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Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade Mauritius

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Regional Integration and
International Trade


Foreword by the Secretary for Foreign Affairs,
Ambassador Anund Priyay Neewoor, G.O.S.K, C.S.K

Message from the Minister of Foreign Affairs Regional
Integration and International Trade, Hon Dr Arvin

Mission Statement

Overview of the strategic priorities

Key Performance Areas

Asset Management


A prosperous and sustainable Mauritius fully integrated
into a peaceful, globalised and equitable world.
To promote, safeguard and defend the national
interests of Mauritius;
To contribute towards the building of a secure,
equitable and democratic international
To foster economic growth through the expansion
of trade and to fully integrate Mauritius into the
global economy;

To work towards sustainable development
through the deepening and acceleration of
regional integration;

To provide consular services and assistance to the
Mauritian Diaspora and Nationals abroad;

To Develop a modern, effective and excellence-
driven Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional
Integration and International Trade;
Strategic Focus
1. Safeguard and promote our sovereignty and
territorial integrity as defined by the Constitution
of Mauritius;
2. Enhance the visibility of Mauritius on the world
3. Consolidate and further strengthen Bilateral
4. Create better opportunities for trade and
5. Contribute towards the process of regional and
continental integration;
6. Collaborate with the International Community to
promote sustainable development and strengthen
international solidarity , peace and security;
7. Provide a world class protocol and consular
8. Develop a modern IPR (Industrial Property Rights)
regime which is conducive to overall investment
in Mauritius;
9. Work towards the recognition of Small Island
Developing States (SIDS) as a vulnerable group for
special and differential treatment; and
10. Improve the organisational efficiency and
effectiveness of the Ministry.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration
and International Trade adheres to the following values:
Team Spirit
Proactive approach
Schengen Visa Waiver Agreement;
Circular Migration;
TIFA, AGOA (African Growth Opportunity Act),
including the third country fabric waver;
Co-gestion of Tromelin;
Election of Mauritius and Mauritian Nationals to
important international bodies;
Membership and Presidency of the UN Security
Joint Submission with Seychelles for an Extended
Continental Shelf in the Mascarene Plateau
Successful Peer review of the Mauritius APRM
Country Report.


Mandate of the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Regional Integration and International Trade
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration
and International Trade is the Government Chief foreign
policy advisor and is responsible for the formulation and
implementation of the foreign policy of Mauritius. He is
also responsible for elaborating and defending the national
position of Mauritius in respect of international Trade and
regional integration.

His mandate includes the following:-

Foreign Affairs and the administration thereof including all
matters flowing from membership of the United Nations
and the specialised agencies, diplomatic missions in
Commonwealth and foreign countries, correspondence
with representatives of Commonwealth and foreign
countries accredited to Mauritius.

Treaties, conventions and protocol.

International Trade, including all trade and trade related
matters flowing from membership of Regional and
International Organisations; Bilateral, Plurilateral and
Multilateral Trade Negotiations and Agreement.
Industrial Property Office, and Cooperation.

The Foreign Policy of the Republic of Mauritius rests on
the following key principles:
Adherence to the Principles of the UN Charter
Inviolability of national sovereignty and territorial
Respect for human rights and democratic
Maintenance of international peace and security
Respect for cooperation among nations and
equality of all nations;
Respect for the obligations arising from treaties
and other resources of international law;
Sustainable use of resources for meeting the
needs of the present and future generations;
Fair, balanced and equitable rule based
multilateral trading system;
Regional unity and solidarity.


The Strategic Priorities of the Ministry for the next
three years follow the areas identified by the Government
Programme as outlined in the Presidents address to the
National Assembly on 8 June 2010.
Government will:-

step up its collaboration with other countries in
the region so that we can make significant
progress towards an effective common market.
work to derive maximum benefits from the
interim Economic Partnership Agreement with
the European Union. It will build on the work
already started by the Indian Ocean
continue its proactive foreign policy aimed at
strengthening our international relations, in
particular with our traditional partners while
consolidating our acquis and further widening
our economic base.
give particular attention to forging special and
strategic partnerships with a view to
accelerating the socio-economic development
of Mauritius. Government will also work
towards the deepening of cooperation with
friendly countries.
intensify its action to defend the right to
effectively exercise sovereignty over the Chagos
Archipelago and will explore all options
available to ensure its early return to Mauritius
and the resettlement of the archipelago.
make a submission to the Commission on the
Limits of the Continental Shelf for an extended
continental shelf in the region of the Chagos
continue to work constructively with France in
the co management of Tromelin without
prejudice to our sovereignty.
continue to support initiatives aimed at
preserving and promoting peace and security in
particular in Africa and the Indian Ocean region,
including addressing the issue of terrorism.
pursue the policy of developing circular
migration schemes thereby encouraging the
mobility of our work force to acquire new skills
and consolidate their experience overseas with
a view to developing entrepreneurial ventures
upon their return.
take steps to accelerate the process of regional
integration. Government will also encourage
cross-border initiatives in key sectors such as
food security, climate change, infrastructure,
ICT, renewable energy and marine resources
continue to pursue an active international trade
policy for Mauritius to fully integrate into the
global economy.
ensure the effective implementation of anti-
dumping and countervailing legislation to
safeguard the interests of our domestic
in consonance with the objectives of Maurice
Ile Durable, support and promote the interests
of Small Island Developing States.
continue to work very closely with neighbouring
countries, the European Union and
international organizations like the United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to ward off
the threat of piracy in the region.
explore new export avenues to take advantage
of trade liberalization in COMESA and SADC to
re-dynamise exports aimed at market
consolidation and diversification.
review the existing legal framework for
intellectual property rights and will establish a
Mauritius Intellectual Property Office and a
National Intellectual Property Council.

Chagos Archipelago

The Chagos Archipelago, including Diego Garcia, forms
an integral part of the territory of the Republic of
Mauritius under both Mauritian law and international law.
The Chagos Archipelago was illegally excised from the
territory of Mauritius by the UK prior to grant of
independence in violation of United Nations General
Assembly resolutions 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and
2066 (XX) of 16 December 1965.

The illegal excision of the Chagos Archipelago from the
territory of Mauritius has also a tragic human dimension.
All the former inhabitants of the Chagos Archipelago were
forced by the British authorities to leave their homes in the
Archipelago abruptly in total disregard of all international
human rights instruments. Most of them were moved to
the main island of Mauritius.

