Postmodern Ethnography Contributors: Max Travers Print Pub. Date: 2001 Print ISBN: 9780761968054 Online ISBN: 9781849209724 DOI: 10.4135/9781849209724 Print pages: 151-171 This PDF was generated from SAGE Research Methods Online. Please note, the pagination does not follow the pagination of the print book. SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 2 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online Postmodern Ethnography CONTENTS The significance of postmodernism Poststructuralism and method Archaeology and genealogy Deconstructionism Poststructuralism and ethnography Questioning the authority of classic texts New forms of ethnographic writing Beyond ethnography Four experimental ethnographies Tuhami: a dialogic ethnography The Mirror Dance Final Negotiations Louisa May: poetry as ethnography Assessing postmodern ethnography Chicago School ethnography Grounded theory SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 3 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online Ethnomethodology The critical tradition Radical poststructuralism Further reading Exercises The most recent intellectual movements that have had an impact across the human sciences are those of postmodernism and poststructuralism. Postmodernism is the belief that we are entering a new era of world history that is significantly different from the modern era. Poststructuralism is a philosophical movement that makes the rather more radical claim that the assumptions we have held about truth and knowledge in the past are mistaken: it is an attempt to disrupt, and reinvigorate, our appreciation and understanding of reality. The two terms are often used interchangeably, which is understandable given that poststructuralist thinkers such as Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida represent a dramatic break with previous ways of conceptualizing society. This chapter begins by trying to explain why some intellectuals believe that we are entering a new period in human history, and discusses the implications of poststructuralist ideas for research methods. It then examines how these ideas have become important in anthropology and symbolic interactionism as researchers have become more self-conscious about the difficulty of representing reality in ethnographic texts. The chapter then looks at four experimental studies that have been described as postmodern ethnographies. It concludes by considering how the other traditions I have reviewed in this book have responded to postmodernism. They are all extremely critical of this latest development in social science. The significance of postmodernism Although the cultural and intellectual impact of postmodernism may be on the wane, there is no denying that it has been the most vigorous force in intellectual life in the past SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 4 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online twenty years, and has also had some degree of impact on wider culture. There are very few Marxists around in universities these days, but there are many people, both old and young, who have embraced postmodernism. Whole fields, such as cultural studies, have grown up fuelled by theoretical debates and ideas from French poststructuralist philosophers and cultural critics such as Jean-Jacques Lyotard, Jean Baudrillard, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault. In sociology, Foucault has replaced Marx as the theorist most taught on the undergraduate curriculum, and terms like discourse and power/knowledge have replaced capital, class struggle and the dialectic as the common currency of left-wing intellectuals. In its most radical forms, postmodernist thought claims that the world has changed so profoundly that not only is there no chance of a political revolution of the type envisaged by Marx, but intellectuals have become irrelevant in an affluent society in which no one can imagine an alternative to capitalism (see, for example, Baudrillard 1988; Bauman 1992). This argument was also advanced by the Frankfurt School during the 1960s, but the young people who became involved in political protest during that period, partly as a result of reading books such as Herbert Marcuse's One Dimensional Man (1964), were fighting for a better world. Today, there is very little radicalism or political idealism around. The popularity of postmodernism on university campuses in America and Europe probably has a lot to do with the disillusion experienced by middle-aged, left- wing intellectuals following the collapse of communism (see Horowitz 1993). My own view, however, is that it is contemporary youth, the Generation X described in Douglas Coupland's novels, who are most receptive to postmodernism. It speaks to people who do not believe in ideologies or grand narratives, and are either happy with the world as it is, or cynical about the prospects for changing deeply entrenched institutions and ways of thinking through political action. Poststructuralism and method Perhaps the most controversial argument put forward by poststructuralists is that there is no such thing as absolute truth. This is mainly directed against a central assumption held by philosophers and political theorists since the eighteenth century: the idea that human beings, through exercising their free will, guided by reason, can produce a better society. Enlightenment thinkers such as Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot, Comte, SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 5 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online Rousseau and Montaigne promoted this idea at a time when the medieval world, based on religious authority and the dominance of hereditary elites, was in the process of being transformed by what we have come to call capitalism. It also, however, has considerable implications for understanding method in the social sciences. I will now explain some of the implications through discussing the terms archaeology/genealogy and deconstructionism. These should be understood not as additional methods one can use in empirical enquiry, but as part of a philosophical assault against the very idea of method, as it is understood by positivist, realist and interpretive traditions. Archaeology and genealogy Although Foucault is sometimes presented to students as a leftist thinker who offered a similar view of society to Marx, in fact there are profound and irreconcilable political and philosophical differences between the two thinkers. Marx belongs to the tradition of critical theory reviewed in Chapter 6: he believed that reason and science can be used to produce a better world. Foucault, on the other hand, was a critic of this tradition, which he saw as delusory and dishonest: knowledge, in his view, was always a means of exercising power. Whereas Marx believed that there would ultimately be a proletarian revolution, Foucault was far more pessimistic about the prospects of change. Power was not concentrated into the hands of any one group or class but spread evenly in institutions and practices such as schooling, medicine, the criminal justice system and psychiatry. In a similar fashion to Max Weber and members of the Frankfurt School, he viewed the rise of the state as a sinister development that reduced human freedom. There was no means of challenging power, since it was everywhere. The only source of resistance would come from local struggles waged by groups like prisoners or homosexuals on the margins of society, which would never result in a transformation of society as a whole. In advancing these arguments, Foucault employed a method which he describes in his early work as archaeology but later