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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2 No.

21; November 2012


Firm-Level Institutions and Performance of Publicly Quoted Companies in Kenya

Vincent N. Machuki, PhD
School of Business, University of Nairobi

Evans O. Aosa, PhD
School of Business, University of Nairobi

Nicolas K. Letting, PhD
School of Management and Leadership, Management University of Africa


Firm-level institutions constitute the internal organizational environment which define the context in which
strategic decisions are made and implemented. Effective and successful strategy implementation requires apt
institutionalization of the strategy. Logically, firm-level institutions have an indirect effect on corporate
performance through their direct effect on strategy implementation. In this study, a direct effect of the firm-level
institutions on corporate performance was investigated. Based on a survey of 23 companies listed on the Nairobi
Stock Exchange, ten firm-level institutions were captured under two broad dimensions of administrative systems
and resource competencies. Performance implications of these firm-level institutions were then examined. The
study reports that for the surveyed companies, most of the firm-level institutions were manifest to a large extent.
The results also indicate that a very strong positive relationship exists between firm-level institutions and various
indicators of corporate performance. However, the overall results for the effect of firm-level institutions on
corporate performance were statistically not significant. The results partially concur with pertinent theories as
well as similar empirical studies. Based on the findings, implications for theory, methodology, and managerial
practice as well as areas for further study are identified.

Key words: Firm-Level Institutions, Corporate Performance, Publicly Quoted Companies, Kenya


One of the most pertinent determinants of corporate success is how effective an organizations chosen strategy
gets implemented. Such implementation requires that the strategy is not only operationalized but also
appropriately institutionalized. While the former requires action planning, the latter requires alignment of the
strategy with the internal factors of the organization. The importance of such alignment is partially explained by
institutional theory which not only acknowledges the importance of economic forces and technical imperatives in
shaping social and organizational systems, but also seeks to examine the preferences and behaviors of
organizations, individuals, and other outside forces (Carney, Gedajlovic & Yang, 2009; Scott, 2001) as cited in
Ahlstrom and Bruton (2010). This observation reflects Norths (1991) definition of institutions as humanly
devised constraints that structure political, economic and social interactions. North argues that institutions, both
formal and informal, are created to reduce uncertainty about exchanges. As such, institutions can refer to both the
governance structures that define the rules of the game and to the rules of the game themselves (Bhaumik and
Divoma, 2011). Impliedly therefore, the logical outcome of efficient institutions is better economic performance.
In this paper, we advance a view that firm-level institutions are those firm-specific attributes in the firms internal
environment which define the context in which decisions are made and implemented. This view further submits
that firm-level institutions derive from both the resource-based view of the firm and the McKinsey 7-S
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The resource-based view, with antecedent to Penrose (1959) but more commonly associated with the work of
Wenerfelt (1984), Prahalad and Hamel (1990), Rumelt (1991), Barney (1991), Grant (1991), and Peteraf (1993),
emphasizes the internal capabilities of the organization in formulating strategy to achieve a sustainable
competitive advantage in its markets and industries. If an organization is seen as made up of resources and
capabilities which can be configured (and reconfigured) to provide it with competitive advantage, then its
perspective does indeed become inside-out. In other words, its internal capabilities determine the strategic choices
it makes in competing in its external environment. From this view, an organizations resources and competencies
are considered as determinants of performance through their contribution to firm competitive advantage.

The McKinsey 7-S framework, which is a qualitative framework, was developed at the McKinsey Consulting
Company by Peters and Waterman to analyze seven different aspects of an organization to determine if it is
functioning effectively or not. According to Peters and Waterman (1982), the model is based on the premise that
an organization is not just structure, but consists of seven critical aspects of an organization which include
strategy, structure, systems, style, skills, staff, and shared values (the 7Ss). Accordingly, strategy is the central
integrated concept of how to achieve the firms objectives. The essence of strategy is choosing a set of core
business activities to create value for the customers, and performing those business activities in the most optimal

It is evident that both the resource view of the firm and the McKinsey 7-S framework augment institutional theory
by focusing on the administrative systems and resource competencies of organizations. Publicly quoted
companies in Kenya are such organizations whose performance is dependent on the nature of their internal
environment manifestations and how strategy is aligned with such manifestations. In this paper, we advance an
argument that whereas these organizations may strive to achieve an appropriate match between their strategic
behaviours and external environments, achieving the match between the strategic behaviour and the internal
organizational environment is equally important because it determines the effectiveness with which strategic
decisions are implemented. Consequently, we put forth a proposition that the firm-level institutions
(administrative systems and resource competencies) have an important conceptual linkage which subsumes the
underlying effects, that is, they have a direct influence on corporate performance of the quoted companies.