The Government of Mauritius has consistently pressed
for the early and unconditional return of the Chagos


Archipelago to Mauritius and for the right of return of
Mauritians of Chagossian origin to their home in the
Chagos Archipelago.

Further one of the main islands of the archipelago,
Diego Garcia, was leased by the British Government to the
United States in 1966 for a period of 50 years initially to set
up a communications base but has now become a full
fledged military base with nuclear capacity. In addition the
British government declared the whole area of the Chagos
Archipelago a Marine Protected Area earlier this year. This
will have the effect of seriously impeding the resettlement
of Mauritians of Chagossian origin in case of a favourable
judgement by the European Court of Human Rights.

In the coming years the Ministry will collaborate
closely with the Prime Ministers Office and other
Ministries to pursue Governments efforts aimed at
enabling Mauritius to fully exercise its sovereignty over the
Chagos Archipelago.


Tromelin is another island in respect of which the
sovereignty of Mauritius is being disputed, this time by
France. In this case however France and Mauritius have
earlier this year signed an agreement of co-gestion of
the island and its surrounding maritime zones without
prejudice to each others sovereignty assertion. The
Ministry will play an active role in the co-gestion

Extended Continental Shelf

As a party to the UN Convention on the Law of the
Sea, Mauritius is entitled to make a submission for an
extended continental shelf beyond its EEZ. In this regard
Mauritius has an overlapping claim with Seychelles in the
Mascarene Plateau Region. Following months of
discussions between the two States, Mauritius and
Seychelles have made a joint submission to the United
Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
for an area of 400,000 sq kms of extended continental
shelf in that region. The submission is currently under
examination by a Subcommission of the Commission and a
final recommendation is expected next year.

Mauritius has also made a submission for an extended
continental shelf in respect of the Rodrigues island region
and will be making another one in the Chagos Archipelago
In the coming years the Ministry will work with other
stakeholders to defend the submissions at the United
Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf.

In view of its insularity and remoteness from the
major capitals, Mauritius is not adequately known to the
outside world. Yet Mauritius has been referred to as the
Tiger of the Indian Ocean and as the Mauritian Miracle.

Despite its small size and a population of 1.3 million
people, Mauritius has achieved tremendous economic
progress over the years with a per capita income of US$
7,300. From a monocrop economy deriving its revenue
mainly from the export of sugar, Mauritius has been able
to diversify its industrial base and promote the
manufacturing, tourism and service sectors which resulted
in accelerated growth. Various international surveys have
ranked Mauritius high with regard to the ease of doing
business, investment facilities and human resource

Mauritius has also played important roles on the
political and diplomatic fronts both at the regional and
international levels. Mauritius and Mauritian nationals
have been elected to several international bodies
particularly in the field of human rights. Mauritius is often
cited as a reference for the observance of the rule of law,
good governance and human rights.

Mauritius is better known as a popular tourist
destination rather than a vibrant economy and functional
democracy. During the coming years the Ministry will
endeavour, in collaboration with other Ministries to raise
the profile of Mauritius on the international scene. In this
regard attention will be focused on capitalizing on the
world indices, the values of democracy, rule of law,
tolerance and respect for human rights to further project
Mauritius. Participation in international events and
increasing the representation of Mauritius and Mauritians
in international organizations will be privileged.


The relations of Mauritius with the outside world
reflect the rich and varied heritage of the country,
spanning three continents, and put Mauritius at the cross
roads of civilizations.


Defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity;
promoting respect for human rights and democratic
values; a desire to maintain good and friendly relations
with its regional neighbours; the economic imperatives of
the country; and fostering strong links with countries with
which it has social and historical links, including the lands
of origin of the Mauritian population, are the driving forces
behind Mauritius foreign policy.

With these guiding principles, Mauritius has nurtured
friendly relations with the West, Asia and Southern and
Eastern African nations. Foreign diplomatic missions in
Mauritius include Australia, Libya, the United Kingdom,
People's Republic of China, Egypt, France, India,
Madagascar, Pakistan, South Africa, Russia, and the United
States. Mauritius has diplomatic representations in
Australia, Belgium, the United Kingdom, France, Germany
Peoples Republic of China, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Italy,
Madagascar, Malaysia, Mozambique, Pakistan, South
Africa, Russia, and the United States.

In the coming years, Mauritius will further consolidate
its relations with its traditional partners by increasing
cooperation in sectors of common interest and benefits,
and will forge new relations with emerging powers,
especially in the areas of trade, investment, education,
science and technology. New instruments of cooperation
will be negotiated and signed with Bangladesh, Brazil,
Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, Luxembourg, Russia, Tunisia, Turkey
and Uganda.

Mauritius has also signed a number of bilateral
agreements with friendly countries since Independence. In
coordination with other Ministries, the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs will monitor and follow up on their effective
implementation so that the country can derive maximum
benefits under existing agreements.

Being a small island economy with limited natural
resources, the economic development of Mauritius
depends to large extent on international trade and foreign
direct investment. With a view to positioning Mauritius as
a hub for trade, investment, services and knowledge,
Government is currently implementing an ambitious
economic reform programme aimed at moving the
economy from dependence on trade preferences to a
globally competitive economy. In this regard, tariffs on
90% of imports have already been eliminated. A program
to address in a meaningful manner Non Tariff Barriers that
adversely impact on competitiveness has been developed.

With the ongoing changes in the landscape of the
world trade coupled with several crises on the
international arena, trade remains as never before one of
the main instruments to achieve sustainable development.
The Ministry will therefore continue to play a proactive
role at the WTO to safeguard its national interests. Our
objective is to conclude a fair, balanced, equitable and
development-friendly Doha Round Agreement.

To further position Mauritius as a hub for Business, a
lot of emphasis will be directed towards the conclusion of
a full EPA to improve on existing access to the EU market,
including in services.

In the context of the Governments plan to transform
Mauritius into a services economy, the Ministry will assist
line Ministries to attract investments in education and
health sectors

To attain its development objectives, Mauritius will
continue liberalising its services markets through major
reforms, mainly in the telecommunications and banking
sectors, and through the facilitation of business and
foreign direct investment initiated by the Business
Facilitation Act 2006. We will actively participate in the
EPA negotiations on trade in services, at the WTO and in
the context of SADC and COMESA.