came to describe as genealogy. Since these are often recommended as postmodern methods (see, for example, Kendall and Wickham 1999 and Scheurich 1997), it is important to understand that they cannot really be separated from his project of critiquing Enlightenment thought. They are best SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 6 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online understood as methods of philosophical critique and argument, rather than methods which produce empirical findings. An archaeology is an investigation into the dominant cultural and philosophical assumptions of a particular historical period. Foucault used it to show that ideas and concepts we take for granted are, in fact, historically situated: there is no such thing as absolute or transcendental knowledge. A genealogy involves showing how the growth of any body of knowledge always involves the exercise of power. In historical studies such as Madness and Civilisation (1967) and Discipline and Punish (1977), Foucault showed not only that current ways of dealing with the insane or criminals are historically contingent, but that what appear to be liberal or progressive measures are part of a broader process in which we have lost our freedom. Foucault's objective in using these philosophical methods was, therefore, to advance a controversial and deeply pessimistic critique of the modern world. His later writings about biopower and governmentality also suggest that social scientific methods, including the social survey but also the various techniques used by qualitative researchers, can be viewed as tools used by the state, and professional occupations, to regulate and control human populations. The methods courses you are taking at college are, if you like, part of the problem rather than the solution from a Foucauldian perspective, because they teach an instrumental way of thinking about human beings, and are intended to give you technical skills which serve the needs of government. Deconstructionism The other method which has become associated with poststructuralism is deconstructionism, which has become part of everyday language in Western societies, in the sense of a technique used to find different or alternative meanings in literary texts or films (see Denzin 1994). The originator of the term, Jacques Derrida, was engaged in a more ambitious project. He set out to challenge the assumption, widely held in Western thought, that it is possible to represent the world objectively using language. Derrida regards this view of language as repressive, in the same way as the exercise of reason results in governments building prisons, or the growth of psychiatry as an SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 7 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online occupation. He wants to free intellectuals from the feeling that they have to think in a logical, rational or coherent way about human activities. A key principle of conventional literary criticism, but also of how we read texts in any area of social life, is that it is possible to find a true or objective meaning. One strategy we often adopt if we are unclear about the meaning of a word, or a passage, is to consider what the author must have meant. We might consult other documents or texts relating to that subject, or interview people who knew the author, or even interview the author if this is possible. Our assumption in doing so is that there is a meaning to be found, and that it comes from what was in the author's mind. Derrida challenges this view through suggesting that the meaning does not exist outside the text, but is the product of how it is interpreted by different audiences (see also Fish 1982). Deconstructionism as a technique of literary criticism involves going through a text and identifying inconsistencies. Cuff et al. describe this in the following terms: The operation of deconstruction works in the opposite way to conventional attempts to identify a coherently structured text, unified under its title and the name of the author. The conventional direction seeks out as much internal consistency as possible, trying to bring all aspects of the text within the same scheme. Its obverse, deconstruction, cultivates incongruities and paradoxes, highlighting the ways texts are internally divided amongst themselves, showing how one part of the text counteracts the effect ostensibly found in another, and revealing especially where aspects of the text resist, confound and unravel the order which seeks to impose itself upon the text. (1998, p. 291) The objective is to show not only that a text can be interpreted in different ways, but that one can never establish a final meaning (which is encapsulated in the concept of diffrance). More fundamentally, Derrida wants to challenge our desire to find coherence, which stems from exactly the same worship of reason which has reduced human freedom in other areas of social life. SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 8 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online Poststructuralism and ethnography Although poststructuralism and postmodernism are widely taught as bodies of theory in the social sciences, it would be fair to say that they have only had a limited impact on the way in which academics conduct research, or on courses in research methods. Very few researchers now pursue archaeological or genealogical investigations in the way Foucault intended. Deconstructionism has enjoyed some success as a specialist method in literary criticism, but has not taken root in the social sciences. The only subfield in sociology in which relativism is taken seriously is the sociology of scientific knowledge, which, despite courting controversy in a sustained attempt to undermine the authority of science, has only had a limited effect on the rest of the discipline (see, for example, Woolgar 1988a; and for a critical response Sokal and Bricmont 1997). One might argue that this is hardly surprising: this way of thinking is antithetical to the very idea of social science, if this is motivated by a desire to improve the world through conducting empirical research. Poststructuralism has received the warmest welcome from researchers in the interpretive tradition who conceptualize social life in terms of meaningful action, and are opposed to the positivist view, put forward by Emile Durkheim, that one should use methods from natural science in studying human beings (see my summary of this debate in Chapter 1). There are some important exceptions, and I will be reviewing the arguments of symbolic interactionists in the Chicago School tradition, and ethnomethodologists, who have an equal hostility towards positivism and poststructuralism, at the end of this chapter. There are two groups of American ethnographers who have been most receptive to poststructuralism, and have even developed new methods to promote the idea that there is no such thing as truth. The first is a group of anthropologists, and literary critics, associated with James Clifford and George Marcus in Rice University, who published the influential collection Writing Culture (1986). The second is a group of sociologists in what might be called the extreme anti-positivist wing of the symbolic interactionist tradition. These include ethnographers and cultural analysts associated with the programmes taught by Norman Denzin of the University of Illinois, Arthur Bochner and Carolyn Ellis of the University of South Florida, Andrea Fontana of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, and Laurel SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 9 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online