The lesson plan is for a 3rd grade math class on fractions. The lesson introduces finding fractions of groups of objects using a problem about sharing 12 apples. Students work on word problems involving fractions of 12 and use objects or drawings to solve them. Example problems include finding 1/3 and 1/3 of 12 apples and 1/4, 1/4, and 1/4 of 12 apples. The teacher assesses students' understanding by observing their work and using a rubric to record their proficiency with fractions concepts.
The lesson plan is for a 3rd grade math class on fractions. The lesson introduces finding fractions of groups of objects using a problem about sharing 12 apples. Students work on word problems involving fractions of 12 and use objects or drawings to solve them. Example problems include finding 1/3 and 1/3 of 12 apples and 1/4, 1/4, and 1/4 of 12 apples. The teacher assesses students' understanding by observing their work and using a rubric to record their proficiency with fractions concepts.
The lesson plan is for a 3rd grade math class on fractions. The lesson introduces finding fractions of groups of objects using a problem about sharing 12 apples. Students work on word problems involving fractions of 12 and use objects or drawings to solve them. Example problems include finding 1/3 and 1/3 of 12 apples and 1/4, 1/4, and 1/4 of 12 apples. The teacher assesses students' understanding by observing their work and using a rubric to record their proficiency with fractions concepts.
The lesson plan is for a 3rd grade math class on fractions. The lesson introduces finding fractions of groups of objects using a problem about sharing 12 apples. Students work on word problems involving fractions of 12 and use objects or drawings to solve them. Example problems include finding 1/3 and 1/3 of 12 apples and 1/4, 1/4, and 1/4 of 12 apples. The teacher assesses students' understanding by observing their work and using a rubric to record their proficiency with fractions concepts.
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ITE 325 Lesson Plan Format
Name: Beverly Cortez Title: Fractions
Grade Level and Setting: 3 rd Grade, Classroom 33
Date Taught: March 12 Duration: 50 minutes Number of Students: 26
Overarching Mathematical Goal(s): Students will Find fractions of groups of objects o Find and name fractional parts of 12 objects o Use pictures or models to show that they have identified the correct fraction
Consider Your Students Needs: Considering All Students:
Students must have worked with an area model for fractions. Area models include circle and rectangle. Some, if not the majority, of students can find parts of a single whole. They may be able to write the correct fractional name.
Students have experience fractions with paper models. They were able to find equal parts of a whole like halves, fourths, eights, thirds and sixths. Some students had difficulty partitioning the paper into 3 equal parts (thirds).
For English Language Learners:
Explain the terms groups, fair shares, equal parts, halves, fourths, thirds, eighths, and twelves. Also, review structures of fractions and the conventions for reading fractions.
Allow peer-assisted learning. Students will be paired with another student that has a deep understanding of the concept of fractions.
For Students with Special Needs:
Mild disabilities: If students are unable to solve the problem independently, they will benefit from a peer-assisted learning. Students will be paired with another student that has a deep understanding of the concept of fractions. Provide only one problem or a different problem sheet that is easier.
For Fast Finishers:
Ask students to draw pictures for each of the problems to represent each fraction. They will then use their drawing in justifying their answer to the class.
Ask students to create their own sharing of 12 things problem.
Ask students to examine the problems and see if they noticed anything. Ask students to help other students who are having trouble.
Materials Needed: Each student will need: Paper Pencil 12 buttons or 12 connecting cubes or 12 colored tiles Sharing 12 things problem sheet
Teacher will need: White board Dry erase marker 12 buttons or 12 connecting cubes or 12 colored tiles 26 copies of sharing 12 things problem sheet
Sources: Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (2013) by Van de Walle, Karp, Bay-Williams
Standard/Benchmark HCPSIII/Common Core Content Standards: 3.NF.1. Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.
Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice: CCSS.Math.Practice.MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them CCSS.Math.Practice.MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4: Model with Mathematics
Assessment Observe: Are students partitioning correctly? Are they making fair shares? Are they using pictures or models to help them with the problem?
Record observations about students while they are working on the problems.
Assessment Recording Sheets and/or Rubrics:
+ Yes +/- Sometimes X No
Student Partitions to solve problems; makes fair shares Able to find fractional parts of 12 objects Able to name fractional parts of 12 objects Used pictures or models to show that they have identified the correct fraction Comments
Activities/Instructional Strategies BEFORE:
Get students attention and say:
We have been finding fractions of rectangles, which are single objects that can be cut up into equal parts. It is also possible to find fractions of a group of things. Think about this: I have 12 marbles in my collection. I want to give my friend half of them. How many marbles will I give to my friend?
Allow students to consider this for a minute or two, and then ask a few students to explain how they thought about the question. As students share, encourage them to draw pictures that represent the problem on the board. Tell them to use their picture to explain and justify their answer.