Efforts will be made to find a long term solution to
AGOA and to the third country fabric derogation.

A Bilateral Investment Treaty will be negotiated with
the US to provide legal security to investors and thereby
creating a more conducive environment for US investment
in Mauritius.

The Ministry will pursue efforts to negotiate FTAs with
emerging economies to enhance market access and to
create more trade and investment opportunities.


Mauritius views Regional Integration as part of its
overall development strategy to enhance economic growth
and achieve sustainable development. Given our
appurtenance to the Southern African Development
Community (SADC), the Common Market for Eastern and
Southern Africa (COMESA), the Indian Ocean Rim
Association for Regional Co-operation (IOR-ARC) and the
Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), the Ministry monitors, co-
ordinates and formulates policies on a broad spectrum of
activities such as trade, monetary, finance and budgetary
issues, transport and communications, information
technology, agriculture, fisheries and food security,
politics, defence and security, tourism, energy, climate
change, science and technology, cultural cooperation,
health and HIV-AIDS, women and gender, poverty, and

Over the coming years, the Ministry will focus
attention on the tripartite process to achieve an enlarged
Free Trade Area at the level of SADC, COMESA and the East
African Community (EAC). Particular attention will be
given to the harmonization of economic and trade policies
at the regional level to avoid duplication of resources and
to optimize on the use of donor funds.

As Chair of the Indian Ocean Commission this year the
Ministry will assist in achieving the objectives set, namely
the creation of an economic space, development of
maritime links, ICT connectivity, tourism and renewable
energy as well as the promotion of gender.
The Ministry will monitor the activities of the Regional
Development Company which has been set up this year to
pool financing from private investors, both regionally and
internationally to address the issue of food security.


As a responsible member of the international
community, Mauritius is firmly committed to the principles
of rule of law, observance of good governance and the
promotion of international solidarity, peace and security.
Mauritius strongly believes that progress and development
at national, regional and international levels stems from an
environment of peace and security. Since its
independence, Mauritius has acceded to a large range of
international and regional treaties/conventions/protocols
which it adheres to strictly.
Mauritius has been fulfilling in a consistent manner all
its treaty obligations both by reporting regularly on the
treaties/conventions and by participating in the meetings
of the various regional and multilateral instruments.
Despite its size and capacity constraints, Mauritius has
twice served on the United Nations Security Council and
has significantly contributed to world peace and security
and to the advancement of international solidarity. It has
made a special contribution in the work of the Security
Council on the prevention and resolution of conflicts in
At the regional level, Mauritius has been fully involved
in peace efforts in a number of African countries and
particularly in the Indian Ocean region.
In the coming years, Mauritius will actively pursue its
efforts to promote in collaboration with the regional and
international community peace and stability in
Madagascar and will support the democratization process
in Comoros.
The management of maritime and coastal resources
will be high on our agenda. The issue of piracy will be
tackled from all possible fronts as it has become a serious
international problem requiring a multilateral approach. At
the level of the IOC, a comprehensive regional anti-piracy
programme with the support of the EU and other regional
and international organizations is being developed. A
sound maritime policy at the continental level with the
involvement of the AU and the other regional groupings
needs to be strengthened.

Protocol and Ceremonials are important aspects of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Protocol and Consular
Section of the Ministry is mainly responsible for the
(i) Ceremonials and Protocol.
(ii) Consular Matters and Assistance to
Mauritians abroad.
(iii) Treaties.
The Protocol Section assists in all ceremonials in
connection with high level visits and State events and in


this regard works very closely with the State House and the
Prime Ministers Office.
The Protocol Section provides consular assistance to
foreigners in distress in Mauritius and to Mauritians
abroad. It also assists in the transfer of prisoners,
repatriation, evacuation, or death of Mauritian citizens. It
responds to enquiries from the public which include
matters concerning visas, procedures for tracing
whereabouts of missing persons, procedures for seeking
security clearances from foreign countries, etc.
The Protocol Section is also responsible for all
formalities relating to the establishment of diplomatic and
consular relations and the accreditation of
Ambassadors/High Commissioners to Mauritius and our
Ambassadors/High Commissioners accredited abroad as
well as for the procedures for appointment of Consul
Generals and Honorary Consuls based in Mauritius and our
Consuls/Honorary Consuls overseas.
All matters pertaining to immunities and privileges of
diplomats and diplomatic agents based in Mauritius are
dealt with by this Section.
It is also the custodian of all treaties/agreements
signed by Mauritius.
In the coming years the Ministry will streamline
procedures in order to render more efficient and effective
the delivery of services by the Protocol Section. It will
create a set of database of Mauritians abroad and
Ambassadors/High Commissioners, Consuls/Honorary
Consuls, and will produce a standard set of procedures for
ceremonials and procedures of accession to international
treaties/conventions. It will also streamline the delivery
services to diplomats and the provision of assistance to
Mauritians abroad.

Industrial Property Rights protection gives businesses
an incentive to invest in research and development,
fostering the creation of innovative products and
processes. They also give their holders the confidence to
share new technologies through, joint ventures and
licensing agreements. In this way, successful innovations
are diffused within and across economies, bringing higher
productivity and growth. Through the modernization of
the legal framework for IP Protection, Mauritius aims to
further improve the business environment, promote
innovation and creativity and attract more quality

In this context, the whole IP set-up will be revisited
and an empowered IP Office will be created together with
an IP Council to better coordinate activities relating to IP
protection. The existing legal framework for IP will be
overhauled to meet international best practice. All these
reforms are aimed at the emergence of a nation of
innovative and creative entrepreneurs and to step up the
level of competitiveness of the economy.

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face
vulnerabilities and challenges which other developing
countries are spared. They have to contend with
challenges arising from their physical size and archipelagic
formations, their geographic location and other factors
relating to their islandness. Vulnerabilities arise from
exposure to external shocks beyond their control, and
from structural handicaps - exacerbated by, among other
things, a high degree of openness, export concentration
and dependence on strategic imports; remoteness and
high transport costs; and susceptibility to natural disasters
exacerbated by climate change and sea level rise.
The United Nations has recognized that there is a
special case for SIDSs sustainable development and that
they require special attention. The Barbados Program of
Action (BPOA) provided them with the basic blueprint for
sustainable development, but there has been very little
tangible progress in accepting their special case. Their
efforts to secure a more sustainable future have not been
matched by international assistance - which has fallen by
half in real terms. Only a few have been able to obtain
foreign direct investments and, in most cases, these have
gone towards privatizing state monopolies. So while the
UN has stated clearly that SIDS are a special case for
sustainable development, the international community has
yet to take concerted and practical action to implement
that principle.