Richardson of the Ohio State University. They have questioned the authority of classic texts, and promoted new forms of ethnographic writing. Some symbolic interactionists have gone further, and experimented with new ways of presenting data about lived experience, such as highly reflective autobiographical accounts and performance texts. Questioning the authority of classic texts The most usual way of reading an ethnographic text is to see it as reporting factual information about the world. Anthropologists have always presented their work in scientific terms: making discoveries about primitive peoples and reporting these to governments, or general and academic audiences interested in different cultures back home. Similarly, the ethnographers in the first and second Chicago Schools, whom I introduced in Chapter 2, also presented their findings as a straightforward naturalistic representation of what was happening in different social worlds. Herbert Blumer may have been a vigorous opponent of the inappropriate use of quantitative methods to study human beings, but he still believed that one could produce objective findings through ethnographic research. Once poststructuralist ideas started to become popular in American universities, it was only a matter of time before this positivist understanding of ethnography came under attack. The main tactic has been to examine classic studies, and question the way they represent reality. The contributors in Writing Culture examine particular texts, such as Bronislaw Malinowski's (1961) Argonauts of the Western Pacific or Edward Evans- Pritchard's (1940) The Nuer, and show how they represent a biased or partial account of social reality. James Clifford, in the introduction, argues that they should be viewed not as contributions to science, but as ethnographic fictions: To call ethnographies fictions may raise empiricist hackles. But the world as commonly used in recent textual theory has lost its connotation of falsehood, of something merely opposed to truth. It suggests the partiality of cultural and historical truths, the ways they are systematic and exclusive. Ethnographic writings can properly be called fictions in the sense of something made up or fashioned, the principal burden of the word's Latin root, fingere. But it is important to preserve the SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 10 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online [additional] meaning not merely of making, but also of making up, of inventing things not actually real. (Clifford and Marcus 1986, p. 6) Perhaps the clearest systematic critique of realist ethnography can be found in a review article by George Marcus and Dick Cushman (1982). They identify a number of shortcomings in early anthropological studies. One of these is that the existence of the individual was usually suppressed in professional ethnographic writing (1982, p. 32). This has some similarities to the critique made by Edward Said (1985) against Orientalism: the tendency of Western writers and intellectuals during the colonial period to portray people in Asia, Africa and the Middle East as an undifferentiated mass sharing cultural defects such as passivity and the inability to engage in rational thought. Another is that the ethnographer, who produced the account, was usually absent as a first person presence in the text. Instead, they note the dominance of the scientific (invisible or omniscient) narrator who is manifest only as a dispassionate, camera-like observer (1982, pp. 31-2). Symbolic interactionists, who have taken up poststructuralist ideas, have also questioned the authority of their own sacred texts. One of the best known studies in the Chicago School tradition (although it was written by an anthropologist unconnected with Chicago) is William Foote Whyte's (1943) Street Corner Society. This ethnography compares the lives and perspectives of two groups of young men, the corner boys and the college boys, in an Italian American community called Cornerville. One reason for its enduring appeal lies in the fact that, unlike the early anthropological studies criticized by Marcus and Cushman, it vividly conveys a sense of the lives and personalities of particular individuals. A central character in the ethnography is Doc, the gang leader who befriended Whyte and collaborated with him in writing the study. Forty years after the publication of Street Corner Society, Whyte's findings and methods were criticized in a 1992 special issue of the Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. The centrepiece was an article by W.A. Marianne Boelen, who had grown up in the real Cornerville, and claimed that he had misrepresented it as a slum run by racketeers. She also claimed that Doc had been seriously embarrassed by the publication of Whyte's book, so much so that he lost the position of leader in his gang, and eventually suffered a nervous breakdown. Her source for this was not Doc himself, who had died in 1967, but his sons who believed that Street Corner Society had destroyed his life. SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 11 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online This was a realist critique in the sense that Boelen claimed that she knew the true facts about Cornerville which had been distorted by Whyte. However, an article by Laurel Richardson in the same issue (1992; reprinted in Richardson 1997) went further in using the dispute between the two accounts to question the authority of all ethnographic texts. It is now impossible to know which is the real Cornerville, or how Doc's life was affected by Street Corner Society. Richardson, however, argues that, in a sense, this does not matter, since all ethnographies necessarily use fiction-writing techniques in portraying social reality. Two examples are that Whyte gives real people fictional names, and includes what appear to be verbatim quotes from his characters, even though he tells us in his appendix that he did not take notes in the field and tape-recordings were not used (1997, p. 110). Boelen also claims that Whyte invented the famous episode in the bowling alley in which Doc always managed to win. This is a potentially damning charge for those who view ethnography as a scientific pursuit. It is, of course, impossible to prove what really happened. One can imagine, however, that if Whyte now admitted that he had made up large parts of Street Corner Society, then this would seriously undermine its authority as an ethnographic text. By contrast, Richardson, as a poststructuralist, is not concerned about whether or not ethnography lives up to the standards set in natural science: Could he have invented scenes such as the bowling alley one, which Boelen's informants say never happened? Perhaps he could; perhaps he did. But does it matter if he did? Is scene building much different from naming characters and quoting them? Do any of these fictional techniques detract from the general sociological points that Whyte wishes to make; or is it conversely because of these techniques that he was able to make his points and generate an abundance of research projects in his wake? (1997, p. 110) It will be apparent that Marcus and Cushman in anthropology and Richardson in symbolic interactionism are not suggesting that we should no longer read classic texts (see also Clough 1992). Instead, they are questioning the idea that ethnography should be understood as a science. They want us to read studies more critically, and to appreciate the different stories that could have been told, and the literary devices employed to produce what appears to be a factual or objective account. This critique SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 12 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online often becomes a political complaint that the voices of native peoples or women or ethnic minorities are being suppressed. However, underlying this is a poststructuralist concern with challenging the idea of truth: there are no true accounts, only different ways of interpreting reality. New forms of ethnographic writing In addition to critiquing classic texts, ethnographers influenced by poststructuralism have tried to move beyond realism as a representational genre either by focusing on the role of the author in collecting data, or allowing a range of voices to speak through the text. These two techniques are called dialogic and polyphonic ethnography (Clifford 1988). Although there is nothing new about first person accounts in either anthropology or symbolic interactionist ethnography, they are usually published as methodological appendices or retrospective essays about the research process. What John Van Maanen (1988) calls confessional texts, such as Malinowski's (1967) fieldwork diaries, often cause a stir in the same way as allegations that an ethnographer has invented data; they do not, however, challenge realism. Poststructuralists, on the other hand, argue that all ethnography should be conceptualized and written as a first person account (see, for example, Clifford 1988; Marcus and Fischer 1986, Chapter 3). The first text to do this, which explicitly drew on poststructuralist ideas, was Paul Rabinow's (1977) retrospective account about his experiences in Morocco. This describes how he developed a partial and limited understanding of a different culture through developing a relationship with a particular informant, and how he came to question his own cultural assumptions during the fieldwork. Another experimental form of writing ethnography is the polyphonic or multivocal text, a method which is partly inspired by the writings of Michel Bakhtin, the Russian literary theorist, now recognized to have been an early poststructuralist. According to Denzin, Bakhtin anticipates the postmodernist text - a text based on a parralax of discourses in which nothing is ever stable or capable of firm and certain representation (1997, p. 36). The central idea is that, instead of imposing his or her authority on a text as an impersonal narrator, the author should withdraw and let the subjects speak SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 13 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online for themselves. This is again not a completely new development in that even a conventional ethnographer, like Evans-Pritchard, considered publishing a book composed entirely of quotations (Clifford 1988, p. 47). One can, however, see how publishing an ethnography, in which there is a dialogic interplay of voices rather than an objective third person narrator, would appeal to post-structuralists. Beyond ethnography Arguably the most radical developments have taken place due to the popularity of cultural studies programmes in American universities since the 1980s. These celebrate ethnic and cultural diversity, but also subvert or challenge traditional disciplinary boundaries between the humanities and social sciences. Norman Denzin in his book Interpretive Ethnography: Ethnographic Practices for the 21st Century (1997) suggests that it might be necessary to find new ways of doing ethnography in a postmodern world. One of these methods, the performance text, requires students to write poems and plays which incorporate multiple voices, and perform these as part of their studies (Becker et al. 1989). This involves collecting qualitative data, using conventional methods, but fashioning this into a theatrical performance. It will often incorporate different perspectives or multiple tellings of the same event (in the manner of the Japanese film Rashomon). The audience can also be brought into the performance by inviting them to share in the dilemmas faced by the characters, and offer their own solutions (see Denzin 1997, Chapter 4). Another increasingly popular way of presenting data is for sociologists to write autobiographical accounts, particularly ones that focus on key emotional experiences or epiphanic moments (Denzin 1989b; Ellis and Flaherty 1992). Both devices challenge the realist view that it is possible to represent the world objectively. In the case of the performance text, one suspects that the goal is to annoy professional colleagues, still very much in the majority, who believe that sociology should be a science. This has much in common with the various attempts of avant-garde artists and novelists to shock audiences through defying realist conventions. SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 14 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online Four experimental ethnographies A central principle which has informed this introductory text is that one can learn most about qualitative research from reading actual studies. This is true for all the traditions which I have reviewed in the sense that a general summary of their epistemological assumptions, or methodological preferences, cannot do justice to the diversity of empirical work in that field. You also stand little chance of producing good work without immersing yourself in the previous literature. This does not mean slavishly trying to copy particular methods of presenting data or literary techniques, although imitation and recycling have always been central to artistic work. Instead, it requires becoming sensitive to the theoretical, aesthetic and political choices made by researchers in different traditions. In the case of postmodern ethnography, there are still only a relatively small number of experimental studies, and some of these are now quite old. The celebratory claim that we are about to enter a new era in ethnographic writing, what Denzin (1997) describes as the sixth moment, seems decidedly premature. On the other hand, they all provoke reflection about both the purpose and practice of ethnography. I have chosen to examine four studies, which are informed by poststructuralist ideas about representation. Vincent Crapanzo's (1980) Tuhami is a dialogic ethnography based on anthropological fieldwork in Morocco. Susan Krieger's (1983) The Mirror Dance is one of the few examples in symbolic interactionism of a polyphonic ethnography. Carolyn Ellis's (1995) Final Negotiations is an autobiographical account about the lengthy illness and death of her partner. Finally, Laura May is a poem by Laurel Richardson, based on interviewing an unmarried working class mother. Tuhami: a dialogic ethnography This study by Vincent Crapanzo (1980) tells the story of an illiterate Moroccan worker called Tuhami, who is visited by demons and saints in his dreams, and believes that he is married to a she-devil called A'isha Qandisha. It is not, however, simply a realist account of the beliefs of someone who belongs to a different culture. Instead, Crapanzo SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 15 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online presents his findings in the form of the dialogue which took place between himself and Tuhami. The ethnography documents their encounter, and focuses on the interpretive difficulties involved in making sense of a different culture, and the emotional effects of fieldwork. Crapanzo met Tuhami, whom he paid for his time, about once a week between March and November 1968 in the house of his Moroccan research assistant Lhacen. Tuhami was known locally as someone who knew a lot about magic and healing, the lives of saints, [and] the ways