This document provides guidance for teachers on preparing students for the UPSR English Language examination in Sarawak, Malaysia. It summarizes the format and content of Papers 1 and 2, and offers tips for students depending on their ability band (A, B, C, or D). Teachers are advised to assess students' levels and provide extra support to weaker students. Emphasis is placed on developing students' grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing skills to perform well on the exam.
This document provides guidance for teachers on preparing students for the UPSR English Language examination in Sarawak, Malaysia. It summarizes the format and content of Papers 1 and 2, and offers tips for students depending on their ability band (A, B, C, or D). Teachers are advised to assess students' levels and provide extra support to weaker students. Emphasis is placed on developing students' grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing skills to perform well on the exam.
This document provides guidance for teachers on preparing students for the UPSR English Language examination in Sarawak, Malaysia. It summarizes the format and content of Papers 1 and 2, and offers tips for students depending on their ability band (A, B, C, or D). Teachers are advised to assess students' levels and provide extra support to weaker students. Emphasis is placed on developing students' grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing skills to perform well on the exam.
This document provides guidance for teachers on preparing students for the UPSR English Language examination in Sarawak, Malaysia. It summarizes the format and content of Papers 1 and 2, and offers tips for students depending on their ability band (A, B, C, or D). Teachers are advised to assess students' levels and provide extra support to weaker students. Emphasis is placed on developing students' grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing skills to perform well on the exam.
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English Language Unit
Academic Management Sector
Sarawak State Education Department 2012 Acknowledgements The ELEPS - UPSRTeam wishes to thank En. Bedui Bin Une, Ketua Sektor, Sektor Pengurusan Akademik English Language Enhancement English Language Enhancement Programme for Sarawak Programme for Sarawak (UPSR) (UPSR) Guru Besar, SK Kenyalang, Kuching Guru Besar, SK St. Joseh, Kuching Guru Besar, SK St. !ary, Kuching Guru Besar, SK St. Teresa, Kuching Guru Besar, SK Green "oad, Kuching Guru Besar, SK Samariang, Kuching Guru Besar, SK Jalan !uaraTuang, Kuching Guru Besar, SK #om$ined, Kuching Guru Besar, SK Satria Jaya, Kuching Guru Besar, SK Jalan Astana, Kuching Pn Sharon !ichelle #heng, SK Kenyalang, Kuching Pn. %ong &in, SK St. Joseh, Kuching Pn. 'atimah Bi$i Bt (amid, SK St. !ary, Kuching Pn. "egina Thomas Sadasi)an, SK St. Teresa, Kuching Pn. *e$$ie Ayun Ak. Janang, SK Green "oad, Kuching En. Kamarudin Bin !arari, SK Samariang, Kuching Pn. "osita &ynda Ak. Boni+ace ,ugi, SK Jalan !uaraTuang, Kuching Pn. !arcia Kathy #ham$erlin, SK #om$ined, Kuching Pn. Augustina Esau, SK Satria Jaya, Kuching En. Glyn Ak. Tian, SK Jalan Astana, Kuching And all who are in)ol)ed directly or indirectly +or their in)alua$le suort and contri$ution in making this ro-ect a success. %e hoe that our collecti)e and sincere e++ort in roducing this module will $ene+it the rimary school teachers in Sarawak. &et us work together to imro)e the standard o+ English as well as the UPS" English &anguage results. %ith Best %ishes 'rom The ELEPS Team *atin E)elyn "itikos Jaul En. Sariee Bin !inan Pn. .rene 'oo !ei &an English &anguage Unit Academic !anagement Sector Sarawak State Education *eartment INTRODUCTION The ELEPS Module is designed to help the English Language teachers in the primary schools to hae a !etter understanding o" the U#S$ E%amination& 2 'oweer( haing a good understanding o" the U#S$ E%amination is not enough to stand on its own& #upils need to !e taught good !asics o" the English Language especially in the areas o" grammar and writing skills as well as su)cient oca!ulary& Thus( the ELEPS Module will proide teachers with practical tips( ideas and resources& *t goes hand in hand with another use"ul and practical module + Pocketful Of Grammar& *t is hoped that this module will contri!ute to the enhancement o" the U#S$ English Language results and the standard o" English in the primary schools& English Unit Academic Management Sector Sarawak State Education Department A truly secial teacher is )ery wise, and sees tomorrow in e)ery child/s eyes. Author Unknown A teacher a++ects eternity0 he can ne)er tell where his in+luence stos. Henry B Adams 1ou can teach a student a lesson +or a day0 $ut i+ you can teach him to learn $y creating curiosity, he will continue the learning rocess as long as he li)es. Clay P. Bedford The +irst ro$lem +or all o+ us, men and women, is not to learn, $ut to unlearn. Gloria Steinem %ho dares to teach must ne)er cease to learn ohn Cotton !ana 3 CONTENTS TOPICS Page Number THE UPSR EXAMINATION: PAPER 1 5 THE UPSR EXAMINATION : PAPER 2 ( SK ) 7 THE UPSR EXAMINATION : PAPER 2 ( SJKC ) 31 COMPARISON OF BAND A, B AND C 39 TEACHING STRATEGIES 2 !ORD "IST 72 USEFU" "INKS #$ Teaching creates all other professions. ~Author Unknown The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward The average teacher explains complexity; the gifted teacher reveals simplicity. ~Robert Brault 4 ELEPS : The UPSR Examination PAPER 1 ELEPS : The UPSR Examination PAPER 1 SK And SJKC Schools i!s "or eachers he ask #upils are to answer ,0 multiple-choice .uestions / A# $# C or $ 0& %eneral &nformation 1& #upils are tested in the "ollowing areas1 A& 2oca!ulary 3& Social E%pressions 4& 5rammar D& Test 4ompletion E& $eading 4omprehension 2& #upils answer in a multiple-choice answer sheet !y shading their answers& 'er( &m!ortant) #upils should1 1& *E'ER shade two answers "or the same .uestion& 6o marks will !e gien een i" one o" the chosen answers is the correct answer7 2& Erase an answer to !e changed care"ully so as not to !e detected as haing two answers to the same .uestion& i!s "or eachers 1& #upils should hae a !asic command o" the English language& !asic grammar 8 a minimum range o" oca!ulary88 2& Teachers should pay attention to the correct use o" su!9ect-er! agreements& :& Spelling tests should !e gien regularly& ,& Encourage pupils to keep a handy ;!Bank< e%ercise !ook to write down good tips( new = di)cult words( interesting phrases and sentences& +Pocketful ,f %rammar ++-ear .# /# 0 1ord Lists 5 &ntroduction This section is designed to help teachers guide pupils to get !etter results& Look at the answers "or 3and A( 3and 3 and 3and 4( and decide at which !and you can start the pupils "rom& $emem!er that "ew pupils can start "rom 3and A& Start weak pupils at 3and 4 to !uild a good "oundation >rst !e"ore proceeding to 3and 3& $emem!er that success in e%amination is a!out hard work and the right attitude( not luck7