Literature Review and Conceptual Hypothesis

The enduring argument in strategic management is that organizations competitive advantage is a function of an
appropriate fit between internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. This argument is
grounded in the proposition that all organizations are environment serving, hence their success is dependent on
how they position themselves in a changing environment (Ansoff & McDonnel, 1990; Ansoff & Suvillan, 1993).
Consequently, aligning the firms strategy with the external environment is critical. It is, however, argued that just
being able to align external environment and organizational strategy is not enough (Aosa, 1992). An
organization's management must also be able to translate the chosen strategy into concrete steps that 'get things
done', which is the pertinent concern of strategy implementation (Thompson & Strickland, 2003). Thompson &
Strickland further contend that effective and successful strategy implementation of strategy requires not only
operationalizing the strategy but also institutionalization of strategy.

Effective strategy implementation includes considerations of who will be responsible for strategy implementation;
the most suitable organizational structure that should support the implementation of strategy (Pettigrew, 1988;
Lynch,2000); the need to adapt the systems used to manage the organization (Johnson and Scholes,2002); the key
tasks to be carried out and desirable changes in the resource mix of the organization as well as the mandate of
each department in the organization and the information systems to be put in place to monitor progress and
resource planning (Pearce & Robinson, 1997). Implementation may also take into account the need for retraining
the workforce and management of change (Johnson & Scholes, 2002).

Thompson & Strickland (2003) state that the strategy implementation challenge is to create a series of tight fits
between strategy and the organization's competencies, capabilities and structure; between strategy and budgetary
allocation; between strategy and policy; between strategy and internal support systems; between strategy and
reward structure; and between strategy and the corporate culture. Thompson and Stricklands observation partially
alludes to the propositions of institutional theory, the resource-based theory, and the McKinsey 7S model.

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 21; November 2012

The roots of institutional theory run richly through the formative years of the social sciences, enlisting and
incorporating the creative insights of scholars ranging from Marx and Weber, Cooley and Mead, to Veblen and
Commons (Scott, 2004). Institutional theory has risen to prominence as a popular and powerful explanation for
both individual and organizational action (Dacin, Goodstein & Scott, 2002). Institutional theory is a theoretical
lens that has been widely used to study the adoption and diffusion of organizational forms and practices
(Bjorkman, Fey & Park, 2007). Within this theoretical underpinning, North (1991) defined institutions as the
humanly devised constraints that structure political, economic and social interaction. These institutions consist of
both informal constraints (sanctions, taboos, customs, traditions, and codes of conduct), and formal rules
(constitutions, laws, property rights). Throughout history, North argues that institutions have been devised by
human beings to create order and reduce uncertainty in exchange. Together with the standard constraints of
economics they define the choice set and therefore determine transaction and production costs and hence the
profitability and feasibility of engaging in economic activity (North, 1991). In this paper, we adopt an
inward-view which focuses on firm-level institutions which form the context in which decisions are made and
implemented. These firm-level institutions have implications for the outcomes of strategy, that is, firm

The theorization in institutional theory resonates well with the resource based theory whose antecedents can be
traced to Penroses (1959) theory of the firm and Selznicks (1957) distinctive competencies. Over the last two
decades, resource-based theory (RBT) has emerged as a very popular theoretical perspective for explaining
performance (Newbert, 2007). Barney (1991) suggested that resources are leveraged to create competitive
advantages, which in turn confer performance advantages. In a meta-analytic review of 125 studies of RBT that
collectively encompassed over 29,000 organizations, Crook et al. (2008) observed that while RBT is still evolving
as a theory, its empirical base offers strong support for the assertion that organizations' performance is enhanced
to the extent that they possess strategic resources. Out of the RBT emerged a resource-based view (RBV) of the
firm which asserts that firms gain and sustain competitive advantages by deploying valuable resources and
capabilities that are inelastic in supply (Wernerfelt, 1984; Barney, 1986, 1991; Peteraf, 1993). On the basis of this
assertion, this paper advances a view that the resources and capabilities possessed by a firm form part and parcel
of the firm-level institutions.

While the institutional theory and resource based theory provide partial description of firm-level institutions, the
McKinsey 7S framework is probably the most comprehensive model which provides the institutional framework
within which strategy implementation takes place. Developed at the McKinsey Consulting Company by Peters
and Waterman (1982), the McKinsey 7-S model is based on the premise that an organization is not just structure,
but consists of seven critical aspects of an organization which include strategy, structure, systems, style, skills,
staff, and shared values (the 7Ss). The underlying argument in the McKinsey 7S model, as advanced by Peters
and Waterman (1982), is that thinking intelligently about effectiveness, especially in the complex systems called
organizations, requires going beyond the dominant organizing principle of the day, that is, organizational structure
following strategy. The major conclusion and concept arising from this argument is that apart from structure and
strategy, there are at least five other interdependent variables that impact directly on performance, and ultimately
on organizational results.

From the propositions of institutional and resource based theories as well as the McKinsey 7S framework, it is
evident that no two organizations can be the same, that is, have the same internal manifestations. Consequently,
unique firm-level institutions determine the outcomes of strategy and require customized management approach.
However, Thompson and Strickland (2003) pointed out that in as much as managers' approaches need to be tailor-
made for the situation, there are certain bases that have to be covered no matter what the organization's
circumstances. These include building an organization capable to carry out the strategy successfully, developing
budgets to steer ample resources into those value chain activities critical to strategic success, establishing strategy
supportive policies and procedures, instituting best practices and pushing for continuous improvement and how
value chain activities are performed, and installing information, communication, e-commerce, and operating
systems that enable company personnel to carry out their strategic roles successfully day in day out. Others
include tying rewards and incentives to the achievement of performance objectives and good strategy execution,
creating a strategy-supportive work environment and corporate culture, and exerting the internal leadership
needed to drive implementation forward and keep improving on how the strategy is being executed.

