Hospital pharmacists play several key roles in ensuring safe and effective medication use. They manage medication distribution and safety, oversee facilities and technology, and provide leadership to pharmacy departments. Pharmacists also work directly with patients and medical teams to optimize medication therapy through activities like medication reviews, consultations, and participating in medical rounds. As medication experts, they contribute to drug information and education efforts as well as research initiatives. The expanding roles of pharmacists in hospitals aim to enhance collaborative care and improve health outcomes.
Hospital pharmacists play several key roles in ensuring safe and effective medication use. They manage medication distribution and safety, oversee facilities and technology, and provide leadership to pharmacy departments. Pharmacists also work directly with patients and medical teams to optimize medication therapy through activities like medication reviews, consultations, and participating in medical rounds. As medication experts, they contribute to drug information and education efforts as well as research initiatives. The expanding roles of pharmacists in hospitals aim to enhance collaborative care and improve health outcomes.
Hospital pharmacists play several key roles in ensuring safe and effective medication use. They manage medication distribution and safety, oversee facilities and technology, and provide leadership to pharmacy departments. Pharmacists also work directly with patients and medical teams to optimize medication therapy through activities like medication reviews, consultations, and participating in medical rounds. As medication experts, they contribute to drug information and education efforts as well as research initiatives. The expanding roles of pharmacists in hospitals aim to enhance collaborative care and improve health outcomes.
Hospital pharmacists play several key roles in ensuring safe and effective medication use. They manage medication distribution and safety, oversee facilities and technology, and provide leadership to pharmacy departments. Pharmacists also work directly with patients and medical teams to optimize medication therapy through activities like medication reviews, consultations, and participating in medical rounds. As medication experts, they contribute to drug information and education efforts as well as research initiatives. The expanding roles of pharmacists in hospitals aim to enhance collaborative care and improve health outcomes.
The Role of Pharmacists in the The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting Hospital Setting Presentation to the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfar Presentation to the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare e October 18, 2006 October 18, 2006 John A. Armitstead, MS, RPh, FASHP President, Kentucky Society of Health-System Pharmacists Director of Pharmacy Services, University of Kentucky Hospital Assistant Dean, University of Kentucky, College of Pharmacy Kentucky Hospitals 121 hospitals (120 counties in KY) 17,000 beds 600,000 admissions 9,400,000 outpatient visits $6,000,000,000 in expenses Population of Kentucky Over 4.2 Million Hospital Pharmacy in Kentucky Hospital Pharmacy in Kentucky Approximately 10% of Kentucky pharmacists practice in hospitals Kentucky Society of Health-System Pharmacists (KSHP) Professional society , over 300 members Mission: To assist KSHP members in the provision of pharmaceutical care in organized health care settings throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Selected Types of Institutional Practice for Pharmacists Hospitals Nursing Homes Long Term and Extended Care Facilities Intermediate Care Facilities Assisted Living Facilities Correctional Facilities Behavioral and Mental Health Facilities Ambulatory Care Facilities Home Care Providers Hospital Classifications Ownership Government - Federal, State, City, County Private Church Operated/Affiliated, Corporation Not-for Profit or For Profit Types of Care - Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Acute or Chronic General or Specialty Teaching Affiliation(s) The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting Medication Distribution and Control Medication Orders Formulary Development Medication Administration Extemporaneous Compounding Compounding Sterile Products Unit Dose Packaging Medication Storage Minimizing Adverse Drug Reactions Eliminating Medication Errors Managing Drug Product Recalls Controlling Drug Samples The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting Medication Distribution and Control Cytotoxic and Hazardous Drug Products Controlled Substances Non-Approved Substances Medication Storage Area Inspections Floor Stock Disaster Services Counter-terrorism Services Medical Emergency Management Drug Delivery Systems Automated Dispensing Machines The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting Facilities, Equipment and Information Resources Medication Storage Packaging and Compounding Cytotoxic and Hazardous Drug Products Consultation Space Office and Meeting Space Automation/Computerization Record Maintenance The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting Leadership and Practice Management Education and Training Mission Support Personnel Work Schedules and Assignments Education and Training Recruitment Orientation Performance Evaluation Position Descriptions Policies and Procedures Operations Manuals Drug Expenditures Workload and Financial Performance Committee Involvement Quality Improvement Laws and Regulations Patient Confidentiality The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting Optimizing Medication Therapy Medication Histories Medication Orders Medication Therapy Monitoring Minimizing Bacterial Resistance Collaborative Pharmacist Consultations Medical Record Documentation Medication Use Evaluation Medication Use Policy Development Pharmaceutical Care Provision Continuity of Care Clinical Care Plans Immunization Programs Pharmacy Presence in UK HealthCare - Chandler Medical Center Main or Satellite Pharm Clinical Pharmacist Administration UK HealthCare Pharmacy Services (Pharmacist Participation in Collaborative Medical Rounds) Pulmonary Medicine Surgery Trauma Adult Oncology Pediatrics Pediatric Oncology Emergency Medicine Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Solid Organ Transplant Bone Marrow Transplant Nutritional Support Infectious Disease Neurosurgery/Neurology Psychiatry Nephrology Family Medicine Cardiology The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting Drug Information and Education Drug Information Requests Reference Materials for Drugs Medication Therapy Monographs Patient Education Dissemination of Drug Information Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Support/Analysis (Drug Policy Development) The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting Research Policies and Procedures Distribution and Control Institutional Review Board Scientific Contribution Pharmacy Research Medical Staff Support Multidisciplinary Research The Role of Pharmacists in the Health Care System The Role of Pharmacists in the Health Care System The Role of Pharmacists in the The Role of Pharmacists in the Hospital Setting Hospital Setting The traditional role of pharmacists in the hospital setting is well established Medication Distribution and Control Facilities, Equipment and Information Resources Leadership and Practice Management Kentucky pharmacists have been leaders in the innovative and developing roles for pharmacists Optimizing Medication Therapy Drug Information and Education Research Development/refinement of collaborative medication therapy management with physicians, nurses and allied health providers will continue to enhance the lives of those in the Commonwealth