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The Secrets of Meditation: by Marianne Levigne

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The Secrets of Medi tati on

The Secrets of Meditation

By Marianne Levigne

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The Secrets of Medi tati on
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction .................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2 - Meditation In Religion ................................................................... 7
Chapter 3 - Meditation to Relieve Stress ........................................................ 11
Chapter 4 - Meditation to Relieve Depression ................................................ 16
Chapter 5 - Meditation As A Healing Tool .................................................... 19
Chapter 6 - Meditation To Induce Sleep ......................................................... 22
Chapter 7 - Meditation For Inner Peace .......................................................... 26
Chapter 8 - Meditation To Relieve Back Pain ................................................ 28
Chapter 9 - Meditation To Become A Better Person ...................................... 31
Chapter 10 - Meditating For Love .................................................................. 34
Chapter 11 - Meditate Yourself Free From Addiction .................................... 38
Chapter 12 - Meditation To Cast Out Negativity............................................ 41
Chapter 13 - Meditation And Aromatherapy .................................................. 43
Chapter 14 - Using Meditation To Improve Concentration ............................ 45
Chapter 15 - Practicing Meditation For A Healthy Life ................................. 47
Chapter 16 - Meditation Retreats and Lessons ............................................... 49

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 1 - Introduction

What is meditation? When you hear this word you often think about
someone sitting cross legged and chanting. You probably associate
meditation with Eastern religions such as Buddhism and the reason for
this practice to achieve higher consciousness.

Meditation is rooted in basically all religions. It is used in a variety of
different ways, has many techniques and is practiced for a variety of
different purposes. Today, even medical doctors will advocate this
relaxation technique for those who are suffering from anxiety or

Physical exercise is almost like a physical cure all. Exercise can help
your heart, stave off certain cancers, prevent diseases that attack the
obese like diabetes and stroke, can raise your energy level as well as
your spirits. Most doctors today advocate physical exercise to any
patient who is able to participate. No one will say that exercise is

Think about meditation as an exercise for your brain. It can be used
the same way, especially when it comes to alleviating stress, anxiety
and mild depression. Meditation is to the mind what physical exercise
is to the body. At catch all to prevent or cure some mental conditions.

It is estimated that one in four Americans suffer from a mental disorder
of some kind. One in 17 Americans suffer from a mental disorder that
is so severe that it renders them disabled. The number one culprit is

The Secrets of Medi tati on
depression, which is almost the father of all neurosis. Depression is
the second most common reason why people are on disability in
America (the first being back pain which is sometimes related to

The one in four Americans who suffer from mental disorders is an
estimate based upon those who go to the doctor for treatment. Many
more people suffer from these disorders without seeking medical
attention because they fear the stigma of being labeled as crazy.
They self medicate themselves in bars and taverns with alcohol, drugs
or other destructive methods.

Meditation can help with depression. It can help with anxiety and other
minor mental disorders from which so many people seem to be
suffering. In addition, meditation can give you spiritual relief, help
lower blood pressure and even give you more energy. Meditation will
not do you any harm but has everything to offer.

This is not a guide on using meditation as a substitute for medical
treatment. Rather, it should be used along with medical treatment so
that you can achieve better results. In the case of minor anxiety (as in
the case you are worrying about a test at school) you can use
meditation to calm yourself instead of using tranquilizers or alcohol -
both of which are addictive and self destructive.

Meditation can be practiced anywhere. You do not have to trek up to
the Himalayan Mountains in order to meditate. You do not need to sit
cross legged on the floor. You do not even need to sit on the floor.
You just have to find a quiet place where you can cleanse your mind.

The Secrets of Medi tati on
If you do this for about 10 minutes every day, you will start to notice a
difference in your mind. This works the same way as an exercise

Many people reject the idea of meditation because they think it is
quackery and too much trouble. After all, when youre upset, you can
easily find relief from popping a tranquilizer or taking a stiff drink. It
can be difficult for someone to change their habits. But once you begin
a regime of meditation, you will no longer look at this time as
something that you have to do but as a time when you can truly relax.

Meditation has been practiced for over 5,000 years. It is a tried and
true form of relaxation and a way to achieve inner peace. Always a
popular remedy in Eastern religions, meditation is becoming more of a
common practice in the West.

Once you learn a little something about this Eastern healing art and
form of spiritual self awareness, you can begin to practice on your
own. As is the case with physical exercise, once you get into the
routine, you will begin to feel results right away and look forward to
your time when you can practice this ancient way of seeking inner

When you begin to meditate, give it a fair shot. This is not something
that works overnight. In todays society, we are always looking for
immediate gratification. The instant pill that cures all. The instant diet.
The instant bit of help. Meditation is not immediate gratification. You
will feel better after you have practiced it, even after the first time. But
it takes a while before you begin to start feeling the full benefits.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Start out slowly with meditation and then work your way up. You
should start out with five minutes at a time. Gradually, you can work
yourself up to about 30 minutes. You do not have to meditate for
hours or days on end to achieve results. You can do it on your lunch
hour and get results right away, once you have learned the basic

This book will detail some ways you can use meditation to help
yourself through difficulties as well as become a better person. We are
all striving for improvement. Meditation is one way that we can help
ourselves achieve not only spiritual well being, but emotional, physical
and psychological well being as well. It costs nothing to begin this
practice and can be done anywhere. This book will teach you
techniques on how to get started in your amazing journey through the
world of meditation.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 2 - Meditation In Religion

Before we begin with actual meditation techniques for healing and
enlightenment, it is essential that you learn a bit about the history of
meditation. Although most people associate this with the Eastern
philosophies and arts, meditation has a root in virtually all of the major
religions in the world. While not all of them practice chanting and
crossing their legs, the concept of meditation is evidenced in most
religious practices, even today.

Hinduism is one of the worlds oldest religions and where meditation
first developed more than 5,000 years ago. Millions of people practice
meditation techniques as taught in Hinduism. In the Hindi religion,
Yoga is considered to be the main philosophy. Those practicing
meditation in accordance with Hinduism learn the six schools of Yoga
that teach both inner and outer well being.

