This document provides an overview of continuous improvement tools and techniques for auditing business continuity management systems. It discusses the audit universe and scoping, applicable standards, developing an audit program, auditing the BCM life cycle and controls. The session aims to explain how to take a risk-based, maturity-based approach to auditing BCM using tools like the PDCA cycle and continuous improvement processes. It also provides contact details for the presenter's organization which provides independent advice on auditing and assurance for IT service and business continuity management.
This document provides an overview of continuous improvement tools and techniques for auditing business continuity management systems. It discusses the audit universe and scoping, applicable standards, developing an audit program, auditing the BCM life cycle and controls. The session aims to explain how to take a risk-based, maturity-based approach to auditing BCM using tools like the PDCA cycle and continuous improvement processes. It also provides contact details for the presenter's organization which provides independent advice on auditing and assurance for IT service and business continuity management.
This document provides an overview of continuous improvement tools and techniques for auditing business continuity management systems. It discusses the audit universe and scoping, applicable standards, developing an audit program, auditing the BCM life cycle and controls. The session aims to explain how to take a risk-based, maturity-based approach to auditing BCM using tools like the PDCA cycle and continuous improvement processes. It also provides contact details for the presenter's organization which provides independent advice on auditing and assurance for IT service and business continuity management.
This document provides an overview of continuous improvement tools and techniques for auditing business continuity management systems. It discusses the audit universe and scoping, applicable standards, developing an audit program, auditing the BCM life cycle and controls. The session aims to explain how to take a risk-based, maturity-based approach to auditing BCM using tools like the PDCA cycle and continuous improvement processes. It also provides contact details for the presenter's organization which provides independent advice on auditing and assurance for IT service and business continuity management.
The key takeaways are continuous improvement tools like the PDCA cycle and audit processes, applying standards like ISO 22301, and auditing elements of the BCMS and BCM controls.
The main continuous improvement tools discussed are the continuous improvement process, ad hoc improvement process, and the PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) cycle.
The three lines of defense for auditing are management review as the first line, independent review as the second line, and audit as the third line.
BCM Continuous Improvement
Audit and Other Initiatives
Business & IT ResilienceSummit Dubai Rolf von RoessingCISA, CISM, CGEIT, CISSP, FBCI Session Overview ContinuousImprovement Tools Audit UniverseandScoping ApplicableStandards Audit Programme BCMS andLife Cycle BCM Controls Sourcesof Further Information andQ & A CONTINUOUSIMPROVEMENT TOOLS BCM ContinuousImprovement Audit andOther Initiatives ContinuousImprovement Tools ProcessModel Continuous Improvement Process Ad hoc Improvement Process PDCA (Plan Do Check Act ISO-basedversionof DemingCycle Pervasivethroughout ISO 22301, 27031 etc. Coexistencewith BCM Life Cycle Audit andReview 1st Line of Defence: Management Review 2nd Line of Defence: Independent Review 3rd Line of Defence: Audit Improvement Processes ContinuousImprovement Process useto improvetheBCMS (i.e. theToolbox) in a controlledandregular manner CIP isneededtomaintaintheBCMS uptodate andin linewithrecognisedstandards Ad hoc Improvement Process usetoaddress operational improvementsfromvarioussources: Test / exerciseresults Audit findings Local regulatorychanges etc. PDCA Cycle Embedded in most standardsaddressingBCM andITSCM, e.g. ISO 22301 andISO 27031 Links BCM toother disciplinessuch asIT Security, ITIL / ISO 