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Learn To Play Guitar - Volume 1

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2014 Scott Steven http://www.scottsteven.

com/volume-two/ 1
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2014 Scott Steven http://www.scottsteven.com/volume-two/ 2
Important Notes........................................................................%
#olume ': $earn to !lay 4uitar
5ow long does it take to learn guitar6.......................................(
Is anyone capable of playing guitar6 *re you too old to start guitar6...7
5ow easy is it to play guitar6..................................................8
1here to start if you are new to the guitar and want to develop good
2hoosing the right type of guitar: acoustic acoustic;electric or
*bout the author...............................................................'&
2014 Scott Steven http://www.scottsteven.com/volume-two/ 3
$earning to play the guitar should be great fun= You should be bounding
with enthusiasm at the very thought of picking up your instrument and
playing with it. Note that all;important word in the last sentence:
You play music. You play an
instrument. You play guitar. You play.
It is crucial that you remember this
when you start to play guitar so that
you en0oy every moment of it. I am
here to make sure that you go about
things the right way from the very start and en0oy the wonderful adventure
that is learning to play the guitar.
The are huge mistakes to avoid. That>s why I have put these series of books
together for you. They have been e.tremely well researched so that you
will have answers to all those ?uestions on your mind about how to start
playing guitar in the most efficient way possible and to gain the most
pleasure whilst doing so.
I have laid out all of the answers to the most common and pressing
?uestions that face anyone who is starting to learn to play the guitar. This
will save you hours of searching the Internet because I have done all of that
for you and presented you with handiest guide to starting to learn the
guitar that you can find anywhere I believe.
@o read on to start your lifetime 0ourney of en0oyable guitar playingA
How long does it tae to lea!n guita!"
This will vary upon you your circumstances what your guitar playing goals
and ambitions are and how often you practice together with the methods
you employ to learn your instrument. Bany people have found that you can
continue to learn guitar playing through your whole life. Things will be
faster if you have natural musical ability Cfor instance if you are able to
whistle a tune to a song accuratelyD but you can still learn even if you don>t
have ?uite so much musical talent.
2014 Scott Steven http://www.scottsteven.com/volume-two/ 4
$et>s say that you practice half an hour every day Cregular daily practice is
the keyD and work through your lessons. You should be able to play the
chords Cc;a;g;e;dD and be able to strum and accompaniment to many songs.
You can play a wide variety of songs having learnt only a relatively small
number of chords. *ll you need the lyrics with the chords written out above
them and you should be able to strum along to them at this stage.
Now that might be all that you wish to achieve. You will actually be playing
the guitar and there are thousands of people who simply learn a few chords
and a happy to use these to perform at live audiences such as in schools or
churches or to accompany them self whilst singing.
You may want to carry on learning the guitar to a higher standard if you
are really interested and motivated to do so. 2arry on studying and learning
for a year or so and you should have a strong musical framework that
includes notes scales degrees I ; III ; # 9th Cfor bluesD and more.
You>re never going to stop learning because everybody wants to learn
something new on the guitar and most of us want to get to be a better
guitarist. You>ll be able to play guitar in 0ust a few months if your idea of
guitar playing is being able to sit around a campfire and strum along to
some songs that people are singing. You will be working at it for years and
possibly the whole of your life if you are aiming at complete mastery of the
instrument in every way.
@umming up you should be able to play open chords and strum along to
popular songs in a few weeks or couple of months and have a good solid
foundation laid with all the basics learnt if you keep at it on a regular basis
for about a year or so.
#s an$one capa%le o& pla$ing guita!" '!e $ou too old to sta!t guita!"
I should pre;empt this by saying that there may be a physical reason why
someone cannot play the guitar and there may even be people who lack
2014 Scott Steven http://www.scottsteven.com/volume-two/ (
sufficient rhythm or coordination to be able to play the guitar to a
reasonable standard.
The thinking amongst most guitar teachers though is that 0ust about
anybody is capable of learning to play the guitar. $ike all instruments it
0ust takes plenty of time regular practice and patience. !ut those three
elements together and most teachers would say that 0ust about anybody is
perfectly capable of learning any instrument they put their mind to.
