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Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas terstruktur Mata Kuliah “Teaching English as a Foreign

Dosen Pembimbing : Yusrah., M.Pd.

Disusun oleh :
Kelompok III
KIKI TRIYANA 2003030052


TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021

Praise be to Allah SWT, the almighty, for giving the writer the opportunity to complete this
paper. It is because of His grace and guidance that the author was able to complete the paper
entitled (Understanding the concept of reasoning and logic in philosophy) on time.
The paper (Communicative Language Teaching) was prepared to fulfill the task of Mam
(YUSRAH., M.Pd.) as a lecturer in the course (TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN
LANGUAGE) at (STKIP AL-MAKSUM LANGKAT). In addition, the author also hopes that
this paper can add insight for readers about understanding the concepts of reasoning and logic in

The author would like to express his deepest gratitude to Mam YUSRAH., M.Pd. as a lecturer in
the teaching English as a foreign language course. The task that has been given can increase
knowledge and insight related to the field occupied by the author. The author would also like to
thank all those who have helped in the preparation of this paper.

The author realizes that this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, constructive criticism and
suggestions will be accepted by the author for the perfection of this paper.
Communicative Language Teaching
1. Definition of Communicative Language Teaching
Communicative Language Teaching is best considered an
approach rather than a method. It refers to a disarve set of principles
that reflect a communicative view of language and language learning
and that can be used to support a wide variety of classroom procedures.
Communicative Language Teaching can be applied to the teaching of
any skill, and any level. Classroom procedure used in Communicative
Language Teaching are; a variety of games, role plays, simulation.
Communicative language teaching (CLT) refers to both
processes and goals in classroom learning. The central theoretical
concept in communicative language teaching is ‘‘communicative
competence’’. Communicative language teaching derives from a
multidisciplinary perspective that includes, at the least, linguistics,
psychology, philosophy, sociology, and educational research. The focus
has been the elaboration and implementation of programs and
methodologies that promote the development of functional language
ability through learners’ participation in communicative events. Central
to CLT is the understanding of language learning as both an
educational and a political issue. Language teaching is inextricably
linked with language policy.
Communicative language teaching puts the focus on the learner.
Learners’ communicative needs provide a framework for elaborating
program goals with regard to functional competence. There is some
principles of communicative language teaching, are: Language teaching
is based on a view of language as communication. That is, language is
seen as a social tool that speakers use to make meaning; speakers
communicate about something to someone for some purpose, either
orally or in writing.
Discussions of CLT not infrequently lead to questions of
grammatical or formal accuracy. The perceived displacement of
attention toward morphosyntactical features in learners’ expression in
favor of a focus on meaning has led in some cases to the impression
that grammar is not important, or that proponents of Communicative
Language Teaching favor learners’ ability to express themselves,
without regard to form. CLT has two main guiding principles, are:
a. First, that language is not just patterns of grammar with vocabulary
items slotted in, but also involves language functions such as
inviting, agreeing and disagreeing, suggesting, etc. which students
should learn how to perform using a variety of language exponents
(e.g. we can invite by saying “would you like to come to the
cinema?, Do you fancy coming to the cinema?, what about coming
to the cinema?, how about the film?, are you on for a film?, etc).
b. Second, that if students get enough exposure to language, and
opportunities for language use and if they are motivated than
language learning will take care of itself.
Communicative language teaching has had a though beneficial
effect since it reminded teachers that people learn languages not so that
they know about them, but so that they communicate with them.5
5Jeremy Harmer , How to Teach English,(Pearson Education Limited,2007)
Communicative language teaching aims broadly to apply the
theoretical perspective of communicative approach by making
communicative competence the goal of language teaching and by
acknowledging the interdependence of language and communication.6
2. Procedures of CLT
According to Jack C Richard and Theodore S. Rodgers,
communicative principles can be applied to the teaching of any skill, at
any level, and because of wide variety of classroom activities and
exercise types discussed in the literature on communicative language
teaching, description of typical classroom procedures used in a lesson
based on CLT principles is not feasible. And than as Savignon,
techniques and classroom management procedures associated with a
number of CLT classroom procedures (e.g. group activities, language
games, role plays), but neither these activities nor the ways in which
they are used are exclusive to CLT classroom.
3. Teacher and Learner Role
Teacher as a facilitator of communication process; need analyst,
counselor, and process manager in communicative language teaching
(CLT). And then the learner as negiator, interactor giving as well as
taking in communicative language teaching (CLT) activity.7
According to explanation above, in this case the students must
be more active than the teacher. And in this method the teacher just
6Diana Larsen-Freeman, Teaching and Principles in Language Teaching,
(UK: Oxford University Press, 2000), 121
7Ibid, 127.
only be counselor for the students, because the students as negiator and
the teacher as facilitator.

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