1hat the e2aminers look for E%aminers are o!iously looking "or the right answers7 'oweer the answers do not hae to match phrasing the e%aminer<s marking scheme word "or word& Understand the marking scheme as a whole / holistic iew 0& #upils do not get good marks "or writing many irreleant words = phrases = sentences& 5ood marks come "rom making correct and releant sentences& #upils should make sure that their answers are clear( easy to read and concise& E2amination echni3ues Pu!ils should4 spend the >rst "ew minutes o" the e%amination looking through the whole e%amination paper& use the allocation o" time gien "or eery .uestion as a good guide& use the e%tra time / i" any 0 wisely to check their answers & read through the answers care"ully to make sure that they do not make silly mistakes( use the wrong tenses( miss out important details or go out o" topic& ELEPS: UPSR Tips For Paper 2 [SK Shoo!s" 6 ELEPS: The UPSR Examination PAPER 2 ELEPS: The UPSR Examination PAPER 2 Learning Points Section A he ask The pupils are to write ? releant sentences a!out the picture gien& i!s he $,s Pu!ils4 @ study the picture care"ully and pay care"ul attention to the "ollowing details& @ ask themseles .uestions1 - 1ho are the people in the pictureA - 1hat are they doingA - 1hat is happeningA - 1here is the placeA - 1hat can they see in the pictureA @ use the same tenses throughout + The Simple #$ESE6T Tense and The #$ESE6T 4ontinuous Tense& @ write short( simple !ut correct sentences "or 3and 4& @ "or 3and A and 3( add suita!le ad9ecties = ader!s = phrases or compound sentences & @ write ,*L- what you SEE in the picture & @ aoid spelling or punctuation errors& @ need not use all the words gien& @ can use their own words !ut sentences must !e releant to the situation in the picture& @ can change the order o" the words gien& @ identi"y the characters( circle them and descri!e the actions&8 8a good tip / *llustrated in E2am!le 5+ 0 he $,*6s Pu!ils do not write in story "orm& / Do not state the time ( "or e%ample( Besterday( Last Monday C&&0 imply the characters as themseles and their "amilies / &# 7( # me# mine# 1e# our# ours) & write two sentences "or one num!er& repeat the same idea& / Do not write 2 sentences with the same meaning& 0 use any gien word that they do not know or is unsure o"& Section A 7 E2am!le 5 Look at the !icture carefull(8 1rite 9:e sentences a;out it8 -ou ma" use the words in the ;o2es to hel! (ou8 children garden playing hide-and-seek closing hiding !ranch under mother watching A good tip - *denti"ying the characters / persons( animals 0( circling them and descri!ing their actions& i!s "or <and C Pu!ils4 write sim!le !ut correct sentences& use suita!le oca!ulary to coney clear meaning& write clearly and neatly& remem!er to check "or punctuation and spelling errors& check the sentences they hae written a "ew times& *t helps to read aloud so"tly& Somehow wrong sentences do not sound right7 8 mother =watching=kitchen A little girl =hiding !oy = closing !etween two trees !ehind a !ig shady tree on the !ranch E2am!les of sentences = <and C 1& The children are in the garden& 2& They are playing hide>and>seek& :& $an9it is closing his eyes& ,& A girl is hiding under the ta!le& ?& A woman is watching them& i!s "or <and < Pu!ils write good sentences& These sentences hae correct su!9ect + er! agreements& @ write interesting sentences !y adding suita!le ad9ecties and = or ader!s& @ write a "ew compound sentences & These are two simple sentences 9oined !y and# or# because# but # while or so. @ show good punctuation and spellings& @ write neatly and correctly& @ check their sentences a "ew times especially the su!9ect-er! agreement& *t helps to read aloud so"tly& Somehow wrong sentences do not sound right7 E2am!les of sentences = <and < 1& There are four children in the ;ig garden& 2& They are ;us( playing hide-and-seek& :& $an9it is closing his eyes while his "riends are hiding& ,& The little girl is hiding under an old ta;le and Ahmad is hiding ;ehind a tree8 ?& Ahmad6s mother is watching them& i!s "or <and A Pu!ils write e%cellent sentences& These sentences hae correct su!9ect + er! agreements& @ write interesting sentences !y adding suita!le ad9ecties and = or ader!s& @ write a "ew compound sentences & These are two simple sentences 9oined !y and, or, because, but , hile or so & @ write a "ew comple% sentences / not ;complicated< sentences 0& @ show good punctuation and spelling& @ write neatly and correctly& @ check their sentences a "ew times especially the su!9ect-er! agreements& *t helps to read aloud so"tly& Somehow wrong sentences do not sound right7 @ Aoid ;com!licated< sentences7 9 E2am!le of <and A sentences 1& Ahmad# Ran?it# 7ei Lee and Jelina are playing outdoors& 2& They are ;us( playing hide-and-seek in the ;ig garden& :& $an9it is closing his eyes while his three "riends are hiding in di@erent !laces8 ,& Mei Lee is hiding under an old ta;le and Delina is hiding ;ehind a ;ig shad( tree8 ?& Ahmad6s mother is watching them from the kitchen window& E2am!le A = Buestion 5 Look at the !icture carefull(8 1rite 9:e sentences a;out it -ou ma" use the words in the ;o2es to hel! (ou8 illagers general cleaning preparing "ood drain painting hoe collecting dried leaes wheel!arrow E2am!les of sentences = <and C 1& The illagers are doing general cleaning& 2& The ladies are preparing "ood& :& Some men are collecting the dried leaes& ,& A man is pushing the wheel!arrow& ?& Another man is painting the wall& E2am!les of sentences = <and < 1& The hardworking illagers are doing general cleaning& 2& The ladies are preparing a lot of "ood for e:er(one& :& wo men are collecting the dried leaes and another man is pushing the wheel!arrow& ,& A man is painting the wall while another one is cleaning the drain& ?& E:er(one is working hard8 E2am!les of sentences = <and A 10 1& The hardworking illagers in Kam!ung <aru are doing general cleaning& 2& The ;us( ladies are preparing a lot of nice "ood for lunch& :& Encik A@endi and Uncle an are collecting the dried leaes and 7r Sam( is pushing the wheel!arrow& ,& 7r %erlan is painting the wall of the ;uilding carefull( while Encik Ahmad is cleaning the dirt( drain& ?& Eery!ody is co>o!erati:e and ;us( doing their work& SEC&,* < he ask $uestion B %&A'( #upils transfer information correctly& $uestion B %&B'( #upils1 1& make a choice& 2& gi:e reasons to support their choice& E2am!les of Section < > Buestion AA and Buestion A< E2am!le 5 Study the in"ormation gien !elow care"ully& Then complete the ta!le using the in"ormation gien& Bou are adised to spend a!out 2? minutes on this .uestion& *t is your teacher <s !irthday& Bou plan to !uy her a gi"t& Ehich gi"t would you chooseA 5ie reasons "or your choice& Purse Scarf <louse 11 i!s Buestion AA Pu!ils4 look at the pictures& read the in"ormation gien care"ully a "ew times& trans"er only the re)uired % asked *or ' in"ormation& look at the e2am!les gien when >lling in the !lanks& make sure you !unctuate and s!ell correctl(& 3e care"ul with your capital letters e&g&( R( P# 7# L# K# S# &# 1# -# R7 and correct punctuation e&g&( !8m8 # a8m8 + co!( correctl( the in"ormation to the ta!le gien& 8 recheck your answers care"ully to aoid any spelling and punctuation mistakes& 8 write neatly and clearly& ECA7PLE 5 Buestion AA Purse Scarf <louse Price R7 AD8DD Colours <rown and ;lue 7aterial Silk $esign %eometric design Countr( &ndia SA7PLE A*S1ER ( 5 ) > Buestion AA Purse Scarf <louse Price $M 2F&F0 E R7 AD8DD $M ,F&F0 E Colours <rown and Lilac and red E Tur.uoise( 12 ;lue maroon and green E 7aterial #24 leather E Eool E Silk $esign %eometric design Gloral Moti"s E
