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34 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 GEAR TECHNOLOGY www. gear technol ogy. com www. power t ransmi ssi on.

Figure 1Local stock removal depending on the process strategy.
Discontinuous gear profile grinding is com-
monly used in the manufacture of large-module
gears. And because the batch sizes are typically
small to medium, the process must be highly flex-
ible. In order to achieve this flexibility, dress-
ablerather than CBN-platedgrinding wheels
can be applied. But in using these tools, the
process robustness can be compromised by local
structural damagesuch as grinding burnto
the external zone.
In tooth-flank profile grinding, due to the
variation of contact conditions along the profile
between grinding wheel and tooth flank, process
optimization is difficult. And in comparison with
other grinding processes, these conditions clearly
lead to varying grinding conditions along the
profile. Examination of the complex geometrical
and contact conditions requires fundamental tech-
nological investigations in an analogy process.
In this way, the relationship between various
material removal conditions can be investigated
as functions of the machining parameters and
grinding wheel specifications.
The purpose of this article is to develop a
better process understanding in order to use
new potentials for process optimization. The
knowledge gained in the analogy process is the
basis for a new mathematical model, allowing
that understanding to be transferred to the real
Optimization of the Gear Profile Grinding
Process Utilizing an Analogy Process
Christof Gorgels, Heiko Schlattmeier, and Fritz Klocke
Management Summary
The requirements for transmission gears have con-
tinuously increased in past years, leading to the necessity
for improvements in manufacturing processes. On the
one hand, the material strength is increasing, while on the
other there is a demand for higher manufacturing quality.
For those reasons, increasing numbers of gears have to
be hard-finished.
The appearance of grinding burn in gear profile
grinding, especially when using dressable grinding
wheels, seemed to increase over the past years. As we
know, grinding burn reduces the load-carrying capacity
of gears tremendously. Conversely, costs need to be cut
in order to assure a companys competitive position in the
global market. And yet, reducing the machining times in
gear grinding still increases the risk of producing grind-
ing burn (Ref. 1).
In order to grind gears burn-free and as produc-
tively as possible, a better understanding of the process
is required. This is especially important for gear profile
grinding, due to the complex contact conditions between
workpiece and grinding wheel (Refs. 23). In this article,
an analogy process and a process model will be presented
in order to gain a closer look into the process. Finally,
different process strategies will be analyzed using the
presented process model in order to give examples for the
use of the described calculations.
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Dipl.-Ing. Christof Gorgels is a research engineer
at the WZL Laboratory for Machine Tools and
Production Engineering. His area of expertise is
gear manufacturing, gear hard finishing and espe-
cially gear grinding and grinding burn.
Dr.Ing. Heiko Schlattmeier is in charge of tool
and fluid management for drivetrain manufactur-
ing at BMW in Dingolfing, Germany. The research
reflected in this article was conducted during his
time as the chief engineer of the WZL Gear Research
Department of Aachen University of Technology,
where his area of specialty was hard gear finishing
and gear form grinding.
Prof. Dr.Ing. Fritz Klocke is head of the Chair
of Manufacturing Technology and a member of the
directory board of the Laboratory for Machine Tools
and Production Engineering (WZL), a department of
the Aachen University of Technology in Germany.
Also, he is head of the Fraunhofer Institute for
Production Technology in Aachen, Germany.
process. Finally, a process optimization for gear
profile grinding using this mathematical model
will be presented.
Local Stock Removal and Grinding Burn
in Gear Profile Grinding
Local grinding conditions along the profile
in gear profile grinding. Basically, there are two
process strategies that are commonly used for
gear profile grinding in industrial practice. The
left side of Figure 1 shows a grinding process
with the removal of an equidistant stock along
the profile. These are typical contact conditions
occurring in single-flank grinding, with an in-
feed realized by a rotation of the workpiece
(Refs. 2, 4).
The right side of Figure 1 shows the removal
of a constant stock in the radial direction, real-
ized by a radial infeed of the grinding wheel
in multiple steps. This is the process strategy
most commonly used in industrial practice. It
is obvious that the initial stock removal is not
constant along the profile. In the first cut, stock
is removed in the area of the root flank only.
