!t "a!t to lose you% 8 a !er*ous that you*e flo"! three thousa!d iles to get a"ay
fro e for a fe" days, be$ause you $a!t thi!# $learly arou!d e% 8ts the sae for e &!astasia%
=y reaso! *a!ishes "he! "ere together C
thats the depth of y feeli!g for you%
8 u!dersta!d your trepidatio!% 8 did try to stay a"ay fro youP 8 #!e" you "ere
i!e1perie!$ed, though 8 "ould !e*er ha*e pursued you if 8 had #!o"! e1a$tly ho" i!!o$e!t you
"ere C a!d yet you still a!age to disar e $opletely i! a "ay that !obody has before% Jour
eail for e1aple: 8 ha*e read a!d re9read it $ou!tless ties tryi!g to u!dersta!d your poi!t of
*ie"% Three o!ths is a! arbitrary aou!t of tie% We $ould a#e it si1 o!ths, a yearI 3o" lo!g
do you "a!t it to beI What "ould a#e you $ofortableI
Tell e%
8 u!dersta!d that this is a huge leap of faith for you% 8 ha*e to ear! your trust, but by the sae
to#e!, you ha*e to $ou!i$ate "ith e "he! 8 a faili!g to do this% Jou see so stro!g a!d self9
$o!tai!ed, a!d the! 8 read "hat you*e "ritte! here, a!d 8 see a!other side to you% We ha*e to guide
ea$h other &!astasia, a!d 8 $a! o!ly ta#e y $ues fro you% Jou ha*e to be ho!est "ith e, a!d "e
ha*e to both fi!d a "ay to a#e this arra!gee!t "or#%
Jou "orry about !ot bei!g subissi*e% Well aybe thats true% 3a*i!g said that, the o!ly
tie you do assue the $orre$t deea!or for a sub is i! the playroo% 8t sees thats the o!e
pla$e "here you let e e1er$ise proper $o!trol o*er you, a!d the o!ly pla$e you do as youre told%
E1eplary is the ter that $oes to i!d% &!d 8d !e*er beat you bla$# a!d blue% 8 ai for pi!#%
/utside the playroo, 8 li#e that you $halle!ge e% 8ts a *ery !o*el a!d refreshi!g e1perie!$e, a!d
8 "ould!t "a!t to $ha!ge that% So yes, tell e "hat you "a!t i! ters of ore% 8 "ill e!dea*or to
#eep a! ope! i!d, a!d 8 shall try a!d gi*e you the spa$e you !eed a!d stay a"ay fro you "hile
you are i! >eorgia% 8 loo# for"ard to your !e1t eail%
8! the ea!tie, e!@oy yourself% 0ut !ot too u$h%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
7oly crap. 3es "ritte! a! essay li#e "ere ba$# at s$hool C and most of it good. =y heart
is i! y outh as 8 re9read his epistle, a!d 8 huddle o! the spare bed pra$ti$ally huggi!g y =a$%
=a#e our agreee!t a yearI 8 ha*e the po"erK JeeF, 8 goi!g to ha*e to thi!# about that% 1a(e him
literally thats "hat y other says% 3e does!t "a!t to lose e%
3es said that t"i$eK 3e "a!ts to a#e this "or# too% Oh Christian so do I& 3es goi!g to
try a!d stay a"ayK <oes this ea! he ight fail to stay a"ayI Sudde!ly, 8 hope so% 8 "a!t to see
hi% We*e bee! apart less tha! t"e!ty9four hours, a!d #!o"i!g that 8 $a!t see hi for four days, 8
realiFe ho" u$h 8 iss hi% 3o" u$h 8 lo*e hi%
G&!a, ho!ey%H The *oi$e is soft a!d "ar, full of lo*e a!d s"eet eories of ties go!e by%
& ge!tle ha!d brushes y fa$e% =y o "a#es e, a!d 8 "rapped arou!d y laptop, huggi!g it
to e%
G&!a, s"eetheart,H she $o!ti!ues i! her soft si!gso!g *oi$e "hile 8 surfa$e fro sleep,
bli!#i!g i! the pale pi!# light of dus#%
G3i, =o%H 8 stret$h out a!d sile%
GWere goi!g out for di!!er i! thirty i!utes% Jou still "a!t to $oeIH she as#s #i!dly%
G/h, yes, =o, of $ourse%H 8 try *ery hard, but fail to stifle y ya"!%
G+o" thats a! ipressi*e pie$e of te$h!ology%H She poi!ts to y laptop%
Oh crap.
G/hL thisIH 8 stri*e for $asual, surprised !o!$hala!$e%
Will =o !oti$eI She sees to ha*e gro"! ore astute si!$e 8 a$Buired a Mboyfrie!d%
GChristia! le!t it to e% 8 thi!# 8 $ould pilot the spa$e shuttle "ith it, but 8 @ust use it for
eails a!d 8!ter!et a$$ess%H
Really it*s nothing. Eyei!g e suspi$iously, she sits do"! o! the bed a!d tu$#s a stray lo$#
of hair behi!d y ear%
G3as he eailed youIH
Oh dou,le crap.
GJeah%H =y !o!$hala!$e is "eari!g thi!, a!d 8 flush%
G.erhaps hes issi!g you, huhIH
G8 hope so, =o%H
GWhat does he sayIH
Oh triple crap. 8 fra!ti$ally try to thi!# of soethi!g a$$eptable fro that eail 8 $a! tell y
other% 8 sure she does!t "a!t to hear about <os a!d bo!dage a!d gaggi!g, but the! 8 $a!t
tell her be$ause theres the +<&%
G3es told e to e!@oy yself, but !ot too u$h%H
GSou!ds reaso!able% 8ll lea*e you to get ready, ho!ey%H Lea!i!g o*er, she #isses y forehead%
G8 so glad youre here, &!a% 8ts "o!derful to see you%H &!d "ith that lo*i!g statee!t, she
7mm Christian and reasona,le L t"o $o!$epts that 8 thought "ere utually e1$lusi*e, but
after his eail, aybe all thi!gs are possible% 8 sha#e y head% 8 "ill !eed tie to digest his "ords%
.robably after di!!er C a!d 8 $a! reply to hi the!% 8 $lib out of bed a!d Bui$#ly slip out of y t9
shirt a!d shorts, a!d head to the sho"er%
8 ha*e brought Eates gray halter9!e$# dress that 8 "ore for y graduatio!% 8ts the o!ly
dressy ite 8 ha*e% /!e good thi!g about the heat is that the $reases ha*e dropped out, so 8 thi!# it
"ill do for the golf $lub% &s 8 dress, 8 "a#e the laptop up% There is !othi!g !e" fro Christia!, a!d
8 feel a stab of disappoi!te!t% Aery Bui$#ly, 8 type hi a! eail%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: AerboseI
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1':0) EST
$o: Christia! >rey
Sir, you are Buite the loBua$ious "riter% 8 ha*e to go to di!!er at 0obs golf $lub, a!d @ust so
you #!o", 8 a rolli!g y eyes at the thought% 0ut you a!d your t"it$hy pal are a lo!g "ay fro
e so y behi!d is safe, for !o"% 8 lo*ed your eail% Will respo!d "he! 8 $a!% 8 iss you already%
E!@oy your after!oo!%
Jour &!a
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Jour behi!d
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1(:10
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
8 a distra$ted by the title of this eail% +eedless to say it is safe C for !o"%
E!@oy your di!!er, a!d 8 iss you too, espe$ially your behi!d a!d your sart outh%
=y after!oo! "ill be dull, brighte!ed o!ly by thoughts of you a!d your eye rolli!g% 8 thi!# it
"as you "ho so @udi$iously poi!ted out to e that 8 too suffer fro that !asty habit%
Christia! >rey
CE/ N Eye Doller, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Eye Dolli!g
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1':1S EST
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear =r% >rey
Stop eaili!g e% 8 a tryi!g to get ready for di!!er% Jou are *ery distra$ti!g, e*e! "he! you
are o! the other side of the $o!ti!e!t% &!d yes C "ho spa!#s you "he! you roll your eyesI
Jour &!a
8 press se!d, a!d iediately the iage of that e*il "it$h =rs% Dobi!so! $oes i!to y
i!d% 8 @ust $a!t pi$ture it% Christia! bei!g beate! by soeo!e as old as y other, its @ust so
"ro!g% &gai! 8 "o!der "hat daage shes "rought% =y outh sets i! a hard gri li!e% 8 !eed a
doll to sti$# pi!s i!, aybe that "ay 8 $a! *e!t soe of the a!ger 8 feel at this stra!ger%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Jour behi!d
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1(:1)
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
8 still prefer y title to yours, i! so a!y differe!t "ays% 8t is lu$#y that 8 a aster of y
o"! desti!y a!d !o o!e $astigates e% E1$ept y other o$$asio!ally a!d <r% Fly!!, of $ourse%
&!d you%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Chastisi!gL =eI
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1':22 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear Sir
Whe! ha*e 8 e*er plu$#ed up the !er*e to $hastise you, =r% >reyI 8 thi!# you are i1i!g e
up "ith soeo!e elseL "hi$h is *ery "orryi!g% 8 really do ha*e to get ready%
Jour &!a
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Jour behi!d
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1(:24
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
Jou do it all the tie i! pri!t% Ca! 8 Fip up your dressI
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
For soe u!#!o"! reaso!, his "ords leap out of the page a!d a#e e gasp% /hL he "a!ts
to play gaes%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: +C917
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1':2) EST
$o: Christia! >rey
8 "ould rather you u!Fipped it%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Careful "hat you "ish forL
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1(:21
$o: &!astasia Steele
S/ W/5L< 8%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: .a!ti!g
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1':22 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: >roa!i!g
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1(:24
$o: &!astasia Steele
Wish 8 "as there%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: =oa!i!g
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1':27 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
S/ </ 8
G&!aKH =y other $alls e, a#i!g e @up% %hit. Why do 8 feel so guiltyI
GJust $oi!g, =o%H
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: =oa!i!g
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1':2' EST
$o: Christia! >rey
>otta go%
Laters, baby%
8 dash i!to the hall "here 0ob a!d y other are "aiti!g% =y other fro"!s%
G<arli!g 9 are you feeli!g o#I Jou loo# at bit flushed%H
G=o, 8 fi!e%H
GJou loo# lo*ely, dear%H
G/h, this is Eates dress% Jou li#e itIH
3er fro"! deepe!s%
GWhy are you "eari!g Eates dressIH
Oh0 no.
GWell 8 li#e this o!e a!d she does!t,H 8 ipro*ise Bui$#ly%
She regards e shre"dly "hile 0ob ooFes ipatie!$e "ith his ha!gdog, hu!gry loo#%
G8ll ta#e you shoppi!g toorro",H she says%
G/h, =o, you do!t !eed to do that% 8 ha*e ple!ty of $lothes%H
GCa!t 8 do soethi!g for y o"! daughterI Coe o!, 0obs star*i!g%H
GToo right,H oa!s 0ob, rubbi!g his stoa$h a!d assui!g a fa#e pai!ed e1pressio!%
8 giggle as he rolls his eyes, a!d "e head out the door%
Later "he! 8 i! the sho"er, $ooli!g u!der the lu#e"ar "ater, 8 refle$t o! ho" u$h y
other has $ha!ged% Seei!g her at di!!er, she "as i! her elee!t, fu!!y a!d flirty a!d ao!gst
a!y frie!ds at the golf $lub% 0ob "as "ar a!d atte!ti*eL they see so good for ea$h other% 8
really pleased for her% 8t ea!s 8 $a! stop "orryi!g about her a!d se$o!d9guessi!g her de$isio!s a!d
put the dar# days of 3usba!d +uber Three behi!d us both% 0ob is a #eeper% &!d shes gi*i!g e
good ad*i$e% #hen did that start happening.
Si!$e 8 et Christia!% #hy is that.
Whe! 8 do!e, 8 dry yself Bui$#ly, #ee! to get ba$# to Christia!% Theres a! eail "aiti!g
for e, se!t @ust after 8 left for di!!er a fe" hours ago%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: .lagiaris
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1(:S1
$o: &!astasia Steele
Jou stole y li!e%
&!d left e ha!gi!g%
E!@oy your di!!er%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Who are you to $ry thiefI
"ate: =ay 21 2011 22:1) EST
$o: Christia! >rey
Sir, 8 thi!# youll fi!d it "as Elliots li!e origi!ally%
3a!gi!g ho"I
Jour &!a
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: 5!fi!ished 0usi!ess
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1':22
$o: &!astasia Steele
=iss Steele
Joure ba$#% Jou left so sudde!ly 9 @ust "he! thi!gs "ere getti!g i!teresti!g%
Elliots !ot *ery origi!al% 3ell ha*e stole! that li!e fro soeo!e%
3o" "as di!!erI
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: 5!fi!ished 0usi!essI
"ate: =ay 21 2011 22:2( EST
$o: Christia! >rey
<i!!er "as filli!g C youll be *ery pleased to hear, 8 ate far too u$h%
>etti!g i!teresti!gI 3o"I
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: 5!fi!ished 0usi!ess 9 defi!itely
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1':20
$o: &!astasia Steele
&re you bei!g deliberately obtuseI 8 thi!# youd @ust as#ed e to u!Fip your dress%
&!d 8 "as loo#i!g for"ard to doi!g @ust that% 8 a also glad to hear you are eati!g%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: WellL theres al"ays the "ee#e!d
"ate: =ay 21 2011 22:2( EST
$o: Christia! >rey
/f $ourse 8 eatL 8ts o!ly the u!$ertai!ty 8 feel arou!d you that puts e off y food%
&!d 8 "ould !e*er be u!"itti!gly obtuse, =r% >rey%
Surely you*e "or#ed that out by !o" P-
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Ca!t Wait
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1':S0
$o: &!astasia Steele
8 shall reeber that, =iss Steele, a!d !o doubt use the #!o"ledge to y ad*a!tage%
8 sorry to hear that 8 put you off your food% 8 thought 8 had a ore $o!$upis$e!t effe$t o!
you% That has bee! y e1perie!$e, a!d ost pleasurable it has bee! too%
8 *ery u$h loo# for"ard to the !e1t tie%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: >y!asti$ Li!guisti$s
"ate: =ay 21 2011 22:2( EST
$o: Christia! >rey
3a*e you bee! playi!g "ith the thesaurus agai!I
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Dubled
"ate: =ay 21 2011 1':S0
$o: &!astasia Steele
Jou #!o" e so "ell =iss Steele%
8 a ha*i!g di!!er "ith a! old frie!d !o" so 8 "ill be dri*i!g%
Laters, baby
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
#hich old friend. 8 did!t thi!# Christia! had a!y old frie!ds, e1$eptL her. 8 fro"! at the
s$ree!% Why does he ha*e to still see herI Seari!g, gree!, bilious @ealousy $ourses through e
u!e1pe$tedly% 8 "a!t to hit soethi!g, preferably =rs% Dobi!so!% S"it$hi!g the laptop off i! a
teper, 8 $laber i!to bed%
8 should really respo!d to his lo!g eail fro this or!i!g, but 8 sudde!ly too a!gry% Why
$a!t he see her for "hat she is C a $hild olesterI 8 s"it$h off the light, seethi!g, stari!g i!to the
dar#!ess% 3o" dare sheI 3o" dare she pi$# o! a *ul!erable adoles$e!tI 8s she still doi!g itI Why
did they stopI Aarious s$e!arios filter through y i!d: he had had e!ough, the! "hy is he still
frie!ds "ith herI <itto her C is she arriedI <i*or$edI JeeF C does she ha*e $hildre! of her o"!I
4oes she ha6e Christian*s children. =y sub$o!s$ious rears her ugly head, leeri!g, a!d 8
sho$#ed a!d !auseous at the thought% <oes <r% Fly!! #!o" about herI
8 struggle out of bed a!d fire the ea! a$hi!e up agai!% 8 a o! a issio!% 8 dru y
fi!gers ipatie!tly "aiti!g for the blue s$ree! to appear% 8 hit >oogle iages a!d e!ter MChristia!
>rey i!to the sear$h e!gi!e% The s$ree! is sudde!ly littered "ith iages of Christia!: i! bla$# tie,
be9suited, @eeF C JosNO222Ps pi$tures fro the 3eatha!, i! his "hite shirt a!d fla!!el trousers%
3o" did they get o! the 8!ter!etI 0oy he loo#s good%
8 o*e Bui$#ly o!: soe "ith busi!ess asso$iates, the! pi$ture after glorious pi$ture of the
ost photoge!i$ a! 8 #!o", i!tiately% Intimately. 4o I (now Christian intimately. 8 #!o" hi
se1ually, a!d 8 figure theres a lot ore to dis$o*er there% 8 #!o" hes oody, diffi$ult, fu!!y, $old,
"arL @eeF, the a! is a "al#i!g ass of $o!tradi$tio!s% 8 $li$# to the !e1t page% 3es still o! his
o"! i! all these photographs, a!d 8 reeber Eate e!tio!i!g that she $ould!t fi!d a!y
photographs of hi "ith a date, propti!g her gay Buestio!% The!, o! the third page, theres a
pi$ture of e, "ith hi, at y graduatio!% 3is o!ly pi$ture "ith a "oa!, a!d its e%
7oly cow& I*m on $oogle& 8 stare at us together% 8 loo# surprised by the $aera, !er*ous, off
bala!$e% This "as @ust before 8 agreed to try% For his part, Christia! loo#s ipossibly ha!dsoe,
$al a!d $olle$ted, a!d hes "eari!g that tie. 8 gaFe at hi, su$h a
beautiful fa$e, a beautiful fa$e that $ould be stari!g at =rs% <a!ed Dobi!so! right !o"% 8
sa*e the pi$ture i! y fa*orites a!d $li$# through all eightee! s$ree!sL !othi!g% 8 "o!t fi!d =rs%
Dobi!so! o! >oogle% 0ut 8 ha*e to #!o" if hes "ith her% 8 type a Bui$# eail to Christia!%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Suitable <i!!er Copa!io!s
"ate: =ay 21 2011 22:4) EST
$o: Christia! >rey
8 hope you a!d your frie!d had a *ery pleasa!t di!!er%
.S Was it =rs% Dobi!so!I
8 press se!d a!d $lib despo!de!tly ba$# i!to bed, resol*i!g to as# Christia! about his
relatio!ship "ith that "oa!% .art of e is desperate to #!o" ore, a!d a!other part "a!ts to
forget he e*er told e% &!d y period has started, so 8 ust reeber to ta#e y pill i! the
or!i!g% 8 Bui$#ly progra a! alar i!to the $ale!dar o! y 0la$#0erry% Setti!g it aside o! the
bedside table, 8 lie do"! a!d e*e!tually drift i!to a! u!easy sleep, "ishi!g that "e "ere i! the sae
$ity, !ot t"o a!d half thousa!d iles apart%
&fter a or!i!g of shoppi!g a!d a! after!oo! ba$# at the bea$h, y other has de$reed "e
should spe!d the e*e!i!g i! a bar% &ba!do!i!g 0ob to the TA, "e fi!d oursel*es i! the up9ar#et
bar of Sa*a!!ahs ost e1$lusi*e hotel% 8 a o! y se$o!d Cosopolita!% =y other is o! her
third% She is offeri!g ore i!sights i!to the fragile ale ego% 8ts *ery dis$o!$erti!g%
GJou see, &!a, e! thi!# that a!ythi!g that $oes out of a "oa!s outh is a proble to be
sol*ed% +ot soe *ague idea that "ed li#e to #i$# arou!d a!d tal# about for a "hile a!d the!
forget% =e! prefer a$tio!%H
G=o, "hy are telli!g e thisIH 8 as#, faili!g to hide y e1asperatio!% Shes bee! li#e this all
G<arli!g, you sou!d so lost% Jou*e !e*er brought a boy hoe% Jou !e*er e*e! had a
boyfrie!d "he! "e "ere i! Aegas% 8 thought soethi!g ight de*elop "ith that guy you et i!
$ollege, JosNO222P%H
G=o, JosNO222Ps @ust a frie!d%H
G8 #!o", s"eetheart% 0ut soethi!gs up, a!d 8 do!t thi!# youre telli!g e e*erythi!g%H She
gaFes at e, her fa$e et$hed "ith otherly $o!$er!%
G8 @ust !eeded soe dista!$e fro Christia! to get y thoughts straightL thats all%
3e te!ds to o*er"hel e%H
GJeah% 8 iss hi though%H 8 fro"!%
8 ha*e !ot heard fro Christia! all day% +o eails, !othi!g% 8 a tepted to $all hi to see if
hes o#ay% =y "orst fear is that hes bee! i! a $ar a$$ide!t, y se$o!d "orst fear is that =rs%
Dobi!so! has got her e*il $la"s i!to hi agai!% 8 #!o" its irratio!al, but "here
shes $o!$er!ed, 8 see to ha*e lost all se!se of perspe$ti*e%
G<arli!g, 8 ha*e to *isit the po"der roo%H
=y others brief abse!$e allo"s e a!other $ha!$e to $he$# y 0la$#0erry% 8 ha*e bee!
tryi!g surreptitiously to $he$# eails all day% Fi!ally C a respo!se fro Christia!K
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: <i!!er Copa!io!s
"ate: Ju!e 1 2011 21:S0 EST
$o: &!astasia Steele
Jes, 8 had di!!er "ith =rs% Dobi!so!% She is @ust a! old frie!d, &!astasia%
Loo#i!g for"ard to seei!g you agai!% 8 iss you%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
3e was ha*i!g di!!er "ith her% =y s$alp pri$#les as adre!ali!e a!d fury la!$e through y
body, all y "orst fears realiFed, $rashi!g through e% 7ow could he. 8 a a"ay for t"o days,
a!d he ru!s off to that e*il bit$h%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: /L< <i!!er Copa!io!s
"ate: Ju!e 1 2011 21:S2 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
Shes !ot @ust a! old frie!d%
3as she fou!d a!other adoles$e!t boy to si!# her teeth i!toI
<id you get too old for herI
8s that the reaso! your relatio!ship fi!ishedI
8 press se!d as y other retur!s%
G&!a, youre so pale% Whats happe!edIH
8 sha#e y head%
G+othi!g% Lets ha*e a!other dri!#,H 8 utter ulishly%
3er bro" furro"s, but she gla!$es up a!d attra$ts the atte!tio! of o!e of the "aiters, poi!ti!g
to our glasses% 3e !ods% 3e u!dersta!ds the u!i*ersal la!guage of Msae agai!, please% &s she does,
8 Bui$#ly gla!$e at y 0la$#0erry%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: CarefulL
"ate: Ju!e 1 2011 21:S4 EST
$o: &!astasia Steele
This is !ot soethi!g 8 "ish to dis$uss *ia eail%
3o" a!y Cosopolita!s are you goi!g to dri!#I
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
7oly fuc( he*s here.
8 gla!$e !er*ously arou!d the bar but $a!!ot see hi%
G&!a, "hat is itI Jou loo# li#e you*e see! a ghost%H
G8ts Christia!, hes here%H
GWhatI DeallyIH She gla!$es arou!d the bar too%
8 ha*e !egle$ted to e!tio! Christia!s stal#er te!de!$ies to y o%
8 see hi% =y heart leaps, begi!!i!g a @udderi!g thupi!g beat as he a#es his "ay to"ard
us% 7e*s really here 2 for me. =y i!!er goddess leaps up $heeri!g fro her $haise lo!gue% =o*i!g
soothly through the $ro"d, his hair gli!ts bur!ished $opper a!d red u!der the re$essed haloge!s%
3is bright gray eyes are shi!i!g "ith C a!gerI Te!sio!I 3is outh is set i! a gri li!e, @a" te!se%
Oh holy shit0 no. 8 a so ad at hi right !o", a!d here he is% 3o" $a! 8 be a!gry "ith hi i!
fro!t of y otherI
3e arri*es at our table, gaFi!g at e "arily% 3es dressed i! $ustoary "hite li!e! shirt a!d
G3i,H 8 sBuea#, u!able to hide y sho$# a!d a"e at seei!g hi here i! the flesh%
G3i,H he replies, a!d lea!i!g do"!, he #isses y $hee#, ta#i!g e by surprise%
GChristia!, this is y other, Carla%H =y i!grai!ed a!!ers ta#e o*er%
3e tur!s to greet y o%
G=rs% &das, 8 a delighted to eet you%H
7ow does he (now her name. 3e gi*es her the heart9stoppi!g, Christia! >rey pate!ted, full9
blo"!9!o9priso!ers9ta#e! sile% She does!t ha*e a hope% =y others lo"er @a" pra$ti$ally hits
the table% =ee: get a grip Mom. She ta#es his proffered ha!d a!d they sha#e% =y other has!t
replied% /h, $oplete dubfou!ded spee$hless!ess is ge!eti$
C 8 had !o idea%
GChristia!,H she a!ages fi!ally, breathlessly%
3e siles #!o"i!gly at her, his gray eyes t"i!#li!g% 8 !arro" y eyes at the both%
GWhat are you doi!g hereIH =y Buestio! sou!ds ore brittle tha! 8 ea!, a!d his sile
disappears, his e1pressio! !o" guarded% 8 a thrilled to see hi, but $opletely thro"! off
bala!$e, y a!ger about =rs% Dobi!so! sieri!g through y *ei!s% 8 do!t #!o" if 8 "a!t to
shout at hi or thro" yself i!to his ars C but 8 do!t thi!# hed li#e either C a!d 8 "a!t to #!o"
ho" lo!g he has bee! "at$hi!g us% 8 also a little a!1ious about the eail 8 @ust se!t hi%
G8 $ae to see you, of $ourse%H 3e gaFes do"! at e ipassi*ely% Oh what is he thin(ing.
G8 stayi!g i! this hotel%H
GJoure stayi!g hereIH 8 sou!d li#e a sophoore o! aphetai!es, too high9pit$hed e*e! for
y o"! ears%
GWell, yesterday you said you "ished 8 "as here%H 3e pauses tryi!g to gauge y rea$tio!%
GWe ai to please, =iss Steele%H 3is *oi$e is Buiet "ith !o tra$e of huor%
Crap 2 Is he mad. =aybe the =rs% Dobi!so! $oe!tsI /r the fa$t that 8 a o! y third,
soo! to be fourth CosoI =y other is gla!$i!g a!1iously at the t"o of us%
GWo!t you @oi! us for a dri!#, Christia!IH She "a*es to the "aiter "ho is at her side i! a
G8ll ha*e a gi! a!d to!i$,H Christia! says% G3e!dri$#s if you ha*e it or 0obay Sap9phire%
Cu$uber "ith the 3e!dri$#s, lie "ith the 0obay%H
7oly hell L o!ly Christia! $ould a#e a eal out of orderi!g a dri!#%
G&!d t"o ore Cosos please,H 8 add, loo#i!g a!1iously at Christia!% 8 a dri!#i!g "ith y
other C !o "ay $a! he be a!gry about that%
G.lease pull up a $hair, Christia!%H
GTha!# you, =rs% &das%H
Christia! pulls a !earby $hair o*er a!d sits gra$efully do"! beside e%
GSo you @ust happe! to be stayi!g i! the hotel "here "ere dri!#i!gIH 8 as#, tryi!g hard to
#eep y to!e light%
G/r, you @ust happe! to be dri!#i!g i! the hotel "here 8 stayi!g,H Christia! replies%
G8 @ust fi!ished di!!er, $ae i! here, a!d sa" you% 8 "as distra$ted thi!#i!g about your ost
re$e!t eail, a!d 8 gla!$e up a!d there you are% Quite a $oi!$ide!$e, ehIH 3e $o$#s his head to o!e
side, a!d 8 see a tra$e of a sile% 1han( hea6ens C "e ay be able to sa*e the e*e!i!g after all%
G=y other a!d 8 "ere shoppi!g this or!i!g a!d o! the bea$h this after!oo!% We de$ided
o! a fe" $o$#tails this e*e!i!g,H 8 utter, feeli!g that 8 o"e hi soe sort of e1pla!atio!%
G<id you buy that topIH 3e !ods at y bra!d !e" gree! sil# $aisole, GThe $olor suits you%
&!d you*e $aught soe su!% Jou loo# lo*ely%H
8 flush, spee$hless at his $oplie!t%
GWell, 8 "as goi!g to pay you a *isit toorro"% 0ut here you are%H
3e rea$hes o*er, ta#es y ha!d, a!d sBueeFes it ge!tly, ru!!i!g his thub a$ross y
#!u$#les to a!d froL a!d 8 feel the failiar pull% The ele$tri$ $harge Fappi!g be!eath y s#i!
u!der the ge!tle pressure fro his thub, firi!g i!to y blood strea a!d pulsi!g arou!d y body,
heati!g e*erythi!g i! its path% 8ts bee! o*er t"o days si!$e 8 sa" hi%
Oh my %%% 8 "a!t hi% =y breath hit$hes% 8 bli!# at hi, sili!g shyly, a!d see a sile play o!
his beautiful, s$ulptured lips%
G8 thought 8d surprise you% 0ut as e*er, &!astasia, you surprise e by bei!g here%H
8 gla!$e Bui$#ly at =o "ho is stari!g at Christia!L yes stari!gK %top it Mom. &s if hes
soe e1oti$ $reature, !e*er see! before% 8 ea!, 8 #!o" 8*e !e*er had a boyfrie!d, a!d Christia!
o!ly Bualifies as su$h for ease of refere!$e C but is it so u!belie*able that 8 $ould attra$t a a!I
1his man. )es fran(ly 2 loo( at him 2 y sub$o!s$ious s!aps% /h, shut upK Who i!*ited you to
the partyI 8 s$o"l at y o C but she does!t see to !oti$e%
G8 do!t "a!t to i!terrupt the tie you ha*e "ith your other% 8ll ha*e a Bui$# dri!# a!d the!
retire% 8 ha*e "or# to do,H he states ear!estly%
GChristia!, its lo*ely to eet you fi!ally,H =o i!ter@e$ts, fi!ally fi!di!g her *oi$e%
G&!a has spo#e! *ery fo!dly of you%H
3e siles at her%
GDeallyIH 3e raises a! eyebro" at e, a! aused e1pressio! o! his fa$e, a!d 8 flush agai!%
The "aiter arri*es "ith our dri!#s%
G3e!dri$#s, sir,H he says "ith a triupha!t flourish%
GTha!# you,H Christia! ururs i! a$#!o"ledgee!t%
8 sip y latest Coso !er*ously%
G3o" lo!g are you i! >eorgia, Christia!IH =o as#s%
G5!til Friday, =rs% &das%H
GWill you ha*e di!!er "ith us toorro" e*e!i!gI &!d please, $all e Carla%H
G8d be delighted to, Carla%H
GE1$elle!t% 8f you t"o "ill e1$use e, 8 !eed to *isit the po"der roo%H
Mom0 you*6e +ust ,een. 8 loo# at her desperately as she sta!ds a!d "al#s off, lea*i!g us
alo!e together%
GSo, youre ad at e for ha*i!g di!!er "ith a! old frie!d%H Christia! tur!s his bur!i!g, "ary
gaFe to e, lifti!g y ha!d to his lips a!d #issi!g ea$h #!u$#le ge!tly%
=ee: he wants to do this now.