3atik design E Countr( Thailand E &ndia Malaysia E $emarks 1 5D marks Analysis1 1& 4orrect in"ormation is trans"erred& 2& 4orrect spelling and punctuation& :& 4lear and good handwriting& 6ote to teachers 1 This is the section where all pupils should score7 Thus !ractice well in this section7 SA7PLE A*S1ER ( A ) > Buestion AA Purse Scarf <louse Price $m 2F&F0 H R7 AD8DD $M ,F(F0 H Colours <rown and ;lue Lllac and rea H Tur.uoise( maroun and green H 7aterial #24 leather E Eool E Silk $esign %eometric design Gloral Moti"S H 3atik design E
Countr( thailand H &ndia malaysia H $emarks 1 F marks lost due to unclear handwriting( punctuation and spelling errors&8 #upils are to a:oid making these mistakes at all cost7 i!s Buestion A< Pu!ils4 must make a choice& i! - a good choice is which they can gi:e good reasons "or that choice& A reason answers the .uestion +W,-. they made that choice& gie reasons !ased on the .uestion e&g&( To choose "or your sister = mother = "riend = "amily or yoursel"& write correct sentences& check their punctuation and spelling& write neatly and clearly& <and A ( E2cellent ) #upils must1 13 hae a good command8 o" the language 1 8good sentences correct su!9ect-er! agreement correct spelling correct punctuation use a ariety o" sentence patterns1 - simple sentences strengthened !y using ader!s = ad9ecties or !oth& - A "ew compound and comple% sentences& 6ote1 $, *, write com!licated sentences7 make a choice& his is :er( im!ortant) gie / = F++ good and releant reasons& write neatly and clearly& ++a good guide Sam!le Answer > <and A ! ould choose the ;louse !ecause it is :er( ;eautiful& 1 Een though it is e%pensie( it is made of high 3ualit( silk material82 So it is worth it8 : Silk is cool and comforta;le to wear8 , The ;atik design is suita;le for m( teacher ;ecause she wears clothes with ;atik designs e:er( hursda(8 ? ur3uoise is m( teacher6s fa:ourite colourI and the design is e(e>catching8J * hope my teacher will like my choice& Anal"sis( A choice ( G;louse6 ) is made& 6um!er o" good and releant reasons 1 J Ad9ecties 1 ery !eauti"ul ( high .uality( cool ( com"orta!le( eye- catching( "aourite 4ompound sentences 1 Silk is cool and com"orta!le to wear& Tur.uoise is my teacher<s "aourite colour and the design is eye- catching& 4omple% sentence 1 Een though it is e%pensie( it is made o" high .uality silk material& 6ote1 $, *, write com!licated sentences7 <and < ( %ood ) #upils must1 hae a good control8 o" the language 1 8sentences are simple !ut correct correct su!9ect-er! agreement correct spelling good punctuation use a ariety o" sentence patterns& 14 use ad9ecties and ader!s( use compound sentences& 6ote1 $, *, write com!licated sentences7 make a choice& his is :er( im!ortant) gie /++ good and releant reasons& write neatly and clearly& ++a good guide Sam!le answer > <and < ! ould choose the ;louse !ecause it is :er( ;eautiful&1 he ;atik design is attracti:e and it suits m( teacher8 2 Silk is cool to wear8 : %reen is m( teacher6s fa:ourite colour8 , The !louse costs $M ,F&F0& & ha:e R7 /D8DD8 ? So & can a@ord to ;u( it8 I * hope my teacher will like my choice& Anal"sis( A choice ( G;louse6 ) is made& 6um!er o" good and releant reasons1 I Ad9ecties1 ery !eauti"ul( attractie( cool( "aourite 4ompound sentences1 The !atik design is attractie and it suits my teacher& <and C ( 7inimum Pass ) #upils must1 !e a!le to write short( simple !ut correct sentences& !e a!le to spell& !e a!le to punctuate correctly& make a choice& his is :er( im!ortant) gie A = .++ good and releant reasons& write neatly and clearly& ++a good guide Sam!le answer = <and C * would choose the ;louse !ecause it is !rett(8 1 She likes green8 2 She lo:es ;atik design8 : & ha:e the mone( to ;u( the ;louse8 , * hope my teacher will like the !louse& Anal"sis( A choice is made& 6um!er o" good and releant reasons 1 , 15 Sentences are ery simple !ut correct& Ad9ecties 1 pretty 888Take note o" the di@erence !etween statements and reasons& E%amples1 Statements Reasons The !louse costs $M ,F&F0& * can !uy the !louse !ecause * hae $M ?0&00& The colours are tur.uoise( maroon and green& My teacher loes green& The !louse is made in Malaysia& Ee must support products made in Malaysia& The !louse is made o" silk& Silk is cool and com"orta!le& *n"ormation is gien& 8 Answer the .uestion G1H-68 Section < E2am!le A "tudy the advertisements belo. Then complete the table using the information given. "ill (our time with fun and useful acti:ities) : days 2 nights K6LB R7.DD8DD !er !erson Accommodation at #alm 3each $esort Tents and other camping e.uipment are proided Snorkelling and !oat tour around the island , days : nights K6LB R7//D8DD !er !erson Accommodation1 Tents /camping e.uipment proided0 3ird-watching( canopy walk and cae e%ploring 16 : days 2 nights K6LB R7ADD8DD !er !erson Accommodation at 4amp #ermai 4a!ins 3ird-watching and 9ungle-trekking (<) #ou ould like to go to one of the camps. $ased on the information given, hich cam/ ould you choose% Give reasons for your choice. Buestion A ( A ) Lo:e *ature Cam! S!orts Cam! English Cam! 'enue Palm <each Resort $uration . da(s I nights Cost R7 ADD8DD Acti:ities <ird>watching# cano!( walk# ca:e e2!loring Accommodati on ents Sam!le Answer 5 Lo:e *ature Cam! S!orts Cam! English Cam! 'enue Palm <each Resort 5ading 6ational #ark L 4amp #ermai L $uration : days 2 nights L . da(s I nights : days 2 nights L Cost $M ,00&00 L $M ??0&00 L R7 ADD8DD Acti:ities Snorkelling( !oat tour L <ird>watching# cano!( walk# ca:e e2!loring 3ird-watching( 9ungle-trekking L Accommodati on ents Tents L 4a!ins L 17 $emarks 1 5D marks Analysis1 1& 4orrect in"ormation is trans"erred& 2& 4orrect spelling and punctuation& :& 4lear and good handwriting& 6ote to teachers1 This is the section where all pupils should score7 Thus !ractice well in this section7 Sam!le Answer A Lo:e *ature Cam! S!orts Cam! English Cam! 'enue Palm <each Resort 5ading 6ationaL #ark H camp #ermai H $uration : day 2 nights H . da(s I nights : days 2 nights L Cost rm ,00&00 H $M ??0&00 L R7 ADD8DD Acti:ities Snorkalling( !oat tour H <ird>watching# cano!( walk# ca:e e2!loring 3ird-watching( 9ungle trekking H Accommodatio n ents TentS H 4a!ins L $emarks 1 F marks lost due to unclear handwriting( punctuation and spelling errors&8 #upils are to a:oid making these mistakes at all cost7 Buestion A< Sam!le Answer > <and A * would choose the S!orts Cam! !ecause & lo:e outdoor acti:ities& 1 %ading *ational Park is a ;eautiful !lace8 2 <ird>watching and cano!