In Hinduism, meditation is used to reach a calm state of mind. It is
used to diminish erratic thoughts and focus on one thought so that you
can pay attention. According to Hindu philosophy, there are five
different states of mind, four of which block focus. Ksipta is the first
state of mind which describes a mind that is filled with agitation. The
second state of mind is Mudha where a person has a problem getting
information to reach their brain - they may be considered
absentminded because their thoughts are in a jumble.

In Viksipta the mind is able to receive information, but has trouble
processing it into thought. A person who experiences Ekagra, which is
the fourth state of mind, is calm and able to focus. This moves to the

The Secrets of Medi tati on
last state of mind which is Nirodha where the person is able to focus
and able to concentrate on what they are doing.

Meditation is used in prayer rituals in Hinduism as well as Hatha Yoga,
which is a state of physical postures that are used to raise spiritual
awareness. The positions that you will often see described in yoga are
called chakras. The most common is the lotus position in which a
person sits cross legged with their ankles on their legs.

A mantra is also used in meditation as part of the Hindu faith. The
mantra can be repeated out loud as a chant or can be repeated in your
head. In Hinduism, meditation is the key to finding not only spiritual
awareness, but also higher knowledge.

In the Bahai religion, meditation is also used along with prayer. It is
used primarily as a form of discovering the spirituality within yourself.

Buddhists also practice meditation and it figures heavily in their
religion. Lord Buddha was said to have found spiritual enlightenment
when meditating. There are two different types of meditation practices
in Buddhism and they are both used for spiritual enlightenment. The
two types of meditation are called shamatha and vispassana. They
are used to focus attention and develop wisdom respectively.

In Buddhism, the objective of the traditions is enlightenment and self
awareness. This is achieved in a number of ways, most often through

The Secrets of Medi tati on
While Eastern religions use meditation as a way to gain enlightenment
and tend to focus on one object during their practice, Western religions
tend to focus on prayer when meditating. Christianity has three main
facets - Catholicism, Orthodox and Protestant. In the Catholic faith,
saying the rosary is a form of meditation as a person is deeply
engrossed in prayer and is supposed to be putting their full
concentration in the prayer. Orthodox Christians also rely heavily upon
prayer. In many protestant faiths, remembering verses from the bible
are used as a way to achieve focus on prayer.

Christianity will not outwardly embrace meditation in the form of words.
Unlike Eastern religions, Western religions are not as open to other
faiths. Meditation and the practice of any other philosophy is usually
considered wrong in most Christian faiths. However, the practice is
still somewhat the same.

Islam was one of the first religions to use meditation as a form of
healing. The prophet Muhammad spent hours meditating and there
are two different schools of meditation taught in Islam. Tadabbur is the
first school of meditation that is accepted by all Muslim scholars and is
used to achieve a higher level from God. This is used to submit to the
will of Allah. The second school is called Sufi meditation and is not
accepted by all Muslim scholars. From noon to sunset, Muslims will
meditate during the second stage of Hajj.

In J udaism, meditation goes back thousands of years to Isaac who is
said to meditate. In both Kabbalah and Hassidic philosophies,
meditation is practiced as boded through the book of understanding.

The Secrets of Medi tati on
Kabbalah has gained popularity over the recent years and relies
heavily upon meditation.

Other religions that also practice meditation include J ainism, Sikhism
and Taoism, both Eastern religions. While meditation is a form of
achieving inner peaces in the Eastern religions, it is mostly used as a
form of prayer in the Western religions such as J udaism, Christianity
and Islam.

In the west today, meditation is practiced in some newer religions such
as spiritualism and new age philosophies. In secular societies,
meditation is also used for a variety of purposes, including as a healing
art. In secular meditation, there is no mysticism involved nor any
directive to achieve spiritual enlightenment. It is used mostly for
healing and well being.

In addition to using meditation for different purposes, each religion that
practices meditation also has a distinct way of practicing meditation. In
many cultures, beads are used in meditation. This is true of Catholics
who use rosary beads as well as Muslims who use prayer beads. Both
Hindu and Buddhists religions also implement the use of rosary beads.
Beads are often used to allow the person to concentrate on a fixed
object. Although the fixed object is the beads in the Eastern religions,
the fixed object in Christianity and Islam is God or Allah.

For over 5,000, meditation has been used for a variety of purposes.
Despite the differences, the similarities remain the same and that is
that meditation can be used to achieve a calmer and clearer state of

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 3 - Meditation to Relieve Stress

One of the primary purposes for which meditation is used today in the
West is to relieve stress. As Americans become more stressed out all
of the time, they seek ways to achieve relief. Many people are looking
for something to help them instead of taking pills or alcohol.

Stress is the biggest medical crisis that we face today. With so many
people looking for a cure to relieve themselves of stress, doctors are
handing out tranquilizers like they were candy. Yet people continue to
be stressed.

Continued stress plays havoc on your central nervous system as well
as your immune system. It can lower your immune system so that all
diseases are virtually invited into your body. Why mess with stress
when you can use meditation to help you?

Even the medical community will admit that meditation is good for
stress. While most medical professionals will scoff at the idea of any
type of alternative healing method, meditation is one that most of them
can see benefits. It certainly cannot cause any harm and has actually
been proven to help you relax.

Meditation can relieve stress. It does work, but it takes practice. In
order to use meditation to relieve stress and anxiety, do the following:

1. Find a quiet place where you can sit and relax that is peaceful. This
can be anywhere in your house. Once you get used to meditating, you

The Secrets of Medi tati on
will be able to do this anywhere, even at your office desk. To start,
look for a tranquil place in the home.

2. Sit in a comfortable position. If you can sit cross legged on the
ground, fine. If not, sit in another comfortable position. You want to be
relaxed, but not to the point that you fall asleep. Make sure that you
are sitting up so that you do not fall asleep. You want to clear your
head, not fall asleep.

3. Clear your head of thoughts. One of the things that stresses people
out is intrusive thoughts. This is what causes mental stress. You are
worried about money, your job, the laundry, what to cook for dinner, if
you have a dress for a party, is the vacuum cleaner broken, etc. In
order for meditation to be effective, you have to clear your head of
these intrusive thoughts.

