English Pronoun CIA Ti On Errors of English
English Pronoun CIA Ti On Errors of English
English Pronoun CIA Ti On Errors of English
There are so many languages in the world which is used by people. Every
nation has its own language. Even, one nation has more than one of languages.
Some countries such as the United States of America, Australia, England, Ireland
use English as their national language and some countries like Singapore,
Malaysia, and India use it as their second language.
Indonesia uses English as the first foreign language. Most people find
difficulties in studying English because it different both written and orraly from
Bahasa Indonesia. English is the first language of computer and the newest
technology. So, it would be difficult for us to follow the development and the
change without mastering English.
So, the writer has choosen this topic for some reasons;
1) The writer wants to analyze the English pronounciation of English’s
students, in this case, the students who still mispronounced some words in
English, because they are influenced by their mother tongue.
3) Why do the students of English Departement still made a mistake about their
Indonesia has many provinces and each of them has its own regiaonal
dialects. Indonesian people who study English do not relize that their English
pronounciation is still influenced by their mother tongue. In speaking, language
cannot be seperated from its pronounciation.
When Indonesian people speak foreogn language they will face difficulties
in pronouncing words since they have been speaking their mother tongue for
years. According to Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary (1985:762),
pronountiation is way a person speaks the word of language.
But, there are problems when someone learns a foreeign language. One of
the problems is how to pronounce the foreign woeds in the right way so the other
person understands what they mean. Bahasa Indonesia is different from English,
almost in every word, orally and written. For that reason, many people find it
difficult to learn English though they have been learning English for years at
Language teaching has also contributed to and profited from phonetic and
phonlogy. Many works on English phonetic and phnology have been written for
the benefit of foreign learners, for example. The fact that English spelling is not a
direct reflection of pronounciation has undoubtly been an important factor here
and has led the publication of pronouncing dictionaries and other guides to
pronounciation, both for native speaker English dictioanries to includes some kind
of transcription or guide to the pronounciaton of each word.
Children ussualy play at what they are learning at that time. They give
enormous task of learning languages. It is not suprising that young children
practice talk constantly, while playing with toys, or by simply talking to
themeselves. One could say that the prediction for engagaging in such activities is
also proof that children have their own inborn strategies for learning.
This means that the learners of language has to remamber their acoustic
qualities so that he or she will be be able to dirctly identify them in an utterence.
An Indonesian student, for instance, should be able to remember the acoustic
quality of English vowel /æ/ as found in the word men an to identity it in a
connected speech so as to keep it distinct from a similar vowel as ffound in the
word man. This is a matter of ear training which means that his ears must be
trained and drilled in hearing the sound in question again and again till they get
familiar with and can remember its acoustic quality.
Ability in hearing and identifying the acousitc quality of the foreign sounds
is prerequisite for the ability in producing them. Without having heard the quality
of a given sound before, one cannot be expeted to pronounce it; when he has
heard the sound produced by someone else; he may able to produce it by himself
by imitating the speaker. Thes is a matter of training to move the speech organs,
or also called mouth gumnastic which should be practiced over and over again
This mean that it is not only involves sounds in isolating, but also sounds
occuring in connected speech. The learners should be able to catenate sounds, that
is, to join each sound in sequence to the next sounds without difficulty or
4). Concernd with the production of supra segmental features like stress, length,
ptich, and intonation.
It is quite obvious that the learners cannot overlock the kinds of features
because they are almos always different in each language. Someone may be able
to produce the fireign sound, but if the stress patterns or the intonatian patterns of
his own mother tongue are transferred to the foreign language, their speech will be
stamped as ‘foreign’by the native speaker.
In speaking a language, there are some organs which play important roles to
produce sounds. Ramelan (1999:17) states that in speaking a language we use
speech sound as the signals to convey messeage. Speech sounds are sounds
produced by the speech or oral vocal organs, which include the mouth and the
respiratory organs
Speech organs can be subdivided into three parts and each of them has its
finction, they are:
1) The initiator is the speec organ that sets the air into motion for the
production of the speech sounds; the main initiator is the lungs, because most
speech sounds are produced by pulmanic air. There may be other speech
organs that can be used ti initiate the movement of the air such as the tongue
and the larynx.
2) The phonator referd to the vocal cords in the larynx, which is used
produced speech sounds called “voice”.
3) The ariculator is useful to obsrtuct the out- going air in the production of
speech sounds.
The term Organ of Speech refers to all those parts of the human body
which are concerned in various ways the production of speech. Most of them are
only secondarily cioncerned with soeech production; their primary functions
being to do eatin, chewwing, anda swallowing the food, and respiraton.