( walk are m( fa:ourite outdoor acti:ities8 : The cost is $M??0 per person& E:en though it is e2!ensi:e# & don6t mind !a(ing for a great e2!erience8 , he three acti:ities are interesting# challenging and e2citing8 ? he( can make me 9t and strong8 I & ha:e ne:er sta(ed in a tent so it would ;e a great ad:enture for me8 J Anal"sis( A choice ( GS!orts Cam!6 ) is made& 6um!er o" good and releant reasons 1 J 6ew words1 e%perience( adenture( >t( strong Ad9ecties1 "aourite( great( interesting( challenging( e%citing 4ompound sentences1 3ird-watching and canopy walk are my "aourite outdoor actiities& The three actiities are interesting( challenging 18 and e%citing& 4omple% sentence 1 Een though it is e%pensie( * don<t mind paying "or a great e%perience& * hae neer stayed in a tent so it would !e a great adenture "or me& Sam!le Answer > <and < * would choose the S!orts Cam! !ecause & lo:e outdoor s!orts8 1 & also lo:e cam!s8 2 %ading *ational Park is a ;eautiful !lace8 : The cost is $M??0 per person& 7( father can a@ord to !a( for it8 , he acti:ities can make me 9t and strong8 ? he( are also e2citing8 I Anal"sis( A choice ( GS!orts Cam!6 ) is made& 6um!er o" good and releant reasons 4 I 6ew words1 aMord( Ad9ecties1 >t( strong( e%citing 4ompound sentences1 The actiities can make me >t and strong& Sam!le Answer > <and C * would choose the S!orts Cam! !ecause & lo:e s!orts8 1 & also lo:e cam!s8 2 The cost is $M??0 per person& 7( father will !a( for it8 : he cam! is good8 , & like ;ird>watching8 ? Anal"sis( A choice ( GS!orts Cam!6 ) is made& 6um!er o" good and releant reasons 4 ? Sentences are ery sim!le !ut correct& 6ew words 1 pay( loe( like( Ad9ecties 1 good Take note o" the di@erence !etween statements and reasons& E%amples1 Statements Reasons The camp costs $M ??0 per person& The camp is e%pensie !ut my "ather can aMord it& Ee lie in tents& *t is e%citing to lie in tents& The actiities are !ird-watching( canopy walk and cae e%ploring& 3ird-watching( canopy walk and cae e%ploring are interesting actiities& 19 The duration o" the camp is , days and : nights& * can learn many things in , days& *n"ormation is gien& 8 Answer the .uestion G1H-68 Section < (A<) A Useful List of Sim!le Reasons *ote to teachers4 3elow is the list o" reasons "or the diMerent areas in simple sentences to help weaker pupils& *o 8 Areas Reasons 1& Place J 'enue J Location E%amples1 the train station( the park( 'ilton 'otel * can go there easily& *t is near my house& * can go there on Sunday& *t is a nice = !eauti"ul =sa"e place& 2& Societ( J Clu;s E%amples 1 The 3oys Scouts( The $ed 4rescent Society( The English 4lu! *t is an en9oya!le society& *t is an interesting clu!& * can gain more knowledge& * can improe my English& * can learn new things& * can make new "riends& *t teaches me to !e con>dent& *t teaches me to !e independent& :& Price J "ee J "are J Rent J Cost E%amples 1 #rice = 4ost o" a pair o" shoes 1 $M :0&00 Ta%i "are to the airport 1 $M 2?&00 'ouse Monthly $ental 1 $M ,00&00 Monthly tuition "ee 1 $M ?0&00 *t is reasona!le& *t is a reasona!le price& *t is aMorda!le& *t is within my !udget& * can aMord it& The price is low& The "ee is aMorda!le& *t is cheap& * can aMord to !uy it& * hae enough money to !uy it& ,& "ree gifts J discountsJ o@ers J sou:enirs E%amples 1 a pencil !o% a so"t toy : pencils *t is an attractie oMer& They are attractie oMers& * can sae my pocket money& So * do not hae to !uy it = them& * don<t hae to spend more money& 20 ?& "ood J $rinks J 7enu J $ishes J 7eal E%amples 1 "ried noodles =rice "resh orange 9uice yummy "ried chicken *t is delicious = tasty& *t is nutritious& *t is my "aourite drink = "ood& *t is good "or health& *t is a re"reshing drink& I& rans!ort E%amples 1 Easy Det 2*# Lu%ury 4oach Gast $ail *t is com"orta!le& *t is conenient& The "are is reasona!le = aMorda!le& * can rest during the 9ourney& *t is a good =sa"e way o" traelling& *t is "ast& * can en9oy the scenery& J& "acilit( J "acilities E%amples 1 the swimming pool( the li!rary( the park( the playground( the gym * can en9oy them& * can use them& *t is com"orta!le& *t is conenient to go there& * can play=e%ercise there& N& $ate J ime J $uration E%amples 1 ? May 2012 :&00 p&m& + ?&00 p&m& , days : night * am "ree during that time& * can use my time use"ully& * would not "eel !ored& F& Colour J "ashion J Pattern J $esign E%amples 1 !lue( green( red !louse( gown( skirt( !atik *t is !eauti"ul = attractie = eye-catching& *t is my "aourite colour = design& *t suits me& *t is the latest "ashion = pattern = design& 10& ,ccu!ation E%amples 1 teacher policeman engineer * can earn a good salary& *t teaches me to !e responsi!le& * hae always wanted to !e a teacher = policeman = engineer& * will !e a!le to support my "amily = parents ne%t time& *t is a good 9o!& 11& Pen>!al J "ace;ook friend E%amples 1 a pen-pal in Australia a Gace!ook "riend in Thailand Ee can e%change ideas& Ee hae the same interest& Ee hae the same ho!!ies& * can learn a!out his = her country& 12& Pets 21 E%amples 1 cat dog ra!!it >sh *t is cute& *t is easy to look a"ter= to take care o"& *t is easy to "eed& * can play with it& *t can !e my good companion& * loe animals&
1:& 7aterial J Clothes E%amples 1 silk cotton leather *t is cool& *t is com"orta!le& *t is lasting& *t is worth to !uy it& *t is o" good .uality& 1,& Conclusion * am sure * hae made a good choice& * am happy with my choice& SEC&,* C ECA7PLE 5 Look at the pictures !elow& Erite a story a!out the pictures& Bou ma( use the words gien to help you& Erite your answer in the space proided& 22 <A*$ A ( ECCELLE* ) &PS 1& $ead the instructions gien& 2& $, *, go out o" topic& :& Study the pictures and notes gien care"ully& ,& Use the notes gien& ?& Add in your own words& Try to add in ad9ecties /e&g& hardworking( responsi!le 0 and ader!s / e&g& .uickly( loudly 0 I& Add in interesting phrases& E%amples 1 the girl ith the most beautiful smile O the hut in the middle of the padi &eld J& Add supporting sentences to make the story interesting( clear and meaning"ul& N& Make your sentences interesting and creatie / $ead tips ?(I(J 0 23 F& $o not use the words gi:en if (ou are not sure of the meaning& 10& Erite simple( compound / 9oining words 1 and( or( !ut( !ecause ( while 0 and comple% sentences& 11& 4heck your spelling( grammar and punctuation& 12& Tenses and su!9ect-er! agreement must !e correct& 1:& Erite neatly and clearly& SA7PLE A*S1ER ",R <A*$ A Last Saturday( a grou! of ;o( scouts "rom SP Eawasan went around the housing estate to collect old news!a!ers8 <efore collecting the news!a!ers# the( showed the !ermission sli! from their headmaster8 he( worked hard together and en?o(ed collecting the news!a!ers8 After a few hours# the ;o(s met at the school com!ound with the news!a!ers the( had collected8 Their capa!le group leader( Ali( called the recycling company& The man "rom the company came to school to collect the old newspapers& He weighed the news!a!ers carefull( and ga:e R70D to the ;o( scouts8 The man was ery happy to get a lot o" old newspapers& He thanked and !raised the hardworking ;o( scouts8 $uring the assem;l(# the ;o( scouts !roudl( donated the mone( to the school fund& he headmaster and the sta@ of teachers !raised them for their good deed8 They hoped that other clu!s and society would "ollow the scouts< good e%amples& he( ;o(s were :er( ha!!