The 2005 Mauritius Strategy for the Further
Implementation of the Barbados Program of Action which
Mauritius hosted and for which we were the Chief Group
of 77 Negotiator also gave us the custodianship of the SIDS
cause. In this capacity Mauritius is expected to assume the
Leadership of the Group and champion its case.


In the coming years the Ministry intends to play a
more active role within AOSIS, voice out the special
situation of SIDS having regard to their vulnerabilities and
to the effects of climate change, global warming and rising
sea levels. It will also attempt to rally support at the WTO
in order to sensitize the International Community to the
need for SIDS to benefit from special treatment.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration &
International Trade comprises three broad divisions,
(i) Foreign Affairs
(ii) Regional Integration
(iii) International Trade including Industrial
Property Office

While the Regional Integration Division and
International Trade Division operate in a holistic manner
the Foreign Affairs Division which is the core business area
of the Ministry is split into six Directorates each headed by
an Ambassador/Minister-Counsellor.

The Ministry also has 20 Diplomatic Missions headed
by political and career Ambassadors and 20 Consulates.
The Missions are serviced by home based staff and local
recruits. The normal tour of service of a home based staff
is of three years duration and can be renewed.

Local recruits refer to staff recruited locally in the
respective capitals to provide support to Missions and are
employed in accordance with terms and conditions
provided their respective local legislation.

The structure of the Ministry has constantly changed
over time and its functions have been gradually enlarged
to include new areas of intervention both locally and

Undoubtedly, the Ministry will require more staff with
enhanced skills to effectively handle issues related to
administration and management, financial management,
procurement management and the management of

The multidisciplinary nature of the work of the
diplomatic cadre and the transformational agenda
imposed on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by
extension on the overseas Missions is such that we will
require not only new skills and tools but also a new
outlook focused on set targets and deliverables.

The plan therefore recommends a series of objectives
geared towards increased organizational efficiency and
effectiveness. Streamlining of procedures, decentralization
in decision-making, computerization and extensive use of
ICT, improvement of work environment, a Human
Resource Development plan and strengthening of overseas
representations constitute the tenants of the proposed
organizational strengthening.


Expected Accomplishment: Effective Exercise of Sovereignty over Chagos and Tromelin and Enjoyment of Full Extent of Extended Continental
Objectives Outcomes/Deliverables Indicators/Target Indicators/Target Indicators/Target
2011 2012 2013
To pursue efforts aimed at
obtaining the return of Chagos to
Mauritian sovereignty
Better understanding and
greater support of our claim
by the international
Ensure that the sovereignty
and territorial integrity of
Mauritius are not undermined
in Agreements, Outcome
documents or other Decisions,
at Multilateral, Regional and
Bilateral levels;
Preparation of national
position paper;
Use every opportunity to alert
international community to
the issue;
Maintain close dialogue with
Mauritians of chagossian
Ensure that the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of Mauritius
are not undermined in
Agreements, Outcome
documents or other Decisions, at
Multilateral, Regional and
Bilateral levels;
Wide dissemination of national
position paper;
Use every opportunity to alert
international community to the
Maintain close dialogue with
Mauritians of chagossian origin
Ensure that the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of Mauritius are
not undermined in Agreements,
Outcome documents or other
Decisions, at Multilateral, Regional
and Bilateral levels;
Use every opportunity to alert
international community to the
Secure wide support for Mauritius;
Maintain close dialogue with
Mauritians of chagossian origin
To ensure effective co-gestion of
Derive maximum benefits
from the co-gestion
Coordinate process of
ratification of Agreement with
Work with France for the early
ratification of the Agreement.
Contribute to the work of the
Working Group
Fully operational Working Group
To prepare, submit and defend
claim for Extended Continental
Fulfilment of our obligations
under the Law of the Sea
Defend Mauritius Seychelles
Joint Submission;
Preparation of a long term
arrangement for the
management of the joint zone

Complete submission in respect
of ECS in Chagos Region;
Conclusion and signature of long
term arrangement
Implementation of long term
To conclude maritime boundary
delimitation with Maldives
Agreed and secured boundary
Initiate discussions Pursue and complete

Surveillance of our Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ)
Secured EEZ Unlock assistance from
friendly countries
Unlock assistance from friendly
Unlock assistance from friendly


Expected Accomplishment: Greater Knowledge and Understanding of Mauritius and Increased attraction of Visitors
Objectives Outcomes/Deliverables Indicators/Target Indicators/Target Indicators/Target
2011 2012 2013
To further project image of
Mauritius at international level
Sustained interest in
Increase in the number of
Successful participation of
Mauritius in international
meetings and other events;
Increase in the representation
of Mauritius and Mauritian
nationals in international
Facilitate and coordinate
participation in international
Exploit the ranking of
Mauritius in major world
Identify International Bodies
to which Mauritians and/or
Mauritius could be elected;
Secure election of Mauritius
and Mauritian nationals in
international bodies;
Facilitate participation of
Mauritius in Observer teams;
Facilitate and coordinate road
shows organised by relevant
Project Mauritius as a
peaceful, multicultural and
stable democracy respectful
of rule of law and Human
Contribute to the efforts of
the Ministry of Tourism to
increase the number of
tourists travelling to
Effective participation and
leadership in international
Create and maintain an up to
date and interactive website;
Facilitate and coordinate
participation in international
Exploit the ranking of Mauritius
in major world indices;
Identify International Bodies to
which Mauritians and/or
Mauritius could be elected;
Secure election of Mauritius and
Mauritian nationals in
international bodies;
Facilitate participation of
Mauritius in Observer teams;
Facilitate and coordinate road
shows organised by relevant
Project Mauritius as a peaceful,
multicultural and stable
democracy respectful of rule of
law and Human Rights;
Contribute to the efforts of the
Ministry of Tourism to increase
the number of tourists travelling
to Mauritius;
Effective participation and
leadership in international
Maintain up to date website;
Use international media as
Facilitate and coordinate
participation in international
Exploit the ranking of Mauritius in
major world indices;
Identify International Bodies to
which Mauritians and/or Mauritius
could be elected;
Secure election of Mauritius and
Mauritian nationals in
international bodies;
Facilitate participation of
Mauritius in Observer teams;
Facilitate and coordinate road
shows organised by relevant
Project Mauritius as a peaceful,
multicultural and stable
democracy respectful of rule of
law and Human Rights;
Contribute to the efforts of the
Ministry of Tourism to increase
the number of tourists travelling
to Mauritius;
Effective participation and
leadership in international
Maintain up to date website;
Use international media as