It is not always easy to clear your head. This is why so many people
use a mantra when meditating. A trick to clearing your head is to
concentrate solely on a particular object. You can also find a word that
you like to use and make it your own mantra. Clearing your head
takes practice, but once you are able to achieve this, the world of
meditation is truly open to you.

4. Each time an intrusive thought comes into your mind, let it go.
Imagine yourself tossing it into the garbage can. Concentrate on the
object instead. Continue to do this until the object has your total

The Secrets of Medi tati on
5. While you are practicing this form of total concentration, also
practice breathing techniques. Take a deep breath in through your
mouth, hold it for five seconds and then breathe out through your nose.
You can also concentrate on the breathing technique as your object.

6. Do not expect miracles the first time you try this. Meditation takes
practice. Does it work to relax you? Yes. Its been working for 5,000
years to relax people so chances are that it will work on you as well.
Start with a small session and then gradually work your way up.

7. Incense can also be combined with meditation. Using incense is
pleasant and will make the experience more pleasant as well. You can
also use soothing music during your meditation practice as well.

8. Schedule a time to meditate each and every day. This will be
difficult at first as you will have to endure a change in your daily
routine. It will be worth it in the long run as the meditation starts to
work. Once you find the meditation actually working, it is like a light
going on in a dark room. You will not only want to make time for
mediation, but you will look forward to this daily ritual.

Even medical doctors will acknowledge that meditation, especially
when combined with breathing techniques, is good for you and can
relieve stress. There are indications that it lowers the blood pressure
as well as boosts the immune system. The breathing exercises
stimulate oxygen to your brain and clearing your head allows the
intrusive thoughts that plague and worry you to be eliminated.

The Secrets of Medi tati on
There are a variety of different reasons why people suffer from stress.
The world today is not the world of 50 years ago where things moved
at a much slower pace. Everything moves fast and most of us bite off
more than we can chew in the never ending search for getting the
world and everything in it.

Stress can be a precursor to a variety of different illnesses, even
cancer. It lowers the immune system and allows disease to traipse
into your body. Yet the cures for stress can be even more detrimental
to your health than the stress itself. Tranquilizers, which are often
prescribed for stress, are highly addictive and have serious side
effects. On top of that, there is always a danger of an accidental
overdose. Many people take tranquilizers with alcohol to achieve
results that constantly seem to require more medication. We
constantly hear of people who die due to this lethal combination.

To date, no one has meditated themselves to death. Although, this
ancient art is addictive, but in a positive way. You may find that you
prefer to meditate over watching television and want to continue with
this practice. You may also find that you wish to learn more about this
ancient art and begin studying the practice of meditation through the
ages and try to achieve enlightenment or a purpose in life. Although
this can be addictive and time consuming, it is far from harmful and
can really change your life for the better.

If you are suffering from stress or anxiety, you may be tempted to take
tranquilizers or even a drink. After all, they are the fastest and most
convenient cure for the condition. Try meditation first and be sure to

The Secrets of Medi tati on
give it a full shot before you resort to harmful pills or alcohol.
Meditation can relieve stress and anxiety.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 4 - Meditation to Relieve Depression

The medical community is up in the air when it comes to meditation to
relieve depression. Most doctors will quickly prescribe anti-
depressants to anyone who suffers from depression, whether it is mild
or severe.

There are some doctors who believe that those with mental illness
should not meditate because it can lead to schizophrenia. There is no
medical evidence that anything leads to this disease that has proven to
be a biological condition that is often inherited. This idea stems from a
story of someone who meditated for a long period of time and then
went on to develop schizophrenia. This is totally misleading
information and much more likely to be an urban legend.
Schizophrenia is a biological disorder and all the mediation in the world
is not going to make you develop this disease.

Depression is usually the root of anxiety. There are many theories as
to why depression seems to be at an all time high, particularly in the
United States. There are literally millions of people in the United
States who are on medication for depression.

Severe depression is a serious condition and should be treated by a
medical doctor. There are a variety of ways to treat severe
depression, including therapy and medication. However, using
meditation in addition to these methods can give one a sense of
control. In cases of mild depression, using meditation can also
alleviate some of the symptoms of this disease.

The Secrets of Medi tati on
Many mental illnesses and conditions stem from a loss of control felt
on behalf of the patient. People who suffer from depression often
resort to self medicating with illegal drugs or alcohol to numb
themselves to the symptoms. Meditation can give someone a sense of
control in their life, which many people with depression so desperately

In the medical community, anything other than medicine for depression
is usually frowned upon. Medical doctors will prescribe pills such as
Zoloft in an effort to cure depression. They will also advise that you
seek counseling. If the pills do not work, they will continue to prescribe
pills until they get the right combination. Many people end up not ever
getting out of the depressive state.

Medical doctors will stress the dangers of treating depression with
anything other than medication. They stress that depression is a
chemical imbalance in the brain. If this is the case, there can be no
harm at all in trying meditation to treat this common disorder.
Depression often goes hand in hand with anxiety, so at the very least,
you can expect it to relax you.

To practice meditation to treat depression, find a quiet room and sit
down, closing your eyes. Follow the simple instructions in the prior
chapter for meditating. By concentrating on this every day for about 20
minutes, you can alleviate some of the symptoms of depression.

In addition to practicing meditation to alleviate depression, you should
also exercise. Some doctors will advise exercise to those who suffer

The Secrets of Medi tati on
from depression. Exercise will raise your endorphins and increase
serotonin levels, which is what medication basically does.

Unlike medications that are used to combat depression, meditation
does not have any side effects and will not, after a long period of use,
harm your liver. If you suffer from serious depression and have been
prescribed medication for the condition, do not stop taking your
medication without consulting your doctor. But you can try meditation
and exercise in addition to the medication to see if you can help
yourself. You may be able to gradually reduce your medication in this

If you suffer from mild depression, try meditation first before racing to
the doctors office for anti depressants. As always, if you have
thoughts of suicide or harming others, seek medical attention

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 5 - Meditation As A Healing Tool

Meditation has been proven to be effective in boosting the immune
system which is the focus of all healing. Having a healthy immune
system is crucial to having good physical and mental health. Your
immune system can be boosted in many different ways, including with

For thousands of years, meditation has been used in the East as a
healing tool. Because it stimulates relaxation, you can use this tool to
also help you heal both mentally and physically.

