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Rosetta Stone

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a, ab, abs away, from

a, ac, af, ag, an, ar,
at, as
to, forward
bas low
bi, bis two
circum around
com (cor, col, con) with, together
cred believe, truth
de remove, away from
dis not, opposite
en, em to make, cause, put
epi upon, on top of
ex, exo, e out
fore before
hyper over, above
hypo under, beneath
in, im, il, ir not
in, im inside, within
inter between, among
mal, male bad, ill
mis wrong, bad
mono one, alone, single
non not
ob in front of, against
omni everywhere, all
over above, superior
per through
pre before
pro forward
re back, again
retro backward, behind
se apart
sub under, less
super greater, beyond
therm heat
trans across, through
uni, un one
un no, opposite
ver truth, true
tent, ten, tin, tain to have, to hold
mit, miss, mitt to send
cap, capt, cip, cept to take
to carry, to bear, to
sta, stat, sist to stand
graph, gram to write, to draw
log, ology
the study of, the
language of
spect to see, to look
plic, plex, ply to fold, to bend
tens, tend, tent to stretch
duc, duct to lead
pos, pon to put, to place
fac, fic, fact to make
scribe, script to write
-sion, -tion state of being
-ness state of being
-ment condition of
-ity, -ty quality of
-ate become
-able, -ible able to (adj)
-er, -or anyone who does this (n)
-fy, -ify to make (v)
-ism the practice of (n)
-ist one is occupied with (n)
-less without, lacking (adj)
-logue, -log
a particular kind of
speaking or writing (n)
-ness the quality of (n)
-ship the art or skill of (n)
-tude the state of (n)
-ize, -ise become
-ful notable for, full of (adj)
-ious, -ous characterized by
The Rosetta Stone
White Red Belt Edition
a, ab, abs away, from
a, ac, af, ag, an, ar,
at, as
to, forward
bas low
bi, bis two
circum around
com (cor, col, con) with, together
cred believe, truth
de remove, away from
dis not, opposite
en, em to make, cause, put
epi upon, on top of
ex, exo, e out
fore before
hyper over, above
hypo under, beneath
in, im, il, ir not
in, im inside, within
inter between, among
mal, male bad, ill
mis wrong, bad
mono one, alone, single
non not
ob in front of, against
omni everywhere, all
over above, superior
per through
pre before
pro forward
re back, again
retro backward, behind
se apart
sub under, less
super greater, beyond
therm heat
trans across, through
uni, un one
un no, opposite
ver truth, true
tent, ten, tin,
to have, to hold
mit, miss, mitt to send
cap, capt, cip,
to take
to carry, to bear,
to yield
sta, stat, sist to stand
graph, gram to write, to draw
log, ology
the study of, the
language of
spect to see, to look
plic, plex, ply to fold, to bend
tens, tend, tent to stretch
duc, duct to lead
pos, pon to put, to place
fac, fic, fact to make
scribe, script to write
-sion, -tion state of being
-ness state of being
-ment condition of
-ity, -ty quality of
-ate become
-able, -ible able to (adj)
-er, -or anyone who does this (n)
-fy, -ify to make (v)
-ism the practice of (n)
-ist one is occupied with (n)
-less without, lacking (adj)
-logue, -log
a particular kind of
speaking or writing (n)
-ness the quality of (n)
-ship the art or skill of (n)
-tude the state of (n)
-ize, -ise become
-ful notable for, full of (adj)
-ious, -ous characterized by
The Rosetta Stone
Green Belt Edition
Latin Roots
aud hear
capit, capt head or chief
cide, cise cut, kill
corp body
dic, dict speak, tell
flu, flux, fluc,
to flow
grad, grid,
to step, to walk,
pel, puls to drive, to push
port to carry
rect, recti,
straight or right
rupt to break, to burst
stru, struct build
ven, veni,
to come, to go
voc, vok to call, to speak
a, ab, abs away, from
a, ac, af, ag, an, ar, to, forward
bas low
bi, bis two
circum around
com (cor, col, con) with, together
cred believe, truth
de remove, away from
dis not, opposite
en, em to make, cause, put
epi upon, on top of
ex, exo, e out
fore before
hyper over, above
hypo under, beneath
in, im, il, ir not
in, im inside, within
inter between, among
mal, male bad, ill
mis wrong, bad
mono one, alone, single
non not
ob in front of, against
omni everywhere, all
over above, superior
per through
pre before
pro forward
re back, again
retro backward, behind
se apart
sub under, less
super greater, beyond
therm heat
trans across, through
uni, un one
un no, opposite
ver truth, true
tent, ten, tin,
to have, to
mit, miss,
to send
cap, capt,
cip, cept
to take
to carry, to
bear, to yield
sta, stat, sist to stand
graph, gram
to write, to
log, ology
the study of,
the language
spect to see, to look
plic, plex, ply
to fold, to
tens, tend,
to stretch
duc, duct to lead
pos, pon to put, to place
fac, fic, fact to make
scribe, script to write
-sion, -tion state of being
-ness state of being
-ment condition of
-ity, -ty quality of
-ate become
-able, -ible able to (adj)
-er, -or anyone who does this (n)
-fy, -ify to make (v)
-ism the practice of (n)
-ist one is occupied with (n)
-less without, lacking (adj)
-logue, -log
a particular kind of
speaking or writing (n)
-ness the quality of (n)
-ship the art or skill of (n)
-tude the state of (n)
-ize, -ise become
-ful notable for, full of (adj)
-ious, -ous characterized by
The Rosetta Stone
Brown - Black Belt Edition
Latin Roots
aud hear
capit, capt head or chief
cide, cise cut, kill
corp body
dic, dict speak, tell
flu, flux,
fluc, fluv
to flow
grad, grid,
to step, to
walk, degree
pel, puls
to drive, to
port to carry
rect, recti,
straight or right
to break, to
stru, struct build
ven, veni,
to come, to go
voc, vok
to call, to
Greek Combining Forms
andro, anthro human
arch chief, ruler
ast, astro star
chrom color
chron time
crat, cracy rule, power
dem, demo people
dyn, dynamo strength
meter, metr measure
form, structure,
nym name, word
pan all
disease, feeling,
phil, phila,
affinity for

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