Use international media as


Expected Accomplishment: Consolidated Relations with Selected Countries to Support Development Agenda
Objectives Outcomes/Deliverables Indicators/Target Indicators/Target Indicators/Target
2011 2012 2013
To further strengthen
relations with traditional
Increased cooperation in all
sectors of common interest
and mutual benefit;
Unlocking of funds for
development, technical
assistance and increased
market opportunities and
Contribute to the outcomes and
implementation of outcomes of
Groups (China, India, Pakistan,
South Africa, France and USA);
Pursue discussions with France on
regional cooperation between
Mauritius and Reunion;
Revive bilateral talks with India
with a view to concluding the
Monitor implementation of
projects under FOCAC;
Assist in forging a strategic
partnership between Mauritius and
overseas firms;
Facilitate the setting of the
Confucius Institute in Mauritius;
Implementation of the decisions of
the Governing Council of the WHS,
Joint Working Group on Terrorism;
Conclude a Free Trade Agreement
with Pakistan;
Participate in Mauritius Pakistan
Joint working Group;
identify avenues of cooperation
under Africa-EU, ASA, Africa-
Turkey, TICAD initiatives

Contribute to the implementation
of outcomes of Joint
Groups (China, India, Pakistan,
South Africa, France and USA);
Conclude discussions with France
on regional cooperation between
Mauritius and Reunion;
Monitor implementation of
projects under FOCAC;
Participate in 4
FOCAC Ministerial
Meeting in Beijing;
Assist in forging a strategic
partnership between Mauritius and
overseas firms;
Implementation of the decisions of
the Governing Council of the WHS,
Joint Working Group on Terrorism;
Submit and or follow-up on
project proposals under Africa-EU,
ASA, Africa-Turkey, TICAD

Contribute to the implementation
of outcomes of Joint
Groups (China, India, Pakistan,
South Africa, France and USA);
Implement agreement with France
on regional cooperation between
Mauritius and Reunion;
Monitor implementation of
projects under FOCAC;
Assist in forging a strategic
partnership between Mauritius and
overseas firms;
Implementation of the decisions of
the Governing Council of the WHS,
Joint Working Group on Terrorism;
Secure at least one project under
Africa-EU, ASA, Africa-Turkey,
TICAD initiatives


Conclude new instruments
of cooperation with
emerging economies
New possibilities of
cooperation with Brazil,
Singapore, Turkey and
Explore areas of cooperation with
Facilitate triangular cooperation
among Mauritius, Singapore,
initiate discussions with Singapore
for FTA;
Pursue bilateral discussions with
Turkey to conclude a Free Trade
Conclude Cultural and Fisheries
agreements with Russia
Initiate negotiations with Brazil;
Implement the cooperation
agreement with Congo and the
MoU with the Singapore Enterprise
Conclude FTA negotiations with
Conclude FTA with Turkey
Implementation of Cultural and
Fisheries Agreements with Russia
Signature of MoU with Brazil
To conclude agreements
with non-traditional
New possibilities of
cooperation with Saudi
Arabia, Bangladesh, Cyprus;
Tunisia, Uganda,
Initiate negotiations for a General
Framework; Agreement with Saudi
Arabia, Tunisia and Uganda
Conclude Cultural Cooperation
with Luxembourg
Set up Joint Working Group with
identify avenues of cooperation
under ASA and Afro-Arab
Conclude Agreement with Saudi
Arabia, Tunisia, Uganda and
Implementation of the decisions of
the Joint Working Group;
Submit and follow up project
proposals under, ASA, Afro-Arab
Implementation of agreements;
Implementation of the decisions of
the Joint Working Group;
Secure at least one project under
ASA and Afro-Arab cooperation
To maximise benefits from
existing bilateral
Proper coordination and
effective implementation of
MoUs and agreements
Inter-Ministerial Committee will
establish a priority list of MoUs;
Report progress to the Cabinet
Monitoring and implementation
Report progress to the Cabinet
Monitoring and implementation
Report progress to the Cabinet
To conclude of Circular
Migration Agreements
Enhanced mobility of
professionals and workers
Implementation of circular
migration agreement with France;
Initiate discussions with Canada
and EU
Monitoring by Comit de Suivi ;
Pursue discussions with Canada
and EU
Monitoring by Comit de Suivi ;
Pursue discussions with Canada
and EU
To keep abreast of political
and economic development
in countries of interest
To be better informed of
political and economic
Monitor and report;

Monitor and report;

Monitor and report;

To facilitate visits of
dignitaries to and from
Successful and productive
Preparation of briefs, talking
points, communiqus and speeches
Preparation of briefs, talking
points, communiqus and speeches
Preparation of briefs, talking
points, communiqus and speeches


Expected Accomplishment: Increased Opportunities for Trade and Investment
Objectives Outcomes/Deliverables Indicators/Target Indicators/Targets Indicators/Target
2011 2012 2013
To secure at the level of WTO:
longer time frame for tariff
reduction on sugar;
agreement on Agricultural
modalities compatible with
the implementation of our
sugar reform programme;
designation of large range of
special products in favour of
longer implementation period
for tariff reductions on 70% of
exports of non-agricultural
Financial compensation to
mitigate loss of preferences
A balanced, fair and
equitable Doha Agreement
Carry out studies where
appropriate and prepare
position papers on each issue in
consultation with stakeholders;
Prepare concerted and
integrated approach at national
level in the elaboration of
Maintain a proactive role in the
Establish strategic alliances
within the WTO to rally support
on our specific agenda;
Actively participate in
preparatory meetings on the
Ensure continued leadership of
Mauritius within the ACP, AU
and the G90