There are many different ways that you can use meditation to heal.
There is some medical evidence that meditation can stave off disease,
even cancer. However, there is not enough medical studies on this
matter to prove any link between meditation and cancer survival.
Suffice to say that the medical community, despite its best efforts,
know very little about cancer, including why some people get this
disease and others do not. They also are up in arms when it comes to
a cure for most types of cancer.

Meditation will certainly not do you any harm. If you practice this ever
day for about 20 minutes a day, you can relax which will, in turn,
eliminate stress and enhance your immune system. One thing that
has been proven regarding meditation is that it can reduce stress. And
stress has been linked to disease, including cancer.

The Secrets of Medi tati on
One way to use meditation on a daily basis to heal is to try the total
relaxation from head to toe. In order to do this, sit in a comfortable
position with your legs extended in front of you.

You can put a pillow behind your back as you practice this form of
meditation. Once you have gotten comfortable, you can then begin the
meditation. Close your eyes and count backwards from ten to zero.

Begin by wiggling your toes just a bit. Feel the energy in your toes and
allow them to have your total concentration. Do this for about a minute
or so, then move to your feet. Again, give your feet your total
concentration and feel the energy contained in this part of your body.

Continue to do this until you work your way up to the top of your head.
Be sure to practice breathing techniques as you work on this exercise.
Breathing in through your mouth and out through your nose. The
entire exercise should take about 20 minutes.

Try to continue to concentrate on the parts of your body while you
practice this form of healing meditation. With each part of your body
that you focus on, say aloud this is well or this is perfect. You can
use a variation to this, but what you want to do is give affirmation that
each part of your body is in perfect condition. Saying this aloud a few
times gives an affirmation.

This is a good way to meditate without worrying about your mind
wandering. Instead of trying to allow your mind to go blank, you can
concentrate on good health. Like attracts like, so says the laws of the

The Secrets of Medi tati on
universe. If you tell yourself that everything is well, everything can be

Using affirmations with meditation can help you heal not only
physically, but mentally as well. Make sure that you tell yourself that
you are happy. Happiness, after all, is really a frame of mind. If you
can manage to control the instinct to be happy through meditation, you
can achieve not only happiness, but health as well.

While meditation should not take the place of traditional medicine when
it comes to healing, it can be used in conjunction with traditional
medicine so that you can relieve stress from your body and improve
your bodys immune system. Studies on cancer patients who used
meditation as opposed to those who did not use meditation indicate
that those who meditated lived longer than those who did not use this

Meditation has been effective as a healing tool for thousands of years.
This is but one technique that you can use in meditating that will allow
you to promote self healing.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 6 - Meditation To Induce Sleep

If you are like most people, you have suffered at times from
sleeplessness. Insomnia plagues most of us at one time or another
and has a variety of different causes. Most people opt to take
medication when insomnia becomes too much of a burden to bear.

Medication to treat insomnia can be dangerous in that it is addictive.
Although there are newer medications on the market today that are
supposed to be less addictive than traditional medications, they still
warn that they can form a dependency. When you form a dependency
on any medication, your body needs more and more of the pills to
achieve the same effect. Sleeping pills are supposed to be used for a
brief time period to get your body back into a sleep pattern, but a good
many Americans are using them all of the time. Sleeping pills are one
of the most abused of all prescription medications.

If you want to get to sleep naturally, you can try meditation. Meditation
to eliminate insomnia is very effective and is not dangerous like taking
sleeping pills. On top of that, no one has ever died from an overdose
of meditation.

To effective meditate to overcome insomnia, do the following:

1. Lie in a comfortable position on your bed. Make sure that you are
totally comfortable and ready to go to sleep.

2. Close your eyes and start concentrating on the most pleasant place
that you can think about. Your own personal utopia where everything

The Secrets of Medi tati on
is as you want it. Start with the climate of the perfect place and begin
to think of the type of home that you would have in this place and
create it in your mind.

3. After you have created the place and dwelling of your personal
utopia, start incorporating what type of scent would greet you at the
door when you walk into your utopia. Would it be a soft perfume or the
smell of something good cooking in the oven?

4. Start incorporating what type of furnishings you would have in this
personal utopia. Right down to the color of the sofa.

5. Think about some comforts you would like to have in your own
utopia. Think about LCD televisions, Ipods or other gadgets that you
would like to own. While youre at it, throw in a car in the driveway.
What is your dream car.

6. Bring others into the utopia. Think of who you would like to be in
your world. Your family, your children, Brad Pitt, whoever. Make them
part of your personal utopia.

7. Give yourself something to do in your personal utopia. What is your
role in this world? Do you have a career? Do you just lounge around?
Are you famous or powerful? Give this role to yourself.

Chances are, before you get to the type of clothes in your closet in
your personal utopia, you will find yourself asleep. You may even
dream of your own personal utopia. Each night, when you go to sleep,
you can visit your own personal utopia.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Do not visit your utopia during the day. That is the trick of this
meditation. Unlike other meditation that you can do whenever you
want, insomnia meditation should only be used when you are ready to
go to sleep. Soon, your body will associate your own personal utopia
thoughts with sleep and you will be able to go to sleep when you visit
this wonderful place.

Some might argue that this is merely daydreaming. Going to your own
personal utopia is a sort of daydreaming, but with one difference - you
are not allowing your thoughts to wander, you are controlling your
thoughts. Daydreaming is usually the result of getting bored at work or
school and allowing your thoughts to wander to another place.

By controlling your thoughts before you go to sleep, you may be able
to control your sleep state as well. You will probably dream about your
personal utopia once in a while, but not all of the time. Other things
that ran through your head and made an impression on you throughout
the day will be mixed in with yoru dreams.

Using meditation to fall asleep is an old practice. Have you ever heard
the expression counting sheep? That is meditation. It relies on the
same premise - you are concentrating on the sheep jumping over the
fence. You remove other thoughts from your mind and allow the sheep
take over. You continue to count until you fall asleep.