GJes,H 8 urur as y heated blood $ourses through e%
G/ur se1ual relatio!ship "as o*er lo!g ago, &!astasia,H he "hispers% G8 do!t "a!t a!yo!e
but you% 3a*e!t you "or#ed that out yetIH
8 bli!# at hi%
G8 thi!# of her as a $hild olester, Christia!%H 8 hold y breath "aiti!g for his rea$tio!%
Christia! bla!$hes%
GThats *ery @udge!tal% 8t "as!t li#e that,H he "hispers, sho$#ed% 3e releases y ha!d%
G/h, ho" "as it the!IH 8 as#% The Cosos are a#i!g e bra*e%
3e fro"!s at e, be"ildered% 8 $o!ti!ue%
GShe too# ad*a!tage of a *ul!erable fiftee!9year9old boy% 8f you had bee! a fiftee!9year9old
girl a!d =rs% Dobi!so! "as a =r% Dobi!so!, tepti!g you i!to a 0<S= lifestyle, that "ould ha*e
bee! o#ayI 8f it "as =ia, sayIH
3e gasps a!d s$o"ls at e%
G&!a, it "as!t li#e that%H
8 glare at hi%
G/#ay, it did!t feel li#e that to e,H he $o!ti!ues Buietly% GShe "as a for$e for good%
What 8 !eeded%H
G8 do!t u!dersta!d%H 8ts y tur! to loo# be"ildered%
G&!astasia, your other "ill be ba$# shortly% 8 !ot $ofortable tal#i!g about this !o"%
Later aybe% 8f you do!t "a!t e here, 8 ha*e a pla!e o! sta!d9by at 3ilto! 3ead%
8 $a! go%H
7e*s angry with me0 no.
G+o C do!t go% .lease% 8 thrilled youre here% 8 @ust tryi!g to a#e you u!dersta!d% 8
a!gry that as soo! as 8 left, you had di!!er "ith her% Thi!# about ho" you are "he! 8 get a!y"here
!ear JosNO222P% JosNO222P is a good frie!d% 8 ha*e !e*er had a se1ual relatio!ship "ith hi%
Whereas you a!d her,H 8 trail off, u!"illi!g to ta#e that thought further%
GJoure @ealousIH 3e stares at e, dubfou!ded, a!d his eyes softe! slightly, "ari!g%GJes,
a!d a!gry about "hat she did to you%H
G&!astasia, she helped e, thats all 8ll say about that% &!d as for your @ealousy, put yourself
i! y shoes% 8 ha*e!t had to @ustify y a$tio!s to a!yo!e i! the last se*e! years%
+ot o!e perso!% 8 do as 8 "ish, &!astasia% 8 li#e y auto!oy% 8 did!t go a!d see =rs%
Dobi!so! to upset you% 8 "e!t be$ause e*ery !o" a!d the! "e ha*e di!!er% Shes a frie!d a!d
a busi!ess part!er%H
9usiness partner. 7oly crap. 1his is news.
3e gaFes at e, assessi!g y e1pressio!%
GJes, "ere busi!ess part!ers% The se1 is o*er bet"ee! us% 8t has bee! for years%H
GWhy did your relatio!ship fi!ishIH
3is outh !arro"s, a!d his eyes glea%
G3er husba!d fou!d out%H
7oly shit&
GCa! "e tal# about this soe other tie C soe"here ore pri*ateIH he gro"ls%
G8 do!t thi!# youll e*er $o!*i!$e e that shes !ot soe #i!d of paedophile%H
G8 do!t thi!# of her that "ay% 8 !e*er ha*e% +o" thats e!oughKH he s!aps%
G<id you lo*e herIH
G3o" are you t"o getti!g o!IH =y other has retur!ed, u!see! by either of us%
8 plaster a fa#e sile o! y fa$e as both Christia! a!d 8 lea! ba$# hastilyL guiltily%
She gaFes at e%
GFi!e, =o%H
Christia! sips his dri!#, "at$hi!g e $losely, his e1pressio! guarded% What is he thi!#i!gI
<id he lo*e herI 8 thi!# if he did, 8 "ill lose it, big tie%
GWell ladies, 8 shall lea*e you to your e*e!i!g%H
"o0 no0 he can*t lea6e me hanging li(e this.
G.lease put these dri!#s o! y tab, roo !uber (12% 8ll $all o! you i! the or!i!g,
&!astasia% 5!til toorro", Carla%H
G/h, its so !i$e to hear soeo!e use your full !ae%H
G0eautiful !ae for a beautiful girl,H Christia! ururs, sha#i!g her outstret$hed ha!ds, a!d
she a$tually sipers .
Oh Mom 2 et tu 9rut>?2@@A. 8 sta!d, gaFi!g up at hi, iplori!g hi to a!s"er y
Buestio!, a!d he #isses y $hee#, $hastely%
GLaters, baby,H he "hispers i! y ear% The! hes go!e%
4amned control;frea(;,astard. =y a!ger retur!s i! full for$e% 8 slup i!to y $hair a!d tur!
to fa$e y other%
GWell stri#e e do"! "ith a feather, &!a% 3es a $at$h% 8 do!t #!o" "hats goi!g o! bet"ee!
you t"o though% 8 thi!# you !eed to tal# to ea$h other% .he" C the 5ST i! here, its u!bearable%H
She fa!s herself theatri$ally%
G>o tal# to hi%H
G8 $a!t% 8 $ae here to see you%H
G&!a, you $ae here be$ause youre $o!fused about that boy% 8ts ob*ious you t"o are $raFy
about ea$h other% Jou !eed to tal# to hi% 3es @ust flo"! three thousa!d odd iles to see you, for
hea*e!s sa#e% &!d you #!o" ho" a"ful it is to fly%H
8 flush% 8 ha*e!t told her about his pri*ate pla!e%
GWhatIH she s!aps at e%
G3e has his o"! pla!e,H 8 uble, ebarrassed, a!d its o!ly t"o a!d a half thousa!d iles,
#hy am I em,arrassed. 3er eyebro"s shoot up%
GWo",H she utters% G&!a, theres soethi!g goi!g o! bet"ee! you t"o% 8*e bee! tryi!g to
fatho it si!$e you arri*ed here% 0ut the o!ly "ay you are goi!g to sort the proble, "hate*er it is,
is to tal# it through "ith hi% Jou $a! do all the thi!#i!g you li#e C but u!til you a$tually tal#,
youre !ot goi!g to get a!y"here%H
8 fro"! at y other%
G&!a, ho!ey, you*e al"ays had a te!de!$y to o*er9a!alyFe e*erythi!g% >o "ith your gut%
What does that tell you, s"eetheartIH
8 stare at y fi!gers%
G8 thi!# 8 i! lo*e "ith hi,H 8 utter%
G8 #!o" darli!g% &!d he "ith you%H
GJes, &!a% 3ell C "hat do you !eedI & !eo! sig! flashi!g o! his foreheadIH
8 gape at her a!d tears pri$# the $or!er of y eyes%
G&!a, darli!g% <o!t $ry%H
G8 do!t thi!# he lo*es e%H
G8 do!t $are ho" ri$h you are, you do!t drop e*erythi!g a!d get i! your pri*ate pla!e to
$ross a "hole $o!ti!e!t @ust for after!oo! tea% >o to hiK This is a beautiful lo$atio!, *ery roa!ti$%
8ts also !eutral territory%H
8 sBuir u!der her gaFe% 8 "a!t to go a!d 8 do!t%
G<arli!g, do!t feel you ha*e to $oe ba$# "ith e% 8 "a!t you happy C a!d right !o" 8 thi!#
the #ey to your happi!ess is upstairs i! roo (12% 8f you !eed to $oe hoe later, the #ey is u!der
the Ju$$a pla!t o! the fro!t por$h% 8f you stay C "ellL youre a big girl !o"% Just be safe%H
8 flush stars a!d stripes red% =ee: Mom.
GLets fi!ish our Cosos first%H
GThats y girl, &!a%H She gri!s%
8 #!o$# tiidly o! roo (12 a!d "ait% Christia! ope!s the door% 3es o! his $ell% 3e bli!#s at
e i! $oplete surprise, the! holds the door ope! "ide a!d be$#o!s e i!to his roo%
G&ll the redu!da!$y pa$#ages $o!$ludedI%%% &!d the $ostI%%% H Christia! "histles bet"ee! his
teeth% GSheeshL that "as o!e e1pe!si*e ista#eL &!d Lu$asI %%% H
8 gla!$e arou!d the roo% 3es i! a suite, li#e the o!e at the 3eatha!% The fur!ishi!gs here
are ultra oder!, *ery !o"% &ll uted dar# purples a!d golds "ith bro!Fe starbursts o! the "alls%
Christia! "al#s o*er to dar# "ood u!it a!d pulls ope! a door to re*eal a i!i9bar% 3e i!di$ates that
8 should help yself, the! "a!ders i!to the bedroo%
8 assue its so 8 $a! !o lo!ger hear his $o!*ersatio!% 8 shrug% 3e did!t stop his $all "he! 8
e!tered his study that tie% 8 hear "ater ru!!i!gL hes filli!g a bath% 8 help yself to a! ora!ge
@ui$e% 3e ables ba$# i!to the roo%
G3a*e &!drea se!d e the s$heati$s% 0ar!ey said hed $ra$#ed the probleL H
Christia! laughs% G+o, FridayL Theres a plot of la!d here that 8 i!terested i!L Jeah, get
0ill to $allL +o, toorro"L 8 "a!t to see "hat >eorgia "ill offer if "e o*e i!%H
Christia! does!t ta#e his eyes off e% 3a!di!g e a glass, he poi!ts to a! i$e bu$#et%
G8f their i!$e!ti*es are attra$ti*e e!oughL 8 thi!# "e should $o!sider it, though 8 !ot sure
about the da!ed heat hereL 8 agree <etroit has its ad*a!tages too, a!d its $oolerL H 3is fa$e
dar#e!s oe!tarily% #hy. G>et 0ill to $all% Toorro"L +ot too early%H 3e ha!gs up a!d stares
at e, his fa$e u!readable, a!d the sile!$e stret$hes bet"ee! us% /#ayL y tur! to tal#%
GJou did!t a!s"er y Buestio!,H 8 urur%
G+o% 8 did!t,H he says Buietly, his gray eyes "ide a!d $autious%
G+o you did!t a!s"er y Buestio! or !o you did!t lo*e herIH
3e folds his ars a!d lea!s agai!st the "all, a!d a sall sile plays upo! his lips%
GWhat are you doi!g here, &!astasiaIH
G8*e @ust told you%H
3e ta#es a deep breath%
G+o% 8 did!t lo*e her%H 3e fro"!s at e, aused yet puFFled%
8 $a!t belie*e 8 holdi!g y breath% 8 sag li#e a! old $loth sa$# as 8 release it% #ell than(
hea6ens for that. 3o" "ould 8 feel if he a$tually lo*ed the "it$hI
GJoure Buite the gree!9eyed goddess, &!astasia% Who "ould ha*e thoughtIH
G&re you a#i!g fu! of e, =r% >reyIH
G8 "ould!t dare%H 3e sha#es his head sole!ly, but he has a "i$#ed glea i! his eye%
G/h, 8 thi!# you "ould, a!d 8 thi!# you do C ofte!%H
3e sir#s as 8 gi*e hi ba$# the "ords hes said to e before% 3is eyes dar#e!%
G.lease stop biti!g your lip% Joure i! y roo, 8 ha*e!t set eyes o! you for !early three
days, a!d 8*e flo"! a lo!g "ay to see you%H 3is to!e has $ha!ged to soft, se!sual%
3is 0la$#0erry buFFes, distra$ti!g us both, a!d he s"it$hes it off "ithout gla!$i!g to see "ho
it is% =y breath hit$hes% 8 #!o" "here this is goi!gL ,ut we*re supposed to tal(.
3e ta#es a step to"ards e "eari!g his se1y predatory loo#%
G8 "a!t you, &!astasia% +o"% &!d you "a!t e% Thats "hy youre here%H
G8 really did "a!t to #!o",H 8 "hisper as a defe!se%
GWell, !o" you that you do, are you $oi!g or goi!gIH
8 flush as he $oes to a halt i! fro!t of e%
GCoi!g,H 8 urur, stari!g a!1iously up at hi%
G/h, 8 hope so%H 3e gaFes do"! at e% GJou "ere so ad at e,H he breathes%
G8 do!t reeber a!yo!e but y faily e*er bei!g ad at e% 8 li#e it%H
3e ru!s the tips of fi!gers do"! y $hee#% Oh my his pro1iity, his deli$ious Christia!
sell% Were supposed to be tal#i!g, but y heart is pou!di!g, y blood si!gi!g as it $ourses
through y body, desire, pooli!g, u!furli!gL e*ery"here% Christia! be!ds a!d ru!s his !ose alo!g
y shoulder a!d up to the base of y ear, his fi!gers slippi!g i!to y hair%GWe should tal#%H 8
GTheres so u$h 8 "a!t to say%H
G=e too%H
3e pla!ts a soft #iss u!der y earlobe "hile his fi!gers tighte! i! y hair% .ulli!g y head
ba$#, he e1poses y throat to his lips% 3is teeth s#i y $hi!, a!d he #isses y throat%
G8 "a!t you,H he breathes%
8 oa! a!d rea$h up a!d grasp his ars%
G&re you bleedi!gIH 3e $o!ti!ues to #iss e%
7oly 'uc(. <oes !othi!g slip by hiI
GJes,H 8 "hisper, ebarrassed%
G<o you ha*e $rapsIH
G+o%H 8 flush . =ee:0
3e stops a!d loo#s do"! at e%
G<id you ta#e your pillIH
GJes%H 3o" ortifyi!g is thisI
GLets go ha*e a bath%H
3e ta#es y ha!d a!d leads e i!to the bedroo% 8ts doi!ated by a super9#i!g siFe bed
"ith elaborate drapes% 0ut "e do!t stop there% 3e ta#es e i!to the bathroo "hi$h is t"o roos,
all aBuaari!es a!d "hite liesto!e% 8ts huge C 8! the se$o!d roo a su!#e! bath, big e!ough for
four people "ith sto!e steps that lead i!to it, is slo"ly filli!g "ith "ater% Stea rises ge!tly abo*e
the foa, a!d 8 !oti$e a sto!e seat all the "ay rou!d%
Ca!dles fli$#er to the side% Wo"L hes do!e all this "hile o! the pho!e%
G<o you ha*e a hair tieIH
8 bli!# at hi, fish i!to y @ea!s po$#et, a!d pull out a hair elasti$%
G.ut your hair up,H he orders softly% 8 do as he as#s%
8ts "ar a!d sultry beside the bath, a!d y $aisole starts to sti$#% 3e lea!s o*er a!d shuts
off the fau$et% leadi!gL e ba$# i!to the first part of the bathroo,he sta!ds behi!d e as "e fa$e
the "all9siFed irror abo*e the t"o glass si!#s%
GLift up your ars,H he breathes% 8 do as 8 told, a!d he lifts y $aisole o*er y head so
that 8 topless sta!di!g i! fro!t of hi% +ot ta#i!g his eyes off i!e, he rea$hes arou!d a!d
u!does the top butto! o! y @ea!s a!d the Fipper%
G8 goi!g to ha*e you i! the bathroo, &!astasia%H
Lea!i!g do"!, he #isses y !e$#% 8 o*e y head to o!e side a!d gi*e hi easier a$$ess%
3oo#i!g his thubs i!to y @ea!s, he slo"ly slides the do"! y legs, si!#i!g do"! behi!d e
as he pulls the a!d y pa!ties to the floor%
GStep out of your @ea!s%H
>raspi!g the edge of the si!#, 8 do @ust that% 8 a !o" !a#ed, stari!g at yself, a!d hes
#!eeli!g behi!d e% 3e #isses a!d the! softly bites y behi!d, a#i!g e gasp% 3e sta!ds a!d
stares at e o!$e ore i! the irror% 8 try hard to stay still, ig!ori!g y !atural i!$li!atio! to $o*er
yself% 3e splays his ha!d a$ross y belly, the spa! of his ha!d alost rea$hi!g fro hip to hip%
GLoo# at you% Jou are so beautiful,H he ururs% GSee ho" you feel%H 3e $lasps both y
ha!ds i! his, his pals agai!st the ba$#s of y ha!ds, his fi!gers i! bet"ee! i!e so that y
fi!gers are splayed% 3e pla$es y ha!ds o! y belly% GFeel ho" soft your s#i! is%H
3is *oi$e is soft a!d lo"% 3e o*es y ha!ds i! a slo" $ir$le the! up"ards to"ards y
breasts% GFeel ho" full your breasts are%H 3e holds y ha!ds so that they $up y breasts%
3e ge!tly stro#es y !ipples "ith his thubs o*er a!d o*er%
8 oa! bet"ee! parted lips a!d ar$h y ba$# so y breasts fill y pals% 3e sBueeFes y
!ipples bet"ee! our thubs, pulli!g ge!tly so that they elo!gate further% 8 "at$h i! fas$i!atio! at
the "a!to! $reature "rithi!g i! fro!t of e% Oh this feels good. 8 groa! a!d $lose y eyes, !o
lo!ger "a!ti!g to see that libidi!ous "oa! i! the irror falli!g apart u!der her o"! ha!dsL his
ha!dsL feeli!g y s#i! as he "ould, e1perie!$i!g ho" arousi!g it is C @ust his tou$h, a!d his $al,
soft, $oa!ds%
GThats right, baby,H he ururs%
3e guides y ha!ds do"! the sides of y body, past y "aist to y hips, a!d a$ross to y
pubi$ hair% 3e slides his leg i! bet"ee! i!e, pushi!g y feet further apart, "ide!i!g y sta!$e,
a!d ru!s y ha!ds o*er y se1, o!e ha!d at a tie i! tur!, setti!g up a rhyth% 8t is so eroti$% Truly
8 a a ario!ette a!d he is the aster puppeteer%
GLoo# at you glo", &!astasia,H he "hispers as he trails #isses a!d soft bites alo!g y
shoulder% 8 groa!% Sudde!ly he lets go%
GCarry o!,H he orders, a!d sta!ds ba$# "at$hi!g e%
8 rub yself% "o. 8 "a!t hi, hi to do it% 8t does!t feel the sae% 8 lost "ithout hi% 3e
pulls his shirt o*er his head a!d Bui$#ly ta#es off his @ea!s%
GJoud rather 8 do thisIH 3is gray gaFe s$or$hes i!e i! the irror%
G/h yesL please,H 8 breathe%
3e "raps his ars arou!d e agai! a!d ta#es y ha!ds o!$e ore, $o!ti!ui!g the se!sual
$aress a$ross y se1, o*er y $litoris% 3is $hest hair s$rapes agai!st e, his ere$tio! presses
agai!st e% Oh soon0 please. 3e bites the !ape of y !e$#, a!d 8 $lose y eyes, e!@oyi!g the
yriad of se!satio!sP y !e$#, y groi!L the feel of hi behi!d e%
3e stops abruptly a!d spi!s e arou!d, $ir$li!g y "rists "ith o!e ha!d, ipriso!i!g y
ha!ds behi!d e, a!d pulli!g at y po!ytail "ith the other% 8 a flush agai!st hi, a!d he #isses
e "ildly, ra*agi!g y outh "ith his% 3oldi!g, h e i! pla$e%
3is breathi!g is ragged, at$hi!g i!e%
GWhe! did you start your period, &!astasiaIH he as#s out of the blue, gaFi!g do"! at e%
GErr%%% yesterday,H 8 uble i! y highly aroused state%
G>ood%H 3e releases e a!d tur!s e arou!d%
G3old o! to the si!#,H he orders a!d pulls y hips ba$# agai!, li#e he did i! the playroo, so
8 be!di!g do"!%
3e rea$hes bet"ee! y legs a!d pulls o! the blue stri!gL what& &!dL a ge!tly pulls y
tapo! out a!d tosses it i!to the !earby toilet% 7oly fuc(. S"eet other of allL JeeF%
&!d the! hes i!side eL ahK S#i! agai!st s#i!L o*i!g slo"ly at firstL easily, testi!g e,
pushi!g eL oh my. 8 grip o! to the si!#, pa!ti!g, for$i!g yself ba$# o! hi, feeli!g hi i!side
e% /h the s"eet ago!yL his ha!ds $lasp y hips% 3e sets a pu!ishi!g rhyth C i!, out, a!d he
rea$hes arou!d a!d fi!ds y $litoris, assagi!g eL oh @eeF% 8 $a! feel yself Bui$#e!%
GThats right, baby,H he rasps as he gri!ds i!to e, a!gli!g his hips, a!d its e!ough to se!d
e flyi!g, flyi!g high%
#hoa L a!d 8 $oe, loudly, grippi!g for dear life o!to the si!# as 8 spiral do"! through y
orgas, e*erythi!g spi!!i!g a!d $le!$hi!g at o!$e% 3e follo"s, $laspi!g e tightly, his fro!t o! y
ba$# as he $lia1es a!d $alls y !ae li#e its a lita!y or a prayer%
BOh Ana&E 3is breathi!g is ragged i! y ear, i! perfe$t sy!ergy "ith i!e% G/h, baby, "ill
8 e*er get e!ough of youIH he "hispers%
Will it al"ays be li#e thisI So o*er"heli!g, so all9$o!sui!g, so be"ilderi!g a!d beguili!g%
8 "a!ted to tal#, but !o" 8 spe!t a!d daFed fro his lo*ea#i!g a!d "o!deri!g if I "ill e*er get
e!ough of him.
We si!# slo"ly to the floor, a!d he "raps his ars arou!d e, ipriso!i!g e% 8 a $urled o!
his lap, y head agai!st his $hest, as "e both $al% Aery subtly, 8 i!hale his s"eet, i!to1i$ati!g
Christia! s$e!t% I must not nu::le. I must not nu::le. 8 repeat the a!tra i! y head C though 8 a
so tepted to do so% 8 "a!t to lift y ha!d a!d dra" patter!s i! his $hest hair "ith y fi!gertipsL
but 8 resist, #!o"i!g that hell hate it if 8 do% We are both Buiet, lost i! our thoughts% 8 a lost i!
hiL lost to hi%
8 reeber that 8 ha*e y period%
G8 bleedi!g,H 8 urur%
G<oes!t bother e,H he breathes%
G8 !oti$ed%H 8 $a!t #eep the dry!ess out of y *oi$e%
3e te!ses slightly%
G<oes it bother youIH he as#s softly%
<oes it bother eI =aybe it shouldL should itI +o, it does!t% 8 lea! ba$# a!d loo# up at
hi, a!d he gaFes do"! at e, his eyes a soft $loudy gray%
G+o, !ot at all%H
3e sir#s%
G>ood% Lets ha*e a bath%H
3e u!$urls fro arou!d e, pla$i!g e o! the floor as he a#es to sta!d% &s he does, 8 !oti$e
agai! the sall, rou!d, "hite s$ars o! his $hest% They are !ot $hi$#e! po1, 8 use abse!ti!dedly%
>ra$e said he "as hardly affe$ted% 7oly shit L they ust be bur!s%
0ur!s fro "hatI 8 bla!$h at the realiFatio!, sho$# a!d re*ulsio! $oursi!g through e%
Fro $igarettesI =rs% Dobi!so!, his birth other, "hoI Who did this to hiI =aybe theres a
reaso!able e1pla!atio!, a!d 8 o*er9rea$ti!g C "ild hope blossos i! y $hest
C hope that 8 a "ro!g%
GWhat is itIH Christia!s fa$e is "ide9eyed "ith alar%
GJour s$ars,H 8 "hisper% GTheyre !ot fro $hi$#e! po1%H
8 "at$h as i! a split se$o!d he $loses do"!, his sta!$e $ha!gi!g fro rela1ed, $al, a!d at
ease, to defe!si*e C a!gry, e*e!% 3e fro"!s, his fa$e dar#e!i!g, a!d his outh presses i!to a thi!,
hard li!e%
G+o, theyre !ot,H he s!aps, but he does !ot elaborate further% 3e sta!ds, holds his ha!d out
for e, a!d hauls e to y feet%
G<o!t loo# at e li#e that%H 3is *oi$e is $older a!d s$oldi!g as he lets go of y ha!d%
8 flush, $haste!ed, a!d stare do"! at y fi!gers, a!d 8 #!o", 8 #!o" that soeo!e stubbed
$igarettes out o! Christia!% 8 feel si$#%
G<id she do thatIH 8 "hisper before 8 $a! stop yself%
3e says !othi!g, so 8 for$ed to loo# at hi% 3es glari!g at e%
GSheI =rs% Dobi!so!I Shes !ot a! a!ial, &!astasia% /f $ourse she did!t% 8 do!t
u!dersta!d "hy you feel you ha*e to deo!iFe her%H
3es sta!di!g there, !a#ed, gloriously !a#ed, "ith y blood o! hiL a!d "ere fi!ally
ha*i!g this $o!*ersatio!% &!d 8 !a#ed too C !either of us has a!y"here to hide, e1$ept perhaps
the bath% 8 ta#e a deep breath, o*e past hi, a!d step do"! i!to the "ater%
8t is deli$iously "ar, soothi!g, a!d deep% 8 elt i!to the fragra!t foa a!d stare up at hi,
hidi!g ao!g the bubbles%
G8 @ust "o!der "hat you "ould be li#e if you had!t et her% 8f she had!t i!trodu$ed you to
yourL u, lifestyle%H
3e sighs a!d steps do"! i!to the bath opposite e, his @a" $le!$hed "ith te!sio!, his eyes
frosty% &s he gra$efully suberges his body be!eath the "ater, hes $areful !ot to tou$h e% =ee: 2
ha6e I made him that mad.
3e stares ipassi*ely at e, his fa$e u!readable, sayi!g !othi!g% &gai! the sile!$e stret$hes
bet"ee! us, but 8 hold y $ou!sel% 8ts your tur! >rey C 8 a !ot $a*i!g this tie%
=y sub$o!s$ious is !er*ous, a!1iously biti!g her !ails C this $ould go either "ay% Christia!
a!d 8 stare at ea$h other, but 8 a !ot ba$#i!g do"!% E*e!tually, after "hat sees li#e a
ille!!iu, he sha#es his head, a!d he sir#s%
G8 "ould probably ha*e go!e the "ay of y birth other, had it !ot bee! for =rs%
/hK 8 bli!# at hi% Cra$# addi$t or "horeI .ossibly bothI
GShe lo*ed e i! a "ay 8 fou!dL a$$eptable,H he adds "ith a shrug%
#hat the hell does that mean.