Students might say:
I drew 12 circles, one for each marble, in a line. I drew a line across the middle of the marbles so that there was the same number of marbles on each side. I counted the marbles on one side and it is 6. So you gave her 6 marbles.
I know that 6+6=12. So half of 12 is 6.
I started putting out 12 cubes, but when I counted out 6 I realized that half of 12 things is 6 things because 6 fits into 12 evenly twice.
Allow student to show his or her strategy to the rest of the class.
Say: Good, so in order to have a fair share of my 12 marbles, my friend and I will need to have the same amount of marbles. I will give my friend 6 marbles because half of 12 is 6. Record on the board of 12 is 6 Say: In this problem, what is our whole?
Say: Today you will be solving some problems about sharing 12 apples. Think about how you can picture these problems. You may want to use cubes, buttons, colored tiles, drawings or any other materials that you think might be useful.
Pass out sharing 12 things problem sheet to students:
Solve each of these problems and show how you figured out your answers: 1. Oscar picked 12 apples. He gave 1/3 of the apples to Gil and 1/3 of the apples to Becky. How many apples did each of them get? 2. Pilar picked 12 apples. She gave of the apples to Dwayne, of the apples to Murphy, and of the apples to Kelley. How many apples did each of them get? 3. Chiang picked 12 apples. She gave 1/6 of the apples to each of her 5 friends. How many apples did each friend get?
Say: Make sure you label your answers and drawings.
Circulate as students work and use assessment chart. Ask questions to elicit responses and take note if student understand the concept and take note of any misunderstandings.
For fast finishers:
1. Find a partner who is done and share your answers. Compare your work. Explain your answer using your picture or model. 2. Find a partner who is finished and examine the three problems and see if you noticed anything 3. Create your own sharing of 12 things problem. 4. Find a partner who is struggling and needs help.
Get students attention and have a class discussion. Use their class attention getter. You found many fractions of 12 when you solved the problems about 12 apples. Lets record what you found. Draw student numbers to be fair
Ask one student to read problem number 1. Ask one of the fast finishers to come up and share his or her answer to the class. Tell student to show pictures or use models in justifying his or her answer Thank student for sharing Call on one student to record fractions of 12 on the board: 1/3 of 12 is 4 Ask students if they got this problem correct. Note who didnt raise their hand Ask another student to read problem number 2. Ask another one of the fast finishers to come up and share his or her answers to the class using pictures or models to justify answer. Thank student for sharing Call on another student to record fractions of 12 on the board: of 12 is 3 Ask students if they got this problem correct. Note who didnt raise their hand Ask another student to read the last problem. Ask another one of the fast finishers to come up and share his or her answer to the class using pictures or models to justify the answer. Thank student for sharing Call on another student to record fractions of 12 on the board: 1/6 of 12 is 2 Ask students if they got this problem correct. Note who didnt raise their hand Ask students who created their own sharing 12 things problems to share Give students time to work on the problem. Say You know how to find fractions of 12 from this activity, what about finding a fraction of a different number? How many students is of our class?
Ask: how many students is in our class?
Students respond: 26
So what is half of 26?
Allow students a few minutes to work on this with a partner. Encourage students to use pictures, models or other materials that might be useful to them. Collect responses Have a few students share how they divided the class in half. Record answer on the board. If time permits: pose another problem with a different number of students If 2 people were absent and we wanted to divide the class in half, how many would be in each half?
Conclude the lesson by asking a few questions; Is it possible to find a fraction of one rectangle? Is it possible to find a fraction of one circle? What about a fraction of a group of objects? Like 20 oranges
Assign homework sheet (attached)
Assessment Recording Tool: Student Partitions to solve problems; makes fair shares Able to find fractional parts of 12 objects Able to name fractional parts of 12 objects Used pictures or models to show that they have identified the correct fraction Comments
Any other resources needed (worksheets, data tables, etc):
Sharing 12 Things
Solve each of these problems and show how you figured out your answers.
1. Oscar picked 12 apples. He gave 1/3 of the apples to Gil and 1/3 of the apples to Becky. How many apples did each of them get?
2. Pilar picked 12 apples. She gave of the apples to Dwayne, of the apples to Murphy, and of the apples to Kelley. How many apples did each of them get?
3. Chiang picked 12 apples. She gave 1/6 of the apples to each of her 5 friends. How many apples did each friend get?
1. Katy bought 20 roses. She wants to give of the roses to her mom, sister, her friend Jennifer and her friend Kim. How many roses should she give each of them?
2. Amy has 12 lollipops. She gave 1/6 of the lollipops to each of her 5 friends. How many lollipops did each friend get?
3. Create your own word problem that shows a fractional part of a group of objects. Use the problems above to guide you.