( ;ecause the( had contri;uted to the school fund8 Anal(sis4 a) Com!le2 sentences 4 1& Last Saturday( a group o" !oy scouts "rom SP Eawasan went around the housing estate to collect old newspapers& 2& 3e"ore collecting the newspapers( they showed the permission slip "rom their headmaster& :& A"ter a "ew hours( the !oys met in the school compound with the newspapers they had collected& ,& Their capa!le group leader( Ali( called the recycling company& ;) Com!ound sentences4 1& They worked hard together and en9oyed collecting the newspapers& 2& 'e weighed the newspapers and gae $MI0 to the !oy scouts& :& 'e thanked and praised the hardworking !oy scouts& ,& They !oys were ery happy !ecause they had contri!uted to the school "und& c) Phrases4 During the assem!ly( A"ter a "ew hours d) Ad?ecti:es4 hard( hardworking( capa!le e) Ad:er;s4 care"ully( proudly
24 <A*$ < ( %,,$ ) &PS 1& $ead the instructions gien& 2& Study the pictures and words gien care"ully& :& Use the notes gien to make your sentences ,& Add in ad9ecties /e&g& ( The hel!ful !oy scouts C& 0 and ader!s / e&g&( The !oy scouts were working ha!!il(& 0 where possi!le& /8 $o not use words that (ou are not sure of8 I& Erite simple and compound sentences / 9oining words 1 and( or( !ut( !ecause ( while 0 & J& Add a "ew supporting sentences to make the story clear and interesting& N& 4heck on your spelling( tenses and punctuation& F& Erite clearly and neatly& SA7PLE A*S1ER ",R <A*$ < Last Saturday( a grou! of ;o( scouts from SK 1awasan had a good actiity& They went round the housing estate to collect old news!a!ers& They went "rom house to house& he( en?o(ed collecting the news!a!ers together8
They worked :er( hard "or a few hours& Then they met at school& They collected a lot o" old newspapers& Their group leader called the recycling company& Soon# the man "rom the recycling company came to the school& 'e weighed the newspapers carefull(8 A"ter that( he gae $MI0 to the hardworking !oy scouts "or the old newspapers&
The !oys were ery happy to get $MI0& The ne%t day was the school assem!ly& The !oys !roudl( donated the money to the school "und& The headmaster and teachers praised them for their good deed8 The !oys were ery happy& Anal(sis ( <A*$ < ) 4 a) Com!ound sentences4 1& The headmaster and teachers praised them "or their good deed& Su!!orting sentences4 1& They worked ery hard "or a "ew hours& 2& The !oys were ery happy& ;) Phrases4 a group o" !oy scouts "rom SP Eawasan to collect old newspapers "or a "ew hours "or their good deed c) Ad?ecti:es4 good( hardworking( capa!le 25 d) Ad:er;s4 ery hard( care"ully( proudly <A*$ C (7inimum Pass) &PS 1& $ead the instructions care"ully& 2& Study the pictures and notes gien care"ully& :& Answer these .uestions 1 a0 EhoA !0 EhereA c0 EhatA d0 EhenA e0 EhyA "0 'owA ,& Do not use the words you do not know& /8 1rite sim!le sentences onl(8 I& 4heck on your grammar( spelling and punctuation& J& Erite clearly and neatly& SA7PLE A*S1ER ",R <A*$ C Last week# the !oy scouts collected old newspapers& They collected old newspapers "rom the houses& They !rought the newspapers to the school& hen they called the recycling company& They sold the newspapers to the man from the com!an(8 The man gae them $M I0 &The !oys scouts donated the money to the school "und& The headmaster praised the !oy scouts& They were happy& Anal(sis4 a0 1hoK the !oy scouts( the man( the headmaster( !0 1hereK Grom the houses c0 1hatK old newspapers d0 1henK Last week e0 1h(K to get money "0 HowK collected and sold old newspapers g) Su!!orting sentence 4 They were happy& E2am!le A SEC&,* C Q 1? MA$PSR 'rite the story based on the pictures belo. #ou may use the ords given to help you. 'rite your anser in the space provided. 26 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSS i!s "or <and A ( E2cellent ) Pu!ils4 1& look at the three pictures and read the words gien care"ully& 2& look "or clues to decide on type o" tenses to use to construct the sentences& - Simple #resent Tense = #resent 4ontinuous Tense - Simple #ast Tense = #ast 4ontinuous Tense / commonly used 0 :& use all the words gien where possi!le& $o not use any word that they are not sure o"& 27 ,& add new words and interesting e%pressions /ad9ecties( ader!s( proer!s( idioms and similes0 to get more marks& ?& add supporting sentence& I& use a ariety o" sentence patterns& Try to make short or simple sentences >rst !e"ore attempting to make compound or comple% sentences& J& make sure ideas are well planned and releant& N& check to make sure there are no spelling or punctuation errors& F& check to make sure that their su!9ect-er! agreement are correct& 10& write neatly and clearly& 11& use a good introduction and closure to make a story more interesting& Sam!le Answer "or <and A Last week# *ordin was getting read( to c(cle to school8 His mother shouted# G *ordin# remem;er to ;ring (our raincoat)6 G&t6s in m( ;ag) <(e# mum)6 replied 6ordin& So oM he went& The school day ended& 6ordin was tired and .uickly cycled home& Soon dark clouds started to form and there was a strong wind ;lowing8 *ordin ;ecame worried ;ecause his house was far from his school8 'e started to cycle as fast as lightning8 'e knew that it would rain at an( moment& 'e stopped his !icycle and .uickly got down& 'e wanted to get his raincoat "rom his !ag& To his disma(( he realiTed that he had "orgotten to !ring his raincoat& Sadly( he continued cycling& Suddenl(( it started raining cats and dogs& 'e was totall( drenched and was shi:ering with cold& 'is !ag was ery wet too& 1hen *ordin reached home# he 3uickl( !arked his ;ic(cle and ran into his house8 'is worried mother adised him to take a !ath immediatel(& She was grate"ul that her son had reached home safel(8 After taking his ;ath# he co:ered himself with a ;lanket to kee! warm8 'e "elt sick and was "eerish& 'is mother made him a hot glass o" milk !e"ore sending him to !ed& *ordin regretted for ;eing forgetful8 He !romised himself that he would ;ring his raincoat to school e:er( da(8 He had learnt his lesson8 Anal(sis4 58 A good introduction4 Last week( 6ordin was getting ready to cycle to school& 'is mother 28 shouted( ; 6ordin( remem!er to !ring your raincoat7< ;*t<s in my !ag7 3ye( mum7< replied 6ordin& So oM he went& A8 A good closure4 6ordin regretted "or !eing "orget"ul& 'e promised himsel" that he would !ring his raincoat to school eery day& 'e had learnt his lesson& I8 Com!ound sentences4 a& Soon dark clouds started to "orm and there was a strong wind !lowing& !& 6ordin !ecame worried ;ecause his house was "ar "rom his school& .8 Com!le2 sentences4 a& Ehen 6ordin reached home( he .uickly parked his !icycle and ran into house& !& A"ter taking his !ath( he coered himsel" with a !lanket to keep warm& ?