With further infeed, the area of stock removal is
increasing. The whole stock in the tooth root is
removed in the last cut only.
Appearance of grinding burn in gear pro-
file grinding. Typically, grinding burn appears
only locally along the tooth profile in gear profile
grinding. This is due to either the chosen process
strategy or heat distortions and centering defaults.
In this article, two examples of local grinding
burndependent upon the process strategy
will be shown. For these trials, a typical truck
gear from the case-hardened steel 20MnCr5E has
been ground using a dressable, white corundum
grinding wheel and using different process strate-
gies. The tooth gaps have all been pre-ground in
order to remove the influence of heat distortions
and to ensure a constant stock removal in either
infeed or equidistant direction.
The results for a radial infeed of the grinding
wheel without grinding the tooth root are shown
in Figure 2. In the trials, a variation of the spe-
cific stock removal rate Q'w has been realized by
a variation of the axial feed speed f
. The picture
in the lower left shows the tooth flanks after nital
etching. It is readily apparent that the grinding
burn appears only in the area of the tip flank.
Additionally, technological trials have been
conducted with a constant stock removal along
the gear tooth profile (see results in Figure 3).
The specific stock removal rate Q'w varies in
this operation along the tooth profile. The values
shown in the chart are calculated at the index-
ing diameter in order to be comparable to the
previous results. The picture in the lower-left
Figure 2Typical grinding burn for radial infeed of the grinding wheel.
Figure 3Typical grinding burn for equidistant infeed of the grinding wheel.
36 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 GEAR TECHNOLOGY www. gear technol ogy. com www. power t ransmi ssi on. com
corner shows the gear after nital etching, and
the tempered zone has moved from tip flank to
root flank. Again, this is a typical phenomenon
for this process strategy of removing a constant
stock along the profile.
These results show that process strategy
greatly influences local grinding conditions and,
in turn, the area where grinding burn can appear.
But why this area in particular shows thermal
damage from grinding burn is not obvious. As
the diagrams showing the specific spindle power
P'c clearly reveal, the grinding burn nearly
always appears before the spindle power shows a
disproportionate increase.
Analogy Process for Gear
Profile Grinding
The main difference between gear profile
grinding and standard grinding is the varying pro-
file angle along the tooth flank. Investigations
of gear profile grinding can only show total
effects over the whole profile height and varying
grinding conditions. This is a major reason why
it is difficult to find out what leads to grinding
burn occurring only locally on the tooth flank.
In order to investigate the technological
conditions separately along the tooth flank, an
analogy process has been developed at the WZL
laboratory at RWTH Aachen University. The
basic setup of this analogy process is shown in
Figure 4. The left picture shows the varying con-
tact conditions along the tooth flank for a radial
infeed of the grinding wheel into a pre-ground
tooth gap. The radial infeed a
is constant along
the profile height, while the stock in normal
directions varies with the local profile angle .
On the right side of Figure 4, the analogy
process is shown. The local contact conditions,
infeed a
, stock s and profile angle of one
position of the gear tooth profile are transferred
to the grinding of a rectangular workpiece. In this
way, all possible grinding conditions occurring
along the profile can be examined separately.
The first trials using the analogy process have
been carried out using a corundum-white grinding
wheel, commonly used in industrial practice for
gear profile grinding. The machining parameters
have also been adjusted to those common in gear
profile grinding. The trials were conducted on a
Kapp VAS55P gear grinding machine in order to
keep the pre-conditions in the analogy process as
close to gear profile grinding as possible.
The workpieces are rectangular parts of the
case-hardened steel 16MnCr5E, with a hardening
depth of 0.9 mm. In the trials, a maximum total
stock of s = 0.4 mm was removed in the grind-
ing process. The hardness of 61 HRC was nearly
constant from the surface to this depth. The
Figure 4Analogy process for gear profile grinding.
Figure 5Workpiece data.
Figure 6Grinding forces depending on the profile angle.
