The Use of Smartphone On English Learning Quality of The First Grade Student at SMP Negeri 3 Banawa
The Use of Smartphone On English Learning Quality of The First Grade Student at SMP Negeri 3 Banawa
The Use of Smartphone On English Learning Quality of The First Grade Student at SMP Negeri 3 Banawa
By :
A. Background
The use of smartphones is a very important requirement for today's life which requires high mobility. The facilities in it are not only limited to
SMS (Short Messages Service) as in the 2000s. Smartphones are now equipped with several applications that can pamper users, who do not have to
go to an internet cafe, but with one click can immediately get the information you are looking for.
This has made smartphones one of the most actual and sophisticated communication developments in Indonesia over the last seven years. You can
also see the quality of various cellphone brands such as Samsung, Xperia, Huwai, Smartfren, Evercoss, Iphone, Asus, Xiaomi, Blackberry, Lenovo,
Acer, LG and many others. Each of them does not stop competing for market prey through the latest products that they have issued in a very short
period of time. Smartphones today have become a common need for people. Starting from children to the elderly, they are now able to operate
smartphones easily. Starting from an ordinary smartphone to the most sophisticated smartphone.
The use of a Smartphone has an impact on its users. The ease in technology makes users differ in their opinion in the context of accepting this
technology. There is a positive impact (increasing children's enthusiasm for learning) but also a negative impact (an impact on laziness, because
children are more concerned with their gadgets). Those are some of the impacts caused by using gadgets on children.
First, we polled 333 Japanese university students regarding their use of mobile devices. One hundred percent
reported owning a mobile phone. Ninety-nine percent send e-mail on their mobile phones, exchanging some
200 e-mail messages each week. Sixty-six percent e-mail peers about classes; 44% e-mail for studying. In
contrast, only 43% e-mail on PCs, exchanging an average of only two messages per week. Only 20% had used
a personal digital assistant.Second, we e-mailed 100-word English vocabulary lessons at timed intervals to the
mobile phones of 44 Japanese university students, hoping to promote regular study. Compared with students
urged to regularly study identical materials on paper or Web, students receiving mobile e-mail learned more
(P<0.05). Seventy-one percent of the subjects preferred receiving these lessons on mobile phones rather than
PCs. Ninety-three percent felt this a valuable teaching method.Third, we created a Web site explaining
English idioms. Student-produced animation shows each idiom's literal meaning; a video shows the idiomatic
meaning. Textual materials include an explanation, script, and quiz. Thirty-one Japanese college sophomores
evaluated the site using video-capable mobile phones, finding few technical difficulties, and rating highly its
educational effectiveness.
Teknologi era 4.0 menjadi hal menarik dalam bidang pendidikan, karena perkembangan teknologi telahditerapkan dalam mencapai integras i
kompetensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data tentang
keefektifan penggunaan aplikasi Edmodo sebagai media pembelajaran berbasis online untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa inggris siswa
melalui perangkat teknologi di kelas X MIPA 6 SMA Negeri 9 Semarang.
Metode yang digunakan peneliti adalahMix Method yang dikembangkan oleh Crashwell. Responden penelitian adalah 36 siswa di kelas X
MIPA 6 SMA Negeri 9 Semarang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa 77,7%
dari seluruh siswa X MIPA 6 memiliki gawai untuk membantu siswa menyelesaikan tugasnya, banyak diantara mereka menggunakan gawai
sebagai sarana penelusuran informasi dan permainan. Edmodo meningkatkan kosakata siswa melalui penamaan fitur serta komponennya dan
aplikasi ini baik bila digunakan untuk penugasan dan kuis untuk menunjukan progress siswa dalam belajar. Siswa lebih leluasa untuk
menanyakan kesulitan kepada guru dan sesama teman. 50% diantaranya siswa kesulitan untuk melampirkan penugasan dari file (Doc,
Pdf, Video, dan Audio) ke aplikasi Edmodo, selain itu aplikasi ini membutuhkan perangkat gawai dan koneksi internet yang baik. Edmodo
sangat baik dan efektif digunakan untuk pembelajaran bahasa inggris baik reading, writing, listening dan speaking berbasis online (e-learning).
B. English Learning
Learning English is developing English language skills contextually and acceptable according to the context and
conditions and daily situations of students.
Rita Mae Brown (born November 28, 1944) is a prolific American writer who rose to fame with the first novel Rubyfruit
Jungle; Rita Mae Brown is also an Emmy mystery writer and screenwriter.
Rita Mae Brown says that “Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where the people are coming from and
where they are going.” It means “Language is the road map of a culture. Language tells you where people are from and
where they are going.”
The meaning of this statement is that from our language we can infer where the person is from. Like when we
Indonesians use Indonesian, other people can conclude that we are Indonesians.
But when we speak English, we will carry an Indonesian accent. So that other people also don't understand what we
have. Therefore, it is important to learn English by choosing the right accent and accent.
C. Smartphone
Smartphone adalah telepon genggam yang mempunyai kemampuan tingkat tinggi, kadang-kadang dengan fungsi yang
menyerupai komputer. ... Bagi beberapa orang, smartphone merupakan telepon yang bekerja menggunakan seluruh
perangkat lunak sistem operasi yang menyediakan hubungan standar dan mendasar bagi pengembang aplikasi.
Lohr in Sawyer and Williams (2011) states that smartphones is a mobile phone equipped with a micro processor,
memory, display screen and built-in modem. Smartphones are a combination of personal functions digital assistant
(PDA) or pocket personal computer (pocket PC) with the phone (Sawyer and Williams, 2011). Apart from making
phone calls, its users can play games, chat with friends, use messenger systems, access to web services (such as blogs,
homepages, social networks) and search various information (Choi et al., 2015).
Theological Juridical basis 9 1
Foundation -UUD 1945
-normative -UU RI No. 20 of 2003
-Al-Quran and (SISDIKNAS)
Hadith -UU RI No. 14 of 2005 (Teachers
and Lecturers)
Title : the use of smartphones on the quality of learning English for grade 2 students at SMP
Negeri 3 Banawa
Nature / type of research : Qualitative
Research subjects : Grade 2 students of SMP Negeri 3 Banawa
Research object :
● Smartphone use (X)
● the quality of learning English for grade 7 students at SMP Negeri 3 Banawa (Y) Research
location : SMP Negeri 3 Banawa
Time: 2021-2022
Problems :
1. How to Use Smartphones for second Grade student at SMP Negeri 3 Banawa
2. How is the quality of learning English for second grade students at SMP Negeri 3 Banawa
Pariabel :
● smartphone use (X)
● the quality of students' English learning (Y)
* X ----- à Y
In qualitative research, a researcher is an instrument that looks for and collects data by direct
search, either by seeing, hearing and feeling it directly from the respondent as the source of the
Interview or interview is a process of dialogue between researchers and participants or sources
to obtain information. Interview instrument in the form of interview / interview guide.
Interviews can be conducted structured or unstructured (free). Structured interview means that
the researcher uses the help of interview sheets, and asks questions according to the points in the
interview guide. Qualitative research usually uses free and semi-structured interviews.
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