& Ad?ecti:es4 strong I& Ad:er;s4 *mmediately( .uickly( suddenly J& Phrases4 proer!s( idioms and similes1 as "ast as lightning raining cats and dogs shiering with cold To his dismay i!s for <and < ( %ood ) ("or !u!ils) 1& Girst( look at the words and the pictures gien& 2& 5et an oerall idea o" what to write& :& Try to use all the gien words i" possi!le& ,& Bou may leae out the di)cult words& ?& Decide what tense /present( past or "uture0 you are going to use& I& Then make good sentences to make up a story a!out the pictures& J& Add ad9ecties and ader!s to make your story more interesting& N& Do not make long sentences& *t is !etter to make short and ;easy to understand< sentences& F& Knce you hae >nished( make sure to read your essay again& 10& 4heck your spelling( punctuation( grammar and oerall meaning& 11& Make sure your handwriting is neat and clear& Sam!le Answer "or <and < 29 6ordin is studying in Sekolah Pe!angsaan #ermai& 'e cycles to school eery day& Last week( 6ordin was cycling home "rom school& The sky was getting dark& There were dark clouds& *t was going to rain soon& *ordin was worried ;ecause he forgot to ;ring his raincoat8 Moreoer( his house was "ar "rom his school& Suddenly( it started to rain hea:il(& 'e got ery wet& 'is !ag was ery wet too& 6ordin cycled as fast as he could& He was :er( cold and scared8 At last he reached home& 'is worried mother was waiting "or him& 'e 3uickl( took a !ath& Then he drank some hot coMee& His mother co:ered him with a ;lanket ;ecause he was cold8 'e was "eerish& A"ter that( he went to !ed& 'e has learnt his lesson& 6ow( he remem!ers to !ring his raincoat to school eery day& Anal(sis4 1& Take note 1 The #resent Tense is used "or the introduction and closure !ecause 6ordin is still doing those things eery day& 2& Com!ound sentences4 a& 6ordin was worried ;ecause he "orgot to !ring his raincoat& !& 'e was ery cold and scared& c& 'is mother coered him with a !lanket ;ecause he was cold& :& Phrases4 with a !lanket( as "ast as he could ,& Ad?ecti:es4 worried( hot ?& Ad:er;s4 heaily( .uickly i!s for <and C ( 7inimum Pass ) ("or !u!ils) 1& Girstly( study the pictures gien& 2& Then( look at the words gien and try to relate the words to the pictures& :& Underline all the er!s gien and decide on the tense to !e used& ,& Then( construct simple sentences with clear meanings& ?& Do not use the words that you do not understand& I& Erite in short !ut correct sentences& J& 4heck your spelling and punctuation& N& Erite neatly and clearly& F& $ead your essay a "ew times& 30 Sam!le Answer "or <and C 6ordin is studying in SP #ermai& 'e cycles to school eery day& Kne day( 6ordin was c(cling home "rom school& 'e was worried & The sky was getting dark& Soon( it started to rain& 'is clothes and school ;ag got wet& 6ordin cycled .uickly& 'e was cold& 'e was a"raid& At last he reached home& 'e took a ;ath& Then( he drank some hot coMee& 'e coered himsel" with a ;lanket& 'e was sick& Anal(sis4 1& E%amples o" ery simple !ut correct sentences 1 a& 'e was worried& !& 'e was cold& c& 'e was a"raid& d& 'e took a !ath& e& 'e was sick& 2& Attempts to make ery simple sentences more interesting& a& 'e cycles to school e:er( da(& !& Soon( it started raining& c& 6ordin cycled 3uickl(8 d& At last he reached home& e& hen( he drank some hot coMee& 31 &P #heck your su$-ect2)er$ agreement. ELEPS: UPSR Tips For Paper 2 # S$KC Shoo!s% ELEPS: UPSR Tips For Paper 2 # S$KC Shoo!s% SEC&,* A Pu!ils must write a ;per"ectly< correct sentence7 should use all the gien words& E2am!les of correct and incorrect sentences E2am!les Correc t &ncorrec t 1& 2& :& They ;ought tickets& They !ought ticket& They !ought tickets = = = 1& 2& :& The !oys !ought two tickets& The !oy !ought too tickets& The !oys !ought two ticket ( = = = 1& 2& :& Dohn and AMendi ;ought two tickets at the counter& Dohn and AMendi !ought two tickets at counter& Dohn and AMendi !ought two tickets in the counter& = = = 1& 2& :& ,& ?& The dancers dance gracefull(8 The dancers are dancing gracefull(& The dancers dancing grace"ully& The dancer dances grace"ully& The dancers are dancing grace"uly& = = = = = 1& 2& :& ,& ?& The !eauti"ul dancers dance gracefull(& The !eauti"ul dancers are dancing gracefull(& The !eati"ul dancers dance grace"ully& Tree !eauti"ul dancers are dancing grace"ully& The !eauti"ul dancerS dance grace"ullB& = = = = = 1& 2& :& ,& The pretty dancers in their !eauti"ul traditional costumes are dancing gracefull( on the stage& The pretty dancers in their !eauti"ul traditional costume are dancing grace"ully in the stage& The pretty dancers in their !eauti"ul traditional costumes are dancing grace"ully on the stage The pretty dancer in her !eauti"ul tradisional costumes are dancing grace"ully on the stage& = = = = 32 888 Gor teachers 1 SP, the mistakes77 should descri!e the picture& / Erite only what they see& 0 should try to get as many marks as possi!le "rom this section& are ;greatly< encouraged to write simple !ut correct sentences to aoid grammatical( punctuation and spelling errors can change the word order& E2am!les 1 & 2 & !ought - tickets The tickets were ;ought !y the !oys& sandcastles - !each The children at the ;each are making sandcastles& should not change the "orm o" the word& 1 & ;ought L !uy H !uying H 2 & tickets L ticket H ticketing H : & dancers L dancer H dance H , & gracefull( L grace"ul H with grace H ? & selling L sell H sold H 8gien words are in !old SEC&,* < &nformation ransfer Pu!ils must gie the correct in"ormation& should look at the pictures / i" any 0 and read the gien in"ormation / notices( notes( posters 0 carefull(& should pre-read the dialogue = passage containing ? !lanks to !e >lled to get the general idea& choose and trans"er the correct in"ormation "or each !lank& should copy and punctuate correctly the in"ormation trans"erred& add words / e&g& articles( er!s( 9oining words 0 where releant only& punctuate where releant& check their answers to aoid trans"erring the wrong in"ormation& 33 *n"ormation gien 1 outdoor acti0it" rela1ing sa0es mone" The task1 Doe1 * hae an interesting ho!!y& * like >shing& *t is SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 4orrect trans"er 1 *t is an outdoor activity & Analysis1 The correct in"ormation / ;outdoor acti0it" ;' is trans"erred& 1& 4orrect spelling / ;outdoor acti0it" ; 0& 2& A word / the article ;an< 0 is added& :& 4orrect punctuation / a "ull-stop at the end o" the sentence 0& *n"ormation gien 1 HE <ES PUP&L ," HE -EAR 2i0a 3umar 4 5am Cheng 6ei ,ead 7re*ect 4 ,ead 5ibrarian 3ind and /olite 4 res/onsible and hel/*ul The task1 SDP4 4hing Li is haing a #riTe 5iing Day& The pupils hae to choose either Sia Pumar or Lam 4heng Mei SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 4orrect trans"er1 SDP4 4hing Li is haing a #riTe 5iing Day& The pupils hae to choose either Sia Pumar or Lam 4heng Mei as the $est Pupil of the year. Analysis1 1& The correct in"ormation is trans"erred/HE <ES PUP&L ," HE -EAR 0& 2& A releant word / ;as< 0 is added& :& 4orrect spelling / ;the 3est #upil o" the year( 0 34 &P 4 Section C !ake your essay interesting $y adding ad-ecti)es and ad)er$s where rele)ant. ,& 4orrect punctuation / a "ull-stop at the end o" the sentence 0& *n"ormation gien 1 HE <ES PUP&L ," HE -EAR 2i0a 3umar 4 5am Cheng 6ei ,ead 7re*ect 4 ,ead 5ibrarian kind and /olite 4res/onsible and hel/*ul The task1 Some o" the pupils pre"er Sia Pumar !ecause he SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and he sets a good e%ample to all the pre"ects&