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Muthuiya (2004), pointed out that how organizations, whether for profit or non-profit, implement their strategies
is important because it influences the achievement of their desired outcomes. This process requires organizations
to have clear methods, procedures and systems to be able to implement their strategies effectively and efficiently.
The process also requires organizations to have the capacity at the organizational level and the capabilities of the
relevant staff as well as an enabling environment both internally and externally. The above aspects, he observed,
mainly touch on the skills of staff, resources, structures and systems. Others are leadership, culture, organizational
policies, and performance and reward systems.

Overall, the fundamental view of fit propounded by strategic management researchers and organization theorists
was that it is a dynamic search that seeks to align the organization with its environment and to arrange resources
internally in support of that alignment (Miles and Snow, 1984). As strategy is the force that mediates between the
firm and its environment, it is in practical terms the basic alignment mechanism, and the organizational internal
variables must be well suited to it if a significant competitive advantage is to be created. Firms whose strategy and
other firm-level institutions are aligned should be less vulnerable to external changes and internal inefficiencies,
and should thus perform better because the alignment provides the enabling environment essential for successful
strategy implementation (Habib & Victor, 1991). This observation and the foregoing discussion, leads to the

Firm-level institutions have a significant influence on corporate performance


Research design

A cross-sectional survey was used to collect primary data. Olsen & George (2004) pointed out that in this
type of research design, either the entire population or a subset thereof is selected, and from these individuals,
data are collected to help answer research questions of interest. They clarified that it is called cross-sectional
because the information about the subjects that is gathered represents what is going on at only one point in time.
For purposes of this study, all the 53 publicly quoted companies in Kenya were targeted, thus making it a census

Measures of Key Constructs

Firm-Level Institutions
As earlier observed, firm-level institutions constitute the internal organizational environment which define the
context in which strategic decisions are implemented. It is argued that effective and successful strategy
implementation requires that an organizations internal environmental variables be in congruence with the
strategy. Drawing from institutional and resource-based theory as well as the McKinsey 7S framework, these
internal organizational variables include the structure, organizational culture, resources (physical, financial, and
human), skills and competencies, management style, systems, procedures, policies, and knowledge base among
others. In this study, these variables were captured under two main dimensions: administrative systems, and
resources and competencies. The firm-level institutions that were considered to be descriptive of the
administrative systems include organizational structure, management style, internal controls, systems, and
procedures. Those that are descriptive of resources and competencies include financial resources, skills and
competencies, knowledge base, culture, and human resources.

Corporate performance
The important role of organizational performance in strategic management warrants close attention to the
conceptualization and measurement of business performance (Venkatraman & Ramanujam, 1986). Measuring
firm performance has been a major challenge for scholars and practitioners as well (Simerly & Mingfang, 2000).
Chakravathy (1986) observed that performance is a multidimensional construct and thus, any single index may
not be able to provide a comprehensive understanding of the performance relationship relative to the constructs of
interest. Therefore, it is important to use multiple indicators of performance. Studies that have considered
performance as a dependent variable have sought to identify other variables that produce variations in
performance. March and Sutton (1997) pointed out that researchers who study organizational performance in
this way typically devote little attention to the complications of using such a formulation to characterize the
causal structure of performance phenomena.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 21; November 2012

In this study, both financial and non-financial measures of performance were used. These were gross
profit, total organizational assets, revenue growth, earnings per share, return on investment, new product
introduction, market share, product/service quality, and operational efficiency. This operationalization
conveniently addressed the contention by Pearce and Robinson (2007) that financial indicators of performance
give inadequate or in some cases, inaccurate perspective on the firm' s status; hence the inclusion of
qualitative non-financial measures in this study.

Data collection
The study relied on both primary and secondary data. Primary data, which mainly concerned firm-level
institutions and qualitative measures of performance, were gathered using a structured questionnaire. Firm-level
institutions were captured through a 5-point Likert type scale using 21 items consisting of statements descriptive
of the two dimensions of firm-level institutions, that is, administrative systems (organizational structure,
management style, internal controls, systems, and procedures), and resources and competencies (financial
resources, skills and competencies, knowledge base, culture, and human resources). Data on qualitative measures
of performance were gathered the same way while data on quantitative measures of performance were obtained
from published sources, that is, the NSE Handbook (2009) and the respective companies annual reports (2005-