G&$$eptableIH 8 "hisper%
GJes%H 3e stares i!te!tly at e% GShe distra$ted e fro the destru$ti*e path 8 fou!d yself
follo"i!g% 8ts *ery hard to gro" up i! a perfe$t faily "he! youre !ot perfe$t%H
Oh no. =y outh dries as 8 digest his "ords% 3e gaFes as e, his e1pressio! u!fathoable%
3es !ot goi!g to tell e a!y ore% 3o" frustrati!g% 8!side, 8 reeli!g C he sou!ds so full of self9
loathi!g% &!d =rs% Dobi!so! lo*ed hi% 7oly shit L does she stillI
8 feel li#e 8*e bee! #i$#ed i! the stoa$h%
G<oes she still lo*e youIH
G8 do!t thi!# so, !ot li#e that%H 3e fro"!s as if he has!t thought about the idea% G8 #eep
telli!g you it "as a lo!g tie ago% 8ts i! the past% 8 $ould!t $ha!ge it e*e! if 8 "a!ted to, "hi$h 8
do!t% She sa*ed e fro yself%H 3es e1asperated a!d ru!s a "et ha!d through his hair% G8*e
!e*er dis$ussed this "ith a!yo!e%H 3e pauses, GE1$ept <r%
Fly!!, of $ourse% &!d the o!ly reaso! 8 tal#i!g about this !o", to you, is be$ause 8 "a!t
you to trust e%H
G8 do trust you, but 8 do "a!t to #!o" you better, a!d "he!e*er 8 try to tal# to you, you
distra$t e% Theres so u$h 8 "a!t to #!o"%H
G/h for pitys sa#e, &!astasia% What do you "a!t to #!o"I What do 8 ha*e to doIH 3is eyes
blaFe, a!d though he does!t raise his *oi$e, 8 #!o" hes tryi!g to rei! i! his teper%
8 gla!$e Bui$#ly do"! at y ha!ds, $lear be!eath the "ater as the bubbles ha*e started to
G8 @ust tryi!g to u!dersta!d, youre su$h a! e!iga% 5!li#e a!yo!e 8*e et before%
8 glad youre telli!g e "hat 8 "a!t to #!o"%H
JeeF C aybe its the Cosopolita!s a#i!g e bra*e, but sudde!ly 8 $a!!ot bear the
dista!$e bet"ee! us% 8 o*e through the "ater to his side a!d lea! agai!st hi so "ere tou$hi!g,
s#i! to s#i!% 3e te!ses a!d eyes e "arily, as if 8 ight bite% #ell that*s a turnaround. =y i!!er
goddess gaFes at hi i! Buiet, surprised spe$ulatio!%
G.lease do!t be a!gry "ith e,H 8 "hisper%
G8 a !ot a!gry "ith you, &!astasia% 8 @ust !ot used to this #i!d of tal#i!g C this probi!g% 8
o!ly ha*e this "ith <r% Fly!! a!d "ithCH 3e stops a!d fro"!s%
GWith her% =rs% Dobi!so!% Jou tal# to herIH 8 propt, tryi!g to rei! i! y o"! teper%
GJes, 8 do%H
GWhat aboutIH
3e shifts i! the bath so that hes fa$i!g e, $ausi!g the "ater to lap o*er the sides o!to the
floor% 3e pla$es his ar arou!d y shoulders, resti!g o! the ledge of the bath%
G.ersiste!t are!t youIH he ururs, a tra$e of irritatio! i! his *oi$e% GLife, the u!i*erse C
busi!ess% &!astasia, =rs% D a!d 8 go "ay ba$#% We $a! dis$uss a!ythi!g%H
G=eIH 8 "hisper%
GJes%H >ray eyes "at$h e $arefully%
8 bite y botto lip, tryi!g to $urb the sudde! rush of a!ger that surfa$es%
GWhy do you tal# about eIH 8 e!dea*or !ot to sou!d "hi!ey a!d petula!t, but 8 do!t
su$$eed% 8 #!o" 8 should stop% 8 a pushi!g hi too hard% =y sub$o!s$ious has her Ed*ard =u!$h
fa$e o! agai!%
G8*e !e*er et a!yo!e li#e you, &!astasia%H
GWhat does that ea!I &!yo!e "ho @ust did!t autoati$ally sig! your paper"or#, !o
Buestio!s as#edIH
3e sha#es his head%
G8 !eed ad*i$e%H
G&!d you ta#e ad*i$e fro =rs% .aedoIH 8 s!ap% The hold o! y teper is ore te!tati*e
tha! 8 thought%
G&!astasia C e!ough,H he s!aps ba$# ster!ly, his eyes !arro"i!g%
8 s#ati!g o! thi! i$e, a!d 8 headi!g i!to da!ger% G/r 8ll put you a$ross y #!ee%
8 ha*e !o se1ual or roa!ti$ i!terest i! her "hatsoe*er% Shes a dear, *alued frie!d a!d a
busi!ess part!er% Thats all% We ha*e a past, a shared history, "hi$h "as o!ue!tally be!efi$ial
for e, though it fu$#ed up her arriage C but that side of our relatio!ship is o*er%H
JeeF C a!other part 8 @ust $a!t u!dersta!d% She "as arried as "ell% 3o" did they get a"ay
"ith it for so lo!gI
G&!d your pare!ts !e*er fou!d outIH
G+o,H he gro"ls% G8*e told you this%H
&!d 8 #!o" thats it% 8 $a!!ot as# hi a!y further Buestio!s about her be$ause he "ill lose it
"ith e%
G&re you do!eIH he s!aps%
GFor !o"%H
3e ta#es a deep breath a!d *isibly rela1es i! fro!t of e, li#e a great "eight is lifted fro his
shoulders or soethi!g%
GDight C y tur!,H he utters, a!d his glare tur!s steely, spe$ulati*e% GJou ha*e!t respo!ded
to y eail%H
8 flush% /h, 8 hate the spotlight o! e, a!d it sees hes goi!g to get a!gry e*ery tie "e
ha*e a dis$ussio!% 8 sha#e y head% .erhaps thats ho" he feels about y Buestio!s, hes !ot used
to bei!g $halle!ged% The thought is re*elatory, distra$ti!g, a!d u!!er*i!g%
G8 "as goi!g to respo!d% 0ut !o" youre here%H
GJoud rather 8 "as!tIH he breathes, his e1pressio! ipassi*e agai!%
G+o, 8 pleased,H 8 urur%
G>ood%H 3e gi*es e a ge!ui!e, relie*ed sile% G8 pleased 8 here too C i! spite of your
i!terrogatio!% So, "hile its a$$eptable to grill e, you thi!# you $a! $lai soe #i!d of diploati$
iu!ity @ust be$ause 8*e flo"! all this "ay to see youI 8 !ot buyi!g it, =iss Steele% 8 "a!t to
#!o" ho" you feel%H
Oh no0
G8 told you% 8 a pleased youre here% Tha!# you for $oi!g all this "ay,H 8 say feebly%
G8ts y pleasure, =iss Steele%H 3is eyes shi!e as he lea!s do"! a!d #isses e ge!tly%
8 feel yself respo!di!g autoati$ally% The "ater is still "ar, the bathroo still steay%
3e stops a!d pulls ba$#, gaFi!g do"! at e%
G+o% 8 thi!# 8 "a!t soe a!s"ers first before "e do a!y ore%H
More. Theres that "ord agai!% &!d he "a!ts a!s"ersL a!s"ers to "hatI 8 do!t ha*e a
se$ret past C 8 do!t ha*e a harro"i!g $hildhood% What $ould he possibly "a!t to #!o" about e
that he does!t already #!o"I
8 sigh, resig!ed%
GWhat do you "a!t to #!o"IH
GWell, ho" you feel about our "ould9be arra!gee!t, for starters%H
8 bli!# at hi% Truth or dare tie C y sub$o!s$ious a!d i!!er goddess gla!$e !er*ously at
o!e a!other% 7ell let*s go for truth.
G8 do!t thi!# 8 $a! do it for a! e1te!ded period of tie% & "hole "ee#e!d bei!g soeo!e 8
!ot%H 8 flush a!d stare at y ha!ds%
3e tips y $hi! up, a!d hes sir#i!g at e, aused%
G+o, 8 do!t thi!# you $ould either%H
&!d part of e feels slightly affro!ted a!d $halle!ged%
G&re you laughi!g at eIH
GJes, but i! a good "ay,H he says "ith a sall sile%
3e lea!s do"! a!d #isses e softly, briefly%
GJoure !ot a great subissi*e,H he breathes as he holds y $hi!, his eyes da!$i!g "ith
8 stare at hi sho$#ed, the! 8 burst out laughi!g C a!d he @oi!s e%
G=aybe 8 do!t ha*e a good tea$her%H
3e s!orts%
G=aybe% .erhaps 8 should be stri$ter "ith you%H 3e $o$#s his head to o!e side a!d gi*es e
a! artful sile%
8 s"allo"% JeeF, !o% 0ut at the sae tie, y us$les $le!$h deli$iously deep i!side%
8t is his "ay of sho"i!g that he $ares% .erhaps the o!ly "ay he $a! sho" he $ares C 8 realiFe
that% 3es stari!g at e, gaugi!g y rea$tio!%
GWas it that bad "he! 8 spa!#ed you the first tieIH
8 gaFe ba$# at hi, bli!#i!g% #as it that ,ad. 8 reeber feeli!g $o!fused by y rea$tio!% 8t
hurt, but !ot that u$h i! retrospe$t% 3es said o*er a!d o*er agai! its ore i! y head% &!d the
se$o!d tieL Well, that "as goodL hot%
G+o, !ot really,H 8 "hisper%
G8ts ore the idea of itIH he propts%
G8 suppose% Feeli!g pleasure, "he! o!e is!t supposed to%H
G8 reeber feeli!g the sae% Ta#es a "hile to get your head arou!d it%H
7oly hell. This "as "he! he "as a #id%
GJou $a! al"ays safe9"ord, &!astasia% <o!t forget that% &!d, as lo!g as you follo" the rules,
"hi$h fulfill a deep !eed i! e for $o!trol a!d to #eep you safe, the! perhaps "e $a! fi!d a "ay
GWhy do you !eed to $o!trol eIH
G0e$ause it satisfies a !eed i! e that "as!t et i! y forati*e years%H
GSo its a for of therapyIH
G8*e !ot thought of it li#e that, but yes, 8 suppose it is%H
This 8 $a! u!dersta!d% This "ill help%
G0ut, heres the thi!g C o!e oe!t you say do!t defy e, the !e1t you say you li#e to be
$halle!ged% Thats a *ery fi!e li!e to tread su$$essfully%H
3e gaFes at e for a oe!t, the! fro"!s%
G8 $a! see that% 0ut you see to be doi!g fi!e so far%H
G0ut at "hat perso!al $ostI 8 tied up i! #!ots here%H
G8 li#e you tied up i! #!ots,H he sir#s%
GThats !ot "hat 8 ea!tKH 8 splash hi i! e1asperatio!%
3e gaFes do"! at e, ar$hi!g a! eyebro"%
G<id you @ust splash eIH
GJes%H 7oly shit0 that loo(.
G/h, =iss Steele%H 3e grabs e a!d pulls e o!to his lap, sloshi!g "ater all o*er the floor% G8
thi!# "e*e do!e e!ough tal#i!g for !o"%H
3e $lasps his ha!ds o! either side of y head a!d #isses e% <eeply% .ossessi!g y outh%
&!gli!g y headL $o!trolli!g e% 8 oa! agai!st his lips% This is "hat he li#es% This is "hat hes
so good at% E*erythi!g ig!ites i!side e a!d y fi!gers are i! his hair, holdi!g hi to e, a!d 8
#issi!g hi ba$# a!d sayi!g 8 "a!t you too the o!ly "ay 8 #!o" ho"% 3e groa!s, shifti!g e so
8 astride hi, #!eeli!g o*er hi, his ere$tio! be!eath e% 3e pulls ba$# a!d loo#s at e, his eyes
hooded, glo"i!g a!d lustful% 8 drop y ha!ds to grab o! to the edge of the bath but he grips both
y "rists a!d pulls y ha!ds behi!d y ba$#, holdi!g the together i! o!e ha!d%
G8 goi!g to ha*e you !o",H he "hispers a!d lifts e so that 8 ho*eri!g o*er hi%
GDeadyIH he breathes%
GJes,H 8 "hisper, a!d he eases e o! to hi, slo"ly, e1Buisitely slo"lyL filli!g eL
"at$hi!g e as he ta#es e%
8 groa!, $losi!g y eyes, a!d 8 re*el i! the se!satio!, the stret$hi!g full!ess% 3e fle1es his
hips, a!d 8 gasp, lea!i!g for"ard, resti!g y forehead agai!st his%
G.lease let y ha!ds go,H 8 "hisper%
G<o!t tou$h e,H he pleads, a!d releasi!g y "rists, he grabs y hips%
Claspi!g the bath ledge, 8 o*e up a!d the! do"! slo"ly, ope!i!g y eyes to gaFe at hi%
3es "at$hi!g e% 3is outh ope! slightly, his breathi!g halted, stilted C his to!gue bet"ee! his
teeth% 3e loo#s soL hot% Were "et a!d slippery a!d o*i!g agai!st ea$h other% 8 lea! do"! a!d
#iss hi% 3e $loses his eyes% Te!tati*ely, 8 bri!g y ha!ds up to his head a!d ru! y fi!gers
through his hair, !ot ta#i!g y lips fro his outh% This is allo"ed% 3e li#es this% 8 li#e this% &!d
"e o*e together% 8 tug his hair, tippi!g his head ba$# a!d deepe! the #iss, ridi!g hi C faster,
pi$#i!g up the rhyth% 8 oa! agai!st his outh% 3e starts to lift e faster, fasterL holdi!g y
hips% Eissi!g e ba$#% We are "et ouths a!d to!gues, ta!gled hair, a!d o*i!g hips% &ll
se!satio!L all $o!sui!g agai!%
8 a $loseL 8 a starti!g to re$og!iFe this deli$ious tighte!i!gL Bui$#e!i!g% &!d the
"aterL its s"irli!g arou!d us, our o"! "hirlpool, a stirri!g *orte1 as our o*ee!ts be$oe
ore fra!ti$L sloshi!g e*ery"here, irrori!g "hats happe!i!g i!side eL a!d 8 @ust do!t $are%
8 lo*e this a!% 8 lo*e his passio!, the effe$t 8 ha*e o! hi% 8 lo*e that hes flo"! so far to see
e% 8 lo*e that he $ares about eL he $ares% 8ts so u!e1pe$ted, so fulfilli!g%
3e is i!e, a!d 8 a his%
GThats right, baby,H he breathes%
&!d 8 $oe, y orgas rippi!g through e, a turbule!t, passio!ate, apogee that de*ours e
"hole% &!d sudde!ly Christia! $rushes e to hiL his ars "rapped arou!d y ba$# as he fi!ds
his release%
G&!a, babyKH he $ries, a!d its a "ild i!*o$atio!, stirri!g a!d tou$hi!g the depths of y soul%
We lie stari!g at ea$h other, gray eyes i!to blue, fa$e to fa$e, i! the super #i!g bed, both
huggi!g our pillo"s o! our fro!ts% +a#ed% +ot tou$hi!g% Just loo#i!g a!d adiri!g, $o*ered by the
G<o you "a!t to sleepIH Christia! as#s, his *oi$e soft% 3e is beautifulP the i1 of $olors i! his
hair *i*id agai!st the "hite Egyptia! $otto! pillo"$ase, gray eyes, solderi!g, e1pressi*e% 3e loo#s
G+o% 8 !ot tired%H 8 feel stra!gely e!ergiFed% 8ts bee! so good to tal# C 8 do!t "a!t to stop%
GWhat do you "a!t to doIH he as#s%
3e siles%
G&bout "hatIH
GWhat stuffIH
GWhat about eIH
GWhats your fa*orite filIH
3e gri!s%
GToday, its MThe .ia!o%H
3is gri! is i!fe$tious%
G/f $ourse% Silly e% Su$h a sad, e1$iti!g s$ore, "hi$h !o doubt you $a! playI So a!y
a$$oplishe!ts, =r% >rey%H
G&!d the greatest o!e is you, =iss Steele%H
GSo 8 a !uber se*e!tee!%H
3e fro"!s at e !ot $oprehe!di!g%
G+uber of "oe! you*e uL had se1 "ith%H
3is lips Buir# up, his eyes shi!i!g "ith i!$redulity%
G+ot e1a$tly%H
GJou said fiftee!,H =y $o!fusio! is ob*ious%
G8 "as referri!g to the !uber of "oe! i! y playroo% 8 thought thats "hat you ea!t%
Jou did!t as# e ho" a!y "oe! 8d had se1 "ith%H
G/h%H 7oly shit0 there*s more0 7ow. 8 gape at hi% GAa!illaIH
G+o% Jou are y o!e *a!illa $o!Buest,H he sha#es his head, still gri!!i!g at e%
Why does he fi!d this fu!!yI &!d "hy a 8 gri!!i!g ba$# at hi li#e a! idiotI
G8 $a!t gi*e you a !uber% 8 did!t put !ot$hes i! the bedpost or a!ythi!g%H
GWhat are "e tal#i!g C te!s, hu!dredsL thousa!dsIH =y eyes gro" "ilder as the !ubers
get larger%
GTe!s% Were i! the te!s, for pitys sa#e%H
G&ll subissi*esIH
GStop gri!!i!g at e,H 8 s$old hi ildly, tryi!g a!d faili!g to #eep a straight fa$e%
G8 $a!t% Joure fu!!y%H
GFu!!y pe$uliar or fu!!y ha haIH
G& bit of both 8 thi!#%H 3is "ords irror i!e%
GThats a da!ed $hee#, $oi!g fro you%H
3e lea!s a$ross a!d #isses the tip of y !ose%
GThis "ill sho$# you, &!astasia% DeadyIH
8 !od, "ide9eyed, still "ith the stupid gri! o! y fa$e%
G&ll subissi*es i! trai!i!g, "he! 8 "as trai!i!g% There are pla$es i! a!d arou!d Seattle that
o!e $a! go a!d pra$ti$e% Lear! to do "hat 8 do,H he says%
G/h%H 8 bli!# at hi%
GJep, 8*e paid for se1, &!astasia%H
GThats !othi!g to be proud of,H 8 utter haughtily% G&!d youre rightL 8 a deeply sho$#ed%
&!d $ross that 8 $a!t sho$# you%H
GJou "ore y u!der"ear%H
G<id that sho$# youIH
GJes%H =y i!!er goddess pole9*aults o*er the fiftee!9foot bar%
GJou did!t "ear your pa!ties to eet y pare!ts%H
G<id that sho$# youIH
JeeF, the bars o*ed to si1tee! feet%
G8t sees 8 $a! o!ly sho$# you i! the u!der"ear departe!t%H
GJou told e you "ere a *irgi!% Thats the biggest sho$# 8*e e*er had%H
GJes, your fa$e "as a pi$ture, a Eoda# oe!t%H 8 giggle%
GJou let e "or# you o*er "ith a ridi!g $rop%H
G<id that sho$# youIH
8 gri!%
GWell, 8 ay let you do it agai!%H
G/h, 8 do hope so, =iss Steele% This "ee#e!dIH
G/#ay,H 8 agree, shyly%
GJes% 8ll go to the Ded Doo of .ai! agai!%H
GJou say y !ae%H
GThat sho$#s youIH
GThe fa$t that 8 li#e it sho$#s e%H
3e gri!s%
G8 "a!t to do soethi!g toorro"%H 3is eyes glo" "ith e1$itee!t%
G& surprise% For you%H 3is *oi$e is lo" a!d soft%
8 raise a! eyebro" a!d stifle a ya"! at the sae tie%
G& 8 bori!g you, =iss SteeleIH 3is to!e is sardo!i$%
3e lea!s a$ross a!d #isses e ge!tly o! y lips%
GSleep,H he $oa!ds, the! s"it$hes off the light%
&!d i! this Buiet oe!t, as 8 $lose y eyes, spe!t a!d sated, 8 thi!# 8 i! the eye of the
stor% &!d i! spite of all hes said, a!d "hat he has!t said, 8 do!t thi!# 8 ha*e e*er bee! so happy%
Christia! sta!ds i! a steel9barred $age% Weari!g his soft, ripped @ea!s, his $hest a!d feet are
outh"ateri!gly !a#ed, a!d hes stari!g at e% 3is pri*ate9@o#e sile et$hed o! his beautiful fa$e
a!d his eyes a olte! gray% 8! his ha!ds he holds a bo"l of stra"berries%
3e ables "ith athleti$ gra$e to the fro!t of the $age, gaFi!g i!te!tly at e% 3oldi!g up a
plup ripe stra"berry, he e1te!ds his ha!d through the bars%
GEat,H he says, his to!gue $aressi!g the fro!t of his palate as he e!u!$iates the Mt%
8 try a!d o*e to"ard hi, but 8 tethered, held ba$# by soe u!see! for$e arou!d y
"rist, holdi!g e . Get me go.
GCoe, eat,H he says, sili!g his deli$ious $roo#ed sile%
8 pull a!d pullL let me go& 8 "a!t to s$rea a!d shout, but !o sou!d eerges% 8 a ute%
3e stret$hes a little further, a!d the stra"berry is at y lips%
GEat, &!astasia%H 3is outh fors y !ae, li!geri!g se!sually o! ea$h syllable%
8 ope! y outh a!d bite, the $age disappears, a!d y ha!ds are free% 8 rea$h up to tou$h
hi, graFe y fi!gers through his $hest hair%
"o. 8 oa!%
GCoe o!, baby%H
"o. I want to touch you.
GWa#e up%H
"o. /lease. =y eyes fli$#er u!"illi!gly ope! for a split se$o!d% 8 i! bed a!d soeo!e is
!uFFli!g y ear%
GWa#e up, baby,H he "hispers, a!d the effe$t of his s"eet *oi$e spreads li#e "ar elted
$arael through y *ei!s%
8ts Christia!% JeeF, its still dar#, a!d the iages of hi fro y drea persists,
dis$o!$erti!g a!d ta!taliFi!g i! y head%
G/hL !o,H 8 groa!% 8 "a!t ba$# at his $hest, ba$# to y drea% Why is he "a#i!g eI
8ts the iddle of the !ight, or so it feels . 7oly shit. <oes he "a!t se1 C !o"I
GTie to get up, baby% 8 goi!g to s"it$h o! the sidelight%H 3is *oi$e is Buiet%
G+o,H 8 groa!%
G8 "a!t to $hase the da"! "ith you,H he says, #issi!g y fa$e, y eyelids, the tip of y !ose,
y outh, a!d 8 ope! y eyes% The sidelight is o!% G>ood or!i!g, beautiful,H
he ururs%
8 groa!, a!d he siles%
GJou are !ot a or!i!g perso!,H he ururs%
Through the haFe of light, 8 sBui!t a!d see Christia! lea!i!g o*er e, sili!g% &used%
&used at e% <ressedK 8! bla$#%
G8 thought you "a!ted se1,H 8 gruble%
G&!astasia, 8 al"ays "a!t se1 "ith you% 8ts heart"ari!g to #!o" that you feel the sae,H he
says dryly%
8 gaFe at hi as y eyes ad@ust to the light, but he still loo#s ausedL tha!# hea*e!s%
G/f $ourse 8 do, @ust !ot "he! its so late%H
G8ts !ot late, its early% Coe o! C up you go% Were goi!g out% 8ll ta#e a rai! $he$# o! the
G8 "as ha*i!g su$h a !i$e drea,H 8 "hi!e%
G<rea about "hatIH he as#s patie!tly%
GJou%H 8 blush%
GWhat "as 8 doi!g this tieIH
GTryi!g to feed e stra"berries%H
3is lips t"it$h "ith a tra$e of a sile%
G<r% Fly!! $ould ha*e a field day "ith that% 5p C get dressed% <o!t bother to sho"er, "e $a!
do that later%H
8 sit up, a!d the sheet pools at y "aist, re*eali!g y body% 3e sta!ds to gi*e e roo, his
eyes dar#%
GWhat tie is itIH
G4:20 i! the or!i!g%H
GFeels li#e 2:00 a%%H
GWe do!t ha*e u$h tie% 8 let you sleep as lo!g as possible% Coe%H
GCa!t 8 ha*e a sho"erIH
3e sighs%
G8f you ha*e a sho"er, 8ll "a!t o!e "ith you, a!d you a!d 8 #!o" "hat "ill happe! the! C
the day "ill @ust go% Coe%H
3es e1$ited% Li#e a sall boy, hes irides$e!t "ith a!ti$ipatio! a!d e1$itee!t% 8t a#es e
GWhat are "e doi!gI
G8ts a surprise% 8 told you%H
8 $a!t help but gri! up at hi%
G/#ay%H 8 $laber off the bed a!d sear$h for y $lothes% /f $ourse they are !eatly folded o!
the $hair beside y bed% 3es laid out a pair of his @ersey bo1er briefs too, Dalph Laure!, !o less% 8
slip the o!, a!d he gri!s at e% 3, a!other pie$e of Christia! >reys u!der"ear C a trophy to
add to y $olle$tio! C alo!g "ith the $ar, the 0la$#0erry, the =a$, his bla$# @a$#et, a!d a set of old
*aluable first editio!s% 8 sha#e y head at his lar9gesse, a!d 8 fro"! as a s$e!e fro Tess $rosses y
i!d: the stra"berry s$e!e% 8t e*o#es y drea% To hell "ith <r% Fly!! C Freud "ould ha*e a field
day C a!d the! hed probably e1pire tryi!g to deal "ith Fifty Shades%
G8ll gi*e you soe roo !o" that youre up%H Christia! e1its to"ard the li*i!g area, a!d 8
"a!der i!to the bathroo% 8 ha*e !eeds to atte!d to, a!d 8 "a!t a Bui$# "ash% Se*e! i!utes later, 8
a i! the li*i!g area, s$rubbed, brushed a!d dressed i! @ea!s, y $aisole, a!d Christia! >reys
u!der"ear% Christia! gla!$es up fro the sall di!i!g table "here hes eati!g brea#fast% 0rea#fastK
JeeF, at this tie%
GEat,H he says%
7oly Moses0 my dream. 8 gape at hi, thi!#i!g about his to!gue o! his palate% 7mm his
e<pert tongue.