4orrect trans"er1 Some o" the pupils pre"er Sia Pumar !ecause he is the )ead Prefect and he sets a good e%ample to all the pre"ects& Analysis1 1& The correct in"ormation is trans"erred /; ,ead 7re*ect ; 0& 2& $eleant words / ;is< ( a er! and ;the <( an article 0 are added& :& 4orrect spelling / ;/; 'ead #re"ect ;( 0 ,& 4orrect punctuation / a "ull-stop at the end o" the sentence 0& 35 &P 4 Section A %rite simle $ut correct sentences SEC&,* C 1R&&*% *ote to teachers #lease re"er to the tips "or SE4T*K6 4 / SP 012=2 0 / 1 0 / 2 0 / : 0 Sam!le Answer "or <and C ( 7inimum Pass ) 36 #*4TU$E /i0 Last week( the nurses were at the school hall& They came to check the !u!ils& The pupils waited outside& They had in?ections& #*4TU$E / ii0 A girl saw a !oy cr(ing& 'e was scared& 'e ran awa(& #*4TU$E / iii 0 A teacher talked to the !oy&& She !rought the !oy !ack to the hall& She gae him a chocolate !ar& Anal(sis4 1& EhoA the nurses( the pupils( a teacher( a !oy 2& EhereA the school hall :& EhatA in9ections( a chocolate !ar ,& EhenA last week Sam!le Answer "or <and < #*4TU$E /i0 Last week( a team o" nurses were in the school hall& They came to check the !u!ils& The pupils waited patiently outside the hall& They were a"raid !ecause the in?ections were pain"ul& #*4TU$E / ii0 Suddenly a !oy ran out o" the hall& 'e was cr(ing loudly& 'e was ery scared so he ran awa(& A girl outside the hall saw him& The nurse called him to come !ack& Another !oy was also crying& #*4TU$E / iii 0 The class teacher .uickly came and talked to the !oy gently& Then she ;rought+ him !ack to the hall& She gae him a chocolate !ar !ecause he listened to her& So the nurse was a!le to gie the !oy his in9ection& The nurse and the teacher were happy& Anal(sis4 a) Com!ound sentences 4 1& They were a"raid ;ecause the in9ections were pain"ul& 37 2& 'e was ery scared so he ran away& :& The class teacher .uickly came and talked to the !oy gently& ,& She gae him a chocolate !ar ;ecause he listened to her& ?& The nurse and the teacher were happy& ;) Su!!orting sentences4 1& The nurse called him to come !ack& 2& The nurse and the teacher were happy& c) Phrases4 a team o" nurses d) Ad?ecti:es4 pain"ul( happy e) Ad:er;s 4 patiently( loudly( .uickly( gently f) Change of word form 4 !ring ;rought Sam!le Answer "or <and A #*4TU$E / i 0 Last Thursday( a team o" nurses "rom the mo!ile clinic were in the school hall& They came to check the !u!ils and to gie them their in?ections& The pupils waited patiently outside the hall& They were a"raid and nerous !ecause the in9ections were pain"ul& #eter peeped nerously into the hall& 'e did not like what he saw& #*4TU$E / ii 0 Soon( it was #eter<s turn to hae his in9ection& Suddenly he ran out o" the hall& 'e was cr(ing loudly like a !a!y& 'e was ery scared to hae his in9ection so he ran awa(& Mandy who was outside the hall saw him& The nurse called him to come !ack& U 4ome !ack here ( !oy7< she shouted& Andrew ( who 9ust had his in9ection was also crying& #*4TU$E / iii 0 The class teacher( Madam Gatimah( .uickly came& She talked to #eter and gently persuaded him& Then she !rought him !ack to the hall& She gae him a chocolate !ar !ecause he listened to her& So the nurse was a!le to gie #eter his in9ection& ;Bou are a !rae !oy( #eter7< she praised him& #eter smiled widely& *t was a long day o" hard work "or the nurses& They were tired !ut happy & 3e"ore they went !ack( Mr& Tiong( the 'eadmaster came to thank the nurses "or their good work& Anal(sis4 38 a) Com!le2 sentences4 10 Last Thursday( a team o" nurses "rom the mo!ile clinic were in the school hall& 20 3e"ore they went !ack( Mr& Tiong( the 'eadmaster came to thank the nurses "or their good work& ;) Com!ound sentences 4 10 They came to check the pupils and to gie them their in9ections& 20 She gae him a chocolate !ar ;ecause he listened to her& :0 She talked to #eter and gently persuaded him& ,0 They were tired ;ut happy& ?0 'e was ery scared to hae his in9ection so he ran away& c) Su!!orting sentences4 10 #eter peeped nerously into the hall& 20 'e did not like what he saw& :0 The nurse called him to come !ack& ,0 U 4ome !ack here ( !oy7< she shouted& ?0 So the nurse was a!le to gie #eter his in9ection& I0 ;Bou are a !rae !oy( #eter7< she praised him& J0 #eter smiled widely& N0 *t was a long day o" hard work "or the nurses& F0 They were tired !ut happy & 100 3e"ore they went !ack( Mr& Tiong( the 'eadmaster came to thank the nurses "or their good work& d) Phrases4 a team o" nurses "rom the mo!ile clinic crying loudly like a !a!y e) Ad?ecti:es4 pain"ul( happy( a"raid( nerous( !rae f) Ad:er;s 4 patiently( loudly( .uickly( gently( widely g) *ote 4 1& There is a change o" word order& 2& ;a!le to< is omitted Com!arison of <and A# < and C 39 ECA7PLE 5 <A*$ C ( 7inimum Pass ) <A*$ < <A*$ A Last week# the ;o( scouts collected old news!a!ers8 he( collected the old news!a!ers from the houses8 he( ;rought the news!a!ers to their school8 hen the( called the rec(cling com!an(8 he( sold the news!a!ers to the man from the com!an(8 he man ga:e them R70D8 he ;o(s scouts donated the mone( to the school fund8 he headmaster !raised the ;o( scouts8 he( were ha!!(8 Last Saturday( a grou! of ;o( scouts from SK 1awasan had a good actiity& They went round the housing estate to collect old news!a!ers& They went "rom house to house& he( en?o(ed collecting the news!a!ers together8
They worked :er( hard "or a few hours& Then they met at school& They collected a lot o" old newspapers& Their group leader called the recycling company& Soon# the man "rom the recycling company came to the school& 'e weighed the newspapers carefull(8 A"ter that( he gae $MI0 to the hardworking !oy scouts "or the old newspapers&