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tion of profile grinding processes, an empirical
process model was developed to allow applica-
tion of the results from the analogy process to
profile grinding. In the analogy process, a large
number of trials with profile angles varying from
= 2 to = 90, and a stock varying from
s = 0.05 mm to s = 0.4 mm, were conducted.
A function shown in Figure 8 was chosen as an
approach in order to calculate the grinding forces
in profile grinding, based on the results of the
analogy process. The coefficients were deter-
mined using the least-squares method. Grinding
forces for conditions within the parameters tested
in the analogy process are calculated using linear
The graphs in Figure 8 show the correlation
between the measured value and the calculated
value for all three grinding forces in the different
coordinate directions. A perfect result would be
gained if all points were on the 45 line, mean-
ing that the measured values are exactly the
same as the calculated values. In this case, the
graph shows quite clearly that the points are very
workpieces were also ground before the trials in
order to assure a constant surface quality and to
remove the distortions from heat treatment. The
material structure, the hardness and the residual
stress profile are shown in Figure 5.
In Figure 6, the grinding forces in the nor-
mal direction (F
) and in the tangential direc-
tion (F
)depending on the stock removal for
different profile angles and a constant stock of
s = 0.2 mmare shown. It is obvious that, with
a smaller profile angle, grinding forces increase
and the possible stock removal is significantly
lower. Especially in the steep areas, with a pro-
file angle of = 2, the initial grinding force is
very high, and it increases rapidly, indicating that
there is high wear of the grinding wheel.
However, for a large profile angle of
= 30, there is hardly any increase of the grind-
ing forces with the stock removal. Thus, hardly
any wear of the grinding wheel occurs. It can
therefore be stated that the larger the local profile
angle, the more material can be removed before
a dressing operation of the grinding wheel is
A reason for the tendency of the grinding
wheel to wear earlier with a smaller profile
angle can be attributed to the increasing contact
length caused by a decreasing profile angle.
The dependency of the grinding forces on the
removed stock s is shown in Figure 7. The
grinding forces in the tangential direction (F
and the direction normal to the surface (F
are displayed, depending on the stock removal
for different s and a profile angle of = 10.
The grinding forces increase with the stock s,
especially the maximum stock removal, until the
super-proportional increase of grinding forces
begins lowering significantly.
The results in the analogy process provide
a better understanding of the effects occurring
in gear profile grinding. It has been shown that
gear geometries with a rather small profile angle
lead to high grinding forces and to increased
wear of the grinding wheel. And yet, it is rather
difficult to transfer the results to the gear profile
grinding process directly. At this point, one must
analyze the local grinding conditions along the
profile and attempt to find similar conditions
in the analogy process. In order to more eas-
ily compare the profile grinding process to the
analogy process, developing a process model is
required. The model that has been developed is
explained below.
Transfer of the Analogy Results to the
Real Process of Gear Profile Grinding
Development of an empirical process model.
As a first approach to the technological descrip-
Figure 7Grinding forces depending on the stock s.
Figure 8Development of an empirical process model.
38 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 GEAR TECHNOLOGY www. gear technol ogy. com www. power t ransmi ssi on. com www. power t ransmi ssi on. com www. gear technol ogy. com GEAR TECHNOLOGY NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 39
close to this line, and that there is a very good
correlation between the measured and calcu-
lated values. Additionally, the stability index
amounts to values between r = 0.93 for the
tangential grinding force, and r = 0.98 for the
grinding force in the direction of the x-axisa
good result in this case.
Calculation of local grinding forces in
gear profile grinding. For the transfer of
these results to the profile grinding process,
a typical spur pinion with a gear geometry
of the FZG-C gear was chosen. It has z = 16
teeth; a module of m
= 4.5 mm; a pressure
angle of
= 20; and an outside diameter of
= 82.638 mm. The grinding wheel diameter
used to calculate the geometrical contact length
is d
= 200 mm.