20000, Quality Mgmt etc. The phasesPlan, Do, Check, Act areprojected ontotheelementsof thelifecyclein ISO 22313, ISO 27031 andtheBCI GoodPractice Guidelines Your processes, controlsandindicatorsshould alwayslink toat least onephaseof thePDCA cycletomaintainalignment AUDIT UNIVERSEANDSCOPING Auditing Business Continuity BCM Developments 2009 Information Security IT Service Continuity Mgmt BCM Critical Infrastructure Prot. ORM Corporate Governance Civil Defence Business Information / Technology Strategy Enterprise Risk Management 2010 2011 Public / Private Technical Resilience Business Resilience Integrated Resilience Model 20xx Security Audit UniverseandScoping Control Design BCMS andLife Cycle (includingPDCA) Templates, Standards Alignment etc. BC Organisation, Resources Control Effectiveness Contents of documents, e. g. strategy, BC plans Key performanceindicators BC aspart of theinternal control system APPLICABLESTANDARDS Auditing Business Continuity 11 ISO 22300 Roadmap BCI Prof. Practices Joint Standards BS 7799 ISO 17799 BS PAS 56 (2003) BS PAS 77 ISO 27001 ISO PAS 22399-1 BS 25777 BS 25999 (2006) ISO 22301 ISO 27031 ApplicableStandards ISO andGPG (2013) notethenewlifecycle! IncludesubsidiaryISO 223xx standardsasthey arepublished Sector-specific: Banking / Basel III andInsurance / SolvencyII, e.g. High level principlesfor businesscontinuity(2006) Includeinternational (indirect) regulations, e. g. MAS in Singapore If IT isinvolved: ISO 27031, ISO 24762 (for outsourcingDR) AUDIT PROGRAMME Auditing Business Continuity Audit Programme AP must bemodular lifecyclephasesandBCMS form thehighest level Defineclear drill-down pathslinkedtoriskand maturity Definetheaudit questiontobeanswered (compliance? feasibilitystudy? due diligence? forensic?) Select appropriatesubset of global audit programme Communicatetoauditeeandmakenecessary adjustments Audit Mode Point in time traditional methodof auditingasat a certaindate: financial year end asymmetric, for instancetowardsa certificationdate Project-based in linewithdeliveringv1.0 of an initiative or project oftenusedin theearlystages pre-implementation, post-implementation, accompanyingthe project Continuous comparativelynewmethodof auditing, taken fromfinancial andIT audit Cooperativeinvolvement of auditorsat anytime Audit andadviceconverge BCMS ANDLIFE CYCLE Auditing Business Continuity BCMS andLife Cycle Take a maturityandriskbasedapproach Top-down approachrecommended Audit phasesof thelifecycleAND thePDCA cycle Adapt your audit programmein linewithself- assessmentsdeliveredbytheauditee organisation BCM CONTROLS Auditing Business Continuity BCM Controls BIA completeness, plausibility(relative), links tobalancesheet andP/L aswell aspreviousevents RA methodandprocedure(not theindividual risks) Strategy completeness, method, adequacy Plans completeness, adequacy, timeliness, strategyalignment Test strategy completenessandadequacy(maturitybased) Test andexercisemaster plan alignment withtest strategy Individual testingandexercising planning, deployment (observation), post exerciseanalysis, reporting Continuousimprovement PDCA alignment, timeliness, completeness 1st and2nd linesof defence ensurethat reviewsandauditshave beenperformedadequatelyandcomprehensively FURTHER INFORMATION, Q & A Auditing Business Continuity Further Information BCM audit isexplainedin detail (about 700 pages) in the2nd editionof Auditing Business Continuity: Global Best Practices, tobe publishedbyRothsteinAssociates soon Sequel tothe1st (2002) edition, nowincludes all relevant laws, regulations, standards Enhanced andextendedstandardaudit programme More web-basedsupport, e. g. audit library Contact Details ForfaAG providesindependentadviceon ITSCM / BCM andbusinessresilience. Wefurtherconsultin Governance, RiskandCompliance (GRC) andall aspects ofsecurity ForfaAG Holding Andhauser Str. 62 8572 Berg TG, Switzerland Phone: +41 71 636 1770 mobile: +49 172 6712322 Weform a networkwith Controllit AG Stresemannstr. 342 22761 Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 40 890 66 46 0 JANUS Consulting GmbH Max-Planck-Str. 6 63128 Dietzenbach, Germany Phone: +49 6074 729 348 0 also visibleon LinkedIn, XING (but definitelynot on Facebook)