G&!astasia,H he says ster!ly, pulli!g e out of y re*erie%
8t really is too early for e% 3o" to ha!dle thisI
G8ll ha*e soe tea% Ca! 8 ta#e a $roissa!t for laterIH
3e eyes e suspi$iously, a!d 8 sile *ery s"eetly%
G<o!t rai! o! y parade, &!astasia,H he "ar!s softly%
G8 "ill eat later "he! y stoa$hs "o#e! up% &bout 7:20 a%%L o#ayIH
G/#ay%H 3e peers do"! at e%
7onestly. 8 ha*e to $o!$e!trate hard o! !ot a#i!g a fa$e at hi%
G8 "a!t to roll y eyes at you%H
G0y all ea!s, do, a!d you "ill a#e y day,H he says ster!ly%
8 gaFe up at the $eili!g%
GWell a spa!#i!g "ould "a#e e up, 8 suppose%H 8 purse y lips i! Buiet $o!tepla9tio!%
Christia!s outh drops ope!%
G/! the other ha!d, 8 do!t "a!t you to be all hot a!d bothered, the $liate here is "ar
e!ough%H 8 shrug !o!$hala!tly%
Christia! $loses his outh a!d tries *ery hard to loo# displeased, but fails hopelessly%
8 $a! see the huor lur#i!g i! the ba$# of his eyes%
GJou are, as e*er, $halle!gi!g, =iss Steele% <ri!# your tea%H
8 !oti$e the T"i!i!gs label, a!d i!side, y heart si!gs% %ee he does care y sub$o!s$ious
ouths at e% 8 sit a!d fa$e hi, dri!#i!g i! his beauty% Will 8 e*er get e!ough of this a!I
&s "e lea*e the roo, Christia! thro"s a s"eatshirt at e%
GJoull !eed this%H
8 loo# at hi, puFFled%
GTrust e%H 3e gri!s, lea!s o*er a!d #isses e Bui$#ly o! the lips, the! grabs y ha!d a!d
"e head out%
/utside, i! the relati*e $ool of the half9light of pre9da"!, the *alet ha!ds Christia! a set of
#eys to a flash sports $ar "ith a soft top% 8 raise a! eyebro" at Christia!, "ho sir#s ba$# at e%
GJou #!o", soeties its great bei!g e,H he says "ith a $o!spiratorial but sug gri! that 8
siply $a!t help eulati!g% 3es so lo*able "he! hes playful a!d $arefree% 3e ope!s y $ar door
"ith a! e1aggerated bo", a!d i! 8 $lib% 3e is i! su$h a good ood%
GWhere are "e goi!gIH
GJoull see%H 3e gri!s as he slips the $ar i!to dri*e, a!d "e head out o! Sa*a!!ah .ar#"ay%
3e progras the >.S a!d presses a s"it$h o! the steeri!g "heel a!d a $lassi$al or$hestral pie$e
fills the $ar%
GWhats thisIH 8 as# as the s"eet, s"eet sou!d of a hu!dred *ioli! stri!gs assails us%
G8ts fro La Tra*iata% &! opera by Aerdi%H
/h, yL its lo*ely%
GLa Tra*iataI 8*e headr of that% 8 $a!t thi!# "here% What does it ea!IH
Christia! gla!$es at e a!d sir#s%
GWell, literally, the "oa! led astray% 8ts based o! &le1a!der <uass boo#, La <ae au1
G&h% 8*e read it%H
G8 thought you ight%H
GThe dooed $ourtesa!%H 8 sBuir u!$ofortably i! the plush leather seat% Is he trying to tell
me something. G3, its a depressi!g story,H 8 utter%
GToo depressi!gI <o you "a!t to $hoose soe usi$I This is o! y i.od%H Christia! has that
se$ret sile agai!%
8 $a!t see his i.od a!y"here% 3e taps the s$ree! o! the $o!sole bet"ee! us, a!d behold 9
there is a play list%
GJou $hoose%H 3is lips t"it$h up i!to a sile, a!d 8 #!o" its a $halle!ge%
Christia! >reys i.od, this should be i!teresti!g% 8 s$roll through the tou$h s$ree!, a!d fi!d
the perfe$t so!g% 8 press play% 8 "ould!t ha*e figured hi for a 0rit!ey fa!% The $lub9i1, te$h!o
beat assaults us both, a!d Christia! tur!s the *olue do"!% =aybe its too early for this: 0rit!eys
at her ost sultry%
GTo1i$, ehIH Christia! gri!s%
G8 do!t #!o" "hat you ea!%H 8 feig! i!!o$e!$e%
3e tur!s the usi$ do"! a little ore, a!d i!side 8 a huggi!g yself% =y i!!er goddess is
sta!di!g o! the podiu a"aiti!g her gold edal% 3e tur!ed the usi$ do"!%
G8 did!t put that so!g o! y i.od,H he says $asually, a!d puts his foot do"! so that 8 a
thro"! ba$# i!to y seat as the $ar a$$elerates alo!g the free"ay%
#hat. 3e #!o"s "hat hes doi!g, the bastard% #ho did. &!d 8 ha*e to liste! to 0rit!ey
goi!g o! a!d o!% #ho0 who.
The so!g e!ds a!d the i.od shuffles to <aie! Di$e bei!g our!ful% #ho. #ho. 8 stare out
of the "i!do", y stoa$h $hur!i!g% WhoI
G8t "as Leila,H he a!s"ers y u!spo#e! thoughts% 7ow does he do that.
G&! e1, "ho put the so!g o! y i.od%H
<aie! "arbles a"ay i! the ba$#grou!d as 8 sit stu!!ed% &! e1L e19subissi*eI &! e1C
G/!e of the fiftee!IH 8 as#%
GWhat happe!ed to herIH
GWe fi!ished%H
/h @eeF% 8ts too early for this #i!d of $o!*ersatio!% 0ut he loo#s rela1ed, happy e*e!, a!d
"hats ore, tal#ati*e%
GShe "a!ted ore%H 3is *oi$e is lo", i!trospe$ti*e e*e!, a!d he lea*es the se!te!$e ha!gi!g
bet"ee! us, e!di!g it "ith that po"erful little "ord agai!%
G&!d you did!tIH 8 as# before 8 $a! eploy y brai! to outh filter% Shit, do 8 "a!t to
3e sha#es his head%
G8*e !e*er "a!ted ore, u!til 8 et you%H
8 gasp, reeli!g% Oh my. 8s!t this "hat 8 "a!tI 3e "a!ts ore% 7e wants it too& =y i!!er
goddess has ba$# flipped off the podiu a!d is doi!g $art"heels arou!d the stadiu%
8ts !ot @ust e%
GWhat happe!ed to the other fourtee!IH 8 as#%
=ee: he*s tal(ing 2 ta(e ad6antage.
GJou "a!t a listI <i*or$ed, beheaded, diedIH
GJoure !ot 3e!ry A888%H
G/#ay% 8! !o parti$ular order, 8*e o!ly had lo!g ter relatio!ships "ith four "oe!, apart
fro Ele!a%H
G=rs% Dobi!so! to you%H 3e half siles his se$ret pri*ate @o#e sile%
Ele!aK 3oly Fu$#% The e*il o!e has a !ae a!d its all9foreig! sou!di!g% & *isio! of a
glorious, pale9s#i!!ed *ap "ith ra*e! hair a!d ruby9red lips $oes to i!d, a!d 8 #!o" that shes
beautiful% I must not dwell. I must not dwell.
GWhat happe!ed to the fourIH 8 as# to distra$t yself%
GSo i!Buisiti*e, so eager for i!foratio!, =iss Steele,H he s$olds playfully%
G/h, =r% Whe! 8s Jour .eriod <ueIH
G&!astasia C a a! !eeds to #!o" these thi!gs%H
G<oes heIH
G8 do%H
G0e$ause 8 do!t "a!t you to get preg!a!t%H
G+either do 8K Well, !ot for a fe" years yet%H
Christia! bli!#s startled, the! *isibly rela1es% /#ay% Christia! does!t "a!t $hildre!%
+o" or !e*erI 8 a reeli!g fro his sudde!, u!pre$ede!ted atta$# of $a!dor% .erhaps its the
early or!i!gI Soethi!g i! the >eorgia "aterI The >eorgia airI What else do 8 "a!t to #!o"I
Carpe 4iem.
GSo the other four, "hat happe!edIH 8 as#%
G/!e et soeo!e else% The other three "a!ted C ore% 8 "as!t i! the ar#et for ore
G&!d the othersIH 8 press%
3e gla!$es at e briefly a!d @ust sha#es his head%
GJust did!t "or# out%H
Whoa, a bu$#et9load of i!foratio! to pro$ess% 8 gla!$e i! the side irror of the $ar, a!d 8
!oti$e the soft s"ell of pi!# a!d aBuaari!e i! the s#y behi!d% <a"! is follo"i!g us%
GWhere are "e headedIH 8 as#, perple1ed, gaFi!g out at the 89'4% Were headi!g south, thats
all 8 #!o"%
G&! airfield%H
GWere !ot goi!g ba$# to Seattle are "eIH 8 gasp, alared% 8 ha*e!t said goodbye to y
o% JeeF, shes e1pe$ti!g us for di!!er%
3e laughs%
G+o, &!astasia, "ere goi!g to i!dulge i! y se$o!d fa*orite pastie%H
GSe$o!dIH 8 fro"! at hi%
GJep% 8 told you y fa*orite this or!i!g%H
8 gla!$e at his glorious profile, fro"!i!g, ra$#i!g y brai!%
G8!dulgi!g i! you, =iss Steele, thats got to be top of y list% &!y "ay 8 $a! get you%H
GWell thats Buite high up o! y list of di*erti!g, #i!#y priorities too%H 8 utter, blushi!g%G8
pleased to hear it,H he utters dryly%
GSo, airfieldIH
3e gri!s at e%
The ter ri!gs a *ague bell% 3es e!tio!ed it before%
GWere goi!g to $hase the da"!, &!astasia%H 3e tur!s a!d gri!s at e as the >.S urges hi to
tur! right i!to "hat loo#s li#e a! i!dustrial $ople1% 3e pulls up outside a large "hite buildi!g "ith
a sig! readi!g 0ru!s"i$# Soari!g &sso$iatio!%
$liding& #e*re going gliding.
3e s"it$hes off the e!gi!e%
GJou up for thisIH he as#s%
GJoure flyi!gIH
GJes, pleaseKH 8 do!t hesitate% 3e gri!s a!d lea!s for"ard a!d #isses e%
G&!other first, =iss Steele,H he says as he $libs out of the $ar%
FirstI What sort of firstI First tie flyi!g a gliderL shitK +o C he said that hes do!e it
before% 8 rela1% 3e "al#s rou!d a!d ope!s y door% The s#y has tur!ed to a subtle opal, shieri!g
a!d glo"i!g softly behi!d the sporadi$ $hildli#e $louds% <a"! is upo! us%
Ta#i!g y ha!d, Christia! leads e rou!d the buildi!g to a large stret$h of tara$ "here
se*eral pla!es are par#ed% Waiti!g beside the is a a! "ith a sha*ed head a!d a "ild loo# i! his
eye, a$$opa!ied by Taylor%
1aylor& <oes Christia! go a!y "here "ithout that a!I 8 bea at hi, a!d he siles #i!dly
ba$# at e%
G=r% >rey, this is your to"9pilot, =r% =ar# 0e!so!,H says Taylor% Christia! a!d 0e!so! sha#e
ha!ds a!d stri#e up a $o!*ersatio!, "hi$h sou!ds *ery te$h!i$al about "i!d speed, dire$tio!s, a!d
the li#e%
G3ello, Taylor,H 8 urur shyly%
G=iss Steele%H 3e !ods a greeti!g at e, a!d 8 fro"!% G&!a,H he $orre$ts hiself%
G3es bee! hell o! "heels the last fe" days% >lad "ere here,H he says $o!spiratorially%
Oh this is news 2 #hy. %urely not ,ecause of me& De*elatio! ThursdayK =ust be soethi!g
i! the Sa*a!!ah "ater that a#es these e! loose! up a bit%
G&!astasia,H Christia! suo!s e% GCoe%H 3e holds out his ha!d%
GSee you later%H 8 sile at Taylor, a!d gi*i!g e a Bui$# salute, he heads ba$# to the par#i!g
G=r% 0e!so!, this is y girlfrie!d &!astasia Steele%H
G.leased to eet you,H 8 urur as "e sha#e ha!ds%
0e!so! gi*es e a daFFli!g sile%
GLi#e"ise,H he says, a!d 8 $a! tell fro his a$$e!t that hes 0ritish%
&s 8 ta#e Christia!s ha!d, theres a ou!ti!g e1$itee!t i! y belly% #ow0 gliding& We
follo" =ar# 0e!so! out a$ross the tara$ to"ards the ru!"ay% 3e a!d Christia! #eep up a ru!!i!g
$o!*ersatio!% 8 $at$h the gist% We "ill be i! a 0la!i# L922, "hi$h is appare!tly better tha! the L912,
although this is ope! to debate% 0e!so! "ill be flyi!g a .iper .a"!ee% 3es bee! flyi!g tail draggers
for about fi*e years !o"% 8t all ea!s !othi!g to e, but gla!$i!g up at Christia!, he is so a!iated,
so i! his elee!t, its a pleasure to "at$h hi%
The pla!e itself is lo!g, slee#, a!d "hite "ith ora!ge stripes% 8t has a sall $o$#pit "ith t"o
seats o!e i! fro!t of the other% 8ts atta$hed by a lo!g "hite $able to a sall, $o!*e!tio!al si!gle9
propeller pla!e% 0e!so! ope!s the large, $lear .erspe1 doe that fraes the $o$#pit, allo"i!g us to
$lib i!%
GFirst "e !eed to strap o! your para$hute%H
G8ll do that,H Christia! i!terrupts hi a!d ta#es the har!ess off 0e!so!, "ho siles ae!ably
at hi%
G8ll fet$h soe ballast,H 0e!so! says a!d heads to"ard the pla!e%
GJou li#e strappi!g e i!to thi!gs%H 8 obser*e dryly%
G=iss Steele, you ha*e !o idea% 3ere, step i!to the straps%H
8 do as 8 told, pla$i!g y ar o! his shoulder% Christia! stiffe!s slightly but does!t o*e%
/!$e y feet are i! the loops, he pulls the para$hute up, a!d 8 pla$e y ars through the shoulder
straps% <eftly he faste!s the har!ess a!d tighte!s all the straps%
GThere, youll do,H he says ildly, but his eyes are gleai!g% G<o you ha*e your hair tie fro
8 !od%
GJou "a!t e to put y hair upIH
8 Bui$#ly do as 8 as#ed%
G8! you go,H Christia! $oa!ds% 3es still so bossy% 8 go to $lib i!to the ba$#%
G+o, fro!t% .ilot sits at the ba$#%H
G0ut "o!t you be able to see%H
G8ll see ple!ty%H 3e gri!s%
8 do!t thi!# 8 ha*e e*er see! hi so happy, bossy, but happy% 8 $laber i!, settli!g do"! i!to
the leather seat% 8t is surprisi!gly $ofortable% Christia! lea!s o*er, pulls the har!ess o*er y
shoulders, rea$hes bet"ee! y legs for the lo"er belt, a!d slots it i!to the faste!er that rests agai!st
y belly% 3e tighte!s all the restrai!i!g straps%
G3, t"i$e i! o!e or!i!g, 8 a a lu$#y a!,H he "hispers a!d #isses e Bui$#ly%
GThis "o!t ta#e lo!g C t"e!ty, thirty i!utes at ost% Therals are!t great this tie of the
or!i!g, but its so breathta#i!g up there at this hour% 8 hope youre !ot !er*ous%H
GE1$ited%H 8 bea%
Where did this ridi$ulous gri! $oe froI &$tually, part of e is terrified% =y i!!er goddess
C shes u!der a bla!#et behi!d the sofa%
G>ood%H 3e gri!s ba$#, stro#i!g y fa$e, the! disappears fro *ie"%
8 hear a!d feel his o*ee!ts as he $libs i! behi!d e% /f $ourse hes strapped e i! so
tightly 8 $a!t o*e rou!d to see hiL typi$alK We are *ery lo" o! the grou!d% 8! fro!t of e is a
pa!el of dials a!d le*ers a!d a big sti$# thi!g% 8 lea*e "ell alo!e%
=ar# 0e!so! appears "ith a $heerful gri! as he $he$#s y straps a!d lea!s i! a!d $he$#s the
$o$#pit floor% 8 thi!# its the ballast%
GJep, thats se$ure% First tieIH he as#s e%
GJoull lo*e it%H
GTha!#s, =r% 0e!so!%H
GCall e =ar#%H 3e tur!s to Christia!% G/#ayIH
GJep% Lets go%H
8 a so glad 8 ha*e!t eate! a!ythi!g% 8 a beyo!d e1$ited, a!d 8 do!t thi!# y stoa$h
"ould be gae for food, e1$itee!t, a!d lea*i!g the grou!d% /!$e agai!, 8 a putti!g yself i!to
this beautiful a!s s#illed ha!ds% =ar# shuts the $o$#pit lid, strolls o*er to the pla!e i! fro!t, a!d
$libs i!%
The .ipers si!gle propeller starts, a!d y !er*ous stoa$h relo$ates itself to y throat%
=ee:0 I*m really doing this. =ar# ta1is slo"ly do"! the ru!"ay, a!d as the $able ta#es the strai!,
"e sudde!ly @olt for"ard% Were off% 8 hear $hatter o*er the radio set behi!d e% 8 thi!# its =ar#
tal#i!g to the to"er C but 8 $a!t a#e out "hat hes sayi!g%
&s the .iper pi$#s up speed, so do "e% 8ts *ery bupy, a!d i! fro!t of us, the si!gle prop
pla!e is still o! the grou!d% JeeF, "ill "e e*er get upI &!d sudde!ly, y stoa$h disappears fro
y throat a!d free9falls through y body to the grou!d C "ere airbor!e%
G3ere "e go, babyKH Christia! shouts fro behi!d e% &!d "e are i! our o"! bubble, @ust us
t"o% &ll 8 hear is the sou!d of the "i!d rippi!g past a!d the dista!t hu of the .ipers e!gi!e%
8 grippi!g the edge of y seat "ith both ha!ds, so tightly y #!u$#les are "hite%
We head "est, i!la!d a"ay fro the risi!g su!, gai!i!g height, $rossi!g o*er fields a!d
"oods a!d hoes a!d 89'4% Oh my. This is aaFi!g, abo*e us o!ly s#y% The light is e1traordi!ary,
diffuse a!d "ar i! hue, a!d 8 reeber JosNO222P rabli!g o! about Magi$ hour, a tie of day
that photographers adore C this is itL @ust after da"!, a!d 8 i! it, "ith Christia!%
&bruptly, 8 rei!ded of JosNO222Ps sho"% 3% 8 !eed to tell Christia!% 8 "o!der briefly
ho" hell rea$t% 0ut 8 "o!t "orry about that, !ot !o" C 8 e!@oyi!g the ride% =y ears pop as "e
gai! height, a!d the grou!d slips further a!d further a"ay% 8t is so pea$eful%
8 $opletely get "hy he li#es to be up here% &"ay fro his 0la$#0erry a!d all the pressures
of his @ob%
The radio $ra$#les i!to life, a!d =ar# e!tio!s 2,000 feet% JeeF, that sou!ds high,% 8 $he$# the
grou!d, a!d 8 $a! !o lo!ger $learly disti!guish a!ythi!g do"! there%
GDelease,H Christia! says i!to the radio, a!d sudde!ly the .iper disappears, a!d the pulli!g
se!satio! pro*ided by the sall pla!e $eases% Were floati!g, floati!g o*er >eorgia%
7oly fuc( 2 it*s e<citing. The pla!e ba!#s a!d tur!s as the "i!g dips, a!d "e spiral to"ard
the su!% Icarus. 1his is it. 8 a flyi!g $lose to the su!, but hes "ith e, leadi!g e% 8 gasp at the
realiFatio!% We spiral a!d spiral a!d, the *ie" i! this or!i!g light is spe$ta$ular%
G3old o! tightKH he shouts, a!d "e dip agai! C o!ly this tie he does!t stop% sudde!ly, 8 a
upside do"!, loo#i!g at the grou!d through the top of the $o$#pit $a!opy%
8 sBueal loudly, y ars autoati$ally lashi!g out, y ha!ds splayed o! the .erspe1 to stop
e falli!g% 8 $a! hear hi laughi!g% 9astard& 0ut his @oy is i!fe$tious, a!d 8 a laughi!g too as he
rights the pla!e%
G8 glad 8 did!t ha*e brea#fastKH 8 shout at hi%
GJes, i! hi!dsight, its good you did!t, be$ause 8 goi!g to do that agai!%H
3e dips the pla!e o!$e ore u!til "e are upside do"!% This tie, be$ause 8 prepared, 8
ha!g o! to the har!ess, but it a#es e gri! a!d giggle li#e a fool% 3e le*els the pla!e o!$e ore%
G0eautiful, is!t itIH he $alls%
We fly, s"oopi!g a@esti$ally through the air, liste!i!g to the "i!d a!d the sile!$e, i! the
early or!i!g light% Who $ould as# for oreI
GSee the @oy9sti$# i! fro!t of youIH he shouts agai!%
8 loo# at the sti$# that is o*i!g slightly bet"ee! y legs% Oh no "heres he goi!g "ith
G>rab hold%H
Oh shit. 3es goi!g to a#e e fly the pla!e% "o&
G>o o!, &!astasia% >rab it,H he urges ore *ehee!tly%
Te!tati*ely, 8 grasp it a!d feel the pit$h a!d ya" of "hat 8 assue are rudders a!d paddles or
"hate*er #eeps this thi!g i! the air%
G3old tightL #eep it steady% See the iddle dial i! fro!tI Eeep the !eedle dead $e!ter%H=y
heart is i! y outh% 7oly shit. 8 a flyi!g a gliderL 8 soari!g%
G>ood girl%H Christia! sou!ds delighted%
G8 a aaFed you let e ta#e $o!trol,H 8 shout%
GJoud be aaFed "hat 8d let you do, =iss Steele% 0a$# to e !o"%H
8 feel the @oysti$# o*e sudde!ly, a!d 8 let go as "e spiral do"! se*eral feet, y ears starti!g
to pop agai!% The grou!d is getti!g $loser, a!d it feels li#e "e $ould be hitti!g it shortly% JeeF, thats
G0=&, this is 0> + .apa 2 &lpha, e!teri!g left do"!"i!d ru!"ay se*e! to the grass, 0=&%H
Christia! sou!ds his usual authoritati*e self% The to"er sBua"#s ba$# at hi o*er the radio, but 8
do!t u!dersta!d "hat they say% We sail rou!d agai! i! a "ide $ir$le, si!#i!g slo"ly to the grou!d% 8
$a! see the airport, the la!di!g strips, a!d "ere flyi!g ba$# o*er 89'4%
G3a!g o!, baby% This $a! get bupy%H
&fter a!other $ir$le "e dip, a!d sudde!ly "e are o! the grou!d "ith a brief thup, ra$i!g
alo!g the grass C holy shit. =y teeth $hatter as "e bup at a! alari!g speed alo!g the grou!d,
u!til "e fi!ally $oe to a stop% The pla!e s"ays slightly the! dips to the right%
8 ta#e a deep lu!gful of air "hile Christia! lea!s o*er a!d ope!s the $o$#pit lid, $laberi!g
out a!d stret$hi!g%
G3o" "as thatIH he as#s, a!d his eyes are a shi!i!g, daFFli!g sil*er gray% 3e lea!s do"! to
u!bu$#le e%
GThat "as e1traordi!ary% Tha!# you,H 8 "hisper%
GWas it oreIH he as#s, his *oi$e ti!ged "ith hope%
G=u$h ore,H 8 breathe, a!d he gri!s%
GCoe%H 3e holds out his ha!d for e, a!d 8 $laber out of the $o$#pit%
&s soo! as 8 out, he grabs e a!d holds e flush agai!st his body% Sudde!ly his ha!d is i!
y hair, tuggi!g it so y head tips ba$#, a!d his other ha!d tra*els do"! to the base of y spi!e%
3e #isses e, lo!g, hard, a!d passio!ately, his to!gue i! y outh%
3is breathi!g is ou!ti!g, his ardor 0 7oly cow C his ere$tio!L "ere i! a field% 0ut 8 do!t
$are% =y ha!ds t"ist i! his hair, a!$hori!g hi to e% 8 "a!t hi, here, !o", o! the grou!d% 3e
brea#s a"ay a!d gaFes do"! at e, his eyes !o" dar# a!d lui!ous i! the early or!i!g light, full
of ra", arroga!t se!suality% Wo"% 3e ta#es y breath a"ay%
G0rea#fast,H he "hispers, a#i!g it sou!d deli$iously eroti$%
3o" $a! he a#e ba$o! a!d eggs sou!d li#e forbidde! fruitI 8ts a! e1traordi!ary s#ill% 3e
tur!s, $laspi!g y ha!d, a!d "e head ba$# to"ard the $ar%
GWhat about the gliderIH
GSoeo!e "ill ta#e $are of thatIH, he says disissi*ely% GWell eat !o"%H 3is to!e is
'ood& 3es tal#i!g food, "he! really all 8 "a!t is hi%
GCoe%H 3e siles%
8 ha*e !e*er see! hi li#e this, a!d its a @oy to behold% 8 fi!d yself "al#i!g beside hi,
ha!d i! ha!d, "ith a stupid, goofy gri! plastered o! y fa$e% 8t rei!ds e of "he! 8 "as te! a!d
spe!di!g the day i! <is!eyla!d "ith Day% 8t "as a perfe$t day, a!d this is sure shapi!g out to be the
0a$# i! the $ar, as "e head ba$# alo!g 89'4 to"ards Sa*a!!ah, y pho!e alar goes off% /h
yesL y pill%
GWhats thatIH Christia! as#s, $urious, gla!$i!g at e%
8 fuble i! y purse for the pa$#et%
G&lar for y pill,H 8 utter as y $hee#s flush%
3is lips Buir# up%
G>ood, "ell do!e% 8 hate $o!dos%H
8 flush soe ore% 3es as patro!iFi!g as e*er%
G8 li#e that you i!trodu$ed e to =ar# as your girlfrie!d,H 8 urur%
G8s!t that "hat you areIH 3e raises a! eyebro"%
G& 8I 8 thought you "a!ted a subissi*e%H
GSo did 8, &!astasia, a!d 8 do% 0ut 8*e told you, 8 "a!t ore, too%H
Oh my. 3es $oi!g rou!d, a!d hope surges through e, lea*i!g e breathless%
G8 *ery happy that you "a!t ore,H 8 "hisper%
GWe ai to please, =iss Steele%H 3e sir#s as "e pull i!to the 8!ter!atio!al 3ouse of
G83/.%H 8 gri! ba$# at hi% 8 do!t belie*e it% Who "ould ha*e thoughtL Christia! >rey at
8ts ):20 a%% but Buiet i! the restaura!t% 8t sells of s"eet batter, fried food, a!d disi!fe$9ta!t%
7mm0 not such an enticing aroma. Christia! leads e to a booth%
G8 "ould !e*er ha*e pi$tured you here,H 8 say as "e slide i!to a booth%
G=y dad used to bri!g us to o!e of these "he!e*er y o "e!t a"ay at a edi$al
$o!fere!$e% 8t "as our se$ret%H 3e siles at e, gray eyes da!$i!g, the! pi$#s up a e!u, ru!!i!g a
ha!d through his "ay"ard hair as he stares do"! at it%
Oh I want to run my hands through that hair. 8 pi$# up a e!u a!d e1ai!e it% 8 realiFe 8
G8 #!o" "hat 8 "a!t,H he breathes, his *oi$e lo" a!d hus#y%
8 gla!$e up at hi, a!d hes stari!g at e i! that "ay that tighte!s all the us$les i! y belly
a!d ta#es y breath a"ay, his eyes dar# a!d solderi!g% 7oly shit. 8 gaFe at hi, y blood
si!gi!g i! y *ei!s a!s"eri!g his $all%
G8 "a!t "hat you "a!t,H 8 "hisper%
3e i!hales sharply%
G3ereIH he as#s suggesti*ely, raisi!g a! eyebro" at e, sili!g "i$#edly, his teeth trappi!g
the tip of his to!gue%
Oh my0 se< in I7O/. 3is e1pressio! $ha!ges, gro"i!g dar#er%
G<o!t bite your lip,H he orders% G+ot here, !ot !o"%H 3is eyes harde! oe!tarily, a!d for a
oe!t, he loo#s so deli$iously da!gerous% G8f 8 $a!t ha*e you here, do!t tept e%HG3i, =y
!aes Lea!dra, What $a! 8 get for youL erL fol#sL erL today, this or!i!L IH 3er *oi$e
trails off, stubli!g o*er her "ords as she gets a! eye full of =r%
0eautiful opposite e% She flushes s$arlet, a!d a sall ou!$e of sypathy for her bubbles
u!"el$oe i!to y $o!s$ious!ess be$ause he still does that to e% 3er prese!$e allo"s e to
es$ape briefly fro his se!sual glare%
G&!astasiaIH he propts e, ig!ori!g her, a!d 8 do!t thi!# a!yo!e $ould sBueeFe as u$h
$ar!ality i!to y !ae as he does at that oe!t%
8 s"allo", prayi!g that 8 do!t go the sae $olor as poor Lea!dra%
G8 told you, 8 "a!t "hat you "a!t%H 8 #eep y *oi$e soft, lo", a!d he loo#s at e hu!9grily%
JeeF, y i!!er goddess s"oo!s% Am I up to this game.