Carry out studies where
appropriate and prepare
position papers on each issue in
consultation with stakeholders;
Prepare concerted and
integrated approach at national
level in the elaboration of
Maintain a proactive role in the
Establish strategic alliances
within the WTO to rally support
on our specific agenda;
Actively participate in
preparatory meetings on the
Ensure continued leadership of
Mauritius within the ACP, AU
and the G90

complete studies and position
adoption of concerted and
integrated approach at national
Maintain a proactive role in the
Establish strategic alliances within
the WTO to rally support on our
specific agenda;
Actively participate in preparatory
meetings on the DDA ;
Ensure continued leadership of
Mauritius within the ACP, AU and
the G90

To conclude comprehensive E P A Enhanced economic and
trade relations with EU
Prepare common EPA positions
at level of COI;.
Conclude mutual customs
administrative agreement with
selected countries

Conclude the negotiations Sign and ratify EPA
To secure extension of AGOA and
Third Country Fabric derogation
for a 10 year period.

Continued market access
for Mauritius
Engage in lobbying exercise Pursue lobbying exercise Pursue lobbying exercise


To increase exports to SADC and
COMESA regions by 50%.

Improved trade and
economic relations with the
Complete FTA process
Improve Rules of Origin
Harmonise trade regime of
Eliminate NTBs
Customs Union
To promote investment in
Knowledge and Services Sectors in
collaboration with BOI, Ministry
for Tertiary Education and other
Key Players
Increased investment;
increased foreign student
Coordinate action with BOI, EM,
Ministry for Tertiary Education
Coordinate action with BOI, EM,
Ministry for Tertiary Education
Coordinate action with BOI, EM,
Ministry for Tertiary Education
To improve competitiveness of
Mauritius and remove trade
barriers domestically and on our
export markets

Increased movement of
goods and services
Undertake Regulatory Impact
Assessment for NTBs.
Streamlining of NTBs;

Set up a NTBs desk.
To provide time bound protection
to the Domestic Industry against
unfair trade practices such as
dumping and subsidization
Security for domestic
Establish Investigating Authority
as provided for under Section 72
of the Act.

Fully operational Authority Fully operational Authority
To contribute in the promotion of
trade and investment
Increased level of trade
and investment flows

identify diplomatic initiatives to
promote trade and investment

define actions required to
promote trade and investment

To initiate actions required to
promote trade and investment


Expected Accomplishment: Harmonious Regional and Continental Integration
Objectives Outcomes/Deliverables Indicators/Target Indicators/Target Indicators/Target
2011 2012 2013
To establish a Tripartite

Increased intraregional trade
and investment

Set up sector specific groups;
Prepare national position in
consultation with
Participate in regional
Initiate process of
harmonization of trade related
documents, procedures, etc;
Participate in regional meetings

Pursue process of harmonization
of trade related documents,
procedures, etc;
Participate in regional meetings

To formulate national position on
regional issues
Coordinated position on
regional issues
Organise consultative
meetings with stakeholders

Organise consultative meetings
with stakeholders

Organise consultative meetings
with stakeholders

To promote actions aimed at
promoting regional food security
Enhanced food security at
regional level
Operationalise the Regional
Development Company;
Identify partners and funding
Explore new opportunities in
Mozambique and other
countries of the region
Establish joint ventures Monitoring and evaluation
To set up an economic space for
COI members
Enhanced movement of goods
and services and increased
investment flows
Wide national and regional
Contribute to the elaboration of
appropriate policies in
consultations with other
Adoption of a framework
To assist in the achievement of
the objectives set by the Chair of
the COI
Successful chairmanship of
Contribute to the early
conclusion and
Implementation of the
regional project on fishery
Initiate discussions on the
development of maritime
links, tourism, ICT
connectivity, renewable
energy as well as on the
promotion of gender


To finalise the host agreement for
the setting up of the COMESA
Infrastructure Fund
Setting up of the CIF in
Consultations with COMESA
Secretariat and relevant
Signature of host agreement
Assist in identifying partners and
mobilization of funds
Assist in identifying partners and
mobilization of funds


Expected Accomplishment: Partnering with International Community for a better and more secure world
Objectives Outcomes/Deliverables Indicators/Target Indicators/Target Indicators/Target
2011 2012 2013
To work towards Africas progress
in the political, social, economic
and institutional areas
Enhanced socio-economic and
political advancement of
Participate actively in AU
Meetings and Summits;
Support the strengthening of
AU and its structures as well
as the transformation of AU
Commission into AU
Engaging stakeholders at
regional and continental level
Participate actively in AU
Meetings and Summits;
Support the strengthening of AU
and its structures as well as the
transformation of AU
Commission into AU Authority;
Engaging stakeholders at
regional and continental level
Participate actively in AU Meetings
and Summits;
Support the strengthening of AU
and its structures as well as the
transformation of AU Commission
into AU Authority;
Engaging stakeholders at regional
and continental level
To contribute to improved
governance in Africa

Strengthened Institutions and
respect for rule of law, good
governance, accountability
and democratic principles

Participate in APRM processes

Participate in APRM processes

Participate in APRM processes
To contribute to the
implementation of the APRM
Integration of the APRM Plan
of Action within the national
development strategy
Consultations with
stakeholders to maximize
benefits from APRM;
Coordinate preparation and
submission of yearly Progress

Consultations with stakeholders
to maximize benefits from
Coordinate preparation and
submission of yearly Progress

Consultations with stakeholders to
maximize benefits from APRM;
Coordinate preparation and
submission of yearly Progress

To contribute to the promotion of
peace, security, and stability in
Africa and particularly in the
Indian Ocean region
A stable and peaceful Indian
Ocean region conducive to
progress and development

Support continental and
regional initiatives to secure a
lasting solution to situation in
Madagascar ;
Support dialogue process
leading to democratisation of
Support regional and
continental Early Warning
Support peace and development
process in Madagascar and
Support regional and
continental Early Warning
Sensitisation campaigns through
NGOs and Educational
institutions on significance of
peace and security
Support peace and development
process in Madagascar and
Support regional and continental
Early Warning mechanisms;
Sensitisation campaigns through
NGOs and Educational institutions
on significance of peace and
Sensitisation campaigns through


