The document discusses topic sentences and their role and structure within paragraphs. It begins by defining a topic sentence as a statement that expresses the main point of a paragraph and serves as a guide for readers. It then discusses where topic sentences are typically placed, noting they usually begin paragraphs but can also be delayed or end paragraphs in some cases. The document provides guidance on developing effective topic sentences, emphasizing they should clearly express the limited topic or main idea of the paragraph and contribute to the overall argument. It also notes not every paragraph requires a topic sentence if redundancy would occur.
The document discusses topic sentences and their role and structure within paragraphs. It begins by defining a topic sentence as a statement that expresses the main point of a paragraph and serves as a guide for readers. It then discusses where topic sentences are typically placed, noting they usually begin paragraphs but can also be delayed or end paragraphs in some cases. The document provides guidance on developing effective topic sentences, emphasizing they should clearly express the limited topic or main idea of the paragraph and contribute to the overall argument. It also notes not every paragraph requires a topic sentence if redundancy would occur.
The document discusses topic sentences and their role and structure within paragraphs. It begins by defining a topic sentence as a statement that expresses the main point of a paragraph and serves as a guide for readers. It then discusses where topic sentences are typically placed, noting they usually begin paragraphs but can also be delayed or end paragraphs in some cases. The document provides guidance on developing effective topic sentences, emphasizing they should clearly express the limited topic or main idea of the paragraph and contribute to the overall argument. It also notes not every paragraph requires a topic sentence if redundancy would occur.
The document discusses topic sentences and their role and structure within paragraphs. It begins by defining a topic sentence as a statement that expresses the main point of a paragraph and serves as a guide for readers. It then discusses where topic sentences are typically placed, noting they usually begin paragraphs but can also be delayed or end paragraphs in some cases. The document provides guidance on developing effective topic sentences, emphasizing they should clearly express the limited topic or main idea of the paragraph and contribute to the overall argument. It also notes not every paragraph requires a topic sentence if redundancy would occur.
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A topic sentence states the main point of a paragraph and usually appears at the beginning. It helps guide the reader through the argument and makes it easier for the writer to organize their ideas.
A topic sentence states the main point of a paragraph. It usually appears at the beginning of a paragraph, but can sometimes be delayed. It serves as a 'signpost' to alert readers to the most important points.
Some techniques for coming up with effective topic sentences include focusing on one key idea, using concrete examples, and considering different angles to approach the topic. Transitional sentences can also be used to introduce the topic sentence.
Topic Sentence
What is a topic sentence?
A topic sentence states the main point of a paragraph: it serves as a mini-thesis for the paragraph. You might think of it as a signpost for your readersor a headlinesomething that alerts them to the most important, interpretive points in your essay. When read in sequence, your essay's topic sentences will provide a sketch of the essay's argument. Thus topics sentences help protect your readers from confusion by guiding them through the argument. But topic sentences can also help you to improve your essay by making it easier for you to recognize gaps or weaknesses in your argument. Where do topic sentences go? Topic sentences usually appear at the very beginning of paragraphs. In the following example from Anatomy of Criticism, Northrop Frye establishes the figure of the tragic hero as someone more than human, but less than divine. He backs up his claim with examples of characters from literature, religion and mythology whose tragic stature is a function of their ability to mediate between their fellow human beings and a power that transcends the merely human: The tragic hero is typically on top of the wheel of fortune, half-way between human society on the ground and the something greater in the sky. Prometheus, Adam, and Christ hang between heaven and earth, between a world of paradisal freedom and a world of bondage. Tragic heroes are so much the highest points in their human landscape that they seem the inevitable conductors of the power about them, great trees more likely to be struck by lightning than a clump of grass. Conductors may of course be instruments as well as victims of the divine lightning: Milton's Samson destroys the Philistine temple with himself, and Hamlet nearly exterminates the Danish court in his own fall. The structure of Frye's paragraph is simple yet powerful: the topic sentence makes an abstract point, and the rest of the paragraph elaborates on that point using concrete examples as evidence. Does a topic sentence have to be at the beginning of a paragraph? No, though this is usually the most logical place for it. Sometimes a transitional sentence or two will come before a topic sentence: We found in comedy that the term bomolochos or buffoon need not be restricted to farce, but could be extended to cover comic characters who are primarily entertainers, with the function of increasing or focusing the comic mood. The corresponding contrasting type is the suppliant, the character, often female, who presents a picture of unmitigated helplessness and destitution. Such a figure is pathetic, and pathos, though it seems a gentler and more relaxed mood than tragedy, is even more terrifying. Its basis is the exclusion of an individual from the group; hence it attacks the deepest fear in ourselves that we possessa fear much deeper than the relatively cosy and sociable bogey of hell. In the suppliant pity and terror are brought to the highest possible pitch of intensity, and the awful consequences of rejecting the suppliant for all concerned is a central theme of Greek tragedy. The context for this passage is an extended