Data analysis
Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyze data and test the research hypothesis. Data
analysis for the manifestation of firm-level institutions involved one-sample t-tests and mean scores while that
for the effect of firm-level institutions on corporate performance involved hierarchical as well as multiple
regression analyses. The one sample t-test was done at 95% confidence level (p=0.05) and test value of
3 (average and mid-point of the 5-point scale). This test generated the mean scores and t-values. Mean scores
show the ranking of the firm-level institutions that are most manifest in the surveyed organizations. The t-values
were used to show whether there were any statistically significant differences across the surveyed companies
on the extent to which the firm-level institutions are manifest in the surveyed organizations. Hierarchical
regression analysis tested the independent effect of firm-level institutions on each of the measures of
corporate performance. Through this analysis the nature of the independent effect (positive or negative) of
each firm-level institution on the various indicators of corporate performance is determined and illustrated.
The analysis generates a constant, the standardized beta coefficients () for the independent variables, t-values,
and significance levels. The beta coefficient () shows the contribution of each firm-level institution to a unit
change in the performance indicator while t-values show the significance of the independent effect of the
firm-level institutions on the performance indicator. Multiple regression analysis tested the combined effect of
the firm-level institutions on each measure of corporate performance. Both analyses were done at 95% confidence
level (p=0.05).


A description of the findings provides an understanding of the nature of the internal environment of the surveyed
companies. First, we present a summary of the extent to which the various firm-level institutions were manifest in
the organizations to facilitate implementation of strategic decisions. We then examine whether there are
statistically significant differences across the organizations on the manifestation of firm-level institutions. In this
regard mean scores and t-values generated through a one-sample t-test will be used. This will be followed by a
presentation of the results on the nature and significance of the independent effect of firm-level institutions on
each indicator of performance. Here, standardized beta coefficients, t-values and corresponding p-values
generated through hierarchical regression analysis will be used. Lastly, using multiple regression analysis, the
results of test of hypothesis will be presented and explained.

Manifestation of Firm-Level Institutions
The extent to which the surveyed organizations manifest the various firm-level institutions is presented (Table 1).
The results show high ranking for most firm-level institutions (mean score range from 3.52 for management style
to 4.35 for organizational structure). This means that these aspects are manifested by the organizations to a large
extent. The aspects influence effective and successful implementation of strategic decisions in the surveyed
companies. The aspects that are manifested to a moderate extent include systems and organizational culture (mean
scores=3.13 and 3.48 respectively).
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Table 1: Manifestation of Firm-Level Institutions

Firm-Level Institutions N Mean
Sample test
Structure 23 4.35 12.159*
Management Style 23 3.52 2.912*
Internal controls 23 3.78 5.591*
Systems 23 3.13 .972
Procedures 23 3.96 6.096*
Financial resources 23 4.04 7.091*
Skills and Competences 23 3.93 8.364*
Knowledge base 23 3.96 6.500*
Culture 23 3.48 2.902*
Human resources 23 4.05 9.195*

NB: Ranking was on a 5-point scale: 1-Not at all; 2-Less Extent; 3-Moderate extent; 4-Large extent; 5-Very
large extent

However, the results in Table 1 indicate that there are statistically significant differences across the surveyed
organizations on the extent to which they manifested the highly and moderately ranked firm-level institutions (t-
values range from 2.90, p<0.05 for organizational culture to 12.16, p<0.05 for organizational structure). This
means that there is high disparity across the organizations on the manifestation of these firm-level institutions as
well as their importance in the implementation of strategic decisions. There is no significant differences across
the companies on the manifestation of organizational IT systems in the implementation of strategic decisions (t-
value = 0.972, p>0.05).

Firm-Level Institutions and Performance
We present the nature and significance of the independent effect of firm-level institutions on the various
indicators of performance.

Firm-Level Institutions and Profit
The study results indicate that none of the firm-level institutions had statistically significant individual effect on
profit before tax (low t-values, p>0.05). Nonetheless, results indicated positive effect for structure, internal
controls, systems, culture and human resources. Negative effects are reported for other firm-level institutions. A
relatively high impact is reported for human resources (=0.531) (Table 2).

Table 2: Significance for the effect of firm-level institutions on PBT

Firm-level institutions Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
Coefficients Beta
B Std. Error
(Constant) -3184339.507 5497408.508 -.579
Structure 1485005.236 1098112.411 .497 1.352
Management Style -605220.530 610058.390 -.327 -.992
Internal controls 45140.621 797715.822 .019 .057
Systems 1226685.672 664060.161 .497 1.847
Procedures -298548.670 709779.988 -.141 -.421
Financial resources -916205.023 802535.778 -.407 -1.142
Skills and Competences -912331.507 1650480.360 -.308 -.553
Knowledge base -862299.167 1145753.932 -.383 -.753
Culture 582390.796 876523.605 .290 .664
Human resources 1541911.922 1261572.641 .531 1.222

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 21; November 2012

Firm-Level Institutions and Total Net Assets
Despite overall statistically not significant results for the effect of firm-level institutions on total net assets (low t-
values, p>0.05), statistically significant results for the individual positive effect are reported structure (t-value =
2.491, p<0.05) and for individual negative effect of Financial resources (t-value= -2.265, p<0.05). Statistically not
significant negative effects are reported for internal controls, procedures, skills and competencies, and knowledge
base. Similarly, statistically not significant positive effects are reported for management style, systems, culture,
and human resources. A relatively high impact is reported for organizational structure (=0.707) (Table 3).