How a%out age" )ou too old to lea!n the guita! at 30" 't (0"
*gain I have come across teachers who will say that age is no barrier
whatsoever. @o long as you have the physical ability and the motivation then
this is an instrument that you can learn to play. In fact there is an
argument that someone who is 77 will have more self;discipline and will
practice regularly every single day and will therefore accomplish more on
the instrument the younger person who is tempted to play computer games
or go out to social events rather than practice their guitar.
@ome of the largest barriers to learning to play the guitar are the physical
aspects. You are going to be asking your body to make movements that it
may have never made before and getting them to do so smoothly
accurately and ?uickly. You are asking your fingers hands and arms and
even your back if you are sitting down to learn new things. You>re engaging
yourself in muscle memory as well as brain memory. This aspect may be
more difficult for the slightly older generation but apart from that age
should not be a barrier.
How eas$ is it to pla$ guita!"
There is no denying that a certain amount of patience is re?uired in order
to learn to play the guitar nicely. The first few months and in particular
the first week or month or so can be ?uite a challenge. Your fingers may
become a little bit sore but they soon toughen up and this becomes no issue
after a while. The trick is to keep practising on a daily basis and your
fingers will stay nice and hard which makes playing a lot more en0oyable.
Eeep your nails short on your left hand because it is virtually impossible to
2014 Scott Steven http://www.scottsteven.com/volume-two/ *
hold a string down cleanly otherwise.
@ome people can pick up playing guitar really easily whilst others have to
practice a little bit harder. One thing to bear in mind is that some songs are
really easy to play whilst others can be very demanding. @o start off with
the easy songs= The same goes for soloing ) there are some easy lead guitar
solos you can play very ?uickly and that sound very effective ) so you need
to know which ones they are.
This is the ?uote to remember from the man himself:
We have time, theres no big rush - Jimi Hendrix
+he!e to sta!t i& $ou a!e new to the guita! and want to develop good
The great news is that you are in the right place already= I>ve written these
volumes so that you can get answers to all your ?uestions ?uickly and easily.
5opefully I will be able to guide you in the right direction so that you can
develop your guitar skills in the fastest and most efficient and en0oyable
way possible.
5aving one;to;one tuition with an e.perienced local guitar tutor is
handsdown the best way to learn to play the guitar. It is the fastest most
efficient and most beneficial way of learning to play the instrument. Your
only challenge is finding the right teacher to suit you. There are a variety of
different playing styles and you need to choose which one you want and
find a teacher which e.cels in that style and with whom you can form a
great relationship so that your learning e.perience is motivational
en0oyable and worthwhile.
Now this approach will not be suitable for everybody for a wide variety of
reasons. It costs money and there may be a need to travel to the guitar
teacher. These can both be barriers for many people. Thankfully there are
a wealth of resources available to you which can help you learn to play the
guitar without one;to;one tuition.
You can learn to play guitar from books Chave you thought of popping into
your local library6D online videos /#/s 2/s and physical courses which
combine a mi.ture of all these elements. $earning to play using an online
video course of some sort has become the popular choice for many people
2014 Scott Steven http://www.scottsteven.com/volume-two/ ,
because they can practice when they want and the cost is greatly reduced
compared to one;to;one tuition.
* word of warning though about using free online videos. It is very tempting
to hop onto the Internet and look for free guitar tuition videos. Yes you can
learn a great deal from these and people have done so ?uite happily. The
downside is that you tend to hop from one thing to another and you end up
not following a methodical learning process. This leaves you with big gaps in
your knowledge and also means that you>re not building things one step at a
time which can slow down your overall learning. It is far better to pay at
least a little for a good ?uality online course which will give you a proper
structured approach so that your guitar learning proceeds in the direction
you want and more ?uickly. You may also find this more en0oyable too as
you will see the fruits of your labours blossom faster.