of demons (1980, p. 12). Crapanzo was originally interested in learning about how Moroccans viewed religious brotherhoods such as the Hamadsha. However, it immediately became apparent that Tuhami wanted to tell his life-story, although in a highly allegorical and fantastical way. Crapanzo became increasingly affected personally, and believed that Tuhami also changed during their meetings: As Tuhami's interlocutor, I became an active participant in his life history, even though I rarely appear directly in his recitations. Not only did my presence, and my questions, prepare him for the text he was to produce, but they produced what I read as a change of consciousness in him. They produced a change of consciousness in me, too. We were both jostled from our assumptions about the nature of the everyday world and ourselves and groped for common reference points within this limbo of exchange. My research on the Hamadsha and my concern with Tuhami's personal history provided a frame, at least a cover (perhaps more for me than for Tuhami), for our interchange. (1980, p. 11) Although there is a section providing background information about Moroccan society and religious beliefs that become relevant later, we learn about Tuhami through the stories and recollections he tells Crapanzo. These are presented so that we are put in the position of the anthropologist faced with several contradictory versions of the same event (the Rashomon effect), but can also see Crapanzo attempting to make sense of Tuhami's words through drawing on his knowledge of Moroccan culture and society. It is also often unclear whether Tuhami is talking about supernatural beings, such as demons and saints, or real people: they are either equally real to him, or he is talking about the world allegorically. His greatest complaint about these demons is that they SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 16 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online have prevented him from marrying, but he is unable, or perhaps unwilling, to escape from their influence. Towards the end of this ethnography, a remarkable and unexpected thing happens. The reader suddenly starts to realize (although this may just be my own response to the text) that what Tuhami has been saying is deeply sad. The clues were there at the beginning in that Crapanzo tells us that people visited by the she-demon were all peculiar in their way -loners, sexual inadquates, physical misfits, eccentrics, or men who for one social reason or another were unable to marry (1980, p. 5). We were also told that Tuhami had been abandoned by his father, which is particularly stigmatizing in a culture where a son is seen as entirely a product of his father's seed, with the mother only being its receptacle (1980, p. 38). Nevertheless, it is only through reading the various chapters that one comes to see Tuhami as a human being; and, at the same time, to share Crapanzo's growing realization that this has become (or perhaps was all along) a therapeutic encounter. He has, in effect, become a psychoanalyst, deeply involved with his patient on an emotional level, rather than a dispassionate scientist investigating another culture. Another interesting feature of this ethnography is the way Crapanzo acknowledges the presence of Lhacen, his Moroccan fieldwork assistant. Lhacen is what might be described as a background character in that we never hear him speaking, although Crapanzo tells us that they had lengthy discussions about Tuhami, and he was present as a silent observer at every meeting. He had a crucial role in the early stages of the encounter: In those first meetings, Lhacen mediated my relationship with Tuhami. I was still new to Morocco. I was caught in a whirl of the unfamiliar. I was without anchor and did not have the confidence that comes with knowing the rules of social comportment and cultural evaluation. I was determined not to succumb to the easy aloofness of the total stranger. I felt awkward, confused, lonely even in the presence of my wife, and occasionally afraid. I was terrified of failure and everything that failure symbolized for me, and I gave expression to this terror most notably in terms of a loss of rapport with the best of my informants. (1980, p. 146) SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 17 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online Most conventional texts do not reveal the extent to which anthropologists rely on local research assistants, or on the emotions they experience during their fieldwork, although these are sometimes discussed in confessional accounts. Crapanzo, on the other hand, believes that this should be a central part of ethnographic writing. In the concluding chapter, he observes that he made use of ethnographic distance and various theoretical positions, most notably the psychoanalytic during the fieldwork, to distance myself and to defend myself from an onslaught of presumably intolerable emotions (1980, p. 139). He reveals at one point that he had also grown up without a father, and that there was a kind of mutual therapy taking place during the meetings. This summary might suggest that, despite acknowledging his difficulties in understanding a different culture, and the emotional impact of his stay in Morocco, Crapanzo has still constructed a realist account in that we are left with his interpretation of Tuhami's illness. The narrative voice may be limited, masked, devoid even of a constant perceptual and theoretical vantage-point (1980, p. 11), but it is still clearly a work by a particular author making use of a set of theoretical resources, and literary devices, in writing about someone who cannot talk back. This is not intended as a criticism of Crapanzo's study, but illustrates the difficulties that arise in trying to construct a truly democratic ethnography along poststructuralist principles. As James Clifford has observed, while ethnographies cast as encounters between two individuals may successfully dramatize the intersubjective give-and-take of fieldwork and introduce a counterpoint of authorial voices, they remain representations of dialogue (1988 p. 43; see also Tyler 1987). One can, however, agree that this kind of text does make one think critically about realism, and the role of the researcher in ethnographic research. The Mirror Dance This ethnography by Susan Krieger (1983) is based on research conducted while she was a visiting professor at an American Midwestern university in the late 1970s. During her stay there, she became a member of a community of about a hundred lesbian women who met regularly at each other's houses, visited gay bars, and organized sporting activities and cultural events. She kept a journal of her own feelings and experiences, and also conducted seventy-eight interviews with different women at the end of the year which resulted in four hundred pages of single-typed interview SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 18 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online notes (1983, p. ix). The theme she wished to address, and which she had experienced at first hand, are the pressures on individuals to conform in this social group. Krieger had already experimented with presenting ethnographic data as a multiple person stream of consciousness narrative, influenced partly by reading Virginia Wolf's novel The Years which tells an inter-generational family saga through interweaving a number of related stories. She had developed this approach while writing a book called Hip Capitalism (1979), which documents the changes that took place in an underground radio station at the end of the 1960s, when it was acquired by a