The !oys were ery happy to get $MI0& The ne%t day was the school assem!ly& The !oys !roudl( donated the money to the school "und& The headmaster and teachers praised them for their good deed8 The !oys were ery happy & Last Saturday( a grou! of ;o( scouts "rom SP Eawasan went round the housing estate to collect old news!a!ers8 <efore collecting the news!a!ers# the( showed the !ermission sli! from their headmaster8 he( worked hard together and en?o(ed collecting the news!a!ers8 After a few hours# the ;o(s met at the school com!ound with the news!a!ers the( had collected8 Their capa!le group leader( Ali( called the recycling company& The man "rom the company came to school to collect the old newspapers& He weighed the news!a!ers carefull( and ga:e R70D to the ;o( scouts8 The man was ery happy to get a lot o" old newspapers& He thanked and !raised the hardworking ;o( scouts8 $uring the assem;l(# the ;o( scouts !roudl( donated the mone( to the school fund& he headmaster and the sta@ of teachers !raised them for their good deed8 They hoped that other clu!s and society would "ollow the scouts< good e%amples& he( ;o(s were :er( ha!!( ;ecause the( had contri;uted to the 40 school fund8 Com!arison of <and A# < and C ECA7PLE A <A*$ C ( 7inimum Pass ) <A*$ < <A*$ A 6ordin is studying in SP #ermai& 'e cycles to school eery day& Kne day( 6ordin was c(cling home "rom school& 'e was worried & The sky was getting dark& Soon( it started to rain& 'is clothes and school ;ag got wet& 6ordin cycled .uickly& 'e was cold& 'e was a"raid& At last he reached home& 'e took a ;ath& Then( he 6ordin is studying in Sekolah Pe!angsaan #ermai& 'e cycles to school eery day& Last week( 6ordin was cycling home "rom school& The sky was getting dark& There were dark clouds& *t was going to rain soon& *ordin was worried ;ecause he forgot to ;ring his raincoat8 Moreoer( his house was "ar "rom his school& Suddenly( it started to rain hea:il(& 'e got ery wet& 'is !ag was ery wet too& 6ordin cycled as fast as he could& He was :er( cold and scared8 At last he reached home& 'is worried mother was waiting "or him& 'e 3uickl(
Last week# *ordin was getting read( to c(cle to school8 His mother shouted# G *ordin# remem;er to ;ring (our raincoat)6 G&t6s in m( ;ag) <(e# mum)6 replied 6ordin& So oM he went& The school day ended& 6ordin was tired and .uickly cycled home& Soon dark clouds started to form and there was a strong wind ;lowing8 *ordin ;ecame worried ;ecause his house was far from his school8 'e started to cycle as fast as lightning8 'e knew that it would rain at an( moment& 'e stopped his !icycle and .uickly got down& 'e wanted to get his raincoat "rom his !ag& To his disma(( he realiTed that he had "orgotten to !ring his raincoat& Sadly( he continued cycling& Suddenl(( it started raining cats and dogs& 'e was totall( drenched and was shi:ering with cold& 'is !ag was ery wet too& 1hen *ordin reached 41 drank some hot coMee& 'e coered himsel" with a ;lanket& 'e was sick& took a !ath& Then he drank some hot coMee& His mother co:ered him with a ;lanket ;ecause he was cold8 'e was "eerish& A"ter that( he went to !ed& 'e has learnt his lesson& 6ow( he remem!ers to !ring his raincoat to school eery day& home# he 3uickl( !arked his ;ic(cle and ran into his house8 'is worried mother adised him to take a !ath immediatel(& She was grate"ul that her son had reached home safel(8 After taking his ;ath# he co:ered himself with a ;lanket to kee! warm8 'e "elt sick and was "eerish& 'is mother made him a hot glass o" milk !e"ore sending him to !ed& *ordin regretted for ;eing forgetful8 He !romised himself that he would ;ring his raincoat to school e:er( da(8 He had learnt his lesson8 Com!arison of <and A# < and C ECA7PLE SJKC <A*$ C ( 7inimum Pass ) <A*$ < <A*$ A P&CURE ( i ) Last week( the nurses were at the school hall& They came to check the !u!ils& The pupils waited outside& They had in?ections& P&CURE ( ii ) A girl saw a !oy cr(ing& 'e was scared& 'e ran awa(& P&CURE ( iii ) A teacher talked to the !oy&& She !rought the !oy !ack to the hall& She gae him a chocolate !ar& P&CURE ( i )
Last week( a team o" nurses were in the school hall& They came to check the !u!ils& The pupils waited patiently outside the hall& They were a"raid !ecause the in?ections were pain"ul& P&CURE ( ii )
Suddenly a !oy ran out o" the hall& 'e was cr(ing loudly& 'e was ery scared so he ran awa(& A girl outside the hall saw him& The nurse called him to come !ack& Another !oy was also crying& P&CURE ( i ) Last Thursday( a team o" nurses "rom the mo!ile clinic were in the school hall& They came to check the !u!ils and to gie them their in?ections& The pupils waited patiently outside the hall& They were a"raid and nerous !ecause the in9ections were pain"ul& #eter peeped nerously into the hall& 'e did not like what he saw& P&CURE ( ii ) Soon( it was #eter<s turn to hae his in9ection& Suddenly he ran out o" the hall& 'e was cr(ing loudly like a !a!y& 'e was ery scared to hae his in9ection so he ran awa(& Mandy who was outside the hall saw 42 P&CURE ( iii ) The class teacher .uickly came and talked to the !oy gently& Then she ;rought+ him !ack to the hall& She gae him a chocolate !ar !ecause he listened to her& So the nurse was a!le to gie the !oy his in9ection& The nurse and the teacher were happy& him& The nurse called him to come !ack& U 4ome !ack here ( !oy7< she shouted& Andrew ( who 9ust had his in9ection was also crying& P&CURE ( iii ) The class teacher( Madam Gatimah( .uickly came& She talked to #eter and gently persuaded him& Then she !rought him !ack to the hall& She gae him a chocolate !ar !ecause he listened to her& So the nurse was a!le to gie #eter his in9ection& ;Bou are a !rae !oy( #eter7< she praised him& #eter smiled widely& *t was a long day o" hard work "or the nurses& They were tired !ut happy & 3e"ore they went !ack( Mr Tiong( the 'eadmaster came to thank the nurses "or their good work& UPSR : Teaching Strategies LESS,* PLA* 5 ",R -EAR 0 ( %ood Class ) Eeek 1 Date 1 Duration 1 I0 minutes School 1 SP St Doseph( Puching& Location 1 Ur!an 4lass 1 I Arsenal Enrolment 1 ,0 pupils Leel o" #ro>ciency 1 Adanced Leel Su!9ect 1 English Language / $eading 0 Topic 1 Descriptions o" Scenes Su!-topic 1 Pinds o" 'otels #rior Pnowledge 1 #upils hae !ackground knowledge o" hotel industry Learning Kutcomes 1 2&1 K!tain in"ormation "or diMerent purposes !y c& reading materials in print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the *nternet& 2&2 #rocess in"ormation !y a& read / skim and scan 0 "or speci>c in"ormation and ideas& 2&: a& writing descriptions( instructions( recounts( e%planations( messages( letters( speeches( reports and articles& 4urriculum Speci>cations 1 2&1 ii $eading silently a ariety o" materials in print 43 and "rom the *nternet& 2&2 3& ii Skimming "or the gist o" the te%t& i& Using the dictionary to >nd the meanings o" words& %i& 4omparing and contrasting data collected "rom graphs( ta!les( charts and diagrams& 5eneral o!9ectie 1 To ena!le students to read and understand descriptions o" scenes o" diMerent kinds o" hotels& Speci>c o!9ecties 1 3y the end o" the lesson( pupils should !e a!le to1 a& orally answer .uestions pertaining to the slides shown& *Pre +eading, !& answer , .uestions !ased on the te%t correctly& *'hile reading, c& look at N words in !old in the sentences and >nd N words or phrases "rom the !o% that is similar in meaning 1correctly& *'hile +eading - 'orksheet ., d& note the similarities and diMerences o" : diMerent kinds o" hotels and list out the >ndings correctly& *Post +eading - 'orksheet /, Moral 2alue 1 To appreciate the wonder"ul nature o" earth& Teaching Materials 1 MS #ower#oint Slides( L4D( Laptop( $eading Te%t( Eorksheets 1( 2 $e"erences 1 Ministry o" Education Malaysia /20100& 4urriculum Speci>cations( English Language Bear I Matishwar Paur V et&( /20100& Purikulum 3ersepadu Sekolah Menengah& English Bear I& Tropical #ress Sdn& 3hd&1 Puala Lumpur& 44
How to Master Reading... In 7 Simple Steps: Teach anyone, ages 2-92, to read well 'phonicly'... with the 7 building steps of the beginning-to-advanced TOTAL PHONIC reading method