General English: Common Errors in Pronunciation With Examples
General English: Common Errors in Pronunciation With Examples
General English: Common Errors in Pronunciation With Examples
General english
Communication is a vital necessity in humans’ life. A slip of pronunciation often occurs when a person
communicates with others. In this thesis, entitled Pronunciation Errors by Fourth Semester Students, the
researcher focuses on types of pronunciation errors that occurred in the fourth semester students of
English Department in academic year 2009/2010 of Dian Nuswantoro University and the process of how
it can be occurred. This research is aimed to investigate and to describe how pronunciation errors occur in
Tourism examination in fourth semester students of English Department of Dian Nuswantoro University.
This research is a kind of case study and it used a descriptive research method which uses description and
explanation to the data of the research. In this research, the researcher used a video of the fourth semester
students of Faculty of Humanities of Dian Nuswantoro University in academic year 2009/2010 who
conducted Tourism final examination. Then, the video was transcribed into a transcription which
contained inappropriate utterances. They were steps: presenting, identifying, describing and discussing,
and concluding
Language Production
Language is one of important part in our lives. As the human, we cannot form and maintain
communication with others without using language. Robins (cited in Umami 2007: 1) states that
“language is a unitary activity; people speak and write; and understand what is spoken and written in their
own language, without necessarily being aware of such things as grammar and pronunciation.”
English is one of international language which is almost used in around the world. English is a foreign
language, while her mother tongue is Indonesian language. Because of English is a foreign language in
Indonesia, it is surely has a difference in pronunciation or grammatical rules. Such differences will make
the Indonesian students unable to comprehend easily the language being learned. They have to be trained
both in written and oral exercise.
As the learner of English, Indonesian people must be face some difficulties and they have to learn more
about grammar, vocabulary, and etc. Leech (1982: 3) defines grammar as something in reference to the
mechanism according to which language works when it is used to communicate with other people.
Grammar can be defined as a theory of language, of how language is put together and how it works
(Gerot- Wignell 1994: 2). The differentiate structure between Indonesian language and English could
make students make some mistake. Brown (1980: 165) states that an error is noticeable grammar from the
adult grammar of native speaker, reflecting the interlanguage competence of the learners. As the learner of
the foreign language, we find difficulties in our speaking, either grammatical errors or pronunciation
errors. One of pronunciation errors is slip of the tongue. According to Fromkin (in Clark, 1977: 273) slip
of the tongue occurs when the speaker’s actual utterance differs in some way from the intended utterance.
The researcher agrees with Fromkin’s ideas because actually when someone wants to say something, she
or he has already planned what should be spoken. But when she or he speaks the intended utterance
differs in way from the
intended utterance. The researcher also encloses some transcription from the data that is used by the
researcher. It can be seen below:
(1)... and this cisrit direct between Soegiyapranata sitrit Eeh street and Imam Bonjol street.
The example above means that the speaker wants to pronounce city, in fact the speaker pronounces cisrit
[ꞌsIsri:t] and sitrit [ꞌsItri:t]. It is a fusing process between the word city and street.
(2) sunan kudus forhibidid... so sunan kudus forbid people in kudus to kill cow.
The context above means that the speaker wants to pronounce forbid [ꞌfǝꞌbId], in fact the speaker
pronounces forhibidid [fǝ´ʊI´bIdId]. It is a fusing or combining process between the word forbidden
[ꞌfǝꞌbIden] and prohibition [ˎprǝʊIꞌbIʃn]. Because both of the words have a close meaning, they (forbidden
: melarang, prohibition : larangan) make the speaker confused to choose what word to use.
3) Like the previous guide Anggit, ‘she – he’ explained about Minaret Kudus mosque.