Table 3: Significance for the effect of firm-level institutions on TNAs

Firm-level institutions Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
Coefficients Beta
t -Value
B Std. Error
(Constant) 160189.821 47688525.487 .003
Structure 23727624.013 9525826.873 .707 2.491*
Management Style 793209.298 5292090.815 .038 .150
Internal controls -6476919.404 6919968.065 -.244 -.936
Systems 8707352.474 5760541.515 .314 1.512
Procedures -8336352.973 6157148.593 -.352 -1.354
Financial resources -15769865.423 6961779.873 -.624 -2.265*
Skills and Competences -17733897.616 14317468.785 -.533 -1.239
Knowledge base -1420725.742 9939104.130 -.056 -.143
Culture 14817727.639 7603604.175 .657 1.949
Human resources 5573451.201 10943799.962 .171 .509


Firm-Level Institutions and Sales Revenue
The study results indicate that none of the firm-level institutions had individual statistically significant effect on
sales revenue (low t-values, p>0.05). Nonetheless, results indicated positive effect for structure, internal controls,
procedures, financial resources, culture, and human resources. Negative effects are reported for other firm-level
institutions. Relatively high impact is reported for internal controls (=0.443) (Table 4).

Table 4: Significance for the effect of firm-level institutions on Sales Revenue

Firm-level institutions Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
Coefficients Beta
t -Value
B Std. Error
(Constant) -52.321 32.322 -1.619
Structure 7.518 6.456 .410 1.164
Management Style -3.044 3.587 -.269 -.849
Internal controls 6.421 4.690 .443 1.369
Systems -.749 3.904 -.049 -.192
Procedures .707 4.173 .055 .169
Financial resources 4.283 4.718 .310 .908
Skills and Competences -5.997 9.704 -.330 -.618
Knowledge base -4.650 6.736 -.337 -.690
Culture 3.087 5.153 .251 .599
Human resources 7.576 7.417 .426 1.021

Firm-Level Institutions and Earnings Per Share
The study reports statistically not significant results for the effect of individual firm-level institutions on earnings
per share (low t-values, p>0.05). However, positive effect is reported for systems, procedures, knowledge base,
and culture while negative effect is reported for the other firm-level institutions. Relatively high impact is
reported for organizational culture (=0.774) (Table 5).

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Table 5: Significance for the effect of firm-level institutions on EPS

Firm-level institutions Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
Coefficients Beta
t -Value
B Std. Error
(Constant) 27.513 22.703 1.212
Structure -.453 4.535 -.040 -.100
Management Style -1.574 2.519 -.227 -.625
Internal controls -2.810 3.294 -.316 -.853
Systems 1.464 2.742 .158 .534
Procedures 4.066 2.931 .513 1.387
Financial resources -2.221 3.314 -.263 -.670
Skills and Competences -5.081 6.816 -.456 -.745
Knowledge base 1.610 4.732 .190 .340
Culture 5.845 3.620 .774 1.615
Human resources -5.359 5.210 -.492 -1.029

Firm-Level Institutions and Return on Investment

Despite overall statistically not significant results for the effect of firm-level institutions on return on investment
(low t-values, p>0.05), the study reports statistically significant positive for systems (t-value = 2.285, p<0.05).
Statistically not significant positive effects are reported for internal controls, procedures, and human resources.
Statistically not significant negative effects are reported for the other firm-level institutions (Table 6).

Table 6: Significance for the effect of firm-level institutions on ROI

Firm-level institutions Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
Coefficients Beta
t -Value
B Std. Error
(Constant) -23.592 35.044 -.673
Structure -2.580 7.000 -.116 -.369
Management Style -6.491 3.889 -.473 -1.669
Internal controls 6.463 5.085 .368 1.271
Systems 9.671 4.233 .528 2.285*
Procedures 7.108 4.525 .454 1.571
Financial resources -2.676 5.116 -.160 -.523
Skills and Competences -11.565 10.521 -.526 -1.099
Knowledge base -3.051 7.304 -.183 -.418
Culture -.657 5.588 -.044 -.118
Human resources 15.808 8.042 .734 1.966


Firm-Level Institutions and New Product Introduction
The study results indicate that none of the firm-level institutions had statistically significant individual effect on
new product introduction (low t-values, p>0.05). Nevertheless, results indicated positive effect for structure,
internal controls, procedures, skills and competencies, knowledge base, and human resources. Negative effects
were reported for other firm-level institutions. Relatively high impact is reported for organizational culture (= -
0.732) (Table 7).