As a good first example, a grinding process
with a constant stock s along the profile was
chosen. This is a typical process occurring in
single-flank grinding with an in-feed realized
by the rotation of the workpiece. The stock
amounts to s = 0.1 mm constantly along the
profile geometry. The radial infeed a
along the tooth flank due to the changing
profile angle . It amounts to a maximum of

= 1.239 mm in the area of the minimum
profile angle
3 on the root flank. The
distribution of the stock and the profile angle
versus the local radius is shown in the upper
diagram of Figure 9.
The lower diagram shows the calculated
geometrical contact length along the profile,
which varies from l
= 4 mm in the tooth root,

= 16 mm on the root flank, and l
= 5 mm
in the tip flank area. The stock removal related
to the length of the considered contour element
amounts to a constant value of V
= 2 mm/
mm along the profile. So it can be concluded
that, using this process strategy, the extreme
values for the infeed a
, as well as for the con-
tact length l
, can be found in the area of the
root flank below the root form radius.
The grinding forces have been calculated
for grinding 1, 16, 50 and 100 gaps. Even
though the workpiece does not have more than
16 gaps, these calculations make sense in order
to show the behavior of the grinding forces
after a high stock removal, which can occur
when grinding a similar gear with a much
larger face width.
By knowing the local contact conditions,
it is now possible to apply the results gained
from the analogy trials to the gear profile
grinding process. The first step is to transfer
the analogy trials contact conditions to each
point of the gear profile. These calculated con-
Figure 9Local contact conditions in gear profile grinding with a constant stock s along
the profile.
Figure 10Transference of the analogy results to gear profile grinding.
Figure 11Local grinding forces when removing a constant stock s along the profile.
38 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 GEAR TECHNOLOGY www. gear technol ogy. com www. power t ransmi ssi on. com www. power t ransmi ssi on. com www. gear technol ogy. com GEAR TECHNOLOGY NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 39
tact conditions are shown in Figure 10.
The different curves showing the tangential
grinding forces versus the stock removal are
representative of contact conditions occurring
in the gear profile grinding process. The x-axis
has a second label indicating the number of gaps
being ground after removing a certain amount
of stock. This method is rather time consuming,
and it is only possible to determine the grind-
ing forces in areas of the profile, i.e., where the
contact conditions (stock s and profile angle )
are known from the analogy process. Therefore,
the calculations of the local contact conditions
are used in order to calculate local grinding
forces, as opposed to using the process model.
The results of the calculations of the tangential
grinding forces related to the contour length of
= 1 mm versus the workpiece radius are shown
in Figure 11.
Those results show that the lowest grinding
forces of F

= 1.2 N/mm can be found in
the area of the largest profile angle, which is
the tooth root. Along the profile geometry, the
grinding forces are increasing up to a maximum
of F
t max
= 2.3 N/mm in the area of the root
flank just below the root form radius, where the
minimum profile angle
is found. The grind-
ing forces are then observed decreasing again, to
= 1.5 N/mm in the area of the tip flank with
a rather high profile angle. Furthermore, these
calculations show that the grinding forces are
increasing most when machining multiple gaps
in the area with the maximum grinding forces.
In this area, initial grinding burn can be expected
for this process strategy. This has already been
shown by Schlattmeier (Ref. 2).
The most common process strategy in indus-
trial practice is the radial infeed of the grinding
wheel. In this case, the local stock s varies
along the profile geometry. For typical trials, as
well as for these calculations, a pre-ground gap is
used in order to make sure that infeed a
is con-
stant along the profile. The important geometric
values for a radial in-feed of a
= 0.235 mm
versus the workpiece radius are shown in
Figure 12.
The local stock shows a maximum of
= 0.235 mm = a
in the area of the tooth
root, and lowers to a minimum short below the
root form diameter of s
= 0.02 mm. Towards
the tip flank, it increases againto a local
maximum of s = 0.2 mm. The contact length
is constant along the profile, but the oriented
stock removal shows an absolute maximum in
the tooth root, a minimum short below the root
form radius, and a local maximum in the area of
the tip flank.
Figure 12Local grinding conditions for a radial infeed of the grinding wheel.
With this data, it is now possible to calculate
the local grinding forces along the gear profile
geometry. The calculations of the tangential
grinding forces F
versus the workpiece radius
are shown in Figure 13.