The context above means that the speaker wants to explain that her explanation similar with her friend’s
explanation, Anggit (Anggit is a boy). Actually, the speaker knows that Anggit is a boy, not a girl but in
fact, she said “she” as the personal pronoun of Anggit. She ought to say “he” as the personal pronoun of
Based on some examples above, we can see that when people find difficulties in their speaking, especially
when they use foreign language, they may make errors in their speaking. The same case also often
happens in around the researcher’s friends. The pronunciation errors phenomenon comes from the
students which are friends of the researcher in English Department of Dian Nuswantoro University,
remembering the background of the researcher as an
English student. They often make mistakes when they speak although they are English students. So, it’s
the underlying phenomenon that makes the researcher conducts this research. The errors may occur in
pronunciation problems and slip of the tongue. So in this research, the researcher will examine the
phenomenon of pronunciation errors which occur in the fourth semester students of English Department,
Faculty of Humanities,
In this chapter contains theories which are used by the researcher to conduct the research. This chapter
presents language production, the meaning of error, pronunciation error which contains of pronunciation
problems and slip of tongue, types of slips of the tongue, self monitoring, and review of the previous
Everyone wants to convey their message or information to make a conversation to other people, so that
they produce their speech as Fromkin and Ratner (in Rimawati 2009: 10) argue that when we produced an
utterance corresponding to some thought we wish to convey the message but the storage space of the
brain is finite. This means that it cannot store the infinite number of sentences that we may ever need to
produce. Webster (1990:162-173), “language is a systematic means of communicating feelings or ideas
by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures or marks having understood meanings.”
Beside the previous definition, there are some other definitions about what language is, thus will make
easy to understand it. Taylor (1990: 5) states that “a language is a system of signs (e.g. speech sounds,
hand gestures, letters)
used to communicate messages.” In addition, Taylor (1990: 8) states that “humans use language for varied
functions: to request, negate, or question, or to provide information; to complain, promise, or apologize to
other humans and they can use language to misinform.” Following Carroll (1999: 4) states that “few things
play such as central a role in our everyday lives as language. It is our most important tool in communicating o
ur thoughts and feelings to each other. ”
thought into a linguistic plan. Third, we execute the plan through the muscles in
the speech system. Finally, we monitor our speech, to assess whether it is what
intended to say and how we intended to say it. Monitoring in this case is aimed
to avoid of making errors. Before knowing some types of error, we have to know
Human learning is fundamentally a process that involves the making of error and mistake assumptions that
form an important aspect of learning virtually any skill or acquiring information, Dullay (1982: 138) defines
errors as the flawed side of learner speech or writing. They are those parts of conversation or composition
that delicate from some selected norm of mature language performance.
It means that there is something wrong in norms of language performance; the making of errors is so
unavoidable in learning process. Besides, the making of errors is one part of learning and no one can learn
without the making of errors.
According to the results of analysis which are presented in previous chapter, it can be concluded as
Kinds of pronunciation error found in Tourism examination of the fourth semester students of English
Department of Dian Nuswantoro University in the academic year of 2009/2010 contain seven kinds of
slip of the tongue and four kinds of pronunciation problems. The seven kinds of slip of the tongue, they
are anticipation, perseveration, exchange, blend, deletion, addition, substitution. Substitution is
dominantly occurred than the other types. It is happened because the students pronounced the English
words in hurry and monitoring condition which make them substituted some English words to others.
The five students also produce four kinds of pronunciation problems such as the existence of the phonetic
alphabets from the foreign sounds, two languages with similar sounds which differ only slightly in their
phonetic features, a cluster of sounds77
in some English words, other cases. Two languages with similar sounds which differ only slightly in their
phonetic features are dominantly occurred than the other types. It is happened because in Indonesian
language usually apply one letter- one sound, although there is a letter that has two sounds, in this case
letter ‘e’. It can be written [e] and [ẻ]. Sound variety scarcely exists in Indonesian language.
The References
Astuti, Rohmi.2009. Psycholinguistic Analysis: Silent Pauses Found In “Harry Potter and the Order Of
The Phoenix” Movie. A thesis. English Letters and Language Department of the State Islamic University
of Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
Carrol, David W. 1985. Psychology of Language. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing
Clark, Herbert H. and Eve v. Clark. 1977. Psychology and language: An Introduction to psycholinguistic.
New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
Dullay, Heidi. 1982. Language Two. New York: Oxford University Press.