Counting sheep is boring. Dreaming about a magnificent home with
Brad Pitt is a lot more fun. J ust make sure that you visit your own
personal utopia when you are going to sleep and not at work, driving or

The Secrets of Medi tati on
when you are supposed to be doing something else. You want to
associate this pleasant place with going to sleep.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 7 - Meditation For Inner Peace

When we come into the world, we are innocent, pure and aware. As
we grow into adulthood, various things happen to us to alter our basic
state of being. These often conflict with inner peace. In order to get
back to inner peace, we can meditate.

Meditating to achieve inner peace is often used in religious practices,
especially in Eastern philosophy. This can also be used secularly as
well. If you want to get back to your basic state of being, such as how
innocent and joyous you were in infancy, you can do so by meditating.

In order to reconnect with your basic state, you will have to tap into
your basic energy. You have to strip away the layers of negative
energy that have enveloped you since you were a child. Take the
following steps to use mediation and affirmation to achieve inner

1. Sit in a comfortable position on the floor, preferably with your legs
crossed or directly in front of you.

2. Make sure that the room is quiet and still. You do not want any
distractions so this is something that is best done late in the evening or
very early in the morning.

3. Start by breathing in through your mouth and out through your
nose. With the first breath, think that you are breathing in courage and
exhaling fear.

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4. With the next breath, inhale love exhale hate. Inhale peace, exhale
conflict. Inhale knowledge, exhale ignorance.

Continue this technique for about 20 minutes, repeating affirmations in
your head. Affirmations, when practiced with meditation and breathing
techniques can be very powerful. You will find yourself transported to
how you felt when you were a child. After this 20 minutes of seeking
inner peace, you will feel better.

Each time you practice this technique of meditation, you will discover
that it gets easier and easier to relax. Most of us are so tense
throughout the day that our bodies are almost contorted by the end of
the day. This method of meditation can not only allow you to relax, but
also allow you to achieve inner peace that you so desperately seek.

All religions look for some sort of peace within the soul. All seek the
same purity and innocence found in childhood. Yet meditating for
inner peace is not a religious experiences unless you seek it out as a
religious experience. It can be used in a secular context just as easily
as it can in religious philosophy. This type of meditation is what you
make it.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 8 - Meditation To Relieve Back Pain

Most Americans will suffer with back pain at some point in their lives.
Back pain is the most common reason why people go to the doctor. It
is also the number one disability in the United States. In some cases,
a slipped disc is the cause of a back injury, or a sprained muscle. In
many cases, however, there is no known cause for the pain. Yet it is
very real. Some doctors feel that lack of exercise is the root of back
pain in America.

Before you begin an exercise routine to alleviate back pain, talk to your
doctor. You want to make sure that the cause of your back pain is not
something physical like a herniated disc or a sprained muscle. If this is
the case, you do not want to aggravate the injury by exercising, but
want to rest your back until the injury heals.

If the back pain cause is unknown, you can talk to your doctor about
exercise. You will want to do crunches and other abdominal exercises
as these muscles support the spine. Weak stomach, weak back is the
rule of thumb.

Whether or not your back pain is caused by a physical condition or
weak muscles, you can use meditation in a way to alleviate your back
pain. Follow these simple rules to meditate away back pain:

1. Sit comfortably. Try to keep your posture straight.

The Secrets of Medi tati on
2. Take a deep breath in through your mouth, hold it as long as you
can and then breathe out through your nose. Do this six times in a

3. Tense your entire body up, beginning with your extremities. Start
by tensing up your toes, fingers and work up to your torso. Even tense
your jaw and keep your eyes wide open. Get yourself as tense as
possible and hold it for about five seconds.

4. Slowly start to relieve the tension, beginning with the last part of
your body that you tensed. Relieve the tension slowly throughout your
entire body, right down to your fingertips. You should feel like J ello
when you are finished. The entire process should take about 15

Most of the reason that you feel pain is due to tension. By capturing
the attention and then letting it go, you can eliminate the tension from
your body and cause your muscles to relax. This is a great way to let
go of pain and is very effective.

Doctors can do very little for your back pain. The best they can do in
most cases is prescribe pain medication such as Vicodin or Tylenol
with Codeine. Both of these substances are addictive, especially

Meditating is a lot safer than using Vicodin or other pain relief to treat
back pain, especially chronic back pain. Pain medication builds up a
tolerance in your system and you need more of the drug to achieve the

The Secrets of Medi tati on
same effect. You are not only addicted to the medication, but you are
needing more and more of it to get by.

Because of lawsuits against doctors and laws regarding trafficking of
Vicodin and other controlled substances, doctors are hesitant to
prescribe this medication repeatedly. After a while, they will tell you
that you have to wean yourself off the drug and send you to a pain
management clinic. Pain management teaches you to deal with pain
by using such techniques as..meditation and exercises. You might
as well cut to the chase and use them from the first so that you can
avoid the nightmare of being addicted to opiates, such as Vicodin.

Meditation to relieve back pain works well. If the pain persists, gets
worse or wakes you up at night, see your physician. Most causes of
back pain are not serious, but this can be a trigger that there is
something else wrong in your body.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 9 - Meditation To Become A Better

Most of us want to become a better person. There are very few people
who do not strive for perfection among us and even fewer who think
that they are perfect. Most of us realize that we have flaws and wish to
become more compassionate, loving and forgiving.

You can become a better person if you practice the meditation
techniques of the Dalai Lama. Some Buddhists believe him to be
reincarnated from the God of Compassion. The Dalai Lama is a leader
and a Nobel Peace Prize winner, but he attributes this greatness
(which his humility will not allow him to acknowledge) to meditation.

The method used by the Dalai Lama is easy and can be practiced by
anyone who wishes to become a better person through the use of
meditation. Take the following steps towards becoming all you can be:

1. Sit comfortably and relaxed with your eyes closed. You can use the
relaxation meditation if you want, or just allow your limbs and body to
go limp.

2. In your minds eyes, picture the way that you appear to others when
you are at your most angry or impatient. Put this on the left side of
your body and get a good visualization of yourself in this state.