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 21; November 2012

Table 7: Significance for the effect of firm-level institutions on New Product Introduction

Firm-level institutions Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
t -Value
B Std. Error
(Constant) -.367 .893 -.411
Structure .026 .178 .056 .148
Management Style -.003 .099 -.010 -.029
Internal controls .102 .130 .276 .788
Systems -.018 .108 -.047 -.170
Procedures .093 .115 .284 .810
Financial resources -.048 .130 -.138 -.371
Skills and Competences .124 .268 .267 .461
Knowledge base .025 .186 .072 .137
Culture -.230 .142 -.732 -1.614
Human resources .195 .205 .430 .950

Firm-Level Institutions and Market Share
The study reports statistically not significant results for the effect of individual firm-level institutions on market
share (low t-values, p>0.05). However, positive effect is reported for management style, internal controls,
systems, procedures, skills and competencies, and human resources; while negative effect is reported for the other
firm-level institutions. Relatively high impact is reported for procedures (=0.405) (Table 8).

Table 8: Significance for the effect of firm-level institutions on Market Share

Firm-level institutions Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
t -Value
B Std. Error
(Constant) .032 .704 .046
Structure -.157 .141 -.404 -1.118
Management Style .086 .078 .359 1.104
Internal controls .004 .102 .013 .039
Systems .125 .085 .388 1.464
Procedures .111 .091 .405 1.224
Financial resources -.034 .103 -.115 -.326
Skills and Competences .087 .211 .225 .411
Knowledge base -.018 .147 -.063 -.126
Culture -.035 .112 -.132 -.308
Human resources .052 .162 .138 .323

Firm-Level Institutions and Product/Service Quality
The study results indicate that none of the firm-level institutions had statistically significant individual effect on
product/service quality (low t-values, p>0.05). Nonetheless, results indicated positive effect for internal controls,
financial resources, skills and competencies, knowledge base, and human resources. Negative effects are reported
for the other firm-level institutions. However, relatively high impact is reported for knowledge base (=0.551)
(Table 9).

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Table 9: Significance for the effect of firm-level institutions on Product/Service Quality

Firm-level institutions Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
t -Value
B Std. Error
(Constant) .308 .552 .557
Structure -.112 .110 -.394 -1.017
Management Style -.032 .061 -.184 -.529
Internal controls .113 .080 .502 1.412
Systems -.009 .067 -.039 -.136
Procedures -.034 .071 -.167 -.472
Financial resources .017 .081 .077 .206
Skills and Competences .092 .166 .326 .556
Knowledge base .118 .115 .551 1.027
Culture -.049 .088 -.257 -.558
Human resources .019 .127 .067 .147

Firm-Level Institutions and Operational Efficiency
The study reports statistically not significant results for the individual effect of firm-level institutions on
operational efficiency (low t-values, p>0.05). However, positive effect is reported for structure, internal controls,
knowledge base, culture, and human resources; while negative effect is reported for the other firm-level
institutions. Relatively high impact is reported for organizational structure (=0.521) (Table 10).

Table 10: Significance for the effect of firm-level institutions on Operational Efficiency

Firm-level institutions Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
t -Value
B Std. Error
(Constant) -.200 .541 -.369
Structure .152 .108 .521 1.410
Management Style -.068 .060 -.373 -1.125
Internal controls .106 .079 .456 1.344
Systems -.008 .065 -.032 -.119
Procedures -.022 .070 -.105 -.311
Financial resources -.019 .079 -.085 -.237
Skills and Competences -.083 .163 -.285 -.509
Knowledge base .040 .113 .181 .353
Culture .007 .086 .037 .085
Human resources .116 .124 .407 .932

Results of Test of Hypothesis
The preliminary findings presented in this chapter focused on testing the extent to which firm-level institutions
are manifested by the organizations and whether significant differences exist across the studied organizations on
the extent of their manifestation. We also laid focus on testing the statistical significance of the individual effect
of firm-level institutions on the various indicators of performance. In most cases, the findings demonstrated
statistically not significant independent effects of firm-level institutions on the various indicators of corporate
performance. In this section we present results of test of hypothesis which was stated as follows:

Firm-level institutions have a significant influence on corporate performance

Through multiple linear regression analysis, the hypothesis was tested by regressing the firm-level institutions on
each measure of corporate performance. This operation generated the multiple r, R
, F-ratio values and
corresponding p-values. The multiple r value shows the strength of the relationship between firm-level
institutions and each measure/indicator of performance.

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 21; November 2012

The R
value shows the proportion of change in the performance indicator that is explained by the combined
effect of firm-level institutions. The F-value demonstrates the overall statistical significance of the model which
predicts the effect of firm-level institutions on corporate performance at 95% confidence level (p=0.05). The
decision to confirm the hypothesis was made at values of F-ratio where p<0.05. The results of the test of the
hypothesis are summarized and presented (Table 11).