Lea!dra loo#s fro e to hi a!d ba$# agai!% Shes pra$ti$ally the sae $olor as her shi!y
red hair%
GShall 8 gi*e you fol#s a!other i!ute to de$ideIH
G+o% We #!o" "hat "e "a!t%H Christia!s outh t"it$hes "ith a sall, se1y sile%
GWell ha*e t"o portio!s of the origi!al butteril# pa!$a#es "ith aple syrup a!d ba$o! o!
the side, t"o glasses of ora!ge @ui$e, o!e bla$# $offee "ith s#i il#, a!d o!e E!glish brea#fast
tea, if you ha*e it,H says Christia!, !ot ta#i!g his eyes off e%
GTha!# you sir% Will that be allIH Lea!dra "hispers, loo#i!g a!y"here but at the t"o of us%
We both tur! to stare at her, a!d she flushes $riso! agai! a!d s$uttles a"ay%
GJou #!o" its really !ot fair%H 8 gla!$e do"! at the Fori$a tabletop, tra$i!g a patter! i! it
"ith y i!de1 fi!ger, tryi!g to sou!d !o!$hala!t%
GWhats !ot fairIH
G3o" you disar people% Woe!% =e%H
G<o 8 disar youIH
8 s!ort%
G&ll the tie%H
G8ts @ust loo#s, &!astasia,H he says ildly%
G+o, Christia!, its u$h ore tha! that%H
3is bro" $reases%
GJou disar e totally, =iss Steele% Jour i!!o$e!$e% 8t $uts through all the $rap%H
G8s that "hy you*e $ha!ged your i!dIH
GCha!ged y i!dIH
GJes C about L errL usIH
3e stro#es his $hi! thoughtfully "ith his lo!g, s#illed fi!gers%
G8 do!t thi!# 8*e $ha!ged y i!d per se% We @ust !eed to re9defi!e our paraeters, re9dra"
our battle li!es, if you "ill% We $a! a#e this "or#, 8 sure% 8 "a!t you subissi*e i! y
playroo% 8 "ill pu!ish you if you digress fro the rules% /ther tha! thatL
"ell, 8 thi!# its all up for dis$ussio!% Those are y reBuiree!ts, =iss Steele% What say you
to thatIH
GSo 8 get to sleep "ith youI 8! your bedIH
G8s that "hat you "a!tIH
G8 agree the!% 0esides, 8 sleep *ery "ell "he! youre i! y bed% 8 had !o idea%H 3is bro"
$reases as his *oi$e fades%
G8 "as frighte!ed youd lea*e e if 8 did!t agree to all of it,H 8 "hisper%
G8 !ot goi!g a!y"here, &!astasia% 0esidesL H 3e trails off, a!d after soe thought, he
adds% GWere follo"i!g your ad*i$e, your defi!itio!: $oproise% Jou eailed it to e% &!d so far,
its "or#i!g for e%H
G8 lo*e that you "a!t ore,H 8 urur shyly%
G8 #!o"%H
G3o" do you #!o"IH
GTrust e% 8 @ust do%H 3e sir#s at e% 3es hidi!g soethi!g% #hat.
&t that oe!t, Lea!dra arri*es "ith brea#fast a!d our $o!*ersatio! $eases% =y stoa$h
rubles, rei!di!g e ho" ra*e!ous 8 a% Christia! "at$hes "ith a!!oyi!g appro*al as 8 de*our
e*erythi!g o! y plate%
GCa! 8 treat youIH 8 as# Christia!%
GTreat e ho"IH
G.ay for this eal%H
Christia! s!orts%
G8 do!t thi!# so%H he s$offs%
G.lease% 8 "a!t to%H
3e fro"!s at e%
G&re you tryi!g to $opletely eas$ulate eIH
GThis is probably the o!ly pla$e that 8ll be able to afford to pay%H
G&!astasia, 8 appre$iate the thought% 8 do% 0ut !o%H
8 purse y lips%
G<o!t s$o"l,H he threate!s, his eyes gli!ti!g oi!ously%
/f $ourse he does!t as# e for y others address% 3e #!o"s it already, stal#er that he is%
Whe! he pulls up outside the house, 8 do!t $oe!t% Whats the poi!tI
G<o you "a!t to $oe i!IH 8 as# shyly%
G8 !eed to "or#, &!astasia, but 8ll be ba$# this e*e!i!g% What tieIH
8 ig!ore the u!"el$oe stab of disappoi!te!t% Why do 8 "a!t to spe!d e*ery si!gle i!ute
"ith this $o!trolli!g se1 godI /h yes, 8*e falle! i! lo*e "ith hi, a!d he $a! fly%
GTha!# youL for the ore%H
G=y pleasure, &!astasia%H 3e #isses e, a!d 8 i!hale his se1y Christia! sell%
G8ll see you later%H
GTry a!d stop e,H he "hispers%
8 "a*e goodbye as he dri*es off i!to the >eorgia su!shi!e% 8 still "eari!g his s"eatshirt
a!d his u!der"ear, a!d 8 too "ar%
8! the #it$he!, y o is i! a $oplete flap% 8ts !ot e*ery day she has to e!tertai! a ulti9
Fillio!aire, a!d its stressi!g her out%
G3o" are you, darli!gIH she as#s, a!d 8 flush be$ause she ust #!o" "hat 8 "as doi!g last
G8 good% Christia! too# e glidi!g this or!i!g%H 8 hope the !e" i!foratio! "ill distra$t
G>lidi!gI &s i! a sall pla!e "ith !o e!gi!eI That sort of glidi!gIH
8 !od%
Shes spee$hless C a !o*el $o!$ept for y other% She gapes at e, but e*e!tually re$o*ers
herself a!d resues her origi!al li!e of Buestio!i!g%
G3o" "as last !ightI <id you tal#IH
=ee:. 8 flush bright s$arlet%
GWe tal#ed C last !ight a!d today% 8ts getti!g better%H
G>ood%H She tur!s her atte!tio! ba$# to the four $oo#ery boo#s she has ope! o! the #it$he!
G=oL if you li#e, 8ll $oo# this e*e!i!g%H
G/h, ho!ey, thats #i!d of you, but 8 "a!t to do it%H
G/#ay%H 8 gria$e, #!o"i!g full "ell that y others $oo#i!g is pretty hit or iss%
.erhaps shes ipro*ed si!$e she o*ed to Sa*a!!ah "ith 0ob% There "as a tie 8 "ould!t
sub@e$t a!yo!e to her $oo#i!gL e*e! C "ho do 8 hateI /h yes C =rs% Dobi!so!
C Ele!a% Well, aybe her% #ill I e6er meet this damned woman.
8 de$ide to se!d a Bui$# tha!#9you to Christia!%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Soari!g as opposed to sore9i!g
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 10:20 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
Soeties, you really #!o" ho" to sho" a girl a good tie%
Tha!# you
&!a 1
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Soari!g *s sore9i!g
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 10:2S EST
$o: &!astasia Steele
8ll ta#e either of those o*er your s!ori!g% 8 had a good tie too%
0ut 8 al"ays do "he! 8 "ith you%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: S+/D8+>
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 10:2( EST
$o: Christia! >rey
8 </ +/T S+/DE% &!d if 8 do, its *ery u!galla!t of you to poi!t it out%
Jou are !o ge!tlea! =r% >reyK &!d you are i! the <eep South tooK
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: So!iloBuy
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 10:2) EST
$o: &!astasia Steele
8 ha*e !e*er $laied to be a ge!tlea!, &!astasia, a!d 8 thi!# 8 ha*e deo!strated that poi!t
to you o! !uerous o$$asio!s% 8 a !ot i!tiidated by your S3/5TJ $apitals% 0ut 8 "ill $o!fess
to a sall "hite lie: +o C you do!t s!ore, but you do tal#% &!d its fas$i!ati!g%
What happe!ed to y #issI
Christia! >rey
Cad N CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
7oly shit. 8 #!o" 8 tal# i! y sleep% Eate has told e e!ough ties% What the hell ha*e 8
saidI Oh no.
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Spill the 0ea!s
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 10:22 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
Jou are a $ad a!d a s$ou!drel C defi!itely !o ge!tlea!%
So, "hat did 8 sayI +o #isses for you u!til you tal#K
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Sleepi!g tal#i!g 0eauty
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 10:24 EST
$o: &!astasia Steele
8t "ould be ost u!galla!t of e to say, a!d 8 ha*e already bee! $hastised for that%
0ut if you beha*e yourself, 8 ay tell you this e*e!i!g% 8 do ha*e to go i!to a eeti!g !o"%
Laters, baby%
Christia! >rey
CE/, Cad N S$ou!drel, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
Right& 8 shall ai!tai! radio sile!$e u!til this e*e!i!g% 8 fue% =ee:. Supposi!g 8*e said 8
hate hi, or "orse still, that 8 lo*e hi, i! y sleep% /h, 8 hope !ot% 8 a !ot ready to tell hi that,
a!d 8 sure hes !ot ready to hear it, if he e*er "a!ts to hear it% 8 s$o"l at y $oputer a!d de$ide
that "hate*er 8 $oo#, 8 "ill a#e bread%
=y o has de$ided o! gaFpa$ho soup a!d a barbe$ue "ith stea#s ari!ated i! oli*e oil,
garli$, a!d leo!% Christia! li#es eat, a!d its siple to do% 0ob has *olu!teered to a! the 00Q
grill% What is it about e! a!d fire, 8 po!der as 8 trail after y other through the superar#et "ith
the shoppi!g $artI
&s "e bro"se the ra" eat $abi!et, y pho!e ri!gs% 8 s$rable for it, thi!#i!g it ay be
Christia!% 8 do!t re$og!iFe the !uber%
G3elloIH 8 a!s"er breathlessly%
G&!astasia SteeleIH
G8ts EliFabeth =orga! fro S8.%H
G/h C hi%H
G8 $alli!g to offer you the @ob of assista!t to =r% Ja$# 3yde% Wed li#e you to start o!
GWo"% Thats great% Tha!# youKH
GJou #!o" the salary detailsIH
GJes% JesL thats C 8 ea!, 8 a$$ept your offer% 8d lo*e to $oe a!d "or# for you%H
GE1$elle!t% Well see you =o!day at ):20 a%%IH
GSee you the!% >oodbye% &!d tha!# you%H
8 bea at y o%
GJou ha*e a @obIH
8 !od gleefully, a!d she sBueals a!d hugs e i! the iddle of .ubli1 superar#et%
GCo!gratulatio!s, darli!gK We ha*e to buy soe $hapag!eKH Shes $lappi!g her ha!ds a!d
@upi!g up a!d do"!% Is she forty;two or twel6e.
8 gla!$e do"! at y pho!e a!d fro"!, theres a issed $all fro Christia!% 3e !e*er pho!es
e% 8 $all hi straight ba$#%
G&!astasia,H he a!s"ers iediately%
G3i,H 8 urur shyly%
G8 ha*e to retur! to Seattle% Soethi!gs $oe up% 8 a o! y "ay to 3ilto! 3ead !o"%
.lease apologiFe to your other C 8 $a!t a#e di!!er%H 3e sou!ds *ery busi!essli#e%
G+othi!g serious, 8 hopeIH
G8 ha*e a situatio! "hi$h 8 ha*e to deal "ith% 8ll see you Friday% 8ll se!d Taylor to $olle$t
you fro the airport if 8 $a!t $oe yself%H 3e sou!ds $old% &!gry e*e!% 0ut for the first tie, 8
do!t iediately thi!# its e%
G/#ay% 8 hope you sort out your situatio!% 3a*e a safe flight%H
GJou too, baby,H he breathes, a!d "ith those "ords, y Christia! is ba$# briefly% The! he
ha!gs up%
/h !o% The last Msituatio! he had "as y *irgi!ity . =ee: I hope it*s nothing li(e that.
8 gaFe at y o% 3er earlier @ubilatio! has etaorphosed i!to $o!$er!%
G8ts Christia!, hes had to go ba$# to Seattle% 3e apologiFes%H
G/hK Thats a shae, darli!g% We $a! still ha*e our barbe$ue, a!d !o" "e ha*e soethi!g to
$elebrate C your !e" @obK Jou ha*e to tell e all about it%H
8ts late after!oo!, a!d =o a!d 8 are lyi!g beside the pool% =y other has rela1ed to the
poi!t "here she is literally horiFo!tal !o" that =r% =egabu$#s is !ot $oi!g to di!!er% &s 8 lie i!
the su!, e!dea*ori!g to lose the pale, 8 thi!# about yesterday e*e!i!g a!d brea#fast today% 8 thi!#
about Christia!, a!d y ridi$ulous gri! refuses to subside% 8t #eeps $reepi!g a$ross y fa$e,
u!bidde! a!d dis$o!$erti!g, as 8 re$all our *arious $o!*ersatio!s a!d "hat "e didL "hat he did%
There sees to be tidal shift i! Christia!s attitude% 3e de!ies it but C he adits hes tryi!g for
ore% What $ould ha*e $ha!gedI What has altered si!$e he se!t his lo!g eail a!d "he! 8 sa" hi
yesterdayI What has he do!eI 8 sit up sudde!ly, alost spilli!g y <r% .epper% 3e had di!!er
"ithL her. Ele!a%
7oly 'uc(&
=y s$alp pri$#les at the realiFatio!% <id she say soethi!g to hiI /hL to ha*e bee! a fly
o! the "all duri!g their di!!er% 8 $ould ha*e la!ded i! her soup or o! her "i!e glass a!d $ho#ed her%
GWhat is it, &!a, ho!eyIH =o as#s, startled fro her torpor%
G8 @ust ha*i!g a oe!t, =o% What tie is itIH
G&bout (:20 p%%, darli!g%H
3L he "o!t ha*e la!ded yet% Ca! 8 as# hiI Should 8 as# hiI /r perhaps she has
!othi!g to do "ith it% 8 fer*e!tly hope so% What did 8 say i! y sleepI Crap L soe u!guarded
rear# "hile dreai!g about hi, 8 betI Whate*er it is, or "as, 8 hope the sea of $ha!ge is $oi!g
fro "ithi! hi a!d !ot be$ause of her.
8 a s"elteri!g i! this da!ed heat% 8 !eed a!other dip i! the pool%
&s 8 get ready for bed, 8 s"it$h o! y $oputer% 8 ha*e heard !othi!g fro Christia!%
+ot e*e! a "ord that hes arri*ed safely%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: Safe &rri*alI
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 22:22 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear Sir
.lease let e #!o" that you ha*e arri*ed safely% 8 a starti!g to "orry% Thi!#i!g of you%
Jour &!a% 1
Three i!utes later, 8 hear the pi!g fro y eail i!9bo1%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Sorry
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 1':2(
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
8 ha*e arri*ed safely, a!d please a$$ept y apologies for !ot letti!g you #!o"% 8 do!t "a!t to
$ause you a!y "orry, its heart "ari!g to #!o" that you $are for e% 8 a thi!#i!g of you too a!d
as e*er loo#i!g for"ard to seei!g you toorro"%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
8 sigh, Christia! is ba$# to forality%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: The Situatio!
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 22:S0 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear =r% >rey
8 thi!# it is *ery e*ide!t that 8 $are for you deeply% 3o" $ould you doubt thatI
8 hope your Msituatio! is i! ha!d%
Jour &!a 1
.S: &re you goi!g to tell e "hat 8 said i! y sleepI
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: .leadi!g the Fifth
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 1':S4
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
8 li#e *ery u$h that you $are for e% The Msituatio! here is !ot yet resol*ed%
With regard to your .S: The a!s"er is 9 +o%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: .leadi!g 8!sa!ity
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 22:S) EST
$o: Christia! >rey
8 hope it "as ausi!g% 0ut you should #!o" 8 $a!!ot a$$ept a!y respo!sibility for "hat
$oes out of y outh "he! 8 a u!$o!s$ious% 8! fa$t C you probably isheard e%
& a! of your ad*a!$ed years is surely a little deaf%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: .leadi!g >uilty
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 1':42
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
Sorry, $ould you spea# upI 8 $a!t hear you%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: .leadi!g 8!sa!ity &gai!
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 22:4S EST
$o: Christia! >rey
Jou are dri*i!g e $raFy%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: 8 hope soL
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 1':4'
$o: &!astasia Steele
<ear =iss Steele
8 i!te!d to do e1a$tly that o! Friday e*e!i!g% Loo#i!g for"ard to it
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: >rrrrrr
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 22:02 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
8 a offi$ially pissed at you%
=iss &% D% Steele
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: Wild Cat
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 20:04
$o: &!astasia Steele
&re you gro"li!g at e =iss SteeleI
8 possess a $at of y o"! for gro"lers%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
Cat of his o"!I 8*e !e*er see! a $at i! his aparte!t% +o, 8 a !ot goi!g to a!s"er hi%
/h, he $a! be so e1asperati!g soeties% Fifty shades of e1asperati!g% 8 $laber i!to bed a!d
lie glari!g at the $eili!g as y eyes ad@ust to the dar#% 8 hear a!other pi!g fro y $oputer% 8 a
!ot goi!g to loo#% +o defi!itely !ot% +o, 8 a !ot goi!g to loo#% >ahK
Li#e the fool 8 a, 8 $a!!ot resist the lure of Christia! >reys "ords%
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: What you said i! your sleep
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 20:20
$o: &!astasia Steele
8d rather hear you say the "ords that you uttered i! your sleep "he! youre $o!s$ious, thats
"hy 8 "o!t tell you% >o to sleep% Joull !eed to be rested "ith "hat 8 ha*e i! i!d for you
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
/h !oL What ha*e 8 saidI 8ts as bad as 8 thi!#, 8 sure%
=y other hugs e tightly%
GFollo" your heart, darli!g, a!d please, please C try !ot to o*er9thi!# thi!gs% Dela1 a!d e!@oy
yourself% Jou are so you!g, s"eetheart% Jou ha*e so u$h of life to e1perie!$e yet, @ust let it
happe!% Jou deser*e the best of e*erythi!g%H 3er heartfelt "ords are $oforti!g "hispered i! y
ear% She #isses y hair%
G/h, =o%H 3ot, u!"el$oe tears pri$# y eyes as 8 $li!g to her%
G<arli!g, you #!o" "hat they say% Jou ha*e to #iss a lot of frogs before you fi!d your
8 gi*e her a lopsided, bitters"eet sile%
G8 thi!# 8*e #issed a pri!$e, =o% 8 hope he does!t tur! i!to a frog%H
She gi*es e her ost e!deari!g9otherly9absolute9u!$o!ditio!al9lo*e sile, a!d 8 ar*el at
the lo*e 8 feel for this "oa! as "e hug agai!%
G&!a C theyre $alli!g your flight,H 0obs *oi$e is a!1ious%
GWill you *isit, =oIH
G/f $ourse darli!g C soo!% Lo*e you%H
G=e too%H
3er eyes are red "ith u!shed tears as she releases e% 8 hate lea*i!g her% 8 hug 0ob, a!d
tur!i!g, head to the gate C 8 do !ot ha*e tie for the first $lass lou!ge today% 8 "ill yself !ot to
gla!$e ba$#% 0ut 8 doL a!d 0ob is holdi!g y o, a!d tears are streai!g
do"! her fa$e% 8 $a! !o lo!ger hold i!e ba$#% 8 put y head do"! a!d pro$eed to the gate,
#eepi!g y eyes o! the shi!y, "hite floor, blurred through y "atery tears%
/!$e o! board, i! the lu1ury of first $lass, 8 $url up i! y seat a!d try to $opose yself% 8t is
al"ays pai!ful to "re!$h yself a"ay fro =oL she is s$atty, disorga!iFed, but !e"ly
i!sightful, a!d she lo*es e% 5!$o!ditio!al lo*e C "hat e*ery $hild deser*es fro its pare!ts% 8
fro"! at y "ay"ard thoughts, a!d pulli!g out y 0la$#0erry, stare at it despo!de!tly%
What does Christia! #!o" of lo*eI Sees he did!t get the u!$o!ditio!al lo*e he "as e!titled
to duri!g his *ery early years% =y heart t"ists, a!d y others "ords "aft li#e a Fephyr through
y i!d: )es Ana. 7ell 2 what do you need. 2 a neon sign flashing on his forehead. She thi!#s
Christia! lo*es e, but the! shes y other, of $ourse shed thi!# that% She thi!#s 8 deser*e the
best of e*erythi!g% 8 fro"!% 8ts true, a!d i! a oe!t of startli!g $larity, 8 see it% 8ts *ery siple: 8
"a!t his lo*e% 8 need Christia! >rey to lo*e e%
This is "hy 8 a so reti$e!t about our relatio!ship C be$ause o! soe basi$, fu!dae!tal
le*el, 8 re$og!iFe "ithi! e a deep9seated $opulsio! to be lo*ed a!d $herished%
&!d be$ause of his fifty shades C 8 a holdi!g yself ba$#% The 0<S= is a distra$tio! fro
the real issue% The se1 is aaFi!g, hes "ealthy, hes beautiful, but this is all ea!i!gless "ithout
his lo*e, a!d the real heart9fail is that 8 do!t #!o" if hes $apable of lo*e% 3e does!t e*e! lo*e
hiself% 8 re$all his self9loathi!g, her lo*e bei!g the o!ly for he fou!d C accepta,le. .u!ished C
"hipped, beate!, "hate*er their relatio!ship e!tailed C
he feels u!deser*i!g of lo*e% Why does he feel li#e thatI 3o" $a! he feel li#e thatI 3is "ords
hau!t e: -It*s 6ery hard to grow up in a perfect family when you*re not perfect.*
8 $lose y eyes, iagi!i!g his pai!, a!d 8 $a!t begi! to $oprehe!d it% 8 shudder as 8
reeber that 8 ay ha*e di*ulged too u$h% What ha*e 8 $o!fessed to Christia! i! y sleepI
What se$rets ha*e 8 re*ealedI
8 stare at the 0la$#0erry i! the *ague hope that it "ill gi*e e soe a!s"ers% Dather
u!surprisi!gly, it is !ot *ery forth$oi!g% &s "e ha*e!t ta#e! off yet, 8 de$ide to eail y Fifty
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: 3oe"ard 0ou!d
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 12:42 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear =r% >rey
8 a o!$e agai! e!s$o!$ed i! first $lass, for "hi$h 8 tha!# you% 8 a $ou!ti!g the i!utes
u!til 8 see you this e*e!i!g, a!d perhaps torturi!g the truth out of you about y !o$tur!al
Jour &!a 1
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: 3oe"ard 0ou!d
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 0':4)
$o: &!astasia Steele
&!astasia, 8 loo# for"ard to seei!g you%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
3is respo!se a#es e fro"!% 8t sou!ds $lipped a!d foral, !ot his usual "itty, pithy style%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: 3oe"ard 0ou!d
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 12:01 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
<earest =r% >rey
8 hope e*erythi!g is o#ay re Mthe situatio!% The to!e of your eail is "orryi!g%
&!a 1
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: 3oe"ard 0ou!d
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 10:0S
$o: &!astasia Steele
The situatio! $ould be better% 3a*e you ta#e! off yetI 8f so you should !ot be eaili!g%
Jou are putti!g yourself at ris#, i! dire$t $o!tra*e!tio! of the rule regardi!g your perso!al
safety% 8 ea!t "hat 8 said about pu!ishe!ts%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
Crap. O(ay. JeeF% What is eati!g hiI .erhaps Mthe situatio!I =aybe Taylors go!e &W/L,
aybe hes dropped a fe" illio! o! the sto$# ar#et C "hate*er the reaso!%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: /*er9Dea$tio!
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 12:0( EST
$o: Christia! >rey
<ear =r% >rupy
The air$raft doors are still ope!% We are delayed but o!ly by te! i!utes% =y "elfare a!d that
of the passe!gers arou!d e is *ou$hsafed% Jou ay sto" your t"it$hy pal
for !o"%
=iss Steele
)rom: Christia! >rey
S1b2ect: &pologies 9 T"it$hy .al Sto"ed
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 10:0)
$o: &!astasia Steele
8 iss you a!d your sart outh =iss Steele%
8 "a!t you safely hoe%
Christia! >rey
CE/, >rey E!terprises 3oldi!gs 8!$%
)rom: &!astasia Steele
S1b2ect: &pology &$$epted
"ate: Ju!e 2 2011 12:10 EST
$o: Christia! >rey
They are shutti!g the doors% Jou "o!t hear a!other peep fro e, espe$ially gi*e! your
&!a 1
8 s"it$h off the 0la$#0erry, u!able to sha#e y a!1iety% Soethi!g is up "ith Christia!%
.erhaps Mthe situatio! is out of ha!d% 8 sit ba$#, gla!$i!g up at the lo$#er "here y bags are
sto"ed% 8 a!aged this or!i!g, "ith y others help, to buy Christia! a sall gift to say tha!#
you for first $lass a!d for the glidi!g% 8 sile at the eory of the soari!g C
that "as soethi!g else% 8 do!t #!o" yet if 8ll gi*e y silly gift to hi% 3e ight thi!# its
$hildish C a!d if hes i! a stra!ge ood, aybe !ot% 8 a both eager to retur! a!d apprehe!si*e of
"hat a"aits e at y @our!eys e!d% &s 8 e!tally fli$# through all the s$e!arios that $ould be Mthe
situatio!, 8 be$oe a"are that o!$e agai! the o!ly epty seat is beside e% 8 sha#e y head as the
thought $rosses y i!d that Christia! ight ha*e pur$hased the ad@a$e!t seat so that 8 $ould!t
tal# to a!yo!e% 8 disiss the idea as ridi$ulous C !o o!e $ould be that $o!trolli!g, that @ealous,
surely% 8 $lose y eyes as the pla!e ta1is to"ards the ru!"ay%
8 eerge i!to the Sea9Ta$ arri*als teri!al eight hours later to fi!d Taylor "aiti!g a!d holdi!g
up a board that reads Miss A %teele. 7onestly& 0ut its good to see hi%
G3ello, Taylor%H
G=iss Steele,H he greets e forally, but 8 see a hi!t of sile i! his sharp bro"! eyes%
3e loo#s his usual ia$ulate self C sart $har$oal suit, "hite shirt, a!d $har$oal tie%
G8 do #!o" "hat you loo# li#e Taylor, you do!t !eed a board, a!d 8 do "ish youd $all e,
G&!a% Ca! 8 ta#e your bags, pleaseIH
G+o, 8 $a! a!age% Tha!# you%H
3is lips tighte! per$eptibly%
G0ut, if youd be ore $ofortable ta#i!g the,H 8 staer%
GTha!# you%H 3e grabs y ba$#pa$# a!d y !e"ly a$Buired "heelie $ase for the $lothes y
other has bought e% GThis "ay, aa%H
8 sigh% 3es so polite% 8 reeber, though 8 "ould li#e to erase it fro y eory, that this
a! has bought e u!der"ear% 8! fa$t C a!d the thought u!settles e C hes the o!ly a! "hos
e*er bought e u!der"ear% E*e! Days !e*er had to e!dure that hardship%
We "al# i! sile!$e to the bla$# &udi S5A outside i! the airport par#i!g lot, a!d he holds the
door ope! for e% 8 $laber i!, "o!deri!g if "eari!g su$h a short s#irt for the retur! to Seattle "as
a good idea% 8t "as $ool a!d "el$oe i! >eorgia% 3ere 8 feel e1posed% /!$e Taylor has sto"ed y
bags i! the tru!#, "e set off for Es$ala%
The @our!ey is slo", $aught up i! rush hour traffi$% Taylor #eeps his eyes o! the road ahead%
Ta$itur! does !ot begi! to des$ribe hi%
8 $a! bear the sile!$e !o lo!ger%
G3o"s Christia!, TaylorIH
G=r% >rey is preo$$upied, =iss Steele%H
/h, this ust be Mthe situatio!% 8 a i!i!g a sea of gold%
GJes, aa%H
8 fro"! at Taylor, a!d he gla!$es at e i! the rear9*ie" irror, our eyes eet% 3es sayi!g !o
ore% JeeF, he $a! be as tightlipped as the $o!trol frea# hiself%
G8s he o#ayIH
G8 belie*e so, aa%H
G&re you ore $ofortable $alli!g e, =iss SteeleIH
GJes, aa%H
G/h, o#ay%H
Well, that $urtails our $o!*ersatio!, a!d "e $o!ti!ue i! sile!$e% 8 begi! to thi!# that Taylors
re$e!t slip, "he! he told e that Christia! had bee! hell o! "heels, "as a! a!o9aly% .erhaps hes
ebarrassed about it, "orried that hes bee! disloyal% The sile!$e is suffo$ati!g%
GCould you put soe usi$ o! pleaseIH
GCertai!ly, aa% What "ould you li#e to hearIH
GSoethi!g soothi!g%H
8 see a sile play o! Taylors lips as our eyes eet briefly agai! i! the irror%
GJes, aa%H
3e pushes a fe" butto!s o! the steeri!g "heel, a!d the ge!tle strai!s of .a$helbels $a!o!
fills the spa$e bet"ee! us% Oh yes L this is "hat 8 !eed%
GTha!# you%H 8 sit ba$# as "e dri*e slo"ly but steadily alo!g the 894 i!to Seattle%
T"e!ty9fi*e i!utes, later he drops e outside the ipressi*e faNO221Pade that is the
e!tra!$e to Es$ala%
G8! you go, aa,H he says, holdi!g the door ope! for e% G8ll bri!g up your luggage is%H3
e1pressio! is soft, "ar, a*u!$ular e*e!%
=ee:0 5!$le Taylor, "hat a thought%
GTha!# you for eeti!g e%H
G8ts a pleasure, =iss Steele%H 3e siles, a!d 8 head i!to the buildi!g% The doora! !ods a!d
&s 8 ride up to the thirtieth floor, a thousa!d butterflies stret$h their "i!gs a!d flutter
errati$ally i! y stoa$h% #hy am I so ner6ous. &!d 8 #!o" its be$ause 8 ha*e !o idea "hat #i!d
of ood Christia!s goi!g to be i! "he! 8 arri*e% =y i!!er goddess is hopeful for o!e type of ood,
y sub$o!s$ious, li#e e, is fraught "ith !er*es%
The ele*ator doors ope!, a!d 8 i! the foyer% 8t is so stra!ge !ot to be et by Taylor%
/f $ourse, hes par#i!g the $ar% 8! the great roo, Christia! is o! his 0la$#0erry tal#i!g
Buietly as he stares out of the glass doors at the early e*e!i!g Seattle s#yli!e% 3es "eari!g a gray
suit "ith the @a$#et u!do!e, a!d hes ru!!i!g his ha!d through his hair, hes% 3 agi9tated, te!se e*e!%
Oh no 2 what*s wrong. &gitated or !ot, hes still beyo!d beautiful% 3o" $a! he loo# soL
arresti!gI 8ts su$h a pleasure to sta!d a!d dri!# i! the sheer sight of hi%
G+o tra$eL /#ayL Jes%H 3e tur!s a!d sees e, a!d his "hole deea!or $ha!ges%
Fro te!sio! to relief to soethi!g else: a loo# that $alls dire$tly to y i!!er goddess, a loo#
of se!sual $ar!ality, gray eyes blaFi!g%
=y outh goes dry a!d desire bloos i! y bodyL whoa.