3. Once you have a good visualization of your angry and impatient self,
picture yourself as being happy and carefree as well as calm. Picture
yourself being caring, compassionate and patient. Again, make this a

The Secrets of Medi tati on
very clear image in your minds eye and put this person on the right
side of you.

4. Now that you have both images of yourself in your minds eye - the
good person who is kind and compassionate and patient and the other
person who is angry and impatient, which would you rather be? Which
version of yourself would you like to present to the world?

5. Practice this on a daily basis for about 10 minutes a day. Each day,
add more to each of your images. Make sure that you get facial
expressions correct as well as mannerisms. You can even picture
yourself saying something in a certain manner.

6. What do you think about the bad person on the left? Do you think
that this is a person others would like? Is this the person that you want
to present to the world?

7. Picture the negative energy surrounding the person on the left and
the positive energy surrounding the person on the right. Keep this as
part of your focus as you practice this meditation each day.
Remember to keep adding mannerisms and other facial expressions to
each person.

8. In addition to the person on the left being angry and impatient, also
allow them to be everything negative. Incorporate jealousy, envy,
arrogance, rudeness, cruelness and depression in this person.
Continue to incorporate positive qualities in the person on the right.

The Secrets of Medi tati on
9. Once you have a clear image of the person on the right and the
person on the left, you will have a clear image of who you want to be.
Hopefully, it will be the person on the right. The positive energy
qualities will naturally overwhelm the negative energy qualities of the
person on the left. The next step is to get rid of the person on the left.
Banish him or her from your life.

10. This little meditation exercise is very effective at not only making
you into a better person with more positive energy, but also allowing
you to become more aware of negative vs. positive behavior. There is
nothing wonderful about the negative energy attributes. They do not
do anything to enhance your life. The positive energy, however, is
very beneficial.

Meditating your way to a becoming a better person is not done in a
day. This takes time to practice. Each day, hopefully, you will discover
more about yourself and the negative energy versus the positive
energy and focus more on the positive.

You can practice this technique throughout your life so that you can not
only become the best person that you can be, but that you can
surround yourself with positive light.

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Chapter 10 - Meditating For Love

As human beings, we all want love. We often say that we need food,
shelter and clothing to survive, but love is also a necessity. Human
beings are social animals and can become depressed if they are left

Remember the film Castaway starring Tom Hanks? He puts a face
on a ball and names it so that he can have company as he is
shipwrecked on a deserted island. He does this in order to keep from
falling apart. As a human being, he needs companionship. There are
very few people who are comfortable being lonely.

If you want love, the only thing you need to do is ask for it. It is
plentiful in the universe. You need to be able to open up your heart so
that you can receive love, however.

This is easier said than done. Most of us have closed our hearts,
especially when we are adults. We have been hurt once too often and
are afraid of getting hurt again. So we shut down our hearts and reject
any chance of allowing love into our lives.

Do you know someone who habitually has bad relationships? They
are constantly going out with people who are unavailable, either
emotionally or physically, are abusive or have a substance abuse
problem? This is not an accident that they are finding these type of
people. They are actively seeking out these sort of troubled
relationships. This is because they feel that they do not deserve the

The Secrets of Medi tati on
happiness and love that is there waiting for them. Instead, they
choose to look for misery.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. And it is easy to do, too. All
you have to do is open up your heart and ask for love and the universe
shall provide it for you.

To meditate to get love, you need to be able to use all of your senses
during your meditation practice. Do as follows:

1. Sit in a comfortable and relaxed position. For this technique, you
can even lay down. You want to be as comfortable as possible when
you look for love. Close you eyes.

2. Tell your body and mind that you want no distractions. That you are
to be free from any interference. Actually say this out loud to both your
body and your mind. Now start concentrating in your minds eye.

3. Begin breathing with the usual technique - in through the mouth, out
through the nose. With each breath that you breathe in, feel that you
are bringing in love.

4. Visualize the love that you are bringing into your body and put it in
your heart. Store the love in your body and do not allow it to escape.
Allow it to float all through your body.

5. Visualize the love in your body running through your blood stream
and coursing in your veins. Feel it moving within you, through ever

The Secrets of Medi tati on
fiber of your being. Feel the love completely saturate you from head to

6. As you breath out, picture that you are releasing love into the world.
You are breathing it in and releasing some out again, while storing love
throughout your body. Visualize yourself being surrounded and bathed
in love.

Practice this technique for about 20 minutes. You will feel refreshed
when you are finished. Love is there for the taking, you just have to be
receptive enough to receive it.

By receiving love, you will have a different outlook on life. You will
appear more confident to other people and there will be an aura of love
around you that will attract others. Meditating to receive love is one of
the most relaxing and simplest of meditating techniques and it really
does work.

The laws of attraction dictate that like attracts like. If you continue to
bathe yourself in negative energy, you will receive negative responses
in return. If, however, you choose to bathe yourself in love and positive
energy, you will attract the same.

If you have someone who you love and want to draw them to you,
picture them in your minds eyes as you are meditating. Picture them
loving you, caressing you, and being with you. Picture yourself loving
them. You will be asking the universe to draw this person closer to you
and the universe will respond, if you are receptive.

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Love is something that no one should be without. There is too much of
an abundance of love in the universe for anyone to be deprived of this
bliss. You need only ask and you can mediate your way to love.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 11 - Meditate Yourself Free From

Are you addicted to drugs or alcohol? Do you know someone who is?
Meditation can help anyone who is addicted to anything.

Approximately 30 percent of Americans claim to be addicted to
something. Some are addicted to harmless things like video games or
even the internet. Others are addicted to harmful narcotics. It is easy
to see how being addicted to drugs can harm your life, but even
harmless addictions are not so harmless when they start interfering
with your life.

You can use meditation to break free from all types of addictions. The
first step, however, is recognizing that you have a problem. Most
addicts will deny that there is a problem with an addiction, despite
being told by everyone that they know that they have a problem. They
will deny that there is anything wrong with them.

Eventually, all addicts reach a point in their lives where they hit rock
bottom. When this happens, they have two ways to go - up or out.
Hopefully, they choose up. It is at this point that an addict usually
seeks help for his addiction.