Table 11: Model Summaries for the effect of firm-level institutions on corporate performance

Model Multiple
F-Value p-value
Profit Before Tax=f(Firm-Level Institutions) 0.651 0.424 0.885 0.571
Total Nets Assets=f(Firm-Level Institutions) 0.810 0.656 2.288 0.088
Sales Revenue=f(Firm-Level Institutions) 0.685 0.470 1.064 0.453
Earnings Per Share=f(Firm-Level Institutions) 0.551 0.303 0.522 0.844
Return on Investment=f(Firm-Level Institutions) 0.758 0.575 1.620 0.212
New Product introduction=f(Firm-Level Institutions) 0.613 0.376 0.723 0.692
Product/service Quality=f(Firm-Level Institutions) 0.600 0.360 0.675 0.729
Market Share=f(Firm-Level Institutions) 0.664 0.441 0.948 0.527
Operational efficiency=f(Firm-Level Institutions) 0.646 0.417 0.859 0.590
Firm-Level Institutions: Human resources, Systems, Management Style, Procedures, Structure, Internal
controls, Culture, Financial resources, Knowledge base, Skills and Competences

The results (Table 11) show a strong relationship between firm-level institutions and the different measures of
corporate performance (multiple r ranges from 0.55 for earnings per share (ESP) to 0.81 for total net assets
(TNAs)). The results also indicate a fairly high explanatory power for firm-level institutions on various measures
of performance (R
ranges from 30.3 % for ESP to 65.6% for TNAs). However, the study reports statistically not
significant results for the effect of firm-level institutions on corporate performance (low F-values, p>0.05). As
such, the study results fail to confirm the stated hypothesis and reach to a conclusion that in spite of a fairly strong
relationship between firm-level institutions and corporate performance, firm-level institutions do not have a
significant influence on corporate performance of publicly quoted companies in Kenya.


The fundamental view of fit propounded by strategic management researchers and organization theorists was that
it is a dynamic search that seeks to align the organization with its environment and to arrange resources internally
in support of that alignment (Miles & Snow, 1984). Firms whose strategy and other firm-level institutions are
aligned should be less vulnerable to external changes and internal inefficiencies, and should thus perform better
because the alignment provides the enabling environment essential for successful strategy implementation (Habib
& Victor, 1991). As such, we hypothesized that firm-level institutions have a direct effect on corporate

Firm-level institutions in the current study were descriptive of the internal organizational environment in which
strategy implementation takes place. Vinzant & Vinzant (1996) argue that organizations must develop internal
capability in order to deliver on their strategies and achieve positive performance. This study tested the
hypothesized proposition that firm-level institutions have a significant effect on corporate performance. The
results revealed that there is a strong relationship between firm-level institutions and corporate performance
(multiple r values >0.50) and that firm-level institutions explain a fairly large proportion of change in the various
measures of corporate performance (R
ranges from 30.30% for PBT to 65.60% for TNAs).

Despite overall statistically not significant results (low F-values, p>0.05), statistically significant effect for
individual firm-level institutions on some measures of corporate performance is reported (high t-values, p<0.05).
These results are reported for the effect of organizational structure and financial resources on the companies total
net assets and that of organizational systems on the companies ROI. The study also reports positive and negative
effect for firm-level institutions on the various measures of performance. Human resources appeared to have a
positive effect on most indicators of performance while financial resources appeared to have a negative effect.
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Though the study results fail to support the stated hypothesis, the findings are partially supportive of similar
studies on the basis of the explanatory power of firm-level institutions over corporate performance. In their study
on the relationships between intangible organizational elements and organizational performance, Carmeli &
Tishler (2004) established that organizational performance can be well explained by intangible organizational
elements among them managerial capabilities, human capital, internal auditing, labor relations, organizational
culture, and perceived organizational reputation; and the interactions among them. Our results partially conform
to attributions leveled for the role that firm-level institutions play in gaining and sustaining firm competitive
advantage, hence safeguarding corporate performance (Wernerfelt, 1984; Barney, 1991; Foss & Knudsen, 2003;
Wang et al, 2009).

Despite failure to support the stated hypothesis, the results offer partial support to institutional theory as well as
the McKinsey 7S framework to the extent that most of the firm-level institutions that were considered in the study
manifested to a large extent in the surveyed companies and that some the firm-level institutions have statistically
significant independent effect on some indicators of performance. The differences in their manifestations depict
contingency theory whose basic assertion is that situational and contextual factors determine management practice
(Betts, 1994). The results also offer partial support to resource based theory of the firm which emphasizes the
firms internal characteristics and explains why firms make different strategic choices that lead to different
outcomes (performance) and how they use the resources and capabilities to enhance their ability to adapt to
changing competitive environment (Perez and Castillejo, 2008).


In this paper, we focused on testing the direct influence of firm-level institutions on corporate performance. We
observed that a very strong relationship exists between firm-level institutions and various indicators of corporate
performance. This strong relationship was found to correspond to high explanatory power of the firm-level
institutions over the various measures of corporate performance. Despite the high correlations and explanatory
powers, the results were statistically not significant at p=0.05, hence could not support the stated hypothesis.
While most studies have included some firm-level institutions as part of the co-alignment variables (Lim & Kim,
1988; Habib & Victor, 1991; Simerly & Mingfang, 2000; Madapusi, 2007; Sifa, 2009), this study considered a
wider array of internal organizational variables and tested their direct effect on corporate performance. Given
these differences in conceptualization, the currents studys findings partially concur with findings of past studies.