Choosing the !ight t$pe o& guita!- acoustic. acoustic-elect!ic. o! elect!ic
2014 Scott Steven http://www.scottsteven.com/volume-two/ /
The most popular types of guitar I divided into three main categories. These
Classical 'coustic
They all have great similarities that great differences too. The electric
guitars have a wide variety of sounds but you probably know one if you hear
it and you almost undoubtedly know what the sound of electric guitar is.
*coustic and 2lassical *coustic are a little bit more difficult to appreciate
at first. *n *coustic guitar is very often used as an accompaniment to a
song. This is very often the type of guitar used by street performers or
buskers. They generally use steel strings which gives them a slightly trebly
sound. 2onversely the 2lassical *coustic guitar uses nylon strings for a
softer and more mellow sound comparatively speaking. Think of a guitarist
performing a classical piece of music or a @panish guitar player and you will
appreciate the type of sound that they make.
The nylon strings on the 2lassical *coustic guitar are easier on the hands
than the steel strings of Flectric and *coustic guitars.
5aving said all that there are a wide variety of guitar is found within each
main category as shown above. The best thing to do is to go down to your
local guitar shop and ask them to show you the different types of guitar. You
will ?uickly pick up the idea of which is which.
Bany people start play on an acoustic guitar. This is because they are
cheaper than the electric guitars Cwhich also need an amplifierD and not too
loud. You can only achieve a certain amount of volume when you are not
using any amplification
The key thing though is to know what your musical goals are. Think about
what musical style you wish to play which bands you wish to emulate how
and where you are going to perform if you are going to play live or 0ust for
your own pleasure at home if you>re going to play surely as an
accompaniment to a singer or as a guitarist in a rock band. Is your goal to
perform searing lead guitar6 There>s no point in buying an acoustic guitar if
2014 Scott Steven http://www.scottsteven.com/volume-two/ 1
you want to be a rock lead guitar legend in a rock >n> roll band because it
0ust won>t give you the sound that you desire. @o consider what you are
trying to achieve and the sound that you want to have and you will be well
on the way to choosing the correct type of guitar to suit your needs.
The reality is that many of us own more than one guitar and that we use
them on different occasions in different situations to achieve different
things. 4uitarists tend to build up a number of guitars over many years and
en0oy playing them all. It>s great to have variety in all things in life and
especially when it comes to music.
The ne.t part of the process is to learn more about the basics of how to
learn to play the guitar. This includes such things as learning how to
practice getting the most out of your practice sessions choosing between
music and tablature and much more.
2et 3olume 4wo 5!ee
You have demonstrated an ability and motivation to move your guitar
playing forward by reading this far in this book. You therefore have
?ualified yourself for the ne.t volume of this series of learning to play the
guitar books. You can get instant access to $earn to !lay 4uitar #olume Two.
@imply click this link now to claim your free copyA
You have done well so far by covering the above ?uestions. !lease be sure
to continue learning more about playing the guitar by reading through all of
the information in #olume Two. It will help advance your playing as ?uickly
as possible.
Fn0oy your guitar playing=
Scott Steven
'%out the 'utho!
@cott started to play guitar at the age of '& when his parents bought him a
@panish guitar after he declared an interest in learning to play one. $ifelong
love of playing the instrument began $ike many people of the era he went
2014 Scott Steven http://www.scottsteven.com/volume-two/ 10
on to play electric guitar and bass guitar in a local band with friends from
school and elsewhere. *nd again like many people of the era rock >n> roll
superstardom gave way to homeownership and family life.
5e now spends time running a guitar related website where he en0oys
helping people start out on their own personal guitar playing 0ourney as
well as giving help for the more e.perienced guitarist too. It is well worth
checking out his website 5is enthusiasm for all things musical remains
today. !lease go and take a look now at www.scottsteven.com
@cott is based in the ,E with his wife and two young children and welcomes
comments suggestions and feedback from his customers clients and 4uitar
4ang Bembers. You may contact him on:
Fmail: contactGscottsteven.com
2014 Scott Steven http://www.scottsteven.com/volume-two/ 11

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