GEeep e i!fored,H he s!aps a!d shuts off his pho!e as he strides purposefully to"ard e% 8
sta!d paralyFed as he $loses the dista!$e bet"ee! us, de*ouri!g e "ith his eyes% 7oly shit L
soethi!gs aiss C the strai! i! his @a", the a!1iety arou!d his eyes%
3e shrugs out of his @a$#et, u!does his dar# tie, a!d sli!gs the both o! to the $ou$h e! route
to e% The! his ars are "rapped arou!d e, a!d hes pulli!g e to hi, hard, fast, grippi!g y
po!ytail to tilt y head up, #issi!g e li#e his life depe!ds o! it% #hat the hell. 3e drags the hair
tie pai!fully out of y hair, but 8 do!t $are% Theres a desperate, prial Buality to his #iss% 3e !eeds
e, for "hate*er reaso!, at this poi!t i! tie, a!d 8 ha*e !e*er felt so desired a!d $o*eted% 8ts dar#
a!d se!sual a!d alari!g all at the sae tie% 8 #iss hi ba$# "ith eBual fer*or, y fi!gers t"isti!g
a!d fisti!g i! his hair% /ur to!gues e!t"i!ed, our passio! a!d ardor erupti!g bet"ee! us% 3e tastes
di*i!e, hot, se1y, a!d his s$e!t C all body "ash a!d Christia! is so arousi!g% 3e drags his outh
a"ay fro i!e, a!d hes stari!g do"! at e, gripped by soe u!!aed eotio!%
GWhats "ro!gIH 8 breathe%
G8 so glad youre ba$#% Sho"er "ith e C !o"%H
8 $a!t de$ide if its a reBuest or a $oa!d%
GJes,H 8 "hisper, a!d he grabs y ha!d, leadi!g e out of the big roo i!to his bedroo to
his bathroo%
/!$e there, he releases e a!d sets the "ater ru!!i!g i! the far too spa$ious sho"er%
Tur!i!g slo"ly, he gaFes at e, eyes hooded%
G8 li#e your s#irt% 8ts *ery short,H he says, his *oi$e lo"% GJou ha*e great legs%H
3e steps out of his shoes a!d rea$hes do"! to ta#e ea$h of his so$#s off, !e*er ta#i!g his eyes
off e% 8 a re!dered spee$hless by the loo# of hu!ger i! his eyes% #ow L to be this "a!ted by this
>ree# god% 8 irror his a$tio!s a!d step out of y bla$# flats% Sudde!ly, he rea$hes for e, ba$#i!g
e up agai!st the "all% Eissi!g e, y fa$e, y throat, y lipsL ru!!i!g his ha!ds i!to y hair% 8
feel the $ool, sooth tiled "all at y ba$# as he pushes hiself agai!st e so that 8 flatte!ed
bet"ee! his heat a!d the $hill of the $erai$% Te!tati*ely, 8 pla$e y ars o! his upper ars, a!d he
groa!s as 8 sBueeFe tightly%
G8 "a!t you !o"% 3ereL fast, hard,H he breathes, a!d his ha!ds are o! y thighs, pushi!g up
y s#irt% G&re you still bleedi!gIH
G+o%H 8 flush%
3is thubs hoo# o*er y "hite $otto! pa!ties, a!d abruptly he drops to his #!ees as he tugs
the off% =y s#irt is !o" ru$#ed up so that 8 !a#ed fro the "aist do"! a!d pa!ti!g, "a!ti!g%
3e grabs y hips, pushi!g e agai!st the "all agai!, a!d #isses e at the ape1 of y thighs%
>rabbi!g y upper thighs, he for$es y legs apart% 8 groa! loudly, feeli!g his to!gue $ir$li!g y
$litoris% Oh my. Tippi!g y head ba$# i!*olu!tarily, 8 oa! as y fi!gers fi!d their "ay i!to this
3is to!gue is rele!tless, stro!g a!d i!siste!t, la*i!g e C s"irli!g rou!d a!d rou!d, agai! a!d
agai! C !o!9stop% 8ts e1Buisite, the i!te!sity of feeli!g C its alost pai!ful% =y body starts to
Bui$#e!, a!d he releases e% #hat. "o& =y breathi!g is ragged as 8 pa!t, gaFi!g at hi "ith
deli$ious a!ti$ipatio!% 3e grabs y fa$e "ith both ha!ds, holdi!g e firly, a!d he #isses e hard,
thrusti!g his to!gue i!to y outh so 8 $a! taste y arousal%
5!Fippi!g his fly, he frees hiself, grabs the ba$#s of y thighs, a!d lifts e%
GWrap your legs arou!d e, baby,H he $oa!ds, his *oi$e urge!t, strai!ed%
8 do as 8 told a!d "rap y ars arou!d his !e$#, a!d he o*es Bui$#ly a!d sharply, filli!g
e% Ah& 3e gasps, a!d 8 groa!% 3oldi!g y behi!d, his fi!gers diggi!g i!to y soft flesh, he
begi!s to o*e, slo"ly at first C a steady e*e! tepoL but as his $o!trol u!ra*els, he speeds upL
faster, a!d faster% Ahhh& 8 tip y head ba$# a!d $o!$e!trate o! the i!*adi!g, pu!ishi!g, hea*e!ly
se!satio!L pushi!g e, pushi!g eL o!"ard, higher, upL a!d "he! 8 $a! ta#e !o ore, 8
e1plode arou!d hi, spirali!g i!to a! i!te!se, all9$o!sui!g orgas% 3e lets go "ith a deep gro"l,
a!d he buries his head i! y !e$# as he buries hiself i!side e, groa!i!g loudly a!d i!$ohere!tly
as he fi!ds his release%
3is breathi!g is errati$, but he #isses e te!derly, !ot o*i!g, still i!side e, a!d 8 bli!#,
u!seei!g i!to his eyes% &s he $oes i!to fo$us, he ge!tly pulls out of e, holdi!g e steady "hile 8
pla$e y feet o! the floor% The bathroo is !o" $loudy "ith steaL
a!d hot% 8 feel o*erdressed%
GJou see pleased to see e,H 8 urur "ith a shy sile%
3is lips Buir# up%
GJes, =iss Steele, 8 thi!# y pleasure is pretty self9e*ide!t% Coe C let e get you i! the
3e u!does the !e1t three butto!s of his shirt, reo*es the $uffli!#s, tugs it o*er his head, a!d
dis$ards it o! the floor% Deo*i!g his suit pa!ts a!d bo1er briefs, he #i$#s the to o!e side% 3e
begi!s to u!do the butto!s o! y blouse "hile 8 "at$h hi, year!i!g to rea$h out a!d stro#e his
$hest, but 8 $o!tai! yself%
G3o" "as your @our!eyIH he as#s ildly% 3e sees so u$h $aler !o", his apprehe!sio!
go!e, dissol*ed by se1ual $o!gress%
GFi!e, tha!# you,H 8 urur, still breathless% GTha!#s o!$e agai! for first $lass% 8t really is a
u$h !i$er "ay to tra*el%H 8 sile shyly at hi% G8 ha*e soe !e"s,H 8 add !er*ously%
G/hIH he loo#s do"! at e as he u!does the last butto!, slips y blouse do"! y ars, a!d
thro"s it o! top of his dis$arded $lothes%
G8 ha*e a @ob%H
3e stills, the! siles at e, his eyes "ar a!d soft%
GCo!gratulatio!s, =iss Steele% +o" "ill you tell e "hereIH he teases%
GJou do!t #!o"IH
3e sha#es his head, fro"!i!g slightly%
GWhy "ould 8 #!o"IH
GWith your stal#i!g $apabilities, 8 thought you ight ha*eL H 8 trail off as his fa$e
falls%G&!astasia, 8 "ould!t drea of i!terferi!g i! your $areer, u!less you as# e to, of $ourse%H
3e loo#s "ou!ded%
GSo you ha*e !o idea "hi$h $opa!yIH
G+o% 8 #!o" there are four publishi!g $opa!ies i! Seattle C so 8 a assui!g its o!e of
G/h, the sall o!e, good% Well do!e%H 3e lea!s for"ard a!d #isses y forehead%
GCle*er girl% Whe! do you startIH
GThat soo!, ehI 8d better ta#e ad*a!tage of you "hile 8 still $a!% Tur! rou!d%H
8 a thro"! by his $asual $oa!d, but do as 8 bid, a!d he u!does y bra a!d u!Fips y
s#irt% 3e pushes y s#irt do"!, $uppi!g y behi!d as he does, a!d #issi!g y shoulder% 3e lea!s
agai!st, e a!d his !ose !uFFles y hair, i!hali!g deeply% 3e sBueeFes y butto$#s%
GJou i!to1i$ate e, =iss Steele, a!d you $al e% Su$h a heady $obi!atio!%H 3e #isses y
hair% >rabbi!g y ha!d, he tugs e i!to the sho"er%
G/",H 8 sBueal% The "ater is pra$ti$ally s$aldi!g% Christia! gri!s do"! at e as the "ater
$as$ades o*er hi%
G8ts o!ly a little hot "ater%H
&!d a$tually hes right% 8t feels hea*e!ly, "ashi!g off the sti$#y >eorgia or!i!g a!d the
sti$#i!ess fro our lo*ea#i!g%
GTur! rou!d,H he orders, a!d 8 $oply, tur!i!g to fa$e the "all% G8 "a!t to "ash you,H
he ururs a!d rea$hes for the body "ash% 3e sBuirts a little i!to his ha!d%
G8 ha*e soethi!g else to tell you,H 8 urur as his ha!ds start o! y shoulders%
G/h, yesIH he as#s ildly%
8 steel yself "ith a deep breath%
G=y frie!d JosNO222Ps photography sho" is ope!i!g Thursday i! .ortla!d%H
3e stills, his ha!ds ho*eri!g o*er y breasts% 8 ha*e ephasiFed the "ord Mfrie!d%
GJes, "hat about itIH he as#s ster!ly%
G8 said 8 "ould go% <o you "a!t to $oe "ith eIH
&fter "hat feels li#e a o!ue!tal aou!t of tie, he slo"ly starts "ashi!g e agai!%
GWhat tieIH
GThe ope!i!g is at 7:20 p%%H
3e #isses y ear%
8!side y sub$o!s$ious rela1es a!d the! $ollapses, sluped i!to a! old battered ar9
$hair%GWere you !er*ous about as#i!g eIH
GJes% 3o" $a! you tellIH
G&!astasia, your "hole bodys @ust rela1ed,H he says dryly%
GWell, you @ust see to be uL o! the @ealous side%H
GJes, 8 a,H he says dar#ly% G&!d youd do "ell to reeber that% 0ut tha!# you for as#i!g%
Well ta#e Charlie Ta!go%H
/h, the heli$opter of $ourse, silly e% =ore flyi!gL $oolK 8 gri!%
GCa! 8 "ash youIH 8 as#%
G8 do!t thi!# so,H he ururs, a!d he #isses e ge!tly o! y !e$# to ta#e the sti!g out of
his refusal% 8 pout at the "all as he $aresses y ba$# "ith soap%
GWill you e*er let e tou$h youIH 8 as# boldly%
3e stills agai!, his ha!d o! y behi!d%
G.ut your ha!ds o! the "all &!astasia% 8 goi!g to ta#e you agai!,H he ururs i! y ear as
he grabs y hips, a!d 8 #!o" that the dis$ussio! is o*er%
Later "e are seated at the brea#fast bar, dressed i! bathrobes, ha*i!g $o!sued =rs%
Jo!ess rather e1$elle!t pasta alle *o!gole%
G=ore "i!eIH Christia! as#s, gray eyes glo"i!g%
G& sall glass, please%H The Sa!$erre is $risp a!d deli$ious% Christia! pours o!e for e a!d
o!e for hiself%
G3o"s the uL situatio! that bought you to SeattleIH 8 as# te!tati*ely%
3e fro"!s%
G/ut of ha!d,H he ururs bitterly% G0ut !othi!g for you to "orry about, &!astasia% 8 ha*e
pla!s for you this e*e!i!g%H
GJes% 8 "a!t you ready a!d "aiti!g i! y playroo i! fiftee! i!utes%H 3e sta!ds a!d gaFes
do"! at e%
GJou $a! get ready i! your roo% 8!$ide!tally, the "al#9i! $loset is !o" full of $lothes for
you% 8 do!t "a!t a!y argue!ts about the%H 3e !arro"s his eyes, dari!g e to say soethi!g%
Whe! 8 do!t, he stal#s off to his study%
Me& Argue. With you, Fifty ShadesI 8ts ore tha! y ba$#sides "orth% 8 sit o! the bar
stool, oe!tarily stupefied, tryi!g to assiilate this orsel of i!foratio!% 3es bought e
$lothes% 8 roll y eyes i! a! e1aggerated fashio! #!o"i!g full "ell he $a!t see e% Car, pho!e,
$oputerL $lothes, itll be a da! $o!do !e1t, a!d the! 8 really "ill be his istress%
7o& =y sub$o!s$ious has her s!ar#y fa$e o!% 8 ig!ore her a!d a#e y "ay upstairs to"ard
my roo so, it is still i!eL "hyI 8 thought hed agreed to let e sleep "ith hi%
8 suppose hes !ot used to shari!g his perso!al spa$e, but the!, !either a 8% 8 $o!sole yself
"ith the thought that at least 8 ha*e soe"here to es$ape fro hi%
E1ai!i!g the door, 8 fi!d that it has a lo$# but !o #ey% 8 "o!der briefly if =rs% Jo!es has a
spare% 8ll as# her% 8 ope! the $loset door a!d $lose it agai! Bui$#ly% 7oly Crap 2 he*s spent a
fortune. 8t resebles Eates C so a!y $lothes ha!gi!g !eatly o! the rail% <eep do"!, 8 #!o" that
theyll all fit% 0ut 8 ha*e !o tie to thi!# about that C 8 ha*e to get #!eeli!g i! the Ded Doo ofL
.ai!L or .leasure C hopefully this e*e!i!g%
E!eeli!g by the door, 8 a !a#ed e1$ept for y pa!ties% =y heart is i! y outh% JeeF, 8
thought after the bathroo he "ould ha*e had e!ough% The a! is i!satiable, or aybe all e! are
li#e hi% 8 ha*e !o idea, !o o!e to $opare hi too% Closi!g y eyes, 8 try to $al yself do"!, to
$o!!e$t "ith y i!!er sub% Shes there soe"here, hidi!g behi!d y i!!er goddess%
&!ti$ipatio! ru!s bubbli!g li#e soda through y *ei!s% What "ill he doI 8 ta#e a deep
steadyi!g breath, but 8 $a!!ot de!y it, 8 e1$ited, aroused, "et already% This is soL 8 "a!t to thi!#
wrong but soeho" its !ot% 8ts right for Christia!% 8ts "hat he "a!ts C a!d after the last fe"
daysL after all hes do!e, 8 ha*e to a! up a!d ta#e "hate*er he de$ides he "a!ts, "hate*er he
thi!#s he !eeds%
The eory of his loo# "he! 8 $ae i! this e*e!i!g, the lo!gi!g i! his fa$e, his deteri!ed
stride to"ard e li#e 8 "as a! oasis i! the desert% 8d do alost a!ythi!g to see that loo# agai!% 8
press y thighs together at the deli$ious eory, a!d it rei!ds e that 8 !eed to spread y #!ees%
8 shuffle the apart% 3o" lo!g "ill he a#e e "aitI The "ait is $rippli!g e, $rippli!g e "ith a
dar# a!d ta!taliFi!g desire% 8 gla!$e Bui$#ly arou!d the subtly lit rooP the $ross, the table, the
$ou$h, the be!$hL that bed% 8t loos so large, a!d its ade up "ith red sati! sheets% Whi$h pie$e
of apparatus "ill he useI
The door ope!s a!d Christia! breeFes i!, ig!ori!g e $opletely% 8 gla!$e do"! Bui$#ly,
stari!g at y ha!ds, positio!ed "ith $are o! y spread thighs% .la$i!g soethi!g o! the large $hest
beside the door, he strolls $asually to"ard the bed% 8 i!dulge yself i! a Bui$# glipse at hi, a!d
y heart alost lur$hes to a stop% 3es !a#ed e1$ept for those soft ripped @ea!s, top butto! $asually
u!do!e% =ee: he loo(s so frea(ing hot. =y sub$o!s$ious is fra!ti$ally fa!!i!g herself, a!d y
i!!er goddess is s"ayi!g a!d "rithi!g to soe prial $ar!al rhyth% Shes so ready% 8 li$# y lips
i!sti!$ti*ely% =y blood pou!ds through y body, thi$# a!d hea*y "ith sala$ious hu!ger% #hat is he
going to do to me.
Tur!i!g, he !o!$hala!tly "al#s ba$# to the $hest of dra"ers% /pe!i!g o!e, he begi!s to
reo*e ites a!d pla$e the o! the top% =y $uriosity bur!s, blaFes e*e!, but 8 resist the
o*er"heli!g teptatio! to s!ea# a Bui$# pee#% Whe! he fi!ishes "hat hes doi!g, he $oes to
sta!d i! fro!t of e% 8 $a! see his !a#ed feet, a!d 8 "a!t to #iss e*ery i!$h of theL ru! y to!gue
o*er his i!step, su$# ea$h of his toes% 7oly shit.
GJou loo# lo*ely,H he breathes%
8 #eep y head do"!, $o!s$ious that hes stari!g at e "hile 8 a pra$ti$ally !a#ed% 8 feel the
flush as it slo"ly spreads o*er y fa$e% 3e be!ds do"! a!d $ups y $hi!, for$i!g y fa$e up to
eet his gaFe%
GJou are o!e beautiful "oa!, &!astasia% &!d youre all i!e,H he ururs% GSta!d up%H 3is
$oa!d is soft full of se!sual proise%
Sha#ily, 8 get to y feet%
GLoo# at e,H he breathes, a!d 8 stare up i!to his solderi!g gray gaFe% 8t is his <o gaFe C
$old, hard, a!d se1y as hell, se*e! shades of si! i! o!e e!ti$i!g loo#% =y outh dries, a!d 8 #!o" 8
"ill do a!ythi!g he as#s% &! alost $ruel sile plays a$ross his lips%
GWe do!t ha*e a sig!ed $o!tra$t, &!astasia% 0ut "e*e dis$ussed liits% &!d 8 "a!t to re9
iterate "e ha*e safe "ords, o#ayIH
7oly fuc( L "hat has he got pla!!ed that 8 !eed safe "ordsI
GWhat are theyIH he as#s authoritati*ely%
8 fro"! slightly at his Buestio!, a!d his fa$e harde!s per$eptibly%
GWhat are the safe "ords, &!astasiaIH he says slo"ly a!d deliberately%
GJello",H 8 uble%
G&!dIH he propts, his outh setti!g i! a hard li!e%
GDed,H 8 breathe%
GDeeber those%H
&!d 8 $a!t help itL 8 raise y eyebro" at hi a!d a about to rei!d hi of y >.&, but
the sudde! frosty gli!t i! his i$y gray eyes stops e i! y tra$#s%
G<o!t start "ith your sart outh i! here, =iss Steele% /r 8 "ill fu$# it "ith you o! your
#!ees% <o you u!dersta!dIH
8 s"allo" i!sti!$ti*ely% O(ay. 8 bli!# rapidly, $haste!ed% &$tually, its his to!e of *oi$e,
rather tha! the threat, that i!tiidates e%
GJes, Sir,H 8 uble hastily%
G>ood girl,H he pauses as he stares at e% G=y i!te!tio! is !ot that you should safe"ord
be$ause youre i! pai!% What 8 i!te!d to do to you "ill be i!te!se% Aery i!te!se, a!d you ha*e to
guide e% <o you u!dersta!dIH
"ot really. Intense. #ow.
GThis is about tou$h, &!astasia% Jou "ill !ot be able to see e or hear e% 0ut youll be able
to feel e%H
8 fro"! C not hear him. 3o" is that goi!g to "or#I 3e tur!s, a!d 8 had!t !oti$ed that
abo*e the $hest is a slee#, flat, att9bla$# bo1% &s he "a*es his ha!d i! fro!t, the bo1 splits i! half:
t"o doors slide ope! re*eali!g a C< player a!d a host of butto!s% Christia! presses se*eral of these
butto!s i! seBue!$e% +othi!g happe!s, but he sees satisfied% 8 a ystified% Whe! he tur!s to fa$e
e agai!, he "ears his sall 89ha*e9a9se$ret sile%
G8 a goi!g to tie you to that bed, &!astasia% 0ut 8 goi!g to bli!dfold you first a!d,H
he re*eals his i.od i! his ha!d, Gyou "ill !ot be able to hear e% &ll you "ill hear is the usi$
8 a goi!g to play for you%H
/#ay% & usi$al i!terlude, !ot "hat 8 "as e1pe$ti!g% <oes he e*er do "hat 8 e1pe$tI
=ee: I hope it*s not rap.
GCoe%H Ta#i!g y ha!d, he leads e o*er to the a!tiBue four9poster bed% There are sha$#les
atta$hed at ea$h $or!er, fi!e etal $hai!s "ith leather $uffs, gli!ti!g agai!st the red sati!%
/h boy, 8 thi!# y heart is goi!g to lea*e y $hest, a!d 8 elti!g fro the i!side out,
desire $oursi!g through e% Could 8 be a!y ore e1$itedI
GSta!d here%H
8 a fa$i!g the bed% 3e lea!s do"! a!d "hispers i! y ear%
GWait here, #eep your eyes o! the bed% .i$ture yourself lyi!g here bou!d a!d totally at y
Oh my.
3e o*es a"ay for a oe!t, a!d 8 $a! hear hi !ear the door fet$hi!g soethi!g%
&ll y se!ses are hyper alert, y heari!g ore a$ute% 3es pi$#ed up soethi!g fro the
ra$# of "hips a!d paddles by the door% 7oly cow. #hat is he going to do.
8 feel hi behi!d e% 3e ta#es y hair, pulls it i!to a po!ytail behi!d e, a!d starts to braid
GWhile 8 li#e your pigtails, &!astasia, 8 a too ipatie!t to be at you right !o"% So o!e "ill
ha*e to do%H 3is *oi$e is lo", soft%
3is deft fi!gers s#i y ba$# o$$asio!ally as they "or# do"! y hair, a!d ea$h $asual tou$h
is li#e a s"eet, ele$tri$ sho$# agai!st y s#i!% 3e faste!s the e!d "ith a hair tie, the! ge!tly tugs
the braid so that 8 for$ed to step ba$# flush agai!st hi% 3e pulls agai! to the side so that 8 a!gle
y head, gi*i!g hi easier a$$ess to y !e$#% Lea!i!g do"!, he !uFFles y !e$#% Tra$i!g his teeth
a!d to!gue fro the base of y ear to y shoulder%
3e hus softly as he does, a!d the sou!d reso!ates through e% Dight do"!%%% right do"!
there i!side e% 5!bidde!, 8 groa! Buietly%
G3ush !o",H he breathes agai!st y s#i!% 3e holds up his ha!ds i! fro!t of e, his ars
tou$hi!g i!e% 8! his right ha!d is a flogger% 8 reeber the !ae fro y first i!trodu$tio! to this
GTou$h it,H he "hispers, a!d he sou!ds li#e the de*il hiself% =y body flaes i! respo!se%
Te!tati*ely, 8 rea$h out a!d brush the lo!g stra!ds% 8t has a!y lo!g fro!ds, all soft suede "ith sall
beads at the e!d%
G8 "ill use this% 8t "ill !ot hurt, but it "ill bri!g your blood to the surfa$e of your s#i! a!d
a#e you *ery se!siti*e%H
/h, he says it "o!t hurt%
GWhat are the safe "ords, &!astasiaIH
G5L yello" a!d red, Sir,H 8 "hisper%
G>ood girl% Deeber, ost of your fear is i! your i!d%H
3e drops the flogger o! the bed, a!d his ha!ds o*e to y "aist%
GJou "o!t be !eedi!g these,H he ururs a!d hoo#s his fi!gers i!to y pa!ties a!d s"eeps
the do"! y legs% 8 step u!steadily out of the, supporti!g yself o! the or!ate post of the bed%
GSta!d still,H he orders, a!d he #isses y behi!d a!d the! ge!tly !ips e t"i$e, a#i!g e
te!se% G+o" lie do"!% Fa$e up,H he adds as he sa$#s e hard o! the behi!d, a#i!g e @up%
3astily, 8 $ra"l o!to the beds hard, u!yieldi!g attress a!d lie do"!, loo#i!g up at hi% The
sati! of the sheet be!eath e is soft a!d $ool agai!st y s#i!% 3is gaFe is ipassi*e, e1$ept for his
eyes "hi$h glo" "ith a barely leashed e1$itee!t%
G3a!ds abo*e your head,H he orders, a!d 8 do as 8 bid%
=ee: y body hu!gers for hi% 8 "a!t hi already%
3e tur!s, a!d out of the $or!er of y eye, 8 "at$h hi sau!ter ba$# o*er to the $hest of
dra"ers, retur!i!g "ith the i.od a!d "hat loo#s li#e a! eye as#, siilar to the o!e 8 used o! y
flight to &tla!ta% The thought a#es e "a!t to sile, but 8 $a!t Buite a#e y lips $ooperate% 8
a too $o!sued "ith a!ti$ipatio!% 8 @ust #!o" y fa$e is $opletely iobile, y eyes huge, as 8
gaFe at hi%
Sitti!g do"! o! the edge of the bed, he sho"s e the i.od% 8t has a stra!ge a!te!!a de*i$e as
"ell headpho!es% 3o" odd% 8 fro"! as 8 try to figure this out%
GThis tra!sits "hats playi!g o! the i.od to the syste i! the roo%H, Christia! a!s"ers y
u!spo#e! Buery as he taps the sall a!te!!a% G8 $a! hear "hat youre heari!g, a!d 8 ha*e a reote
$o!trol u!it for it%H 3e sir#s his pri*ate9@o#e sile a!d holds up a sall, flat de*i$e that loo#s li#e
a *ery hip $al$ulator% 3e lea!s a$ross e, i!serti!g the ear buds ge!tly i!to y ears, a!d puts the
i.od do"! soe"here o! the bed abo*e y head%
GLift your head,H he $oa!ds, a!d 8 do so iediately%
Slo"ly, he slides the as# o!, pulli!g the elasti$ o*er the ba$# of y head, a!d 8 bli!d% The
elasti$ o! the as# holds the ear buds i! pla$e% 8 $a! still hear hi, though the sou!d is uffled as
he rises fro the bed% 8 deafe!ed by y o"! breathi!g C its shallo" a!d errati$, refle$ti!g y
e1$itee!t% Christia! ta#es y left ar, stret$hes it ge!tly to the left9ha!d $or!er, a!d atta$hes the
leather $uff arou!d y "rist% 3is lo!g fi!gers stro#e the le!gth of y ar o!$e hes fi!ished . Oh&
3is tou$h eli$its a deli$ious, ti$#ly shi*er% 8 hear hi o*e slo"ly rou!d to the other side, ta#es y
right ar a!d $uffs it% &gai!, his lo!g fi!gers li!ger alo!g y ar% Oh my0 8 a fit to burst
already% Why is this so eroti$I
3e o*es to the botto of the bed a!d grabs both of y a!#les%
GLift your head agai!,H he orders%
8 $oply, a!d he drags e do"! the bed so that y ars are stret$hed out a!d alost
strai!i!g at the $uffs% 3oly $o", 8 $a!!ot o*e y ars% & frisso! of trepidatio! i1ed "ith
ta!taliFi!g e1hilaratio! s"eeps through y body, a#i!g e "etter% 8 groa!% .arti!g y legs, he
$uffs first y right a!#le a!d the! y left so 8 a sta#ed out, spread9eagled, a!d totally *ul!erable
to hi% 8ts so u!!er*i!g that 8 $a!t see hi% 8 liste! hardL "hats he doi!gI &!d 8 hear !othi!g,
@ust y breathi!g a!d the pou!di!g thud of y heart as blood pulses furiously agai!st y eardrus%
&bruptly, the soft sile!t hiss a!d pop of the i.od spri!gs i!to life% Fro i!side y head, a lo!e
a!geli$ *oi$e si!gs u!a$$opa!ied a lo!g s"eet !ote, a!d its @oi!ed alost iediately by
a!other *oi$e, a!d the! ore *oi$es C 3oly $o", a $elestial $hoir C si!gi!g a$apella i! y head, a!
a!$ie!t, a!$ie!t hy!al% #hat in hea6en*s name is this. 8 ha*e !e*er heard a!ythi!g li#e it%
Soethi!g alost u!bearably soft brushes agai!st y !e$#, ru!!i!g la!guidly do"! y throat,
slo"ly a$ross y $hest, o*er y breasts, $aressi!g eL pulli!g at y !ipples, its so soft,
s#ii!g u!der!eath% 8ts so une<pected. It*s fur&
A fur glo6e.