Sensitisation campaigns
through NGOs and
Educational institutions on
significance of peace and
Sensitisation campaigns through
NGOs and Educational
institutions on significance of
peace and security
NGOs and Educational institutions
on significance of peace and
To implement Regional Strategy
and Plan of Action in the fight
against Piracy

Pirate free Indian Ocean
Consultations with
stakeholders at national level;
Finalisation of National Plan of
Preparation, in collaboration
with other Departments, of
amendments to be brought to
national legislation;
As focal point, coordinate
implementation at national
level and prepare annual
report for submission to the
Seek financial assistance to
support measures to combat
Incorporation of amendments in
domestic legislation;
As focal point, coordinate
implementation at national level
and prepare annual report for
submission to the UN;
Seek financial assistance to
support measures to combat
As focal point, coordinate
implementation at national level
and prepare annual report for
submission to the UN;
Seek financial assistance to
support measures to combat
To extend support to the
international campaign against
terrorism and organised crime
Combating terrorism and
deterring organised crime
Cooperate fully with the
Counter-Terrorism Committee
UNSC Resolution 1373;
Participate in Joint Working
Group on Terrorism with
Comply with international
obligations under AU/UN;
Submit regular reports in
accordance with procedures;
Facilitate collaboration with
the UNODC and INCB to
combat transnational
organised crime
Cooperate fully with the
Counter-Terrorism Committee
UNSC Resolution 1373;
Participate in Joint Working
Group on Terrorism with India;
Comply with international
obligations under AU/UN;
Submit regular reports in
accordance with procedures;
Facilitate collaboration with the
UNODC and INCB to combat
transnational organised crime
Cooperate fully with the Counter-
Terrorism Committee UNSC
Resolution 1373;
Participate in Joint Working Group
on Terrorism with India;
Comply with international
obligations under AU/UN;
Submit regular reports in
accordance with procedures;
Facilitate collaboration with the
UNODC and INCB to combat
transnational organised crime
To facilitate capacity building
efforts for improving efficiency
and effectiveness in combating
Creation of a specialised and
highly qualified pool of human
resources to be able to meet
Explore opportunities through
diplomatic channels to secure
funding, technology transfer,
Explore opportunities through
diplomatic channels to secure
funding, technology transfer,
Explore opportunities through
diplomatic channels to secure
funding, technology transfer,


terrorism and organised crime the challenges of a more
sophisticated and evolving
organized crime network

training programmes and
other forms of assistance
training programmes and other
forms of assistance
training programmes and other
forms of assistance
To maintain appropriate follow-up
on effective compliance of the
implementation of obligations
under disarmament instruments
by technical departments
Improvement of compliance
under existing disarmament

Participate in international
fora , including the IAEA,
dealing with disarmament,
non-proliferation issues and
Arms Trade Treaty;
Support the setting up of
Nuclear Weapons Free Zones
and the operationalisation of
the Pelindaba Treaty;
Reiterate our longstanding
commitment to disarmament
through our support at
diplomatic level to United
Nations General Assembly
Participate in international fora
, including the IAEA, dealing
with disarmament, non-
proliferation issues and Arms
Trade Treaty;
Support the setting up of
Nuclear Weapons Free Zones
and the operationalisation of
the Pelindaba Treaty;
Reiterate our longstanding
commitment to disarmament
through our support at
diplomatic level to United
Nations General Assembly
Participate in international fora ,
including the IAEA, dealing with
disarmament, non-proliferation
issues and Arms Trade Treaty;
Support the setting up of Nuclear
Weapons Free Zones and the
operationalisation of the
Pelindaba Treaty;
Reiterate our longstanding
commitment to disarmament
through our support at diplomatic
level to United Nations General
Assembly Resolutions


Expected Accomplishment: Efficient Delivery of Protocol and Consular Services
Objectives Outcomes/Deliverables Indicators/Target Indicators/Target Indicators/Target
2011 2012 2013
To prepare database of Mauritians
Readily available and up to
date list of Mauritians abroad
Compilation of list Compilation of list Compilation of list
To prepare standard set of
procedures for accession to
international treaties and
Readily available procedures
for use by
Collection of practices and
Preparation of set of practices Dissemination and follow up
To prepare a standard set of
procedures for ceremonials
Readily available procedures
for use by
Collection of practices and
Preparation of set of procedures Dissemination and follow up
To create a database of
Ambassadors, Consuls, countries
or states and status of diplomatic
relations with foreign countries
User-friendly tool for use by
Collection of information and
preparation of appropriate
Input of data Make it available online;
Maintain and update database
To streamline delivery of services
to diplomats accredited to
Improved delivery of services Setting up of one-stop
counter for all matters
concerning privileges and
Monitor speed of delivery of
Expedite delivery of services
To assist other
Ministries/Departments in
capacity building on protocol and
ceremonial matters
Trained personnel in protocol
and ceremonial matters in
other Ministries/Departments
Organisation of training
sessions with
Organisation of training sessions
with Ministries/Departments
Organisation of training sessions
with Ministries/Departments
To provide expedient assistance to
Mauritians abroad
Create sense of security and
comfort to Mauritians in
Work with Passport and
Immigration Office, Ministry
of Social Security, Ministry of
Health and other relevant
Departments in Mauritius and
abroad to establish a set of
emergency telephone
numbers, procedures for
repatriation in case of
Dissemination and monitoring Reduce response time


Expected Accomplishment: Development of an IPR regime conducive to attracting Investments in Mauritius
Objectives Outcomes/Deliverables Indicators/Target Indicators/Target Indicators/Target
2011 2012 2013
To review, in coordination with the
Ministry of Tertiary Education,
Science, Research and Technology,
current IP legislation on
Intellectual Property
A modern IPR Regime
consistent with international
Consultations with
Drafting of new legislation
Adoption of Legislation by
National Assembly;
To establish an Intellectual
Property Council
Coordinated approach on IP
Setting up of Council;
Contribute to the work of the
Council on matters pertaining
to Intellectual Property
Contribute to the work of the
Council on matters pertaining to
Intellectual Property
Contribute to the work of the
Council on matters pertaining to
Intellectual Property
To increase IP related activities
promoting innovation and
Increased IP related activities;
To sensitize stakeholders on
Industrial Property Rights
Initiate process of accession
to WIPO-administered
Treaties and ARIPO;
Initiate automation of IP
Greater awareness of
Industrial Property Rights
Accession to WIPO-administered
automation of IP Office;
Creation of dedicated website;
Setting up of a Documentation
Maintain and update website;
Carry out outreach activities at
level of SMEs, Schools and NGOs
To expedite processing time for
delivery of Industrial Property
Faster processing time Set up special counter to
check and verify
Trade Mark templates
within 4 months;
Industrial Design
Certificates within 3
Patents within 3 years
from application
Maintain and review standards