corporation and was eventually forced to become commercial. Instead of trying to explain how this shift had taken place, she decided to tell the story almost entirely by paraphrasing from my interview and documentary evidence and determined that I would allow myself no analytic or theoretical commentary in the body of the text (1983, p. 187). Her objective in The Mirror Dance was to go even further by completely eliminating her own presence: The main difference between this second case and the first was that, in this new study, I attempted to be even more strict in my method than I had been before. I paraphrased my data even more closely and used my interview notes as the only source for writing up my account I added very little of my own wording to my text beyond crediting paraphrased passages to different speakers and identifying when speakers changed. I, therefore, became almost absent as a narrator. I was painting a picture this time, and a modern abstract one at that, rather than telling a story as I had done before. My desire was to have the voices and language of the women I had interviewed provide their own systematic self-reflection, to have them suggest in their own terms the form of a pattern that might explain the problems of individuality the community posed for its members. I could orchestrate these women's voices, with all the care for a faithful grasp of their situation and its meanings that I could manage, but my rule was that I should do little more. (1983, p. 191) SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 19 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online Krieger's experiment has received a mixed critical reaction, in that some readers have complained that there is too little authorial voice (so the study has become flat and uninteresting), and others have argued that she has imposed her own views on her respondents by the way she has edited the interviews (1983, pp. 192-3). These criticisms can be assessed through considering the following extract from the start of Chapter 4, which is called The Web of Talk. It gives a good idea of how qualitative data is presented throughout the study, although some of the individual third person contributions by women run to several paragraphs, or even whole chapters: There was this hotline that went around all the time, that kept the community together, felt Shelah. People were always talking about each other. It was not necessarily malicious, said Chip, but it was what traditionally was known as gossip Things just went like wildfire, Leah observed. Gossip just spread really quickly, particularly with some people. There was a lot of gossip, said Emily. It was not ill-intentioned. It was Hollywood-style gossip, infatuation - Last night she was seen with her. She made hopeless attempts to control it sometimes. Privacy? In this community? There was none, felt Jessica. You came into this community, said Martha, and at first you didn't want everyone to know your business. (1983, p. 25) One problem you might have with this style of writing, from a literary point of view, is that we never learn that much about particular characters. In the best symbolic interactionist ethnographies, or even in dialogic experiments such as Tuhami, one comes to know individuals like Tally or Tuhami quite well. This is also the case in Hip Capitalism, in that much of the dramatic interest of the story comes from colourful characters such as the 400 pound Tom Donahue, the Big Daddy of the station, and the authoritarian programme director Thom O'Hair, the Montana Banana (1983, p. 189). The seventy women interviewed for this study are, however, presented as a series of disembodied voices. Krieger is trying to portray a community rather than the narratives of particular individuals, and is interested in presenting an interplay of voices that echo, again and again, themes of self and community, sameness and difference, merger and separation, loss and change (1983, p. xvii). SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 20 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online There is, of course, no obligation to make things easy for the reader, or even to be readable, if you employ an experimental technique, provided that you can justify your style of presenting data on epistemological grounds. The Mirror Dance is often cited as an example of a radical polyphonic work which challenges realist ideas about representation. The difficulty here is that Krieger is still present in an introductory chapter, in which she explains her theoretical interests in identity and community, and in the methodological appendix. The data is also still presented under thematic chapter headings such as parties and gatherings or mothers and children. Even within particular chapters, the reader is always aware that someone must have organized the materials, and decided which characters get the chance to speak. Final Negotiations This autobiographical account by Carolyn Ellis (1995) tells the story of how she met her partner Gene Weinstein in 1975, and how the relationship developed as his health gradually deteriorated and he died nine years later from emphysema, a painful and debilitating illness which prevents oxygen from reaching the lungs. Most of the book, some 300 pages, is a straightforward narrative, but there is also a short introduction, and a forty page methodological appendix, although it is not described as such, about the process of writing the book, which took her nine years to complete. These sections describe how she made use of a journal she kept during the last year of the illness, how she recollected previous events by using memory recovery techniques, such as method acting, and how she edited the book down from 700 to 300 pages by focusing on key moments in the relationship. She experimented with different ways of representing her experience, but, in the end, chose to write a narrative, without academic citations or an attempt to address the illness in terms of theoretical categories or themes. This was because she had become dissatisfied with the constraints of detached social-science prose and the demand to write in an authoritative and uninvolved voice (1995, p. 6). Instead, she wanted to write a text that would be more than a dry, scientific account: How you, as a reader, respond to my story as you read and feel it, is an important part of this work. Some of you may prefer to feel with me, SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 21 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online as in watching a true-to-life movie; some may be reminded of and feel for the parallels in your own relationships, as in reading an engaging novel; some may prefer cognitively processing the feelings expressed, closer to a traditional social science reading. My goal is to engage you in aspects of relationships that usually are neglected or overlooked in social-science inquiry. (1995, p. 4) One American reviewer has reported that several of his students were moved to tears by the book: most either could not put the book down, or could not finish it because the descriptions of Gene's dying process were too graphic and emotionally difficult for them to read (Karp 1996, p. 294). I suspect that most British readers would not respond in this way; but one can appreciate why someone who has experience of caring for a dying relative could be moved. Two critical points seem worth making about this type of autobiographical account. The first concerns the extent to which autobiography should be seen as a general method in social science, or whether it is best understood as a form of therapy for people who have experienced serious traumas. One