Christia! trails his ha!d, u!hurried a!d deliberate, do"! to y belly, $ir$li!g y !a*el, the!
$arefully fro hip to hip, a!d 8 tryi!g to a!ti$ipate "here hes goi!g !e1tL but the usi$L its
i! y headL tra!sporti!g eL the fur a$ross the li!e of y pubi$ hairL
bet"ee! y legs, alo!g y thighs, do"! o!e legL up the otherL it alost ti$#lesL but !ot
BuiteL ore *oi$es @oi!L the hea*e!ly $hoir all si!gi!g differe!t parts, their *oi$es ble!di!g
blissfully a!d s"eetly together i! a elodi$ haro!y that is beyo!d a!ythi!g 8*e e*er heard% 8
$at$h o!e "ord 99 -deus*;; a!d 8 realiFe they are si!gi!g i! Lati!% &!d still, the fur is o*i!g do"!
y ars a!d rou!d y "aistL ba$# up a$ross y breasts% =y !ipples harde! be!eath the soft
tou$hL a!d 8 pa!ti!gL "o!deri!g "here his ha!d "ill go !e1t% Sudde!ly, the fur is go!e, a!d 8
$a! feel the fro!ds of the flogger flo"i!g o*er y s#i!, follo"i!g the sae path as the fur, a!d its
so hard to $o!$e!trate "ith the usi$ i! y head C it sou!ds li#e a hu!dred *oi$es si!gi!g, "ea*i!g
a! ethereal tapestry of fi!e, sil#e! gold a!d sil*er through y head, i1ed "ith the feel of the soft
suede agai!st y s#i!L traili!g o*er eL oh my L abruptly, it disappears% The! sudde!ly,
sharply, it bites do"! o! y belly%
G&agghhKH 8 $ry out% 8t ta#es e by surprise, a!d it does!t e1a$tly hurt, but ti!gles all o*er,
a!d he hits e agai!% 3arder%
8 "a!t to o*e, to "ritheL to es$ape, or to "el$oe, ea$h blo"L 8 do!t #!o" C its so
o*er"heli!gL 8 $a!t pull y arsL y legs are stu$#L 8 a held *ery firly i! pla$eL a!d
agai! he stri#es a$ross y breasts C 8 $ry out% &!d its a s"eet ago!y C bearable, @ustL pleasa!t C
!o, !ot iediately, but as y s#i! si!gs "ith ea$h blo" i! perfe$t $ou!terpoi!t to the usi$ i! y
head, 8 a dragged i!to a dar#, dar# part of y psy$he that surre!ders to this ost eroti$ se!satio!%
)es 2 I get this. 3e hits e a$ross y hip% The!,t o*es i! s"ift blo"s o*er y pubi$ hair, o! y
thighs, a!d do"! y i!!er thighsL a!d ba$# up y bodyL a$ross y hips% 3e #eeps goi!g as the
usi$ rea$hes a $lia1, a!d the! sudde!ly C the usi$ stops% &!d so does he% The! the si!gi!g
starts agai!L buildi!g a!d buildi!g, a!d he rai!s do"! blo"s o! eL a!d 8 groa! a!d "rithe%
/!$e agai!, it $eases a!d all is BuietL e1$ept y "ild breathi!gL a!d "ild year!i!g% ForL ohL
"hats happe!i!gI Whats he goi!g to do !o"I The e1$itee!t is alost u!bearable% 8*e
e!tered a *ery dar#, $ar!al pla$e%
The bed o*es a!d shifts as 8 feel hi $laber o*er e, a!d the so!g starts agai!% 3es got it
o! repeatL this tie its his !ose a!d lips that ta#e the pla$e of the furL ru!!i!g do"! y !e$#
a!d throat, #issi!g, su$#i!gL traili!g do"! to y breastsL &hK Tau!ti!g ea$h of y !ipples i!
tur!L his to!gue s"irli!g rou!d o!e "hile his fi!gers rele!tlessly tease the otherL 8 groa!, loudly
8 thi!#, though 8 $a!t hear% 8 a lost% Lost i! hiL lost i! the astral, seraphi$ *oi$esL lost to all
the se!satio!s 8 $a!!ot es$apeL 8 a $opletely at the er$y of his e1pert tou$h%
3e o*es do"! to y belly C his to!gue $ir$li!g y !a*el C follo"i!g the path of the flogger
a!d the furL 8 oa!% 3es #issi!g a!d su$#i!g a!d !ibbli!gL o*i!g southL
a!d the! his to!gue is there. &t, a the @u!$tio! of y thighs% 8 thro" y head ba$# a!d $ry
out as 8 alost deto!ate i!to orgasL 8 o! the bri!#, a!d he stops%
"o& The bed shifts, a!d he #!eels bet"ee! y legs% 3e lea!s to"ard the bedpost, a!d the
$uff o! y a!#le is sudde!ly go!e% 8 pull y leg to the iddle of the bedL resti!g it agai!st hi%
3e lea!s o*er to the opposite post a!d frees y other leg% 3is ha!ds tra*el Bui$#ly do"! both y
legs, sBueeFi!g a!d #!eadi!g, bri!gi!g life ba$# i!to the% The!, graspi!g y hips, he lifts e so
that y ba$# is !o lo!ger o! the bed% 8 a ar$hed, resti!g o! y shoulders% #hat. 3es #!eeli!g
up bet"ee! y legsL a!d i! o!e s"ift, slai!g o*e hes i!side eL oh fuc( L a!d 8 $ry out
agai!% The Bui*er of y ipe!di!g orgas begi!s, a!d he stills% The Bui*er diesL oh no0 hes
goi!g to torture e further%
G.leaseKH 8 "ail%
3e grips e harderL i! "ar!i!gI 8 do!t #!o", his fi!gers diggi!g i!to the flesh of y
behi!d as 8 lay pa!ti!gL so 8 purposefully still% Aery slo"ly, he starts to o*e agai!L
out a!d the! i!L ago!iFi!gly slo"ly . 7oly fuc( 2 /lease& 8 s$reai!g i!sideL &!d as
the !uber of *oi$es i! the $horal pie$e i!$reasesL so does his pa$e, i!fi!itesially, hes so
$o!trolledL so i! tie "ith the usi$% &!d 8 $a! !o lo!ger bear it%
G.lease,H 8 beg, a!d i! o!e s"ift o*e, he lo"ers e ba$# o!to the bed, a!d hes lyi!g o! top
of e, his ha!ds o! the bed beside y breasts as he supports his "eight, a!d he thrusts i!to e,%as
& the usi$ rea$hes its $lia1, 8 fallL free fallL i!to the ost i!te!se, ago!iFi!g orgas 8 ha*e
e*er had, a!d Christia! follo"s eL thrusti!g hard i!to e, three ore tiesL fi!ally stilli!g,
the! $ollapsi!g o! top of e%
&s y $o!s$ious!ess retur!s fro "here*er its bee!, Christia! pulls out of e% The usi$
has stopped, a!d 8 $a! feel hi stret$h a$ross y body as he u!does the $uff o! y right "rist% 8
groa! as y ha!d is freed% 3e Bui$#ly frees y other ha!d, ge!tly pulls the as# fro y eyes, a!d
reo*es the ear buds% 8 bli!# i! the di soft light a!d stare up i!to his i!te!se gray gaFe%
G3i,H he ururs%
G3i, yourself,H 8 breathe shyly ba$# at hi% 3is lips Buir# up i!to a sile, a!d he lea!s do"!
a!d #isses e softly%
GWell do!e, you,H he "hispers% GTur! o*er%H
7oly fuc( C "hats he goi!g to do !o"I 3is eyes softe!%
G8 @ust goi!g to rub your shoulders%H
G/hL o#ay%H
8 roll stiffly o!to y fro!t% 8 a so tired% Christia! sits astride e a!d starts to assage y
shoulders% 8 groa! loudly C he has su$h stro!g, #!o"i!g fi!gers% Lea!i!g do"!, he #isses y head%
GWhat "as that usi$IH 8 uble alost i!arti$ulately%
G8ts $alled Spe 8! &liu, or the Forty .art =otet, by Thoas Tallis%H
G8t "asL o*er"heli!g%H
G8*e al"ays "a!ted to fu$# to it%H
G+ot a!other first, =r% >reyIH
G8!deed, =iss Steele%H
8 groa! agai! as his fi!gers "or# their agi$ o! y shoulders%
GWell, its the first tie 8*e fu$#ed to it, too,H 8 urur sleepily%
G3L you a!d 8, "ere gi*i!g ea$h other a!y firsts%H 3is *oi$e is atter9of9fa$t%
GWhat did 8 say to you i! y sleep, Ch C err, SirIH
3is ha!ds pause their i!istratio!s for a oe!t%
GJou said lots of thi!gs, &!astasia% Jou tal#ed about $ages a!d stra"berriesL that you
"a!ted oreL a!d that you issed e%H
/h, tha!# hea*e!s for that%
G8s that allIH The relief i! y *oi$e is e*ide!t%
Christia! stops his hea*e!ly assage a!d shifts so that hes lyi!g beside e% 3is head
propped up o! his elbo"% 3es fro"!i!g%
GWhat did you thi!# youd saidIH
Oh crap.
GThat 8 thought you "ere ugly, $o!$eited, a!d that you "ere hopeless i! bed%H
3e $rease o! his bro" deepe!s%
GWell, !aturally 8 a all those thi!gs, a!d !o" you*e got e really i!trigued% What are you
hidi!g fro e, =iss SteeleIH
8 bli!# at hi i!!o$e!tly%
G8 !ot hidi!g a!ythi!g%H
G&!astasia, you are a hopeless liar%H
G8 thought you "ere goi!g to a#e e giggle after se1, this is!t doi!g it for e%H
3is lips Buir# up%
G8 $a!t tell @o#es%H
G=r% >reyK Soethi!g you $a!t doIH 8 gri! at hi, a!d he gri!s ba$#%
G+o, hopeless @o#e teller%H 3e loo#s so proud of hiself that 8 start to giggle%
G8 a hopeless @o#e teller too,H
GThat is su$h a lo*ely sou!d,H he ururs, a!d he lea!s for"ard a!d #isses e%
G&!d you are hidi!g soethi!g, &!astasia% 8 ay ha*e to torture it out of you%H
8 "a#e "ith a @olt% 8 thi!# 8*e @ust falle! do"! soe stairs i! a drea, a!d 8 bolt upright,
oe!tarily disorie!tated% 8t is dar#, a!d 8 i! Christia!s bed alo!e% Soethi!g has "o#e! e,
soe !aggi!g thought% 8 gla!$e o*er at the alar $lo$# o! his bedside% 8t is 4:00 i! the or!i!g, but
8 feel rested% Why is thatI /h C its the tie differe!$e C it "ould be ):00 a%% i! >eorgia% 7oly
crap0 I need to ta(e my pill. 8 $laber out of bed, grateful for "hate*er it is that has "o#e! e% 8
$a! hear fai!t !otes fro the pia!o% Christia! is playi!g% This 8 ust see% 8 lo*e "at$hi!g hi play%
+a#ed, 8 grab y bathrobe fro the $hair a!d "a!der Buietly do"! the $orridor, slippi!g o! y
robea!d liste!i!g to the agi$al sou!d of the elodi$ lae!t thats $oi!g fro the great roo%
Shrouded i! dar#!ess, Christia! sits i! a bubble of light as he plays, a!d his hair gli!ts "ith
bur!ished $opper highlights% 3e loo#s !a#ed, though 8 #!o" hes "eari!g his .J
bottos% 3es $o!$e!trati!g, playi!g beautifully, lost i! the ela!$holy of the usi$% 8
hesitate, "at$hi!g fro the shado"s, !ot "a!ti!g to i!terrupt hi% 8 "a!t to hold hi%
3e loo#s lost, sad e*e!, a!d a$hi!gly lo!ely C or aybe its @ust the usi$ thats so full of
poig!a!t sorro"% 3e fi!ishes the pie$e, pauses for a split se$o!d, the! starts to play it agai!%
8 o*e $autiously to"ard hi, dra"! as the oth to the flaeL the idea a#es e sile%
3e gla!$es up at e a!d fro"!s before his gaFe retur!s to his ha!ds /h $rap, is he pissed off
that 8 a disturbi!g hiI
GJou should be asleep,H he s$olds ildly%
8 $a! tell hes pre9o$$upied "ith soethi!g%
GSo should you,H 8 retort !ot Buite as ildly%
3e gla!$es up agai!, his lips t"it$hi!g "ith a tra$e of a sile%
G&re you s$oldi!g e, =iss SteeleIH
GJes, =r% >rey, 8 a%H
GWell, 8 $a!t sleep%H 3e fro"!s o!$e ore as a tra$e of irritatio! or a!ger flashes a$ross his
fa$e% With eI Surely !ot%
8 ig!ore his fa$ial e1pressio! a!d *ery bra*ely sit do"! beside hi o! the pia!o stool, pla$i!g
y head o! his bare shoulder to "at$h his deft, agile fi!gers $aress the #eys% 3e pauses fra$tio!ally,
a!d the! $o!ti!ues to the e!d of the pie$e%
GWhat "as thatIH 8 as# softly%
GChopi!% /pus 2), !uber S% 8! E i!or, if youre i!terested,H he ururs%
G8 al"ays i!terested i! "hat you do%H
3e tur!s a!d softly presses his lips agai!st y hair%
G8 did!t ea! to "a#e you%H
GJou did!t% .lay the other o!e%H
G/ther o!eIH
GThe 0a$h pie$e that you played the first !ight 8 stayed%H
G/h, the =ar$ello%H
3e starts to play slo"ly a!d deliberately% 8 feel the o*ee!t of his ha!ds i! his shoulder as 8
lea! agai!st hi a!d $lose y eyes% The sad, soulful !otes s"irl slo"ly a!d our!fully arou!d us,
e$hoi!g off the "alls% 8t is a hau!ti!gly beautiful pie$e, sadder e*e! tha! the Chopi!, a!d 8 lose
yself to the beauty of the lae!t% To a $ertai! e1te!t, it refle$ts ho" 8 feel% The deep poig!a!t
lo!gi!g 8 ha*e to #!o" this e1traordi!ary a! better, to try a!d u!dersta!d his sad!ess% &ll too
soo!, the pie$e is at a! e!d%
GWhy do you o!ly play su$h sad usi$IH
8 sit upright a!d gaFe up at hi as he shrugs i! a!s"er to y Buestio!, his e1pressio!
"ary%GSo you "ere @ust si1 "he! you started to playIH 8 propt%
3e !ods, his "ary loo# i!te!sifyi!g% &fter a oe!t he *olu!teers%
G8 thre" yself i!to lear!i!g the pia!o to please y !e" other%H
GTo fit i!to the perfe$t failyIH
GJes, so to spea#,H he says e*asi*ely% GWhy are you a"a#eI <o!t you !eed to re$o*er fro
yesterdays e1ertio!sIH
G8ts ):00 i! the or!i!g for e% &!d 8 !eed to ta#e y pill%H
3e raises his eyebro"s i! surprise%
GWell reebered,H he ururs, a!d 8 $a! tell hes ipressed% 3is lips Buir# up i! a half
G/!ly you "ould start a $ourse of tie9spe$ifi$ birth $o!trol pills i! a differe!t tie Fo!e%
.erhaps you should "ait half a! hour a!d the! a!other half hour toorro" or!i!g%
So s e*e!tually you $a! ta#e the at a reaso!able tie%H
G>ood pla!,H 8 breathe% GSo "hat shall "e do for half a! hourIH 8 bli!# i!!o$e!tly at hi%
G8 $a! thi!# of a fe" thi!gs,H he gri!s, gray eyes bright% 8 gaFe ba$# ipassi*ely as y i!sides
$le!$h a!d elt u!der his #!o"i!g loo#%
G/! the other ha!d, "e $ould tal#,H 8 suggest Buietly%
3is bro" $reases%
G8 prefer "hat 8 ha*e i! i!d%H 3e s$oops e o!to his lap%
GJoud al"ays rather ha*e se1 tha! tal#,H 8 laugh, steadyi!g yself by holdi!g o! to his upper
GTrue% Espe$ially "ith you%H 3e !uFFles y hair a!d starts a steady trail of #isses fro belo"
y ear to y throat% G=aybe o! y pia!o,H he "hispers%
Oh my. =y "hole body tighte!s at the thought% /iano. #ow.
G8 "a!t to get soethi!g straight,H 8 "hisper as y pulse starts to a$$elerate, a!d y i!!er
goddess $loses her eyes, re*eli!g i! the feel of his lips o! e%
3e pauses oe!tarily before $o!ti!ui!g his se!sual assault%
G&l"ays so eager for i!foratio!, =iss Steele% What !eeds straighte!i!g outIH he breathes
agai!st y s#i! at the base of y !e$#, $o!ti!ui!g his soft ge!tle #isses%
G5s,H 8 "hisper as 8 $lose y eyes%
G3% What about usIH 3e pauses his trail of #isses alo!g y shoulder%
GThe $o!tra$t%H
3e lifts his head to gaFe do"! at e, a hi!t of ausee!t i! his eyes, a!d sighs% 3e stro#es
his fi!gertips do"! y $hee#%
GWell, 8 thi!# the $o!tra$t is oot, do!t youIH 3is *oi$e is lo" a!d hus#y, his eyes
G=oot%H 3e siles% 8 gape at hi BuiFFi$ally%
G0ut you "ere so #ee!%H
GWell, that "as before% &!y"ay, the Dules are!t oot, they still sta!d%H 3is e1pressio!
harde!s slightly%
G0eforeI 0efore "hatIH
G0efore,HL 3e pauses, a!d the "ary e1pressio! is ba$#, Gore%H 3e shrugs%
G0esides, "e*e bee! i! the playroo t"i$e !o", a!d you ha*e!t ru! s$reai!g for the
G<o you e1pe$t e toIH
G+othi!g you do is e1pe$ted, &!astasia,H he says dryly%
GSo, let e be $lear% Jou @ust "a!t e to follo" the Dules elee!t of the $o!tra$t all the tie
but !ot the rest of the $o!tra$tIH
GE1$ept i! the playroo% 8 "a!t you to follo" the spirit of the $o!tra$t i! the playroo, a!d
yes, 8 "a!t you to follo" the rules C all the tie% The! 8 #!o" youll be safe, a!d 8ll be able to ha*e
you a!ytie 8 "ish%H
G&!d if 8 brea# o!e of the rulesIH
GThe! 8ll pu!ish you%H
G0ut "o!t you !eed y perissio!IH
GJes, 8 "ill%H
G&!d if 8 say !oIH
3e gaFes at e for a oe!t, "ith a $o!fused e1pressio!%
G8f you say !o, youll say !o% 8ll ha*e to fi!d a "ay to persuade you%H
8 pull a"ay fro hi a!d sta!d% 8 !eed soe dista!$e% 3e fro"!s as 8 stare do"! at hi% 3e
loo#s puFFled a!d "ary agai!%
GSo the pu!ishe!t aspe$t reai!s%H
GJes, but o!ly if you brea# the rules%H
G8ll !eed to re9read the,H 8 say, tryi!g to re$all the detail%
G8ll fet$h the for you%H 3is to!e is sudde!ly busi!essli#e%
#hoa. This has gotte! serious so Bui$#ly% 3e rises fro the pia!o a!d "al#s lithely to his
study% =y s$alp pri$#les% JeeF, 8 !eed soe tea% The future of our so9$alled relatio!ship is bei!g
dis$ussed at 4:S4 i! the or!i!g "he! hes pre9o$$upied "ith soethi!g else
C is this "iseI 8 head i!to the #it$he! "hi$h is still shrouded i! dar#!ess% Where are the light
s"it$hesI 8 fi!d the, fli$# the o!, a!d pour "ater i!to the #ettle% My pill& 8 ru9age i! y
purse that 8 left o! the brea#fast bar a!d fi!d the Bui$#ly% /!e s"allo", a!d 8 do!e% 0y the tie
8 fi!ish, Christia! is ba$#, sitti!g o! o!e of the bar stools, "at$hi!g e i!te!tly%
G3ere you go%H 3e pushes a typed pie$e of paper to"ard e, a!d 8 !oti$e that hes $rossed
soe thi!gs out%
The Subissi*e "ill obey a!y i!stru$tio!s gi*e! by The <oi!a!t iediately "ithout
hesitatio! or reser*atio! a!d i! a! e1peditious a!!er% The Subissi*e "ill agree to a!y se1ual
a$ti*ity deeed fit a!d pleasurable by the <oi!a!t e1$epti!g those a$ti*ities "hi$h are outli!ed i!
hard liits ,&ppe!di1 &-% She "ill do so eagerly a!d "ithout hesitatio!%
The Subissi*e "ill e!sure she a$hie*es a i!iu of eight se*e! hours sleep a !ight "he!
she is !ot "ith The <oi!a!t%
The Subissi*e "ill eat regularly to ai!tai! her health a!d "ellbei!g fro a pres$ribed list
of foods ,&ppe!di1 S-% The Subissi*e "ill !ot s!a$# bet"ee! eals, "ith the e1$eptio! of fruit%
While "ith The <oi!a!t, The Subissi*e "ill "ear $lothi!g o!ly appro*ed by The
<oi!a!t% The <oi!a!t "ill pro*ide a $lothi!g budget for The Subissi*e, "hi$h The
Subissi*e shall utiliFe% The <oi!a!t shall a$$opa!y The Subissi*e to pur$hase $lothi!g o!
a! ad ho$ basis%
The <oi!a!t shall pro*ide The Subissi*e "ith a perso!al trai!er four three ties a "ee# i!
hour9lo!g sessio!s at ties to be utually agreed bet"ee! the perso!al trai!er a!d The Subissi*e%
The perso!al trai!er "ill report to The <oi!a!t o! The Subissi*es progress%
.erso!al 3ygie!e?0eauty:
The Subissi*e "ill #eep herself $lea! a!d sha*ed a!d?or "a1ed at all ties% The Subissi*e
"ill *isit a beauty salo! of The <oi!a!ts $hoosi!g at ties to be de$ided by The <oi!a!t, a!d
u!dergo "hate*er treate!ts The <oi!a!t sees fit%
.erso!al Safety:
The Subissi*e "ill !ot dri!# to e1$ess, so#e, ta#e re$reatio!al drugs or put herself i! a!y
u!!e$essary da!ger%
.erso!al Qualities:
The Subissi*e "ill !ot e!ter i!to a!y se1ual relatio!s "ith a!yo!e other tha! The <oi!a!t%
The Subissi*e "ill $o!du$t herself i! a respe$tful a!d odest a!!er at all ties% She ust
re$og!iFe that her beha*ior is a dire$t refle$tio! o! The <oi!a!t% She shall be held a$$ou!table for
a!y isdeeds, "ro!gdoi!gs a!d isbeha*ior $oitted "he! !ot i! the prese!$e of the <oi!a!t%
Failure to $oply "ith a!y of the abo*e "ill result i! iediate pu!ishe!t, the !ature of
"hi$h shall be deteri!ed by The <oi!a!t%
GSo the obedie!$e thi!g still sta!dsIH
G/h, yes%H 3e gri!s%
8 sha#e y head aused, a!d before 8 realiFe it, 8 roll y eyes at hi%
G<id you @ust roll your eyes at e, &!astasiaIH 3e breathes%
Oh fuc(.
G.ossibly, depe!ds "hat your rea$tio! is%H
GSae as al"ays,H he says, sha#i!g his head slightly, his eyes alight "ith e1$itee!t%
8 s"allo" i!sti!$ti*ely a!d a frisso! of e1hilaratio! ru!s through e%
GSo%%% H 7oly shit. #hat am I going to do.
GJesIH 3e li$#s his lo"er lip%
GJou "a!t to spa!# e !o"%H
GJes% &!d 8 "ill%H
G/h, really, =r% >reyIH 8 $halle!ge, gri!!i!g ba$# at hi% T"o $a! play this gae%
G&re you goi!g to stop eIH
GJoure goi!g to ha*e to $at$h e first%H
3is eyes "ide! a fra$tio!, a!d he gri!s, slo"ly getti!g to his feet%
G/h, really, =iss SteeleIH
The brea#fast bar is bet"ee! us% 8 ha*e !e*er bee! so grateful for its e1iste!$e tha! i! this
G&!d youre biti!g your lip,H he breathes, o*i!g slo"ly to his left as 8 o*e to i!e%
GJou "ould!t,H 8 tease% G&fter all, you roll your eyes%H 8 try reaso!i!g "ith hi% 3e
$o!ti!ues to o*e to"ard his left, as do 8%
GJes, but you*e @ust raised the bar o! the e1$itee!t sta#es "ith this gae%H 3is eyes blaFe,
a!d "ild a!ti$ipatio! ea!ates fro hi%
G8 Buite fast you #!o"%H 8 try for !o!$hala!$e%
GSo a 8%H
3es stal#i!g e, i! his o"! #it$he!%
G&re you goi!g to $oe BuietlyIH he as#s%
G<o 8 e*erIH
G=iss Steele, "hat do you ea!IH he sir#s% G8tll be "orse for you if 8 ha*e to $oe a!d get
GThats o!ly if you $at$h e, Christia!% &!d right !o", 8 ha*e !o i!te!tio! of letti!g you
$at$h e%H
G&!astasia, you ay fall a!d hurt yourself% Whi$h "ill put you i! dire$t $o!tra*e!tio! of rule
!uber se*e!%H
G8 ha*e bee! i! da!ger si!$e 8 et you, =r% >rey, rules or !o rules%H
GJes you ha*e%H 3e pauses, a!d his bro" furro"s slightly%
Sudde!ly, he lu!ges for e, a#i!g e sBueal a!d ru! for the di!i!g roo table% 8 a!age to
es$ape, putti!g the table bet"ee! us% =y heart is pou!di!g a!d adre!ali!e has spi#ed through y
bodyL boy%%% this is so thrilli!g% 8 a $hild agai!, though thats !ot right% 8 "at$h hi $arefully as
he pa$es deliberately to"ard e% 8 i!$h a"ay%
GJou $ertai!ly #!o" ho" to distra$t a a!, &!astasia%H
GWe ai to please, =r% >rey% <istra$t you fro "hatIH
GLife% The u!i*erse%H 3e "a*es o!e of his ha!ds *aguely%
GJou did see *ery pre9o$$upied as you "ere playi!g%H
3e stops a!d folds his ars, his e1pressio! aused%
GWe $a! do this all day, baby, but 8 "ill get you, a!d it "ill @ust be "orse for you "he! 8
do%HG+o, you "o!t%H 8 ust !ot be o*er9$o!fide!t% 8 repeat this as a a!tra% =y sub$o!s$ious has
fou!d her +i#es, a!d shes o! the starti!g blo$#s%
G&!yo!e "ould thi!# you did!t "a!t e to $at$h you%H
G8 do!t% Thats the poi!t% 8 feel about pu!ishe!t the "ay you feel about e tou$hi!g
you%H3is e!tire deea!or $ha!ges i! a !a!ose$o!d% >o!e is playful Christia!, a!d he sta!ds stari!g
at e as if 8d slapped hi% 3es ashe!%
GThats ho" you feelIH he "hispers%
Those four "ords, a!d the "ay he utters the, spea#s *olues% Oh no. They tell e so u$h
ore about hi a!d ho" he feels% They tell e about his fear a!d loathi!g% 8 fro"!%
+o, 8 do!t feel that bad% +o "ay% <o 8I
G+o% 8t does!t affe$t e Buite as u$h as that, but it gi*es you a! idea,H 8 urur, stari!g
a!1iously at hi%
G/h,H he says%
Crap. 3e loo#s $opletely a!d utterly lost, li#e 8*e pulled the rug fro u!der his feet%
Ta#i!g a deep breath, 8 o*e rou!d the table u!til 8 a sta!di!g i! fro!t of hi, gaFi!g i!to
his apprehe!si*e eyes%
GJou hate it that u$hIH he breathes, his eyes filled "ith horror%
GWellL !o,H 8 reassure hi% =ee: 2 that*s how he feels a,out people touching him.