Expected Accomplishment: Recognition of SIDS as a vulnerable group for special treatment
Objectives Outcomes/Deliverables Indicators/Target Indicators/Target Indicators/Targets
2011 2012 2013
To assume full leadership of the
SIDS movement
Mauritius perceived as
champion of SIDS cause
Active participation in AOSIS
and other relevant fora;
Promote Maurice Ile Durable
Active participation in AOSIS and
other relevant fora;
Promote Maurice Ile Durable
Active participation in AOSIS and
other relevant fora;
Promote Maurice Ile Durable
To sensitize international
community to specificities and
vulnerabilities of SIDS, in
particular, climate change and
rising sea levels;

A supportive and sympathetic
international community to
SIDS cause
Champion the cause of SIDS in
all relevant fora;
Prepare, in collaboration with
other Ministries, position
papers on all SIDS issues
Participate in the preparation
of a resilience index;
Elaborate and adopt common
position for presentation at
WTO and other fora
Prepare, in collaboration with
other Ministries, position papers
on SIDS issues
(environment, sustainable
development, rising sea levels,
climate change and trade);
Maintain common front at WTO
and other organisations
Prepare, in collaboration with
other Ministries, position papers
on SIDS issues
(environment, sustainable
development, rising sea levels,
climate change and trade);
Maintain common front at WTO
and other organizations
To ensure implementation of
Mauritius Strategy
Derive benefits flowing from
the implementation
Coordinate with AOSIS to
approach donors
Prepare and submit appropriate
Prepare and submit appropriate
To maximise opportunities
available under international
Optimised utilization of
available mechanisms
Prepare and disseminate an
inventory of existing
opportunities and
mechanisms available
Coordinate preparation of
projects to be submitted;
Monitoring and follow up
Coordinate preparation of projects
to be submitted
Monitoring and follow up


Expected Accomplishment: Improved efficiency and effectiveness of the Ministry
Objectives Outcomes/Deliverables Indicators/Target Indicators/Target Indicators/Target
2011 2012 2013
To streamline and rationalize
administrative procedures of
Overseas Missions
Rationalized and standardized
administrative procedures
followed by all Missions
Set up a Standing Monitoring
Appointment of coordinator;
Preparation and approval of a
Manual of administrative

Trial and evaluation on a pilot
basis; Feedback and

Trial and evaluation on a pilot
basis; Feedback and adjustments

To develop ICT in order to create
an intra Net connectivity with all
overseas Missions
Low cost connectivity and
rapid sharing of information
and documentation
Carry out feasibility study;
Set up project management
Create database.
Subject to feasibility result set
up connection with 5 Overseas
Set up connection with 5 more
Overseas Missions
To decentralize decision making greater empowerment and
accountability to Overseas
Reduction of paper work and
lesser reference to Ministry
by Missions
Define scope of
empowerment and levels of
accountability in collaboration
with other Ministries;
Review legal framework
Trial and evaluation Implementation
To improve the work environment A working environment
conducive to improved
individual and divisional
performance and better
interpersonal relations;
Motivated staff;
Adopt a code of ethics;
Set up a Staff Welfare
Work out transparent
procedures for transfers and
rotation of staff;
Provide state of the art tools
and equipment
Implementation Implementation
To provide for an administrative
legal framework for the
diplomatic Cadre to operate
Established and transparent
conditions of service for
diplomatic staff including
clearly defined schedule of

Wide consultations with
relevant Ministries and Staff
Preparation of Draft Foreign
Service Act and Foreign Service
Preparation of Draft Foreign
Service Act and Foreign Service


To provide relevant training and
human resource development
Fully trained and qualified
Carry out a training needs
Identify training
Develop equitable and
transparent training program;
Strengthen the Institute of
Diplomacy and Foreign Trade
Implementation Implementation
To strengthen and upgrade
overseas representations
More effective and efficient
representation abroad
Upgrade Rome Consulate to a
full-fledged Embassy;
Consider opening new
Missions in Saudi Arabia and
implementation implementation


Government currently owns 7 Chanceries, 5 Official
Residences and 3 residences for home based staff
Most of the buildings are relatively old and require
repairs and refurbishing. The Chancery in London is
almost 150 years old and needs urgent repairs. The
Chancery in New Delhi also will require extensive
repair works.
The Ministry will in the next three years address the
issue of building maintenance in rational and cost
effective manner to ensure that Government assets
abroad do not lose their value as a result of lack of
proper maintenance. In that regard it will consider
the possibility of appointing a Project Manager who
will have the necessary expertise in building
maintenance to look after the Ministrys assets
abroad. It will also urgently address the problems in
London and New Delhi.
The Ministry further proposes to make concrete
recommendation on the eventual purchase of
properties in view of the beneficial exchange rate
subject to funds permitting.
The Ministry will implement a new policy in respect
of the replacement of Government vehicles.


List of Acronyms
AGOA Africa Growth and Opportunities Act
AOSIS Alliance of Small Island States
APRM African Peer Review Mechanism
ARIPO African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation
ASA Africa South America
AU African Union
BOI Board of Investment
BPOA Barbados Programme of Action
CECPA Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement
COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
DDA Doha Development Agenda
EAC East African Community
ECS Extended Continental Shelf
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone
EM Enterprise Mauritius
EPA Economic Partnership Agreement
EU European Union
FOCAC Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
FTA Free Trade Area
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
ICT Information and Communication Technology
INCB International Narcotics Control Bureau
IOR ARC Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation
IOC Indian Ocean Commission
IP Intellectual Property
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
NPOA National Plan of Action
NTB Non Tariff Barriers
SADC Southern African Development Community
SIDS Small Island Developing States
SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises
TICAD Tokyo International Conference on African Development
TIFA Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
UN United Nations
UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
UNSC United Nations Security Council
WHS World Hindi Secretariat
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organisation
WTO World Trade Organisation

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