The results revealed that organizations manifest all the firm-level institutions that were considered in the study to
varying degrees (mean scores range from 3.13 for systems to 4.35 for organizational structure). However, the
manifestation of the firm-level institutions is not uniform across the organizations. These results mean that each
organization manifests each of the firm-level institutions to varying degrees.

Despite failure to confirm the stated hypothesis, the results concur to some extent with Carmeli & Tishlers
(2004) study on the basis of the variations in corporate performance that are accounted for by firm-level
institutions. The results also partially conform to further evidence on the role of firm-level institutions in
sustaining corporate performance (Wernerfelt, 1984; Barney, 1991; Foss & Knudsen, 2003; Wang et al, 2007).
Therefore, while organizations seek to align their strategy with developments in the external environment in order
to be effective, there is also need to ensure that the internal organizational environment is conducive for the
implementation of strategic decisions.


Out of the results of testing the hypothesis of the study and ensuing discussions, there are implications that have
emerged. These implications touch on pertinent theory, methodology, and management practice. Despite
reporting varying degrees of relationships amongst the variables of study, the current studys overall results for
the hypothesized relationship are statistically not significant. Therefore, we could not be emphatic in terms of
implications for theory because of deficient statistical power inherent in the study due to high rate of non-
response. However, the results lead to observations that are indicative of theoretical implications.

This study had put forward a proposition that firm-level institutions have a significant influence on corporate
performance. The results indicate that firm-level institutions account for relatively high variation in corporate
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 21; November 2012

The study provides evidence of the pivotal role that the internal environment of an organization plays in
determining corporate performance. It therefore provides some support for the resource based theory whose major
emphasis is on how possession of strategic resources and capabilities enables organizations to gain and sustain
competitive advantage.

The fact that the results of this study have not provided statistically significant support for all the hypothesized
relationships serves as a basis for methodological implications. The principal focus of this study, as that of much
research was post hoc explanations of statistical relationships. As proposed by Lenz (1981), there is need to
explore the processes which cause these relationships. This therefore implies that methodological choices should
go beyond the choice of statistical models to explore and test interactions among the various variables that are
under study. The choice of regression and correlation analysis as statistical approaches had great bearing of the
post hoc statistical relationships reported in this study. Given that the focus of the study was predominantly
testing the statistical significance of the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable, the choice
of the prop-value has implications for the statistical significance of the results. Therefore, statistically not
significant results may turn out to be statistically significant if the prop-value changes.

The study also reported positive effects of the various firm-level instructions on some indicators of corporate
performance as well as negative effects on others. Positive effect implies that the more and/or adequate a
particular internal organizational aspect is, the higher the contribution to a particular performance indicator. The
reverse is true for the negative effect. This puts management on the alert to ensure that internal obstacles to
effective implementation of decisions are identified and minimized. Therefore, the study implies that managers
focus should not only be in building organizational capacity to scan and understand the implications of the
developments in the external environment but also on building both general management and organizations
functional capability (Ansoff and McDonnell, 1990) because of their enormous influence in the efficiency and
effectiveness with which strategies are translated into action and action into results, results that are also

Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research

The findings of this study should be interpreted and understood within the confines of inherent limitations. First,
this study did not achieve 100% response rate. This is because of high rate of non-response occasioned by most
target companies restrictive policies and reluctance of the targeted respondents to return back the questionnaires
and accept to be interviewed. Coupled with limited time and resources, efforts of obtaining more responses were
greatly hampered. It is therefore suggested that a similar study be carried out targeting companies that never
responded and compare the results with those of the current study.

Second, the study predominantly utilized regression and correlation analysis in testing the various relationships
between and among various variables. This choice was made with assumption that the relationships were linear.
There is a possibility that the relationships between and among the variables is non-linear and therefore testing
their relationships using non-linear regression models is likely to give different results.

Third, the sampling frame was limited to publicly quoted companies in the Nairobi Stock Exchange. This means
that there are many categories of organizations that were not covered by this study. Given that majority of the
targeted companies did not participate in the study, there is limitation on the extent to which these results could be
generalized across all the publicly quoted companies in Kenya. Therefore, the findings and conclusions drawn
here might not apply to all the publicly quoted companies in Kenya as well as those in other categories that were
not covered. Consequently, a similar study is necessary in other types of organizations (e.g. Wholly State
Owned Enterprises, NGOs, SMEs, etc) in order to validate and/or enhance this studys findings.

Lastly, the study adopted a cross-sectional research design in which averages for corporate performance data for a
five year period (2005-2009) were used. The results of this study are therefore limited to cross-sectional data
without the possibility of unearthing the effect of the time period between which institutional changes could have
taken place and their effect on companies performance over time. The design did not also provide for in-depth
investigation probes to unearth the unique underlying issues on a case by case basis. This provides an
opportunity for replicative studies through either longitudinal or case study research designs.

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We wish to acknowledge the support of the companies whose managers agreed to spare their valuable
time to provide the sought information during this research. We also appreciate the support by the School of
Business of the University of Nairobi for facilitating the study and providing the necessary direction. To
all those who offered support and encouragement in one way or another that we may not mention here,
we greatly appreciate.


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