1) The pharynx is tube which begins just above the larynx. Its top-end
devided into two, one part being the back of the mouth and the other being
the beginning of the way through the nasal cavity.
2) The velum or soft palate is the organ that allows air to pass through the
nose and through the mouth. The other important thing about the velum is
that it is one of the articulators that can be touched by the tongue when we
make the sounds K and G, the tongue is in contact with the lower side of the
velum and we call these velar consonants.
3) The hard palate is often called the “roof of the mouth”. We can feel its
smooth curved surface with our tounge.
4) The alveolar ridge is between the top front teeth and the hard palate. Its
surface ais really much rougher than it feels and it is covered with little
6) The teeth (upper and lower) are usually shown in diagrams only at the
front of the mouth, immeditely behind the lips. The toungue is contact with
the upper side teeth for many speech sounds. Sound made with the contact
touching the front of teeth are called dental.
People are sometimes confused about mistakes and error. Some of them that
mistake and error are different and some others considers that they are the same.
In fact, error and mistake are different. Some liguist explain about the distinction
between error and mistake. Ellis (1997:17) states, wew need to distinguish errors
and mistakes. Error reflect gaps in learner’s knowledge; they occur because the
learner doesn not know what is correct. Mistakes reflect occasional lapses in
performance; they occur becausein a particular instance, the learner is unable to
perform what he or she knows.
Brown (1994:165) states that error is noticeable deviation from the adult
grammar of native speaker, reflecting the interlanguage competence of learner.
And, mistakes are not the result of a deficiency in comoetnce but the result of
some sort of breakdown or imperfection in the process of producing speech.
Native speakers are normally capabel of recognizing and correcting mistakes.
So, it is clear that the error and mistake are different. Errors in
pronounciation occur when someone incorectly pronounces a word because of
their lack knowledge about the theory or the way of how the word is supposed to
be pronounced. On the other hand, pronouniation mistake happens when someone
incorrectly pronounces word, just because he is slipping up, while he has acctualy
known how to pronouce it correctly.
In conducting the essay the writer used descriptive anaysis to get the main
purpose of the essay.
First, because the subjects of the research are the students of English
Departement so I did research at campus when the students had a lacture. I tried to
observe if there were a group of students had conversiatiotn or maybe just a little
discussion. I also did the research in class in which used English more like,
speaking class, TEFL, Language Testing, drama, etc. I chose the time and the
subjects because it to make easier to observe the erorr pronounciation.
Then method of data collection in this essay is important to get accurate data
to support the investigationof this final project. There are several steps in
collecting data; first, I chose the time of research. Then, I the place for the
reaearch and start observe word by word which are said by the students.
To provide the required data and information, the writer conducted library
activity and field activity. Library activity refers to the activities of usng library
facilities as a source of getting theoretical foundation. The theorotical foundation
were obtained through reading books related to the subject matters which support
and strengtenth the writer’s ideas of this essay.
The field activity is conducted to get data in marking the analysis of the
stated problem. The writer observed some convesiation or class activity of
students. Then, their convesiation were analyzed appropriately to classify the
words into form of function and content word.
After the data had been collected, the writer made an analysis based on
students’ conversiation. In the analyzing data, the writer used qualitative method
with descriptive analysis because the writer would like to describe the anlaysis of
the data using sentences to get conclusion.
Now, the writer will analyze the pronounciation errors produced by the
students who having conversiastion in campus. The writer found a lot of errors in
both vowel sounds.
1) With; some of students still made a vowel error when they said word with.
They pronouced it as [wi:t] as found in the word see [si:], while according to
the Oxford Advances Learener Dictioanry, phonetic trasncription of with is
[wIƟ]. The vowel [I] is an unrounded half close to close front vowel, in
producting [I] the front of the tongue is raised; the raising is somewhat
retracted so that is not really a front vowel but between a front and central
vowel. While the vowel [i:] is produced by raising the front of the tongue
almost to the close position. The lips position is unrounded or spread, it mey
even natural.
2) Hello; the pronounciation error in producing the word hello was made by
Dictioanry the right pronounciation of that woord is [hƏ’lƏu]. The vowel [Ə]
is urrounded half open to close central vowel. In pronoouncing, the central
part of the tongue is raised, it is raised to the half open position, or even
7) Type; in this case there are students who pronounsed the word type [tɛp].