No one can force an addict into recovery. All of the court orders in the
world are not going to make an alcoholic become sober. The alcoholic
has to truly want to be sober. Many alcoholics join Alcoholics
Anonymous, an organization that has been very successful in helping
people become sober.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Part of the mantra, if you will, of Alcoholics Anonymous is giving up the
idea that you are in control of your life. Alcoholics Anonymous
promotes giving your life to God and realizing that you can only control
some aspects of your life. Meditation can work the same way. You
may not be able to control everything in life, but meditation can allow
you to control some aspects of your life.

When meditating to get rid of an addiction, it is important to realize that
it will take some time. In addition to using meditation, you should also
use any medication prescribed by your doctor. The meditation will help
you in the long run, however, stay away from the addiction as well as
get over the problem.

To meditate to get rid of an addiction, do the following:

1. Sit cross legged on the floor. Be conscious of your position. This is
not a comfort meditation but one in which you will be conscious of your
body. You will want to try the lotus position if at all possible. This may
feel uncomfortable at first, but you will eventually get used to this
position. The lotus position is a yoga position and is used as a way to
contort your body. The purpose is to allow yourself to let go of the
discomfort that your physical being is feeling.

2. Extend your hands upwards on your knees. This is a position that
allows you to be open to the energy of the universe.

3. Think of a mantra. This should be one word. Choose a word that is
positive and soothing at the same time.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

4. Close your eyes and picture the object of your addiction. In your
minds eye, picture yourself tossing the addiction into a garbage can
and getting rid of it, or tossing it off a bridge. Whatever works for you,
but the objective is to get rid of the object.

5. Repeat the chant as you are doing this. Concentrate on the
addiction being tossed away. Continue to repeat the chant with your
eyes shut, palms up and in the same position. You should be ignoring
any physical discomfort and not allowing your mind to wander. The
chanting will become automatic.

Practice this for about 5 minutes at first. You can gradually work
yourself up. Whenever the urge to drink or imbibe in your addiction
hits you, resort to meditation. If you cannot meditate at that moment,
repeat the chant, even if in you head. This will signal your mind to toss
out the garbage.

Addictions are garbage. They are a negative impact in your life.
Anything that keeps you from enjoying your life as well as others is
detrimental to your psyche. You can eliminate an addiction simply by

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 12 - Meditation To Cast Out Negativity

Is there someone in your life who is bringing you down? It can be a
boss, co-worker or even an ex boyfriend or girlfriend. It can be a lost
love who you still think about even though you know that they are gone
from your life, or should be gone from your life.

Do you have negative thoughts that repeat themselves in your head?
Negative thoughts are any thoughts that adversely affect your life.
Perhaps you worry about illness, money or someone else. What do
you do when you have these negative thoughts? Do you allow them to
control your life?

Positive energy is all around you. Unfortunately, so is negative energy.
But you neednt allow the negative energy that manifests in negative
thoughts to interfere with your life. In order to be as productive as you
can be, you have to remain positive.

You can choose to cast out negativity and be positive through
meditation. Meditation to cast off unwanted thoughts of a person or
event can work wonders. You can learn to reprocess your thought
patterns so that you are not assaulted by negative images in your mind
that give you a gloomy outlook on life and surround you with negative

To cast off negativity, you can do the following:

1. Sit on the floor in the lotus position if possible with your palms up.

The Secrets of Medi tati on
2. Close your eyes.

3. Think of the thing that is negative in your life that you wish to cast
away. Repeat it out loud. If it is a person, for example, say their name
out loud J ohn Smith.

4. Say Out J ohn Smith or the name of the negative thing as your
chant. You do not have to shout it, but it should be forceful.

5. Do not allow yourself to think about the negative person or thing.
Concentrate instead on a picture in your minds eye of you smiling and
happy. Each time you think about J ohn Smith, or the negativity, you
will replace the negative image with the one of you smiling and happy.

6. In the meantime, you continue to say the name of the negative
image until it becomes rote. This gives less meaning to the negativity.
Your concentration should be all on yourself and your happy, smiling

The purpose of this meditation technique is to remove the importance
of the negative influence that is in your life and make it insignificant. It
is a mere chant that you are uttering, not anything real. What is real is
in your mind and that is the picture of yourself laughing and smiling.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 13 - Meditation And Aromatherapy

In addition to meditation, aromatherapy is another Eastern healing art
that has been used throughout the ages for a variety of different
purposes. By incorporating aromatherapy into your meditation
techniques, you can include the sense of smell and even taste into
your meditation time.

In order to use aromatherapy in meditation, you will need to get an
infuser. This is something that will burn essential oils. Essential oils
are derived from natural substances such as bark, leaves, weeds,
herbs, flowers and other natural objects. In order to realize the full
healing potential of aromatherapy, you need to use 100 percent pure
essential oils. These are available in a number of different places,
including online outlets.

Essential oils work as you inhale them into your lungs. Their healing
properties, when inhaled, are distributed throughout your body through
your blood stream. There are over a hundred widely used essential
oils. Each of them has different healing properties.

One of the most commonly used essential oils is lavender. Lavender
is pretty much a heal-all remedy and is one of the safest essential oils
to use. It has amazing healing powers.

Infusing an essential oil while meditating can compound the effect of
meditation. It will also allow you to associate the scent with something
pleasant. This association can be used when you are not able to
meditate. For example, you can use a lavender scent at work so that

The Secrets of Medi tati on
you can remain positive throughout the day. You can even use
synthetic lavender oils such as those that are found in perfumes and
colognes to bring your scent with you through the day.

Using essential oils is yet another way that you can enjoy meditation to
heal and improve your life.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 14 - Using Meditation To Improve

Attention deficit disorder is being diagnosed for many young people as
well as adults. There are quite a few people both in the medical
community and out that feel as though this condition is over diagnosed.
Not everyone who has trouble concentrating had attention deficit
disorder. But anyone who has trouble concentrating can use
meditation as a way to improve their concentration.

Meditation can do wonders to improve your concentration. The
average person has many different things on their mind at the same
time. This consists of work, money, home, pleasure, family and even

Naturally having all of these different thoughts running through your
mind at the same time can cause you to be distracted. It can be
difficult to concentrate on just one object at a time. Yet we all need to
be able to focus if we want to be effective.