The grinding force F
shows a maximum
in the tooth root and a minimum in the area of
the root flank, just below the root form radius.
Another local maximum can be observed in the
area of the tip flank. After grinding multiple gaps
in the area of the minimum forces, there is hardly
any increase. But in the areas of the tooth root
and the tip flank, grinding forces are increasing
with the number of ground gaps. Increased grind-
ing wheel wear can be expected, and grinding
burn is most likely to occur in these areas.
With these calculations, it is known that
in the areas found to be critical, grinding burn
occurs when using a radial infeed strategy in
gear profile grinding (Ref. 2). When grinding
the gear with a radial infeed including the tooth
root, a grinding burn occurs mostly at the tooth
root. When grinding the gear with a radial infeed
Figure 13Tangential grinding forces for a radial infeed of the grinding wheel.
40 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 GEAR TECHNOLOGY www. gear technol ogy. com www. power t ransmi ssi on. com www. power t ransmi ssi on. com www. gear technol ogy. com GEAR TECHNOLOGY NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 41
without the tooth root, the grinding burn is most
likely to occur at the tip flank. These are the areas
where, based on these calculations, the maximum
grinding forces can be found.
Evaluation of Process Strategies
Using the Process Model
Following is an example for the evaluation
of process strategies, using the empirical pro-
cess model to calculate local grinding forces.
Grinding forces are calculated not only for one
grinding step, but also for an infeed strategy
using multiple steps, including deviations from
the desired shape that can be due, for example,
to centering deviations. It is only necessary to
be able to calculate the local stock removed in
the evaluated cut, as well as in the local profile
angle. An example of this using the grinding of
a test gear will be simulated with three radial
infeed steps of 0.2 mm each. This means that the
first cut takes place at a center distance between
grinding wheel and gear which is increased by
Figure 15Tangential grinding forces for a radial infeed of the grinding wheel.
0.4 mm, compared to the final center distance
creating the final contour.
In Figure 14, the local stock in the direction
normal to the tooth flank s and the stock in
infeed direction a
are shown. In the first grind-
ing step, material is removed from the gear flank
only in the area of the root flank. In the infeed
direction, the infeed into the material is up to
= 1.0 mm, which means that a stock in normal
direction of s = 0.13 mm is removed. The result
is that, in the area of the root flank, nearly all the
stock is removed by completion of the first step.
In the last step, material is removed along the
whole profile, and the radial infeed amounts to
= 0.2 mm.
This is because the whole profile height has
been ground in the second step. In the area of the
root flank, only a very small amount of stock is
removed in the normal direction. While in the
area of the root and tip flanks, nearly all stock is
removed in the last cut.
The resulting grinding forces for these con-
tact conditions are shown in Figure 15. The
upper diagram shows the grinding forces in cut-
ting and normal direction for the first cut. The
drawn-through lines show the grinding forces
when grinding the first gap with a newly-dressed
grinding wheel. The broken lines show the
grinding forces for grinding the sixteenth and
last gap in order to gain an impression of the
development of the grinding forces with the set-
in time of the grinding wheel.
In the area of the root flank, very high local
grinding forces can be seen, and those forces are
increasing quite a lot with an increasing stock
removal. This means that this area is susceptible
to grinding burn in the first grinding step. To
reduce that burn risk, the center distance between
the grinding wheel and the workpiece must be
increased. However, this will require more cuts
and thus increase the manufacturing time on the
machine tremendously.
In the last grinding step, the grinding forces
are smaller than in the first. There is also a small-
er increase of those forces, with an observed
increase of material removal. It is nevertheless
apparent that the grinding forces are increasing
towards the tip flank and the tooth root. This
means that these areas are very sensitive to
grinding burn when using an infeed strategy for
a radial infeed of the grinding wheel. These areas
are known to be most critical towards grinding
burn, which can be seen in the grinding forces
(Ref. 2).
It can thus be concluded that the areas most
critical to grinding burn can be evaluated by a
calculation of the local grinding forces. While
Figure 14Local stock removal in infeed direction a
and normal to the profile s.