Based on Oxford Dictionary, the phonetic transcription is represented [aI]. So
the transcription should be [ taIp ]. The vowel [ɛ] is an unrounded half close
to half open front vowel. In producing it, the front of the tongue is raised to a
point of half way between half open and half close poaition. While diphthong
[aI], is a font-front closing full diphthong. The articulatory description in
producing that vowel is, first, the front of the tongue is very slightly raised for
the first element of the diphthong [aI], which is front vowel with a position in
between [æ] and [α:]. Then, the tongue moves to a closer position as if to
prodroduce [I] vowel sound, though this position is nomally not reached. The
lips are apart and gradually closing.
8) Mature; the students made en error in producing the word mature with
[mɛtʊər], while according the Oxford Dictionary, the phonetic transcription
of this word is [məˈtjʊər]. The vowel [ə] is an unrounded hal open to half
close central vowel. In pronouncing, the central part of the tounge is raised. It
is raised to the half open posotion, or even lower. The lips is spread or neutral
and the opening between jaws is medium. While the vowel [ɛ] is an
unrounded half close open front vowel. In produsing it, the front of the
tongue is raised the half open and half close position. The lips position is
spread or neutral. The opening between the jaws is medium, a bit wider than
for [I].
The writer also found some errors in producing the words dealing with
consonant sounds which were made by some students. The writer analyzed the
pronounciation errors in four representative words one by one in descrptive
1) With; in some conversiation, there are some students made error when
pronounced this word with [wi:t], but in this case the writer especially
analyzed in consonant side. Based on Oxford Dictionary, the phonetic
transcription of with is [wIƟ]. So, we can see the differences between them.
For the first transcription, the word is ended with [t], but in the second
trascription the end of the word is [Ɵ]. Consonant [t] belongs to plosive
consonant, and the definition of it is a voiceless alveolar stop. The
articulatory definition of [t] is elaborate below: The outgoing air is
completely blocked by putting the tip the tongue into close contact with the
teeth ridge. The soft palate is raised to close off the nasal cavaty, so that no
air passes out through the nose. The vocal cords do not vibrae during the
stoppage; when the tip of the tongue is suddenly drawn away from teeth ridge
the air escapes with a plosive sound; this voiceless stop is aspirated in
strongly stresse syllables and unaspirated in weekly stressed syllables. And
the definitioon of [Ɵ] is defined as a voiceless dental fricative. In producing
it, the tip of the tongue is put very close to the upper teeth forming a narrow
passage through which the air stream escapes with an audible friction. The
soft palate is raised to close off the nasal passage. The vocal cords are not
vibrating. An error in pronouncing the Javanese [t] instead of the English [Ɵ]
is a wrong in manner of articulation.
2) Arms; the word arms based on Oxford Dictionary contains the ficative
consonant [z], [ɑːmz]. But, some students still pronouonced it as [ɑːms],
which ended with consonant [s]. Consonant [z] is a voiced blade alveolar
fricative. The articulatory description of consonant [z] is the blade of tongue
is very close to the teeth ridge, thus forming a very narrow passage so that the
outgoing air causes an audible frictional sound to be heard. The vocal cords
rare made to vibrate. The soft palate is raised so that no aie goes out od the
nose and the lips are spread. Meanwhile [s] is defined as voiceless blade
alveolar fricative. In producing the consonant [s], the blade or the tip of the
tongue is raised very closed to the teeth ridge, almost touching it, to form an
extremely narrow passage, through which the outgoing air escapes with a
frictional sound. The soft palate is raised so as to close off the nasal passage.
The vocal cords are not vibrating and the lips are spread, not rounded.
4) Birthday; there are some of the students pronounced the word bitrhday as
[‘bɛ:sdeI]. But, based on Oxford Dictionary, the phonetic right transcription
is [ˈbɜːθ.deɪ] which use consonant [θ]. The two consosants are different in
eevery aspect, even in manner of articulation or in the production. Consonant
[s] is a voiceless blade alveolar fricative. In producing the consonant [s], the
bladeof the tongue or the tip and the blade of the tounge are rised very closed
to the teeth ridge, almost touching I, to form an extremely narrow passage,
the through which the out going air escapes with a frictional sound. The soft
palate is raised so as to close off nasal passage. The vocal cords are mede to
vibrate and the lips are spread, not tounded. [θ] is devened as voiceless
dental fricative. In producing it, the tip of the tongue is put very close to the
upper teth forming narrow passage through which the air stream escapes with
an audeible friction. The soft palate is raised to close off the nasal passage.
The vocal cords are not vibrating.
After analyzing the the pronounciation errors made by some of the students,
the writer can conclude are follows :
3) The errors actually are not only caused the students’ knowledge but also
because of their dialect. And here, they can be said that they did a
pronounciation mistake.