could not, for example, imagine that if you kept a journal about day-to-day events at work, or perhaps about relationships with family and friends, it would produce an interesting narrative. There is a satisfying beginning, middle and end to Final Negotiations, which stems from the fact that it is about the course (in symbolic interactionist terms, one might say the career) of an illness and a relationship, but also the fact that she has worked through her grief by writing the book. She has started a new relationship with Art Bochner, and together they have developed new techniques for helping others to talk about their emotions through performing personal stories about traumatic events (Ellis and Bochner 1992). Where would the stories come from if you were writing about everyday life? The same objection I have already raised in relation to Tuhami and The Mirror Dance also seems relevant to this autobiographical account, in that Ellis is telling a realist story, and asking us to believe that the events she reports did take place. She does, however, recognize that, from a post-structuralist point of view, there can never be one story, or a simple ending: there can only be multiple interpretations of events. In the end, she decided against ending the book by including a conversation with Art my current partner, or alternatively, to record a group of social scientists conversing about SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 22 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online the meaning of my story. She also Considered but rejected the idea of ending with a conversation between myself and Gene, who would return from death to talk to me about what these texts mean, and perhaps give an orthodox social scientific response to the narrative (1995, pp. 329-30). My own view is that this kind of dialogue would be most effective, as a means of advancing a poststructuralist critique of conventional social science, if it resulted in the reader completely reinterpreting the text: but, of course, that is never really possible since the author always has the last word. Louisa May: poetry as ethnography Louisa May's Story of Her Life is a hundred line poem, composed by Laurel Richardson, based on a tape-recorded interview with an unmarried mother from a Southern rural background (Richardson 1997, Part 4). It is written as a first person narrative, interspersed with italicized comments., which reveal that she is being interviewed. Louisa May's story is that she grew up in the South, got married, had a miscarriage, got divorced, and is now pregnant by another man who lives a hundred miles away. She does not want to marry him, since she does not want a split family, and is happy with her life as a single mother. The poem is not especially remarkable as literature. It is, in my admittedly unqualified opinion, neither truly awful nor a brilliant evocation of someone else's life. The first ten lines are worth supplying, so that you can judge for yourself: The most important thing to say is that I grew up in the South. Being southern shapes aspirations shapes what you think you are and what you think you're going to be. (When I hear myself, my Ladybird kind of accent on tape, I think, O Lord, You're from Tennessee.) SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 23 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online (1997, p. 131) Richardson began her academic career as a feminist, doing empirical research of a similar kind to the interview studies reviewed in the previous chapter. Over the years, however, she became increasingly dissatisfied: I realized there were few substantive (not theoretical or methodological) sociology texts that I enjoyed reading or could point to as models for my students . Even when the topic was ostensibly riveting, the writing style and reporting conventions were deadening. Nearly every time sociologists broke out into prose, they tried to suppress (their own) life: passive voice, absent narrator; long, inelegant, repetitive authorial statements and quotations; cleaned up quotations, each sounding like the author; hoards of references; sonorous prose rhythms, dead or dying metaphors; lack of concreteness or overly detailed accounts; tone deafness; and most disheartening, the suppression of narrativity. (1997, p. 148) Richardson also describes writing the Louisa May poem as a personal breakthrough: it did not simply introduce narrative techniques (such as establishing a plot or character) into an ethnography, but broke completely with social science by turning her data into a poem. Inevitably, the response at conferences was mixed, and she subsequently wrote a short play (1997, pp. 158-63) dramatizing what happened when she carelessly, or perhaps deliberately, skipped a line in reading out the poem, so there was a discrepancy with the written text (her parenthetical comments on the proceedings are in italics). Most of the male characters complain that her findings must be inaccurate or unreliable, since she refuses to supply the tape-recording (reliability - validity - cannot accept your findings - inaccuracy - reliability -validity - cannot accept your findings - cannot accept your findings). Some women in the audience believe that she must be talking about her own experience of getting divorced (I'm stunned). The most perceptive people there recognize that the slip is intended to problematize the issue of representation (Mmm Would someone have commented about a slip in a prose text? Would anyone at a SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 24 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online sociology conference question the difference between an oral and written rendition of an interview snippet?). Assessing postmodern ethnography Postmodern ethnography is the newest of the traditions I have reviewed in this book, and is still the subject of lively critical assessment, especially in the field of symbolic interactionism, where enthusiasts such as Norman Denzin and Laurel Richardson have deliberately set out to provoke a response, through criticizing what they describe as the boring work of established researchers. In this concluding section, I would like to review some responses which either have been, or might be, advanced by Chicago School ethnography, grounded theory, ethnomethodology, the critical tradition, and what might be called radical poststructuralism. This provides an opportunity to review some of the epistemological positions that I have discussed in this book, which inform different ways of doing qualitative research. Chicago School ethnography Some symbolic interactionists, who are continuing the tradition of the Chicago School, have mounted scathing attacks on what they see as the rampant subjectivism of postmodernists. Herbert Gans has, for example, complained about the new vogue for autoethnographic work in which researchers write about their own experiences: Even if it is well meant and well done, this kind of ethnography has nothing to do with analyzing what people do with and to each other in their groups and networks, or how institutions and communities function or malfunction. Abandoned also is the effort to use sociology and years of intensive field research to report to readers about parts of society about which they know only stereotypes. At times, it is difficult not to suspect that some ethnographers are avoiding the hard work that fieldwork entails, even if not deliberately. Although others are using ethnography as a synonym for autobiography, a few are simply engaged in ego trips, whether or not they know it. (1999, p. 542) SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 25 