40 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 GEAR TECHNOLOGY www. gear technol ogy. com www. power t ransmi ssi on. com www. power t ransmi ssi on. com www. gear technol ogy. com GEAR TECHNOLOGY NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 41
the area of the root flank is most susceptible
to grinding burn occurring in the first grinding
step, the areas of the tooth root and the tip flank
are most susceptible for burn in the last grind-
ing step. Using this calculation of the grinding
forces, it can be evaluated qualitatively how criti-
cal a gear geometry is in relation to grinding burn
towards another, and if the chosen infeed strategy
is critical as well.
Summary and Outlook
Gear profile grinding, especially using dress-
able grinding wheels, is a process rather sensi-
tive to grinding burn. It therefore is important
to understand the process well in order to either
prevent grinding burn or, at minimum, if a grind-
ing burn appears, to be able to change the process
in a way that prevents it. This is especially impor-
tant since grinding burn reduces the hardness of
the external layer, and leads to tensile stresses
which reduce the load-carrying capacity of the
gear, thereby making gear failures more likely.
The main consideration when trying to better
understand the process of gear profile grinding is
the constantly changing contact conditions along
the profile. In real process trials, only effects
resulting from all those contact conditions along
the profile can be observed. And since grind-
ing burn, in most cases, occurs only locally, the
effect on values like grinding power or grinding
forces often cannot be seen initially.
In order to attain better knowledge of the
effect of local grinding conditions on the process
behavior, an analogy process was established to
analyze them.
Rectangular workpieces were ground in a
clamping fixture that can be turned in order to
set the different profile angles occurring on a
tooth flank. Particularly in this analogy process,
grinding forces have been measured. The results
reveal that grinding steep profile angles leads to
a high risk of grinding burn, which can be due
to the increasing contact length, and, in turn,
can lead to a higher amount of energy conducted
into the workpiece. The main goal of these tests
is to facilitate an understanding of the real-time
Since the amount of heat conducted into the
material is proportional to the cutting force, a
process model has in fact been developed for
calculation of local grinding forces. This model
enables calculation of local grinding forces, pro-
vided local contact conditions and the set-in time
of the grinding wheel are known.
With the aid of this process model and
CASTOR software (with the ability to simulate
different gear finishing processes), various pro-
cess strategies in gear profile grinding can be
considered and analyzed. Calculations show that
in a radial infeed strategy of the grinding wheel
in the first cut, maximum forces are calculated in
the root flank area. In the last cut, the maximum
is calculated in the tooth root and the tip flank
areas known to be most exposed to grinding burn.
With these calculations, the reasons for this expo-
sure can be demonstrated. They also demonstrate
that for the removal of an equidistant stock along
the profile, the maximum forces can be observed
in the area of the root flank. This is also the area
known from the real process of gear profile grind-
ing to be most sensitive to grinding burn.
In order to evaluate the risk of grinding
burn, both qualitatively and quantitatively, future
research must focus on developing a specific
value. Since the level of grinding forces observed
depends very much on the ground profile angle,
the goal in developing a specific value is find-
ing a limit where, if the value exceeds the limit,
grinding burn can be observed independent of the
contact conditions.
1. Posa, J. Barkhausen Noise Measurement in
Quality Control and Grinding Process Optimiza-
tion in Small-Batch, Carburized-Steel Gear
Grinding, Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Barkhausen Noise and Micro-
magnetic Testing, July 23, 2001, Tampere,
2. Schlattmeier, H. Diskontinuierliches Zahn-
flankenprofilschleifen mit Korund, Dissertation,
RWTH Aachen, 2003.
3. Klocke, F. and C. Gorgels. Anstze zur
Entwicklung eines Schleifbrandkennwertes fr
das Zahnflankenprofilschleifen, Proceedings of
the 46th Conference on Gear and Transmission
Research. WZL, RWTH Aachen University,
4. Klocke, F. and H. Schlattmeier. Surface
Damage Caused by Gear Profile Grinding and
Its Effects on Flank Load-carrying Capacity,
Gear Technology, September/October 2004,
pp. 4453.

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