You can improve your concentration skills with meditation. In addition
to improving your concentration, you can become more in tune with
your senses as well as experience heightened spirituality.

To improve your concentration using meditation, do the following:

1. Sit in a comfortable position;
2. Focus on a particular object or photo
3. Use your energy to concentrate on the photo or object.

The Secrets of Medi tati on
4. Put any other thoughts out of your head.
5. Each time you find yourself thinking of another thought, put it out of
your head until your total concentration is on the object or photo.
6. Do this for 10 minutes

If you continue to meditate for ten minutes a day, you will gradually
increase your concentration skills. You can train your brain to focus,
you just have to have patience.

People who are unfamiliar with meditation mistakenly believe that it is
all about making your mind go blank. It is really about having more
awareness - whether this is spiritual or just self awareness is up to you.
If you choose to use a photo of a deity, you can use meditation as a
form of prayer.

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 15 - Practicing Meditation For A Healthy

Meditation is not something that you should just pick up and put down.
It should be treated as more than just a passing fad - it should be a
way of life for you. If you are going to practice meditation, you should
make a commitment to practice for at least a month. This will give you
plenty of time to discover whether or not this ancient practice is for you.

Notice the word practice. No one gets to become an expert in
meditation. J ust as no one is perfect spiritually, no one can be perfect
at meditation. There is always something else that you can learn
about yourself when you practice meditation.

In addition to achieving a sense of calm and increasing your
concentration and focus, you can do so much more with meditation.
You will find that you have a better understanding of not only your
personality, but the personality of others. You may discover that you
have more compassion for other individual once you begin meditation.

In addition, your dreams will take on a new meaning. You will be
better able to control your dream process and even enhance your
dreams, such as lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is when you take
control of your dreams in the dream state. You will find that you do this
once in a while naturally, but when you start meditating, you will be
able to have lucid dreams and an awareness even in your dream state.
This allows you to transcend other planes.

The Secrets of Medi tati on
Your senses will become more acute. You will feel everything
differently once you are practicing meditation for a while. Everything
that you smell, taste, see, feel and hear will have a new meaning for
you. You will be more aware of your surroundings as well as other

In the world today, many people go around with their head in the
clouds. They move through life in a fog, unaware of what other people
are doing. They barely know themselves, let alone anyone else. We
see people today who are disconnected from their families and even
their children and spouse. Depression runs rampant amongst people
who seem to have it all.

Meditation is hardly new. As stated in the beginning of this book, it is
one of the oldest methods of healing in the world. It has been around
for thousands of years and will most likely be around for thousands

The Secrets of Medi tati on

Chapter 16 - Meditation Retreats and Lessons

Because meditation is becoming more accepted in the west as an
alternate form of healing and method of well being, there are
meditation retreats and conferences that you can join to learn how to
practice meditation properly.

There are many different forms of meditation. Some meditate with the
eyes closed, others with the eyes open. Some in a yoga position while
others are in a position of comfort. Those who practice meditation
believe that we can control our bodies with our mind.

Medical science holds many answers for us with regard to our health,
but not all the answers. There are still many explanations that they do
not have. There have been people who have received the benefits of
what can only be termed a miracle when it comes to recovering from
an illness.

One thing is certain that even the most hardened doctors will agree
upon and that is that someones emotional state has a lot of influence
upon their physical health as well as their mental health. If you have a
positive outlook in life, chances are that you will stay healthier. Studies
prove that those who stay positive live longer, have lower blood
pressure and even less disease. Stress really takes its toll on your

Instead of drugging yourself with pills to relieve stress, why not give
meditation a shot? You really have nothing to lose but everything to

The Secrets of Medi tati on
gain from this experience. While this may not be for everyone, it is
definitely worth a try. It certainly cannot hurt you.

J oining a meditation class does not have to be expensive. There are
seminars and classes that are held all over the world. You can sign up
for a weekend retreat to bring about inner peace and tranquility, or
simply sign up for a class at your local gym. There are even classes
held in some parks departments of towns.

Meditation does not have to be a spiritual journey, although it can be.
And best of all, it can be a spiritual journey for any religion of your
choice. Most religions practice some form of meditation. If you are
praying, you are meditating.

Open your mind to a new possibility of healing and learning. Once you
learn about this ancient art and the powers that are possessed in your
mind, chances are that you will want to learn more about meditation.
Fortunately, there are countless books and information that you can
get on the internet that will teach you even more than you learned in
this book.

This book on meditation is only the tip of the iceberg. It is enough to
get you started in this practice, but cannot possibly tell you everything
that you need to know about this practice. Such a book would fill up
countless tomes.

One thing is certain and that is that you will not be any worse for the
wear if you try meditation. But be prepared to give it a fair shot. Unlike
pills, meditation is not the instant cure all. It does take time to get good

The Secrets of Medi tati on
at the techniques, but once you do, you will have greater clarity of
thought, a better understanding of yourself, spiritual awareness and
have the power to use your mind as you see fit.

Few people realize the potential they have in their mind. We have only
a slight idea of what 75 percent of our brain does. Medical sciences
has claimed that we only use a fraction of our minds. Suppose the
cures that we seek are all within ourselves? It would make sense as
nature seems to have provided everything we need to live. Why not
provide our minds with healing power as well?

Taking a meditation class can be the best way to truly learn about the
different techniques. Prior to signing up for a class, decide what you
want to do. Do you want to:

Gain a better insight of yourself?
Learn to be calmer?
Try to become a better person?
Improve your concentration skills?
Gain spiritual satisfaction?
Be more in tune with your surroundings?
Be more aware of your senses?
Be more compassionate?
Improve your communication skills?
Overcome an addiction?
Treat anxiety or depression?
Alleviate stress?
Transcend your dreams?

The Secrets of Medi tati on
All of this and more can be taught to you when you take a meditation
seminar. Take a look on the internet for meditation classes, books and
other ways that you can learn how to meditate. Begin with this book
and then get started on a journey into a whole new realm.

Your life will improve dramatically after you begin meditating. You will
not only have a better understanding of yourself and your
surroundings, but you will feel more in control of your own destiny.

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