G+o% 8 feel abi*ale!t about it% 8 do!t li#e it, but 8 do!t hate it%H
G0ut last !ight, i! the playroo, youL H he trails off%
G8 do it for you, Christia!, be$ause you !eed it% 8 do!t% Jou did!t hurt e last !ight%
That "as i! a differe!t $o!te1t, a!d 8 $a! ratio!aliFe that i!ter!ally, a!d 8 trust you% 0ut "he!
you "a!t to pu!ish e, 8 "orry that youll hurt e%H
3is gray eyes blaFe li#e a turbule!t stor% Tie o*es, a!d e1pa!ds a!d slips a"ay before he
a!s"ers softly%
G8 "a!t to hurt you% 0ut !ot beyo!d a!ythi!g that you $ould!t ta#e%H
3e ru!s his ha!d through his hair, a!d he shrugs%
G8 @ust !eed it%H 3e pauses, gaFi!g at e "ith a!guish, a!d he $loses his eyes a!d sha#es his
head% G8 $a!t tell you,H he "hispers%
GCa!t or "o!tIH
GSo you #!o" "hy%H
G0ut you "o!t tell e%H
G8f 8 do, you "ill ru! s$reai!g fro this roo, a!d youll !e*er "a!t to retur!%H 3e stares at
e "arily% G8 $a!t ris# that, &!astasia%H
GJou "a!t e to stay%H
G=ore tha! you #!o"% 8 $ould!t bear to lose you%H
Oh my.
3e gaFes do"! at e, a!d sudde!ly, he pulls e i!to his ars a!d hes #issi!g e, #issi!g e
passio!ately% 8t ta#es e $opletely by surprise, a!d 8 se!se his pa!i$ a!d desperate !eed i! his
G<o!t lea*e e% Jou said you "ould!t lea*e e, a!d you begged e !ot to lea*e you, i!
your sleep,H he ururs agai!st y lips%
Oh0 my nocturnal confessions.
G8 do!t "a!t to go%H &!d y heart $le!$hes, tur!i!g itself i!side out%
This is a a! i! !eed% 3is fear is !a#ed a!d ob*ious, but hes lostL soe"here i! his
dar#!ess% 3is eyes "ide a!d blea# a!d tortured% 8 $a! soothe hi% Joi! hi briefly i! the dar#!ess
a!d bri!g hi i!to the light%
GSho" e,H 8 "hisper%
GSho" youIH
GSho" e ho" u$h it $a! hurt%H
G.u!ish e% 8 "a!t to #!o" ho" bad it $a! get%H
Christia! steps ba$# a"ay fro e, $opletely $o!fused%
GJou "ould tryIH
GJes% 8 said 8 "ould%H 0ut 8 ha*e a! ulterior oti*e% 8f 8 do this for hi, aybe he "ill let e
tou$h hi%
3e bli!#s at e%
G&!a, youre so $o!fusi!g%H
G8 $o!fused too% 8 tryi!g to "or# this out% &!d you a!d 8 "ill #!o", o!$e a!d for all, if 8
$a! do this% 8f 8 $a! ha!dle this, the! aybe you CH =y "ords fail e, a!d his eyes "ide! agai!% 3e
#!o"s 8 a referri!g to the tou$h thi!g% For a oe!t, he loo#s tor!, but the! a steely resol*e
settles o! his features, a!d he !arro"s his eyes, gaFi!g at e spe$ulati*ely as if "eighi!g up
&bruptly, he $lasps y ar i! a fir grip a!d tur!s, leadi!g e out of the great roo, up the
stairs, a!d to the playroo% .leasure a!d pai!, re"ard a!d pu!ishe!t C his "ords fro so lo!g ago
e$ho through y i!d%
G8ll sho" you ho" bad it $a! be, a!d you $a! a#e your o"! i!d up%H 3e pauses by the
door% G&re you ready for thisIH
8 !od, y i!d ade up, a!d 8 *aguely lightheaded, fai!t as all the blood lea*es y
fa$e%3e ope!s the door, a!d still graspi!g y ar, grabs "hat loo#s li#e a belt fro the ra$# beside
the door, the! leads e o*er to the red leather be!$h i! the far $or!er of the roo%
G0e!d o*er the be!$h,H he ururs softly%
/#ay% 8 $a! do this% 8 be!d o*er the sooth soft leather% 3es left y bathrobe o!%
8! a Buiet part of y brai!, 8 *aguely surprised that he has!t ade e ta#e it off% 7oly
fuc( this is going to hurt0 I (now. =y sub$o!s$ious has passed out, a!d y i!!er goddess is
e!dea*ori!g to loo# bra*e%
GWere here be$ause you said yes, &!astasia% &!d you ra! fro e% 8 a goi!g to hit you si1
ties, a!d you "ill $ou!t "ith e%H
Why the hell does!t he @ust get o! "ith itI 3e al"ays a#es su$h a eal of pu!ishi!g e% 8
roll y eyes, #!o"i!g full "ell he $a!t see e%
3e lifts the he of y bathrobe, a!d for soe reaso!, this feels ore i!tiate tha! bei!g
!a#ed% 3e ge!tly $aresses y behi!d, ru!!i!g his "ar ha!d all o*er both $hee#s a!d do"! to the
tops of y thighs%
G8 a doi!g this so that you reeber !ot to ru! fro e, a!d as e1$iti!g as it is, 8 !e*er
"a!t you to ru! fro e,H he "hispers%
&!d the iro!y is !ot lost o! e% 8 "as ru!!i!g to a*oid this% 8f hed ope!ed his ars, 8d ru!
to hi, !ot a"ay fro hi%
G&!d you rolled your eyes at e% Jou #!o" ho" 8 feel about that%H Sudde!ly, its go!e
C that !er*ous edgy fear i! his *oi$e% 3es ba$# fro "here*er hes bee!% 8 hear it i! his to!e,
i! the "ay he pla$es his fi!gers o! y ba$#, holdi!g e C a!d the atosphere i! the roo $ha!ges%
8 $lose y eyes, bra$i!g yself for the blo"% 8t $oes hard, s!appi!g a$ross y ba$#side, a!d
the bite of the belt is e*erythi!g 8 feared% 8 $ry out i!*olu!tarily, a!d ta#e a huge gulp of air%
GCou!t, &!astasiaKH he $oa!ds%
G/!eKH 8 shout at hi, a!d it sou!ds li#e a! e1pleti*e%
3e hits e agai!, a!d the pai! pulses a!d e$hoes alo!g the li!e of the belt% 7oly shit0
that smarts.
GT"oKH 8 s$rea% 8t feels so good to s$rea%
3is breathi!g is ragged a!d harsh% Whereas i!e is alost !o!9e1iste!t as 8 desperately
s$rabble arou!d y psy$he loo#i!g for soe i!ter!al stre!gth% The belt $uts i!to y flesh agai!%
GThreeKH Tears spri!g u!"el$oe i!to y eyes% JeeF C this is harder tha! 8 thought C
so u$h harder tha! the spa!#i!g% 3es !ot holdi!g a!ythi!g ba$#%
GFourKH 8 yell as the belt bites e agai!, a!d !o" the tears are streai!g do"! y fa$e%
8 do!t "a!t to $ry% 8t a!gers e that 8 a $ryi!g% 3e hits e agai!%
GFi*e%H =y *oi$e is ore a $ho#ed, stra!gled sob, a!d i! this oe!t, 8 thi!# 8 hate hi% /!e
ore, 8 $a! do o!e ore% =y ba$#side feels as if its o! fire%
GSi1,H 8 "hisper as the blisteri!g pai! $uts a$ross e agai!, a!d 8 hear hi drop the belt
behi!d e, a!d hes pulli!g e i!to his ars, all breathless a!d $opassio!ateL a!d 8 "a!t !o!e
of hi%
GLet goL !o%%% H &!d 8 fi!d yself struggli!g out his grasp, pushi!g hi a"ay% Fighti!g hi%
G<o!t tou$h eKH 8 hiss% 8 straighte! a!d stare at hi, a!d hes "at$hi!g e as if 8 ight
bolt, gray eyes "ide, beused% 8 dash the tears a!grily out of y eyes "ith the ba$#s of y ha!ds,
glari!g at hi%
GThis is "hat you really li#eI =e, li#e thisIH 8 use the slee*e of the bathrobe to "ipe y !ose%
3e gaFes at e "arily%
GWell, you are o!e fu$#ed9up so! of a bit$h%H
G&!a,H he pleads, sho$#ed%
G<o!t you dare, &!a eK Jou !eed to sort your shit out, >reyKH &!d "ith that, 8 tur! stiffly,
a!d 8 "al# out of the playroo, $losi!g the door Buietly behi!d e%
8 $lasp the door ha!dle behi!d e a!d briefly lea! ba$# agai!st the door% Where to goI
<o 8 ru!I <o 8 stayI 8 a so ad, a!gry s$aldi!g tears spill do"! y $hee#s, a!d 8 brush
the furiously aside% 8 @ust "a!t to $url up% Curl up a!d re$uperate i! soe "ay% 3eal y shattered
faith% 3o" $ould 8 ha*e bee! so stupidI /f $ourse it hurts%
Te!tati*ely, 8 rub y ba$#side% &ahK 8ts sore% Where to goI +ot his roo% =y roo, or the
roo that "ill be i!e, !o, is i!eL was i!e% This is "hy he "a!ted e to #eep it% 3e #!e" 8
"ould !eed dista!$e fro hi%
8 lau!$h yself stiffly i! that dire$tio!, $o!s$ious that Christia! ay follo" e% 8t is still dar#
i! the bedroo, da"! o!ly a "hisper i! the s#yli!e% 8 $lib a"#"ardly i!to bed, $areful !ot to sit
o! y a$hi!g a!d te!der ba$#side% 8 #eep the bathrobe o!, "rappi!g it arou!d e, a!d $url up a!d
really let go C sobbi!g hard i!to y pillo"%
#hat was I thin(ing. Why did 8 let hi do that to eI 8 "a!ted the dar#, to e1plore ho" bad
it $ould be C but its too dar# for e% 8 $a!!ot do this% Jet, this is "hat he does, this is ho" he gets
his #i$#s%
What a o!ue!tal "a#e9up $all% &!d to be fair to hi, he "ar!ed e a!d "ar!ed e, tie
a!d agai!% 3es !ot !oral% 3e has !eeds that 8 $a!!ot fulfill% 8 realiFe that !o"%
8 do!t "a!t hi to hit e li#e that agai!, e*er% 8 thi!# of the $ouple of ties he has hit e,
a!d ho" easy he "as o! e by $opariso!% 8s that e!ough for hiI 8 sob harder i!to the pillo"% 8
a goi!g to lose hi% 3e "o!t "a!t to be "ith e if 8 $a!t gi*e hi this%
Why, "hy, "hy ha*e 8 falle! i! lo*e "ith Fifty ShadesI WhyI Why $a!t 8 lo*e JosNO222P, or
.aul Clayto!, or soeo!e li#e eI
/h, his distraught loo# as 8 left% 8 "as so $ruel, so sho$#ed by the sa*ageryL "ill he forgi*e
eL "ill 8 forgi*e hiI =y thoughts are all hay"ire a!d @ubled, e$hoi!g a!d bou!$i!g off the
i!side of y s#ull% =y sub$o!s$ious is sha#i!g her head sadly, a!d y i!!er goddess is !o"here to
be see!% /h, this is a dar# or!i!g of the soul for e% 8 so alo!e% 8 "a!t y =o% 8 reeber
her parti!g "ords at the airport, 'ollow your heart darling and please please 2 try not to o6er;
thin( things. Rela< and en+oy. )ou are so young sweetheart you ha6e so much to e<perience +ust
let it happen.
)ou deser6e the ,est of e6erything.
8 did follo" y heart, a!d 8 ha*e a sore ass a!d a! a!guished, bro#e! spirit to sho" for it% 8
ha*e to go% Thats itL 8 ha*e to lea*e% 3es !o good for e, a!d 8 a !o good for hi% 3o" $a! "e
possibly a#e this "or#I &!d the thought of !ot seei!g hi agai! pra$ti$ally $ho#es eL y
Fifty Shades%
8 hear the door $li$# ope!% Oh no 2 he*s here. 3e puts soethi!g do"! o! the bedside table,
a!d the bed shifts u!der his "eight as he $libs i! behi!d e%
G3ush,H he breathes, a!d 8 "a!t to pull a"ay fro hi, o*e to the other side of the bed, but
8 paralyFed% 8 $a!!ot o*e a!d lie stiffly, !ot yieldi!g at all% G<o!t fight e, &!a, please,H he
"hispers% >e!tly, he pulls e i!to his ars, buryi!g his !ose i! y hair, #issi!g y !e$#%
G<o!t hate e,H he breathes softly agai!st y s#i!, his *oi$e a$hi!gly sad% =y heart
$le!$hes a!e" a!d releases a fresh "a*e of sile!t sobbi!g% 3e $o!ti!ues to #iss e softly, te!derly,
but 8 reai! aloof a!d "ary%
We lie together li#e this, !either sayi!g a!ythi!g for ages% 3e @ust holds e, a!d *ery
gradually, 8 rela1 a!d stop $ryi!g% <a"! $oes a!d goes, a!d the soft light gets brighter as or!i!g
o*es o!, a!d still "e lie Buietly%
G8 bought you soe &d*il a!d soe ar!i$a $rea,H he says after a lo!g "hile%
8 tur! *ery slo"ly i! his ars so 8 $a! fa$e hi% 8 a resti!g y head o! his ar% 3is eyes are
fli!ty gray a!d guarded%
8 gaFe at his beautiful fa$e% 3es gi*i!g !othi!g a"ay, but he #eeps his eyes o! i!e, hardly
bli!#i!g% /h, he is so breathta#i!gly good9loo#i!g% 8! su$h a short tie, hes be$oe so, so dear to
e% Dea$hi!g up, 8 $aress his $hee# a!d ru! the tips of y fi!gers through his stubble% 3e $loses his
eyes a!d e1hales slightly%
G8 sorry,H 8 "hisper%
3e ope!s his eyes a!d loo#s at e puFFled%
GWhat forIH
GWhat 8 said%H
GJou did!t tell e a!ythi!g 8 did!t #!o"%H &!d his eyes softe! "ith relief% G8 a sorry 8 hurt
8 shrug%
G8 as#ed for it%H &!d !o" 8 #!o"% 8 s"allo"% 3ere goes% 8 !eed to say y pie$e% G8 do!t thi!#
8 $a! be e*erythi!g you "a!t e to be,H 8 "hisper% 3is eyes "ide! slightly, a!d he bli!#s, his
fearful e1pressio! retur!i!g%
GJou are e*erythi!g 8 "a!t you to be%H
G8 do!t u!dersta!d% 8 !ot obedie!t, a!d you $a! be as sure as hell 8 !ot goi!g to let you
do that to e agai!% &!d thats "hat you !eed, you said so%H
3e $loses his eyes agai!, a!d 8 $a! see a yriad of eotio!s $ross his fa$e% Whe! he reope!s
the, his e1pressio! is blea#% Oh no.
GJoure right% 8 should let you go% 8 a !o good for you%H
=y s$alp pri$#les as e*ery si!gle hair folli$le o! y body sta!ds to atte!tio!, a!d the "orld
falls a"ay fro e, lea*i!g a "ide, ya"!i!g abyss for e to fall i!to% Oh no.
G8 do!t "a!t to go,H 8 "hisper% Fu$# C this is it% .ay or play% Tears s"i i! y eyes o!$e
G8 do!t "a!t you to go either,H he "hispers, his *oi$e ra"% 3e rea$hes up a!d ge!tly stro#es
y $hee# a!d "ipes a"ay a falli!g tear "ith his thub% G8*e $oe ali*e si!$e 8 et you%H 3is
thub tra$es the $o!tours of y lo"er lip%
G=e too,H 8 "hisper, G8*e falle! i! lo*e "ith you, Christia!%H
3is eyes "ide! agai!, but this tie, "ith pure, u!diluted fear%
G+o,H he breathes as if 8*e #!o$#ed the "i!d out of hi%
Oh no.
GJou $a!t lo*e e, &!a% +oL thats "ro!g%H 3es horrified%
GWro!gI Whys it "ro!gIH
GWell, loo# at you% 8 $a!t a#e you happy%H 3is *oi$e is a!guished%
G0ut you do a#e e happy%H 8 fro"!%
G+ot at the oe!t, !ot doi!g "hat 8 "a!t to do%H
7oly fuc(. This really is it% This is "hat it boils do"! to C i!$opatibility 9 a!d all those
poor subs $oe to i!d%
GWell !e*er get past that, "ill "eIH 8 "hisper, y s$alp pri$#li!g i! fear%
3e sha#es his head blea#ly% 8 $lose y eyes% 8 $a!!ot bear to loo# at hi%
GWellL 8d better go, the!,H 8 urur, "i!$i!g as 8 sit up%
G+o, do!t go%H 3e sou!ds pa!i$#ed%
GTheres !o poi!t i! e stayi!g%H Sudde!ly, 8 feel tired, really dog9tired, a!d 8 "a!t to go
!o"% 8 $lib out of bed, a!d Christia! follo"s%
G8 goi!g to get dressed% 8d li#e soe pri*a$y,H 8 say, y *oi$e flat a!d epty as 8 lea*e
hi sta!di!g i! the bedroo%
3eadi!g do"!stairs, 8 gla!$e at the great roo, thi!#i!g ho" o!ly hours before 8 had rested
y head o! his shoulder as he played the pia!o% So u$h has happe!ed si!$e the!%
8 ha*e had y eyes ope!ed a!d glipsed the e1te!t of his depra*ity, a!d 8 !o" #!o" hes !ot
$apable of lo*e C of gi*i!g or re$ei*i!g lo*e% =y "orst fears ha*e bee! realiFed% &!d stra!gely, its
*ery liberati!g%
The pai! is su$h that 8 refuse to a$#!o"ledge it% 8 feel !ub% 8 ha*e soeho" es$aped fro
y body a!d a !o" a $asual obser*er to this u!foldi!g tragedy% 8 sho"er Bui$#ly a!d
ethodi$ally, thi!#i!g o!ly of ea$h se$o!d i! fro!t of e% +o" sBueeFe body "ash bottle% .ut body
"ash bottle ba$# i! ra$#% Dub $loth o! fa$e, o! shouldersL o! a!d o!, all siple, e$ha!i$al
a$tio!s, reBuiri!g siple e$ha!i$al thoughts%
8 fi!ish y sho"er C a!d as 8 ha*e!t "ashed y hair, 8 $a! dry yself Bui$#ly% 8 dress i! the
bathroo, ta#i!g y @ea!s a!d t9shirt out of y sall suit$ase% =y @ea!s $hafe agai!st y
ba$#side, but Buite fra!#ly, its a pai! 8 "el$oe as it distra$ts y i!d fro "hats happe!i!g to
y spli!teri!g, shattered heart%
8 stoop to shut y suit$ase, a!d the bag holdi!g Christia!s gift $at$hes y eye, a odeli!g
#it for a 0lah!i# L22 glider, soethi!g for hi to build% Tears threate!% Oh no0
happier ties, "he! there "as hope of ore% 8 ta#e it out of the $ase, #!o"i!g that 8 !eed
to gi*e it to hi% Qui$#ly, 8 rip a sall pie$e of paper fro y !oteboo#, hastily s$ribble a
!ote for hi, a!d lea*e it o! top of the bo1%
8 gaFe at yself i! the irror% & pale a!d hau!ted ghost stares ba$# at e% 8 s$oop y hair
i!to a po!ytail a!d ig!ore ho" s"olle! y eyelids are fro the $ryi!g% =y sub$o!s$ious !ods "ith
appro*al% E*e! she #!o"s !ot to be s!ar#y right !o"% 8 $a!!ot belie*e that y "orld is $rubli!g
arou!d e i!to a sterile pile of ashes, all y hopes a!d dreas $ruelly dashed% +o, !o do!t thi!#
about it% +ot !o", !ot yet% Ta#i!g a deep breath, 8 pi$# up y $ase, a!d after pla$i!g the glider #it
a!d y !ote o! his pillo", 8 head for the great roo%
Christia! is o! the pho!e% 3es dressed i! bla$# @ea!s a!d t9shirt% 3is feet are bare%
G3e said "hatKH he shouts, a#i!g e @up% GWell, he $ould ha*e told us the fu$#i!g truth%
Whats his !uber, 8 !eed to $all hiL Wel$h, this is a real fu$#9up%H 3e gla!$es up a!d does!t
ta#e his dar# a!d broodi!g eyes off e% GFi!d her,H he s!aps a!d presses the off s"it$h%
8 "al# o*er to the $ou$h a!d $olle$t y ba$#pa$#, doi!g y best to ig!ore hi% 8 ta#e the
=a$ out of it a!d "al# ba$# to"ard the #it$he!, pla$i!g it $arefully o! the brea#fast bar, alo!g "ith
the 0la$#0erry a!d the $ar #ey% Whe! 8 tur! to fa$e hi, hes stari!g at e, stupefied "ith horror%
G8 !eed the o!ey that Taylor got for y 0eetle%H =y *oi$e is $lear a!d $al, de*oid of
eotio!L e<traordinary.
G&!a, 8 do!t "a!t those thi!gs, theyre yours,H he says i! disbelief% G.lease, ta#e the%H
G+o Christia! C 8 o!ly a$$epted the u!der suffera!$e C a!d 8 do!t "a!t the a!yore%H
G&!a, be reaso!able,H he s$olds e, e*e! !o"%
G8 do!t "a!t a!ythi!g that "ill rei!d e of you% 8 @ust !eed the o!ey that Taylor got for
y $ar%H =y *oi$e is Buite o!oto!e%
3e gasps%
G&re you really tryi!g to "ou!d eIH
G+o%H 8 fro"! stari!g at hi% /f $ourse !otL 8 lo*e you% G8 !ot% 8 tryi!g to prote$t
yself,H 8 "hisper% 0e$ause you do!t "a!t e the "ay 8 "a!t you%
G.lease, &!a, ta#e that stuff%H
GChristia!, 8 do!t "a!t to fight C 8 @ust !eed the o!ey%H
3e !arro"s his eyes, but 8 !o lo!ger i!tiidated by hi% Well, o!ly a little% 8 gaFe
ipassi*ely ba$#, !ot bli!#i!g or ba$#i!g do"!%
GWill you ta#e a $he$#IH he says a$idly%
GJes% 8 thi!# youre good for it%H
3e does!t sile, he @ust tur!s o! his heel a!d stal#s i!to his study% 8 ta#e a last li!geri!g loo#
arou!d his aparte!t C at the art o! the "alls C all abstra$ts, sere!e, $oolL $old, e*e!% Fitti!g, 8
thi!# abse!tly% =y eyes stray to the pia!o% JeeF C if 8d #ept y outh shut, "ed ha*e ade lo*e
o! the pia!o% +o, fu$#ed, "e "ould ha*e fu$#ed o! the pia!o%
Well, 8 "ould ha*e ade lo*e% The thought lies hea*y a!d sad i! y i!d% 3e has !e*er
ade lo*e to e, has heI 8ts al"ays bee! fu$#i!g to hi%
Christia! retur!s a!d ha!ds e a! e!*elope%
GTaylor got a good pri$e% 8ts a $lassi$ $ar% Jou $a! as# hi% 3ell ta#e you hoe%H
3e !ods i! the dire$tio! o*er y shoulder% 8 tur!, a!d Taylor is sta!di!g i! the door"ay,
"eari!g his suit, as ipe$$able as e*er%
GThats fi!e, 8 $a! get yself hoe, tha!# you%H
8 tur! to stare at Christia!, a!d 8 see the barely9$o!tai!ed fury i! his eyes%
G&re you goi!g to defy e at e*ery tur!IH
GWhy $ha!ge a habit of a lifetieIH 8 gi*e hi a sall, apologeti$ shrug%
3e $loses his eyes i! frustratio! a!d ru!s his ha!d through his hair%
G.lease, &!a, let Taylor ta#e you hoe%H
G8ll get the $ar, =iss Steele,H Taylor a!!ou!$es authoritati*ely% Christia! !ods at hi, a!d
"he! 8 gla!$e arou!d, Taylor has go!e%
8 tur! ba$# to fa$e Christia!% We are four feet apart% 3e steps for"ard, a!d i!sti!$ti*ely 8 step
ba$#% 3e stops, a!d the a!guish i! his e1pressio! is palpable, his gray eyes bur!i!g%
G8 do!t "a!t you to go,H he ururs, his *oi$e full of lo!gi!g%
G8 $a!t stay% 8 #!o" "hat 8 "a!t a!d you $a!t gi*e it to e, a!d 8 $a!t gi*e you "hat you
3e ta#es a!other step for"ard, a!d 8 hold up y ha!ds%
G<o!t, please%H 8 re$oil fro hi% Theres !o "ay 8 $a! tolerate his tou$h !o", it "ill slay
e% G8 $a!t do this%H
>rabbi!g y suit$ase a!d y ba$#pa$#, 8 head for the foyer% 3e follo"s e, #eepi!g a
$areful dista!$e% 3e presses the ele*ator butto!, a!d the doors ope!% 8 $lib i!%
G>oodbye, Christia!,H 8 urur%
G&!a, goodbye,H he says softly, a!d he loo#s utterly, utterly bro#e!, a a! i! ago!iFi!g pai!,
refle$ti!g ho" 8 feel i!side% 8 tear y gaFe a"ay fro hi before 8 $ha!ge y i!d a!d try to
$ofort hi%
The ele*ator doors $lose, a!d it "his#s e do"! to the bo"els of the basee!t a!d to y
o"! perso!al hell%
Taylor holds the door ope! for e, a!d 8 $lib i!to the ba$# of the $ar% 8 a*oid eye $o!ta$t%
Ebarrasse!t a!d shae "ashes o*er e% 8 a $oplete failure% 8 had hoped to drag y
Fifty Shades i!to the light, but its pro*ed a tas# beyo!d y eager abilities% <esperately, 8 try to
#eep y eotio!s ba!#ed a!d at bay% &s "e head out o!to Sth &*e!ue, 8 stare bla!#ly out of the
"i!do", a!d the e!ority of "hat 8*e do!e slo"ly "ashes o*er e% %hit 2 I*6e left him. The o!ly
a! 8*e e*er lo*ed% The o!ly a! 8*e e*er slept "ith%
8 gasp, a!d the le*ees burst% Tears $ourse u!bidde! a!d u!"el$oe do"! y $hee#s, a!d 8
"ipe the a"ay hurriedly "ith y fi!gers, s$rabli!g i! y bag for y su!glasses% &s "e pause at
soe traffi$ lights, Taylor holds out a li!e! ha!d#er$hief for e% 3e says !othi!g a!d does!t loo#
i! y dire$tio!, a!d 8 ta#e it "ith gratitude%
GTha!# you,H 8 utter, a!d this sall dis$reet a$t of #i!d!ess is y u!doi!g% 8 sit ba$# i! the
lu1urious leather seats a!d "eep%
The aparte!t is a$hi!gly epty a!d u!failiar% 8 ha*e !ot li*ed here lo!g e!ough for it to
feel li#e hoe% 8 head straight to y roo, a!d there, ha!gi!g liply at the e!d of y bed, is a *ery
sad, deflated heli$opter balloo!% Charlie Ta!go, loo#i!g a!d feeli!g e1a$tly li#e e% 8 grab it a!grily
off y bedrail, s!appi!g the tie, a!d hug it to e% Oh 2 what ha6e I done.
8 fall o!to y bed, shoes a!d all, a!d ho"l% The pai! is i!des$ribableL physi$al, e!talL
etaphysi$alL it is e*ery"here, seepi!g i!to the arro" of y bo!es% >rief%
This is grief C a!d 8*e brought it o! yself% <eep do"!, a !asty, u!bidde! thought $oes
fro y i!!er goddess, her lip $urled i! a s!arlL the physi$al pai! fro the bite of a belt is
!othi!g, !othi!g $opared to this de*astatio!% 8 $url up, desperately $lut$hi!g the flat foil balloo!
a!d Taylors ha!d#er$hief, a!d surre!der yself to y grief%
8nd of /art One
$able of #ontents
, Royallib.ru
*+ ,-

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