The document provides reminders and information about upcoming events for a first grade class. It lists: an art field trip tomorrow, a campfire story with third grade buddies on Tuesday where students can dress down, a Halloween party and parade on October 31st, and a field trip to the North Market on November 21st where students will explore foods from around the world. It also provides updates on centers, reading and theme topics, math lessons, and phonics and spelling lessons for the week. Parents are welcome to join the campfire event and field trip and should contact Fran Meyers if interested.
The document provides reminders and information about upcoming events for a first grade class. It lists: an art field trip tomorrow, a campfire story with third grade buddies on Tuesday where students can dress down, a Halloween party and parade on October 31st, and a field trip to the North Market on November 21st where students will explore foods from around the world. It also provides updates on centers, reading and theme topics, math lessons, and phonics and spelling lessons for the week. Parents are welcome to join the campfire event and field trip and should contact Fran Meyers if interested.
The document provides reminders and information about upcoming events for a first grade class. It lists: an art field trip tomorrow, a campfire story with third grade buddies on Tuesday where students can dress down, a Halloween party and parade on October 31st, and a field trip to the North Market on November 21st where students will explore foods from around the world. It also provides updates on centers, reading and theme topics, math lessons, and phonics and spelling lessons for the week. Parents are welcome to join the campfire event and field trip and should contact Fran Meyers if interested.
The document provides reminders and information about upcoming events for a first grade class. It lists: an art field trip tomorrow, a campfire story with third grade buddies on Tuesday where students can dress down, a Halloween party and parade on October 31st, and a field trip to the North Market on November 21st where students will explore foods from around the world. It also provides updates on centers, reading and theme topics, math lessons, and phonics and spelling lessons for the week. Parents are welcome to join the campfire event and field trip and should contact Fran Meyers if interested.
School dress code and we will be back for recess and lunch *On Tuesday, October 21st we will have our campfre story with our 3rd grade buddies. On this day OUR frst grade class will be able to dress down. We will be outside at the campfre from 12:10-12:55. Parents are welcome to join us if you like! *Friday, October 31st: Halloween Party/Parade We will be getting into our costumes starting at 1:30 for the party to begin at 2:00. The parade will follow at 2:30. *NEW!!! Friday, Nov. 21 : North Market Field Trip - Wear dress code. We will leave school at 9:00 and arrive back at school by 11:00 for recess/lunch. Students will have a chance to explore the North Market, noticing foods from all around the world. Please do not send money. This is a browsing only trip :-) Please contact Fran Meyers if you are interested in joining us. Let her know if you will be meeting us there or riding the bus. We can have up to 4 parents on the bus with us. Centers * The Centers we completed this week - Using the ipads to practice our spelling words on the website - Scanning QR codes to tell time to the hour - Practicing wh words - Finding the missing numbers on a number line in Scoot - Counting pennies and nickels in change purses - Listening to Brad the Wonder Baby - Completing the listening center response sheet - Matching and making sentences based on picture clues - Identifying an Authors Purpose using P.I.E. ( Persuade, Inform, Entertain) Reading and Theme * The book Throw Your Tooth on the Roof: Tooth Traditions From Around the World * My favorite tooth tradition and then one I would like to try at home! * What a globe is and the difference between it and a map * How much of a globe I can see * Map symbols and where you can fnd them (map key) Math * Number models- what are they and ask me to show you an addition or subtraction one 2+5=7 or 8-3=5 * Counting a combination of coins that are pennies and nickels- what strategies should I use (1. count the nickels frst because they have the largest value, then add on the pennies 2. if Im counting on paper, cross off each coin as I count it.) Phonics and Spelling * The hunks and chunks I learned this week ea and ee and ask me to sing you the chants about the scardy cat e and the scardy cat a as well as the bumble bee party * The different homophones and homonyms that we identifed with the ee and ea hunk and chunk (meat/meet, hear/here, seal, deal, etc.) * Homophones- Ring, ring, ring. Hello, its a homophone. Two words sound exactly the same, but different spelling (clap 3 times), different meaning (clap 3 times) * Homonyms- It looks the same. It sounds the same. The meaning is different. A s k M e A b o u t...