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online From this perspective, fieldwork should be a science concerned with addressing lived experience based on spending long periods of field-work in different social settings (see Chapter 2). Once ethnographers start writing about themselves, or giving up research in favour of fiction, then they turn their backs on the world, and lose the capacity to contribute to public debate about social problems. Grounded theory So far as I am aware, researchers in the grounded theory tradition have ignored postmodern ethnography. As I demonstrated in Chapter 3, Anselm Strauss and Barney Glaser believed that symbolic interactionism should move in a positivistic direction, by developing systematic procedures for collecting and analysing data. The two traditions represent opposite wings of a spectrum within symbolic interactionism between positivism and interpretivism, with Chicago School ethnography occupying the middle ground. It is interesting to note that grounded theory has been successful, and is taught in one form or another on many social science programmes, precisely because of this strategic accommodation with positivism. Quantitative researchers, incidentally, continue to dominate departments of social science in America, and have, if anything, tightened their grip in the computer age. Ethnographers, whether they are new or old, are most likely to be working in smaller, less prestigious institutions. Ethnomethodology There are superficial similarities between ethnomethodology and poststructuralism, in that many people viewed the former as a kind of radical subjectivism (see, for example, Meehan and Wood 1975) when it became fashionable for a few years at the end of the 1960s. It is still often associated with the idea that there is no absolute truth, only different ways of interpreting or constructing the social world. This, however, is a considerable misreading, since ethnomethodologists place considerable emphasis on respecting the character of the everyday world as it is perceived and experienced by its members. There is nothing subjectivist about Lawrence Wieder's study of the convict SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 26 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online code which I summarized in Chapter 4, or ethnographies which address how people in different occupations understand and accomplish their day-to-day work. Perhaps the best ethnomethodological critique of postmodern ethnography is a paper by Egon Bittner (1973), which was written before the term was even invented. He noted that the critique of positivism at the time seemed to result in studies of a loose, impressionistic and personal nature which did not address those traits of depth, stability and necessity that people recognize as actually inherent in the conditions of their existence (1973, pp. 117, 123). Bittner felt that the reasons for this abortive phenomenology lay in the fact that fieldworkers dip into different social worlds, which encourages a relativist viewpoint. He did not, however, predict that this shift from the object to the subject would be taken a stage further by contemporary researchers who only want to write about their own experiences and feelings, and contest the whole idea of objectivity (1973, p. 122). The critical tradition Although there is little, if any, political content in the four experimental ethnographies I have reviewed in this chapter, and I have tended to question the extent to which poststructuralism is compatible with left-wing politics, there are still close ties between poststructuralists and critical theorists. Robert Prus has observed, perceptively, that cynical, relativist and anti-scientific viewpoints appeal to anti-establishment intellectuals: For those concerned with exploitation, power and empowerment (from a Marxist, critical or cultural studies perspective) postmodernism offers a powerful rhetorical weapon that might be used not only to challenge disfavored situations, practices and people, but also to change (in activist manners) the prevailing social orders. (1996b, p. 218) Although I have not given it much emphasis in this chapter, one could argue that most programmatic statements advocating postmodern ethnography are also sympathetic towards critical theory, even though they have opposing epistemological assumptions. To give one example, George Marcus promotes dialogic methods in anthropology, but also admires Paul Willis's Learning to Labour, and Marxist anthropological studies such SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 27 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online as Michael Taussig's (1980) The Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America or June Nash's (1979) We Eat the Mines and the Mines Eat Us (see Marcus 1986; Marcus and Fischer 1986). This feeling may, of course, be reciprocated, but at least some critical anthropologists have criticized postmodernism for not addressing the economic, social and political structures which produce Third World poverty (Polier and Rosebery 1989). Feminists have also been highly critical of postmodern ethnography (see Mascia- Lees et al. 1989; Wolf 1992). The argument here is that insights from postmodernism about difference should be combined with a realist understanding of the structures which oppress women. Radical poststructuralism The last word on postmodern or poststructuralist ethnography is, perhaps, best left to the poststructuralists themselves. One cannot imagine Derrida finding much of interest in this literature, since there is very little philosophical content, and the critique of representation and meaning is not pushed very far (see Watson 1987). The four experimental ethnographies I have discussed, which are often cited as the best and most radical examples of work in this genre, all seem to be informed by realist epistemological assumptions, despite the fact that the authors are committed to the poststructuralist position that there is no such thing as truth, and wish to break completely with positivist social science. This even applies to Richardson, who critiques the idea of representation in ethnography while presenting a realist account of her battles with various departmental heads. Writers in the sociology of science have, arguably, taken poststructuralism more seriously by writing relentlessly reflexive accounts, questioning the idea of a coherent text, and deconstructing the author (see, for example, Ashmore 1989; Woolgar 1988b). Most have either given up or become tired of these experiments, and it may be that intellectuals are beginning to tire of poststructuralism and postmodernism more generally. It is, after all, hard mounting a sustained challenge to positivism, given its deep roots in Western intellectual culture. SRMO Beta Tester Copyright 2010 Sage Publications, Inc. Page 28 of 28 Qualitative Research Through Case Studies: Postmodern Ethnography Sage Research Methods Online EXERCISES 2. Critically examine any text that you have produced, or any ethnography that you admire, from a postmodern perspective. 4. Write a short poem based on conducting a life-history interview with someone from a different class or ethnic background, and recite it to your class. Alternatively, write and perform a short play based on a debate in which you have participated about postmodernism in a research methods seminar. In each case, you should also write a statement discussing the implications for conventional ethnography.
(Changing Images of Early Childhood) Gaile S. Cannella, Radhika Viruru - Childhood and Postcolonization - Power, Education, and Contemporary Practice - Routledge (2004)