discussion of the characteristics of tragedy. In this paragraph, Frye begins by drawing a parallel between the figure of the buffoon in comedy and that of the suppliant in tragedy. His discussion of the buffoon occurred in a earlier section of the chapter, a section devoted to comedy. The first sentence of the current paragraph is transitional: it prepares the way for the topic sentence. The delayed topic sentence contributes to the coherence of Frye's discussion by drawing an explicit connection between key ideas in the book. In essays, the connection is usually between the last paragraph and the current one. Sometimes writers save a topic sentence for the end of a paragraph. You may, for example, occasionally find that giving away your point at the beginning of a paragraph does not allow you to build your argument toward an effective climax. How do I come up with a topic sentence? And what makes a good one? Ask yourself what's going on in your paragraph. Why have you chosen to include the information you have? Why is the paragraph important in the context of your argument? What point are you trying to make? Relating your topic sentences to your thesis can help strengthen the coherence of your essay. If you include a thesis statement in your introduction, then think of incorporating a keyword from that statement into the topic sentence. But you need not be overly explicit when you echo the thesis statement. Better to be subtle rather than heavy-handed. Do not forget that your topic sentence should do more than just establish a connection between your paragraph and your thesis. Use a topic sentence to show how your paragraph contributes to the development of your argument by moving it that one extra step forward. If your topic sentence merely restates your thesis, then either your paragraph is redundant or your topic sentence needs to be reformulated. If several of your topic sentences restate your thesis, even if they do so in different words, then your essay is probably repetitive. Does every paragraph need one? No, but most do. Sometimes a paragraph helps to develop the same point as in the previous paragraph, and so a new topic sentence would be redundant. And sometimes the evidence in your paragraph makes your point so effectively that your topic sentence can remain implicit. But if you are in doubt, it's best to use one. Techniques for Writing: Writing Topic Sentences for Paragraphs A paragraph is a sequence of sentences that cooperate in supporting one main point. Sometimes that point is so obvious that it doesn't need to be stated, but often a paragraph begins with a topic sentence that states the main point directly. Before you can write a topic sentence, you must decide what you want to say and what you don't want to say in your paragraph. In other words, you must first explore your starting topic and then select your limited topic. The next step is to make a statement about the limited topic. Keep these points in mind: 1. A starting topic is usually broad, stimulating many ideas. 2. A limited topic is narrow, connecting a few selected ideas. 3. A topic sentence makes a statement about the limited topic. For example, study this progression: Starting topic: Football Limited topic: The role that football has played in my education Topic sentence: If it hadn't been for football, I might never have taken school seriously. Note: A topic sentence is always a complete sentence expressing an idea about the limited topic. It is not a title (What football means to me), or an explanation of the writer's plan (I am going to tell you about the role football played in my education.) The more clearly it focuses the reader's attention on the points covered by the paragraph that the writer wants to make, the better.
Exercise A: For each limited topic below, select the two items that could serve as topic sentences. Limited topic: how to train a cat. 1. This paragraph is about how to train a cat. 2. Before a cat learns anything, it first teaches its owner a lesson in humility. 3. Everything you wouldn't have thought to ask about training a cat. 4. Training a cat takes physical stamina. 5. Animal training is a complicated subject. Limited topic: changes in patients as they settle into convalescent homes 1. Americans are learning how to grow old gracefully. 2. The outside world seems to shrink when seen through the window of a convalescent home. 3. Closing up a home and moving to a small room can make even an extrovert turn inward. 4. It is important to look at the changes in patients' attitudes as they settle into convalescent homes. 5. The increasing delight in daily conversation as patients become accustomed to life in a convalescent home. Limited topic: scuba diving 1. The excitement of scuba diving. 2. My childhood fascination with scuba diving. 3. It is very interesting to experience scuba diving. 4. The sport of scuba diving has always excited me. 5. Since I was a child, I've been fascinated by scuba diving. Notice that choosing a topic sentence helps to focus the topic still further. Using the same cluster of ideas, the student writing about the role football played in his education could have chosen one of these several topic sentences instead: a. My high school football coach transformed a sport into a powerful mental discipline. b. The lessons I learned from playing high school football prepared me for the challenges of college. c. If it hadn't been for football, I might never have taken school seriously. Each sentence declares a slightly different role that football played in this student's education and alerts the reader to a different focus in the paragraph. Therefore, the topic sentence acts as a tool for organizing the rest of the paragraph. Exercise B: Below are three sets of notes for developing the topic, the role football played in my education. For each one, select which topic sentence will fit the completed paragraph. Choose a, b, or c from the list above. 1. concentration to learn plays discipline to follow through flexibility when plan fails college classes painful at first college pressure like my JV year in HS 2. distractions from high schoolsocial life, job, being cool best friends dropped out team solidarity, support, tutoring State Championship goal, whole school cared coach insisted on better than C average 3. coach's weird warm-up exercises visualizing ways to overcome hardship insistence on accuracy team meditations application of problem-solving tricks in daily life